#Nichole Dukes
artfilmfan · 4 months
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Gasoline Rainbow (Bill Ross IV & Turner Ross, 2023)
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moviemosaics · 3 months
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Gasoline Rainbow
directed by Bill Ross IV and Turner Ross, 2023
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letterboxd-loggd · 6 days
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Gasoline Rainbow (2023) Turner Ross and Bill Ross IV
September 14th 2024
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genevieveetguy · 6 months
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Gasoline Rainbow, Bill Ross IV and Turner Ross (2023)
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adrenaliner · 1 year
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Heathers 4 life
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ifreakingloveroyals · 3 months
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4 November 2018 | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge lays a wreath at the Submariners' Remembrance Service and Parade, held each year to honour submariners of all generations who have "Crossed the Bar" in service to their country, at Middle Temple in London, England. (c) Henry Nicholls - WPA Pool / Getty Images
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evilhorse · 11 months
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Let me tell you what my pal, the Duke of Wellington, did to that paranoid midget Napoleon at Waterloo…
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jamithiel · 1 year
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heathers au 😭😭😭 might color later idk
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lovecharged · 1 year
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happy birthday lucy ! 🥳🎉🎁 / @tkachukmatthew
this isn't the best, but it felt right to make an edit based around our fabulous new hockey players and (hint) of their drama.
dear miss lucy,
so, it's your birthday! the best day of the year! of course, i really, really, really hope you have the most wonderful birthday ever! you are the most incredible friend, roleplay partner and human being and i'm so lucky to have you in my life. i don't know if i always appreciate you the way i should, but i hope you know that at the very, very least. that i'm the luckiest to have met you, on this crazy hellsite and that crazy time that now gives us the ick. you also always try your absolute best to fulfill every insane shipping and plotting concept that my brain comes up with. i've never had that complete confidence to express my insane, whacky, and often downright ridiculous ideas before, but you've really given me that safe space to do just that and i'll always try and do the same for you, as it really is the least you deserve. getting to write four thousand ships (and counting) with you has genuinely been a dream come true. we have such similar visions and wants and we love the same faces and ships and absurd concepts and it really does feel like we were destined to write together. you're an insanely gifted writer, and you really should believe that. everyone who gets to write with you would be super lucky and i really hope you get to spread your amazing writing and characters through this community this year! not only that, but you are inspiring and it's the biggest privilege to get to call you my best friend. you are such a genuinely good, decent and remarkable person. your energy is so contagious and when you get excited about something, it'd be the biggest sin in the world not to get excited alongside of you. you're always such a incredible friend to me. you're patient, understanding and sweet and you make me laugh far more than i think you know. you've literally never failed to be there for me, even when i can be the most annoying person in the world. you're right there and i promise you, i really do recognise it. i hope that i'm even a percentage as good at being your friend as you are being mine. you deserve nothing but the best in the world and i really, really hope that your twenty seventh year on this wild planet is the best yet. (you'll still be stuck with me, so that's up for debate). love you very muchly, have the best birthday ever! lottie x
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sleepynegress · 1 year
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The above is where Roddenberry 1st employed Nichelle Nichols [click to watch the full clip]. It was a military show based on Roddenberry's own experiences, the episode is called To Set it Right (I highly suggest reading the wiki article about it).
You should note two other actors, whom he later pegged for Star Trek are in the episode.
They dated briefly and then became good friends way before Trek came about.
Miss Nichols was already an accomplished singer and dancer who performed regularly w/ Billy Eckstine and Duke Ellington
Roddenberry's 1st show, The Lieutenant, was canceled/pulled from the air before these scenes bluntly dealing with racism could air (there's blackface as punishment for the racists at the end of the show, in a case of 'he 'a little confused but got the spirit' for the times, so tw)
He created Star Trek to try to soften the blow of all the social messaging he wanted to insert from his military experience. Star Trek was basically, a submarine drama placed in a sci-fi setting. He made it diverse on purpose because the military helped him travel and serve with all kinds of people. Roddenberry was inspired by that.
Uhura was the first person to read for Spock and in fact, helped to shape the character with her reading and based many of the traits of Uhura (formerly Uhuru) on Spock.
