#Not a countdown
Katsuki wanted to compete for the rest of their lives
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🐢, fam, you are speaking my language
Picture this. Remus is a short king, we're talking 5'4" at the most. Virgil is a lumbering, beefy giant who's usually hunched over or sitting, nearly a foot taller than Remus.
One day he's feeling a little impish and takes Remus' eyeshadow palette and holds it up high where Remus can't reach it, no matter how much he jumps and growls
Remus: Return the slab!!
Virgil, teasingly: What's your offer?
Remus: Return the slab or suffer my curse!!
Virgil, could clearly hear him: I couldn't hear you down there. I have to suffer your kiss? If you insist
And then Virgil leans down and smooches him, and gives him back the eyeshadow. Remus, being Remus sets the makeup aside and pounces. He's got a big jerk to kiss!!
I fucking L O V E Vee being a lil (Or in this case tall) shit XD Ree will have his revenge and the Emo must face the wrath of the chaotic Short King's smooches XD (Which of course Vee is still a winner in both height and "curse" XD)
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didthekingdieyet · 2 years
im boorrreeeeddddd whens he gonna be died
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sonicmoviecountdown · 1 month
Hey y’all, just putting it out there that I might have to take a little break from this blog due to some serious medical stuff happening with me. I’ll try my best, but I’m not entirely sure if I’m going to have the energy to sit down and queue a hundred countdown posts. The current queue is down to exactly fourteen days… this post might become irrelevant if I find the time and space to keep up with things properly before that point. But. I’d rather be safe than sorry and let everyone know in advance. If I do go inactive for a minute, it’ll just be a few days/weeks, I promise! I will be right back, do not get concerned!
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splatoon-countdown · 3 months
Okay do you guys wanna hear my crack theory that might be real or I'm just really really crazy. Fair warning I don't seriously believe this is what they were intending but also a bunch of stuff lines up really well so Idk either way????? Here we go
In Side Order we are playing as Agent 8 AND New Agent 3 in the virtual body of Agent 8 due to a glitch in the Memverse.
Or something along those lines, something similar. I call this the duo theory.
"SideOrder-Countdown mod you're insane"
Yeah I know. But give me a chance because theres too much weird stuff going on to ignore it
The DLC starts with the player character/Neo 3 entering Inkopolis Square via the train, and falling asleep as they're sucked into the Memverse. Immediately afterwards, we have Eight's POV. When you're given the choice to change what Eight looks like, the text is ominous about your identity. For some reason Eight doesn't seem to remember Pearl or Marina at first.
If you play Tableturf with Acht and win, they say "You have some things in common" in relation to Eight, and do the same with Marina, she implies she somehow knows how you play in battle, but might not even know why she knows that herself??(Or im misinterpreting it and she does know but is just being cheeky about it) AND THEN, IF YOU DO IT WITH PEARL, SHE OUTRIGHT CALLS YOU EIGHT BEFORE CORRECTING HER MISTAKE
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3 and the most incriminating of all, what first made me start looking into this:
If your player character in Splatoon 3 outside of the DLC is an inkling, watch what happens when you get splatted in Side Order:
Seems pretty normal, right? Look closer. When you- or an enemy- are splatted in the Splatoon series, a tiny, sad squid/octopus floats above from it, and goes back into a respawn point/etc. Obviously, when you're an Inkling, its a squid, and when you're an Octoling, its an octopus.
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That is not an octopus. That is a squid. Like your player character.
What the hell.
Here's what we can conclude from this:
1: It's a simple glitch/oversight.
2: This is intentional.
If 2 is true, the implications are CRAZY. Why does Eight have a squid "soul" when Eight is obviously... Not. A squid? I'll leave the rest to you- I have a bunch of ideas cooked up for my own Agent OC interpretations. See you soon.
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bakugou-klancey-lance · 7 months
Katsuki literally can not die or I will be devastated
He's already died once, and he revived himself out of pure stubbornness
Maybe he collapses after the fight and Deku finds him that way and thinks he just died again.
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is-dabi-alive-yet · 4 days
I'm new coming back into the fandom. has it literally been a year sense Dabi last showed up in the present time manga?!
I read through all the chapters in like 4 days, and I was kinda under the impression that a new chapter would get posted a week or smth like that due to how the next one is this week, but holy that's a long time.
A year passed by so fast, but yes he hasn't shown up in a while for his status to update.
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is-toga-alive-yet · 8 months
they should give toga a jeart too
Toga might need one
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Erin ruunaser
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is-stain-alive-yet · 5 months
Its the 100th day since Stain's got his ass beat and we dont know his situation
Let us drink to that
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Kacchan "For the rest of our lives" Bakugou
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is the rest of our lives the official translation? 👀
It is the official translation
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Because short gremlin Remus needs more love
This trash mammal is a master at walking in 8 inch heels because he needs the height boost if he wants to kiss his boyfriend without jumping!! And they just make his butt look so good!! Good enough to maybe distract Virgil from worrying about his ankles
Y E S!!! Ree can and will use those heels to his advantage for everything especially making his Emo Spider even more Gay like
Virgil: Babe you've been wearing those for 5 hours I really think you should-
Remus: *effortlessly lifts his leg next to Vee on the wall* Hm?
Virgil: *blushing* Nevermind proceed
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is-bakugou-alive-yet · 2 months
Bakugou wins the popularity poll once again
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Clean scans are out
Kacchan of the Bakugous is a menace
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You're so precious when you smile
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