#Nord Stream 2
gamer2002 · 3 months
What guarante can Biden give us that he didn't give Putin lifted NS2 sanctions in return for him staying quiet about Biden having dementia?
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Ukraine's government has denied a Wall Street Journal report this week that Kyiv approved the plan to blow up the Russian-owned Nord Stream pipelines in 2022. According to the newspaper, a crew of Ukrainian civilians and active-duty soldiers used a rented yacht to reach the pipelines, which deliver Russian natural gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea, and used explosives to sever three of the four pipelines. This comes as Poland says it was unable to carry out a German arrest warrant for a new suspect in its investigation into the Nord Stream attack, a 44-year-old Ukrainian diving professional who is alleged to have attached explosive charges to the pipelines. Polish authorities say the suspect fled to Ukraine in July. For more on the investigation, we speak with German journalist Holger Stark, deputy editor-in-chief and head of the investigative team at _Die Zeit_, who has been reporting on the Nord Stream attack for years.
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To be clear, anyone with half a brain knows what happened, but the question is how long will the establishment media feign ignorance? Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/antiwar/one-year-later-why-is-the-nord-stream-attack-still-a-mystery
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Seymour Hersch, the investigative journalist, has published a powerful exposé titled “How America took out the Nord Stream Pipeline.” The subtitle says: “The New York Times called it a ‘mystery,’ but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now.”
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t-annhauser · 2 years
La locomotiva tedesca
Una favola moderna
Tirava e tirava la locomotiva tedesca, finché un bel giorno si mise a tirare così forte da far arrabbiare i padroni della ferrovia, e allora cominciarono col tagliarle il carbone e poi le fecero due buchi nelle ruote. La locomotiva tedesca per un po' continuò a tirare, ma ben presto l'inerzia s'impadronì dei vagoni e quando anche quel poco di carbone che aveva messo da parte per i casi di emergenza finì, per la locomotiva tedesca non ci fu più niente da fare, e andò in recessione tecnica. La locomotiva tedesca si tirò appresso la locomotiva francese, e quella francese si tirò quella spagnola e quella italiana, che già da tempo arrancavano faticosamente in salita, e il padrone della ferrovia diede la colpa di tutto a Putin. Siccome Putin faceva la collezione dei crimini di guerra, una colpa in più, una in meno, non gli faceva nessuna differenza, e così, morale della favola, per andare a prendere il caffè a Parigi adesso dovremo prendere il cavallo.
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
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pasparal · 2 years
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Artist: Benny Nico
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alanshemper · 2 years
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Watch "U.S. Media Refuses To Cover Bombshell Nord Stream Story!" on YouTube
No one's surprised by this the corporate media is willingly cheerleading this war. They don't want any reporting that tries to shed light on this proxy war. They are deliberately ignoring a story and smearing a legendary journalist because this story is an inconvenience to the military industrial complex they all serve.
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winter-came · 2 years
anyone in middle european countries feeling nervous or it's just me? it will take a moment before we feel the aftermath but oh boy
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xtruss · 2 days
Those Seeking Russia’s ‘Defeat’ Should Remember Fates of Napoleon, Hitler — Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
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© Sputnik/Kirill Kallinikov/Go to the Mediabank
Former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has taken flak from the political class of his home country over his support for continued dialogue between Russia and Europe amid the Ukraine crisis. The Social Democrat politician was the architect of the German ‘economic miracle’ of the 2000s, facilitated by boosting energy cooperation with Russia.
Anyone dreaming about “defeating” Russia militarily needs a history lesson, Gerhard Schroeder has said.
“I recommend that everyone who believes this look at the history books. From Napoleon to Hitler, everyone failed because of this,” the veteran statesman told German media. The Ukrainian crisis has served to consolidate Russian society, with Russians “convinced that the West is only using Ukraine as a spearhead to bring Russia to its knees,” Schroeder added.
The 80-year-old politician, who participated in the Istanbul peace talks in the spring of 2022, said that contrary to claims in Western media at the time, “Peace Was In Reach,” and included a rejection of Kiev’s aspirations to join NATO.
The Ukrainian government was not able to agree to the deal, with “More Powerful Circles” behind it blocking peace in the hopes that continuing the conflict would strategically weaken Russia or even trigger regime change, Schroeder said.
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Russia, Ukraine Nearly Reached Agreement in 2022, But US Wanted War - Turkish Parliament Speaker! Russia and Ukraine almost reached an agreement at the talks in Istanbul in 2022, but a number of countries did not want the conflict to end, the speaker of the Grand National Assembly (parliament) of Turkiye, Numan Kurtulmus, said. © Photo: The Russian consulate general in Istanbul/Go to the Mediabank
"We have reached the last point to achieve peace [in Ukraine]. All that was left to do was to put signatures of the sides in the Dolmabahce Palace [in Istanbul]. But, unfortunately, a number of countries did not want the war to end. Because the US, through the war in Ukraine, is trying to consolidate the European continent and put pressure on Russia, considering regional turbulence necessary in its own interests. First of all, the political intentions of the parties are necessary. This is difficult. Russia has its own will, Kiev also needs to proceed from its political intentions," Kurtulmus said in an interview with Turkish broadcaster Habertürk.
