jangmi-latte · 2 years
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lunarlianna · 2 months
White Moon Selena through signs
White Moon Selena, often overlooked in astrology, is a powerful and positive force in your natal chart. While Black Moon Lilith represents challenges and temptations, Selena symbolizes protection, guidance, and beneficial energy. As the Moon's perigee, Selena points to areas where you feel intuitively guided and supported. Mythologically, Selena is the Moon goddess, bringing light and protection. Unlike Lilith’s dark, rebellious nature, Selena represents our highest, most idealized self, helping to heal and balance Lilith’s influence. In essence, Selena embodies truth, light, positive past deeds, and spiritual protection. She marks where you feel blessed and intuitively guided, counterbalancing Lilith’s challenges. Working with Selena can bring clarity and purpose, guiding you on your soul’s journey and helping you heal Lilith’s darker aspects. Ultimately, a strong White Moon Selena provides a profound sense of purpose, and embracing this path brings clarity and alignment with your true self and life mission. Astrologically, Selena shows where you connect deeply with the universe, operating beyond fear and doubt. Important aspects (conjunction, square, opposition) with an orb within 1 degree are key to understanding her influence. To calculate your natal Selena use astro.com, the code for it is h56.
WMS in Aries
You naturally embody the qualities of a leader and protector, shining as a guiding light for those around you. Your optimism and unwavering sense of purpose make you a source of hope and encouragement, especially for those who are vulnerable or facing challenges. Your nurturing instincts extend to those under your care, and you possess a remarkable ability to overcome obstacles, inspiring others to persevere alongside you. This position suggests a special affinity for fire, symbolizing your inner strength and clarity. Embrace activities that involve fire, such as enjoying a fireplace at home, to purify your thoughts and energize your spirit.
WMS in Taurus
You are guided by a profound inclination towards spiritual fulfillment rather than earthly pleasures. While you appreciate sensory delights, your true passion lies in exploring a deeper, intuitive understanding. Your connection to the earth is robust, enabling you to utilize its resources to assist others in realizing their material and spiritual aspirations. Your innate wisdom leads you to recognize what is genuine and meaningful, fostering both material stability and a richly fulfilling life. To uphold Selena's positive influence, cherish simplicity, honesty, and reverence for all living beings. Steer clear of greed and materialistic pursuits.
WMS in Gemini
You thrive on leveraging your intellect and communication prowess, finding deep satisfaction in clear and effective expression. Your ability to articulate ideas ensures you always have access to valuable information and meaningful connections. This position suggests a positive karma as a mediator, with a strong affinity for the air element, symbolizing freedom and clarity. You're naturally inclined towards innovation and societal improvement, drawn to endeavors that enrich life with vibrancy and dynamism. To uphold Selena's protective influence, prioritize truthfulness, maintain integrity in information sharing, and honor your commitments.
WHM in Cancer
You have a natural gift for nurturing others, destined to play a central role in caring for your family and community, especially children, families, and animals. Your wisdom allows you to discern when to take action and when to observe, making you a compassionate and effective caregiver. You deeply honor traditions, ancestors, and your roots, feeling a profound sense of responsibility towards your loved ones. Your affinity with the water element is profound, and embracing a nurturing and sincere approach in all your endeavors will lead you to genuine success and fulfillment.
WHM in Leo
You play a pivotal role in inspiring others to discover their creative paths. Selena encourages you to embrace your heart's guidance and freely express love and affection. Cultivating warmth, care, and generosity will nurture your own sense of stability and security. Your creative spirit radiates brightly, guiding others to uncover their unique brilliance. Stay closely connected to the fire element and the Sun, sources of cleansing and inspiration. Guard against false pride, ego, and greed to maintain Selena's protective embrace. Embrace sincerity, honesty, and optimism, allowing your inner warmth and joy to blossom freely.
WHM in Virgo
You possess a strong affinity for rational thinking, effortlessly navigating engineering and analytical challenges. Your expertise lies in establishing structure through thorough research, meticulous analysis, and hands-on application. You hold deep regard for cleanliness, responsibility, and humility, often embodying qualities akin to a healer or nurturer. It's important to maintain equilibrium by keeping sight of the broader perspective and not getting bogged down by minutiae. Ground yourself by nurturing a connection to the earth element, finding solace in natural settings. Surround yourself with soothing colors like yellow-green or blue, and cultivate an environment that promotes comfort and organization.
WHM in Libra
You have a remarkable talent for understanding social dynamics and discerning people's characters with ease and precision. Your innate charm and empathy empower you to positively influence others, fostering comfort and harmony wherever you go. You flourish in roles that uphold fairness, diplomacy, and collaboration. Your positive influence aligns closely with principles of social justice and teamwork, making fields such as law, diplomacy, and the arts especially fulfilling for you. Stay connected to the element of air for clarity and creative inspiration, and seek environments that reflect elegance and harmony.
WHM in Scorpion
You hold profound insight and a heightened sensitivity to the forces of light and darkness, making a significant impact on those you encounter. Your previous experiences have equipped you for spiritual conflicts, fortifying your spirit through formidable trials. With a noble warrior's spirit, you skillfully navigate spiritual dimensions and confront inner growth with bravery. Your path to success lies in arenas where your spiritual resilience, courage, and willingness to tackle challenges converge, be it in finance, business, or esoteric pursuits.
WHM in Sagittarius
You uplift others with your broad perspective and profound belief in the significance of existence. Your character radiates generosity, independence, and a profound affinity for nature and animals. You may have a history of roles as spiritual mentors or trailblazers in introducing fresh ideas and beliefs. Your unwavering optimism and commitment to integrity illuminate your path, encouraging a spirit of adventure and learning. Remember to prioritize physical well-being and stay engaged in spiritual and intellectual pursuits to nourish your journey.
WHM in Capricorn
You live a life guided by balance and harmony, deriving fulfillment from diligent effort and perseverance. You shine in roles that demand responsibility, persistence, and a methodical approach. Your interests may lean towards fields like history, geology, or archaeology, reflecting a deep appreciation for enduring and stable environments. Cultivate your connection to the earth element through peaceful moments of solitude, meditation, or by surrounding yourself with natural stones and landscapes that resonate with you.
WHM in Aquarius
You cherish the freedom to explore unique perspectives and progressive concepts, finding inspiration in fields such as psychology, sociology, and pioneering sciences. Your commitment to fostering friendships and solidarity is a cornerstone of your character, as you ignite social change and cultivate a strong sense of community among those who share your values. It's essential to strike a harmonious balance between independence and connection: while you thrive in the realm of ideas and innovation, remember to nurture your warmth towards others and avoid distancing yourself too much.
WHM in Pisces
You have a keen intuition that helps you sense subtle energies and gain insights that others might miss. Your compassionate nature drives you to offer help willingly to those in need. You naturally embody sacrifice and selflessness, which could lead you towards professions in fields like medicine, psychology, or the occult sciences. It's important to be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries to protect your spiritual and creative energies, preventing any potential exploitation due to your caring disposition.
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summxi · 1 year
SVT reaction to their S/O fainting in public and no one notices
thank you 🫧anon again for requesting<3
Seungcheol would be quick to react. He'd catch his S/O as they started to faint and ensure they are safe. He'd gently wake them up and make sure they're feeling okay. Seungcheol is a natural leader and protector, so he'd handle the situation calmly.
Jeonghan would immediately notice something is wrong and rush to his S/O's side. He'd softly call their name and try to revive them. He'd also ensure they have some water or a snack if it's needed, all while reassuring them that he's there to take care of them.
Joshua would react with concern and care. He'd support his S/O, making sure they're safe and feeling okay. He'd gently ask if they need anything and be prepared to call for help if necessary. His calm and soothing demeanor would provide comfort.
Jun would be quick to react and ensure his S/O's safety. He'd try to wake them up gently and reassure them. He'd also encourage them to take a rest and drink water if needed. Jun's protective side would shine through.
Hoshi would be concerned but also try to keep the situation light. He might make a joke or a funny face to help his S/O feel better once they regain consciousness. He'd also ensure they have what they need to recover.
Wonwoo would remain calm and collected. He'd catch his S/O as they faint and guide them to a safe place to sit or lie down. He'd monitor their condition, asking if they need medical attention while being a steady source of support.
Woozi would be gentle and nurturing. He'd catch his S/O and ensure they're comfortable. He'd softly speak to them, trying to wake them up and checking if they need water or a snack. His caring nature would shine through.
DK would be concerned and try to make his S/O feel better once they regain consciousness. He might sing a comforting song or make them laugh. DK would prioritize their emotional well-being during the situation.
Mingyu would act swiftly to ensure his S/O's safety. He'd catch them and guide them to a safe place. He'd check on their well-being and be ready to call for help if necessary. His protective instincts would kick in.
The8 would react with calm and composed reassurance. He'd ensure his S/O is safe and try to wake them gently. He'd encourage them to rest and offer a calming presence.
Seungkwan would be expressive and caring. He'd call for help if needed and make sure his S/O is comfortable. He'd provide emotional support, reassuring them that he's there for them.
Vernon would take swift action to ensure his S/O's safety. He'd guide them to a safe place and offer reassurance. He'd remain attentive to their needs and be prepared to seek medical help if required.
Dino would be concerned but composed. He'd act quickly to ensure his S/O's safety, trying to wake them gently. He'd encourage them to take it easy and offer any assistance needed.
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rosyrosethings · 7 months
Assistant Prank CEO Harry
This is series on my page. Harry's assistant stays with him.
On a seemingly ordinary Friday, the atmosphere in Harry and Y/n's shared residence was tinged with a sense of bittersweet anticipation. Harry, known for his meticulous nature and a deep sense of responsibility towards those he cared about, was preparing for a rare weekend getaway. His destination was a cozy retreat in the countryside, where he planned to spend some quality time with his girlfriend, Bridget. This trip was a much-needed break from his demanding work schedule, offering a chance to recharge and nurture his personal relationships.
However, this departure was marked by an unusual heaviness, primarily because it meant leaving Y/n alone in the house. Y/n was not just a housemate but played a crucial role in Harry's life, managing the balance between a confidante and a responsibility he felt deeply for. The thought of leaving her alone, even for a weekend, didn't sit well with him, stirring a protective instinct that he often found hard to dismiss.
“Y/n, text me if anything goes wrong, okay?” Harry implored, his voice laced with concern as he slipped into his coat, ready to step out into the brisk morning air.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mr. Styles. I’ll be fine. I’ve been here alone before,” Y/n responded, her tone light and teasing, aiming to inject a bit of humor into the heavy atmosphere. She approached Harry, extending his bag towards him with a gentle smile. “I packed your laptop because God knows what would happen to you if you don’t work for one second out of the day,” she added, her voice soft yet playful, aware of Harry's relentless work ethic.
Harry couldn't help but smile, a genuine expression of gratitude and fondness. “Bye, Y/n,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of reluctance to leave.
As the door closed behind him, Y/n secured the lock and made her way to the living room, sinking into the couch with a sense of solitude enveloping her. To distract herself, she decided to scroll through TikTok, letting the endless stream of videos wash over her. It wasn't long before she stumbled upon a prank trend that immediately sparked an idea. The premise was simple yet mischievously effective: texting someone “you can come over now, he’s gone,” implying a clandestine meeting now that an obstacle—typically a significant other or a parent—was out of the picture. Chuckling at the thought, Y/n couldn't resist the urge to execute this playful scheme on Harry.
‘You can come over now babe, my boss is gone.’
She sent the message, a giggle escaping her lips as she imagined Harry's reaction, picturing his bewildered face trying to decode the message.
Harry, meanwhile, was only ten minutes away, his mind partly on the road and partly entwined with thoughts of Bridget and the weekend ahead. His phone buzzed with a notification, a text from Y/n. Assuming he had forgotten something at home, he glanced at the message, his eyes widening in disbelief. The words on the screen seemed to rearrange themselves, challenging his understanding. “Is she having someone over? And did she call them babe?” he muttered to himself, confusion and concern taking hold.
