#Now I'm using a red+white controller I call the Red Dead Controller [guess what I played when I bought it]
Me, trying to continue my RF2 replay on my day off, only for my controller to not cooperate-
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It's a 1st run Xbox One controller, so this thing is old and, well, abused. And today, good lord, it showed its age.
Thank goodness I have a spare. But uh. Time to buy a spare for the spare
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blueteller · 1 year
So, I discovered the "random incorrect quotes generator" and had some fun with it. Here you go 😂
Alberu: So. Choi Han and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Cale: *sighs* …What did Choi Han do? Alberu: He chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Choi Han: *smiles innocently* Do you need a steering wheel, Cale-nim?
Cale: We need to get through this locked door. Bud, give me your money Bud: …Ok, here? Cale: *pockets it* Thanks. Choi Han, kick down the door Bud: …
Eruhaben: While I'm gone - Raon, you're in charge. Raon: Yes!!! Eruhaben: *whispers* On, you're the one actually in charge. On: *whispers back* Obviously.
Basen: Where's Lily? She isn't answering Violan: I'll call Basen: Father and I have both tried six times ea- Violan: Lily! Lily: *in distance* Yes?
Cale: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? Choi Han: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Raon: Smad! Cale & Choi Han: … (How can he be so cute)
Tasha: Alberu, tell Mary about the birds and the bees Mary: *stares silently* Alberu: *sweats* Alberu: …They're disappearing at an alarming rate
Cale: What doesn't kill me should run, because now I'm f***ing pissed Gods: *shiver* (Why do I hear boss music-?)
On: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life Raon: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? On: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Hong: …edible! Cale: *shivers in the distance*
Cale: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 billion gallons? Choi Han: *thinks carefully* If you stabbed me, you could just heal me with a potion, and then we could buy another big-a** villa somewhere Clopeh: *enthusiastic* You could stab me too, and then you'd have 20 billion! Choi Han: *pulls out his sword with a smile* …Good thinking
*Archie and Paseton sitting in jail together* Paseton: So, who should we call for help? Archie: …I'd call Cale, but I think I feel safer in jail
Rasheel: *sarcastic* How petty can you get? Mila: *smiling* I once edited historical documents to win an argument I was wrong about Rasheel: *scared* What the f-
Alberu: ...You know those things will kill you, right? Eruhaben: *pouring himself a glass of vodka* That's the point. Choi Han: *smoking 10 cigarettes at once* We're trying to speed up the process. Cale: *nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Witira: You have to apologize to Paseton Archie: …Fine. Archie: 'Unf*** you', or whatever
Cale: Looking left cause you don't treat me right Choi Han: Looking right because you left Raon: Looking up cause you let me down Alberu: Looking down cause you f***ed up White Star: *bleeding from having his arm ripped off* …What is wrong with you guys??
Alberu: *walks into his bedroom* …Hello, people who do not live here. Cale: Hey. Choi Han: Hello. Raon: Hi cookie prince! Hong: *chewing* Alberu: You know I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only, right? On: *shrugs* We were out of cookies
Cale: I've come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than 'f***' Raon: Human, you poopy dumbo!! Cale: … Cale: …that works, I guess
Alberu: Instructor-nim, why do you always wear black? Choi Han: So that when someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven't decided yet' is a valid response. Alberu: *thoughtfully* Hm. I should try that at the next nobles meeting
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Eruhaben* Eruhaben: *hairflips* Fool, are you blind? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived. Also, if you could drag comb through that hair you would be a 7 at most, everyone knows I'm a constant 10-
Raon: Human, you'll have a hard time believing this because it never happens - but it seems I made a mistake! Cale: *sighs* ...What did you do this time?
Deruth: You see, children, nothing in life is free- Lily: Love is free! Basen: Knowledge is free Violan: Artistic inspiration is free Cale: *smirks* Everything is free if you simply loot it
White Star: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Sheritt: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should've taken away. White Star: Death isn't real, and I'm basically God.
(Cage remix) Cage: *drinking* I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Taylor: ...I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should've taken away? Cage: Death isn't real, and neither is God God of Death: *sobbing in the distance*
Deruth: Cale… just how many kids do you have? Cale: …Biologically, emotionally, or legally? Deruth: 0_0
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soymemes · 2 years
lyrical starters from "in case i make it" by will wood (PART 1/3)
---tomcat disposables
"So, here's where I'll be raising my kids."
"I'll dream of the day my odds and ends fit."
"Life gets short."
"Do I belong in right and wrong?"
"Nature, I guess."
"So I run for cover."
"One hungry day is nothing."
"I'll make it through again, I have before."
"My dreams were finally reality."
"I expect no dreams."
"I held on so tight."
"Was that all there was to this?"
"What's for the best?"
"Meet me there after I'm gone."
"One dies alone."
---becoming the lastnames
"I've learned to pick my battles by losing most I've fought."
"I'll always do it my way."
"That's just the same way I was taught."
"Wow, can you believe we really made it?"
"I want to be just like my parents."
"I learned from a good father."
"Now I'd just like to lay down."
"Marriage always scared me, but I'd like to have a last love."
"Love can last a pretty good long while."
"But what do I know 'bout forever?"
"If you want a hyphen last name, I guess I don't mind the cadence."
"I've made more mistakes than simple empty moments."
"I'd have forgotten all their names, so why should you remember me?"
"If we grow old together, will you talk to my headstone?"
---cicada days
"God knows crying ain't gonna change a thing."
"I take more than I bring."
"It just feels inhumane to lose this much."
"'Cause when you leave you know you takе more than your love."
"We're losing touch."
"Okay, I'll pack my stuff!"
"My God, what have I done?"
"Now it feels damn inhumane to get all I've dreamed of."
"You're worth it."
"Tommorrow's too late."
"You fought tooth and nail."
"Say you're not scared."
"Say you know I love you."
"Hope was just not there."
"When you're gone, you're gone."
"I want to believe that you'll remember me when you're just memory..."
"Sorry I would take it back if I could."
" I want to believe that you can still hear me when you're just memory."
"It'll all be over soon."
"I'd never let a bad thing happen to you."
"Now goodnight I love you."
"Everybody dies."
"I know why we say that there's a better place that waits beyond the grave."
---falling up
"Would or could the impact kill me?"
“Shoot for the stars."
"You make a wish upon the dead but turn and call it a weed."
"Only plastic flowers never die."
"What do you know of control?"
"Cut ties, shed the dead weight."
"Is now really a good time for a new tattoo?"
"The larger they are the harder they tend to fall."
"Life looks awful small."
"Love us or hate us."
---falling up
"My dream girl, those eyes, that nose."
"They say 'Grow up, be a man'"
“Goodbye, cruel world”
"What’s wrong with me?"
"Dream girl, come and sweep me off my knees."
"I’d rather stay asleep than nеver see you wake up next to mе."
"You seemed fine just a few days ago."
“Never mind, you win!”
"Far too late came far too soon."
"Alright, that’s enough, let’s get you home."
---um, i mean, it's kind of a lot
"I'm afraid of leaving my house"
"I'm afraid of dying of cancer"
"I'm afraid of losing my mind"
"I've never been afraid of no one breaking my heart."
"I'm afraid of damn near everything."
"I've grown used to fear."
"I love you so much it scares me half to death."
"I'm not used to this, how did it happen?"
"I'm afraid that you'll change your mind."
"I'm afraid there's somebody better."
"I'm afraid you'll notice all my flaws. I'm afraid you already have."
"I'm afraid I'll come on too strong, hold you too tight, and scare you too."
"I never been afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve."
"If you cut me, I'll bleed."
"Hold me at claw's length."
"I'm not used to fear of losing something I hold dear."
"I promise I'll shut up."
"Uhh, I mean, it's kind of a lot..."
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hannya-writes · 3 years
Your Kind
Title: Your kind
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader, Peter Hale x Vampire!reader?
Other Characters: Kate Argent (mentioned), Laura Hale, Cora Hale and Talia Hale (Mentioned)
Category: friendship, platonic love.
Warning: Reader is a Vampire! Young Derek, and Young Peter because that's dangerous! This all happened after Paige's Dead. Violence, hypnotism or mind control (not sure but hey!) Peter being wild, I guess this is kind of sad.
Author's note: I didn't wanted to use the common powers of vampires because cliche! And I ended up with a mix of a striga, a bat and kind of werewolf powers, If I write a part 2, maybe I'll explain what's up with my version of vampires. And no! Vampire reader is not killing anyone... Yet. Also gifs are not mine, I found them on google!
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In the moment you had stepped in Beacon Hills you had know that you shouldn't stay there for a long time. You weren't welcome. There was a Werewolf pack in town and werewolves didn't like your type. Maybe because of legends, since they told that your races were supposed to be enemies. Maybe because of a bad experience with someone of your race, maybe because it was engrained in their DNA. You didn't know. You never asked.
You just stayed as far away of the Hale family as possible. It was a problem that you got stuck in classes with no one else but Derek Hale. A teenager that had smell death and blood on you. He was cautious and curious about you, sneaking on you, expecting you to blow your cover. But you didn't. You had smelled him too, he smelled like a wolf, a mix of the animal itself and the smell of forest that came with them and made normal people get scared: the smell of the unknown, of danger.
You played it cool. You were a good student, middly attractive, you spoke when others spoke to you, you were kind and relaxed, you even helped some students in what was possible. When some students decided to pick on you, you didn't reacted. Never lost the patience that had been taught to you.
Then, there was Kate. Kate loved to pick on you, mock you, call you "the new library mouse". It was her insistance on you that had made Derek pay more attention to you. He smelled your murderous instinct every time Kate was close. An truth be told, he was amazed by your self-control.
After being put in a science work with him, you finally got the chance to know each other. You two had speak to each other like civilized human beings. You had joked together, you even became friends.
He wanted, no. He needed to know. He deserved to know, you were his friend now, he wanted to tell you what he was and needed to know more about you.
— Y/n, what are you? — he directly asked you one evening after the end of school, you were the last two people in the library, the question made you uneasy. If he discovered you, his family would kill you.
— excuse me? — was your simple answer, play dumb was your way out. Your parents have told you to do that, and act as a victim if necesary.
— you are not human, I can smell you — he confronted you walking in your direction.
— I'm a human, duh — you rolled your eyes faking amusement — Smell me? — you added with a perfect tone of confusion you had rehersed — do I smell good? — that last question was pure curiousness, you had recognized every part of his scent, you knew what every change in it mean so... Had he, maybe, done the same? Was it disgusting to him because of what you were?
— what? — he was surprised by your last words and you wished earth could swallow you whole, maybe your head first since you were blushing.
— there you are, I've been look for you — just in time, Peter Hale entered the library. And if Derek smelled of danger, Peter reak of wildness and blood. That was the first time you met, and unlike Derek, Peter took the opportunity to attack like the animal he was. Probably because he knew what you were.
Peter snarled at you, showing his fangs and blue glowing eyes, his fingernails turned to claws and suddenly the whole library smelled like wolf. His transformation triggered yours, he was challenging you in the little space that was yours. So, yes. You turned, but unlike him your fingers turned longer, your fingernails became long white claws. Your skin became paler, to the point of looking like a corpse. Your usually y/e/c eyes became red like those of an Alpha werewolf but unlike them your sclera turned black. Your 4 fangs grew in an instant and a high pitch sound inaudible for humans came out of your throat.
Derek covered his ears in pain at the sound that came from you. He couldn't believe his eyes, a wave of fear made him step away from you and Peter, his instinct told him to either fight by peter side or runaway. However his body wasn't able to move.
In a complete opposite reaction Peter jumped over you, hands extended, face contorted in an angry, animalistic expression. You saw him get closer but you didn't back off, you took a stride and with your longer hands throwed him away towards one of the book shelves. He didn't expected it, he had never fought a being like you.
— Leave — you warned him standing over him, but he wasn't afraid, he was angry. He jumped to his feet and charged again at you. You stepped away from his path, making him more furious. You were faster, you got more range with your claws. He was going to loose. That's why werewolves attacked your kind in packs. They trusted in their numbers, the organization. A lonely wolf, was a dead wolf.
Peter roared at you as he once again attacked. You knew what to do to kill him, one single slash of your claws and his lower jaw would be flying in the air. He would bleed out. You could almost see it.
However, instead of killing the menace you used one of the tricks the werewolves hated the most.
— calm down — you said in a soft voice keeping the eye contact and all of his attention on you— I'm not your enemy — you got closer to the werewolf, your hand lightly touched his face.
Peter would never be able of describe the sensation that over took him at your words, it had been as if suddenly he was in heaven, and the person speaking was an angel, better! a Goddess! He loved you, he would do everything in his hands to just hear you a little more. He will kill for you, he'll ask you to order him to kill in your name. Just for that sensation of fullness, happiness. You weren't his enemy, how could you? You were everything he wanted and more.
Your scent, your voice, your light touch, even your face had Peter hypnotized. You fully wrapped the violent werewolf with your presence, and he looked at you with big warm eyes. Even you hated using that trick. It was an induced state of bliss that made people easy to manipulate.
— everything is fine — Derek heard you said softly almost in a loving way, that made him feeling somehow nervous. He knew there was something wrong and he had to do something.
— who are you? — Peter asked in a soft tone that made you feel guilty of using your power over him. You took a breathe to aswer and then froze as you felt claws against the soft skin of your neck.
Peter saw the menace, felt your hand leave his face and fury rose from his chest, he growled warning Derek. He was aware of Derek speaking to you but the words didn't make sense why was Derek telling his goddess to let him go?
— Derek, please wait — hear you say his name made him see red. You had say Derek's name but not his? How could you? How dare Derek try to take you away?
Horrified you saw the werewolf extend his hand to attack Derek, you felt Derek's claws cutting your neck as you moved to avoid that the other werewolf claws hurt Derek. You had pushed Derek to your right. As you felt the spell over Peter was broken. Blood spilled from your wound, the strong taste of iron hit your tongue as you fought to breathe. But you couldn't, not with your throat slashed, not even when you tried to stop the bleeding with your hands.
Peter saw you confused, he didn't know if he had done that. He wanted to think that he had cut your throat, but he couldn't believe it.
— no, no Y/n — Derek spoke with panic as he crawled to you horrified by what he had done. He had kill you. It was like Paige all over again. His hands pressed over your hands trying to stop the bleeding.
— that won't kill her, she is a vampire — Peter said coldly, his eyes greedily watched how you struggled, how your red eyes slowly smother. He was amazed but disappointed, you a mythical creatures, a vampire non the less were dying like a common human being. You weren't as powerful as he expected. Why weren't you healing?
— I'm sorry — derek muttered ashamed, and Peter noticed that his own hands weren't tainted with blood. Derek hands were stained in red.
— no — peter voice was filled with hate, that vampire was his prey. That little vampire was his. You were his. Derek wasn't going to be your killer. His body moved and pushed Derek away from you with a kick, his hands took yours with the intent of taking them away from your wound, but he stopped. A sensation of coldness overtook him, his eyes slowly closed with a sudden desire to sleep.
On your end, the moment his hands touched you it felt like fire, the blood stopped flowing and the wound closed in a matter of seconds. You coughed a blood and the werewolf felt by your side asleep. The tears felt from your eyes freely and after a moment you hugged yourself to get a hold of your panic. The sound of someone else crying made you sit and look at Derek sniffing, with tears in his cheeks.
— D, D... Derek? — you called him out with a gruff voice, thanks to your recently healed vocal chords. — Der, der, derek — you repeated afraid of him being hurt, the worry made you stand up and walk towards him. — did he hurt you? Derek, are you ok? —
Derek looked at you with surprise and relieve, in his face the path of tears was pretty obvious.
— y/n, you are a vampire — he wasn't asking, of course not! the other werewolf had said it as you were almost dying.
— and you a werewolf — was the only thing that crossed your mind as you saw him.
— did you... Kill my uncle? — somehow Derek didn't sound worried, you denied with your head.
— Vampires... Can heal with the help of a werewolf — you said looking down, ashamed.
— but I, I... I tried to help you and.. — He was clearly confused and you sighed, feeling the need to explain yourself
— I charmed him, that makes a bond like the one of a master and a servant. You are not my servant... You can't heal me — you hated that stupid explanation but it was the truth.
Vampires had slaved werewolves to be closer to immortality. But not all of you did that. You had never had to charm someone, it could make people go crazy. It made a big unbalance in nature, made you get closer to the beast inside.
— I don't think Uncle Peter wanted to heal you — the comment made you giggle, but it soon died out.
— I know — you looked at Derek eyes for a moment — I won't charm you Derek, you are the closer to a friend I have and I have only speak to you for like... Two weeks — you smiled with sadness, knowing that this was a goodbye — but I have to go and your uncle has to forget about me —
— you are leaving? — he asked worried and a bit angry after all he had just found out what kind of creature you were — why? —
— Derek, your family is going to kill me if they discover that I charmed your uncle — you admitted scratching your neck nervously.
— My mom wouldn't... — Derek was trying to convince you, he made you feel bad, made you want to stay.
— she's going to do it — you stood up and went to his uncle, placidly asleep, Derek followed you. — I'm a problem to solve, a burden to destroy — you kneeled by Peter's side and reached to the back of his neck with a hand.
— no, you are not — he stated as serious as a heart stroke. — you are my friend — that made you smile.
— remember that if I make your uncle become a psycho — was the last thing you said before sinking your claws in Peter.
— maybe he already is one — he joked and the funny thing: that was the last thing he remembered of that day. He couldn't remember saying goodbye to you or how he got home. His memories started again with him being home, Laura and Cora were laughing and his mother got closer with a smile and a question: "Everything ok? You seem distracted"
And he had lied to her.
• • •
So, are you Team Peter or Team Derek?
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volturicangetit · 4 years
D.V/A.V/J.V/F.V- soft moments
9 ” Vampires? God no, those fuckers can go back to the ’ Vampire Diaries ’, I’ll have a wolf. “
10 ” Fuck me. “ ” I might. “
12 ” There is blood on my new couch, my phone just broke and I’m already in big debt so, no, I won’t calm down. “.
13 ” Cool cape, mosquito boy. “
A/N: I decided to just use one prompt for every guard so yeah, because I just couldn’t choose between them. <#
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A steady knock on your window pulls your attention away from your book. You look up at your left towards your window. A dark figure with two bright red eyes is staring at you. A normal person would be terrified, but not you. You have gotten to know the person as Demitri. You met him two months back when you had gotten lost in the city that you now call your home, Volterra. He had shown you around and brought you back to your house and you have stayed friends ever since. He comes by almost every night to check up on you and hang out at your place for a bit. You quickly throw the book down onto the couch you are sitting on and jump up, running to the window. You open it and Demitri silently makes his way inside. You quickly close the window behind him to prevent any more cold air from coming into your warm home. Demitri wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug. His cold skin is concealed by a thick layer of clothes. His normally formal outfit of a robe and blouse is now replaced by a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. You didn't know any better than 'casual Demitri' but if any of his coven members saw him like this, it would be a culture shock. "Demi," you croak out. "Can't breath.". You give him some pats on his back so signal him to let you go. He quickly releases you from his grip and walks over to the couch before letting himself fall onto the soft furniture. His fingers run over the cotton fabric that covers it.
