hdmason · 1 year
CEO Convo
Word count: 703
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CEO Hwang Garam.
Mason liked to think he could talk to anyone, and he normally loved doing so. He was always an extroverted person, making new friends being his favorite thing in the world besides dancing, kpop, and Overwatch. But right now, he was scared. This was CEO Hwang Garam, someone who not only was a kpop star in his own right, but someone who basically had Mason’s future in the palm of his hand. Maybe not directly, but he was still a pretty big factor in Mason’s ability to debut before he turned thirty.
An exaggeration? Yes. A legitimate fear? For Mason, also hell yes.
Mason had talked to a bunch of people, and he had procrastinated long enough and had enough champagne in his system to finally approach... after one more mini pep talk.
“Alright, Mason, you can do this,” he whispered to himself in English to try and get himself ready for this potentially insanely important conversation. “He’s just another person. You can talk to people, right? You love people! Just be yourself! Or... the best possible version of yourself! So... just mask a bit more for a short conversation.” He took a deep breath and nodded to himself before approaching the man the myth the legend.
“CEO Hwang,” Mason greeted with a polite (if albeit nervous) smile and a deep bow. The other man gave a slight nod of the head in greeting before Mason continued. “I’m Lee Mason, I don’t know if you remember me, I auditioned for you in August two years ago.” Well, he auditioned for the company every year since 2013 and only made it to the final steps in 2020, but that was a bit embarrassing, so he conveniently left that part out.
It did take a brief moment of looking at him before the CEO snapped his fingers and pointed at Mason. “You did Lucifer as your final dance audition.”
Mason’s smile became much more genuine as he nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! That was me! I’m so honored you remember!”
“That’s a hard dance, you did it well,” he said simply, bringing Mason even more relief and joy. Mason bowed in thanks again before CEO Hwang asked “So, let’s get right to the point. What are your future goals here?” Even as he asked, his eyes looked about the room as if hoping for someone to intervene in the conversation.
This is it, Mason. Don’t fuck this up.
“Well... to be honest, I’ve... I’ve wanted to debut ever since coming to Korea,” he starts, then realizes that’s probably what everyone was telling him tonight. S o, he tried a different approach; the truth, and something unique to only Mason. “No one loves kpop as much as I do. I eat it, I breathe it, it’s been my main special interest since I was twelve, it’s all I think about. Give me a comeback or a debut and I can name the year, the members, the reception.” Embarrassing? Maybe. True? Yes. Maybe slightly impressive? Hopefully. “This is all I want to do, and being able to prove that is something I hope to do for you in the next year.”
That caused a slight reaction from the CEO, a tiny tilt of the head and a simple question of “Higher Love?”
Mason’s eyes twinkled and he couldn’t help the tiniest hint of cockiness gracing his smile. “’Higher Love’, third comeback of Trickshot, members Jisoo, Envy, Eunju, Namhee, and Bora. Came out January of 2015, only won one award on Show Champion.” He shrugged. “It’s kind of a shame, really, I thought that was their best track since ‘Firefly.’”
CEO Hwang nodded before saying “Nice speaking to you, Mason. Good luck this year.” He then turned towards another trainee and walked away.
Mason had no idea how to interpret that. Had he impressed him? Amused him? Scared him off with how much of a weirdo he was? He wasn’t sure, though given Mason’s track record with social interactions, it was most likely the latter. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding and reached up to run his fingers through his hair.
Good news, he did it. Bad news, what did he do?
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tomfrogisblue · 7 months
But it would be hilarious for Wilbur to pop in to his team, Team Bolas, and just be flashbanged with Everything that has been driving everyone insane for the last week and the sheer craziness of all the members that were pretty normal (in comparison, like no one was okay then either) when he left them last
Not least the fact that his Dadza has once again joined a new server and adopted like 12 children simply by existing near them
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threeclans · 18 days
Hi! I hope all is well. Ive been in the wcrp community for a few years now and Im currently in the process of rebooting my own rp server. Ive tried several times and have been struggling with keeping them running/staying motivated because activity seems to die completely about a month or two after opening… I was wondering if you had any advice for running a long-term rp like this? Anything is appreciated.
Hi! Advice as far as group management goes is always something that will vary from group to group — what works for us might not be exactly what another group wants to follow for their own guidelines, depending on preferences and standards for how certain things like time and server setup are handled — but I'd be happy to go into some things that I think have led to ThreeClans seeing a lot of success through the 8 years we've been active!
We've had to do a lot of adapting and learning during this time, which is the first thing I'll make note of. When our group started, we were roleplaying on Skype, and our organization looked quite a bit different than it does now today! Still, we've kept a lot of things from our past too, like our commitment to keeping up with the pace that we've chosen for our group (which follows a real life time system, so that the flow of time progression proceeds naturally in tandem with the flow of time in real life — each day that goes by in real life is the equivalent of one roleplay day, so that you don't have to worry about doing any math to track how your characters should be aging or progressing) and our longstanding lore and rules for the sake of member comfort.
One thing to keep a group going that I've found beneficial in ThreeClans on the modding front is making management something you feel capable of handling! As a Mod, you're dedicating quite a bit of your free time to something that's a hobby, and if you aren't able to invest your time or passion into a group, it's easy for members to feel uninvested too. To make this smooth for everyone, set yourself up for success! One way we do this in ThreeClans is by making things comfortable for us. We like to keep our channel numbers low, for example, so that we're not constantly darting back and forth between hundreds of text chats trying to keep up with what's being said. We've also been told this helps members feel less overwhelmed in what would otherwise come off as a "large server" with many channels to drown in. As an example, I've attached a screenshot below to display what our setup looks like for three of our main categories for NettleClan, CreekClan, and JaggedClan and the amount of channels we have accessible for each one.
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When these are kept open, I can see them all at once on my screen without scrolling. Any notifications, therefore, are visible, and I can keep a close eye on all activity! Some of these channels are also temporary, and therefore we're usually even a bit lower in number. One other thing to note here is organization in the way you name things. Being able to search your channels for relevant information using Discord's search feature makes modding tasks easy. Say you need to reference a roleplay done by a member: by knowing exactly what format of naming you use for the channels you have available, you'll know where to look when searching!
When it comes to motivation on both the behalf of Mods and members, it's definitely a delicate balance. Sometimes you just can't be sure who will "click" in a group or with a particular opening. In ThreeClans, we always try to prepare for our openings with the awareness that we may have members who join and then drop off in the early weeks of being in the server for one reason or another. They may not mesh with the server atmosphere, they may feel overwhelmed with the amount of history or the amount of people present, they may simply get too busy to be prepared to take on roleplaying at the time and may not have anticipated such a thing when applying! For whatever reason, sometimes things just don't work out. We'd advise, then, leaving some "extra room" when you open a roleplay for these occurrences. Accept enough applications so that even if a couple of members do decide to depart, you won't be out of your entire member base.