She was basically a glorified secretary. She played the part with poise, joy, and the 60's style womanism she got to play out for those times... Everything from her mini-skirt (which Nichelle herself called very comfortable) to her smile, and teasing lines, and quips were about her playing "big" in a small role. She made every moment, every look, every line, and movement count:
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Roddenberry cracked jokes about the fact that the network never figured out that Uhura was fourth in command.
Nichelle was the only main cast member who was not salaried. She was paid by the hour. This attempt at marginalization actually resulted in her being the highest paid at times, because of the long hours.
Nichelle was not let in the front entrance at times, her fan-mail was kept from her, and she grew frustrated with the constant cutting of her scenes, lines and storylines. This is why she justifiably attempted to leave. The bigots in production did not like her being there (and if we're being real, were it not for Janice Rand's actress Grace Lee Whitney having gone through so much and thus losing her job in the 1st season...Uhura might have had even LESS presence)
The lost context in MLK convincing her to stay was that YES she was minimized and could make more money and be more fulfilled on broadway, but her symbolism and presence meant so much at a time when Black women weren't on TV unless as a racist caricature cleaning a house, and even that was rare...that she stayed.
One of her best allies was DeForest Kelly, who threatened to quit if they fired Nichelle. George Takei was her absolute best friend on the show and in life (she served as his Best Woman at his wedding).
There was an unfilmed episode in which Uhura and Deforest would have played reverse roles in "racial dynamics" on a planet they visit
Spock and Uhura were originally supposed to kiss in the alien mind control episode, but Shatner demanded to do so for the publiicity.
Her work to recruit marginalized people as astronauts, as in personally going to colleges and talking to candidates after the show is a staggering achievement that arguably is the most potent of any castmember in any of the Trek series post-show. Sally Ride, Guy Bluford (she personally recruited the 1st woman and 1st black astronaut), Mae Jemison (the 1st black woman credits her for inspiring her to become an astronaut).
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Uhura did finally command the ship in the animated series. She would not have gotten to voice the role, but for Leonard Nimoy making it an obligation that all the original actors voice their parts for him to come on.
Scotty and Uhura in the film was definitely a pair the spares situation, in which both were the leftover senior citizens with the writers just going "why not?"
it was beyond insulting and she did protest about the scene where she's bumbling through a giant translation book to speak to klingons for laughs in trek 5 ...but her best moment IMO is her pulling a gun on the young ensign in the transporter room in Trek 3...sadly her ONLY scene in the damn movie.
Miss Saldana got to play to MANY corrections in JJ Abrams rebooted Trek, from being amazing at languages to having an actual life & love, to confidently turning down Kirk at every turn.
FUN FACT!! Both JJ and Bob Orci both expressed disappointed shock that the love story between Spock & Uhura got more hatred from fans than BLOWING UP PLANET VULCAN.
another FUN FACT!! The love story between Spock & Uhura is what grabbed the old school Star Wars fan (JJ Abrams) enough to come aboard to direct. Yep. JJ ships Spock & Uhura.
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Zoe's iteration became the 1st version of Uhura to speak confidently in Klingon
Celia Rose Gooding becoming Uhura brings around a lot of Uhura's qualities full circle, IMO. As she is also from theatre (like Nichelle) and has a beautiful singing voice as well as the charm. Zoe's iteration was sharper, and much more protective, professional, & mature, about her life and love.
Celia Rose has the youthful curiousity and stars in her eyes and had vulnerability from her first intro... I loved the eagerness the crew showed to being in her orbit, seeing the glow of her talent and being drawn to that, to have a part in nurturing that.
As I've said... Celia IMO has the most dazzling smile, giant warm brown eyes, fantastic curves, and an energy that feels essentially Uhura, & that is all light, joy, a bit of uncertainty, -from the light singing (!) and the growth to her joy in discovery... I'd love to see her writing move away from serving and be more about her wants needs and growing in friendships/loves.
But Celia is a gift and is perfectly cast.
Essentially Uhura = femininity, graceful carriage, gorgeous smile, excellence in engineering and translation (canon!), ability to sing and play the Vulcan lyre, sharp womanist wit, love for her U.S. of African-Kenyan culture and being beloved by all crew...
