stiffyck · 2 years
My friend wants to vote schlatt.
I just lost a friend
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ofsootandsmoke · 9 months
That last post instilled a lot of thoughts in me, so I'm going to share them since I have the perspective of one of the fuckers himself.
To start, I never really believed Quackity to be truly inferior to me. I knew I had it all and he had nothing, but I knew very quickly that he could have what I did and more if he put his mind to it (and he did; just look at Las Nevadas). That frightened me as much as it intrigued me because everyone else seemed to be on different playing fields. I had no one to compare to, then he came along, and the fascination began instantly. Though, remember, I met him freshly after Eret's betrayal, and my suspicions in people's intentions were rising. Had I met Q just two weeks sooner, we probably would've been the strongest allies on the SMP, but by the time I met him, I was beginning to become paranoid, so I interacted with him like he was simultaneously something dangerous that had to be captured and like an injured animal on the side of the road.
With the elections, I had no qualms with Quackity himself, in hindsight. However, at the time, I placed my entire self-worth in winning that election. If I lost, I was nothing, and I had to be something. If I lost, it proved people didn't like me, that no one really wanted me, and I tried hard to make people like me. I even allowed two parties in after the ballots closed because, if people saw I was good, they'd like me more (good people don't get far in life; good people get left for dust). For the most part, though, I wasn't worried. No one had anything close to what I had back then, and then that goddamned vote pooling happened, and I watched my entire life crumble in an instant. What I built up from dirt was no longer mine, and even worse, I couldn't even be part of it. Before I turned and ran, I saw Q's smile, smug and proud. He won, he had it all now, and now I had nothing. An instant role reversal.
I have never accepted defeat, and I never stop working until I am dead. So, again, with my bare hands, I carved Pogtopia out of a ravine and began an underground rebellion. Whispers on the streets got around, and my people, my friends and family who didn't know what happened to me and stood idly by in the face of tyranny, came back to me. No one gains a following by manipulation, but I gained everything through love and trust. That's what brought people back to me. That's what made people believe I was worth spying for. At some point, I suppose he overheard the whispers, too, and I wish I knew what his thoughts were when he realized he had to be under my rule if he wanted to take down Schlatt. But, this time, there was no clear "he's in power, he has nothing." We were both simultaneously in power over each other, and we both simultaneously had nothing. Our rivalry calmed, and our push and pull became more of an odd dance, circling each other as we tried to analyze how we'd fit together. I grew to trust him in Pogtopia, and I hated myself for it. I was paranoid of everyone, except Tommy and then him. He was too genuine, and we became transparent with each other, and yet, at the same time, we didn't tell each other anything. We have always been contradictory, both one thing and another.
November 16th, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I watched everything he did because he knew my plans and he could stop me in an instant. That button was my reclamation of power, that pressing that button would mean I win. Not a win for Pogtopia, not for L'Manberg or even Mamberg, but a win for me. Even if I'd be dead, I'd die with a legacy, and you can't exactly beat a dead man. I didn't die in the explosion like I intended, and I got to see the look on his face right before I died. I don't know what emotion I would label it as, but it tore my heart out and made me feel like I was on top of the world. Then, I was left for dead, but I didn't die instantly. I lost sight of him in the chaos. I said things to myself that no one heard, things that were carried off in the wind and drowned out in the fighting. Things that no one but me will ever know.
In Limbo, his name crossed my mind more than just a few times. The first time I allowed myself to think about him was the first time I screamed his name as I clawed at the walls to escape, several weeks into my stay. I knew it was futile, but part of me wanted to believe that if anyone could hear me, it'd be him. It made the most sense to me that it'd be him, my equal. After that, I thought a lot about what we'd been. I don't think he knows it, but his name often left my mouth when I begged for help. I don't think he wants to know the depth of the words I said attached to his name.
(If you're actually reading all this, Q, then just know some things are better on deaf ears).
And then, after thirteen and a half wretched years, I experienced the sun again. I felt warmth on my skin, wind in my hair, and I was alive! And still, one of my first thoughts was, "I have to go see Quackity." But he wasn't at all what he was before— he surpassed what I used to have by far. He had experienced so much, and the once hopeful and optimistic man had become rather jaded, yet he still had that fire, that passion that rivaled mine. I accepted him as my equal in Limbo, but now, he was so far ahead of me, but that didn't change my mind. Even I was pleasantly surprised by his excitement in seeing me again, but we soon fell back into old patterns that both burned us and kept us going. I knew we had stood on equal ground; I just had to catch up a little bit. I definitely tried, and maybe to everyone else, I was falling far behind, but in our eyes, we resumed our rivalry, and we weren't in a push and pull anymore. We figured out our places with each other, and our rivalry became more like a song and dance that neither of us fully knew the moves to. Some things were unexpected, sometimes we let the other take the lead, and most of the time, we were in sync and knew what the other was going to do before he did it. I think he knew that we were on the same ground, too, and I think that pissed him off a little bit then. Even when I was physically at my lowest and living in a burger van on the outskirts of his shining nation, he couldn't truly surpass me, but that implies that either of us were ever truly above each other. To be honest, I've only ever been above him in terms of height. He just hadn't seen his own potential in the beginning and took that as me being better than him.
Time and a relationship have settled us, and of course, I miss some of what we had, but we've accepted in full that we will always be on the same step. We walk in sync, and we always have. He couldn't truly surpass me even if he gave it his all, and neither could I. Even when we hated it, we will always be equal to each other. It's impossible for us to be anything else.
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trashmouthsahra · 3 years
Being the youngest person in Dream Smp HC
Pairings: c!Wilbur x Reader (Platonic) c!Jschlatt x Reader (Platonic) c!Mcyt x Reader (Platonic)
Pronouns: They/Them
Requested?: No :(
Note: Hope you like it! <3
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You were just a baby when Wilbur and Schlatt found you
They were just mining, having some bro time.
And they heard your whimpers
Wilbur gave you some food and his jacket.
Schlatt took you to his home.
Schlatt was hesitant at first.
He didn't know how to raise a kid.
So he ran.
He ran like the coward he was
Wilbur was like your father after that.
He was angry at his best friend for leaving you.
Wilbur already had a child named Fundy.
So it was easy to take care of you
Fundy was like your older brother
He was five when Wilbur brought you home.
You met your grandpa Philza when you started walking
He adores you.
You were ten when your father decided to make drugs
He tried to keep you out of the business
Because you were ten
And drugs are bad yk
Don't do drugs kids.
You liked Sapnap
He was cool
But he was American
And your dad told you that Americans were bad.
So you stopped making him give you piggy-back rides.
You had your own little L'manburg uniform.
"Aww look at you my little star! Fundy look at your sibling they look so cute don't they?"
"Dad please stop I'm ten not five..."
Yeah he liked dressing you up
You liked Tommy
He was a little loud but he was okay
He gave you a disc once
It was named pigstep
It was pretty pog
You loved flower crowns
You made Tubbo one
And Tubbo made you one in return!
You + Tubbo = Cuteness overload
Dream uhmm
Dream and you were complicated
Like you were such a pure soul
And he wanted/didn't want to ruin that
Don't come at him he has troubles when it comes to emotions and shit
Like one day he could hug you kiss your forehead
But then tomorrow he could fucking stab you
Wait no he wouldn't stab you
He would manipulate you to join his side or make you believe he was good
Then there is George
You and him don't talk much
But he gave you a netherite axe one time
So we can say you like him
Niki is like your sister.
She bakes you cookies
You love her
Like when you have a mental break down or something
You know she will always be there for you
When Eret betrayed L'manburg
You were angry
No not angry furious is more like it
It was clear you had anger issues
Sometimes you couldn't control yourself (*Cough*that's why you get along with Technoblade *cough*)
Your father, your brother and Niki tried to console you of course.
But they failed
You took Eret's one life
You loved them really
But she betrayed you
And he wasn't that great of a fighter
You were trained by all the L'manbergians
Plus dream
Dream regrets training you now
Tommy gave Dream his discs
And boom now L'manburg is free
Election Era came
You adored Quackity
He was fun
He was a hybrid like your brother
He tried to give you drugs once
But sadly he became a part of the election
Then came someone you didn't even remember
He couldn't recognise you at first
But then he saw your eyes
Your beautiful Y/E/C eyes
Schlatt's face: xxxx
Your birthday came
Everyone celebrated
Even Dream left you a gift
It was an enchanted trident
You couldn't thank him bc he was like
Baby I'm not even here I'm a hallucination
Wilbur and Tommy used you for campaign
They were like
"Look at this cute kid how can you not vote for this?"
You were confident that your dad and not blood brother was gonna win.
But Dream XD was like bitch you thought-
They lost
Turns out Schlatt and Quackity combined their votes together
You trusted Quackity
You shouldn't have trusted anyone...
Do you guys want a Part 2??????
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khizuo · 4 years
Sometimes I like to think of the Dream SMP and its greater canon as a living fantasy universe, not just a little Minecraft server under Minecraft server assumptions.
I like to think that the world has complex technology in the form of planes, Nokia phones, and little communication devices, but also it’s still a fantasy place with animal hybrid inhabitants, potion-brewing, and enchanted weapons.
I like to think that one day this piglin hybrid and his friend staked a claim on the entire world and immediately everybody panicked, though not a drop of blood had been shed. The next day, there was a highly-anticipated trial, with the stake of the world on the line. 
I like to think that the Angel of Death and the Blade rose to notoriety from this incident, becoming names known far and wide for their battle prowess, and sometimes, this brown-haired teenager with a little tagalong blond kid brother, who seemed to live the most mundane life imaginable, would sometimes stop in the middle of playing some depressing song on his guitar and casually drop, “Oh yeah, the Angel of Death? I know him. He’s my dad.” And then people would stare, as he went on nonchalantly playing his depressing music.
I like to think that one day this same fellow with curly brown hair, now a young adult, called a bunch of people into a drug van and started preaching all sorts of abstract ideas of liberty and equality and freedom from tyranny, and a bunch of people who came to buy potions from that little drug business sat down and thought, “Huh, that sounds kind of cool actually,” and deserted Dream’s absolutist rule.
I like to think that there was a massive audience when Wilbur was announcing the results of the presidential election (there were thousands of votes for that election, remember?) That even the people who weren’t in the audience were also hearing it over their communication devices and blasted around L’manberg, listening with bated breath. 
And when Schlatt took the stage and his first decree was to exile Wilbur and Tommy, chaos immediately descended in the streets. There were violent riots that night. Someone cried out that the former president had been slayed by one of Dream’s soldiers, Punz, and had lost one of his lives, and panic ensued. Next day, the newspapers wrote all sorts of conspiracies of how Schlatt took power. Some of citizens of L’manberg saw this girl, Niki, who was new in town and urging them to fight. Soon they learned that she was an old friend of Wilbur’s, and she became a figurehead of the internal resistance.
I like to think that Purpled’s real estate business terrorized shop owners throughout the Greater Dream SMP. Purpled became way too rich from his exploitative practices, and everyone was too scared to do anything about it because it was rumored that Purpled was scarily good in a fight.
I like to think that people started calling their dogs, cats, and foxes into their houses once rumor began to spread of this merciless pet killer with a flame on their shirt.
I like to think that Pogtopia was a layered place, where resistance fighters were building a lively small community together. The Blade wasn’t really as intimidating as everyone thought — hell, he was a potato farm aficionado who loved to ramble about that one time he spent months farming potatoes in order to beat this kid. It was a bustling ravine where the constant sounds of laughter, tears, and the chinking away of pickaxes could be heard as everyone tried to relax, mine resources, and prepare for revolution.
I like to think that everyone tuned into the Quackity-Schlatt drama. It was all over the tabloids — Vice-President Quackity kills his President and Lover! Read all about it! Everyone made derisive political cartoons about Schlatt... and then people started to make derisive political cartoons about Tubbo.
