#Nico di Angelo birthday event
deadangelos · 2 years
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It’s his day!!!!
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jasico-challenges · 3 months
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It’s Jasico Week 2024 day 1 and our favorite blond’s birthday!
Post your fanworks using the prompt “Birthday” so we can reblog your creations and celebrate Jason’s birthday Jasico themed!
Remember to use our Tagging System, or your post won’t be reblogged. You can find it on our FAQ. (link below)
Take a look at the rest of Jasico Week prompts here. Read our About post, Calendar and FAQ to learn more about the event.
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A little gift for Percy's birthday, I'm going to bully him a little bit XD
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Nico didn't have a bouquet for the ceremony, it was made specifically for the bouquet toss and for hitting Percy in the face XD
Also, Nico did not change clothes, he just removed the cape part for the reception, easier to move around that way
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tagthescullion · 2 months
I feel like Hades/Pluto only falls in love rarely, so even before the oath he always had less demigod children than the others (and even now that the oath is gone he won't have any more for a good long while) but when he does, he loves deeply.
Hades stayed with Maria long enough to have two kids with her, and he didn't leave in between like Zeus did with Beryl after Thalia was born. I read somewhere that he stayed with the di Angelos until Nico was a toddler; I don't remember if it's canon or not but if it is I think it fits. I assume he helped them get to America because travel overseas, especially to an enemy country, was, well, difficult to put it mildly (especially considering Bianca and Nico presumably couldn't go by either sky or sea). He personally warned Maria, and from the sound of it that was not the first time they were having a similar conversation. He offered to shelter her and their children in the Underworld, to build her an entire palace. He was so devastated by her death that he cursed the Oracle. More than fifty years later he was still grieving her so much that he sent armies of monsters to get Thalia in revenge for Zeus killing Maria. He had Bianca and Nico dipped in the Lethe, sent to the Lotus Hotel, sent Alecto to get them out of the hotel, got them into school with presumably all the Mist and paperwork forgery that entailed (although then left them to their own devices, instead of sending them to camp or something). Any other god would have stopped caring so much about their welfare once they were in the Lotus Hotel, and possibly before that.
As for Pluto, Hazel never met him until she was thirteen, but it seems that Marie didn't want him around anyway (in fairness, she might not have wanted him around BECAUSE he'd left her and Hazel, I don't know which came first). But when Hazel was born he was "so pleased and proud" that he offered Marie literally any wish it was within his power to grant, and even though he knew what she asked for would only bring trouble he gave it to her anyway. He had apparently had the Levesques under his protection all this time, which I think is why Hazel never mentions ever seeing a monster during her childhood, even though you'd think a child of one of the Big Three would be a major target. He personally came to ask Marie not to go to Alaska, instead of sending a minion, but did not force her not to go. He gave Hazel a birthday present of pencils and drawing paper - which means he already knew she liked drawing, so he'd clearly been keeping an eye on her. He intentionally turns a blind eye to Hazel's resurrection, despite it literally going against his entire domain and everything he stands for as the Lord of the Dead.
the thing about hades/pluto is that (always speaking of the pjo version ofc) he does love his children. hazel, bianca, nico. he has shitty ways of expressing things, undoubtedly, but he seems to be much more into what they do, where they are, and if they're okay! he protects them even unknown to them
did hades love maria di angelo? 100%, nobody would doubt that. when he's talking to her about taking them to the underworld or the casino, she's very comfortable, they're both very mushy, the kids are not paying attention (they would be if hades being there was such an uncommon event), clearly he's been around --if not as a family, then enough that the novelty of his presence has long worn off--
did pluto love marie levesque? idk. she summoned him somehow, not really looking for him in particular, but eh, you get what you get. he clearly has been following hazel's life, but his relationship with marie doesn't look as if it was ever loving. it's even implied marie only wanted him bc he looked "fancy" and she wanted to be rich, and a "queen", did pluto love her anyway in return?
