#Negaduck  is a good dad
toonqueen · 7 months
Duckvember Day 12: Mother Duck (Part 1)
Part 2 will come with the Wrong Duck Prompt haha.
Grimstone - Gladstone’s negaverse version. A hard working warlock and stuff. Lives at his (deceased) Grandma’s farm. Hates (Nega) Scrooge with a passion which has nothing to do with this story but it's a fact that needs to be known
Magica - a former Paladin (paranormal/witch hunter type) that was a light bearer in her former job (a term they used for healing and backup support/fighter type magic user. Because you can’t call them witches when working with paladins because witches are BAD.) Super nice stepford wife energy. Blonde for some reason because Negaverse rules you can’t make me change it. 
Faustina- Their daughter and a bundle of hellish joy. 7ish years old in this fic
Kage - @cataradical ‘s OC that in his is 10 years old. He's a clone of Negaduck made in a SHUSH lab that got destroyed. Faustina found him a few years ago and thought he was cool and would hang out at the dump. Then He broke into Grim’s secret storage at their farm. He looked at this cussing angry dirty child and was like, “this is my son.”
Oirn - also an OC of @cataradical Left at their doorstep as a baby by a jerk Paladin. Probably 2 years old at this point?? Very quiet Canadian goose that can stare into your soul. 
Here's a pic of the fam minus Grimstone. A comission by @duckbutts69
“Why does your dad having us learn sword fighting? It's not the dark ages!” Kage complained as he dragged his training sword behind him. Faustina gave a shrug like she didn’t know. She then followed it with an answer.
“He told me once that his Great Grandma told him when he was a kid that the world is gonna end and there will be a breakdown of the supply chain and guns will become useless once bullets can’t even be made at home SO you can’t rely on just guns,” Faustina explained as he walked. She was giving her training sword a few swings, “Also good if my magic gets magic blocked. Then I can just stab them instead!”
Faustina proceeded to demonstrate with a few jabs in the air with her training sword. Kage rolled his eyes, still not impressed with the idea of sword fighting in general. 
“Whatever, I’m not gonna show up for training anymore. This is dumb,” he complained as they got to the storage shed they were told to put their weapons in after their training session.
“You’re just mad because I tagged you THREE TIMES in a ROW,” Faustina teased.
“I got you several times too!” Kage defended himself. Before Faustina could reply back they both heard the bell from the nearby farm house. 
“Ah yeah breakfast!” Faustina started to run to the house, “If I get there first I’m gonna eat ALL the bacon!”
“Oh NO you DON’T!” Kage replied as he ran to follow her.  When he started to pass her, she tried to elbow him. He dodged though, and got to the porch before her, “Maybe if you didn’t wear dumb dresses you could run faster!”
Faustina made a snort not that much different than an angry hog. Kage opened the farmhouse door before she then bum-rushed at him. He got a very strong head butt in the stomach from his sister. It knocked them both to the ground in the entryway of the house. He pulled on her hair to get her to back off. The response from Faustina was just a giggle as she got to her feet and offered to help him up. It was just the usual sibling rough housing. 
The two came to the kitchen table. Orin was already in his booster seat eating an apple fritter. There was a large plate of bacon and one with sausages. Magica was loading a serving bowl with freshly made scrambled eggs. As usually the table had the plates and silverware placed out like it was a fancy dinner. 
Kage and Faustina quickly sat down and started serving themselves.  Faustina put a piece of bacon in her mouth for every one she put on her plate. Kage noticed this and started to do the same with the sausage links. 
“Save some for your Dad!” Magica said to both of the eager children. She put some of the scrambled eggs on Orin’s plate before putting the bowl on the table. 
“He’s not my Dad,” Kage stated as he grabbed some bacon to add to his plate. 
“Oh, but you have called him Dad a few times,” Magica mentioned to contradict him. 
“UNDER DURESS!” the cranky kid replied, not quite pronouncing duress right. Kage may have misunderstood the meaning of the word too. The young duck knew he did call Grim Dad sometimes when he needed his attention right away.  He then gave Orn a glare even though he had nothing to do with the conversation, “How come he gets one of those things.”
“He has those all the time for breakfast since he doesn’t like all the bacon and sausage that much. Did you want one of the fritters? I made a whole batch,” Magica offered as she headed back towards the kitchen. She pulled out a container that had more of the pastries in them. 
“I don’t like them, I just want to know why he gets special stuff for breakfast,” Kage muttered with scrambled eggs in his mouth.
“Because he’s a baby picky eater,” Faustina answered before their mother could, “Babies get spoiled. Do you want to be a spoiled baby?” 
“N-No!” he stammered at the direct question. He then flung a spoonful of egg at Faustina. She didn’t complain at all about the attack. Instead she just ate the splattered egg off where it landed on her arm, “Ew.”
“You ate spilled pudding off the floor and say ew to me eating arm egg!?” Faustina retorted back.
“YOU ate it off the floor too!” Kage accused and he flung more egg at his sister. 
“Alright you too. You need to eat more than you’re throwing around,” Magica tsked as she pulled out a cloth napkin from her apron. She wiped off egg from Faustina’s clothes and her beak. She went over to wipe his bill as well. He was much cleaner than his erratic siblings but Magica just wanted to make sure. Kage grumbled and stuffed his mouth with a handful of bacon and chewed loudly. 
Grimstone finally came into the kitchen, “Sorry I was tidying up something and couldn’t come right away. I hope there is some left for me?”
“Oh yes!” Magica answered before she took a glance at the kitchen table. There wasn’t really much left, “Actually, I can cook you up some more.” 
“Ah, don’t worry about it dear. I can make something for myself. I know you need to go run some errands. I can feed myself,” Grimstone replied before giving Magica a light kiss on the cheek, “I’ll clean up the kitchen too.”
“Oh, thank you!” she replied as she took off her apron. 
“Taking Orin with you?” Grimstone asked. The youngest usually went wherever Magica went. 
“Ah, it's a short trip. He’ll be fine with you for a little while?” Magica asked.
“Of course,” Grim replied as he started to make  himself a pot of coffee. Orin, hearing he was not going with his mother on errands, made a soft noise.
“Oh don’t worry sweetie. I’ll be back before you know it. You keep your father and sister out of trouble, okay?” she said to the youngest child. Orin just gave her a stare as if to say he was not happy with this arrangement, “I’ll be right back okay?”
She gave Orin a kiss on the forehead. Kage let out a disapproving snort at the show of affection to the youngest. 
Magica left the kitchen to go get her purse and get ready to go out. As she was getting her keys by the front door, Kage walked by out of the kitchen.
“Oh, would you like to come with me?” Magica offered it to the boy.
“Uh… Sure. I’ll go grab Faustina,” he replied, a little confused by Magica’s sudden offer.
“She can stay here and help watch Orin. We can go just the two of us,” she explained while putting on her coat. Kage looked even more confused by this. He couldn’t remember a time just he and Magica went on an outing. She seemed to pick up on that, “Even Grim has taken Orin to the witches market without me.”
“Are we going to the witch market?” Kage asked. It was very hard to tell by his tone if he was asking because he liked that idea or not. 
“No, just the regular grocery store,” she gave a moment's pause, “I'll get you some junk food. Whatever you want.”
“Oh hell yeah let's go then,” Kage replied as he went out the front door. He already headed to the car. Magica grabbed his jacket, “You need to wear a coat! It’s a little chilly today!”
Kage grumbled and pulled out a pick to unlocked the passenger door before Magica even got to the car. He quickly got into his seat and waited for Magica.  She tsked at him.
“Couldn’t you wait two minutes for me to open the car,” she said as she got into the car herself.
“You should be glad I didn’t hotwire the car and already started going there myself!” he replied. Kage then hissed when Magica reached over to put on his seat belt for him. He didn’t stop her though.
It was a short quiet car ride. Quiet as in the two didn’t talk even though Magica asked Kage how his sword lesson was today. He just replied with a grumble. He then turned on the radio to some heavy metal station. Magica didn’t change it even though she normally would. 
Once parked at the grocery store, Kage was quick to get out to start running inside. Magica shouted after him, “Kage! Grab a cart for me please! Please wait for me.”
Kage grumbled but did as he was told. Surprisingly.
“You need to keep up with me!” Kage stated as Magic came up to the cart he pulled out.
“I’ll try my best,” she replied while pushing the cart, “Now we need to get the main stuff I came for first before you can pick out what junk food you want.”
“Oh like hell I’m doing that,” Kage responded before scurrying off towards the candy aisle. Magica sighed and proceeded to go to the fresh department first to start getting what she needed on a list.
It didn’t take Kage long to come back with his arms full of candy to dump in the cart. Magica didn’t object to the amount of candy he brought. However she did yell out a ‘hey!’ to him as he ran back to the candy aisle. She pursued him while pushing the cart, “at least get some chips too. Junk food isn’t only candy.”
She paused before entering the candy aisle. There was something in her peripheral vision that did not sit right. Magica was a well trained former Paladin and did not look directly at it when she perceived it. Instead she reached out at a display at the end cap of the aisle. For a moment she pretended to be very interested in the oatmeal displayed there. She grabbed a box of the apple oatmeal and put it in her cart before turning down the candy aisle like nothing was wrong. 
The aisle did have a camera with a little video screen for loss prevention purposes. It had thick static lines that went across the display. The set up clearly had many physical attacks to it in the past leaving it in rough shape. When Magica glanced up at it though, she was able to decipher what she saw. 
The person was not in uniform. However the way his clothes fit felt like one. An unwrinkled black dress shirt and pants. The canine's eyes scanned the area like he was looking for something. Magica could easily read he was someone looking for a target. Not any type of security officer though. It was obvious to her this person was on the hunt.
Magica didn’t make any friends when her and her brother left the paladin order she was in. The witch’s concern right now was this person was looking for her.
“Alright Kage. That’s enough for now. I think we’ll have a little change of plan for dinner tonight. How about we get pizza later for dinner instead. Or burgers. Any fast food you like.  Whatever you prefer,” Magica offered as she pushed her cart further down the aisle. Quite purposely away from the person on the hunt. 
She expected Kage to be happy with the offer of a fast food dinner. Instead he seemed offended, “Do you even know what I’d prefer?”
“Ah, well you have a wide variety of stuff you like. Let's go check out now and discuss it in the car, okay?” she looked behind her to make sure Kage was following  behind her. He was trailing behind her with a scowl on his bill. When she turned to look back in the direction she was going she noticed another unusual  gentleman glancing past every aisle. Same outfit as the previous person she saw, but now also wearing a tie. She turned to face away from him. Once again she pretended to look at a product on the shelf. Kage huffed at her sudden pause, not knowing what was going on. 
The man turned down their aisle but did not take any notice of Magica. However, he did take notice of Kage. He gave the grumbling child a glance as he kept walking past. The stranger then gave a tilt of his head signal to another person nearby. 
Magica had seen this and made the tactical decision to still pretend everything was normal. 
Grim and Faustina had given her vague details about Kage’ origins. The logical conclusion is this was ‘SHUSH’ looking for the boy. 
“What's going on?” Kage raised an eyebrow. He was young but not dumb.
“Dear, let's just ring out what you picked and I’ll explain once we’re headed home,” Magica said as she gave Kage a pinch on his cheek. He hated when she did that but he let her. 
“Are you trying to figure out my favorite things because you make the dumb baby whatever he likes all the time?” Kage stated as he followed Magica down the aisle. Though he would often refer to Faustina as his sister, he never really did call Orin his brother. Dumb baby was a better way to describe him.
Magica kept her eyes peeled for anyone else acting suspicious as she casually walked towards the check out, “I do realize that I assumed you like a lot of the same things Faustina does. I can make whatever you like the most.”
“Okay. What do I like the most?” Kage crossed his arms as he asked. Magica was busy unloading the cart for the cashier. She had noticed at least three other people acting suspiciously. The former paladin was all too familiar with how someone behaved when they had their eyes on a target.  
“Bacon butter cheese sticks?” she replied to the boy. 
“No,” Kage grumbled, “You even make stuff for when the stupid redhead or Macawber kid visits. You know their favorites and not mine!” 
“Like I said, I thought you like all the same things Faustina enjoys. I’m sorry I don’t know. I’ll make or buy whatever you like and keep it in the house. Okay?” Magica tried to still use her diplomatic mother tone. She wasn’t frustrated with Kage, but more the situation of having to discuss this while it was very possible there were agents planning an attack on them. 
Kage made a grumbing noise that wasn't any clear words. He stormed out before Magica could pay for the junk food. Magica said a soft sorry to the cashier before running out after him. She glanced to see at least two of the suspicious strangers were following them out. 
Magica was able to still run at a fast speed even in heels. She caught up with Kage in moments and picked him up under her arm like a sack of potatoes. He didn’t even have a chance to complain before she ducked with him behind a random parked car, “Go to the car and wait. I’ll take care of this.”
Kage opened his beak to try to complain again but was shocked when Magica handed him the car gets. It meant this was serious.  She pulled a pouch of dust from her purse and sprinkled it on Kage. The young duck sneezed at that which drew the attention of one of the strangers. 
From her purse she also pulled out a flask and whispered, “Una strega travestita da pecora è più di un avvertimento.”
“What are you doing?” Kage muttered, not as quietly as he could have. 
“Car, now!” she commanded him. Normally he would complain at being told what to do but this surprised him so much he went ahead and looked for the car. He had ducked behind a different car when he had seen the suspicious canine in a black shirt. Kage began to put together what was happening.
When he looked in the side mirror of the car he was hiding behind things got even more interesting. He could not see himself reflected in the mirror. He assumed the dumb glitter Magica had sprinkled on him had done that. The young duck was left to wonder why she hasn’t done the same to herself. 
That was answered for him as he saw HIMSELF a distance away coming into view. This other ‘Kage’ gave a whistle to get the attention of the now four suspicious men dressed in black.
“Hey, stupid heads! Are you idiots looking for me?” this other Kage waved his arms at the supposed SHUSH agents. 
“I do not sound like that,” Kage muttered to himself. Instead of heading to Magica’s car he was watching what was unfolding. None of the supposed agents spoke to the fake Kage.
“What are you here for? Little ole me?” the fake Kage stepped towards the one closest to him, “Who sent you? Tell them to bugger off!”
The real Kage grumbled to himself. He did not like this impersonation at all.  Other people going to the grocery store ignored the commotion. It was an average thing to see in the Negaverse. For all they knew it could have been security going after a shoplifter. 
One of the other black dressed men came behind the fake Kage. He raised a taser to fire at them. The fake Kage though had heard him and dropped to the ground. The taser fire then went to the other agent that had been in front of the Kage copy. 
The Magica-Kage let out a sinister giggle and got up to their feet in one gymnastic style motion. Despite being small in his form, her kick was still had full adult power when she attacked the man holding the fired taser. She heard the footsteps of a third agent coming behind her with a weapon as well. The disguised witch made another dodge roll to avoid what she assumed was another taser. 
However, she had miscalculated. Instead of a taser that could be dodged, it was some new-fangled energy pulse gun. It would knock out a target and could not be dodged since it was a sound not something that physically hit. The fake Kage was knocked out but still kept their disguise. The magic was from a potion not a spell so it wasn’t reliant on Magica being conscious. 
The agent that had been kicked to the ground got up while taking out ear plugs he had in.
“Good job. But where did the woman go?” the canine agent asked the one with the pulse gun.
“It's no concern. We just have to deal with the target. Let’s get him back to base,” the other agent replied. The real Kage, still invisible, was sneaking closer to them. One of the agents picked up the fake Kage and started walking to an ambulance parked nearby. 
He was very tempted to just attack the one closest to him. But he was smart enough to know that would just send the other three after him, invisible or not. He could get on the ambulance while invisible and see where their base was. Maybe there would be an opportunity to attack then if at any point Magica was left unattended. 
Kage also realized he didn’t have to go with at all. He could technically drive the car back to the farm and get Grimstone for help. He didn’t have to help Magica. He liked Faustina and Grim much more than her.  But what he knew of SHUSH, it would be better to act  ASAP and not waste the time it would take to get to the farm and back. And he didn’t even know where this base was. And Magica was kinda nice to him. And could cook. 
When they loaded the fake Kage on the real one was able to slip in quietly. To not be bumped into by the two other agents in the back he tucked himself in a corner by the backside of the driver's seat. There he waited to strike.
