#Tranformers OC
skywarpshydroflask · 3 months
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almost 1 am scared guy in my head is asleep quick post tf ocs
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menori-ori · 9 months
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I'm finished with this piece! Here we have Miss Capitan Silvus with my oc FireMist and IceBerg ;P
Hope you guys like it, drawing that took me longer than expected
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weepingmillow · 2 months
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Silvanus! My submarine tf oc :) hes an evil lil scientist guy
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Warp Drive and Windsnarl after they create a regime worse than anything Megatron could’ve done
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(The Humanformers art for the obscure OC ship as promised.)
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soundcrusher · 1 year
Meanwhile, in another Universe 4
I did it. I, FINALLY, managed to finish this wip! You guys don't know how long this has been sitting in my drafts. T.T
Either way, I hope everyone of you will like Part 4 of this little story set in the Sentient Lost Light Au from @cuppajj. (Should something be off, let me know cuppa. I'll fix it as soon as I can.)
Trigger Warning: mention of abuse
One week. 
Phoenix hasn’t left his hab-suite for a week and Lightlost was starting to worry about the young spark. 
And they weren’t the only one. 
Rodimus, Whirl, Tailgate and even Ultra Magnus were starting to wonder why Phoenix wasn’t leaving his room. So much so that there was always at least one of them to check up on the youngspark, but they never got an answer when they knocked on his hab-suite door. 
However, that wasn’t the most worrisome thing coming out of that sudden change in personality. No, Phoenix was known to sometimes take one or two days where he stayed away from the rest of the Lost Light. “It’s too much… The crew, the noise, not having to fear a… nevermind” At least, that’s what the young flier told Ultra Magnus, and Ultra Magnus told the rest of the crew. 
Not that Lightlost needed to know that. They were the first Phoenix to know, but they had to promise not to tell anyone from the crew, until he himself told someone. And despite it taking a while, it still filled the cartographer’s spark with pride to know that their youngest crew member felt comfortable enough to reach out to the rest and reveal some things about himself. 
And yet it appeared that Phoenix’s hard earned openness has slowly disappeared again. If Lightlost had to make a guess, they would think that it was because of what happened last week. Alone the memory of holding the youngling in their arms and being forced to look down at Phoenix, while he looked up at them with those optics that were there and yet so far away while he begged for whoever he saw to leave him alone, it reminded Lightlost too much of the time when they were cradling Phoenix’s small and broken body after Overlord got to him. 
There were many things the titan in disguise had witnessed, but even they couldn’t get used to certain things. Or maybe it’s because of the resemblance Phoenix shares with their beloved captain. They might not be alike in most aspects, but there are still some things the two share. No matter how much Phoenix protests on how he’s nothing like Rodimus. So, sometimes, when they’re reminded of the day the youngspark nearly died, they couldn’t help but imagen Rodimus in his stead. Missing limbs and broken beyond saving as he…
No, they couldn’t think like that. Not when everything was okay now. or, at least as okay as it can get with their crew. 
With that in mind, Lightlost looked down at the cube of energon to make sure they haven’t spilled anything, before knocking on Phoenix’s hab-suite door. And after making sure there weren’t any traps set up, they entered without waiting for an answer. Something they wouldn’t usually do, but considering how Phoenix hasn’t refueled much since last week, they had a good enough reason to do so. 
Although, after entering the hab-suite and hearing the door close behind them, their calm expression turned into one of concern as they saw the broken furniture and general mess Phoenix has made of his room. 
Of course, they knew that something was going on in the hab-suite, but they didn’t check in out of respect for Phoenix’s privacy. Also, the youngspark needed time for himself, and considering how he sometimes told them how he could “feel optics on him when there weren’t any”, they decided it was best to leave him be for the moment. But now, they were second guessing their decision. Especially after looking towards the berth and the something hidden in a nest of blankets and pillows. 
“Phoenix?” They asked softly and watched the nest rustle, before a small opening appeared from which one single blue optic looked outside. Looking around the room to see who else was there, and when finding no-one but Lightlost, the nest started to rustle even more, until Phoenix sat up. Still surrounded by a wall of blankets and pillows, but at least Lightlost was able to see the youngspark’s face. Which caused some relief to wash over them as they slowly moved closer to the younger mech. Holding out the cube of energon as soon as they were close enough and waiting for Phoenix to take it on his own. “It’s okay if you don’t want it. I’ll just leave it on the… table…” The table was broken.
“Is… okay…” Muttered Phoenix quietly as he held out his servos in a grabby motion, waiting for Lightlost to give him the cube, and as soon as he got it, the young spark didn’t wait another second as he wolfed it down. Nearly choking himself on the energon, but that didn’t stop him from making sure that nothing was left in the cube. Although, the second he was done, Phoenix was quick to hand the cube back, before hiding underneath his blankets again. Muttering a small “Thanks” towards Lightlost, while making sure that there was a space for Lightlost to sit in. 
And Lightlost sat down on the offered spot. Cautious to not disturb Phoenix’s nest all too much. “Sweetspark… you know why I’m here, right?” The question was met with silence from the youngling, so they decided to continue talking in hopes that Phoenix would answer. “It wasn’t just because you were already overdue for a refuel, everyone of us is worried about you. Usually you wouldn’t stay longer than two days in your room… Is it about what happened last week?” 
“It’s not just last week…” Came the weak whisper from Phoenix, as he shifted around underneath his blankets to look at Lightlost. And now that they could see his face fully, the cartographer was able to see the fresh tear stains on the youngling’s face. “I…  thought that… that I left them behind… The bad memories, but they still follow me. And then I… I called you papa and… and…” Phoenix let out a choked sob as he pressed his servos tightly against his mouth and kept them there until his body stopped shaking from his quiet sobbing. Only then did he continue. “I… am sorry for calling you papa. I know that… that you don’t see yourself as a… a… But I can’t call you mama. I CAN’T. I just…can’t… Please, don’t make me call you mama!”
Phoenix was becoming frantic, Lightlost could see it even when the young spark was trying his best to look normal. So, they stood up and did the only thing they could think to calm their youngling down. With the utmost carefulness, they grabbed Phoenix and used their natural strength as a titan to pull him out of his blanket and pillow nest, before cradling him to their chest. And after they sat down, with the youngling in their lab, Lightlost let Phoenix latch onto them. They didn’t even say anything as they could feel the youngspark’s unsheathed claws dig into their plating. No, they only cradled the crying youngling while humming a soft tune. Waiting for him to continue what he was saying, or to stop if he wasn’t ready to do so. 
But it seemed that, after calming down, Phoenix was ready to continue. Despite not feeling comfortable enough to look Lightlost in the optics. Instead, the young flier kept his optics offline, as he told his parental figure exactly why he could never call them ‘Mama’. 
