#Nalini icons
tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Icons / The Boys, Pt. 2/?? 200x100 slightly sharpened.
Gecko - David W. Thompson #357
Gunpowder - Sean Patrick Flanery / Joel Gagne #950 
Hugh Campbell - Simon Pegg #1,300 
Janine - Liyou Abere / Nalini Ingrita #1,300 
Jonah Vogelbaum - John Doman #1,500 
Judy Atkinson - Barbara Gordon #400 
Lamplighter - Shawn Ashmore #4,300 
Lenny Butcher - Jack Fulton #800 
Little Nina - Katia Winter #2,200
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)        
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loveourfuture-c · 1 year
Rant about what you didn't like this season, and and rant about what you loved the most this season!
What I didn’t like:
• All the Ben and Devi miscommunication after the boink. It was all pointless and stupid. The whole Dwight Howard thing was so so fucking dumb and unnecessary.
• Ben dating Margot
• The entire ridiculous parking lot scene of Ben telling Devi a bunch of bullshit reasons why they couldn’t be together and the show literally never addressing it. They had all this unnecessary conflict that was contrived strictly for drama so they could stall Ben and Devi getting together. It was super forced and so so freaking stupid. I more than dislike this I hate it with my whole heart. I could go on but this post would be insanely long.
• Ben being very out of character for the first 4 episodes and being the biggest dick in the world.
• Trent and Eleanor breaking up
• lack of Aneesa (I know Megan was filming a movie but if Aneesa was around she would have knocked the sense into Ben. Literally she would have hit him and yelled at him.)
• Ben and Devi never ever actually having a conversation about the whole first part of the season and why Ben was such a dick. I would have taken brief speech about how he was the one who was scared and insecure, that it truly had nothing to do with Devi. Really any conversation would have been better than NO CONVERSATION!!!!
The things I loved!:
• Nirmala finding love and getting marrieds plus everyone being so supportive and sweet about it. Letting her know it’s okay to be happy and move on!!!!
• Kamala taking a page out of Devi’s book and being a little meddling detective. It was cute and I loved it.
• Trent and Ben becoming friends!!!!!!! When Trent was telling Ben to go to Devi and tell her how he feels. I was screaming YES!!!! Tent was me in that moment.
• The UN’s conflicts and how they handled their friend fights. They have all grown so much and I adore them.
• Ben’s dream. That scene was iconic and I apologize for ever saying otherwise.
• Ben showing up to Devi’s house high with flowers. Like he was truly prepared to confess his love to her in front of her family.
• Ben and Devi’s talk outside the sort at Princeton, “You know who you are” 🥹.
• Paxton’s whole storyline. I loved it a lot and felt it was very realistic especially for someone who despite being hot and popular is actually pretty insecure. I loved how he went back to be a teacher!!! I’m so proud of him.
• NALINI DATING AND DEVI HELPING HER!!!!!!!!!!! Literally the cutest thing.
• Nalini and Devi’s whole relationship this season. I love them so much and they have come so far. The packing the suitcase scene 😭😭
• Devi’s college essay. I was ugly crying during the whole thing.
• The entire finale. It was so good.
• All the little cute benvi moments that showed how well they know each other.
• Devi telling Kamala that she was like her big sister (I cried).
• every single Dr. Ryan scene. They were all perfect.
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bollywoodirect · 2 months
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Today, on Maharashtra Day, we commemorate the formation of Maharashtra with this iconic image of Nalini Jaywant, originally featured in Filmfare Magazine in 1960. #MaharashtraDay
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isstoria · 2 years
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Here is the teen who matches this bedroom.✨ 
Nalini Verna she/her overachiever, music lover, admired icon. Nalini always has been the first in everything she does : Violin, ice skating, school, Debate club etc. She’s focused on keeping her first place in everything that she barely has time to sleep or hang out with her friends. Speaking of her friends, this little trio started to make interventions and got her to parties, concerts and other places (mostly by night when their parents are asleep, so it could be funnier). Breaking the rules for the first time made Nalini  change her point of view on some points in her life. It’s her last year in highschool, maybe it’s time to go ahead and finally have fun for once.
Nalini is cc free (on the pics the only cc used are my ressouces : skin ,eyes, face overlay and the piercings overlay) You can download her on my gallery : Isstoria (custom content on) and here (simsfileshare)
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furoruisa · 2 years
Wait, there is people in this fandom who seriously think Paxton Hall Yoshida is toxic?
