#Nexolord Deena
pikatjejen · 7 months
Sort comic for possible future AU crossovers.
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chaos-era · 3 months
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slight nsfw joke because i am of the opinion selena would wholeheartedly take advantage of the fact that James, having lived among people for so long, would be cursed with the knowledge of sexual innuendos.
its like psychological warefare.
also wowie first time doodling my james design should do that again the future.
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tulipsnflowers · 8 months
Screw it, if I'm reblogging nexomon stuff I might as well:
Hot probably untrue take: I'm not... The only one who thinks Deena has to like..... At least briefly fight for the other side, right? Like good ol evil arc? As a treat?
Because in n1 she's an absolute honey I love her look at her we love her.
In n2 she's obviously more developed more depth, a few thousands of years go by, all that. She may not have handed things the best but... She tried even if it ended up with... *cough cough* Xanders *cough cough*. And she even tells us she's proud of us!
In n3...... Mmmmm. This is partially influenced by me data mining a bit(in n2, to be clear), but like. M. She is immortal , and while I would love her to be on the good side again, for me it's like... An inevitable thing?
Like she's such a trustworthy character I'd kill someone if she asked nicely.
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pupmusebox · 4 months
Tag dump 2/?
{ Blades Forged from Steel and Fire - Archer Emiya } { Shadowy Fire and Corrupted Blades - Shadow Emiya } { Golden Cracks on Steel and Gun Blades - Alter Emiya } { Young and Bright Light of a Wolf Pup - Setanta } { Hound of Ulster - Cu Chulainn } { Young Spear of a Pup - Proto Cu } { Guiding Light of a Druid - Caster Cu } { Thorns of a Mad King - Alter Cu } { Knight of Spears and Flowers - Diarmuid Ua Duibhne } { Honorable Blade Wielding Flower Knight - Saber Diarmuid } { Firespark of a Wolf - Aiden } { Wild Rose of a Flower Wolf - Aouregan } { Unlucky Corvid and Harbinger - Qrow Branwen } { Masked Blade and Wilting Rose - Adam Taurus } { King of Monsters - Omnicron } { New King of Monsters and Light Tyrant - Solus/Omnisun } { The Nexolord - Metta } { Life Giver Nature Tyrant - Deena/Nara } { Chaotic Electric Tyrant - Zetta/Luxa } { Hot Headed Fire Tyrant - Fenrir/Fona } { Merciless Water Tyrant - Merida/Arqua } { Cruel Wind Tyrant - Nadine/Ventra } { Mentor and Earth Tyrant - Ulrich/Grunda }
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player-1 · 5 months
And speaking of the Mandrass Incident, there is no end to the levels of comedy Nexomon Extinction fans don't know if they've only played the newest game for now. (The only playthrough I can find is w. commentary though, but it's still funny to see the reactions.)
Besides that, the Mandrass Incident goes as followed (with relevant context and spoilers below):
The Nexomon 1 protag defeats Omnicron and his kids in the main game, but post-game story makes our plucky hero travel to the literal afterlife (ie. the Netherworld) to destroy Omnicron's soul and ensure he never returns for vengeance in another doomsday plot. However, the door to Omnicron is guarded by Ziegler's Wardens; confidants of the Netherworld King that will do everything and more to stop anyone that threatens their job of keeping the dead safe and secure in their realm, since the Wardens' lives are tied to their prisoners while said prisoners live in a Inception-like dreamscape that keeps them unaware of their previous demise (and yes, the game references Inception too). Also Ulzar is there cause finishing overdue ghost business (and previously building each Nightmare prison), Deena out of obligation of being the guard between the border of Life and Death, and your usual partner-in-crime Atlas.
Because of this roadblock, Protag is forced to deal with the Omnicron fam all over again and send their souls to the Vortex (possibly the portal/birthplace/permadeath of all Nexomon) in order to get rid of the Warden they're attached to. Even the linked episode (at 8:47) mentions Ulzar previously making a prison for Nara before he realized she's on the side of humans (ouch), the one time Metta/Nexolord is mentioned by name; and how yes, he went MIA after Ulzar's previous fight against Omnicron and even his temporary Nightmare is still empty in the current age...so the N3 Metta theory is still valid >:).
At this point, the gang went through the gauntlet with Arqua (the "weakest") -> Fona (too angy to forget why he's angy at everyone that wronged him) -> Grunda (now Ulrich w. his jacked village chief vibe) -> Zetta (trigger-happy goober that treats humans (aka. Spencer) like a dog) and getting into Ventra's Nightmare for the second-to-last Nightmare (and Atlas is not at all thrilled about facing the bird-woman again).
But their path is blocked by a noticeably large Mandrass, a talking one at that, that refuses to move unless they find his 4 friends that were swept about the place from Nadine/Ventra's powerful winds. After a somewhat lengthy search through the area, they finally procure the missing Mandrasses and bring them back to the main 'mon. The Mandrass is overjoyed and grateful, and then the group (and player) realize far too late why it seems larger than the other four they've met...
He eats them. He eats the other Mandrasses...And absolutely everyone is shocked at the spectacle, stunning Ulzar so bad he legit forgets they were supposed to fight Nadine's Warden and obviously driving Deena to tears. But they still have a job to do, and they push through the troubling memory regardless...
Now after all of their loose ends with Omnicron's Children are dealt with, the Protag opens the massive door holding the King of Beasts inside...and finds nothing. Yet the confusion fades for now as a wall is broken away to find a trio of familiar faces; Atlas, Deena, and Ulzar... Wait a minute-
After a bit of back and forth (before Ziegler appears to rain on the parade), its revealed that the entire story of the Netherworld (minus the Omnicron kids' Nightmares) was a Nightmare all along; keeping the Protag oblivious of the mortal sin of travelling to the Netherworld without actually dying, failing the task of destroying Omnicron and letting him escape to the real world, and getting trapped in his stead with Ziegler himself being the Warden in charge as he crafted a world of dreamlike sights and fabricated allies to aid them in their journey...-Oh yeah, and all that happened two weeks before the story even began, so the real team were scrambling to find Protag while battling Omnicron by tooth and nail.
