#Not Just because the electricity and flickergate
fluffyfangirl · 7 months
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(Guess who started playing Pokemon again, after almost two years, and decided to mix Fandoms... Soo Will Byers with an Alpha Luxray it is!)
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bylertruth3r · 7 months
why i think Will has (electric) powers
i think he got his powers (about electricity) when he got kidnapped and brought into the upside down (by Henry?)
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because Henry got his powers when he disappeared into dimension x
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and i think that's how Will manipulated the lights to talk to Joyce
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and i think they work based on his emotions because there's a scene at surfer boy pizza where the lights flicker while he's looking at Mike, and Steve said to Dustin that to know you like someone you have to feel the "electricity"
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plus i really like flickergate so i think Will's gonna find out he has powers when Mike kisses him, and that's what made the lights flicker in s1
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they said Will's power is his heart and Will called Mike his heart
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so i think his love for Mike will be really important for s5 just like it was in s2 because the hand Mike held was the only part of Will not possessed
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and just like Patty tried to save Henry (who was also possessed by the Mindflayer) with the "power of love" so did Mike with Will
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voydhund · 1 year
Could you explain flickergate?
I've seen it in a few of your posts and I admit I'm curious.
(you've opened a can of worms, grab some snacks and get ready because WHOO this is gonna be fun.) RAHHH THIS IS MY FAVORITE THING EVER I LOVE IT SM Where to start with Flickergate? Suppose it's only natural to start at the very beginning. (BIG LONG POST BELOW!!!)
November 6th, 1983. Will, Mike and the rest of The Party had just stopped their game of D&D, after Mike's mom had shut it down. While Mike complains to his mom, asking for more time, Will and the others had been cleaning up, and he had found the dice he'd lost- which rolled a 7- and mentioned it to Lucas, who says 'If Mike didn't see it, it doesn't count.' A few moments later, they're all outside, Dustin complaining about Nancy being a bitch, and they ride off, Will staying behind for a moment. "It was a 7." "Huh?" "The roll. It was a 7, The Demogorgon got me. See you tomorrow!" the garage lights flicker behind him as he rides off. Mike notices, but shrugs it off, turning them off as he goes back inside. On his way home, Will's bike lights flicker aswell. He looks down at it for a split second, and he sees a Demogorgon in the road once he looks back up, startling him and causing him to swerve off the road and into the woods, crashing. He abandons the bike and runs home. When he can't find Joyce or Jonathan, seeing the unlock itself with a figure in the window, he runs to the shed, loading a gun and pointing it at the door. Instead of coming through the door, the Demogorgon appears behind him, and it's too late once he realizes. The shed light flickers and grows brighter.
Ok so, there's like, all of Will's screentime for Episode 1. Remember, The Upside Down is frozen on the exact day Will first went missing- November 6th. In later seasons that becomes an issue, but they discover they can manipulate the lights in the rightside up from The Upside Down. Electricity seems to be a pretty big thing in this show. For example, Dustin's "I could feel it" "The electricity." line (in refrence to a canon romantic pair btw), the whole 'Demogorgon make lights go brr' thing, etc.
>"It was a 7." "The roll. It was a 7, The Demogorgon got me." Here, it shows that Will can't lie to Mike, even if it was going to help him. Will seems to think that lying to Mike- to himself -and pretending he doesn't like him at all is going to help the both of them. But Will isn't a good liar, and he can't lie forever. So. Season 5. Will and Mike have ended up in the Upside Down somehow. They are at Mike's garage again, and still, it's November 6th. Will can't lie anymore- he admits that he likes him, sounding stressed and nervous, like he might cry. Mike kinda just pauses, processing, and just kisses him. The lights flicker. They notice. That's basically it, though pretty summarized. Cool, right? While I don't think it will happen that exact way, its probably gonna happen. Again thanks so much for asking about this this is genuinely my favorite Byler thing ever. (/gen) @lucas-nowhereislands @looking-into-the-voids-jaws
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kiirotoao · 11 months
I keep getting asked what I’d like to see / theories for s5, so I’m listing them here!
(In blurb form because I have too many lol)
MORE. WILLEL. OR. DEATH. I’d particularly love some parallels from s1, maybe Will talking to El in the void or something? Because
Will has powers!! I’d love to see him have some kind of time/energy/electrical/celestial powers to mirror his Will the Wise persona
Robin being a BAMF and impressing Vickie or vice versa (I’m currently more sold on Robin being the BAMF because if switched that’s just Ronance. Which also. Ronance endgame please and thank you???)
