#Naja story
starlighnes · 1 year
promt: forehead kisses. or kisses on the crown of your head esp when you're not expecting it
Als Leo seinen Kopf auf Adams Schulter ablegt, kann der das Lächeln, was sich auf seine Lippen stiehlt nicht aufhalten. Es ist schön, endlich wieder so beieinander sein zu können. Ohne all die unausgesprochenen Sachen, die wie eine Mauer zwischen ihnen standen. Jetzt und hier, denkt Adam, ist eigentlich alles so, wie es sein sollte.
Es ist mittlerweile schon ein paar Wochen her, dass diese Mauer irgendwie explodiert ist. Anders hätten sie vermutlich nie vernünftig miteinander geredet, aber angenehm war es trotzdem nicht. Nachdem sie beide komplett ausgelaugt nebeneinander auf Adams Sofa gesessen hatten, haben sie gemeinsam beschlossen, die Dinge zwischen ihnen langsam angehen zu lassen. Sich erstmal wieder richtig kennenlernen, auf Dates gehen. Bei dem Gedanken daran, wie unsicher Leo geklungen hat, als er das vorgeschlagen hat, macht Adams Herz einen kleinen Hüpfer. Niemals hätte einer von ihnen erwartet, dass sie das haben könnten.
Und doch sitzen sie jetzt hier auf Leos Balkon, auf den gerade so zwei Stühle passen, neben den Terracottatöpfen, in denen Leo seine Kräuter wachsen lässt. Schon seit einer Weile hat keiner von den beiden mehr etwas gesagt, nachdem sie die Pizza, die sie auf dem Weg vom Präsidium bei ihrem Lieblingsitaliener geholt haben, hier gegessen haben. Als die Sonne untergegangen ist, sind sie angenehm müde still geworden, jeder ein bisschen in den eigenen Gedanken versunken.
Adam kann nicht glauben, wie angenehm die Stille zwischen ihnen ist und gleichzeitig ist es undenkbar, dass es jemals anders sein könnte. Es ist genau wie damals, als sie stundenlang zusammen im Baumhaus saßen und gemeinsam die Sterne angeguckt haben.
Auch jetzt sind nur wenige Wolken am Himmel, der mittlerweile fast komplett dunkel geworden ist. Und so kann er zwei helle Punkte erkennen, von denen Leo ihm bestimmt erklären könnte, welche Sterne sie sind. Aber er entscheidet sich einfach, die Nähe seines Freundes zu genießen, anstatt ihn danach zu fragen. Als er den Blick ein wenig nach links gleiten lässt, fühlt sich sein Herz so leicht an, als könnte es jeden Moment aus seinem Brustkorb springen und nach oben fliegen, bis zu den Sternen.
Das Sternzeichen, was er knapp über dem Horizont entdeckt hat, ähnelt einem verbogenen Kleiderbügel. In diesem Moment kann Adam nicht anders, als eine Kuss auf Leos leicht verwuschelte Haare zu drücken.
All die Jahre, in denen er den Nachthimmel angesehen hat und der Anblick des Löwen ihm einen Stich in der Brust versetzt hat, sind augenblicklich vergessen. Denn jetzt sitzen sie endlich zusammen hier, er und sein Leo.
Der richtet seinen Kopf auf und sieht ihn leicht verwundert an, aber Adam entgeht das Funkeln in seinen Augen nicht.
„Wofür war das?“, fragt Leo nach und sieht dabei so schön aus, dass Adam direkt noch einen weiteren Kuss auf seine Haare setzen will. Und noch einen. Und noch einen. „Einfach so“, erwidert er stattdessen und blickt in die Augen seines Gegenübers. „Weils schön ist. Hier mit dir“, ergänzt er dann leiser und Leo brummt zustimmend. Als er seinen Kopf wieder auf Adams Schulter ablegt, kribbelt dessen gesamter Körper vor Glück. „Finde ich auch.“
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lalalaugenbrot · 1 year
want to have your soul leave your body numerous times in only a couple of minutes? go read commentaries on "Klassiker deutscher Literatur" on lovelybooks.de
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
Das erste Kapitel von Mein rasend Herz und damit meiner ersten längeren Justus/Victor-Story ist jetzt online!