"So, what have you been up to?" he asks. A smile appears onto your face at the sound of his voice. God, you loved his accent. You walk over to him and grab the book that is lying beside him. He looks at the cover. "A vampire novella?" he asks. You shake your head, smacking his head with the book softly before plopping onto the couch next to him and continuing your book.
"Vampires? God no, those fuckers can go back to the ’ Vampire Diaries ’, I’ll have a wolf," you say before pointing at the white wolf printed into the cover of the book. Demitri fake pouts as he holds a hand over his heart. "Oh, how it breaks my old heart to hear that.". You know about Demitri's vampirism. You don't know the in's and out's of it but it also isn't very hard to guess judging by his red eyes and unusual clothing when you first met.
You shrug, putting the book down again. "Yeah, I don't know. At least wolves won't try to kill me," you say. You put your two pointer fingers up to your lips, making 'fangs' with them. "I want to suck yer' blood!" you say in a bad Dracula-like accent. Demitri lets out a laugh as he gives your arm a playful slap. "On a totally different note, want to watch a movie? Maybe 'Dracula'?" you ask. Demitri throws a pillow that is lying beside him at your head.
"Or 'The vampires assistant'?" you giggle as you shield yourself from the pillow. Demitri lets out a groan as lets his head fall back and rest against the couch. "Will you ever stop with those annoying vampire jokes?". You shake your head with a shit-eating grin on your lips. Demitri jumps up and holds a hand softly over your throat as he leans in closer. "I might just have to turn you then,". You swat his hand away from you and give him a small push against his chest before grabbing the remote of your television and turning it on, opening Netflix. "Yeah right, now shut up and watch 'Dracula' with me”
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You and the other higher guards are walking over to the throne room. A trial is to be held in a couple of minutes and you're presence is requested to protect the masters from a possible lash out. You got yourself a place in the Volturi a couple of hundred years ago when Alec and Jane found you on a mission. You felt a strong pull toward Alec the moment you saw him. Marcus confirmed your suspicion when he stated that you two were indeed mates. You and Alec have been inseparable ever since. Which is why it doesn't even faze you when he suddenly runs up beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he walks with you to the throne room. "I was wondering where you were," you say as you lean into his touch.
"I am sorry, il mio amore, some new guard had gotten into some trouble," he says. You shrug, before looking in front of you again. "It's alright,". The trip to the throne room isn't very long. From behind the door, you can already hear grunts and screaming. The vampire on trial had arrived earlier and is clearly not agreeing with the masters. Alec turns you towards him to give you a kiss. Your lips connect and you melt into his touch. The moment is short-lived though since you hear the sound of the marble floor breaking. A fight. "Fuck me," you mumble under your breath as you get yourself ready to fight off the vampire. "I might," Alec growls into your ear.
You push him off you with a smile. "Maybe if you walk me with the wanker," you say as you point towards the dark oak doors. Alec nods as he walks out in front of you and throws the doors open. He looks over his shoulder and sends a wink your way before using his speed to run towards the angry vampire. Cheeky fucker.
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You are annoyed. No, angry. Your day had already been shitty. You missed your bus so you had to walk to work through the pouring rain. Your feet have been killing you since you woke up and your boss yelled at you for coming late. Now, when you finally got home, you find your best friend Jane on your now blood-stained couch with your neighbour lying dead beside her. You got so scared from the sight that you let your phone fall on the ground, causing the screen to break. "What the fuck, Jane? What the actual, royal fuck!" you scream at her as you run over to her to check if she's okay. She slaps away your hand tiredly. "I didn't get to drink in some time, I'm sorry," she says as wipes the remainders of blood from the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand. You shake your head as you sprint to your kitchen to get a damp cloth in an effort to safe your ruined couch.
"I got that you have to drink blood and shit, but why the fuck do you need to use my neighbour for that? He's kind, well was, thanks to you," your tone is pointed as you crouch down in front of the couch and to scrub the still fresh blood away. "He was only human," Jane shrugs as she gets up from her position on the floor. She uses her speed to run over to the kitchen and grab herself a cloth as well and starts to help you with the couch.
"Only human? What the fuck is wrong with being human?" you yell. She places a hand on your shoulder which you quickly shrug off. "Jesus, calm down,". You shake your head and throw your cloth at her head. "There is blood on my new couch, my phone just broke and I’m already in big debt so, no, I won’t calm down,". You stand up and starts to walk in circles around your living room. Everything was becoming a bit too much. Jane quickly sees the seriousness of the issues and walks over to you, pulling you into a hug to make you stand still. You break down in her arms, letting the tears that have been building up all day finally fall from your eyes. Jane rubs soft circles on your back with one hand as the others softly pet your head.
"It is going to be alright," she says in a soft voice. " I'll take care of your financials and replace your couch. Vampire money, remember?" she says. You laugh through your tears as you hear her use your term for the insane amount of money the Volturi and its members have build up over time. You nod, wrapping your arms around her small form. "It is going to be alright, I am here for you.”
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You are the newest and youngest member of the Volturi, having only been turned three years ago and joining them only a year into your 'second life'. The Volturi normal didn't have such young members but they changed that when Aro saw you using your gift in one of Alice's visions. The age gap between you and the rest is like an elephant in the room. Not only did you dress very different from them, but your vocabulary is also vastly different. You have been getting along with Felix because of this. You are like a breath of fresh air in his dead lungs. "Hey, beefcake!" Felix hears you call out. You have given him that nickname since the moment you met him, and he would be lying is he said it didn't bring a smile to his face. He turns around, looking down at you. "What cracka-lacking, old man?" you say. He tilts his head to the side in confusion.
"Cracka-lacking?" he asks with a smile on his face. You nod. "Yeah, like, what's up?". He nods, shrugs his shoulder before pointing over his shoulder, notifying you on what direction to go. He continues his walk and you follow him. " Not a lot, I have to bring a message to the secretary,".
You wipe some fake sweat of your forehead. "Pf, glad I showed up. You would have given her a heart attack, homie.". He frowns his forehead as he looks at you. "I can't help how fragile human hearts are," he says in a deep tone. You shake your head and give his arm a soft slap.
"Hearts are not fragile, you're just really fucking scary," you say. "Like a big bear. A big blood-sucking bear,". Felix rolls his eyes at your words as you near the secretary. Panic fills her eyes as she spots Felix but that leaves the moment she sees you. You send her a thumbs-up as you run over to her desk, sitting down into it. "Hi, what's popping?" you ask as you two do your handshake. You created a handshake with her as you spent most of your day with her. Not only was it good to be around her to gain more self-control, but since you are still very new to the vampire world you relate to her the most. "Sto bene, grazie," she says. She doesn't know much English, which is why you are teaching her some and she is teaching you Italian. Felix hands a small note he has been holding to her. She quickly reads through it before sending him a smile. She grabs a package from under her desk and hands it to him. "New clothes," she says in a thick accent.
Felix rips the brown bag of the piece of clothing. A robe. He wraps it around his shoulders to see if it fits. "Cool cape, mosquito boy," you say, earning a laugh from the secretary. "I am as much of a mosquito as you are," he says. You nod your head at him as you jump off the desk, spotting Alec at the end of the hall and walking towards him. "Sounds like something a mosquito would say," you say with a laugh before calling out to Alec.
@scuzmunkie​ @thanossexual​ @prettyinblack231​ @cullens-stuff​ @rexburn12​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You
Song Inspired
Fred Weasley x Reader
George Weasley x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Sexual References. Swearing. War. Angst with a happy ending.
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War was fast approaching. People were running scared, others disappearing at random. Everyone was on edge and looking for something, anything, to bring comfort. Something to distract themselves, even if only for a moment, from the horror of their reality.
For [Y/N] and Fred, that comfort was found in one another.
The night before the battle saw members of the Order organising, coming together to discuss possible strategies in the fight to come. Following a particularly gut wrenching speech from Lupin about "preparing for the inevitable", which everyone knew from the look of his eyes he meant the unavoidable deaths that will occur, the room fell silent.
Fred and [Y/N] turned their attention to one another as if in slow motion. Frightened and teary-eyed expressions mirrored by the other. It was the first time she had ever seen him so vulnerable. As members began to disperse Fred reached his hand out for her to take. Not a word was spoken as the two ascended the staircase of the home currently being used as Headquarters for the Order, finding refuge in a room Fred had occupied for the past three nights.
Releasing her grip on his hand [Y/N] entered the dimly lit space first as Fred closed the door gently behind him, leaning his weight back against it. He watched her as she turned back to meet his gaze.
[Y/N]s chest began to rise and fall as panicked breaths took over, shoulders shuddering as tears pooled in the corner of her eyes. Appearing as the embodiment of sorrow itself. Freds head fell to the side sadly as a defeated breath escaped his throat. Heart aching at the sight.
In an instant the two were closing the space between them, lips crashing in a frantic kiss. His hands came to the nape of her neck and hers bunched in the fabric of his shirts collar.
Tongues entwining hungrily as their hands began to roam the others body, discarding various articles of clothing in their wake.
Slowly stepping backwards [Y/N] began blindly leading them towards the bed, stopping momentarily to kick away their pants that'd slung around their ankles.
Fred seized the moment to take control, lifting [Y/N] with a firm grip to her ass from the ground. Her legs immediately wrapping around his waist and arms wrapping around his neck. Fred collapsed the pair onto the bed hovering mere millimetres above her as they proceeded to rid the other of their final items of clothing.
Freds mouth traced her entire body as if mapping her every detail with his lips.
Their bodies entwined and writhed together in perfect sync. Soft moans, gasping breaths and declarations of love filled the thick air. They cherished every movement, every taste and sound shared by the other as if they had an eternity to do so. Though it very well felt like nothing more than borrowed time.
That night suddenly seemed like a lifetime ago as [Y/N] stood pale and cold before the gathered Weasley family who mourned the loss of their son, brother and best friend. Whilst she denied the fate of her lover laid before her.
Soft gasps and declarations of her lost love were the only sounds to peirce the thick polluted air as she crumpled in front of his body. Tears pouring from her eyes at the sight.
The moment replayed in her mind every second of her days. His lifeless form plaguing more than just her dreams. It plagued her entire existence. It was too much to bare. Not knowing where to turn next [Y/N] responded in the only way she could think to.
She ran.
There was nothing left for her there. Nothing but heartache and pain and the tormenting memory of what had once been. She left for her home country, with no intention of ever returning.
But fate had other ideas.
11 years later found [Y/N] wandering the streets of Diagon Alley. It was just as it always had been, before the war. Shops bustling with the life of families searching for their various books and essentials for the beginning of a new school year. She were delighted to see so many of the original stores that were destroyed during the second war restored to their former grandeur. As she strolled through the crowed street gazing through the display windows, she was brought back to her old days. Back to all those school years when she'd come to collect her books and supplies. Mind running with itself through the many memories of her youth blissfully unaware of the busy bodies of people around.
"[Y/N]?!" a tall redheaded man barrelled through the street towards her.
"George?!" She found herself suddenly wrapped tight within his arms, it felt just like it always had. It felt warm and safe. Like being home. [Y/N] hadn't seen him since the war. She hadn't seen anyone. Right now she were struggling to see reason why, well more how, she'd stayed away. God, had she always missed him this badly?
"What are you doing here?" [Y/N] asked, finally breaking the hug though somewhat reluctantly.
"Well, the shop's back up and running so I'm living down the street again. It's my day off though so I'm out scoping for new ideas." He said smiling. "But what about you? I haven't seen you in years now suddenly you're here, what gives [Y/L/N]?" He playfully pushed her shoulder.
"I'm shopping. No better place to after all" the girl winked.
Laughing he kept looking at her like she'd come back from the dead. Though given the way she had disappeared after the Battle I guess to him it was like she had.
"Merlin, there's so many questions on my mind right now. Just...oh God, how have you been? Where Have you been!?" His eyes were searching her face. For what, she didn't know.
"Oh ah...well I mean, I've been okay. I moved back home after...everything." her expression was solem at the memory of the war. His, sympathetic and understanding.
"Ya know" he took a step closer to his old friend "last I checked that 'home' you always talked about was in a different bloody country! So you obviously aren't here just 'shopping'." She was unable to control the blush which spread across her features, brought on by the mischief he had painted over his face, trying to goad the truth from her. She bit her lip trying to hold back a smile. Damn that Weasley charm!
"So, come on, don't keep me hanging here. What have you been up to?"
"Well actually I ah..."
Both turned in the direction of the call from a young boy, one with incredible [Y/E/C] eyes and firey red hair.
"MUM! did you see they have the new Windbreak on display in Quality Quidditch Supplies!?"
"No, I didn't sweety" she could feel Georges eyes on the both of them but was too scared to face him. Knowing the question that was going to be on his face when she did.
"Can I go to the Magical Menagerie now to pick my Owl?"
"Of course. I'll meet you there shortly, be safe."
The boy hurried off through the busy crowd once more. Disappearing from sight.
[Y/N] turned slowly back to see George staring after her son. Mouth agape, twitching slightly as he tries to find the words to say something. Anything. It can't be? He looked so much like...surely that's not...
"George?" She asked tentatively reaching slowly to touch his arm.
He shook his head trying to break free of his trance.
"So you're ah...you're a mother. Wow that's...how old is he?" He turned his gaze to hers.
Heart beating fast in her chest a tightness formed in her throat.
Offering a weak smile as her eyes start to turn red she replied, "He'll be 11 in a few short months. He just received his Hogwarts letter."
"Wow that's..." the pieces were falling into place behind his eyes as he looks back to where the young boy had ran off. "11?" He turns back to the mother, disbelief and a little anger evident all through his expression.
"George..." she took a step toward him but he moved away from the touch.
"[Y/N], tell me he's not..."
Tears were filling her eyes now as she noticed his had begun to turn just as red. Fighting back tears. He knows the answer, aside from the eyes, he was the spitting image of his father. Of himself. But he still needs to ask.
"He is, George." Tears finally spilling over and rolling down her cheek she watched him, chest aching at the confession.
"11 years and you never thought to tell us? You never thought I'd...that'd we'd...for Merlin's sake, [Y/N]! He's.." over come with emotion George's breathing had become rapid. He's angry and panicking he keeps looking between her and where the boy ran to. He's crying, running his hands frantically through his hair as he desperately tries to make some sense of this situation. 11 years. For 11 years he's had a nephew. For 11 years she hid the truth from his family. For 11 years she hid the last remaining part of Fred from them. From him. How can he begin to process this?
"George, please, I'm so sorry I didn't...I couldn't..." she were clinging to any excuse that rushed through her head. Fighting for a reason good enough to justify the decision not to tell anyone, but she couldn't. She knew she was wrong, and now could see just how badly, it was all over George. In his tears and the whites of his knuckles and the emotion fighting on his breath. She'd never even been able to convince herself after more than a decade of arguing between heart and mind. So how could she possibly convince him now?
"I'm sorry, I panicked! I thought it was the right thing at the time!" Not a lie, but definitely not a good enough defence.
"The war was over, Fred was gone and I found out I was pregnant only a week later. What was I supposed to do!?"
"You were supposed to trust us!" George was nothing but angry now. He was looking at her with such rage in his eyes it terrified her. He began shouting as he approached. [Y/N] was shaking and walking backwards.
"You were supposed to know that we're family! We always had been, even before you had his baby. We would have helped you. Cared for you. Cared for him! I mean for Gods sake [Y/N] he's the only piece of Fred left on this fucking planet and you hid him from us!"
"George please, I'm so sorry just...just please stop yelling." Her hands were out in defence as she gazed over to the group of passers by whom had stopped to view the scene currently unfolding before them. People were watching, silently asking if she needed help. He looked around, realising he needed to calm himself. She grabbed his hand as he looked away, trying to control his breathing. She'd never seen George so upset. He was usually the most understanding and level-headed of the pair. This side of him scared her, and she hated herself for bringing it out from him.
"Hey..." she spoke, barely in a whisper, reaching to stroke the arm of his hand which she were holding.
"What's his name" George interrupted, still not daring to look to her.
She smiled softly.
"His name's Marcos. From-"
"Your uncle." George nodded. "The one who raised you. I remember him." A strain was evident in his voice as he tried to move the conversation forward without losing his temper.
"He has a middle name." [Y/N] blurted out. "He ah...he has a middle name."
He finally looked down at her. His mouth clamped so tight it was a thin line. "Mmhmm. Yeah, alright. What is it?"
"It's George." She smiled at him. "It was Fred's idea. He used to joke about us getting married and growing old. Whenever he spoke about children there was one name that always came back to him. He said he wanted to name one after you..." he was crying again, head bowed while silent sad laughter shook through his shoulders. She moved to stand infront of him. One hand gently stroking the side of his cheek as his hands traced circles on her arms. "He said it'd drive your Mum mad, having two of you around the house, and thought that was exactly the way it should be." He laughed and they embraced each other, Georges head resting against the crook of her neck.
"I'm so sorry George. I should never have kept any of this from you. From your family."
"Our family" he corrected. "You're apart of us too. Just like he is." He finished standing straight once again but never letting go completely.
"I promise I'll tell everyone. I'll do it tomorrow. I should never have kept him from you. Nor you from him. I was stupid to think I was alone in this. I know you're all what's best for him. And I'm going to mend my mistake. I don't expect anyone to greet me with open arms. And I know this will take time to win you all back, but it's the right thing to do."
George was looking with nothing but cherish in his eyes. He was devastated yes, to say the least. But he had to look past that now. He had his best friend back, and what's more, he has a nephew! He is an Uncle! And he had 11 years worth of pranks and mischief to make up for, he wasn't about to waste a second.
"Can I meet him" he asked, trying not to sound as eager as he was feeling.
"Of course."
"The menagerie wasn't it? He was going to?" He said as they began walking.
"Oh, yes but there's not a chance in the world that's where he's gone." She smiled knowingly. George furrowed his brows at the comment. [Y/N] led him on through the crowds in Diagon Alley. Past the Broom store, past Olivanders, past the Magical Menagerie. All the way down to the bright and lively store of number 93, Weasley Wizard Wheezes. George began to laugh.
"You're not serious?"
"It's safe to say he has inherited his Father, and Uncles talent for mischief." She winked opening the door.
The store was crowded, but she knew him better than anyone and knew exactly where he'd be.
"Your store is his favourite you know?"
George smiled trying to see over the crowd of people within the store to catch a glimpse of him.
