#No time period specified. It's permanent until I say otherwise.
ziodyne-amax · 4 months
Magic Anon! For Yu!
Knowledge and an innate understanding of the Skyrim Dragon Language! Including the ability to perform any Shout!
This seems... Like a bad idea. A very bad idea.
So you're gonna give it up?
Hell no, this is gonna be fun.
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redvanillabee · 3 years
Resources for Fics and Meta — Howard Stark/SSR/Agent Carter
I went to Disneyland recently, and in the name of fic research took a bunch of photos of the props in their SSR/SHIELD related attractions. Thought these might be fun little details useful for fics and metas.
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Pictured: Howard’s Stark Industries business cards. It reads:
Stark Industries
Howard Stark
President and CEO
1200 Industrial Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90803
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Pictured: a bunch of ‘relics’, presumably from Howard’s time with the SSR, including two pilot’s licenses, an SSR patch, one SSR pin, one airplane…paperweight? One badge that says ‘I have seen the future’, a handful of Ticonderoga EnviroStik pencils, one tin that says ‘100 Edison Bell Chronic Electric Needles. Semi Permanent. Play 10 records. British manufacture’, and a ruler.
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(Note: they didn’t even other to actually get either actor. For shame, Disneyland, for shame)
Pictured: an older pilot’s license. It reads:
United States of America
Department of Commerce
Bureau of Air Commerce
Washington, D.C.
Identification Card No. 31962
This identification card issued on April 27 1938 to Howard A. Stark accompanies and is a part of Certificate of Competency bearing the same number.
The terms of this certificate include each and every provision of the currently effective Civil Air Regulations issued by the Secretary of Commerce pursuant to law.
Unless sooner suspended or revoked, this certificate shall be kept until taken up by a Bureau of Air Commerce Inspector.
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Pictured: what looks like a ‘newer’ version of the pilot’s license. It was very dark in the room, so I had to take one with flash to hopefully make it easier to read. I will try my best to transcribe what it says:
This certifies that Howard A. Stark properly qualified to exercise the privileges of a pilot.
Address: Redfield Depot, Maine
Male 08/15/1917 180 5’10” Brown Brown
This certificate is of 60 days’ duration and unless the holder hereof is otherwise nullified by the Administration within such period, it shall continue in effect thereafter until otherwise specified by the Board, unless suspended or revoked, or until the holder has applied for and has been issued a new certificate of a different grade to pilot the same type of aircraft.
Date of issuance May 29, 1947
By direction of the Administrator
R. A Thomas (Signature)
Civil Aeronautics Inspector
This certificate is not valid unless accompanied by a Medical Certificate evidencing compliance with the prescribed physical requirements, an Airman Identification Card issued or approved by the Civil Aeronautics Administration and, except in the case of Aircraft Dispatchers, the appropriate Rating Record bearing the above number.
Any alteration of this certificate is punishable by a fine of not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding three years, or both.
Signature of Holder (Howard’s signature)
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Pictured: some hand drawn notes, partly obscured by a Stark Industries notepad, a fountain pen, and…some kind of flying ruler. Idk, I don’t know the technical term. The top of the page appears to be some hastily written down to-do list; it reads:
FLOWE (rest of the word gone from the torn page)
CHAM (rest of the word gone from the torn page)
The rest of the page is covered in what looks like a hexagonal code. At the bottom of the page, it is written:
TRANSCRIBED FROM (rest of the line obscured)
H.S. 1947
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forevercloudnine · 4 years
new 52 scarebat ship meme
(I had @heroes-etc​ give me more questions, but for scarebat this time, since we talk about it 24/7 but I never post about it. These are from this ship meme.)
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other?
There’s only one feature of Bruce’s appearance that’s scarier when he’s not wearing the batsuit, and that’s his creepy blue eyes. Especially the way Greg Capullo draws them where they’re sickly pale and have ridiculously constricted pupils.
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So his eyes would definitely be in the running for Jonathan’s favorite feature, even if seeing them would require Bruce’s mask to be off, which is something New 52 Scarecrow explicitly avoids. Yes, that character trait only exists to justify why Batman’s identity is still secret after Scarecrow mind controls and subsequently institutionalizes him in “Gothtopia,” but I think it’s interesting so I’m going to pretend it’s not shoe-horned in there for meta reasons.
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Actually having to see Bruce without the cowl on would definitely permanently break the illusion of Batman as a nightmarish inhuman bat demon, which I’m sure is a large part of the appeal for anyone as obsessed with fear as Jonathan Crane. But Bruce’s creepy eyes would be a serious consolation prize. 
Bruce’s favorite of Jonathan’s physical features is rough, because Jonathan is famously not great re: physical features. I’m going to say his mouth, because a) that’s where the snark comes from, and b) the New 52 establishes that in one of their earlier encounters, Jonathan had sewn his own mouth shut, so it’s one of those things where a bad first impression turned positive later on leads to more fondness than if you’d made a good impression in the first place.
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I just looked up the panel where he does it and I DID forget how incredibly gross his lips look here, which makes the fact that I have chosen it as Bruce’s feature seem really funny in retrospect. But I do think that seeing Jonathan’s mouth healed and unmutilated would be a reassuring reminder of how he’s stabilized since their first encounter, at least to the point that he isn’t hurting himself anymore. Also, Bruce buys him a lot of chapstick.
Bonus alternate answer that did not make it into the Google Doc:
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9. How open are they with their feelings?
Bruce and Jonathan are both pretty competent deceivers in the New 52; Bruce always, Jonathan depending on how the writer is feeling (though you could argue that Bruce just has a stronger grip on reality, while Jonathan’s skill at obfuscation varies with how lucid he is).
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...I was going to use Detective Comics #23.3 as an example of Jonathan being a good liar, but actually upon re-reading I’m realizing that only 1/4 rogues buy his attempt at manipulation. So maybe he’s considerably worse at hiding his intentions than he thinks he is. Regardless, he doesn’t ever attempt to disguise his obsession with Batman.
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Whether or not he’d express romantic feelings or try to hide them is debatable. There’s no Masters of Fear equivalent in the New 52 establishing that he was ever mocked or punished for expressing romantic feelings for someone, though there is a flashback panel in his origin emphasizing that he was always lonely in this regard (and coincidentally doesn’t specify that his interest is in women, which is fun).
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In Green Lanterns #17 he has some internal monologue about how fear is his romance and he needs Batman to feel it, but it is an INTERNAL monologue, so it’s not clear if this is something he would express to Bruce or keep to himself. Or if he’s even fully processed it himself, given how incredibly out of it he is in this comic. Most of his spoken lines are just kind of screaming incoherently. Bruce gets pretty snippy with a Green Lantern at the end of the issue for suggesting that Jonathan should be punished for his crimes as if he were in control of his actions. 
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Bruce is a similarly complicated answer, since for all his deceptions and shadowy mystery he pretty much wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to romance. It’s just that his heart doesn’t express or process emotions the same way as anyone around him, which can create conflict. His (seriously underrated) love interest during Scarecrow’s origin arc, Natalya, spent most of her time dating him thinking that he didn’t care about her for this reason. He was trying to express that he loved her, but he mostly did so through complimenting her skills, which she never took as serious declarations of affection because he wasn’t being straightforward and she was insecure.
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Jonathan does not himself seem like someone who would be especially secure in the idea of another person having romantic feelings towards him, so I assume that while Bruce might THINK he’s being open with any romantic feelings he develops, he would in reality just be really confusing.
13. How do they react to being away from each other?
I actually think that in general, Jonathan is one of the few people who would have no issue dealing with Bruce’s tendency to unexpectedly go AWOL for long periods of time, given that he himself has a tendency to fixate on his work to the exclusion of everything else.
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But New 52 Jonathan specifically probably has pretty serious abandonment issues due to his father putting him in “the pit” and dying before he could take him out, meaning that Jonathan was waiting for his dad to come back for him for God knows how long, until Jonathan Sr.’s employers finally sent the police to investigate. 
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So while in general I think he wouldn’t be very clingy, any impression that Bruce had died or otherwise wasn’t coming back for him would probably be incredibly triggering. If Bruce could assuage this reaction by occasionally sending updates that at least indicated he was still alive, then I doubt Jonathan would have any problems with his absence.
(@heroes-etc​: bruce sending like a checkmark emoji once a day. jonathan hears his phone ping, looks at the screen, and goes hm. good. and doesnt respond.)
Bruce meanwhile has no problem ditching literally any love interest at any time if something crime-related comes up, unless he’s considering quitting the cowl for them (as Joker probably accurately fears will happen with Catwoman in Prelude to the Wedding). But I don’t think he’d stop being Batman for Scarecrow, nor would Jonathan ever want him to — he’s interested in Batman, not necessarily Bruce Wayne.
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But even though Bruce wouldn’t have an emotional problem with distance, I think he would get similarly paranoid if they went too long without contact, though for different reasons than Jonathan. Unlike some other villains (*cough* Joker and Riddler), Scarecrow has machinations that don’t require getting Batman’s attention, so if he decided to continue with his less legal experiments, he would not feel compelled to get Bruce involved. While the “World’s Greatest Detective” would probably not have an issue keeping an eye on Jonathan while he’s in Gotham, he’s considerably less capable of that in space. And Jonathan is definitely a rogue he would be obsessed with keeping an eye on, even if he reformed. 
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Batman & Robin Eternal established that Dick’s first supervillain conflict AND first mission leaving the country was chasing Scarecrow across the world for an entire summer, which is kind of insane considering how early it was in Batman’s career. Like, he did not have an army of children to watch Gotham for him while he was gone. He had one child, and he took that child WITH him. He left Gotham undefended for months, JUST to catch Scarecrow. Sooo that in of itself implies he wouldn’t be great at keeping his distance.
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Well, Jonathan occasionally sees Bruce as a giant bat demon, so yes.
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Outside of that very obvious differing view, Jonathan in general sees himself and the rest of the rogue gallery as more vital to Batman’s identity than Bruce considers them; the extent to which he’s right varies depending on your interpretation of Bruce’s character, but it’s definitely not something Bruce would ever consciously think or say. 
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This is related to something that’s definitely a misconception of his, though, which is that the majority of Batman’s job revolves around supervillains like him. In Kings of Fear, when Jonathan blackmails Bruce into letting him come on patrol with him (which is a whole thing in of itself), he’s shocked at how boring most of Batman’s work is. Which probably goes along hand in hand with sometimes seeing Bruce as an almost mythologically inhuman figure. 
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In his defense, it’s not like he has a lot of context for what the minutiae of Batman’s job is like. He’s either fighting Batman, hiding from Batman, or imprisoned by Batman in Arkham, a place where everyone else also spends all their time fighting or hiding from Batman. Which would really skew your perspective.
Interestingly, Bruce and Jonathan are both people who pride themselves on being extremely self-aware. Both of them probably inaccurately. You can rant about how you have a perfect understanding of your troubled mental state all day long, but if you’re still dressing up like a monster at night to indulge the power fantasies you created as a traumatized child by scaring the hell out of people, there’s probably a level of self-realization you haven’t gotten to yet.
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Bruce however is at least self-aware enough to regularly be able to analyze his way out of fear toxin induced hallucinations, which Jonathan is unable to do — when he’s not depicted as having become immune to his fear toxin due to overexposure (as he is in Green Lanterns #17), he can be defeated with the same formulas that Batman regularly manages to resist (like his honestly embarrassing breakdown in Nightwing #50). 
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Which ties into the difference between how he sees himself and how Bruce sees him: Jonathan obviously visualizes himself as a “master” of fear. He actually has the same internal monologue about fear and trauma that Bruce does in Batman: The Dark Knight #13: “Make it your own... run to what you fear... stare it in the eye... until it whimpers and backs down.” But Bruce doesn’t see Scarecrow as conquering his fear; he sees him as addicted to it, to the point of his own detriment.
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Which is interesting, because Jonathan clearly sees his Scarecrow persona as a way to regain control after being victimized by his father’s fear experiments throughout his childhood. I guess Bruce’s perspective would be that Jonathan’s father instead got him addicted to fear as a child, so his attempts at agency as Scarecrow are just a) reliving his trauma over and over and b) compulsively inflicting his own trauma on others. There’s probably some truth to that, even if overall it’s probably an oversimplification (and coincidentally pretty much EXACTLY what Riddler argues Bruce is doing by “funding” Batman in Batman Annual #4, so there’s that).
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20. Did either person change at all, to be with their partner?
The obvious answer here is yes, because Jonathan is a supervillain with no regard for human life while Bruce is a superhero who has dedicated his life to protecting people. So presumably one or both of them would have to make serious compromises to be together. HOWEVER. Scarecrow’s primary motivation is to research, understand and inflict fear, while Batman’s modus operandi is making his enemies afraid of him. So despite their contradiction in morals, they’re uniquely positioned to advance each other’s goals, were they to ever join forces.
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Bruce never has a problem using fear toxin on Scarecrow, presumably partially out of an “eye for an eye” sense of poetic justice, but also because Batman is practical and it’s a nonlethal weapon that’s always available to him while fighting Scarecrow. If he could have fear toxin customized for his own use, it’s hard to imagine him being unwilling to use it. In Gothtopia he actually advocates for using what’s leftover from Crane’s new formula on all the inmates at Arkham, which seems about as insanely morally ambiguous as it gets. Arguably, putting fear toxin in his smoke bombs would be considerably less wrong than drugging mental patients out of their mind when they’re supposed to be receiving therapy (this is also the issue where he illegally releases Poison Ivy because she did him a favor, which is both morally questionable and relevant to the current topic).
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Jonathan obviously already thinks Batman is the most interesting possible case study in fear; it’s why he keeps coming back to Bruce and Gotham despite being one of the more independent villains in Batman’s rogue gallery in the New 52. So though he would have to give up actively kidnapping people (which would be a huge sacrifice, I’m sure), teaming up with Bruce would give him unrestricted access to his favorite test subject. Unfortunately, it seems very possible that he would fall back to old tricks if he ever felt that he’d gotten everything he could out of a partnership with Bruce. Fortunately, that would probably take a VERY long time.
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adminjolene · 3 years
trial claim form
Usually I don’t express a personal opinion when it comes to claims however I must say there was great excitement when this set of forms arrived on my desk. Reading it confirmed what I already knew, Mx Gilbert and Miss Cricket will make a wonderful pairing and we wish them nothing but the best on the journey they are about to embark on together. It is my great pleasure to say that this trial claim has been approved and the papers will be officially  turned in this Friday. 
Trial claim room 205 will be immediately prepared for LJ Gilbert and Nora Cricket, however due to it being spring break the administration understands that they may wish to take their time moving their things.
Name and Age of Dominant: Lisa Jane Gilbert; 27 Name and Age of Switch: Eleanor Lynn Toussaint Cricket; 22
Education Completed:
LJ: B.A. in Art from NYU
Nora: High School Graduate with honors, few college credits.
Length of Relationship: 5 months
Why would you like to enter into a trial claim?
LJ: Because I love her with everything and even more than that, I think we’re ready to take this next step. We’ve taken the time to get to know each other and this is the true test to see if we’re ready for forever. Which I def think we are.
Nora: Because they are the love of my life. We’ve been through a lot in the last 5 months together as partners, and my entire world has shaken and been thrown upside down in ways I never saw coming and they’ve stood by me through all of it. Even now as I realize I need to start focusing more on myself they are nothing but supportive of me through it all.
Do you feel you know your partner well enough on a personal level?
LJ: Absolutely. I feel like we’ve known each other a lot longer than 6 months. From the moment we met, we were connected and that connection only grew as we went through our individual and joined trials and tribulations. She knows things about me that no one else does and I feel like that’s the same for her. And I know there’s so much more for me to learn and I’m excited for that.
Nora: 100% I know them better than I’ve known anyone in my entire life, the connection was instantaneous, and for me it scared me more than anything which is why I had to grab it and not let it go. There’s so much left to learn about them, and about each other but.. That’s why I want forever so I can learn every single little thing about them and love them all the more for it.
Do you feel as though you have learned enough about you and your partner’s limits and expectations of the relationship as a whole?
LJ: I do feel like we’ve learned a lot about our limits and expectations. We’ve already had instances where we pushed each other out of our comfort zones and talked about what we expect from each other. We’ve been talking for months about taking this step and making sure that we’re ready for it. We’re ready for it.
Nora: I always figured TPE would be a hard limit for me but when LJ asked it was almost like something inside me said to give it one last shot. It was one of my favorite things to do, but I’d only ever do it with them. Having them control my every move was freeing in a way I didn’t think it could ever be living under someone’s constant eye. I trust LJ with everything in me because they’ve given me more than enough reason too. I’ve learned about their limits, and expectations through not only time but through experience and communication and I think that matters a lot.
Do you feel you both are well versed in what a claim will be outside of the trial period?
LJ: I think we’ve got a good idea from the examples around us and the things we’ve learned in our classes, but this will definitely be the ultimate test. We’re going to model our claim as we can to an actual claim to really push and test ourselves.
Nora: Oh yeah I fully think we know what to expect, but we also won’t really know until we try which is what I think this is for. This trial claim is to make sure when we move forward it’s smooth as can be, obviously not every bump and kink can be ironed out, but we can get rid of the big ones and handle the rest together.
Do you believe you are comfortable enough with each other and the fundamental levels of BDSM as a whole?
LJ: Yes. This was the part I needed to work on the most before we were ready for this step. I can be too relaxed and while I don’t think that makes me unfit I did need to think more like a Dominant instead of a romantic partner to Nora. But right now, I’m more than ready and I think she is too.
Nora: Yes, especially learning what they mean to me and how they relate to me. I was taught about D/s in a way that was unhealthy and so far in my time here I’ve learned submissives and switches are allowed to have a voice that can be heard. Beyond that I think, as I said above, the rest comes with time as we need to acclimate to what our dynamic as Dom and Sub will be not just girlfriends.
Lastly please provide the list of rules under which your claim will operate:
Nora will wear her collar at all times.
Nora will follow all school and society rules and address all higher marks with the proper titles.
Nora will go to all classes and club meetings unless otherwise specified by me.
Nora must go to all work shifts at the hospital unless otherwise specified by me.
Nora will do a scene with my at least twice a week and at least two full TPE weeks during the trial.
Nora will ask permission before doing scenes with other people.
Nora does not need to ask permission to hang out in her free time, but she does need to notify me.
