#info war
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We don't mean to piss on your parade, but there is a downside to the Assange saga that many aren't talking about. We explain.
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/information-war/why-assanges-plea-deal-is-bad-news-for-investigative-journalism
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alanshemper · 1 year
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icarusinfreefall · 2 months
reminder that adhd medication isn't a luxury or preference, but a lifesaving medication. a 10 year long study in the usa showed that, when properly medicated, the rate of car crashes people with adhd get into goes down significantly--men's rate drops by 38%, and women's by 42%. the med shortage, denial of meds by doctors, rising prices, and the "war on drugs" has killed--with such a car dependent society, not driving frequently isn't an option, which means we need better healthcare and need it now.
edit because i forgot to explain: short link is to an article by the washington post, it should be free to read
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afusionoffandoms · 5 months
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lifelibertyjustice · 2 years
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chyarui · 1 month
A few of you guys were curious, so as promised, here’s a few of my takes on Kiffar marriage customs! Specifically the role of the qukuuf, hope you guys enjoy! (Once again, this was all inspired by fic Resilience on ao3, though the account is unfortunately orphaned)
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Hope my handwriting doesn’t suck too much, and super open to hearing any ideas or questions you might have if I didn’t explain anything fully!
Also here’s a b/w version cause I’m a sucker for greyscale (and to make the qukuuf markings stand out more)
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archfey-edda · 9 months
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For those who don't like Ren surviving being the AU instead of the first idea.
(I also may or may not have made this for a short fic based on the art because I got attached to these guys)
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loulines · 27 days
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It's HIM.
The sketch is over a year old, I think, but I couldn't finish it until now because of a severe artblock and burnout. I was doing very bad mentally. But I think the worst is over, I'm in a slightly happier place, medicated, and away from people who were poisoning my life, and there were quite a few of them.
It's a simpler drawing because I wanted to show what "flat shading" style will look like if you request it in a commission. I still have 3 slots left so come and get it if you want a special discount! 🌚 More info here.
I have also created my Carrd page, where I posted my Terms of Service, be sure to read it if you want to commission me 🙏
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lesfruitsdores · 7 months
Who are the hostages still held by Hamas?
On October 7, 2023, 253 Israelis and foreign nationals were kidnapped to Gaza by Hamas and gazan civilians. Since then, 105 were released in a prisioner exchange deal, 4 were released by Hamas and 3 were rescued.
However, 60 remain in captivity [as of 02/09/24] (4 of those were kidnapped prior to 2023). A recent investigation has concluded that more than a fifth of the hostages are dead and the fate of some other hostages remains unknown. This video explains how doctors determine which hostages are dead, based on the nature of their injury and by analyising footage and the victims' last phone calls. Additionally, during the operation in Gaza, the IDF has recovered the bodies of a few victims and returned to their families for burial.
Since I couldn't find this all in one place, I've compiled a list of: 1) hostages who are presumed alive; 2) hostaged whose death has been reported/confirmed; 3) hostages who were released or rescued. In the group of hostages presumed to be alive who haven't been released, the youngest is 1-year-old Kfir Bibas and the oldest hostage is Iraqi-born 85-year old Shlomo Mansour.
As we learn more information, I'll continue to update this post.
They need to come back home. I'm hoping for more successful rescue operations soon. Keep them in your thoughts.
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Hostages still held by Hamas (presumed alive or fate unknown):
(1) (2) (3)
Abraham Eitan Mor (23)
Agam Berger (19)
Alexander (Sasha) Trupanob (28)
Alon Ohel (22)
Arbel Yehoud (28)
Ariel Bibas (4)
Ariel Cunio (26)
Avera Mengistu (37) – Has been held hostage since 2014
Avinathan Or (30)
Bar Kupershtein (22)
Bipin Joshi (23)
Daniel Gilboa (19)
David Cunio (33)
Doron Steinbrecher (30)
Edan Alexander (20)
Eitan Horn (37)
Eli Sharabi (51)
Eliya Cohen (26)
Elkana Bohbot (34)
Evytar David (23)
Gadi Moses (79)
Gali Berman (26)
Guy Gilboa-Dalal (22)
Hamzah Al-Zayadni (22)
Hisham al-Sayed (35) - Has been held hostage since 2015
Yair Horn (45)
Idan Shivi (28)
Itzhk Elgarat (68)
Karina Ariev (19)
Kfir Bibas (1)
Liri Albag (18)
Matan Angrest (21)
Matan Zangauker (24)
Maxim Herkin (35)
Naama Levy (19)
Nimrod Cohen (19)
Oded Lifshitz (83)
Ofer Kalderon (53)
Ohad Ben Ami (55)
Ohad Yahalomi (49)
Omer Neutra (22)
Omer Shem Tov (21)
Omer Wenkert (22)
Omri Miran (46)
Or Levy (33)
Rom Braslavski (19)
Romi Gonen (23)
Sagui Dekel-Chen (35)
Samuel Keith Siegel (64)
Segev Kalfon (25)
Shiri Bibas (32)
Shlomo Mansour (85)
Tal Shoham (38)
Tamir Nimrod (19)
Tsachi Idan (51)
Yagev Kirsht (34)
Yarden Bibas (34)
Yosef Al-Zayadni (53)
Yosef Ohana (23)
Ziv Berman (26)
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Hostages confirmed/reported dead:
(Note: I couldn't find a report with the full list, but if you google each individual name you can find sources.)
