#Niche industries
accountsend · 1 year
The Benefits of Using a B2B Contact Database for Sales and Marketing
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | AccountSend.com
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In today's business world, sales and marketing teams need to work smarter, not harder. One way to do this is by utilizing a B2B contact database. A B2B contact database is a collection of contact information for businesses that can be used for sales and marketing purposes. Here are some of the benefits of using a B2B contact database for sales and marketing:
Save Time and Effort on Lead Generation for B2B companies A B2B contact database can save time and effort for sales and marketing teams by providing a wealth of information on potential customers. Instead of spending hours researching companies and trying to find the right contact person, a B2B contact database can provide up-to-date contact information and key details about the business.
Identify Ideal Customers A B2B contact database can help sales and marketing teams identify ideal customers based on specific criteria. For example, a team may be looking to target businesses in a certain industry or of a certain size. With a B2B contact database, they can easily filter and sort through businesses that meet their criteria and focus their efforts on those that are most likely to convert into customers.
Improve Sales and Marketing Outreach A B2B contact database can help sales and marketing teams improve their outreach efforts by providing accurate and up-to-date contact information. This can help teams avoid sending emails or making calls to outdated or incorrect contacts, which can be a waste of time and can damage a company's reputation.
Increase Sales and Revenue By using a B2B contact database, sales and marketing teams can increase their chances of making a sale and generating revenue. With access to accurate B2B contact information and key details about a business, teams can tailor their messaging and outreach efforts to specific businesses, increasing the chances of success.
Enhance Customer Relationships A B2B contact database can also help sales and marketing teams enhance their relationships with customers. By having access to key details about a business, teams can better understand the needs and pain points of their customers and tailor their messaging and outreach efforts accordingly. This can help build trust and loyalty with customers and lead to long-term relationships.
In conclusion, a B2B contact database can provide numerous benefits for sales and marketing teams. By saving time and effort, identifying ideal customers, improving outreach efforts, increasing sales and revenue, and enhancing customer relationships, a B2B contact database can help businesses grow and succeed in today's competitive marketplace.
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Introduction to B2B Marketing for Niche Industries:
In the vast landscape of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, where strategies often cater to broad audiences and industries, there exists a unique and specialized realm known as niche industry marketing. Niche industries, characterized by their distinct focus on specialized products, services, or markets, present both challenges and opportunities that set them apart from mainstream sectors.
While mainstream B2B marketing strategies can be effective for reaching large and diverse markets, they often fall short in addressing the nuanced needs and preferences of niche industries. This is where niche industry marketing comes into play, offering tailored approaches that resonate with a select group of businesses or professionals who share a common interest or need.
Understanding Niche Industries in B2B Marketing:
To realise the relevance of niche sector marketing, it is necessary to first know the nature of niche industries itself. Niche industries, also known as specialised or vertical markets, are parts of the larger corporate environment that demonstrate a high degree of specialisation. These sectors frequently concentrate around certain subjects, technology, or passions, and its players share a high degree of experience and understanding.
There are niche industries in numerous areas, including technology, healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and many more. Their concentration on a single specialised product, service, or market area sets them apart. Within the technology industry, for example, there are specialist sectors centred on cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, or blockchain technology. Specialised niches in healthcare may include telemedicine solutions, medical gadgets, or personalised medicine services.
The significance of niche industries lies in their ability to address highly specialized needs and deliver tailored solutions. However, this specialization also means that these industries often operate on a smaller scale compared to their mainstream counterparts. As a result, marketing to niche industries necessitates a different approach that considers the unique characteristics and dynamics at play.
Challenges and Opportunities in Niche Industry Marketing:
Niche industry marketing presents a distinct set of challenges and opportunities for B2B marketers. Understanding these dynamics is essential for crafting effective strategies that resonate with niche audiences.