fanfiktion.de // archiveofourown
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angcandel · 1 year
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my best creation yet is baby naja, at first atheris and leio weren’t going to have kids, but when the thought of naja existing appeared in my head there was not going back lmao they are such a cute family 😭 
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zoey-wades · 2 years
If you don’t mind me asking, what do you like about Dracula and Path of the Valkyrie? I’ve tried to get into both but it’s a lil hard for me
I’m just a sucker for lore and historical fiction. I can understand why it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, though. PotV moves pretty slow, at first, but it starts to pick up closer to the middle of S1. I do think PotV is a bit better written than Dracula, because there were times when the MC in Dracula just did and said a lot of stupid shit.
One thing that annoyed me would be when she’d notice something VERY OBVIOUS—a book being cursed, Vlad being evasive about something—and then just brush it off. I also hated that the men kept calling the women “girls” and telling them to run and hide while they fight. Always hated that trope. Still do.
Other than that, the lore surrounding the Ottoman Empire and Romanian customs are fascinating. And I genuinely like Vlad and Leo.
PotV seems fun and lets you be a lil gay as a treat, by default. Also I like that MC has a very flexible personality. She can either be overly cautious, or ready to throw hands whenever she wants. Always a fan of that.
Edit: Also another thing that was a bit of a turnoff for me, initially, was the insta-love aspect between Leo and MC. I eventually grew to really like him. But they were kind of pushing him on MC super quickly. And when I didn’t know him, it just came off as weird.
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lyxchen · 5 months
Wait, die haben Silber verfilmt???
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Here is the master list for all my fics! The date at the bottom is the last time it was updated (I try to keep it as updated as possible)
Thank YOU for reading, liking, reblogging, and commenting! I appreciate and LOVE the reception and feedback and commentary more than you could ever know - it fuels me and keeps the inspiration flowing!
All stories have a face claim. However, with all my OCs, I encourage folks to see themselves in the story! Also I love angst BUT all my stories are happily ever afters so enjoy the emotional rollercoasters knowing everyone'll be ok lol Thank you again for reading! Love y'all!
MBJ Fics:
Built for Love Series - Michael B Jordan x Famous OC Reader Charlotte Elsbeth Jordan
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Series Summary: Charlotte Bennett was not looking for love when she moved to LA and landed her first role in Creed. Quite the opposite actually. However, her costar, Michael B Jordan, makes her question everything she once believed possible for herself and her future. As she builds a life and relationship with him, ghosts from her past threaten to destroy it all.
Series Warnings: Violence, Mentions of past experiences with DV, Angst, Mature Sexual Content
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6**) (Interlude**) (7**) (8) (9) (10) (11**) (12)
Completely random one shots that follow Charlotte & MBJ as they navigate the world as Hollywood’s Black power couple. Whether it be stardom, their work, parenthood, or relationship drama, the Jordans are building a love that will last a lifetime.
Oscar Night Part 1** (Part 2**)
Bleeding Through (1)
Falling Apart (1) (2)
Date Night**
GQ Couples Quiz
Wicked Fantasies - MBJ x Black OC
Moodboard: coming soon!
Series Summary: Raven’s life, as of late, was one unexpected turn after another. It seemed as though every time she got a break and could get her head above water, something came tumbling to knock her back down. As she struggles to get her foot in the door of LA’s call girl scene to make extra money, she stumbles upon her big break: Michael B. Jordan, Hollywood’s most famous, talented, and notorious actor, director, and playboy. One night of pleasure for him would solve many of her continuously mounting financial problems. However, an unlucky trip to the hospital and an ill-timed flash of a paparazzi’s camera snag her the proposition of a lifetime, one that would solve all her problems and allow her to live out her most wicked fantasies with the sexist man alive. However, she forgot one cardinal rule: fantasies and pretend never last and reality would always come around eventually. 
