#No I didn't make them while listening to cabinet man when my partner showed me the song what are you talking abouutttt???
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Tumblr mighta compressed him so please click for better quality, thanks-
This is Confetti!! A very old Transformers OC that I've been meaning to redesign for foreverrrrrrr. Uhh no particular cont, I'm still working to redesign some other guys as well as work on story/general rewrites, so not a lot of info I can give rn,, still! I was really happy with this design, thought I'd share them <3
Transparent under cut!
Reblogs > Likes, thank you! <3
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stars-n-spice · 6 months
It's cuffing season so here is a list of why Wrecker is literally the perfect partner
for a 4'11, Korean Mexican, probably neurodivergent introverted individual
His height. He can reach all the things I cannot even if he would probably tease me about it. I won't have to climb on the counters to get stuff from the cabinets or make a fool out of myself in grocery aisles when something I need is on the top shelf. I could ask him to carry me on his shoulders to experience being tall for once (only to probably get scared because that's too high up). I just think it'll be beneficial. Not to mention on my knees I am the perfect height to [gets shot].
His size. The sheer build of this man compared to mine is fucking crazy and I think about it a little too much. But without getting NSFW,, he's like a portable heater and a weighted blanket wrapped in one big teddy bear. I'd sleep so well engulfed in his arms (though it might stress him out every morning, waking up and thinking "Oh shit, I hope I didn't crush them-") because it probably feels very warm and very safe. I stupidly made fun of my mom for being cold all the time one day and karma got my fucking ass so now I'm cold all the time, but Wrecker practically radiates heat. Also we both definitely have size kinks so it works in out favor ahahaha.
His Emotional Intelligence. Wrecker's incredibly intelligent and especially with his emotions and other people's emotions. Meanwhile my emotional intelligence is,,, uh, not that good. So not only could he probably help me work on it but because he has such a high emotional intelligence I just think he'd be able to understand me in ways others can't/don't. I say that because I'm very touch adverse and Wrecker is a very physically affectionate guy, but I think he'd catch on quickly that I'm not always comfortable with hugs and shit without me telling him (because I can't bring myself to tell people "Hey, I actually don't like that.") and would be able to adjust so that I'm comfortable. Also I just think he'd be able to tell when something is bothering me and instead of confronting me about it (which will freak me out and make things worse) he'd just try to distract me from it or get me to lighten up with some jokes or something. Also, he's a demolitions expert so I can imagine that he's incredibly cautious and patient and that's exactly what I need because fuck, it'll take some time for all the walls to come down.
Similar Interests. I'd like to think that we'd have somewhat similar interests. I could see him enjoying action and animation films/TV shows. You wanna have a Kung Fu Panda marathon? Say no more. We are quoting things and making references left and right. Wanna get into our matching Sonic pajamas and watch Sonic Prime? Definitely. Yes. Done deal. We're info dumping about fixations to each other, I'm watching him play Minecraft because if I play it, I get nauseous, he's listening as I give him a PowerPoint presentation about the MCU. We're going to interactive science museums for stimulation, I'm taking him to the Montery Bay Aquarium and the San Diego Zoo (and the Safari Park) and telling him cool animal facts the entire time while he gets to enjoy seeing all the awesome creatures. He's so down to go camping and hiking, which is great because I do a lot of that. Personality wise we are not the same but I'd like to think that we would enjoy a lot of the same things. Idk,, basically ADHD and Autism solidarity.
He's a morning person. Again, opposites attract because I am most definitely not a morning person by any means. I'm staying up all night writing and watching Markiplier play FNAF while he snores away and in the morning he's up at like fucking 6 am to run or something while I sleep until the afternoon. Bonus points if he feeds my cat in the morning, my cat and I will love him forever if he does. Idk, I just think that'll be nice.
He'll eat well with me. Every day I thank the gods that I am Korean and Mexican because I really fucking won in terms of food. On top of that, I've got access to a WIDE variety of different cuisines because thank god I'm not in the middle of butt fuck nowhere with no access to anything good. Like when my family goes camping we're taking a whole Korean BBQ restaurant with us! We aren't going to eat beans out of a can, you're fucking crazy. Anyways, he'll have all the meat in the word because holy fuck do Koreans eat a lot of meat. I also like to think that he LOVES spicy food too (even if he can't handle it all that well). And wouldn't you know, Koreans and Mexicans fucking LOVE their spice. Man is eating SO WELL and I stand by him needing someone who can give him GOOD food in generous amounts. Like after seeing him so full after eating on Pabu and having that sushi I was like, oh that man is in for a TREAT.