Limited Audience Size: One of the primary challenges in niche industry marketing is the relatively small size of the target audience. Compared to broader markets, niche industries may consist of a limited number of businesses or professionals, making it imperative for marketers to maximize their reach within this constrained pool.
Specialized Knowledge: Niche industries often demand a deep understanding of specialized products, services, or technologies. Marketers must possess or acquire this knowledge to effectively communicate with industry professionals and convey the value of their offerings.
Intense Competition: Due to the specialized nature of niche industries, competition among businesses targeting the same niche can be fierce. Marketers need to differentiate their offerings and demonstrate their unique value proposition.
Hyper-Targeting: Niche industry marketing allows for hyper-targeting, enabling marketers to tailor their messages and campaigns precisely to the needs and preferences of the niche audience. This level of customization can yield higher engagement and conversion rates.
Building Expertise: By immersing themselves in niche industries, marketers have the opportunity to become experts in their respective fields. This expertise not only facilitates effective communication but also fosters trust and credibility among industry professionals.
Leveraging Networks: Niche industries often feature tight-knit communities where word-of-mouth and referrals play a significant role. Marketers can leverage these networks to gain trust and expand their reach within the niche.
In this intricate world of niche industry marketing, success hinges on a combination of understanding the unique challenges, capitalizing on the opportunities, and crafting strategies that resonate deeply with specialized audiences. This exploration will delve further into the strategies, best practices, and real-world examples that define effective B2B marketing within niche industries.
Market research and Targeting Strategies for Niche Industries
Market research and targeting strategies play a pivotal role in B2B marketing, particularly when dealing with niche industries. Niche markets often require a more nuanced approach, as they involve a specialized audience with unique needs and preferences. Here, we delve into effective methods for conducting market research and developing targeting strategies tailored to niche B2B industries.
In the realm of B2B marketing, especially when targeting niche industries, a foundational pillar of success is a profound understanding of the specific market segment. This understanding goes beyond surface-level knowledge; it delves deep into the intricacies that define the niche. To embark on this journey of comprehension, B2B marketers initiate a comprehensive process of market research. This multifaceted research endeavor encompasses several critical aspects. First and foremost is the identification of key players within the niche. Recognizing the major companies, both established and emerging, provides valuable insights into the competitive landscape. Understanding their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses enables marketers to position their own offerings effectively. Furthermore, delving into the market's size and growth trends is essential. Quantifying the market's dimensions helps in gauging its potential and assessing the room for growth. Simultaneously, tracking growth trends is pivotal for adapting marketing strategies in sync with the industry's trajectory.
However, perhaps the most vital component of understanding a niche industry lies in recognizing its pain points and needs. Businesses within the niche encounter specific challenges and seek tailored solutions. By conducting surveys, interviews, and extensive analyses of industry reports, B2B marketers gain access to a treasure trove of insights. These insights into the challenges, desires, and pain points of niche businesses become the compass guiding marketing strategies. In essence, immersing in the niche's intricacies allows B2B marketers to tailor their strategies with precision, ensuring that their offerings directly address the nuanced needs of potential clients. This profound understanding not only enhances the relevance of marketing campaigns but also builds trust and credibility among niche businesses, fostering lasting relationships.
Identifying the Ideal Customer Profile:
In the realm of niche B2B marketing, crafting an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is akin to sculpting a finely detailed masterpiece. It serves as the compass that directs marketing efforts toward the most promising prospects. The ICP is not a one-size-fits-all model but a meticulously crafted blueprint that encapsulates the characteristics of the most valuable clients within the niche. At its core, the ICP is a dynamic document that takes into account a multitude of factors. These factors encompass the nuances of the niche, including the size of businesses that are likely to derive the most benefit from the offered solutions. It delves into the intricacies of industry sub-sectors, recognizing that each may have distinct needs and pain points. Moreover, the ICP factors in budget constraints, understanding that not all potential clients will have the financial resources to engage in extensive B2B partnerships.