Of course, you don't want to resign yourself entirely to the idea of people leaving! Like I mentioned, feelings of being overwhelmed can sometimes crop up, or sometimes people may just be a bit shy. In this case, the best thing you can do is be prepared to include them. Go out of your way to say hello specifically to them as they join the server! Offer a compliment when you DM them to give them their invite. When setting up the server for new members, be sure to make sure that every person is included in conversations about character development and relationships. It's your job as a Mod to take note of who clusters together and who might be a little more quiet, and while you can't make anyone talk, you can reach out and let them know you'd love to roleplay with them when you have a chance! This is something you should also encourage members of your roleplay to do if you have a pre-existing server. In ThreeClans, I think part of the reason we see success in new openings is because our current member base is so actively welcoming and completely excited to say hello to any new participants when they do hop in to the server that it's easy to feel like you've made a friend from the start.
When people feel like they fit in, they're more likely to maintain engagement in a group. Let them feel like they can come to your Mod team with ideas, and you'll be able to bounce your own thoughts off of them and help generate further plotlines that fuel you past that initial thread of the 1-2 month period of excitement. Of course, sometimes it has to be up to you and your Mod team to take note of the unique traits of people and their characters and come up with pitches to present to them on your own. This can be exciting for members as they feel included in something that makes them want to keep moving along — in addition, I'd always suggest that when you start a group, you should have an idea of how your opening plot is going to slot in new additions.
All too often I think people tend to have a basis for lore / setting / staff characters and neglect to imagine the plot threads that will need filling in by new additions. This can mean creating a draft and reworking it a few times as you figure out who the characters that'll come to populate your roleplay server are, of course, but even having a loose idea of a plot such as "This opening will be based around the idea of a clan that has been stable for seasons upon seasons, but now with the introduction of a branch group claiming to be descendants of former clanmates who went missing years ago, they're forced to reckon with what they really know about their history and how it might impact the reality of their cozy lifestyle and current leadership," gives you something to work with. Member characters can fit into the role of characters comfortable with their normal lives (soon to be disturbed) or in the position of those about to shake things up, depending on where you choose to go with things.
Another thing to mention as far as activity goes is maintaining OOC connections! It might take some time with a fresh group, but part of what keeps ThreeClans together, in my opinion, is the bonds formed by our members and the fact that we all often get together to have fun outside of roleplay settings. Things like movie nights hosted on stream or casual gaming sessions / nights hosted by Mods or staff can really bring a community together and foster a sense of belonging which translates to an overall feeling of happiness in a server. You can choose to host OOC events that have an impact on the IC world too, like contests to make up parts of the lore of your server or to create things like clan icons or server specific resources with special rewards like character art given out to anyone who participates!
This is getting long, though I could go on for ages about all the things that can compliment a server and its continued activity. At the end of the day, sometimes you just have to keep trying! Your first attempt or your first few attempts might fall through, but if you show continued passion and find the right group of people to work with, you'll manage to make something that continues steadily along, I'm sure!
Mod Maya
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luxurianthq · 14 days
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After taking an unexpected break from the community to focus on my responsibilities as a mother & more personal matters, I can confidently say that The Sutton will be returning in the near future & be done correctly this time around with heavy guidance from the admin team. To my babies that checked in on me, thank you so much ! I truly do & did appreciate those of you that reached out. I won’t say too much, but under the cut you will find some changes that will be made regarding the group. You’ll also notice that a poll is up & we do encourage all remaining members & future members to vote on it. The poll will be running from not until Friday, June 7th ending promptly at 12:30 P.M EST / 11:30 A.M CST. We will also begin accepting reservations & applications that day as well. If you need me, I will be in & out to answer all questions & concerns in a timely fashion.
If you’ve made it this far on the post, welcome to The Sutton HQ ! There isn’t too many updates, but the changes are important & must be addressed. If you have any questions, please contact us via IM & an admin will get back to you in a timely fashion.
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After much CONSIDERATION & expanding our admin team, we have decided to make this rp as casual & relaxed as possible. Instead of activity checks we will conduct bi-weekly interest checks on the first & third Sunday of the month. Sundays will also be our day dedicated to gossip blog interactions + meme night. We will also host a mandatory event ( mirroring a real life celebrity event ) monthly along with a task to encourage development. All other events & tasks will be marked as optional.
THE SUTTON HQ has officially shifted gears from being an apartment rp to being a city based rpg. The Sutton Community is now a private gated community for the rich & famous located in Pine Haven ⸺ a fictional city located just a couple hours outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. Sutton Towers will still be located in Charlotte, North Carolina, but the gated community aspect will be located in Pine Haven.
We have finally caved n & decided to make this an OC CELEBRITY / FAMOUS RP. This rp will now have a heavy focus on those apart of the entertainment industry ( ranging from nepo babies & socialities to actors & artists ). All in events & task will mirror those of real life celebrity events & opportunities. For example, the Bet Awards will be happening soon ( June 30th ) & that will be a major event within the rp. In addition to our lovely, highly interactive gossip page we will also incorporate a point system. Just like celebrities blow up or crash & burn overnight so will your muses. You’ll have the opportunity to move up & down in ranks & so forth. These type of rps seem to be what thrives best in the community so why continue to fight it?
We will be adding THREE subplots to the overall jist of the rp. The first one is REPUTATION ⸺ a reality tv show following the ten of the most notorious celebrities & socialites that have gained an inhonorable reputation in the industry. The show will follow them as they attempt to change themselves for the better or for the worse. This plot will only be available to A + B Class Celebrities & premier on Hulu. The second one is REQUIEM ⸺ a slight “homage” to all the past & ongoing beefs in the music industry + family elements. This plot will follow two labels who are fighting for the number one spot as they relentlessly produce some of the biggest names in today’s music. This plot will also have elements of the underground world for those of you who can’t get enough of that street life. Finally, the third one is REALM ⸺ our fun lil’ play on Oxygen ( before the crime switch ), Bravo, & Zeus network. This plot will be for influencers & content creators alike. As the rp grows, the streaming service will offer opportunities for budding actors & actresses to star in some films they will be producing.
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sansloii · 6 months
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Name: Hollis! ( though, i go by Marshy as well and have for about 6 years )
Pronouns: she/they
Preferred comms: discord because tumblr ims are questionable at best. i also uninstalled the app because of how often it would just randomly crash for little to no reason so.... if you want to reach me, disco is the safest bet
Name of muse(s): I have eight wonderful creatures of varying temperament. Batch 1 was Mikah. Batch 2 was Penelope, Wynn, Evan, Dakota, and Joseph. Batch 3 was Roderick and Andris. I also am working on fleshing out Vega properly but he's not quite done yet.