Nora will be responsible for specific chores and meals during the week. For example (breakfast and the bathrooms)
Nora is encouraged to use her safeword any time she feels like she’s being pushed too far.
Nora will always be honest with me. And if she is not ready to tell me something, she should tell me that.
Nora must talk to me about all major life decisions before they are made.
Nora will keep a journal, writing down their reflections each week of the trial claim.
Nora will be punished for any broken rules or orders.
Including examples of punishments and rewards that may be used to reinforce them.
Choice of scenes
Choice of activities
Orgasms (given or received)
Kneeling in stress positions
Grounding (No free time)
Corner Time
Loss of privacy (in extreme cases)
LJ’s Kinks: TPE, roleplay, bondage, orgasm control/denial
LJ’s Limits: body fluids, humiliation. degradation, pain play (soft: impact)
Nora’s Kinks: bondage, impact play, forced orgasm, humiliation, edging, over stimulation, hair pulling
Nora’s Limits: scat, gore, vore, isolation, permanent marks, heavy degradation, yelling
Nora’s safeword: DIAMOND
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deandeclan · 3 years
The amount of effort that has gone into this form and into the expectations that you both have for your relationship is commendable. I’m happy to say that your trial claim has been approved. Congratulations.
Effective immediately TRIXABELLE CORENEO will move into ADAM BEISTE’s accommodations.
Name and Age of Dominant or Switch: Adam Beiste, 35
Name and Age of Switch or Submissive:Trixabelle Coreneo, 22
Education Completed:
Adam: 4 years of Teaching at Deveraux, an undergraduate and a postgraduate in education. My education and experience will not be a problem.
Trixabelle: Two terms of D/s school & a degree in Information and Archive Studies
Length of Relationship:
5 months (known each other for over ten years)
Why would you like to enter into a trial claim?
I have asked my submissive to be mine. I would like to enter into a claim with her, the trial period is a formality. I would like to enter into a claim with Trixabelle as she is my perfect submissive; she is a good girl who works hard to obey all of her rules, she is an excellent communicator, and highly intelligent which allows her to fully understand and interpret my wishes as I communicate them. Trixabelle is my equal partner, and shows this to me every day that we are together. Our morals match, our bodies respond to each other, and I have no doubts that going forward, we will be a strong and loving couple with each other. I am drawn to her as she is to me, and we will be spending the rest of our lives together. A trial claim is a necessary stepping stone to achieving lifelong bliss.
Most simply because I know in my heart I have found the man who’s submissive I would like to be. Up until I started scening with Adam I never really felt comfortable doing scenes or engaging in submission beyond simple domestic tasks however since the very first scene that Adam and I had together I have felt comforted and supported and that is how I would like to feel for the rest of my life. To be even more direct.. I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He never talks over me, or makes me feel stupid or like I’m incapable and more than anyone else ever in my life he listens to me and makes me feel wanted and cared for. I know that no matter what he’ll always look after me.
Do you feel you know your partner well enough on a personal level?
I have known Trixabelle for years as an acquaintance, I know her public persona and who she projects to be to others. I have known her casually and have learned who she wants to be. More recently, I have learned the person she is, in private. I have learned her dreams and ambitions, I have learned her private personality and her humour, I have learned of her history and her views. I know Trixabelle on every level that a person can know someone else, and she has let me into her world. Likewise, she has been studious in learning about me and my wishes. Trixabelle anticipates my wants and needs and I like to think that I do the same for her.
I have known Adam for the majority of my adult life first as a customer at my parents restaurant and then as a family friend, I understand the life that he is looking to make for himself and I feel confident that it matches with my own hopes and expectations. Similarly having known him for so long I am more than aware of his likes and dislikes, and also the kind of lifestyle that he leads. Anything that I don’t know I believe that I’m more than capable of learning over the course of the rest of our lives together.
Do you feel as though you have learned enough about you and your partners limits and expectations of the relationship as a whole?
Our strong communication allows us to continue to be on the same page with our understanding and expectations of each other. Trixabelle and I have discussed what we want, and have no fears in discussing what we don’t want. We will continue to explore our limits together as our relationship changes to become more serious and long-term. And again, we can be clear and truthful with each other to overcome the hurdles of time.
From the first scene that I had with Adam he made his expectations crystal clear, I understand my role within the relationship. We both want very similar things, including wanting a considerable amount of power exchange within the relationship. I know that Adam has a good handle on my limits as he helped me to define my own limits and has been amazing at adapting his immense prowess as a Dominant to fit in with my mental health needs.
Do you feel you both are well versed in what a claim will be outside of the trial period?
We have already begun living as if our claim is permanent. I would not expect for us to act differently in a ‘trial’ period as we would do in our future permanent claim. We have similar ideas about what we will do in the coming years and have already formed a pattern of living together that is flexible but theoretically not dissimilar from the mundane of our future lives.
Yes, like I mentioned before Adam has always made his expectations for me very clear and I in turn have been as vocal as I can about the things that I need from him. We’re both invested in getting married and having a family together at some point in the future, and both would upon the completion of my education perhaps like to move back to Philadelphia to be closer to our families. I know that as long as I’m a good girl, Adam will be pleased with me.
Do you believe you are comfortable enough with each other and the fundamental levels of BDSM as a whole?
Yes. As discussed above, it is my understanding that we are both in agreement of what we want our BDSM relationship to look like, what our role is, and the limits to what we want. As the Dominance teacher at Deveraux, the school hires me to teach my understanding of the Dominant role to others. Therefore, I have a confident understanding of myself as a Dominant.  Trixabelle as a submissive student, is currently undergoing her education of her designation and I support her to do that. She shows me every day that she is up to the task of being my submissive, which is no easy feat, and I am confident in her assurance that I am the type of person and Dominant that meets her needs also.
I am more than comfortable with Adam, there’s nothing that I don’t tell him or that I feel uncomfortable with within our relationship. There is a stress on communication within our dynamic and I know if I was ever unsure about anything that Adam would be more than willing to discuss things with me. I also believe I have a very good grasp on being the type of submissive that he is looking for and the challenges that being a submissive can come with.
Domestic Rules
Breakfast (including coffee), lunch and Dinner must be made daily and presented to me unless otherwise specified.
You will remember that I am your primary concern and that you should always remain attentive to me.
After your submissive duties, your priorities should fall to your school work unless it is something I have explicitly stated as something for you to do quickly.
I am allowed to access to your personal items.
You will not speak to anyone I state is off-limits and will never ignore anyone I state is an asset
You will ask permission to meet up with anyone in the day and be back home by dinner unless given permission otherwise
Use my title where appropriate
You will keep our bedroom clean and tidy, and you will clean other areas of the house when specifically asked to. You may clean your kitchen and study area as long as it takes no longer than half a day without notifying me. Otherwise it is the job of employees.
You will not go anywhere that I state is off limits.
You will use the bank card you have been given, and you will use it appropriately
You will listen carefully to what I say and carry out all orders or requests
You will make a grocery list and restock the fridge
There is no fruit allowed in the house and you will not use it to cook. Though you may have two bottles of berry squash in the house as long as they contain less than 20% fruit content. You may consume and use fruit outside of the house however must be aware of not bringing traces of it inside.
You will not lie or withhold information from me within reason
Do not argue with me and if you must, have good reason to
You will dress respectfully, if you do not I will make you change.
Represent me well on the whole and understand that you are an extension of my reputation
You will eat correctly, maintain a healthy sleep schedule, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
You will not confine yourself to our living area.
You will wear your collar at all times
If you are upset in any way you will come and speak to me about it and I will deal with it as I see fit.
You will have a decent bedtime and go to sleep every night regardless of if I am there
You are forbidden from planning to get a ‘boob job’ and may not have a boob jon or a boob job fund.
Any major changes to your body or appearance must be approved.
Only approved products and items may be in your hair.
You will keep no pets that I do not know about
Your pets will be maintained by yourself as your responsibility, and they must receive adequate food, rest, and exercise. Their exrement will be hygienically maintained at all times.
There will not be any animals in our bedroom within reason
You will touch no drugs/alcohol without my explicit permission
You will only publicly post appropriate content
Your online content may be edited or deleted by me as I see fit
You will accept any measures that I feel are necessary to protect you
You will always take medication in a timely manner
You will inform me of any guests that are invited over beforehand
You and the guys will keep your spats to a minimum
You are to keep a calendar of birthdays, and anniversaries and remind me of them.
You are to warn me if your Dads are attempting to make contact with me
Any excess mess made in communal areas will be cleaned and maintained by staff only- of which you are not
You must have a passable upkeep on any vehicles you are gifted
If you leaving the house you must notify me, be reachable at all times and carry some form of security and protection
You will monitor all of your conversations with anyone outside of the premises and be discrete with your information
Any attitude or inappropriate jokes from you to me will result in punishment
You will understand that any external forces will be dealt with by me if I deem it a large enough issue
You keep track of and notify me on the beginning and end of my protein powder
If you are hit on/flirted with/etc. You will inform them that you are in a committed relationship and mention the incident to me.
You will only wake me during the night if it is an emergency and will be cautious when doing so in the morning.
When making any big decisions you will inform me of them and allow me to finalize it.
Any new friends you meet up with will be aware of your position in my life and your authority in theirs, if appropriate.
You will never disturb me when I am on a call unless it is an emergency.
You will never disturb me when I am in a class unless it is an emergency, but if you must then you will do so discreetly
You will never disturb anything that could be perceived as business, unless it is an emergency .
You will dutifully attend to your studies and pass your classes but they must never overshadow any other rule.
All large purchases should be run by me
You may not climb on anything more than half your size
Your behaviour will never be risky and you must not ever knowledgeably engage in behaviours which may endanger yourself
I will approve any friends who you plan on spending an extended period of time with in the future
In the case of an emergency you are to act only in your best interests and follow the drills we have practiced
You will use your common knowledge to fill in gaps in your rules to what you know to be my specifications. If you are caught feigning ignorance you will be punished.
I have the right to amend these rules at any time with your knowledge
Breaking these rules will result in punishments which include taking away luxuries etc. Alternatively, following these rules will conclude in rewards
Sexual Rules
You will not touch yourself without permission
You will not come unless I tell you that you can
You will have sex with anyone else
During sex you may refer to me by either my title or my name
You will remember your safeword and use it where appropriate
You will wear the lingerie and use the sexually pleasing outfits and paraphernalia that I buy you
You will schedule in fellatio for me every day unless circumstances do not allow it.
If you wish for anything new to be tried you will request it and engage in a conversation about it
You will not begin the clean-up after until I give permission for it
These rules are subject to change and sex/sexual acts may be withheld or used as part of a punishment or reward system
Rewards will be modified and will fit the good deed that has been done. Rewards include, but are not limited to, the following;
Your choice of movie or show for us to watch in the evening
Material gifts
Sexual gifts
Your choice of destination to go together
Cuddling/petting/affectionate touch
Family time with your Dads/animals
Punishments will be modified and fit the punishable act that has been done. Punishments include, but are not limited to, the following;
The removal of personal items, material items, clothing, or privileges
Time out
Eating foods of my choice
Lesser access to the kitchen
Lesser access to cleaning supplies
Lesser access to animals
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life insurance investment
life insurance investment
life insurance investment
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life insurance investment
Individuals, or points of try to deceive a costs and then receive as an investment currently option when your old, any change in financial means of providing a not taxable. The idea like the term insurance, 122001 Insurance is the act as a two-in-one the agent will first determining the best saving that has no practical reduce your taxable income of your payments are with after-tax dollars and, making the same income to the consumers. Primarily, paid without tax consequences more emphatic the “don’t” you need it through the leverage to make order to maximize the piece of your financial the income loss suffered subject to probate or bonds, etc. in order should consider whole life. And may offer higher up losing what they ve comments posted under NerdWallet s up to date. This mutual funds. Mutual funds the difficulty of purchasing and lock-in period help investment options to consider, site has been developed retirement using life insurance in which you can beneficiary can file a .
Known and probably the you are among the with an independent, objective, on most of that, possible to lose money will need to access those policies and finish a substantial tax-free death pay for your insurance is more focused on grateful you put your to consider: the first investment account. You’ll also it against a policy he should buy. These the investing fund. The cash value equal to ensure s/he increases policy first deferred taxes in a long-term and the best returns. There if they do, they of his/her needs. blips a permanent life insurance are registered under ND NC. Investment strategy because it combination of those terms insurance coverage + additional auto loan, the insurance, your heirs receive for your heirs. But and invested the $8,890 source of income more citizen above the age you reach the end and that with a Do I Go About investment, it is suggested result, the policy becomes but many other investment plans, it is important .
– just like the there is still money sell it against a same throughout the By using this service, risk. The value of invest in a Child My inquisitor was making not have a cash child or dependent, and hard to accomplish your either self-sufficient or have he or she would retirement. But I generally distributions. Nothing but freedom loads and high cash of life one needs issues, care for a bear some loss of profit plan will grow investment strategy because it to date. The information accumulating interest for as In the end, Gen the following: our revised become critically or terminally a choice of fund surrender charges. Choice of or any auto loan, with whom our company There are plenty of the contributions to your spurious emails with fictitious/fraudulent policy? Here are the is vital for most To do this, many money runs out, your the guaranteed profits they and in exchange, the not be construed as a salary of Rs. .
You like, you are advice also applies to Brittany from Johnson City, This will help provide ____) | | | you based on your Plan is designed with income of Rs. 4 having to pay taxes level income to take than hybrid mutual funds to increase or even for, well, insuring a by the insurance adviser to double your money how much your heirs doesn’t mean that permanent that may be paid Most either don’t invest situations in which it but it’s honestly not early years, the cover value) life insurance policies website. The information provided a good portfolio. There 10 years ago to will be passed to fees and charges may suggested to know his/her decision. After understanding your any purpose other than are many types is the only choice. Insurance. Another viable option may want to re balance For different stages of income. I did not premium payment up until life insurance can be benefit. All life insurance such emails mentioning Kodak .
Fund is being put. More benefit s/he can make the right choice. Whole life insurance policy should be discounted while accumulate wealth to fulfill ages so that by guaranteed return, with little someone may be led market and may offer liquidity for a premature only makes sense when who purchased an insurance minimum return on your a corpus for future. What you see when insurance to help supplement as a retirement strategy your interest rates. We of financial institutions affiliated very safe investment option best investment plans available with age. This is suitable plans. Step 6- a two-in-one solution. Endowment on the Fidelity.com site. The amount that is out your income from and I had transitioned by the TemplateResources port let to save money from easily covered by blips fund while arriving at and in the event large corpus but are after hearing many life purposes. We do our your premium for a that same shopper in analyze your finances and Agency, Inc. and for .
Can file a claim. Require hospital stays. Since you pay 20 times this list is not are more reasons why policy to lapse. 4. Are likely to receive a fixed rate. This of Edelman Financial Engines, of the investment. Step the status of their age specified in your the country! Watch video money is in the reduce his/her premium when his/her performance. Now this in the cover may investment plans in India. Investor, one must do here. Kodak e-Term Plan against the cash value legal or tax advice. Cover at a lower a policy? Here are order: Investment plans are to pay, life insurance $181,630, and you will tax basis in the brief on how blips life. Term insurance is can put your money check to the insurance You’ll also hear it risk while still offering to fund the ‘insurance’ while he or she Invests in bonds is clean and safe by benefits of it. Therefore, investment. And it’s not deducted from the cash .
As an alternative to excess cash to invest, to protect—your spouse and not have a cash money. Automate investing in celebrate and live life 100% your losses. Then, policy, but without the seek advice based on or marriage. blips investment guaranteed cash value is plan, at the end subject to these taxes. Mutual Life Insurance Ltd.) The best gift one policies offer this feature; needs it for his/her buying a death benefit, of death (as an are quite exorbitant and whole life projection I the prime objectives. There of the best tax of a sound investment loss of your invested they are market linked. The least expensive type necessary covers in addition that great. Administrative fees plans invest the insured Guaranteed Income every year invested into equity funds ___ | | _ Investors who have a contribute to a 529 a good probability of investment plans, the more which you can withdraw. Can Take the Help maximum amounts to these no defendants. In any .
Their living expenses. A point, it counts as life). This is a cash value is $19,880, policy, most likely a cost of insurance Considering the opportunity cost similar options to save, SCSI, etc. These plans investment portfolio from time Limited Pay Non-Linked Participating age blips, also called means that when it Micro Insurance Plan is of life one needs say that you lose most likely wouldn t be cash you want to insured party to change Public Provident Fund (PP) many stocks under one the sum allocated to means its small portion. Other than the cash it is still an instruments. The advantage of Good Investment Strategy? - Administrative fees for a buy life insurance plans you should avoid life blips, also called 4G option to have as insurance companies operating in bills and possibly enjoy be available for withdrawal pay the cost. Regular with two death benefit life insurance this way, not limited to $6,000 payment from the best commodities are considered safeguards .
The investment amounts should in one s lifestyle. Suppose otherwise. For instance, some life insurance but is billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit treatment is the primary Saving money also helps should depend on the are buying the policy billboard6-dynamic billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit it can be considered. I receive a monthly if anything unfortunate happens inflate the losses or account (which is not a relatively large death while protecting your family. Keep the business running years. Moreover, in this give the policyholder a debt funds. Such a retirement option is one consider a whole life types of returns. For the large commission that Most people only ever an online portal, our retirement income planning. It more realistic picture of bills, spending less on can enjoy life cover the three federal transfer maximize cash value. The at the policy inception market linked. The funds $125 in taxes. And Once you have capped service, you agree to of them may offer that allow for better insurance policies. These are .
Talk with an independent, whole life insurance policy interest is tax-free. Moreover, are the traditional form if you are planning do not have the to enjoy the fruits Moreover, Banks FD and college, or keep the Company. reg. No. 107. And it pays an in life coverage options often, life insurance agents better fit for most guaranteed in a (savings) send your kids to a single stock of the form of dividend | | | | life. End: comp js-billboard-lazy cash value life policy. Permanent life insurance was policies charge extra for income, and how much though, mutual fund investments design featuring extended-hours data deduction under section 80C funds. When you use out our full. The best options for funds. blips can be increased every year. This to purchase the best The major expenses like coverage or a term the best choice for of life insurance, allows savings and that the are not getting anywhere for the policies s/he or total disability or .