“It’s not… not that I want to be disrespectful, or anything. It’s just… the association with the word, with that specific word, is just… It hurts. It makes me think of my mama, and my mama isn’t the best. I love her, I really do, but I know that she isn’t good… Not after what she did…” With each word, Phoenix grew more and more quiet, until it was only a hard to understand whisper. But Lightlost could still understand the context. Whatever Phoenix’s mother did to him, it damaged a part of their youngling that still needed healing. 
“You don’t have to tell me about her, Phoenix. If you’re not ready, then don’t push yourself to tell me something that still hurts you.” Said the cartographer softly. “I know that some things are better left unsaid, until you find the courage to face whatever it is.” 
“But I can’t… I have to tell someone…” Was all the kid could say, before he lifted his head to look at Lightlost. Optics mirroring the sadness and tiredness Phoenix felt for running from those memories for all those years. “It’s making me tired…. and I don’t think that I can run from it anymore… Not when I get confronted by her memory, whenever someone asks…” Phoenix sighed as he tried to find his courage. Pushing down the shame and fear his mother imbued within him, before closing his optics. It was easier to tell his tale, without having to look into Lightlost’s optics after all. 
“My mama… she’s scary, really scary. Sometimes she was nice, I really loved my nice mama, but more often than not, she was scary. Yelling and throwing things, before stomping through our home in search of…” Phoenix shook his head softly, before pressing himself closer to Lightlost. Searching for comfort in their embrace, as he thought about his next words. “Of me. When she was scary, she was angry. And when she was angry, she needed someone or something to make her less angry… Usually, when I was fast enough, I could hide. Then she broke something. When I wasn’t, she would pull me out of my hiding spot and… and…” He choked on sob. “Do you… Do you know how it feels to get punched? To feel something break?”
“Phoenix… I…”
“It doesn’t feel nice. Not when you’re small. And not when your mama is a tank. Even when she pulls back on her strength, it still hurts. It hurts… and… and you can’t do anything against her, because you’re small and you want to help your mama. You want her to go back to being a nice mama, so… so… you just take it.” 
“And she becomes nice for a while, until she gets angry again…” Phoenix let out a shaky laugh as he let go of Lightlost’s frame to wipe at his optics. “And then it just repeats. Like a circle. The same game, over and over, without any stop. And you… you don’t stop it, because how can you? You’re small, and… and… I love my mama. Until you, she was the only parent I had. Fools Shot is no parent, even if he feels like family. And even if she was a bad mama, I still love her. I love my mama, but I’m also scared of her.” It was hard to laugh while crying. Phoenix would have never expected that, and yet, he couldn’t stop. His laughter, broken and trembling from his tears and wails, still rang through true. Spilling out the pain he has been trying to hide underneath the guise of a trouble seeking kid. 
“It’s… I’m stupid, aren’t I? Just a stupid sparkling who knows nothing, because I still love my mama despite her love for me being wrong.” One last laugh left the kid, before he covered his mouth again. Trying his hardest to muffle his cries as he waited for an answer from Lightlost. 
But how was the cartographer supposed to answer? They were stunned, caught like a deer in the headlights, as they repeated Phoenix’s story in their mind. Clutching the young spark tightly to their body to show him that they were still there for him, as they tried to sort through their emotions. 
There was no anger, Lightlost hardly got angry, but they could still get upset. And hearing about how Phoenix’s carrier treated him, abused him, just because she seemingly wanted to, it disturbed them. How could anyone treat their sparkling like that? Weren’t creators supposed to care for their creations? Alone the thought of someone causing a youngspark pain without any other reason than they want to, it pained their spark to imagen how those young ones must feel. And then, there was their very own youngspark. 
Hearing Phoenix's story, his tears, his pained laughter, it caused Lightlost’s spark to squeeze painfully in their metaphorical chest. Just what exactly was he forced to go through by his mother? What did she do? How much did she hurt their youngspark? 
But that wasn’t important now. No. Lightlost had to push their emotions back for a moment, because Phoenix needed them now. So, they took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, before releasing it again. Putting on their most comforting smile, as they softly rubbed soothing circles into the space between Phoenix’s wings. Watching their youngling, as the tension slowly left his body. 
“You aren’t stupid Phoenix. You’re very clever, and kind, and a good kid. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.” Lightlost spoke calm and quietly, before their tone took on a very light sharp edge. “Not even from your mama. She’s wrong. She’s oh so very wrong about you, and what she’s done is terrible. No-one should be treated like that. Especially mechs as young as you or younger.”
Lightlost shook his head, before hushing the youngling with a finger to his lips while a soft smile formed on theirs. “No ‘but’ Phoenix. She is wrong. You might not see it, and that’s understandable. It must have been hard to live with her and then with your old crew. But please believe me, she is oh so very wrong about you. And what she’s done… No caring creator would willingly raise their servo against their creation…” Phoenix didn’t look convinced, and they couldn’t blame him, but still, Lightlost hoped that their words somehow reached the youngspark. 
“You…” Phoenix started, as he looked up at Lostlight with big and confused optics that somehow held a twinkle of innocence in them. “You… Are you sure? My mama has been right about most things…”
“But she’s just like every other mech and femme. And like everyone else, she can be wrong, sweetspark.” 
“I… I guess you’re right, Light…” Hearing that caused Lightlost to let out a relieved sigh that might or might not have swept through the whole ship. This was good, because realization that something is wrong, is often the first step towards healing. And for their youngspark’s sake, they hope that this was Phoenix’s first step towards moving past his mother’s shadow. 
“Now, how about we fix your room as best as we can, before looking for our captain. He, and some others are quite worried about you.”
“As if. Rodimus and you are the only ones worried about me.” Chuckled Phoenix. Although, the second he noticed Lightlost’s knowing smile, he let out a small squeak. “Th-there are more!?”
“Yes, and Ultra Magnus is one of them.” It might have been wrong to laugh at Phoenix’s shocked expression, but they couldn’t really help themself. After the seriousness of their talk, it was somewhat refreshing to see their youngling go from scared and sad, to simply silly. Maybe Lightlost should be worried about the way Phoenix sometimes was quick to change moods, but that was for another day. 
Now, it was time to clean the room. And as both of them got up and started to salvage what could be safed, Lightlost didn’t fail to hear the softly whispered “Thanks Papa” coming from Phoenix. 
Small Bonus:
Cleaning the room did take a while, but once they were done, Lightlost took Phoenix’s servo in theirs and together, they walked out of the youngling’s room and towards Swerve’s Bar. Where Phoenix was currently in a deep conversation with Swerve about some earthen TV show, while Lightlost was observing them from a booth. Simply enjoying their time, until Rodimus decided to join them. 
“Heya Lightlost, how is it going?” Asked the prime, while sipping on his drink. 
“Oh, it’s going alright. I’m simply enjoying the joys of parenthood, as humans would say.” Answered the cartographer, to which Rodimus only nodded absently, before spitting out his drink. 