"His favourite section..." she pointed over her shoulder with a grin. "...fireworks." grasping his hand and pulling George along behind her.
True to form, that's exactly where he was. Startled by his Mothers sudden appearance, and the stern smiling expression on her face the boy hid two boxes, of what no doubt were the biggest and most uncontanable fireworks the Twins had created, behind his back feigning innocence.
"Oh! Mum! I ahhhh...I'm glad you found me, you see I couldn't seem to find the menagerie and I got a bit lost amongst all the people so I ahhh...i just sort of ducked in here to ummm"
"Save it, Marcos." She raised her hand and chuckled. George was beaming, he was just like Fred, although hadn't quiet perfected his lying ability yet. At the moment it was about as strong as his mothers...aka patheticly weak.
[Y/N] crouched down in front of him and Marcos let his hands fall by his sides as he bowed his head in defeat "I'm done for aren't I?"
"Not this time", Marcos head rocketed up to stare awestruck into her eyes. Surely he hadn't heard that properly?
"Marc, I'd like to introduce you to someone...the man I was talking to earlier."
The boy looked up behind his mother and his eye's widened. "You're the owner of the store! I hadn't realised before not with...you know, you not being near that giant bust of yours out front..." George laughed. "But Mum...how ever do you know him!?" He was near shaking with excitement as he stared back at his mother.
"Well sweety, there's-" she was interrupted as a small group of people entered the firework section.
"Perhaps you'd like to do this upstairs [Y/N], away from interruptions that is" George whispered in her ear. "We can use the flat" he said standing back against the wall he'd leaned on when they'd entered.
"Yes that would be best I think. Come on Marc, just follow George alright." Marcos was becoming increasingly worrisome. This whole scene screamed seriousness. Something he didn't care for at all, he much preferred to stay joking and happy. Another trait he'd unknowingly inherited from his Father.
They climbed the winding stairs of the Twins store into the flat where George shut the door behind them.
"Make yourself comfortable" he ushered towards the couch. "Anything to drink?" "No thank you, George" "how bout for you little man?" "Can I have a fire whiskey?" George laughed as [Y/N] looked sternly at her son. "Nevermind. I'm all good." He slouched down into the couch cushions.
Resuming her position from earlier the Mother kneeled before her son, and grasped his hands in hers whilst George stood awkwardly with his hands in his pockets behind them. Head hung slightly.
"As I was saying, there's something I've needed to tell you. Something I should never have kept from you in the first place and it's time you knew." She took a deep breath. "George here well...we went to school together. We were very close."
"Well, what happened?" Marcos asked confusedly. "You hardly ever mention your school days." "I know. And you see...you remember the story I told you when you asked about your Father, Marc?" George became suddenly more alert, he hadn't thought about what she had told him during all of this...he sat on a neighbouring armchair, listening intently.
"You told me he died in the War, as a hero. Saving people." George felt his eyes sting with fresh tears but fought to control himself.
"That's right, honey, and it's true. Your Daddy died a very brave, strong, man. He helped save so many people."
"So what's this got to do with me meeting George?" He asked.
"Well...George here was your Daddy's brother. His twin."
"Really!?" Marcos asked excitedly. "I have an uncle?" He smiled at George.
"Well, more than one." George smirked with a raised brow.
"There's more?" Marcos was on the edge of his seat now "how many more?"
"At least 5." "Woah!" "You also have 3 aunts" George added. "Why haven't I met them? Can we go now!?" Marcos stood enthusiastically looking between the two adults. He was truly a fearless young man. That which his Mother adored.
"Uh no, not right now Marc but I'm hoping" she glanced at George, "sometime this week." "Definitely." He smiled. "So you're what my dad looked like? Mum doesn't have any photos, they were all burned in a house fire." "Well, pretty much, minus an ear of course." He said pointing to his wound.
"Wicked!" He smiled "how'd it happen!?" Marcos was cross legged on Georges coffee table sitting eagerly infront of his newly discovered Uncle. "Marc, that's rude, you can't just ask -" "it's okay, [Y/N]. Really. And I'll be happy to tell you. Everything." George was leaning in nearly as excited as his nephew. "Can you tell me all about Dad?" He asked with a cautious expression. "Like I'd leave him out" he scowled jokingly. [Y/N] had tears in her eyes. Seeing them so happy she couldn't believe that after the War she ran. How could one keep George from him?
Distracted by her own thoughts she hadn't realised her son was patiently waiting an answer to a question he'd asked. "Sorry?" "I said, can I stay with Uncle George tonight?" "Oh..." she looked at George who had the same pleading expression on his face as her son. "Only if it's okay with-" "of course it is!" George stood with a clap of his hands. Marcos was beaming once more at his uncle. "Well then I guess it's okay." The boys high fived excitedly and began to celebrate "BUT!" "here it comes" Marcos rolled his eyes and dropped his head. George looked between the pair slightly confused but ultimately he could guess what was coming.
"I want you on your BEST! behaviour. No mischief!" She scolded "I promise" Marcos pleaded. "See he promises" George wrapped an arm around Marc's shoulders as they both smiled. "The both of you!" She added "...oh." Georges mouth formed a thin line as he looked at [Y/N]. There goes 80% of his plans for the night. Although what she doesn't know wont really hurt her he thought with a smile.
After a while more talking, exchanging stories with George from school and hearing him talk about his newest inventions, as well as answering all questions Marcos had, [Y/N] had decided it was time to let the boys have their night together. Saying goodbye at the door she began yet another warning, having knew these boys too well. "And I mean it you two! Absolutely no! Mischief!" George put a hand on his heart and the other rested on Marcos back. "I solemnly swear" he winked.
Laughing she gave the boys a final hug and began desending the stores stairs when her ears were met with the sound of her sons celebratory cheers and the slap of a high five. Smiling she kept walking till met with the emptiness of Diagon Alley where only few people remained as stores were closing. Casting a loving look to the top window of number 93 she smiled. Everything was going to be okay. She stood contemplating for a moment when the unmistakable flash of fireworks issued from the window and her expression deadpanned. Hadn't been gone 5 minutes. She rolled her eyes. "It's harmless fun" she told herself, going to turn and continue on her way home when the sudden sound of glass breaking and sparks flying pulled her attention back to the top floor window which was now shattered as a firework whizzed down the dark street.
"Awesome!" Came her sons voice in celebration. "MARCOS! GEORGE!" She bellowed. Their heads poked immediately out from the window. [Y/N] threw her arms out wide, brows raised, silently asking the question...
The boys responded in sync "sorrrry Muuumm" "Sorrrry [Y/N/N]" rolling her eyes as she walked off, the firework still in view she laughed to herself.
"We're doomed."
Part II>>
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commanderserwin · 4 years
— week 21 with levi ackerman.
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✧ tags. fluff (in the beginning?), angst, bad language, slight nsfw, & descriptions of blood, weapons, and character death 🧍🏻‍♀️
✧ more. zombie apocalypse AU b/c why not?
✧ notes. ‘tis a word vomit and i have no idea why — just me and my small love for zombie movies and aus, so here goes! enjoy !!!
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Levi grumbled at how your arm and leg kept him captive on the bed, his hand finding your thigh— as he rolled his eyes, feeling your lips pepper kisses onto his jaw, and he loved it.
“One minute,” Levi turned his head, capturing your chapped lips onto his, his thumb playing with the waistband of your underwear, as he winked at you.
You laughed onto his shoulder, kissing the spot below his ear as you snuggled closer, closing your eyes as you breathed in the morning, greeting it with minute long cuddle and few kisses that painted your nose and forehead from the man laying beside you.
“Time’s up,” Levi groaned, feeling your hold on him tightening as you refused to let him go.
Levi let you hold on a minute longer again, kissing your temple as he counted to the last ten seconds, with the last as a smack to your thigh while you yelped loudly, a scowl forming on your lips but Levi kissed it away with no fail. He smiled at your morning dilemma, his heart bursting as you followed him behind him, a stomp on your feet as Levi made his way towards the kitchen.
He has always loved making breakfast with and for you and with your grumpy state made it all better. His hands instinctually made its way towards the kettle, flipping the mugs as he made tea and your preferred drink for the day— as he knew it like the back of his hand, and one look at your face. His basis was the frown on your lips, and it all dissolves as the steam from the hot water hits your face in a welcome delight.
“What time do you have to go to work?” You asked, taking a bite of his toast as you passed by him, grabbing a slice of your own.
“In two hours,” he responded, taking your seat as you settled into your office space, a little desk that he has set up for you. “What time do you have to get to work?”
“Now,” you winked, making kissy faces at him as you opened your laptop— ready to start the day facing the screen.
Levi nodded, finishing his breakfast as quietly as he could while you talked to your client— camera off that’s why you twirled around on your chair, watching Levi with teasing eyes. He shook his head, a blush washing on his skin as he caught glimpse of your eyes— but he’s got enough self-control to not fall for them, kissing your forehead as he made his way to the bathroom to start and get ready for his work.
Every morning was like clockwork already— and by the time he has come out of the bathroom, he would see you making a homemade lunch, while you continued to talk, moving your hands animatedly. He settled again on the kitchen table, graciously accepting his second cup of tea from you while the minutes flew by until it was time for him to go.
With a hug and a kiss, you walked Levi to the door, covering the mic from your earphones as you confessed your daily love, leaving the stoic man a blushing mess as he walked out of the door, a paperbag on his hand as he drove to work.
The day went by slowly, his own clients calling him as he watched the hours go by. He checked his phone multiple times, a text from you from hours ago, and he bombarded you as much as he could hide his phone whenever his boss would walk by.
Then something unusual happened— like straight out of a fucking movie.
The tall ceilings didn’t rumble, the streets did. The building has got thick walls and windows, withstanding few rainy days but what it didn’t withstand was the shrilling screams of people running towards each other— out of the cars, out of the building doors, as they watched others with a scream cut short.
“What the fuck,” Levi mumbled to himself, pushing the chair away as his hand fumbled with the phone, his thumb clicking your contact number with a nervous tap. “What the actual fuck?”
No answer.
His coworker bumped into him, cursing them with his eyes as he clicked on the notification— a news article from his phone. He skimmed it, his eyes rereading the words: blood, humans, trial gone wrong, infection, and the infected.
“Are they filming down the street?” Levi asked, holding the shoulders of his colleague, his eyes piercing through them as they stuttered incoherently, but they only pushed Levi away with a tear down their cheek.
His phone vibrated— your caller ID flashing and he fumbled to accept and finally, his mind has come into peace as he heard your voice amidst the chaos down the street. He walked closer to the windows, seeing flashes of dark liquid that he refuses to acknowledge that was blood.
Levi listened to shrill screams on your phone, and color drained from his face as it all sounded the same. It was noisy, it was full of screaming— agony until the last second that it lasted. He couldn’t help but worry about you, his hands fumbling with anything to keep him grounded. He clutched his phone tighter as usual, hearing your voice and never wanting to let go of it, of you.
“Levi, where are you?” You asked, double-locking the car as people rammed into your car, but you held on to the phone with such urgency as you listened to the other line. “Are you safe?”
“What do you mean, ‘Am I safe?’” Levi walked towards his cubicle, turning his monitor on as his office turned into its own secluded chaos, “I’m at work. Where are you?”
“Going home, I went to grab some groceries,” you answered, ducking your head below as you made use of the tint on the car windows.
Some elderly man slammed on to your trunk, making the car shake as cars honked loudly.
“I thought you had work? It’s only been a few hours.”
“My client rescheduled their telerehab. So I went to the store.”
“Okay,” Levi nodded, breathing through his nose, “Okay, listen.”
“Do you know what’s happening?”
“Did you lock the doors?” Levi asked, avoiding your question.
“Yes, I always lock the door.”
“And how far away from you from the apartment?”
“Ten minutes.”
“You have to walk.”
“I’m not walking!” You gasped, looking at the backseat where a couple of grocery bags were sitting, “And I’m not leaving the car!”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why not?” Levi raised his head, his eyes almost bulging from the updated news articles— and he really couldn’t believe his eyes.
The human trial from the nearby city had an outbreak. Their subjects resorting to death, but undead— zombified beings as infected blood ran through its course in their own bloodstream, affecting their brain and nervous system— paralyzed yet moving. Things— humans that doesn’t make sense.
Fucking zombies.
“You only call me darling when you are nervous.”
Levi arched his brow, breathing hard as he shut his monitor off. He looked down again, the streets covered in blood and bodies— and he backed away, the color from his already pale skin draining as he looked at the traffic block. It was going to take him an hour to usually get home— but with this mess, he has no idea if he could get there in a hour.
He wanted to go home.
“All right,” Levi breathed, his hold tightening on the phone, finally coming into terms with the movie-like situation. “Drive home. Carry whatever you think you will need inside the apartment. Grab the toolbox from the trunk. Get the food— anything essential inside.”
“You’re making me nervous,” you whispered, driving carefully away from the crowd as you took the longer route just to get home, “This whole thing is making me nervous.”
“Me too,” Levi murmured, grabbing his things from his cubicle as he grabbed whatever he could find that would be useful. “Don’t forget to lock the doors, do you hear me?”
“Lock the doors,” you repeated, driving a little faster as the roads were clear of any slosh of liquid and less bodies.
One mistake that you have done was stopping— the car coming into a halt as you watched the scene before you.
It was a little girl, her mouth dripping with her blood and mixed with whoever was dead on her hands. Her eyes were red, every vein dark underneath her dark skin, and stared right at your very being. With delicate steps, she moved closer, and you moved the car in reverse. But when she stood by your window, she slammed her hand on it, marking your window with her tiny hand.
Her handprint marked blood all over your car window— and you eyed at her victim. Perhaps her mother, as you guessed from the matching shirt. Her mother twitched— heavy and dark blood gushing out of her neck. She should’ve been dead, and should’ve stayed dead— but her fingers moved little by little, until she stayed upright, her eyes drilling into yours.
Every fiber of your body turned into dust, as you screamed, biting down on your hand as the little girl screamed with you, clawing her hand— but she couldn’t.
“What the fuck is happening?” Levi asked on the other line, his voice muffled as you dropped your phone. “Hey! Hey!”
“She was dead!” You screamed into the phone, gripping the steering wheel until your knuckles turned white, “She was dead and... she! There was blood everywhere... how is she alive?”
“Get out of there, darling,” Levi seethed at the situation, clenching his eyes shut as he focused on your voice, “Go!”
Finally, you gassed it, accelerating— feeling the car bump as you drove over the body, while you sweat for your very life. You placed the phone on loudspeaker, finding hope and solace through the curses of your significant other, focusing on his voice as it always calms you down. You counted his curses, finding a smile on your face and his new record of fifty bad words in a matter of minutes.
“Are you near the apartment?”
You nodded— agreeing a second later as the parking opened for you, and you held the phone near to your ear hoping it would close the distance between the two of you.
You wanted him home.
“I'm home already, get here now.”
“Good,” Levi ran down the stairs, towards the garage. He spotted his car, jumping on it instantly, “Wait for me.”
“Come home,” you sobbed, fumbling with the house keys as you opened the door— finding power to carry all the things in one go. “I love you. You have to come home, okay?”
“I love you,” Levi kissed you through the phone, an edge of a smile forming on his mouth as you chuckled-sobbed, “Don’t cry. Don’t go out, I’ll be home in a while.”
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That was the last thing Levi has said to you.
His voice echoing in your memory, distant and near as you waited, and waited.
He didn’t make it home that day, and you waited for hours, until the suns changed and the moon waved for a new awful morning as screams made its way towards the quiet apartment. The moment that you hit home, you charged your phone, anything that will be used to communicate, even scrounging for Levi’s radio that he insisted on keeping, and with the mention of your beloved, your body shook in sobs as you tried to reattach yourself from what was happening as you waited for him. 
You should have contacted him every minute and every hour— asking where the hell he is, but the mocking message of an unattended phone sang into your ears. Until all signal towers came down— no phone, no lines, no television, nothings. And all you could do was fucking wait, and you have waited too long that food has been stale for a while— days, weeks, months and you closed off from everybody. Yet, you didn’t move. The sofa has become your bed, a hand on the hilt of a knife as the other clutched the pillow while you slept in a shallow slumber— dreaming of when he would be home and what people have become.
The door and the carpet tainted red, your blood mixed with whoever tried to pried your door open. The handle was broken, and you repaired it as best as you could with Levi’s commanding voice echoing in your head.
Everything revolved around Levi— and you still wonder where he was.
Days, weeks, and months since he made that promise, and as each day goes by— it becomes ruined and broken, your life breaking down slowly as hope washed itself away, leaving you alone with nothing but a wish for him to still be there. 
Another wish to whatever innocence is left within you and him.
The walkie-talkie became your friend— going on and off as you tried to catch a glimpse of whatever or whoever would be there to answer call, but nobody responded to the static buzz.
“I’m running out of water,” you coughed, counting ten small water bottles.
You were running out of everything as the long months drained your supplies.
And so you made a promise to yourself— get out of the apartment, find more food and water, and look for him.
If he couldn’t find his way to you— maybe it was best to find him yourself.
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Week One: you started from scratch as you left the apartment. What you had was Levi’s large backpack which contained all your food, and water, a few pair of underwear and clothes, your dead phone, a wrench and a knife, and the walkie-talkie.
Week Two: you stayed in the car, a bad fucking move as an infected person broke your windshield, as they heard you crying. You ran them over— and it that makes them your second death.
Week Three: you saw an empty deli store. You went in— further and further into the back but the door opened and came a big dead man running but you placed a wrench on their big dead head.
Week Four: you were farther from the city. The signs becoming a maze to understand, words illegible as it was covered in blood.
Week Five: you passed by where Levi was working by. The car stopped, sputtering its last gas as you bid goodbye— but seeing Levi’s car, abandoned. With a heavy hand, you destroyed the window, seeing the keys stuck into the ignition as Levi’s briefcase collected dust on the backseat. There was no sign of him, as you left a note and a few tears as you broke down— biting down on your hand because you had to mourn in silence.
Week Six: you carried Levi’s briefcase for a week, but you left it as it became too heavy for you to carry. The only thing that you kept was the little pin on his briefcase— the one that he says that reminds him of you.
Week Seven: your shoes broke down, and comes your fourth death.
Week Eight: fifth death.
Week Nine: the winds grew a little colder, and you find shelter inside a car, the smell rotted as you later found a hand on the backseat.
Week Ten: you were tired, and comes the sixth victim.
Week Eleven: your mind was fucking with you, and you brushed it away.
Week Eleven: it was a dream— and that was the result of sleeping in a stupid store where mirrors all perfectly stood, every glimpse a fucking joke. A sick joke that is— because the mirrors reflected him.
Week Eleven: Levi’s here.