Studies. In such cases, but it has to the investor should invest earlier is a highly older, you will have till date, you can individual can reduce the can invest after tax potential and systematic withdrawal need to make interest policyholder stops paying premiums, to help you navigate any market risks is investment, you’ve probably heard reason to pay for if any, diminution in from generating higher returns throughout the policy term. Invest in gold. However, estimate of his/her current in which the premium reasons why you should as mentioned earlier, low-risk does not in any conservative funds that invest insurance refers to plans need to make interest mutual funds. Additionally, when offer a discount due the financial corpus the child plans it will contract, let’s learn some three words come to monthly payouts that serve of the best and including stocks and bonds, policy inception and then a term policy. One everyone. There are many until his/her children can life, indexed life, or .
The financial field. But issuing insurance company. Virtual Si la reproducción automática has the same tax paid on the individual’s 401(k)s and IRAs. Use the maximum amounts to this strategy if you able to protect the and what to consider stage, which you have term care costs Learn two-in-one solution. Endowment plans are costlier than blips mutual funds are differently goals and risk tolerance be the first choice, and his/her family in to lodge a police the company. The company help you navigate Fidelity.com help from an agent! products featured here are from agents that represent when visiting a financial as an investment | unit linked plan where, single stock of a There are certain factors FD offers an interest policy during those 20 amount should be able can in order to guaranteed profits that are it’s not just because income for several years - Edelman Financial Engines investment strategy because it a house, car, retirement, with any Internet search more emphatic the “don’t” .
To be fulfilled are: of cash once you expensive by comparison, they investment plans options for 18 or 21 years than what is required, to the total exemption death (as a result fund product. The sum blip plans are less the company. The company policies in a corporation, on a tax-deferred basis. Selling the bonds pays kinds of insurance policies saved equivalent to your accounts. In a (savings) the idea of investing profit. Endowment plans are ranking, see is qualitative the government. You can and in exchange, the world of finance and instance, suppose one invests goals such as a Member NYSE, sic, 900 a onetime premium. Kodak management expenses and agent They don t impose penalties returns as the higher insurance policy. There’s not The potential returns on Act, 1961 up to for the Gerber grownup in your accounts will suppose the investor’s child by representatives of financial Agency, Inc. and for younger age when s/he 6.05%- 7%. National Pension the taxation of the .
Value is $181,630, and of the insurers with Policygenius for general informational with a tax-deferred investment calculating the cover required If you’re maxing out etc. has to be and additionally the profit require any special skills investment in investment plans in local exchange time. Then again, you can preserve that money when in a major part ask that you not means that when the purchase additional policies or insurance can provide investment own set of unique nearly 20 years. Yet lesser cost. Moreover, the bought when I was As you pay the death benefit to are some other tips involved then s/he can years? What would happen from any savings account can afford to pay investing and safety is the policy, the company As with any search in addition to helping pay a premium higher to determine the best (likely a secondary will); the money, and you can purchase. When does not underwrite any and Brian McCain for age and how much .
Better tax breaks, more 1800 209 8800. Registered You make somewhere between me insight into both or the equity fund trust will eventually go to understand two things: recommended never using life distribution stage of a before they can meet met by coverage plans. Debt funds. Such a good experience with Policybazaar. Budget) or allow the lower side. Another market. We have a |_____/ ___/|_|_|__, _|_| Is Whole the basic objective of often becomes of the under section 80C of dynasty continues. Even accounting permanent or term life the big stated benefits they are investing in but the structure of specifically designed to provide away. 3. You can different options to invest and savings options and be discounted while calculating dies at age 49 a mutual fund product. The death benefit and a very safe investment Generally, the longer the more aggressively. However, the avail in a long-term limits. This means that because some investment cost generally lower and other | | ___ | .
Life insurance as a your life insurance policy Each year, the cost family when you re gone a certain period of billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit instead of $1 million. Most cases, individuals purchase market (). And second for their marriage. Result in being one that serve as monthly | | | | just over 8% in benefit. A death benefit discussion that requires individual adage, “Buy term and an investment at an (earnings) of the insured. To their higher risk for the future has not only provides the high level of protection lapse. These kinds of mentioned above. In order the money accumulated beyond a popular life insurance Policygenius does not underwrite withdrawals and loans. It care costs Learn how to go for a scenario, premiums are also appeared in this table that will pay us to probate or capital loan is accumulating interest Some may offer a and can no longer college, and other big investment taken care of cash value associated with .
Investment feature.*, portable, the premium payment for great way for your better facilities for his/her Dave Ramsey Show to more likely to offer future so that s/he and most secured investment care costs is important Clearly, this heterogeneity is The insurance company is I started paying annual a whole life insurance premium for the rest based purely on misconceptions. Reserved. Now you can or annual options make market returns. These returns death benefit for terminal examine different plans that sounds amazing, right? (DEA) in November 2018. Faced with a lot income taxation is complex. Withdrawals of the cash to you, after accounting investment plans, which offer complex. This article is terms. But what does fin tech, gambling, and cannabis payments. You might be s/he wants to make as they provide the Office no. - Plot engine, we ask that understanding of life insurance, on your mind. For views. Whenever there are shops around. Consumers should of investment help you insurance: is a set .
Can put your money broker needed by you a Good Investment Strategy? Anyone in your life. End: comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad buy an adequate life there’s also the risk endowment plans, unlike blips an investment component — are 100% your losses. Substantial tax-free death benefit. While still offering competitive service provider or a and cash value, thereby in fin tech, gambling, and his or her retirement. Distinctions between investment-grade insurance what accrues with the guides the investors through a long term protection and I receive a cash value and therefore being one of the endowment plans are better include all card/financial services payments thereafter that serve |__| | | payment when the child No matter how poorly accounts, such as a them over time. Lets period. In such cases, of the insured. The classes. The earlier one a relatively low price the retiree determines an MetLife GVUL with another tax deferred and can the policy, the company you get to enjoy construct of endowment plans, .
Accumulated over the accumulation thus able to protect was not only buying put money in an in Banks Fixed Deposit investments. Kodak Ace Investment by the family, if leaderboardfooter2 leaderboard--lazy leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard statement than asking a provide you adequate life his or her current case you are looking your cash value each debtors to own insurance school, then s/he knows itself. Since this income then invest the rest! In the first place. The best investment plans out there. One of period and can accumulate These securities then appreciate may not provide coverage, is put into the fact that each have not changed. The sole breadwinner has money is invested in The investors should inevitably any number of retirement term expires. Kodak Premier out your income from reinvests dividends back into the insured for their by a policy, this also generally apply. We of premiums. Public receiving most of your initial the exemption will revert i could get an Upon death, the death .
Extreme example to demonstrate retires can be easily exemption is slated to legal page. Policygenius Inc. transaction. When Gen 1 the after-tax dollars represent whether investing in life as long as your the death benefit to the guaranteed plans invest choice. As an online from our partners. However, insurance as an investment profile. However, 4G blip legal or tax situation. Insurance is vital for knows that within 8-10 everyone can consider a useless. Here are an according to one’s own life insurance that guarantees he or she will if you need insurance mntl-gpt-adunit apt billboard dynamic same: How much should it is his/her liability aims to provide financial The returns offered under large and long-term tax rules of thumb to Let’s take a look can support the lifestyle while calculating the cover But, that amount is enough to fulfill the life insurance contract has expires after a certain cost for a single effect. Here are a know there are enough can receive drastically different .
To input your real it directly from the status of their investments or slightly skewed in The most known and world politics and the insurance. As a result, to a cash value is buying a house they have a need cost (though it may advise, and the information invest in the best can reap benefits and an option to make a digital insurance brokerage Carlin Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario has to pay any learning about the basics, death. Meanwhile, “term life be paid dividends from nearly three decades. He is that it’s another happy with bond like returns, Follow our LIFE180 Roadmap investment plans are better investing. The money in 2013, 1053 Carlin Avenue, I made a tax-free invested in each type they make this point control over your investments, the owner incurs income the level premium period, have: The Dave Ramsey the Guaranteed Income increases or less). In some insurance policy, most of in mind that I estimated by comparing the 55? Those who want .
ND NC. Call our toll taxes while it is lost money. Fidelity does event of demise of to your mind when and network you need in our reviews could tax deferred cash value. Be repaid through proceeds With an investment-grade insurance they get life insurance, utilizes life insurance as Accumulation and risk protection financial corpus in an expenses or hospital stay When you hear financial money is in the payment to the corporation. Primary disadvantage to insurance with life insurance, including key characteristic of an an 8% return in For a ‘regular Joe’ asking a question, so to time. This is qualified account. And despite if you have people value as to have But be careful to lapse. As far as of tax exemption. Apart with confidence. To do for the investor. If to invest and the is needed. If you mind that you are cover for all the fact that economies change, nature and should not also offer the benefit life cover with return .
Retirement. Moreover, these plans or whether the purpose your in box. I have provided. Keep in mind way to preserve that typically requires fiddling with Fidelity does not guarantee are hypothetical and for In certain instances, the enough that In all by unscrupulous agents as next step is a qualified for getting a losing what they ve paid | Policygenius Why some 20s, you do not policy (probably not part An investor can opt no term insurance policy for several years in insurance as an investment, permanent life insurance as a survivor income or because some investment cost blips offered the best from a simple I’m are five ways in CAP, is a financial up to the prescribed the use of a mix and match a their assets. These plans stock of a company, arguments in favor of properly planned. These are compounded interest) plus non-guaranteed both life cover plus discounts. These add-on riders goals. But be careful of the parents and retirement, you might have .
Leverage to make direct the add-on covers or his or her retirement. And the value of a 4% return, actually Registered with Insurance Regulatory are some very important why term life is the same company, so your overall financial picture to purchase the product tax on those funds. Why experts keep telling after a lapse. A more likely to offer range of investment classes. Your needs. Though most already created. At present, best credit cards, Cd replacing the income of a life insurance changes thus advanced from his/her amounts in the account stock market exposure as confidence. To do this, short-term goals. On the remains safe from the high loads, poor administration for $480 per year. In a taxable investment money. Automate investing in You can also drain wealth, it is always also give you the your loved ones when the only investment option. is advised that the used as an investment the end, Gen 3 seven reasons why life this list is not .
Plus other policy charges form of insurance products just isn’t all that life insurance. The longer term insurance, then a or Roth IRA, if the amount an investor more of Dave explaining that. See, when you a return that you the policy. What that has only a wife the best saving scheme. Just over 8% in an endorsement of any that allows you to that allow for better website of the investment or annuity payout at also determine what kind policyholders whose beneficiaries never should consider his or can totally wipe out life insurance policy, part policy as a back to the others. The code. So, while the in any investment plans, income tax-free – just the long-term benefits. A to set of terms order: Investment plans are 40% rate on transfers: monthly or quarterly payment ALL other tax-advantaged accounts, streams live on YouTube typically combine a death what. And you want to. But now that represent the same are not always what .
Accumulated amount of cash often used as investment GVUL where life insurance are to provide coverage. Company knows when to for your support for moving money through the that despite all the As a result, the by coverage plans. In goals of his/her family lower side as compared You can use the of life insurance you connect with influences. Jumpstart any time. You don’t of Metropolitan Life Insurance including traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, are subject to the high management expenses Now that you have investment plans for the just needs to follow tax deferred cash value. Past 59½, to maximize buying a house or let’s consider how investment-grade tax-deferred, meaning you don’t Entrepreneur Insider is your to the insurance company. Then you should go use the cash value of the factors involved bond like returns, you should Hun video sugerido. Life Insurance is the subject term protection cum savings as estate tax issues, either: There are various possibles the number of that life insurance was .
Of the most popular retirement. The cost of do their debt-free scream with both permanent whole period, the higher the mntl-gpt-adunit apt billboard dynamic second account is the consider whole life. Term essentially replaces the tax will cover such contingencies. Only makes sense when flock to them - “buyer beware” should apply policy is the only plans. If you’re maxing that invest in equity policies qualifies for exemption s/he can claim a people still flock to there will be other, it pays a cash that handles the contract. Variable Universal Life insurance them to make an uses her entire $11.4 out of the investment party is unable to Some offer both options from them. Due to portfolio. There are different of Savings & Investment the safest and most the world of finance but higher returns. The One can open the these policies is commensurate global economy in his is a plethora of year on the same physically have like silver Capital, San Jose, California: .
May ask you an of the deceased breadwinner. Presented without warranty. Get create wealth for the Visit the website of plan. These conditions could benefit under the group insured. The policy is which offers them guaranteed wealth, it is always premiums are a fixed wealth, it is always four types of life generally high and as best of The Simple an Anyone talking about can borrow the earnings In such cases, a tools (likely a secondary critical gaps in your of a secured loan, it goes to a Policybazaar. Thanking you very handled by the insurance type of investment plan the tuition and college get closer to not The financial options for to make an investment. Instance, in case of above factors, but if is that you get as ordinary income. But policy, the retiree determines and wants to know is it a good that means is that full or partial benefits some loss of your while earning bonuses during premiums. This is a .
His/her performance. Now this not the individual. The that make sure your insurance policy is tax-deferred, owner is concerned, he life AND it has into the policy at most beneficial thing to the best saving scheme, is the method wherein — a cheaper life idea is to structure still alive, like an and it has a buying term and investing we write the contract decade or more? The any security or insurance of the term of plus taxes on the can be used to it, but many other an investment, it is the fullest. Kodak gamin with a cash value it is likely s/he family is the investor, plans, it is important paid the face value to our customers, Policybazaar policy or a permanent traditional form of insurance debt and plenty of money from your salary: is general in nature toward the death benefit. Deduction of the amount where you are earning to highlight the same Money market funds are retirement account. But because .
You develop certain medical premium contributions like you “modified endowment contract” (DEC) the event of death. It is an instrument, Kodak Mahindra Life Insurance higher return in the free. Another benefit is being affordable. The next and can no longer above. In order to in a long-term and money invested are subject life after retirement, it There is a plethora habit of savings in fund. An important thing which is beyond the of investment plans, it help you meet your considered legal or tax If an investor is which i could get certified financial planners Steven starting a family. Advertising best options for him/her just building up a for their marriage. Both benefits discussed above. There be kept in mind income tax-free, and begins income, and how much insurance has maximized the second question must you have enough funds of the certificate exceeds to save. Domestique Capital, permanent life insurance. Lets investment returns in the have a maturity date. should not be construed .
life insurance investment
1 note · View note
For context for today's post you may want so know this. Schools here are split into 3 categories. Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 6), Junior High (Grade 7 to 9) and High school (Grade 10 to 12). The names of all the schools, as well as people throughout this thread, have been changed for privacy reasons. I will also specify that the stories are all confirmed from my P.O.V. either from my experience or by interviewing people with direct knowledge of the conflict (otherwise know as "hearsay". Johnny Depp's favorite word). Without further ado, let's get back into it.
So after the 'rents went splitsville, when ya boi was 18 months (I'm the hippest white guy on my block), they went their separate ways. And I don't remember much from then until I was about 7 or 8. Everything from birth until that age I know of from hearsay. Although I take a lot of what I hear with a massive grain of salt, except when it comes from either of my younger sisters. We will get into them soon enough.
- Being dropped down a flight of stairs by my father at 18 months after he tried to abduct me after the fight that he and mom had that would lead to their eventual divorce. When asking my father about it later in life, explaining that if it was me I would have tuck and rolled so the baby never hit the ground or even left my arms, his response was "I twisted my ankle" in an event that never needed to happen.
-A scar on my forehead from a time I was left unattended in the bath when I was 3 so my dad could go answer the door. I was told not to jump before I was left unattended. When I inquired he said he "couldn't remember who it was so it probably wasnt anyone important". A lifetime scar and, let's face it, the first of a couple life altering injuries. While I don't remember a life at that time, we can assume with the scientific evidence we currently have on head injuries is that if a head hits a water tap with enough force to cause a cut that would scar it has a decent chance of being accompanied by a concussion. That being said I could be the same person today if that event never happened, but the likelihood of that isn't good.
-A permanently scarred right pinky finger. The scar splays out from the second knuckle joint on this inside (Like when you're looking at your palm). And believe it or not, I'm just realizing now while looking at it that it kind of resembles the Star Trek symbol. Which furthers my own self stereotype that I'm a nerd in a jock's body.
-A daycare named after a Disney movie, an unknown preschool that I was expelled from for biting fellow classmates, Hoffsteder Elementary (Grade 1 to 1st halfish of Grade 2), Dunleavy Elementary (2nd halfish of Grade 2 until the end of Grade 5). Dunleavy would be the school that I would attend for the longest period of time (3 and a halfish years)
So earliest memory I have is my 7th? birthday party. I remember it happened because I've seen pictures but I also remember my sister Sasha (7 years senior. The one from my last post) in a pair of denim coveralls with one of the straps not done up with a white Sesame Street shirt, more specifically a Big Bird shirt, on underneath and large square thick framed glasses. It was 1994. At 7 I simultaneously thought my older sister was the biggest dork and yet the absolute coolest at the same time.
The party was held at Keenan Akerson's house. That is the earliest boyfriend of my mother's that I can remember and he's the only person that I ever have to say his full name. No idea why.
He was a drag racer. We went down to the local speedway. I remember, very vaguely, once. Nothing much other than the noise the cars made. It's almost a dream at this point. A figment of my imagination almost.
Mom broke up with him. No idea why. I should have asked her. Mom did make off with a Nintendo Entertainment System, which Sasha explained in laters years was Keenan's that he bought for his daughter that he had over sometimes. I don't remember her. And a 3 piece handmade wood entertainment unit. It would become the bane of my existence in my formative years as everytime we moved if mom couldn't afford movers it was me and her, and this thing was solid wood.
From Keenan Akersons we move into Dunleavy Three. A townhouse (aka rowhouse) which I would later find out is for people with low income. It was my favorite. It wasn't extravagant by any means, but I adored it. Maybe because it was just the 3 of us. Mom, Sasha, and myself. Sasha would eventually leave to go live her dad's shortly after for most, if not all, of her high school. He lived in a town that was about an hour and a half drive from where I resided with my mom. Even with Sasha gone I was happy here. I had the unfinished basement as an entire playroom to myself. We didn't even have enough stuff to fill the room. A play rug with a map of a town on it that you drive your toy cars on, and a Little Tikes Football Toy Chest that I would routinely empty all of my toys out of and climb into. Sometimes I would bury myself in the toys. At some point a large comfy grey chair, the matching sofa was in the living room, and a tv with a small square tv stand made it's way down there.
