#November 30 2022
dogstomp · 1 year
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Dogstomp #2885 - November 30th
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glitterlikegold · 1 month
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rachelbilson: About last night… dress @ darja_donezz @ nicolechavezstyle #willow
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dmwrites · 2 years
The Evermore was a beautiful place, if a bit squishy. The clearing was tidy and cute, with witchy looking buildings. The witch herself, Shelby, emerged from a building at Cub’s calls.
“Omg hi Cub! I’m so glad you came!” Shelby said.
“Of course. You said something about needing some help?”
“Yeah!” Shelby clapped her hands. “See, beyond the Evermore is a mysterious fog, and I’m stumped in what to do about it. I want to know why it’s there, and what’s causing it. I was hoping you could help me figure this whole fog thing out- magic seems to be a bust, but maybe science? And you’re wearing a lab coat.”
“Yep. That’s the only credential you need in science, definitely.” Cub said. “Is it dangerous in there?”
“Well, maybe. Kind of? Yeah. People keep going in and not coming out. Not everyone! Most people just hear voices or get their soul stolen. It’s weird in there. Definitely ghosts. Maybe. I don’t know.” Shelby gave him a very nervous smile.
“Well, I’ve got the power of this big axe that Katherine gave me on my side, I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Cub said, hoisting his battle axe before putting it back in its holster. “I’ll slice down any ghost.”
“Awesome! Well, good luck!” Shelby said, waving him off.
And so Cub went, checking behind every tree and root he passed. The mangrove forest was huge, and the deeper he got, the harder it was to see. At first he thought it was just the density of the foliage, but an odd coloration to the air and a rather offensive smell made him realize that the fog was here. And then came the whispers.
“Hello?” Cub pulled out his battle axe, looking around nervously. The whispers in the fog didn’t necessarily sound dangerous, more like an out-of-earshot conversation he wasn’t part of. But the way Shelby had looked at him, the genuine fear in the eyes of the witch who lived with the fog at her back, kept him on edge. And there was this distinct feeling of dread that Cub could feel radiating from his very soul. Someone was watching him. Someone was waiting for him.
“Are you lost?”
Cub gasped, swinging all around him, but only hitting a tree. There was a voice, echoey and almost lost sounding, but definitely distinct from the whispers.
“Who- where are you?” Cub whirled all around, seeing nothing except the fog and the shadows of trees. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything- oh, no, Friend, don’t- oh my god.”
Something blue came out of the fog, and Cub swung at it. The axe went right through it, and Cub stood dumbfounded with his axe buried in the mud, looking at a blue sheep. And behind it emerged a tall man with a yellow sweater with a gash in it. Cub yanked the axe out of the ground.
“Literally so fucking rude to swing at an animal, lucky Friend has infinite lives.” The man, Cub noticed, was translucent. So was the sheep. He could see the fog through both of them. “So you’re lost and scared, then. They usually are.”
“You’re what’s been causing this fog!” Cub exclaimed, holding the axe aloft again. “I can’t believe I found you!”
“No, you’re being silly.” The ghost said firmly, holding out a hand. “I am Ghostbur, not a fog. Ghost. Not fog. See the difference? I’m just like, here, man.”
“Shelby said there would be ghosts.” Cub said. “I didn’t think she was right. Are you the ghost of one of the people who got lost in here, then?”
Ghostbur shook his head. “No, no. Just, here, you know. Listen, Cub, you look very scared and confused. Here, have some blue. It‘ll help, although it looks a little funny. Maybe it’s the fog- it has a way of distorting things.” Ghostbur reached down as if to pet Friend, but his hand went deeper then should be possible. When he pulled back, the ghost was holding a handful of a dark blue and black substance, that not so much leaked from his hand as it did convulse. Cub knew what it was, he’d seen it before in his travels. Sculk. Ghostbur held it out to Cub, smiling just as politely as he had been this whole exchange.
“You know what… I’m good, actually, man. Super nice to meet you, but I’ve got to get going… meetings, you know how it is.” Cub chuckled nervously and turned around, hoping that if he just walked in a straight line, he’d get out of this place. Forget science and curiosity. Some things were better left unanswered.