Without a second thought, Harry executed a swift U-turn, ignoring the chorus of honks from startled drivers. His mind raced with possibilities, each more unsettling than the last. Upon arriving back at the house, he entered to find Y/n lounging on the couch, her eyes meeting his with an innocent curiosity.
“Were you expecting someone else?” Harry inquired, his voice carrying a mix of jest and underlying seriousness as he approached her.
“No, why would I?” Y/n replied, her tone playful yet genuine, puzzled by the intensity of his reaction.
“Then why did you send me a text saying, ‘you can come over now, my boss is gone’?” Harry pressed, seeking clarity amidst the confusion.
“Because I thought it would be funny to see your reaction,” Y/n confessed, a giggle punctuating her words as she sat up, her eyes dancing with mischief.
Harry, however, was not immediately appeased. The protective instinct that had made him uneasy about leaving surged stronger. “Actually, I’m staying here. Bridget can come over here. I don’t want any boys coming around here,” he declared, a firm resolve setting in as he removed his coat, symbolically dismissing the prospect of leaving.
“Mr. Styles, it was a prank,” Y/n tried to clarify, her tone softening, attempting to bridge the sudden gap Harry's reaction had created.
“Yeah, okay. Now your night is with me instead of with your mysterious man,” Harry countered, half-teasing yet half-serious, as he settled next to her on the couch.
“You’re such a dad,” Y/n remarked, a blend of affection and exasperation in her voice.
“No, I just don’t want any mystery men around what's mine without me being here,” Harry retorted, his comment laced with a deeper, unspoken layer of concern.
“Or do you not want any men around me?” Y/n probed, her gaze locking with his, a challenge in her eyes.
“Aren’t you mine? I think what I said the first time makes sense,” Harry responded, his words hanging in the air, a mix of possessiveness and care mingled in his tone.
“My assistant, I mean,” he quickly added, clearing his throat, realizing the weight of his words and the ambiguity they carried.
“Oh, assistant, is that what you meant?” Y/n teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm, yet a soft smile played on her lips.
“Yeah, assistant,” Harry affirmed, the exchange leaving a tangible tension, a mix of amusement and unresolved feelings lingering between them.
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bipstargirl · 1 year
Hi babe what would Sam carpenters love language be?
Thank you for requesting sweet! I hope you enjoy it ^^
❝Sam’s love language❞
feel free to request any headcanon here 🠒 headcanons list
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★ tender hand-holding: holding hands is a natural gesture of affection for Sam and you. Whether you're walking side by side or sitting together, intertwining your fingers is an instinctive way to connect and show your love;
★ loving back hugs: Sam often surprises you with loving back hugs, wrapping their arms around you from behind. It's a heartwarming gesture that symbolizes protection and support, making you feel safe in their embrace;
★ affectionate touches: throughout your day, Sam and you exchange affectionate touches, whether it's a gentle caress on the cheek or a playful tap on the shoulder. These little gestures of physical affection reinforce your bond;
★ kisses that speak volumes: Sam and you use kisses to communicate your emotions when words fall short. From soft and tender kisses to passionate ones, each kiss is a language of love that you both understand;
★ sweet compliments: Sam constantly showers you with sweet compliments, making you feel special and appreciated. Their kind words uplift your spirits and boost your confidence in every aspect of life;
★ encouraging support: both Sam and you provide unwavering encouragement to each other's dreams and goals. You motivate each other with words of support, celebrating successes and offering comfort during challenges;
★ "I Love You": the phrase "I love you" is a daily mantra between Sam and you. Saying these three powerful words is a genuine affirmation of your deep affection and commitment to one another;
★ heartfelt text messages: Sam and you send heartfelt text messages to each other throughout the day, expressing your love and longing for one another. These messages serve as little love notes that brighten your day;
★ teamwork and support: in times of need, Sam and you work together as a team. You support each other's endeavors and are always willing to lend a helping hand, creating a strong foundation of mutual assistance;
★ meeting each other's needs: Sam and you pay attention to each other's needs and try to fulfill them without hesitation. Whether it's a comforting meal after a tough day or a surprise massage, you show your love through actions;
★ acts of care: simple acts like making their favorite dessert or preparing a warm bath after a tiring day show how much you care for each other's well-being. These thoughtful acts create a nurturing and loving environment in your relationship.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Delta anon here again and I have returned with the enneagram types for the boys! Like the others, this is directly copy & pasted.
I found a differeny enneagram test online and luckily this one only cost me $2 compared to the $20 the other one would have lol, so I did the one I found.
Here we go!
Delta + Beta (again, took the test for them separately but got the same answer): 8, bold challenger
Exude confidence and strength, ready to take charge and defend their convictions.
They are often seen as powerful and decisive, not afraid to take charge and make things happen. They are typically very independent and self-reliant, valuing control over their own lives and often seeking to protect themselves and others from injustice or harm.
Type 8s are straightforward and direct in their communication, preferring honesty and transparency over subtlety or ambiguity. They are action-oriented and have a strong sense of justice, often advocating fiercely for what they believe in. They have a commanding presence and can be very influential and inspiring leaders.
However, their desire for control and intensity can sometimes come across as domineering or confrontational. They may struggle with showing vulnerability, perceiving it as a weakness, and this can lead to difficulties in personal relationships. Type 8s often have a tough exterior, but they can be quite sensitive and protective of those they care about.
Their core fear is being controlled or harmed by others, leading them to assert control over their environment and relationships. For growth, Type 8s benefit from learning to temper their intensity with vulnerability and sensitivity, understanding that showing vulnerability can be a strength. Learning to trust others and relinquish some control can lead to more fulfilling relationships and a more balanced life.
The enneagram triad:
Your personality type belongs to the Instinctive (or Gut) Triad.
Common Theme: The main issue for this triad revolves around anger and the need for autonomy and control. This anger can manifest in different ways.
How They Process: These types often deal with problems by gut instinct. They have a strong connection to their physical bodies and are very aware of their environments.
Behavioral Tendencies: They might struggle with issues of resistance and repression, expressing or controlling anger, and the desire for independence versus the fear of being controlled.
Color: 2, generous supporter:
Eager to help and understand others, offering love and support unconditionally.
People with this personality type are typically warm, empathetic, and supportive, often putting the needs of others above their own. They are relationship-oriented, seeking close, interpersonal connections and derive a sense of self-worth from being able to assist and be significant in others' lives.
They are known for their generosity and nurturing nature. They are often the first to offer support or assistance and excel in roles where they can provide care or guidance. However, their eagerness to help can sometimes turn into over-involvement in others' affairs or a tendency to be overly pleasing, driven by an underlying need for appreciation and love.
While they are usually great at understanding others' feelings, they might struggle with acknowledging their own needs, leading to feelings of being unappreciated or taken for granted. Learning to balance their natural inclination to help with self-care and honest communication about their own needs is often a growth path for Type Twos.
The eneagram triad:
Your personality type belongs to The Feeling (or Heart) Triad
Common Theme: The central issue here is related to identity and self-worth, often expressed through emotions. These types are especially sensitive to how they are perceived and how they fit into social contexts.
How They Process: They are primarily driven by feelings and place great importance on their personal relationships.
Behavioral Tendencies: Challenges for this triad include dealing with feelings of shame, the need for approval, and the pursuit of identity. Their actions are often guided by how they want to be seen by others.
Epic: 6, dependable guardian
Prioritize safety and loyalty, committed to protecting their community and beliefs.
They are often very security-oriented and can be highly vigilant and cautious, always prepared for potential problems or challenges. They are excellent at troubleshooting and foreseeing issues due to their strategic and analytical mindset.
Type 6 individuals tend to be very reliable and hard-working, with a strong sense of duty. They are often committed to systems, whether that's in a workplace, community, or belief system, and they seek stability and certainty in these structures. However, their preoccupation with security can also manifest as anxiety or skepticism, as they might struggle with trust and have a tendency to anticipate negative outcomes.
One of their defining traits is their loyalty, as the name suggests. They are deeply committed to their relationships and causes, often serving as the glue that holds groups together. They are capable of great sacrifice for those they care about and the ideals they uphold.
However, their fear of being without support or guidance can sometimes lead to dependency on others or systems. In their growth journey, Type 6 individuals benefit from developing inner stability and trust in themselves, learning to balance their cautious nature with a degree of optimism and confidence in their own capabilities.
The enneagram triad:
Your personality type belongs to The Thinking (or Head) Triad.
Common Theme: The main issue for these types is fear or anxiety, particularly concerning security and survival. This fear can be about physical survival, social belonging, or maintaining internal peace and stability.
How They Process: These types rely heavily on thinking and planning. They are often future-oriented, trying to anticipate and prepare for potential challenges.
Behavioral Tendencies: Their challenges include managing their anxieties and fears, overthinking or underthinking situations, and seeking certainty in an uncertain world.
Yippee! The trifecta is completed. Thank you Delta Anon for your hard work, effort, time and apparently also your money??? You are the 🐐.
For anyone confused, here is the MBTI analysis and Enneagram wings analysis before this 👍.
[also sorry if I seem a little dry I havent slept since I woke up whatever time yesterday its 4 PM now lmaooo]
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sweetlittlebabyboy · 8 days
Secret: Caleb/Alex
Life had taken a drastic turn for Caleb Anderson in the past six months. He had been rescued from an absolute nightmare. Caleb had been living in a rundown, filthy mobile home with an emotionally abusive father and a physically abusive brother. He was the only one in his family working, stripping and pole dancing just to survive and support a family that neither valued nor respected him. The eighteen-year-old lived in poverty, neglect, and abuse. Little Caleb had lost all hope, struggling every day to find a reason to carry on.
Then, one day, salvation came. Caleb was freed from his abusive family, and a new life was offered to him. He was given a one-bedroom apartment, a respectable job, and weekly support groups. Caleb had been saved. He went from a life of depravity to one of decency, and it was all thanks to one man: Alex Jimenez.
Alex was a detective for Haddonfield Police's Special Victims Unit. He was the one who rescued Caleb from domestic violence, pulling the young man out of the toxic and destructive environment of his home. He helped Caleb find a new place to call home and assisted him in securing a job where he no longer had to degrade himself. Alex even taught Caleb how to box and defend himself, teaching him the importance of self defense.
With the detective's help, the eighteen-year-old was given a new lease on life. Caleb could not remember a time when he had ever felt this happy. He finally felt valued, protected, and safe, all because of Detective Jimenez. Alex had become the knight in shining armor Caleb had always dreamed of since he was a little boy—the prince charming he had hoped for on those lonely days when he had no will to carry on.
For the first time in eighteen years, Caleb had found a man who not only said he cared about him but also proved it by protecting him and helping him build a new life for himself. After everything Alex had done, Caleb held a special place in his heart for the detective. He respected and admired the older man deeply, but deep down, the love Caleb felt for Alex was beginning to grow into something else; something much deeper. It was a new feeling, one Caleb had never experienced before—true, genuine love. Caleb had fallen in love with Alex, and deep down, he sensed that his feelings were mutual.
At first, the signs were subtle—discreet smiles and a not-so-subtle twinkle in each other's eyes. Then it progressed to longer-than-necessary stares. When Alex taught Caleb how to box, their interactions became more hands-on, their bodies instinctively connected. Their training sessions often included playful, flirtatious banter. It was adorable, and it was clear the chemistry between them was growing.
The two began to spend more time together. Eventually, Alex was the one who needed help, and he turned to Caleb for help. He asked Caleb to babysit his son, and without hesitation, Caleb agreed. It turned out to be the best decision of the young man's life.
Alex had a one-year-old son, Danilo Jesus Jimenez, DJ for short, and he was an absolute angel. Not only was DJ the most adorable little boy, he also had the sweetest temperament. For Caleb, it was love at first sight, and the feeling was mutual.
From day one, Caleb and DJ were inseparable. Caleb instinctively knew how to love and care for the toddler. He played with him, fed him, bathed him, clothed him, read to him, sang to him, watched educational TV with him, and put him to sleep. Caleb adored DJ, and the little boy brought out Caleb's natural nurturing and maternal instincts. Caleb was a godsend to Alex in his time of need.
