#Nora thunderman
Inspired by the "The Thundermans Return" pre-view (part 1)
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Hank: Son, I'm sorry, but this whole influencer thing has to stop Max: Why? Hank: Don't get me wrong...do you know what a parasocial relationship is? Max:... Nora: Dad, he's been living with a talking bunny for the last seven years -trust me, HE KNOWS! Phoebe: So as I said: Mom and dad don't allow superpowers at school or in public places Billy:... Phoebe: Ahem, are you even listening to me!? Billy: Yes, but while you finished that sentence I already used my powers. Twice. Nora: I've just been using my powers this whole time Billy: Three times now. Max: Hello everybody! =) Oyster: Hey bro, what's up? Max: Not much. How you're doing? Oyster: Brosif, you know that we saw all your live streams, right!? Gideon: *whispering* even the crazy superhero stuff! Max: I...wow...I mean...*looks around frantically* Max: Why don't we talk about how Wolfgang here is supposed to be an exchange student, just stayed here for the last FIVE years and can't speak a SINGLE word of our language!? Wolfang: Wolfgang? Max: Yeah, so WHO IS SUSPICIOUS NOW! Mrs. Wong: Thundermans, if you work for me, couldn't you use your powers to help my restaurant? Phoebe: I guess we could freeze the food and heat up the pizza with our heat breath. Mrs. Wong: Really? Could that work? Phoebe: I guess so...what do you think? Max: Sorry, for the last few minutes all I thought about was how COOL flying pizzas would be!!! Max: Now I'm really hungry =/ Phoebe: This is WHY WE NEED A JOB Dark Mayhem:*watching Max's live* Dark Mayhem:*screams* AHH Strongdoor: You okay, boss? King Krabs: Did you finally find the Thundermans' weakness, master? Dark Mayhem: No, it's ANOTHER AD Billy:School was fun Nora, but don't you think we should continue what Max and Phoebe started? Nora: Nah, I can't really sing that well Nora: Also we haven't even been at school yet, what do you mean - where did you go!?!?
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eatmarcus · 12 days
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trans! the whole family!
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bi! the whole family!
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help! this whole trans family!
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nevermind! HELP! this whole queer family!
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thedeaddrawsblog · 6 months
Okay can we talk about something for a moment???
(Warning: Spoilers for the new Thundermans movie)
The Thundermans have a LOT of things they introduced into the series but never touched in again.
So I made a list of things I want them to revive or at least expand on-
- Billy and Nora (or even Chloe) getting their thunder sense. They only mentioned it in season 1 episode 13, and literally never talked about it again (from what I remember.) I want to see them expand on, use it in battle, and more importantly, I want to know if it’s just a Thunderman trait or if other heroes have that trait. Do villains have that trait? After all, they did reveal in the movie that superheroes and villains get their powers from a plant.
- speaking of the plant, is there multiple plants? Why was the thunderman family chose to keep it safe? How many generations ago did people get powers? Why those people? What created the plant?
- also I’m just saying it now, I need Max and Phoebe to hang out with Billy and Nora. Like we barely see them interacting. I’d literally do ANYTHING for an episode of Max and Nora hanging out, Phoebe and Billy hanging out, vise versa… I know there was like one episode in the series, but that’s only one and Max was being a dick.
- I NEED to see an episode of what it would be like if Max did take over the world. Like how he did it. Did he become a superhero to get a bunch of secrets and feed them to Dark Mayhem? Or maybe it’s just an alternative au when Phoebe failed to turn him, and said the original uncut scene instead, where she asked him if he’d rather be a hero or a villain. Obviously we wouldn’t be able to see them as teens, but maybe they could explain it in the beginning. Like maybe Colosso is telling a story. Like clue style.
- OH. SPEAKING OF CLUE, maybe a murder mystery episode??? I think that would be awesome. Kinda like the blue bean episode where max turned blue. But like. ✨murder✨
- So… I can’t be the only one that wants at least a little queer rep, right…? And I’m not the only one who thinks Max is a little… fruity… (as long as Jack Griffo is okay with it) give him a boyfriend or something PLEASE 😭
- Because Max and Phoebe are I think like… 25…. I’d like to see them attempt being adults. Key word: attempt. (basically I just to see them get an apartment and what not, and obviously the Thundermans are sad, and their siblings find it hard not having their older siblings in the house.