When Miss Celia hummed those gorgeous notes to the alien entity on that comet?? That Solidified that she IS Uhura IMO.
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I 100% think they fucked up by killing Hemmer, because that mentor-mentee relationship was giving marginalized coming together and bonding over everybody else's bullshit and I was here for it...it was giving me Data and Geordi updated...and since then, IMO they've lost track and given us the same kinda backwards wingwoman role BS, that people who like to pretend to be her fan shoehorn her into.
...but I have high hopes that they'll course-correct.
All this to say ALL OF THE ABOVE is Uhura and anyone calling her ugly, bossy, pushy, annoying, whatever is just sad little hater who doesn't know wtf they are talking about.
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bowtiepastabitch · 1 year
Let's Talk Costuming: Come on, Hamlet! Buck up!
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Welcome, my friends, to the Renaissance, or to be more specific in geography and time, the Elizabethan period! Shakespeare! Protestantism! Great fun! For context, this scene likely takes place sometime around 1599-1601, towards the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign.
What I find most interesting about clothing of this period (aside from how silly looking some of it is) is that this is the era of ~*sumptuary laws*~ so every piece of clothing you see tells you a story about the person wearing it! Of course, I can't imagine Crowley or Aziraphale are all that concerned with being mistaken for a duke or somesuch, but it's fun to image what an onlooker may have thought of them.
Note: The focus of this analysis will be on Aziraphale's costume and on Elizabethan sumptuary laws. Crowley is up next, and his costume analysis will focus more on composition.
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[text of a Royal Proclamation dated 15 June 1574, British Library]
Sumptuary laws have been around for a while, and they served a dual purpose during the Elizabethan period. First and foremost, they set to reinforce class boundaries by forbidding one to dress above ones station, but they also sought to reduce foreign imports of excess frippery that drained English pocketbooks. The proclamation even warns that young men of the realm, having spent their fortunes on fine clothing, will turn to lives of crime to satisfy their appetites.
These laws regulated all kinds of things: the textiles one could wear, in what colors, how much a guy could pad his calves out for ultimate sex appeal, really anything you can think of. That's not a joke, in fact a man in 1565 was detained for wearing "a very monsterous and outraygous greate payre of hose," which likely refers to a 1562 regulation on hose, ruffs, and swords. Hose could not be "containing in the netherstocks and upperstocks more than one yard and a half, or above one yard and three-quarters at the most, of the broadest kersey, or with any other stuff beyond that proportion," nor could they be lined excessively or constructed with too much fabric.
This same law regulated ruffs, like the ones we see at Aziraphale's neck and sleeve cuffs, to only a single width of ruffle, which dear Azi is following:
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Where he might find himself in a spot of trouble, though, would be in the colors he's wearing. The color combination is rather divine on him, but the use of gold embroidery on clothing is forbidden unless one ranks as a Viscount or above. Now, could it be argued that Aziraphale, as an angel and a principality, has a privileged rank of his own? Yes, it could, but that takes some of the fun out of this.
His doublet (cute little jacket) appears to be a silk damask dyed in a lighter shade of blue, so likely woad. He would be safe in all these regards. Were the blue indigo, he could get in trouble for that, however, as that rich shade of blue was reserved for the upper echelons of the gentry as well.
Swords notwithstanding, the cut of Aziraphale's garments is reminiscent of several of the gentlemen in the foreground here:
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[Royal procession of Queen Elizabeth. Printed by and for J. Nichols and Son, London, 1823. Folger Shakespeare Library]
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As usual, we see Aziraphale in a tasteful iteration of the era's clothing that incorporates his character's color scheme. The incredibly dramatic silhouettes of the era definitely leave their mark, but he ends up looking rather refined rather than ridiculous.
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[The Tailor, Giovanni Battista Moroni, 1565-1570]
This portrait gives a great view of these outrageous pants up close, as well as a jacket very similar in design to the one Aziraphale wears in this scene. The primary difference between the two is that the tailor is dressed appropriately for a craftsman, plain colors and not much extraneous ornamentation. Against this, Aziraphale certainly stands out, with his fancy trims and such, and would thus necessarily be identified as a member of the gentry by anyone in his vicinity.