I like to think there were pirates on the great seas. One day, one such pirate captain by the name of Puffy landed on the shores by L’manberg and the Greater Dream SMP, intending to just do a little casual robbing, but she decided to take a tour around the place with the king and in the process, she met that figurehead of the resistance and couldn’t help feeling a little smitten. Her pirate crew eventually sailed off without her.
I like to think that after Wilbur died, everyone knew about Ghostbur. His music stand was always popular. Sometimes he lended out books from his library, and people took them and read them, even though they were damp and starting to get just a bit moldy. No one wanted to hurt the ghost’s feelings.
I like to think there was a shocked audience at Tommy’s exile.
I like to think the day before Doomsday, the citizens of L’manberg were busy scrambling to evacuate their valuables, to muster their arms. I like to think that some of them, who never thought Tubbo was that bad anyways, followed Tommy and Tubbo to Snowchestire.
I like to think that people actually enjoyed the games at both the festivals, and that there were very many more of them.
I just like to think of the Dream SMP as being an inhabited place, sometimes.
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑 // 𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 2
Masterlist // part one // part three
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
warnings: death, swearing
»» ──────ஓ๑ꨄ๑ஓ ────── ««
Being sapnaps child will include..
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝗼𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐫𝐚
You watched from the trees as the new people entered the smp
They didn’t look exactly right
Especially the one with the beanie
You accidentally fell down the tree
The other one with the horns helped you up, sending you a wink
“You must be really Fallin for me darlin”
“I’m 13” “never mind then”
“Y/n, glad to see you’ve met the new citizens of the smp”
You scowled at Wilbur
Glaring at the weirdly abnormally tall man
“No, and id rather not frankly enough”
Yeah you got your dads sass for sure
“This is Quackity and Schlatt, a very old friend of mine”
You could tell why they were friends
“Say, why don’t you take a detox around Lmanburg? I bet Tommy and Tubbo miss you lots”
Tho you did want to see your friends people?
You were skeptical and were quick to deny
“Yeah, I think I’m good. See you around tho”
Therefore you made your way back home not ready for the news next
So when you found out they were holding a damn election
“Oh for fucks sakes, we just ended the damn war”
Your father just looked at you from the couch next to you with his brows raised
“And you learned that language from where?”
“Do you have to ask?”
He shrugged ruffling your hair
So he just snatched the paper from your hand and took off his bandana
“Am I reading this right?”
“I don’t know papa, you never shown the need for glasses”
He just stared at the flier as I peeked over his shoulder again
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝗼𝐧
George had spent some time explaining the situation barely paying attention
“You know I’m just there to support Quackity, plus dream thinks it’s a good idea.”
You didn’t like the sound of the name “Quackity” but understood a little more
“So uncle dream just wants to use you for Lmanburgs power?” “Exactly”
You were walking down the prime path just causally
Passing by some old things, planning on just spending time at Tommy’s summer home uninvited
Speak of the gremlin
He was just running to you, hat flung across
“Your very un athletic, try running more.”
So he just excused your small comment throwing a stack of buttons in your arm
“Your gonna advertise for me!” “No”
He rolled his eyes sitting down on the wooden path
“I’m desperate, plus you have connections around the smp. I can’t loose this”
“But you know George is running too, I have to support him”
He groaned laying his head back
So you decided to join him on the ground
It was strangely comfortable
“But he’s running with that duck man! Come on, we love you around the burgs.”
“Never call it that again” “you can’t tell me what to do you little shit”
After an hour of just constant begging you finally agreed
So you dragged him back to your house and found the old jacket
It surprisingly fit
So you and Tommy went around the whole smp (avoiding your family)
Giving out buttons and trying to convince people to vote for Pog 2020
That was until the next day
You were just burning some old papers in the community house until you were dragged out by someone
“Little Flame we need you.”
You were thrown a stack of fliers campaigning for swag 2020
“If we wanna win we have to do some work”
You were still tired from yesterday but hauled along none the less
So you went around the smp once again but this time campaigning for a different party???
Everyone thought you were a little crazy
“Weren’t you here yesterday with Tommy?”
“No. Now shut up and vote please”
The day finally came
After a week of campaigning and helping decorate the whole election hall
You sat in the back with sapnap, looking at dream who stood in the corner
Anxiously looking around for George
Where the hell was he??
You shot pog 2020 a thumbs up once Wilbur started calling out names
“Before the votes were called I was informed that swag 2020 and schaltt 2020 would combine their votes. Leaving them beating POG 2020 by 1%”
Frankly enough you were a little upset considering you had done a lot of work
But you were definitely outraged at the next words to come out of schlatts mouth
“I revoke the citizenship of Tommy Innit and Wilbur Soot!”
And then Tubbo was made his right hand man
You had just gotten your friends back
And now this man just taken that away from you too??
You couldn’t give two shits about Wilbur tho
Scoffing before leaving the election hall
But this isn’t your battle to fight
𝐄𝐱𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐜
Yeah so Wilbur was dead (thank goodness)
Lmanburg was blown up
Tubbos president
And your dads been spending a lot less time with you now??
Everything felt so fucked up but perfect at the same time
Oh and there was an enderman with memory loss that you had just grown fond of
Except he doesn’t know you?
Dreams been more and more pissed recently so you couldn’t even go to him anymore
Then you were called into erets castle one day
Yeah no it wasn’t erets castle anymore
“George your king now, N/n spend time with him.”
That whole thing came as a whole cannon
“Do I get a crown?” “Yeah yeah whatever”
You weren’t sent away with George so dream knew you wouldn’t get in trouble
Knowingly enough
That crown fell right off your head
And it was all thanks to tommy
So you him and ender boy had the greatest idea of burning down George’s house!
Ofcourse you fuckers got caught
“Flame what the hell did you do!”
“I did nothing I swear! My hands are clean”
“Then who the fuck burnt down George’s house?” “I’m not the only arsonist!”
You were pissed at your dad
You haven’t seen him in days and now he decides to pay attention to you??
Maybe you should burn down shit more often
“They’re holding a trial, and if I find out your guilty-“
“You’ll what? Send me off into the nether, abandon me? I’m used to that already”
Sapnap was shocked to hear those words as you stormed out of the community house
You two haven’t gotten in many fights ever
There you were in a jail cell with the two other children
“I really don’t want to die yet, I’m too young”
Your dramatic ass couldn’t handle the pressure
Never trust tommy.
Long story short
Ranboo was off the hook, Tommy’s getting exiled, and your going to get executed
I’m just joking they wouldn’t never execute you
But your on probation
Tommy got exiled and dream hates you now
You never thought it’d be possible
But it was!
Therefore you were forced to meet your dads boyfriends
Did I mention that he never told you about this?
boyfriends. Not one but two!
One of them was the other guy you didn’t like and a strange dude obsessed with the time
“Flame meet my boyfriends, Karl and Quackity.”
“I’m going to talk to uncle Dream about my probation, I’m going to exile with Tommy.”
Karl was a little hurt to why you were so cold
Quackity didn’t think you still hated him so it came off a bit abrupt
“Did I do something?” “No Karl, they just need some time alright.”
Time?! Did your dad just say fucking time?
No what you needed was a cold hard nap and to get away from this shit
So when nobody was looking you decided to jump out of the window
Yeah that wast such a good choice since you just landed in the water now soaked
“Did you really this that would work?”
You glared are Quackity who was hollaring
“You know kid, me and Karl’s gonna be around for a long time. Atleast give him a chance if your not ready to forgive me.”
That wasn’t gonna happen
So you booked it
You ran through the smp with soaked clothes, tripping on a rock and landing on something hard
Oh well that’s dreams chest
“Y/n what the hell are you doing here? Arent you supposed to be on probation”
You just raised your hands out to be cuffed as you screamed those words
Those around looked very concerned
“No, I’m getting sapnap stay here.”
Then he realized to not trust the 15 year old arsonist
“Actually you know what, let’s take you to exile.”
You were shocked for some reason happy
“No! Now go inside and dry yourself, I’ll tell Sap your with me.”
You pouted doing as you were told
Following around the green man for the rest of the day
“Wanna visit Tommy?”
You instantly perked up
“Finally someone I like!” You patted him on the back
“You are seriously such an annoying kid”
“Die.” “What?” “Nothing.”
Tommy was more then static of having you with him
“N/n you’re here!”
You were worried when he brought you in a hug, his stuff in a hole
“You good there buddy?” “Totally!”
You didn’t believe him but shrugged it off anyways
Wilbur was also there.. yeah that was displeasing
Wait what the fuck isn’t he dead
“Your Y/n right? Hi I’m ghostbur!”
You tried stabbing him with a stick
That didn’t really work he just laughed handing you some blue
Lets just say ghosty was better then Wilby in your opinion
You were sad to leave Tommy after not seeing him for so long
“Cmon we have to get you back to your dad and the rest of them”
“Screw you” “Language” “what are you grandpa bad?”
Your dad was none the less furious when you came back
“I was worried sick! Hell kid, I couldn’t loose you.”
So you just brought him into a hug
Then Karl came running into the room at the sound of your voice
“There you are! I looked for you around the whole smp, come one we got dinner.”
You were shocked none the less
Okay so maybe timeless and duck man weren’t the worst
Didn’t mean you didn’t trust them fully
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WHEN DID THIS GET SO LONG?? Okay yeah I’m cutting it to three parts which is posted now- I’m sorry but yeah
As always! Ask or request anything and ask if you want to be on a taglist!
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Wilbur and Tommy come up with the idea for an election
Tommy: “Uh, these massive towers have just sprung up that Eret built as like -- to look over us, just to remind us how much he sucks.”
Wilbur: “Yeah, Eret, I’m not sure about Eret, man, he -- well I mean, I am sure about him. I hate him.”
Tommy: “Yeah, no I -- um, there’s this new massive floating...it’s the King’s -- the King’s Court -- that Tubbo made. Tubbo’s developed this new alter ego called ‘Big Law,’ and whenever he eats McDonald’s cookies he turns into him, and he goes ‘EHHHHHHH BIG LAW, BIG LAW, I’M A LAWYER I’M A LAWYER’ and it’s really -- and then he’s also developed his newest character, which I’m yet to meet, called ‘Big Crime.’ I’ve heard terrible, terrible things about Big Crime.”
Wilbur: “Big Crime? I like Big Crime.”
Tommy: “No, I think Big Crime’s done some fuckin’ horrible stuff. So yeah, that’s the new King’s Court where Big Law’s establishment -- uh, the path’s been low -- uh, here’s the thing. L’manburg...and one of the problems is just over there, actually, there was a -- I’m not sure if you were aware about what happened, the words of last night. Uh, there’s been some proper tyranny going on, my friend. Look at me in the eyes when I’m talking to you -- There’s been some proper tyranny.”
[Wilbur pushes Tommy off the wall]
Wilbur: “Don’t tell me what to do, alright? You’re getting out of your comfort zone. Who’s the President? Tommy, who’s the President?”
Tommy: “How dare you, how dare you, you must respect manners, Wilbur! There are manners! There is a common etiquette that everyone must follow, my friend!”
Wilbur: “Tommy, who’s the President?”
Tommy: “...You’re the President.”
Wilbur: “Good lad, now come back.”
Tommy: “I -- you’re gonna have to drop down a ladder, I’m not sure how we’re gonna --”
Wilbur: “Walk ‘round, walk ‘round, Mr. Vice President.”
Tommy: “I might sprint, I’m not really feeling like walking today, you’ve really alerted my senses. No, actually, that’s good, that’s good, we can go this way. So anyway, it’s been -- there was a...”
[They walk down the Prime Path]
Tommy: “Uh, so this -- Karl’s house sprung up here -- Tubbo’s also turned into a real estate agent, um...Tubbo is really letting himself shine at the minute, he’s--”
Wilbur: “He’s following us, you know.”