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ijustwantanswers · 7 months
The content for 1991 Darkwing & 2017 Darkwing meeting each other is shocking low. So I guess I should make some content of it… (this may be slightly confusing to read at times)
“Today has been rough… the crime rate is still so low…” (2017) Darkwing said
“Well, mayor owlson is doing her job properly and well.” (2017) Gosalyn said
“Don’t worry, Drake I’m sure crime will be rampant soon enough.” (2017) Launchpad said
They were coming back their base after a false lead in a St.Canard garbage dump, something about Ramrod going off, despite it being destroyed.
They entered the tower, Darkwing headed the couch, sighing.
“Uhh, doesn’t the base look off?” Gosalyn asked
Darkwing looked around, his technology had a serious downgrade and colors were a bit dull.
“Uhh? Launchpad did you do something?” He asked
“No way D.W., I like the base the way it was”
Suddenly they heard voices coming up to the tower.
“I told you already, no it’s too dangerous!” A voice said
“But, Dad… I saved you so many times I am capable.” Someone replied
“As long as you are under my roof-“ they said back
Darkwing, Gosalyn, and Launchpad were on their toes, had someone found their base? They were ready to defend “their” base. Yet what they did not expect was to see three very familiar looking people. One of this familiar people spotted Darkwing and instead rushed towards him.
“How did you find my base? Negaduck!” (1991) D.W exclaimed
“Your base? This is my base, and who is Negaduck?” Darkwing asked
“Don’t play dumb with me, negaduck!” D.W said
“I think you-“ before Darkwing could finish his respond D.W. attacked him and Darkwing fought back. Meanwhile the other duck in room talked to each other.
“Keen Gear! Are you clone of me? Oh are you made of slime then? You looked cool!” (1991) Gos said
“Uh, Hi? No, I am not a clone or made of slime. Why are in our base?” Gosalyn said
“Your base? This is my- I mean Darkwing duck’s base.” Gos said
“Yeah, I know, I worked with him.” Gosalyn replied
“I never seen you around him, hmm oh maybe Honker will know what’s going on., i asked when I get chance to” Gos said
“Who?” Gosalyn asked
“He is my good friend, now tell me how did you get here?” Gos said
Launchpad walked up to Launchpad.
“Hi, I am Launchpad, driver & pilot to Scrooge Mcduck, sidekick of Darkwing Duck, and best friend of Dewy Duck. I like your hat!” (2017) Launchpad said
“Thanks, your hat is pretty great to! I am Launchpad as well, previously driver & pilot to Scrooge Mcduck too, current sidekick of Darkwing Duck, and I used to know the triplets too.” (1991) LP said
Suddenly, a voiced called out “Launchpad, help me catch this villain!” D.W called out
“No, Launchpad help me!” Darkwing called out
Both Launchpads came over, pulling the Darkwing away from each other.
D.W. was dragged away by his Launchpad, he thought to himself. “I don’t think he Negaduck, he would pulled out a chainsaw or bombs or something to harm me by now…”
“Who are you?” D.W asked Darkwing
“I’m the terror the flaps in night, I am the-” Darkwing started
“Ahh, I see your a fan of me! Fans are not allowed in my tower, Gosalyn was this your doing?” D.W. said
“I only did one time, (well that you know of). But Darkwing, I think these might different versions of us. That are stuck here ” Gos said
“No, that ridiculous… D.W. looked at the copies around him! That’s it you guys are different versions of us?” D.W. said proudly
“What she said that!” Gosalyn said pointing to Gos.
Gos replied with “ he always like this, don’t worry.”
“Yes, what they said, we are different versions of you… really?” Darkwing said looking at his Gosalyn
“I think so, it explains why the bad looks different and why we look similar to them.” Gosalyn said
“Hmm okay.” Darkwing said
“Don’t worry, less superior version of me, I will find a way to help you out this dimension!” D.W. said
Darkwing shook this head, he thought to himself “This version of me, reminds a lot of Darkwing I grew up with… but he has a Launchpad and Gosalyn, jeez I hope we can find out what really happened.”
Somewhere in bad parts of St.Canard
“So, your telling me, there are other versions of me in different universes, including you.” A familiar gruff voice said
“Yes, yet with every version of me there are seems to be a Darkwing!” A similar sounding voice said
“Darkwing! I can’t stand him! If I could get hands of him…” they replied
“If you take care of my Darkwing, I will take of yours.” The familiar voice said
“DEAL!” They said immediately
The two yellow-dressed ducks shook hands snickering, yet both of had one hand behind their back crossed.
Some other things, I thought about but didn’t put in. The Gosalyns talking about their grandfathers, DT Gos noticing that DW Gos calls DW Dad. The Darkwing talking and hating Gizmoduck, expect DT17 likes Fenton and DW D.W disliking him. The Launchpad being stupid, at least D.W. Launchpad can fly better than DT17. And also DW Darkwing finding out in another dimension being a T.V. Show, And DT17 excluding the part of actor who tried to kill him and lack of the actors fame and money. Lastly, about Morgana.
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invaderdoom78 · 2 years
This is something I've always kinda wanted to do, because these are both awesome shows. The Fearsome Five and the Air Pirates team up in the search for treasure, and so do Darkwing and Baloo.
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"I still don't understand why I have to wear a dress!" Gosalyn grumbled, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she stood in the living room dressed in a black old fashioned dress
"I still don't understand why I have to wear a dress!" Gosalyn grumbled, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she stood in the living room dressed in a black old fashioned dress
"Because, dear, this is a sophisticated party that Mr. McDuck was kind enough to invite all of us to,” Morgana said, fixing Gosalyn’s ponytails
“Is everybody ready?” Launchpad asked walking down the steps, attempting to tie his tie
“Everyone except, dad,” Gosalyn said, taking a seat on one of the revolving chairs
“He said he’ll be down in a minute,” Launchpad said
“Is he trying to bring any of his weapons along?” Morgana asked
“Just his gas gun,” Launchpad said as Drake finally came down from the second floor, fully dressed in his tux
“Well” Morgana mumbled “alright”
“Everyone ready?” Drake asked adjusting his cufflinks
“Yup” Launchpad said as Morgana took a seat on the vacant revolving chair
“We’ll meet you down there,” Morgana said pressing the head of the mouse statue
“Is the Thunderquack loaded with my emergency supplies?” Drake asked once the chairs had finished rotating
“Packed and ready for any emergency!” Launchpad said as he and his partner took a set on the chairs
“Good” Drake said pushing the mouse's head
When the duo got to the crime lair they found that Gosalyn and Morgana were already getting settled in the Thunderquack, waiting for their pilot.
“Oh dear,” Morgana said looking at the clock on the plane's dashboard “we’re going to be late”
"Maybe not," Launchpad said starting up the Thunderquack "depends on how fast we fly"
Once everyone was strapped into their seats the Thunderquack took off into the sky for Cape Suzette. Thankfully for them, or maybe just Gosalyn, Morgana had had the forethought to bring along some travel games to play during the flight.
“Does your person have fangs?” Gosalyn asked looking down at the game on her lap
“No,” Morgana said glancing over at Drake “you’ve been awfully quiet?”
“I don’t like leaving the city unguarded for so long,” Drake said “especially when I know Negaduck is plotting something”
“Jeez,” Launchpad said tapping on the glass covering the gas gauge “looks like we’re runnin’ low on gas” he leaned over to look out the window "that looks like a place we can stop"
“What was that?” Drake asked looking up at the sky above them
"What was what, DW?" Launchpad asked lowering the plane
“I just saw Negaduck's plane!” Drake exclaimed, squishing his face against the glass to try and spot the aircraft again
“I didn’t see anything, Dark darling,” Morgana said leaning forward to look out the window as well “it was probably just the clouds playing tricks on you”
“Yeah, dad,” Gosalyn said “why would they be all the way out here”
“I’m not sure,” Drake said still suspicious, sulking back in his seat
Pushing forward on the wheel Launchpad took the plane down to the dock of the small island. Stopping in front of some gas pumps the crew looked up at the large neon sign that was sticking out of the mountain
“Louie’s” Launchpad read aloud as they all got out of the plane before starting up a conversation with one of the monkeys that were working at the pumps
As the Thunderquack was being worked on Drake, Morgana, and Gosalyn walked into the clubhouse so they could get directions to Cape Suzette to make sure they were heading in the right direction.
"Keen gear!" Gosalyn said taking in the party that was currently going on
"No you don't little missy," Drake said placing a hand on her shoulder "Morgana was nice enough to let you borrow one of her old dresses and I don't want you ruining it"
"Alright" Gosalyn grumbled, pouting a bit
As the three were walking through the club Morgana noticed an orangutang, two bears, one much younger than the other, and a female black panther moving around the bar, looking like they were getting ready to load up a plane. Despite the black fur, the panther had long orange hair that was parted down the middle, black and white stripes running down along both sides of the part in her hair, and pulled back into a ponytail.
"Baloo, man," Louie said as he Baloo, Kit, and the panther moved around some boxes "I can’t tell you guys how much it means that you're givin' me a hand and a ride; or that Sita managed to convince her daddy to hire me to cater this party"
"Well" Sita sighed "if you weren't there then I may need to hang myself in the restroom or throw myself out a window"
"Hey I'll be there," Baloo said feigning offense
"With Becca” Sita chuckled “who'll no doubt be keeping a very close eye on you”
"Excuse me," Morgana said walking over to Baloo "but do you know how to get to Cape Suzette from here?"
"Sure do," Baloo said turning to look at the witch "we're headin' back there ourselves”
“Would you mind if we followed you?” Morgana asked clasping her hands together
“Hey not at all!” Baloo said as Drake and Gosalyn walked over to the bar
“Who you talkin’ to Morgana?” Gosalyn asked hopping up on a bar stool
"There you guys are," Launchpad said joining his friends “what’d I miss?”
“These gentlemen just offered to show us how to get to Cape Suzette”
“That’s great! I’ll admit I wasn’t too sure of where to go from here” Launchpad said scratching the back of his head before offering his hand to shake “I’m Launchpad McQuack and this’s Morgana, Gosalyn, and Drake”
"It's nice ta meet ya'll," Louie said shaking LP’s hand "I’m Louie, and this here's, Baloo, Kit, and Sita”
“So what're you headin' to Cape Suzette for?" Kit asked as Baloo, Louie, and Sita all pick up a box
"Well, I used to be the pilot for Scrooge McDuck and he invited me to join him at a charity event a Mr. Khan is hosting there," Launchpad said noticing what they were doing "you guy's need a hand?"
“That’s not necessary,” Sita said
“It’s the least we can do,” Launchpad said grabbing a box
After a couple of minutes of loading boxes, the Thunderquack’s tank had been filled up and the Sea Duck was packed.
“Say,” Baloo said taking in the Thunderquack “nice plane ya got here”
“Thanks,” Launchpad said “that yours?”
“Yup,” Baloo said patting his planes haul “this’s my baby, customized her myself”
“She’s a beaut,” Launchpad said hopping into the pilot's seat “so you want me to stay a couple meters back?"
“Maybe one of us should go with Launchpad just in case we get separated” Sita suggested
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” Launchpad said
“Alright,” Sita said shrugging it off and jumping into the Sea Duck
“Before I forget,” Baloo said sticking his head out of his plane “make sure to watch out for air pirates”
“You got it,” Launchpad said closing up the Thunderquack "what's an air pirate?"
Pulling away from the docks the Sea Duck took off for the cliffs of Cape Suzette with the Thunderquack tailing along from behind. Thankfully the sky was clear, with the occasional odd cloud here and there, so it was easy for Launchpad to stay on Baloo's tail.
"Hey what's that?" Gosalyn asked pointing at the Iron Vulture as it came out of the clouds
"Watch out back there," Baloo said over the radio "that’s the Iron Vulture. It’s filled to the brim with pirates”
"What do we do?" Launchpad asked picking up his radio
“Just keep your eyes peeled,” Baloo said
"HOLD IT!" Drake yelled hopping up to stand on his seat "that’s Negaducks plane. It's going into that, that thing!"
"Well ain't that strange," Baloo said watching as the Iron Vulture seemingly ate a plane that looked nearly identical to the one behind him before just flying off, completely ignoring the other two aircrafts
"Who do you think was in that plane?" Kit asked as they entered the cliffs of Cape Suzette
"No idea," Louie said scratching his head "but if they're workin' with Karnage they can't be good news"
"Attention all passengers," Baloo said picking up his radio again as they flew over the bay "here we have the beautiful city of Cape Suzette with its crystal clear bay, sky-high buildings, and an angry-looking Beckers standing on the docks. Oh boy"
"Is something wrong up there?" Launchpad asked
"It's just my boss," Baloo said as he pulled into the Higher for Hire docks
Reluctantly Baloo got out of the Sea Duck awaiting the verbal onslaught from his boss.
"Hey-a there Beckers," Baloo said as Kit, Louie, and Sita got out of the Sea Duck and Gosalyn, Drake, and Morgana got out of the Thunderquack
"Where have you been, Baloo?" Becky asked jabbing Baloo in the chest with her finger "you were supposed to be back with Louie ten minutes ago!" she noticed the ducks "oh, who're they?"
"Ms. Cunningham, this is Launchpad, Drake, Morgana, and Gosalyn" Kit said motioning to each person before looking back at them to introduce Beccy “they didn't know how to get here so Baloo offered to give ‘em a hand"
"Oh, well..." Becky said "you did good Baloo, but I still need you to hurry and take Louie and his supplies to the Spruce Moose"
"Right on it, Beckers," Baloo said going to unload his plane
"Oh allow me," Morgana said using her magic to levitate all of the boxes that had been loaded into the Sea Duck "where do these need to go?"
"Woah!” Kit said in awe of what was happening before him
"Say how're you doin' that?" Baloo asked looking dumbfounded
"Oh that's nothing," Gosalyn said excitedly "you should've seen it when she turned my dad into pudding"
After the aircraft had entered the Iron Vulture the Fearsome Five got out of the Nega-Thunderquack (Did it have a name in the show; I don’t remember?) and were greeted by Don Karnage as Dumptruck and Mad Dog stood behind their captain and the rest of the crew looked down from the catwalk above. "Welcome to the Iron Vulture my cunning accomplishes!" Karnage exclaimed "Wow!" Quackerjack said in amazement as he took in the size of the Vulture "it's so big. Echo" he sat there and listened as the word echo slowly faded away, giggling to himself “You must be Don Karnage,” Negaduck said taking a couple of steps forward “And you Negaduck,” Karnage said “it is nice to be finally meeting you in person, yes-no” “Yeah,” Negaduck said, drawing the word out a bit “…so how’re we gonna get past those cliffs? I noticed that there were a shit load of cannons running along them and they looked like they have some serious firepower” “No need to be worrying about the cannons,” Karnage said “we have a way of getting past them” “So what is it we need to steal?” Bushroot asked, wringing his leaved hands together nervously, until Liquidator placed a watery hand on his shoulder “There is a map that is said to be displayed within the Spruce Moose and it is the key to finding the treasure, there is also a party being held there tonight so we will also be having the opportunity to be getting some riches as well,” Karnage said as Gibber walked over to him whispering in his ear "excellent! The submarine is ready" "How many can fit in it?" Negaduck asked eyeballing the water vehicle "We should be able to be getting five maybe six people in there," Karnage said "So who gets to go?" Liquidator asked even though he already knew the answer "Not me!" Megavolt said quickly, terrified by the idea of being completely submerged in water “I’ll go” Quackerjack volunteered, raising his hand “You’re all going” Negaduck growled glaring at his team “And Mad Dog and Dumptruck shall be accompanying you,” Don Karnage said “after all you will be needing someone to operate the submarine” “Aw,” Mad Dog whined “do we have to, Cap’in?” “Yes!” Karnage yelled, slapping Mad Dog “how do you expect them to be navigating the bay much less the city!” “Yes, captain” Mad Dog sighed rubbing his cheek
Once Morgana had helped load all of Louie's crates into the truck that would be taking him to the Spruce Moose the ducks wandered over to the main road, Launchpad hailing them a cab so they could get to the hotel Scrooge and his nephews were staying at. 
“Do you know what room number they’re in, LP?” Drake asked as they stepped into the hotel’s elevator 
“Yeah,” Launchpad said pressing the button for the right floor “room 595” 
Once the doors opened to the fifth floor everyone began counting out the room numbers until they came across the correct one.
“595” Launchpad said knocking on the door “this is it”
“Launchpad!” Dewey exclaimed after opening the door
“Hey, guys!” Launchpad said giving the boys a bear hug as they jumped him “you’ve gotten bigger since the last time I saw you” 
“We’ve missed you, Launchpad,” Dewey said 
“I missed you, boys, too” Launchpad chuckled 
“Launchpad,” Scrooge said walking over to his old pilot “how’ve you been, lad?”