The true power of the ICP emerges when it's paired with advanced data analytics and CRM tools. These technological enablers allow for the continuous refinement of the profile, ensuring that it remains a living, breathing entity. Through data-driven insights, marketers can fine-tune the ICP, identifying high-potential leads with precision and adapting strategies to evolving market dynamics. In essence, the ICP is the linchpin that aligns marketing efforts with the niche's unique ecosystem, ensuring that every outreach is purposeful and every engagement resonates with the businesses that matter most.
Content and Thought Leadership:
In the realm of niche B2B marketing, thought leadership stands as a potent catalyst for brand elevation and trust cultivation. By meticulously crafting high-caliber, industry-specific content, an organization not only portrays itself as an authority within the niche but also fortifies its brand's visibility and credibility. This content can manifest in diverse formats, ranging from comprehensive whitepapers and illuminating case studies to interactive webinars and informative blog posts. These vehicles of knowledge serve as a bridge, effectively connecting businesses with the unique challenges and opportunities endemic to the industry. Through the strategic dissemination of insights and innovative solutions via these channels, enterprises magnetize potential clients, compelling them to gravitate towards a source of expertise. This gravitational pull is not merely transactional; it's a relational dynamic grounded in trust and respect. Moreover, in the nurturing process of these leads, the importance of tailored, valuable content and personalized communication cannot be overstated. These aspects, meticulously intertwined, represent the linchpin of converting prospects into devoted, long-term patrons who not only recognize the brand's authority but also entrust it with their evolving needs and aspirations in the niche landscape.
Leveraging Technology:
In the realm of niche B2B industries, leveraging technology is not just a choice but a necessity to thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape. AI-driven tools have emerged as indispensable assets, offering data-driven insights that are instrumental in understanding customer behavior and predicting industry trends. These tools mine vast datasets, unveiling hidden patterns and preferences that guide marketing strategies with precision. Marketing automation platforms, another cornerstone of modern B2B marketing, streamline the complex task of managing targeted campaigns. They empower marketers to deliver personalized content and communication to leads at scale, nurturing relationships and driving conversions. Social media platforms and industry-specific forums provide invaluable platforms for engagement, enabling businesses to interact directly with potential clients and influential figures within the niche. The ability to share expertise, gather feedback, and stay attuned to industry chatter is a potent tool for staying relevant and building trust. Embracing the right technology stack, tailored to the unique demands of a niche B2B industry, equips marketers with agility. This adaptability is crucial as niche markets often undergo swift transformations and demand quick responses. In this digital age, technology acts as the compass guiding B2B marketers through the intricate terrain of niche industries, helping them make data-backed decisions, nurture authentic relationships, and thrive in a competitive landscape where relevance and precision are paramount.
In conclusion, market research and targeting strategies for niche B2B industries demand a meticulous and tailored approach. By deeply understanding the niche, defining an Ideal Customer Profile, showcasing thought leadership, and leveraging technology, B2B marketers can effectively navigate the complexities of niche markets. This approach not only helps in identifying the right clients but also in building long-lasting relationships based on trust and value delivery.
Crafting Specialized B2B Messaging
Crafting specialized Business-to-Business (B2B) messaging is a critical aspect of effective communication in today's corporate landscape. In an era characterized by information overload and rapid digitalization, tailoring your messages to suit the unique needs and preferences of B2B audiences is imperative. Specialized B2B messaging requires a deep understanding of the target audience, industry nuances, and the art of conveying complex information concisely and persuasively.