Tommy: “That’s probably Big Crime. So, you see that massive, just -- ruins in the sky, Wilbur? That’s the work of -- so there was a flourishing tower there and Big Crime struck it with his mighty --”
[Tommy points out the ruins of Ponk’s Lemon Tree]
Wilbur: “Oh! He’s an estate agent and also a property destroyer!”
Tommy: “And also a lawyer. He’s -- it’s a real juxtaposition.”
Wilbur: “An arsonist, lawyer, and then criminal?”
Tommy: “It’s called character development, my friend.”
Tommy: “Uh, this is Big Q’s mansion, he’s not built anything...and Jack Manifold was building Tesco and just stopped, now it’s just a looming shadow on uh...this is Walmart that Purpled built. And it’s just an empty hallway. It’s really--”
Wilbur: “Waste of space. This is just why L’manburg’s the best place to be on the server.”
Tommy: “‘Cause there’s so little space, so much discomfort.”
[They look at Walmart]
Tommy: “Oh yeah, Tubbo also did this thing where he just started calling everything a ‘flavor.’ He’s really having a -- it’s a real weird time in his life.”
[They notice Tubbo watching them again and start running]
Tommy: “Uh, and also, I have some actually, unfortunate news for you, pal. I want you to sit down when I tell this to you. Take a seat on this path, please. Now I’m not sure if you were -- there was a civil war, Wilbur.”
Wilbur: “I -- I heard. I heard of the civil war. Between Fundy and Tubbo.”
Tommy: “Yeah, your son and -- and one of Big Crime-Law-Tubbo--”
Wilbur: “And our secretary of state!”
Tommy: “Yeah, had a huge quarrel, and I actually -- you’ll be happy to know I defused it, because I’m--”
Wilbur: “--Thank you. Good.”
Tommy: “You’re welcome!”
Wilbur: “Yeah...”
Wilbur: “I’ve got a question for you, before we continue...why has Walmart got chimneys?”
[Wilbur and Tommy stand in the Vape Tower and look out across the land]
Wilbur: “Tommy, we need power.”
Tommy: “Yeah?”
Wilbur: “I’ve tried -- I spoke to Fundy and Tubbo yesterday, I told them how I didn’t like the civil war they were having, you know the fights that were going on.”
Tommy: “Yeah, that huge war in our name, yeah.”
Wilbur: “I told them I wasn’t happy with it, I told them to stop. Do you remember when you started getting angry at Dream, and I tried to control you, and you ignored me? ...Yeah. See, this is the thing. Tommy, I...I led the revolution, right, but the issue is, is that I sort of became the de facto President, but no one listens to me. No one cares about mine -- or your -- power. No one cares! To us, we may be in anarchy, you know?”
Tommy: “Well yeah, ‘cause when I said, ‘Wil, who’s President,’ and you went ‘Me. It’s not a democracy,’ and then we all agreed with you, ‘cause you can always say things that are smart.”
Wilbur: “Look, I can always push things off as an autocracy, I can always start, just, making myself the dictator of L’manburg, but I don’t want to!”
Tommy: “You know what you are? You’re like a soup, Wilbur. Like a physical soup. Like a walking, talking soup, you know? You got the accent, the posh accent, you’re always acting smart and everyone...you’re just like a personification -- a metaphor, if you will...”
Wilbur: “S -- coming from the Schlatt stan.”
Tommy: “How dare you! I am no Schlatt stan!”
[They bicker and then do their bit of going up and down the Vape Tower due to repeated miscommunication]
Wilbur: “We can either, Tommy, right -- we can either become a dictatorship, okay...we can just suddenly decide, ‘right, we’re in charge,’ and we just start -- we start asserting our dominance. Now the key thing to being a dictator, is we need to control the center of power...so we get an army going --”
Tommy: “What is the center of power? Is it like some cube, or like an orb?”
Wilbur: “The army! The army! The banks, you know? We take control of those, and then people will do exactly as we say, right? That’s the dictatorship route, right. The other route is the democracy route. Now, this route’s gonna be slightly harder, but I have a plan. So I was thinking...what better way of making people believe that you’re in charge than by having them vote for you, right?”
Tommy: “Tricking them. Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
Wilbur: “So how about this, Tommy. We hold an election, we don’t tell anyone else that we’re holding an election, and then we shut the ballot when it’s only me as President and you as Vice President running. So when the vote comes, they have to vote for us!”
Wilbur: “What we do, Tommy, is we get our names on the ballot and then we shut the ballot and don’t let anyone else run.”
Tommy: “Let’s do it! It’s genius! It’s democracy with no democracy!”
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dream smp war 2 updates
doing a second chain post! i thought it would be appropriate if i did since it seems like there’s a new era of wars coming our way. 
(this post will keep updating by reblogged additions, so feel free to save this post somewhere or follow me to check for new updates every now and then!)
and ya’know, i thought wouldn’t be able to do this, but i realize that where else am i gonna infodump but here? so yea. here i go again.
(if you wanna check the first dream smp war post-war updates, it’s here!)
without further ado, time to explain whatever the heck just happened last stream! timeline of events might be funky because a lot of things happened, but i’ll try my best to at least mention everything that went down in the streams.
wilbur, tommy, tubbo, eret, quackity, and a confused hbomb’s stream - september 22
summary: schlatt and quackity win presidency, tommy and wilbur are exiled, some friends have become traitors, some foes have become allies, and technoblade joins the game.
the first streams that came from this honestly were very calm. legit the calm before the storm. tubbo was hanging out with niki, eret, and hbomb and eret reveals to tubbo that his first pufferfish that was stolen by fundy was actually in eret’s possession all along. eret gladly returns the beloved pufferfish to tubbo, and they rename it back to it’s original name “phukkit”.
then, everyone begins going in the server as each campaign stands on the podium waiting for the event to begin. wilbur, tommy, and tubbo first stray away from the group for a bit to watch l’manberg one last time. tubbo introduces to them his secret bunker in the lake for them to seek refuge just in case pog2020 loses. inside the bunker’s chests are some freshly brewed potions for wilbur and tommy to use in the future.
tubbo then brings tommy to the benches outside tommy’s little house and they play one more music disc together. here, tubbo gifts tommy the pufferfish he just gained earlier today, and tommy promised to treasure it dearly.
now, the event begins, and wilbur begins announcing the results. luckily, everyone is here this time. in last place is coconut2020. a funny thing about this is that fundy actually committed tax fraud and got around 100,000+ votes to be counted in the google form just from coding some bot to vote for them. in third place is schlatt, in second is quackity, and pog2020 wins the number one vote.
here’s where the plot twist happens: quackity and schlatt apparently agreed to combine their votes if pog2020 doesn’t win. therefore, quackity and schlatt got 47% of the votes as pog only got 46%, making schlatt and quackity the shared president of l’manberg. tommy protests to these decisions, but wilbur accepts it with ease, and the two merely step down the podium in shame as they watch schlatt take a speech.
schlatt went on full dictator mode-- the first decree he signed as president is to revoke wilbur and tommy’s presence in l’manberg, exiling them. tommy was confused at first before wilbur demanded him to run to the bunker. schlatt immediately conducts a search party for him, electing tubbo as his right hand man to personally hunt the two down. obviously, tubbo would do it hesitantly, and he doesn’t actually get to meet the two in the bunker at all.
a lot of the nation was quite torn from the election results. quackity and george seem to be supportive of schlatt, niki, tubbo, and eret seem to despise schlatt, and fundy and jack seem to just blindly support him as well despite being l’manbergians. punz, ponk, and hbomb were there as well, but it was quite difficult to know who they were siding with since they kinda just got pushed around by everyone at the end.
using invisibility potions, wilbur and tommy escape the bunker to go somewhere in the forest to find their new home. they find a nice hill to make a small house in, and they later name this new nation “pogtopia”. they run into some conflicts though as wilbur and tommy forget to bring an enderchest with them, and they need some of the materials in them now if they want to build up a defense.
and then, in the middle of nowhere, techno tweeted:
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wilbur claims he doesn’t want to trust techno right away because he was american, but they do consider having him as an ally later on.
firstly, let’s get back to l’manberg. upon schlatt’s request, the walls of l’manberg are being torn down. i heard somewhere that this might’ve been done thanks to fundy’s suggestion, but i’m not sure. everyone complies, and wilbur and tommy visit l’manberg one last time before it gets taken apart. as they watch fundy and tubbo tear down the wall, wilbur sings the l’manbergs national anthem. (the wall also eventually gets expanded past l’manberg, but i’m not sure how far they’ve built it)
speaking of fundy, fundy’s kind of in a weird place right now. he seems to unhesitantly side with schlatt in this election, and allows his policies easily as if he didn’t care about anyone else in l’manberg. knowing this, wilbur actually disowns fundy. it wasn’t in front of him, but he does say that he is extremely hurt by him in front of techno and tommy.
before i talk about the rescue of techno, we gotta go back to quackity and schlatt for a bit. quackity actually caught tommy visiting his place to get an enderchest, but i believe he doesn’t tell schlatt about it. quackity is quite interesting because while he does believe in some of the policies schlatt believes in, he also believes that schlatt is taking this dictatorship too far. even he thought exiling tommy and wilbur was a big deal, and he aims to be the voice of reason to be able to change schlatt’s mind about his policies. moreover, he wants to discuss matters with tommy and wilbur as well to get on their side too, but wilbur doesn’t wanna talk to quackity because, fourth wall break, he believes they’re progressing far into the story too much if they do, and honestly, valid reason lmao.
do note that quackity is trying his best to tear down schlatt’s evil dictatorship. he’s secretly been advocating for niki and is helping her escape schlatt’s grasp when she needs it, and he eventually talked to schlatt near the end of the stream to be more mindful of quackity’s opinions because without him, schlatt wouldn’t have won. there’s some toxic relationship plot device being used here between schlatt and quackity, and i’m interested to see how this will all play out.
back to tommy and wilbur, they call techno and actually consider his help. tommy says he will run back to spawn and tell him when to join so that he can bring him to their secret base. eret tries to help them and supply them with goods, but tommy and wilbur refuses his help profusely. finally, when tommy reaches spawn, techno joins, and my god, all the three streams i watched just went “TECHNOBLADE????” all at once. 
on schlatt’s end, he claims that techno’s arrival was part of schlatt’s plan all this time. on the other hand, techno claims he’s only here for wilbur and tommy. i fully believe techno would be with wilbur and tommy, but of course, i can never be sure. just don’t discount the possibility of a traitor!techno happening sometime soon.
even if ponk tried to kill techno and tommy as they tried to escape, tommy was able to kill ponk before techno got hurt. they eventually arrived to pogtopia, and there, wilbur declares that he will be a different man from what they know of him pre-election. i’m thinking there’s going to be more violence surrounding the war, and also some strategic planning. they want to get tubbo as a secret agent for them to tear schlatt and quackity apart, eventually leading to the downfall of the dictatorship. niki might also be someone crucial here because she and wilbur have been exchanging messages secretly, so there’s going to be some niki action too.
then, schlatt makes another announcement. after the walls have been torn down, he declares l’manberg gets a new name-- manberg. niki protests, and wilbur and tommy and rightfully disgusted, but schlatt wasn’t going to do anything about it.
everyone in pogtopia, before they can stack up on some resources, have to go back to the dream smp because they comedically have to get a visa for one day for when ninja joins the minecraft server. they were greeted peacefully (and techno steals some potatoes!!!), and it was definitely fun to see so many people in the server all at once. evetually, schlatt does grant them the visa, and they leave. they talk to tubbo one last time, and tubbo warns them about techno being allegedly “paid” by schlatt to betray tommy and wilbur. tommy regards it for now, but after that, they leave to return to pogtopia.
in pogtopia, they begin mining for resources. in the ravine they found below their base, tommy found a strip mine that leads EXACTLY BACK to his bunker. this will be used for a secret passage for them just in case they discreetly want to return to the dream smp.
this is kinda where the main plot stuff ends for wilbur and tommy’s streams, but in eret’s stream, apparently he and bad found pogtopia. they find techno silently, gifting him with potatoes, and leaving promptly after.
on quackity’s end, he’s really trying to convince schlatt to become more open-minded about this entire presidency. there’s some real tension going on between these two, and it wouldn’t be a surprise if they break it off for quackity to join pogtopia. it really seems like they’re hinting it to become that way.
now, it seems like everything’s done, but nope. on eret’s stream, fundy single handedly burned down the l’manberg flag that niki built. FUNDY BETRAYAL AND ERET REDEMPTION ARC. niki is LIVID at fundy, but she wasn’t able to talk to him as he left the server immediately. we don’t know what fundy’s true intentions are, but it’s assumed that he’s siding with schlatt for now. eret at least tells niki they’ll try to rebuild it with concrete so it can’t be destroyed.