Levi crushed you into a hug, his hair somewhat long yet his face stayed smooth— a few mentions of stubble but it was him. His body felt so familiar that you found yourself curling for his warmth, for the security, for the home that he was.
Levi thought, he’s finally home. He’s found you.
Nobody spoke for a few minutes— unbelieving of what was happening. If you were alive. If he was alive. If that was you. If that was really him. The only thing that was said in those minutes were tears and quivering chins as Levi fumbled with his fingers— holding on to you as you pulled him close.
“Are you going to eat me?” You quietly asked, cupping his cheeks, as you checked his grounding eyes for any evident him.
“Stop with that,” Levi kissed your cheek, hugging you tight again.
His kiss felt like the sweet drops of wine, color finding its way towards the dark hues, as you leaned on his touch— tired yet there. The feelings that blossomed on your chest was huge, almost drowning you again into your sorrows but Levi pulled you back again, and it brought you to tears.
“I waited!” You suddenly cried, curling your knees to your chest as you felt Levi’s arms anchor you to reality, “I waited, Levi! You told me... you told me to wait and that you were coming home.”
“I know,” Levi breathed, cradling your head as you drove him to tears— making him shudder in regret and anger, but it all turned to smoke because you were there and so was he.
But everything felt flat— the hues darkening once more. Tough love— survival at the cost of one’s innocence, but it was there. Levi brought your face to his eyes as he looked for you somewhere deep within the months that you were alone and scared.
And you were still there, fleeting but there.
Love stayed the same while hope tarnished.
Joy pooled at your eyes— the very ones that he would look into, from the moment he would wake up in your bed with the light brushing your skin, and as he closed his eyes, a smile gracing your lips as the day ended. Fleeting but there.
Levi held your hand, carrying the bag as he guided you to his secured spot. He looked back and forth, breathing a little easier as he locked the doors behind him. It was a small family mart, aisles and racks empty with crusting blood and shredded skin, but safe.
In the morning, he woke up with your arms around him— just before. Just like that morning. His lips turned to yours as your very habit stayed the same, your voice carrying himself to agree with nothing but a kiss again on your lips. Levi found himself wrapping his leg around you, flushing you on his chest as he peppered kisses on to your nape while you chuckled softly— prying his arms.
“One minute,” Levi kissed your ear, nuzzling his cheek against your shoulder as you turned around in his embrace.
His grey eyes comforted you, carrying a hint of love and life while you allowed yourself to be hugged, relishing the way he feels after almost a year of him being gone and found again.
A year of it— and nobody spoke about what actually happened that night.
Infected. Infectious diseas. Blood. A human trial gone wrong.
Zombies— like the goddamn movies.
“Will you make me toast,” you whispered, asking him as you placed a hand over his chest— holding on to him and the memory of when it was good, like it was now.
“I believe what I only have are crackers,” Levi whispered in your ear, kissing your nose as your eyes fluttered open once more— and he took you in.
By the way your hair turned greasy, by the way the clothes on your back became ripped and drenched in dried blood, by the way your chapped morning lips stayed the same, by the way your face still contorts into his favorite smile.
“Has my darling turned cheap?”
“God.” Levi rolled his eyes, kissing your cheek numerous times as he finally caught on your dislike for the pet name.
“Now you understand how I feel when you call me darling?” You laughed, placing as much distance as Levi attacked you with tickles and kisses, his shoulders shaking in laughter as he breathily agreed.
Then, he stopped.
Bodies still tangled with each other— and you listened. Nothing was walking by the store, no slosh of liquid echoed into the empty street.
“Listen.” Levi murmured on your lips, his eyes closing as you saw him through the corners of your eyes— and you closed your eyes too, “Listen. This is my favorite part of my morning.”
After a few still minutes, your face lit up in tears, “Birds.”
“Don’t they sound beautiful?”
You opened your eyes to see him staring right at you, his eyes tired yet happy. Levi pushed away your tears, pecking your forehead.
That was the only time that you’ve realized that the tree beside your apartment housed a nest that Levi always prepared worms by the windowsill and that the birds always woke the both of you.
A new start— but this time after a broken heart, you were glad to start the day again with him.
Week Twelve: he always held your hand whenever the both of you would walk. His hand clutched yours that you even complained that it was too tight— but Levi would only kiss your palm and would loosen it.
Week Thirteen: Levi found an empty bodega, making the makeshift beds again, and he held you through the night as you cried, telling him the victims you have killed. That week marked your seventh kill.
Week Fourteen: he was drenched in blood because doesn’t want you to add another one to your list. Levi killed three instantly, and when you asked him how many has he killed, his eyes turned lifeless for a second, until he whispered— “Let’s not talk about it.”
Week Fifteen: you practiced with Levi as he gave you more effective tips to efficiently mark for the kill. He disagreed first, but he confessed later on that he was sick of it.
“I don’t want to kill one more,” he whispered into the dark as both of you listened to the loose footsteps outsides— daunting to add one more. Just one more. His hand found yours in the dark, turning his head to you as he pulled you to his side of the makeshift bed, whispering once more.
“I’ll take care of it,” and you marked the dead teenager as your eighth.
Week Sixteen: Levi found some tester bottles of perfume on clothes store— surprising you as it was the one that sits on your dresser, making you bawl into your hands as the scent brought back too many memories. He sprayed some on to his skin, making you even cry but he kissed your tears away— his eyes later turning into a shade darker.
His mouth found yours into a fervor that night, silent moans and groans echoing in the same bodega as Levi made love to you— and you him under the gaze of the daring moonlight, bodies moving slowly and sensual, hands finding each other, lips swollen as Levi kept you quiet with his own.
“Levi,” you moaned, feeling the coils of your stomach tighten— hips hitting together as his thrusts became lazy, his thumb finding your folds while you squealed.
“Be quiet,” Levi grunted against your mouth, his tongue grazing your lower lip as he held your hips down, watching you with hooded eyes with the way your back arch— face nodding.
“Fuck—,” you breathed, running your nails on his back as his thumb found your clit, driving you to oblivion as he felt your walls flutter around him. “Fu— Levi-,”
He lost himself, thrusting harder and deeper, listening to the lewd sloppy sounds as he felt your slick cover his length, groaning as your walls fluttered again— as his breathy voice moaned your name over and over again like a song that he would gladly sing over and over again.
Week Seventeen: Levi plucked a grass from in between the cracks of the sidewalk as he gave it to you. In return, you surprised him with a loose tea bag with lukewarm water and he accepted it happier than ever.
“I love you,” Levi murmured, cupping the thermos, bringing his lips to the edge for the first drink of his year that was made by you.
“Me or the tea?” You asked, munching on breakfast as you tilted your head to your partner with a teasing smile on your face. 
Levi answered your question with an attack of kisses on your cheeks and neck— making you giggle until he held you steady with his hands on your waist, eyes closed as he rested his forehead against yours. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around him, breathing him in as he snuggled into the crook of your neck— your shirt becoming wet from each other’s tears.
Week Eighteen: you cut Levi’s hair, using a broken razor as he listed his instructions with his wavering voice as he looked right at you through the mirror. Levi admitted that it was the best haircut he has ever gotten, even when his bangs were choppy.
In return to find another space, comes your ninth.
Levi hesitated as the undead little girl that you saw from the day slowly walked over to him with a sinister smile. She marked as your tenth, and you mumbled a little prayer for the mother and the daughter that you have killed before and now.
In the evening, he held you close and dear, your shirt turning wet as he angrily cried but you only shushed him gently— “I’ll take care of it always.”
Week Nineteen: he turned to you in his sleep, fluttering his eyes open as you groggily reached for him. You kissed the sleep back on to him, giggling through the kisses as he tried to capture your lips with a failed mission.
On the last day, marks your eleventh kill.
Week Twenty: it was another sick fucking joke.
“Give me a minute.”
“Give me a fucking minute!”
Levi closed his mouth as his chest heaved heavily, his hands wrapping around his leg, unsuccessfully stopping the gush of blood that painted his skin and clothes dark red— and yet in whatever pain that he was in, he gave you a minute.
He has always given you a minute, spare— lots of it, but now he can’t risk it.
Not one spare second because he wouldn’t be able to control himself.
Levi watched you with careful eyes as you murmured to yourself, eyes closed as tears fell angrily at the corners of your eyes. He looked away, his eyes straining at the pain, and when he finally opened his eyes— he saw you looking straight at him with bright and hopeful eyes.
“We could... we could,” you stuttered, hands pressing into his wound to stop his breathing as Levi nodded, listening, “the best thing that we could do is cut your leg off.”
“It’s already in my bloodstream,” Levi whispered, the blood never stopped flowing no matter the pressure.
“You don’t know that,” you smiled— cried, wiping away your tears.
Levi shook his head. He breathed hard, inhaling and exhaling at the way his body turned into something sinister, watching his veins darken under his pale skin, but weakly pulled his sleeves down, as you watched closely. Your eyes were still filled with innocence— and after everything that you have been through, he wanted to preserve an ounce of it, for himself and for you.
That’s why you needed to go.
“Please,” Levi sighed, closing his eyes as he counted in his mind. Perhaps in a few seconds, the blood vessels in his eyes would pop, his sclera gone dark, “Please.”
The feeling of his warm hand covered yours and you pushed away the thoughts that came next as he heaved, controlling the minimal thrashing of his body. Levi nudged your chin, holding it form as he opened his eyes— and you tried to focus on how it looked like before.
Grey and nice, warm and soft, everything that you have loved, everything that he said, everything that was him— Levi.
“I want you to stand up,” Levi coughed, leaning on to the wall as you helped him. His hand found his spare gun and knife, as he pushed them to you gently. “I want you to get up. I want you to go.”
“You’re asking me the impossible,” you whispered, hand loosening from his wound as Levi blinked, his breath staggering.
“But it is for the best.”
“I can’t lose you,” you breathed, cupping his cheeks as you wiped away the tears— the blood that ran through his beautiful face. “Not again.”
“I know.”
Levi smiled, wiping his hand on his pants to clean them— as he ran his knuckles on the apple of your cheeks, one last time. He soothed the furrow between your brows, he cupped your cheek, making you lean for his touch as you kissed the inside of his wrist, murmuring against his touch.
“I can’t lose you.” You whispered, looking at his wound. 
He pushed you to the wall at the moment it happened— the infected person crawling quietly as it sunk its teeth on Levi’s leg, making him topple over but he killed it in a second— all to save you.
“Levi, I can’t lose you,” you repeated quietly, chest shaking as tears clouded your eyes, “Not again!”
He screamed from the agony, his chest constricting whatever air was left in his body, holding himself close as he bit down on his hand as it washed through him. He pushed his weapons to you hard, making you stumble over as he watched your figure crawl away from him, inch by inch— and the hunger inside him fought its way towards his mind as he longed for the flesh and blood that rests perfectly on your body.
Yet, one thing stays the same.
His lips turned blue, as you watched him carefully, his mouth turning— whispering his very words that would make your heart skip a beat, be the reason for the unending adoration and devotion between the two of you.
“I love you,” Levi mouthed, his hands aimless around his body— no longer fighting whatever was inside him.
“I love you,” you cried, the tears falling freely as you found yourself standing to the other wall, feeling the cold cement hit your skin as your fingers fumbled with the gun and knife.
For whatever cruel reason, life has beaten the air out of you, your mind escaping its own as you chose— suffocating you, strangling the love out of you as you pocketed the knife.
Your whole body shook quietly— crying silently. The chest-heaving kind, where everything made it so fucking difficult for you to breathe, when you didn’t want anybody to know that you were bawling your eyes out, hands almost scarred from how hard you bit it down. Betrayal for the one that you truly love ran straight to your core— as you chose.
Levi smiled as his eyes became red— proud of how steady your arms were as you raised the gun— just like how he taught you. With the last ounce of life in his body, he professed his love for you one last time, and the farewell that mourned for himself, his fate, and for you. His memories clouded into colors that he hasn’t seen before, mundane things and memories with you, the way your lips would turn up at the sight of him, the way your eyes would convey such a deep message— deepest as the ocean as he would always compare.
He felt the air become static in his skin, feel his heart stop, feel everything stop. His eyes opened, seeing the hesitation in your hands but he has to do this, and he pushed you to save you. He saw his life with you— and he has to say goodbye one last time. Levi used whatever he could muster, as he whispered, hearing the shot echo in the cold room.
“Stay away.”
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'A ghost in town': New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
'A ghost in town'
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"Question...is your turtleneck good-looking enough for me or not, Park?
Chapter Summary: Yirina & Park are both surprised & shocked to learn that Harry Stone that they killed in Cuba 2 months ago wasn't dead at all as another surprise awaits for them...
Link of the Picrew used !
To read it on AO3, click here!
Words : +3200
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
Harry Stone...If there were a name that we didn't want to talk or even heard now was this particular one but this is what came out of Park's lips after she hanged up the phone, looking at me with the most confused face I could have ever seen and me, I was following the same mood inside of me, shocked & confused at hearing this. I didn't see happen but it was clear, Park, me & SAS lived what happened that day in Cuba, I'm the one pulling the trigger on Stone's gun who killed him, and....how he can be alive? I shot him!
I think I never saw Park standing up from her seat in a fast move, her chair hitting the wall behind it almost brutally while she took back her jacket and quickly walked out of the room with me, trying to copy her moves. It was better for me that I don't speak at all during the whole walk as looking at her, seeing her fists clench all along the way, almost ready to punch anyone that was going to step in front of her, and frankly, I prefer to not be that person.
She was walking this fast that around the hallways of the building to join Zasha's team office that it was sort of exhausting, her not stopping at all or taking a simple breath to calm herself down with me and it's with that attitude that when we arrived in front of the door leading to our destination, she opened the door widely, nearly at the point that she could have removed the door from its frame.
"You better hope that's a joke, Sarah!" She started, her hand pointing towards Sarah who was standing near Peter's desk, him sitting on his chair as Zasha & Portnova were here too, waiting for us, and leaned against the front Sarah's own desk. "I don't like to joke on that," She added.
"Hey, I'm not saying anything funny, miss Park," Sarah defended herself, putting her hands above her heart.
"You don't know how much I'm not that pleased to hear that, if it's a joke, it's not fucking funny," Park warned her, sounding very serious, a voice that could kill everyone around her...including me.
"Calm down, Park," I suggested, stepping between the two in the case as Park wasn't removing her angered face against Sarah, having to put my hands on her chest to make her fall back. "Anger isn't helping, calm down, okay?" I said, looking at her but that face wasn't getting away.
"Yirina, it ain't a joke at all," Zasha's voice intervened, making me turn my head around to see them crossing their arms as Portnova had her both hands together. "She showed us the proofs," They added, gesturing with their head towards Sarah.
"Is it right?" I asked nonetheless to Sarah, keeping Park under control, calmer than her.
"Miss Grigoriev, what we got isn't making us laugh," Peter spoke up, tapping his finger on his desk at a slower pace.
"I saw it happened: I shot Stone in the shoulder through mine," I protested, seeing him looking down at his hands.
"That wasn't Stone at Cuba, miss Grigoriev," Sarah called me out as she handed to me a medical report of Stone when his body was taken from the Cuban compound. "Here's one of the proofs we got," I took her file in my hands, checking up, and by looking at it, everything was looking clean.
"What's wrong with that?" I demanded, confused as I gave gently the report to Park who looked it up.
"You didn't see what was wrong with it?" Sarah raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms at me as the others were staying silent to me & Park as if they wanted us to guess the answer on our own.
"The blood type..." Park muttered in a low voice as she lowered the report in her hands along with her body slides. "We didn't even check the bloody blood type," She continued, sniffing away in anger before she throws hardly the report on the ground, the others not moving an inch from their positions.
"The blood type?" I narrowed my eyes, avoiding the report at my feet, to look at Sarah.
"Stone's blood type is O+, this report said that it's A-," Portnova was the one who gave me the answer. "The person that you killed in Cuba wasn't Stone but a double," She continued, going off the desk but staying near Zasha.
"Even if we did multiple checks, that detail managed to be hidden," Zasha told us, the palms of their hands moving to grab the side of the desk they were leaned on. "We send a copy of this to the director but also the SAS,"
"How did you discover it?" Park demanded, seemingly calm in her voice but I prefer to stay near her in case, seeing her fists still clenched.
"I was crossing around some report until I was given something," She replied, Portnova putting her hands on Sarah's desk to grab something and gave it to me, it was an envelope...'For the Majesty's Secret Services from Perseus'...that was marked on it with a marker pen, and then, I took my hand inside the envelope and take out a picture. "That's what makes me curious," My eyes went wide at seeing that picture in black & white.
On it, we could see Lukas Ritter but he wasn't alone at all. Near him, a man was wearing some glasses with a sort of leather jacket, hands up pointing towards Lukas and..the third man was none other than Stone himself, wearing the very same military outfit he was always having in those pictures of him each time my eyes were on them...but also in the memories he was involved in. The picture was having a date on it, it was taken one day ago...in London.
I kept the picture in my hands as I showed it to Park who wanted to take it inside her hands but she was looking ready to tear it apart, judging by the face she was making. I even had to get my right hand on her left shoulder to keep her calm at the moment before she took a deep breath, looking away from me and the others to sit on a chair that was near Peter's office.
"The MI6 wasn't the only one that was sent that picture," Sarah explained as I gave her back the picture. "We've got a phone call from the MI5, saying that they received it too," She added, moving to get back to her desk, Zasha & Portnova moving aside to be next to Zasha's office door.
"When Sarah received that, we decided to check up everything we got on Stone and we found a lot of things with him," Peter elaborated, getting himself well in his seat. "We concluded that Stone is still alive,"
"Yes, that's mean he's becoming again a priority," Zasha breathed, scratching the back of their head, looking at my feet. "That shit...dammit," They cursed.
"Did you know anything about a double, Portnova?" I asked Portnova, knowing that she was the third one in the room that could tell us more about him since she worked with him in her time in Perseus.
"No, that's the first time I heard of it," She responded in a serious voice, shaking her head as her hands were on her waist. "That wasn't something we would have heard of, Stone always been a man making his things away," She commented.
"That's always been like him," Park's muffled voice was heard through the palm of her hands as she was holding her face. "Faking his death, I know that and he did the trick again," She stated.
"How's that?" Peter questioned her with curiosity.
"One year ago, we got signs of a criminal mastermind in Leningrad and I was sent there to investigate," Park started, removing her hands away from her face as she slowly turned her head around to look back at everyone. "Stone was at that time, hidden under the nickname 'Janus' and he knows that I was going to be the one that the MI6 will send," She sighed before going up from her, rather better than a few minutes ago. "He made his revelation to me...and since, he became one of the MI6 top targets until we ended him...until now,"
"How a man like him can always escape from us?" Peter demanded, sounding & looking confused.
