#NIghtingale 39
sonkitty · 4 months
The Sideburns Scheme Post #39
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(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 3, I Know Where I'm Going, wicked
Sideburns Check
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The sideburns are still pointing to Crowley's mouth, as expected for most of the minisode.
The space has plenty of humans and looks to be a more wealthy area than the previous scene.
There are lanterns and lamps and lights from nearby windows. There are no fires.
All three characters are walking and wear their hats during the whole walk.
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In case you wanted to see a few comparison shots of Crowley between this scene and the last, here you go. The one furthest to the left is the previous scene. The middle one and one furthest to the right are this particular scene.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
Crowley is touching the cart the whole time. He has a question with, "Anyway, is it wicked?" Aziraphale doesn't do anything I know of that gets a point until near the end of the scene when he says Elspeth's name.
Elspeth doesn't have any lines but does eventually touch the cart.
Story Commentary
Discussion on class issues continue.
This time only Crowley and Aziraphale talk. I read a theory once, one of those I nod along with and forget to bookmark, that these two can talk without the humans really noticing what they are talking about. Elspeth's behavior is like that. She's already had her conversation with Aziraphale, but Aziraphale's saying things like Elspeth is wicked Crowley is evil quite openly in front of her. She pays it no mind and looks generally tuned out of the conversation.
Crowley and Aziraphale are noted as having a version of this discussion in the Good Omens book, but it was a little over 800 years earlier with a split of 3 years in between points being made.
For pockets, I can't figure out much. The scene starts off with the barrel pocketed between Elspeth and then the pair that is Crowley and Aziraphale. Elspeth progressively closes the distance to eventually rejoin Crowley in moving the cart.
As such, Crowley ends up visually pocketed between Elspeth and Aziraphale. His hair makes a few pockets, including a stray strand that goes over his eyebrow and above his right eye.
The Drive
Let's check in on how the forming connection between homes is going.
Aziraphale can get the Bentley to play the music he wants. I've already admitted I don't like Aziraphale, and I don't, so I don't find this music thing endearing besides its value within the games. Otherwise, I'm just annoyed.
But let's go over the value in the games in case you haven't read my The Window Trick post or just want a refresher on the matter.
The value in the games is that Aziraphale sent the nightingale song at the end of episode 6. By having Aziraphale send the song, the game confirms his success at The Door Catch and that the connection between homes is maintained, even with him behind the closed doors of the Heaven threshold.
Crowley turning off the music shows more clearly that the reflections of people in his sunglasses is based on the window to the door to his car instead of from any other direction.
While I still have to ultimately guess as any audience member not bothering with these games might, I end up feeling more sure of that guess with the amount of effort required in playing Earthly Objects and finding The Door Catch on accident. For instance, because I don't like Aziraphale, I would rather not think he sent the song, but it's rather hard to pretend otherwise because I would like to think that The Door Catch matters.
Alright, enough of that.
Let's move onto Crowley calling in.
He sounds like one annoyed demon.
We learn that Crowley can feel if the Bentley is going under the speed limit, hear and/or feel if Aziraphale is getting a travel sweet, and feel if the car changes color. He can also hear not just Aziraphale but the horn Aziraphale honks. He communicates these things with a remote call through the radio while music is being played.
So, all of that is to say, Crowley has strongly connected feelings to the car itself. This information is good to know when it's going to look like he doesn't notice things later but is I think him not drawing verbal attention to what he already has noticed.
Over time, my understanding of the speed limit thing is that Aziraphale pretended to not be able to accelerate. Once the car heard Crowley make his threat on selling books or even giving them away, it took over and sped up.
Yellow is an important color for the door trickery in the Final Fifteen. If my play is on the right track, Yellow has to be hit twice and connects with Aziraphale before each of them switch to Green in the Rainbow Connection.
Crowley complains about the exterior color of the car but not the interior, which also changed. The seats were brown. They are blurry in this scene, but they are darker. If they aren't already black, they will be. That part of the car's transformation will remain.
The car is still a 2-door car and not a 4-door car yet. It will transform further to acquire those new doors later.
As the scene draws to a close, the horizon looks rather fantastical compared to how things usually look, allowing us to suspect things are not quite right or as they seem in this story.
Aziraphale doesn't eat anything during the season 2 present day...except this travel sweet while the connection is being formed between homes.
So, how is the connection doing? It's forming with some frustration between the two making it. The car is transforming in the process. Despite the frustration, the connection will be made and maintained in the end. Theoretically, that is. It is one of my theories I believe more strongly in.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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angelizrivera · 21 days
Enchanted by Darkness
*part 4*
Championship and accomplishments
Current WWE Women's United States Champion (1 reign-55 days 2 reign-330+)
Former WWE Women's Tag Team Champion with Persephone (reign-242 days)
Winner of the 2023 Women's Royal Rumble with Rhea Ripley
Winner of the 2022 & 2023 Women's Money in the Bank (2022-2 hours, 2023-99 days)
Former Women’s World Champion/ smackdown women's Champion (reign-98 days)
Former World Heavyweight Champion (reign-118 days)
Winner of the 2023 Men's Money in the Bank (281 days)
Former WWE United States Champion (reign 191 days)
Former NXT North America Champion (reign 67 days)
Former Raw and Smackdown Tag Team Champion with Finn Balor (1 reign-35 days 2 reign-173 days)
Former Women's World Champion (reign-380 days)
Winner of the 2023 Women's Royal Rumble with Nyx Nightingale
Former NXT Women's Champion (reign-109 days)
Former NXT UK Women's Champion (reign-139 days)
Former Women's Tag Team Champion with Nikki A.S.H (reign-63 days)
Current WWE Raw Tag Team Champion with JD McDonagh (reign 59+ days)
Former WWE Raw and Smackdown Tag Team Champion with Damian (1 reign-35 days 2 reign-173 days)
Former WWE Men's United States Champion (reign 49 days)
Former NXT Champion (1 reign-292 days 2 reign-212 days)
Former WWE Universal Champion (reign 1 day)
Former WWE Intercontinental Champion (1 reign-22 days 2 reign-98 days)
Former NXT North American Champion (1 reign-74 days 2 reign-67 days)
Former WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champion with Rey Mysterio (reign 63 days)
Current WWE Raw Tag Team Champion with Finn Balor (reign 59+ days)
Former NXT Cruiserweight Champion (reign 130 days)
Current Women’s World Champion (reign 88+ days)
Former Women’s Tag Team Champion with Raquel Rodriguez (reign-39 days)
Former Women’s United States Champion (1 reign-148 days 2 reign- 133 days)
Former WWE Women's Tag Team Champion with Nyx Nightingale (reign-242 days)
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powcreations · 1 year
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"We've released new content on our Patreon this week! Including a free new datapack gamemode + all of the NPC concept art for the #PiratesSMP!