“It’s rude not to accept a gift, Cubfan.” Ghostbur said, and Cub suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back and chest. He looked down, and found Ghostbur’s pale hand, still holding the sculk, all the way through his chest. “We don’t want to be rude, now do we?” Ghostbur whispered in his ear, and Cub could feel it, could feel Ghostbur’s slimy lips against the shell of his ear. With a nasty, wet pop, Ghostbur’s hand withdrew back through Cub’s body, and a shiver of cold shot through him, radiating out from the spot where Ghostbur’s arm had been.
What followed the cold was a floating sense of calm. Cub turned around and was not suprised to find Ghostbur holding a white light in his hand. “My soul.” Cub said. He couldn’t care less, although it was very pretty. Too bright, but pretty.
“Yes. You don’t need it.” Ghostbur replied. “You must spread the sculk.”
“I will.” Cub replied. He knew what that meant. He always had, deep inside. He turned around and walked away, the fog pushing him where he needed to go, back into the Evermore. With every step he took, he could feel the sculk grow inside his body and on his skin. It was wonderful, and soon everyone would know this feeling. Cub smiled. It was simple. Spread the sculk.
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
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bodykount: Hardstylin with the Dunes. Thank you to everyone who made our night in Brooklyn unforgettable 🧡⚔️🦂
[November 30, 2022]
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1morteveryday · 2 years
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334/365 👣
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My Thoughts If Weird Al Voices Charlie’s Dad In Hazbin Hotel
well if Weird Al did end up voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel,
I know it would brighten my day, cause well even if he doesn’t know that we are technically family, I think it was a few years ago that I found out that we are distant cousins on some family tree place...
and well besides the whole Walt Disney and Jim Henson, he is one of the few distant family members from the tree, that doesn’t embarrass the family.
Lady Godiva’s husband is a embarrassment, I like that I’m a descendant of Lady Godiva and it is kind of funny the whole “Peeping Tom” is thanks to her and some guy name Tom, maybe if he did go blind maybe some Angels poked his eyes but wasn’t there some info that said that Tom guy had died after peeping on Lady Godiva....?
also even if I do find out I’m distant family to some famous people or like some royal families, doesn’t mean they know me or my family that has been around me for most of my life, so I can’t do any favors like at all that has to do with them.
but try telling someone who wont listen and thinks I can help with getting in contact with them, so they can pitch their ideas....once again, NOT possible.
it be interesting if there was a drawing where it has Wreck-Gar from Transformers Animated, and on his head is sitting Charlie Morningstar’s Dad Lucifer, and on his shoulders is Cheese Sandwich from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, and a cartoon version of Weird All is on Wreck-Gar’s right or left shoulder.
all while one of the songs of Weird Al Yankovic’s songs plays in the background, like the Polka Face song.
maybe weirdness runs in the family, but I don’t know if he would end up becoming the voice of Charlie’s Dad or not, one can only dream XD
earlier I think I was feeling a little down but also tired too, I did mention it at another place, and boy do I got a lot to say about my disgust with some parents and judges from Michigan, yeah there are some sickos from different parts in the states, but I wouldn’t of known about well how screwed up a certain thing that goes on over there, if it weren’t for finding out about Med Chicago.
I hope the people in Michigan who has some common sense and know people like that Reverend, need to be stop....
[Feel Free To Skip Down To Where It Goes Back To Talking About If Charlie’s Dad was voiced by Weird Al Yankovic.]
if that Reverend was a real person and not just a character, I would want to punch his lights out, I mean if I was strong enough to do that...
and I would like to kick him below the belt.
even if it is good that the legal age to get marries is 18 years old, but that doesn’t give idiot humans the right to break that freaking legal age rule by doing such disgusting idiocy of stupidity.
well it isn’t like they will be going to Heaven, so it is likely they will go to Hell.
even Reverends like that character from that Med Chicago, at least when I went to Hell in one of my past lives, it wasn’t really my choice and it was because of some stupid humans who were all Toxic-Satanist.
this is probably one of the reasons why Earth Angels, should NOT be placed in families that will just end up doing that cr*p.