Experience in RP: in about 2012-ish, i was into f.andomstuck and i had an oc for that until like.... 2014-ish? it was baby's first blog and i didn't really know what I was doing. I had fun, while it lasted, but i also knew some of the people in this community ( like they went to the same high school as me ) so any issue we had on tumblr would translate into lunchroom confrontations. I didn't enjoy that part so much and my interest for it fizzled out by the time i graduated. then, i jumped over to the fire emblem fandom and made an oc for fire emblem awakening! i think i stayed in that rpc until 2016/2017 and i had two ocs, a mother and her son from the future, that i still very much adore. there were ups and downs and i feel like i was taught.... multiple frustrating lessons during my tenure there. it did help me develop my writing a lot and i have to say that i'm honestly better off having taken the chance to do it.
lastly, i ended up here in 2017 and i'm not leaving. i also have another massive oc blog i'm slowly reworking but i'm trying not to stress myself out lol.
Best experiences: it's very difficult to put specific experiences into words because most of it, for me, is vibes. my best experiences have been interactions and plots with people that I not only get along with but like... you know--we understand each other. like if i decide that i'm not going to rp on tumbles for a month and maybe just stick to headcanons, i can do so without fear that you think i'm wasting your time. or that we can pick up where we left off and it's okay if you respond to the months old thread you had with me. or! we can just stay up until the wee hours of the morning talking about ideas or blorbos or getting really into a discord rps. like it's the vibes that i can come to you like a fart in the night with a gifset or image like "hey this is our muses" and, likewise, you can do the same with me.
to those of you who i vibrate at the speed of light towards at any given moment, you know who you are. thank you for being patient with me and giving me the space to vibe with you :)
Pet peeves / dealbreakers: i feel like every time i open my mouth about pet peeves i have, i sound like a crotchety old person that always has something negative to say deep down ... but w/e. it's my soap box.
i've noticed that since i've come back, it feels like i have to be the one that's chasing some people for interactions or plots more often. or like. right out the gate, they wanna jump from A to Z and be best buds and whatever so we can speedrun everything. or... i'm expected to or have to do most of the work because they're quite literally doing none of it after expressing interest. and like some of that isn't inherently bad! i'll be the first to admit that if we're friendly enough and progress something enough to where it's like... an established thing? we can have something going faster than the speed of sound after that. we can have multiple ships, a dedicated au, a whole slew of worldbuilding shit together and i won't care because i know said person on some level. and that took time + a whole slew of back and forths.
however, it doesn't feel great to express that "hey i want to plot something but it'll take time and like... if we're shipping on top of that, it'll take double that amount" and watch, in real time, as that person just... eventually leaves you on read. and/or just doesn't interact with your content anymore. and i can tell the difference between being preoccupied/ having not great week/taking a break from tumblr entirely/being slow and being put on a shelf/ barely acknowledged very clearly. i shouldn't have to feel like i'm competing for a slot or something, which is the vibes i got sometimes and ( as you would expect ) didn't like.
this isn't directed at anyone i'm currently following, ofc. i know i am not perfect but i also know that i am an extremely patient person, which is how I want to be treated. It's very frustrating to try and try and try again only to get the bare minimum from people i genuinely wanted to interact with. but c'est la vie--such is life--and i move on. i, like many others, have limited time to be on here and if something doesn't bring me joy after a month, two months, three months, I'm more than willing to part with it. there has to be effort on both ends in some way and if you want me to pat your ass, pat my ass too.
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ): you cannot make me choose. now, does that mean that I write them all in equal amounts? certainly not. but it really depends on my mood. sometimes, all i wanna do is talk about soft moments. other times, i want to put my muses in a blender and watch them process what's happening to them. occasionally, i'll let them roam free and be as horny as they like. the key is to always cycle through the three so you don't get burnt out on any one of them.
Plot or memes: uuuuuhhhh it depends? plots are my fucking jam and i like having a general storyline to follow when writing and then figuring out the little details when we get to them. it's a long process but i enjoy the wait and the buildup more than i enjoy air so djsfdvdfvd--
buuuuuut i also think memes are a valueable, valueable springboard into interactions. and plotting straight outta the gate can be intimidating for some. plus, if you want to plot but your head is empty atm, finding and sending memes with the same vibe as the plot point you wanted to discuss is helpful! i'll admit that i'm not great at sending in memes but it's not for lack of wanting to. it's more not knowing what to send and picking a muse to send along with it that trips me up. Plus, not being here most of the day tends to mean i miss a lot of meme reblogs orz
Long or short replies: long replies but i do trim them shorter or rewrite portions of them. sometimes, i will write what i deem to be "too much" for a reply ( e.g: my partner has like 350 words and i'm sitting at like 625 words ) and i'll go back and edit it down to 450-500 if i find stuff that doesn't really move anything along or is just needless padding.
Best time to write: it used to be late night but i pass out too often for that to be effective anymore ( because of my sleep schedule for work ), so i tend to favor late mornings and early afternoon. if i'm writing late at night, it's because i didn't have time during the day to do so.
Are you like your muse(s): n...not really in most cases. like we share some traits here and there but for the most part, my personality, sense of style, and morality deviates from most of them.
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tagged by: @rexpyre tagging: @arcxnumvitae @gunrising @royaletiquette @nezumivc103221 @bonesofchaos and anyone else that wants to.
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fortifice · 14 days
2, 12, 16, 25, 28
2. do you RP anywhere else, other than tumblr? currently ??? on discord !!! i've written a bunch of places but these two are the only ones I use rn. i'm more active on discord bc my spelling errors are only witnessed by one person and i don't have to format or think too much. 12. what do you think about AUs? i don't mind them ! i have been enlightened to the fact that the canon should not be ignored entirely when writing AUs and since then I find myself more picky about them LMAO but i love a good modern verse. 16. what’s the best way to approach you to start playing together? usually prompts are the best way to initiate writing with me although even then I can be rather slow when it comes to actually getting them out. it's good to chat with me ooc about gepard if you do that i'll probably write u 2k words in like one day u won't escape.
25. do you play smut? do you play it only with characters you’re shipping with, or are you open for “one night stands”? i do write smut and when it comes to gep usually it's not one night stands but more casual relations are more accommodating for him with the amount of him which is dedicated to his duty and the fact that he is not openly out. 28. is your muse canon divergent in any way? i would say im more headcanon based than divergent but there's also not a whole lot that hoyo has given us about gepard. we're allowed to see bits and pieces and for his narrative i end up more filling in spaces and trying to build upon what there already is than being divergent.
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okthatsgreat · 3 months
hi lee!!!!!!!! ❤️✂️🍎💀🍩🧠 for any oc yyou want to talk about YAYYY! :D
oc ask game!
❤️ - what is one of your oc’s best memories?
URMMMMMMM. a lot of sae's best memories are really tame i think bhgfdghdfj just moments where she could sit back and say Yeah. I am Completely Happy :) BUT the BEST one i think is one she recounts a lot just bc she reallyyy felt like she had found peace. the fishing village near her afi's home holds a yearly festival for fisherman's day that she LOVEESSSS. and IF MY TIMELINE IS CORRECT she got an award i believe in 2012 (??) for her achievements and contribution to her community . and when the festival was over she got to have a long chat with her afi up on a mountain top overlooking the ocean and she holds that conversation very dear to her heart :]
✂️ - what is one of your oc’s worst memories?