JUST AS ALL THIS SHIT CONCLUDES, SAPNAP JOINS. he only joins so he can catch up with everything he missed. eret and niki explain everything to him, and sapnap says he will have to talk to dream about this. he then leaves afterwards.
conclusion: BE HYPED. BE HYPED FOR PLOT. SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION TO THE ENTIRETY OF THE DREAM SMP FOR THIS AMAZING PLOT. DON’T SEND THEM HATE; MAKE CONTENT FOR IT INSTEAD. these people probably worked hard improv-ing/making plots for these, so show your love and appreciation for them!!!!!
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recycledcactus · 4 years
so i’m really thinking about the Dream SMP as like, a world with civilians and stuff. because you know how when there was an election, our votes were canon, right? so what if there were regular ol’ villagers and civilians who lived in this world...
(also this is kinda based off of something @khizuo said a while back. also @phantom-clock, @strawberiitea, and @emo-and-confused, y’all might like this, idk)
reblogs appreciated :]
Warning: Long post ahead!!! (Basically me just skimming over all the events since Tommy had the first duel with Dream and then to the point where he and Tubbo faced off with Dream in sort of a civilian’s perspective)
I’m thinking about how people inhabited the lands of the whole DreamSMP, lived in those places and had homes and jobs in those places. There were people who followed their leaders. People who grew to question their leader’s morals. People who still remained after all the destruction. And people who left because nothing could ever be the same
I’m thinking about how some men, women, and even possibly some children went to war for their countries. They looked up to their leaders––their symbols of hope and freedom. They fought and died and some probably never made it home.
I’m thinking about how they went to bed one night, presuming they had lost the first war, only to wake up to cheering in the streets. They woke up to see their leader, Wilbur, and his closest friends laughing and hollering and yelling ‘We won!!’. Do you think they ever learned that Tommy sacrificed a life? Do you think they were told that? Or do you think they lived in blissful ignorance that a child died and gave up his discs for their country. Did they celebrate that day, thinking all was well?
Did they pass the walls of Eret’s castle with hatred in their gut?
What about Schlatt’s election? I wonder if people knew who this guy was. Wasn’t he just a stranger brought to their lands? Schlatt was originally there to help Pog2020 win, right? How did the citizens feel when the ram announced he’d be running too? Or worse, when he won? They must’ve been scared, right? Confused. Scared. Unsure. Curious, probably. And when Tommy and Wilbur were exiled. They had to watch their leaders be shot at, driven away by arrows and mad laughter. They watched Tubbo be called to the podium. Watched Schlatt grin at the teenager and announce him as his right hand man. They were helpless to Tubbo nervously leading Tommy and Wilbur far away. Did they riot? Cry out? Try to fight? Were they held back by the others? Perhaps some left the nation, too scared to stay.
Citizens probably slipped away in the night, past guards, and followed where they saw Tommy and Wilbur go. They probably found the two building their home and joined them, eventually setting up a system for other people on their side to come quickly. Did they work as double-agents in the shadows? I imagine they mined out Pogtopia and created little pockets of space to live in. Children’s laughter would ring out on all levels of the ravine. Patters of footsteps rung throughout the underground society. People would slip in and out with resources, information, and recruits. It was a small, bustling base. But it was home to the revolution.
They watched the great Blood God walk their halls, scared to be in his presence but ultimately in awe. They farmed silently by his side for hours, just to go to bed and wake up the next morning, finding he didn’t stop. That probably changed their vision of him, if only for a short while.
I wonder how they felt when Wilbur went insane.
Were the plans of bombing their old nation just rumours that echoed the caves? Or did they know the grim possibility of what could come?
When Technoblade murdered Tubbo, did cries ring out in the streets? I’d imagined they did. I’d imagine more riots. By both citizens and revolutionists. Fireworks danced in the skies but they were never a joyous sight after that day. Did people yell and scream at Techno as he massacred the leaders and founders of this server? Or did they dare to make a noise, too scared to meet an end like that?
Some of the adults gathered around the pit Wilbur made, watching the sickening show happen. They cringed at each of Wilbur’s little taunts. This was not their leader. This was not who they swore to follow.
I think some people left the lands after that.
They went into another war and thought they came out with a win. Schlatt was dead in the old drug van and it seemed things were at peace now. Many people disagreed with Tommy being at the podium––being in power––but not much was said. It couldn’t really get worse from Schlatt and Wilbur, right? Tubbo is elected and he accepts. There are cheers and cries of relief. Everyone’s tired but in a good mood. They don’t notice their old leader slip away. It only descends into more chaos from there. There are more fireworks, fighting, clanging of metal on metal. People no longer know which side is which––or even who attacked in the first place. Tommy is yelling something, and Techno is yelling something back. Did they notice Wilbur was gone? Did they start to realize the gravity of the situation? Did anyone suddenly just feel hopeless and accept that this was the end? The ground shakes, and people can’t tell if it was due to battle, or due to a winged man entering their world. Civilians and soldiers alike witness their home explode and burn to the ground. Did they have time to see Phil and Wilbur argue? Did they watch their former president get stabbed by his father? Or were they too distracted with Techno’s speech and the Withers and Tommy’s reaction to see anything? (A reminder was set into place: Do no mess with the Blood God). How many people do you think died that day? Soldiers and civilians alike? Children, even?
What did they do when their nation was nothing but a burning hole in the ground?
What did they do when they suddenly lost everything? When their homes were nothing but rubble and ash? When the bodies of their friends and family alike littered the gaping crater that was their nation?
Did they hold onto hope at the words of their new leader––the dream of a new L’Manburg? More people left, probably. Did the revolutionists take their stuff from Pogtopia and never enter that toxic crevice of a base again? Perhaps they put up tents and huts around the destroyed L’Manburg just like how it used to be in the early days. They set to work slowly rebuilding their country and tried their best to keep their spirits high. It wasn’t the end.
Philza was nice to them, albeit melancholy at times. They liked him. (Did they know what he did)?
How many people do you think yelled and took out their anger on Ghostbur? How many people do you think actually liked him?
Did they turn the site of the still-intact L’Mantree into a graveyard for their fallen friends and family?
I wonder how many people hated Tubbo being in power. Hated that a kid was leading their country. Or were they more pitying and angry at life for doing these things to children?
Did they know Tommy and the new kid, Ranboo, burning George’s house before Dream caught on? How many were terrified when the obsidian walls were put up? How many people were angry when Tommy went to court. Angry at Tommy for doing this? People probably either yelled that Tommy was just a kid, a victim of war and manipulation. Others probably yelled that ‘yes, this was all his fault, he should be punished for this’.
But were they prepared to see their conflicted leader exile his best friend?
Did they riot, scream, curse, and fight? Did they shout at Tubbo for being a terrible leader? Did they drive him into his home with their protests? Or were they stunned into silence at the gravity at the situation. He was a kid. He was a kid. He was a kid. They were kids. Did anyone try to find Tommy when he was in exile but ultimately get killed/escorted back to L’Manburg for their efforts? What did they think when Tubbo stumbled into their nation one day with tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, mumbling something about ‘Tommy’s dead’?
I wonder how many people lost respect for their president that day.
I wonder if they showered the famous bench in flowers, place notes of respect in Tommy’s house, and give him a grave under the L’Mantree next to Wilbur’s.
Was it a surprise when Philza fled the country? He was kind, yes, but he never seemed to enjoy himself. He always looked tied down. Were they happy he was going to find a better place to be, or were they angry if they knew just where exactly he was going? Were they horrified and disappointed in their government for forming a ‘butcher army’? How sick do you think they felt when they heard the ambitious whispers of Quackity and saw how his behaviours became small reflections of Schlatt? Were they terrified at the possibility that another dictator like Schlatt could arise into power? Did they watch Techno’s failed execution with satisfaction or with unease? I think some were more amazed seeing the powers of a Totem of Undying for the first time. (A second reminder was set into motion: Do not mess with the Blood God).
Was anyone brave enough to ask Quackity how he got that scar running down his face?
How do they feel when Sam starts building a large whatever-the-hell-it-is out of blackstone and obsidian? They might catch wind of a prison being built to contain somebody certain. Nobody knows who, but many theories (Tommy, Techno, Tommy, Techno, Tommy–) are discussed. Is the inescapability of the prison boasted about or kept entirely secret? Does anyone look at the massive creation and feel like throwing up on sight? Not only because of the magical effects, but also because how the hell could somebody put a living, breathing human in there and not feel an ounce of regret or remorse? It sticks out like a sore thumb in the badlands and soon people just learn to travel places in a way that they can avoid it at all costs. I wonder if anyone senses Sam’s slight discomfort when he’s talking about who will go inside. Do they pity him? Or do they spit on him and glare at him for agreeing to do this?
The egg is is still only known by Bad, but do you think they sense the changes in his behaviours? Or are they simply too busy with their own lives?
When Tommy shows up, do people think they’re hallucinating? Do they stop in their tracks when they see that not only is he still alive, but he also looks nothing like who he was. He looks tired. So, so tired. His eyes are mostly dull, only the twinkle of the Christmas lights making them seem remotely bright. Though his smile is wide, do they notice how nervous it is? How happy yet unbelievably worried he is? How he slouches more, curls in on himself more, to appear smaller and less threatening. He still speaks loudly, yes, but he shuts up much faster. Do they notice how he always looks over his shoulder? How he always seems hesitant to open his mouth. Do they even recognize who he is anymore?
How do they feel when Tommy lights up when he sees Tubbo, yet seems almost scared to go and talk to him?
When the festival for Dream is announced, do they dread it? Do they get nightmares about the old festival when Tubbo was executed? Do they talk amongst themselves about how bad of an idea it is? Does anyone protest? Or are they just relieved to get some time off? I can’t imagine they’d know about the plans to assassinate Dream.
Are there any passerby’s when Dream stops Techno and Tommy at the Nether portal? Do they exhale in relief when Techno says Tommy is with him? Do they hold their breaths when Techno talks about cashing in a favour? Or do they simply retreat, too scared to be caught in a potential scuffle?
Do they cower or prepare to fight when Tommy and Techno show up, demanding for Techno’s things back? Does anyone really feel any kind of sadness when a Wither is spawned and destroys bits of their homes? Or do they just sigh and pick up the pieces of their hopeless nation?
How many people hear Techno mention blowing up L’Manburg again when he talks with Tommy at the community house? Does anyone catch that information amidst the pouring rain and newly-broken homes? I imagine it’d go unheard. The civilians are too busy fixing yet another damage to follow the mysterious brothers in the pouring rain. (They’d prefer to sleep in dry beds that night, thank you).
The festival takes place and it’s surprisingly... normal. There are tensions between the members of the cabinet and the other important figureheads of their respective lands, but it’s relatively quiet. It’s obviously not a well-planned festival, but it’s a festival nonetheless. Citizens get to enjoy the crappy games and snack booths that were haphazardly put together. It’s unusually peaceful considering this is the DreamSMP. Do they fall to their knees in despair when they find the watery ruins of the Community House? Are they furious that the most significant building in their world has been destroyed, just like everything else important, it seems. How many tears fall that day? How many accusations are spewed that day?