- And I think maybe even Chloe not knowing much about cousin Blobbin, their pop-pop, or grandma (I forgot what they called her) would be interesting as well.
- also what happened to Blobbin???
- anyway
- I’m just kinda writing stuff out
- I think they were already thinking about expanding on it, but since several of the Thundermans friends +Wong have powers, I’d like to see how they deal with keeping it a secret or if they somehow get the powers removed. Like maybe they use that ball thing they used to trap Dark Mayhems powers. OH. WHAT IF THEY ACCIDENTALLY GAVE THEM MAYHEMS POWERS IN THE PROCESS OF TRYING TO TAKE THEIR POWERS?!
- Okay this kinda goes into Phoebe and Max becoming adults, but I wanna know if they went to college or if they are going to college.
- also, Max talks about having Evilgram in one episode (maybe a couple), and I’m curious if he kinda just forgot about it or deleted it. He probably deleted it, but I think it would be cool seeing Max find Evilgram on his old phone and miss that phase of his life. Maybe that could even tie in with an evil Max episode.
I’m probably missing a lot of small moments but honestly I’m just going back and rewatching some of the episodes and I’ve been kinda jumping around so i do t remember all of them-
Anyhow I think it’s awesome that the Thundermans are coming back to life (that is if the movie gets good reviews. PLEASE LIE AND SAY IT WAS GOOD EVEN THOUGH THE CGI WAS CRAP. THE PLOT WAS ACTUALLY GOOD.)
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 7 months
All I hear is Scratch bribing Molly and Darryl into doing stuff for him so they can convince Pete and Sharon to let them adopt a pet. 🤣
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dazzlingkm · 6 months
Ok so I just finished watching The Thundermans Return yesterday, and I just gotta say...IT WAS FUCKING BOMB! Literally my childhood just comes back to life.
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And I am sooo glad they did it like the old times, the background laughs, the Hiddenville house and school looks exactly the same!!
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I honestly got teary eyed at the beginning of the movie because...those characters and actors playing on one big screen again is just simply nostalgic. Phoebe, Max, Nora, Billy, Barb, Hank, Colosso, Cherry, Oyster, Oliver, Wolfgang, Mrs. Wong, Principal Bradford these characters are my life.
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They made me laughed, cried, and then laughed again. It's just like my 12 year old self again waiting for the Thundermans's next episode.
I am honestly so down for a series revival or spinoff. I just can't get enough of them you know? Especially the Thunder Twins. Their banters are one of a kind. And then the Billy/Nora high school happened. It's like Phoebe and Max passing the mantle, do you know what I mean? Like, finally it's their turn to cause havoc in Hiddenville High.
I loved it. I loved every single thing about this movie. They managed to recreate my whole childhood in one movie.
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fairyvtale · 7 months
───── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  m. thunderman x tara miller
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✧・゚: *✧・゚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ :* ✧・゚: *✧・⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ゚
█                          TARA's absolutely weakness was kids. She has dreamed about being a mom since her childhood. As a kiddo she was playing with doll that looked like newborn, acting like a mommy to her. The fact that she was the only child didn't help her baby fever phase. Fortunately for her, she had a bunch of neighbours who had children that she could babysit from time to time, even if for almost everyone spending time with a little child was a pain in the ass, for Tara it was time to relax and forget about all the problems she had.
When her boyfriend Max told her that his mom was expecting another child, she was literally jumping from happiness. She already was a free babysitter for Nora and Billy, and don't get me wrong, she absolutely adored them, but they were teenagers and the vision of having a chance to spending time with a little kiddo made her absolutely overjoyed. Her reaction made Max chuckled a bit, as he was watching his girlfriend with adoration in eyes.
"I bet it's gonna be a cutie little baby girl" Tara said with a magnificent smile.
"Nah, that's gonna be a boy" Max said with a smirk, standing in front of Tara who still was standing on his bed.