Stonathan endgame or at least bonding. Can you tell that the CGI snippets made me insane
Flickergate duh
Pocketgate!!! And specifically Mike confessing to Will, Will thinking it’s too good to be true, then Mike pulling out the letter to prove it in dear desperation
Based on the “6 little nuggets” anecdote, I think Steve might unfortunately be toast because he has his dream with The Party, y’know
There will be a dragon of some sort based on Will’s painting? Maybe like Vecna, the Mind Flayer, and the demogorgons will combine into one big ugly creature to defeat? Dramatic but I have no idea
The spores might also be more lethal and infect people? Or maybe cause widespread hallucinations? They were everywhere in that finale and that cannot be healthy. Yes I know that Hopper and Dustin didn’t suffer any side effects of them in s2 but Vecna’s still alive so I think maybe they could become a new force
I believe in the Kas theory! But not for Eddie. I’m between Kas being Will, El, or Mike
I hope that Nancy doesn’t end up with anyone or it’s implied that she, Steve, and Jonathan, are happy being single for that time until they completely understand themselves and what they want
Vecna appearing in nightmares!! I’d love to see the subconscious come into play and it would serve to flesh out our main cast even more than they already are (especially Mike Wheeler and his internal gay crisis)
Jonathan, Mike, Lucas, Erica, and Murray in the Upside Down please!! They have never been that’s why, and no, I don’t count the tunnels in s2 because they didn’t flip upside down to enter those so I don’t think it was quite the Upside Down
Full and integrated Hopper-Byers family scene at the end of the season. Like them playing Monopoly or something or just existing together in the same house. Being happy. Please dear God.
Will coming out to his mom or Jonathan or Dustin or Lucas or anyone, really
EVERYBODY WANT TO RULE THE WORLD BY TEARS FOR FEARS preferably in the ending scene but anywhere would suffice and I’m not saying this just because I love this song but the lyrics literally fit so well I don’t think I’ll recover if his song isn’t in s5
A gate may exist at the library - it’s in the center of the earthquake and it’s where Will was taken in s1. I think Henry may want to destroy it because it contains so much information
I’d love a s2 parallel where Lucas talks to his dad again. Maybe about Max, maybe about all the stress, something. More sweet parent moments
Based off of the Byler fights in episodes 3 (s3) and 2 (s4), I think maybe they’ll fight again in s5e1?
And then resolve by s5e5
Wherein Heros (Bowie’s og version) will play when Mike and Will kiss
I just really really want Dustin being the lord of the demodogs. Like d’Art returns and recognizes Dustin and they help to fight against Vecna like fighting fire with fire it’d be so epic you see the vision right?
I’d love to see a return of Kali!! Either as a friend or villain recruited/controlled by Vecna it’d be pretty cool either way
Max lives. Period
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bibylers · 10 months
Before I start, I’d like to thank you all for all the likes on my first posts, It means a lot! 💓💓
Also, I decided just to point a few things out before starting. I have been having a very hard time for the past few months, and I won’t be able to post as often as I have (aka once per day). Hope you understand. :)
Today I will be going through one of my FAVOURITE theories ever.
Now, I know that there’s a big possibility that Flickergate won’t happen, but I still really like the concept!
So, Flickergate is really focused on the theories of:
1. Byler in the upside down
2. Will having electricity powers
3. David Bowie, Heroes theory
4. Lettergate
(If you don’t know about the David Bowie, Heroes theory, the Will having electricity powers theory or the Lettergate theory, you can search about it on tumblr, since I won’t be explaining it in this post.)
Flickergate goes all the way back to S1, when Will admits to Mike that he rolled a 7, and that the Demogorgon got him, since he can’t lie to Mike.
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After Will bikes away, it’s shown that the lights flicker outside of Mikes garage. Now, some people think it was probably just the Demogorgon in the upside down, or something else that made the lights flicker, but in Flickergate, it’s about something else happening in the upside down.
So, back to S4. During the end of the last episode, we get this intimate moment between Mike and Will in Hoppers cabin.
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Now, do you realise how the couch is upside down? This has made people question, if it’s foreshadowing to S5, Byler in the upside down.