As they watch Tubbo and Tommy yell at each other, are they reminded of the day Tommy was exiled? Do they think of the face-off between best friends that happened on looming obsidian walls and dull skies?
Can they even register the words Tommy screams in blind frustration?
Are they in disbelief when discs are tossed to the enemy?
Or are they even surprised that another fight is breaking out? Do you really think that after all the shit these people witnessed, they’d still get surprised at conflicts.
But what about when Techno and Dream casually discuss plans to blow up their nation beyond repair? Do they finally register what’s happening? Are they frantic, already running to save their stuff? I think some would be in such a state of shock that they can’t even think about leaving.
I think that’d be the moment when people realize just how utterly powerless they are when it comes to their fates.
Is it really worth being sad over anymore?
When Tommy rallies figureheads and civilians alike, they try to be hopeful. To have one last spark of faith. But it’s hard. It’s so hard to be hopeful when the only constant in your life is destruction and chaos of your own home. It’s hard looking into the eyes of a boy so broken by war but still desperately trying to fix things. To know nobody had faith in him, and watch as this kid tries his goddamn best to make things better.
(Is he called selfish? Are people still mad at him? Does anyone have the energy to be mad at him for wanting peace?)
Nobody sees Nikki destroy their items for war.
Many last ‘goodnights’ are said as everyone prepares for what they dread (read: know) will be the end. They wake up to a big obsidian grid towering over their nation and a feeling of hopelessness settles into their guts. It wasn’t supposed to happen this early. It was supposed to be later. They were supposed to have some time in the morning to prepare for the inevitable. To say their final ‘goodbyes’ and hug their families for what could be the last time. They were not supposed to wake up to a grid obscuring the sun, still in progress of being built.
This battle is far more chaotic than the first destruction of L’manburg. There are far more Withers, far more swords and shields clanging, far more shouts between once-brothers and leaders. Phil no longer has the caring yet melancholy smile on his face. His eyes are cold and uncaring, his mouth unmoving as he schools his expression. People drown in blood, but they keep fighting because why not? They don’t have a reason to live anymore. Why not go out fighting for their doomed nation? They look the screeching Withers in the eyes and accept their fate.
Most are too distracted by Withers to listen, but do some hear the desperate cries between a certain Piglin and a certain blond boy? Do their hearts shatter all over again, or can they no longer feel anything? Perhaps their pity is buried underneath all the trauma and exhaustion they’ve endured. It can be hard to pity another when you yourself are barely getting by. They watch Nikki throw a torch into the L’Mantree, uttering the line ‘It was never meant to be’. They watch as it goes up in flames. They do not have the strength to put it out. But some salute with her and give her silent nods of understanding. They can’t bring themselves to be angry when Fundy stands off to the sides and watches their country burn. Do they hear Ghostbur’s outburst agains Phil? Do they watch in sadness as blue tears flow out of his eyes and he cries out about how much he actually feels things and isn’t just some happy-go-lucky comic relief.
Does anyone have enough care left in them to cry?
The numbered survivors join in on singing the national anthem. That seems to be the breaking point for a lot of them.
It’s okay, some try to convince themselves. It was never meant to be.
Not many people stay after that. There are only around 6% of the original population left. A good portion of these people are ones without families or friends. People who can afford to stay in such a destructive environment. It’s a desolate wasteland and people scatter around to find some kind of shelter. They don’t really know why they stay. Why they bother caring. It’s over. Maybe it’s because there’s really nothing left in life for them so what’s the point in leaving if their past will haunt them forever? Or because the chaos of their lives has now become a definite constant and they can’t imagine living without it. They’ve lived with destruction for so long that peace almost seems boring and unfulfilling. Did they really form an addiction to this lifestyle? How pathetic, honestly. Most people join Tubbo in Snowchester while others simply live wherever isn’t completely destroyed.
There are plans of Tubbo and Tommy finally killing dream.
Citizens are tired. It will not end.
The day comes, slow and steady like molasses on a hot day. Silence blankets the already pretty-quiet lands. Unspoken words are muttered between citizens and leaders alike. They line up on the Prime Path and say goodbye to the boys who fought so hard for a better world.
They try not to think about how much the two have lost, and yet they do not give up. Like the soldiers they were forced to be, they march on and face the jaws of death without any second thoughts. There are no fathers or brothers to be proud of them anymore. Nobody to stand behind them and offer unwavering support. They only have each other, and who knows if that’s a good or bad thing.
The silence that hangs over the land doesn’t lift. Not for many, many hours. Not until they watch as Tommy and Tubbo stumble back into the DreamSMP with wounds on their bodies and drained yet ecstatic smiles on their faces.
Nobody talks when they see Sam lead a chained up and tired-looking Dream to the large, inescapable hellhole that is Pandora’s Vault.
Not a word is uttered until the two teenagers announce their victory.
Dream is on his last life.
Dream is in prison.
Dream will no longer hurt them.
There’s an exhale of relief.
Many would argue that this wasn’t worth it. That living in this land was not worth the trouble it brought upon people. And many people would be right. But the sight of Tommy and Tubbo finally relaxing for the first time since before L’Manburg even started made them feel like maybe, just maybe, this moment was worth sticking around for.
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Fundy 28 APR 21
Delayed Liveblog Vault Hunters Part 1/1
Our favorite fox is damp. And apparently can’t get his hair to sit right.
He’s already having to raise the redemption price. It’s been 5 seconds.
I don’t even quite get Vault Hunters I know Hbomb did it last season and that it.
Charm. Lovely.
Is the bottom right a confetti cannon?
Oh no we have to fight? We can’t be trusted.
We are the sort of people to purposefully lose the fight.
Don’t get me wrong. We love Fundy and will cry on command. But also we are rather mean to him.
Mystic Tomato. I don’t know what it is but I love it.
I was saving up Chanel points for water and ads. But now I gotta save for those and the little fun reward pack things.
Oh no. Did we hit 100 subs already? That’s what it says over his name?
Confetti canon?
5up! Hooray!
HBomb humoring Fundy with the emotes.
Fight fight fight!
So close. We tried out best to fight the giant.
Alright chat. We need another arena. Everyone get him.
Everyone in chat yelling about Phil doing stuff in OSMP. Wrong server y’all. We can deal with that later.
Ooo are we doing VC?
Everything is so chaotic already.
Tubbo and Fundy trying to figure everything out.
You know things are confusing when the original people are like “the what?”
There was a how to play meeting? And somehow these boys are still confused.
Tubbo at least has an excuse to be confused.
I love skill trees in games. They just look so pretty.
“I see a melon!” -Fundy
5up our beloved.
My streamer is being beat up with a boomerang.
Fundy doesn’t know what’s happening, but he’s rich so it works.
Tubbo is just saying every name in hopes he says the right one.
We attack!
We did it! We’re a good chat!
Is 5ups skin still cog champ themed? Maybe not. Maybe my brain is being goofy.
Is Fundy complaining about his hair? I’m not actually paying attention. What is chat on about.
That’s one thing that can be said about all the chats. They like it when their streamers have fluffy hair.
Chat really is just crying aren’t they. Fundy’s chat has a skill of crying at everything.
Hooray 5up is active! Fundy go say hi for us!
Hooray friends!
Super good item! I don’t get it, but super good item!
Arena arena. We’re almost to the arena!
Aww. I missed the bets.
Beat em up chat!
Oh no. He’s hitting hard.
Oh were getting hit hard.
But we did it!
Good Job Wolf! Awesome Millionaire!
No arena box for winning. Rude.
Chat can’t even remember how many fights we’ve won.
Stupid full inventory.
Temporary base on the hill.
Pretty chest!
All the gifted subs. Such a popular streamer.
That looks so cool! I missed what it did but it looks cool!
Ooo all sorts of cool things.
Look at chat go
Look at everyone giving Fundy things.
It’s neato that they use peoples skins. That you can see the people who donated.
Shulker crates! Nice! That’ll be good for transporting things.
We’re so fancy.
Ooo sorting. The most complicated thing.
Chats over here spoiling our streamer.
We got this!
Beat em up subs!
Looting 2 noice.
Mods bribing chat to stop barking with Scooby snacks. I love them so much.
Wolf my dear you have done nothing wrong.
Oh cloud9 has a fox skin!
Ooo create mod. We know about that.
A lovely little base.
Cake is being stolen all over the place.
Stab stab the dragon.
Hooray follow goal! Music time!
Oh... that was it. Alrighty we’ll take what we can get.
Time to win an arena subs. We want music.
Our boy is confused.
Fundy just read the chat. They are telling you.
I got to get this time! The subs will destroy everyone!
Happy Halloween?
Gasp! Mega gift!
Pretty skin!
We love the Fundy mods dearly. They are so chill and nice.
The water well has run dry.
The streamer has escaped. It’s just us, the mods, and the chair.
Oh a Schlatt plush! Neato!
Schlushy I agree with that name.
“Not the hat the other one.” LOL.
Chat go Glatt
Went to get water the. Forgot to drink it.
Subs can modify emotes left and right.
Viper good job! Good book!
Fundy doing his game at middle of the night o’clock.
Streamer... please sleep. Please eat meals.
We’re almost at the Arena!
Sleep 8 hours... just at the wrong time.
Chat fully admitting to thinking our streamer is dumb enough to fall in lava.
We have learned to balance our expectations Fundy.
Oh this is going to be a long stream. A really long stream. I’ll probably need to take a break and do some work.
Arena Time! Beat em up subs!
Good job subs!! You did it!
Let’s see what we get for the arena.
So many Wolf!
Putting the winners on their boxes. Nice.
I have so much work to do, but I just want to watch the funky Fox.
Villagers? We love villagers.
Oh we’re switching screens it’s serious piano.
So lovely. I love listening to music people do their things.
I love the fact the subs keep shouting FundyJam!
I swear improv music should not sound this lovely
Spooky sounding tune. Sounds like a boss fight in a haunted castle.
Awesome piano!
Poor boy so annoyed by his hair. Bless his heart.
For anyone who doesn’t touch Twitter. The Fundy Updates Twitter is fabulous and amazing. They are just always so upbeat over everything.
Trying to nether portal. You go fox friend.
Wow Just portal to the center do a lava lake. Under soul sand.
You go 5up! You get that bastion.
Rip 5up.
Poor Fundy doing his best.
How’s the VC crew doing?
The drip is back!
Also I voted no in the will he burn pole. I have faith in my streamers.
We’re calling Fundy emo now. And he’s trying to deny having an emo phase, and failing.
I don’t know what’s happening half the time in this chat.
Fire Fox!
We’re still calling Fundy emo. Chat spoils the streamer and chat bullies the streamer.
Oh are we trending emo Fundy? Nice. I’m conveniently scrolling on Twitter.
Look at us bully our streamer.
The two people in chat. Those saying emo Fundy. Those going “his hair is nice stfu”. The duality of chat.
Sounds of suffering coming from the nether.
Fundy has taken responsibility for enderpearls.
We cursed Fundy? I look away for 10 seconds.
Pixel has turned on Fundy.
Fight that ghast.
Fundy’s going to get all the endermen.
Piglin goes smack.
We’re wearing the drip. Nice.
Everyone gets rich so fast here.
Well. We’ll just leave the corpse there.
The people who bet on him dying are so rich in channel points now.
*sad fox noises*
Surely not. Fundy we have lost all hope in you.
Pixel doing everything they can to do anti emo Fundy.
Aww. I missed the prediction. I bet he won’t die. I believe in him.
Fundy being scared by his own body. Cant wait to see that clip everywhere on YouTube.
Back to attacking the endermen.
Tubbo is such a villain. He’s so willing to kill HBomb.
Fundy just getting back to work.
I’m sorry corpses become skeletons. That’s horrid.
Off to get the dragon. The dragon the dragon.