Warnings: Mature sexual content (18+), HEAVY Dom/Sub storyline (the whole nine), this is for the kinky girlsssssss, angst
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Late Nights
MBJ Requests:
A Love That Never Fades (MBJ x OC)
Erik Killmonger Fics
Unbreakable - Erik Killmonger x Black OC
Moodboard: Coming soon!
Series Summary: Naja, the younger sister of the Queen of Wakanda, hated few things. And at the top of that shortlist: Prince N’Jadaka. Well, if she were honest, he was the entirety of the list. Once destined to be a princess of Wakanda, Naja was the picture of kindness and grace. Now, she is hailed as Wakanda’s most fearless, dangerous, and reclusive war dog. After more than a decade of putting as much distance as possible between her and the life she almost had, Naja is forced to come face to face with the person she hates most again. With a threat looming over Wakanda and lives at risk, Naja must decide if trusting Prince N'Jadaka is worth the risk before it is too late.
Warnings: Angst
(1**) (2)
Last Updated: October 20, 2023
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fafnir19 · 5 months
Hunter Prince
As the youngest prince, I am often belittled, ridiculed, and scorned. My elder brothers, Haas and Rego, are exemplary warriors, while I, Prince Almir, am but a mere shadow in their presence. The king, too, has often expressed his disappointment in me, though he does so subtly, through concerned glances and exasperated sighs. One fateful day, a group of entertainers graced the castle with their presence, and amid their act, they unfolded a tale of Princess Naja, bewitched by an evil sorceress and earmarked for marriage to the fearsome wizard, Zarik. Her plight ignited a fire within me—the chance to prove my worth, not just to my family, but to myself. Stealing away from the castle, I embarked on a journey to rescue the fair Princess Naja.
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Many trials beset me, but eventually, I arrived at the sorceress's tower, where Naja was imprisoned high above, seemingly out of reach. I approached Naja, hoping for her wisdom and guidance. Much to my surprise, she revealed her secret knowledge of the sorceress's books. She disclosed the conditions for my success: "Capture the black unicorn and fashion boots from its untamable hide; Slay the black wolf and forge a cape from its impenetrable fur; Snare the black falcon and equip your garments with its swift feathers." With Naja's aid, and a stolen magical ring from the sorceress, I would then transform into these creatures. As a falcon, I would soar into the tower, transform into a wolf to subdue the sorceress, and flee with Naja upon the back of the unicorn.
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The challenges before me seemed insurmountable, but with cunning and skill, I succeeded in each task. The garments were fashioned, the magical ring obtained.
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As a falcon, I soared into the sky, riding the winds as they carried me closer to the lofty prison where Naja awaited her liberation. My heart pounded, and the adrenaline coursed through my veins as I approached the tower, ready to confront the sorceress and seize my chance to rescue the princess. "Naja, I'm here," I called out in a silent hum, the only sound that carried from my avian form. From the tower, her voice echoed back, laced with an urgency that spurred me onward. "Almir, be swift. Transform into the wolf when you arrive. We must act before the sorceress intervenes." My feathers ruffled with determination, and with a steely resolve, I executed the seamless transition into a formidable wolf. As I approached the tower, the door swung open with a gust of chilling wind, and I bounded forth to confront the sorceress. But as I advanced, ready to confront the wicked enchantress, the sight that greeted me struck with the force of a thunderbolt. It was not the sorceress who stood before me, but a figure much more imposing. It was the wizard Zarik, his eyes gleaming with power and malice. I snarled and attacked, but before I could even reach him, Zarik swiftly subdued me with a collar and muzzle.
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Naja stepped forward with a sinister smile, holding the magical ring. "Oh, Almir," she said with false sweetness. "I knew you would be the perfect addition to our little family." Naja's laughter filled the tower, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You see, Almir, love can make one do many things. And my love for Zarik knows no bounds." She kissed Zarik and presented him with the magical ring. "This will be the perfect wedding gift for you, my dear." With a sinking feeling, I realized that the true love story was not between Princess Naja and I, but between her and the dark wizard Zarik. I desperately asked: "What is the meaning of this? Naja, I thought you were—" "Silence, Almir," Zarik commanded, his voice laced with an undercurrent of dark power that sent shivers down my spine. "You will come with us, and you will learn the consequences of meddling in matters beyond your understanding." As I stood there, rendered helpless and captive, the reality of the situation began to sink in. I had been tricked, betrayed, and now I was at the mercy of the very adversaries I had sought to thwart.