My family would love him. I also grew up in a big family with lots of siblings so I think that we could bond over that. My family is also pretty nice and accepting too, they'd have fun with him.
He'd think I'm cool. This is a completely selfish point but oh well. Sometimes I beat myself up over being so childish and shit but then I'll think about how Wrecker wouldn't give a shit whether or not I have dinosaur themed bed sheets. He'd think that's the coolest thing ever. He'd be in complete awe of my stuffed animal collection and would think I'm the coolest person ever. It just helps sometimes, idk,,
Those are like,, the main points
I probably think about him too much and sometimes I'm absolutely devastated by the fact that he's not real because he's literally perfect for me </3
Don't get me wrong, I'm probably most definitely aroace but,, idk he just seems to be an exception
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rocketmanmadden · 5 years
My Prince
Requested by @badasseddy
Reader and Richard are in love but they didn't tell each other, and the reader is in a toxic relationship, and one day something bad happens, and Richard steps in, maybe he fights with the guy or something, and then fluff.
Warnings- Angst, then fluff. Abusive relationship at the beginning.
A/N- If you or someone you know are being abused or hurt by a partner, family member, friend, etc, please tell somebody. You are never weak for speaking up, just talking could save a life. If anyone ever needs anyone to talk to, my dms are always open, never hesitate to message me about anything❤️
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Richard has been there for you always, you first boyfriend, your first breakup, and your first awful relationship. Awful isn’t even the word that describes it- abusive is.
You hated calling it that because you were to scared to admit it, but even more scared of being near your boyfriend.
Richard easily caught onto this, he knew you better than anybody else, and he knew that you didn’t get those bruises from bumping into the corner of a cabinet or table, he knew that when you would get a chill whenever your boyfriend came around that something was wrong.
He let it go for a while even though in his gut he knew he shouldn’t have, and that something was terribly wrong. You didn’t want to talk about it and he respected that, but today was the last day he was ever letting it go.
A fight broke out between you and your boyfriend when he unexpectedly showed up to your apartment, but mostly just your boyfriend, as you stood back and let him lash at you.
“Why the fuck don’t you ever have me over anymore huh!? You say it’s a mess? Everything’s fucking spotless. You’re probably cheating on me!” He rages at you. “I promise I’m no-“ a tear runs down your cheek. “”Bullshit you aren’t!” He wraps his hand around your throat and slams you into the wall causing you to cry and be unable to breathe regularly.
Thank god for Richard planning on stopping over tonight, because moments later he opened the door and came in to see you pinned up against the wall, a hand around your throat and tears down your face.
“Get the fuck off her man!” He shouts as he grabs his shoulder and pulls him back, him slowly but angrily turning around. “Why should I listen to you? You the fucker she’s cheating with?” He growls causing Richards face to turn to shock. “What? No! I’m the fucker who actually cares about her and her well being, so get the hell out of her apartment” Richard says as his accent gets thicker with the more angry he gets.
“Why the fuck do you think I’ll do what you say? Last time I check you weren’t her boyfriend- I am!” He yells as he shoves Richard. “Listen I’m not trying to fight mate” Richard puts his hand up but before he knows it, gets punched straight in the nose. “Well I am” the other man grumbles.
The two men began going at it in your hallway as you scream, cry, and beg for it to stop. They punch and they scream, hitting at each other’s faces with their fists until finally they get to worn out and fall off each other.
“Get out! Just get out and never come back!” You sob. “We’re done!” You cry as you run over to Richard to make sure he’s okay, but he just holds you, not even caring about his bruised face or bloody nose, just you.
He moves you to the couch and just lets you cuddle into him, sobbing into his chest before you finally calm down enough for him to get an ice pack for his face, and brings some ice cream over for you.
“I’m so s-sorry Richard” You sniffle as he sits back down next to you. “Don’t be silly, you have nothing to be sorry for. You are so strong, being in a place like you were is so hard. I would’ve never been able to survive what you’ve been going through.” He wipes the last tear from your cheek. “Now what do you say, ice cream, movies, and cuddles?” He smiles. “Sounds perfect” you finally slowly have a smile appear on your face. “What do you want to watch? Your choice” he asks.