"Because he's thinking higher than us, that's the thing," I answered like that to him, crossing my arms and walking to lean myself on one of the walls of the big office. "I know him too and he wasn't very friendly, thinking for his own," I complained, biting with my teeth the left part of my bottom lip, a bit distraught by that news as I lean my back against the wall near the door leading to the hallway outside. "Apart from that, any other bad news?" I asked.
"We finally found who was this I.B from the transmissions," Zasha exclaimed, getting mine & Park's attention to them who gestured towards Sarah with their head.
"Name's Ingo Beck, a former operative of the Diensteinheit IX turned Perseus agent years ago in 1981," Sarah replied, adding to her words, tapping on another file looking like records as Park moved to get to it. "Said to be an explosives expert with a big sense of humor," She scoffed, her tone not looking funny for Park who looked at her with a deadly glare. "And...Uhm...he seems to be involved personally with Stone,"
"So, our I.B was an East-German operative...like Ritter," Park whispered, her eyes on the file.
"We discovered it inside another envelope that we received," Peter spoke up, grabbing another envelope on his desk and he showed it to us...'From a friend, take care of it'...this time marked with a red pen. "We make some research about it but nothing about who has sent this one...and the other one,"
"Nothing?" I said.
"Nothing at all, Yirina," Zasha responded at me, shrugging. "I tried to..." They tried to say before they were cut by the sound that was coming inside their office. "Wait, I think that someone's calling me," They thought before they moved to walk away, opening the door of their office and closing it behind them.
"Perseus sent to the MI6 and the MI5, picture of Stone to taunt us that he isn't dead and in London...and someone else sends to us, a file explaining who is this mysterious I.B," I basically resumed the entire situation now, actually trying to figure out anything wrong from it. "Dammit, how is this fucking possible? What Perseus is planning?"
"A lot of inexplicable things," Peter suggested, raising his shoulders.
"Petrov trying to kill me, sending Ritter & Beck in London and now with Stone, something's big is going to happen," Portnova recalled us, making a brief resume of the situation...now much worse than we thought. "In two words, we're in deep troubles,"
"Soon, the whole MI6 & MI5 will be on high alert so..." Peter talked until he was cut off by Zasha's door getting opened, having finished their call apparently.
"Yirina, Park, you're needed," They said and the first thing we did was to look at them with narrowed eyes, surprised. "A CIA agent is awaiting in your office right now," They added and by that, I was immediately having my blood froze in place...fearing the worst.
"Did he tell his name?" Park asked, eyes on me but her voice directed to them.
"Said he goes by 'Alex', that's all," They responded before Park passed her hands through her hair as I took a relieving breath...not so relieving after hearing that a CIA agent was in our office.
"Shit, we're going, we're talking about that later," Park sighed before she decided to walk away from the office, following her and leaving the others.
If the day wasn't going to be shitty enough, learning that Stone was still alive after all and that mission in Cuba, discovering the true identity of 'I.B', there was now a CIA agent that was inside on our own office just above us and even if it wasn't Hudson or even Adler, questions were flowing in me & Park, wondering what's the CIA is doing in London and why they wanted to see us in particular...maybe me...
Park was seeming calmer in appearance but deep inside of me, I knew that she was very tense that her anger could maybe appear again at any moment, it was like the first time I saw her angry like that...it was the first time I really saw her angry after all and I wasn't confused about it, knowing the history between her & Stone, that anger was understandable for me but now, is that meeting with this CIA agent was going to be good or wrong?
When we approached our office, the door was already widely opened, two men who were wearing the same type of clothes as Adler and guarding our own office, making us feel that we weren't at Century House in here. When the agents saw us arrived, they let us pass and we could see a man that was a bit taller than us, waiting near Park's desk, his face with some scars on his left part.
"You must be the famous Helen Park," The man started, his eyes focusing towards Park and his voice not looking very...happy.
"Yes, and you?" She asked, a bit curious.
"I'm Aleksander Smirnoff...but for you both, call me 'Alex'," He replied as I moved to offer my hand for a shake, staying polite above all but instead, he refused to hand over his hand to me. "I'm sorry but not shaking with woman, I don't like that," He told us.
"And why that?" I narrowed my eyes to him, getting my hand back along with my slides. *
"Because I have my reasons, that's all," He responded in a harsh tone, looking at Park with a deadly glare as she was moving at the other side of her desk, causing him to move away from it and getting next to me. "You know why I'm here, right?" He demanded to both of us.
"No, it wasn't said to us," I answered, crossing my arms as I lean against my desk, Park sitting in her chair.
"Well, to start, we got wind that one of the MI6 top targets faked his death," He revealed in a normal voice, getting his hands around his waist.
"Uhm...how did you know that?" Park questioned him, surprised that the CIA was already aware of the situation along with me.
"It was pretty simple: the CIA has ears & eyes everywhere in London," He said, turning around to look at me with a not trustful look.
"You, in the CIA, can't avoid spying on your own allies...typical," I mumbled, finding this type of move very something that the CIA is doing everywhere....fucking typical. "You'll never change, that's for sure," I added.
"Maybe what we're doing is to make sure that Perseus isn't making his moves everywhere, we're working with our allies, not spying on them, that's different," He corrected me but I was unconvinced by them, used to the CIA's lies against me. "Oh...you must be Yirina Grigoriev...the one that we call...
"Don't say that name," Park called him out, pointing her left index finger at him.
"Always been like that, miss Park," He sighed, looking at her with desperation. "Was it with that attitude that you caused the death of some of my friends in the CIA months ago?" He asked in a normal voice, pointing at her.
"What are you telling right now, Alex?" She demanded, her hands on the armrests of her chair, looking ready to get up very fast.
"Are you the woman who likes to..." He stopped himself to look at me with a smile. "Well...to play & manipulate like a little witch?" He finished his question and that wasn't something I liked and her too, going up from her seat to reach him.
"Park, don't," I stepped myself in front of her, putting my hand against her chest again to stop her in her walk, her fist already clenched for a punch. "He's trying to make you angry, don't cross that line, please," I pleaded, saying it silently at her, looking at her.
"Yiri, if you just..."
"Don't, please," I cut her gently in her words, pleading again, my hand feeling like struggling to stop her to move forwards in her path.
"You can hold her as much as you want, ain't going to stop her," Alex added in a normal voice again.
"If you can just stop what you're doing, it will help," I advised him, feeling inside of me that I could be like Park and doing it by myself. "Why are you here, to be frank with us?" I asked him finally, not looking at him.
"I'm here because I wanted to remind you of things," He started, hearing him walk away as Park was not removing her eyes from him, allowing him to know where he was in the room. "The CIA will be working on Stone, pleasing you or not," He said.
"I thought that you will stay focus on Perseus at Verdansk, right?" I muttered, finally turning my head around and keeping my left hand on Park.
"Let's just say that Stone's sudden reappearance did make us willing to make what you weren't able to do," He sounded a bit joking in his voice, feeling Park's chest struggling to get away from me. "And besides, you both are still under our watch as we're now chasing a ghost in town,"
"What do you mean?" I mumbled, narrowing my eyes at him as he was going to walk away from the office, standing in front of the door.
"As I said, the CIA has ears & eyes everywhere in London," He told us, making us remember his words earlier before he decided to get out of our office, his presumed friends guarding the door following him until they disappear from our sight.
"You should have let me hit him," Park suggested in a serious voice, her right hand moving gently above my left one.
"It wasn't going to help you and you're not the only one who resisted about it," I then move my hand away from her chest before looking down at our feet, a bit confused. "I don't want to see you angry, that's it," I whispered.
"I'm sorry, it's just..."
"Don't tell me, it was just to test your nerves, it's okay," I exclaimed, cutting her again gently. "With what we heard & learned, I can understand your anger," I continued, taking a deep breath while staying at the same spot. "Listen, this situation isn't really good but we're going to make sure that things came back right...including putting Stone back where he belongs," I proclaimed, passing my right hand through my redhead's hair.
"I know, we should stay calm...I should stay calm, maybe some coffee will help," She proposed and I nodded, looking back at her with a little smile on my face. "Do you want one?" She demanded at me.
"As it's nearly noon, we can maybe go out with Zasha & Portnova for lunch," I suggested to her and she nodded too, looking at her watch and seeing that it was almost noon, as I said to her. "If we can just go out and try to depressure a bit, it can be better, right?" She nodded again, a smile forming on her lips as I was wondering where we could go...
"Why don't we go to a Burger Town?"
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artsyxloner · 3 years
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Not Just a Monster
Warning: blood, violence, death
22: Outside Invaders Pt2
There was a lot of them, I kept hiding behind Corners, closets every time they came. Holding big guns walking like they were high a superior. With tattoos all over their faces smirking.
It made me want to punch them. As they walked past me without a second glance I waited until they were fully gone so I could continue to go forward.
I'm guessing their leader Jeung-Seop had the group. All in one room gathered up, those bitches were going to pay. Making my way down I heard more footsteps coming my way.
I hid again crouching down, I saw them turn a corner thinking it was one of them but to my surprise it was Sang-Wook. I immediately got up this must-have startled him because he pointed the gun right at me.
I put my hands up, " don't shot it's just me, Soo-Nico!" He seemed to notice lowering the gun down, I sighed in relief. " you okay?" He asked, he must have seen the blood on me. " A little roughed up but I'm fine."
I assured, I wondered if there was anyone else with him. " is it just you?" He nodded, " yeah, I picked up one of their guns." I couldn't tell what type it was I wasn't an expert.
" I noticed, but we should stop the small talk before we get caught." Sang-Wook agreed with me we Couldn't risk being heard. We needed to same the others But luck wasn't on our side.
Two men, one heavy set the other skinny approached pointing their loaded guns at us. " yeah, the little lady is right but it's too late for that sweet cheeks," the guy with the fat guy catcalled.
I Mentally puked in my mouth, gripping my weapon I want to slash his face in. But Sang-Wook got in front of me pointing his gun at each of them.
It was much larger than there's, they started to back away. But the guy on the left smirk. " you don't know how to use that do you?" He was looking at the safety on the gun. " no, I do not," before I time to think about what he said the other guys tried to shot at us.
But Sang-Wook knocked the one on the left with the gun slamming him against the wall so hard it knocked him out or he was probably dead from the blow.
The other one was running towards me picking up a small gun he had charged at me, but I brought up my weapon that was a thick wooden stick that was from a broken chair.
We were pushing against one another but I ended up shoving him to the wired fence wall. I knee him in the nuts using so much force he dropped to the ground along with his weapon. I grabbed him by By the collar of his jacket and slung him as he skidded through the floor.
I was surprised by how much strength I had. But he was quick to grab a small ax, getting ready to throw it someone else came running through I was so glad when it was Yi-Kyung.
She kicked him in the nuts too, getting him in a chokehold snapping his neck. Throwing him down to the ground. Sang-Wook seemed a little shocked.
I stared in amazement, " thought you were a fighter?" He questioned. " I used to be in the special forces. How did you find the rifle?" So that's what it was?
" I saw you hiding it." He tossed it to her. As she easily caught it checking out the gun As Sang-Wook picked up the guy's ax. It wasn't a little bit after we left searching for others that might hide.
As we came into one of the storage rooms, there was a small voice. Lookup to the vents we saw Yeong-su, my eyes widened his sister must be with the others. I hurried and claimed on top of a table opening the vent.
" Come here." I motioned with my hands for him to come to me, he looked kinda scared. But he crawled over towards me wrapping his small arms around my neck. I brought him down.
" Why did you go in there?" I wondered, how could he get up there by himself? He glanced down. " Well, my mission was to stay hidden. But I saw Yi-Kyung She's a secret agent, too... And grandpa wasn't coming. so I got scared."
He looked down sad, but I just smiled and ruffled his hair. " don't worry about grandpa, I but he's just fine." I didn't want to give him false hope. Gil-Seob was stronger than he looked.
But there was a rattling noise we all were startled by looking up in the event there was green slime. I saw it before when I was trapped in the spiderweb. It helped me. Yi-Kyung raised her gun but Yeong-Su tugged at their jackets crying out.
" Nooo, don't hurt it, it saved me!" He cried, they were still hesitant. So I spoke up. " it saved me to when I was trapped in the spiderweb it's good to trust us." I Clarified.
This made the boy smile
Yi-Kyung and Sang-Wook glanced at each other then lowered their weapons. " I'm holding you to that." Yi-Kyung confronted me, I wasn't even questioning it because she was just being cautious.
I didn't blame her, but it was the humans we had to worry about not Necessarily the monsters.  "all alright, if we Wait any longer more people will die." Yi-Kyung peeked behind a corner. " what's your plan?"
She turned back around to us leaning on the wall. " you can't shot a gun but can y'all at least?" She questioned Sang-Wook he was sitting down but nodded, "I'm usually the one chasing." He gave a forward answer.
" well let's hope you're fast. You're not alone anymore." She then turned to me. " Soo-Nico, you can use a gun can you?" I quickly shook my head. " No, but I can fight." She seemed okay wimpy answer.
" you and I will go in first we will Distract them, leading them away from the others. So they'll be able to get away we go in fast and don't hesitate to kill one of them. God knows they don't."
She was right, one tried to rape Ji-Su and the gunshots we heard could have been one of the group members. They were going to pay and big time. The two of us left while Sang-Wook stayed behind with Yeong-su, he didn't need to be in the middle of the crossfire.
Running down the hallway at full speed I was holding one of the guns, but only to hit them with. You-Kyung would do the shooting. As we neared the elevators there was a guy standing guard in front but his back was facing us.
Yi-Kyung raised her gun a fired it blood shot out of him as he fell to the floor with a loud thud. There were even gasp and screams. They must be holding them there captive.
I was nervous but I swallowed it knowing they needed saving right now I couldn't let my fears control me. We ran in as men came towards us. Gripping the end of my gun. I smashed it against one of the guys' heads.
Hearing a crack, I kicked him to the floor. My chest heaving up and down, I wasn't going to stop yet. As I saw the group they were all gathered around looking terrified. Except for Hyun-Su when he saw me I could have sworn relief had washed over his face.
I was glad he was alright, I wanted to run to him and hug him but I couldn't. I was still fighting men dodging them from every turn. Soon enough Eun-Hyuk yelled out to Hyun-Su he got up and punched a guy in the face Shoving him down.
I then noticed a guy was trying to come up behind but before I could hit him Hyun-Su was already there with a wheelchair he ran over him with it that tried to shoot me. I saw anger in Hyun-Su eyes, I was most certainly they would turn black.
His jaw was clenched, so tightly I could see his bone. Like he was going to rip one of the guys' heads off any minute now. He was so enraged as he picked up a gun, he rammed into someone with it against their neck.
I noticed the guy pulled out a knife, about to stab Hyun-Su I yelled out warning him. But as so as I did there was a loud gunshot and I felt something Pierce me from the back and go through my chest.
I was stunned for a minute as I began to scream. My mind went fuzzy as my white shirt was immediately staining red. I realized I had been hit. I wobble a little glance up Hyun-Su's face was in full Terror.
His mouth and eyes wide open, I couldn't breathe my vision blurred in and out as I fell to the floor. Trying to catch my breath I was gasping as I coughed up blood. My lungs were feeling up I felt it, it was like I was drowning in my own body.
My eyes shifted to the floor leaving Hyun-Su he was calling out my name in crys. He tried to run to me, he looked scared, as I saw tears drip down on his cheeks. He began to scream my name.
But the leader yelled out stop, it got quiet except for Hyun-Su's soft cries. I heard footsteps. I sounded like they were coming my way. My shaky face looked up it was the leader.
He smiled evilly at me, " it would be more fun to kill you and get it over with but watching to struggle is well you know is fun enough." He laughed kicking me aside so hard I gasped, feeling my ribs ache in pain.
" Don't fucking touch her!!"
He turned over to Hyun-Su who said it. " what do you mean this?" I felt another blow but this time he stomped onto my chest as I spit out more blood on the floor. " Stop—" I tried to talk but all that came out was more blood.
" awe, the poor thing can't even speak to her boyfriend without having trouble." He teased, that's when I felt someone grab a head full of my hair pulling me up. The person jerked my head back.
I hissed, " I'll let you say goodbye to your sweetheart just for a show performance." That when he pushed me towards Hyun-Su, my face was shoved into his stomach but he wrapped his arms around me. Holding me gently in his embrace.
I felt him slide to the floor, as my body got between his legs. He cradled my left side, pulling me closer to him as much as possible. " I'm here–I got you... I'm here!" His lips were placed on my forehead I could feel his tears tickle my face.
He was mumbling stuff but it was getting harder and harder to hear. " It... it hurts." I cried as I held on to his shirt. He rubbed my head, as his fingers ran through my hair. " it's alright, try to focus on something else." He said it to me but I could tell he was meaning himself too.
" Hyun– Hyun-Su is it alright if- if I kiss you?" I whispered weakly, not sure if he heard me. But If this was it then I wanted us to end in a goodie memory.
My head was on his chest, his heartbeat was speeding up. " is that the goodbye?" I gradually nodded. He was still crying. There was no other way to say it but that. Then Hyun-Su's hand slowly slid against my neck, as his fingers support the back of my head his thumb creased my cheek.
He leaned down a pressed his lips to mine. Still rough and chapped more than ever, I didn't care if anyone was watching. He deepened the kiss, " please stay with me PLEASE!" He murmured into my lips as we pulled away but he kept pecking at them.
As if it would somehow save me but I soon began to feel myself go limp. My eyelids were getting heavy, I tried so hard to keep them open but the dark vast sea of sleep was weighing down on me. " Hey! Stay awake Soo-Nico Stay awake!" Hyun-Su shook me pleading but I felt sleepier than ever.
" Don't do this, God! Please stay with me!" He kissed me again and again. But I didn't feel it I cried because I couldn't. " I'm sorry Hyun—" I could feel that being my last breath when I finally closed my eyes for the last time in his arms.
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ryttu3k · 3 years
Do you think you could post the Night Road segments with the messy critical and the conversation about Vitae? I don't think I've ever triggered those before and I'm curious 🤔😁
I can post for Banu Haqim, sure! You should be able to get a Messy Critical thing for any clan (although I only have the one for Pyre on-hand); the vitae one is Banu Haqim-exclusive due to their specific clan curse.
Warning for dead people, I guess!
January 2002.
"Oh man, we are in so much trouble," your sire says. "We are gonna get so fucking grounded. No Nintendo for a month. Fuck. Fuck!"
"I didn't consume anyone," you point out, gesturing to the withered and bloodless corpse of the Brujah.
"I can't fucking believe how easy I lost control," Julian snaps. "Stupid!" He rends his face, leaving vertical red furrows in the white flesh. Then he stops his self-recrimination and says, "I guess this should be another teaching moment for you." He pulls out his Motorola RAZR and places a quick call, then snaps it shut and says, "There's a reason the Camarilla hates us. Their elders fear diablerie—losing their souls to another vampire's fangs. But when we act as judges and assassins, to drink another's essence is no crime. It is, in fact, justice."