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Just as despair threatened to consume me, Zarik's voice cut through the suffocating silence. "Almir, you are no longer who you once were. From now on, you shall be known as Hunter, my loyal companion." I blinked in confusion, my mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. "Hunter? What do you mean?" Zarik's eyes held a chilling glint as he explained, "You possess remarkable potential, Hunter, and I will decide which form you will take—whether it is the unicorn for its speed, the wolf for its prowess in hunting, the falcon for its keen sight, or the human form for its cunning and intelligence." A dreadful realization dawned on me as the truth sank in. I was now at Zarik's mercy, bound to his will and stripped of my former identity. As Hunter, I had become a mere tool in the hands of a powerful wizard and a deceitful princess. Defeated and captive, I could only wonder what fate awaited me at the hands of the sorceress and the powerful wizard.
The days melded into an existence I had never fathomed, where loyalty was my only currency. Zarik, my captor turned master, reveled in his newfound "wedding gift," parading me like a prized possession. I accompanied him everywhere, adopting the form he desired, whether human, unicorn, wolf, or falcon.
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His training was relentless, intended not just to hone my hunting skills, but to break my spirit. "Good, Hunter," Zarik murmured, as I successfully tracked our prey through the dense forest. "I see great potential in you." Potential for what? I often pondered, but all that escaped my lips, in any form, were feigned grunts of acquiescence. One evening, as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, Zarik and I found ourselves in the great hall, partaking in a goblet of wine each. Naja appeared, cloaked in allure as always, her gaze flitting between us with a glimmer of malice. "Ah, Naja, my love," Zarik said, rising from his seat. "Have you come to admire our progress?" Naja's laugh echoed like silver bells, belying the darkness that swirled within her. "Indeed, Zarik. It's impressive how you've transformed Almir into such a useful companion." Useful? I snarled inwardly, my human form concealed by the boundary of silence I had resigned to. Zarik stepped closer to Naja, his eyes alight with fervor. "He has proven to be a valuable asset, indeed. His loyalty knows no bounds, just as yours." Naja's lips curled into a wry smirk, and I could almost taste the bitterness of my own plight. "Hunter, isn't it?" She addressed me as if I were naught but a hound. "Yes," Zarik affirmed with a glint in his eye, seeing his handiwork unfold. "His transformation is quite remarkable, wouldn't you agree?" I clenched my fists, hidden beneath the guise of human semblance, the wine in my goblet forgotten as their sinister exchange unfolded before me.
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Naja approached, her ethereal beauty masking the venomous intent within. "Impressive, indeed," she purred, her fingers trailing along my arm as if I were no more than a weapon at their disposal. I recoiled internally, stifling the violent impulse to lash out. Trapped within my own facade, I could only endure their twisted charade. The moon ascended high into the night as the hour grew late. Zarik and Naja bid each other farewell, entwining in a passionate embrace, leaving me to my thoughts. However, their parting words, laced with veiled intentions, lingered in the air like a thick mist. As they departed, Naja spared me a glance, her gaze cutting through my facade with cruel clarity. "Be sure to join us on our special night, Hunter," she taunted. "After all, you are an essential part of our union." With that, the door closed behind them, leaving me to confront the turmoil churning within. I had become nothing more than a pawn in their treacherous design, a far cry from the prince I once was. The night crept on as I wrestled with the shackles that bound me, both physical and emotional. Eventually, the fateful hour arrived, cloaked in a darkness that mirrored the despair in my heart. I approached the grand chamber, the weight of my captivity bearing down upon me. The door creaked as I entered, my footsteps echoing through the chamber. Zarik and Naja reclined upon the grand bed, their eyes gleaming with a sinister glimmer. My presence, a silent reminder of their triumph, did nothing to dampen their unholy revelry. "Ah, Hunter," Zarik beckoned, his voice laced with a cruel edge. "Come, fulfill your duty as my loyal companion."