He's the most normal teenager in the series besides probably Neesa
Like I love ALL my drama queens and kings but Paxton is like the only keeping me from going wild when I'm watching nhie
Also he's Rebecca's brother which made him cool by association because Rebecca Hall Yoshida is THE MOST ICONIC HALL YOSHIDA, she's as iconic as Nalini Vishwakumar and that's super difficult to achieve
Anyway I'm not team daxton but I'm team Paxton get a hot boyfriend in uni and go to the Olympics 💕
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fishyyyyy99 · 11 months
One of the most iconic scenes on the show. I love Nalini!
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toongrrl-blog · 11 months
My Style Analysis: Cyclical Iconic Fashion and a Missed Prom
Originally posted on Reddit
Anyone notice something about Devi's prom dress? Something retro?
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The chiffon, long flowing dress, the neckline, the ruffles, the florals and pinks feel very retro. Like very 1970s (look I know per ShopYourTV that it's a recent find from Nordstrom's) maybe 70s does 30s...
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In fact Devi's dress slightly reminded me of Marge Simpson's prom dress in "The Way We Was" which was set in 1974, 49 years before Nalini almost had a heart attack seeing her daughter and Ben in bed together (albeit with clothes on). It's all there: the pink, the apparently lightweight fabric (chiffon or rayon or polyester or a combination, that was a staple of the era), the ruffles around the neck. Marge's pink dress (surely from Gunne Sax, which was fondly remembered by Boomers and Gen Xers alike) and Homer's baby blue tuxedo were so iconic that they were made into figurines.
In fact Devi's dress falls into good company with some other examples I listed in a old post on Tumblr about this frilly, utterly feminine aesthetic in fact I want to show another Mad Men example and one from the 1930s period piece The Group (1966).
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Every outfit looks so floaty here and these were promos for episodes set in 1970, thankfully our girls up there have much happier endings than the former Mrs. Drapers.
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Here is your 1930s example with The Group, which focuses on graduates of a Seven Sisters college as they navigate adult life in Depression era America and the patriarchy (it's rough as hell). The brunette in black is future Lucille Bluth, the late Jessica Walter. Bonum est mulier.
Eleanor's look sort of reminds me of: Cher, Selena, and Liz Taylor. All very iconic women who followed their passions boldly and became icons without blindly following trends set for either fashion or for their gender.
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(EDIT: Much better example)
As for Fabi? Well the tuxedo is pure androgyny. Calling to the OG ladies in a suit, Bessie Smith (EDIT: Gladys Bentley) and Marlene Dietrich and Annie Lennox
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All these women flouted restrictions regarding gender expression admidst the jeers of conservatives, pearl-clutchers, white supremacists, Jim Crow, fatphobia, and one even told Hitler to go fuck himself (okay maybe not those words but you get the gist).
The red may be a call back to predominantly African-American men in the media donning a red suit, as noted in u/eve_salmon's "A Cinematic Guide to The Weekend Pt. 3", Rat Pack member Sammy Davis Jr. (known for a flashy yet very traditionally masculine sense of style) donned a red suit for the film Poor Devil, whom like Fabi, was Black and queer in an era that was even more racist and queerphobic than the present. We also see Richard Pryor (comedian for those not in the know) donning a red suit along with Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and Casino. The red is likely a sign of pure confidence and defiance, keep in mind that Pesci's characters and Pryor (as well as Davis) grew up in eras where looking a white person in the eye can get a Black person made past tense to use a TikTok phrase and where Italian Americans were still looked down upon, so dressing well and in a manner that commands attention was a act of resistance.
Both examples of Marginalized Men in Red Suits and Gender-Bending Women Looking Sharp-Dressed, speaks well to Fabiola's own development as a character and taking ownership of her identity in a world that tells you to be a laundry list of things to be acceptable (be girly, be outgoing, be into pop culture, be straight, listen to your parents, focus on what boys like, fade into the background, wear uncomfy formalwear that ain't you) and points for the series highlighting HBCUs as up there with the Ivies; where the Ivies represent mainstream power, the HBCUs represent how a community managed to carve their own space to let it's members thrive and accomplish more (also while Princeton waited until 1969 and Columbia until 1983 to accept women, Howard been doing that since it's founding!), what better place for Fabiola whose journey is about owning her sense of self?
What can Iconic Lady Joan Holloway say, well I can think of her Bonwit Teller shopping spree where she decides what to take with her fabulous black dress with ostritch feather cuffs: "I'll take the boots, the tan heels, the chiffon (in a cooing voice), the red (even more cooing), and this (to her flamboyant dress)", in other words, she approves.