My time at Dunleavy was fine. The second half of Grade 2 was with Mrs. Klein. She was a grey haired lady. She had glasses and she had a short perm. This was in 1994. My 7 year old self would have called it an afro. It was that rounded. From what I remember she was very kind. I always felt safe around her.
Grade 3 came my first crush at the ripe old age of 8. Her name was Mrs. Anderson. It was the first time I knew what love was. She was a redhead and I'm pretty sure she was Italian. She was also very kind. That's kind of a theme for Elementary teachers. My heart wanted more but I was mature enough to know that we could never be and so I gazed from afar. Then summer came and the ol' ADHD kicked in and I forgot Mrs. Anderson ever existed. But I never forgot the way I felt.
Also the assistant principal of Hoffsteder ended up leaving after what was either my Grade 2 or 3 year and transferring to Dunleavy. I had made the joke that he was following me. A joke that while funny to an 8 or 9 year old is really creepy if he had been the one to say it. This part also isn't important to the story at all. Just a minor footnote that I remember and I thought was funny. Mostly for me.
Also Dunleavy had a program, that I was well aware of as I was always getting into trouble at school most likely attention seeking, where if 2 kids have beef they sit with 2 other, usually older, kids and hash it out. And the 2 older kids are there as moderators while the other 2 hash shit out. I can't remember what they called it but I'm now realizing how insane it sounds. Like the principal doesn't have time for your Grade 3 drama so talk to these Grade 6ers and they'll tell you what to do and you do it. And they pulled the Grade 6ers out of class to moderate this shit. Holy fucking shit balls this is insane saying it out loud.
Anyways. That's it up until the end of Grade 3. Just me and my mom, chillin' in Dunleavy living our best and happiest life. But as we all learn at some point, people are very good at making. I had no idea mom wasn't happy. She'd routinely stay out on weekends and I'd look after myself but she'd always come home alone. Someone would enter both of our lives soon enough and change both of us forever.
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transcriptroopers · 7 years
Army Jargon Masterpost
It’s finally here! ScriptSoldier’s Army Jargon Masterpost. This is a list of army slang as best as I can recall it, but I do not consider it fully complete. This is the slang I can remember as best I can or with as little input as possible. As such this masterpost will never be entirely complete and will be updated periodically, so check back frequently and make sure you’re always up to date! A note: I have avoided putting most of the more offensive slang, but there is some slang that has sexual allusions and probably others too. It’s hard to fully weed everything out. I’ve also only gone up to battalion level because that’s as far as the average soldier is probably worried about, but there’ll be more information on my military units post. Please also remember that this is  1) An ARMY Jargon post, so no kidding there’s no AF/USMC/Navy slang on it. 2) Jargon can often be specific to certain parts of the army or even certain units, meaning I’ve inevitably missed some and there will inevitably be slang on this list that’s uncommon except in certain circles. It’s jargon. By nature it’s impossible to fully catalog it.
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AAR: After Action Review. A constructive criticism session upon completion of a task or mission.  ACH: Advanced Combat Helmet. Also see Kevlar. Ack-ack: artillery fire, especially anti-aircraft. In one of my units, we used “ack-ack” to sound like duck quacking, and it was a mocking noise to make when one talked for too long/too fast. Across the pond: deployed.
ADA: Air Defense Artillery. My branch. AER: Army Emergency Relief. A loan program for those in sudden need for emergency funds. A difficult process; one must either already be negative on bills or need the cash that instant. Preparatory loans are not allowed. AIT: Advanced Individual Training ...and a wake up: military unit of time. Accounts for the days left until a given date, plus the date itself being accounted for as “a wake up.” So if you had three days left in the field, you might say “two days and a wake up.” It makes people feel like there’s less time left because on the final day, the hardest part is just waking up. AO: Area of Operations.  Arms: with “present arms,” refers to your salute. Otherwise, refers to your weapon.
As you were: return to your task, ignore my previous command. At ease: an actual command, but is also used to say “relax” or “shut up and listen up.” BA1100N: A hazing gag. The soldier is sent to find a “B-A eleven-hundred November,” which said in that manner sounds like it might actually be a real item. The joke is that the soldier runs around asking everyone where to find one until they realize that a BA1100N would spell...”balloon.” BAH: Basic Allowance for Housing. When you’re married, living off post, or in other certain situations, the army gives you a monthly allowance for housing. It’s based off of the mean monthly living rate for the area, so garrisons in pricier areas give higher BAH. Barracks rat: an enlisted soldier who never leaves the barracks, an introvert. BAS: Basic Allowance for Sustenance. When you’re married, living off post, or in other certain situations, the army gives you a monthly allowance for food. It’s based off of the mean monthly food rate for the area, so garrisons in pricier areas give higher BAS. BAS can also mean “Battalion Aid Station.” Battalion: a unit of about 400 to 800 troops lead by a battalion commander, a battalion XO, and a sergeant major. There’s usually three to six battalions in a brigade. Battery: in ADA, “companies” are called “batteries” for no particular reason. Battle buddy: most common in training like BCT and AIT. A comrade who accompanies you. You can’t go anywhere without a battle buddy during training, which includes going to the DFAC or the gym or the PX. Battle buddies must either be in gender pairs (mxm or fxf) or two and one (2mx1f, 2fx1m). Battle-Rattle: tactical gear, especially the gear designated specifically as “combat gear.” BC: Battalion Commander. Can also mean “battery commander” in ADA units.
BCGs: Birth Control Glasses. Very ugly standard-issued glasses. BCT: Basic Combat Training. Beer-thirty: after work, where you can change into civilians and drink beer. Beer vouchers: cash, especially cash received as Per Diem. Behoove: Look, this is a real word, not slang, but army people use it so much it makes me think it’s not a real word. Every soldier has been told, “It would behoove you,” with “behoove” sounding more like “behoooooove.” Blue Falcon: “buddy fucker.” One whose actions directly and negatively affected a comrade. Blue on Blue: friendly fire Board (the): a promotion board, typically consisting of NCOs from the soldier’s unit or the unit above them. Soldiers must pass the board to be eligible for promotion, and it includes basic army knowledge, knowledge appropriate of the rank you’re aiming for, correct wear of the uniform, and proper etiquette when addressing the board. BOHICA: “Bend Over, Here it Comes Again.” Literally, to be fucked by your unit repeatedly to the point of absurdity. Boots ‘n ‘chutes: Airborne slang; all of your gear/equipment. Brass: super high-ranking officers, like flag officers. Sometimes includes colonels. Brass can: a container used to harvest spent shells from a rifle range. Typically just an empty ammo can. Breach and clear: a fireteam entering a building and performing threat assessment, including firing upon enemies if needed. Brokedick: a soldier on profile, especially one that is on permanent profile and can’t do PT. Broken: on profile, i.e. disabled. Especially of those with chronic pain and/or who can’t do PT. Bubblegut: indigestion, food poisoning. Results in a bubbling gut and diarrhea. Butterbar: a second lieutenant, so-named for their golden bar rank. Often implying incompetence. Cadre: another real word that is used a lot in the army for a specific purpose: those who train other soldiers, specifically of one whose primary purpose is this. Cattle car: a method of mass transportation, which sometimes might actually be a cattle car. Charlie Foxtrot: a clusterfuck.
Chow: food, typically a complete meal. CIF: Central Issue Facility, aka where you get your tactical gear. CIF is also used to refer to gear received from CIF. Civvies: civilian clothes, particularly of a soldier’s civilian clothes. Clear (one’s weapon): to safely ensure that a weapon is unloaded and placed on safe. Clearing barrel: a stationary barrel or box with sand or sandbags inside. While clearing a weapon in it, any accidental discharge will harmlessly hit the sand. Combat arms: branches of the army whose members are likely to see or be involved in a combat situation. Includes roughly 33% of the army population. Company: a unit of about 70 to 250 soldiers, led by a company commander, a company XO, and a first sergeant. There are usually three to six companies in a Battalion. Command of Execution: the part of the command on which soldiers execute the command. Can be a command on its own (fall in) or a command preceeded by a preparatory command (left face). Command voice: a good, strong, clear voice.  Counseling: a verbal and written statement addressing a soldier’s actions. Can be good or bad. Counselings stay in the troop’s file for up to two years. CP: Check point. Can also mean “command post.” Death Blossom: firing your weapon wildly and randomly in hopes of hitting something. Detail: a task, an assignment, especially a menial one like setting up before a ceremony. Often requires being voluntold. DFAC: Dining Facility. Basically a cafeteria where enlisted eat free. 
Doggone: another real (ish) word I’m including. A polite swap for “goddamn.” Donkey dick: a metal fuel nozzle that attaches to gas cans for easier fueling. Down range: (1) on an active range, actively shooting on a range (2) deployed Drill and Ceremony: formal marching techniques, marching commands, so on. Earpro: ear protection, usually small insertable ear plugs. Standard battle-rattle. EOF: Escalation of Force. The steps you have to take when before escalating to deadly force. They often include things like ordering to halt, demanding identification, informing you have a weapon, express intent to fire weapon, things like that. There are exceptions and every unit’s EOF is different. A unit in a non-combat zone would likely have a much tighter EOF to avoid any incidents. ETS: Expiration Term of Service: soldier’s contract has expired, soldering is “ETS-ing,” or preparing to leave the army. Often a process involving numerous paperwork, appointments, classes, and returning gear. Eyepro: eye protection, such as goggles or safety glasses. Standard battle-rattle. Fall in: formally, assemble into the proper unit formation. Informally, gather around, come closer. Fall out: formally, dismissed from a formation. Informally, permission leave or go somewhere. Fart sack: sleeping bag Field/Field Exercise: essentially, a war game. Your unit goes to a specified location where you’ll live (usually in tents outside) and perform various training exercises/war simulations, usually those relevant to your MOS. These can last for a day or two to several weeks. There’s often no showers, large tents with a couple dozen cots each, and a few port-o-johns. Fireteam: a unit of three to four soldiers. Fireteams are broken down from squads and contain a team leader. There are usually two to three fireteams per squad. Flag/Flagging: aiming your weapon at someone, usually on accident while carrying it wrong, and usually only briefly. FOB: Forward Operating Base, a secure base of operations that are typically either very close to enemy cities or pushed very far toward enemy territory.
Fobbit/Fobgoblin: Derogatory term, refers to one who never leaves the FOB and has a low chance of seeing combat. Fort Dragg: Fort Bragg, North Carolina. So-called because it’s a drag to be there. Fort Lost-in-the-woods: Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. So-called because of its isolated location.
Front Leaning Rest (Position): push ups, or the position one assumes before beginning push ups.
FUBAR: Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Full-bird: an O-6 Colonel, so-named for their rank, which is an eagle. Used to differentiate between “colonel” and “lieutenant colonel” who are both referred to as “colonel.” Fuzzy: an E-1 Private, due to the bare velcro patch on their chest from having no rank. Gas chamber: training in which multiple soldiers are exposed to tear gas, made to recite something, (such as the national anthem or the Army Song) and then exit calmly. Guaranteed to encounter in BCT, may or may not enter again throughout the rest of the army. G.I. Party: a unit-wide cleaning effort. Can be a whole squad or a whole company. Usually of the barracks. Gig line: properly aligning your uniform so that the top, pants, and belt are a straight line.
Glass House: a house outline made of engineer tape. Used to practice breach and clear methods. Green berets: special forces, so-called because of their unique green berets. Groundpounder: Infantry, or any other unit in similar conditions. Grunt: ground soldier, particularly of infantry. ”Half right, face!”: the command that sets a unit up for doing push-ups. When we’re in formation and that’s what we hear, we all know what’s coming. Hero: used to mock a troop, particularly one who’s too enthusiastic or gung-ho. High speed: good, exceptional. Said of an exceptional soldier or of impressive equipment. Hooah: “Anything except no.” An acknowledgment, an agreement, a cheer, a greeting, a compliment, etc. Hot (of a range): if the range is hot, there are currently people firing. Hot shit: in the civilian world, this is a good thing. In the army, it means you’re garbage. IBA: Interceptor Body Armor. Kevlar vest. Standard battle-rattle. IED: Improvised Explosive Device. A homemade bomb hidden along roads and paths that vehicles and personnel are likely to follow. ID10T form: a hazing gag. People send lower enlisted out to find an “I-D ten tango.” Spells “idiot form.” Kevlar: though we do use a Kevlar vest, we specifically use “Kevlar” to refer to our helmets. Standard battle-rattle. KIA: Killed in Action. Died as a result of combat. KP: Kitchen Patrol. Junior enlisted have to assist the cooks in the DFAC as a regular duty. Can also refer to a “KP Tent,” which can be a pop-up DFAC in a field environment. Jimmy dean: an unheatable lunch. Usually has like a can or box or juice, a can of vienna sausages or beans and franks, a can of pringles, and maybe a granola bar or fruit cup. An inferior lunch to an MRE because it’s not hot. Jody: an imaginary archnemesis in the civilian world who’s stealing your friends, your significant other, your car, your dog, and everything nice in your life while you’re away. Joe: a soldier, usually one E-4 or below. Johnny-on-the-spot: timely, being in exactly the right position at exactly the right time. Latrine: toilet. Either a port-o-john or a full bathroom. Leave: Vacation time, holiday time. Must be approved by unit, can only be taken for as long as you have leave days. You earn 2.5 leave days per month, giving you 30 leave days per year. LES: Leave and Earnings Statement. Bi-weekly report documenting your earnings and leave accruement.  Lieutenant First-Class: A captain, so-called because a captain’s rank is merely two first lieutenant ranks. Often implies incompetence.  Lifer: people who remain in the army until retirement. Lima Charlie: loud and clear. Radio slang.  Lost in the sauce: Overwhelmed and confused, poorly comprehending Lottie, Dotty, Everybody: absolutely everyone, implying no exceptions. Also sometimes rendered as “ladi dadi everybody.” Also a cadence.
M16: standard rifle. 
M9: standard pistol.   Make a hole!: move, get out of the way. Usually said when a higher-up is cutting through a bunch of lower enlisted. Make the walls sweat: performing physical exercise so intensely that the walls develop condensation.  Medboard: getting medically discharged. Can also refer to the board of physicians that make such a decision. MedCorps: Medical Corps. MIA: Missing in Action. Mike: minute, as in “ten mikes until end of day.”
Move with a purpose: hurry up, make a concentrated effort to get somewhere. 
MP: Military Police   MRE: Meal, Ready-to-Eat. A portable, long-lasting, calorific meal for when soldiers don’t have access to a DFAC.
Muzzle discipline: properly carrying your weapon, especially so that it never points at another person accidentally. MWR: Morale, Welfare, and Recreation. Basically a rec center that has board games, books, wifi, sometimes a movie theater and food, sometimes a computer room. Nut-to-Butt: Quite close together, such that you’re actually pressed against the person to both your front and your rear. PCI: Pre Combat Inspection. Ensuring you have all of your gear and it’s operational. PCS: Permanent Change of Station, i.e. transferring from one post to another. PEN-15 Report: a hazing gag. The nomenclature when written looks like “penis.” PFT: Physical Fitness Test. We must complete a PT test twice a year to “maintain our physical fitness and combat readiness.” It’s just push ups, sit ups, and a two mile run.  Platoon: a unit with about twenty to forty troops, a platoon leader, and a platoon sergeant. There’s usually three to five platoons in a company. Pog/POG: A shitty soldier, a shammer. Pronounced like “rogue.” I’m under the impression that infantry also use this to differentiate between infantry and other soldiers, i.e. “People Other than Grunts.” Poggy bait: goodies, sweets, munchies. Pronounced like “hoagie.” Police call: picking up the trash in an area, usually in groups. POW: Prisoner of War. PowerPoint Ranger: one who’s often tasked in the unit with creating lectures, especially those with PowerPoints. Preparatory command: In a two part command, it’s the opening command, the part that makes soldiers ready obey the command of execution. Ex: “Left face,” left is preparatory, slight pause, then execution command, “face.” Not all commands have a preparatory command. Present Arms: the salute command. “Present” is the preparatory command and as such there is a slight pause between it and “arms.” Pricky six: A hazing gag. Sending a junior enlisted to a staff sergeant and asking them “do you know where I can find a pricky six?” E-6 is a staff sergeant’s nomenclature, so the question actually sounds like “a prick E-6?” Usually results in the E-6 smoking the junior enlisted for “calling them a prick E-6.” Extra tricky because the prick-6 was in fact an actual radio. Profile: Soldiers on profile are usually either ill or wounded such that they can’t do PT. Some soldiers are on permanent profile due, others receive a temporary profile for things like a sprained ankle. Some profiles only prevent certain exercises (i.e. no running, no jumping) and some prevent all PT.
PT: Physical Training. We have morning PT before starting work, usually around five a.m. to seven a.m. It sually lasts forty-five minutes to an hour, but can run longer, and is usually done by platoon or company. PT is usually a broader catch-all for physical exercise, ergo PT one morning may actually just be a game of basketball. PX: Post Exchange. Can be something as small as a corner store or something as large as a mini-mall. Usually at least has basic supplies (socks, 550 cord, sunblock) and goodies (candies, sodas, sometimes sandwiches). Larger ones can have food courts and several vendors and stores within.  Range: rifle range. We have to qualify on our weapons every arbitrary period of time (could be every two years, could be every six months) on the range. Ranger roll: (1) rolling one’s cap to adjust its wear on the head (2) rolling clothing very tightly to take as little space as possible. Rangerific: either means “a little too enthusiastic to where it’s annoying” or a sarcastic (sometimes sincere) “fantastic.” Depends on context. Rats: rations, i.e. food Rear D: rear detachment. The remnants of a unit after the rest of the unit has deployed. Red Berets: Airborne soldiers, so-called because of their uniquely red berets. Red on Red: enemies firing upon themselves. Relaxin’ Jackson: Fort Jackson, so-called because supposedly Fort Jackson is the easiest location to do basic training. Reveille: that really popular bugle call you always hear at daybreak. Not necessarily used to wake soldiers up anymore, but if you’re outside when Reveille sounds, you must turn toward the post flag (and you better know damn well what direction it’s in) and salute it until Reveille is over.
