#Nemuri smut
mikasa-imadebiscults · 10 months
I Idk if you accept nsfw request but if you do how about fem s/o trying to top midnight/mic/miurko! Expect s/o gets much to flustered
(Hey Anon, thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy. Also unrelated but I started thinking about it and I need to write about Mirko more often)
Pro Heroes S/O Trying to Top but Gets too Flustered
(Characters Included- Midnight, Present Mic, and Mirko)
(Warning: NSFW content and swearing)
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⛓️Nemuri Kayama⛓️ (Midnight)
- She would find it very amusing that you tried to dominate her but it would also turn her on greatly.
- She knows well that you get really flustered easily so she knows that soon you’ll be a flustered mess.
Nemuri has always been the dominant one in the relationship and you were happily the submissive one. She always patiently took care of you, spoiling you, giving everything you could ever asked for and you deeply appreciated that.
But today you wanted to try something different.
Today you were going to dominate The R-rated Hero herself.
You and Nemuri were relaxing in your shared bedroom and she decided to go to the dresser and change into her nighttime attire in front of you since you guys had already seen each other naked before. She had her back turned to you and you decided that this is the right time. You watched her as she took off her shirt and silently walked over behind her, wrapping your arms gently around her waist. One hand sliding down to rub on her sensitive areas and the other rising up to grab her tit.
Nemuri knew exactly what you were doing and decided to play along. “Oh my- ah yes touch me like that~”
You instantly froze. Mouth apart slightly from shock.
“That’s what I thought, darling.”
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🎤Hizashi Yamada🎤 (Present Mic)
- At first he’ll be confused on the sudden change. He thinks it’s looks hot when you try and dominate him but he also thinks it looks hotter when you’re flustered.
- But you better be really prepared though because he WILL tease you a lot.
You guys were sitting on the couch watching a comedy movie as you both shared a small bowl of popcorn. Comedy movies were Hizashi’s favorite type of movie because as the name suggests they’re funny.
When he was dying laughing at a corny joke that one of the characters made, you decided to take the opportunity to dominate him when he least expects it.
Keeping your eyes on the movie, you slowly moved your hand up his thigh and to his clothed sensitive part. His laughter died down when he felt your hand and gave you a certain look.
“Oh my bad, I thought the popcorn bowl was there~” You said in a teasing tone, looking at him and you immediately got all hot and flustered at the way he looked at you right now.
“Since when did you become so bold?” He said with a playful smirk.
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🐰Rumi Usagiyama🐰 (Mirko)
- Like Midnight, she would also find it really amusing that a person that gets flustered easily is trying to be the dominant one.
- That being said she still won’t let you dominate her and if you do try then you’ll get what’s coming.
One of Rumi’s hobbies is working out and due to her being very popular because she’s the number five hero, she gets a lot of attention whenever she’s in public. So to avoid the media interrupting her workout sessions to ask for a interview or something, she works out at home.
You loved it when she works out, you love to admire all of her (especially her muscles) and you feel so blessed to be in a actual relationship with her.
Right now Rumi was standing up lifting weights doing curls with them and you were silently watching her, you wouldn’t change nothing about this moment well that’s what you would’ve said but you did wanna try something different today.
As she was lifting the weights you came up to her, pressing your chest against her back and started to slowly feel her muscles.
She stopped what she was doing when she heard you say “You’ve been so stressed recently so how ‘bout you just sit back and let me make you feel good.”
“Appreciate the offer but it’s my job to make YOU feel good.” Rumi says dropping the weight on the floor and grabs you by the neck to pull you in for a rough kiss. Taking you by surprise, you moan into her mouth as she smirks against your lips.
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tobegiggledat · 2 months
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To Live at Her Alter
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✦pairing: Midnight x Villain!Reader
✦word count: 2.5k
✦warnings: BDSM, reader has a pussy, service sub!reader, orgasm control, body writing, oral sex, pussywarming? kinda, degradation, humiliation, suffocating/choking (non-sexual), self-harm, attempted suicide, implied enemies to lovers
✦a/n: when the ovulation hits and and
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“To live by my Mistress is to serve her with every breath.” Utterance of the mantra webs tingles across your lips, the warmth clinging to your cheeks, then your sternum and chest as it snaps beneath your skin.
“To cherish her presence with my undeserving body”, you add while displayed before the woman you worship. Your torso is a stiff perpendicular plane to your folded knees. Your walls flex subtlety around the grooves of the toy you've been ordered to warm with your cunt, making squelchy whispers in a wet plea for respite. “And to uphold her values as a vessel of her will.”
A well-manicured hand is held to your lips and as your mouth relishes the brief taste of her skin you feel fortunate to be graced with the opportunity to give it—her your praises.
What led to your current circumstances was nothing short of several strings of miraculous events. Your quirk is a much deadlier version of hers, and with less shortcomings, so why is it you submit despite the upper hand you hold?
The answer is simple. In the tides of battle, she prevailed over you like an ice cube somehow withstanding the flames of a gas fire. Even then, her victory was no stroke of luck, you’re sure of it.
She’s your superior in every way, and as her palm closed around your throat amidst her triumph, you could only gape while wrestling away your thoughts of admiration. You'll always be glad she was able to make use of someone like you.
“Delicious”, Nemuri purrs. You think she says it with a smile as your gaze remains planted beneath her, where it should always remain. “And what of my other orders, pet.” The tip of her maroon high heel burrows between your legs to slightly part them. “Show me how well you follow instructions.”
“Of course, Mistress.”
Your thighs peel like damp tape, a turbulent shiver striking your veins as the cool air mingles with the dampness clinging to your flesh. Throbbing and inflamed, your poor clit nearly seeks her touch for stimulation but your conscious mind fights against it.
“My, I do love it when you make a mess.” One of her delicate giggles makes its way into the air. “Your body's begging for release but I'm sure you can hold out for a little longer. Isn't that right?”
“As long as you wish, Mistress.”
“Good because I heard some news about you today that really soured my desire for generosity”, she says with a curtness. You're tempted to risk her scolding just to catch a brief glimpse of the expression that accompanies her words. “You've earned yourself another badge. Show me your neck.”
You slip your head upward baring your skin yet closing your eyes so as not to insult her. A faint shuffling sound comes from above you before a cool pointed tip glides along your skin, forming arches and lines that resemble letters. Your breathing fails to flow properly throughout the course of her penmanship which seems to stretch on agonizingly.
“Open”, she demands while handing you her compact mirror and your throat stings at what's written;
IDIOT, carved below your chin in bold, ragged letters with a black tattoo marker. The ink won't wash away for days but it's part of what you usually enjoy about it especially when Nemuri would graffiti your body in syrup-sweet nicknames with curly, elegant letters and silly little hearts. On those days you wish it were ingrained in your cells, but today you want to scrape at your neck until it's raw.
“What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry for being an idiot, Miss”, your voice is watery as gulp back tears.
“You’re more than an idiot. You're lucky all the words I have for you can't fit on your neck.”
She finally sways away from the door she’s entered, discarding her hero attire each step of the way to her chambers. You clumsily crawl after her as if a hastily built table granted the ability to move, swiping at each article of clothing to toss them in their proper bin.
It takes everything in you not to shriek your next words. “What is it that you heard—”
She jerks toward you, stopping in her tracks then sighing. “I’ll get to that eventually”, she answers, wrapping ribbons of her violet strands into a sloppy bun then stepping into her garage-sized bathroom. “But first…” She gestures expectantly toward a tray of amenities on a concrete, raised slab beside her shower—a tray you organize for her daily.
“Thank you, Miss”, you reply although your gratefulness to attend to her body is tainted by the sinking horror of what awaits you once the task is complete. You begin to gnaw your bottom lip to a bleeding meaty sliver as your stomach shuffles its contents.
As she hovers idly, skin illuminating under the harsh glow of the fancy lamplights, you run the water until it reaches her desired temperature then lather a few pumps of body wash on a rag. The sweet cherry taffy aroma wafting through the damp air is so thick you salivate. Her body is already soaked and glistening by the time you’re finished savoring the candy scented soap.
“May I?”, you ask, bringing the well-coated cloth near her flesh in anticipation.
“You may.”
You begin your ministrations at her feet, slowly working your way up her legs and thoroughly massaging the slippery fluid into her pores and making sure not to miss spots.
Such a small element of routine allows your worries about your future punishment to temporarily drift away from the forefront of your mind. It's best to focus on the task at hand or else you'll only create a deeper pit for yourself, you think. Dread continues to linger in the hidden crevices of your heart yet your thoughts of it flux with the strokes of the cloth, becoming distant as you move downward and returning to your conscience as you creep near her lower lips. The sight of her alluring slit has always been grounding for you.
It's only when Nemuri huffs that you realize you’ve been sweeping along the same leg for a while.
“Someones working extra hard to make up for things”, her voice laces with the steam, a hint of mischief etching its way into her tone. “I’m sure that area’s clean enough already.”
“It's not like that, Mistress. I’m merely doing what I’m meant to.”
When you reach her sex, she dismisses you to take over the scrubbing herself as reaching the rest of her would require you to relinquish your kneeling position. Well-trained property is never to be above or beside their betters unless given explicit permission so you crawl to fetch her towel and wait outside the foggy glass doors until she finishes up.
Once she’s done drying, she paces to her closet then embellishes her body in a black, lacy babydoll dress, the ruffles parting alongside her legs as she perches on the edge of her bed in a welcoming position.
“Come, your mouth will do nicely.” She shuffles her hips to beckon you.
“Yes, Miss. Thank you, Mistress”, you eagerly whimper before slipping between her like a puzzle piece and humming more thanks into her warmth as if giving prayer to your deity before your meal.
You leave a path of suckling kisses along the expanse of her sex, making slow and appreciative work of your lips as the feel of her slick, warm folds clouds you with crazed desire. You don’t mean to be a tease but it’s hard not to take your time with the delectable display presented to you, your unworthiness makes it all the more forbidden fruit.