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nhie season 3 thoughts
aneesa has screamed bi vibes since her appearance but im so glad they actually made it canon! I wasn't expecting that. I'm glad they decided to scrap her and fabiola though, it was turning out to be kind of a meh ship and it felt like anessa just latched onto the nearest person for emotional support after her terrible rs with ben. also fab didn't seem to be into anessa as much as she was into her :( PLEASE GIVE ANESSA A LOVING GF IN SEASON 4!!!! my girl deserves sm better :( though i will say that it's kind of annoying they had all that "omg who's going to make the first move" tension that eventually led to nothing... it felt so half-hearted
eleanor and trent actually work together stupidly well. I love them your honour <333
fabiola's romantic storyline with eve has never interested me much i felt like it was the blandest thing i have ever watched.... glad they broke up and never mentioned eve again 💀💀💀 i really hope they don't redo that whole storyline with addison i think fab deserves more layers and nuance to her romantic relationships. also the fact that we got to see devi and eleanor lose their virginity on screen (at least the start of the scene) but fab's was just an offhand remark like "oh yeah we just did it offscreen"??? cmon.
rhyah is a terrible but unfortunately realistic character. perfect representation of people who will smile to your face and secretly thank god that they're not suffering your misfortunes. shoutout to the actress for doing such a great job I actually wanted to punch her in the face
paxton continues to steal my heart. I just wish they gave him a more concrete goal or desire other than him being a "kind and nice" person. (and tbh based on all the ghosting of the girls he had sex with wasn't even like. an EXCEPTIONALLY nice and kind person. so.)
I think the daxton breakup was handled the way it should be - the problem with the relationship was there from the start, it's that devi only sees paxton as this unattainable dream that signifies her ascending into popularity or whatever and doesn't like him as an actual person other than for his looks.
also i think it's hilarious how haley appears for like one episode to become best friends with paxton again to make devi jealous then completely disappears for the rest of the show
I don't understand why rhyah introduced des as someone who was bullied a lot and sad and lonely when it's clearly established later on that he's in the popular clique and does have friends??? There doesn't seem to be any logical reason other than for the writers to pull that "he's actually hot" twist on us... and man did not mention sea slugs ONCE
i seriously love nalini so so much.... I have a special spot in my heart for characters who act all tough but are actually soft inside. The scene where devi tells her shes not ready to leave her mom yet she just wants one more year and you know her mom was thinking the exact same thing about her daughter.... i started tearing up fr
every line out of nirmala's mouth is iconic and comedy gold. "I'm a regina" so true bestie
I really hope we get to see more of ben having more male friends in the next season bc the paxton and ben scenes were genuinely sweet. stop fighting over devi!!! just be bros
speaking of ben i go back and forth on him a lot because he's honestly really douchey at times and the way he treated anessa while they were together was just.... not it. but honestly the last scene where devi gave ben the one free boink card is going to live in my head forever. the way they didn't need to say a single word??? the way it should have been cringe but wasn't??? the way they smile at each other and slipped in???? WOW.
also the irony/character development of ben calling devi an "unfuckable nerd" in s1 to him quite possibly being her first in s3 is not lost on me
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
top 5 devi vishwakumar moments !!!
in no particular order:
two-timing ben and paxton because it was fucking iconic and i am a big supporter of women's wrongs 🙏🏼
the entirety of the model UN trip....from the scene where she proudly announces that equatorial guinea has the worst human rights record to the scene where she nukes the united states to the whole benvi wine heist. model UN you will always be famous!!!
talking to the coyote & getting bitten. you go girl
everything that went down at the charity relay, especially her bizarro plan to get ben and aneesa to not hook up in the tent. devi was at her most chaotic in that ep and i loved every second of it
throwing iced coffee in des's face and calling him out for being the momma's boy that he is (and nalini standing up for her 🥰)
honorable mention to peace out, virgin. bc it is Too quintessentially devi to leave off 👍🏼
send me my top 5/10 anything!!
