#Nibble and pixel
nibbleandpixel · 15 days
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nstvanshika · 1 year
Are you looking to capture the essence of style, beauty, and elegance through stunning visuals? Look no further than Nibble and Pixel, Delhi's premier fashion photography service. Nibble and Pixel are dedicated to providing stunning visuals that bring your fashion creations to life. If you're ready to elevate your fashion brand or project with breathtaking imagery, look no further than "Nibble and Pixel." With our passion for fashion, technical expertise, and commitment to excellence, we are dedicated to capturing the essence of your designs and creating visual stories that leave a lasting impression.
Read More: - Best Fashion Photography Service in Delhi
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semosayba · 6 months
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Stephanie has got a gun.
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tereladea · 10 months
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om nom nom
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paintbuckettool · 11 months
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Recent doodle dump! My mlp phase resurfacing and my new hyperfixations have me in a chokehold help
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transbeeduo · 1 year
I think there should be c!ranboo animatics to monster by skillet btw
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l0st-marblezz · 2 months
“The LiB if they were human teenagers” headcanons (+ 1 Webby hc):
Tinky is obsessed with the backrooms but only the version where there’s no monsters. He’s constantly arguing on forums on how it’s the superior version and that “Kane Pixels is the reason the backrooms are seen as a joke”
Blinky runs a school confessions page and a school fights TikTok account simultaneously. He has the uncanny ability to be present and record every school fight ever. He’s the school gossip and stalks the other students’ social media accounts. Is chronically online and knows all the niche internet drama.
Wiggly is the type of kid to run a school black market monopoly selling contraband. He manipulates other students to do the actual selling while he rakes in all the money. Any other attempt at outselling him has been crushed.
Nibbly is the kid at the back of the class who is constantly eating. It’s always some sort of fancy gormet meal. No one knows where he gets his food from. He gets aggressive when you ask him to share.
Pokey is the certified obnoxious Theater Kid™️. Sings the most obnoxious theater songs and they always get stuck in peoples heads. Is the loudest kid in the class.
Webby volunteers in a lot of the school clubs. She’s the type of student that is very nice, but is quiet and you don’t see her often. She’s quite embarrassed of her younger brothers and doesn’t want to be associated with them.
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levisolace · 3 days
[4] Expendable Hearts (Levi x F!Reader)
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Chapter 4: Earl Grey
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WC: 7,120 Chapter Warnings: angst again ^^ (they need to communicate), also unedited Summary: Everyone in Levi's life knows he only ever dated one girl and that she left him wrecked, bitter, and heartbroken. Many years later, she's back in his life and he doesn't know what to do. Note: At least it didn't take a year this time?
story masterlist | prev chapter > next chapter
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The morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow across your small apartment. You sat on the couch, Earl nestled beside you, his sleek black fur shimmering in the sunlight that streamed through the window. A bowl of Earl's favorite tuna-flavored kibble rested between them, and you carefully scooped a handful into his waiting dish.
"Here you go, Earl," you murmured, voice soft and soothing. Earl's green eyes gleamed with anticipation as he watched the kibble tumble into the bowl. With a gentle nudge of his head, he began to nibble contentedly.
You smiled, your fingers absently stroking Earl's fur as she watched him eat. It was moments like these that you cherished — quiet mornings filled with the simple pleasure of caring for your companion.
The kitchen clock ticked steadily on the wall, reminding you of the peaceful passage of time. It was Sunday, a day she reserved for leisure and relaxation. Outside, the neighborhood was bathed in the golden light of morning, with the distant sound of cars honking and people shouting. Despite the chaos that the neighborhood offered, it should be a peaceful day… if only you aren’t aware of a certain raven-haired man on the way to your apartment. 
"You're going to have a good day today, aren't you, Earl?" you murmured, your voice tinged with affection. Earl looked up at her, his green eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief, as if he understood every word. “That man I used to tell you about, he’s coming.” 
After finishing his breakfast, Earl stretched lazily, arching his back and then padding over to you. He rubbed against your leg, purring loudly, before settling down at your feet. You chuckled softly, reaching down to scratch behind his ears. "You're such a charmer," you whispered.
Together, they basked in the tranquil morning, you sipping you coffee as Earl curled up beside you. The sunlight danced across the room, casting playful shadows on the walls. 
When the clock struck nine, you were agitatedly waiting for Levi to arrive. He hasn’t texted or called to follow up or confirm he was even coming, making you doubt if he was even aware of it. You’ve pondered just asking Hange for the address, but when you texted her, she assured you that Levi was coming. 
You were aware that the appointment isn’t until the end hour but you were biting your nails, your nerves acting up all of a sudden. Should you dress up? Was it alright that you were just wearing jeans and a tight fitting top? For some reason, you feel like you should dress up. Hell, you even put on more makeup than your usual corporate look.
“Earl, do you think he’s coming?” 
The cat purred, jumping to your side on the couch. You run your thumb on his head, petting him softly. Just then, your phone pinged with a notification. A two-word text from an unknown number.
Come down. 
It’s no mistake that it’s Levi. You could almost hear his commanding and aloof tone through the pixels. Rushing, you take one last look in the mirror, you pat your hair and smile at yourself. But just like being dumped with cold water, your smile drops as you realize your action and your hand flies up to slap your cheek lightly. 
What the hell is wrong with you? This is not a date or even a friendly get together.
You make sure everything in your apartment is in check before grabbing your coat. You bid your pet farewell and hurried down and out of your apartment complex. 
Like it was on cue, the moment you stepped on the pavement, you heard the low but powerful hum of an engine approaching. A sleek black Audi glides into view. The car stops smoothly in front of you and you look around, a few people outside staring at the car with an odd expression on their face. 
You don’t move. Instead, you take a step back. You don’t even know if this is Levi. The windows are tinted and you don’t know his plate number or car model. 
Before you can pull up your phone to ask Levi, the car window rolls down, revealing the man himself. 
“Get in,” he says curtly, his expression composed as ever. 
You open the door and slide into the passenger seat, immediately noticing the immaculate interior. The leather seats are impeccably clean, and the subtle scent of expensive cologne fills the air. You wouldn’t expect less from Levi. He glances at you briefly before shifting the car into gear. 
Although you want to look at him, you avoid doing that and avert your gaze beyond the car itself and to your surroundings. The people in your neighborhood still watched the vehicle even as Levi drove away. They don’t seem to be in awe of the car. Somehow, they looked wary… maybe even afraid? You found this strange but brush it away. Maybe it’s just weird seeing a different social class driving along The Underground. Maybe you were just reading into it too much. 
Levi is silent the whole ride. He navigates the streets with precision, every turn and lane change executed flawlessly. The car’s performance seems like a natural extension of Levi’s own skills and discipline.