it sucks knowing that in one of my past lives, I was born into some Toxic-Satanist Family, then again it would be bad being reborn in any Toxic-Religious Family that crosses lines that should NEVER be crossed, not just those who are Toxic-Satanist.
that Reverend from that Med Chicago, is so a Toxic-Reverend and should go to Hell for his disgusting inhuman filth ways.
also I know that even though the me that is now (and not the versions of me from a few of my past lives), wasn’t born yet during a time when two people in my family had married, and one was 14 and the other was 17, doesn’t mean it was right, and the parents and the people who was giving them the okay to do so, should of at least known better, but they didn’t.
at least they weren’t my parents, I would be ashamed of them.
I guess I do have a bit of Daddy issues, I mean there are a lot of people in this world that might have either Daddy or Mommy or Renny Issues.
 wonder if I should count my Soul-Dad as part of those Daddy Issues, well a soul fragmenting and the fragment becoming a baby soul, would be some form of Soul Asexual Reproduction.
also I can’t remember the name of the video or the channel, but I know it showed some jerk who didn’t seem to get that Asexual Reproduction and Asexual as in the Asexuality, are TWO DIFFERENT things and are of course not the same.
oh yeah, and if some percent of humans today are descendants of Nephilim and the Watchers, then yeah they can be added to the Ancestor Daddy Issues as well...
the Grandpa Watchers, Grandpa Nephilim and the Grunkle Watchers and Grunkle Nephilims aren’t the boss of me.
and I would flip the double birds at them if I was allowed to....
I’m still procrastinating in checking to see if my blood type will come out the same as it did the last two times, so checking to see if it will do so for a third time will have to probably wait a little longer....
it’s not like I mean to put it off for so long, all I know it’s suppose to be O RH D Negative, and I know my Mom has the same blood type, well except the “D” part in there, and I like to think of the D part as Determination like from Undertale.
I can say that my blood type is full of Determination.
 I think maybe the reason why I picked Demi-Goddess as part of my new tumblr name on here (well it has mystical and deltarune in there as well...)
maybe because it is suppose to be like funny ironic, I don’t know, something that is suppose to be funny and sarcastic but not really to be taken seriously?
I know there is this one org place, that has some info on the different blood types...like how O RH D Negative is The Most Ancient Blood type and O RH D Positive is The Second Most Ancient Blood type. and it is in the same org place, that talks about the Grail Children.... I guess I could say the name of the place, it's called templeoftheola.
even if O RH D Negative is part of the whole Grail Bloodline,
I think it is possible that I am just gonna be a distant cousin of Jesus, I mean yeah I can believe there can still be a slim chance and small possibility that he could end up being my Ancestor as well, but at least I know it is still possible he isn’t my Ancestor and is just a distant a cousin.
if he were my Ancestor, there will be need to be some form of proof, like DNA or family tree showing it is true.
but “Grandpa” or not, don’t mean I will agree with him crossing a line if a certain info is true, which I hope it isn’t true.
and yeah just recently I had started to get thoughts that I can’t trust all Masculine Angels, at least when they get into that whole Toxic kick of theirs.
even if there might be some I can still trust, who aren’t being insensitive jerks.
but still, yeah it can be bad when Feminine Angels could get all Toxic just like the Masculine Angels....
I mean would it hurt some of the Feminine Angels to like stop some Toxic-Feminist from going all Hazard-Karen...?
like those three little girls that Bart Simpson thought were cool, but they were just three brats who wouldn’t know real equality if it slap them over the head.
they are just as bad as most boys, at least when I’m Semi-Misanthrope it includes women and not just men...
and even if I am not very powerful, and I am a Defective Earth Angel.
but I know I did have some thoughts that if Jesus and Satan did cross a line,
like some info saying that Jesus would start a war between nations and some other info, which I kind of hope that info isn’t true, I mean I found it on some place that is called Gods and Demons, it’s a fandom place.
even if it is just a thought and I know I am not powerful to do so, but if Jesus ever did cross that line that says in the info that’s in his bio on that Gods and Demons Fandom place....
well the thoughts I have is that I would avenge the Earth and Humanity by starting Omniageddon, it’s a weird thought, but even if there are bad people in the world, there is good people as well.
like the Stronger Than You Parody, that has Rose Quartz singing Stronger Than You.
