#Niamh answers
poeticpascal · 2 months
I’ve just watched Dune 2, and it worried me. A lot. I expected to feel attracted by Paul in the beginning, when he seemed to be trying to stay morally good. I DID NOT expect to feel attracted by Paul when he went all power hungry and started talking with that deep and commanding voice, or when his face was covered in blood at the very end. I ALSO DID NOT expect to feel attracted by a bald, pale psychopath (specifically during the fighting scenes, and especially the unfairly short fight between those two). I’m debating taking this to therapy, because that’s not normal.
Girl if there’s one thing I bring to the function, it’s ENABLING.
Our Paul doesn’t want to start the holy war nor is he power hungry!! Bby boy drank the water of life and finally understood that either billions die by his hand, or TRILLIONS die by another’s. He has no choice and I think the films didn’t necessarily portray that as well as the books do, but he is a shining star in the galaxy and we must simply support him and what he needs to do 🥺❤️
Feyd is just a fucking maniac but I’d let him stab me also x
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scuderiamh · 2 years
mick's love language !!
it's 100% words of affirmation i cannot be told otherwise.
he loves complimenting you. absolutely showers you in them. “you look so pretty today, liebling.” “you're so smart, have i ever told you that?” and he doesn't ask for it but he loves the same energy in return.
he loves being assured in the fact that you appreciate him and he loves making sure you know you're loved and appreciated always. it's hard to go to bed feeling uncared for.
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 3 months
Little game for you today...
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! 🧡(if you want)
ooh I love a good game and this is such a sweet one!
In no particular order!
Fictional Men! - I feel like this is super obvious but creating these alternative universes and putting our faves into them is one of my favourite things to do because its so comforting and fun to explore different assets of that character in different contexts!
Sims 4 - I recently gotten back into Sims 4 and quite often play it for a couple hours every evening, I've basically started an unofficial CE generation challenge where if they have a son I'm gonna name it after a CE character and try and make it live as much like the character as possible, I've got Cole, Ari and Colin so far!
my mutuals and followers - honestly Tumblr is a bit of a shit show and engagement is so bad at the moment but it's my mutual and followers that engage that keep bringing me back, otherwise, I probably would have left a long time ago
my friends and family - Spending time with them always makes me happy, I went out for a meal with my parent last week for my birthday and I spent the entire evening laughing, they're also all really supportive with my struggles with anxiety and its nice to have a good safety net to fall into as I start therapy and try and improve my mental health
my career - Ever since starting my PhD last month I've been so excited about my career prospects and it feels like my dreams are within reach even if I have to wait a few more years. My supervisor has some amazing contact with one of the best conservation research facilities in the UK and I'm excited to hopefully work with them in the future!
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sambergscott · 2 years
What are Jake Amy Mr. Mac going as this halloween?
ninja turtles with his baby sister 🤪
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jflemings · 5 months
keeping positive and imagining moving to portland with jessie <33 you guys getting to decorate your apartment together
you two had definitely spoken about if before anything became official. when she came to you saying that she thought it might be time for her to leave chelsea you were obviously in full support of her!!! when she chose thorns fc you were a bit surprised at first but also understood why. she had friends there, it was a lot closer to home and the pay wasn’t too bad either.
the place you guys get is perfect for the two of you so you can’t wait to start making it your own. jessie hangs up her framed chelsea and canada jerseys when you start decorating the walls, you catch her looking at the chelsea one for a lil bit and feel bad before you realise that this move is good for her and her career.
the two of you don’t have a kitchen or coffee table for like the first week and a bit so you eat on the floor 😭 it’s fine, neither of you care because you’re with eachother. same goes for the bed. no bed frame, just a mattress on the floor (which comes in handy when you christen the place). furniture shopping can be absolutely ridiculous with jessie istg LMFAOO she’s defs the type to read everything on the label so you end up staying for longer then originally planned. she just wants to know what she’s buying tho sooooo
when you guys actually get a bed it really sets in for the two of you that you’re starting something new with eachother. sometimes it shocks jess that you even made the move with her in the first place but to you it was a no brainer. you see a future with her so wherever she goes, you go
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princemick · 10 months
Fernando will die of old age and have his funeral in the paddock instead of announcing his retirement
ok but then we'll get a hot i just murdered my husband fit from lewis so like. a win is a win
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
Niche Questions: Niamh?
