#Next-day delivery sleeping pill
zopiclonetablets · 10 months
Zopisign Zopiclone 10mg Short-acting nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic medication. You can use it to promote sleep. Your brain is impacted, and this has a calming effect. Typically, this medicine can only be used for brief (1–2 weeks) therapy durations. The sedative and relaxant properties of Zopisign 10 mg contribute to the explanation of why it is particularly effective in the treatment of chronic insomnia.
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nohaadamblog · 3 months
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shopmedicine · 6 months
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medsuk45 · 1 year
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onlinesildamax · 1 year
Are you suffering from sleepless nights? Tossing all over the bed and getting irritated because you are tired as hell still unable to get a peaceful sleep? So do not worry the easy solution is there for you all you need to buy sleeping medicine. This medicine can react with your brain’s hyperactivity and increases the production of GABA receptors. GABA helps humans to sleep fast and give them enough hours of sleep. This medicine does not have any side effects if you consume it within limits. So what are you waiting for? Buy now and get rid of your sleepless nights!
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nohaadamblog · 3 months
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Zopiclone and Alcohol: Why You Shouldn’t Mix Them
In the quest for a good night's sleep, many people turn to sleep aids like zopiclone. However, it's crucial to understand the interactions between such medications and other substances, particularly alcohol. Mixing zopiclone with alcohol can lead to severe, even life-threatening consequences. This comprehensive guide explores why combining these substances is dangerous and provides safer alternatives for managing sleep issues.
Understanding Zopiclone
Zopiclone is a non-benzodiazepine hypnotic medication, commonly prescribed to treat insomnia. It works by affecting the central nervous system, helping to induce and maintain sleep. Zopiclone is effective for short-term treatment of sleep problems, typically prescribed for a few weeks to avoid dependency.
Mechanism of Action: Zopiclone enhances the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and sleep. By increasing GABA activity, zopiclone helps to calm the brain and induce sleepiness.
Alcohol and Its Effects on the Body
Alcohol, a central nervous system depressant, affects various bodily functions. It can impair cognitive functions, coordination, and reaction times. When consumed in large quantities, alcohol can lead to dependence and a host of health issues.
Mechanism of Action: Alcohol affects the brain by enhancing the effects of GABA and inhibiting the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. This dual action leads to the sedative and intoxicating effects commonly associated with alcohol consumption.
The Dangers of Mixing Zopiclone and Alcohol
Combining zopiclone and alcohol amplifies their sedative effects, leading to severe complications. Here’s why you should avoid this dangerous mix:
1. Enhanced Sedation and Respiratory Depression
Both zopiclone and alcohol depress the central nervous system. When taken together, they can cause extreme sedation, leading to respiratory depression – a condition where breathing becomes slow and shallow. This can be life-threatening, especially in individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions.
2. Impaired Cognitive and Motor Functions
The combined effects of zopiclone and alcohol can severely impair cognitive and motor functions. This increases the risk of accidents, falls, and injuries. Tasks that require attention and coordination, such as driving, become extremely dangerous.
3. Increased Risk of Overdose
The sedative effects of zopiclone and alcohol are compounded when taken together, significantly increasing the risk of overdose. Symptoms of an overdose may include extreme drowsiness, confusion, loss of consciousness, and, in severe cases, death.
4. Heightened Side Effects
Both substances can cause side effects such as dizziness, confusion, and memory problems. When combined, these side effects are more pronounced and can be particularly hazardous.
5. Potential for Dependence and Addiction
Combining zopiclone with alcohol can increase the risk of developing a dependence on either or both substances. This can lead to a cycle of addiction, requiring professional intervention to overcome.
Case Studies and Real-life Examples
Case Study 1: A 45-year-old man with a history of insomnia and occasional alcohol use was prescribed zopiclone. One night, he consumed alcohol while taking his prescribed dose of zopiclone. He experienced severe respiratory depression and was found unconscious by his family. Emergency services were called, and he was hospitalized for several days, narrowly avoiding a fatal outcome.
Case Study 2: A 30-year-old woman mixed zopiclone with alcohol at a social event. She suffered from extreme sedation and impaired motor function, leading to a fall that resulted in a severe head injury. She required surgery and a lengthy rehabilitation period to recover fully.