As you reach your destination, Levi parks the car with the same precision he’s shown throughout the drive. He looks at you, his eyes sharp yet calm. You stare back. He doesn’t look like he’s gonna say anything so you open your mouth to speak.
“Don’t,” he beats you to it. “If you’re going to say something about what happened in the elevator. Just don’t.”
You were taken aback and you remember his face when you left. Guilt consumes you once again but you don’t let it show on your face. 
“I wasn’t going to,” you mumbled. “I was gonna say that you could leave me here. I know Hange probably forced you to come. I think I can find my way back from here.”
“Tch,” he responds with his usual expression. 
He gets out of the car without a word for you to follow and yet you do so anyway. You gave him a choice to leave but he doesn’t look like he’s going anywhere. You wondered if it’s also his day off. What could his job be? Maybe an office job or managing the restaurant? Could Kuchel’s still be up and running? You hope it is. Although you want to visit Levi’s mother, you’re not sure if she would welcome you like before. 
The wedding boutique’s interior is just as sophisticated as its exterior. Soft lighting illuminates racks of exquisite dresses, each piece more stunning than the last. The air is filled with the subtle scent of fresh flowers, adding to the refined atmosphere.
A sales assistant approaches, eyes shifting from you to Levi. “Good morning, ma’am and sir. Looking for a wedding dress?” 
You and Levi take an awkward glance at each other before he clears his throat. “No. We’re here for the ten o’clock appointment. The refitting?” He states simply. 
The sales assistant nods enthusiastically, apologizing for her mistake. “Ah, yes! For Ms. Zoe’s bridesmaid. Please wait here.” 
She ushered you both to a waiting area. You sit side by side on the couch. There are racks of wedding dresses around you and on mannequins. You take your time to admire them while Levi scrolls through his phone. 
You’re happy for Hange that she’s settling down. She looked really happy with Moblit and he seemed utterly in love with her as well. Although her personality hasn’t changed, there seemed to be some maturity around her that you weren’t familiar with. 
At the moment, marriage isn’t something that you can see yourself in. But god, the dresses are so pretty. You don’t really get to wear gowns like that. 
For a moment, you think about it, maybe as a result of you haven’t eaten breakfast. If a ring adorned your finger, what wedding dress would you like best? You think you’d like something with a petticoat, something that would make you feel like a princess. Your eyes caught one that you adored. It’s on a mannequin. You could picture yourself wearing it. In all honesty, this is the first time you’ve thought about weddings in years. And you do see the irony of doing that with your ex-boyfriend sitting beside you. 
Your trail of thoughts were cut off when the sales assistant came out from the room she went into. “Miss, we’re ready for you here. Your boyfriend can accompany you inside.” She points to the room with a gesture of her palms laid outwards. 
“Not her boyfriend,” Levi nonchalantly reacts and the disgust in his tone doesn’t go unnoticed by you. You give the girl an awkward smile. He wasn’t wrong and yet you can’t help but feel offended at the way he reacted so quickly as if he found the thought repulsive. 
“He’ll stay here. Or leave… if he wants to.” You give him a glance to which he scoffed at. The sales assistant awkwardly laughs, seemingly noticing the tension in the room. 
“Ah, I’m sorry again for assuming. Please forgive me. Do you need any refreshments as you wait here, sir?” She asks Levi while you stand up and sling your bag over your shoulder. 
“No, thank you.” Levi stands up from his seat and you could see the sales assistant’s eyes wilter for a moment at his rejection. God, he’s rude. 
“I’ll be coming inside as well,” he continues, shocking you. 
“What? You don’t have to do that,” you whisper to his side. 
He doesn’t take no for an answer, heading inside first and brushing past you. You look up at the ceiling, praying nothings above to give you enough patience for this time.
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You stood in front of the mirror, tugging the waist of the dress. It was a tube top, which you don’t often wear. Sleeves accompany your arms most of the time and right now? They feel naked. Despite that, the dress is nice. The fabric hugged you in all the right places. But your nerves were more due to the fact that Levi was sitting just a few feet away, casually scrolling through his phone. You hate to admit that until now, he still makes you nervous.
Levi hadn’t even looked up when she stepped out of the dressing room. He was sitting straight up in the plush chair, legs crossed, looking for all the world like he’d rather be anywhere else. His dark hair flopped slightly over his forehead, and his posture was so relaxed it bordered on dismissive. And you were right, he is scrolling and typing on his phone like his mind is entirely somewhere else.
“Oh, it’s perfect. Magnifique!” The tailor clasped his hands, catching Levi’s attention. 
He looks up and drags his eyes up and down your form. It took all of you not to show your nervousness at his reaction. And yet, like a child waiting, you look at the people in the room with a smile.
“How’s it look?” you asked, your voice trying to sound casual, but the weight of the situation made it come out more forced than you intended.
Levi doesn’t take his eyes off you as you asked, just for a moment, then back at his phone. “Looks fine,” he muttered, tapping at the screen.
Your smile faltered. You turned back to the mirror, adjusting the tube in the hope of distracting yourself from the pang of disappointment in her chest. You weren’t sure why you expected him to be more... invested. He was here as a favor to Hange, your mutual friend. Not to you. 
“Is something wrong, madame?” The tailor asked.
Your eyes widened as your eyes shifted to the reflection of the tailor in the mirror and you shook your head. “Oh! Nothing, no. It’s just… I’m not really used to wearing tube top dresses. Don’t my arms look kind of awkward?” 
“Nonsense, madame. You look beautiful!” The joyful tailor said flamboyantly. 
You purse your lips, looking at your reflection again. This was all so sudden and you kinda wished you had more time to prepare. It’s been a while since you dressed up like this. It’s like seeing yourself in a whole different light. After focusing on your career and all, you guess you’ve neglected your appearance. 
The tailor noticed your silence. “But if you’re uncomfortable, we can add straps or alter it to your liking. It’s no big deal.”
“Oh, please don’t. You don’t have to do that,” you tell her. “It’s perfect.” The thought of imposing more will only burden you and make you more uncomfortable. Anyway, you’ll only be wearing it for a day. 
The tailor nods. “So this measurement is good, then.”
“Yes, I think I’m done here,” you said after a beat, your voice quieter now.
As you stepped back into the dressing room to change, you could hear him tapping away on his phone again, already checked out of the moment. You took a deep breath. You sighed quietly, fiddling with your hair as you stared at your reflection. You weren’t sure why you felt disappointed at his reaction. It was like he found it repulsive to even look at you. It made you wonder… does he still find you attractive? You hated that it bothered you this much. 
It took you a while to change, carefully taking the dress off without misplacing the pins and all. When you emerged from the dressing room, Levi was nowhere to be found. It only made you feel worse. But at least your stomach was no longer in knots. It always felt that way when he was in sight. 