“I’ve been great, Mr. McD” Launchpad said, setting the boys down “I can’t thank you enough for inviting me to come here with you”
“It was nothing,” Scrooge said “now introduce us to your friends”
“Mr. McD this is Drake Mallard, his daughter Gosalyn, and his girlfriend Morgana McCawber” Launchpad said motioning to each person he named
“A pleasure to meet you,” Scrooge said tipping his hat slightly “I am Scrooge McDuck and these are my nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie” 
“Hey, you alright? Huey asked having taken notice of Drake “you look distracted”
“I’m fine,” Drake said waving him off “just deep in thought” 
“Boys,” Scrooge said getting the attention of his nephews as he checked his pocket watch “get your coats on, it’s time to go”
“Hey,” Launchpad said, realizing something “where’re Donald and Webby?”
“Donald’s back in Duckburg with his old garage band and Webby is at some retreat with Mrs. Beakley”
Once the boys got their jackets on the group made their way down to the lobby to wait for the limo that had been sent for Mr. McDuck and it wasn’t long before the gang found themselves arriving at the Spruce Moose almost directly after Rebecca and Baloo did. 
“Well, howdy there, strangers,” Baloo said when he noticed the ducks
“Hey there, Baloo,” Launchpad said, shaking the bear's hand “where’s Sita?”
“She’s already here with her pops” 
“Mr. McDuck” Rebecca said in a sickenly sweet voice “it’s such an honor to meet you! I’m Rebecca Cunningham”
“It’s nice to meet ya, lass,” Scrooge said offering his hand to shake “now, Launchpad here has spoken quite highly of your pilot” he tapped Baloo's gut with his cane “and I have been thinking about making expanding business connections in Cape Suzette, perhaps we can discuss it” 
“That would be wonderful!” Rebecca said clasping her hands together 
“Let’s get a seat ‘fore all the good ones ‘re taken,” Baloo said motioning for the others to come inside with him
Stepping inside the grounded plane everyone took a moment to marvel at the decorations. 
“Who’s that scary guy with Sita?” Gosalyn asked 
“That would be her dad,” Baloo said, leaning forward a bit to be more on her level 
Standing near a group of businessmen was Sita, wearing a knee-length deep blue dress with Shere Khan and a female tiger that looked to be the exact age as her, wearing a black floor-length turtleneck, but with black hair that had been pulled up into a bun at the top of her head and held a stern look that was very similar to the one the other tiger wore. As the others went to find a table Scrooge and his nephews walked up to the tiger so they could get introductions out of the way. 
“Mr. McDuck,” Shere Khan said shaking the duck's hand “it’s nice to see you again” 
“Nice to see you again as well, Mr. Khan,” Scrooge said 
“You remember my daughters?” Shere Khan said “Monika and Sita” 
“Yes, such lovely young women” Scrooge said “I don’t believe you’ve met my nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Boys this is Mr. Khan CEO of Khan Industries” 
“My” Monika said looking down at the triplets “aren’t you three adorable” 
“Louie Duck” Louie said stepping forward his hand outstretched for the tiger to shake “of Louie Enterprises”
“Go sit down, lad” Scrooge said, gently nudging his nephew with his cane
“Because you don’t have a solid business model yet. Telling people the name of your company but having nothing to offer isn’t going to get you anywhere”
Groaning Louie sulked over to the table his brothers had sat themselves at.
“Eager child isn’t he,” Shere Khan said
“Ey,” Scrooge sighed watching Louie join his brothers “he is. He’s got a bright future ahead of him if he applies himself”
When they got there Drake had split away from his family and found a spot that gave him plenty of room to pace in murmuring to himself obviously, at least to the ducks that knew him, obsessing over trying to come up with reasons as to why the Fearsome Five could possibly have reason to be this far away from St.Canard.
"Oooh, it's going to be like this all night isn't it?" Morgana growled looking very annoyed, dully glaring at her boyfriend 
"Hey," Gosalyn said looking up at the witch "if it is then we can always dance together"
“That sounds wonderful, darling,” Morgana said placing a hand on the young duckling's shoulder as she lead her over to the refreshment table “but how about you go over and sit with the boys”
“Do I have to?” Gosalyn asked 
“I’m sure you’ll get along just fine,” Morgana said grabbing a glass, filling it up with some punch for Gosalyn “besides I doubt you’ll want to spend all night listening to boring business talk”
“Alright” Gosalyn grumbled taking the cup from the witch before walking over to the table Huey, Dewey, and Louie were sitting at 
As the night went on everything seemed to be getting along quite well; Gosalyn and the boys were telling exaggerated stories of their adventures, trying to outdo each other with their tales, standing by where Louie had set up shop were Baloo and Launchpad having a conversation about planes as Sita listened in, Morgana had decided to take a crack at trying to get Drake to take a break from his thoughts and join in on the party, while Rebecca, Monika, and Scrooge were discussing business. As Sita was listening in to the pilot's conversation a gray wolf dressed in a rather fancy-looking pilot's jacket over a nice dress shirt came over to her, radiating an air of superiority. 
“Howdy there,” the wolf said, giving a toothy grin “the name’s Ace London. I’m sure you’ve heard of me”  
“Uh,” Sita said looking from him to where her friends were standing next to her
“At a loss for words I see,” Ace said, his smile widening “yeah, I have that effect on women” 
Sita didn’t respond to anything the wolf said to her, she just stood there looking at him unsure of what was happening or what she should do, waiting for one of her friends to come help her, but none of them did. Baloo and Louie, because all Ace was doing, was bragging about himself and wasn’t making any obvious moves, while Monika just wanted to watch her twin squirm for a bit before coming to her rescue. 
“Would you all excuse me for a moment?” Monika asked, waiting a few seconds to get approval before walking over to her sister “you must be Ace London. I am Monika Khan” she held out her hand for the pilot to shake, giving Sita a chance to escape
“Thanks for the help, Baloo” Sita quietly hissed as she walked past the bear 
“Anytime” Baloo chuckled saluting the panther 
Deciding she needed a moment alone Sita found a spot towards the back of the plane where no one else was standing, chugging the remainder of her drink when she noticed a framed map that was hanging on the wall that was quick to garner all of her attention and she took in every detail of it. Just then several sets of thorny vines burst through the windows at the helm of the plane. Everyone looked up in shock at the vegetation as gleefully hysterical laughter rang out into the room.
“It’s playtime!” Exclaimed Quackerjack happily as he appeared at the top of the vines, letting loose an army of snapping toy teeth that began a mission to clear out the room 
Flipping down to the floor the crazed toymaker watched as everyone who was in attendance began running around the room in a panic, with the exception of our heroes, and Megavolt, Bushroot, Mad Dog, and Dumptruck climbed down the vines while harsh waves began violently rocking the grounded plane, eventually pushing it away from the dock. Thankfully, by that point, a majority of the civilians had gotten away. With the plane now far enough away from the docks that no one could get on or off board Liquidator made his entrance, practically exploding through the busted open window not only to make it more dramatic but also as a way to intimidate any stragglers that were still inside the Moose. 
“Now how’d those two get past the cliff guns?” Baloo asked looking at the two pirates as they began moving throughout the room
“Looks like you were right, DW” Launchpad said to what he thought was his partner, glad that Morgana, Gosalyn, and the boys had managed to find a spot that had them hidden from the villain's view “DW?” He looked around when he didn’t get a response
“I am the terror that flaps in the night” a voice boomed while a blue smoke filtered into the room
“You gotta be freakin’ kidding me,” Quackerjack said rolling his eyes
“I am the partygoer that makes everyone uncomfortable” 
“W-what’s he doing all the way out here?” Bushroot stuttered, taking a couple of steps toward Liquidator 
“I am Darkwi-i-i-i-i-i-ing Duck!” 
“You guys know him?” Mad Dog asked Liquidator
“Unfortunately” Liquidator sighed furrowing his brows in annoyance, forming his hand into a giant fist
Rearing back his arm Liquidator slung it forward so he could punch the caped crusader into the wall behind him, several large droplets of water flinging off of his arm from the movements.
“Hey,” Megavolt said, lifting his leg so he could avoid the water “watch it!”
“That’s it!” Gosalyn exclaimed getting an idea “come on” she motioned for the boys to follow her as she crawled away
Crawling behind an empty table Gosalyn snatched the tablecloth off of it before continuing for the table that had the punch bowl on it. 
“What’re we gonna do with that?” Dewey asked, furrowing his eyebrows a bit in confusion
“We need to make a slingshot so we can launch the punch bowl at that guy,” Gosalyn said pointing from the bowl to Megavolt “so we can short out his powers” 
“Got it,” the three boys said in unison as Louie and Dewey grabbed the cloth so they could hold it steady and Gosalyn and Huey grabbed the punch bowl. With his brothers holding the sling in place Huey set the bowl on the fabric and took several steps back until the material was taught 
“Ready,” Gosalyn said standing behind the red triplet so he knew where to aim “aim. Fire!” 
And with that Huey released his hold, the bowl flying through the air until it hit its target, successfully shorting out Megavolt's powers, leaving him singed and smoking. 
“Come on, Sparky,” Quarkerjack teased flipping over to his soaking-wet partner “we just got here”
“Don’t call me that!” Megavolt growled shaking the droplets of punch off of his gloves 
Recovering from the watery attack Darkwing was quick to notice that Megavolt was seemingly down for the count without access to his electric powers, so he decided to take him out first. However, what he didn’t know was that even with his powers shorted out Megavolt wasn’t defenseless, he had a laser gun that Quackerjack had customized for him strapped onto his belt. Seeing that Darkwing was coming right for him Megavolt let out a yelp before pulling it out so he could fire at the masked hero, coming close to hitting him several times. 
“Don’t worry, DW!” Launchpad exclaimed trying to run over to his partner, only to be blocked by Quackerjack “I’m coming”
“I don’t think so, Joe,” Mr. Bananabrain said being shoved into Launchpad's face 
Letting out a startled yelp at the sudden appearance of the doll, Launch Pad stumbled backward, just barely managing to catch himself on the edge of the table before he hit the ground. Pulling out two more sets of snapping teeth Quackerjack replaced Mr. Bananabrain with them in his hands and tried to assault Launchpad with them but the pilot was able to avoid every attempt to bite him; eventually being forced to run away, the mad jester running after him.
“Move it aside gramps” Mad Dog said walking up to Scrooge, his sword raised
“Please” Scrooge scoffed rolling his eyes “I’ve faced off against hordes of villains far more intimidating than you” he held his cane out like a sword “so have at thee”
It became apparent to the pirate that he was severely outmatched as Scrooge had years of experience over him and was slowly being led closer to where Monika and Shere Khan were standing on the sidelines, stoically watching the chaos. Snagging the hook of his cane around Mad Dog's ankle, Scrooge pulled his leg out from under him, causing the air pirate to tumble backward towards where Monika and Shere Khan stood, the former side kicking him away from her and her dad. Just like his fellow pirate Dumptruck wasn’t having much luck either, he’d gotten too close to where Rebecca was standing and she had decided to retaliate.
“You no good low down dirty pirate!” Rebecca exclaimed angrily, as she repeatedly hit Dumptruck over the head with her purse until the moment he was no longer within her reach
“Hold still you little” Morgana growled as she desperately tried to hit Liquidator with her magic, only to have said villain avoid every beam
“Is the pressure of superheroing stressing you out? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try you’ll never be able to measure up?” Liquidator asked, his body stretching out and forming into a wave “let Liquidator brand water wash your troubles away” 
Unable to get away in time Morgana was washed across the room by the force of the villous wave, a rouge beam of magic striking Launchpad, turning him into a yak.
Now just because all of the villains were busy fighting the adults doesn’t mean the boys or Gosalyn were sitting back twiddling their thumbs. Hopping from table to table Gosalyn and Dewey were using broken chair legs they’d picked up as hockey sticks to whack away the toy teeth chattering along the floor and Hewey and Louie used their pieces of broken chair to beat back Booshroots vines. 
“Ah hell, Baloo, look at us just standin’ around doin’ nothing. We should get in there and start helping” Louie said lifting a box of fruit 
“Couldn’t agree with you more” Baloo said grabbing a melon 
Dropping the crate on the counter Louie grabbed some fruit as well, the two of them chucking the produce at any bad guy they laid their eye’s on. Unfortunately, for everyone really, after the fruit hit their targets they left slick puddles of juice on the floor. The first to fall victim to the juices were the yak Launchpad and Quackerjack, the two stumbling as they attempted to keep on their feet. As his partner and the sidekick were struggling to keep on their feet Megavolt had managed to turn the tables and was now chasing Darkwing, firing right at the hero’s heels when a melon hit him in the face, completely covering his goggles effectively blinding him; causing him to fire wildly at anything that happened to be nearby as he attempted to wipe off his goggles.
Amongst all of the fighting Bushroot took the opportunity to discreetly slip to the back of the Moose so he could attempt to nab the map they had come to steal. Unfortunately for him, the glass frame was not coming off of the wall, no matter how hard he pulled at it. Using his sword to keep the fruit from hitting him Dumptruck made his way back to the plant-duck. 
“What’s the holdup?” Dumptruck asked ducking down to avoid a bundle of grapes
“It’s stuck!” Bushroot said defeated, flopping down his vine arms 
“Let me try,” Dumptruck said, pushing up his sleeves above his elbows but to no avail, despite him being significantly stronger than Bushroot the map frame refused to come off of the wall. In his anger he was about to punch open the glass frame, probably damaging the map in the process, when he noticed flashing red and blue lights coming for the Spruce Moose “uh oh. Here come the coppers” 
“How close are they?” Megavolt asked having made his way over to an outlet as Darkwing was now dealing with Liquidator 
“I say we got about five minutes till they get here,” Dumptruck said, noticing that Sita was still standing where she'd been when this all started "come on" he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her along with him towards the sub
Letting out an irritated groan, Megavolt plugged himself into an outlet of the grounded plane to recharge his battery, effectively shorting out the circuitry as he recharged his battery, throwing everyone into darkness. Utilizing the opportunity the villains escape to their submarine, that they’d had the foresight to anchor to the Spruce Moose just as the emergency lights clicked on. 