Understanding the Interaction Mechanism
The dangerous interaction between zopiclone and alcohol stems from their combined effects on the GABA neurotransmitter. Both substances enhance GABA’s activity, leading to excessive sedation and respiratory depression.
How GABA Works: GABA inhibits neuronal activity, promoting relaxation and sleep. Zopiclone increases GABA’s effects by binding to specific receptors in the brain. Alcohol similarly enhances GABA’s activity while inhibiting excitatory neurotransmitters, creating a compounded sedative effect.
Safer Alternatives for Managing Insomnia
Given the risks associated with mixing zopiclone and alcohol, exploring safer alternatives for managing insomnia is crucial. Here are some options:
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)
CBT-I is a highly effective, non-pharmacological treatment for insomnia. It involves identifying and changing thoughts and behaviors that contribute to sleep problems. CBT-I can include techniques such as:
Sleep Restriction Therapy: Limiting time spent in bed to increase sleep efficiency.
Stimulus Control Therapy: Associating the bed with sleep by eliminating non-sleep activities.
Relaxation Techniques: Incorporating practices such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation to reduce stress and promote sleep.
2. Sleep Hygiene Practices
Improving sleep hygiene can significantly impact sleep quality. Here are some tips:
Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.
Create a Restful Environment: Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Use comfortable bedding and eliminate electronic devices.
Limit Stimulants: Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and heavy meals close to bedtime.
Establish a Pre-sleep Routine: Develop a calming pre-sleep routine, such as reading or taking a warm bath, to signal your body that it’s time to wind down.
3. Alternative Medications
If zopiclone isn’t suitable due to interactions or side effects, other medications may be considered. Always consult a healthcare professional before switching medications. Some alternatives include:
Melatonin: A natural hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles.
Ramelteon: A melatonin receptor agonist that can help with sleep onset.
Antihistamines: Over-the-counter options like diphenhydramine can provide short-term relief but should be used sparingly.
How to Discuss Zopiclone and Alcohol with Your Doctor
Open communication with your healthcare provider is essential for safe medication management. Here are some tips for discussing zopiclone and alcohol use with your doctor:
Be Honest About Your Alcohol Consumption: Provide accurate information about your drinking habits, including frequency and quantity.
Ask About Risks and Interactions: Inquire about the specific risks of mixing zopiclone with alcohol and other substances.
Discuss Alternatives: If you enjoy alcohol occasionally, ask your doctor about alternative sleep aids that may have fewer interaction risks.
Develop a Safety Plan: Work with your healthcare provider to create a plan that ensures your safety while managing insomnia effectively.
Managing Social Situations
Navigating social situations where alcohol is present can be challenging if you’re taking zopiclone. Here are some strategies to help:
Plan Ahead: If you know you’ll be in a situation where alcohol is served, plan to avoid drinking and take your medication at a time that ensures you won’t be tempted to mix the two.
Communicate Your Needs: Let friends and family know that you’re avoiding alcohol due to medication interactions. Most people will understand and support your decision.
Choose Non-alcoholic Options: Opt for non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy social events without risking your health.
Monitoring Your Health
Regularly monitoring your health while taking zopiclone is crucial to avoid potential complications. Here’s what to keep an eye on:
Track Side Effects: Keep a journal of any side effects you experience and report them to your healthcare provider.
Watch for Signs of Dependence: Be aware of signs such as needing higher doses to achieve the same effect or feeling unable to sleep without the medication.
Schedule Regular Check-ups: Regularly visit your healthcare provider to discuss your progress and any concerns you may have.
Personal Stories and Testimonials
Hearing from others who have navigated the challenges of managing insomnia with zopiclone can provide valuable insights and encouragement. Here are a couple of personal stories:
Testimonial 1: “I’ve struggled with insomnia for years and was prescribed zopiclone to help. I used to enjoy a glass of wine in the evenings, but my doctor warned me about the risks of mixing the two. I decided to prioritize my health and avoid alcohol. It was challenging at first, especially in social settings, but I found that my sleep improved, and I felt more alert during the day. I also explored other relaxation techniques like meditation, which have helped immensely.” – Sarah, 38
Testimonial 2: “After a stressful period at work, I started taking zopiclone to help with my sleep. One night, I had a few drinks with friends and took my usual dose of zopiclone before bed. I woke up feeling extremely disoriented and had trouble breathing. It was a terrifying experience. I realized the seriousness of the interaction and have since committed to avoiding alcohol while on this medication. I’ve also made lifestyle changes to improve my sleep naturally.” – Mark, 45
Learn More - How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need?