Yet the Protag perseveres despite it all, fighting off the fake Deena that's been with them since the beginning, the king of Death and the revived Wardens, and finally Omnicron himself as his soul is snuffed out for good...Yet all good things come with a cost, and with the Beast King's death comes the death of his monstrous subjects, starting a slow and painful extinction of all Nexomon that were bound to his command. Minus Nara for being the embodiment of Nature and Life, Metta out of spite, and the rest of his kids in undead limbo cause of mystical Netherworld magic, it's not a great time for everyone involved here.
Now after all of that, as the Protag is forced to process this monumental burden that's placed on their shoulders, they eventually go to talk to the real Deena/Nara for advice and emotional support. At some point, Protag would've mentioned the Mandrass Incident since 1. It's the first time they met another Nexomon that had human-like intelligence besides Omnicron's kids, 2. Questions how/why Ventra's Nightmare was built around a dog-eat-dog world unlike everything Nexomon was before, and 3. Most likely a "you'll never believe what I went through" story to laugh about in the future and mention how surprisingly accurate the fake/Nightmare Deena reacted.
And despite it all, even if the real Deena only got a second-hand account of the event, was just as horrified about the story as well. And after all of that, after a literal millennia until Nexomon Extinction takes place, she's still salty about the whole thing. Whether it's from the Protag not realizing anything is wrong about the world until the final stretch (which was the whole point of a Nightmare) or being dumb/complacent in leading those poor Mandrasses to their death (even if they were already in the afterlife?), she still held onto that horror/betrayal of her new human friend the entire time. Even after she started her own plot of getting her kid to become Omnicron's heir through extreme mental gymnastics and a whole lot of dumb luck...
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And that's what I love about the series so far. If you know the joke they were winding up in a previous game, you'll understand the punchline in another.
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nayvwriter · 1 month
Nara and Metta roleswap au
(nexomon spoilers)
Can't believe it's taken me so long to think of this one. This is likely going to make more sense if you've read my Nara and Metta ramble post (https://www.tumblr.com/nayvwriter/759515605026177024/also-deena-and-james-to-get-that-ready-here-for) but should hopefully be understandable without?
It all starts when Metta gets a little too ambitious. And Omnicron gets a little too suspicious. Nara's a little more loyal in this universe, and not too attached to the humans.
Omnicron turns on Metta, not just driving him out but trying to kill him. Leaves him dying on the floor, and Nara notices. Nara saves him.
Metta has no choice but to live amongst humans, now, and he's not happy about it. But he slowly begins to realise the joys of humanity, and eventually changes side completely.
He knows how to take down his siblings. And he has allies, of course - but he puts himself at the forefront of the group, as a powerful Nexomon tamer, and secretly uses his abilities to weaken their enemies and protect their allies.
Metta doesn't have the problem Deena has, of not trusting herself. So Ulzar is not the hero of humanity first time. And nor is Blue, the second.
Deena, Nara, escaped Metta's crusade - maybe they came to an agreement, or maybe she just hid in the forest and Metta didn't look too hard. But by the time of n1... Well. Deena still has the problem of not trusting herself, but she can't just sit there and do nothing, so... she starts bringing back her siblings. And her siblings suggest to bring back her father, and Deena doesn't deny them.
The plot of n1 is very different. Deena's hiding in the shadows rather than announcing herself as the Nexolord, and any human would be hard-pressed to find her. But Metta's no human, and he knows his sister, and he's been trying to keep an eye out for her because he highly doubts she's dead - and then she starts resurrecting his siblings.
Metta - under a new identity, of course - sets out as a Tamer, gathering a new team to stop his sister. Being a psychic, Hilda still gets herself involved. The others might too.
He still doesn't want to face Nara directly - she saved his life, and he owes her for that - and he can't really blame her for bringing back their siblings.
He can, however, blame her for bringing back their father, who Metta has by now thoroughly realised was a BITCH. This culminates in a Sibling Argument at the top of the tower.
Omnicron gets resurrected.
Omnicron gets taken down by a very angry Metta.
Going to the netherworld is Hilda's idea. Metta agrees immediately, because he can't find his sister and he has some Words for her. For all his siblings, really.
Metta lets the ghosts out on purpose. If his siblings are wandering the world as ghosts, then A: they're okay, B: they can't hurt anyone, and C: he can persuade them to stop following Omnicron.
Omnicron's ghost gets annihilated.
There are no Tyrant Wars, or at least not for long. Metta doesn't share Deena's lack of trust in herself, but he does share all his sibling's powers. There's a new King of Monsters, and his true name is Metta. He seems to be doing a better job than the last one - but that is not exactly hard.
So yeah, roleswap au. Yes, I came up with all of this as I was writing this post. @tulipsnflowers you might appreciate this one
I'm not entirely sure about Metta putting himself at the forefront first time, because that means he's directly fighting his siblings. I'm also not sure if the canon n1 characters would come into this much. And I kind of want all the Children of Omnicron - or at least Deena? - to help Metta beat up Omnicron's ghost.
I might write this out into a fic someday, but I'd need to fill in a lot of holes in the plan, so No Guarantees.
(also this is kinda making me think of Tulip's n3 predictions)
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years
I have done the KOC (Kinda Orphans Crew), time for the Children of Omnicron! (Whom I also love) We have:
Mean Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer (who is on fire
Fenrir thought that naming his human self after a wolf would be ironic. However, it only makes him sound like an edgelord.
Will send shit up in flames to make himself laugh. Deena tries to repair affected lifeforms whenever possible. Also used to set shit on fire to piss Metta off.
Unironcially enjoys fucking with Ross. Ross was pissed at first but now he just tries to get Fenrir back via tomfoolery. This has turned into a prank war, but with more fire.