(forgive me for being vague theres still a lot to be revealed in the rp hgdfjkggfdsjk!!) shes got a few but the WORST one she remembers suppperrrrr vividly just because everything seemed to happen all at once, the town she was living in was going through one of the WORST thunderstorms it had ever had, and she was seconds away from doing something SO rash . GOD awful day for a thirteen year old to have. BUT it was the catalyst for some major changes in her life, so while she would never go back and do that all over again sae can at least acknowledge that it switched what direction her life took DRASTICALLY. it led her to where she is today but that definitely doesnt mean she looks back at it with any sort of fondness gbhdgbsdf
🍎 - what is the oc's relationship w/their parents like?
her afi and amma were her legal guardians for the majority of her teenage years! and anybody within a five mile radius knows that she LOVES those guys. she takes so much influence from her afi particularly and holds him on a very high pedestal of how she should be behaving and what traits she should portray, just because he is an incredibly patient and wise man. her late amma also influenced her a LOT in terms of hard-work and dedication to others, and when she passed it only caused sae to work even harder to support her afi. not to mention sae truly considers her afi to have saved her life which means she feels she owes a LOT to him ghfdjkg
she doesnt speak with her parents!
💀 - does your oc have any phobias?
she isnt DEATHLY afraid of anything but she gets concerned over superstitious things that arent necessarily a problem to other people lmaooo. like for instance she does NOT fuck with bananas because they are considered terrible luck on boats. she rarely sails on thursdays, took the lucky charms off of her fishing hat and placed it around her waist just so the hat won't fly overboard again, never renames a boat, etc. ALL because she doesnt want to invite bad luck on her ship fghsjd
she's also really not a fan of loud noises!! thunderstorms have a tendency to freak her out but it really depends on the day honestly. catch her in a good mood and she can manoeuvre a boat through them easy peasy, catch her in a bad mood and she'll just sort of stare at the floor unmoving for a bit
🍩 - who is your oc's arch-nemesis or rival?
LMAO sae would never admit out loud that she hates anybody enough to consider them an arch-nemesis or rival. ESPECIALLY pre killing game. now does she dislike people? for sure. is this killing game definitely taking a lot of her pent up resentment and making it ten times worse? definitely
🧠 - what do you like most about the oc?
guy that tried so hard to escape the cycle that she is slowly turning into the very thing she was attempting to run from 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 she is NOTTT breaking the loop
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midnightfms · 4 months
i would really like to apply, but ive never done a tumblr based rp before so im kinda nervous :( how different is it from mewe? sending lots of support!
hello, i'm so happy to hear that you're interested in joining us, and thank you for your support! so, full transparency, i've only joined a couple of mewe rps in my 'rp career' so i'm far from an expert on making the switch but i can offer you a few key differences and link to a more in-depth tumblr rp tutorial to help with the transition!
i'd say the first major difference is in how people interact ic! with mewe, at least in my very brief experience in the groups i joined, the focal point was usually on sns style posts and other characters leaving emojis on those posts, where longer threads would be held in dms and there would usually be a group chat feature. for tumblr, the dashboard kind of acts as your social feed where you see the posts of other muses in the group! this is where the brunt of roleplaying on tumblr takes place. all threads are publicly viewable by everyone, so keep that in mind too! what you will typically see on the dash are para style threads, reblogs of faceclaim visuals, character study or aesthetic posts etc. as muns, we usually plan out plots with each other through ims or over on discord, since sometimes tumblr ims can be unreliable. you're still able to use carrd or google docs to your heart's content to direct others to any important muse information, or you can make a dedicated page on your tumblr or even just put everything in your muse intro!
here are a few samples of muse intros from our lovely roster: yujin, dani & seonah.
here's an example of a starter one mun wrote for another: link.
here's the reply to that starter: link.
here is a great tumblr roleplaying tutorial that will offer you more in-depth help: link.
if anything in the tutorial appears outdated or if you need further assistance, feel free to reach out again!
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straycalamities · 1 year
if you ever decide to start doing anything with it again... i am forever a spook supporter. if spook has a million fans i am one of them. if it has one fan that is me. but!! silly questions, like i said, just because i crave knowledge of my favorite little guy (gnc). are its interests still the same as they were when you had the blog up and running? what would it be doing nowadays now that its probably all growed up? what was it like as a dnd character? (race, class, etc) im running out of space
wow omg 🥺 that’s rly touching omg
let me think bc honestly i’ve dumped almost all the blog version of spook knowledge out of my head at this point
its interests are: poetry/lyrics, weird art, glitter, pastel and cutesy things, but also rly dark and meaningful things, fighting for what’s right in society and dismantling the wrongs in the system, umm what else…i think honestly almost everything you’d have found on its reblog blog from back then is still relevant tbh
it still likes to write and do its own weird art. still likes to do crafty things. its still v dedicated to micah and micah’s interests. still plays guitar. still cares deeply abt there being love in the world and really vibes with anything that’s like…rly emotional love from the heart. still likes memes. still obsessed with sweets.
yeah id say interests is an area i didn’t actually tweak it too much. maybe just changed the reasoning and/or framing of the interests but that’s hard to explain
and well, spook kinda exists as a personality that i can plug-n-play into Situations now. i don’t really have a set storyline in my head for it or anything it’s just like…talking scenarios w ppl or joining rp groups and then coming up w stuff then
generally i keep it around its low or mid 20s tho and it uh..idk it rly depends on the scenario or universe its in for what it does as an adult :l sometimes it still works the music shop and still tries to run w a band, other times it’ll be like idk whatever weird thing(in weehawken for example it was the groundskeeper for the forbidden island campers aren’t allowed to go on. it just upkept the place and everyone who happened to see it thought it was a serial killer or smth but meanwhile it’s just some dude tending to the overgrowth and hanging out in a lil cabin spending time w its little interests and never bothering nobody)
overall tho i’d say that the main thing is that spook chills out. a lot. as an adult. i mean even when i’m thinking abt it as a teen these days it’s probably nowhere near as dramatic or…uh well. all the other off-the-wall stuff it did on the blog (screams and grasps my head like scp-096), but it was still a very traumatized and mentally ill and confused teenager raging at the world but mellows out a ton as an adult (except for universes where it’s straight up an angel uwu those are dif uwu)
in dnd i’ve played a couple of games (or planned a couple of games i think i’ve actively only played it in one one time) and it’s been a revenant and a werewolf, but now i typically keep it as (scourge) aasimar bc it’s perfect uwu. it’s almost Always an assassin rogue tho that just fits its fighting style the best
i remember the one game i played its storyline was abt revenge (related to why it was a revenant) but in my game i was dming where it was an npc (which is what that most recent dnd design is for) it’s kinda like a general wrong-righter. a like…divine vigilante i guess
thank u for the questions!!
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sickocaptive · 8 months
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I post from here
Not interested in dming not interested in pics or much any irl. Dm me and get blocked.
18+ only
It/he not cis not trans something else. I got a weewee.