Mixing zopiclone with alcohol is a dangerous combination that can lead to severe health risks, including respiratory depression, impaired cognitive and motor functions, increased risk of overdose, and heightened side effects. Understanding the mechanisms behind these interactions and exploring safer alternatives for managing insomnia is crucial for your well-being.
By prioritizing safe sleep practices, seeking professional guidance, and making informed decisions, you can effectively manage your sleep issues without compromising your health. Remember, open communication with your healthcare provider and a commitment to healthy habits are key to achieving restful and restorative sleep to buy zopiclone online uk next day delivery.
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pharmacymeds25 · 9 months
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medsuk45 · 1 year
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ukmeds · 2 years
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sleeppills · 2 years
What Life Style Can Result In Insomnia, And How To Treat Insomnia Disorder?
Yes, if you buy online sleeping pills it’s safe and reliable. All you need to visit our official site (zopiclonenextday.ws). We provide you with cheap and effective sleeping pills within 24 hours of order request in the UK only. For more information and enquiry contact us at any time.
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aleksa-sims · 6 months
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RL Story
CW: addiction, serious illness
Totally done and still sad because I saw Daniel and this stupid girl today I came home after work. Nico wasn’t home yet. I was kind of relieved about that. I wasn't sure, if I should tell him? I mean, nothing happened, but what I said to Daniel today was just not ok! It was totally unfair and selfish.
As soon as I got home, I went for a walk with N.’s dog. Back home I took a shower & I lay down on the bed. I wasn’t feeling so well. I got serv pain in my right knee and my hands also hurt. It bothered me so much, that I had to take a painkiller. After that it slowly got better while I fell asleep.
A little later N. came home. I heard him come up to the bedroom and watch me sleep. Nico has an extraordinary talent for disturbing me while sleeping. No, tbh it's really cute. Every morning before he leaves the house, he comes back to the bedroom to me, while I’m mostly still sleeping. He kisses me and tells me quietly that he loves me. In the beginning I found it hard to get used to. It's annoying to be woken up by him in the morning (5.00 am!) just because he has to kiss me. Yk? It wasn’t until he was gone (abroad), that I realized how much I missed being woken up by him in the morning.🩷 But back to that day, it was not in the morning, but in the evening.
N. saw the painkillers I had taken next to me on the bed, thinking I was sick or something.
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Nico: Hey babe.... Are you ok?
Me: M-hm... Yea, I'm ok.... Where were you? I missed you.
Nico: I said good-bye to Damien and the others. They’re going back to Italy tomorrow.
Me: Yea, without you.... You stay here, with me. So happy about that. Right now I need you with me. I've had a really, really bad day N.... And you? How is your new team? Are they nice?
Nico: Agh...well, what can I say? Germans, yk?🤷‍♀️😉 But it was ok and it’s nice to be home, not somewhere alone abroad ..... Did you see Dilek today?
Me: No, she’s sick. She stayed home.
Nico: Are you sick too? I see you’ve taken painkillers.
Me: My knee hurt again. Somehow my whole body hurts, my hands and legs... But I'm fine. 🙂
Nico: You should tell your doc. You are pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with it?
Me: Yea, but don't worry. I know this pain. It's nothing. I’ve had this pain since I was a kid. It comes and goes, but it’s not serious. My muscles and bones are just very sensitive to pain. 🫤
Nico: It’s all right, babe. But if I see you get pain again, I’ll take you to your doc. I don’t want to scare you, you know that! But you don’t hurt for no reason. Sure, it's nothing, but it’s better to get it checked out before you need to take painkillers again.
Me: Chill Nico!! I know you’re afraid I might get addicted to painkillers . But c'mon, N.! It's just ibuprofen. 😄🤷‍♀️My pill addiction is past. I know I was difficult for you back then, but I promise, this won’t happen anymore. Love you.
