#New Generation Ultras
chernobog13 · 2 months
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A bunch of the New Generation kids out for a field trip.
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hivemindcoroika · 2 years
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I REALLY love the new paradox pokemon a lot
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spookythesillyfella · 17 days
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some stannarator drawings i did for practice
★ [ extra doodle + reference images under cut ]
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mariella delivering me a very important message as i fall asleep
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[ pose c2 from the sheet + the second image itself ]
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cyndrastic · 9 months
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Here’s Craig!! Ignore that i drew him kinda young here, this was just a doodle, he’s like early 20s in this au
Anyway plenty of people know about female selkie myths: they go on land, get their skin stolen by a man, and they’re forced to marry and live with him till they either 1: die or 2: find their skin and return to the sea
but there are male selkies with a bit of a different lore >:)
male selkies follow the same rules with skins as women do: they shed their skin to become human, and without it, they can’t go home. But, according to mythology, if a heartbroken or unhappy woman cries 7 tears into the sea, she summons a selkie to fall in love with her and take her back to his underwater kingdom.
the stories range on how much of this is the woman’s free will vs. mind control, and no one seems to agree on how long a male selkie can stay on land, but this is kinda important to this au. Not the main focus, but i wanted to mention it anyway cause i found it cool.
but yeah expect more of this cause i’m brainrotting very hard atm <3
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verieas · 1 year
very nice to be able to scroll through tumblr without having a 600 tweet view limit.
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seatopian · 11 months
it's all here in a microcosm. everything i love about tokusatsu.
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2014federalbudget · 1 year
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Rosso and Blue meet Ultraman Orb
Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes 2019
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exploding-goobery · 1 year
Justice League Action had amazing character designs and I love them.
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To be fair, Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle is one of the best character designs DC's ever done, it looks good in every artstyle and medium: it's insane. But, the relative size of his head-to-eyes and getting rid of the mouth adds a lot of unique expression to it!
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Nothing too fancy, but Booster's small legs and how his body stretches out as you go up it makes me laugh: Of COURSE he'd skip leg day, and good on them for making a point of it!
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Stargirl just has a strong profile, and I think it best displays the more upbeat personality Johns gave her, plus the super-long hair is such a neat touch! I dunno, this show was what got me into the character and she's just the best.
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I love the simplicity of the Flash design: taking away most of the textural elements and letting the colours pop really keep things from being too complicated, and is just a general breath of fresh air for Flash designs. Plus, I LOVE how friendly the eyes on this version are.*
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The parted hair shows her pragmatic nature, whilst also giving the tiara a nice bonus use as a hairband, which is a neat reinterpretation. I dunno, it strikes a fun balance between superheroic and warrior-esque that reflects well on Diana's charactertisation!
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Obligatory gorillas doing things gorillas wouldn't normally do. - It's a DC staple, though it isn't really a character-design thing. *I am not an artist, I could not tell you why, but he's my friend so shut it.
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inky2556 · 8 months
Magix Ultra
Chapter 17
"Yes?" Said fairy answered, quickly covering up that her mind wandered off for a moment.
Contrary to the injuries she sustained, Chiara was thankfully able to recover at a faster rate after receiving treatment. While she was fine physically, she couldn't help the bad feeling that stuck with her. Which grew worse after finding out that Zero had been kidnapped by the darkclopses.
The new generation along with the UFZ took off to find him. Chiara wanted to come with but needed to stay in order to help figure out the current problem they were facing. And that was the stone statue ultras.The ultras that got turned to stone remained in the section of the city where Nera attacked.
The fairy easily determined that magic was at play. She could feel the evil magic in the area the statues were residing in from a mile way. Nera's dark and evil magic. Then, she discovered that a spell had been casted on them. It was a parasitic spell that drained a beings life force and spread to whoever came in contact with the infected.
At the very least, it doesn't completely drain the victims life force which would allow some room for healing. If they can figure out a way to get them back normal first. But it begs the question, why would Nera need so much ultra life force?
However, that could be answered later because now the main focus was to turn the statues back to ultras.
"If magic is involved then what would be the best course of action?" Hikari asked Chiara. Science and magic didn't really mix and all of Silver Cross and Science Bureau efforts had proven to be futile. Now the attention was on Chiara, as she was the only one to possess the literal magic power on their planet.
After wracking her brain, thinking back to all she's learnt and the challenges she faced with the winx, Chiara finally got an idea on how to break the spell. Without wasting anymore time, she stood before statues, at a safe distance, and yelled,
"Magic winx! Enchantix!"
In an instant, she was engulfed in light. Not a second later the light faded and revealed Chiara in her enchantix form. Which consists of a purple halter dress that reached just beneath her knees and dark blue transparent stockings with barefoot sandals that spiralled up her legs.
Her silver hair grew longer and was done in a braided half ponytail with long strands framing her face. The wings on her back were shimmering and had jewels hanging on the edges. Around her neck was a simple white silk choker necklace with a miniature bottle dangling in the middle.
Immediately, Chiara spread her wings and began flying above the statues. She then took off the miniature bottle from her chocker.
Chiara flew high above and spread her fairy dust on the statues. For a very small bottle,the glittering dust it held seemed to he endless.
"It's working." Said Mebius.
And truly, using her fairy dust gave positive results. The statues slowly but surely transformed back into ultras. Not only can the fairy dust break dark spell, it also has healing properties. Which helped replenish their life force all in one go.
After landing and dropping her transformation, Chiara looked over the sea of ultras who were previously stone statues. She was relieved to see that her fairy dust was successful.
"If you don't mind, can I have some of that dust for research?" The Chief Scientist asked her. Magic and science may not go well together but that didn't stop him from studying it.