Hi this is my nsfw blog, I want to lay a few ground rules for newbies
I'm acespec. It means a few things. One of those are: I'm personally sex repulsed to things happening to me, so I navigate my sexual needs through characters.
Everything here is fantasy by default and not indicative of my thoughts or feelings on these things in the real world nor my actions in the real world, nor my desires about these things in the real world.
I am open to role-playing! But loosely, it's more of just a discussion to me, im not looking for anything dedicated and serious. Feel free to add replies to my posts
I often play characters who are different than me in the real world in some way.
A lot of my posts are comical in nature
I'm a switch/vers! Some of my fetishes are only in the context of me as dom, some are only in the context of sub, some go either way.
If you're triggered by more taboo stuff or non-vanilla stuff, please leave now. I don't want you endangering your mental state here and I especially don't want you potentially blaming me for that
I'm gonna say it one more time. I'm into it =/= I endorse it.
You can rp with me in reblogs or askbox but don't expect me to take it 100% seriously, be dedicated to the rp, or answer at all.
Here's my F-list. Screenshot it for a callout? Just proves you're a prude antikink queerphobe xoxo
Some stuff isn't listed on my f list because I feel like it... kinda goes without saying.
Fave = makes me crazzyyyyy
Yes = I enjoy
Maybe = in some situations / specific characters
No = don't
Not all of these are specific sexual fixations on the thing, some of them are about the process or context. (Ex: pregnancy doesn't really do anything for me, but pregnancy is breeding, which I do like.)
Some of them are things I'm into due to the fact they fit multiple things I am into. (Ex: I'm into abduction, military, captivity. = I'm into the concept of prisoners of war.)
Some posts will be in an "i/me" format and some will just be discussing situations with characters. Both are equally fictious and fantasy. One is just in character.
Nothing will be tagged, all will be labeled as mature.
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youngster-monster · 9 months
i wish i could show you the erm the Category dedicated to my uh. 22 discord wips. but unfortunately i cant send images thru anon and also then you get to see what each individual channel is named and a. none of the titles make sense and b. the titles of some of them make them sound WAY WEIRDER than they actually are because no one save for me and one other person were ever supposed to see the working titles and i dont have any ideas on how to change them so ALAS
im like a zoo animal you get to read off all my facts and i get to stare straight into your soul while not a single thought passes through my brain. i need the world to know about my bad discord wip organization
writing is actually about the full year spent turning into a pile of dust,
all worldbuilding!!!! my oc who started as a kleptomaniac prettyboy is now a god with layers upon layers of lore and i dont know what i did but now hes really way worse than he started and i take great pleasure in describing his antics to friends who werent around to see it happen in actual rp. i shudder to think what would happen if i turned that world into a ttrpg he'd be a freak (TEMPTING THOUGH)
there are and i cannot stress this enough TWENTY-TWO INDIVIDUAL CHANNELS and one of them is the OLD snippets channel - yes, i have two, no i cant explain myself - and everytime i think about sifting through it for writing ideas in moments of desperation i feel as though it will grow hands with which to strangle me with and so i dont touch them. they will rot but its better them than me
i may have to pick up those niche ships again because i imagine it feels VERY rewarding and also then you and the other three (3) people who like that ship can sing kumbayah in a circle or whatever
glad the beastly noises comment was a hit! now if youll excuse me i need to sit down at my computer and listen to monkey noises 10 hours while doing bad animal impressions and brainstorming a wip i wont ever complete ,
Weird titles are one of the joys of writing. I wish I could be one of these writers that give wacky names to their wips but unfortunately in this I am terminally boring lmao if it's not descriptive I am Never finding it again
Grabbing you like Steve Irwin showing off a baby alligator to zoo goers. And here is where the Bad Organization Practice goes :) isn't it neat 😌
Give in to the siren's call of ttrpg-ization.....
With rarepairs you either create bonds of steel with the two other miserable fuckers writing with you or a rivalry that gets imprinted into your bloodline. "He would Not fucking say that" but it's the only interpretation you get that isn't your (obviously more correct) own
(statistically I am this for at least one other kaellidan fan. Probably more. I often joke that whoever dislikes my writing is gonna be really mad about how much of me there is in that tag lmao)
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fuckedprophet · 11 months
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(  #FUCKEDPROPHET  )    a  extremely private  rp  blog  for  DALLAS "PRETTY BOY" MCMEEN.  a  (  FANDOMLESS )  original  HORROR character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est. 2023.  this  blog  is primarily iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  six.  
*FUCKED PROPHET  -  a man who can see the past , present , and future and chooses to walk willingly into his death.
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama. 
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord.  
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't force anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that. 
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  sl
im,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together.
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
psd credits go to ; ariapsds
authors note: this character is constantly evolving and never has a real set lore to him, he's affiliated with my two other ocs thefair and thenewton.
QUICK FACT SHEET ABOUT DALLAS; - he grew up in an abusive home. his neglect began from the day he was born and carried on into his youth. - he was the son of a well renowned pastor luke mcmeen who prided himself on the perfect family image. he kept his abuse of dallas under wraps for years and even to date several of his patrons do not know what he did to him. - dallas' mother was compliant in all this abuse because she feared being left by luke; she eventually began to believe luke's insistence that dallas was horrible and an abomination they were forced to trial by gods hand. - dallas despite being highly intelligent did poorly in school because any attention be it positive or negative was viewed in bad lighting by luke and lead to more abuse. - at first he was nothing more than an onlooker to these things, but soon he realized that his actions in this liminal space caused ripples that changed the out come of his nightmares turning them for the better or worse.
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fuckedprophet-arch · 1 year
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(  #FUCKEDPROPHET  )    a  private  rp  blog  for  DALLAS "PRETTY BOY" MCMEEN.  a  (  FANDOMLESS )  original  character.  birthed  by  L  and  originally  est. 2023.  this  blog  is  iconless.  BLOG  FEATURES;  heavy  themes  that  are  USFW.  topics  include  and  are  not  limited  too;  murder,  drugs,  sacrilegious  ideology,  religious  trauma,  sex,  cannibalism,  sacrificial  rituals,  etc.  CONTENT  WILL  NOT    be  suitable  for  all  viewers,  please  curate  your  own  space.  in  order  to  interact  please  be  over  the  age  of  twenty  one,  mun  is  twenty  six.  
*FUCKED PROPHET  -  a man who can see the past , present , and future and chooses to walk willingly into his death.
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AFFILIATED ; @notladylikes | @ohlazrus | @deigrxtia <3
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1.  don't  be  gross ( homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, someone who fetishizes someone for their race. )  basic  rp  rules  apply,  but  please  don't  be  rude  or  mean.  that  kinda  negativity  im  not  into.  keep  the  drama  to  yourself,  im  just  here  to  write.  if  you  wanna  be  friends  that's  great  and  we  can,  but  i  don't  wanna  be  pulled  into  any  kind  of  drama. 