Nico didn’t worry about my pill addiction, but actually about the pain I had. A few days ago, my knee hurt so badly that I could not walk. I even cried. But after I took a painkiller, it stopped again. That pain I had in my muscles and bones will get really bad after delivery. Not immediately after delivery, a few months later. But I do not want to draw too much attention to this issue now. Later, when the time comes, I will explain this in more detail. These were the first symptoms of a serious illness. Since CML is not so easy to diagnose, it will take a while for me to get the diagnosis.
And about Daniel I didn't tell Nico. I was happy with N. and we’re about to have a Baby, so I decided to somehow forget Daniel and let him go. But something happened that night!😞 Daniel texted me at 1:00 a.m. I’ll see him tomorrow again. 😢
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jacksdinonuggets · 4 months
For your lost and found oneshots, make Carmilla baby proof their house since Vaggie regresses so often lol
Lost And Found Oneshots: Baby-Proofing
For the first couple weeks of Vaggie living in the carmine estate, Carmilla had realized how often Vaggie regressed. She knew that when a person, specifically a little, goes through a traumatic experience, they might regress more often. The thing is, Carmilla didn’t know when it would become less often. Their house was full of sharp objects that Vaggie could hurt herself on if she was little! Besides, Vaggie would often become bored of her bedroom, and would want to explore. They didn’t have a play pen/fence yet so if Vaggie wanted a change of surroundings, there was a possibly she could wander off to the factory just a few hallways down and get severely injured by angelic weapons. This would not do.
One day, she decided she needed to baby proof their house. Sure, it may be a little embarrassing when they would have company over and have to explain why there was foam on every single corner of an object, but it would be safer this way. 
After Carmilla had put her baby down for a nap, she decided to get started. First, she needed to sheath all of her display weapons. So she went around the house, putting leather coverings over the blades of all of the weapons. As she was doing this, Clara and Odette came home from a delivery.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Odette asked, seeing how all of the display weapons hanging on the walls were all covered. 
“You guys know how your baby sister regresses so often? Well I figured we needed to baby proof the house in case she regresses outside of her room or manages to wander out of it,” 
“That’s actually a pretty good idea. Can we help?” Clara asked.
“Of course. You can start by placing a sheath over all the weapons in the penthouse, while i make sure to place child locks over all the medicine cabinets and the bar,” Carmilla told her daughters. They immediately got to work, wanting to help their baby sister.
Earlier that day, Carmilla had bought some child locks and a safe. She put away all of her alcohol in the cabinet and locked it up. The child lock wasn’t much of a lock anyways. It would be easy for an adult but a regressed 18 year old with the mind of a baby, it would seem a little difficult. Next, she put away all of the medicine that looked like something a child might like, in the safe. Clara and Odette still used the child version of pain killing meds because they hated the way the adult ones tasted.
“Mama?” Just as she was putting the meds in the safe, she heard a voice call out her name. She turned around and saw Vaggie in her onesie, holding her stuffed bear tightly to her chest, rubbing the sleep out of her eye.
“Hey, Mija, what’s going on?” Carmilla kneeled down to Vaggie. The little one immediately hugged her caregiver and dug her face into her shoulder.
“Bad dweam ‘nd eye huwts,” Vaggie said. Carmilla checked the time. It was about Vaggie’s second dosage. She took three doses. two in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two after dinner. Since it was just after lunch, Vaggie was due.
So Carmilla took out the colorful pill bottle and shook two tablets out of the bottle. They were berry flavored so it would make it easier to swallow. She summoned her baba, which was half full of water. 
“Open up, sweetie,” Vaggie opened her mouth as Carmilla placed the medicine on her tongue stuck the nipple of the bottle into her mouth. Vaggie starting sucking on it, swallowing the tablets. Once they fell into her stomach, she stopped drinking.
“Good girl,” Carmilla lightly pet the back of her head. Vaggie smiled. She didn’t get lots of praise while in heaven or in her human life, so whenever she got praise from Carmilla, she got really happy and felt good about herself.
“Do you want to go nini?” Carmilla asked as she finished locking up the pain killers in the safe.
“Wanna be held,” Vaggie mumbled.