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chbnews · 2 months
DAILY NEWS 7/17/24
Why has there been like 7 tornado warnings Zeus chill out >:(
Game Winnings/Events
Cabin 5 kid is having a Minecraft birthday party on the 18th if anyone wants to come ‼️
Cabin 17 wins capture the flag AND rock climbing
Cabin 4 wins pottery contest held by Chiron (he likes fancy pots to keep his flowers in)
Why tf does Chiron have so many flowers
Did cabin 4 get him into a new hobby
Is this what old people are like
Also why does Percy now have a very elaborate seashell collection
Has that always been there????
Anyways, thanks for reading - Nico Di Angelo 💀🪦
Join our discord!
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avaetin · 9 months
Happy New Year!
I planned to post this on the week of Christmas, but I figured it was more appropriate to post now. This is just me sharing my plans for 2024 (For PJO. Who knows maybe I'll join a new fandom this year-). The 2023 Masterlist helped me, so I figured I'd do it as well for this year.
Non-AO3 related:
"Cards of Fate"
This is a project still under discussion with the wonderful artist coma.stash. I want to make a card set for A Kairos Moment (A - K, and Joker card) featuring characters that correspond to said card. So, for example, Ace of Hearts = Nico, etc. I plan to make a physical copy for my own self, but I will be sharing the digital copy here online. This is what the “poll” from some time ago was about. This project has no specific deadline other than this year. Again, still under discussion with Coma, but I'm excited to make this happen.
AO3 related:
A Kairos Moment
I have plans to finish it this year. I think it might be possible, but we'll just have to see. I give it latest 2025…? Because once I finish my ongoing Percico fic, this will be my main focus.
Can't Say Goodbye (I'm Still Drifting With Your Echoes)
To finish this year. Likely before mid-year.
The Recollection of Nico di Angelo's Memories
This is a series I just started. This series is supposed to showcase Nico's mortal life, in no specific order, in the Primordial AU. We just started off with Christmas, so there will also be ‘records’ of his birthday, his travels, other demigods’ birthday, etc.
And now, for individual works:
“We Could Be”
Pairing: God! Percy Jackson/Nico di Angelo (Percico)
Rating: To be Determined
Premise: In which God! Percy Jackson makes a plea to the primordial god Chronos to grant him passage through different universes and timelines to find a copy of Nico to replace the one he lost.
“Memoirs of a Cradle Robber”
Pairing: Alabaster Torrington/Nico di Angelo
Rating: Explicit
Premise: The unconventional way of how Alabaster and Nico got together.
Pairing: Alabaster Torrington/Nico di Angelo
Rating: To be Determined
Premise: Sequel to “Memoirs of a Cradle Robber”. In which Hazel demands to know who Nico's mystery boyfriend is.
“People Ruin Beautiful Things” (Unofficial Title)
Pairing: Alabaster Torrington/Nico di Angelo
Rating: To be Determined
Premise: People ruin beautiful things. Alabaster was no exception.
In which Nico keeps on leaving, and Alabaster has no means of making him stay. (Getting together)
2x “(Undetermined)”
Pairing: Alabaster Torrington/Nico di Angelo
Rating: Explicit
Premise: (Purely indulgent one-shot fics)
“The Bride of Necro” (Unofficial Title)
Pairing: Jason Grace/Nico di Angelo
Rating: To be Determined
Premise: In which Nico could not cope with Jason’s death.
I welcome prompts too. Please feel free to send some, but no guarantees that I can write it. I'm open to the idea of participating in events as well, but I need so much planning ahead of time Q u Q.