2.  this  blog  is  heavily  nsfw.  when  i  say  heavily  i  do  mean  it  literally.  it  touches  on  uncomfortable  topics  for  most,  drug  abuse,  murder,  cannibalism  (mentioned  not  written  out),  sexual  conduct,  sacrilegious  topics  and  or  behavior,  cosmic  monsters  verses  human  monster.  its  not  for  the  faint  at  heart.  i  wont  write  rape,  incest,  dd/lg,  or  anything  gross  like  that.  if  you  write  that,  stay  away.  thank  you.  i  also  wont  write  smut  on  tumblr.  if  we  are  close  enough  and  have  developed  a  stable  friendship  /  plotting  /  chemistry,  we  can  write  it  on  discord.  
3.  im  simple.  easy  as  that,  i  used  to  write  real  flowery  prose  and  such  --  but  i  cant  seem  to  do  it  anymore.  my  writing  has  shifted  more  into  a  novel  format  rather  than  a  Shakespeare  play.  if  you  write  that  way  awesome,  i  love  to  see  it  and  read  it.  i  just  cant  do  it.  that  being  said  i  don't  expect  you  to  match  my  length,  writing  style,  or  anything  like  that.  i do have vision issues so i don't use icons or tiny font.
4. shipping is fun. its cool and great and i love it. im not afraid to admit ships are one of the fun aspects of rp-ing. i enjoy all forms of connections, romance, platonic, hateship, etc. i just like chemistry is all. its easier that way yknow? so please don't force anything on me. i don't consider memes sent force shipping its testing the waters. if you have an idea or see anyone that strikes your interest just let me know and we can chemistry test. easy as that. 
5.  i  love  ocs.  i  love  some  canon  characters,  but  im  skeptical  of  some  fandoms.  forgive  me  if  i  don't  follow  you  for  my  own  comfort.  if  i  followed  you  first  though  that  means  im  interested  in  writing.  i  try  to  keep  my  list  pretty  sl
im,  so  if  we  follow  each  other  and  i  send  memes  with  no  real  response  or  there  isn't  any  pulse  on  the  other  end  of  our  plotting  i'll  unfollow.  i  just  don't  see  the  point  in  following  someone  if  we  aren't  going  to  actually  try  to  write  together.
that's  the  end  gang.  hope  those  rules  weren't  too  harsh,  i  don't  see  the  point  in  kinda  beating  around  the  bush.  im  pretty  sporadic  and  this  is  a  low  activity  blog;  i  work  and  have  a  family  im  pretty  dedicated  too.  any  questions  please  shoot  them  my  way.  
psd credits go to ; ariapsds
MAINS: notladylikes / ohlazrus / medicnal / bandysnatched / fleuramor / mafiaheiress / behe4dings / shellcrack / @el3nas / @cahroline / @swervdcity
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𝙳𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙰𝚂 𝙹𝙾𝙽𝙴𝚂 𝙼𝙲𝙼𝙴𝙴𝙽 ___  was  born  during  the  month  of  january;  the  3rd  to  be  exact.  born  to    luke  and  sarah  mcmeen, he  is  the  eldest  of  two.  elder brother too alana ruth mcmeen, dallas despite being the first born son was cast down by his own family. now  we  find  him  roaming  alongside his  band FUCKED PROPHET.  sharing the tour bus and motels with his bandmates and managers.  
AGE:  late twenties  -  early  thirties.  NICKNAMES:  pretty boy,  meenie,  tex,  hoss.  BIRTHDATE:  january  3rd,  ___. SPECIES:  human.  GENDER:  CIS-male.  SEXUALITY:  undecided.  STATUS:  single.  BIRTHPLACE:  copper wood tx.  RESIDENCE:  no where.  OCCUPATION:  guitarist && back up vocalist  /  VD.  
HEIGHT:  6'4".  WEIGHT:  215lbs.  BODY  TYPE:  sort of healthy,  built like a wall, muscular.  SKIN  TONE:  fair,  freckled.  HAIR  STYLE:  shaggy, hangs below his ears.  HAIR  COLOR.  dark brown almost black.  EYE  COLOR:  baby blue.  SCARS:  several from the abuse his father acted out on him, mainly on his arms and back.  MODIFICATIONS:  pierced  ears,  pierced tongue, tattoos that cover his scars (on his arm, two sleeves and a large piece on his back, he also has one on his left hip).  FACECLAIM:  tom welling. 
BIRTHSTONE:  garnet.  SUN  SIGN:  capricorn.  MENTAL:  pstd, anger issues, anxiety, undiagnosed depression. ALIGNMENT:  true  neutral.  AESTHETIC:  unloved child feed poison shall grow too love the taste, cowboy turned metal, i will devour god, killer smile, loyalty shall be the death of me. 
PERSONALITY:  Intelligent,  Calm,  Trustworthy,  Loaded gun,  Cruel.  
FATHER:  luke austin mcmeen.  MOTHER:  sarah abbigail mcmeen nee eunice. YOUNGER  SISTER:  alana ruth mcmeen.  FRIENDS:  camillie shepard, corkie johnson, jack o'neil, micky lorene, tot, etc.  PETS:  none.  
ABILITIES: it is noticed at some point in the earlier pieces of dallas music career, that he has a knack for predicting the future. a skill he puts into his music and lyrics that seem too haunt him in his sleep.
SOUNDTRACK:  jekyll & hyde - fiver finger death punch.   
SYNOPSIS:  dallas was loved for all of two seconds as his mother held him. not her fault really she's just weak willed, one look of that righteous disapproval on lukes face and sarah cast out her only son. they couldn't give him up for adoption oh no, how would that look to the congregation that luke led so diligently? no they'd raise him, even if they didn't want him. sarah didn't count on marrying a man who would envy a newborn that his wife smiled at him so brightly or that nurses cooed over him. things stayed that way even after alana was born three years later and took some of her fathers attention off how ashamed he was of dallas. things would stay that way and progressively get worse over the years for the young boy, but at the ripe age of sixteen when he came home from school his father attacked him. dallas cant remember how he did it, but he'd been able to over power his father now that he'd shot up four inches taller than him and put on at least fifty more pounds.
he nearly killed the older man, there was so much blood staining their pea green shag run in the foyer. now looking back dallas cant tell you who bled more but at the time the young man was able to over power his father and even bite a chunk out of his right hand. luke mcmeen would later on to go and claim that he'd been attacked by a wild dog which sent him to the hospital, and as for dallas? he'd ran away. he'd struck his father and slammed his mother into the wood paneling of their entry way, and all to be looked at like he was the monster. no he'd had enough; nothing to his name he bolted out the back door and hoped fences. it was nearly dawn when he emerged from his hiding spot, washing his face and clothes in a loose hose from the house he'd hide around. he would then later go on to walk the highway leading out of town before hitch hiking his way to the city.
four days had gone by when the sixteen year old had been discovered by jack o'neil and the girls at 'heartstoppers', sprawled out in the alley behind the pastel pink brink building they'd dragged the kid into the back room and let him rest on the sofa. they say fairytales don't exist, that only god is the maker of miracles and happy endings -- but dallas calls bullshit. the very people his father had preached against and claimed to have hated had protect him far better than either of his parents had. jack and his topless bar eventually became dallas' second home, never allowed on the floor dallas simply provided security for jacks back office. after all jack had nagged him about it several times to go and get his GED, and even though it'd taken a couple weeks he'd managed to secure that very thing.
as years came and go, in this time dallas began to start hanging out with corkie johnson. a metal head from the record store four blocks over, and from there it seemed history would be made. corkie taught dallas how to play guitar, and in the damp and shitty apartment of corkie's the band Fucked Prophet was born.
now fucked prophet is a famous metal band that's touring the country and putting on jaw dropping shows.