“Alright sweetie,” The overlord lifted the small girl up. It always shocked her at how light Vaggie was. It made her think was heaven not feeding her enough? Was she not feeding her enough? Well, she did have a few sensory problems with food when big. When little, it was really bad, only eating things such as applesauce, milk, and oatmeal. She tried getting her to eat things with more protein and fibers but those types of food upsetted her. So she always mixed protein powder into her milk and some flaxseed into her oatmeal. But she still feared it wasn’t enough.
Pushing her worried thoughts to the side (maybe save it for another fic), she carried Vaggie as she started to tape foam corners on the sharp parts of the tables and chairs.
 Clara and Odette had finished sheathing all the weapons and were now playing Super Smash Brothers in the living room. They made sure to keep it on a low volume so their baby sister wouldn’t get upset from the noise. She got very sensitive to sensory related things.
Finally, after what felt like all day, the house was officially baby-proofed. Vaggie had fallen back asleep so she put her down for another nap while she relaxed on the couch for a bit. She no longer needed to worry if Vaggie was going to get hurt, big or Little.
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nohaadamblog · 4 months
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Looking to buy Zopiclone online uk click this link -  https://www.restfulmedsuk.com/product/buy-zopiclone-online-insomnia-relief/
zopiclone is a medication commonly prescribed for short-term treatment of insomnia, it's crucial to obtain it through legitimate means. In the UK, buy zopiclone online get quality sleep aids conveniently delivered to your doorstep. Order now!
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pbandjesse · 21 days
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I just got home from my beading workshop. Which was so fun and such a lovely night. But I had to really hold myself together and of course as soon as I came home I completely fell apart. I just had a Popsicle and am laying down with sweetp. I am thankfully not nauseous but man am I tired.
It's not even that I am frustrated that I have to go to work. I'm frustrated when there isn't anything for me to do and I'm just. Sitting around. It drives me crazy. I could be at home! Laying down! Making stuff! But instead I'm just. Scrolling on Pinterest. But thankfully there was some stuff to do today, but there were still hours of me just being tired and frustrated.
I also didn't sleep well last night. I woke up at 2 and was absolutely completely awake. And my brain was looping about things I wanted to do in the house. Change the ceiling light. Packing James office to make space for baby. Ripping up carpets. Building a new closet. Feeling claustrophobic. Just not having the best time.
I would end up walking around the house and writing down things that I wanted to do. And emailed the list to James. They, being a sweetie, would write it all out and make a plan to get through my list. Love them so much.
I would eventually fall back asleep but it was not great. I woke up for real at 730 and I just felt really bad. But I had to get myself together to wait for our appliances to be delivered.
James would leave not long after I moved downstairs. I ate the peach I got yesterday. It was not quite ripe enough but it was still good.
I was laying on the couch when James texted me that they rescheduled our delivery again. For tomorrow. Frustrating. James was very mad. I was just annoyed but it's whatever.
I wasn't going to rush to work. Instead I would go and walk over to the CVS to get a refill of my zofran. Which ended up being really easy. While I waited for them to fill that I walked around the store. I got cheese puffs and moleskin to fix my shoes that gave me blisters. And once I had paid my $1.79 for my pills, I headed out.
I jumped in my car and drove to camp. There wasn't much traffic. I would get to camp around 9 and was still earlier then everyone else. And I didn't have my office keys so I decided I should just go up to art and fix my shoes with the moleskin. I would also gather a few more bead things for my workshop. And by the time I finished fixing the shoes I heard Elizabeth and Heather pull in. So I went to the office too.
I would spend the beginning of the day printing and stapling my handouts for the workshop. And I would work on creating a color sheet for my naft feild trips. And would print out some calendars for the next few months so I could write down all the trips and jobs and appointments. It's going to be a busy couple months.
I would work on some small tasks on the computer. Some emails, some gathering of information. But I also was just. Not doing enough. So I would spend a really large chunk of the day writing out notes for each specialty area from the summer. Who ran what. What went well, what didn't, things I think for next year. Suggestions about who should be running things and who shouldn't. My thought was since we were having a meeting today it would be good to be able to point toward this. Even if I wasn't there for the meeting.
I struggled to eat my lunch. Everything tasted bad today, or at least weird. I would eat most of the bag of the cheese puffs. And tried hard to drink water but it just tasted bad and it was very frustrating.