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wrongcaitlyn · 4 months
How realistic or related to irl do you plan on making tgol? You have absolutely no obligation to make this fic very political, but it’s a bit insane how much our current real-world problems could have an affect on the characters 😭😭 So would you rather make it “lifelike” or will they belong to a more perfect world?
honestly... it's a bit complicated😭 i think that in my head, it's very realistic because i see things happening every day and think in my head "this is what nico di angelo would do" (yk, like actually supporting palestine, posting links to donate, donating himself), and also, i do think that he would be a very political singer. as in, he would definitely speak his mind about causes that are important to him - like laws against trans people, the don't say gay act... lots of other things too. so in my head, he absolutely is speaking on these matters (conservatives hate him)
however, my only thought abt writing that into the actual fic is just... where's the limit, then? if i mention something about him talking about a particular event, what about the several other issues that i'm not writing about? all of this is taking place in the past, and i'm already forgetting the characters' literal birthdays, so i would have needed to write it into the plot from the very beginning on what the political state of the us is, what laws are being passed, what politicians are being elected - logically, i know that all of these things have such a huge impact on the characters, as politics do, but i just don't have the time to do all that research (aka, going back into past news articles that describe all of that stuff throughout the past five years) for what is really a coming of age popstar au story that may be angsty at times, but isn't meant to be taken too seriously.
so the real answer is that i'm limiting the activism that i write into the fic to charity groups/other activists that are fictional. the chase space, for example, is helping queer youth, and i intend to (spoiler) make it so that he announces all the proceeds from a certain merch line will go to benefit that. the chase space isn't a *real* charity, but i do want to convey that he's using his platform for good - and that's the best way that i can see myself doing it/being able to incorporate it plot-wise. other than that, i think a lot of his posts are supporting various charities and he has petitions linked in his bio pretty much all the time, it's just not necessarily mentioned in the fic.
whether that means that they all live in a perfect world or that the issues are still there and the activism is still happening, just not being written down, however, is up to you. i know that fanfic is often used as escapism (myself included), and i don't want to force people to see it as very realistic if they don't want to - but if they do, then that's up to them!
i think i, personally, see it as a mix of both. and the fic will cover general issues - like, for example, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny all still exist - and these issues will be confronted using things like the chase space and something else that i've been planning as a sort of background plotline. but specific political issues won't be written into the fic because of the aforementioned reason. but thank you for the ask!! i feel like i was kind of unintentionally avoiding confronting these things and it was good to finally put it to words! <3
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sickly-sapphic · 1 year
1-35your evil:)
First of all *you're Second of all maybe this was my plan all along
What is your nickname? Willa IS a nickname - it's derived from my last name. Apart from that I have 7 nicknames.
When is your birthday? 6th of August!! Just had it - and it ended up being a weeklong event :D
What was your longest relationship? My current one, which is almost a year and a half.
What is your favorite book? Loveless by Alice Oseman
What is something you're insecure about? Hmmm, my weight/size. Been bullied for it since I was like 4 😭
5 Male celebrity crushes I don't get crushes, I tried to answer but everytime I was just listing guys I know
5 Female celebrity crushes Again I dont get crushes but I will never turn down a movie with Florence Pugh
What is your dream job? I simply don't dream of labour. I would like to run a queer cafe that doubles with free sex ed info. I also wouldnt mind doing ASMR as a career I just don't have the tools really.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? Uhmm, being happy.
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe? There was a few years where I was somewhere on the goth/emo spectrum. I don't think it's particularly shocking but I've very quickly gotten a reputation for being a pink princess so...
What were your highs and lows for this last month? Highs - I got a huge plushie the size of my body, heartstopper s2, shopping spree, the Barbie movie Lows - a whole heap of medical shit relating to me and ppl im close with, depressive episodes, burying my cat
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit? I'm honestly not a travel person, I guess I wouldn't mind diving somewhere though.
How do you de-stress? Yoga, sunbathing, baking, crochet, gay things, making art, and reading.
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr? Gratitude Journal, PocketLove and MyPossibleSelf. Social media wise I don't mind Pinterest and Insta but there are almost always things I don't wanna see showing up on my dash.
Describe yourself in one sentence. Hot<3
What do you think makes you attractive? Stomach, thighs and shoulders. I've also been told my worldview is v attractive.
What is something you're really good at? Self love babey.
What is something you're really bad at? Baking red velvet cake.
A time that you told a lie. I lie when asked if there's anything that could prevent me from doing xyz.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know? Nico Di Angelo smells like stone after rain.