When her rich, addicting flavor hits your tongue, your palette seizes with delight, taking in the earthy tones that envelope your senses with the zeal of a starved beast. Dark, glossy nails prick your scalp, scraping for balance while your nose meshes with the trail of curls poking around her clenching cavern.
A sharp pain goes through the top of your head and you hiss. “No licking, dear”, she eases her nails out of your flesh. “I only want your mouth there, nothing else.”
Her request is like asking a cheetah not to pick at fresh meat. Despite your wishes to indulge the gorging your soul craves, your mouth stills the instant she orders it to.
She acts as if you aren't gathered by her knees as she scratches and scribbles in the journal on her nightstand—the contents of which you've always longed to peer into.
You cling your lips to her as if she's what is needed to pump your lungs to life. Her thighs tenderly embrace your cheeks, squeezing softly in tandem with the strokes of her pen and the brush of your breaths across her cunt. Your own hole feels neglected compared to the lavishing you thrust upon her opening.
Muffled gasps crawl up your throat as you shift to ease the tickling in your core, eyelids shuttering with intense need yet frustration.
“Look at you, so ready and willing”, Nemuri coos, taking in the view of your drooling lips and glazed-over eyes. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
You nod amidst the mindless, obedient haze that washes over you whenever you serve her, but she pinches your ear to get you to use your words. “Yes, Mistress.”
“That's too bad”, she mocks. “I'm afraid this is all you’ll get for now.” She shoves you away and you look as if you were a kicked puppy.
She merely chuckles at that, making you jolt at the vibrations of the boisterous noise before her energy resets to normal. “Enough of that, about the news I mentioned earlier…” She folds one of her knees beside her and clenches her fingers tightly around it. “The hero you and your cronies captured wasn’t at the location you gave me. Your men must’ve gotten word of your survival and made a run for it, what a hassle.”
“I’m deeply sorry for that, Mistress.” You swiftly place your head against the floor in a deep bow. “Please punish me for their transgressions. They’re foolish, but I’m even more so for ever being with them.”
The silence that instills is cold, much like the coolness of the tile pressing against your forehead.
“Your enthusiasm is enough, I’ve no need to punish you.” She pushes lightly at your shoulder with the tip of her nylon-clad foot, bringing you to raise.
“What does it mean to belong to me?” You feel a weight on your shoulder in more ways than one as her heel rests beside your neck.
“To live by my Mistress is to—” Her toes mash with your lips.
“No memorized platitudes, I want it straight…” Her foot slides to your chest. “from the heart.” She presses there harder with each word for emphasis.
“I’ll do anything for you—you know that, miss.”
“Oh, I believe it. We’re talking about me after all.” Her stockings rub along your slit and you moan, long and loud. “You'll take whatever I give you, won’t you? You're always so whiny and desperate, scrambling for scraps of my affection. I’d say it’s pathetic, but it’s even more sad it took you so long to realize this is your rightful place when you could've saved yourself the effort.” She nearly stomps on your cunt, yet hot shame fills you as you unconsciously thrust to meet her rough touch. “All villains fall to their knees for the heroes eventually.
Like a shriveled sponge, you absorb her merciless words as truth, for they are nothing less than the truth.
“You saved me”, you say sheepishly. “I’m grateful for you.”
“That I did, it’s good of you to notice.”
Your face warms with delight.
“Here’s the deal”, she continues. “In exchange for the hero’s safe return, your ex-allies want proof of your death. They're clearly out for vengeance now that their leader’s dipped to join the enemy and left them with the clean up. So what will you do?”
It's a test. She's unsure whether you'd betray her at the drop of hat. How could she not, considering the state you abandoned your old allies in?
The only way out of this is for you to die.
Your resolve hardens. You activate your quirk and a translucent bubble surrounds your head, allowing no air to enter nor exit. It’s a volatile ability. By focusing hard enough, you can create a bubble that fills with a clear gas that can stop a person from breathing. The bubble’s surface is sticky and difficult to penetrate or tear, while the gas inside it destabilizes the instant it leaves the bubble, therefore losing its effects.
You’ve casted domes as large as two story buildings, but the one you summon now exists only for you—only for your mouth, your nose and your lungs. It fits snugly around your skull, and despite the small size, your concentration wavers while maintaining it as lethargy seeps into your brain and your chest constricts with an ache for oxygen. You tumble to your back, clawing frantically at the base of the bubble with your right hand as if you weren't the cause of your own suffering.
How many seconds have passed? 10? 15?
No matter, the gas’ effects will take at least two times longer to take hold of you given your own innate immunity to it.
Your vision clouds with nonexistent shapes while your muscles feel as though they're brimming with ice. Nemuri’s figure appears over you as blotchy and shadow-like, but even in your near-death hallucinations she still exudes a presence much like a dark goddess, looming with a natural yet mesmerizing grandiosity.
A weight you recognize to be Nemuri, settles on your midriff, clasping around the sides of your waist and dampening your stomach with her bare arousal. A different touch, featherlight and fleeting, swipes down your thighs to massage the throbbing crevice between them.
It goes across your clit in abstract swirls and circles, dwindling your already weak concentration to almost nothing. Coupled with the sensitivity of your stuffed walls, it only takes a few sweeps over your nub before your arching into the feeling, limbs curling into your middle like a crumpled leaf and shivering violently.
Sharp, excruciating bliss consumes you, afflicting your nerves with raw and unfiltered sensations, but is swiftly torn away when you notice the bubble has burst.
You gasp, vacuuming every bit of surrounding air into your unoccupied lungs until you're dizzy—dizzy with nausea or satisfaction you're uncertain.
“I’m sssorryyy”, you sob. “I'll try again—”, a cough hacks its way up your throat.
Her fingers shove their way into your mouth and you taste your own fluids. “And risk losing my favorite pervert? That won’t do, I still have my uses for you.”
Teary-eyed and trembling, you meet Nemuri’s gaze despite your better judgment and remember why it was considered a privilege to look upon her.
“Thank you”, you whimper, softening at the impish curve of her full lips. “Thank you for saving me once more.”
She hums with a soft smile. “Now, for cumming without my permission…”
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bakubunny · 3 months
On Fridays we share with the class:
I’ve been having this continued thought of Eraserhead, Mic and Midnight as caretakers for a little! Reader.
They’re all over the place but just
- Daddy Aizawa cuddles
- Singing along the radio with Daddy Mic
- Mommy Midnight doing little! Readers nails.
And getting absolutely tag teamed by them later on.
Idk again. It’s all over the place atm.
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…is it terrible that my head immediately went into the gutter with all of those situations? good grief. i’m sorry for what you’re about to experience. 💀
daddy shota has the best snuggles. his only rival on that is dilf!kiri. he’s so strong and soft, and his voice is so pretty and rumbly that he lulls you to sleep so easily. he gives the best back and tooshie rubs, and he smells v. nice and comforting but it’s really subtle, just him.
and sure, i’m thinking of the cutest sleepiest cuddles everrrr. but also 👀 cockwarming shota while he reads you a story, and you fall asleep all stuffed and dizzy. 😵‍💫
daddy zashi is so fun and he’d totally want you to sing along with him. he calls you his little song bird for reasons. sometimes he lets you get away with more than you should, but he takes such good care of you.
alsooo daddy zashi loves when you sit on his face.
mommy kayama makes my head spin. but she’d make your nails and toes all pretty because she loves dolling up her little one even more than shota does. 🫣 also great snuggler who likes naked cuddles.
she stretches you out so good on her pretty strap while the guys watch. if you’re really good, she’ll let you suck on her [redacted].
finally i can’t begin to imagine being between shota and hizashi while kayama kisses you and coos sweetly. or your face between her thighs while they [goshhh].
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urmomspersonalwhore · 8 months
Hi hello midnight anon here
I am back once again with a request for our queen
Could I have headcanons or anything for midnight with a cat hybrid reader?
Sfw and nsfw is at all possible!! 🧡
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꜀ Midnight would pet your head as a reward whenever you do something good or did what she asked.
꜀ She’ll bake fish-shaped or cat-shaped cookies for you.
꜀ Loves to call you “kitty” to tease you.
꜀ Will scratch your ears or twirl your tail.
꜀ She buys you a necklace with her initials, loves pulling on it to give you a kiss.
꜀ Buys you heated blankets.
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꜀ She’d use a collar on you, even going far to attach a leash. Especially if you're going down on her, she'll tug on it to bring you closer or if she's pounding you with her strap, Nemuri pulls on it, slightly choking you.
꜀ If you have sensitive ears, she will take that to her advantage while she’s overstimulating you.
꜀ Adores doing pet play with you
꜀ Absolutely is obsessed with the way you scratch her whenever you two have sex, whether it is when she does missionary or whenever you eat her out, managing to scratch her thighs.
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Sorry it took long to respond, Tumblr is giving me a hard time with my drafts.
©urmomspersonalwhore — please do not copy, repost or translate onto any other platforms without my permission.
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handsometheo · 7 months
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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Characters I write for:
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head)
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Shinya Kamihara (Edgeshot)
Oboro Shirakumo (Ms. Joke)
Ryuko Tatsuma (Ryukyu)
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fat Gum)
Yu Takeyama (Mt. Lady)
Dabi (Touya Todoroki)
Tomura Shigaraki (Tenko Shimura)
Twice (Jin Bubaigawara)
Mr Compress (Atsuhiro Sako)
Headcanons only will be posted here, Full fics will be posted on Ko-fi.
(SMUT will also be Ko-fi only, I don't want under 18s to have immediate access yk, too dangerous they usually find away but this at least puts a barrier here.)
FULL FICS (Ko-fi Only)
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stitched-mouth · 9 months
Kinktober Masterlist 2023
Welcome to my first Kinktober! I’m very excited, this is definitely going to be a fun challenge me.
All of these are my own ideas and I hate a few of them so feel free to suggest or even request something. I’ll also be keeping you all up to date with where I am in writing everything (days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 are complete).
Day 1: (Creampie Kink)
Summary: Vincent Phantomhive fucks his maid just a room over from his ‘happy’ family.