Here's 4 of the main NPC's for free, the rest can be found on our patreon below!"
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"Additionally, here's a screenshot of all of the NPC's pronouns and ages for the wider community. Spread the word! o7
Full images + list of npc below
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Kestrel Faction:
Alison, Age: 36, she/her
Finnegan, 39, he/him
Ausbie, 25, he/him
Nightingale Faction:
Marnie Gatlin, 47, she/they
Me Rainforth, 63, he/him
Mrs Rainforth, 59, she/her
Heron Faction:
Christian, 29, he/they
Gabriel, 24, he/any
Kite Faction:
Mara, 64, she/her
Saffrie, 21, any
Cael, 62, he/him
Verity, ???, He/him
Digby, 18, he/him
Traveling merchant, ???, Any/all
Hook, 22, it/they
The Castaway, 58, any/all
Finn, 33, he/him
Missy, 31, she/her
Claud, 52, he/him
Madeleine, 25, she/her
Jeffery, 24, he/they
Flam, 26, he/they
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wellthebardsdead · 9 months
Clockwork heart pt40
Part 39 here
Timeskip because what I had planned made me cry too much
Wyrm: *back arched as if a kabuki dancer posing as a prawn. Blood gushing from his tear ducts as he forces the eyes of the falmer into his sockets, no longer in control of his own body, mercer laying dead at his feet, and Taliesin pulling in vain at his arms to stop him* I HAVE TO SEE! I HAVE TO SEE! I HAVE TO S- *drops to the ground in a silent scream as all the air leaves his body and the eyes of the falmer replace the Pearl and his eye completely* I… see…
Taliesin: my love?! *drops to his knees lifting him into his arms. His heart already shattered having seen Mercer attempt to kill him once* my Pearl?! My darling?! *picks up the bloodied Pearl lined with gold as the chamber begins to fill with water*
Karliah: We have to get out of here!!
Brynjolf: up there! It’s our only way out!
Taliesin: I can’t swim!!!
“I can’t breathe… it’s so cold. I’m cold, I’m cold- my chest hurts- I’m- I’m. Im… freezing.”
Taliesin: *gasps for air and instinctively reaches up clawing at the figure looming over him only to see Wyrm staring back at him, the dunmer soaked to the bone and trembling as blood and tears drip from his now pink glowing eyes* m-my love. My Wyrm, y-your eyes-
Wyrm: th-they hurt- everything looks strange- b-but you! You nearly drowned! You- my Tali- I- I tried to pull you up but you were too heavy!! K-Kaidan- he-
Kaidan: *coughs up a lung of water and slaps Taliesin on his side* I swear to fock if you die I’ll bring you back just to kill you kyself.
Taliesin: *coughs out a laugh as he sits up and pulls Wyrm in close stroking his face* am I the only one worried that he shoved two strange rocks into his face?!?!
Inigo: *fur soaking wet* c-considering everything we know about him I should say yes, but no, it is very concerning.
Brynjolf: he? He absorbed them? *kneels down to be eye level with Wyrm and look at his eyes, only to be flung to the side as nerevar body slams him out of the way*
Nerevar: *covered in snow after ignoring Wyrms request to not seek them out from their campsite, grabs wyrms face and pulls him in close staring at his eyes* the eyes of lorkhan. *lets him go and stands up punching the wall of the cave before grabbing his Mohawk in mounting anger* THE FUCKING EYES OF LORKHAN!
Karliah: the eyes of? No these are the eyes of the-
Nerevar: FALMER! IT WAS ALWAYS THE FALMER! They guarded his soul, his eyes, they’re up there now on his body trying to defend it!!! *gestures up obviously referencing the moons* if it weren’t for the heat of morrowind or the mountain they’d of guarded his heart too! It’s why the dwemer blinded them! Because they could read the elder scrolls, the scrolls of creation itself! What do they want?! What does seht want?! Why would he lead Wyrm to this?!
Wyrm: *visibly frightened watching nerevar freak out, but no longer seeing just nerevar, but the nerevarine, all forms he’d of taken. Every race, every gender, every iteration from every possible timeline* a-Ata- I’m scared- I’m- *stares ahead, jaw slack and now pink opalescent eyes glistening as they glaze over*
Voryn: *steps into the cave, covered in viscera after killing a snowbear, his third eye open as he calms Wyrm down* we are going to the nearest inn. *reaches into Wyrms pocket, retrieving the key of nocturnal and offering it to Karliah* and this is where our paths split.
Karliah: but I can’t-
Voryn: I cannot risk further harm to him… nocturnal knows plenty of sotha sil, more so than I… but look at Wyrm… look at what has become of him in pursuit of aiding you… I will not allow further harm to be done to him. If you will not take it nightingale, I will give it to the guild instead. *offers it to Brynjolf*
Brynjolf: *takes it carefully as his eyes rest on wyrm* I’ll get it to where it belongs… what’s… what’s happened to the poor lad?…
Nerevar: *staring into Wyrms eyes as Taliesin tries to dry his tears* nothing good.
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dlartistanon · 8 months
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Last day of the banner and Eyjalter came home in 39 more pulls after the last free daily, for a total of 130.
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The real question is whether it'll be worth sparking for Dusk... I'm expecting Shining Alter at some point, so I need to have reserves for that too. Maybe even a possible Nightingale Alter as well (someone suggested Bard and I'm intrigued by the idea)
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wraith-caller · 3 months
1, 2, 10, 12, 39 for D x Rogier!
Hello!! Thanks for the ask :)
Who’s the primary protector of the two?