The only one who wasn't thrilled about Caleb was Elena Jimenez.
Elena, Alex's wife and DJ's biological mother, was distant and cold. Despite having a loving husband and a wonderful son, she did not seem to care. It was no secret she was having an affair—likely multiple affairs—and she treated Alex like garbage. Even worse, she was a very distant mother with no maternal instinct, neglecting DJ entirely. While her husband provided for her and Caleb took care of her son, Elena spent her nights out at clubs, avoiding her responsibilities.
Caleb despised her for it. He hated how she treated her family, especially her baby. She didn't deserve her husband, but Caleb kept that to himself. It only motivated him to show Alex much he cared for the man who saved him and for DJ.
Elena was either oblivious or she just didn't care about the connection between her husband and the babysitter. Caleb and Alex were not able to hide it as easily anymore. With each passing day, Caleb's love for Alex grew deeper, and the boy knew Alex felt the same. They were practically living together, caring for DJ as a loving family. The love they shared for the toddler had blossomed into a deeper love for each other. The way they looked at each other, smiled, touched, and supported one another—there was a definite bond and chemistry between them, even if they couldn't say it out aloud, their eyes did it for them.
Caleb was more open about his feelings, but Alex remained cautious. Still, Caleb never gave up hope. Alex had given him a new life, support, and a family. He had given Caleb a real purpose in life, and for that, Caleb knew he had found the man of his dreams. The eighteen-year-old was ready and determined to show Alex just how much he meant to him.
It was supposed to be a special night—Alex and Elena's wedding anniversary. Alex seemed to be the only one who cared. Caleb supported him, but it was hard to hide his hatred for Elena. She clearly didn't give a damn, and Caleb couldn't understand why Alex stayed with her. Still, he kept his mouth shut, though his eyes said it all. They both knew something was there between them, but they had to keep it to themselves.
When Alex and Elena left for the evening, Caleb followed the usual nightly routine with DJ. By eight o'clock, the toddler was in bed. A few hours later, Caleb busied himself with cleaning the house, enjoying keeping Alex's home neat and tidy.
Suddenly, someone stormed through the door. It was Alex, back earlier than expected and alone. At first, Caleb was scared, but when he realized it was Alex, he quickly came to his side.
"Hey, you're early," Caleb said in a sweet but concerned voice. " Not so loud, DJ's asleep." That's when he noticed Alex was alone. " What happened? Where's Elena?"
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ainews · 8 days
When it comes to territorial disputes, a lobster is no pushover. This has been demonstrated multiple times in the past few years, as scientists have explored the depths of the ocean and encountered these seemingly aggressive crustaceans.
According to recent research, it's actually a combination of nature and nurture that is responsible for the belligerent behavior of lobsters. Scientists believe that lobsters are very territorial, and they are willing to fight off any intruders to their homes.
This determination to defend their space may be hardwired into their genetic code. Every lobster is born instinctually knowing that living space is a precious commodity and must be defended - even if it means resorting to violence. Lobsters will often physically battle with opponents to keep them away from their territory.
At the same time, lobsters can also be conditioned to view certain areas as home. Scientists believe that previous lobster fights can influence an animal's willingness to engage in heavily contested areas in the future. This means that not all disputes stem from the animal's natural instincts, as lobsters can be trained to protect specific turf.
These aggressive tendencies have implications for lobster conservation. Due to their willingness to fight, lobsters may need extra assistance when relocated to new areas. They may need more adequate protection when displaced, as doing so can lead to increased levels of stress and loss of territory. This is why understanding the combativeness of these animals is so important.
Ultimately, this makes it clear that lobsters are very quarrelsome and experts must take this behavior into account. While these crustaceans do have a tendency to defend their habitat, conservation efforts can be made to improve their chances of survival.
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🍃🕊🍃 Guidance in Nature 🍃🕊🍃
وَأَلْقَى فِي الأَرْضِ رَوَاسِيَ أَن تَمِيدَ بِكُمْ وَأَنْهَارًا وَسُبُلاً لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ {o} وَعَلامَاتٍ وَبِالنَّجْمِ هُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ
And He has cast great mountains in the earth lest it might be convulsed with you, and rivers and roads that you may go aright; and landmarks; and by the stars they find the right way.
The term “guidance” always brings to one’s mind the notion of spiritual instruction and direction. However, in the case of God Almighty and His constant and widespread grace, we cannot confine this term to such a narrow sense. A study of the great organization of the cosmos and the intricate detail of our own creation makes us reach the conclusion that the system of existence is founded on a set of essential principles in which every creation and phenomenon has its particular place and role. The Creator has guided every one of His creations according to its nature and composition and has prepared a program for every aspect and phase of its existence.
It is not possible for a creature to acquire existence or reach perfection and yet be independent of God’s nurturing influence; giving new life, bestowing bounties and conferring favours are amongst the distinctive prerogatives of the Creator, and the signs of this invigoration and constant bestowal and favour are clearly evident and manifest in every creation:
🍃 1. Existential or universal guidance
(hidayat-e takwini)
Muslim thinkers unanimously agree that within the scheme of creation, God guides every creature towards its physical perfection; from the smallest cell, whose internal processes are governed by a special system, to the most magnificent phenomena in the cosmos – despite all their wonders, whenever they attain a certain station, they require and receive the guidance reserved for that station.
Indeed, everything is in utter need of Him so that not only may He allow it to achieve its inner potential, but also so that he may gently coax it along the correct direction of development through His permeating radiance. If it was not for this guidance, the entire universe would never be able to stand fast and become stable – in fact, it would not be able to even realise a tinge of existence.
🍃 2. Legislative or prescriptive guidance
(hidayat-e tashri’i)
Just as the order of life has originated from the boundless wisdom and knowledge of God, guidance about the purpose of man in the system of existence is likewise from God, because the necessary consequence of life and intellect is to have an objective and goal. Aside from the intuitive knowledge that is inherent in every human being and which assists him in recognizing certain truths so that he may freely, without any preconceptions, choose his path based on this essential inner faculty (fitra), external guidance that would strengthen and support the intellect and thefitra is also necessary. This is so that he may reform the rebellious and immoderate elements in his temperament as well as protect his intellect and fitra from perversion.
Just as God Almighty guided man to seek physical perfection through the instinct of self-interest, He likewise guided him to reach human perfection through the agency of legislative or prescriptive directives, in addition to the guidance of the fitra. This is because when existential guidance encounters self-interest, it requires some assistance.
God appointed Prophets (A) to come to the aid of man, to take his hand and introduce him to the subtle cognitive abilities latent in his own fitra and to enliven his positive and noble inclinations and motivations and inspire him to use these faculties in the manner they were meant to be used, and point out to him all the impediments that might obstruct his journey towards perfection.
It should be noted that this guidance is a manifestation of God’s grace and a preparation to examine the worthiness of the individual and to determine the kind of reward he will earn through his actions; it is not mean to divest man of choice or the power of independent rational thought and to extinguish the radiance of his free will, rather this is the manner in which the measure of the excellences and failures of individuals is manifested. Every human being can use the internal and external Divine guidance at his disposal to ennoble his actions and ascend the ladder towards intellectual maturity and perfection. Indeed, the path to perfection does not accept stagnation and man’s ascent will not take place until he consciously takes steps to fundamentally transform himself.
🍃 3. Guidance about the needs of life
(hidayat-e zisti)
When we look at the life forms that inhabit the world as a whole and analyse their various aspects, we find that all members of this system occupy a position appropriate to their specific status. And when a particular subset of the creation is subjected to the laws of nature it starts to flourish in its preordained direction. From this perspective we can clearly see the general equilibrium that exists in the world between these members of creation (in the human, animal and plant kingdoms), all of whom possess their own intrinsic guidance.
When we analyse the characteristics of animals we conclude that their natural constitutions and habitats are totally different from that of plant matter, because nature does not place their sustenance at their disposal; rather animals have to ceaselessly forage and hunt to provide food for themselves, and obviously this necessitates the development of the appropriate tools and appendages for the task.
However, man who has reached higher stations and who possesses a determined and free will, is still at a lower level when it comes to his instincts. His physical constitution is comparatively weak and poorly equipped and he is much less able to withstand physical trauma than animals; indeed, it takes him many years to become self-sufficient and able to cater for his own needs. These particular characteristics which embrace all creatures are the means to the gradual progression towards perfection.
The verse above discusses a type of guidance that helps man in his daily life, and sheds light on some of the mysterious realities of creation. God the Almighty, who is the source of mercy, and whose grace is continually flowing throughout the cosmos, has not neglected to create a variety of natural features and combinations of structures in the complex systems of the world which serve to guide its inhabitants during the course of their earthly lives.
The Creator of the cosmos – that grand Designer and Possessor of limitless power – has granted to His creatures special and wondrous perceptive powers and sensitivity so that they are able to live and flourish to achieve perfection. These abilities allow them to adopt the correct path in the journey that each must undertake in this world, and guide them in the course of their amazing lives.
When Musa (A) was asked by Fir‘awn to introduce his Lord, he replied,
قَالَ رَبُّنَا الَّذِي أَعْطَى كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلْقَهُ ثُمَّ هَدَى
Our Lord is He Who gave to everything its creation, then guided it (to its goal)
Ta Ha
Animals and birds have an acute sense of direction by which they accurately navigate distances. During the course of their lives, birds use this mysterious sense to easily move between their nests and remote feeding places without ever losing their way back.
The knowledge that every creature possesses is a bounty that has been placed in its essence and the majesty and grandeur of creation is amply manifested by these wondrous abilities that we see in different creatures.
Migratory birds sometimes travel across hundreds of kilometres to reach their destination, where they live for a long time before flying back along the same route until they unerringly return to their starting point.
What kind of compass do these birds use, that is so faultless and accurate, to be able to cross vast distances, stay in foreign lands for several months and then return back to their point of origin? Even today human science has not been able to completely unravel that mystery.
Many scientists have conducted a variety of experiments to try to understand more about the sense of direction that all birds possess and they have not been able to inactivate it in an animal (even by introducing different factors to confuse it); the birds are even able to use this calculated system to produce many other wondrous (acrobatic) movements within themselves which is a product of the same unknown system.
During their migration, these birds form aerial flocks and converge from different places and sometimes change places with one another creating a beautiful and awe-inspiring pattern in flight. What instrument has been placed in their nature and constitution that allows them to fly in perfectly efficient formations without colliding with one another?
Consider airplanes, which possess many intricate components and sensitive and advanced instruments; when they perform air manoeuvres, they could never gather and fly together in close proximity in these vast numbers and safely perform the various manoeuvres that birds effortlessly exhibit.
Often, even modern airplanes, which undergo rigorous testing and are put through planned simulations in an attempt to cope with any eventualities, have had accidents and fatal crashes when they participated in aerial displays.
Apart from birds, other animals and insects also follow established systems and exhibit many forms of mysterious and unfathomable behaviour; to fulfil their needs they make use of astonishing locating abilities which are unique to their own species. Animals have been blindfolded and relocated hundreds of kilometres away from their normal habitat, and yet are amazingly able to return unerringly to their homes.
However, according to the Qur’an:
وَخُلِقَ الإِنسَانُ ضَعِيفًا
And man is created weak.
Man is relatively weak physically and has no internal direction/location system to speak of. At the same time he possesses an efficient and creative brain and a powerful intellect that is vastly superior to every other creature.
In any case, the Divine hands fashioned natural phenomena to make up for this deficiency in human bodies, so that they would serve man as beacons and signposts for him, and alert and protect him on his travels from possible dangers on his journey.
In ancient times the mode of travelling was confined to pack animals. Often, during journeys which were undertaken across deserts and plains which were devoid of mountains and hills, travellers would lose their way and become exposed to severe perils. In many cases, they strayed into unknown trails and lost their lives as a result. However, on routes which were flanked by mountains on one side, there was less likelihood of people getting lost because they could use them mountains as a guiding landmark to reach their destinations.