“Oh,” Morgana said hurrying over to LP “Launchpad, I’m so sorry. I’ll get you turned back to normal”
“Hey,” Launchpad said as Morgana turned him back to normal “no harm no foul” 
“Is everyone alright?” Darkwing asked looking around the room 
“Sita is gone,” Monika said, having learned to hide her emotions just as well as her father could “the pirates must have taken her”
“Oh dear,” Shere Khan said 
“No need to worry, Ace London’ll bring her back safe and sound in no time!” Ace exclaimed walking over to the CEO from the spot he’d been cowering in 
“While I’m sure that your reputation alone would be enough qualification for a task such as this” Shere Khan started, knowing exactly what kind of pilot the wolf was “I feel it would be wiser to send someone who has been able to survive multiple encounters with the air pirates and know how they function” the tiger turned his attention to Rebbecca “Ms. Cuningham, I would be willing to more than compensate you for the use of your pilot and plane if you send Baloo to rescue my daughter”
“Of course,” Rebecca said, worry creeping onto her face “I’ll send him out as soon as possible” 
“Now just hold on a minute” Ace said 
“Enough,” Shere Khan said, as his remaining daughter rolled her eyes “I have made my decision. If you wish to face the air pirates yourself, that is your choice”
“What were they trying to accomplish?” Darkwing asked as he looked over the crime scene “almost everyone managed to evacuate the building before The Fearsome Four and those two air pirates entered and nothing but Sita appears to have been taken and Negaduck’s not one for ransoming heiress”
“What’re you thinking, DW?” Launchpad asked 
“I’m not sure,” Darkwing said, rubbing his chin in thought 
“It has something to do with that map,” Monika said pointing at the map her sister had been looking at before the chaos
“What makes you say that?” Darkwing asked looking at the tigress 
“It’s a twin thing,” Monika said “follow the map and you’ll find Karnage”
With the assistance of the Liquidator the Fearsome Four and Air Pirates were able to get to the rendezvous point in half the time it would have normally taken. Pulling just before the mouth of the Vulture the water dog lifted them the rest of the way into the plane hanger; however, since they arrived much sooner than anyone expected they didn’t receive anything close to a warm welcome. “You got back awfully fast,” Karnage said looking down at them suspiciously from the catwalk he and Negaduck had been walking along, discussing their plans “We couldn’t get the map, sir,” Mad Dog said as his captain and Negaduck walked down to the carrier before quickly adding “but we didn’t come back empty-handed” “Did you now?” Karnage asked raising an eyebrow and tapping his foot impatiently while everyone but Sita and Mad Dog got out of the submarine “I am not see anything with you” “She’s right…” Mad Dog started turning around, so he could motion for the panther to emerge “She!” Negaduck yelled furiously, raising both his fists in the air “you idiots completely ignored the one thing you needed to steal and took some woman!” “It’s not our fault Darkwing Dork showed up,” Megavolt said “So!? He shows up all the time back in St.Canard you should be expecting him by now!” “That thing was hooked into the wall good,” Sita said popping her head out of the submarine “there was no way in hell they were going to get it down undamaged and still be able to escape with that Darkwing guy there” “Sita!” Karnage said, being caught off guard by the young Khan’s appearance, quickly doing what he could to make himself look as presentable as he could “You know her?” Negaduck asked raising an eyebrow “Yes,” Karnage said, helping Sita down from the submarine “She saw the map,” Dumptruck said “At least they managed to do something useful,” Karnage said snapping his fingers and Ratchet came in with an arm full of as many maps as he could carry After Ratchet had set them down on the floor Sita looked over each of the maps until she found one that had the island the map was depicted on it. “This one,” Sita said pointing to the island “it’s on this island off of the coast of the Golden Sun” “Do you remember the details of the map?” Liquidator asked “Of course, she does” Karnage said “Dumptruck, find something to draw that island on so Sita can make the map” “Yes, Captain” Dumptruck sighed, doing as he was told, managing to draw up a pretty decent outline of the island on an unused roll of paper that was mixed in with the maps “here” he handed the paper and pen to the panther “Thank you,” Sita said while everyone gathered around her as she added details to the map until it was a near-perfect replica Negaduck grumbled something to himself as he snatched the map away from the panter. "Now, let us be getting you some more practical clothing," Karnage said motioning for Sita to follow him "come, come" “Aren’t you going to lock her up?” Quackerjack asked as the panter and red wolf left the hanger “Nah,” Mad Dog said “she’s like Houdini, gets outta anything we try and lock ‘er in; plus” he lowered his voice and leaned closer to the crazed toymaker “the Cap’in's got a crush on her” “Oh,” Quackerjack said wondering if he should start scheming like he did for Bushroot and Liquidator “I’m surprised you decided to team up with anyone,” Sita said once she and the pirate captain were away from everyone “We are needing the powers of the Fearsome Five to be getting past the booby traps surrounding the treasure” “What do they want in return?” Sita asked as Karnage opened a door for her “There is an object of great power that is supposedly hidden within the treasure that Negaduck is wanting” “So he gets the power and you get the treasure,” Sita said as the two turned down a hallway “what happens if they backstab you and take everything?” “Well, I will allow them to be having some of the treasure for their assistance, not much mind you, but I do have a plan in case something does go wrong” “How generous”
“Thanks again for keeping an eye on Gosalyn while we’re gone,” Launchpad said the next morning as he, Darkwing, Morgana, Baloo, Kit, Rebbecca, Molly, who was being held by her mother, Scrooge, Gosalyn, and triplets stood on the docks of Higher for Hire and Wildcat was making sure that the Sea Duck was in top running order. “It’s no problem,” Scrooge said hooking the curve of his cane into the back of Dewey's shirt as he attempted to sneak onto the plane “Oh come on!” Dewey exclaimed angrily “how’d you know what I was gonna do?” “Because, third one” Scrooge said, earning a glare from his nephew for using that nickname “I know you well enough by now to know what you’re thinkin'” “But how come we can’t go?” Dewey asked “we go on adventures all the time” “I’ve heard a fair bit about the villains that attacked last night and they are not the type of people you want to be messing with, especially when it comes to their leader” “He’s right, Dewey” Launchpad said getting down on one knee to place a hand on Dewey's shoulder “Negaduck is one dangerous guy and definitely doesn’t hesitate when it comes to hurting people” “Fine” Dewey groaned, sulking back to where his brothers were standing, who did their best to comfort him “She’s all fixed up good as new” Wild Cat said popping out of the plane “Remind me again why we’re bringing civilians along with us, LP?” Darkwing asked his sidekick “Camouflage,” Baloo said as Wild Cat climbed down from the Sea Duck “if those guys see your plane anywhere near them they’ll be thinkin’ that you’re lookin’ for them, but if they see the Sea Duck Karnage’ll think that I just have a delivery to make and happen to be passing by, hopefully” “He’s right, DW” Launchpad said “besides we’ll need someone who knows how these air pirates work so we aren’t chargin’ in blind” “I do hope that poor girl will be ok until we get there” Morgana mused as everyone boarded the Sea Duck “Sita’s a tough girl,” Baloo said getting in the pilot’s seat “and knows how ta handle herself against air pirates especially when it comes to Karnage” he couldn’t help but chuckle a bit “she’ll have no problem at all handlin’ him” “You got the map?” Launchpad asked Kit as he settled into the co-pilot seat and Kit got into the third seat Wild Cat had installed for the navigator “Right here,” Kit said unfolding the copy of the map they’d been given “Alright,” Baloo said, starting up the Sea Duck “everyone get buckled in we’re about to take off” he started pulling away from the Higher for Hire docks “so what should we expect from your guys?” Darkwing gave the bears a rundown on the Fearsome Five and their abilities. “And Negaduck is the most vile” he stopped mid-sentence when he heard rattling coming from a nearby cabinet “what was that?” Pulling out his gas gun the masked mallard crept over to it, opening the doors causing Gosalyn to come tumbling out. “Gosalyn!” Darkwing exclaimed, “what are you doing here?” He picked her up so he could set her down in the bench seat he’d been sitting on “I told you to stay with Mr. McDuck” “Come on, Dad,” Gosalyn said strapping herself into the bench seat she was now sitting on “It’s too late ta turn back now,” Baloo said as they passed through the cliffs “they already have a night's length head start on us. We can’t risk loosin’ any more time” “You are not getting off of this plane, do you understand me, young lady!”
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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Building on this blog’s existing meta where MY Negaduck was a foster kid that moved throughout the system because his mom was a negligent whore ( basically ), and his dad was a 2-bit crime boss that could only DREAM of having the power/rep Negs does now:
Adult Negaduck DEFINITELY knows where his birth parents are. However, he has successfully convinced the world and everyone in his life that they’re gone for good, either dead or so far away, that he doesn’t care where they are now.
Occasionally, he checks on his mom from afar, just to see if she’s still alive, and yup! She’s an old trash bag that lives in the slums, hoarding cash and living low even if she could live high. She is convinced everyone is out to get the money she’s saved after a life of cheap cons and tricking, so she pretends to be poor in order to throw everyone off her trail. She’s a chain-smoking bar-wench, and Negs can’t understand how she’s still alive. She gets one visit from him maybe every couple years at her favorite pub, but when he does, it’s always out of mask and costume, so no one is the wiser. She thinks he’s a deadbeat, and never misses a chance to belittle him for not having a job. ( ha ha ) She also thinks he’s just looking to get her money, and accuses him of waiting for her to drop dead so he can get it. She has NO idea who the hell he is, and how he can buy, sell, and execute her 100x over if he wanted. He visits his dad more...
His dad is wheelchair & cane bound, living in an assisted living home, still acting like he’s a big shot, wearing fancy robes and pretending he’s still a big wheel and a charmer. The staff all knows he’s just an old gangster that’s decrepit and all talk now, all his former associates disowning him or long gone. Other patients don’t know what to think.
Like Neg’s visits with his mom, he ONLY comes to see him out of costume, but unlike his mom, his dad is convinced “Drake” is someone bigtime. He constantly rags him about “using his power” to get him out or into a better home, and that: “You can’t fool me, a fisherman knows another fisherman, your mom is just a salty, old, stupid drunk.”
Negaduck is just as disgusted with him as he is his mother, but for some reason, he stomachs his dad better, because HE doesn’t talk to him like he’s a “nobody.” His dad definitely suspects Negaduck IS a dangerous man, and although he can’t prove it, he suspects his son is Nega-Saint Canard’s one and only Overlord, Negaduck. But the entire staff and the rest of the patients there think he’s just a ranting senile fool.
Negaduck hates checking in on either of them but he feels compelled to. A big part of it is not winning acceptance, but he wants to make sure they don’t ever say or do anything that could give away his identity. 
Gosalyn will NEVER meet them.
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speedygal · 10 months
A Changed Negatron
Companion piece to; the one that lived, the one that got to grow old, final boss, Publicist.
Alternate Universe - Jim Starling’s Darkwing Duck Television Show
Characters: Darkwing Duck, Negaduck.
(this is a story that wants to come out, very short)
The duck in his early fifties was in the middle of dressing up in his suit when he heard the sound of footsteps. He turned and faced the direction of his negaverse counterpart.
"Negaduck! You're supposed to be held captive!"
He stopped what he was doing staring in shock toward his counterpart.
"I .." his voice was shaky. "am...being... held." then he sighed. "Darkwing."
Edward stared in confusion.
"You... are... ?..." Edward asked, folding his arms.
James sighed, then coughed into his fist, then lowered it with it coated in blood.
"I am from ... a future." He staggered forward then paused, leaning against the wall.
Edward approached him with small steps.
"Don't help me, softie!" James snapped, lifting his gaze up with a snarl.
Edward's gaze was on a wound on James's side.
"You are hurt." Edward pointed out, softly, concerned.
James shook his head as he eased and some of the tension fell off him.
"That's ..." James had a short contemptible laugh. "not what I'm referring to."
Edward's gaze went from James toward the exit for the ratcatcher.
"What's tomorrow's lotto number?"
James looked up toward him sporting a glare.
"I mean it!"
James grabbed Edward by the shoulders then squeezed them.
"Don't!" James shook him, repeatedly. "Don't go out and rescue me!" he was frantic. "Let me die! Let me NOT exist!"
Edward gasped in alarm.
"You've got a whole life ahead! Chances of becoming a grandfather! A father-in-law! A great grandfather!"
James stopped shaking him then let go and watched him spin around until landing his seat.
Edward shook his head, slumped, staring at James for a long moment. His publicist who actually was his negaverse counterpart. A surprising turn of events seeing the impossible being possible.
"Y... y...y..." Edward started, shocked, surprised, but all in awe. "You... you have changed."
"Have not!" James snapped back.
Edward stepped forward as he got up from the nearest chair.
"You are right here trying to convince me not to go out tonight!"
Edward halted as he pointed down.
"I like a reliable nemesis!" James turned away then began to head toward the stairs.
Edward's head bobbed up in disbelief then followed after him
"You've spent a significant amount of time trying to wear me down to retire and let the Quivering Quack take over, but you know I won't quit," That got James to stop in front of the stairs with one hand on the railing. "you know the only thing that can stop me is death itself!"
James clenched his free hand.
"You know I can do a lot good out there!" Edward stretched his hand out toward the window.
There was no rebuttal from James as he solemnly nodded.
"If I let you die, that would be blood on my hands," Edward put his hand on his chest. "Negaduck."
James turned toward him.
"Then live with it!" James roared.
Did Edward shrink back? No, he stood his ground against a desperate duck.
"How are you living with it?" Edward asked, lifting a brow.
James cleared his throat briefly lowering his head then raising it up.
"Not well." Was the admission. "Darkwing, pleeeeease." was the sincere plea as he clasped his hands. "Think of your daughter."
James looked tired as he clenched his side and winced.
"She is a grown up." Edward said.
"Think of her getting married and wanting her father there!" James insisted.
"She has got a back up dad." Edward said, casually.
"Your partner would want you there!"
Edward didn't have a retort to that.
"Go home, get some rest," his voice sounded quite tired. "let the riots pass..."
James looked toward the window displaying the burning city then back and smiled as he shrugged.
"And I'll just be the possibility that wasn't taken."
Edward's beak lowered at the idea then grimaced then looked back.
"How about you do that, James?" Edward asked.
James was filled with righteous fury as he was shaking staring at him. Offended.
"I can't do that with your death hanging over MY HEAD and being not intentionally responsible for it, dipwing!"
The hurt, the grief, the anger, all on display.
"What does that say about me letting everyone think I am dead?" Edward asked.
James put a hand on Edward's shoulder.
"It says you're just like anyone else who realized too late... that the city can turn against you... and your foil pays dearly for it."
Unexpectedly, James punched Edward in the gut causing him to hurl over. The supervillian withdrew a crowbar from behind him and swung it repeatedly in the air watching his counterpart getting back up to his feet after puking. James looked toward him.
"Et tu, Negaduck?" was the bitter comment.
James took a few steps forward with a glare.
"This is so you wake up tomorrow!" James insisted.
James swung but missed his target that moved quickly.
"With a unnecessary headache!" Edward argued.
"It's for your own good!" James insisted.
"Tying up this case is for YOUR own good!" Edward shot back, as he withdrew his own crowbar.
Edward charged then their crowbar's clattered together. James poked at his foe's eye causing him to stagger back rubbing his eye and shook his head. James's fanged teeth returned as he dropped the crowbar then threw himself at Edward.
Edward was knocked back landing on the floor with a thud. James took out chains that he swung in the air like it were a lasso with eyes of intent watching his positive-self get back up. Edward wore that daring look in his eyes, mask or no mask, a painful reminder that he was a determinator.
Edward stepped aside then took out the gas blaster, pressed the trigger, then there was the explosion of purple smoke filling the general room. The vigilante moved through the shadows.
"I am the terror that flaps in the night!"
James scanned through the smoke searching for his general shape.
"I am the rodent of justice that eats the tomatoes of crime's bounty!"
James swung the lasso forward.
Edward landed a blow at the face beside his counterpart who dropped the chains.
"Cheater!" James snapped.
Edward smirked then dodged the next strike and caught the next one.
James punched him at the face causing Edward to step back then throw another punch that he caught.
"Too slow." James chastised then knocked him back.
Edward stumbled back then regained his ground and charged at him with his fist extended. Their fists met, colliding, repeatedly, evenly matched with skill. James knocked his counterpart down to the floor with a series of punches coated in bruises and his suit torn.
"And I win!" James laughed, contemptibly.
Edward withdrew a book then slid it open as his counterpart turned away.
"Can't fight if you are all beat up and nursing your wounds!" He stretched his arms out then chuckled.
Edward took out a syringe then injected it in the side of James's neck and withdrew it after it was emptied.
"Why ... you ... little ..." James shouted, grasping his neck as he stumbled from side to side. "ungrateful... weasel!"
Edward watched him fall to the ground.
"Good night, Negaduck." Edward said, kneeling down by his side.
Edward peeled the suit off, applied gauze, then applied rolled gauze to make sure it stuck. He laid the suit underneath his counterpart's head and smiled. Edward looked on toward the ratcatcher for a moment then looked down toward James and back toward the vehicle, where he smiled.
"Let's get dangerous, one last time... old friend."
Edward got up then ran on and hopped into the ratcatcher as James slept.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Nega-Gos, I don't know if you're out there, or if you'll ever see this but... I just wanna say I'm really, truly sorry for all the messed up shit I did, and you deserved better. I'm glad that the Darkwing's Ducks were there for you though, I don't remember them very well, but I'm sure they made very good dads. /gen
Anyway, take care of yourself, kiddo. I love you, I don't know if that means anything to you now, but I do.
- Negaduck (Darkwing Duck)
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The Life and Times of the Negaverse Chapter 3
                                         Dinners and Demands
She let her feet guide her and...she stopped right before the kitchen. Dinner. That meant eating, that meant sitting down and having time to process what she was feeling. She gulped. It had seemed so simple, then again, her fits of emotion were always simple in the short term. And then it was a barrage of apologies for what she’d done in her fury, or devastation. Like leaving Da...She shook her head. No, no thinking of that. She was just…..march ahead. Gosalyn had been placed at one end of the table, LaunchPad close to her. Negaduck sat on the other side of him so she was to sit next to her new….. charge. Ah there was the instant regret. What had she been thinking accepting even partial responsibility for a child? She wasn’t allowed to watch the other Gosalyn without supervision from the girl’s overprotective father. It was genuinely...        “She always overthink this much?” LaunchPad’s voice startled her from her own thoughts and looked up to see that...all of them were staring at her.        “It’s okay. She doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to. She’s probably just thinking about her life and all the things she’d be giving up.” Gosalyn’s voice was a small whine that tugged at her heart strings. “It’s alright Miss -Not this- Morgana. We’ll be fine on our own. You can go back home. Your Gosalyn needs you!” LaunchPad said nothing, but he bit his beak. NegaDuck turned to glare at the girl and the fury in his gaze gave her the strength she needed. She had to be here to protect that girl. After all, NegaDuck had come to ask for help. How much worse than him were the creatures that always took her!         “Well she may but...you need me more” Morgana smiled and tried to move…..and noticed that from her knees down was encased in a thick and solid block of ice. “Sorry about the cold feet. I’ll handle that in a moment” Well that was embarrassing. She gave a huff. Once upon a time her powers were nearly immeasurable and every spell found it’s target. Now she froze up like a child put on the spot at a family dinner. Morgana looked down, focusing fire downward, but paying attention to the math even as she let her elemental magic flare. The only thing more embarrassing than cold feet would be giving herself a nasty case of scorch. NegaDuck would think she was useless and her magic was too dangerous, much like…        “I thought you said she came willingly?” LaunchPad murmured to his husband. Negaduck shrugged.