"Okay, let's make a bet then. If it will be a girl then you are gonna buy me a milkshake but if it will a boy then I will buy you this hoverboard that you want" she smiled at him and pulled out her hand forward.
"Deal" he shook her hand with proud smile, pulling her closer to him and kiss her sweetly.
✧・゚: *✧・゚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ :* ✧・゚: *✧・⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ゚
TARA knew about Thundermans and their powers, that's why she wasn't even surprised that their new baby came to the world really quick. She also felt sorry for Mrs. Thunderman and her difficult birth, even if most of the time she was jealous that her boyfriend's family have that amazing powers, at that moment she was relieved that she was just a regular human.
After seeing another lighting coming out from the bedroom upstairs, she squeezed Max's hand tighter, he knew that his girlfriend was worried about his mom, but at some moments she looked more worried about his dad who fallen from the stairs a countless time. For him personally, it was funny, he already did a bunch of photos and videos of Hank's 'incidents'.
And as much as Tara didn't like when kids were making fun of their own parents, she could admit that some of the pics and jokes about this situation made her smile a little bit. She knew that they did it to relax atmosphere.
After a few hours of waiting for the little to show up in this world, finally they could come in the bedroom, where Barb was laying down on the bed with a newborn in her arms. Tara could feel how her eyes started to tearing up as she looked at a little baby, she side hugged Max to hide her affection. She felt her boyfriend kissing the top of her head, also being a bit affected but mostly because of Tara's awesome reaction.
"Everyone meet a new sister, Chloe" Barb said with a tired smile.
"Ha! I won" Tara shouted with excitement, pointing on her boyfriend, doing her little victory dance as everyone else laughed watching Max who rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile.
✧・゚: *✧・゚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ :* ✧・゚: *✧・⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ゚
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( tara & chloe )
~ my manip
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backtothethunder2023 · 8 months
The Thundermans Return (new poster) (discussion + theory)
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There are two versions (that I found so far) of the poster! BOTH are really, really confusing, but let's analyze!
Let's actually start with the background: it's Hiddenville, which makes sense ("The Thundermans Return" to Hiddenville), but we already know that the movie will take place in various locations, so I really hope we will get to see more of Metroburg (and that it will be included in a poster too). But it's really nostalgic and...strangely it sets a very interesting mood. I can't find the right word for it right now. Especially with the color of the sky. You really know SOMETHING is going to go down this time.
Now about the Thundermans. We have Max and Phoebe at the front: the new supersuits look really cool (especially the gloves!) and we have a standard pose that works well. Just one question: WHERE is the rest of Phoebe's left arm. At first thought she had her left hand on her hip, but obviously not, so this remains a mystery for now 🕵️‍♂️. Notice how all of the Thundermans are posing slightly differently and only the twins' poses are exactly the same! We -again-see the golden stripes on Max's arm that stand for being one of the captains of the T-Force (formally the Z-force). He also has a device (maybe a smartphone) in the pocket on his leg. In general, it seems that all the individual suits are slightly different (not just the boys and the girls).
(insert deleted comment about Max's new hairstyle here XD)
I want to talk about Billy next, because I just live for how happy he looks. Look at him. He's happy to be there, he looks cool and he's all ready to go! And no, he and the twins are not on a staircase or something - Diego is simply this tall now (and Phoebe and Max are both in a medium squat).
Next we have Nora: she has darker hair now (resembling Phoebe's hair colour) and I really like the pose she does with her left hand to focus her laser. Unfortunately her stance is slightly strange to me (but that's maybe also because Phoebe's elbow is covering half of her leg).