You approached the sales assistant who was also in the room, obligated to give her an apology for how Levi reacted. She smiles when you reach her and tells you that the tailor began to work on the dress and had stepped out.
“Hey, I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. He’s rude but he’s not always like that,” you tell her but you know it’s half a lie. Levi doesn’t really do well with strangers, especially if he’s in a bad mood. You guessed he hasn’t really at all changed. There’s still that introvert inside him. Or maybe you just trigger it with your presence. 
The sales assistant gives you a reassuring smile, a genuine one that you differentiated from her usual customer service one. “It’s fine, ma’am. I experienced worse…” 
Her last words trail before she paused for a while, stopping herself as if she wanted to say something else. You tilt your head in curiosity. “What is it?”
“Nothing ma’am. It’s just… I thought you were a couple because of how he was looking at you when you weren’t looking,” she replied shyly, a hand scratching the back of her neck.
Your smile drops as you hear what she had to say, that fluttering feeling in your stomach that had gone dormant in years was alive once again. 
“What?” you mutter, feeling your face heat up. 
“I’m sorry. I think I overstepped once again, ma’am.”
“You’re not, don’t worry about it,” you assure her. You point at the door with your thumb. “Is he still outside?”
“He stepped out. But his car is still outside so I don’t think he left, ma’am.” 
The sales assistant redirects you back to the waiting area. As she does, you take your phone out of your bag and pull out your messaging app to text the same number who called you earlier. 
Where did you go?
Had something urgent. My secretary will drive you.
As if on cue, the front door’s bell dings, indicating it had just been open and boy probably in his early twenties walks in. He has a buzz cut and a shining glimmer in his eyes. He wears a polo shirt and slacks. 
“O-Oh, you’re done, miss?” He says as his eyes land on you. Your mouth parts, unsure why this stranger is addressing you. He says your name as a question and you nod in confusion.
“Ah! Pardon me. My name is Connie. I’m Mr. Levi’s personal secretary. He asked me to fetch and drive you. He was needed there.” 
Secretary? Not only does he have an Audi, he has an assistant running errands for him on a Sunday? And how could he just leave without telling you? 
You smiled at Connie. Although you don’t find the stranger suspicious, it’s still a bit much to get in the car with him. It’s more of you thinking you’d be imposing. He could be doing better things. 
“You don’t need to do that, Connie. I can get home by myself.”
Connie’s eyes widened and he brought his hands up frantically waving. “No, no, no. I have specific orders from Sir Levi. I also have breakfast for you ready in the car.” 
That caught you off guard. Breakfast? He got you breakfast? 
“Levi asked you to get me breakfast?” 
“Yes, ma’am. He was very specific with what to get.”
“Oh crap,” he mutters to himself as if it wasn’t information that he should’ve disclosed to you. “Can we go to the car now, ma’am?” 
In a trance of thoughts, you nod aimlessly and follow the boy outside. He guides you to the car and even opens the door for you. He sits you on the backseat. Connie enters the car to the driver’s seat. 
“How long have you been working for Levi, Connie?”
Striking up a conversation seemed like a good idea instead of sitting in silence and so you did just that. As you speak, Connie hands you a paper bag that rested from where you sat earlier in the morning, making you mumble a quick thank you as you accepted it. 
“I’ve been working with Mr. Ackerman for years,” he said proudly, grinning.
“Years? He must really like you then,” you said, amused and chuckling.
“I really hope he does, ma’am. It was tough, if you know what I mean?” He gives you a mischievous look through the rearview mirror. “Don’t tell him this but I used to cry in the comfort room in the first month that I worked for him.” 
A three-second silence in the car and he immediately takes back what he said. “Shit. Overshared. Sorry.”
You huffed and let out an amused chuckle that turned into laughter. Connie laughs back, bringing up a hand to scratch the back of his head. He did that twice already, you gathered by now that it’s a mannerism. 
“I can see why he does, you know, why he likes you,” you shared. “He needs people like you,” you added. 
Levi keeps people around his life when he likes them. Erwin keeps him in check. Hange pulls him out of his shell. And you? What was your purpose in his life? What did you have to offer him back when you had him? 
Your eyes drift to the paper bag beside you. Peeking through it, you see a green drink and pastry. Matcha and Blueberry muffin. Your heart swells and you have to close your lids to stop the overwhelming emotions that threaten to come out. The smell is purely nostalgia. 
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The quiet hum of fluorescent lights was the only sound that punctuated the silence of the library as you huddled over her textbooks, your brow furrowed in concentration. The dusty scent of old paper and leather bound you in a cocoon of academia, the world beyond the heavy oak doors fading into insignificance.
In the middle of you losing yourself in a particular chapter of your reading, a soft but familiar deep voice broke through the stillness. “You’ve been here all morning?” 
You looked up to see Levi standing there, arms crossed and giving you a concerned look. 
He slipped into the chair across from you, his presence is warm and comforting, a disruption to your heavy mind and the coldness of the place. 
“Yeah, I’m almost finished with this reading,” you whisper to him. 
“Have you eaten, at least?” He asked, pulling out his laptop.
“Yeah,” you replied back, nonchalant and obviously lying. You know he doesn’t like it when you skip breakfast and always argues when you don’t. You were never really big on breakfast, you never felt the need for it. You don't like the feeling of being full in the morning. However, Levi lived a life with a cook for a mother, so having breakfast was a must in his vocabulary. Most of your life was spent hustling. Being fast. Mornings were made up of getting ready, having half a cup of coffee, and making your way to school early in the morning. 
“You’re lying,” he states the obvious with disappointment in his voice.
“It’s almost 10. It’s just two hours before lunch time anyway,” you shrug. 
“That’s bullshit,” he replied, shaking his head.
Erwin and Hange came by as he said it, following Levi like the trio that they are. 
“Can you lovebirds not argue in the library?” Erwin whispered as the two of them sat down. 
Levi slides out of his chair quietly while turning down his laptop screen. 
“Get up,” he demanded straight at you. You look up at him, confused and a bit annoyed. You were almost done with the reading. 
“I’m almost done,” you refused, burying your face back on the paper. 
Levi sighed audibly, the kind of sigh that meant he wasn’t going to drop it anytime soon. You could feel his eyes on you, unwavering and expectant. The weight of his gaze was enough to break your concentration on the reading. It was like a silent battle, one you knew you wouldn’t win, not when it came to Levi and his insistence on taking care of you in his own stubborn way.
“Get up,” he repeated, voice firmer this time. He wasn’t budging, and you knew he’d stand there as long as it took for you to listen.
You glanced up at him, your expression caught between exasperation and defeat. He wasn’t about to let this go, and as much as you wanted to finish your chapter, you could already feel the familiar pull of his unspoken concern. Levi’s brand of care was persistent, never showy, but impossible to ignore.
