jangmi-latte · 2 years
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 9 months
Nah what in tarnations goin on with the anti-LicoPom shippers these days
Personally I don’t ship those two, but I wouldn’t call myself an anti-LicoPom person. my personal hcs of the two just wouldn’t make the ship work, but ya don’t see me lunging at somebody full speed right at the jugular because they ship the two
Who in their right mind comes after someone bc they ship two adult characters? (that aren’t related to each other, mind you) (Side note: Going by the idea that Licorice is in his 20s and Pomegranate is in her 30s, why would an age gap be wrong, if they are both adults? My parents are literally 11 years apart💀)
I dont think either characters are absolute saints. They’re cookies of darkness, for crying out loud! Of course they’re not gonna be amazing people,,, or cookies?
Like if that one anon wanted to discuss why they disagreed with a ship, sure whatever, but when it turns to name-calling and pointing fingies? That immediately ruins the argument.
Anyway point of what im yapping on about is that people who ship stuff gotta be less passive-aggressive towards others when they disagree with other people’s ships/opinions. Like we’re all apart of the same fandom, can’t we all just get along and set different opinions aside? Or is there something I’m just not getting?
One thing I will never understand is ship discourse. My brain has too many debuffs lmao
Hope you have a nice day, your blog and art look very nice! 😄💕
I honestly have to agree! Coming after and attacking me for liking a ship, instead of having a nice conversation with me, is stupid. Hell, I've had a better conversation with a ChocoMilk shipper and I hate that ship. (You know who you are and thanks for explaining your side of the story!) I am more than willing to have someone explain why they don't ship the things I do, as long as they're nice and civil about it. But, if you're gonna call me names and attack me as a person, then I'm going to pull your pants down and spank you with my opinions on why you're wrong.
One thing I forgot to mention is this: Pomegranate showing interest in Dark Enchantress doesn't mean LicoPom can't work. Besides, Pome x Dark Enchantress is more disgusting than LicoPom because that genuinely seems toxic and illegal.
Pome x Dark Enchantress is a toxic ship because there's obviously a power imbalance and you cannot tell me that Dark Enchantress wouldn't manipulate or ab*se Pome in that relationship if she did something wrong. Pome is a devoted follower of Dark Enchantress and, just like all of the other members (except Dark Choco) holds her in such high regard that they will do ANYTHING for her. Just goes to show how fucking hypocritical that anon is and how dumb Antis can be sometimes.
I have unfortunately dealt with antis before (if you've known me since my Henry Stickmin days, then you'll know.) and the best way to deal with them is to spank them with their own argument and block them.
I honestly don't get ship discourse either bro. None of this is real. It's a fictional relationship where I can project myself onto a character who will more than likely think I'm a weirdo.
Also, glad you like my art! I hope you enjoy your stay!
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Il tuo cantante 2/ ?
Hello again!! I’m really happy to know you guys liked the first part 🖤. I think I will post it on my ao3 account too. So here is part two, I hope you all enjoy your reading, and sorry again for any misspellings.
Chapter 2 - Out
Aro was there. Right in front of him, on the first row, watching his movements with those hungry red eyes. It hadn't been hard to notice him there, not really, that pale face, his cute nose, his too dark hair, but tonight it was short a nice modern cut or perhaps it was his black suit or just because Peter had memorized every detail of that face. It felt so good being watched so closely by the other, he could feel every hair on his body standing in attention hyper aware of that gaze upon him, he had the feeling that if he looked too much at Aro he would end up succumbing to those red eyes and doing whatever the other wanted him to. What in the fucking hell was he thinking? Aro was a vampire, a fucking vampire and he hated them with all his heart. He really hated them . The Volturi were bloodthirsty creatures, they had huge parties for the only purpose of killing humans and Peter wanted nothing to do with him. Even though said bloodthirsty creature was the main star of Peter´s most indecent dreams, curiously said dreams usually involved the vampire's mouth around his throat, burying his teeth in his flesh and he just let himself go, throwing his arms around Aro´s neck, entwining his fingers in his black hair and letting himself be driven by the sensation of Aro's firm arms around his body, the sensation of cold lips his on him hot skin causing him to whimper. Peter shuddered, blaming the air conditioner of the theatre and not his reverie with the vampire.