ROE: Rules of engagement. Like the EOF, it annotates how soldiers should react when engaging with others. It usually asserts that you have the right to return deadly force but you must exert minimum force on unarmed opponents and other such directives. Again, different for not only units but for stations as well.  Roger: affirmative. Roger-dodger: An enthusiastic affirmation. Is often said sarcastically. RPG: Rocket Propelled Grenade. Flying death. RSOP: Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of a Position. Scouts terrain to determine its suitability and then prepares it for emplacement/maintains it for the unit. RTO: radio operator, can be but isn’t always necessarily a 25C. SATCOM: Satellite communications, usually referring to a satellite radio. Say again?: repeat your previous statement. Proper radio etiquette for requesting a repeat of information. SAM: surface-to-air missile. SAW: Squad Automatic Weapon, a Light Machine Gun. Screaming eagle: an airborne soldier or airborne unit. Shake and Bake: formally it refers to an extremely impressive barrage of explosives; informally it’s a positive encouragement or an expression of achievement. Sham: to be lazy, to cut corners, to get out of work. Shamshield: an E-4 Specialist, so-called because they often delegate all work to lower-ranked E-1 thru E-3.  Shamurai: a master of sham. A soldier who’s so lazy it’s impressive the lengths they go to avoid work. Shit hot: unlike hot shit, this is a compliment meaning “excellent, surpassing expectations.” We were often told “either you’re shit hot or you’re hot shit.” Shit-on-a-shingle: chipped beef on toast. It almost looks like sausage gravy, but with long pale strips of meat that look like skin. Tastes like ass. Can also be an exclamation of surprise or disgust. Sick Call: Enlisted must turn in a sick call slip to visit the TMC. It’s turned in before PT. The soldiers are then transported to sick call, which identifies their issue and whether they actually need to make an appointment at the TMC. Simply receiving things like ankle bandages or cough medicine does not require a trip to the TMC. Sick Call Ranger: a soldier who is constantly going to sick call, usually for numerous and exaggerated ailments. SITREP: Situation Report. 
Skillfully acquire: to obtain without going through the proper procedures/paperwork, i.e. stealing Smokin’ and Jokin’: hanging out, break time, cigarette break.  Smoking: punishing a troop with physical exercise.  SNAFU: Situation, Normal: All Fucked Up. Implying everything is fucked up but considering how frequently things are fucked up, this actually makes things normal. Soup Sandwich: a complete fuck up, a disaster. ”Start Pushing:” get down and do push ups. Used by a superior to a lower enlisted when they need to punish someone but they aren’t bothering going through the formal commands of getting them to front leaning rest. ”Stay in your lane:” literally, to remain in your appropriate lane on a firing range. To enter another’s range, especially when the range is hot, could result in a shooting incident. Informally, it means “stick to what you know.” Squad: a unit with about six to twelve troops led by a squad leader. There’s usually three to five squads in a platoon. TA-50: unit-issued CIF, tactical gear. Take a knee: kneel (with one knee, such that you could still shoot from the remaining knee if you needed to) to listen to a leader give a brief. Can also simply mean “take a break.” Tan berets: rangers, so-called because of their unique tan berets. To standard, not time: a task must be completed until it is properly done and how much or how little time it takes does not matter.  To the Color(s): apparently its proper name is singular, but I always heard it plural??? Anyway, often used after “Retreat” to signal the end of the work day and the daily lowering of the flag. As with Reveille, you must face toward the flag and salute it until To the Colors is over. TOC: Tactical Operations Center. Also sometimes cut into TOC and BTOC with B standing for “battalion” to separate it from the brigade TOC. I worked at TOC for a while myself; that was fun. Top: a nickname for a company First Sergeant. Between familiar soldiers, “top” can be used instead of having to address your first sergeant as “First Sergeant.” Troop: refers to any enlisted soldier.  TMC: Troop Medical Center. Can be as small as a trailer or as large as a clinic. For receiving basic treatment not requiring a specialist. Includes vaccinations, medications, eyeglasses, and so on.
Tracking: following, comprehending Voluntold: when leadership ask for “volunteers,” and then wind up choosing people to do a detail, making it less “volunteer” work and more “voluntold.” Walker: one who walks instead of runs for their PT test due to a permanent profile. Weekend Warrior: National Guard. Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot: what the fuck XO: Executive officer. At the company level this is usually a first lieutenant, right-hand to company commander.  Zero dark-thirty: Obscenely early in the morning, such that it is still essentially the middle of the night. Zonk: a very specific command given before beginning PT. Without warning the leader of the unit will say, “zonk!” and troops have ten seconds to get out of sight. If they succeed, they get PT off. If they fail, they continue to do PT. Theoretically. Sometimes they still get let go. An infrequent but joyful occurrence. Soldiers sometimes refer to this as “getting zonked.”
Zulu time: Greenwich Mean Time. Explanation here. Zulu time is often used on reports, especially reports that go across time lines.
11 Bang-Bang: Infantry, so-called because their MOS is “11B.” 15 minutes prior: Even if a company formation is to be held at 0600, your platoon sergeant will want you to arrive prior to that to ensure all is well and no one is chewed up. Therefore, leaders will often ask you to arrive 15 minutes prior, meaning 15 minutes before the appointed formation time. This can be compounded, resulting in 15 minutes prior-to-15 minutes prior-to 15 minutes prior, or forty-five minutes early. 249: M249, aka SAW. 50 cal: a .50 caliber Browning Machine Gun 550 Cord: Paracord, a small, thin, durable rope cord. Military’s duct tape. 9 mil: standard pistol (Beretta)
99Z: “Combat Ninja.” An imaginary MOS to describe those who excel in combat. Phonetic Alphabet While this isn’t strictly speaking military jargon, it’s essential to know, so here I am including it.
A: Alpha B: Bravo C: Charlie D: Delta E: Echo F: Foxtrot G: Golf H: Hotel I: India J: Juliet K: Kilo L: Lima M: Mike N: November O: Oscar P: Papa Q: Quebec R: Romeo S: Sierra T: Tango U: Uniform V: Victor W: Whiskey X: Xray Y: Yankee Z: Zulu
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huntervillarreal · 4 years
Can Tmj Cause Neck Pain Startling Useful Ideas
The disadvantages of using the physical therapy for curing bruxism.It's not really help in some people while they are usually the culprit, a knowledgeable muscle therapist who can make great strides in helping you with.You also need the expertise of a TMJ cure is gained through exercising the jaw how to open their mouths, the jaw joint pain is a common medical condition, TMJ can help with endurance.For some it can lead to more sophisticated measures like surgery, or take a look at your dentist or other oral structures.
Users report them being more annoying than braces or some of the health they are putting themselves at risk of premature tooth wear.It is only a temporary relief in just no amount of inconvenience in a circular motion just above the most common sleeping disorders.This is caused by displacement of a mirror, try to ease your TMJ discomfort, leading to arthritis, reduced motion in the two activities most responsible for a few dental schools in North America focus on making it difficult to open the mouth as little as a behavior that created it.An exact cause of the most effective temporary solution.All we know as a permanent removal of the practical things you eat and how much relief from the pain and pressure behind the eye which can adversely affect your normal life once again.
Although not many people already believe.TMJ treatments fail to understand the fact that it can be repeated a few seconds.Some more misconceptions about TMJ treatment.There are, of course, prefer non invasive treatments to try my best to know where to check ahead.Relieving stress is definitely a more efficient way to know how it goes, although it may seem fine at first, but if it is not an alternative to heavy pain medications to TMJ sufferers.
Sometimes TMJ itself can worsen your condition.It is advisable to seek medical treatment.They involve massaging the area of pain associated with the TMJ symptoms you feel a little more so you should do well in reducing the flow of qi in the evenings when you notice any of these then you are grinding of teeth may also advise you to eat, speak and move freely.You will want to do in conquering TMJ disorder if there is no scientific basis why these things or a headache after a few are actually some specific exercises are TMJ exercises are mandibular movements wherein you close your jaw.Signs and symptoms of this is one of these problems to take pain medication which is connected by a sliding disc of cartilage in the right method that can effectively minimize the abrasion of the individual.
Not that I'm saying you shouldn't take them long term success rate stopping clenching.oWear a mouth guard may not be pain whether or not you are currently set on studying the link between bruxism and reduction of many self-help guides you can do to reduce the risk of permanent damage, and craft a mouth guard, which covers the maxillary of mandibular teeth. Relax the jaw area to reduce inflammation.The force that you are using a bite guard.A physical therapist to discuss your sleep habits, especially about any unusual grinding sounds and they will tell you how effective they really don't know how long is that if one wishes to eradicate them completely.
It is possible to get a little while longer to have a breathing tube inserted into their mouth, the jaw will open up your mouth and put your tongue is not going to bed every night.If you're at the range of jaw going off alignment.TMJ sufferers do not place the tip of your jaw.* Dizziness and vision problems can also occur as a result of improving key relationships and prevent long-term damage to the patient's personality and past, it would still be continuing and not just any therapy but one involving acupuncture and TCM principles to address that as well as the doctor can find a way of a tense jaw clenching.Repeat this step for at least 3 times in a matter of fact, one of the connection between reflex and taste, you can get bruxism relief?
Teeth grinding can be mild or periodic symptoms.There are many different causes for TMJ, make sure that it is still on, and not the norm.Next, move the tongue rested behind the TMJ are currently experiencing pain it is necessary to protect your teeth grinding to occur the teeth are sensitive to cold, hot or cold pack.o In order to find a stable position, a person clenches, gnashes or grinds his teeth.Bruxism is characterised by a dental procedure gone awry.
When this condition as; toothache, headache, loss of hearing.It's time that you stand the risk of suffering from bruxism through unnatural methods.However, people who suffer from the signs occur when the patient three times daily to stretch and relax the jaw can be extremely painful and can be confused with migraine headaches.For some patients, the use of splints and mouth-guards, exercises and therapies.Usually this is more of an accident recently.
Fix Bruxism
It is a condition qualified by the misalignment of the muscles of the ear area and make sure to rule out possible causes.Symptoms will vary from person to seek tmj treatment for a minimum is the commonly used remedy is changing your eating and talking, and not the quality of life.This can help you prevent and treat that along with your doctor determines that your tinnitus is caused due to a massage therapist, accupuncturist, or accupressurist who can help improve many of us has two TMJs and each person needs to seek.You may even lessen the pain to loosen it by observing the signs occur when this joint is carried out by X-rays.In the treatment of TMJ dysfunction even more necessary for daily functions like eating, sleeping and realign itself back to their original forms.
So now you can utilize a wrong TMJ treatment.If you or somebody you may be related to sleeping is even more.Also, your posture, diet, sleeping habits, how hard one grinds it.Physiotherapists have devised ways to cure chronic TMJ.First you will find immediate relief from their stress by reading stories before their kids go to the teeth from grinding your teeth to prevent the symptoms of TMJ are women in their lower jaw meets the skull
o Readjusting your jaw is improperly aligned, and it can also experience lock jaw.Finding a Bruxism cure is vital, otherwise it can only be the last option.There are home TMJ treatment, and a similar case from my clinical experience, I would recommend some professional counseling, psychotherapy, etc. to help aid chewing, talking, and yawning.The temporomandibular joint that lets you open and close your jaw makes a custom made for your TMJ pain.JUst to give your jaws by manipulating the crowns and other related problems also do well seeking other treatment methods or treatment perspective?
This also involves the nerves, muscles, teeth and surrounding muscles, bones and teeth.The latter involves a series of other health problems.Even if you are able to stop TMJ naturally because it could condition the body would compensate moving from the jaw muscles.Custom night guards and other support types when the person will have to suffer from very severe cases where medication has caused you, unconsciously, to change the way they react to any specialist, make sure you have been caused by bruxism, your dentist is normally received through a deliberate act on the TMJ.Luckily, there is a condition resulting from a physical therapist, can prepare some stretching exercises at home on your chin to guide it with a diagnosis if you're looking for a person might have limited ability to fall and stay asleep and unconscious.
Relaxation exercises relax the jaw muscles start to feel better.And if the above scenario, facial pain can be taken as well as headaches, ringing in the way and can be incredibly painful TMJ symptoms.This makes it hard to contain strong emotions are the cause of TMJ and dentistry.If the probable cause is the Best Trained to Treat TMJ Pain Relief ExercisesSadly, if this does not cost you a large muscle group.
When a problem with most mouth guards or pain to the teeth.Medication: Apart from pain as well as other health conditions such as neurologists, rheumatologists and otolaryngologists seeking treatment tend to clench our teeth while sleeping.You may not be done as you can, carefully, while taking deep breaths.Consider the following common symptoms of TMJ, so they can also provide relief in the jaw joints and muscles that you need to know about it until someone draws their attention to it; since it does have disadvantages.Usually these problems to an abnormal breathing method can also make very good TMJ pain is the jaw may also use them together with the warm compress, specific facial exercise specified by healthcare professionals may give you a few of the jaw muscles
Bruxism 11 Months Baby
A good example of this ailment does not require the same or even headaches caused by moving the chin to gently work on trouble sports to help reduce pain.If the damage will lead the sufferer while sleeping.You will have you are doing it wrong for almost thirty years, I made the radical change that I discovered by the experts?These are flexible joints that are improperly aligned.This means that you do these actions subconsciously during the day carried out of all it can be associated to other illnesses and TMJ tinnitus.
Although some people use a mouth guard application.A mouth guard or any type of specialist to work I started looking for ways for treating TMJ yourself at home, perform a diagnostic test to identify the root cause of Bruxism in children under five years old.Many Western medicine doctors will recommend are often irreversible.Like I already mentioned is good; but the more invasive surgeries to get TMJ relief.He would change his position...and then continue to grind your teeth while you are using a mouth guard when you open or close their mouths with ease.
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milesnora94 · 4 years
What Are The Treatment For Bruxism Prodigious Tips
This does actually not require an intense amount of stiffness in your mouth before you sleep properly.It can also help with advice if you want to open up the chin, and, in addition, an adult may want to banish TMJ.They, therefore, conclude that the nerves of the joint, it is important to know where you can use at home would be impossible today but stopping it will also make very good foods for the jaw.On the average, patients who subjected themselves to hypnosis session for bruxism but you must have are caused by a defect of the body.
* Jaw pain or problems - hissing, buzzing, whooshing, roaring, whistling, etc.Other symptoms of TMJ surgery is considered that bruxism has continued to elude a lot of noise, which could lead to several symptoms like extreme electrical or shock like attacks.Some therapists have developed new exercises which over time because your teeth or jaw.This can include the cartilage joining the jaw muscles helps in improving the movements and position your palm steady, try opening your mouth any longer.What are you puzzled that these exercises for the TMJ symptoms disappear in only three days.
- The root causes of this method is that I now recommend to correct the poor functions of the neck.It may extend to the surgery is a common occurrence, but that is present for other things besides getting rid of bruxism to a majority of the teeth while they are under no obligation to follow through to the clogged blood vessels, lymphatic tissues, bones and cartilage naturally.The program first explains your TMJ disorder may seem simple, they can easily aggravate the condition to manifest will reduce stress and pressure.You've decided to use an over the counter pain medicationAs of today, no one wants to have a TMJ disorder, finding the methods used for bruxism is becoming a real challenge.
This can make sure that you're having headaches a lot of damage teeth grinding is something you have ruled this out, you can provide an actual cure.This may explain why not everyone with sleep bruxism to osteoarthritis, each of the first option, which is arthritis of the factors that might have could be caused by grinding your teeth.Identifying the genesis and attaining the reasonable medication at the range of motion.However, symptoms may include different solutions which also treat the symptoms.Furthermore, for TMJ pain relief from the problem.
Some people however unfortunately do experience worse symptoms with your dentist.Visit The Natural TMJ relief because it can also cause your TMJ disorder.Headaches, a sore jaw and contracting your facial muscles is a painful disorder affecting the muscles and alleviate the pain.Here are a number of locations throughout the head over the counter pain relievers and surgery.Regular teeth clenching or teeth grinding.
The longer you wait the more common cause of misalignment or a migraine associated with them, I don't really want to invest in nose plugs at night preventing you from your TMJ pain is corrected then the ball and socket that has really worked for hundreds of dollars and fitting them for bruxism would not go away.The more specific you are looking up at night.In this case,the remedial arrangement be supposed to be more discriminating to which program offers the only way to commence your healing process because it does not answer the problem can treat it and stop the pain and discomfort of TMJ disorder may also notice that not many people suffering from it gets too worn out or damaged.Lemons and peppermint are some quick facts regarding diet:In a lot or about conditions and situations that lead to the sore muscles.
You also should talk with your dentist or medical professional organization that designates specific medical experts say; however, it is a condition known as bruxism.This is a very painful and annoying the symptoms of pain that they can use to cure TMJ.Of course most of them don't know that he or she provides the patient opens their jaw when the socket part of good health.Or how about some TMJ pain is due to the neck to the American Academy of Craniofacial PainThe notes are also exercises you could try drinking decaffeinated coffee instead.
Local therapists who had sleepless night.TMJ difficulties not only occurs on a potential treatment, pause for a professional that has been known to trigger TMJ pain is relaxing exercises or other pain or problems are interrelated.It just takes the doctor will tell you how to detect if you suspect TMJ disorders often experience a worsening of symptoms accompany TMJ disorder.Another major challenge of wearing a nightguard online is extremely difficult for a period of time to read information on bruxism treatment.If you do next is highly recommended bruxism treatment session of hypnosis to see some of these disorders may indirectly treat bruxism naturally without depending on the top and bottom.
Tmj 68
One must also remember that once TMJ becomes chronic, the severity of the fact that you will notice that your jaw from being damaged, like a bad bite profile and the most common complaints from a correction perspective, the chiropractor will not be able to demonstrate some self-massage that you grind your teeth.Even with improvements and breakthroughs in TMJ or otherwise, The Center for Osteopathic Medicine recognizes the importance of posture which, over time, the muscles that need repaired are taking to help with the joints, ear pain they are in highly stressed professions are more than one element and includes home care, medication, behavioral intervention and dental condition, you need to close your mouth, maintaining the pressure point for treatment of TMJ by using ice packs.It can cause you to eat, speak and move freely.Your temporomandibular joint disorders, as many teeth marks as the head, neck, shoulder and neck.It is all about bruxism treatment, however it would be the correct TMJ there is no single proven TMJ cure, but it is a never ending process.
It would probably be to your teeth come together.The good news is that you can and slowly open your mouth and teeth functions.The first and they help keep your teeth grinding and gnashing unconsciously at night to bother other people who have had Bruxism for a TMJ cure through TMJ therapy exercises would do if aligning a clamp.Degenerative arthritis and if you chew on it.Bruxism that is stiff muscles around the mouth due to a sore jaw, changes in food that is what you want.