Most of the time, he chooses to switch to Fona at reasonable times and locations. Reason gets thrown out the window is Fenrir gets even slightly cold.
Boasts to the other CoO that he looks the most like the MC. He shut up when Nadine mentioned that that means that he looks the most like Deena. (Zetta wonders how a wolf would have 2 deer, 2 dragons, a bird, a ball?, and a fish as his children)
Battles Celine and Petram to relieve destructive tendencies that build up over time. Celine enjoys these bouts immensely, and Fenrir refuses to admit if he does or not. (He does)
Was intially standoffish to the MC after resurrection, but quickly became attached to them. Has literally walked into the Parum Guild as Fona to ask where they were.
A nerfed, pissed-off bird
Literally just thought that Nadine was a pretty name. Didn't give it much thought.
Likes to cause random windstorms to fuck with the guild specifically. Will not do it if KOC is nearby.
Is currently trying to get Nora to be more assertive and aggressive. Nora has used her 'newfound' assertiveness to ridicule Nadine on her previous decisions.
Honestly spends more time as Ventra than as Nadine. Lands and sleeps on Deena's airship to annoy her.
Mainly avoids the other CoO. Only really engages with the others to either suggest stupid shit to them or do stupid shit to them. (Except Grunda)
Has developed a respect for Lydia's hunts and her control of the greater drakes. Had a similar respect for Metta's Nexolord conquests.
Tries to be a cryptic, cool aunt but just comes off as overdramatic. The MC doesn't mind though.
A dolphin with bad volleyball skills
Merida sounded like 'mermaid', so she went with that. Zetta said she didn't look like one and she tried to drown him.
Only really uses her powers if she gets mad. Which is often. i.e. Volleyball matches.
Finn has been insistent on battling her for practice, which has annoyed her to no end. She eventually decided that beating him into the ground repeatedly would make her feel better. The same worked for when Metta was being annoying.
Very reasonable with switching between Arqua and Merida. However, she will switch 100% of the time if given the chance to fuck with the Guild. Block the harbor? Constantly sit or stand in the corner of Lobo's eye to fuck with him? Sleep on Deena's personal airship, as recommended by Ventra? Nothing is out of the question.
Talks to the other about life advice, surprisingly. Gets good advice from Grunda and Deena, gets bad advice from Fenrir and Nadine. Doesn't even try to ask Zetta for advice.
Nolan is the only person in the entire continent who is willing to play volleyball with her. This is because his volleyball skills are on the exact same level as Merida's.
Actually really likes the MC. Has tries to convince them to have a volleyball match with her, but they were always suddenly busy. It can't be helped, Merida supposes.
Purple, juiced Rayquaza
Tried to think of the most random name he could to piss off the rest of his siblings. Thus, Zetta. He also chose it to shit on Metta.
Shocks people at random times to fuck with them. Also causes power outages for fun, except in Cadium. The Guild does not appreciate this.
He thinks that Coco is the coolest thing since sliced bread, despite Coco's protests. Zetta has multiple scratches to show for this, but he doesn't mind. In fact, he says in makes him look cool.
Honestly, he only switches now to show off in front of others. He is just slightly too big to not cause a nationwide panic when he switches to Luxa. (That doesn't stop him though.)
Ya know those younger siblings who ask about every single thing they see who have no brakes or filter whatsoever? Yeah, that's Zetta. Man hasn't been above ground for like, 800 years. Shit's changed and he's curious.
Bothers Logan constantly. Logan just wants to do unethical science without this thousands-of-years old child knocking on his window at 3 in the morning.
Overprotective of the MC, of all things. Respects their power but is also like, "That's the only(?) member of the family that is younger than me! I'm not losing this opportunity to embarrass them!" Also tries to be the cool uncle.
Old Godzilla that runs an orphanage
Had a human name once, but honestly forgot it a long time ago. The others think it's hilarious when he introduces himself as Grunda to humans.
Does not really use his powers anymore. Only really uses them to remove large rocks that the orphanage kids could injure themselves on. (lord, he has gotten soft)
All of KOC come to him when they do stupid things because they know he won't as upset with them due to Grunda witnessing their history of doing stupid things. The KOC and Metta, a long time ago, are correct.
Almost never switches anymore. When he does though, it's only because the KOC or, rarely, FRN asked him to. They like to sit on his head.
Has been using the other CoO's exploits as bedtime stories at the Orphanage for a long time now, but modifed to more kid friendly versions. The first time each of CoO came in individually the kids were all ecstatic because "Mr. Grunda's brother/sister was here and they had heard so much about them!" (The other CoO never know what to do with several tiny human children all trying to talk and play with them at once.)
Leo lives with at the Orphanage now. Nobody knows how this 13 year old child managed to move across the continent without anyone knowing, but Nora theroizes that Ross had something to do with it. Leo also doesn't know that Grunda is the Grunda, somehow.
Easily has the best relationship with the MC. It happens when you raise someone from practically birth. Grunda did have practice with literally all of the others, after all.
A deer-plant-thing that can kick your ass
Deena was just a name that felt right. Only chose it after being disowned, however. Metta was never able to figure out her human form because of this.
Mainly uses her powers to restore life to lifeless places. The others think that it is a fruitless endeavor, but Deena finds joy in the small things it produces.
Surprisingly, Riley has come to her for ass kicking lessons. Deena was initially surprised until she found out Riley was using those lessons to prevent Finn from doing stupid shit. Nolan eventually joins.
Switches the most out of all of the siblings. Mainly does it to help MC get used to their Tyrant form. Also will give rides if asked politely.
The other CoO come to her to break them out of jail. At this point, they have their own private 'Primordial Tryant Time Out' jail at the Parum Guild headquarters, courtesy of the other Guildmasters.
Fucks with Xanders constantly. Has convinced the other CoO to do so as well. Nadine was especially gun-ho about it.