       “She did. And not even on false pretences.” A raised brow from the Pelican. “Promise . I mighta just brought uncomfortable truths to light….slid a few…. ideas in.” LaunchPad sighed. There was no trying to fix whatever terrible plan had been set in motion. Best to let it run it’s awful course and figure out how to slot the pieces later. Granted...last time he did that they ended up with a kid...ah well. What could really happen this time?        “Okay. Then” Morgana sat down, the bottom of her dress still a bit damp. “What’s for dinner?” She asked gently...also because….what was she looking at? She tilted her head as she looked at it. It looked like her slime cream pies, but the wrong color. Plus, Dark never even tried her food let alone have LaunchPad make the recipe. And why would they be having dessert for their main course?
       “Leftover Casserole” LaunchPad scoffed. “And I’m a better cook then Negs so enjoy.” NegaDuck looked offended at the accusation….and didn’t refute it so…. Morgana nodded and took her fork to the dish…..then couldn’t pull it back out. Gosalyn seemed to have the same problem, she wasn’t actually eating the dinner, her fork was stuck and she was nibbling at some chips. That wasn’t good.        “You know” And he glared at her as NegaDuck snickered. “When the texture is this sticky, forks have more spaces to hold onto.” She wiggled her fingers and turned it into a serrated spoon. “This is usually best when the food is still moving, but this is even tougher than Tar Rice. Good on you. Mine falls apart.” She looked back down and sharply twisted her serrated edge into the sludge, effectively severing it. With a wave of her hand the other three forks were similarly transfigured. “I was only asked to help with watching and raising. Watch is easy, I’ll ward her room tonight. But raise, well, I defer to the parents. That being said...I don’t really think chips are a good idea for dinner.”        “You haven’t tasted the food” NegaDuck smirked. Gosalyn giggled while LaunchPad glared at his husband. Unperturbed, the duck hopped up to fill with water three glasses and…..and a sparkly pink cup. She didn’t tend to drink tap but still...at seeing what was obviously Gosalyn’s cup Morgana felt the smile pulling at her beak. It was clear that this child was surrounded by love and so far better than Dark had thought…..then she had a bite of food. Oh…. oh ….oh no. A hand flew to her beak and it didn’t matter that LaunchPad looked deeply offended or that NegaDuck and Gosolyn were both holding back their laughter. Oh NO . How was this child alive? In fact, how were any of them alive. Oh JEEZ it was like it was expanding in her mouth and getting stuck in her throat. Coating everything and filling her mouth with the revolting taste of decay. She needed….. Morgana didn’t really register the glass of water in her hand. Not until she was taking great greedy gulps of the water. She only stops drinking when she’s choking, a lack of air from drinking too much too fast. Even then the taste still clings in her mouth. Negaduck is trying and failing to pretend that he’s not moments away from bursting into hysterical laughter and little Gosalyn takes a bite of a chip that somehow seems….. smug.
       “What” Morgana manages “Is in this?”        “It’s not that bad” LaunchPad scoffs, managing to wrangle a bite of his own. The second it passes through his beak he winces. “Okay….maybe this batch is pretty bad.” He hums and has to Morgana’s growing horror another bite. “Okay, you maybe weren't exaggerating too badly. The spoon is full again and her hand finally flares out, magic wrapping around his wrist.        “Why?” Her voice is soft in terror, even as he tries to fight the spell, to shove more of... that into his mouth. Oh sweet merciful magic no wonder the child was eating chips. LaunchPad frowned and shrugged slightly.        “It’s what’s for dinner. We gotta eat something . No cook got kidnapped.” Her look of purest horror was met with a shrug. “It’s not the worst thing we’ve eaten. The Hotdogs mighta gone bad...or the custard was scorched.” She had to take a deep breath. ‘Leftover casserole’ was what he’d called it. So….what that probably meant was that all of the leftovers went into a pot….and….
       “When can I go back to my Saint Canard?” She asked suddenly. A snort of laughter came from somewhere but she couldn’t identify where. It wasn’t NegaDuck. His face was twisted somewhere between disbelief and rage.
       “Seriously? Giving up after a lil food?” He snarled. “You wanna go running right back in the arms of your loving precious little can’t even trust you Darkwing. Do you even know how hard it was to make myself ask for your help-”
       “With protecting that child?” Morgana asked, stone faced. Had NegaDuck’s words hurt? Obviously. But he was Negaduck it was in his nature to be needlessly cruel and it was in the nature of all parents to lash out when they were worried about their children. The rationale didn’t stop everyone’s feathers from standing on end due to the influx of electricity in the room.  “I plan to. The first thing is to make sure she has nutritional food. I happen to be a cook. Though…” And there was a stray flame that sprung up on the table. She used her hand to stamp it out, but everyone was looking at the very literal heat from her tone. “Some people, whom will remain unnamed, do not even TRY my cooking, there are LOADS of others that like it and at the very least it’s editable.” LaunchPad growled and magic or no she had the common decency to smile at him “You said this batch was particularly bad. I’m sure it’s fine most of the time. I just” He calmed slightly, but still looked a bit livid. “cooking on rotations? Please?” The word seemed to throw him for a loop before he snorted, a crooked grin slicing across his beak. His grin causes her to calm down just slightly.        “Lemmie get ya summore water” LaunchPad’s smile never faltered. “Fer de rest of your food. Can’t go back on an empty stomach.” There’s something mildly feral in that grin. Apparently he took the slight to his cooking to heart. NegaDuck glares at him slightly, but he seems oddly chipper as he goes to grab water.        “Really I just need the vibrational frequency of this plane of existence and I can whip up a spell to slide between them as easily as walking to the store.” She tried to rationalize. NegaDuck snarled. She could go between!? Well that was an unfortunate development. What the fuck kind of havock could she reak on his kid leaving her alone whenever it struck her fancy. LaunchPad seemed to have the same idea. No faith, none whatsoever. He could solve this! He was Negaduck        “We don’t know that information so Negs’d have to take you. He’ll do it in the morning.” LP was grinning as he placed the glass of water in front of her. NegaDuck’s eye twitched. He was NOT going to spend all night arguing and STILL end up with an ‘I told you so’ nope, nuh uh, NEVER
       “Why exactly .” He started as Morgana took a reluctant bite of food and shot back the whole glass of water to wash out the taste. “Do you need to go back?” He was forcing his voice to stay even, but her hand had gone up to her head. She didn’t seem to notice that Launch looked pleased. NegaDuck sighed. His Husband was so unbelievably petty. But hey, he loved the man for a reason.        “Food of course. And A few spell ingredients to better ward Gosalyn.” She was frowning and checked the glass she’d been given. “That was tap water wasn’t it?” She groaned slightly. “The pipes in every St. Canard are bad.” She lamented. That caused frowns around the table.
       “You’ve tasted water like that afore?” LP asked, concern sneaking into his tone. He was fine with randomly poisoning people, but by trying to abandon his daughter she was now his enemy and he didn’t like the idea that someone might finish killing her first. She nodded, before NegaDuck spoke again.        “Why don’t I just take a duffel bag and clean out your house?” He didn’t want to Haul around duffels of useless shit. It was better than the alternative of her going home and meeting up with Dipshit Duck and letting him sweet talk her into forgiving him and leaving this Gos in the dust.        “Almost all of the Tap water in Saint Canard. The water at the tower of course but sometimes even the water in my house.” She shrugged to LaunchPad before snickering at NegaDuck. “My house can’t be cleaned out. There are multiple rooms and multiple pocket dimensions in each room. Not to mention protective spells to keep others away” Nega had to bite back a scoff at that. After all, her protective wards hadn’t been able to do shit to keep him from breaking and entering multiple times. But….he hadn’t grabbed at anything. “Tap water gives me headaches…..though…. bag ….You may be able to steal one item. My universal satchel. It connects directly to my home. If I had that then I could get what I need without leaving.”        “Yeah, great. Tell me what the purse looks like and I’ll pick it up tomorrow” Gosalyn’s face fell into a pout that was the likely precursor to a screaming sension. “It’ll take me what, an hour, three at most. I’ll leave first thing in the morning and be back by lunch. Right there, right back.” LauchPad was ignoring his poor Husband trying to appease their daughter and focused more on the fact that the woman in front of him had apparently been actively drinking water spiked with trace amounts of bleach. Who was trying to….well, bleach in trace amounts would only suffice in giving her massive headaches, palpitations after a while but who did she piss off that much? That wasn’t outright kill, that was ‘get revenge’ like how he was getting revenge on her for trying to leave his kid. If she had enemies like that on the other side maybe she was good for Gos.        “It’s a small round red bag. Blood red not Crimson. It has pentagrams in shimmering black. Glittering Black and it’s the bag of souls. Exactly one cobweb or you’re picking up multiverse bags and those are nothing but trouble.” NegaDuck listened carefully, though he seemed more annoyed than anything. It was just the way his face fell. Bloodred bag, shimmering black pentagram, single cobweb.        “Yeah, yeah, yeah- bright red glitter black lotta cobwebs I got it.” It was hilarious the instant offence that spread across her face, as well as how she half rose to curse him out but ended up stuttering and half swallowing her words trying to keep Gosalyn of people from hearing them. It was fucking glorious the indignant blush that painted her face. He let the smirk he’d been holding back slice across his beak. “Morgs. Blood Red, one cobweb, fuckin relax.” She wasn’t relaxed. Her knuckles were taunt she was clenching her fists so hard. Delightful . He chuckled at her and smirked at his daughter. “Alright Buttercup, time for sleep. You feel like kickin and screamin or are you gonna do your sweet act to trick me into not leaving?” She pouted at him again and glanced over at Morgana. Ah, she was going to be a monster . He huffed but went to pick up the overdressed nine year old. It was made extra difficult by the 20 pounds of lace and tulle that she was draped in. Still, he could still pick her up and so he did “Puttin the bitch ta bed” He called down. He didn’t need to turn to see that Morgana had locked up at what he’d called his kid. She’d learn.        “Probably best not to go up there for a bit” LaunchPad smirked. “Guns have a tendency to pop out during bedtime.” Morgana frowned and looked upstairs. What were the chances that This LaunchPad was joking? Hers was a joker at times. “Do you get your own water?” And her attention was dragged back to what had to be the strangest question she’d ever been asked. The other duck was leaning forward, mirth dancing in startlingly blue eyes. Morgana’s hands clenched again as she looked at this man. This was and wasn’t LaunchPad all in the same vein. It was disconcerting the clash in her mind between ‘This is LaunchPad and you’re safe’ versus ‘This is NegaDuck’s husband and so extremely dangerous.’ In the end her mind couldn’t stay actively worried when it was LaunchPad so she tested the waters to see how dissimilar they were.        “I never would have guessed NegaDuck was married” She said instead. The only answer LaunchPad gave was a raise of a brow. There was a sort of stand off for a moment before he relented, relaxing his shoulders in a way that made it seem….not like he wouldn’t but less like he was going to launch across the table to snap her neck with the flex of an oversized arm.        “Isn’t Darkwing married?” He asked, genuinely curious. He knew the answer by how her face went red and her back straightened. “Ah…..is he dating” Her face was bewildered, but quickly shifting to mildly offended pride. Dating her... “ Ah Okay. Just figured out something’s all.” His smile was amused now and that foreboding feeling caused the feathers on the back of her neck to perk up.        “What” She asked carefully. “Did you figure out?” The dangerous man gave her a once over before thinking and letting out a dark chuckle.
         “Maybe not figured it all the way out…..i think someone was trying to kill you”        “WHAT”
       “Or” He continued as if she hadn’t just screamed. “To get you out of the way.” He shrugged. He kinda wanted a camera for the look on her face. He’d look at it later when she wasn’t actively panicking. About half of his instinctive hatred to her was the fact that it was MORGANA. She came by once a month to try and steal his husband while threatening both himself and his daughter. The only reasons she wasn’t dead were A-he couldn’t figure out how to kill magic and B- an old associate was oddly Enchanted by her and wanted to date her if ever she stopped her obsessive campaign on a married man. He didn’t know much about this Morgana and while it didn’t take a lot to make him want to torture someone, it took something...something worse than her not wanting to eat admittedly horrible food. The look on her face was….shit. He didn’t like having a heart. And the lady was endearing herself simply by coming to help out with Gos….and he’d already tried to kill her over a misunderstanding. “What are you talking about!?” She demanded. And there were sparks again, the house lighting up and dying down in flashes as she affected the wiring.  “Why would anyone be trying to kill me!?”
       “You’re a powerful sorceress?” He ventured. That wasn’t the reason she was being targeted if his hunch was right. But it was a pretty good reason nonetheless of why someone would want her gone. Her face fell and the electricity faded from the air as she realized that he was right.
       “Oh…..but who would be close enough to me to kill me? And how would they go about murdering…..well, me.” And that sounded like the Morgana he knew and hated. “I’m more than a bit durable.” That sounded less like the Morgana he knew and hated. Enough less to prompt an answer.
       “Tap Water.” Her face morphed into one of confusion.  “Metallic taste plus headache means your glass was spiked with trace amounts of bleach…..the glass I just handed you was spiked …..and you said ” He shrugged. “Did anyone in your dimension hand you tap water consistently? Call it bad pipes?” She stopped to think. The only person that got her something to drink….and she only took it because he was so nice….. “your LaunchPad get you tap water from bad pipes?” And by that face it hadn’t occurred to her. As confusion came onto her features he cut off the question. “That’s what I would do if you were dating Negs and we weren't married. Or I’m wrong...I’m just speaking from my own experience. Other me might not do the same.”  But by the look on her face…..        “I…..he was my friend ” Fuck. Yup.
       “He probably wasn’t trying to kill you.” The other Duck admitted. “In trace amounts bleach just gives ya headaches.” He said it like it made things better. There was a rumbling sound and it was his only real warning before the raincloud started. Surprisingly, it didn’t turn the room into a monsoon. A small localized hailstorm over her head. Her fists were still clenched tightly and she was taking deep breaths.        “You’re lying” She said coldly. It didn’t take a genius to realize that she was more upset with herself than him. “That’s impossible. LaunchPad is my…..” The storm got worse, now focused entirely on her side of the room. He idly debated internally on how much larger the storm could get before she started to damage the internal structure to the house. If it got too much bigger he’d throw a frying pan at her. She was way too far in her head to stop it and it would just knock her out, she seemed to be dealing with some shit. He sighed.        “Look” And she was still hearing because she looked up at the word. But she was half frozen and he wasn’t good at comforting people. A LOT better than his husband but that wasn’t saying much. A slug could comfort people better that Negsy. “Ya still plannin on helpin with Gos?” The wind raged and an unused bulb popped, glass shattering on her side of the kitchen. To her credit, as destroyed as she looked, there wasn’t a second of hesitation.
       “Well Obviously! She needed help NegaDuck said. I’m not leaving a child out in the cold. Nor am I subjecting her to being fed poison.” Her voice was haughty and proud and she was downright offended at the suggestion of leaving. Well damn. Definitely not this Morg        “Then does it really matter right now?” She blinked at him. “Call this a….a well needed break . You’ve been on edge all night and while you’re probably different from this Morgana, you’ve gotta be more put together if Negs thought you could help Gossy. It’s not the issue right now. It’ll work itself out or it won’t. So calm down before ya break the house.” It probably only worked because she was distraught. Her fists clenched even more tightly before releasing.        “A moment.” She looked around to what her natural power had done just lashing out as it was. Though she had magic, Math was used to guarantee specific outcomes. Otherwise you ended up with….She sighed and ran a few quick actual calculations, condensing the storm to her hand where she squashed it. “Sorry. Today has been….not very good. Counting the two rescheduled dates and the secret identity I seem to be the only one unknowing of…..this month hasn’t been very good.” She was trembling with the effort of keeping her magic contained. LaunchPad got up and turned to a cabinet, rifling around before.  