This is where the theory basically started.
The theory goes:
Mike and Will get a paralleled fight (to the s3 byler fight) in the upside down, in Mikes garage. Now, during this fight, Will brings up the fact that Mike hasn’t written to him at all during his time in California, which leads the Mike admitting that he did indeed write to him, but never got the courage to send his letters. This would make their fight end up with Mike and Will FINALLY having a kiss. During this kiss, Heroes by David Bowie would play. And these lyrics will be played:
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Now, since in this theory Will has electricity powers, which makes the lights flicker outside of the garage because of the “love electricity”, which is also mentioned in s2, when Steve and Dustin talk about love.
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But, why do the lights flicker in s1, isn’t this about s5?
Well, remember in s4 when Nancy, Eddie, Steve and Robin are in the upside down, and realise that the upside down is STUCK IN TIME, to THE DAY WILL WENT MISSING?
This could make it possible for Will to make the lights flicker in s1, even though this happens in s5.
Also, a little detail to this:
In s3, byler fight, Will leaves.
In s4, byler fight, Mike leaves.
In s5, byler fight, no one leaves.
Sorry if I explained this in a confusing way, or misspelled any words. I’m not the best at explaining nor pronunciation. 💗
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redshoes-blues · 1 year
So there’s weird time stuff going on and the Upside Down is stuck on the day Will went missing…
And @will80sbyers made a great post breaking down some of the weird inconsistencies about the Byers’ house and UD that makes it seem like the time things are even more strange than I thought.
Remember Flickergate? We know that lights flickering in Hawkins = lights being interfered with in the UD. And this sparked a discussion about the lights that flicker over the Wheeler’s garage, and the idea that maybe a future Will and Mike cause the electricity to go haywire when they visit that same spot in the UD.
Another thing: I’ve always wondered how Will knew to use music to save himself.
Because maybe it’s just a coincidence since Jonathan played him music when Lonnie was being a sick so it’s a coping mechanism. But!! We also know music has the power to prevent people’s minds from being attacked by Vecna. This is knowledge the Party gains in S4, which in hindsight, makes the coincidence with Will look a lot more purposeful…
So if we’re dealing with time travel into the day Will went missing, and the Party now has the knowledge of how to avoid being attacked by Vecna:
What if Will from the future is the one who saved his younger self? Armed with new knowledge about how the UD and Vecna work, and knowing the UD is stuck on the day he vanished, maybe the key to solving all of this has to do with that day? And the way Will is somehow recovered from the UD?
Remember how Will is found by someone/something in Castle Byers and it fades to black before we see who it is, and he’s there singing Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Just saying…maybe it’s some kind of time loop phenomenon that only Will can tap into.
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Favourite and least favourite byler gate + why :D
My favorite gate is lettergate because there’s just so much more behind all of it yk? Like, the significance for byler and just Mike as a character is HUGE!! It just has the potential to be so so so important and beautiful and I really hope it’s gonna happen. Preferably the version of it where they find a letter in the upside down which Mike wrote to Will in 1983 because the importance and implications of that letter being signed “love, Mike” have me dead in the best way possible!! And Will is the one who finds the letter so he is unaware of how much “love, mike” actually means while the audience already knows ahhhhhhhh!! I’m going crazy!!
And my least favorite byler gate is flickergate because I’m a bitch about what’s canon and what’s not and flickergate doesn’t work in canon. Also, do people actually think Mike and Will kissing would only make a tiny garage light flicker for a second???? Seems very anticlimactic to me and not at all enough for a byler kiss!!
I’m a huge fan of the byler upside down kiss making lights flicker in the right-side up though!! Really hoping for it to be colorful Christmas lights that go absolutely crazy, some of the light bulbs even burst and sparks of electricity come out!!! Just thinking about it makes me so excited like?!?!? Imagine that scene! Imagine how beautiful it would be!! Them cutting back and forth between byler kissing in the ud and then like, Dustin, Lucas etc. being in awe of the Christmas lights flickering in the r-su ♥️👄♥️! That’s the version of flickergate I’d absolutely love but since I’m pretty sure flickergate specifically refers to the garage lights it’s not for me.
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vanscene · 2 years
hot take: i don't believe in flickergate. your opinions?