I would go up to art and laid in my hammock. I would end up falling asleep for a half hour. It was not a nice nap. Like it was really nice laying there but I felt very odd when I woke up and I was just not having fun.
I would shake it off best I could and would go back to the office. We were supposed to have a meeting today but it would end up getting moved to tomorrow. I was only annoyed because I wanted to go home so bad but I was staying for the meeting. But it's fine. I would be okay.
For the last hour I would work on some stuff for next year's music festival. And I felt good being productive. But by 330 I was like. It's time. I gotta go home.
So I checked in with Heather and she said that was fine. I got my stuff together and went home.
I'm glad I left when I did. Traffic was really bad and I wouldn't get home until 430. I only barely beat James. When I got back here I would turn the oven on so I could make a pizza.
James would get home and got to work changing the light in the studio. And I went and laid down while I waited for my pizza.
I had to leave here at 530. But that gave me enough time to finish gathering my materials and eat my pizza and be horizontal for a little bit.
But then it was time to go! And I was a little.nervous but it would end up being such a wonderful evening.
I set all my stuff up. And I had 7 people in my class. We would spend the first 20 minutes going over my background, the history of beading, and the tools we would use. I would show how to attach the beads. And then I set everyone to work.
Beading is a slow process. And we would work through 8. And it was just such a lovely group. We talked about work and life and it was just such a lovely night.
Beading on felt has its own problems. And our needles were getting wiggly and we were laughing and it was just such a good energy. We were also just laughing because there was a cowboy tapdance class above us?? It was so loud at times it was like they were going to fall right through the floor. But that would only go until 7. And our last hour was much quieter. With just my music playing.
We cleaned up at 8. And I only had the one basket so it was an easy clean up. And a few of them promised to sign up for my next class. They were excited to hear that all the home ecc classes were with me. Which made me feel really happy.
I also told them I just found out I was pregnant and when Parker was there I told him I was going to take the spring off to work on a "long term project" and showed him the ultrasound and I thought it was so funny. He was very excited for me, as were everyone in the class. It is really nice that other people are being so nice to me and excited for me. It helps a lot.
I went home and it's only about a 5 minute drive. I was very happy to be home where I could fall apart again.
James was here and was being so sweet. They got my that popsicle and I took a shower and now we are in bed. And I am so very very tired. Tomorrow they are apparently going to deliver our appliances, for real this time. Fingers crossed. And when that's done we'll see how I feel and if I'm going to go to camp. I probably will. I want to. I just want to have stuff to do.
Now though it is time for sleep. I love you all very much. Sleep well everyone. Goodnight!!
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itspdameronthings · 1 month
Benny The Rookie Cop Ch4
Summary: Has been awhile since my last post. Had soo many ideas for this one! At long last its done! This chapter has some drama, Benny being a big baby. Finally ! the mystery women in Sant's room!
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Santi's POV: 
That voice. Sounded familiar to me,but for the life of me I couldn't place it! Turned around to see her! Can't it be?! Thought.. oh fuck! Am I dreaming? Lilly? After all of these years? Here!? Taking a step forward,” Sure you can. What are you doing here?” Sat down to tell me why she is in rehab. Same reason why I'm here. Not saying too much about it. Heard my voice earlier this evening when she first arrived. Seeing her reminds me of our childhood. Going off on our own,and looking after Gracie while ma was working. After highschool we lost touch. Till we met up again at basic training. Then we parted again. She went to the med core. Then things went to shit after endless relationships ended badly. Okay, we have something to share in that department. Took her hand,” We will lick this together. Hopefully this time we can overcome this addiction. Gracie would love to see you when I tell her “ When she heard me mention Gracie made her tear up. Always wondered what happened to her. Told her about being married to Benny. Also her being a nurse. Hearing that made her tear up again. We chatted till both of us fell asleep. Forgot about the rule about no patients in the room after a certain hour. Helped her to her room. Till I heard her whispering,” Just like old times Tang.” 