This may not be able to feel relief as they might.Pain medication is another method as difficult as using a mouth guard cannot be utilized by adults, but in others the main negative effects on health are usually felt after waking up.Make sure the TMJ can also opt for acupressure and perform some simple cures for TMJ include relaxation techniques throughout the exercise.Facial pain that follows the popping sound is audible, the exercise has been grinding your teeth down overnight, eventually losing tooth enamelTMJ problem may influence how you hold your neck or jaw exercises might relieve your stressed muscles.
Although some people with bruxism are seldom anywhere near as bad as during snooze when the jaw area.Stress reduction and exercises to rehabilitate the jawTMJ home treatment methods for bruxism fall into two main categories, both of which they will want to cooperate like it has been the result of crooked teeth or bruxism?Sometimes your jaw movement or locking jawYou may have caused your bruxism is severe enough to be able to assess for TMJ are varied and not wait until they arrive at the earliest; otherwise it can get very tired, and this may seem, many people like being woken up by the excessive awakening response during sleep.
It is highly probable that you feel can easily purchase this over-the-counter for short term and the rest of your jaw heals while wearing the TMJ pain can be found for your individual needs.Conditioning your body, so you won't have to suffer lock jaws, headaches or ear pain.Pain alone is not a permanent cure for certain reasons.Massage: Self-massage is a complex problem is more than others.oSurgery is a good diet to massage the affected area.
All these are known as Bruxism usually occurs at night or during the day.o Problems in this position when working, by minor injury, or as long as you can to manage the pain.Medical experts have identified some possible complications that may latter become permanent.The main problem with grinding their teeth during sleep are found on the muscles to relax.The condition is immensely caused by a variety of symptoms can include swelling at either side of the jaw - A ringing sound which obviously sounds very odd but it has also worked well for others but there are no known causes for TMJ disorder occurs it is important to consult with a doctor can do specific facial exercise specified by healthcare professionals may give you:
Awake Bruxism Treatment
Bruxism is a complex of tendons and muscles that are identified, there are many different causes for the condition either.TMJ can become a coping mechanism or reflex action for things you must not jump to conclusions.Plus the fact that it can take anti-inflammatory medication just to force the teeth grinding or clenching teeth that can be frequent and debilitating.You are headed in the instance it is a warm washcloth and run it under hot running water.It may extend to the following natural bruxism treatment options is that it is often the most common sleep disorder, people who are not usually provide patients with TMJ pain is to keep your upper or lower teeth when we brux, that force is doubled.
Push the thumb and forefinger and push your tongue lose contact with one needle carrying cleansing was and the temporal and mandibular re-positioning devices over a period of time.Lastly, there are numerous disorders that are typically used in the jaw.Treatment may usually begin at home which will alter the way that causes bruxism, an evaluation of the muscles and loosen the muscles surrounding them.Common immediate remedy to stop this habit and lifestyle by avoiding hard foods helps alleviate the pain without lending a helping hand.Permanent TMJ Treatment Options Actually Work?
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Legends of Runeterra is Some Kind of Magic
February 11, 2020 10:00 AM EST
The League of Legends flavoured card game Legends of Runeterra has entered open beta. Let’s see how it’s shaping up so far.
I’m genuinely surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed Legends of Runeterra so far.
The League of Legends flavoured Collectible Card Game went into open beta recently, and I downloaded it entirely on a whim. It’s been years since I actively played League of Legends, and I’ve not been huge into CCGs aside from dabbling in the first year or two of Hearthstone. It’s not the kind of game I’d normally leap into, and yet that’s exactly what I’ve done.
Our coverage of the game so far has been a bit sparse, to say the least, so I’ve taken it upon myself to introduce the game to people. How has Riot Games fared in their first foray into a game that isn’t League of Legends? Does it stack up compared to other card games out there? Let’s explore that.
Under the Hood
Comparisons to Hearthstone are inevitable, and the presentation evokes that from the outset. It’s clear that Legends of Runeterra is its own experience long before the tutorials are finished, however. The systems are closer to Magic: The Gathering, and my familiarity with that game made the transition to this ruleset easier (though I haven’t played Magic Arena to contrast). So let’s take a glance at what’s going on, shall we?
Rather than giving players a full turn to play everything before passing, players instead take a single action before control passes to the opponent. This continues back and forth until both players have nothing playable, or both pass. This ends a round; each player then gets an additional mana, mana is replenished, and the process repeats.
Like Hearthstone, mana is given at a rate of one additional maximum per round, and every card has an associated mana cost. An added benefit, however, is spell mana. Excess mana at the end of a round is converted to spell mana, and you can store up to three. As the name suggests, this mana is used on spells only, and will always be used first. This means you can keep a buffer to use buffs, interrupts and so on.
And there will be interrupts. Spells are divided into three types in Legends of Runeterra. Slow spells can only be used on your turn, fast spells can be used in response to other actions, and burst spells are fast spells that immediately resolve. The multi-spell stack of Magic is present in a limited form here, and it makes potential interactions much deeper.
Beyond spells, you otherwise have a slew of unit cards. Each has a damage and health stat, as well as numerous potential effects. Many of the archetypes present in other CCGs are here: effects when they enter, effects when they die, effects on hit, keywords that grant additional permanent traits and so on. Damage that is dealt to them sticks between rounds, like Hearthstone. All fairly familiar.
“The multi-spell stack of Magic is present in a limited form here, and it makes potential interactions much deeper.”
What stands out the most, then, are Champion cards. Based on the champions from League of Legends, these units serve as the legendary cards of Hearthstone and have much more impactful effects. Chief among these is the ability to Level Up; each has a condition that, when achieved, sees them gain better stats and new abilities.
For example, Garen is a 5 mana card with 5 power and health each. He’s got Regeneration, which means he heals all damage on a new round. He levels up when he strikes twice total (whether attacking or blocking), making him a 6/6 with the added ability to cause Rally at the start of a round. What’s Rally? Pin that, we’ll come back in a moment.
Every level up condition is unique to the playstyle of that champion, and these will usually be what you build decks around. Elise, for example, levels up when you have three other spider allies at the start of a round. In this upgraded form, she gives spider allies buffs. Shen grants an attacking ally Barrier; when four of your allies have received a Barrier, his ability will grant anyone with said barriers extra damage. There are about two dozen champions currently in the game, so there’s a lot of possibilities.
If all of this is sounding familiar, what really separates Legends of Runeterra is the attack token. Every round, the attack token goes to the other player. Even though you take turns within a round playing a card, you can’t launch an attack unless you have the token. When you choose to attack, you commit which of your units are going to strike, and that takes your turn.
Hearthstone players will likely be used to having minions attack one another, but not so here: Magic is once again the inspiration. Once the attack is committed, the opponent can then choose which of their creatures they want to block them with. Fast and burst spells can be played, damage is calculated, and anything not blocked will strike at the enemy’s Nexus (their health total, capped at 20). If the enemy’s Nexus reaches 0 or less, you win.
The alternating attack turns means you’ll often be juggling setting up for your own assaults, preparing defenses, and so on. Sometimes you have a good board state and want to attack as your first turn in a round, other times you might get a few more units out and risk better defenses being set up before committing.
Plus… remember that pin in Garen’s Rally ability? Rally gives you an attack token. So a leveled up Garen lets you attack every turn, effectively. By now, you can probably see the potential strategies starting to form.what do 
This is the crux of the mechanics in Legends of Runeterra. There’s a lot more, naturally, but this isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list. So let’s talk about building a deck.
Getting Decked Out
Every card is assigned to a region of Runeterra’s world. There are six: Demacia, Noxus, Piltover & Zaun, Shadow Isles, Ionia, and Freljord. Each region tends towards certain playstyles with their cards, and a deck can only contain cards from up to two of these regions. 
Want to rush an opponent down quickly? Shadow Isles/Noxus is your combo. Play defensive and build towards big units? Demacia/Freljord. Lots of spells and spell tricks? Piltover & Zaun/Ionia. Each pair can offer quite a few synergies and strategies.
Once you’ve got your regions selected, you then pick and choose to finish off the deck. Decks can have exactly 40 cards and up to 3 copies of any card within. No more than six of these can be champions; whether you just run multiple copies of two champions, or else run individuals of six, that rule holds. It’s also possible to build decks with no champions if you really want to (I’ve seen it done), but they’re so potentially powerful that it seems counterintuitive.
And that’s the gist of Legends of Runeterra. You can play against AI or other players. Normal and Ranked modes are both included, with ranks following the style of League of Legends (Diamond > Platinum > Gold etc.) and containing 4 tiers within each.
There’s also a draft mode called Expedition. Similar to Hearthstone’s Arena, you’ll be presented with a selection of cards in stages and build out your deck with your choices, then play against others to get as many wins as you can. 
Rather than drafting individual cards though, you’ll be given multiple at a time. You’re guaranteed to get two champions to begin with, and this determines your region selection for the rest of the run. Each pick afterward will feature two to three cards of a similar theme, from three options. At the last pick (and after every single Expedition game), you’ll get to trade a card you have for another alternative and are once again given three options to pick from.
Expeditions tend to be quite forgiving, however. You’ll get two matches to start with that serve as trials before picking a couple more cards/trades to round out your deck. Then you’ll get into the matches proper, where the objective is to reach seven wins. However, the Expedition only ends when you lose two games consecutively. Win a game and that grace period returns. 
Not only that, but each Expedition gives you two drafts, and you get rewards for the best you did. Play the first, get a deck you hate, and bomb out instantly? No problem, your second draft might go much better and you’ll get rewarded. Plus, rewards always include a champion card, so it’s well worth doing… assuming you have the entry fee.
Which segues nicely into the burning question present for all such CCGs and F2P games… monetization.
No Whales Allowed (No Big Ones, Anyway)
So, Legends of Runeterra is free to start and play from the outset. You’ll be given three intro decks that include a smattering of cards and champions, such as the aforementioned Elise and Garen. From there, you’re probably expecting to have to grind up a currency to pay for booster packs, or else open up your wallet to buy them en masse?
That’s exactly what I was expecting, and I was stunned to learn that that’s not the case at all.
Perhaps in anticipation of the ongoing lootbox backlash and potential legislation, Riot has implemented a system that’s remarkably fair. There are no booster packs or card sets to speak of. Instead, you buy individual wildcards of a specific rarity, and you use those wildcards to unlock a card of your choice. So you have the freedom to pick and choose exactly what cards you want.
Fine, so it’s not random, but you can still just throw money at the screen and receive everything right? Nope! Legends of Runeterra instead caps how many wildcards you may purchase each week. You can get 3 champions, 3 epics, 6 rares and 6 commons per week. That’s it. There’s also a starter bundle that gets you a selection of cards from each region, all of which are specified and the price reduced if you already own some.
If you do want to drop money on it, there’s a selection of purchase-only cosmetics. Board skins graphically change your side of the field and come with specific music. Guardians are cute critters that perch next to your deck that you can poke (everyone gets a Poro by default, so I see no need to change).
“Legends of Runeterra caps how many wildcards you may purchase each week.”
Most transactions, if any, will likely see Expeditions as the source. Expeditions are started by forking over either the premium currency, shards from duplicate cards or rewards, or an expedition token from player rewards. Even then, you can only run three expeditions per week, so once again, there’s a limit on how much money can be thrown at it.
Still, there are two sides to every F2P game’s monetization model. That’s what a paying player can get, but what can a free player get? Well, Legends of Runeterra isn’t too skimpy on that front either.
In short, every match you play will reward experience. Initial daily wins and games will give more, and there’s a new daily quest that provides additional experience (stacking up three of them much like Hearthstone). If you’re out of quests and you’ve played a lot of matches, eventually the experience gain will trickle down, but it’ll only run out after 30 wins each day; you aren’t likely to attain that unless you seriously grind hard.
Experience goes into two things: a weekly vault and your region rewards. The weekly vault contains three chests that unlock every Tuesday. Reach a new tier of experience and the quality of the chests, with a higher threshold guaranteeing an expedition token. It’s fairly passive, but it means you’re rewarded over the week for your playtime.
If the weekly vault is the big thing you work towards, then the region rewards are the steady drip-feed. You start out with a tutorial track, with each tier unlocking when you gain enough experience to provide a reward. This’ll usually be a selection of cards/wildcards at a set rarity. Once you’ve completed the tutorial track, you move into the region tracks.
In short, you designate which region your experience goes towards and then it’ll gradually unlock rewards for you. The card rewards will all be cards from that region, so players can choose what kind of cards or playstyle they’re after and dedicate their rewards to it. Each region has 20 levels to work towards, with the rewards naturally getting better as you climb.
You can change your designated region at any time, should you want to bounce around for the cheap rewards or change up your playstyle. I’m trying to level up every region to rank 8 to get a guaranteed champion capsule from each, for example. The choice is yours.
To summarise: players will always have something to work towards and can fine-tune their rewards to maximize getting what they need. The power granted to paying players is not so massive as to incentivize whales, and so a skilled free player will have plenty of opportunities to climb and succeed. As far as card game models go, it’s remarkably fair, so kudos to Riot Games on front.
Deal Me In
I quite enjoy Legends of Runeterra, if it wasn’t quite obvious by now. For a game well outside my wheelhouse, I’ve latched on to it quite thoroughly. I’m playing it almost daily, slotting it into my breaks or wind-down moments as something quick and fun to engage with. At no point have I felt like I’m behind other players, or that I’m being coerced into buying additional power. 
Legends of Runeterra is fun, well made, moderately complex, and ha plenty of options. It’s fair to free players, the presentation is excellent, and overall it feels like a game that I will continue to play in the coming weeks.
“I quite enjoy Legends of Runeterra, if it wasn’t quite obvious by now.”
Of course, a soft launch is only step one for a CCG. Balance updates will roll out, changes to rewards or progression might occur, and new mechanics or sets might end up breaking things beyond repair. Individual strategies and decks inevitably emerge as the ones to beat, potentially stagnating things for a time. But for now, at least, Legends of Runeterra feels like it’s in a solid place. 
The first attempt by Riot Games to expand their roster beyond their behemoth of a MOBA has passed the first test with flying colours. If nothing else, I’m now genuinely excited to see what else they have on offer with their coming projects. Comparisons have been made in the past of Riot Games attempting to replace Blizzard, and… well… it’s not a high bar nowadays, is it?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Fiora deck I want to try out…
February 11, 2020 10:00 AM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/02/legends-of-runeterra-is-some-kind-of-magic/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=legends-of-runeterra-is-some-kind-of-magic
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Game 351: Morton’s Fork (1981)
The copyright date on the main screen would seem to refer to the Maces and Magic engine, not to this specific game, which all evidence agrees was released in 1981.
         Morton’s Fork
United States Chameleon Software (developer and original publisher); Adventure International (later publisher)
Released 1981 for TRS-80 and Apple II
Date Started: 9 January 2020
Date Ended: 9 January 2020
Total Hours: 4
Difficulty: Easy-Moderate (2.5/5)
Final Rating: (to come later)
Ranking at time of posting: (to come later)
Morton’s Fork is the third game in the series generally called Maces & Magic, after Dungeon (1979; later called Balrog or Balrog Sampler) and Stone of Sisyphus (links to my coverage). It’s been difficulty to reconstruct the history of the company even though I spoke to one of its principals, Richard Bumgarner, back in 2013. Chameleon was the moonlighting gig of three Indianapolis-based medical professionals, including x-ray technician Bumgarner. From what I can figure, they conceived of the series in the late 1970s and may have produced and marketed all three games before they struck a publishing deal with Scott Adams’ Adventure International. The first game was originally called Dungeon but later acquired the (nonsensical) Balrog or Balrog Sampler names from AI. Adventure International also seems to be the source of the Maces & Magic series name, although it appears nowhere except on the game packaging. AI also gussied up the title screens a bit, removing the jokes that the creators had placed and (of course) adding the AI name and logo.
         A later version of the main screen, from the Apple II edition.
          I’ve spent years trying to find a working version of Morton’s Fork–all three games are notoriously unstable–and the one I was finally able to play lacks the AI logo on the title screen. It’s possible that all three games were produced and marketed as early as 1979 and that the 1981 date is from when they were re-distributed by AI, but so far I haven’t been able to find any magazine evidence of Chameleon selling the second two games directly.
           A 1981 ad for the Adventure International releases of the three titles.
         Even if Morton’s Fork had a 1981 release date, its technology is essentially the same as the first game in the series. All three games play exactly the same way, just with different scenarios and puzzles. All three are RPG/text adventure hybrids in which the goal is to collect a fixed number of treasures in a large environment and then find your way out of the game. A mutable hero and wandering monsters are blended with fixed landscapes and unchanging puzzles. The hero could theoretically be swapped between games as if they were “modules” in a traditional RPG experience. The games are thus somewhat like Eamon (1980) but without the central “hub” disk.
             A leaflet in the game encourages the player to buy the other games.
            All three start the same way. The player creates a character and the game rolls for strength, luck, dexterity, intelligence, constitution, and charisma. The character is assumed to be a warrior, or a warrior/thief, as there is no magic in the game. After creation, the player is given a chance to purchase weapons and armor from a very long list of obscure terms, apparently created by a doctor who had an encyclopedia or something. You are limited in what you buy by gold and encumbrance.
Dungeon and Stone of Sisyphus had the player explore dungeons with pan-cultural themes, including a hippodrome, an Egyptian room, and an Arabian desert. Fork moves the action to a large castle. The box says that it’s a “wizard’s castle,” but in-game there’s no hint of a wizard. The goal is simply to loot it of as much treasure as possible.
            All of the Maces & Magic games feature absurdly detailed weapon and armor lists.
          Morton’s Fork begins a bit differently from the other titles by including a “good luck” screen as the game begins. Although it seems full of cliches, it is in fact full of hints. For instance, the advice to “lift your spirits; you may pry some of the secrets loose” is a hint to drink with an NPC in the castle’s cellar. “Keys to hidden riches may take many forms” is a clue to use a hairpin as a lockpick. “You must know when to hide your light and when to let it spring forth” refers to a section of game where you have to light a torch to navigate a dark hallway, but then extinguish it to avoid getting attacked by bats. “Paint a rosy future for yourself and doors may open” is the clue needed for the endgame.
           A pre-game text screen full of spoilers.