D easily lol to the point of suffocation sometimes. Being used to caring for his brother would have primed him to be a little hypervigilant while Rogier's a little oblivious/spontaneous/careless. A stressful combo but I think it also helps D feel useful lol
2. was answered here :]
10. Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
I think Rogier is quicker on the draw but not bc he's thoughtless. I think he's just used to playing the part and telling ppl what he thinks they want to hear/would serve him best. D is more thoughtful but perhaps less clever as he's more honest and not very experienced with conversation as an avenue of influence/power.
12. Which of the two rolls their eyes the most often?
Rogier if no one is looking, but he'd never do it where someone would see. He's too polite, but also underneath the veneer is a lot more prickly than he lets on. I think D would just not care or be bothered enough to roll his eyes. He seems less like he gets irritable and more like he goes right to telling you exactly why he's angry.
39. Which of the two is more artistic?
Hmm...probably Rogier due to their circumstances growing up. He'd have had the time and means to indulge in such things. I actually hc that he plays piano, that he had to learn it as part of the classic rich trophy kid thing of being something impressive for a parent to bandy about without actually being allowed to express themselves. But he does enjoy it still. If D had any artistic pursuits it'd probably be drawing, bc it'd take the least amount of resources/expense to pursue lol
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theprinceandthewitch · 3 months
I just finished watching all of the videos featuring Alice's and Orpheus' lore... and it just confirms for me that this fanbase doesn't know the lore of this game LMAO.
Thank god someone made this reddit post so I'd have an easier time keeping track of key details...
I'm going to make a bigger post at a later date, but I just wanted to point out something important:
The Prologue and the first act of Time of Reunion is set-up for the reveal of Orpheus being "Nightmare" - the person who is creating and carrying out the games. It is also setting up the reveal of Orpheus being the child of the forest ranger who is responsible for the death of Alice's parents. The blond man and woman in this painting are Alice's parents, not Orpheus'.
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There's also this letter mentioning Orpheus' sick mother. Orpheus' father planned to rob from the DeRoss family fortune so he could pay for her healthcare.
Here's the same painting taken from AoM - its also in the same room as the TOR painting. It's interesting how Orpheus remembers the maid and his father as forest rangers when in reality his father was the forest ranger.
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A photo of Alice and her parents from AoM:
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Alice calling Orpheus her playmate:
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Orpheus' knows the Nightingale Song that opens all the doors in the manor and the outside gate, which implies he was an unwitting participant in his fathers scheme to murder the DeRoss family and steal their fortune.
The nightingale song in AOM is the same one used in The Novelist backstory video by the way. Timestamp is 0:39
There's just SO MUCH to unpack lmao.
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artorojo · 1 year
Top 100 military movies of all time.
1. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
2. Apocalypse Now (1979)
3. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
4. Platoon (1986)
5. Black Hawk Down (2001)
6. Das Boot (1981)
7. The Thin Red Line (1998)
8. Paths of Glory (1957)
9. Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
10. 1917 (2019)
11. Dunkirk (2017)
12. Patton (1970)
13. Gallipoli (1981)
14. We Were Soldiers (2002)
15. Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
16. The Deer Hunter (1978)
17. The Hurt Locker (2008)
18. Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
19. Zulu (1964)
20. Black Book (2006)
21. Stalingrad (1993)
22. The Battle of Algiers (1966)
23. The Longest Day (1962)
24. The Bridge at Remagen (1969)
25. Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
26. Jarhead (2005)
27. The Patriot (2000)
28. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
29. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
30. Enemy at the Gates (2001)
31. Glory (1989)
32. The Great Escape (1963)
33. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
34. The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
35. Lone Survivor (2013)
36. Kelly's Heroes (1970)
37. The Green Berets (1968)
38. The Alamo (1960)
39. The Messenger (2009)
40. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (2016)
41. 12 Strong (2018)
42. The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
43. The Pianist (2002)
44. Rescue Dawn (2006)
45. The Beast of War (1988)
46. A Bridge Too Far (1977)
47. Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
48. Inglourious Basterds (2009)
49. The Boys in Company C (1978)
50. Red Tails (2012)
51. Battle for Haditha (2007)
52. Courage Under Fire (1996)
53. 5 Fingers (1952)
54. Company of Heroes (2013)
55. The Finest Hours (2016)
56. Windtalkers (2002)
57. Battle of the Bulge (1965)
58. The Nightingale (2018)
59. A Midnight Clear (1992)
60. Attack on the Iron Coast (1968)
61. Sergeant York (1941)
62. Empire of the Sun (1987)
63. The Pacific (2010) - Mini-series
64. The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951)
65. The Pacific (2010) - Mini-series
66. Enemy at the Gates (2001)
67. The Monuments Men (2014)
68. Days of Glory (2006)
69. Fires on the Plain (1959)
70. The Steel Helmet (1951)
71. Battle of the Damned (2013)
72. Memphis Belle (1990)
73. Crimson Tide (1995)
74. Attack on the Iron Coast (1968)
75. Sergeant York (1941)
76. Empire of the Sun (1987)
77. The Pacific (2010) - Mini-series
78. The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951)
79. Enemy at the Gates (2001)
80. The Monuments Men (2014)
81. Days of Glory (2006)
82. Fires on the Plain (1959)
83. The Steel Helmet (1951)
84. Battle of the Damned (2013)
85. The Longest Day (1962)
86. The Bridge at Remagen (1969)
87. M*A*S*H (1970)
88. Jarhead (2005)
89. The Patriot (2000)
90. Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)
91. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
92. Glory (1989)
93. The Great Escape (1963)
94. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
95. Platoon (1986)
96. Come and See (1985)
97. Hamburger Hill (1987)
98. The Red Badge of Courage (1951)
99. Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
100. Fort Apache (1948)
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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This is the third in our occasional series featuring luminaries of stage and screen with a strong personal or professional connection with Northeast England, inspired by @robbielewis. Previous profiles were of John Nightingale and Edward Wilson. This time, Jean Heywood.
She was born Jean Murray, in Blyth, Northumberland, to a coalmining family, in 1921. She worked initially as a librarian, married mechanical engineer Roland Heywood in 1945 (they remained married until his death in 1996), and became involved in amateur theatre, finally turning professional only after her children had grown up.