I am Her Knight, I am Their Shield...
even if some of that info I found before, might possibly be true, doesn’t make it right, and I don’t want him to cross that line.
if Heavenly Father allowed it, I would take both Jesus and the Antichrist by the ears, I mean yeah I had thoughts about just taking the Antichrist by the ear, but if I was allowed to, I would do the same to Jesus if he so much as cross that line.
Earth might not be perfect at times, but how is it suppose to get more better when he tries to do harm to it, and I don’t think Earthly Mother would be too happy with that, and I am on her side.
I can still believe in God/Heavenly Father, but I don’t agree with his son crossing a line.
it just adds to one of my reasons of wanting to go live with the Goddess/Earthly Mother...
I can still believe in Jesus, but at the same time not when he plans to do something really REALLY bad....
anyway, enough talk about that mess, let’s go back to talking about well the possibility or what if Weird Al voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel.
I think it be interesting if Weird Al voiced Charlie’s Dad, but we know the chances of that happening are very small...
and you know, the real reason I had signed on here, before hearting some fan art on here and deciding to talk about my thoughts on Weird Al voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel, and even some of my thoughts and feelings about that other stuff....
I had signed on, so I could block someone named Erin, even if we don’t know each other but I have my reasons and I rather not talk about those reasons right now. [Editing This To Say That I Decided To Not Block Them, but it doesn’t mean I wont in the future if I’m given another reason to, right now I will not block them, at least for now, I can only hope that the fanning the flames does stop soon.]   
after I do what I need to, I can check out some more art on here.
later I plan to play Undertale, and give Frisk and everyone a permanent happy ending with no more Resets.
I had made a Mii to look like Frisk for a Offline User Account on the Nintendo Switch, I had started out naming the fallen human Frisk, and once I had spared and showed mercy to Toriel, and after Hard Mode was over with, I could Reset and change the name to Chara.
but after getting the True Pacifist Ending, where everyone is happy on the Surface, I’m not going to Reset the Timeline for a second time in that one that has the Mii-Frisk, which has the name “Frisk” on it.
I can still play Undertale and Reset and play it all over again on the other that I play it on, but I want to give one save version of the game, a permanent happy ending, where everyone that was free from the Underground, wasn’t pulled from the happy ending timeline and sent back to the underground.
if it was a AU, I would call it Novembertale or Novermber’s Mercy.
of course tomorrow it will no longer be November, but I had started the new timeline and made that Mii-Frisk on November 29, 2022.
after I do get that happy ending in that one offline account, I wont play Undertale on that one again, maybe just well open up to it once in a while just to check the numbers of the save and the ending title that says “The End”, I don’t know.
I can still play Undertale on the Nintendo Switch, but that one where it has Mii-Frisk will only have Undertale’s True Pacifist Ending, with only One Reset, and the other times when Frisk/Chara gets a Game Over and ends up going back in time before it happens.
plus even if I wont play Undertale on that Mii-Frisk one after I get the Happy Ending where everyone is out of the Underground, I could always play Deltarune on it whenever I want as well.
I just like the idea of giving the Monsters from Undertale, a Happy Ending where they wont be pulled from the surface and placed back into the underground.
and if my plan works, it would mean that version of Frisk would of never fought Photoshop Omega Flowey, and only fought Asriel The Hyper God Of Death.
anyway even if I did try to do some Mercy in the Hard Mode of the game,
I kept having a little trouble, and had to show a no mercy, expect to well a few like Migospel and Toriel, so lucky the LV had stayed at LV 3 after finishing the Hard Mode.
but after doing the Reset, I made sure not to [Fight] and only [ACT] and [MERCY] to the Monsters, or like run away if I need to.
earlier today I was trying to fight Mad Dummy, but my Fluffy Baby was in the way, so I couldn’t watch out for half of Mad Dummy’s lackeys properly.
I will try to fight Mad Dummy later, well without pressing [Fight] and try as best I can not to get a game over and wait for Blooky to show up.