Tubbo was smote.
HBomb and Fundy fully ready to be that person that steals the temple.
Hbomb shaped chest. That is great.
Everyone bullying HBomb.
Almost Arena time.
Betting yes on the arena. The subs are strong and they’ve got this.
My twitch app is being stupid. This might be my signal to take a break and do my school work.
8k boosters and the chat goes nuts.
Chat from where I am is just a bunch of booster packs. I think I need to close and reopen the app.
There we go. There is the lovely chat.
Arena time!
Aww. My bet disappeared when I moved the app.
No! He’s cheating! The subs are doing their best!
Good job subs!
I mean it’s a diamond sword. It’s not diamonds but it’ll do.
I heard a du du du du?
I’ve got to go. Time to be productive with my life and time.
Let me know if I miss anything especially stupid or funny.
Alright it’s been 2 and a half hours but I’m back.
Looks like I missed a lot, and the boy has been going 5 hours.
Still on Vault Hunters? How is he not tired of this yet good gracious.
We’re enchantin’
I don’t know what’s happening but I’m watching.
Who stole all the luck from the boy?
Good that he’s drinking plenty of water
Good that he’s taking a break for foods.
What is with the lightening sounds? I don’t like it.
Spare the soup pet.
Sadness. No 3rd cow.
Yes! One more arena!
Lure da cows.
No that’s the Fundy Cow!
Nooooo. That’s worse than killing it!
Did we win our other arenas? I only say the first 5 or so.
Lightening Cow. Lovely.
Noooo the cowwww!
For once Fundy isn’t the one thriving.
He tunneled the cow out. Wow.
Bye 5up! Good luck!
Hi Crumb. The cow was snatched.
Noooo. Quit stealing our cows!
What he jumps like Superman and steals our cows.
Cow bunker.
These cows will get snatched. I just know it.
No. No taking da cows.
Our cows must be protected.
Enchanting is not on our fox’s side
Oh so they did beat the enderdragon. Good for them.
All sorts of neato elytra.
I must go again. I am called to dinner.
Good job getting you diamond sir.
30 minutes later I am back and we are chatting with HBomb.
Sharp boomerang.
Saw a bit of cat maid peaking out there.
5up judging Fundy for just sitting and mining.
Oh the facecam is off. I’m just noticing.
I guess it probably goofed up and froze.
Everyone in chat talking about how much to make the magic packs. I like the people saying 6.9k just for the funnies.
I’m voting 6.9k in the pole just for the funny.
I know it won’t win but I’m doing my part.
Goblins? What the squeak did I miss?
What. We stab the goblins. And they give us emeralds?
This mans has been going for 6 hours and a while. I hope he doesn’t forget to look after himself. He was talking about eating an hour ago.
I love all the product minions. All the donators just chilling on their chests.
Why are all the minions black and white? I missed that one?
Oh they run out. They ran out of stuff and out of color.
Wealth in the chest, since we don’t have a mouth.
Angel or Fairy? Is that even a question? (Chat chose fairy)
Fairy Fox. I want to draw that but have negative amounts of art skills.
We’re killing time until we hit 7 hours.
We’re meeting up with 5up! Nice!
Oh HBomb left and thought Fundy hadn’t done anything in 20 minutes but jump around his castle. LOL.
We hit 7 hours and dipped.
7 hours and almost a thousand subs. Look at us go.
Hello Puffy Raiders! You’re a bit late but hello!
Oh no. He’s panicking and not ending.
Please someone who feels like being annoying remind the mans to eat.
Raffle? Oh donators! They go through a raffle thingy! Nice!
Hooray OSMP but also Fundy please sleep and such.
Not even raffling. Just opening and closing.
Nice spin noises.
WOLF! Wolf earned to win the raffle.
Wait wait wait? Fundy go get some food and go to bed!
Hey look there is our streamer!
This is the max post size lol. 5up raid let’s go! Hello 5up! We are here! But now I’m going to bed. Oh nevermind. I hear the fox. Ah that’s smart 5up. Anyway. I’m gone now.
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pandoraborn · 4 years
Throw me to the ground (and watch me fly).
Also found on AO3!
Chapter one
It’s the day of the election. Wilbur is nervous, standing on the stage as they await the ballots being counted. He’s wearing his L’Manburg uniform proudly, standing tall. His youngest brother, Tommy, is standing by his side with a matching uniform. Tommy’s wings are folded around his shoulders, and he’s twiddling his fingers nervously, trying to stand up straight. He may only be sixteen years of age, but Tommy has done more for L’Manburg than anyone realizes. Wilbur knows Tommy wants to make everyone proud; it’s written all over the boy’s face. Tommy wants the position of Vice President more than even Wilbur realizes.
Wilbur’s own wings are outstretched as he stands proudly, trying to represent his country as best as he can. He’s staring out at the crowd, trying to ignore the podium on the other side of the stage. His closest friend and opponent, Schlatt, is standing at that podium. Schlatt doesn’t have a running mate, but he had cited not needing one, since he had been confident in his abilities to run L’Manburg on his own. With the aura he radiates, no one had cast him any doubts.
Wilbur especially believes in him. Schlatt had always been loud and commanding. With his sense of humor, sharp sense of fashion, and tall demeanor, people had been willing to bend at the knee for the goat hybrid. Hell, there were a few times that Wilbur himself wouldn’t have minded stepping down to give Schlatt the leadership he probably deserved.
This election had been the solution to that. Wilbur’s confident in his own leadership skills. People respect him and his innate ability to rule fairly, and that respect had risen since he announced an election. Schlatt had been the only one to step up to run against him. They’d kept it friendly, not delving too deep into the toxicity that normally came with politics. They’d agreed that they’d compete against each other with the friendliest of banters, and it had worked wonders. Thus far, the voters seem to be split down the middle.
Now they all stand at their respective podiums, awaiting the results. George is the one counting the ballots, with Niki to help him with anything he might’ve missed. Wilbur can’t tell how close the election is, but he hopes he and Tommy are winning. This is, after all, their country.
After what feels like hours, George moves to the front to stand in front of the microphone. Niki hangs around backstage to lean up, and Wilbur sneaks a glance over his shoulder to smile at her. She doesn’t see him, too caught up in her own job. She disappears behind a door, and Wilbur faces front again to tune in to George’s words.
Next to him, Tommy finally spreads his wings, clearly trying to look as proud as Wilbur. In his peripheral vision, he can see Tommy glancing up at him, so Wilbur places a hand on his brother’s shoulder, silently reassuring him. The gentle touch and unspoken command are heard; Tommy’s exhaling slowly, and straightening his spine, facing out toward the crowd, much like Wilbur is doing now.
“Nihachu and I counted,” George states, waving a small envelope in his hands. “We have tallied all the ballots and counted them a few times to double-check, but we have a very clear winner. The people knew exactly who they wanted.”
George pauses in his speech to grin first at the current president and vice president, then turning to grin at their opponent. Schlatt clears his throat and adjusts his tie before placing his hands on the podium. Wilbur can see Schlatt’s fingers are trembling. Wilbur wishes he could call out a reassurance, but George is speaking again.
“The new president of L’Manburg,” George begins, pulling a notecard out of the envelope, “Is Jonathan Schlatt!”
There’s a cheer that raises up from the crowd, with a few people even jumping from their seats, as if that would help them cheer louder. Wilbur doesn’t let himself wilt, though he’s sure his expression reveals his disappointment. Next to him, Tommy’s wings lower in visible disappointment, nearly dragging on the ground. The boy’s head is bowed, and even amid the cheering, Wilbur can hear ragged breathing.
Keeping his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, he takes a step back. This drags Tommy back as well. Tommy doesn’t resist the tug, letting himself be tugged off the stage completely. It’s Schlatt’s turn to speak.
“I don’t understand,” Tommy whispers. He looks up at Wilbur with watery eyes, so Wilbur pulls him into a hug, even wrapping his wings around his brother. “We should have won, this was… we built this country! We did this with our bare hands, we should have… fuck!”
“He won a fair election,” Wilbur reminds him. “This is still our country, really. We just have to trust Schlatt to run it with the same ideals we created. Trust him, Tommathy.”
Tommy grins faintly, reaching up to flick a tear away. “I hate it when you call me that. But yeah, you’re right. I trust him.”
“Good lad.” Wilbur ruffles his hair before pulling back, taking Tommy by the hand to lead him back to the crowd. Schlatt hasn’t begun his speech yet, he seems to have been waiting for this moment. Wilbur meets the new president’s gaze and nods once they find their place next to Phil and Techno. Phil wraps Tommy in his own wings to comfort the teenager, while Wilbur finds solace in leaning against Techno. Techno has enough sense to pat Wilbur on the back, before nodding back up toward the stage. Schlatt is taking his place before the microphone, wearing a nervous smile.
In spite of his disappointment, Wilbur is proud of his closest friend. He reaches around Phil to ruffle Tommy’s hair, trying to get the boy’s attention.
“L’Manburg,” Schlatt says. “Man, I don’t even know how to start, except to say thank you. I’m so glad all of you participated in this election, casting your votes wisely. I also want to say that even though he lost, this country is still every bit of Wilbur’s as it is mine. He helped found the country we all live and believe in, and I’m still beyond honored to call him a friend. Because that’s what he is, a friend. Not just for me, but for all of us!”
Schlatt pauses to clear his throat, gaze sweeping over the crowd. Wilbur feels his eyes tear up, but he holds them back. He’s not going to weep in front of thousands of people. He re-focuses his attention on Schlatt, who’s speaking again.
“I’m going to run this nation fairly, living up to the ideals Wilbur set up for us. We’re a nation, we stand proud and we’re going to continue fighting for what we believe in. L’Manburg was founded on revolution and a desire for peace, and we’re going to continue pushing for independence, for unity, and become even better than we started off as!”
There’s a cheer that rises up in the air. Wilbur hears himself cheering alongside them, and he doesn’t realize he’s moving forward until he’s up on stage, leaning against Schlatt with a laugh. His wings wrap around his friend, gold shimmering in the sunlight. This isn’t supposed to happen, but sometimes, Wilbur really can’t help himself.
“Not meaning to interrupt,” Wilbur says with a laugh. He pats Schlatt on the back. “But I’m going to hand the keys to the nation over to someone I trust as much as my own family. I may have founded this country with my brother, but Schlatt’s the one in charge.” There are no physical keys to hand over; the pair behind the microphone understand the symbolism behind this entire event. “Schlatt, I know you will uphold and perfect our ideals and beliefs, and push this country forward into an even better tomorrow.”
There’s more cheering, and it rises in volume when the pair hug it out. This is unorthodox, normally a former president and president-elect would not be hugging, but Wilbur loves and trusts Schlatt, and he’s glad that things are turning out this way after all. He hopes Tommy understands as well.
The event is over. People are dismissing themselves, wandering back to whatever they do with their lives. The streets are filled with chatter and an excited buzz, but Wilbur is more focused on his approaching family. Phil is wearing a proud smile on his face, and Tommy’s eyes are red.
Schlatt reaches over to ruffle Tommy’s hair. “Chin up kid, it’s not over for you.”
Tommy juts his chin out in defiance, trying to look tough. “Shut the fuck up, big man. You’re not so tough, I could still take you on.” Tommy uses his sleeve and uses the cloth to dry his eyes. “In all seriousness Schlatt, I’m proud of you. You’re gonna do us proud, aren’t you?”
Schlatt nods. “I want to. I’m more scared of letting you two down than I am being a leader.” He offers a small smile, gaze flicking toward Wilbur’s wings, then Tommy’s. “Man, I just don’t want to let either of you down.”
“You could never,” Wilbur reassures him. “Schlatt, you’ve got charisma. You’ve got finesse. You’ve got-”
“Wilbur, Wilbur, please. Shut, and I mean this nicely, but shut the fuck up,” Tommy cuts in. “No one wants to hear you two flirt.” He’s leaning against Techno again, with Techno’s wings wrapping around the teen. In between words, it’s easy to tell that Tommy is still disappointed, and is hiding it behind his usual facade.
