#Not Me!
intermundia · 1 year
i think the reason that i find the tragedy of the prequels so compelling is that anakin is such a good tragic hero. he's shown to be an intelligent man with a mature understanding of the world, who made catastrophic choices on purpose because they were easier and more personally satisfying to him. when fans deny him that agency, i believe they misunderstand the story in important ways. one can say that he was manipulated and deceived, one can diagnose him with every mental illness in the DSM (and people in my notes often do), but one cannot say that he wasn't fast to toss aside his moral values to lash out and to get what he wanted.
the fact of the narrative is that anakin knew better, and he chose the easy option (with full knowledge that it was 'wrong'), because he refused to accept core limitations of reality, namely the inevitability of death. he thought that having special powers meant the rules didn't apply to him and those he loved, and that's how he ended up killing kids and serving as a fascist enforcer for decades. one can contort themselves into knots to try to excuse that, and there were indeed many contextual forces that gave him so much power in the first place, but there is no real excuse for what he chose to do with that power.
without anakin being that kind of moral agent, there is no tragedy. tragedy in an aristotelean sense is a narrative designed to elicit feelings of pity and fear, because we the audience know that we too are doomed to suffer and all too readily make easy, bad choices to avoid pain. none of us want to accept that some parts of life include losing, and require sacrifice. anakin's greed was his undoing, as it is all to often our own. refusing to accept that the tragedy of the prequels, explaining away and excusing the fall of the hero, means protecting ourselves from accepting the painful truth that we are just like him, and can and do make the same kind of mistakes.
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starrymelosblog · 4 months
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Who even wears undies
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cerise-angel · 1 year
Spencer Reid x reader blurb!
(a comfort one because i need comfort)
Spencer knows something is wrong when you walk in your shared apartment and go straight to the bathroom, turning the shower on and locking the door before he can even say hi. he knows something is wrong because the time you spend in the shower, and the small sobs he can hear trhough the door. he knows something is wrong when you get off the bathroom with puffy red eyes and walks to the bedroom, again not looking or talking to him. Spencer is a great profiler, but when it comes to you he cant read that fast. so he stays by the door, watching you lay in the bed. the moment he catch a glimpse of your face, your lips in a pout and your eyes angry and sad, he knows exactly whats wrong. you've been lacking. lacking time to spend with yourself, lacking sleephours, lacking your husbands sweet touch. Spencer realize he's also lacking. he should have realized how overwhelmed you were earlier. softly, without making a sound, he joins you in the bed, pulling you closer and against his chest. you whine and complain, like a toddler, but end up reaching out to him, your arms pulling him until you are completely molded with him. he starts to play with your hair, and to recite curiosities about sea creatures. although you love the sound of his voice, you interrupt him. "Thank you, Spence. For taking me in." truly you are amazed by how he understands what you feel and what you need with such ease. in past relationships, even if you voiced what you needed you werent fulfilled. Spencer smiled, his dimples showing. "Thank you, honey. For letting me in."
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gooboogy · 11 months
I LOVE sex it's so cool!!!!! No I am never going to have it <3
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respectthepetty · 5 months
I'm just going to ignore this, At 25:00, in Akasaka.
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Because where was this energy for the first two episodes?
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The colors weren't coloring like this!
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I was getting bare minimum!
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But now?!
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Now you wanna offer me THIS?!
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Sort yourself out before next week!
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I'll see you then.
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kinnbig · 2 years
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Job Yosatorn as Time and Perth Nakhun as Tay | KinnPorsche the Series World Tour: WTF
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vampreculture · 1 year
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been fucking around w brushes lately
do ppl still talk about falsettos
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lili-spots · 9 months
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lovinglyinlove · 1 year
you believed in him.
you believed that there was still a part of your suguru in him.
that's why you followed him when he deserted, when he left everything and everyone behind.
because you had promised. that one fateful night, you both had promised to follow wherever the other went. both of you deeply devoted to each other and completely willing to do anything to be together.
sometimes, while you were in bed alone waiting for suguru to leave whatever nonsense meeting he was having with his admirers, you questioned yourself if the love you once had was still present.
occasionally, you saw in him glimpses of your old suguru, that young charming boy that was capable of disarming you with a simple yet meaningful smile.
other times, you felt just like one more of his admirers, not a person but another pawn in his thoroughly planned scheme.
more times than you would like to admit, you resented him. you allowed yourself to feel a smidge of hate to the man that gave you everything but at the same time, took it away.
every night he tells you that he loves you, but does he really remember what love is? he has changed so much, almost to a unrecognisable point. does he truly remember the love he felt for you? is his love really sincere?
these are the things you contemplate about only when you are alone.
you have to believe that there is still a part of your suguru in him.
because if there isn't, if he is truly gone
who had you been following?
who had you promised your entire life to?
you just want your lover back, but what if is too late for that?