Has been trying to not pressure the MC with the whole 'I'm you mom' thing. The MC is very hesitant as well, but they primarily ask her about guild things and Tyrant things, just to get used to her presence.
And a ball of ribbons out for revenge, which isn't new
Never really gave himself a human name. He never felt like it was appropriate.
Uses to power to extract revenge upon his siblings and his niece/nephew. Success... varies.
Doesn't really talk to anyone anymore. He kinda misses it after being forced to talk to people nonstop as the Nexolord.
Always Metta. The first time he switched back to 'The Nexolord' was to, predictably, fuck with his niece/nephew.
Refuses to interact with the other CoO due to their involvement with Omnisun's ascension. He refuses to admit that he misses them.
Also fucks with the N1 Protagonist when applicable. Primarily through Venefelis' existence.
Fucking hates his niece/nephew.
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legionofnexomon · 3 years
tag dump 1/?
musings of a nexomon { Nice Beats - Music } out of nexotraps and items { King of Monsters - Omnicron } { New King of Monsters and Light Tyrant - Solus/Omnisun } { The Nexolord - Metta } { Life Giver Nature Tyrant - Deena/Nara } { Chaotic Electric Tyrant - Zetta/Luxa } { Hot Headed Fire Tyrant - Fenrir/Fona } { Merciless Water Tyrant - Merida/Arqua } { Cruel Wind Tyrant - Nadine/Ventra } { Mentor and Earth Tyrant - Ulrich/Grunda } { Odd Being of an Exchange Student - Obey Me! Verse }
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hishap · 2 years
Where The Fuck Is Metta : a few possibilities
Metta/The Nexolord has been suspiciously absent for a while now but Deena says that all Children of Omnicron are “accounted for” so either :
Metta is absent and never coming back because his soul got destroyed like Omnicron’s (which raises the questions of when did that happen and why the games don’t just tell us that)
he’s just hiding somewhere we haven’t seen and Deena knows where he is. He doesn’t appear in Extinction because he didn’t want to participate in Deena’s plan
he’s Ziegler’s prisoner and no-one has gotten him out yet
he got erased from everyone’s memories somehow
he got erased from everyone’s memories somehow and created the Abyssals in an attempt to get the world to remember him (counting that as a separate point ‘cause the mysterious master of the Abyssals being Metta is a different theory entirely and it might turn out not to be true)
Seriously though ever since late 2020 I’ve been thinking the compete absence of the seventh child of Omnicron and Nexo 1′s main antagonist in the sequel HAD to mean something and if it doesn’t I’m going to lose my fucking mind
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pikatjejen · 6 months
Just needed to draw a bunch of AU Deenas (there are currently two, my AU Deena just has many different forms).
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tulipsnflowers · 27 days
pair ask: Metta and Nara
Oh god you'd expect I'd have more to say
Nexomon spoilers
The issue is. These two. Share. Zero. Words.
It's a problem. In fact Deena shares 0 words with all of her siblings. And she was right there in the frozen tundra. All of them were standing with Glacia and she went over with us and 0 lines were shared between them.
But that's off topic. James and Deena.
So... Depending on how you structure Omnikids you could make Deena and James not know each other by simply making James a thing after Deena already switched sides. That one complicates things, I'll skip over it for now, but it's worth mentioning
So... Yay. All of this is headcanon because JV doesn't know how to write and he isn't in n2 for some godforsaken reason
You also have to wonder if any of them know Deena's human form, and how involved Deena even was before this. Because she seemed shocked Nadine was there. Deena. What do you-
I digress. Anyhow.
James is Omnicron's 7th child. Often interpreted as the golden Child and/or the heir.
Deena, is the traitor. Omnicron's 4th child.
James took a bit to get his plan of reviving his siblings going - and Malk said they knew each other for a while, so it's probably been rocky.
Maybe James didn't know where Deena was - not impossible, or maybe he just didn't want to talk to her because while yes, she'd come in useful (life powers and all,) she already betrayed them.
You can think or not think she helped Ulzar, but at the very least she stood against Omnicron and refused to attack humans. She chose them over her family (not that it was a proper one)
So I don't think James wants to talk. They wouldn't have anything to say. Not to her, not after everything. (Though I do think some part of him really wants to. Despite rough patches, you were born knowing your siblings. When you grow up with them, you carry a part of their personality whether you want it or not. ) Plus after Omnicron literally disowned her, I don't think he even wants to risk the same
Deena - I don't know what she's been doing for a bit. I know she was in the netherworld for a while after n1 and between n1 postgame, but I can just assume she was in the forest pre n1. Which, in hindsight, is pretty obvious. James wouldn't even need to look far. Perhaps that's why Khan stayed the Overseer, cuz he doesn't necessarily bother there
I would like to think Deena tried at least once to say something. To convince him otherwise. He was alive, and they were the only two living Omnikids at that point. I don't think it went well, but she probably tried.
Then n1 happens. Deena is only with us in Forest, Phantom, Lateria and bit of Frozen. Only in Lateria do they truly get to see each other, right as James revives Grunda. Deena doesn't say anything. Not to James, not in general.
What can she even try to say? She's about to help the hero fight her own older brother - who let's be honest was probably a better parental figure than Omnicron - and quite probably kill him. She can't even say anything for her case. She can't even say sorry because she knows it's probably worthless.
They then don't talk. Because James is at top of the tower and Deena is quietly in the shadows. I like to think with Deena healing you and stopping your nexomon from turning - he knew. He had to have knew. He said nothing, and neither did she.
Because Omnicron was there, and because it's not worth it to say anything that could anger Omnicron on James' side (especially because while there's hatred I don't think it's all hatred. Not to his older sister), and not to blow her cover for Deena.
Because she has to do this. Her siblings may hate her, that she can handle, but she can do this for humanity. Just once more(if that wasn't a lie.)
And that was the last time the two saw each other in canon. In a way, I think if they just talked to each other - I don't know. Something different would have happened.