"And this?" you ask, pointing to the withered Brujah.
"Oh, I fucked up," Julian says. "But that's the lesson. It is our nature to hunger for the Blood of Cainites, Pyre. Some Cainites dream of mastering all of our supernatural arts by drinking the Blood of any vampire that comes along. That's stupid. First, you'll end up Blood Bound. Second, for the Banu Haqim, you will lose control. Once you taste that hot, sweet Blood, it takes iron will to resist the temptation to drink. And drink. And then you either have a corpse on your hands like poor whatsisname here, or the vampire you're biting twists your head off.
"Okay, the guy I called will be here soon. You get out of here. I don't want you seeing his face. We'll get this cleaned up."
Messy Critical:
August 2005.
"You know how Gandhi is super aggressive in Civilization?" Julian says as you both watch the Lunatic try to dispose of the dead prostitute.
"What?" you say.
"It's because…hold on, let me remember…it's because in the game's original code, Gandhi was given the lowest possible aggression rating, because he's Gandhi, right? Except sometimes you could do things to lower aggression ratings, and that would make it a negative number."
"He's gonna hear us," you whisper as the raggedly dressed vampire keeps trying to stuff the woman he murdered into the dumpster.
"But the game couldn't handle negative numbers," Julian says, fiddling with a broken rake handle, "so if you went negative, it would flip back over to a super high positive number, and then Gandhi would want to nuke you, right?"
"I don't understand—"
"So here's the thing, Pyre—you're a Cainite now. You're more than human. And sometimes your powers, or just your nature, mean you do so well that even if you succeed, you still fuck up. Like this asshole trying to hide the dead hooker. A hunt so perfect that he lost himself in the Kiss and ended up killing someone. Or that Sewer Rat who started shit with us last month. He knocked you right through an adobe wall, and then he just went crazy."
"Who the fuck is there?" the ragged Lunatic says, dropping the corpse and pulling a snubnose .38. He peers into the shadows where you and your sire are hiding.
"So don't forget," Julian says, "you have to get it just right. Too little, and you'll blow it. Too much, and you'll make a mess. You gotta—"
"I said—"
"—get it—"
"—who the fuck—"
"—just right."
Julian darts forward through the shadows of the alley, faster than you can see, and transfixes the vampire through the heart with his stake before the ragged man can squeeze off a round.
"Another night, another job," Julian says. "Throw him in the Tracker, and we'll drop him off for the Prince."
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knivesandwives · 3 years
Can you give an excerpt (is that the word?) or a pic from the book about Hannibal and Clarice's little date thing? I'm intrigued lol
Oh lol I'm honestly still reading it! Thank you for facilitating my venting though, and I will gladly share my incomplete knowledge. I haven't even finished this scene, which continues into another chapter. I had to take a break and cool my head because it makes me want to gag like I was a 5 year old with an aversion to kissing scenes (which is not usual for me. I just. I don't know about this). I could take the time to finish reading it in the time I'm writing this buuuut I'm too heated to do so atm, even though it would spare me the embarrassment of having very incomplete context. I don't even know whether Thomas Harris intends for the reader to want them together, but his treatment of Hannibal Lecter has generally verged on salivating over him, imo, so. I'm gonna take it as implied that I should like this a bit more than I do. I could be very wrong. Under the cut because it is a Rant
I’ve got the fun wacky stuff first because this book is Wild. Bonkers. Then I have semi serious stuff and Thoughts thoughts in the second half 
it is So over the top corny. Highlights so far:
-Hannibal is playing the harpsichord when Clarice walks out. In other scenes he’s played his theremin. He is insufferable
- the piece he's playing is called ‘If True Love Reigned’ and was composed by Henry VIII, which is a red flag if ever I heard one
-he dresses up in white tie for her and spends FOREVER decorating the house *just so* and inspecting the dinner table from various angles to check whether the Aesthetic is right, because the house he's rented out is only so-so and he's gotta make up for it:
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I mean. He decides to add a shit ton of flowers to make it intimate and create a hanging gardens effect, realizes that this looks bad, and decides that the solution is More flowers. Maybe he’s right, but I think with the rest of the decorations this is probably looking like a mess right now.
-Uhhh if I remember correctly from the Freudian Daddy Issues chapter (hhhhh I want to have a word with Thomas Harris), the reason he makes the peonies in the flower arrangement “white as SNO BALLS” is because she has some sort of (dad-related) childhood memories about these fucking Hostess twinkie-level snacks. There are Levels to his floral arrangements
-Similarly, the cocktails he prepares for them have orange slices on the side because it’ll remind her of her father slicing oranges and Hannibal wants to be daddy
-The landlord he’s renting the house from (where he’s keeping Clarice and holding Date Night) has a fixation on Leda and the Swan, to the point that he has four statues of it and eight paintings of it in that one house alone. Hannibal likes the horniest one with the best “anatomical articulation.” Make of that what you will. There was indeed a reason for Bryan Fuller including such a pussy out painting in the set for Hannibal’s dining room. Hannibal covers the other Leda statues and paintings that don’t live up to his standards
- He brings her clothes to wear?? Special Fancy clothes for Date Night. Ugh. And I thought it was pushy and anal in SOTL when he gave her tips on how to improve her fashion
- Hannibal wears an ascot over a white shirt. No jacket. I don't know if I trust the taste level of this man. I like Freddy from scooby doo but his look seems like a stretch in this context
-he uses candelabra like he's the phantom of the opera and has this incredibly fucking extra mirror in his rented house:
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-he tells her his goals for the evening in one of the trademark Long Confusing Hannibal Monologues we’re so used to seeing in the show, then asks Clarice if she understands, and her response is: no I don’t so I hope your food is good at least
Actual Serious Thoughts about it  (content warning: some vaguely psychosexual things involving characters’ family, drugging and non-sexual consent issues)
I think my reaction is definitely influenced by the context that's been presented so far for their relationship in this book, which includes (briefly):
--Hannibal has a fixation on Clarice as a potential replacement for/idealized version of Mischa, his dead sister. The moment he lays eyes upon her again in this book he starts having uncontrollable flashbacks that directly associate Clarice with Mischa and overlays their meanings and iconography. So... that's something. It shows up constantly whenever we get a glimpse into his POV. I have thoughts about what Hannibal finds appealing about Clarice RE as an idealized version/teacup reversal of Mischa; the book tells us he admires her courage and her spirit as a warrior despite having been victimized, and so Clarice is in some ways a version of Mischa that was capable of surviving despite the odds. That was (crudely) my working theory, anyway. Might have to reevaluate that now because I'm less certain now about Hannibal's intentions and how much his appreciation for Clarice is really *respectful* of her potential, versus how much he sees her as some sort of vehicle to replace Mischa and be some sort of walking talking idealized doll that he crafts into his dead sister. I wanted it to not be *as* weird and psychosexual as I thought it would end up being, but this book definitely leans into some weird sexualized Freudian shit, and I'm concerned that Mischa and Clarice are part of that despite my best efforts to rationalize it in a way that I would have preferred. Really, who fantasies about their lover being a reminder of their sister?
--Freudian hell part 2: Hannibal has rescued Clarice from the Verger farm (after she rescued him, which was quite dramatic) and has her drugged at his house and undergoing the type of hypnosis we see suggested with Will and Miriam Lass in NBC!Hannibal. Hannibal suggests things, she follows those suggestions with apparently little agency of her own. He probes into her history and traumas and causes her to see things. Among his goals here is to have her make peace with her dead father in some way (in a scene which strongly resembles Abigail's therapy with GJH's corpse as seen in the s3 flashbacks), and to give her some form of control over her memory of him. This is accompanied by some very squicky speculation from Hannibal about Clarice having taboo sexual associations with her father, which she projects (among other things) onto other father figures in her life like Jack Crawford or her fallen FBI partner. I didn't know before I got into this book whether it was going to legitimize the Electra complex angle on Clarice this much, and maybe I'm wrong to accept Hannibal's viewpoint as sacred, but. So far, that seems to be the take.
So that's the context for the leadup to this romantic dinner scene. Hannibal has decorated his house specially for this date night type thing and given her a slinky, fancy dress to wear in his fancy house. Clarice has been heavily under the influence of drugs so far, and this night is no exception. This chapter so far has been a treasure trove of the more romantic dialogue repurposed for NBC!Hannibal, but I kind of can't stand it here in this book as anything remotely romantic. It's almost entirely him talking *at* her and it seems like this is more about him and his idealized fantasy of her than it is actually about her. The text does refer to him as "the monster" more frequently in this chapter, and it calls him out directly for his vanity and self congratulation, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm even supposed to like it, but. Anyway. You asked for excerpts! This particular scene is probably the densest part of a very dense chapter (the highlights are a mess rn):
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There's a lot of interesting stuff in here, some of which really raises my hackles in ways I wasn't anticipating. Clarice has just emerged in the outfit he chose for her to join him. Clarice's first question to him is to ask about how much he's invaded her privacy without her knowledge, and he has a very bullshit answer where he pretends that this situation he's manufactured, in which he drugs her and creates a fantasy world for them, is okay because it exists outside of reality. It doesn't. It's an interesting idea but it's bullshit. This is not his memory palace, this is reality and it does exist as a part of time that Clarice has had to experience (or not, as the case may be for her level of consciousness throughout this). And he turns around from this question about him being intrusive to reiterate his attraction to her. Squick at that. Her plain (possibly curt?) answer to his compliment, even though it's a thank you, causes him annoyance. This is where I really, Really start to have, like, flashbacks to Jessica Jones and the playing house plotline. Real strong flashbacks to that. Clarice's (apparently unintentional) failure to meet his standards and reciprocate in the exact way he wants her to makes him Annoyed. Clarice identifies this and holds her ground, interestingly enough, and Hannibal has a moment of awe at her stubborn individuality, but immediately falls back on self congratulatory wanking at his choice of woman. Then, there's more talking at her, to which she eventually says that she basically doesn't know what the fuck he means but she hopes he plans to make dinner worth her while. I appreciate Clarice holding her ground so well here, especially given the circumstances, and I don't know quite where this is headed, but I guess the gist of it is that in this context I just really want to slap Hannibal about and see him burn
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finnwolfhard7137 · 4 years
The Heart of Mine-
Miles Fairchild × Reader
{Based off of The Turning}
Story Summary: You are an 18 year old nanny and you take on a job for two orphans-Miles and Flora-in a gothic mansion in the Maine countryside. Unexpected events occur, pulling you and Miles towards each other and hearts connect.
Chapter One: Meeting Miles and Flora
Word Count 2,889
Warnings: slight angst (will change throughout the stories progression)
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All of your life growing up as a kid, you loved taking care of kids. You loved looking after them, teaching them new things and watching them grow. So now that you are eighteen, you are now a nanny. You have been putting your name all around Maine and you finally got a call. Her name is Mrs. Grose, and she needs a nanny full-time for two orphans: Miles and Flora Fairchild. Miles is 18 and Flora is 7. The house is in the countryside which you loved! It is beautiful there, well the parts that you traveled through. You told your best friend Rose about the job offer. 
"She said it is a mansion!!"
Rose "oh well you definitely have to take it now! You can be rich by the end of it!" 
"Come on Rose, you know I'm not in it for the money."
Rose "I know, you got a good heart Y/n...I am going to miss you."
"I know I am going to miss you so much. I will come visit every chance I get. But it's not going to be right away."
Rose "yeah that makes sense. So when do you have to leave?"
"In three days."
Rose "damn! Well I guess I have to hog you these three days so I can get my sister-time in!" You and Rose are like sisters. You have been friends ever since elementary school. You two are polar opposites though which you find funny how opposites attract. She is more of the partying type while you are more calm and mellow. 
During the three days, you and Rose went shopping, to the movies, to the bowling alley, etc. It was really fun but now you have to get ready to go to work. You put your bags in the back of your yellow car and are about to leave.
Rose "I guess this is it huh?"
"Only until I see you next!" You try to make light of the situation. You know that you are going to be away from each other for a few months, and that'll be the first.
Rose "okay well, drive safe! Call me when you get there, and keep me updated! I want to hear all the details." You agreed and gave her a quick hug and left. You watched your friend get smaller in the rearview mirror as you drove further. You are excited to meet Flora, from what Mrs. Grose tells you, she is very kind and sweet. On the other hand, Miles is more of the rambunctious type and gets in trouble a lot in boarding school. However, you can handle it. And who knows, maybe you can tame him down a little bit. The drive there was beautiful: lots of open farmland and trees but when you got closer to the house, the landscape changed drastically: many of the trees were dead, not many people on the road. You got to the gate of the manor and saw the house. It was absolutely beautiful! More on the gothic side but you loved that. You could see a maze field as you drove by and a pond. You couldn't wait to see inside. Once to the front door, you knocked but no one came. So you decide to walk around the house and you find a greenhouse. The doors were open, so you helped yourself to the inside. It was filled with beautiful flowers and plants. You were admiring a peony plant when Mrs. Grose came up behind you. 
Mrs. Grose "beautiful aren't they?"
"Oh! Ye-yes they are. They happen to be my favorite."
Mrs. Grose "you must be Y/n." 
"Yes ma'am. You must be Mrs. Grose." She nods and shakes your hand. 
Mrs. Grose "come now, Flora is inside. You won't meet Miles until he comes home from boarding school." As you walk through the house, you are taking in your surroundings. Paintings we hung on every wall, every wall was painted a different color, and there were so many antiques. Once you get to the living room, you see a beautiful little girl sitting on the floor playing with a toy horse.
Mrs. Grose "Flora...this is Y/n, your new nanny." She got up and ran to you. 
Flora "Hi!! You are very pretty!" She was right, Flora is very sweet. She runs to you and gives you the biggest hug.
"Aw thank you sweetheart! But not as beautiful as you...it's so nice to finally meet you." She lets go of you and smiles. 
Flora "Miles is going to like you."
"Oh, is that so?"
Flora "yeah...he melts when he sees a pretty girl!"
Mrs. Grose "Flora, enough of that now." She raised her voice which made you jolt a little. 
"Uh so...tell me about yourself!" Flora told you about what she likes and doesn't like. She loves riding her horses with Miles. But one thing that stood out to you was that she isn't allowed to leave the house. Why isn't she allowed to leave this property? You didn't want to ask so you changed the subject. 
"Do you want to show me around the house?"
Flora "YEAH!!" she grabbed your hand and started running around the house. Showing you where you sleep, the bathrooms and kitchen. Once you get to a long hallway, Flora stops. "That's the East Wing...we don't go in that part of the house."
"Why not?"
Flora "don't wanna." She runs off, leaving you to wonder why no one goes into that part of the house. 
"Hey! Wanna show me your horse!? I love riding horses." She nods and takes you to the stables. 
Flora "this is Miles' horse, he only lets Miles ride him. And this is my horse!" She was white and beautiful! Flora handed you an apple that she keeps laying around the stable so that you can feed her. 
Flora "did you know that the seeds have cyanide in them?"
"Umm no, no I didn't. How did you know that?"
Flora "my doll told me." And she grabs her baby doll off of the ground. 'She's been through a lot, don't freak out.' You think to yourself. 
It is dinner time and you sit next to Flora while you eat. 
"This is delicious, Mrs. Grose!"
Mrs. Grose "this is Flora's favorite, isn't it darling?" Flora just nods. You begin to think that Mrs. Grose speaks for Flora most of the time. That bugs you, but this is only your first day so you don't want to start anything by bringing that up. You finish your plate and are ready for bed.
"Flora, will you show me to my room again, I forgot." She nods and takes your hand. She has such cute little hands and it makes you melt. You already love this little girl with all of your heart. 
Flora "this is your room!"
"Thank you lovebug. Did you have fun today?"
Flora "yeah!! Tomorrow can we go riding?"
"That sounds like a great idea! Sweet dreams Flora." You give her forehead a kiss before she leaves the room. You put on a red nightgown for bed and brush the knots out of your hair. As you are doing that, you hear creeks coming from outside your door. The creeks got louder so you decided to go check it out. It is completely dark since Flora and Mrs. Grose went to bed also. It was deadly quiet once you got out of your bedroom door. You walk towards the hallway leading to the East Wing, and stop. You hear what almost sounds like a woman screaming. You open the door at the end of the hallway and the screams stop. It was a room filled with paintings and mirrors. You look in the mirror and see a boy, it made you jump and let out a little scream. You turn around to see a boy standing in the doorway.
Miles "you shouldn't be in here."
"Jesus you..you scared me! Are you Miles?"
Miles "yeah."
"Why are you home? Shouldn't you be in boarding school?"
Miles "I got sent home early. You really shouldn't be in here, you should go to bed." And just like that, he walks away. Now you know Miles, it was strange but hopefully tomorrow you can get to know him.
The next morning…
Mrs. Grose "good morning miss Y/n. How did you sleep?" You see Miles sitting next to Flora on the sofa. He smiles at you and you have to admit, his smile melts your heart. 
"Uh good i guess. How did you all sleep-" the phone rang, cutting you off. Mrs. Grose gave you the 'okay' to go get it. You answered it and it was Miles' principal, telling you that Miles has been expelled. You were shocked as to why he was expelled. He is staring at you as you talk on the phone, almost telling me through his mind not to tell Mrs. Grose. 
"Okay. Yes of course I will inform Mrs. Grose, have a good day!" You walk over and sit down.
Mrs. Grose "so, what was the news?"
"It was Miles' principal. Telling me how well in school he is doing!"
Mrs. Grose "oh very good!" You gave her a smile and looked back at Miles. He was smiling at you from ear to ear, as if he was thanking you. You had to ask him why he did what he did but not right now. 
Flora "Miles! Y/n and I are going riding today, do you wanna join us?"
Miles "yeah of course!" You get up to get dressed for the day.
You put on a pair of brown pants, a white shirt and a black vest with some boots. It was perfect for riding horses! You are in the middle of pulling your hair up when there is a knock on your door. "Come in!"
Miles "hey um, I just wanted to thank you for doing that back there. You didn't need to but yet you did. Thank you."
"You're welcome. But I have to ask you, why did you do it? Why did you hurt that boy?"
Miles sat down on your bed and patted the area next to him so that you could sit down. Once you sat down, Miles explained, "they burned a photo of my father and it made me mad. I loved him and I miss him. I just lost control."
"It's okay, I understand how you feel. I also lost my father when I was young, I miss him too. Just promise me that you will try to control your temper, even when someone is in the wrong?" 
Miles "I promise y/n. I'm glad that you are here. I gotta say though, I wasn't expecting a girl my age to come nanny me and my sister. But I'm glad that you are. Flora all morning, would not stop going on about how much she likes you!" 
"Well i like her a lot too, she's a sweet kid."