First and foremost, understanding your audience is the cornerstone of crafting specialized B2B messaging. Unlike Business-to-Consumer (B2C) communication, where the focus is often on emotions and desires, B2B messaging revolves around addressing the specific pain points and goals of other businesses. This demands a comprehensive grasp of the industry, the company's role within it, and the key decision-makers you're targeting. One effective strategy for crafting specialized B2B messaging is the creation of buyer personas. These are detailed profiles of your ideal B2B customers, encompassing their job roles, challenges, goals, and preferences. By constructing buyer personas, you gain a clear picture of your audience, enabling you to tailor your messages accordingly. For example, if you are marketing a B2B software solution, you may have one persona representing IT managers seeking efficiency improvements and another representing CFOs concerned with cost savings. Crafting messages that address the specific concerns of each persona enhances the relevance and impact of your communication. Another pivotal aspect of specialized B2B messaging is industry knowledge. Each sector has its unique language, challenges, and trends. It's crucial to immerse yourself in the industry you're targeting to speak the same language as your audience. This involves staying updated on industry news, trends, regulations, and emerging technologies. When you demonstrate a deep understanding of your prospect's industry, you establish credibility and trust, making your messages more persuasive.
The art of crafting specialized B2B messages also hinges on the ability to convey complex information concisely and clearly. B2B audiences are typically well-informed and time-conscious. They seek information that is relevant and easily digestible. Therefore, it's vital to distill complex concepts and data into simple, understandable terms. Avoid jargon and buzzwords unless they are industry-specific and familiar to your audience. Visual aids such as infographics or charts can also be valuable tools for simplifying intricate information. Furthermore, specialized B2B messaging should emphasize the value proposition of your product or service. B2B buyers are primarily concerned with how your offering can solve their specific problems or enhance their operations. To address this, highlight the benefits and outcomes your solution delivers. For instance, instead of merely listing the features of your product, explain how those features directly address your prospect's pain points and contribute to their success. Focus on the ROI (Return on Investment) your solution offers, demonstrating that the benefits outweigh the costs.
In addition to clarity and value, personalization plays a pivotal role in specialized B2B messaging. Generic, one-size-fits-all messages rarely resonate with B2B audiences. Instead, leverage data and insights to customize your communication. Use the recipient's name, reference their company or industry, and tailor your message to their specific needs. Personalization goes beyond mere surface-level customization; it should reflect a deep understanding of the prospect's challenges and aspirations. Moreover, specialized B2B messaging should align with the prospect's position in the buying journey. B2B purchases often involve multiple decision-makers and a lengthy evaluation process. Your messages should adapt to the prospect's stage in this journey. Early-stage messages may focus on problem awareness and education, while mid-stage messages can delve into solution comparisons and demonstrations. Late-stage messages should concentrate on closing the deal and addressing any remaining concerns. Crafting specialized B2B messaging is an intricate and strategic endeavor. It necessitates a profound understanding of the audience, industry expertise, concise communication, value proposition emphasis, personalization, and alignment with the buying journey. By adhering to these principles, businesses can cut through the noise and establish meaningful connections with their B2B prospects, ultimately driving success in the competitive B2B landscape.
Content Marketing and Thought Leadership in Niche B2B Marketing
In the realm of niche Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing, the marriage of content marketing and thought leadership has proven to be a potent strategy. It's a dynamic combination that not only establishes a brand as an industry authority but also cultivates trust and credibility among a discerning audience. This article explores the significance of content marketing and thought leadership in niche B2B marketing, providing examples of how these strategies can be harnessed effectively.
Content Marketing in Niche B2B Marketing:
Content marketing in niche B2B marketing involves the creation and distribution of valuable, informative, and relevant content tailored to a specific target audience within a specialized industry. This content can take various forms, including blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, webinars, videos, and more. The primary goal is to engage and educate the audience while subtly promoting the brand's products or services. One exemplary case of content marketing in niche B2B marketing is the software company Adobe. Adobe's "CMO.com" is a prime example of how to provide value through content. They offer a wealth of resources, including articles, reports, and webinars, all focused on digital marketing trends and best practices. By delivering content that speaks directly to the challenges and interests of marketing professionals, Adobe has established itself as an indispensable resource in the marketing technology space.