Vincent Phantomhive x Fem! Maid! Reader (Fic)
Day 2: (Amateur Porn)
Summary: You had a sex dream about your boyfriend, the Number One Hero, All Might wants to make that fantasy a reality after you punch another All Might slut in the face.
All Might x Younger Fem! Pro-Hero! Reader (Fic)
Day 3: (Casual Sex)
Summary: Imagine being FWB with Ramona Flowers.
Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 4: (Behind The Scenes Fucking / Affair)
Summary: Imagine secretly banging the World’s biggest singer.
Envy Adams x Scott’s Sibling! GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 5: (Praise Kink)
Imagine Layla El Faouly with a major Praise kink.
Layla El Faouly x GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 6: (Demon Fucking)
Summary: After arriving at and joining a Covent you so didn’t want to join, Valak takes an unusual liking to you.
Valak x Nun! Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 7: (First Time)
Summary: When Rick discovers his top student is a virgin, he knows he must change that so she can write her paper on human pheromones.
Rick Sanchez x College Student! GN! Reader (Fic)
Day 8: (Office Sex / Boss x Employee)
Summary: Lord Death can’t stop jacking off to his decades younger secretary.
Lord Death x Younger! Secretary! Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 9: (Spanking)
Summary: Georgia decides to teach her mischievous girlfriend a lesson.
Dom! Georgia Miller x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 10: (Temperature Play)
Summary: Nadia has always liked ice. It was always nice to crunch down on after a cigarette and you liked how cold it made her mouth feels. So by accident one nice, it joins you two in the bedroom.
Nadia Vulvokov x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 11: (Bondage)
Summary: John enjoys teaching his naughty little thing a lesson and you enjoy learning it.
John Brown x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 12: (Car sex)
Summary: You and Oboro regularly meet up late in his car for sex.
College AU! Oboro Shirakumo x GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 13: (Pegging)
Summary: You manage to convince L to part take in a kink you’ve been wanting to try out.
L x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 14: (Shower / Tub sex)
Summary: Whilst the Handler is away, you and Lila decide to make good use of the beautiful bathtub in the hotel.
Lila Pitts x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 15: (Marathon sex)
Summary: When Steve is unable to satisfy his new wife’s insatiable needs, he calls a friend.
Estefania x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 16: (Lactation)
Summary: Carol’s duty as a mother is to make sure her baby is always well feed. She’s your Mommy now so she must make sure your well fed.
Carol from Cobweb x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 17: (Orgasm Denial)
Summary: Bruno has been a bad boy and needs to be punished.
Bruno Madrigal x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 18: (Exhibition)
Summary: Julieta can’t help but find something so hot about being fully nude in front of her lover.
Julieta Madrigal x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 19: (Breath Play)
Summary: Morpheus discovers he loves the sound of hearing you struggle to breathe.
Dream x GN! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 20: (Edging)
Summary: Undertaker enjoys ruining your orgasms.
Undertaker x Fem! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 21: (Nun Fucking)
Summary: Sister Irene teaches you a holy lesson.
Sister Irene x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 22: (Mirror Sex)
Summary: Ming forces you to watch yourself fall apart from just her fingers, just so you know how much of and dirty girl you are.
Ming Lee x Fem! Reader (Imagine)
Day 23: (Pegging)
Summary: Jaime tells you his biggest sex fantasy and you make it your mission to make it happen.
Jamie Reyes x Fem! Reader (Headcannons)
Day 24: (Monster Fucking)
Summary: Your girlfriend’s new power has made your sex life a whole lot more interesting.
Jennifer Walters x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 25: (Public Sex)
Summary: Dr Brenner will absolutely use you teach someone a lesson about the consequences of trying to steal what belongs to him.
Dr Martin Brenner x Fem! Reader (featuring 001?) (Fic)
Day 26: (Blindfold Sex)
Summary: What would blindfolding Snake during sex include…
Servant! Snake x Master! Fem! Reader (Headcannons).
Day 27: (Pregnancy / Breeding Kink)
Summary: Othello’s newest obsession is pregnancy and all the symptoms that come with it. You’ve so generously agreed to help him in his little experiment for his research.
Othello x Fem! Human! Reader (Imagine)
Day 28: (Threesome)
Summary: Nemuri, your girlfriend, is shocked to hear about a filthy fantasy you’ve been thinking about. But still, she’s more than willing to help her lover made said fantasy come true.
Midnight x Mt Lady x Fem! Reader (Fic)
Day 29: (Vouyerism)
Summary: Gabe has been watching you for a while now and has finally decided it time to come out and introduce himself.
Gabe x GN! Reader (Imagine)
Day 30: (Size Kink)
Summary: Nana is big and buff for a woman. She is quite used to hearing negative things about her muscly figure. The first thing she’s ever received a compliment about her body was when you, her young girlfriend and successor’s older sister, make a comment on how sexually aroused you are by her big muscles and all the filthy things you imagine she could to do to you with them.
Nana Shimura x All Might’s Sister! Younger! Fem! Reader (Fic)
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pupkou · 2 years
mommy misa / saeko / kiyoko / mirko / midnight + subtop vampire reader drabble
description: subtop gn reader, vampire reader, softdom character, mommy kink, reader feeds from the character, oral (giving), facesitting (receiving), chest play (giving), slight objectification (the character “uses you like a toy”), period sex (oral (giving)), blood kink
minors dni
anyway new vampire sub reader + dom fem misa / saeko / kiyoko / mirko / midnight who you call mommy <3
she doesn’t want you hunting for food when you’re so new to drinking blood plus she knows you’ll love the taste of her the best and so she lets you feed off of her and says “not too much, baby, don’t be greedy and suck me dry,” and laughs when you pull back from her neck or wrist with low, soothed & satisfied eyes and messy lips and drool and blood dripping down your chin. says “seems like you liked that, huh? how about mommy gives you something sweeter?” and opens her legs so your senses are flooded with the scent and sight of her wet pussy thinly veiled by her panties <3
she can tell your mouth is watering because you lick your lips, and she pulls you into a soft kiss before she whispers, “but first, i need you to take care of my tits, baby. i want your mouth,” and she pushes your head down to meet her nipple, humming in pleasure when you eagerly suck it into your mouth and swirl your tongue around the hardened nub, hand reaching up to play with the other for a while before she lets you know to switch sides <3
and when her pussy is throbbing more than she can stand, she’ll either ride your strap/dick and use you like her perfect little fucktoy and make you beg her to cum on your cock or she’ll sit on your face and grind her clit all over your face or she’ll do both if you were really good <3
she might even let you put a toy in or touch yourself while you’re pleasing her <3333 just have to ask nicely like the good toy she knows you are
and eating her out when she’s on her period is the biggest reward you could ever get. it’s not that she’s not horny when she’s on her period, it’s just that she doesn’t want to spoil you with letting you taste her every time to the point where it’s not clear that tasting her like this is an earned privilege <3
you really have to do something special to earn it, like cum in your pants when you’re dryhumping her or something else to show how needy you are and how much you deserve it. she’s never good at depriving you, but sometimes she likes to tease you with the scent of her cunt and the blood mixed together, knowing that you don’t get to touch or have a taste unless she tells you you’ll be taking care of her.
and it’s hard to say no when you’ve never not cum all over yourself from tasting her like this and when you look so cute and innocent even with her blood and cum smeared all over your lips and chin. she wants to give you the world, but first she thinks she’ll have you make her cum a few more times on your mouth, fingers, and cock <3333333
tagging : @rii-bows @leitnerarsonist @nikaidussy @venuscelaeno @henry-espionage
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cherryyysodapop · 2 years
NSFW Masterlist
My Hero Academia
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Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Nemuri Kayama/Female Reader (She/her)
Friends With Lots of Benefits | Modern AU, Heavy Degradation, Sadism | Oneshot/Completed | WC 3.1K
For months, you and Nemuri fooled around, a lot. She’s amazing in bed and always willing to try something new; that’s one of the things you love about her. And tonight you were in for a ton of surprises.
Exclusively on AO3.
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Can I ask for midnight and ms jokes (my underrated bbg) nsfw headcannons
Yes you can ask for that. I’m going to do some other Pro Heroes too if that’s alright with you. 😅 (I’m gonna put this post as day 11 of my 100 followers event bc I need to stop procrastinating)
MHA: Pro Heroes NSFW Headcannons
100 Followers Event: Day 11/31
(Warning: NSFW Content Below)
(Characters Included- Midnight, Aizawa, Present Mic, Ms. Joke)
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
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- I feel like this one would be self explanatory. Midnight is definitely a sadistic person AND a dominatrix.
- She has an extreme amount of kinks.
- Some of her favorite kinks are bondage play and role play (specifically the ones where she’s the predator and you’re the prey).
- She’s a little bit of a masochist.
- Loves it a lot when you put deep and long scratches on her back.
- Definitely will use whips, chains, and other sorts of bondage on you.
Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead)
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- Obviously he is lazy during sex.
- Majority of the time you just ride him, while he’s laying down on the bed ready to fill your ass up with his cum.
- If he wants to put a little more energy into sex then he will bend you over on the edge of the bed and fuck you from behind.
- Loves it when you sit on his lap.
- He is probably a ass guy, doesn’t mind tits though.
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
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- He loves oral, receiving or giving, it doesn’t matter but he does prefer to give to you.
- This man can get drunk off of your pussy or dick.
- He has a big hair pulling kink. Loves his hair being pulled and loves pulling your hair while you’re sucking his dick.
- He is loud as hell, like you need to get sound proof walls if you don’t want anyone around you to hear.
- He also really loves your voice and all the sounds that comes out of it.
Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke)
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- Ms. Joke wouldn’t be very serious during sex, it would most likely be the playful type of sex.
- But she does has her times that she gets serious.
- For example, she will have you sit on her lap when she has her strap on, and she will have you slowly ride it. While this is happening she gets very close to your ear and whispers about an amazing future with you.