a song that reminds me of them: Riptide, Taylor Swift cover
what they smell like: salt water & orange blossom
an otp: Niamh x Harry
a notp: Niamh x Mal
favorite platonic/familial relationships: tbd
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: n/a
the position they sleep in: curled up in a tight ball on land, floating on her back or curled in a loose ball in the water
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: Edmund, Raphael, Almeria (all @the-witching-ash), @cecexwrites' neverland/pan characters and also my darling Quinn, @ginevrastilinski-ocs's Jax, and of course your Stephen & Gabe bc I love my sons
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: 
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Niche OC Questions
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ikeasharksss · 6 months
1 final down. 4 to go
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shadovan · 3 months
@intothewildsea sent:
She can't help but be a tease, giving him just a kiss on the cheek. She would give him more, but...he has to work for it, first. She grins up at him, waiting to see his response.
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His bottom lip jutted in a small pout when all he received was a kiss on his cheek. The disappointed expression disappeared quickly, though. Yes, he could play this game if that was what she wished of him.
With a flick of his wrist, a rose appeared in his hand, long stemmed with petals so black and soft that they looked as if they'd feel like velvet. It was a cliche gesture as he offered it to her, but one he still enjoyed they sentiment of, none the less.
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"What would you like?" He curled an arm around Niamh's waist... and slowly tugged her closer while leaning to whisper in her ear. "Roses? A dance? A declaration of your beauty? Say what you desire and it will be yours."
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effervescentdragon · 1 month
which one of the drivers has a god complex? I think nando
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losojos-decupido · 1 month
[ pilot ] your muse taking mine by the arm, hand, shoulder, etc. to lead them.
She had survived many kinds of battlefields. Endured the icy cold winds in the snowy wastelands, the dangerous heights of the treacherous mountains, and the eerie sounds that loom in the inky darkness of the woods. But this...
The marketplace at it's peak...
She had come with the intention of purchasing something, but now she wanted to escape the droves of people who were venturing from venue to venue, searching for that perfect accessory to complete their look for the ball. However much she looked, she couldn't figure a way out - the way she entered was completely out of sight, and finding an opening in the crowd was proving difficult. The consistent movement of the crowd made taking a moment to stop and look around hard, too.
Though her face showed no expression outwardly, on the inside, she had begun to grow anxious as to whether or not she'd escape here at all.
ahh, the markets at peak population! the clamor of salesmen, the outcries of excitement at customers finding their dream deal---they're such happy sounds to fogado that it's like a party of its own just to stand around in the crowd! he's found some nice clothes here, along with a nigh-overwhelming spread of delicious foods and glittery little trinkets, but he wonders what else he should be doing while he's here...
as his eyes scan over the crowd, they stick to a familiarly unique mask, and fogado gasps: it's niamh! hey, that's his teatime bestie from the eagle and lion! how long had she been here for?
he sets to approach but pauses. it seems that niamh is searching, too, but fogado picks out that it's not for the same reasons he had been. her gaze doesn't move with intrigue across the stalls but instead with some kind of urgency. her face tells nothing, but fogado's a master at body language. there's a stiffness in her that can only mean one thing: she wants out!
never fear, the foge is here! with his supersonic ability to slither around people with minimal collision (as parties often require), he links up with niamh with a wave and a friendly wink. "hey there, niamh! been a bit since i've seen ya!" he chirrups warmly.
with a hand, he gently grips her wrist: strong enough to guide, but gentle enough that she could take it back at any time. "i was just about to go have some tea in the courtyards---all this shopping's got me beat! c'mon, let's go together! we can try a new blend and share some of these tea biscuits i bought!"