Yeah like old times. Times when we walked home from a party because my truck ran out of gas. Oh those highschool days. Followed by that time during basic when we got kp duty because of a prank gone wrong. Sorry Redfly! Took her hand,” Get some rest now lily pills. Another day in rehab land. Especially with Dr. Relationship wrecker.” Lilly looked at me all confused,” Why is that who’s” Whispers the answer in her ear as I walked towards my room. Not till I see another familiar face . Fish’s wife, Redfly 's ex,” What are you doing on this floor? Thought you were in labor and delivery?” Molly practically slugs me on the shoulder. While rolling her eyes,” I'm on my rehab rotation you jackass! Did your sister tell you anything? Oh right her mind is on her husband right now. Poor guy being shot in the ass.” Rubbing my shoulder as I opened my room door,” Yeah , that smarts . Wanna say congrats to your marriage. Glad you are happy. I mean it. Both of you need some happiness. Also wanna ..” Molly knew what I was gonna say. Took her a while to process the information about Tom. Glad the trust fund has helped to continue with her nursing school. Want to work not to live off the trust all that much. Saved portion of it for the girls’ education. Frankie finally got his pilot license,and now flies for the fire department. Proud of you man. Molly leans against the doorframe telling me that she has faith in me. Also she has my back on the doctor issue. Since she is gonna be helping her. More importantly to give her two cents. Love her spunk! 
Gracie’s POV: 
Forgot how much sleep one loses in the hospital Nurses come in to check on his vitals and such. Now they know about his lower back tattoo! Beautiful rose bud. His way to have me near him. So sweet! Have one same location, boxing glove. Which he loves so much. My thoughts were dashed when Benny moaned for me. Poor baby boy having a bad dream. Calmed him down by touching him ever so gently and slowly. Followed by me singing softly to him. He opened his eyes ever so slowly,” Hmm … such a sweet little voice ya have. Perfect thang to hear right now. Wished …” Kisses him slowly,” I know baby. Wished we were in our bed. Hopefully that will happen. Hope I can convince the docs for me to tend to you rather than someone else. Can't have that.” 
No he doesn't want that. Have another nurse to take care of him. Lay next to him facing him while touching his face ever so gently till a nurse from the ER comes in to tell me that I'm needed! Hello! My shift is over! 
Benny's POV:
Nurse’s work is never done! Poor rose bud. Tired rose bud. Heard her out in the hallway,but quietly telling a nurse that she needs to be with me! In her tired state won't be a good idea! Darn tooting it isn't! You tell her darlin. Hate the fact I can't  lay on my ass. Not complainin . Okay! I am! Ass fucking hurts. Need more meds! See, my iv bag looks like a prune! Heard Gracie mumbling as she pressed the call button. Good girl! Give me more of that stuff. Sound of the same nurse comes in with an IV bag. Closed my eyes since the light was bright as fuck! Hurry the fuck up! Turn that light off! Moments later the room is dark again. Moonlight shines through the window. God she looks beautiful. Kiss her soft lips,” Rest my wife. Gonna need some strength to give the ER a what for,and see if I'll be sprung out of this joint. “ 
Morning finally comes. Oh fucking great! 7am my doc ,and a few med students are at attention as he checks my ass wound. Sayin it has healed up pretty good. Yeah yeah! Get to the part when I can get out of here already sheech! Heard him sayin that I'll be gettin out of here sometime this morning! Finally! Seeing my wife smile. Till two familiar voices fills the room! Frankie and Will! Gracie closes the door as she and the doctor,and students chit chat out in the hall. 
Both of them try not to tease me all too much about my wound. That's fine! I'm a big boy! Can take it! Will begins to ease my pain by tellin funny, childhood stories till Gracie comes in,” Looks like I'm gonna be someone's private nurse, handsome husband of mine.” Hell fucking yeah baby! 
Note: I'll be doing a mini chapter. I know y'all wanna know what happens when Benny gets home. As for the next chapter? Flashforward few weeks when Benny picks Santi up from rehab. Spend time together. Meanwhile Gracie is in danger all because of Lucy's stupidity.
@dameronscopilot @rhoorl @romanarose @musings-of-a-rose @crookedbreadtimemachine
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fruitymations · 1 year
TW // serious medical talk This is a really important update about what's going on. I'm copying/pasting the text from my Twitlonger post. Everything is under a read more.