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chaos-era · 1 month
Moonflower [Deena/Selena]
So, I've been completely brain-rotting over these two for a while now (if it wasn't obvious given the sheer amount of art I've done and the fact that I plan on making a full fancomic off the premise). I was going to wait to implement and write all this out through the comic, but frankly, I'm a full-time student AND have a full-time retail job. Free time does not exist.
So, my solution is to word vomit all my ideas about these two, their story/relationship, etc. Things are subject to change as things progress but lord only knows I believe I will simply implode if I can't throw this all Somewhere.
So I present to the five of you active in the Nexomon fandom:
An ungodly long textpost about a relationship that an autistic 20 year old is very mentally ill about:
So, some basic questions out of the way:
Who the fuck is Selena?
Selena is the name I gave the female protagonist from the first Nexomon game. I've given her own character and backstory that follows the first game's plot and all that jazz with some added details relating to her family. Basically, I actually made the protagonist from the first game an actual character.
Why Deena/Selena?
This entire ship became an idea in my brain solely because of the canon appearance of Solus's human form. I saw blue hair and an unknown second parent, thought about the sheer angst of it all, and my brain went on a god damn spree. With some time, I thought even just first game Deena/Protag was cute, so thus, the brain rot continues.
I think having ship names be something more than just smashing their names together is better. The name itself is from Deena's whole plant/flower/life thing and Selena is because, y'know. Selena. Name relating to the moon. Moonflower. I'm real creative.
Why the name Selena for the protagonist?
Similar to the whole Moonflower name I just based it off another thing, that other thing being Solus/Omnisun. Sun and moon. Once again, I'm super creative.
How close to the canon plot is this AU/story?
So for most of the plot of the first game, it's pretty close. Some scenes would be expanded on, developed relationships more, etc., but otherwise the plot was fine. Soon as we hit the complete ending? Take the previous plot and go ahead and chuck it out the window.
There are similar elements, of course. Raging tyrants, Vados and Amelie, Solus (obviously), but the timeline and characters present is completely different and thus relationships between characters is also very different. Characters like Metta (James) and Ellie are not only still around but are active parts of the story instead of being swept under a rug.
So, the way I explain things best is through a QnA sort of format, wherein someone asks a question and I answer it, and go from there. So that's how this is going to be formatted. You can skip around and stuff easier that way too :)
Plot holes that I filled:
Why was Deena a similar age to the main protagonist of the first game?
So, the main protagonist is canonically a child, around 15. They're called a child, act like a child, very clearly a child. The Nexolord (Metta/James) is very clearly an adult. All seems fine there. The problem is:
How is Deena so much younger than all her family?
Deena is canonically kid number 4 out of 7, yet she looks and acts the same age as the main protagonist. And it's not like she just looks young, we see her in Nexomon: Extinction as a whole ass adult, same with the protagonist.
My "fix" for this is to make it that she was not in a place where time ticked by the same way. That place being the Netherworld.
In canon, time doesn't move the same way in the Netherworld that it does in the real world. It seems to either put a complete pause on it, or it moves really, really, slow in comparison to the real world. Which, given it's the Nexomon equivalent of the afterlife (not sure if it's just Hell so I'm just gonna stick with it being the afterlife), makes at least some sense. Time doesn't matter once your dead, whomp whomp.
So how/when did Deena get to the Netherworld?
In my AU, she flees there after being disowned by Omnicron. More specifically, she flees at the beginning of Ulzar's crusade against Omnicron. She knows he's hunting down the children of Omnicron, and after all the damage her siblings and father have done to humanity, she knows he's not going to listen to reason. Not wanting to be found by either her family OR Ulzar, she takes her chances in the Netherworld, where she hides out for a very, very long time. She watches her father and siblings be defeated and their souls are locked away in the Netherworld, and believes all will be fine. All of them are in a place they can't just get out of and do more damage, and she's also safe from them - separated.
That is, until a certain bowling ball with ribbons starts resurrecting them.
Deena catches on to what the Nexolord is doing, and, realizing she can't sit idle as her family tries to destroy the world again, decides to return to the real world. But, because she's been separated from her family for so long and time just doesn't work the same, she looks and acts like a fifteen year old girl. She doesn't know how things in the modern era work, she knows plenty about history, and so hides her lack of knowledge under the guise of being an explorer.
Now, onto the more fun part:
How the hell did that relationship become a thing.
On Selena's side, it's real simple - human emotions and all that. There's a joke somewhere about how in my AU Ellie was her childhood crush and something something green hair, light eyes, etc. but that joke comic was made already and go find it on my page /lh /j. Selena's just a simple girl who thinks the green-haired ditz is cute and will follow her around like a sad, lost puppy.
For Deena, however, tis a bit more complicated, but it can be summarized akin to meeting someone who's as passionate as you are, someone who matches your passion and drive and energy.
Selena and Deena both want both monsters and humans to live together happily. The one thing that made Selena "different" in comparison to other people with those ideals is that instead of wishing and waiting, she actually went out to try and do it. She chased down the Nexolord, she fought Omnicron's children, and she never once turned back.
That bravery is something Deena aspires to have. She fled from her father's wrath before, but now, here, was this mortal girl with no special powers facing off against demi-gods without a second thought because she believes in her cause. That, to Deena, is worth so much. That's what makes Selena so special.
All that to say, their relationship is complicated. It's impossible for it not to be. But that whole "fighting for what she believes in" comes in again for Selena - she does really, truly love Deena. She did before and after finding out about her true identity - that didn't change anything for her. And it's through Selena that Deena can really see the best humanity has to offer, and she doesn't want to lose that. Selena has devoted herself entirely to Deena, not as some godly figure or because she's a scary monster, but because she's just Deena, and it's the first time she's been appreciated as herself and not as a title.
They're not perfect. Deena hides her problems and bottles up her emotions while Selena doesn't know when to sit down and stay down when it comes to fighting for what she believes in. They get frustrated with each other, they argue here and there, but they work on things.