Hypnotize the security guard at the door of the young magician's dressing room had been easy, he turned the doorknob and stepped in, the young man's scent all over the place filling his senses, making him feel dizzy and more of that sweet poison be produced in his mouth. Aro walked around the room looking for his human soon realizing he was in the bathroom changing, he sat on the black leather sofa and crossed his legs as if he had been kindly invited and had not just invaded the dressing room. Peter came out of the bathroom sometime later, wearing tight pants and a loose button-down all-black shirt, he was prettier without the wig he presented himself and didn't seem surprised to see him sitting there like they were old friends.
"Out," Peter said, leaning against the make-up counter the white lights around him. Their images reflected on mirror behind Peter.
"I don't think I introduced myself ...." Aro started with a cheerful smile, the young magician clicked his tongue and crossed his arms in front of his chest, showing a little more of skin, the vampire's eyes leaving his face for a few seconds to travel to that path of skin. Peter would never admit that he was just leaning against the make-up counter because his legs were too weak to walk, that his heart was in his mouth and everything in his body screamed to him to go to Aro and curl up in him, kiss his red lips and ask for things Peter didn't have the heart to say out loud that would most likely kill him.
He would deny to the end that those red eyes were making goose bumps rise in his flesh in a pleasurable way, that his hands trembled with desire to touch that very pale cheek, that he wanted to see the other's fangs up close, to be able to touch and even feel them while they were kissing, but Peter would never give voice to those mad thoughts and feelings.
- I know who you are and that's why I said: Out of here - Aro smiled, a loopsided smile getting up from the couch, staring at Peter intently, gluing him on place – Don´t get any closer , or I'll attack you ! - Peter said loudly, taking the first thing that was within reach which happened to be a can of hair spray, the vampire laughed softly reaching for him taking the hairspray can from his hands gently holding his clammy hands between his cold ones.
"Don't be silly, tesoro" the bastard said with a smug smile. Peter lowered his eyes for a few seconds to watch his lips hearing a low chuckle. "My eyes are up here, Peter."
“How do you know my name, bastard ?” Peter gasped almost without strength
Aro felt dizzy as he took Peter's hands, his daydreams coming in clear, vivid flashes making the vampire shiver all over his body and those whispers invading his mind again. Do you see ? I´m yours. He wouldn't need much to get at Peter´s heart, although he denied it Peter always had feelings for him. It was right there underneath of that pose and denial. But Peter hid his true feelings because of his hatred for everything the vampire was. For the little the vampire had seen he didn’t blamed peter from hating his species. Aro pressed his forehead to Peter's, feeling him practically melt in his arms.
"What are you doing to me ? You are hypnotizing me " The magician asked his voice above a whisper eyes locked with Aro´s. Aro could feel that Peter was making excuses for two reasons: Aro would never hypnotize anyone to kiss him. That was just disgusting to think about. Everything in him was made to be seductive.
“Am I ?”
“Of course you are…I would never want to kiss something dead like you…” The vampire chuckled again and whispered on his lips :
“Poveretto” Then with that Aro kissed him, one hand on the base of his back and the other on his neck. Aro's mouth was cold, it was expected, Peter didn't expect the soft texture and his touch on his waist was so gentle barely there. in his fantasies with Aro the vampire held him more firmly, really held him to himself, flushing their bodies together. Not that barely there touch. The vampire seemed to want to devour him with that kiss and the kiss was making his legs weaker and his body extra sensitive, he would not mind if the vampire took him in his arms and fled them to some luxurious hotel room. To Peter´s sadness it had been a short kiss which ended with a bite on his lower lip, when Peter opened his eyes and noticed the position he was in, his body against Aro's their faces close, the magician gathered the rest of his strength and punched the vampire´s shoulder who seemed very amused by the action.
"You …" the magician said, fake anger in his voice trying to pull his body out of that hug and failing, his body would not obey him and he knew the other was not hypnotizing him. Peter did not want to leave the vampires’ arms. The vampire took his hand kissing the back of it.
“Did you liked the kiss ?”