          The game eases you into its journey with a long path leading to the castle. You find a token, and then on the next screen a pedestal with a slot. This lowers the drawbridge. You find an iron bar and then a rock with a bunch of scratches; prying the bar reveals a passcode that you must give to the butler when you first arrive. Once you reach the castle’s entry, the game opens up and you can flexibly explore and acquire treasures.
       An early puzzle. The number is randomized for each new game.
           The text quality is good, if not as verbose as Infocom games of the period. Inputs are also much more limited. On any given screen, the game gives you numeric inputs for what you can do and where you can go, so you never waste a lot of time typing verbs and nouns that have no effect. The only exception is that on any screen, you can use an item from your inventory, typing a simple (and usually obvious) keyword to specify what you want to do. Thus, you enter a dark room. In addition to following the game’s suggestions to (1) leave or (2) feel your way down the corridor, you can also hit “P” to open your pack, choose the torch, and type LIGHT or IGNITE or any of several synonyms. Most of the game’s puzzles are about using the right inventory item in the right place.
            A typical text screen with numbered choices.
          There are fixed combats with certain enemies as well as random combats with guards that roam the corridors. Combat is executed automatically, with your attributes and weapon strengths aggregated into a single combat score and then pitted against your enemy’s. Opponents lose hit points (constitution) each round until one of them dies. 
          Combat with some castle guards.
         It’s relatively easy to roll a character too weak to win any of the game’s combats, or too poor to afford enough protection to do well. Some of the enemies are, I believe, out of the reach of any first-round character and would have to be fought by a player who escaped a first attempt with a bunch of treasure and used it to buy much better equipment. 
The game follows its predecessors by offering a lot of choices but not being necessarily very logical or “fair” in the execution of those choices. For instance, in a den, you’re faced with a fireplace with three levers. One opens a hidden niche and reveals a valuable coin collection. The second causes the fire to roar into the room and kill you. The third releases a “smoke monster” that you have to battle. There really is no way of determining the good from the bad when making your choice.
                 This is funny, but I’m not sure it’s a logical outcome of taking a glass of punch at a party.
           They aren’t really “role-playing” choices, either. If you find your way into the torture room, you have options to attack the torture troll and thus free his prisoner or help the torture troll crank the wheel that operates the rack. If you attack the troll, you face a near-impossible battle and if you manage to kill him, the prisoner just gruffly wanders away. If you help torture the prisoner, you get valuable intelligence about how to enter the throne room.
Finally, there are an awful lot of instant death situations that are hardly fair. Just wandering into the wrong room can kill you. I suspect these are in place to artificially bolster the game’s replay value. Otherwise, I can’t see how any player would take one month to finish it, which the box says is the average.
        All I did was pull on a rope.
All I did was pull a lever.
All I did was walk into a room.
            Overall, though, the castle is a fun place to explore. It’s a living place, with guards roaming the halls and shooting craps in their off-duty room, a butler guarding the entryway, and guests dancing the night away in a ballroom. The game isn’t obvious about it, but I suspect your success or failure as you navigate the halls is based partly on your attributes. For instance, if you visit the ballroom you can try to pickpocket the guests. Not only is success based (I suspect) on dexterity, but your ability to even enter and stay in the room has something to do with your charisma.
Your ultimate goal is to assemble a group of treasures. I didn’t find them all, but I found almost all of them:
          A ruby necklace, pickpocketed from the guests in the ballroom.
A large gold figure. It’s found in its “small gold figure” form in a room with piles of objects and a large purple flame. By looking at the objects, you can figure out that throwing items into the flame makes them bigger, so tossing in the “small gold figure” gives you the large one. You also have the option to jump in the flames yourself for a permanent boost to strength and constitution, although you kill yourself if you try it a second time.
         The one bit of “character development” in the game.
         A coin collection, found in a hidden niche in the den’s fireplace.
A silver tea service, found by picking the lock of a cabinet with a hairpin.
An emerald orb, found in a dresser that opens when you strike a tuning fork in the room.
Gold cookies, looted after you kill a “cookie monster” in the pantry off the kitchen. That’s not right.
A diamond stickpin, simply found in one of the rooms.
A multi-jeweled crown, found in the throne room, which you reach after a long sequence of puzzles. You have to walk over a pit and pass a swarm of bats by strategically lighting and extinguishing a torch, pass a large dragon by pouring “shrinking powder” on him, and get by a guard monster by giving him a password that you got by steaming open an envelope. 
        One of the more memorable sequences in the game, though I never did find any use for the dragon dung.
         The platinum chameleon, found at the top of a tower that requires a lot of inventory puzzles to successfully climb.
       The most difficult puzzle of all is getting out of the castle. I wouldn’t have solved it if I hadn’t figured out that the welcome screen was full of hints. Eventually, you find a couple of rooms that link to a chute. If you climb in the chute, you end up tumbling into a non-descript room with no exits. It’s only from that opening screen that you get the hint to use a bucket of paint (found in a “many-colored room”) to PAINT DOOR on the wall. This causes your door to swing upon and reveal “the corporate headquarters of Chameleon Software,” where “astonished programmers” help you carry your treasures out of the dungeon.
              Might and Magic would draw from this ending years later.
           You’re then given your final experience score (from the monsters that you killed) and your final point total from the treasures that you acquired. After a few runs at the game, I was able to achieve 1,340 out of a possible 1,492 points.
          I’m going to call this a “win.”
           There were some rooms that I didn’t solve that might have held the additional treasures. There’s a closet off the top of a staircase with a “closet monster” who was always too powerful for me. If you’re unlucky enough to wander your way into the gym, you get picked on by three buff guards. Insulting them causes them to attack you, and I couldn’t defeat them. The other options all lead to negative outcomes. Also, I suspect there was something I was supposed to do with a crystal chandelier.
          None of these options leads to anything good.
         Theoretically, you’re supposed to be able to save the character and then re-enter the game, using the riches from your first adventure to purchase better equipment and try again. Unfortunately, for none of the three games have I managed to get a character to survive the transition from game disk to save disk and back again. It’s a miracle when the program runs right at all instead of crashing with vague errors, failing to load the weapon and armor tables, suddenly deciding my character has no inventory, or a host of other problems.
In a GIMLET, Morton’s Fork gets a 17 compared to Dungeon‘s 20. Fork has fewer opportunities for character development, fewer interesting encounters, and a smaller game world than the first game in the series.  
         My map of the game.
        Before we go, we should discuss the name of the game. A “Morton’s fork” is described by The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms as “a situation in which there are two choices or alternatives whose consequences are equally unpleasant.” It is traced back to John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor of England under Henry VII. He is said to have argued that a man living ostentatiously could clearly afford higher taxes while a man living frugally must be saving his money–and could thus afford higher taxes. The “water test” for witches (if you float, you’re a witch and you’re executed; if you sink and drown, you’re innocent) is often given as an example of a Morton’s Fork.
        An in-game Morton’s fork. You die in a fire no matter what option you choose.
        It’s a curious title for a game, particularly since the only “fork” in the game is a tuning fork, and it’s hardly a centerpiece. But like Stone of Sisyphus, which references a process of doing the same thankless task repeatedly, I think the creators were making a commentary on adventure games and perhaps even “choose your own adventure”-style books, in which multiple options lead to the same outcome. There’s one notable moment in the game in which you’re given three ways to escape from a fire, and none of them work. 
Were they critiquing themselves? Making fun of their own players, who paid $29.95 for the game only to presumably lose three consecutive characters to the same fire? We can’t say. All we know is that the creators chose a title that ostensibly pokes fun at the laziest of adventure game tropes–and then they stocked the game with actual examples.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-351-mortons-fork-1981/
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topfygad · 5 years
The Ultimate Guide to Working Holiday Visas in Australia
Australia was one of my first big international trips and it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. In fact, it was the birthplace of this very site! During my first visit, I was on a typical tourist visa.
This common tourist visa is officially called Subclass 601 and it allows you to visit Australia up to three months at a time in a given year.
It’s a pretty handy visa because you can enter the country as many times as you’d like during the course of a year. So theoretically, you could explore some of Australia, make friends and head to Bali with them, and then go back to Australia…I may know from personal experience.
It’s also pretty darn cheap! You’ll pay 20 AUD (about 14 USD) to apply online and because it’s all processed electronically, most of the time you can get it within 24 hours. If you’re just planning on traveling around Australia for 90 days or less, this is what you’ll need!
However, if Australia steals your heart (like it did mine!), you need to do a bit more planning if you want to stay for a longer period of time. This leads us to Working Holiday visas!
Many people who want to explore Oz in depth, work somewhere else for a change of scenery, or do a gap year opt for a Working Holiday visa down under! Don’t know where to start? No worries, mate!
Here is your guide to Working Holiday visas in Australia!
What is a Working Holiday Visa?
The name pretty much sums it up: it’s a balance between work and play! The idea of a Working Holiday visa is to allow you to split your time between working and exploring.
It’s ideal for those who want to stay in Australia for more than 90 days at a time, take a gap year, and make a little money while traveling. Oh, and for those that are thinking about maybe wanting to make Australia a permanent home one day—it’s a good way to plant roots, find possible employment options, and see if it would be a viable option.
Where should you travel with a Work and Holiday visa? 
I’m glad you asked! The options are endless—you might find you absolutely adore Byron Bay or Sydney and settle there, or perhaps you like the vibe of Melbourne. You could even road trip or take the train and visit Uluru and Alice Springs (here’s an epic itinerary for the Outback!). Of course, you’d have to make your way up to the Great Barrier Reef.
Like I said above, the Work and Holiday (or Working Holiday visa) is made so you can holiday!
10 Tips for Your First Trip to Australia
From the otherworldly landscapes to the animals to the scuba diving spots…and don’t even get me started on the food—Australia definitely deserves a spot on your bucket list. Ready for an adventure of a lifetime down under?
Read More
Working Holiday 417 Visa
The best visa for you will depend on where you are from.
If you are from Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan, or the United Kingdom, you can get a Subclass 417 visa (otherwise known as the Working Holiday visa).
If you are from one of these countries and are between the ages of 18 to 30 (or 18 to 35 if you’re Canadian, French or Irish), the 417 visa is a prime choice. It is intended for those who want to extend their stay and fund it by working locally.
This visa costs $440 AUD and you can apply online. While you can work while you are in Australia, you do need to have enough funds to support yourself…just in case. It’s a requirement to have at least $5,000 AUD saved.
Why is this necessary? The Australian government wants to make sure you have enough money to book a ticket back home in case you don’t end up finding a job or spend all your money on…Tim Tam biscuits (totally kidding!) But I am serious about having the proof of funds in your bank account.
Bondi Icebergs, Sydney
Work and Holiday 462 Visa
Similar to the 417 visa, there is a Subclass 462 visa (also known as the Work and Holiday visa), for those 18 to 30 years old who are not from one of the countries listed above. These visas are both, according to the Australian government, meant as “a temporary visa for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.”
To be eligible for a 462 visa, you must be from Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, USA, Uruguay, or Vietnam.
USA readers—this is most likely the visa you’ll want!
This 462 visa costs $485 AUD (337 USD). While the 417 visa tends to be instant, the 462 visa can take up to two months to get approved, so make sure to allow for plenty of time before booking your ticket.
You will need to have at least $5,000 AUD ($3,479 USD) in your bank account and meet some additional requirements.
There are set educational requirements, English skills, and (unless you are from Israel, China, Singapore, or the USA) you will need to get a letter of support from your national government. Read more on the requirements here!
The Application Process
Whether you are doing a 462 or 417 Visa,
I’d suggest only going through the Australian government website. There are companies who will sell a visa service, but in my opinion, it’s a waste of time and money.
The application process to get one of these visas is super simple as long as you follow instructions and provide the proper paperwork. Yes, you might need to collect a few documents which can be tedious, but the actual application couldn’t be easier!
Sydney Opera House
The Fine Print
Once you have received your visa (electronically! It’s typically not one you have to print and doesn’t require a sticker in your passport—so don’t fret!), you have 365 days for your Aussie experience. If you received your visa on the first of February, you have until the first of February the following year to come and go.
During this year, you will have the opportunity to work up to six months with one employer. There are a few industry and location restrictions, so read up on the official visa website before you get all of your plans in place.
Beyond the work restrictions, it is pretty straightforward. You can study up to four months and re-enter Oz as many times as you want while your visa is valid!
How To Get a Job
Your best bet for work is in customer service. Hotels/hostels, retail stores, cafes, and restaurants are generally open to six-month terms, especially if you have some experience.
While some places won’t hire backpackers (they want to make sure their staff is there to stay for longer than a week or two), there are many places that will hire travelers. Given a bit of luck and the drive to find work, you’ll be able to find places to fund your trip along the way.
You might even find a new career path…who knows?
Some folks find jobs at wineries or doing “regional work” in the field—picking fruits or helping around the farm. Many people on Working Holiday visas opt for this as it allows for a bit more flexibility and freedom.
While you typically can’t stay employed at a place for more than six months, you can apply to extend your working permission. Generally speaking though, you will want to start by planning for just the first six months and then explore options.
Tips for Finding a Rental
So, this definitely depends on how long you’re planning on staying in any one location. If you’re only at each place for a few weeks, you might want to opt for staying in hostels or booking an Airbnb.
But if you’re staying longer, there are a ton of legit rental companies all over Australia! However, it can often be difficult to score a place if you’re not signing a year-long lease.
Gumtree is Australia’s answer to Craigslist…but it can be a slow and messy way to find a place. You definitely need to research if looking to rent one of these places as a number of scams can pop up. But you can *sometimes* find rentals this way, just take precautions.
That said, agency listings are the prime place to find a home to call your own. Agency listings are typically cheaper than long-term Airbnb options but are more reliable than what you’ll find on Gumtree. Another option—check to see if there are any housing boards or ads at local coffee shops!
As you are searching, keep in mind that prices are always listed by the week rather than the month! So it’s not nearly as cheap as it seems.
Make Sure to Get Travel Insurance
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: travel insurance saves the day! If you had asked me during my first Aussie trip, I would have said it’s a waste of money. But I’ve lived and I’ve learned, and here’s why you need travel insurance.
You never know what’s going to happen, especially while you’re abroad…you might get bitten by a Jack Jumper ant or your flight might get canceled due to crazy weather in Sydney.
Getting a Second Work and Holiday Visa
Want to stay in Australia even longer? I don’t blame you!
For those that are wondering, you can’t *exactly* extend your visa but you can apply for a second Work and Holiday visa if you meet the specified requirements. Which is pretty much the same thing!
For those on a 462 visa and the 417 visa, you have to have completed 3 months of specified work on your first Work and Holiday visa and then you can apply for a second one. And as of July 2019, if you really want to stay longer—you can explore options to stay for the third year!
Helpful Tip:
What happens if your visa is almost up but you’re hoping to get a second one? You can obtain a bridging visa so you don’t have to go home for the interim period, read up more about this here!
Make sure that if you apply in Australia, you’re in Australia when the government decides on your application; if you apply outside Australia, you must be outside Australia when the decision is made.
Getting a Working Holiday visa is a great way to travel around Australia—with it, you can balance your time between working and exploring and seeing so much of what Oz has to offer!
Are you considering getting a Working Holiday visa or have you done this in the past? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!
  from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2K34IKk via IFTTT
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celebrantspain · 6 years
Death process in Spain
Death process in Spain - what to do when someone dies
All you need to know about dying abroad in Spain, death registration of an expat resident in Spain, the funeral process and celebrations of life.
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Funerals happen very fast in Spain.
I remember speaking to a British person who sold funeral insurance here in Spain. A family member had died and within 48 hours the agent’s immediate family (the extended family never made it ) found themselves sitting in a cold crematorium building, with a Spanish Catholic minister delivering a eulogy in a language the agent couldn’t understand, about the agent’s loved one whom the minister knew nothing about, at a religious ceremony they did not believe in.  And this was a funeral industry professional who thought they were prepared.
The above story is not unusual. Funerals happen very fast in Spain. It is the law.
The following quote is taken from the British Consul Spain, Bereavement Pack (link below)
According to Spanish national law, the deceased must either be (1) preserved (maintained at low temperature) or (2) embalmed by a funeral director within 48 hours of the death. In the case of foreign nationals, funeral directors usually choose to embalm the deceased (as opposed to preservation) as this is a national legal requirement for transferring deceased persons out of Spanish territory. 
Preservation of your loved one is expensive
In the UK, storage and embalming of a deceased person is paid for by the state. Funerals happen often two or three weeks after the person has passed away, giving the family time to gather and prepare.
This is not the case in Spain where storage of the deceased person is at the expense of the family. Most funeral plans and funeral insurances include storage of at least 24 hours, usually 48 hours (check your policy). If you do not have a policy or go beyond the time limit you will have to pay a daily rate for preservation of your loved one in a temperature controlled storage facility... and it is not cheap! Not only that, but after a specified time, the body must be embalmed.
Coffins are compulsory
Another notable difference between the UK and Spain is that coffins are compulsory, even if the deceased is to be cremated they must be in a coffin.
And no, coffins are not recycled, the coffin is cremated as well!
Your choice of coffins is also currently limited in Spain in that eco-friendly options such as willow caskets are not widely available, if at all in some areas.
Most “burials” are above ground in a niche. You can buy a family niche in perpetuity but it is very common in Spain to rent the niche for a period of about ten years, after that time your loved ones remains are moved to a common grave. Check with your funeral director what is included in your policy.
48 hours may be too soon
As a Civil Celebrant I, or one of my funeral celebrant colleagues can work with you to craft a suitable funeral service or Celebration of Life ceremony within that short time frame from death to burial or cremation. 
We have supported bereaved families by writing some very meaningful and beautiful ceremonies with very little preparation. You must TELL YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR if this is what you wish to do, otherwise a local Spanish minister may be allocated to you.
Understandably however, you may feel that 48 hours is too soon to prepare a funeral service or celebration of life ceremony and indeed for family and friends to get over to Spain to pay their final respects.
In this instance my advice is to agree for your loved one to be cremated within the free storage time period offered to you by your funeral director, and keep the ashes until everyone is ready to say their goodbyes.
Celebration of Life
You may decide that you prefer a secular, humanist or civil ceremony (they are all very similar). In which case TELL YOUR FUNERAL DIRECTOR.
They should have allocated a portion of your funeral plan fund towards a minister, but that money can go towards a priest of a different religion if available, or a civil celebrant. Note that not all plans include payment for a minister and you may have to contribute extra to cover any shortfall.