And that progress definitely gets accelerated by Solus being born. Hard to argue with one another about how they shouldn't bottle up their problems or should stop letting comments get under their skin about a dumb plan if your trying to keep a small, helpless creature destined to become a literal God in your care.
That's all for now from me but I am ALWAYS open to questions. Anon or not I do not care I am ill about them :3
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
if you don't mind another one:
Nexomon character: Fenrir
tumblr ATE THIS ONE AKSNHRIEKS I didn't get a notification!
Massive Nexomon spoilers ahead
Also I may or may not have missed the mark a lil bit... Whoopsies. Also if these takes are rancid, er, it was written at 3am as my defense
Before I begin, I'd like to say, I have a friend who dislikes(jokingly) Fenrir personally. Our nickname to him is matchstick fire show pony👍 (That's an entirely different story and a lot of my inside jokes are from a play through with this friend)
Fenrir!!!... Fenrir. God. (Runs hand through hair) I never have any sane thoughts about any of Omnicron's children.
So to start off with the basics, Fenrir aka Fona is Omnicron's 3rd child. Undying Fire, and we don't fight him until the actual Nexolord tower(which is a trait he shares with Zetta). Presumably, he hasn't transformed in a while till that point and for some God forsaken reason he isn't in Ignitia.
In n2 he is in Ignitia of course, and yada yada fire powers.
Now to start off with the insanity (clears throat)
He is, more of an introvert than I am and it hurts. (Frick, I should point out, in n2 me and my friend spent like 45 mins chatting in the room because we felt kinda bad leaving)
As a simple why I like him: A) He is in omnicron's family it gives him automatic insanity points, B) He is a very interesting character to me, and a bastard
In n1 we meet him with Ivan and he essentially let's us go to not get his hands dirty, and also, It took me 4 play throughs, but I finally pieced together he was the one who burned that house down. I'm a really quick thinker guys
Then his next interaction is in Royalle(excluding vision), where he WANTED to transform, but Ulzar spooked him off(you can get him Fen cmon), and tried to use his aura on our nexomon (something I need to go into a seperate rant about), didn't work (which.. Deena was either trailing us(my belief), or, Ulzar wasn't the friendliest with his nexomon from the get go)
Then it's in Lateria where he lets us through after we kick his butt, aura not working again and he leaves(coming here later. He, is he suspecting Deena here, is that why he let us go? Or is it because he believed Grunda would use us as toothpicks) , and then Grunda and yada yada
Then it's frozen which is mostly us fighting him and telling Glacia to get lost
So! Out of all of Omnicron's kids, he's the one who let's us go the most. Merida was gonna kick our butt but Zetta fetched her, Zetta had Royalle, Granda tried to eat us, Nadine tried and somehow failed to push us off a tree..
But Fenrir? He had the capacity to keep going at all the times minus Royalle where he was going to transform(📌), but he just kinda let us be, not his problem.
He is also the one who we meet the most, granted, but still.
One could say he just cared about Omnicron, I suppose. So heck, this random child probably won't do much. Maybe. But that then excludes Royalle.
He says in the tower it's been a while since anyone's been worthy of seeing his human form(he beats Remus, Ivan and their teams without it after all!), and thus fight. Warriors, fire, so on.
So then.. I think, a reaction to his aura not fricking working. Which is an issue immediately, because that's how they stayed atop. With that. So he must've thought that if that didn't work, then heck, let's kill the kid and get it over with
Cuz I don't think we're quite worthy of it yet ya know
... Then Ulzar steps in. I don't think he was as scared of Ulzar. Well yes, he may not have been wanting to fight him but it was also an Oh. Well, that bastard is there, and if he's doing it then it's fine. Cuz that's a reason and that's something also not his issue(Hi Ziegler), and that can be dealt with.
.. In Solus( the desert), it happens yet again. And there's no Ulzar this time so there's a real chance he just left you to get eaten by Grunda, or, as I said before Deena. If it was Nara, then that's still an issue, but hey, that one they can at least deal with
Am I missing the subject of the ask? Probably. I can't tell. But it's a ramble and if you didn't come for that then whoops.
Tower time towered, I think that one was pretty clear, then his Nightmare which,
Frick. I genuinely can't remember what he says. One can look it up later. I remember it being with Matthew and I remember what Ogroon says more than I do him. And fire powers, that too.
N2! N:E. Well, there he's convinced by Deena to give us Fire powers because Redemption. (And she is his younger sister I myself am guilty of not being able to say no on a couple occasions)
Epic fight with a cool transformation
Then he gives them to us(and in a dialogue branch says "Go without fear, (). You'll do fine. " or something to those lines which, Fenrir is a great uncle)
.. THEN it's a bit with us at the observatory, then I think that's all of his dialogue..? Minus the revival one.
I realize I missed the mark and just rambled about a bunch of different things but, hey. You're here to watch me go insane not be not insane, so.
I just like Fenrir. He's great. That's it go home everyone
(Also, note here: He genuinely comes off as the most uncaring which, no you're not. I have 3 siblings one of them may not be the most expensive but Frick, ya know they care at the end of the day. He certainly does.)
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tulipsnflowers · 6 months
Okay, guys, you want me to go on about the most pointless things?
Let's go on about Byeol (and a bit about Fane, I suppose), because I am going insane
Alright everyone, for those unaware, this is Byeol:
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This is a tyrant in Nexomon: Extinction, his name is Byeol. The problem about this, however.
He isn't a story tyrant, and this... Makes me very interested in him.
Amelie calls Tyrants super powerful Nexomon, but here's the thing. According to Coco, Jin blocked off the entrance to Fenrir's tomb so that no more Tyrants may be hatched
Lydia also says to go bother Nadine because of the egg, and keep in mind, the grass Tyrant is Tikala. A warden. Probably because Deena didn't necessarily want to add fuel to the fire
So then we are already established that Tyrants are probably always hatched.