"Of course not ... Why woul- ?" He was interrupted by the vampire's mouth on his again, this time he was sitting on Aro's lap, on one of his knees, somehow they had ended up on the couch it impossible not to moan when cold fingers touched Peter´s hip under his shirt, it was almost a ghostly touch, it was barely there touch again and it frustrated him, frustrating him spending so much time dreaming about that touch and not having it completely, gently Aro's mouth went down his jaw tracing his skin with open mouthed kisses, down his throat, on his Adam pome, grazing his teeth, drawing imaginary circles on his sides . When Aro's cold lips touched his jugular it was, when the magician seemed to realize what was actually happening Peter froze. His parents were killed by someone like Aro, and here he is, forgetting about it and having pleasure in the arms of a damned man, who killed for sport without even thinking twice about the lives he was taking and his parents had been one of those lives. Obviously Aro wasn't responsible for their death but he was no better than Jerry. Aro killed without thinking. Luxury suits and seductive red eyes would not make him forget that, not even the memory of those hands on his skin, nor those touches that seemed to burn and his body seeming to beg for more. Peter slid off Aro's lap and took a little breath. He needed a bottle of cheap whiskey. Damn it ! He needed to go to Scotland to drink a whole barrel.
"You fucking pervert, get out of here or I'll stick a stake in your heart..." The ragged breath, the swollen lips and the messy hair made did not made his words sound like a real threat. Aro blinked “Out”. The vampire approached him again and kissed him lightly and said before disappearing :
“See you soon, tesoro”
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mrsslrss · 6 years
My first memory of 2018: I woke up at 5 a.m. and spotted an enormous bug on my bedroom wall. I was mildly hungover after a really lovely and somewhat raucous party in my house, and when I saw the bug I felt like my stomach dropped out of my body. (I’m a wimp! It had so many legs! Stay with me.) I tried to rouse M for about 10 minutes to kill the bug with no luck, then told myself, with an air of forced gravity, It’s 2018, and I must kill the bug myself. Which, I am glad to report, I did. 
I think I told that story a lot this year in the hopes that the more I retold it, the more it would come to define my year: You know, being brave? Taking charge and vanquishing, uh, icky stuff? (And later, for all the times I told the story of starting my day by sweeping up the post-party-confetti-canon detritus and throwing away the half-used Solo cups before my roommates woke up: Doing rather thankless work for a greater good?) I’m not sure I mastered the art of “manifesting” in 2018, though (sorry Oprah!); I certainly wasn’t as generous or industrious as those stories would suppose, but the image of me resisting something frightening then eventually/begrudgingly giving in and being grateful I did — I suppose that rings true.
It’s easy for me to be blue in December — to think about what didn’t get accomplished, the ways I have been selfish, shallow and lazy — but if I’m honest with myself, the year had its share of success. I got hired out of my temp status, spoke on a panel at a conference, helped lead a project I’m proud of, talked on some podcasts, survived my college reunion. I learned a lot about commitment, complacency and what drives my writing. I spent a lot of time with my family. I watched people I love make incredible art, find cherished partners, move their careers forward, get engaged, become parents. I wrote a couple good songs, played a lot of good shows. My hair got long enough to wear it in a bun most days.
The truth is that I’m pretty scared about the future. Call it cyclical energy or call it the brink of exhaustion but I think things are going to happen in 2019; I think, for better or for worse, I’m going to make them happen. I’m trying to transmute anxiety into excitement for what the year’s bringing but I think it’s ok to be scared, too. Anyway, here’s to 2018, and to the things I felt and saw and did and loved that helped me make it through. 
Andrea Long Chu’s writing
I read “On Liking Women” in January — the kind of article where you start it at your desk and then have to finish it later, and you get home and sit on the couch without even turning the living room lights on and just read and read, breathlessly, until it’s done — and I got hooked and I have read everything ALC has written since. Her work is thoughtful, engaging, provocative, breathtaking, earnest, shady, queer as h*ck. It has made me think about what kind of writer (and person) I want to be and was fodder for some of my favorite conversations I had this year about gender, power, identity and the ultimate self-own. Also, her Twitter is hilarious.