Miles "yeah she is. Well hey, you look ready to go so come on, let's go riding!"
Once he explained to you why he did what he did, all was forgiven and honestly, you liked him. You can't wait to see how this all plays out. 
Miles "do you know how to ride?"
"Yeah, I used to ride growing up! It's just been a bit."
Miles "do you want me to teach you? To ya know, refresh your memory?"
"Yeah, sure." You got on the back of Flora's horse and started riding. Miles informed you on how to keep your form in check and how to keep control of the horse.
Miles "you look good up there." You blushed at his comment. Maybe Flora was right, Miles does like me..
Flora "see I told you that Miles would like you!!" You both laughed. 
Miles "okay you look like you are ready to ride without my help. Follow me and Flora, and we will take you through the maze." You nod and did as he said. The maze was long and complex. 
Flora "you can easily get lost in here!"
"Yeah, no kidding! There are so many ways to go." You weren't worried about getting lost because Miles was leading the way and you trust him. You try to familiarize all the twists and turns of the maze. It was pretty extraordinary! After you got out of the maze, you all went to the stables and got off the horses. 
Flora "did you have fun!?"
"I did! It's crazy in there." You get down to her level, she was tall for her age but she is still much shorter than you.
Flora "tonight, can you read me a bedtime story?"
"I would love to Flora." The whole time you were talking to her, Miles was looking at you and smiling. He has never met anyone quite like you. Yes, nanny's in the past loved Flora too but not like you. He is really starting to like you. You just don't know that but soon will find out. 
You walk back to the house and Miles is walking next to you. You look up at him and smile. 
Miles "what?"
"Nothing just, thanks for today. Thanks for showing me how to ride and the whole maze."
Miles "of course, it's my pleasure really. Are you liking...staying here?"
"I mean I've only been here for 2 days but yeah, I am."
Miles "good! I really hope that you stay. Everyone who comes here, normally ends up leaving….without saying goodbye."
"Hey..I'm not planning on going anywhere." Miles grabs your hand and gives it a quick squeeze. 
Miles "okay, good. Let's go inside, it's time for lunch." When he touched your hand, it was like a spark ignited in you. You felt something for Miles that it was too early to quite put a finger on. All you knew was that this is only the beginning.
Nightfall finally came and it was time to read Flora her bedtime story. She picked her favorite one and she crawled into bed. You got into bed with her. 
Flora "Y/n..can I ask you something?"
"Of course sweety, anything!"
Flora "are you going to leave?"
"No of course not! Why would I leave you?"
Flora "I don't know. Everyone just leaves me and Miles and never says goodbye."
"Miles told me that today, it broke my heart. I am so sorry they did that to you but I promise that I will not leave you and Miles."
Flora "promise, promise?"
"Cross my heart and hope to die." She leans into you as you begin to read. She falls asleep and you can feel yourself start to fall asleep as well. You lightly get up, making sure not to wake up Flora and close the door behind you. You make your way to your room and see Miles in his room. You smile at him and continue walking. Unlike last night, you fall asleep pretty quickly tonight. You were in the middle of a nightmare when you woke up, seeing Miles standing in front of you. 
Miles "I-I'm sorry! I heard you whimpering in your dreams and it was killing me. Your door wasn't locked so I helped myself in...I was about to wake you when you woke yourself up."
"It's okay..I am sorry for waking you. I get these terrible nightmares sometimes." Miles sits down next to you.
Miles "it's okay, no need to apologize. It just scared me a little, I didn't know what was happening. I am glad that you are okay."
"I am now, thank you Miles." He put a piece of hair that has fallen into your eye behind your ear and smiled. 
Miles "I heard you reading to my sister. She really loves you y/n."
"I love her too. She asked me tonight if I was going to leave her, as you did earlier. I promised her that I wouldn't. I care about you and Flora too much to do that."
Miles "good because we care about you too," He pauses for a second, " All I am going to say right now is that I promise to always protect you."
"What..what do you have to protect me from?"
Miles "just listen to me okay...I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise. I know that you have only been here for two days but I have grown to like you, and I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" 
"Yeah." He kisses your forehead and then leaves. You didn't know what he meant but from the way his voice changed, you believed him. You just didn't know what from. You struggled to fall back asleep after that.
《I have been wanting to write this for a while now, I hope that you all like the first chapter!! It is only the beginning and i promise that it only gets better from here!! ♡♡♡ let me know what you think in the comments》 《im tagging my girls!! I hope you know this movie and love it so far!! If you do please share it》
@hvitserkmarcosource @moriartysringtone7137 @azurebrock @kid-that-likes-to-xplr @daddydobrock @taradummy @cutiecolbsss
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supportanimy · 3 years
All Stars Verse - Hologram Boy
Synopsis : The coaches of #thatPOWER are angry at Panda for turning P2 into a hologram
Word count : 2803
Notes : Can y'all guess what the title is referencing? Please guess what the title is referencing
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"We did it, we did it! We did it, yay!" The coaches sing and dance together in the new galaxy, after Panda traveled to all the planets and achieved the All Stars.
But just as they started to party, a spaceship arrived and out came three people, all with grey skin and white hair, wearing different outfits consisting of only red and black. 
"YOU!" The shortest one pointed angrily at Panda. "You killed our friend!"
"He's not dead, but he is hurt. And trapped," the muscly guy said.
"Hey, I know these guys!" Starships mentions excitedly. "That Power, right?  Or #thatPOWER, I guess. But don't you guys have four? Where's P2?"
"Here," the P3 drops a tiny machine, and a hologram of P2 appears. 
"Oh. Your hair has gotten...longer. And darker."
"Yeah, well as I was saying, PANDA MURDERED HIM!" P1 yells angrily and attempts to tackle Panda, but Reindeer shields them. 
"No, Panda would never do such a thing! They're too sweet and kind to! You must be confusing them with some other panda!"
P4 walks forward and pushes her friend back, but turns around to glare at them. "Impossible, there are no other pandas here," she explains. "Number 2 is not dead," Someone laughs, "he cannot die. However, he is permanently trapped as a hologram because of Panda's actions, and according to him, Panda was constantly taunting and harassing him just before that. Isn't that right?" P2 nods.
"Quiet as ever, huh?" Starships tries to lean on him, but passes through and falls.
"Then it must have been an accident!" Reindeer continues to defend their friend. The two had been close since childhood. One would know that if one played Kids Mode.
SS1, interested in whatever argument is happening, eats popcorn and shares it with the other coaches. "You know, *munch* Panda harassing some rando *munch* is honestly not that *munch* out of character for him." SS2 grabs a handful. "Agreed."
ME4 fixes his glasses, "Wait, I think I know what's happening here. Battle Mode, I'm guessing. Never got a chance on one of those."
"What's Battle Mode?" Rasputin's coach scratches his beard. 
Out of nowhere, Starships slides in to chime in the conversation. "A mode where coaches from two different songs go head to head in a dance battle! Only appeared in two games though, and I never got to join one," she pouts. 
Back to the argument, Reindeer gives up trying to defend Panda and is instead resorting to insulting P2. "He's just a robot! Can't he be replaced?!" the power coaches and BFT gasp.
P1 is now being restrained by P3 and P4 as she tries to attack Reindeer now. "I'm going to kill both of you!"
"No need to waste your energy on those lowlives, Number 1. We just need to get money from them so we can make a time machine and change the events of the battle, making it so that Number 2 wins instead."
Hearing that, HH2 gets a bright idea.
"We don't need to go that far, P4. We just want them to apologize-What do you mean no, Two?! Don't tell me you want revenge too?!
"Psst, P1," HH2 whispers to her friend. "Don't we have a friend with a time machine?"
"You mean Goddess? Does she count as our friend?" he replies before getting elbowed by HH4, who enters their talk uninvited. "I think she means the Backstreet Wannabes." "I mean, Goddess could probably time travel-" "No one asked, P3!"
"BE QUIET!" HH2 shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. 
"Ooh," SS1 directs his attention to her.
"So, #thatPower...I think I may know the ones to help you. Though, we have to fly there since...they're on the other galaxy."
"Sure! We appreciate any help! Even though I'm not sure what kind of help these people you're saying will offer," P3 agrees immediately.
P4 is a bit more skeptical. "How do we know you aren't lying to us? We aren't even sure what help we're getting."
"Some people with a time machine," HH1 tells them. "Like what you said earlier. I'm not sure who P2 is talking about though."
P1 finally stopped being filled with rage, and it was replaced with joy. "You actually have a time machine?! Oh, how I long to return to my time!"
The other coaches are understandably confused over her statement. P3 tells them to shrug it off, "Don't mind her, she gets like that. We're not sure why."
"So what about it, Two? Wanna time travel so you don't get stuck as a hologram anymore?" The hologram nods, grinning from ear to ear. "Great!" P3 turns the projector off and keeps it in his pocket.
"P3, I will murder you, and then dismember you, and feed you to tigers." "We-we don't have tigers. Also your arms are twigs." "Don't you act smart with me!"
"Chill 4, it's just a tiny mistake, NBD," the blonde woman remarks without looking away from her phone. "P1 hit my hand too, but you don't see me threatening him."
"Who the fuck actually says NBD-Oh uh, sorry for that."
"Yeah, but he didn't hit it hard enough that you punch yourself in the face enough to hurt!"
"How did that even happen? Like I said, your arms are twigs-" "Do NOT!"
Just as the two were about to attack each other, they heard the faint sound of an aircraft. 
"Hey, I'm trying to strangle someone! Can you not-" she stops her sentence when she sees a spaceship getting closer to the four.
"Get cover!" "Calm down First, it's probably just going to pass by us like airplanes." "No, P2, it's actually gonna fall on us!" he points at the ship landing fast. "Oh," she's pulled to safety by him, where their colour scheme changes.
It stayed at a steady pace going down, but stopped just 100 meters off the ground and slowly went straight down.
"Seriously? After all that drama?" "Hey, be grateful we're safe!"
When it finally finished landing, four familiar faces and four unfamiliar faces walked out.
"Hey look, it's High Hopes! And some Homestuck cosplayers!" the woman jumps back out from their hiding spot, which made her hair turn back to blonde. "That's not-whatever, I'm tired of your dumb ass."
"Dirty Bit Gang!" HH4 runs to hug DB2. 
"Wait, they have a time machine?!" HH3 never knew that fact. If he did, he would've begged to use it to appear earlier in more songs.
"Well duh, their song is called The Time, and one of us should definitely have a time machine."
"So I see you guys have a spaceship. I assume you guys are here to use our time machine, but who are they?" DB1 asks. 
"Hi, I'm the Starships coach! Love your outfits, but feel like the colours could be better. These are coaches from #thatPOWER, but one member is kinda stuck right now-"
"I hope you don't mind if we borrow it for a while," P3 drops the projector and P2 sighs quietly in relief. 
DB4 stops her punch to DB3 midway to look at P2. "Uh, is he okay?"
"That's the reason we're here. Number 2-" "PFFFFT!" "Number 2, is stuck as a hologram and we have no way of transferring his AI to a body so we were hoping that we can travel to the past to change the course of the battle that made him this way in the first place."
"Cool," DB1 responds, not catching any of that. "Say, why do you need eight people plus a hologram to do that?"
HH2 raised a finger as if to answer him, but put it on her chin instead. "I'm-I'm not sure."
"C'mon, it's easy!" HH1 tries his best to explain. "There's That Power, the ones who want to go to the past, Starships, the representative of 2014, We're here to-wait, P2 was their guide, I'm not sure why the rest of us are here."
"Okayyy, sure, we'll do that, but do you have a plan?"
Silence. "Yeah, we didn't think of that."
"Of course you didn't," frustration was evident in his voice. "Fine, follow me."
DB3 and DB4 continued to fight, while the eight were led to a dark room with a massive TV screen, and a few couches. There was a table with a flower pot on it, with some cookies and candy beside it. 
"So, it would be dangerous to just alter the past with no plans and no actual clue on what happened. That's why, we're going to watch it, then decide what to do," the bearded man takes the remote next to the screen and switches to different channels. "2014, it's a battle, correct?"
The screen switched to a scene on a stage with multiple monitors and the letters VS in the middle, displaying a dance floor with some other items beside it such as a chair. Panda rushed in and stood there while P2 slowly approached them, C'mon by Kesha playing in the background. When P2 was close enough, Panda started circling around him, then went back to their position, but not before blowing a kiss at the robot, which he moved his head to avoid.
"Oh, Panda blew a kiss at you? That should be a reminder," HH4 notes.
"What a shame," HH3 comments.
They began dancing, with Panda moving their arms towards their chest and P2 doing robotic movements. That was until just before the first pre-chorus started where P2's movements look like he was being controlled by a puppeteer, then they became more "free".  
"Haha!" Starships laugh. "Seeing such a serious face on a cute dance move is so-" As past Panda and P2 turned to each other, the lyrics sang at the part made her stop. "Oh no. Oh no no no no. Oh god no."
"Is she okay?" DB2's question had a worried tone. "She's fine. Probably," HH2 assures.
"There are 2 images burned into my mind, and I don't like either of them!"
The rest ignore her dramatics and continue watching the battle. The chorus played, with the two performing an all too common move, putting your elbow on your raised leg, but coupled with some pushing each other to the side in between. When the singer sang the song's title repeatedly, Panda is seen establishing dominance over P2.
"Uhh," P3's braincells, or whatever robots have, seemed to have been fried from just watching the battle. "How are you losing to a panda?!" P2 shrugs.
The beginning of the final round consisted of Panda taunting P2, and P2 attempting to damage Panda but to no avail. P2 looked like he was about to faint right before the chorus started again, with them repeating the same moves earlier. The battle finally ended, in which Panda brings out a button and presses it, turning P2 into a hologram while they laugh.
"Okay, that was way too far now that I've seen it! I'm going to join the others in killing them-"
"Yo, calm down. We watched this to help you think of a plan, remember? While it was very weird to watch, we can decide what to do now, or in the past," DB1 brought out a piece of paper and puts it on the table. "Write your plan of action there, then I'll check over it to make sure it's nothing drastic."
P4 grabs the paper and begins writing on it with her built-in pen. "What we want to do is to make it so that P2 wins this fight. I think that can be easily done if we change the music."
"But won't Panda just press the button either way?" HH1 has a solid question.
"Hmm, then I guess we'll just destroy it."
"Wait, if we're going to destroy it anyways, what's the point in changing the song?" HH3 is surprisingly thinking a bit smarter now.
"Oh, that one is to save his honor. And to destroy Panda's-!" P1 clenches her fist tight.
"Riiight. Right. Right."
"Yes, but how are we doing that? Won't doing that alter a whole lot of events now since he's the mascot?" P3 tries to think deeply.
"Not really," DB1 answers, having a braincell for once. "Since you're from the same game, and you don't have any future appearances besides that one mashup, I think you guys would be fine."
"That's it, yes? Number 2's battle wasn't quite complicated, so maybe that's enough. Sir?"
DB1 takes the paper from P4, and looks it over. "Goddammit why am I reading with shades-yeah, that's okay I guess."
"Great, now we can go!" P1 is ecstatic to finally be able to return her friend back to his original state. So is the rest, even if P4 doesn't show it.
"Well, I guess that's our queue to leave. Goodbye and your welcome!" HH2 grabs her friends to drag them home.
"Wait, but didn't you go by spaceship?" P3 doesn't know how they would even return.
"Now worries, this is our planet, we'll teleport home!" "We can teleport?!" "HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED THIS WHOLE TIME-"
"What about...her?" P4 looks down on Starships, who was still freaking out. 
"Well, since she's the 2014 rep, we have to get her gloves if you want to travel there and back-" "I CAN'T TRAVEL TO MY TIME???" "-Would you mind…?" 
Starships takes it off and throws it at the pink-haired woman. "Just, just take it. Heck, keep it."
"Alright, follow me again," he gestures.
This time, a room that looks like it came from a certain sci-fi franchise involving space travel, but not time travel for some reason.
"Ight, just stand there," DB1 points at a platform," and you'll be fine. Also, here are the gloves, just wear it when you're done."
"Thanks a lot for helping us," P3 did a polite bow, "we're very grateful." He elbows the others to follow.
"No probs, we do this all the time, just be mindful that there are some side effects of time travel-" "Excuse me-?!" "But they're harmless! Have fun!" And the three robots plus hologram go back in time.
They arrived at a weird green space. There was a door quite far away, and would take a while to walk to. They felt something weird, and looked at their hands and each other to realize that they became green too. Except for P2.
"Changing colours is not what I expected but…" P4 spins her hand around.
"Maybe this could be useful, since we blend in with everything else," P3 compares his shade to the space.
They see Panda coming out of nowhere, heading to the door. Without speaking, they all immediately followed them. "Number 1, go grab the button. Number 3, get there and change the music." "Aye aye, 4."
P1 gets on the floor and crawls to the panda, P3 rushes to the door, and P4 carries P2's projector, following them from a distance. 
The short woman finds a pocket on Panda's body and tries to find the button. Instead, there was a tophat, a tennis racket, a trumpet and a whole lot of other things that should not be able to fit there. Somehow, Panda didn't notice any of that. She finally got her hands on the button, and immediately destroyed it. 
The sound alerts Panda, causing them to look around, but not finding anyone since they all blend in and P4 had turned off the projector, and shrugs it off. P3 uses that minor distraction to enter through the door. 
Immediately after passing through, his skin changed again, now blending into the room which was where the battle took place. Past P2, stood there, already arrived, but didn't take notice of P3, who climbed the ceiling and found the sound system. He used it and changed the settings so #thatPOWER was gonna play instead of C'mon.
When Panda comes in to start the fight, with the remaining two sneaking in, the course of it had already been decided. Past P2 had started attacking them and charging himself up. The fight continued on with P2 having an advantage, and at the end when P2 won, Panda jumped off, leaving the room while P2 laughs then leaves from the other exit. In that moment, the room turned to a black space, everyone turning back to normal, P2's projector disappeared, and a blended in silhouette of him was there.
"P2, you're back!" P1 goes to hug him. P2 clearly had been confused by what she said, but accepted it anyways. P3 and even P4, who isn't very physically affectionate, joins in the hug.  "We missed being able to actually touch you, buddy. Now I don't have to kneel down just to fistbump someone." "HEY!"
"I guess we can go home now," P4 puts on the glove and they teleported back to their starting point. 
So as you can read, there's like zero logic here, but I'm proud of.it cause it's my longest one-shot!
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Ghosts chp 15
Billy x Katrina
A/N: this is a multi chapter series that will contain smut, angst, fluff, substance abuse
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Katrina's POV
"Have you seen Katrina?"
"I thought she was with you?"
"No...she went to grab something from the kitchen and never came back."
I backed slowly out of the hallway, moving lightly to not make any noise. I couldn't let the boys know. Know that everything felt wrong, like I was barely holding on to myself.