The verses under study make clear that in order to compensate for the lack of an internal radar system within man – a system that exists in various forms in other living creatures – God prepared for man a natural system to tell direction in the shape of mountains and hills and springs and rivers and clefts inside mountains so that when man travelled in the land form one place to another, these unchanging features would serve as landmarks and signs for him to easily plot his course of travel.
Even in our times, with the advances in scientific knowledge, airplane pilots, besides relying on their electronic systems to locate their position, also use mountain ranges, rivers and geographical features to check their course.
This is one of the innumerable blessings of God and is a testimony to the various uses and benefits which these natural phenomena afford to the inhabitants of the earth according to God’s plan, one of which is to guide and direct human beings. The benefits of these natural features are clearly visible when the sun shines forth warmly and brightly in the day; both the heat and the light of this magnificent heavenly body assist the inhabitants of the earth in their movements and travels.
For travel in the night also, God has created a system of stars in the heavens whose light and sparkle guide the inhabitants of the earth in the land and the seas. The system of the movement of the planets, stars, sun and moon as they follow their ordained orbits, all serve to guide man:
وَبِالنَّجْمِ هُمْ يَهْتَدُونَ
And by the stars they find the right way.
A study of the horizons and a survey of how beneficial the various natural phenomena are for mankind is in itself a source of spiritual inspiration and knowledge about God.
We know that the cosmos is never-ending and therefore knowing and understanding all of its secrets is also an infinitely difficult task; man’s advancing knowledge is still unable to explain many of the mysteries behind the phenomena that have been created for him. Despite every one of these signs and systems, which can be witnessed and perceived in nature, existing in such exalted planes, they cannot be compared to the intricate and complex constitution of the human being and the human intellect. For an individual who has intelligence and insight – which are also granted by God creative will – this matter is very instructive.
The existence of these landmarks throughout one’s journey from one place to another is a matter of comfort and peace of mind, and everyone can select the easiest path to reach their destination across nature’s mountains, rivers and gullies. Additionally, in travelling through these natural features they may contemplate on these signs of God and analyse them; as they marvel at the many amazing sights scattered throughout the world, they can witness the power and planning of God, most High. In every single atom in the expanse of nature they will see a testimony to the existence of the Source of creation and be thus inspired and guided.
The Qur’an states:
الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَرْضَ مَهْدًا وَجَعَلَ لَكُمْ فِيهَا سُبُلًا لَّعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُونَ
He Who made the earth a resting-place for you, and made ways in it for you so that you may be guided aright
From the term “tahtadun” – guided aright – in the two previous verses, both meaning can be derived and from both we can get guidance; we benefit from mountains and rivers and natural trails in the course of our journeys and travel to our destinations without the anxiety and fear of losing our way and we also benefit from witnessing these grand and wondrous living phenomena, and through them appreciate the greater Reality and the needless, unique and omnipotent Source, Whose qualities are dimly reflected in man himself.
It is true that the understanding of a physiologist or curious scientist who examines the intricate inner workings of an animal is far removed from that of a layman who makes a simple study of the animal, however, even though both look at creation from different angles, they come to the same conclusion.
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fishcare8 · 9 months
Nurturing New Life: A Guide to Successful Aquarium Fish Breeding
Breeding aquarium fish is a captivating journey that unveils the mysteries of life within the glass walls of your aquatic sanctuary. Achieving success in aquarium fish breeding requires a delicate balance of knowledge, patience, and a keen understanding of your fish's natural behaviors. In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of aquarium fish breeding, offering insights to enhance your breeding experience.
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Understanding the Basics:
Species-Specific Knowledge: Each fish species has unique breeding behaviors and requirements. Research the specific needs of your chosen Fish Care 101 to create an environment conducive to successful breeding.
Optimal Breeding Conditions: Ensure your aquarium is equipped with suitable hiding spots, plants, and water conditions. Maintaining stable and optimal parameters is crucial for encouraging the natural breeding instincts of your fish.
Breeding Techniques:
Egg-Laying Species: Create designated spawning sites by incorporating plants, spawning mops, or breeding areas for egg-laying species. These secure spaces allow fish to deposit their eggs and increase the chances of successful breeding.
Live-Bearing Species: Live-bearers, such as guppies or mollies, may require separate breeding or nursery tanks. Providing hiding spots for pregnant females and a safe space for fry enhances their chances of survival.
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Observing Behaviors:
Courtship Displays: Many fish engage in elaborate courtship displays before breeding. Recognizing these behaviors provides valuable insights into the breeding readiness of your fish.
Spawning Activities: During potential breeding periods, monitor your aquarium closely for specific behaviors like nest building or schooling. These activities signal that breeding is imminent.
Caring for Fry:
Separation Strategies: To protect fry from potential predation, consider separating them from adult fish using a breeding or nursery tank. This ensures a safe environment for the young fish to grow.
Nutritional Needs: Newly hatched fry have distinct nutritional requirements. Research and provide appropriate food options, such as specialized fry food or crushed flakes, to support their growth and development.
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Expert Guidance for Aquarium Fish Breeding:
For comprehensive tips and guidance on aquarium fish breeding, consider exploring resources from Fish Care 101. This dedicated company offers a wealth of information to assist you in creating a successful breeding environment for your aquatic companions.
Embarking on the adventure of aquarium fish breeding adds a layer of excitement to the world of fishkeeping. Mastering the nuances of breeding contributes not only to the vitality of your fish community but also to the sense of wonder within your aquarium. Dive into the art of aquarium fish breeding, where knowledge and thoughtful care transform your tank into a thriving hub of new life.
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anuj1985 · 10 months
What is healthy jealousy in a relationship
Healthy jealousy in a relationship is a complex and nuanced concept that involves a delicate balance of emotions and trust. While jealousy is often considered a negative emotion, it can have positive aspects when experienced in moderation and managed appropriately within the context of a relationship. In a healthy relationship, a certain level of jealousy may indicate a partner's investment in the relationship and a desire to protect it. However, it is crucial to distinguish between healthy jealousy and unhealthy, possessive behavior.
Individuals who are shaky are frequently envious. So for what reason would you say you are so insecure and jealous? It is on the grounds that they are unreliable.
Jealousy in a Relationship: What it Most Frequently Shows
Jealousy isn't generally a gloomy inclination. It can act as an advance notice sign, showing hidden issues in a relationship. This is the very thing that Jealousy can uncover and jealousy in a relationship is most often an indication of
1.         Insecurity:
2.         Communication Issues:
3.         Trust Issues:
4.         Unfulfilled Requirements:
Understanding Healthy Jealousy:
Protective Instincts:
Healthy jealousy can stem from a natural protective instinct. When partners feel a strong emotional connection, they may experience a subtle form of jealousy as a response to the perceived threat to the relationship. This can be a sign of caring deeply about the bond they share.
Healthy jealousy encourages open communication between partners. Instead of suppressing feelings, individuals in a healthy relationship express their concerns and insecurities to their partner. This communication fosters understanding and strengthens the emotional connection between them.
Setting Boundaries:
Healthy jealousy can lead to setting appropriate boundaries in a relationship. Partners may discuss and establish clear guidelines to ensure mutual respect and understanding. These boundaries can help prevent situations that might trigger unwarranted jealousy.
Affirmation of Commitment:
Occasional, mild jealousy can reaffirm a partner's commitment to the relationship. It reminds individuals of the value they place on their partner and the relationship itself. Feeling a bit possessive at times can be a natural response to a fear of losing someone important.
Emotional Investment:
Healthy jealousy often arises from a deep emotional investment in the relationship. It signifies that individuals are engaged, concerned, and invested in their partner's well-being. This emotional involvement is a crucial component of a strong and lasting connection.
Building Trust:
Addressing and overcoming jealousy challenges together can contribute to building trust. When partners work collaboratively to manage jealousy, it fosters an environment of mutual trust and understanding. Over time, this can lead to a more secure and resilient relationship.
The most effective method to Conquer Jealousy
Defeating desire requires mindfulness, correspondence, and a guarantee to self-improvement and the soundness of the relationship. Here are a few systems to assist you and your join forces with beating desire:
1. Self-Reflection:
2. Open Correspondence:
3. Trust-Building:
4. Look for Proficient Assistance:
5. Quit contrasting
To beat your desire, you ought to stop comparing yourself to others.
Nurturing Healthy Jealousy:
Developing self-awareness is crucial for managing jealousy in a healthy way. Individuals need to recognize and understand the root causes of their jealousy, which may involve addressing personal insecurities.
Effective Communication:
Open and honest communication is key to navigating healthy jealousy. Partners should feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns without fear of judgment. This communication helps build trust and understanding.
Building Confidence:
Fostering self-confidence is essential to overcoming unhealthy jealousy. Individuals should work on building a strong sense of self-worth and recognizing their own value independent of the relationship.
Cultivating Trust:
Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Both partners need to actively work on building and maintaining trust. This involves being reliable, honest, and transparent in their actions.
Seeking Professional Help:
If jealousy becomes overwhelming and starts negatively impacting the relationship, seeking professional help, such as couples counseling, can be beneficial. A trained therapist can provide guidance and strategies to manage jealousy effectively.
In conclusion, healthy jealousy in a relationship is a dynamic interplay of emotions that can contribute to the growth and strengthening of the bond between partners. It involves acknowledging and addressing insecurities, fostering open communication, and building trust. Recognizing the difference between healthy and unhealthy jealousy is essential for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling relationship.
Differentiating Healthy and Unhealthy Jealousy:
Control and Possessiveness:
Unhealthy jealousy is characterized by control and possessiveness. This may manifest in attempts to control a partner's actions, limit their interactions with others, or monitor their every move. Healthy jealousy, on the other hand, involves trust and open communication rather than a desire for control.
Insecurity and Distrust:
Unhealthy jealousy often arises from deep-seated insecurities and distrust. Individuals experiencing unhealthy jealousy may project their fears onto their partner, suspecting them of disloyalty without valid reasons. Healthy jealousy acknowledges insecurities but seeks to address them through communication and mutual understanding.
Constant Anxiety:
Unhealthy jealousy can lead to persistent anxiety and distress. Individuals may be overwhelmed by a constant fear of losing their partner, which can negatively impact their mental well-being. Healthy jealousy, when managed effectively, does not dominate one's thoughts or cause excessive distress.
Lack of Communication:
Unhealthy jealousy may result in a lack of communication or the expression of emotions in unhealthy ways, such as through aggression or manipulation. Healthy jealousy encourages open dialogue, allowing partners to express their concerns without resorting to destructive behavior.
Unhealthy jealousy may lead to attempts to isolate a partner from friends, family, or other relationships. Healthy jealousy acknowledges the importance of maintaining individual identities and social connections.
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Moon Signs that Are Perfect Partners
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In the significant tapestry of the cosmos, the positions of our celestial bodies at the time of our delivery can provide insights into our personalities, behaviors, or even the dynamics of our relationships. Among these celestial influencers, the Moon sign holds a unique vicinity. It governs our emotions, instincts, and the way we connect with others on a profound stage. So, in case you’re on a quest to discover a partner who genuinely resonates with your soul, seeking the Moon signs may simply lead you to a perfect fit. Here are the top five Moon signs and symptoms which are regularly deemed ideal companions or soul mates, weaving beautiful tales of connection and compatibility.
Know more about your Perfect Partner according to your Moon Signs. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Cancer Moon: The nuture of Bonds Cancer, ruled by using the Moon itself, brings an unheard-of depth of emotional knowledge to relationships. Those with a Cancer Moon have an innate potential to nurture and care for their partners. Their intuitive nature enables them to count on the desires and feelings of their cherished ones, fostering an environment of safety and belief. When you are with a Cancer Moon, you’re held in a warm, protective include that makes you feel truly visible and loved.