Following work in repertory theatre, she made her television debut in 1968, but her breakout role was as family matriarch Bella Seaton in 39 episodes of the Tyneside Depression-era drama, When the Boat Comes In (1976-77).
In 1978, she had a leading role in the acclaimed BBC Play for Today, Our Day Out, written by Willy Russell and directed by Pedr James, in which she played a dedicated teacher at a tough, inner city Liverpool Comprehensive school, determined that her struggling students, resigned to the fate of becoming 'factory fodder' according to The Guardian, should at least have a nice time on a coach excursion to Wales. Our Day Out became one of the BBC’s most successful European exports, leading to a memorable headline in The Liverpool Echo.
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In a 2015 interview with television historian and author, Oliver Crocker, Jean Heywood talked about the similarities between Bella Seaton and Mrs Alton, her character in the final season of the original All Creatures Great and Small (1990);
"...It’s sort of the character of the women in my early life… I never had any money when I was young and had to make do and mend and manage…So I didn’t have to search how to play that kind of character. People loved my character in (When the Boat Comes In), a working class, good woman, quiet but very strong and I think Mrs Alton was a similar character…"
"…Rehearsing is like playing a ball game, you throw a ball off the idea of your character that you’ve formed in your head, you keep throwing it in the air and nobody has received it back, until you go into the rehearsal studio where you throw the idea from inside your head to the other person, it comes back differently from how you’d imagined, so the character develops and works much more excitingly than what you had in your head..."
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With James Bolam as Jack Ford, in When the Boat Comes In
Her television career spanned over 40 years and included appearances in War and Peace, Emmerdale Farm, Coronation Street, Family Affairs, Kavanagh QC, Boys from the Blackstuff, The Bill, Our Friends in the North, Heartbeat, Casualty and on the big screen in Billy Elliot.
Her final screen credit was in 2010, and she passed away in 2019, aged 98.
Sources include The Guardian, IMDb, and All Memories Great and Small by Oliver Crocker (Published by Devonfire Books)
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corainne · 1 year
WIP Monday
We found Nightingale with Mellenby not an hour later, at the edge of the perimeter, quietly arguing. Mellenby sat slumped against a grey stone façade, Nightingale kneeling in front of him, prodding his uncovered shoulder.
“I’ve been telling you since ’39 that your shield is shit, Davey,” Nightingale was saying quietly as we reached them, still oblivious to our presence, “and someone needs to have a proper look at the shoulder”
“I’m still alive, so the shield is obviously working”
“If it were obviously working, you wouldn’t be injured right now”
“He threw a car at me, I think those are extenuating circumstances”
“And if it had been the entire building collapsing? What would you have done then?”
“Hope that you were going to save me”
“This isn't funny, David. And that was the last time you’ve done something like this, do you hear me? I don’t need you getting yourself needlessly killed”
“What the fuck happened?” Stephanopoulos asked, “wasn’t he supposed to stay with Alex?”
“Chorley got away,” Nightingale stated the obvious, “I didn’t dare follow him, far too high risk of civilian casualties. And he,” Nightingale looked down at Mellenby, “needs an MRI post-haste”
“I assure you, Pumpkin, I am perfectly fine,” Mellenby told Nightingale, and promptly vomited on his shoes.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 4 months
AAAAAAA I FORGOT TO SEND MY ASK!! BUT!!! 10, 27 AND 39 mayhaps? :]]
WAVE WAAAVES HI HAAAI ^w^/ SILLYMODE !! i um. so i sorted them a lil different bc uhhhhhhhhhh The Flow ^_^ dontworry about it ^_^
27. What's the nicest thing someone has ever said about an OC?
honestly?? th fact that anyone looks at them at all is insane 2 me... like. they r my little guys... and i talk so much nonsense... and ppl will just... read it??? like Actually Read It??? and like, recognize and remember them???? wh ;_; huh????? huh hwuh????? ;_: whu
39. What's your favorite part to draw on a certain character?
cocoas dumb lil twintails and wolfes hair! fun fun shapes, i like drawing fluff :] makes me happy. something something that post thats like "every time i draw an oc they just get flufflier" thats just like ME FOR EEL!!!!!
10. Do any of your OCs contain any symbolism in themselves/their story?
SLAPS TH TABLE. ROSE AND WOLFE. those two get SO MUCH bullshit, its kind of the core of their characters. at the start at least; theyve shuffled and changed since they first started out but its still very much There. like... rose's primary symbolism stems from beauty and the beast; the story. which. i guess. explains their no-longer-placeholder names.. though thats mostly just from a baseline point. her honest symbolism is the Concept of Symbol to begin with. the rose in a glass case, a prized flower in a garden, nightingale in a gold cage. meant to be held up as an Idea, something to Envy and Emulate-- the hushed whisper parents do when they tell a child, "be this way and you will be good. be that way and you will be bad." a symbol, a negligible variable yet at the same time upkept meticulously. to be a symbol is inherently dehumanizing, if that makes sense. rose, as a character, holds herself up as it is simply what is expected of her. to carefully and precisely trim the leaves, adjust your presentation-- become something Useful in the eyes of others. its a habit, its instinct, its what she Is-- but she's rather bitter of it. its something she uses to shield herself, but its also something she uses as a diversion, as a Tool to get what she wants; equal parts boon and curse. she knows what she is, what is expected of her, what she wants, and what (she believes) is out of reach. she knows her place in the story, and will pull any strings she can to get what she wants, exactly where people will least expect it. but what is it that she wants? oh, well.
wolfe, on the other hand, has heavy Dog symbolism. which, like, yeah. look at her. but specifically, hers is more in line with the concept of Archetype and Agency, than anything else. she's spent a lot of her time being pulled around and directed, and its built up a Lot of resentment. she's never been able to control where she is or what happens to her. as such, she responds to any sort of perceived threat by trying to make herself seem bigger and scarier than she Actually Is. more than anything, a lot of her behavior stems from the desire to be heard. shes intent on following the image of what she Should be in order to keep herself safe, but due to her own habits, tends to lose sight of exactly what that Is. the thing about her is that, in trying to avoid that applied control, she tends to swing wildly in the other direction, regardless of what that Is and what it Means for her-- so long as she's able to say (or believe) that it was her own choice. which.. unfortunately, means it is very very easy to get a rise out of her. it just makes her easier to predict and direct. all this, however, Also happens to tie in very very deeply with her dynamic with rose. she never really Intended to interact with rose much at all, but unfortunately rose is what is commonly referred to as: Fucking Annoying. annoying, in that she cared-- and was persistent. and honestly, after a while, rose becomes the only person she will trust. deeply. completely. there isnt a lot she Wouldnt do for her.
in all though, both of them have a heavy, heavy tie in Objectification-- they just kinda handle it differently. badly. they handle it badly. anyway,
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Skyrim OC asks! 2, 16, 24, 37 & 39!