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iloverianjohnson · 2 years
my thoughts on NHIE season 3
big ol' spoiler alert
devi!! i absolutely loved her character this season. she's constantly hated on for being problematic, so it was so cool to watch her grow this season. i hated how i could never like her because of her problems, and watching her change is so therapeutic. she's definitely a fave now.
aneesa and fabiola... i kind of hated how they treated that relationship. like it totally came out of nowhere and i was SO ready for it, and then there was this huge buildup to them dating and then... nothing? they broke up?
it felt like a big slap in the face for the queer viewers. devi and eleanor's heterosexual relationships were deeper and more explored while all of fab's were just like "oh! here! we made a lesbian a main character! we're such allies!"
i just feel really upset about that because they had so much potential. they couldn't have spent some more time delving into the awkwardness in aneesa and fab's relationship and how they move past it together? it's like they were each others' rebounds (which it was clearly stated in the show that they weren't)
but! addison is super hot and the way they casually slid in that they use they/them pronouns was cool. i hope addison and fab get more screentime in s3.
also i didn't like eve but i hate how they just... had the breakup offscreen? like cmon devi's breakups are so much more explored so why can't we have the same for fab?
the boink card. im so
ben has ALWAYS been the one for devi, i hope she sees that next season. he always loved her, he never thought she was "too much" like des and paxton. benvi 4 lyfe idc IDC
also. des? he's literally desi paxton. honestly i don't ship them, but it was good while it lasted! they balance each other out, but... i was always on ben's team so i can't say i'm upset they broke up.
ALSO RHYAH??? that lying skank. "she's got problems" sorry, devi's not healing fast enough from her OWN FATHER'S DEATH??
nalini. she ate this season up. im glad she found a friend in rhyah and it was nice while it lasted, but rhyah can suck a fat one.
paxton. i was never team paxton and always kind of despised him (no hate to daxton shippers ofc) so i'm honestly glad they broke up.
she wasn't ready for him, and he wasn't what she needed.
you know who WAS what she needed though?
also i didn't really realize i'd be rooting for trent and eleanor, but...
idk something about their relationship kind of throws me off. it's like trent can't be mature about her. like he avoids the problems in their relationship by turning on the charm, which he KNOWS she loves.
something about it just kind of rubs me the wrong way... but they're still kind of cute.
aneesa deserved better.
that's it.
also, back to devi.
i loved her character so much this season but... her reason for not going to shrubland was kind of flimsy (at least to me). the whole "i want to spend more time with you" thing would've worked out with her mom if they had spent the season setting up a conflict between devi and nalini but... they didn't? it was just all past season drama which is still important but to me it just didn't make sense. idk if anyone else thinks that.
KAMALA AND MANISH??? like cmon hottest and most overlooked couple. though it was kind of a jumpscare when manish shaved his iconic scrub for the first time.
kamala ate this season. she's an independent woman who can make her own decisions about her love life! good for her!
wish she had more screen time though
THE TIME SKIP IN THE BEGINNING. cmon netflix don't be pussies, give us more episodes!!
literally the time skip was so stupid. we skipped over devi's entire healing process and it was lazy writing so we wouldn't have to see how she coped with getting dumped by paxton.
also they spent so much time last season setting up daxton and then literally got rid of it in .000394238 seconds??
like what...
i know the reason they broke up was valid but honestly? we could've skipped over the entire des thing and just had a long season of paxton and devi's relationship problems.
it just seems like such a waste to have all the setup and barely any payoff.
makes me kind of think it was just fanservice to please the daxton shippers (again no hate)
i think that's it - may make a second post if anything else comes to mind
overall i give the season a 7/10. there were a lot of plotholes and lazy writing and queer erasure that need to be addressed and fixed next season. but we got to see the character we all despised grow and actually make good decisions for once. we got to see all the characters learn about themselves and grow and honestly, that was a very beautiful thing to see.
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saanviclinicpatna · 5 days
The Ultimate NEET Coaching Experience in Patna: Iconic Classes
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In the competitive world of medical entrance exams, finding the right coaching institute can make all the difference. For students aspiring to crack the NEET exam, the choice of coaching institute is essential. Among the numerous options available, one name stands out in Patna: Iconic Classes. Known as the Best NEET Coaching in Patna - Iconic Classes, this institute offers an unparalleled learning experience designed to help students achieve their dreams of becoming doctors.
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tuppencetrinkets · 2 years
Sorted screencaps from The Boys, S1-3. Found HERE.