"Sure. After we bring Zero home." Chiara answered as she once again transformed and said a quick good bye before taking to the skies to find and join the rest of her friends in the search for the missing ultra. ________________________________________
As she was on her way to the last coordinates Geed, Chiara ran into some unexpected trouble. About a dozen darkclopses standing between her and the planet where Geed said they were.
"Looks like I'm at the right place."
Both sides charged at each other at the same time. One fairy of light versus a bunch of darkclopses. All the robots came at her from all directions while she fired spells and swung her saber.
It came to a point where they had her completely surrounded. Knowing what was about to happen,she quickly encased herself in a crystal barrier. A moment later she would've been fried as the darkclopses realised full fire on her.
They continued firing at her while Chiara was trying to think of a way out of it. She closed her eyes to think. But everything suddenly became black...
Chiara found herself standing in a dark void resembling the dark killer zone. Suddenly, the sound of a familiar beeping noise rang in her ears. She followed the sound and saw Zero not too far away from her.
Straight away she ran over to him. The ultra was on his knees with his head down. There was no light in his erium lamp and eyes. His color lamp beeped rapidly before coming to a stop.
"No..." she muttered when she saw the bodies of her friends around him.Then his color lamped beeped rapidly before finally coming to a stop. And it wasn't lighting up anymore.
"Zero!" The fairy cried with tears in her eyes as the ultra and everyone else started to slowly fade away into golden dust. Chiara fell to her knees and sobbed. Everyone... they can't be...
Though her sadness was short lived when fear all of a sudden filled her heart. Slowly, she lifted her head and in the place where Zero vanished, was Zero. A darker and more frightful version of him than the ones they encountered before.
Chiara's eyes snapped opened and she was in her barrier again while the darkclopses still attacking her from the outside. There were tears in her eyes as the thing she saw and felt lingered.
Her friends...were they....?
No! Not on her watch!
She willed herself to collect her magic as fast as she could. Then the barrier came down and she let out a burst of power that took out all the darkclopses around her.
Without wasting anymore time, Chiara made a mad dash towards the planet, hoping that what she saw didn't come true.
'Please be safe' _______________________________________
"You need to snap outta it!" Geed yelled only to get struck with a flying black slugger.
"Oi Zero boy! Yer really gonna let another bad guy possess ya like that? Get a hold of yourself!"
"You once lost your heart to darkness yet you were still able to fight back and save all of us. We know you can do it again...we believe in you, Ultraman Zero!"
Unfortunately, their words didn't get through to him as the dark Zero continued on with his onslaught. They all combined their strengths to fight him but it wasn't enough. It was like he was toying with them.
All of a sudden, the dark ultra blasted them with a wave of dark energy. But before it struck them, a ball of light shot down from above and deflected it.
They were all surprised and relieved to see their fairy friend. She however, was shocked to see the dark ultra. He looked like the one she saw in her vision. And what she saw now or rather what she didn't see, made her more distressed than she already was.
Zero...he couldn't be...
The dark Zero suddenly began laughing. It started low and escalated to a howl.
"She was right. It really is you! I'd recognise that wretched light anywhere." Said the dark Zero. Seeing how guarded and confused she looked, he continued,
"After all these eons, don't tell you've forgotten me. I'm...Armadus."
Can also be found on: Wattpad & AO3
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busterscorp · 1 year
To celebrate Ultraman Blazar's premiere, let's look at the Ultraman that took the franchise to new heights, Ultraman Zero!
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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Cameara, the New Generation Camearra, from Ultraman Trigger.
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vaugarde · 1 year
pokemon has jaded me so much that when i go to kirby (which id easily claim is the special interest directly behind pokemon in my brain) im like automatically not expecting that much and im actually amazed in the end when it delivers like every time. man i really do need to play more video games. its hard when the only thing i have is a mac and a switch tho :(
#i think the one time i can say i was really disappointed was kirby battle royale bc it wasnt fun#thats like. it. i havent tried many of the side games that have come out like fighters 2#but even with stuff people didnt care for in general like star allies? i cant say i was disappointed at all i have good memories w that game#dream friend wave hype was so much fun for me at the time and i love the lore that came with it#and playing as all the fan favorites is fun. its not my favorite and yeah the balancing was pretty bad but like#i sure as hell enjoy it more than the pokemon games that came around around that time#like i was honestly paranoid that rtdl dx would be a soulless cash grab with no new content and just a bit of pandering to appease ppl#but its not they honestly went all out with it and the magolor epilogue isnt devoid of content at all#or an attempt to cash in on magolor being a fan favorite it feels like a genuine tribute to him and an attempt to redeem him#sure it didnt add quite as much as super star ultra did to super star#but that feels hard to compare bc super star was in need of a remaster and had a lot of room for more content#bc it was framed as a pack of games instead of one long one so they added some more short games#while rtdl is two full length games already in one with like two subgames and the arenas#so epilogue and merry magoland are more than enough for me#i was expecting there to be like nothing and a noticeable downgrade in quality from the original and its not#see pokemon is a good interest to have. it makes me appreciate other games more.#echoed voice
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kentaromulti · 1 year
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New TV Series: Ultraman New Generation Stars! Starts broadcasting on January 28, 2023!
Take them back! Bonds of the New Generation!
Introducing the Dimensionizer and a new Zero Dimension Card!
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emeraldcreeper · 9 months
I kind of love how my therapist was like ya that living situation was Really Really Really bad for your mental and physical health, you may be mildly scarred from that it seems because holy shit from what you’ve said it was godawful for you in a polite way and said effectively that living situation was not great for you it seems, you can enjoy being out of it before you worry about the everything else
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Can I admit something...
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seatopian · 11 months
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girl, if Ultraman Zero says go with him, YOU GO WITH HIM!
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