- She loves it when you praise her, but she also loves it when you surprise her and throw a bit of degrading words with the praise.
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tobegiggledat · 1 year
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To Live is to Serve
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✦pairing: Yandere!Midnight x afab!reader (no pronouns)
✦warnings: past kidnapping, dubcon, mindbreak, toys (vibrator, dildo, collar, nipple clamps, harness), masturbation, squirting, exhibitionism/voyeurism, cameras
✦word count: 1.5k
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A new week means a new beginning, but more importantly new rules, and as Nemuri’s pet you’ll be expected to uphold whatever instruction she has meticulously planned for that time.
There’s always been an elegance in her way of things, in the way she ensures her control extends past the windings of her whip and effortlessly seeps into the minds of those around her. It’s an influence one can desperately fight for an immunity against only to find each attempt that was made against it was evidence of that same control.
You were once a fighter too.
The moment the clock strikes 07:00, your body swiftly stirs from its sleep, although not a single alarm is to be heard as your awakening is the result of months of Nemuri’s rigid guidance to mold you into her pliant plaything.
A golden-lined, purple envelope she left for you rests on the mahogany of your bedside table. Your fingers tug softly at its glue to reveal the smoothly folded page inside before your bleary eyes scan over the glossy letters along it; relishing her usual, flowery paragraph at the beginning and glancing over the schedule provided.
It only takes a few rereads before her orders become intrinsic to you, with you noting her first rule by padding across the cold marble, and into your bathroom shower.
Your hands make graceful work of the silk robe along your body, daintily pulling at the strap in the center, then plucking at each button delicately as if it'll shatter from the slightest abrasive touch.
When you were initially brought into her home, you weren’t as willing to comply with her oppressive practices; destroying every gift she bought in an attempt to please you and discovering blind spots in her surveillance whenever you got changed.
But you found that her withering insistence and disappointed expressions began to burrow wounds in your heart, after all, she hadn’t really forced you to do much had she?
As time went on, you grew more interested in accepting her lifestyle, and inevitably realized that the gleaming arrangement of her features whenever she came home to your adorned body was the only thing you looked forward to.
The part of you that was fearful of your compliance had eventually diminished with each of her affectionate, but calculated touches.
She knows how to stimulate every part of you, so she must know what's best for you overall…
1) Begin the day with a warm shower, but be sure to bring yourself to orgasm exactly 2 times, with only your fingers.
Thick steam clouds cascade in the bathroom air as you recall the first task you’ve been assigned. When the water reaches your ideal temperature, you step beyond the glass opening, swirling beneath the water’s stream to coat your skin in glistening droplets then reaching for a cloth and bottle of soap to begin lathering your skin.
As the fibers brush over your breasts, you imagine the gentle swipes to be that of Nemuri's grazes, like the feel of her pointed nails tip-tapping along the curves of your neck and spine. It ignites the beginning flickers of heat needed for you to trail your fingers between your damp thighs, shamelessly caressing the outer lips of your sex in scissoring motions while your other hand presses against a wall to keep you balanced.
While your hands are occupied, your mind drifts to devise picturesque renderings of the curves of Nemuri's body—recreating the glow of her porcelain skin within the confines of your skull—imitating the past messy collisions you’ve had with it, all from the firing of arousal-driven neurons.
The pace of your fingertips begin to quicken with each thought before you’re frantically twisting your clit between your thumb and forefinger, rubbing along the slick sides of it until the building electricity seems to run down your legs, to the very soles of your feet. Your knees tremble as sharp jolts of pleasure saturate your nerves and surge through your limbs in prickling waves.
Your arousal reaches its peak with more erotic depictions flashing behind your eyelids. Despite the intensity being enough for you to hurl over and quiver from, the circular motions of your hand continue, parting your throbbing folds with glides then placing a curled finger into your opening and stroking along the ridges.
The desire for her consumes you, flesh to bone, it seeps into your lungs until you’re gasping at the lack of her presence.
Your next climax comes much quicker than the first as your senses have been heightened to spark from even the dullest touches. A brazen cry bleeds from your parted lips while the pressure in your core thrashes against your skin for escape, winding the convulsions of your walls before releasing them with a booming snap that sends you folding once more.
A stream of your tears mix with the dew on your cheeks to collect in a small drop at the base of your chin. You swipe at your puffy eyes before rinsing the remnants of your arousal off your thighs with a shallow stream of hot water and running a rag over your tender sex softly.
Once thoroughly cleaned, you bring the running faucet to a stop then reach for the nearest towel to begin skimming it over your shuddering, orgasm-fatigued body.
You make hurried steps toward your wardrobe, gaze glossing over the selection as you scan for the items mentioned in Nemuri's letter;
2) Put on the following items in the listed order; a leather collar with a ring, a red full-body harness, and weighted nipple clamps.
Your choice for the leather collar is a soft beige one with a small aluminum ring at the center. It fits snugly at the base of your neck, complementing your undertones and pairing well with the vermillion stripes across your hips and chest. You fiddle with the little charms dangling from your nipples as you pose teasingly for the monitor above your dresser, wondering if your body stirs Nemuri’s desire for you the way her mere viewership alters your arousal and every thought.
3) Open the box beneath your bed.
4) Use the small vibrator to the very left; cum once then use the vibrator and middle dildo to cum two more times.
The rich violet box was tucked where expected, you gather the contents inside before placing a velvet towel underneath you then reaching for a bottle of lube on your nightstand.
Your bare legs part in preparation of what’s to come, and with your exposed folds presented to the air, you grab the toy and untuck your swollen clit for better contact.
The vibrator is flat and tucks securely into the crook of your fingers as it’s placed softly against your peeking nub. When the raging vibrations begin, your thighs snap around the sides of your arm in a stifling embrace, trapping it with the strength of a starving predator's jaws that has a meal between its teeth.
You briefly ponder what her alluring cerulean irises would look like as she ogles at your display from behind a screen.
Would she be amused at the desperate contortions you make of your body just for a morsel of the sweet coos she purrs when you’ve been so obedient for her?
Wherever she is, you hope she’s watching diligently—oh god—you hope she’s watching you.
“My, my”, she’d murmur into the crevices of your ear if she were lying beside you, her plump lips curving upward with want. “All this for me?”
The thought alone sends your head spinning, with white consuming your vision as you’re suddenly propelled past the cusp of your climax. Breathy pants escape your mouth in broken pieces, but your pussy is still begging for more stimulation, so you lather the girthy dildo in your fluids and a bit of lube, and start to nudge at your opening.
Lust kindles in your abdomen until it outbursts from behind your teeth in a soft shriek as the silicone head stretches your flexing walls around it.
Cool beads of sweat coat your skin in a faint sheen, trickling salt onto your already tightly sealed eyes with the growing heat.
Your free hand tugs at the pulsing tips of your breasts as you’re lost in the blooming tickles of your arousal, and the coupled sensations mesh into something far more tantalizing than you ever could’ve imagined.
“My body is yours”, you whimper devotedly for ears that may not be listening.
Your hips delve into the bed to brace for impact as your sex succumbs to the continued pokes against it. A flare of pressure shoots through your cunt to spurt a clear, shimmering fluid onto the towel below you as the final flitters of your orgasm rip and tear into the surrounding nerves of your overstimulated pussy.
As the tingling subsides, you press a cloth to your damp cheeks and forehead before gathering yourself for the next step.
5) Insert the final toy, turn it on the lowest setting, then wait for me.
The insertable vibrator clicks to life inside you with the strength to turn your insides into a blended mess, despite being at the lowest intensity. That familiar aching and yearning for Nemuri sweeps through your chest and sinks there with the weight of stone.
But, you’ll wait for her as long as it takes.
You’ve come to realize that your aspirations prior to serving her were void of fulfillment.
She’s saved you from a life of hollow endeavors, but you were too stubborn to accept it at first.
You offer yourself now as a plea for forgiveness of your earlier transgressions, a passionate act of submission to make her adore you more than she already does.
So, yes you’ll continue to wait for her, even if it means an eternity.
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bakubunny · 2 months
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thinkin abt midnight who lets you rest your head between her thighs after a long day while she runs her fingers through your hair…. 😔
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littlemonster0508 · 2 years
Mistress Midnight - Midnight/Kayama Nemuri x Reader
Chapter 1 - A bad decision
So, here I am again. In R-rated hero Midnight’s house.
How long has it been? Two days? Three? I don’t know, all I know is that one night I was walking down the street towards my apartment and the next moment I was surrounded by this pink mist that made me dizzy and sleepy the moment it came in contact with me.
Next thing I know, I’m tied to a chair and the one and only Midnight is edging me to madness just to admit that I will become a good girl and leave the League of Villains behind and start doing good things with my quirk, instead of causing more trouble to the city and to the heroes.
Right now I’m in my “room” if I can even call it that, cause all there is, is a tiny bed with a equally tiny desk, from my window I can see a part of the city, since Midnight’s house is up the hill and above, Midnight said she was going to work and will come back in a few hours and that I was free to do whatever I wanted, as long as I didn’t leave the house…
I sigh, I guess she doesn’t trust me enough yet to go around and do my thing, and I don’t blame her. After she was done fucking me to oblivion and after I admitted I was going to be a good girl and behave, she brought me to her house, and during the hole ride I was silent, being a total brat towards her and showing the minimum attention to what she was saying.
By the time she finished showing me around she was angry, very angry that even after everything we’ve been through not even an hour ago, I was still behaving like nothing had happened. The reality was that, even though I admitted I was going to leave all the villainy behind, I was still angry, angry because, for months I’ve been working hard and trying to prove myself useful so the League noticed me and let me join them, everything that I have till this day is because of that. Yes, I know that what I did was not “right” and that there are a lot of other ways to get what you want. But after the League adopted me, they became my family, they looked after me like I look after them, they respected me and treated me as a valuable member, like an equal, and now… All of that is gone.