A-Train / Jessie T. Usher #16,800
Actress (Stormfront) - Charlize Theron #500
Adam Bourke - P.J. Byrne #1,370
Alastair Adana - Goran Visnjic #1,800
Also Ashley - Sabrina Saudin #900
Anika - Ana Sani #1,300
Annie January / Starlighter - Erin Moriarty  #78,000
Ashley Barrett - Colby Minifie #14,700
Becca Butcher - Shantel Van Santen  #7,800
Billy Butcher - Karl Urban #64,800
Black Noir - Nathan Mitchell #183
Blue Hawk - Nick Wechsler #1,600
Cameron Coleman - Matthew Edison #1,300
Carol Manning - Jessica Hecht #915
Cassandra - Katy Breier #3,500
Cherie - Jordana Lajoie  #1,000
Connie Butcher - Lesley Nicol  #248
Crimson Countess - Laurie Holden  #1,700
Donna January - Ann Cusack  #3,200
Eagle the Archer - Langston Kerman  #1,400
Elena - Nicola Coccia-Damude  #2,900
Ezekiel - Shaun Benson  #1,000
Frenchie -  Tomer Capone  #30,000
Gecko - David W. Thompson #357
Grace Mallory - Laila Robins  #7,500
Gunpowder - Sean Patrick Flanery / Joel Gagne #950
Homelander - Antony Starr #80,000
Hugh Campbell - Simon Pegg #1,300
Hughie Campbell - Jack Quaid  #82,800
Janine - Liyou Abere / Nalini Ingrita #1,300
Jonah Vogelbaum - John Doman #1,500
Judy Atkinson - Barbara Gordon #400
Kenji Miyashiro / Mouse - Abraham Lim #1,800
Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep - Chace Crawford #22,174
Kimiko Miyashiro - Karen Fukuhara #20,000
Lamplighter - Shawn Ashmore #4,300
Lenny Butcher - Jack Fulton #800
Little Nina - Katia Winter #2,200
Madelyn Stillwell - Elisabeth Shue #12,400
Maggie Shaw / Maeve - Dominique McElligott #23,600
Mesmer - Haley Joel Osment / Aram Avakian #3,700
Mindstorm - Ryan Blakely #411
Monique - Frances Turner / Alvina August #1,500
Mother’s Milk - Laz Alonso #25,000
Nathan - Christian Keyes #2,500
Popclaw - Brittany Allen #3,300
Robert Singer - Jim Beaver #1,800
Robin - Jess Salgueiro #800
Ryan - Cameron Crovetti #8,000
Sam Butcher - John Noble #500
Soldier Boy - Jensen Ackles #8,900
Stan Edgar - Giancarlo Esposito #6,400
Stormfront - Aya Cash #15,400
Supersonic - Miles Gaston Villanueva #3,400
Susan Raynor - Jennifer Esposito #2,900
Tessa (TNT) - Kristin Booth #600
The Legend - Paul Reiser #1,800
Todd - Matthew Gorman #1,200
Tommy (TNT) - Jack Doolan #600
Translucent - Alex Hassell #800
Victoria Neuman -  Claudia Doumit #7,500
Young Butcher - Luca Villacis / Josh Zaharia #300
Young Lenny - Bruno Rudolf #800
Young Mallory - Sarah Swire #1,600
Young Nadia - Elisa Paszt #200
Young Sam Butcher - Brendan Murray #150
Young Stan Edgar - Justin Davis #800
Young Starlight - Maya Misaljevic #500
This content is free for anyone to use or edit however you like; if you care to throw a dollar or two my way for time, effort, storage fees etc you are more than welcome to do so via my PAYPAL.  Please like or reblog this post if you have found it useful or are downloading the content within.  If you have any questions or you have any problems with the links or find any inconsistencies in the content, etc. please feel free to drop me a politely worded message via my ASKBOX (second icon from the top on my theme!)  
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darkmatterzine · 2 years
Lakesedge by Lyndall Clipstone
Lakesedge by Lyndall Clipstone: a #review of a #GothicRomance with #dystopian and #horror themes. #YoungAdult by an Australian author.
A review by Nalini Haynes Violeta Graceling and her brother Arien are orphans living with “Mother”, a woman who repairs and creates religious icons. As you’d expect, she’s judgmental and severe, of the “spare the rod, spoil the child” category and she does not believe in spoiling the child. Arien is haunted by Shadows with a capital “S”. Mother is really angry, violent, until they’re on the brink…
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ygshooky · 4 years
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❥Eu Nunca
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catty-words · 2 years
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the way devi’s preoccupation with normality works through so many different lenses - devi as a poc, devi as a woman, devi as someone who definitely has an undiagnosed mood disorder, devi as a person coming of age
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elenadeveraux · 3 years
Naasir: *hits his head*
Illium: if it’s a concussion you have to keep him conscious, okay? ask him questions!
Aodhan: what’s 7 times 7?
Illium: stuff he knows!
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