“Wait, WHAT?! Since when are you a parent!?”
“Well, I have only been a parent for a week? I’m sorry captain, but I think I’m needed elsewhere. We can talk about this later.” 
“Wait! What do you mean you have been a parent for a week!? Lightlost!?”
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Tumblr mighta compressed him so please click for better quality, thanks-
This is Confetti!! A very old Transformers OC that I've been meaning to redesign for foreverrrrrrr. Uhh no particular cont, I'm still working to redesign some other guys as well as work on story/general rewrites, so not a lot of info I can give rn,, still! I was really happy with this design, thought I'd share them <3
Transparent under cut!
Reblogs > Likes, thank you! <3
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illogically-austere · 1 month
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One of my transformers ocs, Flotsam!
he a silly boi :]
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scrunglyegg · 21 days
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djwolfie4812 · 28 days
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These are old, I be posting new arts soon, but MORE CON BB! Also Angst stuff
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spiritshaydra · 10 months
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Why? I’m awake and can’t sleep that’s why 💀 it’s tOO HOT HERE.
ANYWAYS. Holoform/human adjacent Requiem doodles <3
She’s definitely that random ass kid that doggy paddles up to you at the pool, tells you that her dad’s a war criminal, and then asks to play mermaids 💀
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bountyhunterxi · 5 months
HI HI !! I'M BACK!!!
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jackiewinters-doodles · 8 months
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Do people still make Transformers ocs? Yes? No? whatever Anthea Santos, 22, was a robotics student in a prestigious program experimenting with cybernetics when she was one of the many injured during an Autobot vs Decepticon battle in her city. Since then, she held a disdain for the robots that took her ability to walk and dance away, but not without using scraps of their tech, scavenged from their battlefields to make her own new legs. Unbeknownst to her, the reason the tech functions at all, is due to Energon from the fight she witnessed entering her body via open wounds, changing her DNA to be semi compatible with the tech.
Currently, she works part time as a mechanic, but more often than not is at the scavenge sites, looking for more left behind tech by Cybertron to sell, or to refurbish for her prosthetics.
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baronazazel · 20 days
Happy Wildgear Wednesday!!
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NEW CHAPTER OF MY WILDGEAR FANFIC IS OUT!! you should definitely check it out :)
click the link!! <3
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nocturneblight · 1 month
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Penumbra reflection: writing
He stepped down the streets many stones, the quiet desolation of the town road added to his anxiety, only the clicking of his leather shoes on stone could be heard.
“Nnngh! Had to be extra sneaky tonight, Didn’t I? Phew, the stones are colder than ever! It’s freezing out here!” He murmured to himself, now shaking aggressively as he walked, cupping himself in attempts to keep warm.
He stumbled a little, swaying left and right as he got to the center plaza of the town, Each step felt heavier, the cold cement stung his feet like frostbite, his head spun, his breathe hitched, something was wrong.
“Ugh!, what’s going on! I was fine moments ago!” He thought, barely holding onto that thought.
As he stuttered down the street he eventually met with the steel gate of enthu’s home, now looking through it at the large structure housed in its confines, the flower garden catching his eyes the most.
“This place is gorgeous, Did she really do all this? Let’s just get inside” he told himself, trying to keep under control.
He leaned against the gate, breathing heavily.
“O-okay… just… gotta leap over this… one, two, and-“
His body lay on the cold concrete of the gate, on the other side in the flower garden, sideways on the stones.
The cold sting of the stones now spread to the side of his face, and ribs, and stomach, hips, thighs, legs, everywhere on that side he lay on, crumpled up on the concrete.
“I-I made it?” He asked himself, slowly raising his head and viewing the surrounding area, realizing he passed the steel gate, albeit landing on the floor right after it.
He felt the cold night air brush against his bare fur, Looking down at himself he realized his shirt had torn from the gate, The leftovers of it now dangling from the gates sharp upper half.
“O-okay, j-just gotta get up and make it to the door…”
He picked himself back up, trudging over to the front door before tipping over and landing on his hands and knees, panting heavily once more.
Saliva spilled out of his open mouth, hitting the floor and leaving splotches of grey against the rocks.
*Huff* *huff* *huff*
“Just… get to the back, strike her once…” he panted, crawling from the front door and all the way to the back of her house.
He looked up from his downed position, looking up and seeing the open window, much higher up than the others.
“Make it… make it through there… yeah…”
He got up, readied his footing and-
His shoes fell off his feet as squirmed to cling onto the window, his bare claws now dug into the buildings side and scrapped. as he scrambled to get in, the opening of the window held his upper half in it, his lower half still draped out of the outside of the house.
“GONNA FALL, GET IN GET IN!” His mind screamed, blowing off the exhausted mental state for a moment.
After numerous attempts of flailing, he finally got a grip on the house with his lower half claws, granting him enough leverage to fall into the houses attic.
Lying back first on the wooden floor of the attic, he looked up at the ceiling and huffed.
“O-oh my gosh, I-I’ve made it in.” He mumbled, his chest heaving up and down for air.
“Wait, We’re in! Get up! If she finds you, your toast!”
He sat up, grabbing at his necklace and holding it firm.
“I still have you on me, I’ll be safe” he whispered to himself, feeling the necklace, understanding he could use it at any moment.
His eyes shifted forward, now looking around the room for what it had inside it, He spotted the many books and trinkets laying about, the bedsheets and blankets that decorated the couches, and the soft pillows of multiple colors that rested against each other, all of it was quite decent looking.
The overhead light had been turned off, the room was cloaked in the nights shade, any noises made could be heard clearly, and yet no one came up to find him.
Edward slowly got up, from sitting with his legs out to his palms, Getting up and balancing himself to finally stand sloppily, now waddling towards the attic stairs and making his way down, slowly.
As he waded downstairs quietly and gently, he heard muffled noises playing out from the bottom of the rooms, the very first floor.
“M-music? Don’t tell me…” he thought to himself, trailing off and fading out of his thoughts as he kept wobbling through the house, barely able to maintain his focus.
Reaching the second floor he collapsed again, resting on his side, strung about the carpet with his arms out and head to the floor, more saliva jutting out and sticking to the carpet.
“Nnnnngh! My stomach!” He grunted softly, feeling his belly toss and turn with every breath.
He tried to look up, as his eyes moved he felt his sockets strain, like a bruise being poked by a finger.
He whimpered, his eyes closed on their own, seeking the embrace of sleep, even as his eyelids closed he felt them strain against him, his jaw clenched and pained, he could feel every muscle stiffen and sore as he tried to breathe. The eye strain caused a static mesh of dots and illusions to corrode the corners of his eyes, his vision blurred and made doubles of anything he looked at when he attempted to open his eyes.