“Maybe this is stupid, but can we watch Cinderella? The version with you of course, it just never fails to make me happy. Not to mention you’re such an angel in it.” You smile up at him as he pulls a blanket over the two of you and puts an arm around you, his free hand giving you the ice cream. “Cinderella it is” he grins before getting the movie on.
You guys quickly finish the tub of ice cream not even halfway into the movie, putting it down and cuddling into each other the rest of the time. Finally you felt free, and safe. You just felt loved with him.
“You’re so perfect” You say as you watch the dance scene of the movie. “I played a prince, I had to be” he chuckles. “No, I mean in real life” you lock eyes with him. “I’m far from perfect” he shakes his head.
“You’re perfect in my eyes. You’re a grown man sitting here holding me while watching a princess movie, not to mention you’re in it and you don’t like watching your own movies, just because I’m sad. You’re perfect in every way to me” you find his hand under the blanket and entangle your fingers in his.
“In your defense, you have every reason to be sad. He’s lucky I didn’t kill him with the way he treated you, never again will that happen to you. You’re pretty damn perfect too, and strong, so so strong to be in that situation and still be so kind and caring towards others” he gives your hand a squeeze and smiles at you as you look down, hoping to not regret what you’re about to do. “Richard?” He uses his other hand to tilt your head back up at him. “Yes love?” He responds.
“Do you remember when he said that last time he checked you weren’t my boyfriend?” You ask, his face going into a slight look of confusion. “Yeah, why do you mention?” He furrows his eyebrows. “Well, I-“ you stutter out.
“I want you to be” you finally say. ”I didn’t know if I’d ever be ready for another relationship after that, but you, I love you. And I’m not just saying this because I’m confused or in an emotional time period, I’ve always loved you.” To which he chuckles.
“If it isn’t obvious by now how much I like you I don’t think it ever will be. You think I’ll watch myself in those tight, may I add very tight, pants for anyone? I feel the pain again just looking at them. You, you are so special to me. I was waiting for the day for you guys to break up so I maybe had some sort of a chance with you.” He explains, his blue eyes never leaving yours as he grazes his thumb over your hand, which is still held in his.
“Some sort?” You smile at him and his response. “You can have me any day you want Richard, I didn’t think I’d have the chance with you” You tell him. “Well it’s clear you do, so I guess what I’m trying to say out of all of this is I love you too.” He takes your hand out from under the blanket and places a kiss to the top of it. “Does this mean?” You smile as your face blushes at you wait for him to answer.
“Yes, I’d be honored to be able to call myself your boyfriend. And unlike him, I’ll protect you with my life. The only thing that will ever hurt you now is your stomach, because we have another tub of us cream and a lot more movies to watch after we finish this one” making both of you giggle as he places a kiss to your cheek before you settle back down to watch the rest of the Cinderella movie.
You began slowly falling asleep as you lay on his chest inhaling his scent, but not even to have you out, just the right amount where you’re groggy. You finish the movie and sleepily smile at him as he runs his hand up and down your back, waking you up more to let you know it’s over.
“You being my boyfriend now, does this also mean you’ll be my prince?” you whisper at him with a lit up smile. “Forever and always my dear” he whispers back before passionately kissing you for the first time, the way a true boyfriend would.
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elusive---ivory · 5 years
The Woman in Velvet pt. 7
This was tiring.., but it's here! Hooray!! I appreciate my bestfriend @princessgeekface for being my editor, please go check her out she really rules!!
Without a further ado.
PAIRING: Arthur Fleck x Oc
WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse, Self Inflicted Pain.
@gloomybih @princessgeekface @mijachula @memory-mortis
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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"Well as of right now, Mr. Wayne, I think we can close a deal." The man in the large black suit said over the telephone. "I'm sure she'd be happy to perform. How about next Tuesday? Great! I'll see you then." The man promptly hung up the phone.
The little girl sat in the far corner of the room.
"Good news, sweetheart. You're preforming for Thomas Wayne." The man said to the girl.
The girl's cheeks were red, and her eyes were puffy. Her lips were busted and bruised. She whimpered in the corner. "Great." She whispered to herself.
"You should smile, my dear. It's wonderful news." He walked closer to her. "I love you."
The girl turned away. "No, you don't." She growled.
"What was that?" The man walked up to her with a firing rage.
"You don't love me, Uncle Charlie. If you did, I won't play in these stupid shows." She got off her knees, shaking.
"You quit with this attitude, young lady." He hissed, grabbing onto her shoulders.