The last question has art so...yay? 2. Do they worship any deities, be it aedra or daedra?
Sydari is mostly apathetic towards the gods. Whilst she is a Nightingale and therefore in the service of Nocturnal it's more akin to a business partnership. She grew up with a hard-line Tribunal stan who would spend hours monologuing his own interpretation of their doctrine and deeds. It turned her off worshipping the gods, but also showed her how fallible they actually are. If one person can bring down the strength of the Tribunal (whose strengths were highly exaggerated by Eno) then what's the point in worshipping any? No, she likes this business-style relationship, she gets a great deal out of it and Nocturnal tends not to be the clingy sort.
16. Did they feel sympathy for any villains they came into contact with? If so, who and why?
She felt some sympathy towards Miraak, he was not so different from her (as far as a mortal with a dragon soul goes, they do not do or enjoy similar activities). She could so easily fall for Hermanus Mora's offer, endless knowledge is hard to say no to. But she's seen what it's done to Miraak, how he barely resembles anything mortal anymore and she wants no part in it.
24. Who would they consider their biggest rival?
She doesn't have any rivals per se, enemies yes, but she doesn't really have any true rivals. If anything, her relationship with Maven Blackbriar might qualify. But she sticks to her business, Sydari sticks to hers and they have their contracts. The guild no longer relies on the Blackbriars for contracts, and she likes to remind Maven of that whenever she oversteps.
37. Did you make this character with a certain love interest in mind?
So I wanted to make a Dunmer character to lead the thieves guild, the three love interests came much later. I had almost ignored Teldryn for years before actually hiring him after getting back into Morrowind. I then lost my mind completely and now we have this ungodly mess.
39. Has their character design changed?
She started with white hair initially, I then fiddled around quite a bit before settling on dark red hair. (like 4 playthroughs) She use to have more of a dark grey ring around the red in her eye as well. I first drew her about a year ago with this design.
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And this is the design that stuck. The red was much pinker once I painted it and it just stuck. I have since made her skin a little more blue.
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Then I thought "Hey a soul gem on a necklace seems kinda cool". So That became a thing, as did her full *casually do not give 2 shits about tits* outfit. (It's just me being jelly about her not having to wear a bra and I guess I like drawing boobs idk). But she also needs an overcoat if she's going outside. I had decided on giving her the throat scar in a previous work that I want to redo, but the voice loss came about after this work...So did the whole Teldryn thing...
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So then I played around and settled on all her jewellery, her face shape, eye colour etc. This is probably my favourite representation of how she looks so far. Every artwork afterwards, as well as her in-game design, are based on this look. (I settled on a face reference basically).
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And then I decided that all her rings are purple and blue. Her colour scheme Is red, black and amethyst. She now has a side part because I like that, though her hair changes in length a few times in the story.
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And then I painted this and decided we have a goddamn fic now.
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msith · 8 months
Adrien Agreste
ExpandBryce Papenbrook (English)
Click "expand" for full list
Male, he/him
Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste[7]
Sneaky Kitty[11]
Tomcat and Cat popsicle[12]
Mr. Front-of-the-cover-Teen-Model-weekly[13]
Pussy Cat[14]
Pretty Kitty[15]
Kitty Cat[16]
Naughty Kitty[17]
Silly Kitty[18]
Little Kitty[20]
Cellphone Boy, Mr. Whiskers and Kitten[21]
Agreste Junior and Sleeping Beauty[22]
Aqua Noir[25]
Ice Cat[26]
Astro Cat[27]
Santa Cat[28]
My Kitty[29]
Kitty Noir[30]
Mister Bug and Bugaboy[31]
Bug Boy[32]
Banana Cat[33]
Mr. Cat[35]
My Prince and My Poor Kitty[36]
Professor Reckless[37]
Mr. Bat[38]
Mr. Noir[39]
Adri-nothing and Alley Cat[40]
Prince Charmeowing[41]
My Sweet Kitty[42]
Mister Perfect Kitty, Mister Hanging On To His Secret, and Mister Number One Partner[43]
Little prince[45]
Daddy's Nice Little Puppet[47]
Little miracle[48]
13 (Origins Story)
14 (Seasons 1-5)[49]
150 cm[50] (Almost 5 feet)
Student at Collège Françoise Dupont (formerly)
Second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team
Fashion model (formerly)
Voice actor
Hanging out with his superhero allies (especially with Ladybug after patrols)
Video games
Playing with cars
Music (from Jagged Stone)
Reading classic novels
Christmas (currently)
Passion Fruit[52]
Listening to classical music when studying[55]
His family and friends
His costume as Cat Noir and when he and Ladybug switched costumes as Mister Bug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Opening gifts early
Being a superhero
Sausages with mashed potatoes[58]
Loved ones being harmed
Being alone or locked up (his nightmare)
Being excluded
Not being helpful
Ladybug rejecting his affections (formerly)
Christmas (formerly)
Thunder (formerly)
Feathers (his allergy)
Chloé's excessive affection over him
Signing autographs
Being sick[60]
Harming others with his powers
Disappointing anyone
Lila's lies
Lila bullying Marinette
Being mistaken for a wingless bat (as Cat Noir)
Not being accepted for his true personality
Ladybug putting herself down
Nino's guilt for not being able to help him stand up to his father
Cauliflower with Bechamel sauce
When the Miraculous superpowers are being used by villains
Pancakes with banana[61]
Gabriel's pancakes[62]
Sausages (except with mashed potatoes)[63]
Gabriel (formerly)
Miraculous holders
French Miraculous superhero team (Second-in-command)
Kitty Section (occasionally)
The Resistance
Agreste mansion in Paris, France
London apartments in London, England (temporarily, from Representation to Re-creation)
Emilie Agreste (mother) †
Gabriel Agreste (father) †
Amelie Graham de Vanily (aunt)
Colt Fathom (uncle) †
Félix Fathom (cousin)
Unnamed maternal grandparents