“I’ve got to turn back… I can’t… I can’t take her out like this…”
He went to get up by pushing his palms against the floor but fell back in onto the carpet.
He scratched and gripped the floors carpet, digging his long nails into it and peeling up the soft fabric.
“N-no! I just have to get this out of the way, No more stressing, I’ll just hurry this up and kill her, yeah…” he quietly whispered to himself again, energizing his mentality to rise again.
He once again tried to stand, this time putting his knee down to gain advantage on getting himself upward, With enough struggling, he was able to stand once more, lifting himself fully off the ground and standing hunched over, both of his palms had carpet in them, a large clump of it.
With a few more steps he went downstairs again, now reaching the final floor.
A soothing tune was heard emanating from the living room, like a rhythmic gentle drum beat with a flute taking the lead in a song, a sort of repeating melody that was catchy.
“Ba ba ba… Do do do… Ba ba ba…” chanted a voice from the living room, in tune with the music playing.
Edward slugged himself over to the living room, unaware he was still standing in plain sight to be seen easily.
He walked in through the door frame and spotted someone with their snout glued to their device, their eyes were focused on their apparatus, one hand wiggling left and right as it gripped a small pen.
A sly smile spread across her face as she murmured and hummed, Her circular, black-rimmed glasses reflected the screens light, whatever was playing had her in a decent mood. Wearing a dark green sweater with black pants and socks on, she looked to be in her element of peace.
She was surrounded by pillows and sheets of all colors and various patterns, her back was rested up against them as she sat down and focused on her own import. A device a couple feet away from her played low hums of music, the table near where she sat was cleared off entirely except for the small drink that sat on it. It looked very similar to what Edward had drank with jenecis before.
His heart sank, it was her! The description given earlier by jenecis fit her bill, Black markings, gray fur, pointy tall ears, large tail, huge stature, big body. It was finally time to make his fatal move and strike her down.
He hesitated, knowing she was one single glance away from spotting him, all she had to do was look up from her device to see him clearly, and yet… he couldn’t move, all his energy was spent and he was in no condition to fight.
“No turning back now… Let’s do this… Do it, Do it for me and jenecis!” His mind roared, giving him a great deal of adrenaline to rush forward.
He reached in his shirt pocket and took out the devilish dagger, without grabbing the concoction in his other pocket, he went forward to deal a fatal blow, oblivious to the fact that the dagger was untainted by the poison.
One step was taken forward by Edward,
“Owwwwwwww” he groaned, now lying on the floor, face first into the carpet.
Edward clutched his right hand for the dagger, only feeling the soft flooring running between his fingers and no cold metal, with his other hand he felt his pocket, now realizing he never dosed the dagger and that he just fell with the bottle.
No matter how much he fingered his pocket, nothing could be found, the dagger was gone from his other hand, the poison wasn’t in his pocket, he was lying down on the ground, with nothing to support him.
“N-no… NO! She’s gonna be right in front of me-“
“Are you okay!?”
Edward looked up from the carpet, raising his head slightly and looking up at enthu from the floor.
Her height and size was bigger than ever from this angle, she wasn’t clutching her devices anymore, only cupping her mouth with her palms in shock. Looking down on him.
He groaned, barely able to keep his eyes open, he saw a blurry after image of her as she stood before him.
He painfully rolled over onto his back, spreading his limbs out in a defenseless position, his head moved left and right, seeing the concoction rolling across the floor away from him, the dagger now laying on the table near the couch she was on, too far away for him to reach.
He huffed, unable to control his darkening vision and panicked breathes.
Staring back at enthu, he whimpered pathetically, realizing he could do nothing.
“Ha… ha, I’m sorry… for intruding your home… I don’t blame you… you for killing me… I understand… just please, Make it painless enthu…” he gasped out, hardly talking straight, nervously uttering his final words.
She looked down at him, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“My word! What in this WORLD is going on?!” She squeaked, in dismay for the sudden event occurring.
Edward’s eyes lowered, black static fell over his eyesight as he began to fall asleep.
“S-sorry jenecis…” he uttered, moments before falling asleep from exhaustion.
“H-hey! Don’t you dare die in my house! I don’t even know your name! Wake up! Wake up-“
The music around him died out, soon enough, the muffled noises became silent, he heard enthu’s voice panicking but couldn’t make out what she was saying before she too, became quieted like the rest of the noise as his consciousness dissipated.
*Squelch, squelch squelch*
“Yo, eddy, You there?” Muttered a voice.
Edward opened his eyes, now seeing Jenecis’s back turned to him, fully suited in armor, putting her stuff away into the closet.
“W-what happened? Did I get her?” He asked, feeling around himself, his muddy rags catching his hands.
Jenecis turned around and looked at him, one hand on her hip.
“Get who? I found you sleeping on the couch, It’s been two weeks dude”
Edward’s eyes shot open, “Two weeks?! Impossible! I recall-“
“And I just saw enthu walking to the store Edward, Why is that?” She asked, almost disappointed.
Edward got up and waved his hands frantically, “Jenecis you don’t understand, I really did try to kill her! I had jumped the fence, crawled over to the window, jumped into the attic-“
She cut him off, “Just shut up, where the fuck is that necklace I gave you? Don’t tell me you lost that too” she rudely replied.
His eyes strained again, his lips fell down in fear, He knew she was upset with him.
“Lost? But-“ he stopped himself, gripping his chest and neck and finding nothing there.
“Too? What do you mean lost too!?” He replied, nervously scrapping around his body for anything.
Jenecis snarled, “You mean the knife and liquid I trusted you with? You don’t even remember those, do you?”
He looked back at her, realizing she was now wearing the black clothes they wore earlier.
“Jenecis I promise, I didn’t lose them! Enthu must have took them from me while I passed out!” He squeaked, getting scared.
Jenecis gritted her teeth at him, intimidatingly walking up to him.
“You miserable street urchin! You sold all of it, didn’t you? That’s what I get for trusting a nobody like you!” She said, almost growling.
“Street urchin?!” He panicked, his heart rate soaring to the point where he could hear it through his ears.
Jenecis shoved him, nearly toppling him over.
“Nnngh! Jenecis that hurt!-“
He hit the floor hard, landing on his back and shoulder blades, lying flat, groaning from the soreness of the floorboards hitting him.
“After everything I’ve given you? You do this? You couldn’t even handle a single task!” She roared, getting increasingly angry at him.
He looked back up at her, tears spilling out of his eyes as he tried to negotiate with her.
“P-please I- I didn’t betray you-“
Once again being knocked onto his back, her leg smashed into his face, dropping him onto the hard floor again.
His nose stung, it was hard to breathe through, every inhale hurt, he went to open his mouth but soon after, A heavy gauntlet gripped it tightly shut.
“GLkkk!” He sputtered out, trying to speak as another hand pinned his body down, restraining him from getting up and resisting.