Dried mango
Snack of the year for me, hands down. Though if I’m being honest, green tea kit kats are a serious contender, too -- much tougher to find, though, meaning they can’t quite nab the top snack spot for 2018.
Traveling & open space
I didn’t travel a ton this year but the few trips I took were lovely. In April I visited Seattle, a city I love, for a truly marvelous conference and I saw the water and the mountains. In October I visited Vermont, had a real dream-come-true moment in a field of goats. I visited Sam in Austin and realized that Texas is, indeed, huge. (And affordable!) I visited my family in MA a lot and rode horses a couple times but mostly just sat on the couch with my mom watching re-runs of The Office and making sense of ourselves. It felt nice when I was in motion this year.
Riding my bike
Speaking of motion! I borrowed my sister’s cool bike last year and started riding to work, but then the bike got stolen, which put a big damper on everything. I got a crappy replacement a couple months later and rode it to work every day, nearly, of 2018, and to all sorts of other places. I read Jessica Hopper’s book about Chicago this year and so much of that book takes place on her bike, which inspired me to take things a little more seriously. I’m not an experienced cyclist by any means (truly: most of my bike rides are on two streets in the one-mile radius between my house and my office) but I like what it affords me.
Trying to be a void
that is to say, wearing all black. I know that clothing is how a lot of people express themselves but mostly what I wanted to express this year was: a black hole. By black hole I mostly mean nothingness, and also deflecting the gaze. Incredibly comforting. As a caveat: Mads taught me about the power of navy blue late this year, and I think in 2019 I will try to be the night sky. 
New York
I used to hate NYC for boring reasons but now I don’t, and it defined my year, in many ways — I visited about once a month, for work and for friends and for fun. I nearly always stayed with Mads in Bed-Stuy, which is an excellent situation, although one time I blew a big chunk of a bonus (!) on a fancy hotel room (!!) in Manhattan. (Worth it!) I spoke on a panel, I played my songs in a gallery, I ate bagels with vegan cream cheese, I had bad pizza in a cigar bar, I saw Maggie Nelson give a talk, I watched Duster play two consecutive comeback shows. I had a lot of small moments, too, of bliss and kindness and serendipity, of tortellini soup and espresso tonics, late night talks, doing laps around Bryant Park, walking quietly through galleries. I cried on buses, got freaked out on a plane, had a particularly memorable set of conversations on the Amtrak. I also saw Carly Rae Jepsen!
Playing covers with friends
Ok, yes, seeing Carly Rae at the Turning the Tables event in NYC was magnificent, but more magnificent was being in Gnarly Rae Jepsen, aka the Carly Rae Jepsen cover band I was invited to join around Halloween. Frankly I was just flattered to have been asked, since Lars does a cover band for Halloween every year and they always rip. And Gnarly Rae ripped! I didn’t do a lot of stuff with my own music this year, so it was great to play with a band with pretty much zero pressure and an abundance of good vibes. The Halloween show was one of the happiest moments of my year. Plus this winter I planned a December open mic and so some friends and I decided to do a couple covers — “Silver Springs” by Fleetwood Mac (which Mads sang) and “Dreams” by The Cranberries (which I sang) — which was a little messy and extremely fun.
Christmas cactus
A friend of mine from grad school moved to California after graduating and gave me a bunch of her plants, including a cactus that looked like it was in poor health but I was determined to keep alive for as long as I could. I kept caring for it even though I was convinced it was going to croak any day; turns out I’m just ignorant about what a healthy cactus looks like, because it blossomed just days before my birthday this April. I didn’t even know this cactus could flower, so to have it happen right before I turned 26 made me feel such a deep sense of joy and hope, and connection with the living world, like a true, grounded, healthy Taurus. It bloomed again before Christmas; last week, I realized my grandmother has the exact same plant in her living room.