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pictured above, a rough edit of the bands questionnaire in the popular metal head magazine ' iron balls '.
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Shady sider turned Sunnyvaler isn't easy. In fact its pure torture if you dont get in with the right crowd. Though verbal abuse isn't anything new for Dallas, up until his sixteenth birthday he’d been brutalized by his father while residing under his roof. It wasn't until his grandmother, who had just recently discovered he existed, took him from under her son's care and brought him over to the sunniest town all around did Dallas begin to understand why. It was the summer before junior year and with hormones blazing and more, it became evident – after raising a lycanthrope isn't easy. In fact it's what spurred Dallas’ father to kill his own brother ages ago and casted Luke McMeen into the trenches of Shady side. Now under his grandmother's care he must learn how to deal with the social queues of High School royalty, the raging hormones of a werewolf, and not to mention a plague that seems to be stalking shady siders – even if they’ve changed their colors. ( this is pre camp ) At camp Night Wing, Dallas is a counselor for the Sunnyvale side. He runs his own cabin shared with another counselor, and mainly partakes in swimming, hiking, and music lessons. During the events of the camp wing massacre, he is targeted during the attacks but thanks to his special skills he’s able to save some kids but ultimately sustains a few minor injuries before escaping.
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dare-to-dm · 2 years
hi! i’m a relatively new follower but i was wondering if you took asks about dnd campaigns?
I’m kinda in a shorty spot rn. I’ve played dnd a lot but i never took it that seriously. i’ve moved several states away from home to go to college and my highschool friends back home wanted to start playing! i was pretty excited and i sorta dedicated myself to try and be better and 1) get into my character and 2) invest myself in my fellow players characters because i have been pretty bad at both of those. the guy dming hasn’t done it before so we did a short one shot last saturday (which went fine!) and another yesterday, bc we want him to be confident. between those two sessions i kinda redid my character just cause i didn’t like some stuff from the previous week. yesterday was very very bad.
part of the reason why the session yesterday sucked was cause i’m the only one online, i call in through discord and i have a hard time hearing them (although they can hear me well cause of a bluetooth) and i can’t see them cause our dm points the camera at the map. my character is a grumpy old guy and i’m trying really hard to roleplay that but it’s so hard when they can’t see me do physical mannerisms and i can’t interact with my friends. overall the session for me sucked because i struggled to hear people and it felt like i want actually there. then one my my friends characters killed my wolf that i had just tamed. so i quit and said i had to leave and left the call.
i was really upset about it this morning and so i was texting one of my friends and he said that it sucked for them because i wasn’t doing enough interaction , i kept being grumpy and not talking. and that i shouldn’t have tamed the wolf cause the other player had called dibs on it for meat (which i didn’t hear) ig from there perspective i was really rude during rp sections (i wasn’t trying to be, my character is an old guy and i was trying to play that. clearly not well)
and then there’s the combat. i’m pretty good at constructing characters and so i was consistently dealing more damage than other players and bc combat is my favorite part of the game, i tried to get really into and describe my attacks. last session our dm described our attacks and i was like hey! this my character i wanna say what he does! but i don’t actually know if that’s standard
anywya my friend told me that everyone was a little tired of my descriptions cause i would describe them vividly and take too long and that it kinda seemed like i was making myself the star of the show
idk where i’m going with this. i feel like maybe i should just quit and not come back for another session. i can’t be there in person anywya and obviously as things stands i’m making it less fun. i’m upset at myself and i feel bad for the way i acted cause i didn’t even realize it came across that way. i think i’ve been expecting too much of everyone involved and i know i should try and make it better by playing again but idk how to do that without sacrificing a character im really proud of and parts of the game i really love.
idk if these are the kinds of asks you usually get. you don’t have to answer if it’s not up your alley. i’m sorry for the really long message
Hey there! I do take asks, and I can definitely sympathize with your situation. I've been there before.
You've brought up several issues, any one of which would not be too hard to work out with your friends. But the combination of all of them is a doozy. Personally, I think being the only remote player is the toughest thing to deal with. It's very easy to feel isolated from your friends and like you can't actually get immersed in the role play, no matter how hard you try. In my experience, in order to make this work, you need to have one friend in particular really be your advocate to make sure you are heard and that you aren't missing anything. But even then, playing remotely might just not be fun for you. I know it isn't for me. When I was in this situation, I ended up bowing out of that particular group and finding a new group where I could play in person. That was tough, because the first group were people I had known for a long time, and finding a new group meant having to reach out to strangers. But it ended up being worth it, and I made some new friends.
As for the issue of you being rude, it sounds like if you were, it was unintentional not entirely unreasonable. After all, in some groups you would fit right in with vivid descriptions of your actions during combat. In fact, some would consider that a strength. While others might see it as grandstanding or slowing down the action. Personally, I would be cool with it, but if others are critical, that's fine as long as they give their feedback politely. I once had another player ask me to tone down my descriptions because they said it made them picture the gore too much, which was unpleasant for them. I didn't mind adjusting my style to their preference since they asked politely.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience! Rest assured that it's mostly not your fault. Honestly, you should probably seek a new group to play with. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but I hope it doesn't make you want to give up on this hobby.
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magioffire · 2 years
what’s the best thing about shipping for you?
what’s the worst thing about shipping for you?
do you have a pet peeve when it comes to shipping?
do you prefer to plot a ship, or would you rather “wing it”?
do you prefer fast plots, pre-enstablished relationships or slow burns?
shipping questions (sfw edition) ; accepting
whats the best thing about shipping for you?
god i have to say i really love is the conflict and tension that arises when two characters are forming a bond together. each 'stage' of shipping has its own benefits but i think its the best part of the 'honeymoon' or just starting out phase of the ship. i like the build up almost more than i like the actual aftermath of the ship itself. another favorite thing about shipping is finding things like pictures, quotes, music, that reminds me of the ship and sending it to my ship partner/tagging them in it like look!! i also really am a sucker for writing affection, whether physical or words or acts of service or whatever the love language of the day is
whats the worst thing about shipping for you?