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace (best friend)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Multimouse
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Wang Fu (before memory loss)
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge/Rena Furtive
Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Lê Chiến Kim
King Monkey
Ivan Bruel
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Juleka Couffaine
Purple Tigress
Mylène Haprèle
Sabrina Raincomprix
Miss Hound
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Marc Anciel
Rooster Bold
Manon Chamack
Clara Nightingale
Santa Claus
Wang Cheng
Jessica Keynes/
Aeon/Uncanny Valley
Barbara Keynes/Knightowl
Dean Gate/Doorman
Fei Wu/Ladydragon
Mei Shi
Zoé Lee
Harry Clown
Didier Roustan
Félix Fathom/Argos
LadyLion (future)
Fury (future)
Myst (future)
Krush (future)
LadyBlue (future)
Betterfly/Guardian Angel
Adrien Agreste/Claw Noir
Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch/Monarch Bug †
Akumatized villains
Mayura (formerly)
Amokized Sentimonsters (formerly)
Ladybug (formerly; alternative timeline)
Lila Rossi/Cerise
(Since Transmission)
Chloé Bourgeois
(since Queen Banana & Dersion and she is exiled)
Adam (formerly)
Shadybug (formerly)
Claw Noir (formerly)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (girlfriend)
Ladybug (formerly)
Kagami Tsurugi (ex-girlfriend)
Emilie Agreste
Cat Miraculous
Ladybug Miraculous (occasionally)
Snake Miraculous (occasionally)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Rabbit Miraculous (temporarily)
Bee Miraculous (temporarily)
Tikki (occasionally)
Sass (occasionally)
Fluff (temporarily)
Cat Noir
Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik (temporarily)
Snake Noir (temporarily)
Cat Walker (temporarily)
Rabbit Noir (temporarily)
Cat Blanc
Ephemeral (all temporarily; alternate timeline)
Anticat (Adrien's nightmares only, in "Representation" and "Conformation")
Celesticat (kamikotized hero identity)
Speaking Chinese and Japanese
Understanding Morse code
Piano playing
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Cat Noir's/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's Cataclysm and Night Vision
Mister Bug's Lucky Charm, De-evilization and Miraculous Mister Bug (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's Second Chance (occasionally)
Cat Blanc's Mega Cataclysm (temporarily)
Time acceleration (as Ephemeral; temporarily)
Levitation (briefly)
Rabbit Noir's Burrow (temporarily)
Flight (briefly as a kamikotized hero)
Cat Noir/Snake Noir/Rabbit Noir's staff
Mister Bug's yo-yo (occasionally)
Aspik/Snake Noir's lyre (occasionally)
Rabbit Noir's umbrella (temporarily)
Graham de Vanily Twin Rings
Others like you also viewed
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Gabriel Agreste
Lila Rossi
Félix Fathom
Chloé Bourgeois
Kagami Tsurugi
Emilie Agreste
Alya Césaire
Miraculous Paris
Main series universe information
This article is about Adrien Agreste from the TV series and any information in it exclusively follows the main series' continuity.
For information from the Movie continuity, please visit this page.
This article is about the secondary protagonist, who is the current Cat Miraculous holder. You may be looking for the Ladybug PV version of Cat Noir, his cousin, another Cat, or his parallel self.
There's no way I can wear this!... Everyone's gonna realize that I'm the real Cat Noir!ADRIEN
Adrien Agreste is one of the two titular main protagonists (alongside Marinette Dupain-Cheng) of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir and a major character of Miraculous World. He is a human-sentimonster created by his late mother Emilie Agreste from her emotions of love. He is a former student in Miss Bustier's class at Collège Françoise Dupont in Paris, France. He is also a former fashion model for his late father's brand.
With the Cat Miraculous, when inhabited by Plagg, Adrien transforms into the black cat-themed superhero Cat Noir ("Chat Noir" in the French version), gaining the power of destruction to stop Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch and his akumatized villains. He is the second-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team.
In "Syren", after Master Wang Fu translates the Grimoire in order to find a way to give Ladybug and Cat Noir the ability to transform into different powered up forms, he is able to make the potion that grants the aqua form. Adrien is able to use it to become Aqua Noir, which gives him a specially modified aqua suit with fins on his feet, granting him the enhanced swimming capabilities, as well as allowing him to breathe and speak underwater.
In "Frozer" when the titular akumatized supervillain freezes over Paris to turn the city into his domain, Adrien uses Master Fu's Magic camembert to transform into Ice Cat, which gives him a specially modified ice suit with skates on his feet, granting him enhanced skating capabilities as well as allowing him to stand subzero temperatures.
In "Reflekdoll", Adrien temporarily obtained the Ladybug Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Tikki, would be able to transform him into a ladybug-themed superhero Mister Bug,[64] gaining the power of creation.[65]
In "Desperada", Adrien temporarily obtained the Snake Miraculous, which, when inhabited by Sass, would be able to transform him into a snake-themed superhero Aspik[66], gaining the ability to go back in time for a Second Chance. Later, he returned the Miraculous after failing for the 25,913th time to save Ladybug from a particular villain.[65]
In "Cat Blanc", in an alternative future, Cat Noir, conflicted between his loyalty towards his father and the girl he loved, was akumatized by Hawk Moth into Cat Blanc, a white cat-themed supervillain with the power of infinite destruction. Later, due to Ladybug fixing her mistake, the alternative future was erased, including Cat Noir's akumatization.
In "Miracle Queen," after removing the Snake Miraculous from a brainwashed Viperion, Adrien unified the Snake Miraculous with the Cat Miraculous to become Snake Noir[65] ("Serpent Noir" in the French version).
In "Miraculous World: New York - United Heroez", after Mr. Ramier had been reakumatized into Mr. Pigeon for the 51st time, Cat Noir became Astro Cat to stop Mr. Pigeon from taking over the moon for him and his pigeons. Astrocat has the power to travel long distances swiftly via flight, including in space.
