lanada · 4 months
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MOEBIUS / Jean Giraud
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survivethetrap · 2 months
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Silent Witness to Flames
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I'm such a "look at the moon" person.
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mstudi0s · 8 months
Imagination :
Allow yourself to receive what it is that you want and desire. Give it to yourself in imagination and do so with no permission from anyone of the outside. You don't need anyone's permission to have what you want in imagination. Keep doing this until you see your desire become a reality. 🤍
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albertayebisackey · 29 days
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“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” – Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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90smisaki · 5 months
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zombie with brains all over its head
Your support unlocks new creative adventures for me!
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Art by, Hans Zatzka.
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sarahsinferno · 2 months
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the dim sanctuary- S.T. 2022
I wander through corridors of fading fantasies,
where time dilutes into the velvet air,
and shadows unfurl like ancient scrolls.
here, reality is a distant hum,
lost in the tangled vines of memory,
where every step is a whisper,
and every breath a sigh of what once was.
I am a traveler in this labyrinth,
carving paths through forgotten dreams,
where the mirror reflects a thousand faces,
each one a fragment of a self I no longer know.
silence is my only companion,
an expanse of soft murmurs and distant cries,
and I dissolve into its embrace,
a shadow dissolving into twilight.
the world outside is a ghostly wail,
barely touched by the echo of my name,
while I drift deeper into this endless sea,
a vessel searching for a shore unseen.
in the quiet realms of this inner world,
I am both lost and found,
a flickering flame in the vast dark,
seeking the light of a familiar dawn.
1st painting- paul delaroche- la jeune martyre(1855)
2nd painting- dream-peinture de joan brull(1905) oil on canvas
3rd painting- fairy playing over a lake- ida rentoul outhwaite- illustration
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starryqueen-18 · 2 months
Little Barnacles and Little Paani and The Temple of Fruit!
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I couldn't decide which one of my little Barnacles and Little Paani Misadventures ideas to draw so I used a wheel to choose, after few spins I choose the Temple of Fruit.
When there's no fruit left for the animals to eat, Little Barnacles and Little Paani goes to the Temple where the special fruits are there and with their new friend, they reached to the very room where the special fruits lie, however it may be a trap and Little Barnacles tries to warns Paani.
You see the real special fruits are the seeds so they can grow new fruit trees so that the animals can never go hungry.
I like these littles going on imaginative adventures , I hope you guys enjoy and stay safe and kawaii.
Bye :3
Progress below
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paizleyrayz · 5 months
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Detail from the giant commission. This is about 10-15cm tall, and the whole thing is about 30 x 50 inches
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lanada · 4 months
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Michael Whelan
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survivethetrap · 2 months
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Been Thinking a Lot About Life
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illustratus · 2 years
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Chasm by Michael Whelan
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mstudi0s · 11 months
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5 Pieces of Advice About Manifestation - 👇🏻
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Disclaimer :
Everything I say here is from personal experience. I am not the soul master of all things manifestation. These are just a couple of things I've learned along the way of my journey that have benefited and shown real results. Now, with that being said, let's get to it. . .
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Affirmations 🪐
It's very simple but yet still effective. Sleeping with them on and even repeating them at some points throughout the day has shown to work for me and create results. Not only are affirmations something you can easily incorporate into your routine, but they can also give you fast results. These sentences can be as long or as short as you want then to be. You can either use affirmations from online or create ones of your own. Both work! I also recommend sleeping with them so you can reprogram your subconscious mind throughout the night. The channel I recommend and use often is Jessica Heslop. She has affirmations for almost anything you are trying to manifest.
Journaling/Writing Things Down 🪐
Another thing that has helped me manifest is journaling and writing things down, and this can come in the form of things I'm grateful for, negative thoughts or even imiting beliefs I want to release, or even just ideas I eventually want to take to the next level. Whatever it is, it does not matter. But I definitely believe in having having a writing or journaling practice in whatever shape or form this looks for you. It can be very exhausting or even stressful, keeping everything in your mind. Writing stuff down just allows you to get everything out and can even quite your head space, even if it's just for a moment.
Imaginative Acts 🪐
Now, I know that not everyone can visualize or sea with their mind. So if this is something you struggle with, don't worry. There are definitely other pieces of advice on this thread that can still help you. You don't need imagination or to be able to see in pictures to manifets, but for those who can and those who are similar to me, this is for you guys. I have always described my mind to others as a television, particularly an old one with the antennas. This is because I've lived most of my life seeing in images and pictures and have always had a very pristine photographic memory of things. It took me some years to learn that having this capability was something I could use to my advantage and a tool that could help me manifest the things I desire. After having figured this out, I started imagining myself as the person I've always wanted to be and having the things I've always wanted. And I watched as slowly but surely things that I saw in my mind would come to me or start to happen. To this day, I still use my imagination to help me manifest. Check out Neyah Visions for more on Visualizing and Imaginative Acts.
Detachment/Letting Go 🪐
I know this is a controversial topic within the manifestation community, but I do have to say this does work if done correctly. When it comes to detaching and letting go of your desire, it does not equate to giving up. In no shape or form is anyone telling you to give up on your goals or your dreams. What it means to detach is to not exert so much energy into what you want to the point that it's draining you and taking over your entire life. It's understandable and fully trusting that you are going to get there, and you don't need to know when or how. It's understanding that less is more and you could live your life not having to think about this thing 24/7, and still know that you're going to get it. To understand more about letting go, I recommend videos by Maleeka. She has a far more articulate and better way of explaining it.
Discipline 🪐
My last and final piece of advice is discipline. And this can take the shape and form of really anything. The idea of discipline is to help you maintain something for a consistent period of time so you can get the results you're looking for as well as mold your life to what you want it to be. Before I continue, I recommend watching Leo Skepi and his stuff if you want a more blunt approach on this. Now, as I was saying, it's good to have a sense of personal discipline in your life because this allows you to have at least some sense of control and structure to it. Falling off and lacking this trait will only give you spotty results or probably not any. This is why you wanna try and find a routine that works for you and not against you. Figuring this out could require you to experiment or even branch out a little bit, but in the long run, it's worth it. This last piece of advice has allowed me to get most of the things I have in my life currently.
The End
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awesomeartists · 3 months
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Arnaldo Mirasol
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90smisaki · 3 months
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I Need My Own Planet
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