Who knows you the best? My boyfriend.
What is your most prized possession? My phone - it has hundreds of photos I wouldnt be able to replace, poetry, songwriting, journalling and its how I stay in contact with long-distance friends and old school/work friends.
What is your longest friendship? Man idk. Friendships often dip, almost all of my friends have had a few years where we weren't friend inbetween things.
When did you first feel like an adult? I felt like an adult before I was ever allowed to feel like a kid so like. always.
Do you/ Have you played any sports? So many! Soccer, touch football, dance (various types), figure skating, I tried boxing once, karate. Currently I don't play sports, I'm more of a yoga, pilates and skateboarding kinda guy.
How are you feeling right now? Kinda in-between. Don't feel completely zoned in-
Are you an early bird or a night owl? Early bird.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, because there's about a thousand kinds of love.
Favorite song lyrics right now? "sexy girl come and lay with meeee, im frustrated and its sexually" from Sexy Drug - Falling in Reverse. It's such a good song to scream the lyrics to
What does self care look like for you? It entirely depends on the day - it can be watching a film, going on a walk, buying a little treat, dressing up fancy or some form of working out.
Describe yourself with 3 singers. Taylor Swift, Melanie Martinez, Doja Cat.
What makes you nervous? Pretty people.
What’s a pet peeve you have? People that are mean to be funny.
What will always make you cry? Show Me Going from Brooklyn Nine Nine, also Grimace being sad and never wanting to have a birthday again bc of the grimace shake trend :[ Tearing up rn thinking about it.
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people? It's literally never the same impression. I feel like shy and quiet is probably the main one but sometimes it'll be loud and chaotic, charmismatic and funny, I've also gotten told I'm confident a lot which is wild.
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napo-con-fritas · 2 years
tagged by @sweetsweethate mil gracias <3<3
what book are you currently reading?
I'm re-reading El Italiano and I'm reading A Column of Fire
what do you usually wear?
loose clothes, mom jeans, baggy shirts, I do love dungarees :)
how tall are you?
1.63 m or 1.64 m depending on how straight I stand (no clue how much that is in ft and inch, too bad)
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
gemini! I have absolutely no clue whether I share a bday with any celebrity (I googled it, I share a bday with hugh laurie, I'm taking it as a compliment of destiny)
do you go by your name or a nickname?
irl nicknames, I probably wouldn't react to my real name. here either bianca, bea or nonna so both(?
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?  
nope, little me wanted to be an astronaut and have superpowers neither of which has occurred yet
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
I'm good at teaching, I'm horrible at singing
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
I like both my kane chronicles/pjo crossover thing and that maria di angelo drawing :)
dogs or cats?
dogs (but only bc I haven't had a cat yet, I love them so much too)
what’s something you would like to create content for?
theo and eloise from bridgerton and my oc-ish nico di angelo grandparents that I've grown very attached to
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
sweet's right, obvio que la scaloneta, but I did have a skam italia re-watch which has rekindled my love for that series
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
everything but la scaloneta, it's been such a long year
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
I like memorising countries and capitals and where to find them in maps
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
a rich asexual husband who loves me unconditionally and has brown or green eyes
tagging (no pressure): @ailec-12, @gustingirl, @paddooo, @hakkiofficial, @willow-lark, @cityofdiangelo and anybody who wants to do it!
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elvirie · 2 years
tagged by @cityofdiangelo
what book are you currently reading?
i'm re-reading the pjo series rn! currently on the sea of monsters
what do you usually wear?
literally any shirt i will find in my drawer, hoodie, jeans.
how tall are you?
i have no idea. around 165 cm, i think
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
gemini! i share my birthday with zoe saldaña
do you go by your name or a nickname?
my name irl, nickname online.
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?
uh. i didn't totally give up on school, so ig that's a step in the right direction, at least. personality wise? not really, i don't think.
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
i'm good at cooking (at least i hope so) and i'm very bad at math.