Hange leaned over the table, grinning mischievously, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. “Better do what he says, or we’re all going to hear about it for the rest of the day.”
“Come on, just humor him,” Erwin added with a slight smirk, though he kept his voice low in the quiet library.
Levi didn’t wait for your reply this time. With a swift motion, he closed your book gently but decisively, tucking it under his arm. His other hand reached out, hovering near you, but not touching—an offering, rather than a demand. He wasn’t going to drag you out, but his patience was running thin.
“Let’s go,” he said, more quietly now, his tone softening just a little. “Five minutes. We’ll grab something, and you can finish your reading after.”
You wanted to protest, but the look in his eyes—steady, unrelenting—told you it was a lost cause. It wasn’t really about the food. It was about him needing to make sure you were okay, even when you didn’t think it mattered. 
With a resigned sigh, you stood up, brushing off the nonexistent dust on your jeans. “Fine,” you muttered, though the fight had gone out of your voice.
Levi gave a small nod of approval, turning toward the door without a word. You followed, casting one last glance at the table and the chapter you had been so close to finishing. Hange gave you a teasing wink as you passed, and Erwin, ever the composed one, simply smiled knowingly.
As the two of you stepped out into the crisp morning air, the library’s warmth replaced by the gentle chill, Levi’s pace slowed just enough for you to fall in step beside him. He didn’t say anything, and neither did you. The silence between you was comfortable, like slipping into something familiar, something safe. Despite his earlier gruffness, Levi’s presence was calming, grounding. 
After a few minutes of walking, he broke the silence. “There’s a café around the corner. You’ll like it. They’ve got good tea.”
“Not coffee?” you teased lightly, trying to lift the mood.
“Figured tea would go easier on you,” he replied, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. His lips twitched, almost like he was trying to hide a smile.
You couldn’t help but smile back, a small one, but genuine. Levi always had this way of knowing what you needed, even when you didn’t ask. He was stubborn, but his quiet care ran deeper than words could ever express.
As you walked together, the tension from the morning dissolved, leaving behind a warmth that wasn’t just from the sun filtering through the trees. It was the kind of warmth that only Levi brought with him—steady, comforting, and constant, even when you didn’t realize you needed it.
You took a moment to breathe, the cool air outside replaced by the comforting warmth of the café. The stack of readings and the stress from earlier seemed to slip away, replaced by the calm of the moment. When Levi returned, he set a cup of matcha in front of you and a plate with two blueberry muffins.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “I thought we were just grabbing something quick.”
He slid into the chair across from you, his own cup of black tea in hand. “You need more than just tea. Eat.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his insistence but reached for a muffin anyway. The soft texture and burst of blueberry sweetness were enough to remind you just how hungry you actually were. You took a bite, and Levi watched you, sipping his tea silently, but his expression was lighter now, less tense.
“Better?” he asked, though it was less of a question and more of a check-in, like he needed to hear you confirm it.
“Better,” you admitted, taking another bite.
He nodded once, satisfied, and turned his attention to his tea. The steam rose from his cup, and he closed his eyes briefly as he took a slow sip, savoring the warmth. You watched him for a moment, appreciating how he could find calm in the simplest things—like the taste of tea or the quiet atmosphere of a small café.
“So, you’ve got me here, eating muffins,” you started, breaking the comfortable silence. “What’s the plan? Gonna keep babysitting me, or can I finish my reading after this?”
Levi smirked, setting his cup down. “You can finish your reading after this. Just didn’t want you passing out in the middle of it.” His tone was teasing, but there was a flicker of concern behind his words, subtle but there.
You laughed lightly, shaking your head. “I wouldn’t pass out.”
“Right,” he said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “And you’ve never done that before?”
You bit your lip, knowing exactly what he was referring to. That one time during finals week… but that was different. You’d been exhausted from back-to-back exams. Still, Levi wasn’t wrong. You had a habit of pushing yourself too hard.
“Okay, okay, point taken,” you conceded, taking a sip of your matcha. “Thanks, by the way. For this.”
Levi gave a small shrug, as if it wasn’t a big deal. “No need to thank me. Just don’t make it a habit.”
You smiled at that, though a part of you was still processing the strange dynamic between you two. Levi was always there when it mattered, even when things were complicated between you. He wasn’t the type to make grand gestures, but he showed up in these small, quiet ways—making sure you ate, pulling you out of your own head, grounding you when you didn’t even realize you needed it.
You nodded, taking another bite of your muffin, content to sit in comfortable silence as you both worked. Occasionally, Levi’s eyes would flicker up from his screen to check on you, a small gesture you pretended not to notice.
As the morning stretched into midday, the café buzzed quietly around you, but in this little corner by the window, it felt like the world outside didn’t exist. The warmth of the matcha, the sweetness of the blueberry muffins, and Levi’s steady presence beside you made everything feel lighter, less daunting.
Since then, it became a routine for the two of you. Blueberry muffins and matcha. The perfect way to start your day with your boyfriend, Levi. 
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In your apartment, you sat at the table, cradling a warm cup of matcha between your hands, the aroma of the freshly baked blueberry muffins filling the air. It was something familiar, something comforting. You absentmindedly pulled off a piece of the muffin, the tart sweetness of the blueberries mingling with the warmth of the soft pastry, and let it linger on your tongue. It was a flavor that always brought you back to him, to Levi.
For a brief moment, you missed the way it was—if the distance between you two wasn’t so carefully maintained. You wondered what it would feel like to feel his warmth again. But you pushed the thought aside. Whatever this was, for now, it was enough. And for once, you let yourself enjoy it.
The stillness of the apartment, the absence of his voice or the low, comforting rumble of him sipping tea across from you—these were the things that haunted the corners of your mind when you least expected it. 
You sipped the matcha slowly, closing your eyes for a moment, letting its earthy flavor settle in your chest. You could almost hear him scolding you, telling you to eat something more substantial, to stop skipping meals. His voice was still so clear in your head, even though he wouldn’t do that anymore. You smiled faintly at the thought, more out of habit than anything else.
The muffin in front of you sat half-eaten, but you weren’t really hungry. Not in the way Levi always worried about. You picked at it absentmindedly, your mind drifting back to those mornings in the café, where everything felt like it was on pause—like whatever was broken between you two didn’t matter in that quiet space. You’d sit there, stealing glances at each other, filling the air with comfortable silence, pretending for a little while that nothing had changed.
But everything had. 
You took another sip of your drink, eyes drifting toward the window. The city outside was bustling, indifferent to the quiet memories you clung to. Life moved forward, as it always did. It was more of a soft ache, the kind that settled in the background, always there but not overwhelming. You’d made peace with the fact that it had ended, but that didn’t mean you didn’t miss the way things had been—how easy it was to just be around him, how he knew you better than most people, even in the smallest ways. 