i think the worst thing is that it can be kinda hard to legitimately ship with vali. like a full blown relationship with vali, not just someone he messes around with or has some romantic feelings for hes never fully expressed, like a full blown committed relationship on both sides no matter how weird the circumstances of the ship are. vali is...not an easy person to have a relationship with, hes hard to even *get* into a relationship with. hes easy to sleep with, casually date, but even if he develops feelings, thats all he will ever allow himself to consider it unless there is a push to do so, conflict urging him to express his feelings and desires. this can make it pretty difficult to develop deeper relationships because it requires a lot of time and dedication on part of the muns and the characters. this leaves a lot of my ships in a state of suspended animation where vali is unwilling to take it to another level out of fear of rejection/being hurt. and honestly...i feel like a lot of people are okay with their characters only knowing vali on a surface level in a relationship, that the relationship stay casual, and thats fine, vali needs relationships that are more casual, but it makes me a little sad cuz im like...holy shit *no one* actually knows vali. i guess thats a fatal flaw of his character that gets in the way of relationships and makes it more difficult whihc is why i included it here, as a facet of shipping specifically with vali, and not just shipping in general.
whats a pet peeve when it comes to shipping?
uhhh honestly when people hit it and quit it. i dont mean: rp partner took a break and the timing just so happened to be then or like, you know, the normal fluctuation of interest in the rpc. i dont expect people to ALWAYS be giving me ship content or always engaging with the ship or me for that matter (shit sometimes i go weeks or even a few months without talking to people but the vibe is still chill). ive just noticed over the years it happens sometimes where i'll have someone acting very interested in a ship and the build up is great, the smut happens and its great too, but then interest very quickly teeters off after that, not just ic interest but ooc interest too.
like on one hand, from an ic stand point, im like yeah that sounds about right for vali sadly. thats like the story of his love life for a good chunk of his life, people hitting and quitting, but i cant help but feel a little shitty from an ooc point of view just because its like. if you just wanted to write smut i would have been down for that. as i said before vali is hard to ship with, so i can understand why someone might feel disheartened or stuck in regards to how to approach or continue a ship with him, but i'm more than willing to work out an issue like that, its nothing a little plotting couldn't fix if our characters already have chemistry. but usually these people werent stuck or disheartened or taking a break or experiencing normal levels of fluctuating interest like that is NORMAL af, they just got what they came for and lost interest and just didn't think to bother to tell me annnd it usually ends in a ghosting :( it REALLY peeves me off
do you prefer to plot ships, or just 'wing it'?
a little bit of both. it really depends on 1. the nature of the character approaching vali with romantic intent 2. the sort of dynamic i feel like could work with these characters and 3. how easily the mun and i hit it off. i would say in general, its a 50/50 split. i usually like to figure out the basics, like where and how would they meet, what do we think the general 'vibe' might be between them, spitballing ideas, discussing what we are looking for. usually that goes well. i find that if i plot too much, it leaves little room for the character's relationship to organically grow, and if i plot nothing at all, then i run the risk of the characters having a 'wrong place wrong time' situation where they just dont click, despite any potential chemistry they have, simply because they were not put into a situation that would force them to interact with eachother long term.
do you prefer fast plots, pre-established relationships, or slow burns?
again it depends but i generally lean towards slow burn and having a basic, generalized idea of what sort of relationship we might be shooting for (like enemies to lovers, or found family, or partners in crime, or whatever) otherwise we might be on totally different pages on what we are looking for in the ship. i like slow burn, but vali kinda forces it to be a slower burn than some people might prefer in terms of emotional and relationship development. the physical stuff can happen real fast, but the rest can take a loong time for vali to open up at all. in that respect, i want my partner and i to be on the same general page, so we dont have wildly different expectations of what we are going to get out of the ship.
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nulltune · 2 years
Tumblr media
NAME:  lynn (derogatory)
PRONOUNS:  she / her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  discord! you can message me thru tumblr im's too but ngl it is.... Da Worst for me. i usually miss out messages all the time and end up replying pretty late, so do hmu on discord if you'd like! but actually i'm kinda super slow in general 👉👈 so pls be patient with mee 😳💖
NAME OF MUSE(S):  hakuno kishinami my beloved ♡​
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  oh mann, time eludes me but i used to rp on instagram 🗿 for a couple of years before i migrated to tumblr around 2016 i think. rping was always a pretty on and off hobby for me tho ngl and i blog-hopped on tumblr a lot for maybe a couple years or so? tho i like to think i'm kinda dedicated now that've settled down with a moon wife- i mean 😳 a muse i really like !
BEST EXPERIENCE: ‎can't say if there's a best experience tbh! talking abt our muses is super funn, i love screaming about dynamics and interactions and i get super giddy when i get an ask or receive an ask reply or a reply in general hhhmmmgh idk idk! i have a lot of really great friends and fantastic writers on da dash which just makes the tunglr experience rlly rlly great 🥺 and i'm very grateful for that! ❤️💖💞
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  oooh my rules should be pretty clear on that! other than the stuff i mentioned there tho, hmmm vague posting is very 😬 to me and if i see it then-- 👋👋
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  fluff and angst come very easily for this moon lady! she is soft and sad <3 i honestly like everything as long as it has Substance to it and is meaningful because like, fluff for the sake of fluff or angst for the sake of angst just gets tiringgg. i've never written smut (i feel like i'd write it so bad so- SGAGDJS) but i can't imagine writing it on main anyway because hakuno's veeery exclusive when it comes to sexy times. you need 2 romance her for that and well, she is a hard 2 romance being! i mean nothing's impossible so an fwb situation isn't entirely out of the question but yea, veeeeery unlikely
PLOTS OR MEMES: ‎ ‎i like both! though i think i like plotting first before jumping to memes 🤔 if that makes sense! just cuz it's easier for me to have a general outline of what we'd want for our muses and lil details of how they'd interact before figuring it out from there thru memes or threads or more plotting ✨️
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  i don't really pay attention to reply length tbh, but i think most of the stuff i write are probably around two or three paragraphs? sooooo- middle replies! (unfunny joke is unfunny)
BEST TIME TO WRITE:  hmmmm i don't really have one? writing muse hits super randomly and where i write matters more to me tbh! like, i Cannot write even in the 10 minute break between classes bc idk why but it just does not hit the same </3 but as long as i'm all comfy and in the writing mood then it's all gooood
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  if i am then i'd be Concerned! ^_^ sffjshfb ok i joke but nauurrrrr. we only have the basic surface level kinda stuff in common, like liking sweets or cats. maybe being shy, but even then hakuno can be hella bold and assertive whereas i'd rather eat my hands 🤷‍♀️ hmmm i guess we're both binches that want affection and validation deep down GSJCHSJF OK AND WELL i guess having a simp side maybe counts bUT HAKUNO'S CUTE WHEN SHE HAS THOSE MOMENTSS she is simply a very adoring lover. sure does make me look like a hoe in comparison tho 💃 FSJCSGKFDH /J /J
taggdd: a super long time ago! by sophie and ren iirc (if any of u see this, thank uuu and ily! 🥺💖
tagging: if you haven't do it! but ya gotta tag me bc i wanna seeee 👀✨️
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