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
i wish i could share but i haven't written anything in. a long time. so yea, there's nothing 😭
dogs or cats?
what’s something you would like to create content for?
i'd like to start writing fanfics for pjo again but. writing anything really would be a miracle.
*what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
the entirety of the witcher franchise. i've been playing the wild hunt non stop lately, and when i'm not playing, i'm listening to the audiobooks.
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
eh. i wasn't excited, exactly, but christmas very underwhelming.
*what’s a hidden talent of yours?
i can have REALLY good memory when i want to. a.k.a. when i'm learning the most useless and unnecessary stuff, usually, lol.
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
more time off of school 😭 i've been gone for almost a month and i dread coming back
tagging: @diaingelo @i-spilled-my-soup-again @crushing-on-nico-di-angelo @deyjahvu @thebigqueer and anyone else who wants to join!! (i'm sorry if any of u were tagged before afsdhgsdf)
*edit: how in the world did i manage to miss two questions 😭 added them now. in my defense it was like. 2 am.
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sweetsweethate · 2 years
grax por el taggg @safodebuenosaires :) me encantan estas cosas (y saber mas de mis mutuals tambien uwu)
what book are you currently reading?
nothing :( i have a few book i want to finish but idk
what do you usually wear?
shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops, or just a bikini and shorts when it is to hot
how tall are you?
1.60 cm (5′2)
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
sagittarius, my birthday was the last sunday (18th aka argentina champions) and i share birthday with billie eillish
do you go by your name or a nickname?
i dont really use nicknames in general and i like to be called by my name, but yeah on internet is diferent
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be as a child?  
idk im only 21 ashdjsad i guess i have plenty of time to keep growing as a person
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
i’m good at drawing and sketching in general and im bad at time management jhasdjhas
if you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
i’m still very proud of the nico di angelo art i made in march and i really like a painting of myself i have to do as an assignment
dogs or cats?
what’s something you would like to create content for?
more of my ocs i love them but i never draw them :(
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
fulbo aka la scalontea (yo tambien caí ajsdsk)
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
i feel like this year of my career was kinda disappointing or idk boring cause i didnt assist to all my subjects and once again sculpture is a bitch and it was a pain all the year
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
idk i have good memory when i want
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
mental peace and money
tags: @napo-con-fritas @archive-of-our-own 
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sclangelc · 5 years
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fuck this post and happy late birthday nico di angelo!
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jasico-challenges · 3 months
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Jasico Week 2024 prompts are now live!
It's finally the day to start producing on your fanworks! If you're new to Jasico Challenges, welcome! We're glad you're here! If you're a previous participant, we're so happy you're back!
Jasico Week 2024 is week-long, prompt based creative challenge that celebrates the ship between Nico di Angelo and Jason Grace. There are seven prompts, one for each day of the week. The prompt #1, Birthday, will be on July 1st, prompt #2, Body/Power Swap, will be on July 2nd, and so on.
Creators can produce any media they want, included but not limited to: fanfiction, fanart, photo/video/audio edits, gifs, moodboards, etc.
If you don't like one of the prompts or if you just don't feel inspired by it, feel free to swap it by one of our alternative prompts.
Remember to use our Tagging System when sharing your work here on tumblr, only properly tagged posts will be rebbloged onto this blog. You can find the rules about tagging on our FAQ.
Have fun creating and as always, send us an ask if you have any questions!
Read our About post, Calendar and FAQ to learn more about the event.
Written prompt list below the cut:
Jasico Week 2024 prompts:
1 → Birthday
2 → Body/Power Swap
3 → Pre-Heroes of Olympus
4 → Time Loop
5 → Orpheus & Eurydice AU
6 → Fake Dating
7 → Tartarus AU
alt prompts:
1 → Allergic Reaction
2 → Mistaken Identity
3 → Road Trip
4 → Sickness
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solangelover · 6 years
Fight Me
@solangeloweek‘s Nico di Angelo Birthday Event: January 26 – “AU / Canon Divergence”
A/N: AU where Will is a nurse at the hospital Nico is currently at for some sickness, based on a Tumblr story.