Abraham Munder (79) - Body recovered on 20/08/24.
Alex Danzig (75) - Body recovered on 20/08/24.
Alexander Lobanov (32)
Almog Sarusi (26)
Alon Shamriz (26) – Mistakenly killed by the IDF
Amit Buskila (28) - Likely killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 17/05/24.
Amiram Cooper (84) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Arye Zalmanovich (85) - Death reported by Hamas. He was forced to appear in a propaganda video.
Asaf Hamami (41)
Aviv Atzili (49)
Carmel Gat (39) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Chaim Peri (79) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Daniel Oz (19) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 25/02/24
Daniel Perez (22) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 17/03/24
Dolev Yehoud (35) - Killed on Oct. 7. He was presumed to be a hostage, but his remains were found in Israel after months. Status updated on 03/06/24.
Dror Kaplun (68)
Dror Or (48) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 02/05/24.
Eden Yerushalmi (24) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Eden Zecharya (28)
Eitan Levy (53)
Elad Katzir (47) - Murdered by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. His body was recovered in Khan Yunis. Status updated on 06/04/24.
Eliyahu Margalit (75)
Elyakim Libman (23) - Killed on Oct. 7. It was presumed he was a hostage because his body wasn't found, but it was later discovered his remains were accidentally buried with another victim. Status updated on 03/05/24.
Gad Haggai (73)
Guy Iluz (26)
Hadar Goldin (32) - Body held hostage since 2014
Hanan Yablonka (42) - Killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 24/05/24.
Hersh Goldberg-Polin (23) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Ilan Weiss (56)
Inbar Haiman (27)
Itay Chen (19) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 12/03/24.
Itay Svirsky (35) – Killed by Hamas in captivity. His body was shown in a propaganda video
Itzik Gelenter (58) - Likely killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 17/05/24.
Joshua Loitu Mollel (21) – A released video shows how he was brutally murdered by a group of men on October 7
Judy Weinstein (70)
Kiril Brodski (19)
Lior Rudaeff (61) - Killed on Oct. 7. His body was taken to Gaza. Status updated on 07/05/24.
Maya Goren (56)
Mordechai Yonathan Samerano (21) - Killed on Oct. 7. His body was taken to Gaza.
Nadav Popplewell (51) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Nik Beizer (19)
Noa Marciano (19) – Her body was found near the Al-Shifa hospital
Michel Nisenbaum (59) - Killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 24/05/24.
Muhammed Alatrash (40) - Killed on Oct. 7. Status updated on 24/06/24.
Ofir Tzarfati (27)
Ofra Keider (70)
Oren Goldin (34)
Ori Danino (24) - Body recovered on 31/08/24.
Orión Hernandez (30) - Killed on Oct. 7. Body recovered on 24/05/24.
Oron Shaul (30) – Body held hostage since 2014
Ran Gvlli (24)
Ravid Katz (41)
Ron Benjamin (53) - Killed on Oct. 7 and his body was taken to Gaza. Body recovered on 18/05/24.
Ron Scherman (19)
Ronen Engel (54)
Sahar Baruch (24) – Killed by Hamas during a failed hostage rescue operation
Samer Talalka (22) – Mistakenly killed by the IDF
Shay Levinson (19)
Shani Louk (22) - Body taken to Gaza. Her body was recovered on 17/05/24.
Sonthaya Oakkharasr - Killed on Oct. 7. Body taken to Gaza. Status updated on 16/05/24.
Sudthisak Rinthalak - Killed on Oct. 7. Body taken to Gaza. Status updated on 16/05/24.
Tal Chaim (42)
Tamir Adar (38)
Tomer Ahimas (20)
Uriel Baruch (35) - Status updated on 26/03/24
Yagev Buchshtab (34)
Yair Yaakov (59) – Killed on Oct. 7. Sons and girlfriend were released. Status updated on 15/02/24.