I don't have much to say about Hank and Barb, so let's move on to Chloe, who the center of this whole picture. I'm really intrigued by this. I love her smile and overall expression -she knows exactly what she's doing. AND - after looking at this picture for several minutes- she's sitting on a FLYING skateboard! Then there's a second flying skateboard with Dr. Colosso on top. WHAT is going on!? My first guess: flying skateboard - hoverboard-time travel. I actually made a post once on how Chloe might be able to travel in time due to her teleportation power. For me it makes sense (I will discuss this again on here soon), because it also helps with my theory of Mayhem's return (from the past, where he was more powerful). Also the "Thundermans Return..." return back to the future!?!? 👀
My last point is related to this theory. I saw this poster and thought it was strange (but very cool still!). And I thought it's the arm or leg placement, the composition, but you know what? It's the light. Let me explain: there are lights that comes from the sky, the background, then the ones from their individual superpowers (lasers for Nora, lightning for Barb etc.), but when you look closely at the wider poster, you will see a strange light in front of Phoebe and Max too. It doesn't look like telekinetic waves (which are normally not visible, but we saw them once on screen in the episode "Cape Fear"). Actually, I think this light comes from Chloe! She's in the middle, but creates a circular light (you can't really tell in the small poster, only in the wide version) around the Thundermans! Notice how Max's hand is almost reaching out through something - could it be a portal!?!? That really should be it, because Dr. Colosso is very obviously traveling through a portal as well. So are the Thundermans going back in time to stop their enemies? To stop Mayhem?!
Okay one more thing: the formation of the Thundermans kinda looks like a T and I'm so here for it. I can't wait!!! And I am so happy we got a poster!!!
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sunna66 · 2 years
Y/n: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Phoebe: Several traffic violations.
Billy: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Nora: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.
Max: Also, that's not our car.
Y/n: *Sighs* Yeah, that tracks.
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leavememorieshere · 4 months
They’re making a Thundermans spinoff with Chloe, Max, and Phoebe.
Kira, The actress who plays Phoebe mentioned it on her TikTok account !! She also said that it’ll mainly focus on Phoebe and Max training Chloe(?) and just watching Chloe grow up.
since they didn’t want to copy the original series by having the whole entire family also be in it as a regular.
Because they already had their fair share of screen time and we already watched them grow up.
But she did say that they will make an appearance on the show so fingers crossed 🤞!!
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v0rd1g4n · 6 months
From Kira's Instagram ⚡😎
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dollmelaniee · 7 months
my thoughts on the thundermans movie ‼️
FIRST OF ALL THE SUITS LOOK AMAZING, GORGEOUS JAW DROPPING BEAUTIFUL. i love the blue is less more of a pop color yk? they just look so good in them i love how its also looking the same but moreeee cough cough better cough cough! they all have their character persona still. which I LOVE! phoebe and max are.. phoebe and max. billy and nora are still the silliest duo. nora is just how she is but more matured! billy had ACTUAL development. he was still a little clueless but wasnt dumb like how some people make characters and give them no development. chloe is the CUTEST thing ever like shes so pretty, grown up. more serious about her job. lets talk abt the v team, when i first saw them im like who tf are you??? 🤨🤨 they got on my nerves for a but the costumes were cutee i guess.
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fangforthememories · 9 days
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thethundermansnerd · 2 years
Thunderman’s headcanons
Max has never been stung by a bee but he is allergic to them
Phoebe and Nora both love the band Queen
Max wanted to be an author when he was younger
Barb cannot cook
Hank was the one that got Max into inventions
Billy loves the Percy Jackson books
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thedeaddrawsblog · 6 months
More thoughts about the Thundermans
- okay what about the thunderman cave or whatever that’s supposed to be like a storm shelter but if villains invaded?? We never saw them use that again and that would have kept them protected a LOT.
- I want to see the Aunt again. Like maybe she’s an obstacle in a fight the Thundermans are having with a villain. Or perhaps she has kids that start attending Hiddenville high and they cause mayhem to Billy and Nora???
- I want to see Colosso being a dad. Like a good dad to his son. I dunno why I just need it
- I’m kinda curious if Phoebe went to senior skip day or not. Cause she’s always so uptight about her perfect attendance, and even though Max ruined it and she would miss school because of hero work, it still makes me curious because that would be more of a willing to leave school.
I might upload head canons I have for them, but I’m not too sure lol
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serien-grl-22 · 6 months
Hearing "Phoebes" from Max Thunderman (Jack Griffo) again. DAmn, I didn't realised how much I missed this  🥹  🥹  🥹 
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dazzlingkm · 6 months
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~The Thundermans Return~
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