And maybe leaving all of that behind was not a complete bad thing, I mean at the time when I was tied to the chair and begging Midnight to let me come it didn’t seem like the wrong choice to make, but can you blame me? The hero was gorgeous, and just remembering the way her talented fingers rubbed my clit made me wet and hot headed. But now I all can think is ways of getting out of here and return to the League, of course Midnight would be disappointed and even sad that I ran away but, is not like she could get me again if I reached the League and told them what happened (leaving some things out, of course).
So, making up my mind, I get up from the bed and out of my room, I start to think of how I can get away from here, the front door was locked and all the windows were closed too. Then, an idea got to my head, on the first floor is a backyard, maybe I can go outside and climb the wall to the street, yes, it was perfect. All I needed was to find something that could help me reach the upper part of the wall, it shouldn’t be so hard, the wall was about 3 meters tall, I can do it.
I start looking for a ladder, but I couldn’t find it anywhere, so at the end I opted to use a small table on top of a chair, I got ready some supplies from the kitchen to help me get to the city, I had to hurry up, it was started to get dark and I didn’t know when Midnight was going to be back.
After I got everything I needed, I went outside and positioned the chair and the table above it and start to climb up, I was about to reach the top of the wall when I heard in an very angry voice:
-         Where do you think you are going?!
 Midnight POV
Growling as I stretch my back I start to make my way to my car, today was a long day, not a lot of action happened, but I had to write a bunch of reports about the last crimes committed in the city, my back was killing me, and I couldn’t wait to get home and see my Y/N, I had a nice and romantic night planed for us tonight, I know things had been hard for her, I know it wasn’t easy for here to leave all her past life behind and start doing good things.
I tried not to take it personally whenever she responded with an attitude or was behaving bratty, but I couldn’t help getting mad and frustrated for her lack of response and attention. That’s why I had planed a nice dinner for us, in hopes of getting her to open up for me a little more and gain some of her trust.
That’s why I decided to get home a little earlier, that way I could start preparing everything and maybe we could have some fun after eating dinner. I park in front of my house and get out of the car, I open the front door and as soon as I’m inside I start calling for Y/N to let her know I’m home, after not getting a response I started to make my way to the second floor and towards her room, just to find it empty… a wave of fear rushed trough me at the thought of her running away.
Desperate I started to yell her name and look for her in every room, after not finding her I returned to the first floor to keep searching, maybe I should get in my car and drive to the city and look for her there, I was about to reach for my keys when a breeze of air came from the opened backyard door, door that I was sure to leave closed when I left, running towards it my heart dropped to my stomach at the scene in front of me.
Y/N was trying to climb up the wall using a chair as ladder, relief ran through me at the thought of Y/N still here, but after realizing that she was trying to get away, I lost it.
Didn’t she know by now? She was mine, and I was never going to let her leave my side. I guess if I wanted her to learn that I would have to teach her a lesson.
 Y/N’s POV
My fingers had just reached the top of the wall when I heard her voice, shit shit shit shit, She’s here, I’m so screwed.
Because of the surprise of her discovering me trying to run away I ended up losing balance and falling to the ground, scared of what she could do next, I took the table and held it as a weapon to get her away from me, but of course, that wasn’t going to stop her.
-         Oh kitten, do you seriously think that is going to stop me from getting you?
Midnight said with a smirk and a hint of something scary on her eyes, but before I could reply. The same pink mist from the other day surrounded me and I started to get dizzy, I tried to fight it. The last thing I remember is Midnight walking towards me with a smile on her face, then it was black.
As I open my eyes, the first thing I noticed is a strange sensation in my arms, I couldn’t move them, gaining conscious I realized that I was standing up, but why wasn’t I able to move?
I hear a chuckle behind me and then a sweet, dangerous voice:
-         I see you’re finally awake, kitten. Good, we can start now.
Opening my eyes completely I find myself in a room with light blue lightning, I also realized why I wasn’t able to move. Midnight had handcuffed my arms above my head to a spread bar attached to the celling, also I was wearing nothing, I was completely naked.
A rush of fear and a hint of excitement went through me, why am I excited? I should be scared for my life. But right, you were under the care of Midnight, who’s famous for showing a kinky persona that now you knew wasn’t just an act. But the fact you were in this position after you tried to get away from her didn’t mean you were not going to suffer, at least a little.
You heard the echoes of her heels getting close to you and your body instantly tensed.
-         You tried to run away. You tried to leave.
Said Midnight.
-         No, I wasn’t I swe-
A sharp, stinging pain went across your back, Midnight had flogged you.
-         Don’t lie to me kitten, you did tried to run away, you were going to leave me. And for that you’re going to be punished. Maybe that would remind you who do you belong to.
After saying that another strike hit you in the lower part of your back. You hissed from the pain, it was not as bad as the whip but it still hurt. But being the sucker for pain that you were, after each stroke you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together, it was started to get uncomfortably wet down there.
-         I know you love pain kitten but it's not right to enjoy your punishment. Now you’re going to count to twenty for me, and if I don’t hear you properly, you’re going to start from the beginning, is that clear?
You nodded your answer.
-         Talk to me when I’m speaking to you!
Said the hero at the same time she strikes you with a little more of force than the last ones.
-         Yes. Mistress.
You panted.
-         Mmm, I love it when you call me that. I would praise you but after what you did tonight, I don’t think you deserve it.
A whine scaped your lips from her answer, you could try all you wanted, but at the end of the day you where a sucker for Midnight and how she made you feel.
-         Start counting, baby
Midnight said as she licked her lips and raised the flogger.
-         One!
You screamed.
-         Two!
Another strike hit your back making you arch backwards. The pain was delicious.
-         Three!
You moaned. A couple more of this and you were going to become a needy mess.
 As the strikes went down, you counted each one of them. By strike number 18 your legs were shaking, and your breath was coming out ragged and broken.
Another strike hit and you were so lost in pleasure that you forgot to count it.
-         I didn’t hear you kitten, do you want me to start again?
Midnight said, her voice had gone a little breathy.
-         No! Nineteen! I’m sorry Mistress, please don’t start again
You said desperately, you might enjoy the pain, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to stand another round. By now you were so soaked you were sure your wetness had started dripping down your thighs, and the throbbing was getting worse.
-         Mmm begging already? You really are a pain slut. I guess I will go easy on you this time, after all. I’m just getting started with you.
The last strike hit as soon as she said those words, the hit stronger than all of the other ones.
-         Twenty!
You said, relived that it was over, at least for now.
-         Oh baby, look at you. You’re shaking and panting just from a little flogging.
She circled you and stood in front of you, looking up at her you could see that her eyes had gone almost black, and there was a little blush on her cheeks
-         You look so stunning my dear, all needy and frustrated just for me.
She said looking you up and down.
-         I bet you’re all wet down there.
Your thighs clenched in response and she chuckled and licked her lips.
-         Maybe I should check for myself?
She said and the next thing you felt was her hand cupping you and two of her fingers pushing through you. As she has said, you were soaked. Gasping at the feeling of her fingers in your pussy you started to rock your hips to gain a little more friction.
-         So needy for my touch, you are so- wet baby, Is it for me?
She asked in a fake innocent voice that made you tremble.
-         I just want to eat you up.
Midnight responded and after that she lowered her mouth to one of your nipples, circling her tongue and then sucking it a little bit, just to release it with a quiet pop
You gasped at the feeling of her on tongue on your skin, throwing your head back when she gave the same treatment to the other nipple.
-         Oh my god! Mistress!
-         Mmm
She hummed with your nipple still on her mouth.
-         You are so cute Y/N, keep moaning for me just like that, I want to hear every sound that escapes your mouth.
After saying that she started to get on her knees in front of you, the throbbing on your pussy increased and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears at the thought of her tonguing you.
Midnight grabbed one of your legs and put it over her shoulder, carrying some of your weight. Then she pressed her lips to the inside of your thigh, her mouth just shy away from where you needed her.
You moaned, frustrated.
She gave another kiss to the other thigh and said:
-         Getting frustrated my kitty?
After that, she presses her lips over your clit, making you moaned and arch towards her.
Her tongue came after, licking a long stripe from your entrance to your clit, applying a little bit of pressure over it. She moaned at your taste.
-         Oh my Y/N you taste so good, my darling. So good.
She continued licking your pussy up and down, your hips started to rock against her tongue, it was better, but still, you needed more.
Sensing your frustration, Midnight placed her thumbs over your pussy and spread it open, making your clit visible to then start sucking it with her lips.
You screamed at the sensation.
She then started to circle your clit with her tongue so slow, so fucking slowly that was making you crazy, she had such a talented mouth.
Midnight kept sucking and circling your clit with her tongue and just before you reached the edge towards orgasm, she stopped.
-         What?
You panted and moaned at the lack of touch; you were so close.
-         You are so naïve if you thought I was going to let you come, remember what I said Y/N, this is your punishment. And punishments are not meant to be enjoyed. I had a whole plan for us tonight, If only you behaved, right now you would be coming all over my tongue.
You gasped at the thought of coming on her mouth.
-         Now, let’s continue, shall we?
Midnight said standing up and grabbing your chin between her fingers.
-         Yes, Mistress.
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actualfemslash · 2 years
screw you (5300 words) by KuriKuri Author tumblr: @letaizawarest Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady Characters: Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
MOD NOTE: Contains explicit smut, further details under cut
Additional Tags: Sex Toys, Vibrators, Boss/Employee Relationship, Alternate Universe, Sex Toy Company Summary:
To: Nishiya Shinji
Subject: Staffing Concerns
I don’t suppose you have connections at any other local companies? Because I’m pretty sure I’m about to get fired for accidentally sending Kayama porn.
Takeyama Yū Marketing Specialist, Midnight Playtime
(Or: Mt. Lady works for a sex toy company and kind of wants to hatefuck her boss.)
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tobegiggledat · 1 year
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To the One I Greatly Cherish
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✦pairings: Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) x afab!reader, Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke) x afab!reader
✦word count: 4.7k (this part only), 9.4k (total)
✦summary: A series of anonymous love letters fill your inbox days before the world's most notable romantic holiday, but who could possibly be your secret admirer? Will you be able to find out their identity in time for Valentine's Day?