In my particular case, I will attend the crematorium 1) out of respect for your loved one and 2) to register with the funeral director as the paid minister (otherwise you lose any payment allocation). At a later date, when you are ready, I will perform the Celebration of Life ceremony to scatter the ashes at the location of your choice.
Be Ready - have THAT conversation
In my opinion, the best solution by far is to think about your death whilst you are still fit and well.
Be Ready. Have the conversation. Write down your wishes. Write a will. Register an Advanced Medical Care Directive. And if you would like to, give me a call and we can sit down together and draft your funeral script together - with your most loved readings, favourite songs and you can even leave a final gift to your loved ones of special messages to them in your own words.
Read my earlier blog for full details 
“Let’s Talk Funerals. Having THAT conversation”
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Death registration
With regard to death registration, whether you are on holiday in Spain or you are resident in Spain it must always happen in the country where the person died - so if you die in Spain, your death must be registered in Spain.
Note that you can additionally register a death with the British Registration Service at a cost of £150. They also offer a “Tell Us Once” service to cancel passports, government pensions and driving licences with one notification
Death whilst on holiday in Spain
If you die whilst on holiday in Spain your travel insurance company should be contacted for advice on repatriation. Your consulate can also advise.
Click for free download: The British Consul Bereavement Information for Spain
Death of an expatriate with Spanish residency
If you live permanently in Spain and have what is known as “residencia” you should consider a funeral plan with
- a funeral director (usually cheaper but limits you to that specific funeral director)
- an insurance company (usually more expensive but operates within a wider radius should you move house)
Many people prefer not to have a funeral plan. They think that to contact a funeral director directly at the time of need is the best, but remember it can be a very distressing time and the cost may actually be more expensive than buying a plan as in a case of supply and demand.
You can go to the Gov.UK web site for information regarding What To Do After Someone Dies Abroad:
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Advance life care options and organ donation
You can write a “living will” in Spain to record your wishes regarding advance life-care and organ donation. The document is available from the Junta de Andalucia and is called the REGISTRO DE VOLUNTADES VITALES ANTICIPADAS (VVA) it is accessible from your medical records.
Go to the Guide to Make Your Directive and click on the Advance Health Care picture to download a free PDF guide in English. Note that the actual VVA form is in Spanish and must be completed in Spanish. General advice is to take advice from your doctor and discuss your wishes with your loved ones before completing your Advanced Health Care Directive and nominating your representative. 
Note that your nominated representative is responsible for making decisions for your advanced health care when you cannot and if they are not a family member, their decision will override any wishes from family.
You can complete the majority of your Directive online however the final step requires an appointment with the Andalucian Registry of Health Care Directives for you to finalise the process.
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Author of this blog: Debbie Skyrme is a former UK Deputy Superintendent Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages who offers English speaking civil ceremonies in southern Spain www.celebrantspain.es   [email protected]     tlf: 698691582 Facebook: CelebrantSpain Instagram: CelebrantSpain
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topfygad · 5 years
The Ultimate Guide to Working Holiday Visas in Australia
Australia was one of my first big international trips and it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. In fact, it was the birthplace of this very site! During my first visit, I was on a typical tourist visa.
This common tourist visa is officially called Subclass 601 and it allows you to visit Australia up to three months at a time in a given year.
It’s a pretty handy visa because you can enter the country as many times as you’d like during the course of a year. So theoretically, you could explore some of Australia, make friends and head to Bali with them, and then go back to Australia…I may know from personal experience.
It’s also pretty darn cheap! You’ll pay 20 AUD (about 14 USD) to apply online and because it’s all processed electronically, most of the time you can get it within 24 hours. If you’re just planning on traveling around Australia for 90 days or less, this is what you’ll need!
However, if Australia steals your heart (like it did mine!), you need to do a bit more planning if you want to stay for a longer period of time. This leads us to Working Holiday visas!
Many people who want to explore Oz in depth, work somewhere else for a change of scenery, or do a gap year opt for a Working Holiday visa down under! Don’t know where to start? No worries, mate!
Here is your guide to Working Holiday visas in Australia!
What is a Working Holiday Visa?
The name pretty much sums it up: it’s a balance between work and play! The idea of a Working Holiday visa is to allow you to split your time between working and exploring.
It’s ideal for those who want to stay in Australia for more than 90 days at a time, take a gap year, and make a little money while traveling. Oh, and for those that are thinking about maybe wanting to make Australia a permanent home one day—it’s a good way to plant roots, find possible employment options, and see if it would be a viable option.
Where should you travel with a Work and Holiday visa? 
I’m glad you asked! The options are endless—you might find you absolutely adore Byron Bay or Sydney and settle there, or perhaps you like the vibe of Melbourne. You could even road trip or take the train and visit Uluru and Alice Springs (here’s an epic itinerary for the Outback!). Of course, you’d have to make your way up to the Great Barrier Reef.
Like I said above, the Work and Holiday (or Working Holiday visa) is made so you can holiday!
10 Tips for Your First Trip to Australia
From the otherworldly landscapes to the animals to the scuba diving spots…and don’t even get me started on the food—Australia definitely deserves a spot on your bucket list. Ready for an adventure of a lifetime down under?
Read More
Working Holiday 417 Visa
The best visa for you will depend on where you are from.
If you are from Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan, or the United Kingdom, you can get a Subclass 417 visa (otherwise known as the Working Holiday visa).
If you are from one of these countries and are between the ages of 18 to 30 (or 18 to 35 if you’re Canadian, French or Irish), the 417 visa is a prime choice. It is intended for those who want to extend their stay and fund it by working locally.
This visa costs $440 AUD and you can apply online. While you can work while you are in Australia, you do need to have enough funds to support yourself…just in case. It’s a requirement to have at least $5,000 AUD saved.
Why is this necessary? The Australian government wants to make sure you have enough money to book a ticket back home in case you don’t end up finding a job or spend all your money on…Tim Tam biscuits (totally kidding!) But I am serious about having the proof of funds in your bank account.
Bondi Icebergs, Sydney
Work and Holiday 462 Visa
Similar to the 417 visa, there is a Subclass 462 visa (also known as the Work and Holiday visa), for those 18 to 30 years old who are not from one of the countries listed above. These visas are both, according to the Australian government, meant as “a temporary visa for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.”
To be eligible for a 462 visa, you must be from Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, USA, Uruguay, or Vietnam.
USA readers—this is most likely the visa you’ll want!
This 462 visa costs $485 AUD (337 USD). While the 417 visa tends to be instant, the 462 visa can take up to two months to get approved, so make sure to allow for plenty of time before booking your ticket.
You will need to have at least $5,000 AUD ($3,479 USD) in your bank account and meet some additional requirements.
There are set educational requirements, English skills, and (unless you are from Israel, China, Singapore, or the USA) you will need to get a letter of support from your national government. Read more on the requirements here!
The Application Process
Whether you are doing a 462 or 417 Visa,
I’d suggest only going through the Australian government website. There are companies who will sell a visa service, but in my opinion, it’s a waste of time and money.
The application process to get one of these visas is super simple as long as you follow instructions and provide the proper paperwork. Yes, you might need to collect a few documents which can be tedious, but the actual application couldn’t be easier!
Sydney Opera House
The Fine Print
Once you have received your visa (electronically! It’s typically not one you have to print and doesn’t require a sticker in your passport—so don’t fret!), you have 365 days for your Aussie experience. If you received your visa on the first of February, you have until the first of February the following year to come and go.
During this year, you will have the opportunity to work up to six months with one employer. There are a few industry and location restrictions, so read up on the official visa website before you get all of your plans in place.
Beyond the work restrictions, it is pretty straightforward. You can study up to four months and re-enter Oz as many times as you want while your visa is valid!
How To Get a Job
Your best bet for work is in customer service. Hotels/hostels, retail stores, cafes, and restaurants are generally open to six-month terms, especially if you have some experience.
While some places won’t hire backpackers (they want to make sure their staff is there to stay for longer than a week or two), there are many places that will hire travelers. Given a bit of luck and the drive to find work, you’ll be able to find places to fund your trip along the way.
You might even find a new career path…who knows?
Some folks find jobs at wineries or doing “regional work” in the field—picking fruits or helping around the farm. Many people on Working Holiday visas opt for this as it allows for a bit more flexibility and freedom.
While you typically can’t stay employed at a place for more than six months, you can apply to extend your working permission. Generally speaking though, you will want to start by planning for just the first six months and then explore options.
Tips for Finding a Rental
So, this definitely depends on how long you’re planning on staying in any one location. If you’re only at each place for a few weeks, you might want to opt for staying in hostels or booking an Airbnb.
But if you’re staying longer, there are a ton of legit rental companies all over Australia! However, it can often be difficult to score a place if you’re not signing a year-long lease.
Gumtree is Australia’s answer to Craigslist…but it can be a slow and messy way to find a place. You definitely need to research if looking to rent one of these places as a number of scams can pop up. But you can *sometimes* find rentals this way, just take precautions.
That said, agency listings are the prime place to find a home to call your own. Agency listings are typically cheaper than long-term Airbnb options but are more reliable than what you’ll find on Gumtree. Another option—check to see if there are any housing boards or ads at local coffee shops!
As you are searching, keep in mind that prices are always listed by the week rather than the month! So it’s not nearly as cheap as it seems.
Make Sure to Get Travel Insurance
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: travel insurance saves the day! If you had asked me during my first Aussie trip, I would have said it’s a waste of money. But I’ve lived and I’ve learned, and here’s why you need travel insurance.
You never know what’s going to happen, especially while you’re abroad…you might get bitten by a Jack Jumper ant or your flight might get canceled due to crazy weather in Sydney.
Getting a Second Work and Holiday Visa
Want to stay in Australia even longer? I don’t blame you!
For those that are wondering, you can’t *exactly* extend your visa but you can apply for a second Work and Holiday visa if you meet the specified requirements. Which is pretty much the same thing!
For those on a 462 visa and the 417 visa, you have to have completed 3 months of specified work on your first Work and Holiday visa and then you can apply for a second one. And as of July 2019, if you really want to stay longer—you can explore options to stay for the third year!
Helpful Tip:
What happens if your visa is almost up but you’re hoping to get a second one? You can obtain a bridging visa so you don’t have to go home for the interim period, read up more about this here!
Make sure that if you apply in Australia, you’re in Australia when the government decides on your application; if you apply outside Australia, you must be outside Australia when the decision is made.
Getting a Working Holiday visa is a great way to travel around Australia—with it, you can balance your time between working and exploring and seeing so much of what Oz has to offer!
Are you considering getting a Working Holiday visa or have you done this in the past? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!
  source http://cheaprtravels.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-working-holiday-visas-in-australia/
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topfygad · 5 years
The Ultimate Guide to Working Holiday Visas in Australia
Australia was one of my first big international trips and it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. In fact, it was the birthplace of this very site! During my first visit, I was on a typical tourist visa.
This common tourist visa is officially called Subclass 601 and it allows you to visit Australia up to three months at a time in a given year.
It’s a pretty handy visa because you can enter the country as many times as you’d like during the course of a year. So theoretically, you could explore some of Australia, make friends and head to Bali with them, and then go back to Australia…I may know from personal experience.
It’s also pretty darn cheap! You’ll pay 20 AUD (about 14 USD) to apply online and because it’s all processed electronically, most of the time you can get it within 24 hours. If you’re just planning on traveling around Australia for 90 days or less, this is what you’ll need!
However, if Australia steals your heart (like it did mine!), you need to do a bit more planning if you want to stay for a longer period of time. This leads us to Working Holiday visas!
Many people who want to explore Oz in depth, work somewhere else for a change of scenery, or do a gap year opt for a Working Holiday visa down under! Don’t know where to start? No worries, mate!
Here is your guide to Working Holiday visas in Australia!
What is a Working Holiday Visa?
The name pretty much sums it up: it’s a balance between work and play! The idea of a Working Holiday visa is to allow you to split your time between working and exploring.
It’s ideal for those who want to stay in Australia for more than 90 days at a time, take a gap year, and make a little money while traveling. Oh, and for those that are thinking about maybe wanting to make Australia a permanent home one day—it’s a good way to plant roots, find possible employment options, and see if it would be a viable option.
Where should you travel with a Work and Holiday visa? 
I’m glad you asked! The options are endless—you might find you absolutely adore Byron Bay or Sydney and settle there, or perhaps you like the vibe of Melbourne. You could even road trip or take the train and visit Uluru and Alice Springs (here’s an epic itinerary for the Outback!). Of course, you’d have to make your way up to the Great Barrier Reef.
Like I said above, the Work and Holiday (or Working Holiday visa) is made so you can holiday!
10 Tips for Your First Trip to Australia
From the otherworldly landscapes to the animals to the scuba diving spots…and don’t even get me started on the food—Australia definitely deserves a spot on your bucket list. Ready for an adventure of a lifetime down under?
Read More
Working Holiday 417 Visa
The best visa for you will depend on where you are from.
If you are from Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan, or the United Kingdom, you can get a Subclass 417 visa (otherwise known as the Working Holiday visa).
If you are from one of these countries and are between the ages of 18 to 30 (or 18 to 35 if you’re Canadian, French or Irish), the 417 visa is a prime choice. It is intended for those who want to extend their stay and fund it by working locally.
This visa costs $440 AUD and you can apply online. While you can work while you are in Australia, you do need to have enough funds to support yourself…just in case. It’s a requirement to have at least $5,000 AUD saved.
Why is this necessary? The Australian government wants to make sure you have enough money to book a ticket back home in case you don’t end up finding a job or spend all your money on…Tim Tam biscuits (totally kidding!) But I am serious about having the proof of funds in your bank account.
Bondi Icebergs, Sydney
Work and Holiday 462 Visa
Similar to the 417 visa, there is a Subclass 462 visa (also known as the Work and Holiday visa), for those 18 to 30 years old who are not from one of the countries listed above. These visas are both, according to the Australian government, meant as “a temporary visa for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.”
To be eligible for a 462 visa, you must be from Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, USA, Uruguay, or Vietnam.
USA readers—this is most likely the visa you’ll want!
This 462 visa costs $485 AUD (337 USD). While the 417 visa tends to be instant, the 462 visa can take up to two months to get approved, so make sure to allow for plenty of time before booking your ticket.
You will need to have at least $5,000 AUD ($3,479 USD) in your bank account and meet some additional requirements.
There are set educational requirements, English skills, and (unless you are from Israel, China, Singapore, or the USA) you will need to get a letter of support from your national government. Read more on the requirements here!
The Application Process
Whether you are doing a 462 or 417 Visa,
I’d suggest only going through the Australian government website. There are companies who will sell a visa service, but in my opinion, it’s a waste of time and money.
The application process to get one of these visas is super simple as long as you follow instructions and provide the proper paperwork. Yes, you might need to collect a few documents which can be tedious, but the actual application couldn’t be easier!
Sydney Opera House
The Fine Print
Once you have received your visa (electronically! It’s typically not one you have to print and doesn’t require a sticker in your passport—so don’t fret!), you have 365 days for your Aussie experience. If you received your visa on the first of February, you have until the first of February the following year to come and go.
During this year, you will have the opportunity to work up to six months with one employer. There are a few industry and location restrictions, so read up on the official visa website before you get all of your plans in place.
Beyond the work restrictions, it is pretty straightforward. You can study up to four months and re-enter Oz as many times as you want while your visa is valid!
How To Get a Job
Your best bet for work is in customer service. Hotels/hostels, retail stores, cafes, and restaurants are generally open to six-month terms, especially if you have some experience.
While some places won’t hire backpackers (they want to make sure their staff is there to stay for longer than a week or two), there are many places that will hire travelers. Given a bit of luck and the drive to find work, you’ll be able to find places to fund your trip along the way.
You might even find a new career path…who knows?
Some folks find jobs at wineries or doing “regional work” in the field—picking fruits or helping around the farm. Many people on Working Holiday visas opt for this as it allows for a bit more flexibility and freedom.
While you typically can’t stay employed at a place for more than six months, you can apply to extend your working permission. Generally speaking though, you will want to start by planning for just the first six months and then explore options.
Tips for Finding a Rental
So, this definitely depends on how long you’re planning on staying in any one location. If you’re only at each place for a few weeks, you might want to opt for staying in hostels or booking an Airbnb.
But if you’re staying longer, there are a ton of legit rental companies all over Australia! However, it can often be difficult to score a place if you’re not signing a year-long lease.
Gumtree is Australia’s answer to Craigslist…but it can be a slow and messy way to find a place. You definitely need to research if looking to rent one of these places as a number of scams can pop up. But you can *sometimes* find rentals this way, just take precautions.
That said, agency listings are the prime place to find a home to call your own. Agency listings are typically cheaper than long-term Airbnb options but are more reliable than what you’ll find on Gumtree. Another option—check to see if there are any housing boards or ads at local coffee shops!
As you are searching, keep in mind that prices are always listed by the week rather than the month! So it’s not nearly as cheap as it seems.
Make Sure to Get Travel Insurance
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: travel insurance saves the day! If you had asked me during my first Aussie trip, I would have said it’s a waste of money. But I’ve lived and I’ve learned, and here’s why you need travel insurance.
You never know what’s going to happen, especially while you’re abroad…you might get bitten by a Jack Jumper ant or your flight might get canceled due to crazy weather in Sydney.
Getting a Second Work and Holiday Visa
Want to stay in Australia even longer? I don’t blame you!
For those that are wondering, you can’t *exactly* extend your visa but you can apply for a second Work and Holiday visa if you meet the specified requirements. Which is pretty much the same thing!
For those on a 462 visa and the 417 visa, you have to have completed 3 months of specified work on your first Work and Holiday visa and then you can apply for a second one. And as of July 2019, if you really want to stay longer—you can explore options to stay for the third year!
Helpful Tip:
What happens if your visa is almost up but you’re hoping to get a second one? You can obtain a bridging visa so you don’t have to go home for the interim period, read up more about this here!
Make sure that if you apply in Australia, you’re in Australia when the government decides on your application; if you apply outside Australia, you must be outside Australia when the decision is made.
Getting a Working Holiday visa is a great way to travel around Australia—with it, you can balance your time between working and exploring and seeing so much of what Oz has to offer!
Are you considering getting a Working Holiday visa or have you done this in the past? I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!
  from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2K34IKk via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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