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My stomach churned, repulsed by the spectacle before me, but even in my agony, I dared not defy their command. I assumed the form of the wolf and lay beside their bed, a silent sentinel on their unholy union. As the night waned, a haunting realization seeped into my very being—I had sacrificed not only my freedom, but also my dignity, on the altar of their dark desires. The weight of my sorrow threatened to consume me whole, and the hollow echoes of their laughter reverberated through the chamber, mocking my entrapment. In the depths of that chamber, I, the once proud Prince Almir, lay bound by chains unseen, ensnared in a web of cruelty spun by those I once sought to rescue. The night waned into dawn, casting an ethereal glow upon the shadows that enveloped me, and in that ephemeral light, a flicker of defiance kindled within me. Though my captivity had robbed me of many things, it could not extinguish the ember of resilience burning within. As the first light of dawn breached the horizon, I vowed to reclaim not just my freedom, but also the honor that had been callously stripped away. In the hushed embrace of that chamber, I plotted my emancipation from the clutches of their malevolent design, forging a resolve to defy their expectations and emerge from the darkness, a prince no longer in name alone, but in spirit and will.
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Twenty years ago the I Will Remember You Fic Marathon (IWRY) was born. Originated by Leni, then passed on to Chrislee, to Dark Star, and then Angelus2Hot, IWRY has remained the premiere event on the Buffy/Angel calendar and the centre of the B/A fandom itself.
This year we are hoping to mark these two decades of fan creativity and storytelling by making it the biggest IWRY in years. 
In this spirit, one of our team approached the current moderator to ask if we could join her in the running of the event. She did not feel this was necessary. We respect her decision and all the work she has put into keeping the marathon going these past years. We wish her nothing but the best with it now and in the future.
However, we believe IWRY is deeply rooted in our fandom as a collective and community experience. We want to create spaces and events where all who wish to participate can participate. It is for this reason we have decided to run our own I Will Remember You Fic Marathon.
Sign-ups for IWRY Fic Marathon are open now. 
If you are a writer or even just writer-curious, please put your name down and join us as we celebrate all things Bangel. We will accept any piece of fanfiction, of any rating, that is 500 or more words long and focused on the relationship of Buffy/Angel (and/or Buffy/Angelus). If drabbles are your jam, we will be happy to include those among the Another Minute bonus stories at the end of the event.
We have also decided to open up the Marathon to other forms of art. All we ask is that it is centred on Buffy/Angel, and that you put your best foot forward! 
We are now accepting submissions of artwork such as:
Please sign up for artwork submissions here! 
If you are neither writer nor artist, fear not! We would love to have you join in whatever capacity is best for you. Some roles to consider include:
Beta reading
Supporting the writers with reviews & comments on fics
Taking part in our "Meet the Fandom" series
Helping us with the logistics behind the scenes
Promoting the marathon on your platform of choice
Anything we missed? Let us know!
If you are interested in participating in a non-writing/art role, email us at [email protected].
If you are a writer without an AO3 account, we have a number of invitations that we are happy to share. Just let us know on the signup sheet. If you are not a writer but would like to be active on AO3, just reach out to us directly via email.
The stories will be posted to a 2023 Collection on the I Will Remember You Marathon Archive. We will provide clear instructions about how to do this closer to the event.
Once again, we welcome you to the IWRY Fic Marathon and encourage you to take part in any way you can!
Please reach out to us here or at [email protected] with any questions.
IWRY Fic Marathon Organising Committee:
Abby | Aboutafox | Bri | GraceNM | Kairos | Kean | Lea | Taaroko
Supported by:
calenlily | Fluffernutter8 | MrsGordo | MamaBewear | Najae
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thescarsilivewith-if · 6 months
Hey author i just wanted to say that I really love this story, and I can't wait to just hold Naja really close, I really think she's cute.
So i wanted to ask, how would the RO's react to a monarch that follows them like a puppy, that wants to stay close to them at all times.
Naja is, indeed, adorable.
Naja: Naja does exactly the same, so the Monarch and them are always seen together, since both are basically following each other, being as close as they can.