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UK's Boris Johnson Sabotaged Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal on US Orders! Efforts to achieve a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine were thwarted by former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the behest of the United States, Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrei Kelin said. © AP Photo/Frank Augstein/Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson leaves 10 Downing Street to attend the weekly Prime Ministers' Questions
"He [Johnson] blocked the peace efforts with Washington's blessing, obviously, because he could not do it on his own accord. He arrived there, and the document, which had already been initialed by the head of the Ukrainian delegation, [David] Arakhamia, was thrown into the wastebasket, and Ukraine started fighting. These are the consequences of what the [former] prime minister of the United Kingdom did," Kelin said in an interview with Turkish broadcaster TRT World.
He called on the European Union to tie whatever aid it provides to Kiev with demands for serious and realistic scenarios for peace. “This war will have to be ended through negotiations. In any case, it cannot be decided militarily. It will take compromises,” the former chancellor believes.
Schroeder believes the West underestimates the risks of the Ukrainian crisis escalating into a wider conflict. “We Germans in particular should behave cautiously and constructively against the background of the Second World War and the crimes committed in the name of Germany,” he said.
A well-known critic of Donald Trump over his administration’s efforts to sabotage the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project with Russia in 2019-2020, Schroeder said he has nevertheless found himself linking his hopes for peace in Ukraine with the Republican candidate, saying he trusts him to end the conflict before his inauguration if he wins, as Trump has repeatedly promised.
It is in Germany's and Europe’s interests to see the Ukrainian conflict end, because after Ukraine, the former have been “among the biggest losers” of the current crisis, according to Schroeder. Unfortunately, he says, the solidarity between major European powers Germany and France that existed ahead of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 is lacking today, as is the recognition that there are situations in which European and US interests conflict with one another.
Germany has taken the brunt of the economic fallout stemming from Europe's largely self-imposed efforts to decouple itself from Russian energy, with its economy dipping in and out of recession, and industrial exports falling amid dropping competitiveness vis-a-vis China and the United States. Hundreds of German manufacturers have relocated production overseas, where energy is cheaper and tax breaks more generous, over the past two years.
Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the government to look into potential restrictions on the export of strategic materials including nickel, titanium and uranium in a tit-for-tat response to unfriendly countries' actions against Russia. Market exports told Sputnik that such measures could have a crushing economic impact on European countries, among them the Kiev regime's sponsors.
— Sputnik International | Sunday 22 September 2024
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generaldavila · 3 months
LA MILI TE ESPERA. General de División (R.) Rafael Dávila Álvarez
Aquello del Nord Stream 2 que iba de Rusia a Alemania directamente, sin peaje comunitario ni solidaridad europea, pero con gas ruso, fue el origen de una guerra que va a más y que nos convertirá en menos si es que quedamos alguno para contarlo. Con la guerra llegaron las sanciones económicas a Rusia e ingentes cantidades, miles de millones de dólares invertidos en armas que sembraron los fértiles…
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head-post · 4 months
Russia updating topics of Nord Stream explosions and combating international terrorism
Russia is trying to update Nord Stream explosions to prevent the issue from freezing, filling media outlets with new statements by officials.
Nord Stream blasts
In early February, Kelley Beaucar Vlahos of Responsible Statecraft wrote that officials had begun to say that they no longer had jurisdiction over the investigation into the so-called 2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage.
Swedish public prosecutor Mats Ljungqvist stated that “the investigation has been systematic and thorough.” However, he also noted that “against the background of the situation we now have, we can state that Swedish jurisdiction does not apply.” He further stated that he could not comment on further co-operation “due to the secrecy that prevails in international legal co-operation,” as “the German investigation continues.”
I will also not be able to comment anything further on the conclusions of the Swedish investigation or comment on any suspected persons in the Swedish investigation.
Denmark and Germany were also conducting official investigations into the sabotage. Reports on damage and leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea surfaced on September 26, 2022. Investigators have since concluded that it was an act of sabotage.
Since the anniversary of the blasts, the accusations fell on Ukraine, Vlahos noted. However, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh argued that it was a unit of secret US Navy divers that blew up the pipelines. The conducted the operation with the approval of the Biden administration. Further reports in 2023 stated the small boat Andromeda served as a vessel to carry “rogue pro-Ukrainian saboteurs.”
Then a comprehensive investigation by 19 Der Spiegel authors showed that all roads indeed lead to the Ukrainian government. The authors stated that German investigators had little doubt that Ukraine was responsible for the pipeline explosion.
When the pipelines exploded in 2022, most blamed Russia. However, Vlahos pointed out that gas exports to Europe after the sabotage were led by the United States, the UAE, and the Netherlands.
The United States without a question (has benefited). It (…) made Germany and other European countries even more permanently dependent on imports of liquified natural gas from the United States.
Read more HERE
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Check out the new issue of Struggle-La Lucha:
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channeledhistory · 8 months
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