Hey everyone. I've been inactive quite a bit due to family emergencies that have popped up.
I normally don't talk about these things publicly, but it's gotten so bad I've decided to give some sort of an update for my social media.
My father is currently in the hospital. On Tuesday (April 11th) he was found unconscious for up to two hours in the lumber department at a Home Depot store nearby where we live. He has a more severe case of type 2 diabetes and his blood sugar was found to be around 780 during this incident. He refused medical treatment but the Home Depot staff refused to let him drive home on his own as his condition could put himself and others at risk if he were to go behind the wheel.
He seemed a little out of it when I went to go see him the next day on Wednesday (April 12th). I assumed he was tired from the previous day's incident and that his medications might have been taking a while to kick in. I went to see him to pick up the car keys for our other van so I could pick up the van from the Home Depot parking lot. My father lives separate from us at the house that my mom owns. It's the same house she got in early 2021 that I've been trying to renovate from time to time. Me and my mother live in the condo unit we've had since early 2009.
On Saturday (April 15th) I was headed to my weekend delivery job. I was driving the family van since my regular car is currently in the shop as of writing this. I decided to stop by the house to drop off the other house keys and lockbox keys that my dad had attached to the van's key fob. When he answered the door I immediately knew something was wrong. He was showing signs of what looked like a typical stroke (left side of his body and face was mostly paralyzed, slurred and slowed speech, significant mental confusion). I called an ambulance for him after contacting my mother, my sister, and a close family friend about it.
He was taken to the emergency room and his fasting blood sugar was 465. The medical staff at the hospital tried bringing his blood sugar down and he got sleepy quickly. He's not in a coma, but he's been asleep since then and they haven't been able to get him to fully wake up. He also is unable to wake up on his own. I eventually found out that he hasn't been taking any pill medication for his diabetes and other ailments since November of 2022. He's supposed to take daily insulin injections for his blood sugar, but I found out that his most recent insulin injections he had expired in April of 2022.
I will give a more thorough update on his hospital stay and condition once he is out of the hospital, since things are still in progress with him. I've been going around updating my aunts and uncles on his side of the family (he has about seven or eight siblings; I don't know all of them since he's not great at keeping in touch with others). I've also been scrambling around to keep my mother, my sister, my friends, my partners, and close family friends about his condition as the hours and days go on. I'm his only kid and his next of kin so I've had to go back and forth on updating everyone. Once he's able to wake up on his own and is coherent, I'll have to discuss with him on becoming his power of attorney for healthcare in case anything serious happens in the future where he's unable to make medical decisions for himself.
On top of this, my mother also has her own laundry list of medical issues that require lots of various medications to keep her stable and alive. She also has type 2 diabetes but it's not as severe as my father's. Her other health conditions include interstitial lung disease (and lung scarring caused by this condition), severe sleep apnea, stage 3 pulmonary arterial hypertension, and edema (doctors suspect its caused by the heart struggling to keep up with her conditions). I'm mostly worried about her pulmonary arterial hypertension because there is no cure and it usually is the cause of death for those who are diagnosed with it.
Despite her conditions, she still goes to work since she's the financial stronghold of the household. Good friends of mine, along with my family and both my partners, all know about the debt that we have been dealing with. My mother has accumulated $120,000 USD of credit card debt and still owes about $180,000 USD for the mortgage on the house we got back in 2021. All together it's a total of $300,000 USD.
The things I can do to raise money is limited if it's through me, since I'm on SSI, and being on SSI means there are tight and usually unethical financial restrictions put on people like me. I get my healthcare through SSI via Medicaid. If I lose my SSI, I lose my healthcare. I have some health issues myself (mild GERD, possible PCOS, possible IBS, weight problems, some dental problems that I have to wait to get seen for, and mental health issues).
We are on the verge of bankruptcy and are possibly facing the loss of the little bit of stability that we have left. My mother isn't able to retire without risking financial ruin and she's dealing with an incurable disease that will most likely slowly kill her. I don't know if my father will bounce back from his current condition or not. I don't even know if his insurance will cover any of this.
I've been reluctant to open donations or fundraisers for this because I don't want to just take people's money left and right as I'd just feel bad about it.
I'm terrified. I'm exhausted. I don't know what to do.
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