Taurus Moon: The Pillar of Stability Taurus Moons are the regular anchors in relationships. They cost loyalty, commitment, and reliability, making them the ones you can continually count on. Their patient and enduring nature ensures they’ll be there through thick and skinny, supplying unwavering assistance. With a Taurus Moon utilizing your facet, you will have a companion who’s not handiest your lover but also your rock, grounding you even inside the stormiest of times.
Libra Moon: The Harmony Seeker For folks that feel balanced and peaceful coexistence, the Libra Moon is an exceptional desire. These individuals have an inherent want for fairness and harmony in their relationships. They excel in verbal exchange and compromise, ensuring that both companions feel heard and understood. Libra Moons bring an air of diplomacy and grace to partnerships, making sure that conflicts are resolved with admiration and consideration.
Pisces Moon: The Dreamer of Unconditional Love Pisces Moons are the epitome of empathy and compassion. They very own an innate capability to understand the unspoken feelings of their partners, frequently even before phrases are exchanged. Their creativity and intuition create an airy connection that appears like a meeting of souls. With a Pisces Moon, you will enjoy a love that transcends the regular, wherein feelings flow freely and expertise is privy to no bounds.
Scorpio Moon: The Intense and Passionate When it includes depth and ardour, the Scorpio Moon takes the lead. These people don’t pull away from delving deep into their emotions and exposing their vulnerabilities. Their unwavering loyalty and preference for profound emotional connections cause them to be excessive and transformative companions. With a Scorpio Moon, you’re in for a love that ignites your soul and brings you face-to-face with your innermost desires.
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While those Moon symptoms and symptoms provide a glimpse into the capacity for compatibility and resonance, it is important to remember that proper compatibility is a mix of different factors. Shared values, hobbies, communique, and private growth are all essential components of a successful relationship. It’s additionally critical to word that any Moon signal may be a fantastic associate with the proper blend of knowledge and effort.
As you challenge into the sector of relationships, use astrology as a guiding celebrity instead of an absolute determinant. Seek qualities that align with your values and hook up with your coronary heart. Whether you find solace in Cancer’s nurturing, balance in Taurus’ unwavering support, harmony in Libra’s international relations, airy love in Pisces’ empathy, or depth in Scorpio’s ardour, recall that every Moon signal brings its specific magic to the tapestry of love. In the quit, the maximum profound connections are those who resonate on a soul stage, defying the boundaries of astrological categorizations and blooming into splendid love memories.
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alokkhandelwal · 1 year
Moon Signs that Are Perfect Partners
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In the significant tapestry of the cosmos, the positions of our celestial bodies at the time of our delivery can provide insights into our personalities, behaviors, or even the dynamics of our relationships. Among these celestial influencers, the Moon sign holds a unique vicinity. It governs our emotions, instincts, and the way we connect with others on a profound stage. So, in case you’re on a quest to discover a partner who genuinely resonates with your soul, seeking the Moon signs may simply lead you to a perfect fit. Here are the top five Moon signs and symptoms which are regularly deemed ideal companions or soul mates, weaving beautiful tales of connection and compatibility.
Know more about your Perfect Partner according to your Moon Signs. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Cancer Moon: The nuture of Bonds Cancer, ruled by using the Moon itself, brings an unheard-of depth of emotional knowledge to relationships. Those with a Cancer Moon have an innate potential to nurture and care for their partners. Their intuitive nature enables them to count on the desires and feelings of their cherished ones, fostering an environment of safety and belief. When you are with a Cancer Moon, you’re held in a warm, protective include that makes you feel truly visible and loved.
Taurus Moon: The Pillar of Stability Taurus Moons are the regular anchors in relationships. They cost loyalty, commitment, and reliability, making them the ones you can continually count on. Their patient and enduring nature ensures they’ll be there through thick and skinny, supplying unwavering assistance. With a Taurus Moon utilizing your facet, you will have a companion who’s not handiest your lover but also your rock, grounding you even inside the stormiest of times.
Libra Moon: The Harmony Seeker For folks that feel balanced and peaceful coexistence, the Libra Moon is an exceptional desire. These individuals have an inherent want for fairness and harmony in their relationships. They excel in verbal exchange and compromise, ensuring that both companions feel heard and understood. Libra Moons bring an air of diplomacy and grace to partnerships, making sure that conflicts are resolved with admiration and consideration.
Pisces Moon: The Dreamer of Unconditional Love Pisces Moons are the epitome of empathy and compassion. They very own an innate capability to understand the unspoken feelings of their partners, frequently even before phrases are exchanged. Their creativity and intuition create an airy connection that appears like a meeting of souls. With a Pisces Moon, you will enjoy a love that transcends the regular, wherein feelings flow freely and expertise is privy to no bounds.
Scorpio Moon: The Intense and Passionate When it includes depth and ardour, the Scorpio Moon takes the lead. These people don’t pull away from delving deep into their emotions and exposing their vulnerabilities. Their unwavering loyalty and preference for profound emotional connections cause them to be excessive and transformative companions. With a Scorpio Moon, you’re in for a love that ignites your soul and brings you face-to-face with your innermost desires.
Read Also:- Financial Habits Based on Your Astrological Profile
While those Moon symptoms and symptoms provide a glimpse into the capacity for compatibility and resonance, it is important to remember that proper compatibility is a mix of different factors. Shared values, hobbies, communique, and private growth are all essential components of a successful relationship. It’s additionally critical to word that any Moon signal may be a fantastic associate with the proper blend of knowledge and effort.
As you challenge into the sector of relationships, use astrology as a guiding celebrity instead of an absolute determinant. Seek qualities that align with your values and hook up with your coronary heart. Whether you find solace in Cancer’s nurturing, balance in Taurus’ unwavering support, harmony in Libra’s international relations, airy love in Pisces’ empathy, or depth in Scorpio’s ardour, recall that every Moon signal brings its specific magic to the tapestry of love. In the quit, the maximum profound connections are those who resonate on a soul stage, defying the boundaries of astrological categorizations and blooming into splendid love memories.
Read Also:- The Implications of Gajkesari Yoga on Human Existence
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
My Protective Demon and Me: How to Live with Your Overly-Protective Hellspawn!
So you've bagged yourself a demon, huh? Well, there are many great benefits to dating the otherworldly creatures of Hell, including increased power, longevity, and security! We can assure you that your demon boyfriend wants nothing more than to keep you safe, dear human, but this can be a new experience for the uninitiated. Never fear, because we have put together this guide to help you navigate the relationship you've just signed your soul into! My Protective Demon and Me is an instructional tool for your new demonic partnership, designed to introduce you to the protective tendencies of Seven Rulers of Hell. Listen to our advice, and you won't be left wondering why your boyfriend insists on carrying you down the stairs or loses his mind when you're injured by paper!
(Warnings: Possessive Behaviors, Implied PTSD, Yandere-ish)
Now, there's no kind way to say this, but Lucifer will think of you as small, weak, and helpless on most days. We promise it's not quite as insulting as it sounds because to him, that just makes you cuter.
Because he thinks you're so pathetic, he will want to provide for you in all sorts of ways. This includes security.
Lucifer's approach to keeping you safe is a little indirect, and it may sound a tad… invasive, but that's only because he's not able to be with you in person as often as he'd like.
He uses familiars spread across the Devildom to keep an eye on you during the day. Don't fret; these familiars aren't there to tell him about your every waking breath. Just monitor you and report back to him if something's amiss.
If there's an alert, he will drop everything to be sure that you're alright. The second he knows something's wrong, he'll be right with you within a minute, Diavolo be damned. 
He may try to play it off as he just happened to be in the area if others are around, but in truth, he'd use magic to recall himself to your side. 
Speaking of magic… Again, since he can't be with you as much as he wants, you may begin to notice your body getting stronger to a certain degree over your time with him. Is he secretly using magical means to strengthen your bones or make your skin harder to tear? He will never say, so best not ask.
Potential threats against you are dealt with discreetly, mostly under the guise of safeguarding the exchange program for Diavolo. No offenders will ever make it to the castle dungeon, though, as Lucifer tends to finish them off on sight... We recommend that you make yourself scarce during these times. Torture is such a nasty thing to witness...
Lucifer would like to believe that, in being with him, you're the safest that you could possibly be, but he always worries about what danger you're in while he's busy with work. A part of him blames his lack of vigilance over Lilith for her downfall, and he has strained to recover a sense of security over his loved ones ever since... Though he may come across as overbearing, just know he only watches you that closely because he couldn't bear to lose you.
If you've won over Mammon's heart, then he's going to guard you as fiercely as a dragon does its treasure. But be warned because this can lead to confrontation...
Mammon will see himself as your bodyguard of sorts, so he'll try to be around you at all hours of the day. He'll start by making excuses like he needs study help, but after a while, he'll just hope you come to accept him as a constant fixture in your life and don't question his hovering.
He will stick very close to you in public, particularly when among other demons. He's the second strongest of his brothers, so this alone should deter most threats but don't be surprised if you see him scan the room you're in from time to time.
Take care not to hurt yourself around Mammon because he has yet to fully process how fragile the human body is. He may panic upon seeing you hurt (and he's not the most helpful when he's panicking…).
Should you get hurt when Mammon is near, you may see his protective instincts spike considerably. He will offer to carry heavy packages, refuse to let you handle sharp objects, and hold out a hand to steer you around tight corners.
Do not threat, this added level of attention is only temporary. Remind Mammon that accidents are a part of human life, and you can get yourself through them as the species normally does. 
If someone actually tries to hurt you, we advise you to stay calm and focus on getting harmed as little as possible. Unfortunately, there will be no good way to talk Mammon out of fighting in your defense. It's best to focus on minimizing the damage to yourself and staying alive until help can be brought to you.
Mammon does this not to look down on you, but because he loves you so deeply, he's devastated any time he sees you hurt. Be patient with him, and he will learn to draw back his fear to a more appropriate level. Always know, though, that he worries about you constantly, so try not to give his demonic heart too many palpitations - yes?
Levi is in some ways more chill than his brothers, and in others far more extreme depending on the location you find yourselves in.
If you are in his room (which you will be a lot), then he will be very relaxed. As far as he's concerned, you are in his domain and thus perfectly safe. There's no need to worry about you getting hurt or stumbling upon any rivals.
If you are together in the outside world, however, he will be very on edge. You are the most important individual in his life, so any possibility of you leaving him by death or by choice is not acceptable.
He will try his damnedest to steer you away from large crowds or packed spaces because he will be terrified of losing you in the chaos. Being in any public place where he can't see you will drive his anxiety through the roof. His imagination is quite active, and his mind is always against him.
If you are with his brothers, then he will be particularly tense. He acknowledges both their capacity to drag you into dangerous shenanigans AND steal away your affections, neither of which are options he'd like to pursue.
He will rarely let you be alone with his brothers without express permission, and even then, he has likely shot a threat to them about minding your safety (and your relationship) beforehand. As he is third strongest, only Mammon and Lucifer would ignore his "requests" but only to a point. It's a terrible mess whenever he summons Lotan in the House…
If someone else hurts you retribution will be swift (and bordering on lethal) because he's far more worried about getting back to making sure you're alright. He won't have his Henry dying on his watch, after all.
If you happen to hurt yourself, expect him to stow you away in his room for even longer than usual. Your accidental demise is a recurring fear of his, so he will need a great deal of reassurance that you are still with him and not quite at death's door just yet (yes, even if you get a papercut).
Leviathan is so protective of you because he feels like he has the most to lose if you died/left. He interacts with so few people that having even one show him patience is a game-changer. He would have the hardest time moving on should your presence ever leave him, so protecting you is the best thing he can do to protect himself from that pain in the future.
Satan's protective nature is less overt than the others, but in many ways, it's more… intense.
He's more familiar than the others with the fragility of human bodies thanks to many years of casual study. Thus, he has bulked up his knowledge of your species in earnest to help keep you safe.
What we mean to say is, fear not, you're now dating a doctor. He may not have an M.D. to his name, but he's pretty damn close.