Thought Leadership in Niche B2B Marketing:
Thought leadership, on the other hand, goes beyond merely offering valuable content. It involves positioning key individuals within a company as industry experts and trusted advisors. These thought leaders share their unique insights, opinions, and expertise to influence and guide the industry. In niche B2B marketing, thought leadership serves as a beacon, attracting like-minded professionals and businesses seeking guidance and innovation.
One striking example of thought leadership in niche B2B marketing is the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Through their McKinsey Insights platform, they regularly publish reports and articles on a wide array of industries and business topics. McKinsey's consultants are frequently sought after to share their expertise at industry conferences and in media outlets. By consistently delivering high-quality insights and analyses, McKinsey has established itself as a thought leader in the consulting and advisory space.
The Synergy of Content Marketing and Thought Leadership:
When content marketing and thought leadership are seamlessly integrated, the result is a powerful force in niche B2B marketing. The content serves as the vehicle through which thought leaders can convey their expertise and establish their authority. Here are a few ways this synergy can be leveraged:
Educational Webinars: Hosting webinars on niche topics, led by thought leaders within the organization, can attract a highly targeted audience seeking in-depth knowledge. For instance, a cybersecurity company could host webinars on emerging threats and mitigation strategies, featuring their top security experts.
Comprehensive Whitepapers: In-depth whitepapers authored by thought leaders can delve into complex issues within the industry. These whitepapers can serve as valuable resources for professionals seeking authoritative insights. For instance, a pharmaceutical company might release whitepapers authored by their leading researchers on groundbreaking discoveries in drug development.
Regular Blog Series: Thought leaders can contribute to a blog series that explores industry trends, challenges, and solutions. This consistent stream of insightful content can keep the audience engaged and informed. For example, an environmental engineering firm might have its top engineers write a blog series on sustainable practices in construction.
Speaking Engagements: Encouraging thought leaders to speak at industry events and conferences solidifies their position as authorities in the field. Businesses can sponsor or host their own events to showcase their thought leadership and network with peers.
In conclusion, content marketing and thought leadership are essential components of a successful strategy in niche B2B marketing. When executed thoughtfully and cohesively, they have the power to not only capture the attention of a discerning audience but also to foster long-lasting trust and credibility within specialized industries. The examples provided demonstrate that by offering valuable insights, educational content, and authoritative expertise, businesses can rise to the forefront of niche B2B markets, leaving an indelible mark as thought leaders in their respective fields.
Case Studies: Real World Examples
In the world of B2B marketing, success often lies in the ability to effectively target and engage niche markets. Niche B2B marketing involves identifying and catering to highly specialized and often underserved segments of the business landscape. Case studies of successful niche B2B marketing strategies provide valuable insights into the power of precision, customization, and creativity in reaching and resonating with unique audiences.
Let us explore a couple of compelling examples that illustrate the triumph of niche B2B marketing.
Example 1: Sustainable Packaging Solutions
In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a paramount concern across various industries. One niche B2B marketing success story centers around a company specializing in sustainable packaging solutions. Instead of pursuing a broad B2B audience, they honed in on a specific niche: eco-conscious consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. Their approach involved crafting tailored messaging that highlighted the environmental benefits of their packaging solutions, such as reduced carbon footprint and the use of recycled materials. This message resonated deeply with their target audience, as eco-friendly practices were a top priority for these CPG companies. They also created a niche-specific content marketing strategy, producing whitepapers, webinars, and blog posts that addressed the unique challenges and opportunities within sustainable packaging for CPG brands.
By concentrating on this niche market, the company not only established itself as an authority in sustainable packaging but also fostered strong connections with their target audience. They became the go-to-choice for eco-conscious CPG companies seeking packaging solutions that aligned with their values. This niche-focused approach resulted in significant revenue growth and industry recognition.