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scuderiamh · 2 years
OMG!!! Then I would love to see what Dennis' love language is🥹🥹💜💜
i feel like it's for sure physical touch!
whenever you're walking anywhere you're always holding hands. his hand is on your thigh when he's driving. cuddles always always always. frequent kisses - not just on the lips! expect many forehead, cheek, and neck kisses from this man, too. loves when you run your hand through his hair when you're laying/sitting together.
in conclusion some part of you guys are always touching when you're together <3
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For Firefighter chris and his girl: 7& 8
Hi there! Thank you for sending in an ask!
7: Have any tattoos?
Chris: loads, more than I could probably go through right now, they’re all mostly on my chest because it means they’re all covered up when I’m working
Y/N: none at all, me and Benny nearly got a matching set during one wild night out but we both chickened out last minute *laughs*
Chris: What were you gonna get?
Y/N: *cringes* tweedle dee and tweedle dumb
Chris: *laughing so loud he nearly falls off his chair*
8: want any tattoos?
Y/N: I would yeah but I can’t think of something good enough, maybe one day
Chris: honestly its only a matter of time until I book another one in
Send me some nosy asks for my characters!!
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sambergscott · 2 years
wow, I’m amazed by the amount of books you’ve read already this year. :o 86, 133 and 134? 🥰
HAHAHHAHA there are definitely some shorter books in there + audiobooks i listened too on a faster speed but also i've just read this year instead of watching tv
83 (a book featuring fake dating):
the view was exhausting by mikaella clements and onjuli datta
i hadn't heard much about this book but i read it a few weeks ago and oH MY GOD IT'S ONE OF MY NEW FAVES EVER. it's a romance (with lots of angst) about an actress and a rich socialite type guy who are forced to fake date by her publicist after she faces a scandal. obviously they fall in love. but the tension???? the angst???? chefs KISS. i don't normally like angst but the writing is literally so so so so so good their chemistry is off the charts i cannot speak more highly of this book pls read it
133 (a book that you came across randomly and fell in love with):
written in bone by sue black
(technically @daniallricciardo came across this randomly not me but whatever) this one is non-fiction and probably not for everyone but if you love bones (the tv show) this book is fascinating and so so good!!! the author is a forensic anthropologist talking about cases she's solved using different bones and the book basically takes you through the whole skeleton. we both read it so quick and really enjoyed it! a real life temperance brennan book <3
134 (unreccomend any book you like):
I assume this means like??? telling you not to read a popular book bc it sucked?? in which case: the midnight library by matt haig. do not interact. it is sos os os os so bad the writing is child-level and the plot is boring i only finished it bc i'm dumb and bought a physical copy don't waste your time or money
ask me for book recs!
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jflemings · 26 days
thinking about jessie reader and niamh all living in one apartment!!
i’m not sure if you mean that there’s a romantic pair in the mix so i’ve just defaulted to reader x jessie
niamh likes to tease you and jessie any chance she gets, especially if she’s heard you having sex
jessie loves her quiet time which often leaves you and niamh to occupy yourselves
the three of you love to make meals together since it brings a sense of normalcy to your otherwise conflicting schedules
niamh can’t really cook but she’s a great sous chef
the three of you have a chore chart just to keep yourselves on track and it works really well
niamh will stay the night at a friends at least once a month so you and jessie can do what you please
niamh and jessie are attached at the hip and will often bicker with eachother over little things
it’s really funny
there’s also not any secrets in the house, much to jessie’s dismay
it’s not intentional, it’s just that it’s hard to keep things private when she’s living with het partner and best friend
one time the three of you went to celebrate a big chelsea win and you and jessie had loud drunk sex when you got home, completely forgetting about the other occupant of the house
the two of you were mortified
niamh is really good at getting her chores done because she hates having to do them. she gets them done so that future her doesn’t have to do them
most of the time the three of you just end up wearing eachother’s clothes because sometimes you can’t be bothered to sort them into individual piles
jessie wakes up the earliest out of you three based on pure habit, it’s the most peaceful time of her day
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pitchsidestories · 1 month
please do one for niamh charles or jessie fleming 🤩
Hi, we hope you enjoy I loved you in secret <3
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