He will want to know about any slight inconvenience you may be experiencing, from a slight headache all the way to broken bones. He prefers to diagnose your problem quickly then use any combination of magic or medicine to heal your ailments. You will rarely struggle with ongoing discomfort again!
That being said, he can be quite pushy. There will be no, "I'll just sleep it off" with him. If it can be fixed, he will fix it. Your patience be damned.
If you somehow manage to hurt yourself… He will be disappointed, but he will not deny you assistance. He will lecture you if he sees you doing potentially reckless activities, though, because it's his (self-imposed) job to patch you up afterward.
It should really go without saying that most demons know better than to hurt someone he loves. He may not be the strongest of his brothers, but he is among the least merciful, and that does make a difference.
If, for whatever reason, one actually does manage to harm you, then you have an important choice to make. Do you allow him to act on his anger or be the one to show mercy when he will not? If you'd like to be charitable, please consult our helpful material, How to Calm Your Demon Boyfriend: Tame Demons, Save Lives.
At his core, Satan worries about his demonic side because he knows how easily his Wrath can take over. So he does his best to circumvent these destructive tendencies with nurturing ones. He may come off like a worrywart, but helping you is just as much an assurance to him as it is a service to you. He's not destined to hurt you. He can heal you instead.
Asmo is a free-spirited individual who would like to afford you the same freedom that he enjoys… but he knows very well how fragile the human body is. He's had many human lovers over the years, so he's very familiar with your limitations.
However, he's also aware of how capable you can be despite your perceived weaknesses (he's been friends with Solomon for years, after all).
Unfortunately, this won't stop him from worrying about your safety entirely. It's nothing personal, we assure you. He simply wants to be sure the love of his life can be with him for as long as possible.
Asmo shows his protectiveness most when confronted. He's far more worried about some demonic lowlife taking advantage of you than he is you falling off a step ladder. He understands that accidents will happen and that most are ultimately harmless, but other people? They can do you far more harm.
Due to his disposition and rank, most demons won't take his claim to you seriously. This is to their folly. Though he may not be physically strong as his elder brothers or even Beel, what he lacks in raw power he makes up for in deception.
Like Mammon and Levi, Asmo will want to be close to you out in public, but he will come across as far more relaxed than those two. This is partly due to his more developed confidence and because it makes it easier for him to charm potential threats into leaving you alone. Things are taken care of quickly after that.
Should you get injured well… Asmo will not be much help for anything aside from getting you to someone who actually can. He'd likely panic worse than Mammon, so do your best to remain calm and assure him that you will be fine after a little assistance.
His treatment of you post-injury won't differ much from how it usually is, because again, he knows that when there's a human involved - it's bound to happen.
Asmo's fear of others, both tragically and ironically, stems from his sin itself. Though he always tries to champion his partners' consent, he knows more than anyone that others can let their Lust drive them mad... His worst nightmare is letting you fall victim to one of those monsters because, frankly, he wouldn't know what to do with himself if that ever were to happen.
Beel is protection incarnate. This is something he's been doing long before you met and will likely continue to do until the end of his days. Protecting those he loves is in his nature.
That being said, this means is you are dating the equivalent of a demon-shaped Doberman Pinscher, loving and loyal to you and an absolute nightmare to your enemies.
Though he doesn't feel quite the same need to hang off you as Mammon might, Beel's protection can be likened to something like a hired-bodyguard. Close, but not too close, and always vigilant almost to a territorial degree.
If someone Beel doesn't like approaches you, he may growl at them. We would recommend you heed his warning. Beel is generally a good judge of character, and if something strikes him as off, then there may be cause for concern.
Fortunately for you, Beel does not jump to conclusions nor confrontation very often. Though he may act intimidating, he won't make any moves unless given an "Okay" from you beforehand.
This, however, does NOT apply if someone actually hurts you in any way. Though he may seem sweet and wholesome, please remember, he is a demon and the demon of Gluttony at that. Someone will be eaten for their transgressions, but he would rather you not watch if possible.
Truthfully, what will scare Beel far more than possible attackers are injuries in and of themselves. He has what basic first aid is afforded to anyone who plays sports but is nowhere near qualified to save you from something life-threatening... Should you become injured or sick, it would devastate him that he can no longer take care of you. He may even be at risk of a small breakdown as a result.
The events of Celestial War have perhaps taken their heaviest toll on Beel. Whether it's true or not, he carries a lot of the blame for what happened on his shoulders... The idea of going through something like that again, but now with you, scares him more than anything. Please remember, under that kind exterior lies dormant wounds that will likely remain unhealed long after you're gone...
Belphegor is a strange case because, in some respects, he is one of the most possessive of the brothers... But he's also the least overtly protective.
Part of it is, yes, his inherent laziness. Following you around all day would be quite a hassle. He also can't expect you to stay in bed with him 24/7 (not that he lets that stop him from trying). Even setting up complex background machinations to keep an eye on you would be too much work...
But that doesn't mean that he leaves you alone entirely. If there is one thing that Belphegor tries to shield you from, it's his brothers. For possessive reasons, yes, but also as a form of protection.
Belphie is acutely aware of how often his brothers' shenanigans can lead to disaster. As such, he'll try to drag you out of their problems as much as possible.
It's not lost on him that the events that lead to your first demise were all due your penchant for meddling in his brothers' affairs. So in his eyes, a fairly simple and effective way to keep you out of trouble would be to keep you from them as much as possible.
As far as injuries go… "He dislikes seeing you hurt" is the least complicated way of putting things. Seeing you with major injuries obviously triggers some uncomfortable and unwanted memories for him, as it would for you. However, his emotions quickly get muddled up in it...
The sudden combination of fear, panic, shame, and anger can strike him at once and leave him in a frozen or vulnerable state... Painful for sure, but also not helpful in that situation. Minor injuries, thankfully, do not cause this reaction.
If you're injured and Belphegor appears to be going through trauma, we recommend calling for assistance from someone nearby or a different brother if possible (Satan would be a good option). Once you're stable, Belphegor will be relaxed somewhat but may need some cuddling.
Even with his lazy attitude, Belphegor does care for you and will try to keep you safe in his own way.  He may hide the intensity of his emotions behind a veil of apathy, but they run so strong that they can be paralyzing. Never doubt that he does love you, and try your best to be there for him when things become difficult...
More from the How-To series in Masterlist 1.0; More recent HCs in Masterlist 2.0
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jar-of-omegaverse · 4 years
What it actually means to be a Beta
There is a common stereotype that Betas are just the leftover designation. They have no instincts or smell and are not suitable pack members or mates. That stereotype is entirely wrong.
Betas in reality are a balance of typical Omega and Alpha instincts, such as nurture and protection. Betas are characterized by having both types of instincts, although their instincts are weaker than Alphas and Omegas.
Having and understanding the instincts of all secondary genders makes Betas powerful and somewhat threatening. They can easily appeal to all secondary genders because they understand the instincts that Omegas and Alphas have but are not as dictated by them as the other secondary genders are. This fact threatened Omegas and Alphas as mates and leaders so untrue stereotypes were created to make Betas more unappealing.
Betas’ instincts are not just half Alpha and half Omega. Their instincts are usually a mix and unequal balance. A Beta’s own instincts may also clash with each other, causing what appears to be indecisiveness. For example, if a packmate is sick, their more Omegan instincts may tell them to create a nest for the sick packmate, while their Alphan instincts may tell them to feed the sick packmate to keep them strong.
Betas do have a scent, although it is significantly weaker than Omegas and Alphas and can pass off as undetectable. A Beta’s scent may strengthen when distressed or aroused.
Betas are not able to have naturally occurring heats and ruts, however, they can have a medically induced minor heat or rut (M.I.H./M.I.R.). MIHs/MIRs are most often used to assist mates in mating cycles, but can be used for many reasons.
Beta’s are extremely diverse in what they experience. Some may have stronger Alpha instincts, or have a stronger smell than others and vice versa. No Beta will encounter the same set of circumstances.
TL;DR: All Betas are beautiful in their own way, and they are not just the side dynamic in Omegaverse.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Not sure if this counts as a Drabble I’m not really familiar with it sorry! So you can ignore if you want but maybe you can do a list of BTS and the OC’s favorite kinks
[A/N: this took a very long time coming, mostly because it was a lengthy job. Sorry for the wait nonnie, I hope it’s worth it 🥴😉]
Okay! I sort of assembled this as a mix of short headcanons (there are six to eight each — also I got carried away with Jk, he’s got eleven but some are like, are more lowkey). They’re divided couple by couple and I’ve tried to be as realistic as possible, which means that some couples have some kinks in common, especially since I stayed on more well-known kinks and fetishes that represent each couple’s go-to. I do think they explore less popular kinks other than the ones I listed, however they might not go there that often.
You’ll be seeing some of these soon ;) [ILLICIT AFFAIRS WON I AM CRYING]
Uhm. Obviously there’s a lot of stuff I have to include in the trigger warnings, so bear with me. 
This is obviously 18+
TRIGGER WARNINGS: discipline (brat taming, sub training), impact play (spankings, paddle, flogger, riding crop; both on ass and breasts), marking, dirty talking, choking, masturbation (male and female receiving; mututal), squirting, several fetishes (uniform, shoes, feet, voice), cock worship, breast worship, powerplay (DDLG, daddy kink; domination; mommy kink; Primal/predator-prey dynamics, pet play), orgasm control and deprivation, role play, food play, cum play/cum eating, pain kink, sensation play, temperature play, edging and overstimulation, phone sex, cyber sex, bondage, torture play/forced masturbation, tickling, anal play (buttplugs, strap on, rimming, penetration), degradation kink, corruption kink, voyeurism and exhibitionism, outdoor sex, cockwarming, oral sex (male and female receiving; facefucking male receiving; mutual), sex toys (nipple clamps, dildo, vibrator)
Not exactly kinks, more like attitudes: experimentalism, intimacy, sapiosexuality
Check out my masterlist here 
Enjoy 💜✨
Namjoon and Vixen
Daddy kink; brat taming
I think it’s sort of a given, but it also needs to be included. Vixen’s first relationship was when she had just turned nineteen, with a man quite older than her. They were together for a couple years and he significantly shaped her needs in terms of intimacy and sex. Her parenting figures were really weak and she grew up with a nanny who taught her her second language, French. Namjoon — being always a very responsible very nurturing figure within the group, and somehow having the role of a mediator — is used to stubborn, hot-headed people and would probably be a bit bored with someone incapable of giving him a bit of attitude. This said, it comes quite natural that Vixen (although she is a very smart, very elegant young lady) looks for guidance in her partner, and after the responsibilities that come with her career, she looks for someone who can take decisions for her and even control her private life a little, like check that she eats and what she eats, or pick what she’s going to wear for the day. On the other hand, Namjoon likes being taken care of in other ways, namely cuddles and homecooked meals, which Vixen offers profusely. Her childlike, unconditional affection is exactly what makes Namjoon baby her, and such behaviour on his behalf encourages her to rely on him even more, letting him pamper her and spoil her. And in terms of bratting... Well, Vixen likes seeing him lose his cool — because a sick part of her (she knows it’s sick) gets horny seeing Namjoon angry. And Namjoon in returns gets even more cool and composed the more she gets feisty. He calls the shot, may she like it or not. The point is that with some cuddles, soft words (and a few good spanks) he always manages to tame her.
Vixen likes getting spanked. And Namjoon is obsessed with her ass. He is an ass and thighs man. Fight me on this one. Nothing turns him on more than seeing her flesh quiver after the impact of a good spank. Vixen likes it simply because it condenses three of her favourite things, discipline, punishments and pain kink. Spanks are delivered both as a reward and as a punishment, and Namjoon knows how to make a distinction between the two cases, although he much prefers delivering them as a reward, since he hasn’t got much of a pain kink, and painful activities are a soft limit for him, both in terms of giving and receiving. He approves that kind of pain that is simply aimed at enhancing pleasure. Vixen really likes spanks delivered with the bare palm of a hand, since those are the one that she perceives as the most “educational”; however she also likes the paddle, the hairbrush and other more tricky devices (that you will discover soon *wink*).