... So then what of Fane and especially Byeol?
(And there's no Psychic Tyrants because... Solus would be too lil to bonk an egg, and nobody would ask a random kid to do so.)
Well, let's go with the easier one, in which I ask yet again, what's up with the Ghost type? I've wanted to throw hands about it for a long time.
(Ulzar says that the reason Nexomon are, well, a thing is because of the Children of Omnicron. So it makes sense, right? 7 children, 7 elements)
Psychic is a bit trickier because of the fact Mystogen exists. And if we're going of the fact Solus made the psychic type...
Putting a pin in that, rant for another day.
So... What of Ghost?
Well. That's not the point of the post and that's my motivation for writing Doubts.
But! Moving on, Fane. Well, with the assumption they come from eggs, well frick. There's no ghost primordial.
... Which is why I can't speak much of it. We can surely just blame Hilda
... Do you know who we have more of?
Well. Let's see then.
Byeol is a normal type in Palmaya, first and foremost.... We are back to James everyone, anyone who's talked to me isn't surprised
Hi new people, James is how we call the Nexolord on this side of the fandom, moving on.
Assuming that James isn't dead and we take into account this from Nadine:
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Well, who am I to argue with Nadine? (Granted, she could mean Grunda or Deena , but.)
.. So, in today's rant. Byeol and Metta, woooo.
First of all, he is in Palmaya(and later around the Orphanage as of the Abyssals but we can put a pin in that because, Abyssals) , which, is definitely not the frozen tundra
But, Merida is in the frozen Tundra, and Atlanta's Tyrant is frosty enough to argue Merida bonked the egg there.
.. So then, Palmaya's free, ey?
Well. That's interesting, further on, I am going to need to grab Metta for a moment
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Hello bowling ball, I still think you should be an Armodillo.
Moving on, see this man? Until his siblings he is, unfortunately, not an animal
My only logic conclusion, looking at this man(if we don't take my other James theory into account), is that he's supposed to be a kind of biblically accurate angel, just, ribbons not wings (Thanks for the association Azzie, your hands are red too)
... HMMMM who ELSE has wings and is a normal type...
Additionally, I must point out, Metta has 7 ribbons. If we count the bottom pointy Byeol has he has 8.
... Well, it just happens an additional type is added this time, to bump it from 7 to 8(we already went over why I think Ghost might not count)
.. So then.
And. Well, let's look at it this way. Nivalis and Arqua, they don't look the same. Fona and Mulcimer, er. The closest we have is Ventra and Eurus.
... And, well, Solus and Nara, but surely not
... Byeol could've been a kangaroo or something, but instead-
They're both inanimate object things I can't make sense of. I know Ross said that he was just inspired to make a star thing, but-
... Hm.
What am I trying to say? Nothing really. At the end of the day these are coincidences, likely
Like, n3 protag and James both have a blue hair strand, but that doesn't mean they're like, immediately necessary related kind of thing
... Just makes you think.
(Also, this stated when I made a joking like toddler Byeol human version, and I saw the white hair and went like "...wait")
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player-1 · 9 months
Nexolord & co. shenanigans (Nexomon 1)
It's honestly been a long time coming, though mostly for the nostalgia and hype for Nexomon 3, but I figured I would look back in the story for any context clues to Nexolord/Metta's personality and abilities mentioned from his siblings, Overseers, or anyone unlucky enough to get on his bad side. Obviously it's going to be a massive list (with some spoilers for to Micromon and Extinction), but here goes!
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First off, there's no real timeline on how long Metta's been Nexolord or when he started his Omnicron revival plan into action, but I'll put in a generous estimate of 2-3 years before the main story since he already put way too much fear into people's hearts to go against his authority until MC went ham on his master plan. Same goes for him commissioning MC's parents to build the resurrection machine and revive Omnicron for real.
For Overseers, I would assume that ex-Nexolord Remus originally had Hilda, Khan, and Jack until Metta took the title (and adding five more to spread out his influence). But it's also funny to assume that Metta indirectly assigned his siblings/Champions to a certain Overseer that either complement or conflict their personalities...You know, for shits and giggles. -Fenrir/Fona -> Ivan & Ira (Fiery spirit and moderately irrational) -Nadine/Ventra -> Remus (Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object) -Merida/Arqua -> Hendrick (90% charm and 10% backstabber) -Zetta/Luxa -> Spencer (Snotty rich kid with inflated ego) -Ulrich/Grunda -> Jack (Reliable leader but goes against authority to protect his people (Mostly connected to Netherworld Ulrich)) Nexolord/Metta -> Glacia (Cold-blooded tactician with an extreme ego trip) -Deena/Nara -> Khan ("Subtly" associating the family traitor as a wild savage who only cares about the world and harmony over complete authority...Harsh, even for a kids game)
Metta's childhood in the Frozen Tundra was already going to be shrouded in mystery from the get-go (and obviously exclude flashbacks in-game to avoid spoiling his identity), but he left a pretty deep impact on the three people he interacted with in the past (Glacia, Juliet, and Malk). -First, Juliet's a fangirl for him, so much so that she'll completely ignore his plan to destroy humanity if it meant getting a sliver of attention from him or one-up Glacia as Overseer. She also believes that he's a vampire (either when they were kids or into adulthood) and regularly reads cheesy YA vampire novels that she "accidentally" leaves on her kitchen table for someone to notice. -Glacia is 110% loyal to Metta and will gladly brag to anyone she meets on how she's the most "true and loyal Overseer" there is. Also, she's the only Overseer who's aware that the Champions are Omnicron's children (minus Remus figuring it out through context clues), so she somehow earned Metta's trust to learn that fact as well (though whether she knew Metta's true form too is up for debate). -Finally Malk "I taught [the Nexolord] everything I know" Micromon is either the best/worst person to be Metta's tutor (re: legit father-figure) to make him become the little tyrant he is now. Whether it's to fuel Metta's already-burning hatred for humans (being a sentient AI that destroyed Project Pixekai in revenge of the programmers who created him), teaching him useful skills to gain control over others as a leader (master manipulator, master technician, and more!), or giving Metta the emotional support he never had from his siblings or dad (headcanons galore!). Also love the little gimmick that Malk's name isn't shown to the MC since he doesn't properly introduce himself to them; only Metta calls him by name once when they're the only ones in a room or during Malk's last hurrah speech before MC fights Omnicron and disappearing for good. Also, Malk mentions meeting a younger Nexolord/Metta sometime after busting out of Pixekai and adjusting to human life, so he might've tried disguising himself long before they teamed up. Now I want to know if Metta first learned that Malk wasn't human or vice versa, but I would love to know what babey Nexolord looked like before he went anime villain mode. :)