Writing criticism
I wrote a couple things this year I was especially proud of, and most of them were reviews. (My Turning the Tables essay doesn’t fit in that category but I’m really proud of that, too.) Most of this writing happened in my house where I was alone in my room rubbing my temples and whining softly why is this so hard, why does it have to be so hard but it also felt electric and life-affirming; I heard a podcaster refer to writing as something like “touching the divine” this year and that feels like it, exactly. I think I loved those processes too because they so often involved having really fun, challenging conversations about the art in question with people I admire, and that’s why I got into this game, right? Plus a few conversations I had this year adjacent to these pieces helped me realize that a) criticism is the kind of writing I feel the most drawn to right now; and as we used to say on Tumblr, “not to get fake deep but,” b) the goodness I am searching for in my life/self is a big part of what drives me to write, of what I’m doing in my writing. That helps.
Coffee O merch
My forever favorite coffee shop is Coffee Obsession in Falmouth, not necessarily because they have the best beans in the world or anything but because when I’m there it’s because I am spending time in my favorite place, usually with my family and best friends, etc. Anyway I have recently started to rep them on a regular basis: I got a purple HydroFlask with the Coffee O logo and used it every day this year to bring iced coffee to work, and this summer I bought a big green Coffee O t-shirt that says “LOCAL FLAVAH” on the back (incredible), which is more or less my favorite item of clothing I bought this year. I guess I’m kind of a poseur because I’m a tourist, not a Cape Cod native, but my love for Coffee O is true and real and I’m glad to spread the word.
Etc: Making iced coffee every morning in the Chemex; roséwave and the #Saltypod, both of which I love fiercely; the difference between being liked and being heard, à la Ellen Willis; editing essays; the Fever Ray show at 9:30 Club; wearing glitter in the corners of my eyes; “no one is going to wait for you to ask for permission”; wearing heels to work; the steam room at the W St YMCA; my tarot deck; the Pome newsletter.
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shipgambles · 2 years
Hassan Uzun - Quartermaster
A dear friend of Asu's late parents, Hassan has been in Asu's life as long as he can remember. Hassan has been sailing for the majority of his life and knows the job well.
Although Asu is captain, He trusts Hassan's decision making more than his own and has even tried to convince Hassan to take over before. Hassan refused.
Pomegranate O'Lantern - Just a strange person
No one believes her when she says that's her real birth name. They're right, of course, but she lies anyway. She was cursed to have a pumpkin head, but rather than be bothered by it, she used it as a chance to reinvent herself.
She's best friends with Asu's brother, Qassim, and the two travel around together while Qassim tries to find someone to undo his own curse.
images under the cut
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left: Hassan (and other doodles) right: Pome (from an outfit art game!)
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zombiesama · 3 years
Pome and Qassim are fun because Qassim does not believe Pome at all that her real birth name is in fact Pomegranate O'Lantern and she just Happened to have her head turned into a jack o lantern but she says it 100% seriously so he just rolls with it.
She doesnt even say Pomegranate O'Lantern is her legal name, she straight up tells people that that's what her parents named her.
Her actual birth name is something incredibly mundane.
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zombiesama · 4 years
AU where Asu doesnt abandon Qassim.
Asu is the good big brother who brings his little brother on the ship with him. Qassim tags along and stays out of the way, staying in the captain's quarters for the most part. Asu never becomes an alcoholic because he doesnt want to be drunk in front of someone so young. He rarely gambles because he needs to at least provide for this 10 year old. He rations his cigars because his money has better use buying Qassim clothes and binders.
Qassim is never cursed. He never becomes a cat, and never meets Pome, who never has a chance to help spur his hatred of his brother. He has a supportive brother who pays for his transition (since Asu transitioned himself, he understands). He never experiences religious trauma and never ends up hating the (actual real) Goddess, never spews hate to anyone who worships her. He's a kid who misses his parents and grandmother but overall is happy.
Asu never becomes a wanted man, and never meets Fen or Berry or Jin. He never knows true romantic love, only familial. He never adopts his kid and all that live for Jin goes to Qassim. He never meets his found family. Something is always missing.
Something is always missing. I can't honestly imagine Asu without meeting Jin. Without adopting his kid, his number one love and adoration. Asu always feels empty despite having Qassim there.
Also somewhat related: I finally figured out how Qassim gets cursed. It's his hatred of Anupriya (the Goddess) that leads to him actually having a confrontation with her, and to silence him she curses him to be a cat.
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