In "Ephemeral", after finding out the truth about his parents, Adrien, affected by an akuma, gave the Cat Miraculous to Shadow Moth/Shadow Noir and was akumatized into Ephemeral, a supervillain who made time faster or sped up the time it took for a Miraculous holder to detransform. Later, after Sass used Second Chance, Ephemeral was erased from the reality.
In "Kuro Neko", after giving up on being Cat Noir due to feeling unappreciated by Ladybug, Adrien was convinced by Plagg to create a brand new identity as a holder of the Cat Miraculous, becoming Cat Walker ("Patte De Velours" in the French version), even donning a brand new suit. He later returned to his original hero persona.
In "Evolution", after future Bunnyx was paralyzed during a fight against Monarch, Cat Noir took her Rabbit Miraculous and combined it with the Cat Miraculous to become Rabbit Noir so he and Ladybug could keep on fighting the supervillain and prevent him from changing the past or discovering their true identities.
In "Miraculous Paris", he was kamikotized by Betterfly into Celesticat, an angelic-cat-themed superhero to help Ladybug and Betterfly escape from Shadybug and Claw Noir.
In "Passion", to avoid Safari's venom bolts, Adrien temporarily used the Ladybug Miraculous and once again becomes Mister Bug.
In "Revolution", after seeing all the Parisians willingly stand up and fight injustice with their own hands and refuse to turn their backs on Ladybug and Cat Noir, Adrien evolves his powers, and now, he doesn't detransform after using his powers, and is able to cast as many Cataclysms as he pleases without the need to recharge. Then, he was sent to London by his father, and yet, shared a kiss with Marinette before leaving.
In "Representation", after being sent to London, Adrien returns to Paris as Astrocat hoping to find Marinette so he could tell her his identity and stay together but after being struck with Nightormentor's dust and the fear of putting her in danger, he backs off the idea and returns to London.
In "Conformation", when Monarch commenced his global plan against the French Duo, due to him knowing he wasn't in the right state of mind to wield the power of Destruction safely and the fears of his nightmares, Adrien sent Plagg back to Paris with the ring to help Ladybug.
In "Re-creation", after Monarch's defeat and wish, Adrien reclaims his Miraculous and rejoins Ladybug and their whole team in Paris.
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celestial-thoughts · 1 year
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july 17, 2023 - weekly women’s pro wrestling news roundup: week of july 10-16, 2023
this week's news roundup includes:
News & results from last week’s editions of Monday Night Raw, NXT, and Friday Night SmackDown.
News & results from last week's editions of WWE Main Event and NXT Level Up.
News & results from last week’s editions of AEW Dynamite, AEW Rampage, AEW Collision, and AEW Battle of the Belts VII.
Other updates and news from last week.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated's weekly top 10 recap.
Things to look forward to in women’s wrestling this week!
spoilers below the cut for shows/events listed above!
Notable news & results from TV last week:
Monday Night Raw (7/10):
Zoey Stark defeated Becky Lynch. The match was back and forth, with both women nearly scoring pinfall wins several times. Eventually, Becky was distracted by Trish Stratus at ringside, and Zoey was able to roll Becky up for the 3 count. match length-10:30.
Shayna Baszler defeated Emma. Shayna did her signature stomp on Emma's arm, before forcing her to tap to the Kirifuda clutch. match length-1:30.
After the match, Ronda Rousey came to the ring. The two former friends faced off, before they began to brawl. Ronda managed to get the upper hand, locking in the armbar, but not getting Shayna to tap.
Backstage, Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green confronted WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez, questioning why they were going to be ringside for their match. Raquel & Liv said that they wanted to scout the competition. The tag champs were then confronted by Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley, who stepped to Raquel and told her to stay out of her business.
Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green defeated Kayden Carter & Katana Chance. Chelsea was able to roll Katana up with her feet on the ropes and Sonya on the outside giving her the assist for the pinfall win. match length-2:20.
NXT (7/11):
Cora Jade defeated Kelani Jordan. The finish saw Cora stop Kelani from attempting a springboard move by kicking the middle rope. Cora then followed up with the Death Rider for the win. match length-3:57.
After the match, Cora tried to attack Kelani with a kendo stick, but she was interrupted by Dana Brooke, who hit Cora with a series of dropkicks.
NXT Women's Champion Tiffany Stratton defeated Ivy Nile. Tiffany defeated Ivy after executing the Green Bay Plunge, before hitting the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the pinfall win. match length-4:39.
Backstage, Blair Davenport was interviewed. She said that she enjoyed beating up Roxanne Perez and that she would do it again.
AEW Dynamite (7/12):
Women's Owen Hart Cup Tournament semifinal: Ruby Soho defeated Skye Blue. Ruby had the numbers advantage early in the match with Saraya and AEW Women's World Champion Toni Storm in her corner, but the duo were ejected after interfering. Skye attempted the Code Blue but Ruby countered it. Ruby pinned Skye after hitting No Future. match length-8:47.
WWE Main Event (7/13):
Natalya defeated Xia Li. match length-5:19.
Indi Hartwell defeated Dana Brooke. match length-7:55.
Friday Night SmackDown (7/14):
Bayley defeated Zelina Vega. match length-2:02.
After the match, Shotzi appeared onscreen, and taunted Bayley while shaving her head.
Bianca Belair defeated Asuka by DQ; Asuka retained the WWE Women's Championship. Iyo was about to cash in her Money in the Bank contract, but Asuka hit Bayley in the face with the mist. match length-9:01.
NXT Level Up (7/14):
Valentina Feroz defeated Lola Vice. match length-4:59.
AEW Rampage (7/14):
Taya Valkyrie defeated. Izzy McQueen. match length-0:24.
After the match, Taya was confronted by Saraya and AEW Women's World Champion Toni Storm. Taya challenged Toni to a title match at Battle of the Belts VII.
Women's Owen Hart Cup Tournament semifinal: Willow Nightingale defeated Athena. match length-10:36.
AEW Collision (7/15):
Women’s Owen Hart Cup Tournament final: Willow Nightingale vs. Ruby Soho. match length-9:08.