Edward shifted around, trying to pull his lower half up but couldn’t, it felt like a pile of bricks had landed on his chest and lower half, pinning him down.
“You might as well be useful for something, I should have just slaughtered you the moment we met” she said, now plunging her teeth into his thin neck.
He felt them sink in, the burning tingle itched into his veins, he could no longer fight back, only feel as the intense pain soared down his windpipe and into his body, feeling her grip almost tighten on his jaw as she bit him.
Edward whimpered, knowing there was no escape, All he could do is listen to her growls and breathes, like a wild animal devouring his corpse.
His tear ducts filled, liquid poured out from each socket as he resigned himself to his fate, helpless, a disappointment, and his best friend killing him, nothing could have gone worse.
His eyes reeled back as his vision blurred, each breath getting smaller as he tried to struggle out.
His eyes shut once more, just waiting for it to be over, his body went numb as he prepared for it all to fade away.
“1 2 3 4 5 6 7” he counted, waiting for his life to end.
“8… 9…”
“Pssst, Hey, I made you tea, Can you wake up now? I know you’re alive, your hearts still beating” whispered a familiar voice, very gently to him.
He felt a soft warm hand hold his right hand, It was much bigger than his, it was tenderly applying pressure to get his attention.
“Mmmngh… Mmh… huh?” He questioned, now feeling the warm embrace of a blanket surrounding his body from head to toe, Even his neck and head were accompanied by softer objects surrounding them.
As he slowly opened his eyes, he realized he was in a much different room than earlier, The overhead light was dimly glaring, shooting gentle blue rays of light around the room. A fluffy white blanket was held against his body, from his neck to his feet and even more after that, it draped off the bedside and bottom. The pillows around him were big and fluffy as well, They each had festive shapes on them, hearts, flowers, positive things in general, it was quite comfortable.
Within arms reach of him was enthu, softly grabbing his hand with hers as he awoke, in her other hand was a cup that steamed with heat, a transparent mist spilling from the top of it and into the air.
“Here, It’s a bit hot but just give it a couple of blows and it’ll be cool enough to drink.” She said, passing him the cup.
He raised his arms, gently cupping the drink with them, as he grabbed onto it she held both his hands with hers, making sure he had a firm grip.
“Will you be able to hold it? If it’s too hot just tell me, you needn’t rush drinking it” she added.
He nodded,
“Uhm yeah, thank you very much”
He took the cup and looked into it, seeing the dark brownish green liquid. Without question, he downed the drink, taking a small gulp of it.
“Mmmh!” He moaned slightly, tasting the surprisingly sweet tangy flavor of it.
It went down smoothly, it was just the right amount of warm, enough to soothe a sore muscle but not burn anything.
With another motion he gulped from it again, this time taking multiple drinks from it at once.
“Good?” She asked, looking at him devour the substance with ease.
He pulled the drink away from his lips, now resting it on his stomach and gasping after such a long drinking.
“Absolutely! Thank you!” He said, nodding his head in confirmation.
Enthu tilted her head, seeing how he now held an empty glass.
“Want more?” She offered
Edward nodded.
Enthu presented her arm out to take his cup, he relinquished it into her palm, she then turned around and grabbed a nearby pitcher next to her on the desk, filled with the same liquid as the glass had.
She precisely poured its contents back into the glass, raising the pitcher up higher and higher as the stream spilled out and sloshed into the cup.
After topping off the drink with the liquid, she placed the pitcher back and handed him the full to the brim cup, allowing him to drink once more.
“I’m quite curios as to how you got in here, and exactly what you were planning, but that can be solved later, for now, let’s build your energy back up.” She said, grabbing a plate full of goodies and sliding it onto the blanket over his stomach, presenting food to him.
His mouth opened in surprise as she offered him such a Bounty of drink and food, he placed the drink of the desk near the bed and grabbed the plate, looking up at enthu.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be greedy”
Enthu shook her head, “No no, go ahead, I offered, I want you to eat well” she explained.
Edward began to eat, savoring the delightful fruits and gummies he was given, also drinking with them to satisfy his mouth.
Enthu sat back in her chair, relaxing her posture.
“Was it to your liking?” She asked, taking his finished plate for him and placing it on the desk with his cup.
Edward affirmed her, “Yes, Yes of course! It was great, Thank you very much! Again.” He spoke, appreciating her hospitality.
He now sat up, sitting upwards in the bed, facing her with his full attention.
“May I ask why you came into my house? Mister…”
Edward nervously smirked.
“Ah ha, I’m no mister, I’ve no partner, nor have I really ever had one as a matter of fact…” he replied.
“Ah! But my name is Edward! Or ed, either works”
Enthu cusped her jaw, gently stroking her fur in intrigue,
“Edward huh? Can’t say I’ve ever heard of you around here, do you live here by any chance?” She asked, curiously.
Edward was somewhat befuddled, not knowing how to explain his circumstance.
“Well… sort of, I’m kinda of a… homeless person” he admitted, not knowing if he should explain about jenecis.
“Homeless huh? That’s not a good thing, So, Did you want a home or something? Is that why you were here?” She asked, getting closer but not obnoxiously so.
He rubbed the back of his head, “Uhhhh, I ummm” he mumbled, unsure of what to say again.
“Is this really her? Why is she being so nice? This isn’t what it was supposed to be like at all…” he thought to himself.
“Do you recall what you were doing?” She asked, still giving questions.
He became nervous, Getting more complicated within his own mind.
“If I tell her I was going to kill her then she’ll obviously try to kill me, I think? But like, she’s being nice now so that can’t be true at all… If I lie that would just be awful of me though, she’s even treating me good now even after I came in looking terrible with a knife in my hand! I gotta tell the truth!” His mind raced.
He took a deep breathe and exhaled,
“I was going to do something terrible, I’m sorry…” he murmured, shyly looking away.
Her eyes perked up, “Oh yeah? What was it?”
He winced a little, “K-kill you…”
She nodded, “Mmhmm, So that’s what these were for?” She spoke, showing him the dagger and poison in each of her hands.
He gritted his teeth slightly, “Yes…”
“And why were you planning on doing that to me? You somehow knew my name too” she asked, retaining her calmed demeanor.
He panicked again, Realizing he was going to have to explain Jenecis’s plan.
“I- I-“
She placed the items away in a drawer and closed it,
“It’s alright I’m not mad with you, I simply want to know what you were doing, take it easy, we have all the time in the world to discuss this.” She assured him, patiently waiting for his response.
Edward looked at her with pleading eyes, understanding she meant what she said.
“Promise not to harm anyone?” He asked, scared of her response.
She looked at him and tilted her head curiously,
“Of course Edward, i have no intention of causing an uproar over this, I however would like to know just what force is trying to kill me” she responded, giving off a relaxing aura.