I wonder if any other fans of Undertale have thought of this...?
like still playing Undertale and doing the resets, but making fully separate save from their other saves and giving another version of the Monsters and Frisk a Happy Ending where there was only One Reset that happen when changing the Fallen Human’s name from Frisk to Chara.
even some versions of the game characters we love from Undertale,
deserve to only experience One Reset, and be able to stay on the surface without being made to go back in the underground.
so that is my weird plan, I will get back to work on doing that later.
I can’t wait to see the new chapters of Deltarune, I mean I can but you know what I mean right...?
each of the new chapters will be worth the wait, just like how it was worth waiting for Bendy and The Dark Revival. 
of course I have only watched a walkthrough of that game, and it might be a while before I can get that game.
I can always enjoy it by just watching the walkthrough of the game, even if I can’t play it right now.
anyway even if I and maybe a few others might think it be awesome that Weird Al ended up voicing Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel, it doesn’t mean it will happen.
it is just wishful thinking and hopeful dreams, sure we got lucky when the same guy who voiced Zim from Invader Zim ended up voicing that precious cinnamon roll Moxxie from Helluva Boss.
but that doesn’t mean we are gonna get lucky with the whole Weird Al voicing Charlie’s Dad from Hazbin Hotel.
it just seem like a great idea if it did happen, and if Lucifer from the show ends up singing in Weird Al’s voice, you know that is going to be something.
like picture a fan art short short comic, where Lucifer is giving one of his speeches when a Sinner Demon/Former Human speaks up and calls out
“Sing the song White and Nerdy by Weird Al Yankovic!!!”
that would be the best thing to happen, and it be funny too.
it might amuse Charlie and Lilith that some Sinner/Former Human, is asking Lucifer to sing the song White and Nerdy by Weird Al Yankovic.
and well I know that as soon as there is a official design of Mammon from Helluva Boss shows, I am so going to do another drawing of him wearing a shirt that says “This Dork For Rent” with a drawing of a arrow pointed up at his face.
I like the idea of one of the nicknames for him being Manny.
if Asmodeus can have Ozzie as a nickname, than well maybe Mammon will have nickname in the show as well, even if it might not be Manny.
and if Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel is a goofball and silly, then Weird Al voicing him would fit very well and match his personality.
but even if I and few others would like to see that happen, having Weird Al voice a character from Hazbin Hotel or even Helluva Boss, it doesn’t mean it will actually happen, we can just have that wishful thinking and just like the idea of Weird Al voicing Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel.
not everyone has to like the idea about Weird Al voicing Charlie’s Dad,
and it’s okay that it’s just me and a few other people who like the idea of Weird Al voicing Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel.          
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mermaidinthecity · 2 years
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November 30, 2022
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With constellations in her hair. A night for her. This memory that was.
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hilaryduffwardrobe · 2 years
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WHERE: Social Media
WHEN: November 30, 2022
Wilfred Jovial Cardigan - $58.99
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druggeddraccus · 2 years
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Favorite book this month:
The Lost Metal tbh lol it was also the only book I read this month that wasn’t a reread. it was a good ending to era 2. Though i do hope to see more of this era’s descendants when going into era 3. maybe we could see wax’s kids grown up or as grandparents i do wonder how many years it will be between the two.
i think era 1 was like 300 something years?? I could be off on that front. I hope it’s not that far between lol
All books read:
Messenger by Virgina Frances Schwartz (5/5)
Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson (5/5)
Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson (5/5)
The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson (5/5)
Books read: 4
Pages read: 1,491
Average rating: 5
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thehiddenhermit · 2 years
I just slurped a ramen noodle into my eyeball and it hurts so bad
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chillmate · 2 years
Psalm 26:8-12 "KJV"
[8]LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.
[9]Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men:
[10]In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes.
[11]But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me.
[12]My foot standeth in an even place: in the congregations will I bless the LORD.
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
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photographed by Jules Miranda // #LSDUNESBK 
[November 30, 2022]
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louisupdates · 2 years
A message from Louis’ for his top listeners on Spotify Wrapped (30.11.22)
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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sunshineandlyrics · 2 years
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This TikToker singing Chicago has 3.2million followers (30 November 2022) x
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