“Are you sure?” Schlatt asks, rolling his eyes at Tommy. Not out of irritation, but more to keep the conversation rolling. “I’m a little worried if I can be honest with you. Your entire family has wings, Wil. I have goat horns. What if that means people don’t take me seriously? Wouldn’t it be better if I had wings too?”
“Oh.” Wilbur laughs a little too loudly. He’s always hated having this conversation with Schlatt, it comes up more often than he wants to entertain. Schlatt has always been jealous of not being able to fly as Wilbur can. “You don’t need wings to rule, bro. You’re good, people adore you.” He motions around them with his fist. “We should go back home, for dinner. I’m sure Phil would love to prepare a celebratory meal for our president.”
Phil snorts but complies with the unspoken request to head back home. He moves forward, nudging both Techno and Tommy, though he keeps his head turned, watching Wilbur and Schlatt. “Schlatt, I’d be honored if you could join us tonight,” Phil says. “It’d be just like old times.”
“Nah.” Schlatt’s smiling, remaining in place. “I have other things to tend to. I’ll join you another night though, alright? And hey, Tommy?” He reaches out, pressing a palm to Tommy’s shoulder. Tommy stops walking, turning back to look at him. “I heard you cheering the loudest, kid. I know this election meant a lot to you, I know this country means a lot to you, so I’m going to do right by you.”
A pink tinge covers the teen’s cheeks, eyes lighting up in glee. He’s no longer crying, but there is still an air of disappointment surrounding him. Wilbur tries to let his shoulders relax; Tommy had always looked up to the ram hybrid. Schlatt had always gotten along well with Tommy, even delving into the same kind of teasing the other three dished out. There was never a moment where Tommy would feel unsafe, and he hopes, in spite of the event and differing emotions, that Tommy knows that now.
“There’s no way I cheered for you at all,” Tommy snarks. “You were too busy preening your suit during your whole speech. You were so preoccupied with Wilbur you didn’t hear me booing you.”
“He’s lying,” Techno comments. “Tommy was crying crocodile tears the whole time.” He’s standing a little ways from the group, looking a little uncomfortable. Wilbur’s certain he’s growing uneasy with this much activity and social interaction. Wilbur smiles at him, even laughing a little at his comment as he tugs Techno closer to them.
“Shut up Techno.” Tommy shoots his older brother a glare. “Jokes aside, don’t worry about me, I can handle anything life throws at me. You won the election fair and square, now we’ll just have to see how long it takes before you run it to the ground.”
“Me, destroying a whole country?” Schlatt places a hand to his chest in mock dismay. “I would never!”
Tommy lets out a snort as he steps away from the group, wings finally picking up off the ground. He seems to be cheering up now, which Wilbur is glad for. “I had a dream about you, Schlatt. I dreamt that you took over the country and immediately turned it into a dictatorship and made everyone betray you. Also-” Tommy rushes to continue before anyone can interrupt him, because Phil is trying to shush him. “Also, you banished me and Wilbur from the country, and we formed a rebellion. It was a cool dream, wish it came true.”
“Please.” Schlatt’s grin is now a little too forced. “You know me Tommy, I wouldn’t do anything like that. Wilbur and I are good friends, and you’re as good as my little brother!”
“Never say that again,” Tommy says, trying to appear serious and intimidating. “I don’t need no older brothers, I’m already my own big brother.”
“Alrighty,” Techno jokes. “Guess we can just leave Tommy behind. Everyone else, let’s go home. We don’t have a brother anymore, yup.”
“Of course, of course,” Wilbur continues. He turns to walk along with Techno, with Phil cracking up behind them. “I guess we’ll see you later, Schlatt. The three of us have to get home before it’s too late.”
“Wait.” The realization of being abandoned clearly sets in, because Tommy’s wings are wilting again. “Guys, wait, don’t leave me behind!”
“Why are we walking, when we can just fly?” Techno asks, with an abrupt subject change. Wilbur’s glad for it, because Tommy’s already upset enough, he doesn’t want to give Tommy another reason to cry. Techno waves goodbye to Schlatt before spreading his pink and white wings out, giving them a single shake. “I’m not walking anywhere.”
The rest of the family follows suit. There’s an array of colorful feathers floating in the air; a mix of black, pink, gold, blue, white, all shimmering with every other color of the rainbow. Schlatt stands and watches as the four members of this particular family disappear into the air and out of sight.
He can’t say he’s not disappointed. He’s always envied their ability to fly, and the beautiful wings they possess. He turns to head back toward his new life though, because up ahead, Niki is waiting for him. She’s wearing a bright smile and is holding a stack of paperwork in her arms.
She doesn’t have wings either, so Schlatt wonders if that’s okay. He doesn’t need wings to be a decent person, he’s sure. He approaches her, patting her on the shoulder. Niki is offering her own quieter congratulations, and they head for the office.
What Schlatt doesn’t notice is off in the distance, another winged being is watching. A faceless, endless green void, with matching green and black and white wings, facing the new president. When the crowd finally disperses, the figure too disappears, evidently having seen enough to satisfy him.
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kateis-cakeis · 4 years
A Dramatic Retelling of L’Manberg’s History
Once upon a time there was a wonderful place called L’Manberg.
What would one day be nothing but a smoking crater waiting to be rebuilt into something else, something new… started out as a humble van on the outskirts of the Dream SMP’s occupied lands.
The Camarvan, the hto dog van, whatever you want to call it, stood proud on a sliver of land, amongst the grass and sand, with a crafting table sitting in front of it, and a land marked forever by a man of the name Wilbur.
What started out as a simple quest to confiscate brewing stands and any potions drugs in order to create rising demand to reap the rewards, became something so much more. Perhaps even unbelievable to all those involved at the time.
It occurred shortly after the Disc War, this. And when a man of the law, Sapnap, realised that Wilbur and his accomplice, a child, Tommy, were actually making drugs in the Camarvan, Sapnap cracked down on them. Killing Tommy on the spot.
Henceforth, a dream was formed. Of a place where men could go and emancipate the tyranny of their rulers. A place where they could make drugs in their Camarvan in peace. With tilled ground that was sacred, with walls being built to protect them, their values bold and strong. Even nature was to protected on their land.
Tubbo, Tommy’s best friend, joined their cause. Eret too, a man who would later take their great walls and build them even taller, even better. And finally, Fundy, Wilbur’s son, the person who was to be kept safe within their walls.
A place called L’Manberg, with a Camarvan in the middle, and Blackstone walls with yellow and black concrete protecting them.
But their peace did not last long, as in the very moment Wilbur wrote their Declaration of Independance, a book was delivered by Dream, the leader of the Dream SMP. The Declaration of War.
From that point onwards, L’Manberg would never be the same.
After hours of planning, of farming resources, the day of the war came. TNT cannons had been set around L’Manberg. Tommy was shot dead on the doorstep of the Camarvan. And the old Wilbur Soot was finally given armour to protect him.
You see, L’Manberg had another value. They did not fight wars with weapons or armour, they fought them with their words. Words that would never be valued by tyrants, and so the five of them had no choice but to fight.
Wilbur put Tommy in charge of their small army, and they went forth from tower to tower, arrows fired from both sides. Until… Dream’s people retreated, their arrows unable to go high enough to reach those who were firing upon them.
Eret… had a backup plan. To go home, and to go to his secret room, filled with weapons and armour, to at least give them all another chance. They went underground, sneaking along the floors to avoid detection.
All was well.
Until they made it to the room. All the chests were labelled, all were empty. A button lay in the middle of the room, and as Eret pressed it, the walls opened up and every single one of them was slain.
‘Down with the revolution, boys!’
Eret had betrayed.
With Tommy left angry, Wilbur left shocked, and Tubbo and Fundy unable to provide any supplies nor words, it was all coming to a close very quickly.
With one final stand at the entrance of L’Manberg, a single TNT block was placed. ‘Independence or death’. And in that moment, the TNT was lit, and with arrogance, Wilbur told his people to stand back, to avoid it hurting them. Little did they know that L’Manberg had been rigged, and now… the Camarvan and part of their land had been left in ruins.
Wilbur grabbed the Declaration of Independance, and Tommy led them down into a secret hole he had made in the event of an escape. Right to a room of obsidian, to keep them safe. ‘Any last words?’.
Tommy shouted at Dream, screamed, asking for a battle. A 1v1, half a heart, bow and arrows. And so they went to the path down by a river, and made their stand. Wilbur counted down. ‘Ten paces, fire!’. And Tommy died once again, felled by an arrow.
The deal? If Tommy lost, L’Manberg’s independence was over. If Dream lost, L’Manberg would have its independence.
Hopeless… broken… exhausted… The people of L’Manberg returned home, but Tommy did not go with them, not yet at least.
And then… he returned, with their independence. Confused and lost, his fellows asked what had happened. How could this be? But Tommy had given Dream something that he dearly wanted, from a past war won. His discs.
He gave it all up for everything he believed in.
A new era was born, with the people of L’Manberg free. Eret was now the King of the Dream SMP, having betrayed his fellows for the promise of the title, land, and power. Wilbur refused to call him King.
In time, more joined them, and they lived well… for a while. Their flag was built, and houses were constructed outside the walls. All… was fine, great even.
Until the elections.
Wilbur sort more power, he wanted to create a one party system, assigning Tommy as his Vice President. With no one else on the ballot, they would surely win, and gain more power in their lands. But through arrogance, they spoke of their plans to Quackity, and quickly, he disagreed, putting himself down on the ballot.
After all, Wilbur was a threat to their democracy. ‘A single party? Are you kidding me?’.
With Quackity on the ballot and GeorgeNotFound as his Vice President, the die was cast. Wilbur and Tommy as POG2020, Quackity and George as SWAG2020. Two parties. But that didn’t last for long.
Fundy kept flipping between sides, hurting his father greatly, thus beginning a long conflict between Wilbur and his son. Eventually, Fundy formed COCONUT2020, and another name was forced by the people onto the ballot.
But that was not the end, as Wilbur’s endorsement, Jschlatt, did what could not be predicted. He ran for president too. And after a long night of death, after Schlatt got his hands on an axe and a gun, Schlatt too was put on the ballot and it was sent out to the people.
A day and two hundred thousand votes later, the results were announced. Fundy had committed voter fraud, and thus only got a small percentage of the vote, 9%, rather than the thousands he had hacked. Schlatt got 16%, SWAG2020 got 30%, and POG2020 got 45%. By all means, Wilbur and Tommy had won, they had retained control of their country but… it was not so simple.
As, on the night of the election, Quackity made a deal with Schlatt to pool their votes, no matter what. With that combined, they had 46% of the vote. They… had won.
Schlatt proceeded to make a speech. His first decree, ‘as the president of L’Manberg, the emperor!’, was to revoke Wilbur’s and Tommy’s citizenship. They were exiled from the very country they had created with their blood, sweat, and tears.
They ran through the forest, even further into lands unexplored and untamed by the Dream SMP. They dug into the land, blocking up the door with dirt. And… they mined into the rock, finding not one but two ravines! This… would be their new home.
Soon, Technoblade joined, a warring man, and a retired potato farmer. He was happy to join Pogtopia, because it was them against the world, against a tyrannical government! ‘Did someone say rebellion?’.
Tubbo, Secretary of State, was kept by Schlatt, but he was no loyal subject. He was a spy for Pogtopia. Fundy, who tore down the walls in front of his father, ‘the walls I built to keep him safe’, who burnt down the flag, ‘Fundy, you bastard!’, was not on Schlatt’s side either, but was instead keeping a detailed diary of his condition to one day show to his fellows, to show to his father in Pogtopia.
A festival… The Red Festival, if you will. A celebration of democracy. Only a couple of weeks after the election.