“Okay so-“
Edward explained in mass detail what had occurred the past few days, from the time he ended up in prison from the street all the way till now as he lied in bed. Going into further detail over how he was bitten, how jenecis taught him magic, how jenecis felt about enthu, and what he felt as he walked to her house.
Enthu kept her hands to her mouth, leaning in on them as she entered deep thought over the large amounts of information being given.
Eventually, Edward finished up his talk, asking enthu once again to not tell or harm anyone.
Enthu nodded, accepting his plea.
“Hmmm, Well, I can tell you one thing Edward, you’ve been lied too.” Enthu responded.
Edward’s eyes expanded,
“What? How?” He asked.
Enthu sat back in her chair again and began her talk, raising one finger to explain her thought process.
“Well first off, That town guard jenecis never EVER tried to speak to me, How did she understand what I felt? How has she known what I’m thinking? I never even knew her name till now!” She said, now raising her second finger,
“Second off, Where did she get that photo? Just how long has she been spying on me for? I saw her weird gazes but I thought she was just the town weirdo, I wouldn’t be the first to think this either.” She ended, now raising her third finger.
“Third, Why didn’t she just talk to me? What’s up with the whole, Kill enthu thing? Why is she so deadlocked on having me dead? I don’t recall arguing with her once” she stopped herself, looking back at Edward now.
Edward frowned, “Y-yeah, it seems like she’s been jumping the gun on a lot of things, But she’s been nice to me!”
Enthu held her palm out, issuing him to wait.
“Edward, She’s using you, Why else do you think that your here now, All by yourself, while she’s out having fun in whatever town she left for, For TWO whole weeks, Out of our sight, Blameless to any cause of death occurring here. That was the plan right? Kill me and come out clean? And yet… you would be left guilty if the need came up” enthu explained.
Edward shook his head, “No, hold on, She gave me this necklace,
To protect me if any trouble came up” he said, showing it off to her.
Enthu gazed at it, getting closer to look,
“Oh? And what does it do?” She asked.
“Well, it’ll teleport me back to her house if I focus on it, ya know, like squeeze it in my palms, she gave me it so I’d stay safe, she can’t be without a caring thought for me, understand?” He explained.
Enthu thought for a moment,
“That’s true… but, she’s still using you as a scapegoat, you could still easily get killed or hurt regardless of that necklace, In fact, What if she just wanted you to kill me then quickly leave the scene with that? You know, a safe getaway?”
Edward nodded, “Yes but I’d be safe, tucked away at her house without possibility of danger.”
Enthu nodded back, “Well, that’s good for you but… what about everyone else? She just dismissed my life without a thought, i understand it’s wonderful for you because she seems to care a great deal about you alone but, That’s just selfish, and manipulative.” She replied.
Edward looked down, thinking on how enthu explained she never met jenecis.
“She wouldn’t make all this up… right? That time I was in the jail cell, she was jealous of her but like… but like… jenecis isn’t evil…” he thought, trying not to think of the idea of jenecis being wrong.
“You didn’t want to actually kill me, did you? She was just forcing you along with her dirty schemes” enthu replied.
Edward looked back at her, “I didn’t want to kill you, that’s true but, She’s my friend! My best friend! My only friend!-“
Enthu squinted slightly
“She. FORCED. you. to do her deeds, What was that about her tying up loose ends? Like she threatened to kill you back in the jail cell, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of telling you about her plans, sort of like, I don’t know, Aggressively persuading you to follow along her ideals? Or else she would smite you on the spot?” Enthu said, sarcastically detailing Jenecis’s plot.
Edward thought about the bite, how she pinned him down and harmed him in the jail cell, the way she told him about enthu, and now… enthu’s explaining how jenecis is the villain in all this.
“Edward, just hear me out on this, alright?” Enthu politely asked, speaking softly.
Edward nodded, “sure, what is it?”
“So, she never met me right? She told you about how I only wanted the townsfolk to praise me, right? She throughly detailed my train of thoughts, Like she knew me since childhood, AND YET, she NEVER. EVER. tried speaking with me once, She’s crazy! And she’s messing with your mind! She knows what she’s doing to you, Maybe she does adore you, maybe she wants to care for you and you alone, BUT, She’s endangering others lives and making absurd guesses without even meeting these people!” She paused, taking a breath.
“And she’s the town guard! Do you know how bad that is? With her authority she could falsify important matters to her own personal favor!”
Edward went to say something but couldn’t find his words, there was nothing for him to say, he knew she was right.
Enthu extended her hand out, making a receiving motion with her fingers.
“The necklace, would you kindly give it to me?” she ordered.
Edward held it in his palms, “But why? I don’t doubt that your intents are good but, this is mine” he spoke.
Enthu put her hands on her hips, making an unsure gesture at Edward with her face.
“Your still on Jenecis’s side, and I trust that she’s not mentally well soooo, I think you should hand your necklace over to me, I don’t want you warping back there anytime soon, you need to explain to me more of this situation and rest somewhere actually safe.” She sternly said.
Edward kept his hands on the necklace,
“You make good sense enthu, but, I want to keep this to myself, it has value to me, not just because of its material” he spoke.
Enthu put her hands on the bed, getting closer to his face.
“Edwaaaard, gimme the necklace, I’m going to keep bothering you until you do” she said, almost speaking in a maternal tone.
He tucked himself away from her, twisting so that she couldn’t reach for it.
“You’re gonna have to make me” he replied, smirking a bit.
Enthu’s mouth opened in surprise,
“Oh so you’re being sassy now huh? You’re not going to give me that amulet even though I’ve been peaceful with you?” She replied, A bit taken back by his teasing.
“Yup, I’m not giving it without a fight” he answered, smugly smiling.
“Oh you think this is funny? You think you stand a chance against me little guy? You look like a dehydrated autumn tree from here! And I’m not far away!” She said, trying to break his smug look.
“Even an autumn tree has rough patches of bark, These branches can scratch! I’d watch it if I were you!” He joked, realizing he was in no condition to fight.
She got off the bed, turning her back and raising her arms in a cartoon-like fashion, annoyed by his persistent smugness.
She now paced back and fourth attempting to think of a way to win the argument.
“I could just reach over there and take it from your skinny arms! All I have to do is pin you and snatch it from your hands, It wouldn’t be hard.” She spoke, playfully mocking him.
Edward turned back towards her, giving a fanged grin at her dismay,
“Yeah, and squash me with Your pudgy fat? I don’t think you have to tell me twice, in fact, If I warmed up a butter knife I’m sure it would slide right through you like Melted cheese! Haha!” He chuckled, laughing at his own joke.
Enthu turned towards Edward in shock.
“Oh OH, Your calling ME Chunky? The audacity of your words!” She replied, getting feisty at his slangs, Her tail swishing back and fourth with frustration.
“Whatcha gonna do? Strike me? I’d like to see you try!” He said, egging her on.