✦warnings: slight angst, guilt, kissing, massages, mutual fingering, oral sex, clit-leashing, vaginal sex, dildos, praise, begging, pet names (angel)
✦a/n: A special fic for the folks that only got love from fictional characters this year (me)
This fic has different endings depending on who you think wrote the letters (you’ll have to choose a link at the bottom), but I’d recommend reading both for the full context.
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To the one I greatly cherish,
If you’re captivating eyes manage to stumble upon this message, then you must know how often you cross my mind.
And how there isn't a breath I take that isn't fueled by my desire to be with you one day.
Even from a distance, your presence will continue to consume me, although I'm afraid you won't understand.
Longing for you always,
Your Secret Admirer
It’s only been a day since you’ve discovered that someone wants to pursue you from afar.
The first message from this unknown sender was delivered with an eye-catching header to your school email address, one which you clicked with an urgency, zipping across the romantic lines before your cursor could keep up with you. The thought of it still sends a fresh rush of warm fervor through your system at the possibility of who it may be.
When was the last time someone yearned for you, let alone expressed it in such a heartfelt way?
A blaring bell chimes to interrupt your reminiscence. It's a signal for another day's work at U.A. High School, and as the Heroics Department’s Journalism teacher you mustn’t spend your time idly.
Dozens of students flock to their seats, some bright-eyed and eager to learn, while others give distant, dull gazes you’re certain wouldn’t falter even if the sky were to somehow collapse into your very classroom.
No matter, you’ll teach the subject with utmost enthusiasm as it’s one you’ve been passionate about since youth. Many of your teenage years were spent gathering first hand sources on heroic symbolism, the faults/benefits of quirk regulation, and more. You managed to garner a following for yourself on all socials—though whether you’re a good journalist or not has always been…up for debate.
Today’s lesson goes by swiftly, with you discussing privacy rights and the importance of examining a source’s background and potential interests. It's a lesson you could've used many years ago, nonetheless, you believe you'll shape your students into promising reporters even as you grow from your past mishaps.
The next period gives you an opportunity to collect your thoughts; an empty classroom makes for an empty mind, although your fingers itch to finally text your best friend about the whole “secret admirer” ordeal.
You: Gained a potential love interest today👀
Emi: Right, and it's not that one loser from the bar again is it?
You: Hmm, maybe. They're a secret admirer after all
Emi: So, secretly the loser from the bar?
You: I’d hope not, but the secret part does make that sound a bit more alluring.
You: Let's grab coffee later so I can tell you more.
Your phone slides from your hands and onto the desk in exchange for the stack of papers you were meant to grade. Your pointy, red pen taps against your bottom lip as you scan over the neat arrangement of letters at the top of the stack, checking and ticking along the margins then repeating this for the next page or until class ends.
The lunch bell inevitably releases you from your dreary task, and you're quick to align the correct stacks in their designated corners before gathering your lunch box and taking off toward your usual secluded spot.
Students line the walls in minimally chaotic rows, something you've come to appreciate as order is always upheld in U.A. despite how small.
You turn the corner into an empty hall, but your heart plunges into your ass upon looking to the very end of it to discover the long, violet strands and crimson lenses of Nemuri Kayama.
In an instant, you think to escape before she makes out your presence, but just when you turn on your heels to do so she gives you a condescending smirk while raising a palm to give a curt wave.
The controversy of your past always seems to linger.
“Afternoon, Kayama”, you keep your introduction brief upon clashing with her stark center amidst the path.
“Professor Kayama”, she corrects snobbishly. “Remember, this is a school environment, not one of your trashy articles.” Her shapely brows frown as she grits her teeth.
You give her a faux grin to appease her ridiculous standards of professionalism. “Trashy or blunt truths you chose to avoid?”
Her eyes nearly roll back into their sockets. “If you're the source of truth, then maybe the world is too incapable to seek it themselves.” Kayama whips her hair away with a pale hand, the click-clack of her heels echoing against the tile as she storms off.
You're just glad the whole thing is over with.
You stumble upon your destination; a quiet gated area outside the back of the school. The trees around it are ample of life, leaving shadowy freckles of shade across your skin as you sit beneath its thick heads of leaves.
Your head turns to and fro while you attempt to spot the signature dark wardrobe of your occasional accompanier, but it seems he hasn't arrived today.
Besides you and Aizawa, no one else has noticed this area's unusual privacy, but it makes things all the more peaceful.
You chow down on leftovers from yesterday's dinner then depart to begin teaching the last two classes; stringing together repetitions from the lesson earlier except with more exaggeration on the privacy aspect.
You head out to meet Emi minutes before the final bell rings, giving your class an early dismissal as long as they agree to go about it quietly.
You've known Emi since high school, although you ultimately decided to teach at U.A. for more newsgathering opportunities. Emi never lets you hear the end of it as she jokingly calls you the traitor of Ketsubutsu whenever you'd mention your experiences there.
While you weren't in the heroics program back when you were a student, you made notable achievements as an intern for a national website by investigating scandals of corrupt heroes and crafting opinion pieces on the ethics of hero society.
You met Emi at the beginning of your first-year orientation, with the two of you sitting beside each other at the assembly hall, playing off of each other's jokes in whispers and concealed giggles to keep yourselves entertained.
You could never bring yourself to admit that she's the funniest of the two of you, but you've always spoken of how you admire her approach to heroism as she brings smiles to civilian's faces even without the use of her quirk.
Sweet aromas of vanilla and herbs waft through the coffee shop air, with dim lights illuminating the rustic interior and dark wooden tables placed in all corners.
Emi’s seated near the end of the cafe and has already ordered you and her drinks. You make your way to her table, teeth gleaming and eyes bright while meeting her own eager, chartreuse ones.
“Hey, what’s the news?”Emi chirps, sliding a cup to your end of the table.
You hold the drink firmly before releasing a small sigh. “Not much to tell. I still don’t have the slightest clue as to who they might be.”
“I’m excited!” Her smile grows wider as she twists side to side with glee. “What’ll you do once you find out?”
“Probably marry them or something. I mean, no one has ever gone through this much effort for me”, you jape despite the depressing reality of your words, then take a sip of your drink, savoring the familiar flavors with each gulp.
She puckers her lips to give a playful pout. “Does this mean you’ll replace me?” She asks with fake weariness. “Does what we have mean so little to you?”
You reassure her teasingly, “Don’t worry, I’ll marry you next if things don’t work out this time.”
She taps her lips with her straw as if considering. “With such a good offer, I’m not sure if I want to help you with this anymore.”
“Oh, come on, Emi. You know I’ll always love you.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll help you”, she relents. “Maybe you should try picking a person close to you and observing them.”
“Hmm…funnily enough, I’m not that close to any of my coworkers. It’s weird I received a love letter through my school email at all.” You reach down to take another hefty sip.
“But there’s gotta be someone you know at least a little more than the others.”
You take a moment to ponder. “Sometimes, I sit with Aizawa during lunch, although we don’t talk often so we just enjoy each other’s silences.”
Emi’s brows raise noticeably. “Yikes…if anything I’d think he’s your least likely candidate.”
“I know, but there aren’t many options to choose from. Kayama hates me, I hardly get a chance to speak to Mic or Vlad outside of meetings, and All Might is…All Might.”
“Well, if Aizawa is your best bet there shouldn’t be harm in looking into him anyways, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so...”
You and Emi’s talk concludes with exchanged hugs before you take your train home, contemplating Emi’s suggestion and how to go about your approach.
When you arrive, you hastily discard your work clothes before putting on something more comfortable and lounging on your bed to reread the email you received.
Is this really something Aizawa would write, you hesitantly contemplate to yourself, scanning over the flowery words and recoiling at the idea of him putting them together—you ultimately decide it’s tomorrow's problem.
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
To the one I greatly cherish,
I hope you’re pleased reading my messages as much as I am while writing them.
As the time passes, I find my days to be progressively trivial without you.
My most profitable successes are worthless as they’re void of your companionship. My biggest fear overlaps with my inability to have you.
Will we ever be united? It’s up to fate to decide.
Continuing to be blessed by you,
Your Secret Admirer
Today’s letter creates new waves of violent jitters along your spine, coupling with the preexisting dread that’s already palpitating through your system at the thought of approaching Aizawa about it.
You’re unsure how you’d feel if you found out he truly had feelings for you, and while you told Emi you’d probably reciprocate them, you can’t say that for certain.
You've grown to respect Aizawa to some degree after investigating his days as the underground hero, Eraserhead, but nothing more as of yet.
Only time will tell, for now you’d just like to get to the bottom of who’s been plotting to romance you, once and for all.
The lunch bell eventually stirs to life, and with your steeled resolve, you hurriedly pace along the halls, toward the back of the school.
The dark blue doors feel heavy against your palms as you press on them to finally arrive at the shaded area. Its lulling atmosphere is as undisturbed as you expected, you spot Aizawa’s rugged form on a bench, faced away and gazing at the limited scenery of the campus.
“Hey, is it okay if I sit here?” You ask upon approaching him while awkwardly hovering outside his range of sight.
He nods slightly but makes no effort to turn your direction.
You take a seat beside him, picking at the prints of your fingers to occupy yourself and the silence. “It’s beautiful weather for February, isn’t it? I honestly expected a little more snow”, you finally attempt to break the tension.
He hums softly in agreement but nothing more.
“Valentine’s day is right around the corner, but I’m not one to usually celebrate it”, you pause, clenching your peeling fingers into a snug fist. “What about you—”
“You’re awfully chatty today”, Aizawa interrupts, his voice gruff with irritation as his hands hook along the sides of his scarf.
Your words are nearly caught on your tongue. “I’m sorry?”
“If this is for one of your news columns or something, I have no interest in gossiping.”
You sneer, turning fully to face him, but only his stoic, disinterested profile can be seen. “That’s not my field of work and you know it. Haven’t you read any of my reports?”
“Possibly, but it’s not like I’d remember those kinds of things.”
