#Not nearly enough
villainsidechick · 7 months
Peter's smoochies -- damn son. We were robbed of more romantic Peter scenes.
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wayfayrr · 4 days
also this isn't really a request, more of a question: how do the 2d self-aware boys experience stuff like the screen and the fourth wall, i guess? i'm having a hard time picturing it. like for the 3d boys the camera is closer to them, but especially for hyrule, zelda 1 is top-down and zelda 2 switches between that and a side scroller. (also constantly thinking about the fact that when hyrule gets out of the game he is not expecting himself to be in any kind of definition. love that)
I think for the 2d boys they have a similar experience to legend in albw does when he's a painting. the times where they're facing the screen they can see ouit of it but the second they're made to turn away they only get the feeling of being watched from behind. it's hard to imagine and explain really (I also haven't thought plenty about it seeing as most of the focus has been on the 3d boys, though there is SO much to be done with the 2d lads too. I mean what, hyrule could have been trapped in a flat limbo for nearly 38 years now? that must have been hell) But the painting seems to be the best way of trying to place it and put a description too it (if anyone has any other ideas that'd be wonderful)
HYRULE THOUGH - oh the little fae boy, the one who started it all. Living out his existence on a tiny flat plane. he'd never seen as much detail as you in those glances he gets towards the screen, he's got the hardest time getting out too. He can't move closer to the screen, can't manipulate the camera, can't barely reach the edge of the screen. His only hope would be to try slipping out between the edge of the screen like a slip of paper. But once he does? when he has 'flesh' and 'bone'? poor guy doesn't know what to do, he's got no experience with any of this. He barely knows how to move beyond some tiny pixels now he has fingers, hands, arms, everything. things that he could have only dreamed of when looking at you.
remember how I said that sky or tears would be uncanny valley? not knowing how to breathe, blink and such? Hyrule would be so much worse. at the start he doesn't know how to move properly, having to be taught how to move his limbs like a ball jointed doll (hehe fitting for him) as he fumbles trying to learn, mimicking your movements before trying it out himself and watching your horror as he pushes the limits, trying to contort and bend past where it should be able. please take him to a hospital if he breaks something
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darkestmad-er · 4 months
How many bisexual encounters have you had?
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Not enough
😏 want to help me out with that?
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vole-mon-amour · 1 month
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the height difference between these husbands. <3
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he looks older than before in some frames.
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silvercrane14 · 3 months
orz <-wants to write a shin character study but should probably play the logic route in order to know him better but also doesnt want him to be mad at me :[
Holds you gently. Lemme tell you logic route is. It certainly is something. It hurts a lot. Actually the bad route
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wastrelwoods · 11 months
context of the last post is i was like ‘man. im gonna rewatch wrath of the lamb for the will/hannibal’ and realized i’d completely forgotten the first full five minutes being this incredible confrontation between reba and dolarhyde. just wiped that whole sequence from my memory as being Part Of The Finale
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metalcatholic · 1 year
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When the pupils ✨vanish✨
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fxvixen · 1 year
me, an ace-spec, every time I enter a new fandom: hmm.......... there's not nearly enough demi and ace-spec rep in these fics
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frostedclock · 1 year
Felt like doing Red Son from LMK.
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theblackestofsuns · 2 years
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“Not Nearly Enough”
That Texas Blood #19 (November 2022)
Chris Condon, Jacob Phillips and Pip Martin
Image Comics
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dandan-theberserker · 2 years
#It’s honestly been kind of shocking to me that apparently the only reason I haven’t spent most of my life#being self-conscious about my height was bc I aggressively internalized the idea that it’s ‘better for women to be shorter’#bc once I realized I uhhhh Wasn’t One#my confidence has been dropping exponentially by the day#realizing my gender has been great but also one big stomach-turning wave of ‘oh This is dysphoria’#It’s another in a long line of things about me that make people prone to infantilize me#Like… fuck I’m seriously looking into those surgeries that make you taller#People really don’t fucking talk about the standards we have for men physically#Not nearly enough#So much is disguised as ‘preferences’ and is really just racism and queerphobia#It makes me not want to go outside sometimes#It makes me want to believe in reincarnation so bad bc maybe next time the universe will get it fucking right#I try to talk about it w my therapist but she only tells me that most of the trans guys she knows are petite and that it’s okay#AND GODDAMNIT I KNOW THAT BUT MOST PEOPLE AREN’T SO KIND ABOUT IT#I HAVE TO LIVE IN THEIR WORLD#Hell I have to live with cis people who are well intentioned but still holding onto toxic beliefs about gender#And they’re learning but sometimes they make me feel like they’re humoring me by acknowledging my gender and pronouns#I’m *trans* not *delusional*#People are so cruel to men in particular who don’t fit their standards of what a man looks like#They’re absolutely vile about it for women too but at least the horrible standards about women are a bit more acknowledged socially#Thanks to very necessary work done by feminists and queer activists!#But hey we need it too#Not every dude is a conventionally attractive and toxically masculine allocishet man#Do you know how much shit most of the guys I know got for being short???#We’re Hispanic we’re usually not that tall#Just… FUCK stop being so condescending about short dudes or dudes with delicate features#Enough with the ‘manlet’s and ironic ‘short king’s#I don’t care if it’s funny#i really fucking don’t#Stop
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
I’ve got to say, if the Akiha route has done one thing, it’s make me excited to start the Hisui route. I am ready to get as far away from this route as I can.
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nabulsi · 3 months
Please share and donate if you can!
Mohammed is an engineer and founded the Gazan 3D printing company, Tashkeel3D. His contributions to the medical sector in Gaza have saved so many lives in light of Israel not allowing medical parts and equipment to enter Gaza during the years of blockade.
And right now he is under fire in the north of Gaza while his family is in the south. He needs help saving his life and the lives of his family as he is raising funds to get his family across the Rafah border.
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toomanylegos · 5 months
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
"Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol
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elliewilliamskissr · 8 months
i’ve decided my purchase for this paycheck will be a vibrator finally i can’t take it anymore
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angelxxreaper · 9 months
You also have your own berry bush now
..yeah but it’s just one you know..?
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