#Naryu Virian
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Naryu Virian
Card back art for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Ekaternia Tambovtseva
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leftenant-sinani · 2 months
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blighted-elf · 5 months
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The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind Announcement Trailer - Naryu 😏 Virian
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pantaloonzzz · 1 year
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hvarra · 1 year
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Look at the image zenimax uploaded!
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smkndfbb · 2 months
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comm for @nebeheart on twt 🖤
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prof-jigglypuff · 6 months
❤️ Naryu Virian & Vestige - [long list of little moments] in The Elder Scrolls Online
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Here's a long list of small in-game, spoiler-free moments between Naryu Virian & Vestige in The Elder Scolls Online.
Inspired by one guy on Reddit who claimed that Naryu never cared about Vestige...
Enjoy then - below, a chronological, long list of proof of how Naryu Virian doesn't care about Vestige at all ;)
=================================== NARYU: Stay safe. I'll see you soon, my friend.
NARYU: Just because you can fight doesn't mean you're invincible. Remember that. Not that I care. But be careful. Or not. Your choice, not mine.
NARYU: You're full of surprises. Not that I doubted you. Thanks for your help.
VESTIGE: Were you waiting for me? NARYU: Yes, I was waiting for you. Look, don't get too excited.
VESTIGE: Almalexia wants to speak to me. NARYU: Wait, you got a date with the Sacred Lady? You really are something.
LATER.. (definitely not jealous)
NARYU: Hello, hero. Good to see you got out of there in one piece. I understand that Almalexia can be a little rough on her toys. While you were getting cozy with the goddess, I discovered something interesting.
NARYU: Look at me. We're close friends. Closer. I said something funny. You're laughing. He just passed by. He's got the wine. Like what you see, hero? Of course you do. He's almost at the door. Keep watching me. All right, he's out. Go!
VESTIGE: [Persuade] You're extremely clever. You must have a more effective way to get the key. NARYU: You had to go and sweet talk me, didn't you?
VESTIGE: Here's the wine you asked for. NARYU: All right, all right….. Why are you always so close?
NARYU: Now I need that bath. A nice long soak with a few glasses of this fine wine. Don't worry. I'll catch up and meet you at the farm. VESTIGE: Need someone to help you drink that? NARYU: Hmm, tempting … but you've got a job to do right now. Definitely some other time, hero. ===================================
NARYU: I made it! Did you miss me? ===================================
NARYU: Just don't die on me, hero. Got that?
NARYU: Now be careful and get your shapely butt moving.
NARYU: While I hate to hide such good looks, you're going to need a disguise. A guard uniform…. My, don't you look all spiffy! I have to say, you do look good in a uniform.
VESTIGE: Any tips once I'm in there? You know, as advice for a friend. NARYU: For a ….friend, anything.
NARYU: Be careful, you hear? I'd hate to see someone I … respect … get hurt.
NARYU: I didn't want you to walk into this trap alone. So I followed you. 
NARYU: I need to make sure our alliance friends are playing nice with each other, then I'll meet up with you….. After I get out of this damn dress and into some proper clothing. How do women wear stuff like this all the time?
VESTIGE: [Persuade] It looks good on you.
NARYU: I, well, thanks. Maybe I could get used to wearing such finery when things aren't so dangerous… What am I saying? Get your arse in there and save King Jorunn!"
NARYU: Are you an idiot? We're surrounded by the enemy! Sergeant Vkor: "The big bad Stormfists are outside? Maybe we should go upstairs so I can protect you, all proper like.
NARYU: People reaaaally frustrate me sometimes. "Maybe we should go upstairs so I can protect you." Who even says that? He could have complimented my eyes! Or my … [thinking about Vestige's compliment moments ago] ...never mind. =================================== NARYU: Don't worry about me. 'll catch up with you soon enough. Just be careful in there, all right? Dhalen is dangerous. ===================================
VESTIGE: [Persuade] If you ever need me …. NARYU: Always the hero, aren't you? I'm kidding. I'll find you again when I need your help. In fact, I'd like that. You've never let me down, so don't start now. Save King Jorunn, hero ===================================
NARYU: Hello, hero. I'd say I'm surprised to see you, but I've been watching you for days. Acting surprised would be so disingenuous. Let's just say I'm pleased to once again be graced by your company. You're exactly who I hoped to meet out here.
VESTIGE: All right. I'll help you. NARYU: Smashing! I always enjoy working with you! We have a certain connection, you and I. Don't you just find it to be so … intense?
VESTIGE: You're certainly looking good, Naryu. NARYU: Of course I do, darling! What did you expect? That I'd get soft and fat after you abandoned me?
VESTIGE: Did anyone see you leave the castle? NARYU: Not a one, hero. But they saw you! Those striking features will be the talk of Kvatch for the next few days.