Tubbo built all the decorations. He wrote a speech, there were plans. So… so many plans.
Wilbur… only a week before, when the festival was announced… had realised something. He was the villain. He was trying to fight for something back that wasn’t his, not anymore, he had lost the election. His nation was far behind him.
‘Dream, I want to be your vessel’. There was one thing he could do. Killing Schlatt wouldn’t solve anything, he would just be replaced by Quackity, which could have been worse, and George was in line after that. Nothing would change. And if they took it back by force, they lost too. There was no way of winning–
Except… to blow it all up. Destroying it was a win in Wilbur’s eyes, because ‘I say, if we can’t have Manberg, no one! No one can have Manberg’.
The plan was set. Dream gave Wilbur the TNT and soon, the festival arrived. While Wilbur and Tommy hadn’t been invited, Techno was, and he was prepared with a crossbow and fireworks.
The festival was going well, until Tubbo’s speech. ‘Tubbo, I know what you’ve been up to’. The jig was up, Schlatt knew Tubbo was a spy for Pogtopia. Everything made sense! The tunnels that had been dug, him walking off during great events!
Techno was brought up to the stage, asked to take Tubbo out. Cracking due to mild peer pressure and the threat of twenty people slaying him if he disobeyed… ‘Tubbo, I’m sorry’. And with two firework rocket blasts, Tubbo, Quackity, and Schlatt lay dead.
Wilbur ran off to his room, to his button, to his TNT. Tommy threw a pearl, tried to attack Techno, failed, and stood where Tubbo had died, yelling his name. Techno, crazed with his power, turned on the audience and fired upon them, killing many. Voices in his head screaming, ‘Blood for the Blood God!’.
Unable to find the button, Wilbur ran home. L’Manberg got to live another day. Everyone returned to Pogtopia, a shaken Tubbo, an angered Tommy, a peer pressured Techno, and a blindsided Wilbur. Niki came to join them too, shaken up by the festival and by the revelation of TNT under Manberg.
Crazed by the idea to make Tommy and Techno fight – for his own entertainment – Wilbur created a pit. ‘It stays in the pit’. Techno won the fist fight against Tommy, repeating that their differences, that the anger stayed in the pit, not to be spoken about outside it.
‘The only universal language is violence’.
The TNT was an ever living threat, brought up by Wilbur at any given opportunity. He was going to blow it up. He was! The day after the festival, he took Quackity and Tommy to his room, L’Manberg’s anthem scribbled on the walls, alongside a button that was right in the middle.
He did not set it off that day. Quackity and Tommy pleaded, and it was agreed that Plan A would come first.
A meeting would be set up with Schlatt and they would end it there. If it went wrong, Plan B, Plan Bomb, would come into effect.
And soon, the meeting occurred. Quackity had written a building permit to trick Schlatt into signing Manberg over to him. It was all going so well, until Schlatt revealed that he knew the truth. That Manberg had been rigged with TNT. He claimed to have taken it, claimed to have put it under Pogtopia, but that was neither here nor there, as Wilbur went to the room while Tommy and Quackity were trying to trap Schlatt in the woods.
Suddenly scared to where exactly Wilbur was, they shouted and screamed, yelling out, trying to find where Wilbur had gone.
And Wilbur… pressed the button. Yet no hiss followed, the TNT was indeed gone. Panicked, he told Tommy and Quackity not to touch any buttons in Pogtopia, which had been filled with the things as a prank by Fundy.
When Wilbur returned home, he realised someone running through their tunnels, ‘It could be my traitor son!’. Fundy finally revealed what he had been doing this whole time, showing Wilbur his diary. Finally, they had their people back from Schlatt.
But the worst was yet to come. Dream joined, telling them that Schlatt had given him something, that he would be on his side henceforth, and finally, that there was a traitor within their ranks. Everyone pleaded their innocence, and trust was broken, but not enough to stop the incoming war.
The 16th of November. A month to the day after the festival.
For the next 10 days, people farmed on both sides. Netherite was acquired, enchantments were gotten, weapons were crafted, and Wilbur mined a double chest worth of sand.
The TNT plot was still in effect, except now, he needed more. Dream would get him the gunpowder, the TNT was assured.
Then… the day came.
It was just like the first war, with double the people. Except there was one notable difference… this was no freedom fighting revolution, this was a coup. Schlatt was a democratically elected leader, not individuals fighting for their independence.
Pogtopia and its allies went running in, firing upon Schlatt and his people. Mainly his people, as Schlatt went missing. They fought and fought, until Dream spoke up, asking to talk to Wilbur. Echoes to the past once again. Wilbur shouted out to his people, asking them to put their weapons down. Yet, he claimed he had no power over them. Still, they did so, and Dream led them into the ruins of the Camarvan (never rebuilt to its former glory after it had been blown up).
Schlatt was in the centre… dying. But not without arguing with Quackity and Fundy before his… time. At one point, it seemed as if Wilbur was going to stab him, or that Tommy was going to shoot him dead, but no… he simply died of a presumed heart attack or a stroke.
With their enemy gone, and Dream surrendering because Schlatt was an idiot, the war was won! The rebellion won! It had worked! Even though the odds were against them at first, they managed to come out on top.
Wilbur called on Tommy to be President, but instead, as he gave a speech, he rejected it. He was not done, not until he had his discs. So he called on Wilbur, and while he mentioned that the new obsidian flag had to be brought down, he declared that Techno had taught him something, that government was not the way to go, so Wilbur… called on Tubbo.
Tubbo would be the new President of L’Manberg. He gave a great speech, everything was going so well. They had won, it was over, it was finally over.
But Wilbur pulled away, claiming that he’d be right back. He climbed out of L’Manberg’s borders and went over the hill, into his room. The button room, with the anthem on the walls. ‘That there was a special place. There was’.
He was finally there. It was his moment… to finally press the button.
Then Philza walked into the room. ‘What are you doing?’. But while Phil, Wilbur’s dad, had a conversation with him, Phil’s mere presence alerted Techno to his side of the plan. He was the traitor, along with Wilbur. He killed Tubbo with his fireworks once again, and went off to kill Tommy too, alongside Dream.
Meanwhile, in the button room, Phil pleaded with Wilbur. But… his son was too far gone. It was time, he had been here too many times before, he had to do it now. He talked about what Eret had once said, a long time ago… ‘It was never meant to be’. And the button was finally pressed.
The hiss came.
Then the explosions followed.
Phil stared out in horror at the crater before them, the button room now an open window into the chaos caused by the TNT. Crystals were placed by Dream to cause more damage, and Techno went off to complete his part of the plan, trying his best to get his speech out with no interruption.
Wilbur triumphant, threw his sword over to Phil, asking him, begging him to kill him. But this was no sad set of words, it was just a man who wanted to be killed because the people wanted him to die. So the crowd watched. ‘You’re my son!’. Phil turned and killed him, and Wilbur began his long walk back to L’Manberg, warning Phil of the withers that were about to be spawned.  
Techno finished his speech, and two withers were spawned, destroying much more of the land. More TNT was set off, and L’Manberg was left in even more of a state.
‘I’ve won! We’ve won! Me and Technoblade’.
Wilbur left. The withers were killed. Tubbo proclaimed he would rebuild. And new members joined the lands of the Dream SMP.
L’Manberg wasn’t ended by the TNT, but the TNT did end another era of its life.
Who knows if it will retain that name. Who knows if it will ever truly be rebuilt into anything at all.
But what is known is that Schlatt’s Manberg died. Wilbur’s L’Manberg is long gone. And Tubbo’s L’Manberg is just the beginning.
It’s just the beginning.
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saiient · 3 years
Ayup! Could I get a Wilbur and Schlatt (platonic) hangout thingie oneshot?
Heyo! Hope you like this! (Yes I did just copy it from my oneshot fanfic thing, but who cares /hj)
"Hello, Wilbur.” Wilbur sighed slightly and turned around “Hi there JSchlatt.” “No need to be so formal, I’m not here to bother you, much” “What do you want.” “Just wanted to talk with an old” Schlatt paused for a moment, running his hands through his hair “Friend, if that’s the right term” Wilbur chuckled remembering all the things they used to do together “I’m pretty sure we were friends” “Yeah, those were the good old days huh” “They sure were” Wilbur sighed and looked at Schlatt, his light brown eyes filled with a slight longing for the past “I miss those days, where there were no elections, no wars, no serious fighting. Just some playful banter” “I miss those days too” Schlatt looked out the window, watching the sunset over the blackstone walls of L’manburg. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, thinking of all the good times the two of them had shared. Wilbur thought of one of the times they had hung out together, the two of them joking around while trying to deal with a forever rising sea. He remembered the way the cold water rose with every minute and the way the water rippled as a creeper exploded. The duo sat in silence for a while, both lost in separate memories, both thinking back to a more peaceful time, where the only thing that mattered was remembering a good comeback. Schlatt grabbed Wilbur’s beanie and grinned, laughing as Wilbur tried to get it back without standing up “Really? Are you too lazy to stand up and get it?” Wilbur stood up and tried to grab the beanie again, but Schlatt stepped just out of his reach, he smirked “Get back here Schlatt! I want my beanie, and I will get it back eventually” “Nah, if you want the damn beanie back you’ll have to take it from me” Wilbur laughed and walked closer to Schlatt, and watched as Schlatt ran from him “Resisting is dumb, you know that right? I’ll take that beanie back as soon as possible” Schlatt grinned and backed away “I want to see you try.” Wilbur chased Schlatt, trying his hardest to get his beanie back, eventually, the chase leads him outside, where he could feel a gentle breeze running through his brown semi-curly hair. Schlatt laughed “Was that your best attempt? If so, that was pathetic!” “I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve Schlatt, don’t worry” “Sure you do” Schlatt ran off, still holding the black beanie Wilbur ran after Schlatt, yelling a few insults and attempting to grab the beanie. As he ran he failed to notice a jagged piece of blackstone that was stuck in the ground, he tripped over it and landed on his face. Schlatt turned around and started laughing hysterically before walking over to Wilbur and offering a hand “You okay?” “I’m-” Wilbur stood up, and grabbed the beanie from Schlatt “-doing great! Thanks Schlatt” “Hey! That was cheating, I was trying to help you!” “I saw an opportunity a took it, it’s not cheating, it’s being smart. Even if it was cheating, I’m a dirty little crime boy and I don’t give a fuck” “Fuck you Wilbur” Schlatt glared at Wilbur, fighting the urge to smile “Oh come on, you don’t mean that” “I fucking do Wilbur Soot” “Well damn dude, I don’t care” Wilbur chuckled, he missed the feeling of just pure happiness, the feeling where all that mattered was having fun and having good comebacks. Schlatt sighed and ran his hand through his hair “I missed this, just the two of us goofing off, it’s such a shame we’re now technically enemies… now don’t get me wrong, I hate you with every bone in my body, but, this was fun” “Don’t worry Schlatt, I hate you too, and this was fun. Just hope that Tommy doesn’t find out, that child would yell for days about it” Schlatt grinned “Tommy is quite the handful huh” “That’s an understatement, that child will be the death of me” “Really?” “Yeah. That fucking kid will never shut up, and he never fucking backs down” “Damn, that’s sucks for you” “It does.” Wilbur looked at his watch and sighed “Tommy will be back in 10 minutes, so I’ve got to go. See you around fucker” “See you
Wilbur, or should I say, ex-president?” “The voting hasn’t started yet so I’m still in office!” Wilbur walked away and grinned, that was fun, maybe next time he would surprise Schlatt. Just to see Schlatt’s reaction. Wilbur walked into his house, grabbed a book, and faked reading it just as Tommy came back “Hey Will, what’d you do while I was gone?” “Just thought about some old memories” “Memories of who?” “An old friend of mine, one that I hate with every bone in my body” Wilbur smiled and pulled his beanie over his ears.
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