Earl’s soft purr pulls you out of your thoughts for a moment and you watch as he jumps from the other chair to your lap. You pet his head and chuckle a little.
“Earl Grey, you were named after his eyes, you know?” 
And then after the longest time, you let yourself drop a tear for him. Then came another. And another. 
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The day went by pretty quickly. It was late when the knock at your door came, breaking the peaceful stillness of your apartment. You were curled up on the couch, absentmindedly flipping through a book you had already read twice. Earl, your cat, was nestled on your lap, purring softly as he kneaded into your blanket. You weren’t expecting anyone, but a small part of you, maybe even hopeful, already knew who it was. 
You stood up, setting the book aside and carefully placing Earl on the couch, his displeased meow following you as you made your way to the door. When you opened it, there was Levi, standing in the dim light of the hallway, hands in his pockets, looking as stoic and nonchalant as ever.
“You forgot this,” he said, holding up your handkerchief—the one you had carelessly left in the passenger seat of his car earlier that day. It was checkered pink with your name at the corner, one of the few your grandmother had embroidered herself for you. 
You stared at the handkerchief for a moment, surprised he’d come all the way back just for that. “You didn’t have to come all this way, Levi,” you said, though you couldn’t hide the soft gratitude in your voice.
He shrugged, as if it wasn’t a big deal. “Figured you’d want it back.” 
His eyes flickered past you, into the warm light of your apartment, where Earl was now perched on the back of the couch, eyeing Levi with a curious but lazy gaze.
Levi noticed the cat immediately, his expression softening just a fraction. “Didn’t know you had a cat,” he remarked, his voice low as he took a step inside, uninvited but not unwelcome. He quietly removes his shoes and puts them beside your outdoor shoes. Confused but accepting, you close your door and approach the two.
“Yeah, Earl,” you replied, following his gaze to the fluffy black cat now making his way down from the couch, padding silently toward Levi like he was sizing him up. 
Earl stopped a few feet from Levi, sitting down elegantly and staring up at him, his green eyes narrowing as if judging whether or not this stranger was worth his attention. Levi, to your surprise, crouched down slightly, meeting the cat’s gaze without blinking. It was such a Levi thing to do—silent, direct, and somehow commanding without even trying.
“Earl, huh?” Levi muttered. “He’s got a lot of attitude for a cat.”
You chuckled softly, watching as Earl sniffed at Levi’s shoes before giving a satisfied flick of his tail and brushing against Levi’s legs. You didn’t expect Earl to warm up so quickly, but there he was, already purring as Levi reached out to scratch behind his ears.
“Guess he likes you,” you said, crossing your arms and leaning against the doorframe. “He doesn’t do that with most people.”
Levi glanced up at you, one eyebrow raised slightly. “Smart cat,” he said, standing back up. “Knows who to trust.”
The comment hung in the air for a moment, lingering with a weight neither of you wanted to address. You weren’t sure how to respond, so instead, you bent down and scooped Earl up, holding him close to your chest as his purring grew louder.
Levi handed you the handkerchief, his fingers brushing yours briefly as you took it from him. “Thanks,” you murmured, your voice softer now.
“Yeah, no problem.” He shifted on his feet, glancing around the apartment briefly, like he was trying to decide whether or not to stay longer.
“I apologize for leaving abruptly earlier,” he pauses for a while before continuing. “I had something urgent.”
“As you and your secretary told me,” you answer. You weren’t really holding a grudge about that. You don’t know why he came all this way to tell you that. “Thank you for the breakfast, by the way.” 
He gave a small nod, his face unreadable as always, but there was something in his eyes—something soft and unspoken. 
“Have you eaten dinner?” 
For a brief second, the two of you stood there in the living room, the quiet of the apartment wrapping around you both. Earl wiggled in your arms, clearly done with the moment, and you set him back down, watching as he padded off toward his bed near the window.
“I… haven’t.” 
“Do you want me to cook something?” It was a simple offer, but it felt heavy between you. Levi blinked, like the question caught him off guard, though he masked it quickly.
“To pay for the breakfast,” you add quickly with an awkward smile. 
“Yeah,” he said after a pause, his voice steady. “I could stay.”
You felt a strange wave of relief, mixed with nervousness. It wasn’t like you hadn’t shared meals with him before, but this felt different now. 
“Well, I wasn’t planning anything fancy,” you said, moving toward the kitchen, feeling a bit unsure of yourself. “But I could make us something quick. Pasta okay?”
Levi leaned against the counter, watching you as you opened the fridge. “Pasta’s fine,” he replied.
He didn’t respond, but you caught the subtle twitch of his lips. It felt almost normal—like slipping back into an old routine without realizing it.
As you started boiling water and prepping ingredients, Levi moved around the small kitchen, grabbing plates and silverware, his movements as efficient and familiar as ever. Neither of you spoke much, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. It was filled with the soft clattering of utensils and the rhythmic sound of chopping vegetables.
His attention is briefly on Earl, who had taken to watching Levi’s every move with mild curiosity. “Your cat’s a stalker.”
You chuckled, tossing some garlic into the pan. “He’s just making sure you’re not a threat.”
“You said he liked me,” Levi muttered again, though you could tell he didn’t mind Earl’s presence at all. In fact, it seemed like Levi was actually enjoying the quiet company of the little observer.
As you cooked, the kitchen filled with the comforting scent of garlic and olive oil, the sizzle of the pan a soothing backdrop. Levi set the table quietly, his movements almost instinctive, like he’d done this a hundred times before. The two of you worked in sync, no need for instructions or small talk, just moving around each other as if nothing had changed.
When the pasta was done, you brought the pot over to the table, serving two generous portions. Levi settled into the chair across from you, picking up his fork and twirling the pasta around it. The first bite was met with a small nod of approval from him.
“Still the same,” he said, and for a moment, you couldn’t tell if he was talking about the cooking or the way you fit so naturally into this space together.
You smiled, taking a bite yourself. “I had a good teacher,” you say, thinking about the raven-haired woman who Levi holds so dearly in his heart. You miss her in these kinds of moments, you wondered how she felt about you now. 
“How’s Kuchel?” 
“The same,” he answers shortly. “Everything in this city has changed except for her.”
You wondered what he meant by that. But in the sake of keeping up the small talk, you say the first words that pop up in your mind. 
“You don’t look like you changed at all, either.”
You really didn’t mean it in a bad way. But it seemed to have triggered something in your meal companion. His jaw clenches before chewing faster. Your heart races when you notice it upset him.
“And you haven’t either,” he responds, a bitter malice in his tone.
“I don’t mean it like that,” you try to save the peace that enveloped you two a minute ago. 