VESTIGE: So what's next for Naryu Virian? NARYU: Back to Morrowind, I suppose. Or maybe I'll stick around the Gold Coast for awhile. See the sights. Take in the ambiance. If you have some free time, hero, let's get together. Work on our mutual cooperation. Who knows? You might even enjoy it.
NARYU: Always a pleasure watching you work, hero. You never notice, but I come around to check on you from time to time. What can I say? You intrigue me. And one of these nights, I'll sneak into your room, and—oh, purely for a social visit, I assure you!"
VESTIGE: So what have you been up to since we stopped the Maulborn plague? NARYU: Oh, you know how it is. A murder here, an assassination there. A girl needs to stay active! But I wanted to thank you again for all the help you provided back in Deshaan. I won't forget that, hero. And I'll never forget you.
VESTIGE: Do you still have that dress you wore at Fort Amol? NARYU: I'm never going to live that down, am I? It did look good on me, though, didn't it? What am I saying? You have a way of making me act unprofessionally, you know that? Well, keep it up. I kind of like it.
NARYU: No one knew I was on the Gold Coast. No one except you. Suddenly someone delivers a sweetroll with my name on it and a note predicting my untimely demise. It looks like you betrayed me. Give me a reason not to run you through.
VESTIGE: I'd never do that to you.
NARYU: You realize that our organizations don't exactly play nice with one another, right? The moment I leave myself open, they'll put a blade in my neck. You joined the Brotherhood! You have to see how that makes me question our relationship.
VESTIGE: I just want to stop the Sweetroll Killer. Especially if you're a target.
NARYU: I want to believe you. I really do. But until I figure out what you're really up to, I'll keep my feelings to myself. If you really care, your actions will speak louder than your words, any way.
VESTIGE: You want me to get rough?
NARYU: Oh, I'd enjoy a little rough play with you, hero, but for now I want you to go learn more about Reman.
NARYU: Well look who's here! Afraid I'd leave without giving you a goodbye kiss? VESTIGE: That's an interesting outfit. NARYU: After all we've been through and that's the first thing you want to say to me? To be fair, it's very comfortable and it looks great on me. It's the uniform of my organization. They expect me to dress the part when I arrive back home. VESTIGE: Can't you stick around a little longer? NARYU: Don't get all sentimental on me, hero. We both have our paths to follow. Damn, that sounded like a Fate-Bearer, didn't it? Look, let me leave you with a single kiss. One really good kiss. If you ever want another one, come find me in Vvardenfell.
After completing the quest:
NARYU: Just one kiss to a customer! But I promise something even better the next time we meet.
NARYU: Did you really follow me across the continent? That shows commitment. Kind of creepy, but still, a lot of commitment.
VESTIGE: You know me, Naryu. I just want to assure her father that Veya's safe. NARYU: I know you, hero. It's Old Man Eris I don't trust.
VESTIGE: This isn't how I imagined our reunion turning out. NARYU: Were you imagining a hot bath, a bottle of wine, and a secluded cottage with a roaring fire? Me, too! Instead, we're up to our arm pits in the usual muck and mire. Just like old times!
VESTIGE: I'll go to the swamp and talk to Veya. NARYU: Just try not to be too charming when you meet her, hero. She has enough distractions as it is.
VESTIGE: Well, take care of yourself, Naryu. NARYU: Always, hero. Oh, hey, I want you to have this. Something to remember me by until we meet again. I hope you don't leave here with the impression that all Dark Elves are conniving dirt bags. Some of us are also kind of sexy. Like me, for instance.
NARYU: How did I know you were going to show up, hero? Can't get enough of my smiling face, hmm?
VESTIGE: [Persuade] You know you can tell me anything. NARYU: I can, can I? Well, aren't you the sentimental fool!
VESTIGE: What do you think it [letter] means? NARYU: Not a damn thing. Spooky predictions designed to unsettle the reader. But Naryu Virian doesn't spook that easily. And neither do you. Still, watch your arse around shadows for awhile. Just in case.
NARYU: We keep managing to find each another, don't we, hero? Deshaan, Eastmarch, the Gold Coast. Even here in Vvardenfell. Gods, it feels like I've known you forever! VESTIGE: It hasn't been that long. NARYU: Do I need to remind you about all the things you helped me accomplish? We stopped a plague in Deshaan. We helped Almalexia in Mournhold. We saved the king of the Nords. We even stopped a killer that turned delicious pastries into a weapon! VESTIGE: And we saved the Redoran councilors here in Vvardenfell. NARYU: That's one I won't soon forget….. But I wanted to ask you something. Why do you keep showing up and sticking your beautiful nose in my business? VESTIGE: Because your beautiful nose needed the help. NARYU: You think my nose is beautiful? Hero, you're going to make me blush! Look, I know I've been kind of a tease, but I really do like you. And I appreciate that you've always been there for me. One day, when all the dangers have passed, well… VESTIGE: …Yes? NARYU: Do I really have to spell it out? When I'm ready, when you're ready, we'll find a quiet cabin in the woods, open an expansive bottle of wine, snuggle up by the fire …. And then I'll probably stick a dagger between your ribs. It's who I am, hero.