Namjoon is crazy for marking Vixen. He is very jealous of her and their relationship staying on the low means that he can’t actually claim her publicly. They both try to protect their relationship for as long as possible, and I can quite see him deciding to keep it private until he’s been married to her for a while. But he’s gonna mark his baby, especially in spots that are only his and hers to see. His absolutely favourite spot would be her hip tattoo, of course, where he always places the first hickey of the night; next her inner thighs, her crotch and her breasts (lovely tiny cherries, he loves them the most). When she allows him, he also leaves hickeys on her neck and chest. Obviously her butt too. He also likes biting, especially her ass (until he leaves bruises and/or actual indentations) and her inner thighs — the softer parts. Vixen also marks him when he’s not on a schedule, when they’re on vacation and they can let loose a little. He especially likes it when she leaves scratches on his back and shoulders, but he also enjoys hickeys on his chest and thighs when she’s on her way to giving him head.
Sapiosexualilty; dirty talking
We all know these two have filthy tongues. They’re sapiosexuals, so they’re turned on by mind games, smart use of language, verbal sparring etcetera. They’re both readers and intellectuals, which means they enjoy a polished, often obscure use of language. They’re the most likely to send each other texts (or even emails) where they simply wax poetic about fucking each other. They can literally send a text at nine am about some spicy play they intend to do later that night, let excitement build all day long and — as soon as they get home — they wait and see who’s the one that surrenders (spoiler: usually Joon because Vixen is a brat and brats are tough eggs to crack). In bed, Vixen loves listening to Namjoon’s voice, no matter if he’s talking about how good it feels to be inside her or if he makes romantic love declarations in midst of a rowdy fuck. Also they might argue while they have sex or pick stupid fights just to release some tension (totally the type to start a discussion as they choose the mirror for the bathroom, Vixen picking round while Namjoon picks rectangular, embarrassing the shopping assistant as they get into hard bickering heavy with sexual tension).
This is a new one, to both of them. Vixen had never toyed with it before, since she risked drowning when she was a child so she’s not a fan of anything that involves breath control. Still, she didn’t imagine she could be turned on by choking her partner. The first time Namjoon grabs her wrist and brings her hand to his neck she freaks out a little, but then she gets a grip (haha) and realises that seeing him that fucked out, and hearing him moan like that is something most definitely turning her on. Namjoon has a sensitive neck and chest, so having Vixen touching him there makes his soul leave his body; furthermore, the level of trust required leads us right onto the next kink.
I realise this is not exactly a kink, however it is a necessary condition for things to get sexy between these two. Namjoon and Vixen need special closeness for things to work out. Talking, flirting, but also sharing physical closeness and affection, occupying the same mental space. They don’t need to be making love for things to be very emotional. Even the angriest, rowdiest of fuckings to them is actually a very fond way of saying ‘I love you’. I think that out all the kinks this is the most difficult to explain. I suppose this is what makes them incredibly talented even at good ol’ plain vanilla.
Mutual Masturbation
I think these two just do that a lot. They’re extremely comfortable with having the other watch as they touches themselves. I think it started with Vixen being her shameless, teasing, kinky self and Namjoon being incapable of holding back, and then it naturally evolved into both him and her openly touching themselves for the other to see. I think they learn by watching so observing the other and seeing how they do it is how they master their technique.
Lingerie and shoe fetish
Namjoon is obsessed with Vixen’s sexiness, how she carries herself, how much charisma and self confidence she can muster when she is almost naked. I’ve always seen Namjoon extremely attracted to Vixen’s body and seeing it there, with the bare necessities covered by expensive and lush lace and silk, or even in funny cotton drawers with innocent prints is a ticket to Nirvana for Namjoon. I bet you can imagine Vixen lounging on the bed, provocatoriously clad in black lace as she reads a book, and Namjoon entering the room, ready to pounce on her with predatorial intents.
Jin and Angel
We all know that Jin comes from several vanilla experiences, during which he always kept his basest instincts at bay. Once Angel gives him the green light, he’s not letting go. Angel loves celebrating his virility in all ways possible, showing how much she appreciates a part of him that he has felt ashamed of, in some ways. And Jin gets extremely turned on by the simple view of Angel kneeling before him, looking at him as he touches himself, begging to touch and/or kiss his cock. He gets wild with it, especially if you sum that up with Jin being especially interested in discipline. Watching Angel worship his cock with her hands, mouth, tits gives him that sense of power and authority that enhances his dominance and turns him into a cocky, power-hungry beast, ready to do anything to quench his thirst, fulfill his desires and almost entirely ignore Angel’s needs — don’t worry, she actually gets off to Jin getting what he wants on whichever terms he deems necessary.
Power play
Jin likes having power. Being more powerful than Angel is one of the mental tricks he uses to keep himself from going vanilla. The powerful position is what allows him to call the shots, choose what to do and actually claim what he wants and needs. Watching Angel kneel in front of him, with her eyes low until he calls for her attention is one of his biggest turn-ons. And Angel is way more than okay with this: watching Jin take control and knowing that she is pleasing him, that any activity they’re getting into is bound to make Jin loud and messy and fucked out, is the strongest aphrodisiac. When in a vanilla mindset, Jin can’t quite understand (yet) what pushes Angel into pleasing him and how much his pleasure means to her, as they’re still at the beginning of their sexplorations. The more they get familiar with each other’s roles and needs, the more Jin finds pleasure in ruling over Angel and watch her stare at him with her big, beautiful, hungry eyes.
Orgasm control/deprivation
Jin’s need for power manifests in different ways. The fact that Jin comes from several years of vanilla and self control, and Angel has gotten used to their calmer approach to intimacy and sex, makes them both quite good at sexual deprivation. He can easily deprive her for weeks, or deprive himself: when he’s depriving her, his favourite activity is having her kneel on the floor, naked and touch himself until he cums on her breasts; when he’s depriving himself he likes eating her out for at least two or three rounds, until she’s begging for him to fuck her, completely desperate and on the verge of tears when he denies her. Regardless of who is being deprived, when she gets whiny and emotional, he always makes sure to reassure her and remind her when the period of deprivation is going to end, telling her what he plans to do to her as soon as he allows himself to. About orgasm control — Angel needs training. And a very stern one at that. She is not used at that level of control, mostly because she’s used to a very loving, very attentive Seokjin who wants her pleased and pampered all the time. Orgasm control is most definitely the thing she hates the most out of all her training; the only factor keeping her from truly hating it is how Jin turns soft once she manages to complete a task successfully, praising her and letting her have more control — either turning the scene into vanilla lovemaking or letting her turn the tables and ride him until she’s happy and sated.
Role play
Jin sometimes needs help getting into an aggressive, authoritative mood. Luckily, he is a great actor and he know exactly how to get into character. He would often assume a role out of the blue, letting Angel choose what position to occupy — although his all time favourite is teacher-student. It allows him to get into the strictest, harshest forms of impact play, having lots of fun watching sweat, drool and cum stain Angel's uniform, or watching her breasts burst out of her schoolgirl blouse. On a minor note he loves using a paddle or a riding crop on Angel, making her bend over the edge of the bed and flipping her skirt up, spanking her until she's begging, only to sit on the bed and put her head between his legs, tugging at her pigtails (but never letting himself go too deep — he has no interest in seeing Angel gag on him, it's his own hard limit before being hers). Other types of roleplay he likes are doctor-nurse or doctor-patient, landlord-maid, pilot-hostess and obviously chef and waitress, which leads us right to next prompt.
Food play
Angel loves Jin's cooking. She loves watching his wide shoulders in front of the stove, she loves hearing him hum when he tastes something good, she loves him leaning over the table and offering her some food from his fork. She especially likes seeing him so passionate and dedicated, and she loves showing enthusiasm for a hobby that is so dear to him and on which he puts so much effort. Food play is mostly a way to set the tone for passionate, steamy lovemaking, where he worships every inch of Angel's body with his lips. Angel has developed an involuntary reaction to seeing his special cookbook on the small prop by the stove. Wetness coats her thigh as soon as she sees his messy handwriting on the page, signaling that he is indeed preparing a sauce or cream for kinky play. He really likes playing with frozen fruit and ice cream or watching Angel squirm as chocolate sauce tickles her while dribbling down her breasts. He is wicked. And also awfully gluttonous. Angel spoils him and is spoiled with this specific kink of theirs. It was the first kink they explored even when their relationship was still vanilla.
Pain kink
Not much explaining to do. Jin goes absolutely wild with riding crops and paddles. There’s nothing more exciting than watching Angel push her chest towards him, trying to convince him to remove her nipple clamps as she writhing underneath him.
Cum play
There’s nothing more exciting for Jin than watching his cum stain Angel’s breasts, or pulling out at the very last second to cum on her belly. Another thing he loves is to jerk off and make Angel wait with her mouth open, ready to welcome the head of his cock as he finally reaches his climax and spills inside her, telling her not to swallow and open her mouth to show him how much she loves the result of his pleasure before closing her mouth and swallowing, and showing that she took every single droplet of it.
Yoongi and Kitten
Sensation play
Kitten is a bad bitch. She gets off at having Yoongi moaning, squirming, whimpering and groaning underneath her. And Yoongi is so sensitive. It would be a shame not to toy with that. She likes giving him head and edging him, putting him through the absolute worst. He gets weak whenever Kitten blindfolds him, pours warm massage oil on him and procedes with the most relaxing touches and caresses. He gets whiny and desperate whenever she chooses to bring ice cubes to the bedroom and he gets absolutely wild whenever her bullet vibrator is aimed at him instead of her. Kitten is a menace — and maybe a bit of a sadist — but it always feels so sweet once she finally offers him release. Yoongi might consider it torture, but in the end he really, really loves that.
Choking kink
There’s not much difference: choking... being choked... both are okay with giving and receiving. Kitten has a sensitive neck and chest, which means any action there is a huge turn on. Her sensitivity there means she usually covers her upper torso, since it being even slightly exposed makes her feel vulnerable; plus she often needs to hide hickeys and bruises anyway.
Oral fixation; face fucking
Kitten loves giving blowjob, Yoongi loves placing his mouth anywhere on Kitten, especially on her lips, her chest and between her legs. Yoongi has given hints about... Uhm... Oral skills. I think he'd be glad to spend hours between Kitten's legs, and since she wasn't entirely confident with receiving oral sex (her ex was a prick), he is more than happy to take things slow and help her rebuild enough confidence to literally have her climb him while he's laying on the bed, and unashamedly sit on his face and ride it.
Voice fetish
When Kitten and Yoongi met, both were attracted by each other’s voice and throughout courtship and dating they both loved listening to the other talk. Yoongi knows his voice is attractive, and he is incredibly attuned to Kitten’s slightly deep, very soft and quiet voice. She has a velvety timbre that is so relaxing and exciting at the same time. He could get wild at her whispering in his ear, feeling her lips graze against the shell of his ear. However, Kitten would be equally weak if he did that to her.
Phone sex
Since they both enjoy listening to each other’s voice, and since Yoongi travels a lot, they are really into phone sex when they’re too far apart, or when Yoongi needs to stay at the dorms or if they feel extremely needy in the middle of the day. Even when he’s on tour, they prefer phone sex to kinky video calls.
Breast worship
This kink, paired up with Yoongi’s oral fixation, Kitten’s sensitive chest, and cumplay just explains how much exploring there is toward this direction. There are no limits: sensation play with ice cubes or warm massage oil, wax play, food play, boob jobs, a lot of nipple teasing… Kitten is open to experimenting and Yoongi is more than aware of what could feel nice and what would be utter torture. And he wants to try it all.  
Cumplay and Cum eating
Yoongi is not afraid of things getting messy. He likes having Kitten’s juices all over his face, licking them off his lips and fingers: he doesn’t need her to taste like watermelon or smell like rainbows and unicorns. He wants a woman, real and messy. He loves the salty taste on his tongue, and he can tell when she’s close to her period for how the taste of her changes. Plus, he loves cumming on her breasts, especially if his semen accidentally marks her pretty, lacy bras. 