“Whatever, it’s nothing. Sorry to have bothered you.” You defeatedly rise from your seat, throat and eyes stinging from the heat that grows with each step you take toward the door.
This isn’t the first time your work has been reduced to pandering nonsense, but for some reason it hurts way more than usual.
“Fuck”, you mutter quietly, sniffling away in the nearest bathroom stall as you try to collect yourself.
Has it really been that long since you’ve written something that deconstructed the masses view on heroics? You must’ve grown too complacent at this school—in fact, this is where it all went wrong.
Choosing to become a teacher instead of risking your comfort to uncover hidden truths wasn’t what you initially planned.
But is it so wrong to change paths even when your prior choice was deemed more impactful?
Is it so wrong to write proposals about a hopeful, nonexistent future than to expose more darkness of a knowingly ineffective society? You’ve long realized the corruption runs deeper than you ever could’ve hoped to shed light on. You journal about the new era of quirks, searching for an ability that’ll make the old way of things seem outdated.
Is that too foolish to look forward to?
Your phone vibrates along your clothes’ seams, and you swiftly remove it from your pocket as you swipe away the last of your tears.
Emi: Soo, is Aizawa dying to be with you or what???
A small smile creeps up your cheeks at her overwhelming interest.
You: Nope. It was a complete shut down.
Emi: It’s okay. I’ve been there too, Aizawa’s tough.❤️
A hefty exhale escapes you before you finally make yourself presentable enough to return to your classroom and finish teaching for the rest of the day.
Once classes end, Mic summons all of the heroics teachers into the teacher’s lounge to invite everyone out for drinks in celebration of his podcast’s growing success.
You: I was invited to go to a club with my coworkers tomorrow night, should I go?
Emi: Yes!! How else will you find your true love?!
You: Yeah, but with Aizawa and Kayama it'll be awkward :(
Emi: Aizawa doesn't go out on school days so you should be down at least one problem
You: Fair enough, I’ll just try to avoid Kayama the whole night🥲
Now, the only thing left to do is prepare yourself for another long day of hardships…
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
To the one I greatly cherish,
Come find me on Valentine’s Day so that I'll be rightfully yours. Let your heart guide you to the correct choice if you feel the same as I.
Thinking of you fondly,
Your Secret Admirer
Unlike the emails from before, today's love letter arrives a half hour after school ends rather than before it starts, and is much briefer in length.
You’re expected to somehow discover the identity of your admirer within a few days and without much to go off of.
It’s almost like they never wanted to be discovered in the first place.
Sharp pin-pricks zip through palms and into your twitching fingertips as the nervous chill that’s pervaded your body attempts to find an outlet through your skin.
If only they knew their longing is being reciprocated…
You aid your shudders with disordered breaths, mentally counting each dry pant before drafting a text to update Emi on the state of your situation.
To pass the time before meeting with your coworkers and to get your mind off the whole letter ordeal, you spend the rest of the evening formulating your lesson plans for the next week.
It’s tedious but necessary work as you ultimately decide on journalism ethics and informed opinions for the topics.
Emi still hasn’t responded to your texts since before classes ended, although you know she’ll want you to persist with going out anyways.
Nighttime arrives and you promptly put together a casual yet tasteful look then exit your home with the weight of the world seemingly trapped in your chest. The ride there is even more disorienting with clammy passengers cramming all corners of the train and bracing themselves for each turn with the lack of space.
Luckily, the trip is short as you find yourself standing before the glowing green lights of the club’s name etched in neon, with purple hues also trailing the rim of it and leading down to the snowy glass doors.
You tug at the elongated handles, breath caught in your throat as you take your first steps toward the source of your unease.
Ambient music sweeps through your ears, its vibrations jolting enough to stir the hairs on your skin and rattle the depths of your bones. Your eyes drift across the arrangement of floundering civilians to spot the bright yellow of Mic’s hair as he’s seated on a stool closest to the front of the bar.
His hands flail outwardly to make exuberant gestures while he speaks to a hooded man beside him. Kayama also sits near Mic, slender fingers cupped around a glass with a salted rim and lemon. Her glossy lips meet the edge of it as her gaze passes between Mic and the unfamiliar man as they speak.
How long will you continue to watch from a distance?
Your hands cup the sides of your arms for comfort—but suddenly, as if Kayama could feel the force of your stare, her intense blue irises spot you in her periphery before promptly shifting away.
Your body moves backward mechanically to leave until you feel your phone chime against you.
Call me, the message from Emi reads, and you take off toward a dark, empty hallway at the end of the club to do just that.
Thankfully, the area is quiet and private enough for you to make the call.
“Hey, have you reached the bar yet?” Emi cheerfully answers after the first ring.
You press the phone tightly to your ear. “Yeah, but I’m not sure if I can do this anymore. I feel so out of place here”, your voice drifts as you speak, tone shaky and uncertain.
“I get what you mean. It must be exhausting to perform in front of people you’re not really familiar with.”
“Right. I just never expected having a secret admirer to be so…stressful.” Your head falls back against the wall as you shut your eyes gently. “How will I ever find out who they are if they never plan to reveal themselves?”
“I’m not sure, but if you really want to find out this may be your only chance.”
“Yeah, then I should probably get back to it... Thanks, Emi.” You take a last sigh of relief before reluctantly hanging up to go back to the rest of the group.
As you turn the corner to retreat, a dizzying force crashes into you and sends your heels tumbling backward, scrambling for a tidbit of balance.
Before an apology could form on your tongue, you recognize the passerby as no one other than Kayama and begin to pull yourself away.
“ ‘m sorry, just came to check up on you”, Kayama’s words are slightly slurred as she speaks. She clumsily swipes her purple wisps from her deeply stained cheeks. Her eyes are glassy, pupils blown as they examine you with an intrigue you’ve never witnessed from her.
“Are you drunk?” You ask hesitantly, but she only blinks at you slowly.
“Just tipsy, but come on.” Her hand locks around your wrist as she pulls you along the halls to lead you back to the bar, and for some reason you don’t pull away. You opt to be dictated by her impulse despite the conflict that’s always existed between you.
Mic and the stranger have gone off somewhere by the time you both return. Kayama pulls herself to the counter and orders another round of shots after awkwardly pointing along the lengthy menu provided to her.
Three clear glasses are slid in front of you with a smirk passing over Kayama’s lips.
You question if her actions are a drunken whim or a genuine attempt to mend your strained dynamic, but you don’t think it matters much.
This’ll make things easier, right?
Fuck it. You gulp down all three shots consecutively, jaw tightening as the burning liquid courses down your throat and through your chest. Heat seeps into your nerves while the alcohol begins to conquer your judgment.
Kayama’s smile grows wider, a giddy hum passing through her lips. “Let’s have some fun!” She redirects you once more, except to the dance floor as the next song begins to play.
Her body begins to sway delicately to the thrums of each beat, a series of synchronized yet hypnotic movements possessing her limbs as her piercing eyes remain on yours.
She shuffles a little closer then places a soft palm on your shoulder, trailing down along your sleeves then grasping your hand again tightly. She twirls away on the tips of her feet, free hand extended outward, before pulling into you and pressing her back firmly against your chest, while her hips curve into your own.
As quickly as she spins into you, she turns back to face you with her features no more than a breath away from yours. She stills for a moment, quietly taking in each ridge across your cheeks and the delicate shape of your lips.
“You’re really hot, y’know that?” She speaks tenderly against you, although there’s an underlying sadness as she utters it, one her facial expression seems to mimic as well.
“Buut…I still haven’t forgiven you”, she winks without any trace of her earlier gloom present. The heat of her closeness disappears to leave you cold and aching as she turns away to leave the club without another word.
Her words still echo across your synapses while the clarity of her silhouette slowly fades until gone completely.
You've wronged her but have yet to atone even though the guilt of your actions continue to fester and swell in your chest to engrave rotten, pus-filled holes in the walls of your heart. It oozes and drips into your veins as it spoils you, body and mind.
Would she ever accept your pleas of forgiveness if you were to give them to her? Does she too believe that the tight-walk around the conversation has gone on for too long?
You anxiously text Emi on the way home.
You: I think I may have found my secret admirer
Maybe the letters were a ruse to finally address things once and for all…
✦✦✦ ✦✦✦
The very next morning Emi sends a message to your school email.
No service right now but email me back if you need anything :)
A wave of relief washes over you now that you’ve been given the reasoning for Emi’s lack of responses.
You’re eager to give her more juicy details on your valentine, but you’d rather discuss with her in person once classes end.
Today is a typical Friday, with students excitedly whispering discussions of their weekend plans, and teachers assigning the appropriate amount of coursework for the next two days off.
Despite the upcoming weekend, you won’t be at ease as Valentine’s Day will be on the approaching Monday and you’re still dissatisfied with your “investigation”.
You’ve yet to see Midnight, even after intentionally passing her classroom, but other than that classes go by swimmingly.
Emi receives your email begging her to let you come over to her apartment so that the two of you can chat and she obliges.
Still dressed in your work attire, you give a few taps on the beige door to Emi’s apartment, which opens the moment your knuckles retreat from its smooth wood.
"Hey, come on in”, Emi greets, swiftly turning so that you'd follow her into her lavish living room, adorned with patterned wallpaper and two lime-green suede sofas at the center.
She sits on the farthest end of one of the couches and you join right beside her. The small coffee table before you is already decorated with snacks and drinks, you smile at the thought of having another movie night or sleepover with her.
“So tell me about it already”, Emi says, eyes wide and fingers clasped together as if she’s pleading.
“Emi, you're not going to believe me when I tell you who it is”, you begin as you reach passively for a bottle of water to occupy your hands.
She gasps. “No way, is it Kayama?”
You nod with a smug grin. “I think so, but I'm not one-hundred percent sure yet.”
“What makes you think it's her? She totally hates you.”
“That's what I thought too, until she started dancing with me at the club the other night.”
Emi claps her palms over her mouth as you continue, her emerald brows nearly touching the soft hairs of her hairline.