       “Here” And a tumbler of whisky was put in front of her. “Not poisoned this time.” She was looking at it distrustfully which…..was fair . He poured himself a glass as well. “Look your magic goes crazy when you’re upset so maybe talk about it before ya get stressed by the kid. And since I’m the only one here, unfortunately….”
Gosalyn was quickly changed into her preferred nightgown. Pink and with a skirt made of ruffles. She went from daytime dress up doll to night time Barbie and it was a truly sickening sight. But she had a habit of trying to make him gag when she was pissed off at him. She crawled into bed and pulled white lacy sheets up to her shoulders, turning from him in pure rage. That earned an eyebrow raise and a cruel chuckle as he grabbed his secret weapon.        “As angry as ya wanna be. I got somthin ya need.” She lifted her little head and glared back at him...he waved the hairbrush at her mockingly. “Lil hint. When ya bluff, make sure your bases are covered.”        “I can get Papa to do my hair.” She sniped. He nodded, she could…..        “That means giving up a Daddy Daughter tradition since yer hair got washed that first time….You really wanna break tradition?” She didn’t like deviating from her patterns. It was a weird thing that he’d noticed about his kid and used to his advantage. Like the fact that she couldn’t sleep in an empty house and her obsession with ‘pretty’ that bled into the poor innocent room. As he suspected, she sat all the way up and turned away, arms crossed as she pouted. He took the permission for what it was and ambled over to the queen bed, climbing unto it behind the little princess of chaos. Deft fingers wiggled off the rubber band keeping her ringlets in place before he started to brush her hair out, far more gently than one may have thought him capable of. “Tomorrow you be nice to miss Morg kay. Maybe keep a babysitter for longer than an hour. Might be fun.” Gos, in true Gos fashion let out a sound halfway between an enraged shriek and a pitiful whine.
         “She’s a selfish lying bitch.” Gos pouted. “She doesn’t even want to be here and she’s going to skip away the moment she’s not needed.” Negaduck snorted at that, making sure to twist his wrist with the grain of the hair so that any tangles wouldn’t cause the kid pain. “Why’d you even go get her? You missed out on Tank’s research.”        “Fuck, ‘sonly been a day the lil Tesla’s got research already? I thought he’d just take in intake...vitals and shit.” She giggled brightly and while he didn’t mind the sound he wished she wouldn’t do it while he was brushing her hair. She would put spikes under his side of the bed if he miscounted and brushed less than 100 times.        “He’s really happy with the specimen. Enough water caused full reconstitution and whatever keeps him alive is not the same thing keeping him stable. Tankie started working on looking at DNA to try and do a normal intake but nothing about him is normal. It’s no wonder you have such a hard time capturing him. Not only does every water drop have his DNA in it, but water that’s introduced to him shares it as well. Electroshock causes the new water to lose the connection until reintroduced but only causes a weakening in the bonds keeping his form stable.” Negaduck rolled his eyes, but considered the hair adequately brushed and so started to pull it into a tight braid.        “Only you would pick a Poindexter as a bodyguard” He remarked as he started on the next pigtail.
       “Minion Daddy. I need some brain to balance out my brute of a bodyguard.” He bit his beak from reminding his daughter that they were both bodyguards since she hadn’t officially notified Tank of his change in status, even though he’d had the promotion for almost six months now. She didn’t like change.
       “Speakin ‘a bodyguards.” She froze. Oh boy, this would have to be handled with all the fineness of disarming a bomb. Something he wasn’t too used to doing since it was more fun to pull all the wires and send it off to doom some chumps at random.
       “Honky-Tonks and Tankie do a great job on their own.” She spat out, bitter. “I wouldn’t of even got taken if it wasn’t for Dorkwing Dipstick. That fucker was the problem but he allowed my plan to be set in motion.” Fuck the bomb, this was a nuclear warhead and it was leaking radiation. Still… “I don’t need another bodyguard. I’ve got my two, Papa, and if you stayed around-”        “If I stayed around you’d have a bigger target on your back and you know it.” There was a crash from downstairs, but he’d worry about it only if he heard a gun go off. “You know those idiot heros are tryin ta kill me. What better way then if they figure out I actually got a soft spot fer my kid? They’d catch you, drag me outta hidin, then put an end ta my villianny once and fer all. I know you’d avenge me but...I’m selfish. When my lil monster turns St. Canard to rubble I wanna be flippin the switch fer her and revelin in her twisted laugh.” She turned then, hugging him tightly. He returned it and motioned for her to get back into position so that he could start her second braid. “Miss Morg’s gonna look out fer ya when Papa and I can’t be around. If ya play yer cards right, she might even teach ya some spells.”        “Miss Morgana hates me. She hates all normals. She certainly wouldn’t just ladida tell them the secrets of her ‘I have magic so I’m better than you’ power.”        “Ah-Ha! You’re right. But that’s this Morgana. She’s a fuckin bitch. ‘Swhy I stole another Morgana. She’s the opposite of this one. Doesn’t hold her magic as close. If anyone can swindle some arcane secrets it’s you.” She pouted, but nodded.
       “Lady’s a bitch and a liar. She said she wouldn’t let you leave and she sent you away in the next breath.” NegaDuck thought on that for a moment, whether it was best to correct her or not. But she wouldn’t want to hear that her new guard had other commitments that might succeed in getting her back. That would either make her try to kill the woman before she got attached or try to kill said commitments. While it would be funny to watch her try to kill DarkWing, it was ultimately far too dangerous for her to attempt to take on that LaunchPad.        “Three hours.” He settled on, wrapping the braids together with a ribbon. He grabbed his blaster. “You wanna hear how I almost killed Dipshit Last…” Oh right, time had gotten messed up. “Time?” He asked. Gos yawned and snuggled up to him. “Aww, tired? I’ll go” He wiggled out from under her and tucked her in before turning to leave. Before he was even halfway to the door he heard the safety click off on the blaster he’d just produced. His shark teeth were on full display as he turned with a grin, both arms raised to the girl aiming at him. “Did I happen ta ferget somin?” He asked. The barrel glowed as she started to compress the trigger. His grin got wider as he waltzed back over. “Aight Alright. Gimmie that, you suck with the recoil.” And he plucked the gun from her and settled her back in to get retucked. It was with a few deep breaths to clear out his craggley voice. He could carry a tune, but his voice itself wasn’t much to write home. Still...he cozied up behind her and started to sing.
                                           Rest your eyes, little girl pink
                                 You live with Murdering Monsters it’s true
                              And tough we may maim, terrorize and destroy
                            This one spot is kept safe and pretty for you.
She’s tired, and sleeping by the time he finishes the short version of the lullaby. He reaches over and grabs a porcelain doll from the wall, one with a yellow dress falling like shooting stars and black hair in an elaborate bun. He maneuvers himself out of her grip and  replaces the spot with the doll. She cuddles it and the thorns around his heart clench a bit more tightly at seeing the sight. He scoffs and leaves the room before he can get sappy. After all, he’d only be gone three hours tops.
Three days. Her house wasn’t that….well, it was that large and difficult to get lost in but it tended to pop out guests wherever their intention was. And she’d told him exactly where to go. Had he managed to get lost trying to find her secrets? Did he get trapped in the soul bag? He’d been joking about which bag to pick, but what if he honestly forgot which one it was. It shouldn’t have taken this much time. And she was doing what little she could with fake ingredients. She’d warded the house itself from anyone that had ill intent. Well, any normal. It wouldn’t stop the superheroes it was...flimsy at best. She’d seen the girl eyeing her ring and gave it to her with the claim that it matched her dress. The fact that it did was a happy coincidence. And she was watching to make sure Gosalyn was still wearing it.
That being said….since LaunchPad was out more often than not, she had a pretty good hint of just who was trying to kill her this time. At first they could be written off as cute little pranks. The first night NegaDuck didn’t come back, there were spikes in the bed that had been assigned. It was only after waking up with a pleasant realignment in her spine that she realized that for most people, that was probably uncomfortable. She’d accepted a cup of coffee from the sweet girl only for LaunchPad to snatch it away and toss it into a potted plant…..the plant withered and died. Then there was corrosive acid in the shampoo and luckily she dropped the bottle. The problem with any of these attempts was that….she was made of magic. Even if she was burned she’d have been fine in an hour. Even Bleach water. It affected her...she just healed a bit faster. Hmmm, maybe none of them realized that. That being said, it was amazing how creative little kids could get. Belladonna Berry cookies last night.          “Miss Morgana” She resisted the urge to hex the adorable little monster. Gosalyn was holding up a glass of yellow liquid….. steaming yellow liquid. “Mrs. MuddleFoot made Lemonade. Do you want some? It’s oh so yummy!” Morgana took a deep breath. Why yes nursemaid, let her be Juliet, she’d happily down the poison. The thought caused a smile to pull at her lips. Any foolhardy Romeo for this child would be dead long before the impromptu wedding, she’d lure him to a trap for the fun of it.        “That’s alright.” She smiled brightly at the girl. She wasn’t going to walk into that trap. And Gos pouted. Morgana very carefully ruffled her ringlets in a way that wouldn’t actually harm them. She’d have to dodge a subtle death threat then. LaunchPad had spent almost an hour curling it this morning. “How about a walk to the bakery. You said that’s where his old portal was.” That and she had a sneaking suspicion that the child had a fondness for the cookies there. Gosayln was still pouting. “If I let you poison me with….” Morgana looked skeptically at the ‘lemonade’ “Whatever Tank cooked up, then will you stop sulking and not try to kill me at dinner? Besides, your Papa’s cooking is going to try that anyway.” The little girls’ shoulders sagged, but she must have been really hopeful about this batch because she smiled and held it up. “Cheers.” The sorceress said with a mild wince. To Tank’s credit it did taste like Lemonade. Had it not been smoking or offered by a child that wanted her dead she may have actually brought it. Speaking of Tank, the scientist was peering out of his garage, the full chemistry set still running as his face fell. He snapped in disappointment and grabbed a notebook to recalculate some numbers.        “Alright, lets go for a walk and get you some air.” Morgana ordered lightly. “I’ll get you extra cookies for the attempt.” She’d stopped taking being targeted personally when LaunchPad coughed up some spikes and half threated to make Gosalyn actually eat his cooking.
Her head was pounding. Morgana felt something like static on the back of her throat. She rose slowly, willing the world to stop spinning. It wasn’t quite working. Someone shoved a glass of water into her hand. She identified it was water by the fact that it was wet and tasted like nothing and wasn’t making her dizzy like a drink would.
       “According ta Tank, your powers should start coming back by now.” She chanced a look up to see LaunchPad...he looked terrible. He had a black eye and a busted beak and was leaning heavily on one side. “Hey do me next wouldya?” He gestured at her body and she looked down. Her dress was ripped and filthy and her body was covered in quickly healing bruises. LauchPad must have seen the confusion on her face. “It was an ambush. The Tired Three attacked, demanding to know where Drippy was. Bush Breath used a tree to make off with Gos and when I brought you back here Tank told me what his formula did.”
       “It’s like the fuckers have a TRACE to know when to fuck shit up.” Morgana blinked. She was in the living room, draped over the couch. NegaDuck was also in the room, but angrily pacing in front of the T.V. cursing up a storm. Trace….OH! Right.        “Don’t worry I’m wat….WHERE WERE YOU!!!” Her pain is momentarily forgotten as she establishes that this man was missing which was what caused Gosalyn to try and kill her in the first place. He at least had the decency to look ashamed for a moment.        “Score I couldn’t pass up.” He indicated the bags of loot on the ground. She glared at him and through the corner of her eye was pleased to note that LauchPad had a similar expression. “I GOT THE BAG!” And he had the audacity to toss it at her. But a cursory glance confirmed that yes, this was the right bag. She placed it on her lap and felt for her magic. Whatever Tank had done, he’d muted it somehow. A regular enchantress would need another hour or two before they were up to speed…..luckily, she was a ‘McCawber’ She pulled herself to a sitting position and focused herself inward. A click here, a spring there….and she gave a great breath as the power flowed through her once more. It had been about five minutes of meditation. Five minutes were...a lot her apparently. The two men had already complied a list of where the girl may be and were working on ambush options.        “I’m watching her.” Morgana said, raising herself from the couch and doing her mental math. “Shussh. I need to just pop over and grab her so my math has to be perfect.” As she said even that, her eyes turned white. LaunchPad and Negaduck glanced at each other, but both kept their beaks shut as a soft fog filled the room...on their side.
       “I don’t know where he might be Mr Quacks and Jacks. I’m so so so sorry.” Gosalyn gave a teary eyed sniff. “If I did. I tell you!” QuakerJack looked for a moment into soft innocent green eyes, blown wide from the terror of her ordeal with Negaduck. No one knew who it was that the tyrant had gotten to travel with her this time, but the woman had at least gone down fairly easily. He sighed, knowing that they weren't going to get any information from NegaDuck’s captive.
        “Okay sweetie. Can you at least tell me who pulled you from the lab angel?” Her eyes were teary. Uh oh. How many assets did her tormentor have? LaunchPad and the MuddleFoots were all accounted for. Before she could answer, her ring started glowing. She jumped away from the smoke so the three took the hint to try and get away as well, but it quickly filled the room, a massive stormcloud with a figure shrouded in the mists.
                                               SHE IS MINE
As the words echoed and billowed they were accentuated with thunder and lightning.
The figure was as big or bigger than the mists, only seen in sections, an ice cold hand just  barely grazing past, a blood red eye blinking from behind.
                          YOU PEONS ARE NOT TO TOUCH MINE
The lightning seemed to know not to get close to the only one that could use it. Instead, MegaVolt shivered beneath the gale force winds hurtling around icy rain.
The minor fog cleared in the room as Morgana’s eyes stopped glowing. But as the fog cleared it left something that hadn’t been there before….rather, some one.        “How” LaunchPad started, seeing his daughter, unharmed but a little shaken “did you manage to”        “I said not to worry. I’m watching her.” Morgana smirked. Then she sighed. Poisoned twice, lost her powers, charge kidnaped, nearly actually killed. “Though I think that’s enough excitement for today.” She shook her head. “I’m going upstairs to take a nice hot shower with non corrosive acid thank you very much.” There was some law of her life. There had to be. She barely even turned when she felt the minor ward snap like a too tight piana wire, an instant before the roof second floor was gone. What in the name of Magic
       “OH Nega Darling! Your Better half has come to free you from the insignificant insects you call a spouse and daughter!!!!!!” Rather than surprise, the room was a chorus of groans.
       “I could set my watch to this nut.” LauchPad murmured a split second before he was encased in a shimmering pink bubble, which shot into the sky. Gosalyn was given the same treatment. The woman that had called out floated over, dress whipping around her, all calm pastels-sky blue and soft gold. Her long white hair floated in a cloud around her, the color marred only by two black stripes. But her face was indistinguishably…..
       “You have got to be kidding me” Morgana muttered, looking up at…. herself apparently.
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thebuttsmcgee · 3 years
blegj. ya know?
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raidenraccoon · 4 years
I dreamed up a whole ass dt17 special and it was kind of rad af
#whats weird is it was blatantly during the pandemic too#like the VAs recorded from home etc#the premise was wild and obviously my sub conscious writing a wild fucking fanfic#I mean it revolved around Louie running away and ending up on a weird planet#dewey blames himself cause they were fighting and dewey said some soul crushing things to louie#della blames herself cause Louie ran away iin the spear of selene#and it's like a weird 'Wakko's Wish" style race to find and save Louie#donald and della team up and take a space ship#the girls use Lena's magic#huey and dewey team up with boyd#and like everyone's racing to save his life cause no one believes he can survive on his own#but dammit he is and he's fucking good at it#the wild thing is negaduck is on it too#and he's got the fearsome 5 together with this rad ship base#and he's after louie because the night louie left he was breaking into the mcduck manor#ran into louie and they had a weird moment and in a way negaduck was truly the reason he finally decided to get tf out of the mansion#turns out negaduck ran into della too- and they remembered each other#and while there's many hints that he's the triplet's dad- della doesn't out right say it#and even tries to convince him there's other men to get him to leave cause she was NOT having this villain in the boys' lives#but negaduck starts putting peices together especially with his meeting with louie#and his mission is set: I'm finding MY SON- and he & I are going to rule earth as a father & son super villain duo#and wouldn't ya know Negaduck is the first to find louie#and louie truly joins him for a moment#having spent his time fuming over everything that went down with his family and his failure to fit in#until the girls find him second and negaduck ain't letting anyone take louie#it's then that louie turns on him to save webby lena & violet#ugh there was so much more inbetween events and I woke up with my heart racing#IT WAS A RIDE AND I CANT GET IT OFF MY MIND#I might tune it and turn this shit into an actual fanfic idk#i did a shit job explaining it here lmao
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toonqueen · 6 months
Duckvember Day 24: Adventurous Duck
So @cataradical and I have a thing with some Nega-verse OC kids going on adventures much like how the Ducktales Triplets and Webby go on adventures. Though, since it is the negaverse so they are allowed to roam wild more and do these adventures without adult supervision. Mainly because the adoptive ‘Dad’ of most of them is Gladstone’s Negaverse version. And he lets his kids run free because his uncle had him locked in the basement as a kid so HEY let the kids do what they want.  If I had time to write some full stories with them I’d be sure to have to be a parody of Stranger Things. Instead of them checking out paranormal stuff, they are the paranormal stuff.  Soooo I think listed oldest to youngest: PICTURE BY @cataradical
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Rouenna: (tallest with the black hair) Negaduck’s and Nega Morgana’s accident baby. Usually stays with her mom but can be found running around with this group of kids. Even though Macawbers and Despells don’t get along, Magica is nice to her when she’s at the house. Its not her fault her mom is a subpar jerk. Teehee. Rouenna is @cataradical and its not mean to say she is dumb because cata says she’s dumb. ;-; She got good magics tho weh.