Example 2: Precision Healthcare IT Solutions
Another compelling example of niche B2B marketing success can be found in the healthcare IT sector. A company specializing in healthcare software recognized that the market was saturated with generic healthcare IT solutions. To stand out, they decided to focus exclusively on a niche segment: radiology departments in small and mid-sized hospitals. Understanding the specific challenges faced by these radiology departments, the company developed a comprehensive radiology information system (RIS) tailored to their needs. They conducted in-depth research to identify pain points, such as workflow inefficiencies and regulatory compliance issues, and ensured that their RIS addressed these concerns effectively. To reach their niche audience, they engaged in targeted marketing efforts. This included participation in radiology-focused conferences and events, where they showcased their specialized RIS solution. They also leveraged industry-specific publications and online forums to share their expertise and engage with radiology professionals. The result? They became the go-to provider for radiology departments in small and mid-sized hospitals, establishing a strong reputation for their expertise and tailored solutions. Their niche-focused strategy not only increased market share but also led to long-term customer relationships and referrals.
These two examples underscore the significance of niche B2B marketing in achieving success in highly competitive markets. By identifying and catering to the unique needs of specific industries or customer segments, businesses can differentiate themselves, build strong brand authority, and forge lasting connections with their target audience.
In conclusion, niche B2B marketing is a powerful strategy that enables businesses to thrive by focusing on a specialized segment of the market. Success in this approach requires a deep understanding of the niche, customized messaging, targeted marketing efforts, and a commitment to delivering exceptional value. As demonstrated by the case studies above, the rewards of niche B2B marketing can be substantial, leading to increased market share, customer loyalty, and industry recognition.
B2B marketing for niche industries is a dynamic and strategic endeavor that empowers businesses to excel in specialized market segments. Throughout this exploration, we have witnessed the transformative power of precision, customization, and creativity in reaching and engaging unique audiences. By embracing a niche-focused approach, companies can position themselves as industry authorities, cultivate strong customer relationships, and ultimately, thrive in competitive markets. The success stories of sustainable packaging solutions and precision healthcare IT solutions serve as compelling reminders of the immense potential that lies within niche B2B marketing. As we move forward in the ever-evolving landscape of B2B commerce, it becomes increasingly clear that the future belongs to those who understand the nuances of their niche, tailor their messaging accordingly, and deliver exceptional value to their specialized clientele.
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miralyk · 4 months
big news i've mused over now that finals are getting close to ending...! i'm considering putting out pre-orders for these protocreed charms and stickers after this week of finals as the artwork for alex is close to finishing, and along with that, an interest check for everyone to request more ac characters (altair, malik, ezio, leonardo, connor, aveline, edward, etc) so i know who to draw for the next batch of charms/stickers to produce!
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finally, people have requested if i'd like to make more tron tamagotchi charms again (esp since it's been a year since i've last sold them), to which i say, sure, i'm open to reopening a 2024 pre-order run for tron tamagotchi charms as well! i can make an interest check asap to gauge what other tron characters you all would like (flynn, ram, clu 1, clu 2, yori, etc) aside from reruns of the 5 tron characters from last time; overall, thank you for everyone's patience and sticking around through these times...!
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wisteriagoesvroom · 7 months
someone explain to me why im about to lose it over 2 white guys and 2 wasians playing padel omfg girl GET UP it's like he's making friends at the school on his first day back pls help me
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source: ig
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matchbet-allofthetime · 6 months
I would like whoever sees this to know I have no clue what the fuck metalocalypse is but Nathan explosion LOOKS (with me having ZERO experience with any of the content) like a grumpy metalhead mf with arms and thighs that can crack open my skull
But he also looks like he'd wear hello kitty or animal crossing socks under his big-ass steel toe stompy boots and he'd be soft for maybe one(1) person ever.
He's cute. I like him!!