He doesn’t say anything else and you don’t either, afraid you’d say anything bad to upset him enough to leave with his meal unfinished. You don’t want that. In fact, you didn’t want him to leave. But you don’t want to admit that to yourself either. 
The meal continued in a comfortable silence after, broken occasionally by the sound of Earl jumping down from the windowsill to investigate Levi’s shoes or the clinking of silverware against plates. There was something surreal about the moment—sharing a simple meal in your apartment, after everything that had happened, after the years of space between you. 
Levi finished his plate first, as always, but instead of standing up to leave, he leaned back in his chair, watching as you took another bite, his gaze soft but unreadable.
“Thanks for dinner,” he said, his voice low but genuine. You nod in response. 
For a moment, the air felt thick with all the things you hadn’t said to each other—the unspoken words, the history that lingered between you, and the quiet understanding that neither of you had been able to let go of entirely.
“Yeah,” you replied, setting your fork down and meeting his eyes.
For a moment, the air felt thick with all the things you hadn’t said to each other—the unspoken words, the history that lingered between you, and the quiet understanding that neither of you had been able to let go of entirely.
Levi broke the silence first, his voice quieter than before. “I should go.”
He shifted on his feet, ready to leave. 
“Yeah, it’s getting late,” you agree, looking at the wall clock. It’s almost past nine. 
You followed as he walked through your apartment. You watched how he put on his shoes and brushed his clothes straight. You open the door for him, heart racing as you stare at him quietly. For a brief second, the two of you stood there in the doorway, the quiet of the apartment wrapping around you both.
Levi took a step back, his eyes still lingering on you for a moment longer. “Take care of yourself,” he said, his voice low but carrying a quiet sincerity that you hadn’t expected.
“I will,” you replied, managing a small smile. “And Levi?”
He paused, looking at you expectantly.
“Thanks again. For today. And for coming by.”
He gave a small nod, his face unreadable as always, but there was something in his eyes—something soft and unspoken. “See you around,” he said, before turning and walking back down the hallway.
You watched him go, the door slowly closing behind him. Earl returned to your side, nudging your leg before jumping back onto the couch. You exhaled a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, the warmth of the apartment suddenly feeling a little emptier without Levi in it.
You settled back on the couch, Earl curling up beside you again, his purring filling the silence. You reached for the handkerchief in your pajama short’s pocket. The handkerchief in your hand, a small, simple thing, but somehow it felt heavier now—like it carried more than just the memory of your grandmother. 
In the quiet, you wondered if this was how it would always be between you and Levi—brief moments, small gestures, and unspoken words that never quite filled the space between you.
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© levisolace. please do not copy, translate, claim any of my works. my works are cross-posted only on my ao3 account. thank you.
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buginacup · 7 months
Today's Tynk! Update is all text, so you can read it here:
Talking about my experience looking for publishers, and the circumstances surrounding development at the moment.
One full year into the publisher-search gauntlet.
A little over a year ago I entered into some promising conversations with a few publishers about Tynk!
While I initially was hoping to avoid publishers entirely, I was recovering from a year full of disasters and was in the process of paying the 10k+ cut of my campaign funds in taxes. It was becoming increasingly clear that I wasn't going to be able to develop the game full time without some additional financial buoyancy.
Some of the publisher conversations fell by the wayside quickly, but a few remained active for months on months. It's impossible to really communicate the deep time that these conversations operate on, especially if you're not interested in accepting the boilerplate terms (please, never accept the boilerplate terms.) I've been aching to be more transparent about this element of the development process but frankly I haven't been able to while these conversations were happening - it's hard to negotiate one's pay if you're posting about desperately needing money to make your thing. I've been keeping a poker face as best I can while I ride this stuff out.
But, you can tell this update isn't called "Guess Who I Just Signed With ;)" - these conversations all withered to dead ends. I had been relatively optimistic about the success of these negotiations but in the past few months things turned sour. I can't fully know why things didn't work out. Some had alluded to the current harsh winds blowing through the industry, others were more enigmatic with their falloff in interest.
So what do we do?
The more I've worked on Tynk! the more I've loved it, but I won't deny that it is a big undertaking. I'm still interested in finding a publisher to speed things along - but since I'm suddenly back at square one I'm going to need to establish some other avenue of stability while I cast my line and wait for a nibble.
I don't know what my next move is. I'll be chipping away at Tynk! as always, but my current circumstances might require I give it less priority for long enough that I can produce something much smaller that I can actually sell. I've also been considering setting up a Patreon where I occasionally do tutorials on concept design, pixel art, and other visual arts techniques - but I'm unhappy to be courting my audience for cash when you've already been so generous. If I end up launching something like that and you've backed the game, please don't feel obligated to contribute to it! Also, if you have any thoughts or suggestions for what I can do you can email me at [email protected].
I'll be honest - I'm disheartened, exhausted, and sad. It's obvious that I'll need to spend more time "building an audience" again, but even if I wasn't burnt out by the process of vouching for my own value for a year straight I don't have a clear vision of what that looks like in the internet of 2024. Maybe I'll set up shop on Bluesky or Mastadon as well as resume frequent Twitter posting. I'll be sure to let everyone know once I've planned my presence.
Thanks for your patience as I figure stuff out - Dear Tynk is taking her sweet time, but she'll get here.
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goobersnoots · 5 months
I need to see his reaction after everything that happens NOW please glitch I am starving I beg give me like a nibble of food, a pixel 😖😖
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(It lowkey hurts to see your biggest kins getting absolutely MAULED by the story)
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nstvanshika · 1 year
In the dynamic world of e-commerce, captivating product images play a vital role in attracting customers and driving sales. If you're looking to showcase your products in an engaging and visually appealing way, Nibble and Pixel is your go-to partner for professional model photoshoots. With Nibble and Pixel's professional e-commerce model photoshoot services, you can elevate your business to new heights. Our team of creative professionals is dedicated to delivering visually stunning imagery that captures the essence of your products and engages your target audience.
For more information, visit: -https://www.nibbleandpixel.com/ecommerce-product-photography-services
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chris-prank · 25 days
I had a full day (nothing bad just busy cooking) and needed to do a quick doodle o the bbg in the meme doodles I am doing
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At first it was gonna be Hart the one posing, but ill be damned if I didnt make Hart down bad. She has to show her man she is as much os a simp and pain in the ass as him. (Reason she down bad? she tried to be mean but Vincent dared to be fine af in that story 😩 and she forgot how to write)
I also dare to say that Vincent posted this to his closest friends which is basically Hart and that is it.