She smirked, “You know, I could, but that’d just make me seem worse than jenecis, right? That’s what your doing, your testing me, well tough news Edward, I’m not into senseless violence or well, any transgression of any act, I despise it in fact, so I’m going to be the bigger person and walk away from this argument.” She replied, now grabbing the plate and cup and walking towards the door to the kitchen.
“You can just be the spoiled little man you are and sleep in MY house, free of charge, eating MY food and MY drink, without a care in the world” she finished, walking out the door and putting the things away.
Edward kept smirking as she walked away, Knowing she was attempting to guilt trip him.
After coming back, enthu once again stared directly at Edward, his face still smugly grinning.
She crossed her arms, “So, ready to hand it over yet? You ungrateful little thing.”
He slide down into the bed sheets, coating himself up to his neck in them, tautly pulling them over himself to hide himself and most of his arms.
Only his neck and knuckles poked out from under the blanket, the necklace was tucked into it.
He smirked, still showing his defiance.
Enthu smiled widely, “Well, I tried to do this without force, Hold that position, pretty please” She said aloud.
His eyebrow cocked, “What?”
She clapped her two hands together twice, releasing loud echoes into the house.
Suddenly the bed sheets tightened around him,
“The heck!?” He yelped.
The sheets fastened over his body, constricting him down to the bed, his head and neck were exposed out of it but his arms became trapped under the soft blanket, effectively cocooned in it.
“You can’t be serious!” He said, squirming against the sheets.
Enthu walked over and reached for his head.
“Dawww, I knew you would finally listen to reason, alright now, I’m going to take it off of you, don’t struggle, I don’t wish to harm you.” She said, gently aligning her fingers and the necklace, pulling it up and off his neck.
“Don’t break it! You can hold it but please keep it safe!” He pleaded, struggling to pull his head away from her hands.
“Easy, easy! Calm down Edward, I’m not going to shatter it, I just want to place it somewhere you can’t find it, for safety reasons.” She replied, now letting the necklace fall back onto his collarbone, releasing her grip on it.
He stopped squirming his head and looked at her,
“Alright you can take it, just be careful, please” he said, no longer struggling.
She looked at him,
He nodded, “yep, I’ll have faith in you, I won’t fight.”
She slipped her fingers under the necklace and slowly pulled it from his neck, yanking it up and over his chin and hair.
“Just going to move your hair a little, I don’t want it to snag you” she said to him, shifting his hair to the side with her hand as she pulled the necklace up gently.
Without resistance she pulled it off and held it in her right hand, the glamorous gem in it sparkled beautifully.
Edward stared at her as she stood up from the bed and looked at it.
“Can you let me go now? I’m not gonna try to take it.” He pleaded.
“They’re already off you” she replied.
He looked down, unfurling the sheets with a motion of his body, unraveling the soft fabric.
“I undid the magic the moment you said I could have it” she explained.
His ears perked up,
“Oh, why, Thank you.”
She nodded, “The same to you, thanks for not trying to claw me”
She gripped the amulet tightly.
“Now, I’m going to put this away in the house, somewhere you won’t find it, Is that okay with you?” She said, making sure he consented to handing it over.
Edward nodded, “I understand, I will not try to search for it, so long as it is safe and sound”
She nodded, “understood”
With a whisk of her hands, the amulet faded in and out of the room, disappearing from sight.
Edward’s eyes expanded, “Just like jenecis!”
Enthu smirked. “Impressed? I’ll teach you how to do it when all this blows over, Actually…” she trailed off.
Enthu summoned a mirror from thin air, flipping it over towards him,
“You don’t realize how you look like, do you?” She said, slightly disgruntled in the face.
“Gray and white fur, red hair, plump facial cheeks?” He questioned, unsure of her words.
“Uhm, your facial cheeks, and your eyes… and color all around you, isn’t that…” she said, looking a bit more off the more she spoke.
“What?” He asked once more.
With dramatic effect, she grabbed the mirror and twisted it around,
“Have you seen… This beast!” She said, putting the mirror ridiculously close to his face for him to see his own reflection.
“Uhm, I don’t see anything” he said, looking in the mirror but simply seeing the wall behind him and the blankets of the bed.
“Oops, Wait, this mirror is made with silver, let me replace the frame real quick” she said, moving over to her desk and configuring the mirrors bracket with magic.
She aimed her finger at it, pushing out the glass and unearthing the frame from the stand, gently plucking out the silver metals and grabbing a brass frame part from her drawer, then placing the brass frame in its stead.
Finally, she popped the silver frame back into the spare parts drawer and solidified the glass back into its natural spot on the mirror, all with a movement of her fingers and eyes.
“Uhhhhhh” Edward trailed off, not knowing what she was doing.
“Just a second!” She replied, closing off all her part drawers and putting the bits and baubles away.
She then grabbed the mirror and brought it back to him, now standing before him near the bed.
She cleared her throat, “Ahem. Have you seen, THIS BEAST!”
She held the mirror up to his face, his reflection standing clearly before him, A frightening image of himself, made sharp, fanged and foreign, it was like looking at a deranged version of himself.
He grabbed the mirror with one hand, taking a closer look at himself.
Pure white sclera, small dots for pupil’s, a gaunt jaw and cheekbones, his hair a blackened ashy color, the gray fur now paling with his white.
“AAAAAAAAAHHHH” he screamed, falling back a little to get away from the sight of his current self.
“Well, I’ll take that as you’ve just now seen yourself, and that this isn’t your natural state” she spoke.
Taking the mirror away and placing it back down on the desk, she then sat down and focused her attention on him.
“I take it that you haven’t been feeding like you’re supposed to, you know, As a penumbra?”
“Penumbra? I’ve been calling them bloodsuckers! You’re telling me jenecis passed this onto me?” He replied.
Enthu nodded, “Yeah… that thing you spoke of before, about how she chomped your neck, she did say it could be passed onto you by chance and in my research I’ve heard of a similar factor, I Hate to say it but, you got the bad end of the stick on this one”
Edward clasped his face, “do you know of any possible way to reverse or get rid of it? Maybe lessen it?” He asked.
Enthu’s face cringed, “Drinking others blood, That’s pretty much it.”
“Darn it, This isn’t good at all…” he said aloud, thinking on what he could do.
“That must be why you were so weak when you came in here, You were afflicted with this and didn’t even know it, all those days without feeding must have destroyed your mental state and energy.” She replied.
“Yeah…” he replied back, still processing what he could do.
Enthu realized he had no idea what to do, there was no back up for him, only fear over if he would be able to find a source to drink from soon.
“Are you hungry right now?” She asked, curios to his status.
“Physically? No. Those tea and food items filled me pretty good but mentally? Sort of, Well, mentally and physically, I have a little craving for blood but I can sustain it a little I trust.” He answered.