(Nega) Gosalyn: following the canon version we saw. She’s now a teenager and been taught light healie magic by Nega Magica. She wears a sailor moon style outfit at times. Whee. Still her normal bubbly self. 
Kage: Also @cataradical  but my char Faustina gave him his name. A clone of Negaduck that SHUSH made. The plan was to have him rapid grow in a tube to adulthood and then replace the real Negaduck with him so Scrooge to backdoor take over St. Canard somehow. Something like that. Nega Scrooge is worse than Negaduck soooo. Negaduck tho attacked the lab before that could happen, breaking Kage’s tube at him being 8ish years old? Kage lived on his own a bit before Faustina found him and they hung out because they’re both RAD. Of course Faustina’s parents then adopted him. Whee. Kage ends up being the leader of these hooligans. The only non-magic user in the group. I see him a lot as Robin in the Teen Titans. The smart strategist is surrounded by people with powers but handles himself fine without powers. WHO NEEDS POWERS WHEN YOU GOT CHAINSAWS AND BLADES BRO. Though he might be the one with smart plans he’s still as chaotic as Faustina and Rouenna though. So how is he gonna reel in those two when he can’t reel in himself sometimes lol. I’m sure Gos helps with that. 
Faustina:  She is Nega Magica and Nega Gladstone’s kid. She wears fluffy dresses and acts like a cute little Victorian child much like Nega Gosalyn. However, she does not have the same attitude. She is a little beastie that can use ‘blood’ magic and has been known to bite people. I mean the others in the group bite too but she has the worst bite hehehe. 
Orin: (not pictured)  He is Faustina and Kage’s adopted baby brother. He actually doesn’t come on adventures being that his is a wimpy BABY. His only job is not to narc to his  parents where the rest of them all went. Also Cata’s char. 
I see them going on a lot of the same adventures the 2017 duck kids go on. Also, Faustina needs to ‘consume’ a certain amount of luck before her 13th birthday or she implodes so a lot of the treasure hunts are for luck related artifacts too.
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Tag Dump #1
Tag Dump #1! Don’t worry about this. It’s not going to be in order either to be honest. (I’ll be making a few of these so the tags can work for simpler usage and such.)
#Searching with Good Intentions (Claire Redfield)
#A Dad of all Dads? (Daddy Doggie)
#An Adventure’s no Fun if There’s no Challenge! (Dewey Duck)
#A Vampire not to be Mocked... (Dracula Duck)
#Undying Loyalty with an Interest for the Drama (Duckworth)
#A Slick Wolf With More Than Just a Sly Smile... (Hokey Wolf)
#When no one Else’s Around Call Huckleberry Hound! (Huckleberry Hound)
#A Mallard That’s More Than His Armor... (Fenton Crackshell/-Cabrera/Gizmoduck)
#I am the Terror That Flaps in the Night! (Jim Starling/Classic Darkwing Duck)
#Devils Never Cry! (Lucia)
#A Sheriff Doing his Duty (Marshall Cabrera)
#Maniacal Mouse and Master of Electromagnetism (Megavolt)
#There’s a Reason why Positives and Negatives Don’t Mix... (Negaduck)
#The Family Business is Everything!! (Ralph Runner)
#I Am Me! Nobody Else! (Roxas)
#A Young and Noble Great Lord (Roy)
#An Actor on His Way to Stardom and Broadway! (Snagglepuss)
#It Doesn’t Matter who’s Wrong or Right! (Sonic The Hedgehog)
#To Keep Promises... (Steve Burnside)
#A Cat Private Eye With an Eye on His Prize (Super Snooper)
#Sparking it Up with some Lock and Load and then Show Time! (Trish)
#Whole new World of Whimsical (Wacky Wolf)
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lettheladylead · 2 years
If ducktales was still on going what would you like to see in season 4? Main theme of it? What path would you choose for Goldie, cause I'm assuming we all want more of Goldie
of course there'd be more Goldie! Allison Janney finished up with Mom and has more time for voice acting so Goldie can appear more often, lets do it
so obv my ideal scenario would be to take what we had of s3 and stretch it out into two seasons, BUT since thats not an option lets say we're starting right from where we left off. season 3 would need to do some fun stuff like:
awkwardly address Webby and Scrooge’s relationship (& Beakley's of course)
bring back Goldie and Louie's relationship and give us some good content
continue with the Darkwing Duck/Negaduck storyline
soooooo. okay. new big bad for season 4: Shere Khan (from Talespin)! he's a super corrupt business rival of Scrooge's. they dont work together often 'cause they're from very different parts of the world, but they've crossed paths a few times. Khan has decided that McDuck Enterprises has gotten in the way of his own business too many times and he's going to try and destroy Scrooge and ruin his business
he'd recruit some villains from other seasons who managed to escape to help him with his plans. people will do anything for money and he has a Lot of money
the big character arc would focus on Scrooge (with some Webby and Huey to make up for last season) and Scrooge learning to accept the flaws in the people he loves and just because their decisions don’t always make him happy doesn’t mean they don’t love him. or whatever something like that.
ok here ive put together every episode because i felt like it and i’m a completionist. i tried to make it seem like regular DuckTales except with a little bit more Goldie for my own joy and pleasure
4x01 - No, Wait, There’s More!: 
(Plot A:) Scrooge and Webby and Beakley content. They just talk about things mostly (beakley apologizes for lying to webby and for not telling scrooge that webby was made by fowl. ‘you didnae know she was mine?’ ‘no, i had no idea, i just knew she shouldnt be raised by those criminals’) and they go on a tiny little adventure together. Ends with Webby deciding to continue to call Scrooge ‘Uncle Scrooge’ because ‘Dad’ feels weird for her (scrooge feels uncomfortable with her decision but doesnt bring it up cuz beakley tells him to leave it be).
(Plot B:) The villains who escaped from FOWL and are trying to get their shit back together 
Ep ends with quick scene of Shere Khan being annoyed while watching the news
4x02 - School of Ducks:** 
(Plot A:) School episode! Lena and Webby both learn about the joys of public school. Violet and BOYD are there, too. A cute ep with little school shenanigans. Maybe they all get detention or something. Also there's like short clips of all the adults doing boring adult things (cleaning, taxes, Della @ therapy with jones) while the kids are like "this is so boring I wish I was a grownup doing whatever I want!" and it'd be funny
(no Plot B)
4x03 - On the Open Sea: 
(Plot A:) Donald and Daisy & May and June on the open seas and they see the Mervanans and have fun boat adventures!
(Plot B:) Della & Penumbra get into some shenanigans in Duckburg and fight the Beagle Boys together and it’s kind of a double parallel to the Don/Daisy stuff and also referencing the Webby/Lena stuff from S1.
4x04 - First Contact With Khan:
(Plot A:) Scrooge is looking for a new money manager storyline ft Webby with a brief mention/appearance of Goldie (scrooge makes some reference to being webbys dad just to see how she reacts, she does not). Shere Khan contacts Scrooge about them merging or collaborating on something blah blah.
(Plot B:) Huey & Della travel to Grandma Duck’s farm to help Huey learn better ways to express himself? or maybe Huey wants to earn a farming badge lol
4x05 - Depends On Who You Ask:
(Plot A:) Fenton & M’ma are interviewing all of the captured F.O.W.L. agents about their roles in what happened, all of them tell wildly different stories about how innocent they are (captured people...Steelbeak, Rockerduck/Jeeves, Don Karnage).
(Plot B:) Webby goes camping with the Sabrewings!
Ep ends with Shere Khan paying Don Karnage’s bail. (Rockerduck also gets out of jail because of his own money, but Steelbeak is stuck for now)
4x06 - The Sounds of St. Canard:
(Plot A:) Launchpad and Dewey visit St Canard and there’s an adventure with Gosalyn and Drake where Negaduck/Jim shows up and goes cwazy (several dwd villain appearances, including morgana!).
(Plot B:) Muddlefoots being completely average normal citizens but they’re funny
Ep ends with the plots colliding when Honker and Gosalyn and Dewey meet and they all become buds
4x07 - The Duck Cousins:
(Plot A:) Huey Dewey Louie and Webby are getting into some shenanigans which reminds Scrooge of Della Donald Gladstone and Fethry. Cue an entire flashback episode about Della Donald Gladstone and Fethry as older teens! This episode includes: Duckworth, Quackfaster, the Caballeros, Goldie, & if you squnt there’s a brief appearance of Daisy. 
(no Plot B)
4x08 - Another Tale to Spin:**
(Plot A:) Kit and Della have kept in contact since the end of S3 and he and Molly come to visit. They have some kind of crazy adventure involving flying or whatevs I’m sure it’s exciting also Beakley and Launchpad are there! 
(Plot B:) Baloo and Rebecca are on vacation and they’re staying at a hotel up in the Dawson area. Fun fact this is Goldie’s hotel and we get to learn a little bit about how Goldie lives her life away from Scrooge. 
Ep ends with Kit and Molly overhearing Scrooge talk about Shere Khan and they’re both like UHHH....
4x09 - The Midas Touch:
(Plot A:) Magica is attacking Scrooge, trying to get her hands on his dime. The episode involves a lot of standard characters and feels like it jumped right out of the comics/the 87 series (but with Della instead of Donald). The boys and Webby and Della are trying to help in the fight against Magica, but the Beagle Boys are making their way towards the Money Bin! The ep ends with Scrooge’s victory, and then Ludwig Von Drake closes a book and talks to the audience like ‘vell zat’s how I remember it!’ 
(no Plot B)
4x10 - It’s a Hard Knock Life:
(Plot A:) Glomgold and Gibbous try to recruit all the Moonlanders to work for Glomgold Industries and its a mess because obviously Penumbra knows about Glomgold thanks to Della. Also I think it’d be funny if one of the Moonlanders had a baby with an earthling. 
(Plot B:) Fenton and Gandra are showing Huey how to fight and they talk about being a little crime fighting team. 
Plots converge when Penumbra shoots a laser at Glomgold and accidentally sets a building on fire, so FGH show up to help.
4x11 - A Tale of Two Kitties:
(Plot A:) After the warnings from Kit and Molly, Scrooge feels weird about business with Shere Khan. Against his better judgement he reaches out to Goldie, who has also dealt with Khan before, and Goldie shows up and they tell a story about Shere Khan to Louie & Webby. 
(Plot B:) Shere Khan is telling the same story to his assistant & Don Karnage, but obviously it’s a very different version where he’s justified in everything he does. In his story, he breaks Splatter Phoenix out of prison (takes place in the 60s, Splatter Phoenix is old now).
4x12 - Just Another Day:**
(Plot A:) Takes place on the same day at 4x13. Huey, Violet & BOYD are having a giant multi-step relay race/battle/I don’t know/brains vs brawn thing against Dewey, Gosalyn, & Louie (Louie shouldn’t be brawn but he really doesn’t think HVB can win). It ends when Launchpad and Drake crash land in the middle of the field and announce that it’s time for Gosalyn to go home. 
(Plot B:)   A day in the life of Gyro Gearloose. From the perspective of Lil Bulb! Also the Rangers live in Gyro's lab currently so they show up too
4x13 - Just Another Day, The Musical!:
(Plot A:) Takes place on the same day as 4x12. Scrooge, Webby & Lena were on an adventure in some magical Crystal Cavern, meanwhile Fenton & Gandra are also at the Crystal Cavern but as a date. Also Goldie is at the Crystal Cavern because she heard Scrooge was going. Shenanigans happen and they all get split up: Goldie, Gandra & Lena on one side, Scrooge, Fenton & Webby on the other. Also it’s a musical episode where everyone sings except maybe Gandra, I think she’d be the character that refuses to sing until the end. 
(no Plot B)
4x14 - Ladies On the Town:
(Plot A:) Matilda McDuck comes to town! Scrooge is busy so he asks Beakley and Quackfaster to show her a good time. It’s an old ladies episode. Hortense is brought up in detail. There’s some plot with bank robbery or guns or something really intense and funny and violent. 
(Plot B:) Scrooge publicly announces that McDuck Enterprises will no longer be working with Khan Industries. Khan saw this coming and takes it in stride, but also we find out that he’s broken Akita out of prison and is recruiting him for his own nefarious purposes.
4x15 - Homesick Seasick:
(Plot A:) Donald getting homesick, they get to south America and meet daisys sister Donna and her daughter April. they're hitting it off but Donald can't stop thinking about HDL when he watches the girls hanging out. 
(Plot B:) Gandra visits Steelbeak in prison. it's just an awkward time but we get some context for their relationship when they were in F.O.W.L. and Gandra says when he gets out maybe he could try being a good guy and he's like meh
4x16 - The McQuacks in St. Canard:
(Plot A:) Darkwing stuff with Negaduck. Drake finally adopts Gosalyn after they realize with full certainty that they're never getting her grandpa back. Some background St Canardians and DWD villains...Splatter Phoenix perhaps 
(Plot B:) Launchpad’s family is also there? Mcquack shenanigans in St Canard
4x17 - The Magic Man:
(Plot A:) Magica, Lena, Gene, Gladstone, Duckworth, & Djinn are all taken somewhere by Merlock. Gene has bad emotions about it because Merlock was one of his old terrible masters. Lots of magical emotions and Lena being a magical badass. 
(Plot B:) Phantom Blot and Pepper content but idk what they're doing. Probably wanting to plot but having no money so they have to get regular jobs. That’d be funny actually it’s all about them trying to hold down normal retail/office jobs
4x18 - Not Just the Klondike:
(Plot A:) Valentine’s Day ep!!! Lena and Violet come over and Violet’s like “I promised Hubert we’d hang out” but she’s lying actually she’s just trying to give Webby and Lena some alone time. She joins HDL and finds Huey begging Scrooge to tell the story of how he and Goldie first met. She’s interested, Dewey’s interested, Louie’s pretending not to be interested but he’s listening in. 
(Plot B:) Lena has something to tell Webby but then they see Beakley sneaking out and obv Webby thinks it’s a date so they follow her! Along the way they pass by lots of couples like Fenton/Gandra and Launchpad/Drake and Della/Penumbra and then in the end they find Beakley visiting a grave. Beakley’s like ‘my daughter, the woman who i told you was your mother, was born on feb 14 so this is where i always go’ and then Webby and Lena and Beakley just kind of sit together and it’s somber, very different from the Scrooge n Goldie shenanigans
4x19 - Good to Have You Back:
(Plot A:) Donald and Daisy return from their boat trip! May and June aren’t with them, they talk about how they really hit it off with Daisy’s sister so they’re going to stay with her for a bit and try going to school where no one knows who Scrooge McDuck is, then they can come back to Duckburg for the summer. Flashes over to Donna and May and June and Donna’s daughter April hanging out. 
(Plot B:) Akita is working in his brand new lab financed by Shere Khan. His lab assistant is...Sara Bellum? But she’s not a villain! Or is she? What’s going on? Le gaaaassspppp, we just don’t know! But she’s definitely acting a little off. Very cooperative. Shere Khan comes in to observe a few times. He blasts Don Karnage at some point who starts acting like a monkey and being generally weird
4x20 - Dewey’s Day Off:     
(Plot A:) Dewey gets in trouble and can’t go with the rest of the family on some trip, but somehow ends up spending the entire day with Boyd. They have a lot of fun and bond over literally everything and his punishment ends up not being much punishment at all lol  
(Plot B:) Magica uses Bradford-bird and a lot of resources and blahblah using time travel she ends up finding Poe and brings him to the future. She tries to change him back to a duck but he only gains the ability to talk, not to do magic or anything. Now Magica has two cool birds
Plots don’t converge but there’s some visual parallels
4x21 - Sharp Luck:
(Plot A:) Goldie and Louie and Gladstone. I'm thinking Goldie needed Louies help for something and either she tells a story about getting Gladstones help in the past or Gladstone runs into them and they all work together. And Goldie wears green! 
