eggsnatcheskneecaps · 2 years
No thoughts brain empty Aeon and Loen share a groupchat on Moments
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theoffhandpuppeteer · 5 years
( I’m rewatching Markiplier play OFF and now I wanna play the fangames again. )
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bimbles-and-simbles · 6 years
Hey, i miss seeing you on my dash
I’ll be back soon! Mental and body health have been a big issue but I saw the doctor today for test results and while...semi-bad i’ll be able to get back to doing stuff soon
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annikki-studies · 6 years
Would you guys be interested if I made a favorite studyblr supplies post? I’m also going to have a haul from glendows/michaels in the future too, so I’ll probably review those too. 
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nikitagusain-blog · 6 years
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annikki-studies · 6 years
making a big purchase from aliexpress for my birthday soon :) too bad everything won’t come in for another 20-30 days. 
Oh, and my reintroduction is officially in the works. Should be done before school starts (so next week). 
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annikki-studies · 7 years
I’m taking three online classes this semester and so far I’m really enjoying it. I think I’m gonna take a few more before the school year ends. For my french class, there’s speaking tests and we have to voice record so the teacher lets us do it in an empty room in case we have anxiety and don’t want to speak in front of others. Idk I find that really nice that she considered that because it’s really quiet in the class and talking can be really awkward. 
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annikki-studies · 7 years
I know it’s after christmas but I hate when an acquaintance gives you a christmas gift you weren’t expecting. Like I’m sorry, I barely know you so I didn’t get you a gift and I know you’re telling me not to worry about it but I’m gonna worry about it until next christmas  
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annikki-studies · 7 years
Little 2017 Reflection
Happy New Years everyone! For me, 2017 has been an overall good year. 2015 and 2016 weren’t good at all as I had to transition into a new school and get used to high school. I had major friendship issues and I was (still) getting over my first love. My grades were shit and suffered quite terribly in math. Needless to say, those two years weren’t very pleasant towards me. But 2017 is was a pretty good year. 
ut, my year started off terrible though as my cat passed away on the first of the new year. My therapist who I had for a year at this point suddenly left as well. I was starting to seriously doubt my relationship with my girlfriend and wanted it to end. I started talking to a friend I used to have a crush on and the feelings quickly bubbled back up. I switched my classes and was determined to do better this time. I visited my grandparents in Florida and took a plane for the first time in years. Finally after three months of doubt, I broke up with my girlfriend and it somewhat turned back into a stable friendship. On the last day of school, I saw my first love for the last time as she dropped out. I went camping in a lot of places and went to Cape Cod, Hampton Beach and Virginia Beach over the summer. I visited some local parks and learned more about the area around me. When school started up, I was shocked to learn that she dropped out of school. I realized that her absence not only upsetted me, but the others around me. My grades improved and are still doing better than than have in the past 3 years. I took my first AP class and gained some confidence in myself knowing that I can now take harder classes. I continued to get closer to my friends and I got another cat from my aunt. I had my first sleepover in years and now here I am writing this.  
I could say 2017 has been all over the place, but I like to try and stay optimistic and say that it was pretty good. The thought of 2018 scares me as I’ll have to learnt to drive and start looking into colleges. But I’m still trying to be positive.I have a lot of things to look forward too, even if they are a bit scary. 
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annikki-studies · 7 years
For the birthday ask meme: December 30!
December - what do you want for christmas?
Well for next christmas I want a new computer! 
30 - mouse or trackpad?
Trackpad definitely as I hate desktop computers. Laptops are so much easier to move around and mouses are so clunky 
Oh and happy birthday! I hope you get a lot of nice gifts and eat a lot of cake today! 
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annikki-studies · 7 years
3, 27, 34, 99 for the 'unique' asks please! :D
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Tucked in usually, unless I’m too lazy and didn’t make my bed 
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My ex girlfriend and that was about a year ago I think? 
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Definitely roast beef. I don’t really like any other lunch meats; I’m a very picky eater 
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
Hmm, yeah you could say that. I miss my cat who passed away around this time last year. I miss my friends from school since I’m a clingy bitch and it’s only been a few days haha but other than that nope. 
Thanks for asking! :) 
Link to the ask 
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annikki-studies · 7 years
I just reached 300 followers today! It’s crazy I just hit my 200 followers milestone two months ago so thank you guys! I have a self-care guide in the workings but what other masterposts/guides do you guys want? 
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theoffhandpuppeteer · 5 years
I got a couple more outfits to draw that were sent to me today, which I will get to soon, Thank you for sending them, but I’m in the mood for other memes right now.  
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annikki-studies · 7 years
Hi Nikki! Do you have a tag for your asks?? I like to see your responses but it sometimes takes a while to scroll all through your posts to find an ask!
Hello! No, i don’t currently have a tag but I’ll make one soon in the future. Plus I don’t get that many asks, but Nikkitalks will be the tag temporarily. And I’m glad that you like my responses; I really thought nobody reads them 
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