Read on AO3 or FF.Net or Wattpad
Nico felt awful.
He was currently in the hospital for some illness he didn’t care to get the name of. It wasn’t life threatening or anything, he only had to stay for three days, two nights. But his head hurt, his bones ached, his nose was sniffly, and he would randomly spike a fever. Honestly, he’d never felt more physically miserable in his life. He guessed that, going most of his life without sickness, the gods felt the need to pack it all into one hellish affliction.
He had a nurse that was constantly monitoring him. Hazel offhandedly said he was cute, but Nico really didn’t care at the moment. He wasn’t present enough to check out his nurse, nor did he really think he looked like much of a catch in his hospital gown.
When the nurse came in a little later and Nico’s headache had calmed down, he caught the nurse’s nametag: Will Solace. There was a little sun sticker next to it, which Nico instinctively scowled at. It was mocking him – being all sunny and happy while he was stuck inside, suffering.
Yeah, sick Nico was not a very happy one.
“Hey there, Nico!” The nurse – Will – said all peppy-like, matching his sticker. “How are you feeling?”
Nico buried himself further under his mound of pillows – he had requested more – and grumbled. It came out all muffled, but Will got the message.
“Well, not to worry, you’ll be out of here before you know it!” Will smiled brightly, practically lighting up the room more than the sunlight streaming in through the blinds did. “I’m just going to check your vitals, okay?”
He moved around some of Nico’s pillows so he could actually find his patient. Nico clearly did not like this, as he basically hissed at Will. “Fight me,” he said as he pulled a pillow back over himself.
Will only laughed, apparently not taking Nico’s threat too seriously. “Maybe later,” was all he said, and then he proceeded to take Nico’s vitals.
Nico glared at his nurse, then found himself just flat out staring. Will was cute. Actually, more like hot. He had a solid build, his muscular arms right in front of Nico’s face as he did his job. His mop of blonde hair glistened in the sun, swaying as Will flipped his hair out of his eyes. His tan skin was covered in freckles, like he spent his days out on the beach instead of cooped up in a hospital. Nico felt like he should fundamentally dislike this guy, but instead, he felt oddly drawn to him. It must’ve been the painkillers.
Then, Nico noticed his eyes. They were a bright blue, not as shocking as his friend Jason’s, but more like the sky on a clear day, the darker edges like the rest of the universe hiding right behind the sky. They sparkled, especially so in the light, but just on their own as well, like the sun glinting off the ocean. Nico felt like he could drown in those eyes.
It was definitely the painkillers.
At that moment, Nico realized that those eyes were staring back at him.
He blinked a few times, pulling himself out of the ocean of Will’s eyes and noticing the small smirk on his lips. Nico instinctively scowled and burrowed back into his pillows, a light blush on his cheeks.
He heard Will chuckle and say, “I’ll be back later,” the door closing seconds later.
Nico let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He glared at his blankets, “I hate being sick.”
Sometime later (Nico had no concept of time here), Will came back to check on Nico. He was sitting up in bed, head tipped back and eyes closed as he tried to push back on the hammer pounding on his skull.
“Hi,” Nico winced at the greeting, the sound reverberating in his brain. He picked his head up and glared out at Will, who had pulled up a chair and picked up his clipboard.
Before Will could say anything, Nico bit out, “fight me.” Or he tried to. But then he was choking on spit and coughing, and then the mucus in his chest decided it was a good time to clog his airways and attempt to crawl up his throat, causing worse coughs that wracked his aching body. He vaguely registered Will patting his back and saying something, but Nico couldn’t hear it over his own coughing. When he finally stopped, he had tears in his eyes and his chest was heaving. He probably also had drool around his mouth. Ugh, Nico was grossed out by himself.
He didn’t really want to look at Will, but he was forced to as Will gently grabbed his chin to face him and wiped his mouth with a towel. Nico was too tired to protest. His eyes fell closed, only to be opened in surprise when Will pressed a glass of water into his hands.