Also, the backrounds pics are Vincent's little shrine of instances he got a photo or a kiss stain of her. You cant change my mind that this man has a shrine of YN every place he is comfortable with. Not even the phone safe (And that one has been confirmed by u)
I yapped a lot there xD I just wanted to do so much with this drawing but the ref pic was so fucking small and pixels were getting on my way... I should do something in my intricatish artstyle soon with both of the babies.
aLsO, did u notice I gave up on machine typing? it just was a pain in the ass, my inconsistent ass letters feel like home ✨
They are both mutually foaming at the mouth at the sight of each other 😂 and can we talk about the little hip dip and tummy you gave him?!! 😍 It looks perfect for nibbling. Hart’s profile picture is killing me😆
I love the idea of him having framed pictures of moments with his darling, as if they are like normal family photos 😂. Also he totally have a shrine dedicated to reader, especially with hero reader since he buys all their merch. He even has one in lab, but it’s smaller and hidden in one of the drawers of his desk.
Instead of machine typing so you use like the microphone thing to write?
You mean you don’t consider this drawing intricate?! And here I was admiring it like “damn it look so good”
You need to give yourself more credit 😤👉🏻
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jonnysinsectcatalogue · 5 months
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Japanese Beetle - Popillia japonica
After a long absence, these brassy emeralds make a triumphant return to the blog! They've been long overdue, especially since I mentioned in their first post (back in 2019) I would be showing the larger populations that can be found in the neighborhood. Now granted it's not a dramatic increase, but there are many individuals here enjoying the leaves of the suburbs. As can be seen here, these hungry Beetles ignore the leaf's most prominent veins and nibble (somewhat sporadically) on the leaf itself. As generalist feeders, they aren't picky about which plants they land on so long as they are accessible and nutritious. As well, they really love fruits and flowers too! Why, it even seems one individual may even have struck gold with a daisy's pollen...and likely the flower itself if my photo evidence of rose eating remains valid. Given this information, be sure to identify them with certainty if you find them in a flower. The slightly elongated St. John's Wort Beetle is eerily similar at a glance, and yet it's from an entirely different Beetle family.
All the hallmarks of this Scarab Beetle are featured here: leaf skeletonization, iridescent shells and raising their hindlegs to act as a threat display. With regards to the latter, it may not be so readily apparent why the display is a threat. It honestly looks a little silly. However, a vigilant glance at the hindlegs reveals spines just before the midleg. I cannot speak on their strength to pierce or puncture (perhaps a post for a later day) but spines like that are a handy advantage if grabbed from the rear. Speaking of leg observations, looking are the front-most legs can actually allow you to determine if you have a male or female Beetle in your presence. If we use the mating pairs as a reference - since females are mounted by the males - you can actually see that the female Beetles have an elongated, rounded projection jutting out of the end of their tibia! In males, this feature is reduced. Knowing this information, the individual crawling along the daisy is in fact, a female specimen! You can see the tibial projection on her left leg. Do you think the Varied Carpet Beetle next to her noticed?
Pictures were taken on July 1 and 8, 2022 with a Google Pixel 4.
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tabdabble · 2 years
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I empathize with the existential terror puppet Spamton G. Spampton a normal amount and for only comical reasons.
Why is his suit so big? It’s full of secretsTrash. 
[Image ID: A 3-panel comic featuring Spamton G. Spamton from the video game Delatrune. All text is glitched and written with numbers, but here I will write them legibly.
Panel 1: Spamton is sitting in his cobbled-together store at his ‘desk’ (an upended cardboard box). There is a computer mouse nibbling at one of the box flaps, and a sheet of heart stickers half-used, three of which have been stuck to various places on the box. The box features text from Spamton’s store menu screen in-game, such as a list of items and prices, a description of one item, and the words “Deals so good I’ll [$!$$] myself! 116 K“. In the center of the box front is written “SPAMSHOP, Welcome! Open 25/7″ in crooked writing. Finally, there is the option to “Run Away” to leave the shop menu. Behind Spamton is a wall of bricks painted loosely to resemble a blue sky with clouds and a bright yellow sun. At the right, the wall falls away to reveal a black rotary phone sitting in a pillar of light on a stool. Upon the desk rests a large, blue egg. Spamton is sitting with his shoulders back and his hands held before him with fingers outstretched and interlaced. His suit is obviously with padded shoulders and several holes and patches. He sports a small red bowtie and his hair is in a luxurious swoosh to feathery ends. Spamton resembles a ventriloquist dummy with red cheek circles, very long teeth, and a much longer, pointier nose. He is wearing glasses with oblong frames of a bright yellow and pale red, and his pupils are large and pointing in opposite directions. His smile is huge, and his teeth are slightly parted. It is not clear if he’s paying attention to anything in particular. Around the panel are black boxes with white pixelated texts including “Kromer” in front of Spamton’s face, “Hot Singles in your area!” on the left, “Hyperlink blocked” above his head, “Where are my ****ing [Custom and Replacement Keys open 24/7!]” at the bottom right, and finally a small text box stating “Pipis.”, with an arrow pointing to the large egg.
Panel 2: Spamton fills the frame, and is hunched over with his fingers interlocked more tightly, with his index fingers together pointing upwards, resting against the front of his teeth. We can see at this distance that his wrists, hands, and fingers are jointed like a doll or mannequin. He is shadowed starkly, throwing his face into a darker shade. His glasses are perfectly circular, and lit from the inside as their lenses are filled with a glitching .gif texture. His smile is not as cheerful looking as panel 1. Around him are many instances of black pixelated texts, which are glitched and written in numbers but will be written more plainly here:
I work so [Rare, Hard-to-find treasures, only at-] but I’m still in the [Garbage? We’ll haul it away for you!] What else could I be [Doing only the best work!] If everyone doesn't buy my [Carefully crafted and completely unique] [Pipis], they must be [Trash! Trash everywhere!] I’m so [Tired of ads? Block now for only 9.99 an hour!] I [Prey vs. Predator special, only on Animal Planet] so hard. Can anyone [At Ken Garth we hear you!] me? Do I [Deserve only the best!] this? Do intentions change [Anything and everything on sale this weekend!] Am I a [Michael Jackson’s new hit single Bad] person? [Is God real? Call [hyperlink blocked] for answers!] Does [God] hate me? I am in so much [It Burns! Ow! Stop! Help Me! It Burns!] The phone is now very close to Spamton over his left shoulder, and much more detailed. Across it are several blocks of texts that are “Don’t look at the phone” without spaces and over and over and over, eventually trailing off into “H”’s and the number 5 repeated many times. Finally, at the base of the panel in much larger text, is “Can anyone [-we hear you!] me?
Panel 3: Panel 3 resembles panel one, but Spamton’s face is now glitching, apparently duplicated over the first drawing, and his pupils are much smaller as he stares somewhere in the distance. Despite his smile, he seems quite alarmed. The text on the box “Run Away” has been duplicated to cover “Welcome!” as well as the list of items. The only black-with-white-text box left is in front of Spamton’s stretched-open mouth: an “A” in brackets, stretched so that it no longer fits in the black text box.