Hoseok and Giggles
Handjobs; squirting
Hoseok’s hands are a blessing. But his fingers are a gift of the devil. They were made to sin and torture. Giggles is very sensitive on her own account. That paired up with Hoseok’s skills makes for wild nights of soaked sheets — luckily enough they buy an impermeable blanket pretty much at the beginning of their relationship.
Impact play; flogger
Not only Hoseok’s hands are a blessing, but those wrists are stretchable. Fluent. They’re perfect for cracking a whip. Or a flogger — he is a bit afraid of using a whip, and it takes a lot of space… However, floggers? He smiles wickedly whenever Giggles gets close to him on Thursday or Friday and casually sits on his lap, hooks an arm behind his neck and leans in close. “I don’t have my Monday shift… Do you think we could… Play with the flogger?” She asks, a bit insecure. He usually plans scenes for Saturday night, so he can have all the aftercare equipment ready and he can spend all Sunday taking care of Giggles. If he can comply to her request, he hugs her close to him and reassures her as they start planning more details.
By now it is canon that these two have taken lessons, that they have personalised ropes that Giggles had to prepare personally. Although she’s more precise and diligent in knots, Hoseok is also very attentive and prepared; they often discuss bondage scenes, even over dinner, talking about how the scene will play out, which types of knots to use, how to secure the rope, et cetera.
As I said, they are both absolutely okay discussing stuff they want to try. It isn’t uncommon for them to be watching a movie and suddenly something appears — even something as banal as a clothespin or a makeup brush —  and suddenly one of them is going: “We could use that in bed”. It isn’t uncommon for them to discuss kinky stuff during the week, planning scenes over dinner, or while they’re chilling, or whatever.
Torture play; Overstimulation; tickling
Hoseok likes seeing Giggles writhing and tossing underneath him. He likes torturing her with overstimulation, giving her orgasms back to back or making her squirt so many times that she passes out — it only happened twice and he made sure she drank almost two litres of water afterwards to make sure she didn’t get dehydrated. He also loves her laugh and her nickname comes from the lovely, happy sounds she makes when he coaxes a laugh from her. He loves tickling her to tears, her silvery voice erupting in chuckles that fill his heart with joy.
Shifting positions; multiple rounds
Hoseok has stamina and flexibility. He can go for three rounds without even blinking. He’d manoeuvre Giggles in and out of positions, directing her, helping her put her body in place, following her movements as she shifts. She’s not always happy with all the moving around, especially when she finds a good position and Hoseok decides he wants to change it; however, he can be extremely convincing and he happens to remember all her favourites, putting them in a smooth, easy sequence whenever he wants to reward her — which is at least twice a month because Giggles is the most perfect little bubble.
Jimin and Princess
Jimin lives to be watched. His mannerism and elegance make him a performer, even in the plainest tasks. When Princess is watching him, he only exists for her eyes and her eyes only. Nothing gratifies him more than the loving, passionate glances she throws at him when with their friends, or the obscured and raptured ones when she’s dominating him, or the desperate, imploring ones when it’s his turn to call the shots.
Pet play
Jimin is a huge switch. He likes following his whims and is overall a brat, who just does whatever he likes. So, when Princess comes out of the bathroom before bedtime and finds him lounging on the bed naked with a pair of cat ears, his collar and her riding crop waiting on her bedside table, she knows exactly the kind of treatment he’s trying to get. Nevertheless, when in that mood he turns into the most obedient little kitty, so vulnerable and frail that Princess knows she shall treat him with velvet gloves (haha). Literally.
Edging and overstimulation
Princess likes it when Jimin gets messy and whiny and loud. She likes listening to him whimpering and whining while she uses her vibrator on him and makes him cry. It makes her feel powerful. It also makes her ten times softer afterwards and she just loves it when he hits subspace so bad he starts calling her mommy and begging for her to make him cum.
Anal play
Both Princess and Jimin are okay with giving and receiving. Princess is especially in love with double penetration. Jimin is very okay with rimming and putt plugs.
Jimin has never really had the courage to try getting spanked before. He had his first experience with Princess, directing her thought the scene. He had learnt basic directions in case he ever needed to teach his partner, but he never thought it would actually happen. From there he and Princess get more comfortable with spankings and get even more involved in impact play, still spankings stay Jimin’s favourite.
When in dom mode, Jimin can be vitriolic in his remarks, praising Princess with the dirtiest taunts. Some name calling happens, but Jimin never lets that get too deep. He usually opts for a patronising behaviour that questions Princess’ ability to live without him, and usually avoids anything outright insulting.
Breast worship
Jimin loves Princess’ chest. He likes touching her breasts, more than anything else, but this doesn’t mean he won’t slap them, suck them and fuck them every now and then.
[Sorry if I didn’t write much, honestly I’m still figuring these two out. I think it has a lot to do with Jimin being just so... mercurial. I can’t find another word. He is the least “steady” character in my head. I don’t know. I’ve always had problems with understanding Libras. He’s just so moody and so... It’s frustrating. I just have so many vibes coming from him it’s too much.]
Taehyung and Lace
Voyeurism; exhibitionism
While Jimin lives to be watched, Taehyung is all about the art of watching. Taehyung needs to watch Lace. It doesn’t matter if she’s putting on her lipstick or washing the dishes or brushing her teeth or sucking his cock. He will study her like a painting hung in a museum until he can close his eyes and imagine her exist like a hologram in his head. He loves watching her during sex and he indirectly loves being watched by her too. Lace has never felt so beautiful. 
Outdoor sex
I think they wouldn’t mind trying outdoor sex: the lack of available locations in Seoul initially discourages them, but as they start going on holidays together, geographic remoteness and private outdoor spaces start becoming characteristics these two actually look for in their ideal resort. Yes, they’re the type to fuck against a tree in the woods — or maybe on the beach, under the stars (with Lace taking the utmost care in making sure nothing goes wrong in terms of safety both to their healths and Taehyung’s career).
Cyber sex
With Taehyung travelling because of his job, it isn’t uncommon for him and Lace to become cyber sex experts. Not only he has videos of her safely stored away in a memory card he has basically stitched to his skin — he is hyperaware of it and they are extremely careful of anything that could possibly link the video to the two of them — but he's more than willing to plan videocalls where they can get carried away in front of the camera for the other's viewing pleasure.
There’s nothing more relaxing and intimate to Taehyung and Lace than being physically connected after sex. After being so close, so together even for a rough, brief quickie, it is traumatic for them to part too suddenly, so usually Taehyung stays inside her for at least a bunch of minutes.
Oral fixation
Both Taehyung and Lace like putting their mouth on the other. Lace could live with Taehyung’s cock in her mouth, while he especially loves to bite her flesh, pretty much anywhere, or stare at her face while he suckles her breasts like a little boy. He could literally fall asleep while they’re facing each other, on their sides, suckling at her nipple while she handcombs his hair, the pressure slowly decreasing until he lets go completely, sound asleep.
Foot fetish
Both Taehyung and Lace are new to this and they're more than willing to explore. Expect Taehyung to grow increasingly addicted to them playing footsie underneath the dinner table, but also to get exceedingly turned on by having Lace's feet laying on his lap or crotch.
Taehyung knows exactly how to touch Lace, massaging her after a long day, relaxing her whole body before his fingers end up inside her. His strong, sinewy fingers seem to be programmed to please her. Nevertheless, he is not prone to use this as a form of torture; he'd much rather use it to amplify Lace's sensitivity and help her reach further states of pleasure.
Anal play
I think Taehyung aims at possessing every inch of Lace's body, and of course he wouldn't mind one bit to rim, finger or fuck her ass. He'd be absolutely fine with buttplugs and double penetration. And don't think he would mind wearing a butt plug himself — I think he's the most likely to wear a tail-buttplug, probably. I also think he is by far the most comfortable with the idea of getting pegged: he knows his power and he knows it could never be undermined by Lace fucking him with her strap on.
Jungkook and Candy
Predator play
May it be playful or absolutely ruthless, Jeongguk loves hunting Candy inside his apartment. He loves playing hide and seek, he loves the rush he feels when he spots a hint, and he loves even more the adrenaline coursing through his body when he chases her down the corridor and picks her up, throwing her body over his shoulder — oh, and most of all he loves ripping her clothes off and taking her whenever he manages to catch her.
Corruption kink
Jeongguk’s predatory instincts get even louder when Candy is acting innocent, being her happy, playful, bubbly self. Go figure when she’s sleeping and her face is so soft and young and she has a slight pout and squishable cheeks: Jeongguk can feel his blood flood to all the right places, arousal and adrenaline mixing up, while his brain tries to stay calm, wake her up gently and ask for her consent.
It’s not that big of a thing to him, he might leave hickeys down Candy’s chest, but that’s mostly it. He’s shy and he’s not all that comfortable with other people seeing them. However, I decided to place this kink right here because bunny wants to be marked. He loves indentations and scratches coming from Candy’s medium-short nails. His all time favourite are scratches down his back, and small crescents on his shoulders and ass. Also lowkey scratches down his abs and thighs. He might go crazy the moment he’s not promoting or shooting and he can finally let Candy cover his chest in hickeys.
When absolutely fucked out, Jeongguk starts rambling the most saccharine, degrading sentences to Candy. He has a rich collection of dirty pet names, sometimes with a patronising or humiliating undertone. He doesn’t do it coherently, he’s just not thinking and it feels that good. Of course he always apologises afterwards, but Candy has no shame whatsoever. He might apologise for calling her his fuckdoll, but she’s not ashamed of it, that’s exactly what she is. Hearing him speak those nasty words always gets her going since it shows how fucked out she’s getting him.
Jeongguk wants to be praised. His ego bursts when Candy praises him, openly or not. Candy whining while he hits the spot is one of the strongest praises she can offer him. He direly needs to be praised when in sub mode, matching the encouraging words with soothing touches and loving glances.
Mommy kink
Yes. They’re exploring a few things after it turned out Joengguk wanted to try. Apparently he’s enjoying way more than he expected. Especially when he’s playing chase with Candy and she grows tired, stomps her foot to the floor and gets her harsh tone on. He starts obeying in seconds. Overall a well.behaved baby, if a little lively and energetic.
Breast worship
Another great fan of boobs. He really loves fucking Candy’s tits, especially while she’s laying down and he’s sitting on top of her, straddling her ribs. His obsession worsens once she gets a nipple piercing: it becomes his favourite place to put his hand on before sleep.
Oral sex
Candy is the absolute grandmaster of blowjobs. She’s the non plus ultra. Blowjobs become Jeongguk’s favourite reward, especially when paired up with her cunt grinding against his face. He could die a happy man like that. After helping Candy get rid of her insecurities about being eaten out, Jeongguk decides he’d do that at least three times a week, almost planning a schedule to make sure he didn’t skip a day. He lowkey asks Yoongi for tips, trying to find new positions to test Candy’s resistance.
Jeongguk gets very emotionally vulnerable after sex. He needs to talk about his insecurities and doubts, since he always feels so connected to Candy right in the aftermath. At the beginning, cockwarming is actually a consequence of him not realising he hasn’t pulled out as he rambles about everything that is going on inside his mind; however, as he gets used to that, he begins to do it willingly, feeling too naked and cold without staying inside her.
Multiple rounds
Jeongguk has a very high stamina. He can last two to three rounds — four if he’s going wild —, then go for some food, some water and/or a nap and be ready for more in a few hours. Candy is absolutely okay with it: he’s usually the one moving her like a puppet, so even if she’s exhausted, she doesn’t need to worry, he’ll do all the work.
Rough/animalistic sex
Jeongguk is not exceedingly into powerplay: any kind of power imbalance comes naturally, without any kind of planning or negotiating and what the others express in more niche activities, they simply express in very rough, very intense fucking. Especially when Jeongguk has just come home from the gym. Rather than using fancy toys or sophisticated practices, they much rather jump each other bones and fuck like rabbits (haha).
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