=================================== NARYU: Just don't let that strict sense of duty get you killed one of these days. If you died, I'd probably miss you terribly. ===================================
NARYU: Well, look what the nix-ox dragged in! What are you doing here, hero? Are you following me again? ===================================
NARYU: We figure out who Tredecim actually is, I finish the job, you get paid, and we go home. Not together, necessarily. Depends on my mood. So, what do you say? ===================================
VESTIGE: How have you been, Naryu? NARYU: Ah, hero. If we had a bottle of wine and all the time in the world, the stories I could tell you! But I really want to complete this writ and then wash the stink of the Telvanni out of my hair. Can we catch up later, please? ===================================
NARYU: You know, I sometimes visit the tavern in Necrom. Stop by if you're in the area. It would be nice to see you in... less... professional conditions. ===================================
NARYU: So, hero, I take it you've been up to your old tricks? I'm not sure how much of what I heard I actually believe, but if the danger was as great as they indicated, I'm glad you were on hand to stop it. Just don't let the attention go to your head. VESTIGE: What's next for you, Naryu? NARYU: I think I deserve some time off. A woman can only slit so many throats and stab so many backs before she needs a hot bath and a bottle of wine. Make that two bottles. And if I can find some company to share it with, all the better. VESTIGE: I might be available. NARYU: An interesting offer, but I think I'll pass. I was thinking more of something casual and meaningless. Someone or someones I won't mind gutting once I've had my fun. I'd rather not put any more holes in you than you already have. ===================================
NARYU: You know, I almost didn't show up. Seeing you again brought back so many memories. The idea of returning to Balmora and avoiding this talk certainly crossed my mind. VESTIGE: What now? NARYU: Now I need a drink and to gather my thoughts. Get my next job and get out of this damned peninsula. Maybe the next time we run into each other, we can put this behind us and have a more pleasant encounter. Just don't turn up on one of my writs, hero. ===================================
NARYU: I was in the tavern thinking it over when an old friend walked in, a darling murder-vagabond who'd helped me in the past. I beckoned, and my friend came sauntering over, glowing with a sly, smug confidence. When I saw the hilt of a Blade of Woe peeking out of the adventurer's cloak, I knew why: the adorable goof had joined the Dark Brotherhood. That moment, I realized my problems were solved. I just had to talk this killer-hobo into entering Castle Kvatch and letting me in the back way. So I just tailed their newest Brother, my cute vagabond, to their ugly black door.
"an old friend" "darling murder-vagabond" "the adorable goof" "killer-hobo" "my cute vagabond" ===================================
ASHUR: Look, Naryu seems to trust you, so I suppose I have to trust you, too.
ASHUR: Well, look at that. If it isn't Naryu's little hero.
ASHUR: Clever. No wonder Naryu likes you so much.
ASHUR:  Have you had more dealings with Naryu or are you here for yet another of your "heroic deeds”? (WHAT A SHADE TO OUR LITTLE ADVENTURES)
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themildlyanxiousmage · 6 months
You're probably safest with one of the Morag Tong members, but idk
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solitarydegarcia · 1 year
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a kagouti do not reupload
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uesp · 2 years
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Naryu Virian: “Why do you keep showing up and sticking your beautiful nose in my business?"
Vestige: “Because your beautiful nose needed the help.”
Naryu Virian: "You think my nose is beautiful? Hero, you're going to make me blush! Look, I know I've been kind of a tease, but I really do like you. And I appreciate that you've always been there for me. One day, when all the dangers have passed, well..."
Vestige: “Yes?”
Naryu Virian: "Do I really have to spell it out? When I'm ready, when you're ready, we'll find a quiet cabin in the woods, open an expansive bottle of wine, snuggle up by the fire …. And then I'll probably stick a dagger between your ribs. It's who I am, hero."
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freerainhl · 1 year
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What if they talk like Morrowind characters? (made these dialogues by Construction Set)
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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i would stop drawing naryu wearing the holiday in balmora outfit if only she didn't look so damn good in it
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blighted-elf · 1 year
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The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom - Post Tracing Shadows quest It's time we finally talk about what happened. As much as it pains me to revisit the events of the past and of.. Veya.. We need to do this. I.. need to do this. Find me in Necrom's tavern. There are too many prying ears here.
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jakobos · 2 years
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Naryu Virian
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soullessbullshit · 7 months
Razum-dar: Things to never say to someone who just came out. Go!
Khoshekh: “I’m gayer.”
Naryu: “In that outfit?”
Copper Dariah: “You still owe me 250 gold.”
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