Yehudit Weiss (65) – Her body was found near the Al-Shifa hospital
Yossi Sharabi (53) – His dead body was shown in a propaganda video
Yoram Metzer (80) - Status updated on 03/06/24.
Yotam Haim – Mistakenly killed by the IDF
Ziv Dado (36)
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Released/rescued hostages:
(1) (2)
Abigail Edan, 4, American citizen
Ada Sagi, 75
Adi Shoham, 38
Adina Moshe, 72
Agam Goldstein-Almog, 17
Aisha Ziyadne, 17
Alma Avraham, 84
Alma Or, 13
Almog Meir Jan (21) - Rescued by the IDF on 08/06/24.
Amit Shani, 15
Amit Soussana, 40
Andrey Zozlov (27) - Rescued by The IDF on 08/06/24.
Anucha Angkaew
Aviv Asher, 2, German citizen
Aviva Adrienne Siegel, 62
Bancha Kongmanee, Thai national
Bilal Ziyadne, 18
Boonthom Phankhong, Thai national
Buddee Saengboon, Thai national
Chalermchai Sangkaew
Channa Peri, 79
Chen Goldstein-Almog, 48
Clara Marman, 63, Argentine citizen
Daniel Aloni, 44
Dafna Elyakim, 15
Doron Katz Asher, 34, German citizen
Ditza Heiman, 84
Emilia Aloni, 5
Emily Toni Kornberg Hand, 8
Emma Cunio, 3, Argentine citizen
Erez Calderon, 12, French citizen
Eitan Yahalomi, 12, French citizen
Ela Elyakim, 8
Fernando Marman – Rescued by the IDF
Gabriela Leimberg, 59, Argentine citizen
Gal Goldstein-Almog, 11
Gal Tarshansky, 13
Gelienor (Jimmy) Pacheco, 37, Filipino national
Hagar Brodetz, 40
Hanna Katzir, 77
Hila Rotem Shoshani, 12
Ilana Gritzewsky Kimchi, 30
Irena Tati, 73, a Russian citizen, was included on the list but released separately from the exchange deal.
Itay Regev Jerbi, 18
Juckapan Sikena
Judith Raanan, 59 [Released 22/10/23]
Kaid Farhan Alkadi (52) - Rescued by the IDF on 27/08/24.
Karina Engel-Bart, 51, Argentine citizen
Keren Munder, 54
Komkrit Chombua
Kong Saelao
Liam Or, 18
Liat Beinin Atzili, 49, American citizen
Luis Har – Rescued by the IDF
Manee Jirachart
Margalit Mozes, 78, German citizen
Maya Regev Jirbi, 21
Meirav Tal, 53
Mia Leimberg, 17, Argentine citizen
Mia Shem, 21, French citizen
Mika Engel, 18, Argentine citizen
Mongkhol Phajuabboon, Thai national
Moran Stela Yanai, 40
Natalie Raanan, 17 [Released 22/10/23]
Nattaporn Onkaew
Natthawaree Moonkan, Thai national
Naveh Shoham, 8
Nili Margalit, 41
Noa Argamani (26) - Rescued by the IDF on 08/06/24.
Noam Avigdori, 12
Noga Weiss, 18
Noam Or, 17
Noralin Babadilla, 60, born in the Philippines
Nurit Cooper [Released 24/10/23]
Ofri Brodetz, 10
Ohad Munder, 9
Or Yaakov, 16, German citizen
Ori Megidish – Rescued by the IDF
Oriya Brodetz, 4
Owat Suriyasri, 40, father of two
Ofelia Adit Roitman, 77, born in Argentina
Ofir Engel, 17, Dutch citizen
Paiboon Rattanin
Pattanayut Tonsakree
Phonsawan Pinakalo
Ra’aya Rotem, 54
Raz Ben-Ami, 56, German citizen
Rimon Kirsht Buchshtav, 36
Raz Asher, 4, German citizen
Ron Krivoi, 25, an Israeli-Russian citizen, was included on the list, although he was released separately from the exchange deal.
Ruth Munder, 78
Sahar Calderon, 16, French citizen
Santi Boonphrom, Thai national
Sapir Cohen, 29
Shani Goren, 29
Sharon Aloni-Cunio, 34, Argentine citizen
Sharon Hertzman Avigdori, 52
Shlomi Ziv (40) - Rescued by the IDF on 08/06/24.
Shiri Weiss, 53
Shoshan Haran, 67
Surin Kesungnoen
Tal Goldstein-Almog, 8
Tamar Metzger, 78
Uthai Sangnuan, Thai national
Uthai Thunsri, Thai national
Wichai Kalapat, 28, Thai national
Wichian Temthon
Withoon Phumee, 33, Thai national
Yaffa Adar, 85
Yagil Yaakov, 12, German citizen
Yahel Shoham, 3
Yarden Roman-Gat, 35, German citizen
Yelena Trupanov, 50, a Russian citizen, was included on the list but released separately from the exchange deal.