“We were both a bit drunk but I still think it was odd she tried to initiate anything with me at all.”
“Did you get a chance to talk with Mic or the others?” Emi asks with undeviating attention.
“No, not once. I doubt they had anything to do with this otherwise they would've made an attempt to reach out to me.” You focus on the feeling of the cool condensation on your fingers as you speak, rolling the thin plastic bottle between each hand.
Emi hums in agreement. “Good point. And going by the emails, this person must really-really like you. They're not just someone who passed you by and thought you were cute.”
“Yeah, putting it that way means Midnight is the only one I’ve had a history with, even though we’ve…drifted apart.” You let out a deep sigh before finally taking a few gulps of water. “Emi, things would’ve been so much easier if you were the one behind this.” Your pouty eyes meet hers, and for a second her expression is unreadable.
“What if I actually was?” She asks softly, but her features are stern as she awaits your reply. Her body unconsciously shifts closer to you while yours goes rigid.
“You mean, you’re my secret admirer?”
“Mhmm.” Her stare slowly trails to your lips and lingers there for what feels like an eternity.
You swear your cheeks are searing to the touch as warmth spreads beneath your skin from the intensity of her look.
“I’m just kidding!” Emi suddenly beams then playfully taps your shoulder. “You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
“Don’t joke like that Emi. My heart was racing.” You can’t bring yourself to look her in the eyes.
“Good, that means you’ve fallen for me.”
Shortly after talking with Emi, she puts on a romcom that she's been wanting to see for ages, but you can hardly pay any attention to it.
Are you overthinking what she said earlier?
It feels like you’ve known Emi forever, but it’s still hard to tell when she’s being serious at times.
Maybe you shouldn’t brush off the possibility of there being some truth to what she suggested, after all, she could’ve easily sent you those emails at any moment.
You decide not to sleepover at Emi’s house that night due to the unusual nervousness that accompanies you at the thought of sharing a bed with her.
Under the comfort of your duvet, you look into the pitch-black darkness of your room, silently meditating on what you’ve gathered while looking into your admirer's identity.
You vividly recall Kayama’s fleeting interest in spending time with you and how it correlates with the sudden letters. Do her feelings for you remain despite all that’s happened?
You also begin to ruminate the feel of Emi’s harsh stare as she spoke with you earlier. When she entertained your misled thoughts about the emails, was it merely façade?
After deliberating, only one conclusion seems most sensical to you. The orchestrator of it all has to be
Emi ✦ Kayama
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bakubunny · 5 months
it’s time to bother youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[just imagine me busting through a door or something]
tw: lil mommy/daddy kink
thinking about kayama again. ‘mommy’ kayama and ‘daddy’ shota. i can’t form a coherent thought about THAT yet but
getting to take a bubble bath with kayama just to help her wash..the soapy suds on her (😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫) , getting to soak with her until my fingers are all pruning, getting to touch her- maybe i should actually not finish my train of thought
dear gosh i can’t even process shota/kayama as daddy/mommy i’m sick
i just wanna be wrapped up in her softness and 🫣
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skyahri · 2 months
There For You |Shota Aizawa X Reader| HC
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Summary: Aizawa steps up after Oboro's death, but panics when things get a bit too real.
Warnings: TEEN PREGNANCY! AFAB reader. Set one year ahead for story purposes. Mentions of death. Implication of sex, but no actual smut.
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You'd known Oboro your entire life. Your mother's were best friends and had planned their pregnancies, so you were only a few months apart.
You two were close as could be - playing, having sleepovers, and studying together always. When his quirk manifested and yours didn't, he made a promise to always protect you.
When high school came around and you were both accepted to UA (him under the hero course and you in general studies), he kissed you for the first time.
That kiss was just the beginning of a wonderful relationship. He was doting and loving, just as he'd always been, but the connection was deeper now.
In his time at UA, he made great friends, ones that accepted you as a part of the package deal. Your group was a match made in heaven. You were happy he had such a wonderful support system.
You remember how excited he was when he was accepted to the Purple Revolution Agency with Aizawa for his work study. You praised him for his hard work and celebrated that night. If you had known what would've come of it, you'd have begged him to take any other offer.
Shouta was the one to tell you. You'd come home from school to a house full of pros and officers, confused as to what happened. He quickly escorted you outside and explained the day's events to you.
The news of his death was absolutely gut-wrenching, especially since you'd only recently found out you were eight weeks pregnant.
At the time, you'd panicked, horrified of the social repercussions sure to come. But now? Now you were thankful to have something left from him.
"Oboro... asked me to take care of you. Both of you."
Shouta was there from then on. Not that he'd been lacking in presence beforehand, but now he was more dutiful.
He shut down any attempts you made to push him away, assuring you that any support and companionship he provided to you was of his own free will, and not because of any promise he'd made to Oboro before his death. He did make a promise, yes, but even if he hadn't, he'd still probably be here.
Hizashi and Nemuri helped as much as they could, but choosing to be front-line heroes complicated things more than Shouta's underground work.
Once the baby came, a beautiful little girl you'd named Kumori, Shouta's life felt a little less empty.
He'd been so preoccupied with finishing school, starting his career, and supporting you, that he hadn't allowed himself the space to cope with the loss of his best friend. He'd been well aware of the void Oboro had left, but never really paid much mind to it.
But now he felt like didn't need to. Like all the grief had resolved itself and he instantly jumped from denial to acceptance.
Kumori became his pride and joy. He spent all of his free time with you and her. Aside from night patrols and the occasional assignment, he didn't have much going on, making things all the easier for your makeshift family to function.
He took her to the park and played with her. They watched movies together and usually fell asleep halfway through. On days he was busy, he'd always make sure to check in with a text, something you always appreciated.
When she started to talk, her first words were of course 'dada' and directed at him. It stirred up something unsettling with him. He apologized profusely, not realizing that he had inadvertently stolen Oboro's spot in her life.
"Don't be silly, Shouta."
Such a simple response to such an insanely complex situation. He wasn't sure how to take that kind of response or the problem at hand in general, so he decided to take a step back from you two.
That night, when he went home after his patrol, he stayed home. You texted asking where he was and if he was okay, and that only made him spiral more.
What was he doing? Taking Oboro's spot in your life. Raising his child, spending the night with his girlfriend, and having dinner with his parents.
How pathetic.
He didn't go over the next night, or the one after that. Before he knew it, an entire week had passed and he hadn't so much as responded to your messages. He couldn't. Not with the dread and guilt he was feeling.
There was a knock at his door. He looked at the time and groaned; nearly six in the morning. He got up and looked through the peephole, relaxing when he saw Hizashi's bright yellow hair.
"What are you doing here?"
He pushed his way into Shouta's apartment.
"Y/N has been going crazy blowing up our phones. Nemuri and I have tried covering for you, but I think it's time you're honest with me."
Shouta wasn't sure why, but he unloaded onto Hizashi at that moment. He spilled everything uncontrollably in a long, incomprehensible rant. This completely caught Hizashi off guard. H wasn't expecting anything other than an argument to ensue if he was being honest.
Shouta told Hizashi everything. How he practically lived with you, how he raised your daughter, how he felt like he'd taken advantage of such a loss.
It took Hizashi a few minutes to let everything sink in. He was confused at first. The way you and Shouta spoke about your relationship made it seem like he had more of an uncle-type role in Kumori's life. He was surprised to find out he was so involved. Of course, Shouta always claimed to be busy, but he and Nemuri had assumed he was lying to get out of things.
Shouta gave him an expecting look after a few minutes with no response. Hizashi apologized, too caught up in his thoughts to realize he'd totally zoned out.
"I think Oboro would be more upset if he found out you'd abandoned his kid."
"I'm being serious, Mic."
"So am I."
They stared at each other for a moment.
"She thinks I'm her dad. What kind of piece of shit steals their friend's life after he dies, huh?"
"You're crazy if you think like that, dude. Would you prefer she be all alone? Or his kid grow up with out a dad? He asked you to take care of them for a reason."
"It just feels wrong."
A smug smile crept its way onto Hizashi's face.
"You love her, don't you? That's why it feels so wrong."
Aizawa looked at his friend like he was sick in the head.
"What are you on about? Don't be ridiculous."
But the more the thought about it the less ridiculous it sounded.
He loves his life. He loves you and your daughter, something he's well aware of, but now he's questioning what sort of love he held for you two.
He'd never tried to label it before, but now that he was trying to, he found any other type of love to be unfulfilling.
"You need to leave."
He pushed Hizashi out, not leaving any room for him to argue.
Shouta took a breath to calm himself down before grabbing his things and heading out as well.
He made it to your house in record time, relieved to see only your car in the driveway. He knocked on the door and waited patiently.
When you opened it and saw him, you quickly reached out and pulled him in for a hug. He returned the gesture, holding you tighter than he had before. After a moment, you pulled away, and promptly punched him square in the chest.
"Where the Hell have you been?!"
Just like he did with Hizashi, he told you everything. All the thoughts and feelings that had been eating at him this past week, the guilt and anxiety that plagued him, and what Hizashi had said.
"When Oboro told me to look after you, I don't think this is what he meant."
"Believe it or not, we actually talked about this before he died."
Shouta looked at you bewildered.
"Not this specifically, Shouta," you laughed, "He told me if he ever died, he would want me to continue living. I think he'd be happy for all of us."
Oboro knew there was significant risk in his line of work. He didn't expect to die so young, of course, but it's all the same. He would hate for you to never love again. To be all alone in the world or lose all ambition.
"Please, never let my death be the end of you."
His words always lingered in your head. It's why you never felt any type of way about Shouta's involvement in your and your daughter's lives. It made you happy, and that's all anyone could ask for.
"So... what does this mean for us?"
You weren't sure how he'd take the question. He didn't seem too content with whatever it was racing through his head.
Shouta leaned forward and kissed you. When you leaned in and responded, he grew more confident. He put his hands on your face and you bunched yours in his shirt. He pulled away and looked at you.
"I think he was right. I think... I do love you."
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