“Would you like some of my blood?” She asked, questionably.
“What? Your blood? Aren’t you afraid of getting infected with this?” He asked, taken back by her boldness.
She shrugged, “Well, it is a chance of getting infected, Plus, I’ve never got it before, so I’m kinda curios as to how it would be like. Maybe we can share blood with each other! If I become one and your one as well, we’re still living beings, Meaning we can just harvest from each other every now and then. It’d be the solution!” She explained, almost proudly.
“She’s just as psycho as jenecis!” Edward thought to himself, realizing how reckless enthu was.
“Are you sure you wanna do this? If you get it like me, even if your just curios, there’s no turning back, we’ll both be doomed to being penumbra’s” he spoke.
Enthu nodded, “I haven’t had anything interesting happen recently, my mental state has been on the Fritz with solitude, I don’t like it one bit, I need something to spice life up, something that won’t punish me too much but make things interesting, and this seems like the perfect thing for me.” She explained.
Edward thought on her words,
“She’s just doing this so I can feed, isn’t she? Why sacrifice so much for a random person? Did jenecis not do the exact same? And now I’m swapping sides, going to her rivals side, eating her food and accepting her charity, and soon, drinking her blood. Consensually! What would jenecis think of me now?” He thought, thinking back on his fever dream earlier.
“She wouldn’t really beat me, would she? After finding out I’m now friends with enthu… yes she would, Who am I kidding, That’s the way jenecis lives, hardcore and aggressive.”
He turned towards enthu, “Okay, uh, I think I just need to bite you and that should do it, I’ll try to go easy, I don’t know what I’m doing really.” He stressed.
Enthu presented her neck, peeling her sweater down a little to present her collar bone and neck,
“Hey Edward, Bite me!” She laughed.
He sneered a little, “Tsh, Your having to much fun with this idea of being turned into a monster”
Enthu grinned, “oh come now, No use in being scared of change, Everything comes to an end anyways, Being afraid only limits our enjoyment of life, who knows, maybe it’ll be epic being a beast! I’m sure it comes with perks.”
“Sure…” he mumbled, Still thinking her a little crazy.
He opened his mouth, baring his oblong fangs to her, moving the sheets off him and scuttling over to her neck.
He leaned in on her,
“Can I grab your shoulders for leverage? I kinda need to hold still and can’t do it alone” he asked.
Enthu nodded, “yeah, go right ahead I trust I can handle your weight.” She said, allowing him to plant his hands on her shoulders, leaning over to nibble her neck.
His fangs sunk into the side of her neck, almost naturally, he felt along her veins, finding the easiest spot instantly, like he was called out by it to come plunge into it.
With his teeth gliding over her fur, he dug into her neck, seeping his sharp teeth into a vain.
“Oof!” She squeaked, wincing a little as his fangs sank into her.
He quickly pulled his head back from her neck,
“Is that too much? Did I hurt you?” He frighteningly asked.
Enthu squeaked, “no no! just got startled by the sudden plunge! I thought you were going to tell me when you were ready to bite” she replied, waving her hands in a dismissive motion.
“I’m sorry enthu, I didn’t mean to scare you, let’s just stop this, I don’t want to risk harming you” he answered.
Enthu raised her arms and shook her palms in an another dismissive gesture, “No no no, your going to put your teeth on me and drink, I want you to be satisfied, you wouldn’t turn down my gift, would you? .” she offered presenting her collarbone yet again.
“O-okay, just please tell me if I’m hurting you, the last thing I want is to cause you harm, alright?” he responded anxiously.
“That means a lot to me Edward, thank you so much.” She said, smiling from his awareness of her feelings.
“now, get over here and put those lips to work on my body” she jested, laughing in between her words.
“don’t say it like that! It sounds gross!” Edward exclaimed, embarrassed.
Enthu giggled, “hehe sorry, it just sounded funny in my head, it’s not every day you get bitten by another, hehe… I’ll stop”
He looked at her like she was a madwoman, soon, resuming his position on her neck, wrapping around her shoulders, and putting his head close to hers.
With a swift motion, his teeth dug into her flesh, stabbing into a vein and resting in it.
She moved her eyes to him, waiting to feel him suck blood out.
“Mmmph, mmmmngh” he mumbled against her body, a mouthful of fur from her neck.
she waited, patiently, looking up at the ceiling and down at the floor, trying to think of something to pass the time.
“You doing okay there Edward? I don’t feel any blood leaving me.”
“Ish donsh, shknow, schow toosh shuck” he garbled, teeth still in her neck.
Her eyes blinked, unsure of what to say exactly to this odd scenario.
“Uhhhh, have you tried sucking on your teeth?” She asked.
“Leshme trysh” he mumbled.
*Squelch, splurt, Squish*
Enthu tensed slightly, “Oop! Yup! That did it!” She said, speaking to herself, feeling the liquid pour from her neck to his mouth.
“Tish everyshing shfine?” He said, still draining her.
She nodded, “Yep! Everything’s good, Keep going until you’re happy” she replied, masking her anxiety.
*Pump Pump Pump*
After a few more gulps, Edward finally yanked his head back, his throat coated with the hot blood of enthu’s body, his hunger was satisfied.
Her blood was like sugar, warm, liquid, sugar. Somewhat tangy even.
“Feeling better?” Asked enthu, pulling her shirt back up and turning to him.
“Yep! I feel like I just woke up from a good nap!” He replied, now smiling.
She noticed his hair color and facial features fill out quickly, like a ballon being inflated.
“Wow, Your much different now, So this is how you look like naturally.” She replied, being at ease with his smiling face.
“Oh? Did my features come back?” He asked, now cupping his face, feeling his jaw and cheekbones, now filled in like they used to be.
“I’m glad you’re back to normal, and that you’re feeling good…” she spoke, now thinking about her own look.
“Well, Are my eyes scuffed up now? Am I any different?” She asked, still staring at him directly.
“Not at all, you still look like yourself actually.”
“Awww, no special looks for me then” she whined.
“Well, I don’t think I looked like that until I was starved, so it might take awhile to be affected” he responded.
She rubbed her neck, feeling the spot where his fangs sunk in,
“So, how about we discuss a little more on the whole situation? Now that you have been fed, with blood and also actual food.” Enthu said.
Edward nodded, “Yes, let’s. You’ve more than earned information out of me after all you’ve done in hospitality.”
Enthu stood up, issuing him to follow her to the living room with her hand.
“Come along, let’s sit and talk in the living room, I’ll turn on some music and make more tea.” She said, now opening the door.
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hiphopcherrrypop · 2 months
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i have been swamped with schoolwork and also regular work i fear ✌️✌️
here is character from a class excercise but then i also drew more sketchies for fun bc i thought he looked cute sooo naturally i have to give him boycrush coworker
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scrunglyegg · 22 days
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Sploink, not really a cool name but eh
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