Metta definitely was the one who gave his siblings their fake Champion names, mostly on the joke of Fona/Fenrir being Metta's guard-dog for a good chunk of the story (even accompanying him to Grunda's grave and keep a eye on Overseer Jack for the excavation). Besides that, it makes sense for Metta to have every opportunity to make a jab at his siblings and put them in their place in the current hierarchy. -Fenrir: Marsh/Fen-dweller, Norse mythos wolf that would bring disaster during Ragnarok and was bound by a chain shaped like a silk ribbon. [Similar motif to Nexomon Fenrir to have giant prison cuffs on his wrists and collar-like design on his shirt.] -Nadine: Hope (French), messenger/admonitory or showerer of blessings (Arabic), "the courage of a bear" (Russian) [Latter fits cause of her assigned Overseer being Remus and her tendency to put combat first over talking.] -Merida: Pearl (Mairead, Celtic), "one who achieved a high place of honor" (Latin), "a chaste girl" or "like a mother" (Persian) [Persian seems more ironic since Merida's nice when she gets attention but throws a major hissy fit if embarrassed or mocked.] -Zetta: Inquiry or quest (Greek ztsis), "a person that is intellectually curious and has a thirst for knowledge" [Mostly ironic since Zetta's dumb as a brick and has a love for shiny things.] -Ulrich: Noble or regal ruler, noble/rich heritage (Old German) [Grunda never had the chance to get a Champion name (until Netherworld), but it's interesting how his Nightmare makes him the ruler/guardian of Solus Desert and protects his people from the big bad Nexolord Remus...At least he got his priorities straight?] -Deena: Valley, church leader, spear ruler (Hebrew/Old English/Old German); "compromising, passive, and more likely to stay in the background rather than front and center" (myfirstname.rocks) [Even if she was a major part of Ulzar's fame, Deena keeps herself as inconspicuous as possible to ensure the MC's success too. Definitely didn't want to be caught up in the family drama again, you know? :)]
It is somewhat confirmed in the Netherworld end-story that Nexonium/Nexomite is more commonly found in the literal afterlife than in the normal world (and stupidly expensive too), and it also has the ability to incapacitate any Nexomon in its vicinity (when powered by a NexoCore) or keep a Nightmare running without a Warden to guard it. So who's to say that Metta used Nexonium to create the Nexocore, easily violating Ziegler's rule of keeping the dead dead and creating a power source that won't get traced back to him (you know, since he commissioned MC's parents to make it?). And it also shows that Metta had Nexonium stowed away in his old house, most likely studying its components in there or in the bunker.
And last but not least, it's not exactly confirmed if Metta actually sacrificed himself to revive Omnicron like the rest of Champions; he doesn't have a personal Nightmare like the other four (+Grunda/Ulrich), and you only get to find Metta's true form after the Netherworld story (ie. Killing Omnicron for real, dooming the current Nexomon species to extinction, and making a bridge between the Netherworld and real world to finish loose ends). Speaking of bridge, it's also confirmed in Extinction that just after MC destroyed Omnicron's soul, Venefelis was unleashed with the single goal to kill Hilda; unintentionally serving as the bridge for the Nexomon War and the future to come in Nexomon: Extinction. ...Also the MC (The Ghost of Nexomon Past) gets Metta's jacket and was buried in it pre-Extinction, so I'm betting the madlad did the blanket dog trick and it somehow worked against the MC and Nara. I mean, Metta's about the size of a bowling ball (five-pin/duckpin maybe?) so he might've had a chance to pull it off when MC was distracted by Omnicron and he just assumed the guy was gone for good.
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Anywho, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed!
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tulipsnflowers · 4 months
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I don't think you know what you just did @call-of-the-wayward-wolf
Obviously, we have to cover the gap between n1 and n3 because, he is for some freaking reason, not in n:e
So first things first, that one post JV made about him being the Landlorn in n:e when housing was a think. Or how he worded it, "It was supposed to be a Nexolord with a mustache". Considering I'm pretty sure he said something about housing in n3 I am keeping my fingers crossed. Please JV it'll be so fricking funny.
I don't want to derail this to be about where James is in n:e, ask that if need be, but that's not what this is. But if he's just casually the landlord that implies that either a) Sols revived him or b) he was alive from the start. Which. Press X to doubt on that one. I don't think he's the type to be all quiet n stuff who does he think he is.
Or, like I'm head cannoning, protag in n3. This has no base other than black hair with a blue streak = normal type with blue streak = James. Legit none. I think not even the eye color matches. But it would be really funny if he was tbh, he sucks at being a villain so bad he became the protagonist
Or, he's on the antagonist team. It's to nobody's shock I think Deena might be evil, and if they're on the same team that's very fun. Like cmon give it to me. Plus it might potentially be him against all of his siblings. JV be damned those guys care about him so I'll grab popcorn.
Or, a secret 4th thing, being that either the protagonist or the other girl character with a blue streak are somehow related to him but he isn't there. Which I doubt but hey, would be fun.
Or he's just not there at all. None would shock me but I would be shocked if it's none of those
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