Valaahr: Val doesn't have a problem with this, unless the Monarch is tacticle - because Valaahr doesn't enjoy casual touches unless in an intimate setting/situation. Still, having the Monarch close helps them feeling less paranoid about MC beng hurt.
Kaela: they are extremely confused by this, at first. Because Kaela has spent a lot of time being either ignored or uncomfortably observed, they don't know how to make of their spouse being so close. Then, they start to get accustomed to it. And then they come to feel soft about it.
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
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Habe gerade die ruhige Zeit bei der Arbeit genutzt, um dieser Reihe noch ein kurzes Ficlet hinzuzufügen, und durfte dann feststellen, dass ich es irgendwie geschafft habe, ohne jede Absicht oder Plan mit vier einfach so, direkt im AO3 Editor runtergeschrieben Fics auf exakt 2000 Wörter zu kommen??? Love that for me.
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alternis · 8 months
So my idea was to reintroduce that story element by having the Kobra cult—sans leadership, literally a serpent with its head cut off—bio-engineer *new* twins based on cells stolen from Jason Burr and the evil Naja-Naja. - Scott Beatty, Danny Temple's co-creator
I need danny temple and kon to meet and realise they have the same origin story
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mistofstars · 6 months
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Ihr Lieben,
Inzwischen haben sich 12 Autor*innen für die Challenge angemeldet!
In diesem Post werde ich alle zur Challenge veröffentlichten Stories jeweils nach Erscheinung verlinken.
Die Storys sind auch HIER in meiner extra angelegten Favoritenliste.
Viel Spaß beim Lesen und schön, dass ihr mitmacht ❤️😘
JKinky - Rache wird heiss serviert von AngilaSg
hier auf ff.de
4600 Wörter, FSK 18, Inhalt
"Klaas stellt Joko bei der JKP7- Aufzeichnung immer wieder bloss und provoziert ihn. Irgendwann reichts Joko und er will  seinen Co.-Moderator zur Rede stellen. Was dabei herauskommt…Naja, lest selbst."
2. JKinky - Zwei zueinander ziehende Hände von @mistofstars
hier auf ff.de || hier auf ao3
9800 Wörter, FSK 18, Inhalt
"Nach der Aufzeichnung für "Die Beste Show der Welt" will Klaas eigentlich nur noch ins Bett und schlafen. Es ist super spät und zusätzlich eine schweinekalte Winternacht. Doch was ihn wachhält, ist diese unerträgliche Hitze zwischen ihm und Joko, die unaufhörlich nach Entfaltung schreit. Was soll man(n) da nur machen, außer den Winterscheidt mit ins Hotel zu nehmen?"
3. JKinky - Positionswechsel von @papierflamingo
Hier auf ff.de
7600 Wörter, FSK 18, Inhalt
"Joko und Klaas sind nicht nur „Vanilla“ unterwegs zwischen den Bettlaken. Doch auch ein soft führender Joko kann versehentlich aus der Rolle fallen und der Abend endet anders als geplant. [NSFW | etwas PWP | Established Relationship | Liebe | Sex | eine Prise Humor]"
4. JKinky - Fit for Fun von @bataillondamour
Hier auf ff.de
6100 Wörter, FSK 18, Inhalt:
'Jeden Tag trainieren, ohne Ausnahme.' So fordert es der Coach. Dumm nur, dass Klaas an manchen Tagen mit ganz anderen Dingen beschäftigt ist. Und, dass Joko sowieso seine ganz eigene Einstellung zum Thema 'Training' hat..
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Naja also Noah verhält sich nicht wie ein Arschloch, sondern wie ein closeted Teenager, der in einer hetero-normativen Welt aufwächst und noch nicht bereit ist sich zu outen...auch wenn wir uns alle einig sind dass genau diese Story schon tausendmal erzählt wurde und Kika da irgendwie bisschen hinterherhängt und wir positive queere Geschichten brauchen, ohne internalisierte Homophobie...Aber ne "red flag" ist er nicht
Das alles sieht Julia aber nicht. Julia sieht einfach nur einen Typen, der Colin immer und immer wieder das Herz bricht.
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