"I'm 16 years old, Charlie." She yelled. "Stop controlling my life."
"Listen here, I've tried to be nice to you, but you really leave me no choice. Be a good girl, Sandy, and I'll reward you." The man gripped on tight to her large waist.
She pushed him off. "You can't do this to me. Just let me go." The girl screamed.
The man grabbed her by the throat. "Listen here, you fucking bitch. You're not going anywhere as long as I am still alive." He let go of her throat.
She fell to the ground coughing.
"Besides, Sandy, you're useless without me. Completely worthless."
'10:30 am? I guess it could be worse.' She slumped out of her bed, and headed to the kitchen. Sandy couldn't stop thinking about Arthur, and their little date. She didn't know why she was so heads over heels for this boy.
Sandy woke up in a cold sweat. 'Thank fuck that today's my day off.' She thought to herself. Sandy looked over at the clock.
Sandy smiled while stirring her coffee. She sighed dreamily like a schoolgirl, and pressed the button on her answering machine.
"You have (2) new messages." The autonomous voice said.
"Voicemail 1:
Hey, Sandy, It's me, Arthur. I'm heading to Wayne Manor today, and I've got some exciting news." His voice got closer to the phone. "Thomas Wayne is my dad."
Sandy eyes widened. She choked a little on her coffee. 'He's joking, right?' Sandy set her coffee down, and rubbed her temples. "Ugh, damn it, Art." She mumbled to herself.
Meanwhile the answering machine started playing the 2nd message.
"Voicemail 2:
Hello, is this the phone number of Sandy Dolere? I regret to inform that your uncle, Charles Paul Harris, has passed away as of last week. He was suffering from heart failure, and he was scheduled for an operation in December. Charles died in his sleep from natural causes. When you get the chance, please call us back at 467-286-7789."
Sandy looked at the machine. Her hand hovered over the delete button. Softly, she moved her hand and fell to the kitchen floor. Her loud sobs could be heard throughout the complex.
Her coffee mug was shatter with spilled brown liquid all over the floor. Sandy reached over the counter, taking a pack of cigarettes from of the counter. Gently, she placed in in her mouth, laying there on the floor. Sandy got up, finding herself a lighter. She looked over to the bottle of whiskey in the open cabinet. She turned away from it, lighting her cigarette. As Sandy took a long peaceful drag from the cigarette, she exhaled into the dreary morning. She took the cigarette out of her mouth and looked down at her bare arm. Sandy jammed the burning cigarette into her porcelain skin. Tears formed in her eyes as the ashes and blood dripped down her arm. She took the cigarette off and looked at the whole in her arm.
"Fuck." Sandy whispered, throwing her cigarette away. She went over to the bathroom to wash all the blood and sorrow away. She laid there in the bathtub. Hot water flowed out the faucet. She ducked her head under the water, holding in her breath. Whilst she was in her thoughts, she heard a knock at the door.
Quickly, she jumped out of the tub, and put on her lime green robe, usually she expected Arthur to drop by with a quick kiss or so, but to her surprise, it was two detectives in black.
"Good Afternoon, Ms. Dolere. I'm Detective Gordon, and this is my partner Detective Johnson." The detective known as "Gordon" turned to his partner.
"We're looking into the murders that happened on the subway. As you may know they were Wayne employees, and one of them just so happened to be your co-worker, Dennis Cullen." Detective Johnson said, as he stepped inside her apartment. "Nice place." He commented.
"Thanks." Sandy mumbled under her breath. "If you could give me a second, gentleman, I just got out of the tub." Sandy disappeared into the other room, struggling to find clothes.
Detective Gordon sat down on the couch.
"No worries. We'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind."
"No, I don't mind." Sandy reentered the room, fully dressed. She sat on the couch, taking a deep breath. She eyed the two detectives up and down.
Detective Gordon shifted in his seat, while Detective Johnson took out a notepad. Both detectives sat across from Sandy, who looked pretty annoyed at them for just being there.
"Where were you on the night the subway murders happened?" Johnson asked, eyeing her reaction.
"I was at home watching the TV. I had a long day at work, and I was unwinding." Sandy replied.
"Right." said Detective Johnson, writing down on his notepad.
"We had asked around about your relationship with Dennis, and they said that you two had a 'thing'. Is this true?" Gordon asked, putting air quotes over the word 'thing'.