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uglyfruit · 7 months
what’s aba
ABA stands for applied behavior analysis. It’s a super common and pervasive “treatment”/“intervention” for autistic children-- because they're showing "disruptive" distress behaviors, because their autistic traits are seen as needing to be assimilated to fit into capitalist society, because it's just seen as the thing you do with autistic kids
Basically it tries to change someone’s outward behavior using rewards or punishments. When it was first invented (by the guy also involved in creating conversion therapy!), these included slaps and electric shocks. Today, most of the methods have been made much “friendlier”, but still arguably work to make an autistic child’s behavior easier to deal with, more “normal”, more compliant.
While it often /is/ effective in changing outward behaviors, that says nothing of its potential to teach shame, masking of autistic traits, reliance upon prompts/rewards to do things, teaching that you must always obey authority figures, that your internal feelings are unimportant, the trauma of potentially aversive punishments, the fact that kids as young as 2 get recommended to spend up to 40hours a week in intensive ABA, the fact that it rarely addresses (or even worsens) the actual issues underlying distress behaviors…. and ultimately the message is that disabled people must be changed to fit into abled society, rather than abled society changing.
As that post I reblogged said, it's important to nuance to the discussion beyond "ABA=abuse", especially regarding how so many social forces shape the reality and power and experience of ABA, incl the absence of better types of care.
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grayve-mistake · 6 months
I'm going insane I think
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So um... I did indeed delve into photography
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Taking these has been more fun than I thought it'd be so expect more in the future. I also made an edit/collage but tumblr limits how many images you can have in one post so stay tuned for that in the notes
places that feel lost but found. places that feel abandoned but lived in. haunted but urban, or suburban. just out of sight or rarely paid attention to, but nostalgic somehow? a softer more human side to things that are run down or broken, the inverse of a liminal space almost. These photos are just the beginning of it, I want to photograph a lot more in the near future, from small thrift stores to some of my own old belongings to cozy but messy living spaces with lighting that's a bit too yellow to old books to whatever odd things I find along the way.
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halluciniwaynia · 6 months
people who say “I don’t like breakcore but I really like ultrakill’s soundtrack” are kind of funny to me because like…ultrakill’s ost isn’t composed of the same kinds of musical influences as most breakcore is. having frenzied drums and an irregular time signature does not necessarily make a track “breakcore”, and if you look at most of hakita’s favorite bands/tags on the HPH bandcamp page, it’s actually more metal/industrial rock inspired. which has a completely different lineage than breakcore does, although they do share some dna in the fact breakcore was inspired in some small part by electro-industrial acts like velvet acid christ, etc. these people likely aren’t connecting with the breakcore elements of his music but rather the other more familiar (and at the end of the day) rock inspired elements
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ohposhers · 11 days
i have come to ask if u have any other music recomendations, chemlab and orgy are slay aa fuck
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anon i ALWAYS have music recs, thank you so much for humoring me i love sharing music with people !!!!!!!!! These 3 aren't nearly as niche as chemlab and orgy BUT I rarely find people who listen to them so i will recommend Type O Negative, Skinny Puppy and Genitorturers!! (I included some songs from each that are some of my favorites awooga) I tried to pick bands that are somewhat similar to CL and Orgy, aside from Type O Negative which is more gothic metal than industrial but I'm gonna make you listen to them anyway >:^]
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eraofelizabeth · 4 days
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me on film 🩷 by dani valadez
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accountsend · 1 year
How to Build an Effective B2B Contact Database
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | AccountSend.com
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In the world of B2B sales and marketing, having an effective contact database is critical. But building a database that is both accurate and comprehensive can be a challenging task. Here are some tips on how to build an effective B2B contact database.
Define Your Target Audience Before building a B2B contact database, it's important to define your target audience. This includes identifying the industries, companies, job titles, and other relevant factors that you want to target. Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, you can start building your database with precision.
Use Multiple Data Sources There are many sources of data available for building a B2B contact database. These include online directories, social media platforms, trade publications, and more. To ensure the accuracy and completeness of your database, it's important to use multiple sources of data.
Leverage Technology There are many tools and technologies available to help with building and managing B2B contact databases. These include CRM systems, data enrichment services, and automation tools. By leveraging technology, you can save time and ensure the accuracy of your database.