(Plot B:) Fethry and Gyro and Gandra and Fenton are doing sciencey things together. 
Ep ends where Gyro finds out Akita is no longer in prison and then the screen fades over to Akita’s lab where we see him doing bad shit
4x22 - Musings of a Bengal Tiger: 
(Plot A:) All about Shere Khan, how he became who he is. Some of his history with Scrooge and Baloo and Rebecca and the previous Don Karnage, but mostly focused on Shere. 
(no Plot B)
4x23 - Of Ducks, Dimes, and Destinies:
(Plot A:) Beginning on the end. Shere and Akita use mind control ray to gradually make all the people in Scrooge’s life go absolutely bonkers. They’re all acting in ways they should not. Scrooge’s stockholders start pulling out of the company and Scrooge is losing money FAST. They did not use the mind control ray on Scrooge ‘cause they want to make sure he’s fully aware of whats happening. Glomgold is super excited about becoming the richest duck in the world but then Shere Khan comes into Duckburg and Glomgold realizes Shere Khan is richer than him. Shere Khan references their bet from S2 and says he didn’t care about it nor is he a duck so....”go away, worm” and Glomgold slinks away angrily
4x24 - Of Ducks, Dimes, and Destinies: 
(Plot A:) Scrooge and Huey and Webby work together to find out how to fix everyone. Gyro becomes the Mad Ducktor. Goldie is like NegaGoldie. Donald is Paperinik/Duck Avenger. Della thinks shes a successful astronaut. Then suddenly Huey is the Duke of Making a Mess. There’s a whole bunch of these, you get it. They cant fix everyone til Akita’s device is destroyed. The device did not work on Boyd so hes helping too and there’s some Boyd and Gyro emotions
4x25 - Of Ducks, Dimes, and Destinies:** 
(Plot A:) Talespin cast help out (also Steelbeak because he should come back around). How does the end go??? Uhhh everything goes back to normal and Shere Khan is outed for cruelty and villainy and hurting children maybe. Something about loving and accepting people as they are. This becomes a big Scroldie thing but also ties to Scrooge being a little put off by Webby not wanting to call him Dad in the first episode 
Season ends with a lot of hugs and talking and then Goldie introduces Scrooge to Dickie this kind of goes into the honesty/accepting people thing lol Goldie’s like “if you want something to accept then boy do i have a treat for you”
** - Dickie appears in this ep
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
For all of your muses!!: How are you going to spend the holidays?🎄🎁
{ Eris could care less. She’s an ancient goddess of chaos, so she stays below in Tartarus and drinks, rolling her eyes at how her dumb family is still sore over Monotheists gaining monopoly on the season. She doesn’t care either way, thinks everyone is lame, and that her family should “get over it already, it’s been over 2000 years SNORE.”
Proteus was born waaaaay before these Holidays, so he just celebrates like any ancient Greek during the Winter Solstice would. He’s not into the sacrifice stuff, though. :/
Pickles spends the whole freakin’ season BLITZED out and drunk as fuck. He is one angry, depressed drummer. Holidays...trigger him.
Skwisgaar does what he always does, he doesn’t acknowledge any holiday unless he’s thrust into celebrating. IE: his mom visits or Toki pulls the whole band into it. Abigail goes home to Detroit and visits her huge fam and does the whole “This Christmas” scene. There’s always drama, but she endures and loves them all. She also gets to eat and cook and hang out and NOT WORK for once. 
Seth’s probably in jail.
Negaduck TRIES to stay out of jail, for Nega!Gos’s sake. But he’s spent a few Christmases in the klink. Actually? He enjoys it because the guards break the rules and give them aTON of booze, and he gets to stay in his cell, unbothered. Nega!Gosalyn LOVES Christmas so she goes full out with all the traditions, and makes her dad endure them all. Lovingly so.
Morgana does her own gothy-spin on the Holidays; but for a dramatic, moody witch, she does enjoy festivities so she goes all out...in her own Morgana way. Mistletoe...everywhere.
Gladstone’s busy with parties until New Years’ so he’s booked solid. Another big drinker, but for festive reasons. ALTHOUGH he does down more when he sees how happy Daisy and Donald are. Sometimes he gets the hell out of town and does the Vegas thing.
Gabby doesn’t acknowledge the Holidays, as she’s not really...a celebrator of any holiday. Given her background and upbringing, she just quietly goes to the same underground club/pub every year, gets sushi someplace, and then goes back to her safehouse. She probably goes home with someone so she’s not alone. Buuuuut sometimes she’s good to be alone. Ship-verse wise, she’s obviously with her S.O.
René avoids his cold, snotty family like the plague and cites: “I must train in X country, my regards.” But really? He just goes to the countryside on the other side of France and spends a quiet, indulgent time in his second home in the village. 
Francine LOSES HER FREAKIN’ MIND and decorates the house beyond normal levels, has the music cranked up, and is baking nonstop. She is SO excited because she gets Chinese New Year AND Christmas, so she has 2 1/2 solid months of holiday craziness. She is also busy with the church choir--not singing but volunteering. She air-horns her family up for events if they’re going on, and is a TOTAL misplaced Who-ville resident, lbr.
Holtzmann has a Jewish AND Christian background, so she regards celebrating both holidays as normal, and celebrates them both casually. She’s not really religious, so it’s all about the aesthetic and fun of it. 
Kim’s family does midnight Mass, then onto the celebrating. They do everything in a big way, so a family full of geniuses ( and genetically altered lab brats ) means that it always starts off normal and cozy--movies, food, and games...but it always ends in arguments and competition and endless “contests” in the backyard.
Nanami tries to do the whole “traditional perfect holiday” thing, but she and Touga loathe going home to the manor and dealing with....those people. So they both end up staying at Ohtori, and having their own gift exchange and perfect dinner. She IS a mondo shopper, so she buys everyone in the Student Council ( the Rose Seal ) and her little trio of sycophants expensive gifts. Not to be kind, but to show off.
Fujiko goes to Monte Carlo every Christmas. She has a lot of stolen goods to spend and enjoy at her own pace. She tries to kick back and relax, caper free? But if one pops up, she doesn’t care, she’ll skip the lavish Christmas dinner and symphony for a diamond heist any day.
Angela’s HEARD of Christmas/winter Holidays, but they have a whole different spin on all of Earth’s traditions on Mars. So everything we do on Earth, ( even if the residents of Mars are all human in origin ) is like...how modern man looks at the ancients. They do some of the traditions not knowing how they were REALLY done, and do it watered down and weirdly translated. She does do the Black Friday thing though, lbr.
Ponyhead, Darlene, Lily Asami, and Toph come from places/verses where our winter Holidays don’t exist. They may have other holiday things they do, but related to their worlds alone, and not quite like ours. Hard to explain. }
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Any more villain x reader stuff in the pipelines? Anything dark?
That's very vague XDD 'Villain' stuff is literally all I do here. I have so much 'villain x reader stuff' haha XDD I could show you screencaps of my draft folders (Yes plural) man, oof.
But as for DARK stuff- I have the following... which is still quite a bit. Oops.
♤ Offenderman x SexSlave!Soulmate!Reader- The only way Offender could win his soulmate over was through blackmail // You don't realise that all this, all of what you've been put through by him, was for nothing. No, he keeps that little tid-bit for the moment you finally give in to him, truly. Until then he just stays silent, and smirks.
♣︎ Slenderman x Captive!Reader- The only one that can set his blind furies at bay, or make him relax at all, is kept in a bunker under the mansion.
♥︎ Teacher!Splenderman x HornyHighschoolStudent(18 Yrs)!Reader- Splender has lived a long, long life and generally he has been able to handle whatever has been thrown at him with grace- but right now he's in a dark place, and so you get just what you want. What he knows he should not give.
♢ Trenderman x Reader- You're Trender's inspiration, his muse! You, and your beautiful, introverted innocence, are the cause of one Trender's greatest lines- but what happens when you start to branch out? Come out of your shell a bit? Try new things? Trender not having it, that's what.
Disney Villains:
Charles Muntz x Assistant!Reader- Your punishment for letting the creature escape.
Human!Chick Hicks x King’s(OfAge)Offspring!Reader- An old rival of your Dad’s turns up for your parents anniversary party and immediately, inappropriately, sets his sights on you. You’re into it, weirdly.
Human!Yandere!Lots-O-Huggin’ Bear x NewToy!Reader- Classic Yandere sets his sights on you immediately and makes you uncomfortable with how close he wants you all the time without making his obsession totally clear.
Randall Boggs x Sully’sRomanticInterest!Reader- Randall has a bit of an obsession with one upping Mike and Sully, and Celia doesn't like him much at all, so... He’s set his sights on you.
(Jim Starling) / Negaduck x Reader: Veteran actor Jim Starling comes to give you some acting tips!- and is super sleazy, while he's at it.
Ursula x Fem!Reader: Good old yandere smut.
The Evil Queen x Fem!Reader: She is using you for a spell and its going to be really difficult for you, so she finds away to distract you. (Its consensual but there are QUITE a few triggers involved with this one. Its gonna be full on)
Dwight Pollard x Jerome’sS/O!Reader x Jerome Valeska- You were Jerome’s consort before he died so, of course, when Dwight ‘becomes’ Jerome, he has you kidnapped and brought to him as well. Then Jerome comes back.
Mad Hatter / Jervis Tetch x New’Alice’!JimGordonsDaughter!Reader- Jervis decides that you are his new Alice and the next thing you know, you’re in her dress tied to a chair and this psycho wants to have a tea party. Will you father get to you in time?
(Riddler) / Edward Nygma x Ed’sS/O!Reader- After the darker side of Eddie, or the ‘Riddler’ fully takes over the body, he reveals an infatuation with you and forces you to stay with him despite your heartbreak. One day, you walk in on your Ed back. For only a little bit.
Jervis Tetch x Fem!Reader: Basically you growing up with Jervis and Alice and Jervis trying to assimilate you into his little made up family has his wife, with Alice as your child.
Horror Villains:
Musical Theatre!Horror Villains x Reader, including the following-
-BigBadWolf!Freddy Krueger- (Human Freddy. Post highschool so Loretta has sorta cleaned his reputation but pre arrest) You trust him, of course you do! Its just Freddy! He lives down the street from you and he goes to the same stupid, neighbourhood barbecues as you. But... you still shouldn't be in his house, alone with him.
- SQUIP!Patrick Bateman: Your SQUIP is really helpful! He even teaches you how to please a man- but are his intentions totally pure? Or has he done the calculations and realised you're better off with him?
- Scar!Sheriff Hoyt/Charlie Hewitt: The Madness of King Scar scene of-bloody-course. Hoyt's just become Hoyt; He's feeling top of the world, successful for once, powerful- the only thing he's missing... is... a family of his own (Of his own loins at least). And it just so happens that you, Thomas' mate, are the only viable vagina within a hundred mile radius. Uh, congrats?
Horror Villains (Including: Billy Loomis, Bubba Sawyer, Mayor Buckman, Carrie White, Chop Top Sawyer, Chucky / Charles Lee Ray, Drayton Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Jennifer Check, Sheriff Hoyt / Charlie Hewitt, Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman, Pennywise OG, Stu Macher and Thomas Hewitt.): What fighting with them is like, as their S/O/ (Plus Make-Up, which is not so dark XD)
Poly!Frason x Fem!Reader: Now this one is more SOFT darkness but only because Jason and Freddy ARENT the ones hurting reader. Basically, reader (F and J's hostage/mate) gets sexually assaulted by a victim and you need their combined efforts in order to feel safe again.
Freddy Krueger x FinalGirl!Reader: Years after you defeated Freddy the first time, you think you're safe again and its weird but suddenly you're starting to feel something for your awkward neighbour Toby who isn't really awkward anymore and is actually a lot of fun to be around- but what you don't know is that it may not be Toby, there... (Inspired by that line in 'Halloween' by Aqua: 'She'll never kiss the boy next door')
The Clown (DBD) x Reader: You are having an affair with one of the men that tortures you every day. You're saying its 'a morbid curiosity'.
Patrick Bateman x Reader: Inappropriate Boss/Assistant relationship gets WAY worse when you get pregnant.
Drabble Sets:
(Including Inkubus, Jerry Dandridge, Kahmunrah, Offenderman, Patrick Bateman, and The Riddler.): You’re a ‘Lady of the night’ and you’ve been promised, or sold, to (Villain) permanently… but you’ve fallen in love with another man. (Villain), in a jealous act, orders you to reject the one you love, and break his heart. (Inspired by 'El Tango De Roxanne' from Moulin Rouge)
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Gosalyn tied up on a chair in Negaduck hide out.
Gosalyn: Hey Negaduck quick question before my dad gets here and kicks your butt as usual.
Negaduck sharping his teeth with his knife
Negaduck: Sure but make it quick.
Gosalyn: Ok so I have been thinking about this for a while now. Technically you are a Darkwing Duck right? An evil one but still right?
Negaduck: Shamefully yes I am. Why what's your point?.
Gosalyn: Well Considering you are a Darkwing and You want to Kill Darkwing duck in this Universe. Does that Technically make you suicidal.
Negaduck: ( Drinking Water. Spitakes) WHAT?!
Gosalyn is smug: I mean your a Darkwing and you want to kill Darkwing which is another version of yourself so technically your suicidal.
Negaduck: ( Pissed) I am not suicidal. I just think he is a loser, whimp and Pathetic and Deserve to die.
Gosalyn: ( Snickers) You mean you think your a whimp, Loser and pathetic and deserve to die. ( Puppy eyes) Aww Does Negaduck need a hug 🤗.
While Negaduck is ranting and raving Gosalyn turns to the audience.
Gosalyn: He totally wants a hug 🫂😍🤗😊. But won't admit it. Plus he needs therapy bad. Heck practically every Darkwing needs therapy.
Ok so I literally just thought of this. If Negaduck is another version of Darkwing and he wants to kill Darkwing wouldn't that make him suicidal. Poor guy just needs a hug. Lol 🤣 good luck though. Or he will chase you with his chainsaw.
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raphaelenthusiast · 2 years
The Adopt-A-Con episode, but it’s Negaduck instead of Tuskernini. It most definitely couldn’t have worked, because Drake would be instantly recognized as DW, but let’s pretend for a second that Negaduck would play along with Drake being a separate person.
Potential shenanigans and other details that’d be funny (under a cut because it’s kind of long):
Negaduck dramatically pretending to be a changed man like he did in My Valentine Ghoul. Need some more of his fake tantrums and fourth wall breaking.
ND in domestic clothes. Would he be in the same button down-sweater vest fit in a different palette? He’d probably have an edgier look like the other evil Negaverse characters, but it’d be really funny if he’d have, like, dad attire but make it goth.
ND trying to help out around the house (he wears Drakes apron) and trying to hurt DW while doing so. Rigging traps around the house, cooking dinner that’s either completely off putting or seeming fine only to have some bad characteristic (I’m thinking extremely spicy, bcs it’s a cartoon classic), destroying DW’s clothes while doing the laundry, etc.
ND tries to establish good relationships with LP and Gos, though neither want anything to do with him ofc. The idea of ND jokingly playing the role of dad with Gos just sounds very funny to me. (ND: Hi, sweetheart. UwU Gos: 🤢)
Not exactly funny, but this plot could serve as an opportunity to establish more Negaverse details. Maybe ND regales parts of his life.
The Muddlefoots invite DW and the rest over bcs Herb and Binkie think the socialization would be good for the cons. DW watches ND like a hawk, expecting him to slip up and cause trouble only for him to try to accuse him of wrongdoing when in actuality ND is hitting it off with the Muddlefoots. DW is left angry and embarrassed.
For a moment LP and Gos actually buy ND’s changed man bit, sending DW into a fit. They try to convince him to lighten up but he refuses ofc.
ND can no longer take the nice guy act and just goes berserk. DW excitedly goes off about how he knew ND would never change before foiling whatever silly crime ND’s trying to commit.
The mid-fight banter including ND calling DW pathetic for his domestic double life. DW coming back with some cheesy stuff about family probably.
Completely OOC, but maybe ND briefly looks back on DW’s situation as actually being kinda nice. He’d immediately take it back because the crime life is 100x better.
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