“Here, this’ll help.” He smiled, as he always did, and this time, Nico gave the tiniest smile back. He drank the water gratefully, then handed the empty cup back to Will.
Will gazed at him for a moment, making Nico fidget and self-consciously pull at his hair in some attempt to smooth it out. “So…”
Will blinked and straightened up, obviously caught up in his thoughts. “Right, right. Vitals.” Since Nico was actually attentive this time, Will decided to strike up a little conversation. “So, are you a student?”
Nico was almost going to ask how he could tell, but then he remembered that he was Will’s patient and he had all of Nico’s records. “Yeah, about to graduate.”
Will nodded as he scribbled on his clipboard. “Cool, I just graduated last year. Now it’s full time at the hospital.” He glanced up Nico and smiled for the millionth time, though this one felt more personal, if that was a thing a smile could be.
“Do you like it here?” Nico inquired. He normally wasn’t one for conversations with strangers, or in general, but he had nothing better to do. Also, hey, if he wanted to talk to his hot nurse, who would really fault him.
Will’s eyebrow quirked at the question. “Well, it is what I want to do. I like helping people, even in the small things like temporary illnesses.” He glanced up at Nico through his bangs, which Nico definitely did not find attractive. “And I get to meet interesting people.”
“Oh, ‘interesting,’” hm?” Nico smirked. “Well don’t I feel special.” Was he flirting with Will? Nico had no idea what he was trying to do, but he found that he was too sick to care. It was a good excuse to let himself say whatever his brain came up with.
Will seemed to take it well, because he leaned back in his chair and gave Nico his full attention. “Interesting covers the array of people I’ve seen. Crazy people, funny people, rude people, even cute ones.” Did he just wink at Nico?
He didn’t have time to react to that as Will stood up and set the clipboard back on its hook by Nico’s bed. “I’ll be back in the morning. Get some sleep, okay?” It was nighttime? “Oh, and also,” Will paused at the door, “I wouldn’t fight you because I know you’d win.” Nico had no idea what was going on anymore, but then Will was out the door and Nico was alone.
The end finally came.
Nico had several more baby conversations with Will, and he probably did some baby flirts here and there, but ultimately, he didn’t think anything would come of it. After all, he was all sick and nasty about 90% of the time. Nico didn’t even like himself.
Nico came back to his room after changing and using the bathroom to grab the rest of his stuff. Hazel had brought him flowers and he had several cards on his bedside table from his friends that visited. When Nico went to gather them up, he noticed a small cup waiting there for him. He could smell the coffee and practically melted. He hadn’t had any for three days, and his body craved it so much. It was warm when he picked it up, so someone had just dropped it off. He wondered who it was for a moment before he noticed something scribbled on the sleeve.
“Fight Me?” was written in slightly sloppy handwriting with a series of numbers underneath it.
It took a second, but when Nico realized what it was, he snorted and laughed into his free hand, careful not to spill the precious coffee.
Apparently, Nico successfully seduced Will Solace with his glares and drool. Must’ve been a nurse thing.
He texted Will immediately upon exiting the building.
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solangeloweek · 3 years
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(art by @lostcoastline and @pinkerpick)
Join us in celebrating Nico di Angelo’s birthday weekend from January 28th to January 31st!
JAN. 28 - BIRTHDAY! Create something to help us celebrate this special day!
JAN. 29 - PAST. Create something representative of Nico’s past.
JAN. 30 - PRESENT. This day is to show how far Nico has come!
JAN. 31 - FUTURE. Anxious about the Nico solo book? Show us that future and beyond, or whatever you think awaits Nico in the coming years!
Participation rules can be found here.
Any works posted to tumblr participating in this event should include: @solangeloweek and the day/prompt for the event.
Happy creating!
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hyacjnthus · 2 years
will owns the lego death star, imperial star destroyer, ATAT, millennium falcon, and ultimate collector’s millennium falcon lego sets
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