This is important, because his positionality in this world is very clear. As in many of our historical moments, Aziraphale's wish to blend in only extends to a certain degree. He complies with the style of the era, and I suspect even enjoys his little games of dress-up, but as time goes on he creates more distance between himself and the garb of the peasantry. In some of the biblical era flashbacks, he's dressed rather plainly, but in later periods we seem him as a knight, a rather foppish Victorian gentleman, and finally in his well loved 20th century gentleman outfit that he keeps well past the point of anachronism.
He leans into these little luxurious identities in part because he is an angel, yes, but he is also slowly falling in love with all the beautiful little things that humanity has to offer. And what does the renaissance give him? Great works of theatre, luxurious gold embroidered silk jackets, and slutty little pumpkin shorts.
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He's adorable, you have to admit. My sources, for your further reading pleasure or to prove I did my research:
Ta ta, have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed our little history lesson.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 7 months
DM EXCLUSIVE: Judge demands Biden's DHS must hand over Prince Harry's immigration papers so he can decide whether to release them publicly by u/Von_und_zu_
DM EXCLUSIVE: Judge demands Biden's DHS must hand over Prince Harry's immigration papers so he can decide whether to release them publicly This is a significant development in my opinion. The Judge is taking this seriously.Judge Carl Nichols has told the Department of Homeland Security he wants to look at Harry's immigration file He will review it privately before deciding whether to release it publicly The Heritage Foundation believes Harry's admitted drug use could mean he should be banned from living in the US if he lied about it on his application Judge Carl Nichols told DHS that its arguments so far were ‘insufficiently detailed’ for him to make a decision. [This sounds serious.]He asked the agency, which oversees immigration, to give him declarations explaining the ‘particular harm’ that would arise from the disclosure of the Duke of Sussex’s visa application.***In an order filed to the court in Washington, Judge Nichols stated that the Freedom of Information law authorized him to review ‘declarations and/or contested records in camera’.Doing so would help him to determine whether any exemptions preventing the documents from being made public apply.Such a review is appropriate when ‘agency affidavits are insufficiently detailed to permit meaningful review of exemption claims….when the number of withheld documents is relatively small, and when the dispute turns on the contents of the withheld documents, and not the parties’ interpretations of those documents’, the order said.Judge Nichols said: ‘Having reviewed the parties’ written submissions and heard oral argument on the motions, the court concludes that in camera review is necessary to determine whether the records in dispute come within the scope of the claimed exemptions’.Judge Nichols gave DHS until March 21 to submit declarations that detail ‘the records it is withholding and the particular harm that would arise from public disclosure of them’, his order said.The review will be conducted in camera, meaning it would be done by the judge in private.https://ift.tt/y47o8Ba to add the Order: In reading this, the Court has asked for Declarations that describe the documents withheld, but has not asked for the documents themselves. Heritage Foundation is allowed to submit more too.​https://preview.redd.it/8m6ynfic3zmc1.png?width=2304&format=png&auto=webp&s=756c557ffa58d3a896311b16cad1d1480394dfd0​ post link: https://ift.tt/k0fm6qS author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: March 07, 2024 at 09:24PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit Disclaimer: All views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments or reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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canyousonicme · 7 months
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Cast announced for "The Other Boleyn Girl" stage adaptation
The show features in Chichester Festival Theatre’s new season
As part of its upcoming 2024 season, Chichester Festival Theatre will present The Other Boleyn Girl, adapted by Mike Poulton from Philippa Gregory’s novel.
Gregory’s novel is set against the backdrop of Henry VIII’s court, where Mary Boleyn finds herself entangled in her family’s quest for power as Henry’s mistress, while her uncle schemes to place her on the throne amid Queen Katherine of Aragon’s inability to produce a male heir. However, Henry’s attention shifts to Mary’s sister, Anne.
The cast includes Jacob Ifan as William Carey, Kemi-Bo Jacobs as Queen Katherine, Alex Kingston as Lady Elizabeth, Peter Losasso as Francis Weston, Freya Mavor as Anne Boleyn, Lily Nichol as Jane Parker, Lucy Phelps as Mary Boleyn, and Andrew Woodall as the Duke of Norfolk. Chris Green and Sarah Harrison provide musical accompaniment.