"I had no relationship with him. He was just an asshole around the office. He was also the guy to make the most sales, but I saw no reason why he should die." Sandy replied with a stoic look on her face.
"I see. We've been asking around the building and we wanted to ask about your relationship with Arthur Fleck. The neighbors say they've see you get quite close these past few weeks, is that true?" Gordon took the notepad from Johnson, and looked over the notes.
Sandy froze for a second, continuing her stoic face, but with a red tint placed on her cheeks. "I'd say that yes, we've gotten closer. He's very nice to me. He's passionate about his comedy career, and I support him fully."
"Uh-huh." Johnson mumbled. "Did you two have any sexual encounters with each other?"
Sandy blushed madly, taken aback by this information. "That's none of your business." She glared at Johnson, crossing her arms.
"Alright, thank you for your time, Ms. Dolere." Gordon got off the couch, shaking Sandy's hand. Johnson followed behind him.
"Have a good evening, gentlemen." Sandy closed her door. "For sweet hell, it's already evening?" She said to herself, looking outside on the horizon. Sandy looked down at her scarred arm. She stared at it for a good long while, almost as if she was mocking it. Sandy smirked.
"Poor, poor Dennis," She mocked, lighting another cigarette. She heard a loud bang coming from the apartment downstairs. Sandy extinguished the cigarette.
She ran out of her apartment, and pressed the button on the elevator. 'What the fuck?' Sandy's thoughts ran a muck. The elevator slowly closed its doors as Sandy pressed down on Arthur's floor.
She hurried to his apartment door. As Sandy rapidly knocked on the door, she heard Arthur's mother screaming.
Sandy's eyes got wide as she heard the screams. She slammed all her weight into the door, but as it swung open, her head hit the ground.
"Ugh. Fuck." She hissed.
Right in front of her laid Penny Fleck's collapsed body.
"Ms. Dolere, are you alright?" Detective Gordon rushed over to Sandy, while Johnson was tending Penny.
"I'm fine. What about her? Call a god damn ambulance." Sandy pushed the detective out of her way to the phone. She quickly dialed 911.
Arthur saw the scene just as he got home. Everything was a mess. He rushed over to the ambulance. As Arthur got inside the vehicle, he glanced over to Sandy.
Sandy had questions, tons of questions, but she knew that now wasn't the best time for them. She went over to Detective Gordon.
"I need a ride to the hospital." Sandy wasn't asking.
Gordon sighed. "Ok, sure."
He pointed over to a black car, parked on the side of the road.
Sandy sat in the back seat, glaring at the two detectives threw their rear view windows.
As the detectives pulled up to the hospital, Sandy noticed Arthur sitting on a bench outside the hospital, smoking a cigarette.
Sandy got out of the car, but stayed near it to observe the situation.
"Arthur Fleck, I'm Detective Gordon, and this is my partner, Detective Johnson. We wanted to ask you a few questions, but you weren't home, so we asked your mother." Detective Gordon said.
Arthur looked up at him, scornfully. "Did you do this?" Arthur asked, griping tightly on his cigarette.
"Oh no, you see she was hyperventilating and acting all hysterical." Detective Johnson interjected.
"Yeah, the doctors said she had a stroke." Arthur said, bluntly.
"We're sorry to hear that," Gordon mumbled. "We still would like to ask a few questions about the subway killings. Have you heard of them?"
Sandy watched in the distance the whole thing play out. Of course, Arthur had a lot of stuff on his plate and these detectives weren't making matters better.
"Yeah, they're awful." Arthur muttered.
"Well, we talked to your boss from your old job. He says you were fired for bringing a gun in the children's hospital." Gordon stated.
"It was a prop. I'm a party clown." Arthur said, annoyed.
"Oh, yeah? Then why were you fired?" Detective Johnson asked.
"They said I wasn't funny enough. Can you imagine that?" Arthur scoffed. He got off the bench.
"Your boss gave us this card. This condition of yours. Is it real? Or is it a clown thing?"
"A clown thing?" Arthur repeated. He tossed the cigarette to the ground. "What do you think?"
Arthur ran into the hospital door.
The two detectives walked away.
"Hey." Sandy called.
Arthur turned to Sandy. He smiled gently at her. His blue/green eyes full of admiration.
"Hey." Arthur called back to her.
"You do know it says 'Exit' on it." Sandy pointed to the letters above the door.
"Yeah." Arthur hesitantly held onto Sandy's hand as they walked into the hospital.
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