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coffeebanana · 1 year
🐑 #double agent #kwami swap #fake dating
this is still a summary i swear because sometimes summaries can be snippets and this is all that popped into my head aksjfdbsk
It takes all Adrien's resolve not to back down when his father stands up at the opposite end of the table. He stares Adrien down, carefully adjusting his tie. If only hiding the Miraculous from view was enough to let Adrien forget everything his father had done. "You invited who to dinner?" His father's voice is just a few degrees cooler than the drafty dining hall. Adrien slips one hand into his pocket, fingers wrapping around the earrings he's hidden there. His other hand makes air quotes as he speaks. "My girlfriend." The silence that follows makes Adrien sick; his father probably manufactured it that way. So much about Gabriel Agreste is an act. Adrien knows that now--especially now. After all, Adrien's become the latest player in his twisted games. But that's not the lie that stings the most. It's that he now has to convince his father that this is all part of the act. That Ladybug--or Lady Noire--means nothing to him. Really. It's that Lady Noire also knows their relationship is fake. That she doesn't want anything different. It's that Adrien will do anything to protect her. It's that he's terrified of accidentally leading her to her demise. Adrien swallows nervously. "I thought that's what you wanted, father. A chance to take her Miraculous."
thanks for the ask!! 💜
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stewy · 1 year
kenstewies worldwide TONIGHT!!!!
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stanchett · 2 years
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sneak peek that I’m kind of embarrassed of but the desk crawl scene inspired me
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p4rty4nim4l · 4 months
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supernovasimplicity · 7 months
if any of you have seen the seven seas announcement and are thinking "huh people like that kp show, maybe i'll try the novel", then allow me to be your guardian angel and tell you to not under any circumstances do that <3
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This is such a minor thing to pick up on, but I love that you said 'non-digital life' rather than 'real life'. It affirms the value of this online space whilst also recognising your life outside it.
I appreciate you picking up on it because that was 100% intentional.
To be vulnerable/honest - I struggle a lot with my measure of worth/value and how it ties into being present and posting immediately. And then the complicated feelings of guilt for not posting when I'm out and then guilt about the guilt because my life that exists beyond the limitations of a digital screen is also v important.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
The way that Delta Squad dotes on their Jedi (wife) 🥹 and the ribbing they gave Scorch for a clumsy braid 😂
Oh to be a jedi Knight with four overprotective husbands who dote on you~
"So this planet looks...cheerful." Rynn says wryly as she leans over Sev's shoulder to peer out the front window. "Cheerful isn't quite the word that I would use," Fixer replies from the co-pilot's seat, "Menacing, maybe." "Why are we here anyway?" Scorch asks, "None of our explosives will work on a lava planet." "We have other weapons aside from explosives," Boss points out, "But he's not wrong. A lot of our equipment isn't going to work around open lava." "I know, I know." Rynn pulls away from Sev to look at the others, "Master Mace says that there's something here that needs to be investigated, and I believe him." "Yeah, but...Mustafar?" Scorch asks, "Why couldn't Palpatine hide his evil palace someplace nicer...like Scarif? Or Naboo?" "Naboo would be a little too on the nose, don't you think?" Fixer asks. "Where do you want me to put down, General?" Sev asks, "It looks like there's a landing pad in the palace, itself." The familiar air in the cockpit shifts into something more professional as every person on the ship slides into a working mindset. Rynn closes her eyes and focuses, "That should be fine. I'm sensing...something from the palace, something dangerous, but it also feels like it's asleep." "Head on a swivel then." Boss orders, "Everyone gear up. Are we dropping you first General?" Rynn hums, "No. Not this time. This time we stick together and we move slow." "Understood."
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