AEW Battle of the Belts VII (7/15):
Toni Storm defeated Taya Valkyrie to retain the AEW Women's World Championship. match length-11:16.
Other news & updates from last week:
On Monday, July 10, Nikki Cross announced on Twitter that she has officially graduated with her Master's in History from the University of Edinburgh.
On Thursday, July 13, Ariel Helwani tweeted that he was told Ronda Rousey is not considering returning to the UFC. The tweet comes after a rumor was started on Wednesday during media day for UFC Vegas 77.
On Saturday, July 15 at Impact Slammiversary, Trinity (fka Naomi) defeated Deonna Purrazzo to win the Impact Knockouts World Championship. This win marks Trinity's first time holding a singles title since 2017 when she was SmackDown Women's Champion.
On Sunday, July 16 on Twitter, Ring of Honor announced that Athena will defend the Ring of Honor Women's World Championship against Willow Nightingale this Friday at Death Before Dishonor.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 10 rankings recap:
Evaluation period: July 7-13, 2023. Published on July 14, 2023. Note: my recap of PWI's top 10 tag teams of the week will only cover the women's tag teams listed in the rankings for the week (PWI includes both men's and women's tag teams in their rankings). PWI lists their criteria for rankings as the following: championships held/defended, win-loss record, push, and technical ability.
PWI's Women's Wrestling top 10:
1: Tam Nakano (Stardom) 2: Giulia (Stardom, NJPW) 3: Alex Widsor (Freelancer) 4: Mirai (Stardom) 5: Tiffany Stratton (NXT) 6: Mizuki (Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling, DDT Pro Wrestling) 7: Rika Tatsumi (Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling, DDT Pro Wrestling) 8: Vert Vixen (Freelancer) 9: Miyu Yamashita (Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling) 10: Utami Hayashishita (Stardom)
PWI's Tag Team Wrestling top 10:
3: Giulia, Mai Sakurai, & Thekla (Stardom) 5: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez (WWE) 10: Hyper Misao & Shoko Nakajima (Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling)
Things to look forward to this week:
A reminder that the upcoming edition of Friday Night SmackDown on July 21 will air on FS1 instead of Fox due to coverage of the Fifa Women's World Cup.
Tonight, July 17 on Monday Night Raw, WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez put the gold on the line against number one contenders Sonya Deville & Chelsea Green.
Current Women's Champions in WWE & AEW:
WWE: - Women's World Championship: Rhea Ripley - WWE Women's Championship: Asuka - NXT Women's Championship: Tiffany Stratton - WWE Women's Tag Team Championship: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez - Ms. Money in the Bank: Iyo Sky
AEW: - AEW Women's World Championship: Toni Storm - TBS Championship: Kris Statlander
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tarithenurse · 2 years
Nightingale Masterlist
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Smut/lemons/nsfw/sexual themes = * Mental health issues = % Violence/gore = #
Always watch out for individual chapter warnings/content.Reader is per default female unless otherwise stated.
Nightingale * % # (RiP/HIATUS)
(Hatake Kakashi x oc!reader.) Kakashi investigates strange occurences in Konoha that have much greater consequences than he ever could have imagined.
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17 || Chapter 18 || Chapter 19 || Chapter 20 || Chapter 21 || Chapter 22 || Chapter 23 || Chapter 24 || Chapter 25 || Chapter 26 || Chapter 27 || Chapter 28 || Chapter 29 || Chapter 30  ||  Chapter 31 || Chapter 32 || Chapter 33 || Chapter 34 || Chapter 35 || Chapter 36 || Chapter 37 || Chapter 38 || Chapter 39 || Chapter 40 || Chapter 41 || Chapter 42 || Chapter 43 || Chapter 44 || Chapter 45 || Chapter 46 || Chapter 47 || Chapter 48 || Chapter 49 || Chapter 50 || Chapter 51 || Chapter
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rhianna · 8 months
Japan, Early Literature, Poetry
—The civilization of Japan is an off-shoot or development of that of China, and the Japanese literature is based upon Chinese models and standards. The literary relation strikes[39] one as in some respects similar to that which existed between Great Britain and the American Colonies, or later with the American States. The literature of Japan is described, however, as characterized by much more elasticity, variety, and creative originality than is possessed by that of China, and in place of stereotyping itself upon the models of old-time classics, it has shown from century to century a wholesome power of development.
At one time, says Karpeles, Japan possessed an alphabet of its own, but later, the Chinese characters were introduced, and were used together with the older alphabet. It is only the very earliest writings in which the Japanese characters alone are employed. The Japanese scribes have from the beginning worked with brushes rather than with pens, and in so doing, have been able to utilize such substances as silk, which would have been unsuitable for the work of the pen. The invention of paper, however, took place at an early date, possibly simultaneously with its first use in China. Printing from blocks, and later from type, was promptly introduced from China early in our era.
According to the native chroniclers, the earliest literary production of Japan was the work of the two[40] gods Izanaghi and Izanami. These gods, having created the country, thought it was incomplete without some poetry, and the poetry was therefore added. Tsurayuki, a poet of the tenth century, takes the ground that all true expression of feeling is poetry. The nightingale sings in the wood, the frog croaks in the pool; each is giving utterance to a feeling, and each, therefore, is pouring forth a poem. There is no living being, he continues, who is not a producer of poetry. (This is as startling to us ordinary mortals as the discovery of Molière’s Monsieur Jourdain that he had been talking prose all his life without knowing it.) As poetry, says Tsurayuki, begins with the expression of feeling, it must have come into existence with the beginning of creation.[14] In the earliest times, he says, when the gods were poets, the arrangement of sounds into syllables had not been made, and rhythm had not been invented. These early divine poems or utterances of the gods are, therefore, very difficult to understand. Later, however, Susanoo-no-mikoto fixed sounds into syllables, and then, according to the tenth-century poet, Japanese literature had its actual beginning, but he does not give us the date of this useful piece of work. We are inclined to wonder what[41] the wise Susanoo, etc., did about the announcing of his own name, say on really formal occasions, before the little matter of the invention of syllables had been accomplished.
Authors and their public in ancient times by George Haven Putnam http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/72922
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