Yocheved Lifshitz [Released 24/10/23]
Yuli Cunio, 3, Argentine citizen
Yuval Brodetz, 8
Yuval Engel, 12, Argentine citizen
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sinvulkt · 1 month
I’ve recently been confronted with how differently everyone approach stories. This made me curious. So guys, I’m counting on you for data, we need to reblog.
(Calling upon the strenght of my (i hope) fandom friends so we get proper statistics)
@cinderfeather @yatsukisakura @bluntblade @tramp-fiction @purpleopossum @starmahgalaxies @purple-iris @tonhalszendvics @retciwrites @vandervoiz @insertmeaningfulusername @pebblish @pat-the-togorian @linzerj @kgjhk @fanfictasia @kefalion @doctorgeekery @asteral-feileacan @dreaminghour @beewaggle @dirtkid123 @ravenite-void @kuraiarcoiris @angst-buritto-wips-writing @mamashenanigans @fancyfrey @hylianengineer @silvercaptain24 @silvereddaye @omaano @piroporopi @mina-jamsin-derulo @doctorgeekery @ash--00 @trickstress333 @kittonafoxgirl @salparadiselost @charlottevader @ravenstakeflight @starr234 @sarcasticfirefighter @numerousbees1106 @akizumy @25centsoda @udekai @unlikecharlie @beguilewritesstuff @lusseia @azzzryel
I apologize in advance if I bothered anyone! (Warn me in dm and i won’t tag you for this kind of stuff again). Hopefully you’re curious as well and want the answer as much as I do. 🎶
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rooftopdaigos · 4 months
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murasaki-cha · 4 months
Tcf part 2 chapter 297
So you're telling me that God of Chaos and God of War have been cooperating since the ancient times, and they were both involved on this whole shitshow since the Ancient White Star wanted to become a god, also followed by now White Star which were both used by the hunters to create an absolute God.
And the reason that GoW chained up Sky Eating Water was because she was too powerful and would have been able to defeat Ancient White Star and totally mess up these two's plan, that's why GoC power was also found at the lake SEW was chained.
Wait oh my god hold on my brain is working at it's full capacity rn-
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alanshemper · 1 year
From Simp to Soldier: How the Military is Using E-Girls To Recruit Gen Z Into Service
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cerealandchoccymilk · 3 months
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan in his natural habitat in the temple sleeps in a loft bed (it was supposed to be storage he said cat instinct and turned it into a loft bed they’re shockingly common with Jedi tbh tho) and under 17 fluffy blankets with a pregnancy pillow (he’s not pregnant he just can’t sleep off his stomach if he don’t got one and sometimes autism requires squishing to keep it all down) and three more fluffy blankets on top of him. He has an optional Padawan or pet (not really a pet, just whomever followed him how from the gardens today) in bed with him also. And he’s got a projector on the wall and has a night stand with water and gaming devices so he can survive up there forever.
The clones, who have learned to sleep with full kute coverings and usually without blankets or pillows cause they just pass out on each other, most of whom identified with their Jedi for having similar sleeping types if they weren’t human, realize they are quite horrified by his Stewjoni nesting instinct. And he’s offended and refuses to sleep with any of them till they apologize to his favorite stuffed animal for insulting his HOUSE. Fuck you bitches he and Master Sparkle Bantha deserve better.
Cody is groveling while Alpha is still trying to negotiate a less intense number of blankets and Anakin is just shaking his head like ‘it’s not worth it Bro’ and Alpha is like ‘shut up ur an omega too you brat’ and that’s the last straw, you called them omegas now Cody is asking what an omega is and Alpha is trying to figure out how to keep his AO3 account hidden from his vod’e and nvm he’ll sleep in the barracks forever-
Obi-Wan holds this info over his head like a guillotine and convinced him to get in the damn nest right this second and cuddle him better.
If you don’t sleep with at least two comforters and a queen sized fuzzy blanket then I don’t trust you. Yes I refuse to trust my sister and wife okay. Everything in the world has a downside and that’s theirs. My bed is half dragon hoard of yarn and squishmallows. I’m not changing for anyone.
Anakin’s bed is 90% pillow and squishmallow and 10% blanket. Padme uses a thin cotton blanket and lets him burrito wrap himself and uses him like a body pillow while he’s captive in the blankies.
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ireton · 2 months
America lives to fight another day.
The Failed Assassination Attempt on President Trump.
Credit to Greg Reese & INFO WARS.
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