Directed by Lucy Bailey, it runs from 19 April to 11 May at the Festival Theatre. Joanna Parker serves as the designer, with Chris Davey handling lighting design, Orlando Gough composing the music, Beth Duke managing sound design, Dick Straker overseeing video design, and Ayse Tashkiran as movement director. Susanna Peretz takes charge of wigs, hair & make-up, and Ginny Schiller CDG handles casting.
Book tickets
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skippyv20 · 7 months
The Trump-appointed judge who could release Prince Harry's US immigration files: How 'unpredictable' conservative Carl Nichols is demanding to see DHS papers - after ex-President said he 'wouldn't protect' the Duke in visa battle
On Thursday, Judge Carl Nichols told the Department of Homeland Security to hand over the records relating to Harry's immigration status 
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mad-rdr · 12 days
August Reads
6 books this month!
The Kingdom of Copper by S. A. Chakraborty (★ ★ ★ ★/5): If I could summarize this book in one sentence it would be: a war where neither side is right and everyone dies. If you can’t tell, this book was INSANE. There was so much happening the entire time and everytime I thought my opinions on a character were certain, they did something that completely changed my mind again. There were so many loyalty changes and assassination attempts and self-righteous speeches. My only complaint is that I feel because there are so many characters to keep track of and develop, there’s not really any huge character arcs that should have happened.
The Duchess War by Courtney Milan (★ ★ ★/5): cute and basic regency-era romance. Gotta love a revolutionary duke who realizes he's unmatched when it comes to the woman he loves
Leather & Lark by Brynne Weaver (★ ★ ★/5): Butcher & Blackbird works because it's one of a kind and this sequel is obviously trying to capitalize on that success. Not to say this book wasn't enjoyable, it just wasn't as fun as the first one. The whole fake marriage thing barely makes sense, I really don't get why Lark would bother to try and save Lochlan's life. But anyways, cheers to enemies to lovers ig
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace (★ ★/5): While not a good book (which I knew going in), I was finding it relatively entertaining until the last 20% of the book. Anastasia is honestly so annoying and Nathan gets gross and controlling towards the end. The conflict with Aaron was incredibly drawn out and super repetitive and don’t even get me started on her being pregnant in the epilogue. Anyways- it was fun till it kinda wasn’t but eh, I wasn’t expecting quality.
Raven Rock by Nichole Louise (★ ★ ★ ★/5): A historical fiction book placed right in the heart of the American Revolution, it explains the origins of the legend of the Headless Horseman. And let me just say, wow. It started off a little slow, but by halfway through I was fully engaged in the story. Wolfram was such a compelling character, with his internal conflict regarding his uncle, a man who had been like a father to him, and his ruthlessness during the war. He defies him and ends up saving a child from a burning building, becoming a traitor in the process. His time in Sleepy Hollow with Hulda (resident healer that is seen as a witch and therefore outcasted) was so fun to read about and makes the tragedy of it all that more devastating. I am glad that Wolfram got his revenge against his uncle for not only killing his father but also killing him. I like to think Hulda and Wolfram are haunting Raven Rock together and have found each other in their afterlives. This truly was such a great read and I’m glad I pick led it up. Shoutout to Herkules, the best horse companion a man could have.
The Empire of Gold by S. A. Chakraborty (★ ★ ★ ★ ★/5): I take back everything I said in the last book about there being too many characters to give them proper arcs. This series finale proved me wrong and I am so, so glad. This series has only gotten better with each book and this was definitely the best one. Nahri and Ali cross the world, find allies in ancient beings, come into new powers, discover family secrets, overthrow a mass murderer, and are rebuilding Daevabad from the ground up. They are such a fun pair and I’m truly glad they’ve found their way back to each other. For Dara, I just feel an immense sadness for him. His story is a tragedy and so nuanced and complex- the author did a really good job of handling it and giving him a fitting ending. There’s so much more I could talk about but just know that this was such a good ending and, in one way or another, everyone is working towards their own peace.
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