Verify Data Accuracy One of the biggest challenges in building a B2B contact database is ensuring the accuracy of the data. This is especially important because inaccurate data can damage your reputation and waste your sales team's time. To verify data accuracy, you can use data enrichment services, manual research, and other methods.
Keep Your Database Up-to-Date Even the most accurate B2B contact database will become outdated over time. That's why it's important to continuously update and maintain your database. This includes regularly removing outdated contacts and adding new ones.
Segment Your Database Segmenting your B2B contact database can help you tailor your messaging and outreach efforts to specific audiences. You can segment your database based on factors such as industry, job title, location, and more.
In conclusion, building an effective B2B contact database requires a strategic approach, a variety of data sources, and the use of technology. By defining your target audience, leveraging multiple data sources, verifying data accuracy, keeping your database up-to-date, and segmenting your database, you can build a database that will drive your sales and marketing efforts forward.
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suntails · 6 months
I just wanted to say that I utterly adored your pmv!! The way each picture went so well with the words and flowed with the dynamics of the song *chefs kiss* I always thought of myself as a Silver lover but you’ve blown me out of the water!
The Fairy Gala scenes were probably my favorite, just Silver being proud and everyone moving to catch him 🤧 AND THAT BACKGROUND AT THE END WAS SO SPOT ON!! Amazing job and I can’t wait to see what you do next!
i want to say that TRULY this means a lot, thank you!!!! <3 i've drawn silver over 270 times by now and my love for him is as strong as ever, it was such an honor to concentrate my efforts into such a big project just for him!! silver nation may be small but goddammit i will be DAMNED if i don't give 150% and weaponize my art for good!!
HIS PRIDE!!!! his pride at carrying forward the wish lilia repeats each and every year, for harmony and peace,,, the fact that he made PROGRESS and his method of being upfront and sincere with the fae was what saved the group, like im WEEPING. the way everyone has his back and supports him shown in the readiness to run catch him as he falls asleep IM SICK!!!!! and YES THANK U!!! backgrounds im realizing are prob my specialty and fav thing to draw at this point so im glad u like ^_^
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warlockisaslur · 2 months
[ microsoft 365 goes down
guess whose work from home gig just got real interesting
(40+ calls from home depot stores because their server-reliant cash recyclers are now down. a thing i cannot fix.)
im gonna. scream. ]
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concert tickets are not an investment. hate how everything in this economy we’re like ‘ooh what if I buy it cheap then hike the price up and resell’ and it’s perfectly normal—it’s not. it’s not okay. what’s happening is you’re taking advantage of someone who’s really desperate to see this artist when if they wanna spend that money on the artist, the money should go to the artist themselves. who probably don’t change as much as they could because they’ve set a price that is financially sustainable for themselves and accessible to most who want to go not just the wealthy or those who don’t spend money on any other artists. and I’m not talking about if you can’t go to your concert and resell your ticket closer to it for like 25% more to get a bit back for all the time you spent waiting in queue for a concert you don’t even get to go to. the reason concert tickets are so hard to get is because there are people competing to buy them who are just gonna resell them for absurd amounts of money and honestly? as concertgoers and fans of artists we deserve better. our artists deserve better. they didn’t put a middleman in there. we don’t need it.
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that-gay-jedi · 8 months
Please watch and enjoy this video regardless of whether you like/engage with cowboy iconography at all bc it's got something for everyone.
Also addresses uncomfortable truths about race and colonialism in the wild west mythos in a context that made my brain do a little lightbulb pop to like... the ways in which care jobs, professional cleaning, fast food, retail, and call center work fill a similar niche today, in the sense that many PoC find employment there for the same reason many LGBTQ+ people do and both groups experience a gooey mix of (relative) opportunity and blatant exploitation therein.
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callmearcturus · 5 months
@intothecast doing an episode on the Playdate to attack me personally
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