End of ID.]
Non-gif second image under cut:
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sailorsplatoon · 3 months
How would Shiver, Frye, Big Man, Elle, Kai and Birch react to Megan, Don and Pixel tackling Big Man for collabing with the Squad Sisters and Betraying Deep Cut? (Big Betrayal) Also their little hits and nibbles barely affect Big Man.
Shiver and Frye would be proud of them for getting mad at Big Man over his betrayal. They’ve also concluded that they can never let them find out about Suffer No Fools. Even if it was a rap battle, they might have a similar reaction as they do against Big Man now.
Big Man is just tired of getting attacked by those close to him for one collab. He doesn’t want to be fought anymore, even if the kids’ attacks do barely anything.
Elle is surprised, and kind of disappointed that their kid is so violent when angry. She decides that afterwards she has to teach Pixel to express emotion through words, rather than fists. They’ll let them have their fun for now though. A little bit of fighting couldn’t hurt.
Birch is the exact opposite. They cheer on the kids, trying to get them to keep going. They understand how big of a deal it was for Big Man to secretly collab with the Squid Sisters, so they think it’s the least he deserves to get attacked by angry children.
Kai just thinks it’s funny. They enjoy every moment of it. They record it too so that they can rewatch it later if they need a laugh.
Thank you for the ask!!! This is such a good idea, I love it!
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
For @batboysxprompts 'Bat to the Bone' Steddie Flash Event
Expanding on THIS drawing I did ages ago (don't look at it, it is the first digital thing I've ever drawn and I did the pixel thingy wrong). I really only have three different ideas turning like a rotisserie in my head.
"Aw, come on, Steve, they are so cute!" Robin chimes as she scratches a small, fluffy bat behind the ear with sickly affection.
She is sitting on the floor by the coffee table, hand-feeding the thing from an upturned ziplock bag of mixed nuts and dried fruit, the pile spreading every time she goes to it. Meanwhile, Nancy spins around, watching as three more critters circle her, chirping away in unison and periodically dipping to rest delicately on her hand like she's a goddamn woodland-dwelling Disney princess.
"Why don't you like them?" Nancy adds, like she hasn't made this argument each time Steve has complained about the flying nightmares over the past two months.
He folds his arms, watching on from the archway into the living room.
But he doesn't stay standing in dramatic defiance for long because he is soon moving to slap away one bat coming for his arm, the one that always goes straight for a nibble on his biceps.
He can't tell any of them apart physically, even though everyone else can. Including the girls who have a rotation of names for the dozen or so bats that Eddie has "doing his bidding" or sends out "for protection" or whatever other excuse he has for them living in Steve's house 24/7.
At least they had enough sense to stay up in amongst the exposed wood beams when his parents were home a few weeks back.
"What the - "
Steve babbles incoherently as another (which Dustin so unhelpfully named Bat Steve due to his predilection for hair) comes swooping, landing directly in his hair. He knows better than to remove him because Bat Steve will hold on for dear life and tangle himself up to nest there.
He ignores him - as best he can ignore a literal bat brushing away at his hair like he's combing it - to continue, "So what happened at work today was perfectly fine, then? How are we supposed to explain that to Keith?"
"Just tell him a pigeon flew in through the door with a customer when the door opened and pooped everywhere," Nancy shrugs, ever the one to come up with a lie on the fly.
Robin clicks her fingers in agreement and points a finger at Nancy, "That's a good one."
Steve rolls his eyes, "Yeah a pigeon shitting red berries everywhere makes a whole lotta sense!"
He swats away Bicep Chomper again as Robin offers up more berries.
"Here you go," she coos, leaning in close.
"Maybe you should stop feeding them!" he snaps, turning heel into the entryway so he can use the hall mirror and figure out how to detangle Bat Steve.
Three others follow along, hovering around him in a flapping halo as he looks in the mirror.
"God damn it!"
He gesticulates wildly at his reflection, huffing and whining at the sight of a red smear on the collar of his predominantly white polo. He turns to look over his shoulder and, sure enough, there are more drip marks down the back of his work vest too.
"I need Eddie to wake up so he can take them while I shower," he whines, speaking more to himself than the girls who are now cooing in baby-talk to the bats still in the living room.
He is about to continue extracting Bat Steve when a laugh drifts down the staircase.
The bats go flying upwards. Except for Bat Steve, who merely attempts to do so but gets a claw caught up in a lock of Steve's fringe, giving an eye-watering tug as he goes. Steve grabs him and yanks him clean out, along with a few precious stands. At this rate, Bat Steve is going to send Human Steve bald.
"Come to your Vampir Master," Eddie commands in his Dungeon Master voice as he throws his arms wide.
He cackles when they each land along his right arm.
Steve rolls his eyes at the supposed Master. A joke everyone around him, all being nerds, ran into the ground. It honestly wasn't that funny anyway, considering the only real differences between Eddie before and after coming back from the Upside Down as a vampire are 1) no sunlight, 2) drinking blood, and 3) a bunch of unruly bats flapping about.
He opens his mouth to start up the laundry list of complaints he had been reciting since the bats pooped their way through his place of employment just after lunchtime. But Eddie smirks at him and winks.
Okay so maybe Steve enjoys the whole Master-Vampire boyfriend thing on occasion. He shakes his head. It just cannot be right now...
Eddie bounces down the stairs, lowering his arm and Bat Steve comes straight back.
"Eds, tell them to stop!" Steve dry sobs, sounding utterly childish as Eddie descends the stairs.
Showing Eddie-level dramatics wasn't exactly the game plan here but, with Bat Steve burrowing back into his hair, he can't help it.
His hair!
"Come here, Cordelia," Eddie coos, gently lifting Cordelia out of his hair.
But the relief is short-lived because now Steve can feel a critter crawling up his back to rest on his left shoulder. Oh no.
The others are very annoying and, in Cordelia's case, painful. And overall yeah, being followed around constantly by your vampire boyfriend's bat squadron is potentially life-ruining considering the carpet in Family Video is now covered in bat poop stains.
But this one (aka, Bitey) bites.
He points to his shoulder where he can hear Bitey chirping away, readying itself to attack, "At least stop this one!"
"Samwise, come with me, darling," Eddie instructs, reaching forward and flattening his palm.
Bitey (there's no way Steve is calling him anything other than that for now) retreats behind his neck, hiding. He does this a lot, the little shit.
"Sam," Eddie warns sternly.
The bat inches forward, clearly reluctant as Eddie plucks him off Steve's shoulder, a claw catching on the fabric of his polo. Eddie raises his hand so Bitey is at eye level.
"Stop biting. Only I get to bite Steve."
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