HMMM okay i do like the idea of it a lot as i like the full circle sort of implication of the byler first kiss happening in the same spot as their first scene and their s3 fight and i also really like the idea of original david bowie version of heroes playing in that scene because i'm a sucker for parallels and the thematic implications of the stripped back peter gabriel cover playing both times mike thought he lost will and the more triumphant version playing when he finally knows he has him is just MWAH 💋
THAT BEING SAID i do think the idea of their kiss causing the electricity to flicker from the upside down or whatever is a little silly.. like i'm sure they could pull it off in a way that feels more natural but on paper it's a bit dramatic
i guess i'd say i like a lot of the aspects of it but i'm not sure if i buy the entire theory really playing out
final rating: 6.5/10 lightbulbs 💡💡💡💡💡💡
send me byler/st theories to rate!
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gsc-stranger-things · 2 years
It’s probably been said before by Speak Now by Taylor Swift is THE Byler album
The pining and tragedy of Haunted?? Baby that is Will Byers through and through
Mine: “And you remember that fight… I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street” Rain fight scene and Mike showing up at Will’s + Will is the “careless man’s careful [son]”
Sparks Fly is a fun one that fits with the theories or Will having light-related powers. It’s fun to listen to as a POV switching song where some lines feel better for Will (“my mind forgets to remind me that you’re a bad idea”) and others for Mike (“I’m on my guard for the rest of the world but with you I know it’s no good”). And all the pouring rain imagery just hits for Byler as a way to make up for the fight in the rain. (Also I just love the idea of “I run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild” as a literal thing for them)
Long Live?? Byler song of the century:
“You held your head like a hero on a history page. It was the end of a decade but the start of an age” (If
“ALL THE KINGDOM LIGHTS SHINE JUST FOR ME AND YOU” (Byler kiss in the upside down #flickergate)
“Remember this feeling? I pass the pictures around” (Mike holding onto all of Will’s drawings)
“AND THE CYNICS WERE OUTRAGED SAYING THIS IS ABSURD” (queer romance in the 80s and how the anti-Byler general audience would receive it if it were canon)
“Promise me this, that you’ll stand by me forever. But if God forbid fate should step in and force us into a good life, if you have children someday, when they point to the pictures, please tell them my name” (either interpreted as forcing a “good” heteronormative life and this is Will asking Mike to remember him OR this could be like a before-the-final-battle-moment as a like “if I die, remember me” thing)
“I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE FIGHTING DRAGONS WITH YOU” (!!!! Hello???? The painting???? This song SCREAMS a Byler confession before the final showdown in S5)
The whole album has so many songs that work, but wow Long Live just really hit me wow
This post is messy because I’m listening to the album as I’m typing. But like Never Grow Up could be S5 Will looking back at baby S1 Will?? Maybe in the upside down where it’s still frozen on the day he disappeared.
Anyway, maybe I’ll do a cleaner post later with better thoughts on it, but overall the whole thing is so wonderfully Byler between the repeated motifs of pining/yearning, haunting, rainstorms, heroes, childhood, and sparks/electricity.
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 years
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Hawkins was split into FOUR sections. What do the sections look like? A COMPASS. Compasses have always been important to detect the gates because of their strong magnetic pull. A magnetic field produces an electric current. ELECTRICITY PEOPLE I COULD FEEL THE ELECTRICITY. FRICKING FLICKERGATE.
Anyway, a compass has North, East, South, and WEST. What if the blue meets yellow in the west wasn’t about California, but one of the four sections in Hawkins? At the end of s4 it already looked like everyone was separating into groups, or as the scripts put it, uniting. They showed Jancy, Jopper, Byler, and Eleven standing by herself (cause she slays all by herself like that). The writers said that they were trying to go back to how s1 was, so maybe that would be the original party, the teens, Joyce and Hopper (Murray and Enzo too?), but what would the fourth grouping be? El being by herself instead of with the rest of the party maybe? So then the original party (or just Will and Mike) could go to West Hawkins and that would complete the blue meets yellow in the west. The silver cat feeds could be Vecna killing while they are in West Hawkins, if it was just Will and Mike there, Dustin or Lucas or anyone honestly could be left vulnerable to Vecna.
Or I could be totally wrong about this whole thing and California actually was the blue meets yellow in the west. Who knows at this point lol. There's so many questions that need to be answered.
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