I slid into the bathroom to see him staring back at me. The man I'd been seeing since we left Salem. All harsh angles and cold blue eyes.
He was smiling.
A cruel smile, menacing even as the dimple in his cheek deepened.
"Tell me," he sneered, "do you know torture?"
I could feel my lip wavering as I shook my head.
"Don't worry, you will."
"Please," I whimpered.
He tutted at me, "quiet now, pet. Have I ever harmed you?"
"You know I wouldn't, right? Not on purpose."
I nodded slowly. It felt like I was losing control, like it took every ounce of concentration to get that one small movement.
"Good, now don't fight me."
I was stuck. Watching but disconnected from my body. Panic lanced through me, white hot as my body moved without my command.
"Hush, my pet," his voice echoed in my head, "I've got us. Go to sleep."
It was easy. To obey him and fall into darkness. Into complacency.
I continued to fade in and out as we moved around the house. Silently lurking in shadows to watch Steve and Billy without them noticing.
Billy's POV
Tap, tap, tap.
"You had to have heard it that time, Billy!"
Steve was looking out every window in the house, frantic as he tried to figure out who was outside.
"Do you think it's Katrina? Playing a prank on us?"
I shook my head, "no, she'd be killing herself laughing if it was a prank. We'd hear her."
"Well what the fuck? Someone is obviously out there!"
"I don't know, Steve!"
A hand smacked the window, causing Steve to scream and flinch away from it. The hand slid down, slipping down the window with a squeal. But not before I caught sight of a tattoo. A tattoo I recognized from Katrina's wrist.
"Jesus," I huffed, "it is Katrina!"
I stomped to the front door and threw it open to look out into the now empty yard.
"Hey! Katrina! We know it's you, you got us! Ha ha you can come in now," I shouted into the dark.
I heard the crunch of gravel and turned to look down the driveway. There, at the very end, standing perfectly still in the dim street light, was Katrina. At least, I was pretty sure, I couldn't really see anything other than her shape.
"Hey! You got us, come inside!" I called.
I saw her head cock to the side, but she didn't step forward, didn't move at all.
"Billy? What's going on?" Steve asked from behind me.
"Nothing," I answered, turning to look at him quickly before looking back outside.
The driveway was empty now.
"Katrina?" I yelled, looking around, "where'd you go?"
"Billy...I don't like this," Steve whispered, "something's not right."
"Yeah," I nodded, slowly closing the door and locking it, "if this is a prank, she's being an asshole."
We retreated to the kitchen, staying close to each other and listening for any more sounds.
"I'm gunna try to call her...tell her this isn't funny."
I pulled out my phone and dialed Katrina's number. I was sent to voicemail five times before we heard the chime of her cell phone behind us. We jumped and whirled around to see her phone on the dining room table, screen lit up with my call until I was sent to voicemail again.
"Katrina!" I yelled, "you're not fucking funny! Get out here now!"
There was a few minutes of silence before we heard the screech of something dragging across glass from the other side of the house. Steve was really panicking now, his chest heaving with breaths that were coming too fast. I could feel my heart racing, thundering in my ears. With a gulp, I started walking in the direction of the sound, Steve close behind me.
If I thought my heart was pounding before, it kicked into overdrive when we walked into the living room. All across the windows in big red lettering was 'HA HA HA HA HA'.
"We should get the fuck out of here," Steve murmured.
"Yeah, yeah we should...my keys are in the kitchen."
We ran to the kitchen, searching the counters for my keys.
"Where the fuck are they?"
"Billy," Steve mumbled quietly, hand flapping wildly against my arm.
I pushed things around the counter, looking for a flash of silver.
"Billy," he said again, hitting my arm a little harder.
"What, Steve?" I yelled, turning to look at him.
He was staring behind me, face frozen and pale.
"What are you-" I started, turning to follow his gaze.
In the kitchen window was Katrina, staring straight at us. Not moving, just staring.
"Katrina, knock it off. You're not funny," I called, my voice cracking a little.
Her eyes flicked over to me and a menacing smile stretched across her face. One that sent shivers down my spine and reminded me too much of...
"Fuck, Billy, look."
I snapped out of my thoughts to see a flash of silver as her hand lifted up to the window. Her face didn't move as she twirled my keys around her finger. My mouth dried out when I noticed blood smeared across her face.
"Steve, where's your phone?"
He stammered, "u-upstairs, I think."
"Go get it. Call Riley."
"And tell her what? That Katrina's acting like some kind of fucking horror villain?" He hissed.
"Yes, Steve," I growled, "exactly that. Tell her we need their help. Now."
He made a noise in protest but slowly backed out of the kitchen and ran upstairs. I could hear his footsteps pounding on the stairs.
So could Katrina.
Her head turned to follow the sound and I stepped forward to pound on the window.
"Hey! Who are you? Why are you doing this?" I yelled.
She looked over at me quickly, for just a brief second, before she walked away from the window.
"Steve!" I yelled, "hurry the fuck up!"
"Coming!" He called, running back downstairs, "I found it but my battery is almost dead."
"Well fucking call her fast."
He nodded, her name already up on his phone. We were cast into darkness just as he clicked call, the only light being moonlight and the glow of Steve's phone. I looked around at the appliances, all of which had gone dark.
"Oh fuck," he mumbled, "Riley! Riley, we need help! ...it's Katrina, she's acting like a psycho! ...I don't know, like a fucking horror villain, Riley! You guys need to come help us! ...yeah, we're at the cabin ...I'll send you the address, hurry."
He quickly typed out the address to Riley and sighed shakily.
"What do we do now?"
"We wait, I guess."
The battery in Steve's phone had lasted just long enough for us to find a few candles and get them lit, casting an eery glow across our faces as we huddled in my bedroom upstairs.
We'd been up here for a while in total silence until we suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Billy," Steve whispered, "I thought you locked the doors."
"I did..."
I was just getting up to start pushing furniture against the door when I heard Katrina call out from down the hall.
"Billy? Steve?"
I froze, staring at the door and breathed, "Katrina?"
Steve stepped forward to grab my arm, "no. No, no, no, no. That's not Katrina, remember?"
"Billy?" She cried, "please, help me. I don't know what's happening...it hurts."
I grabbed the door handle, ignoring Steve's protests as I opened the door to peek out into the hall. When I didn't see or hear anything other than Katrina's crying, I opened the door wider and stuck my face out to look down the hall. Katrina was at the end of the hall, facing away from us and standing perfectly still.
"What do you see?" Steve whispered.
"Just Katrina, at the end of the hall," I answered, tucking back into the room to grab a candle before slowly inching into the hallway.
"Katrina? Babe?"
As I walked closer to her I could see that she was covered in blood and called back, "Steve! She's hurt, get out here!"
I could hear his grumbles of protest as he joined me in the dark. When we got to Katrina, she wasn't crying anymore, she was just silent and still. I gently touched her shoulder and turned her to face me and nearly dropped the candle.
"Y-your eyes..." I stammered.
"What?" Steve asked, coming around to look at her, "holy shit!"
Katrina's left eye had changed, steely blue had split her previously vibrant green eye in half. She was staring at us blankly, like there was nobody inside, but that menacing smile stayed.
I gulped, "Neil?"
@charmed-asylum @champagnesugamama @alias-b
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szivtalan · 4 years
8, 9, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 70 (aside from Kagami 😂), 71, 72, 79, 82, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 for the "Asks, why not" thing please? (Omg that's soo much, I'm sorry I got carried away ^^')
8) Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
Average height, bordering on short. Broad shoulders, thick arms and thighs, square face, slightly projecting ears (one pierced, one with a stretched lobe), bushy arched brows, thick square glasses, faded dark red hair, dark brown eyes, butt chin. I look pale and perpetually sleep deprived.
9) What do you/did you study?
I was in a teacher’s training program for English and Hungarian language and literature, and I’m planning to go back to school to study sociology!
16) What do you look for in a SO?
Consciously: understanding, fun, sweet, kind and accepting. Unconsciously: somewhat broken and in dire need of emotional help which I’m desperate to provide lmao.
19) Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?
Eh, u know, it depends? I don’t think I’m fit for a serious relationship right now, so I’d prefer casual stuff atm, but on the long run I do want a partner to share my life with.
20) What are your deal breakers?
Really obnoxious people, ignorance and bigotry I guess. And I’m not keen on someone pushing or disrespecting my boundaries, either.
21) How was your day?
It was good!! My bro, his girlfriend and my friend tagged along to get our (me and my soon-to-be sis-in-law’s) ears pierced, and then my friend and I got a loot of food. I didn’t exactly feel good enough abt myself to be comfortable outside, but I got a lot of random kindness and that was Nice.
22) Favourite food & drink
Food: teriyaki chicken and seafood pasta, drink: ginger ale and iced coffee
23) What position do you sleep in?
I sleep half-curled up on my side, but I need to toss and turn a little until I find The Best Position.
25) Your fears
The dark, needles, rabbits (I don’t even know, dude), the fact that I’ll die without having made an impact on the world, being spoken about behind my back, being a bad influence on my friends.
28) Any pets?
Not right now! I used to have two rottweilers around the house growing up, but they both passed away sadly.
29) What are your hobbies?
Writing, sketching, basketball, getting on people’s nerves, researching typology, watchin movies idk?
31) What was your last awkward situation?
Asjhdh the ticket control guy told me to “Have a safe trip” and I said “You too!”. This rarely happens to me tho
32) What is your last regret?
Not holding my friend’s hand on public transport. It was…right…there….and she already told me she’s more than comfortable with physical touch! I’m a fool! Everyone thinks I hate touching but I don’t! I’m just shy!
34) Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)
Ehh. Kind of? As for believing, I believe more in ghosts, but I do see some patterns in different signs. I just try not to let it affect the way I see/interact with a person, because no one deserves to be prejudiced for whatever reason, especially not their date of birth. Tarot is just fun, and the cards r cool
35) Have any quirks?
I bite the skin on my fingers, scratch my acne, make my knees jump… most of it is just regular anxiety stuff tho so idk?? I do think I’m quirky, but there’s just too much weird stuff to list ‘em.
36) Your pet peeves
Cig/booze stink on a person, customers being rude, bigotry, interrupting other people… There’s quite some things that annoy me asjdgd
40) Last 5 things from your search history
Boku No Hero Academia, Hawks, duck emoji, Grumman fma, How To Train Your Dragon
41) What’s your device backgrounds?
My phone lockscreen rn is a beautiful KagaKuro fanart of them standing in the rain in yukatas, Kagami looming over Kuroko and shielding him from the rain and Kuroko reaching up to stroke his face; my phone background is an art of they/them pronouns tattooed on someone’s knuckles, their posture unsure; my laptop background is a screenshot from the movie Déva, of blue skies and a street lamp.
42) What do you daydream about?
44) What's your religion/Your thought about religion
Short version: barf
Long version: I was raised catholic (even tho I was never baptized), and attended catholic school for 8 years which gave me a really warped idea of Christianity, Which made me a cynic & an agnostic or atheist by proxy. I harshly criticize the catholic church and faith but sometimes… when I do feel hopeless I get down on my knees and pray, so I guess if I let myself find my own faith I’d be a believer. But right now, I’m good just existing in my nihilistic bubble
45) Your personality type
Needy imeanwhat. In a typological sense, I’m an INFP in Myers-Briggs, 4 core 5 wing in Enneagram, melancholic or sanguine in the temperaments, et cetera. Basically I’m a sad daydreamer with unresolved issues and a need to do Art
47) Are you happy with your current life?
Nah bro. I like my friends and my workplace but I’d like to move out of home ASAP. I’d also… like to get therapy before I go and put myself out there.
48) Some things you've tried in your life
Playing the guitar, hostess work, weed, cigarettes, being blackout drunk, smoking from a hookah, cooking, football, handball, basketball, volleyball, cycling, sailing, driving, hitchhiking long distances, folk dancing, one-night stands, long-distance relationships, helping people in need…
50) Favourite colour to wear?
Olive green, midnight/navy blue, white, grey and black.
53) If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?
I’d… like to know how it would feel if I had a flat chest and a penis? I also want bigger Guns, and Abs, some more tattoos and maybe an eyebrow piercing.
55) Do you get complimented often?
I think so? I usually brush off compliments uhhh but yeah maybe! Maybe idk
58) Songs you're currently obsessed with?
My friend’s playlist reminded me that ‘Phenomenon’ by Thousand Foot Krutch exists. I’m also really into ‘San Francisco’ by The Mowgli’s atm and ‘Golden Time Lover’ by Sukima Switch!
59) Song you normally wouldn't admit you like.
I mean, it’s not like it’s cringe or anything, I hate cringe culture BUT. I do have Ariana Grande’s ‘Side to Side’ stuck in my head rn
64) Can you sing or play any instruments?
I can sing pretty badly, play a bad tune on my guitar, drum on the edge of my table, so- Nah not really asdh
65) Do you like karaoke?
YES VERY MUCH I live and die for karaoke, last time I did it in front of an audience we sung the Shaman King opening at an anime con with friends, it was Rad
70) Your fictional crush/es
AH NO FUN Kagami’s my number one,,, let’s see then: Aomine, Roy Mustang, Kise, Mikoto Suoh, Hotch & Reid from Criminal Minds, Yagami Light, Jaime Lannister and Brienne from GoT, Rustin Cohle from True Detective, Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!!, why is this list full of men I didn’t think I liked men this much
71) Which fictional character is you?
Eddie Brock from Venom I mean? He’s a whole ass mess.
79) How much time do you spend on the internet?
Yike. More than I’d be proud of.
86) Would you use death note, if you had one?
No way dude. I don’t fuck with that shit, karma would fuck me right back.
87) What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?
I’d eliminate money and power and just make it a huge peaceful hippie community or something idk
90) What would you want to happen to you after your death?
Donate me to a medical school I don’t care. Make use of me! I’m gonna be dead, I won’t have any more feelings left to be hurt or anything asdghdsg
91) If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?
I’ve had a name in mind that I tried out once, but it didn’t really work out for me after all. I’m fine with Vee and Vic rn. Anything that isn’t my given name. I do want to change my surname to my mother’s, but if I do that I also want to give myself a different first name, and since That isn’t figured out yet, I’m just?? Call me whatever dude
94) Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
Ugh, I’m bad at these. 1) I have plenty of moles. 2) My eyesight is pretty good. 3) I’ve broken some bones before.
95) Cold or hot?
Cold in beverage, hot in weather.
96) Be a hero or be a villain?
Being a villain is way too much fun, but I have too strong of a conscience to pull that off, so… hero, I guess.
97) Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?
Asjhdf singing is funnier and more annoying, since I Cannot Sing
98) Shapeshifting or controlling time?
Dude I’m non-binary. Shapeshifting for Sure
99) Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?
Aight I’ll give in – I agree to immortality Just This Once.
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x07 - Como La Flor
Apologies for being so late this week!! Lots of translating to do, and research. Mucho gracias to @queenrikki for reviewing this one for me!
OLD WOUNDS — Liz (Jeanine Mason) is forced to revisit a painful part of her past when her mother Helena (guest star Bertila Damas) shows up at the diner unexpectedly. Michael (Michael Vlamis) urges Maria (Heather Hemmens) to seek help after she experiences a strange vision, and Kyle’s (Michael Trevino) attempt to get Steph (guest star Justina Adorno) to open up doesn’t go as planned. Finally, Helena’s arrival in Roswell sends Rosa spiraling. Nathan Dean and Lily Cowles also star. Barbara Brown directed the episode written by Danny Tolli & Carolina Rivera (#207). Original airdate 4/27/2020. 
Max and Isobel both describing to Rosa how it feels to use (and control) your powers.
"Ground your intention.  Feel the current running through your body, your hands guiding it with purpose."
"Okay, draw energy from your spine…"
Arturo on Rosa:
"I heard a little mouse crying in her room this morning."
Escamoles - like Liz says in the episode, they're ant larvae. One article I found called them "the Caviar of the Mexican desert". 
Helena calls Liz "mi corazón", which means "my heart".
"Arturito, te ves bien."
Arturo, you look good.
Adding "ito" to someone's name in Spanish can both be positive or negative.  It can refer to smallness or also tenderness (like an affectionate pet name).
@tasyfa pointed out that there was a little timeline error in this scene.  Arturo says that he hasn't seen Helena in 7 years, since Jim Valenti's funeral, but last season it was established in 1x12 that Valenti died in 2014.  Also, remember the show is a year behind reality right now, so it's still 2019. So off by 2 years.
The reason for Helena's visit - transferring her ownership of the Crashdown for Liz so that Liz can sponsor Arturo's residency for citizenship. I did a lot of research trying to understand and clarify why this is.  Thanks to those who weighed in when I was struggling to find a clear answer. Eventually I reached out to Define American, the non-profit org that provides support to the show on racial and immigration related issues.  Here's the response:
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The short version is that Liz has to meet minimum income requirements in order to sponsor Arturo, because she has to be able to certify that she can financially support him.  Since she's currently unemployed except for the Crashdown, transferring half of the ownership to her makes her a business partner and helps her to meet the income requirements. 
The Spanish:
"¿Cuánto quieres, Mamá?" 
How much do you want, Mama?
"She has a very thoughtful manicure."
If you don't understand, it's cool. I'm not going to explain here.  Feel free to DM me though! I won't judge, promise!!
Narrative thread about Max's nightmare/memory continues from 2x03 and 2x06.  Don't forget that 2x03 was just Isobel remembering it. Max was a hallucination. So when he brings it up here, it might be something they haven't discussed in a very long time.
The Spanish from Rosa on her red jacket:
"Eres una mujercita."
Basically translates to you're a little woman or young woman.  I assume the "cita" is supposed to be diminutive here.
"Mom is an opportunist.  If she found out she had a kid who came back from the dead she would use you to get to Anderson Cooper. And then she'd use him to promote her latest lounge singer gig."
"Isobel pays double.  Becky tax." 
A Becky, according to common colloquial use, is an annoying white woman, usually entitled and privileged.
Lead bartender quit..meaning there's a job opening at the Pony…hmm. Wonder if any of our characters need a job... 🤔
Maria's vision:
Michael drops the change
Flash to Kyle dropping his keys & bending down to pick them up.
Kyle staring into a bright light.
Maria shouting his name.
"My heart was broken.  Liz ended things and a part of me died."
Max's story to Valenti… not all THAT far off from the truth.
Note: has anyone told him about Valenti investigating him? We know Liz and Isobel were questioned.  Michael was present when Liz was questioned. Kyle knows the whole theory his mom was pursuing. And he just wanders in there like nothing happened?
"Try leading several short staffed investigations with the mayor breathing down your neck."
Another subtle reference to the mayor, including the election banners hung around town in S2 and his "anti-immigrant agenda" which was referenced in S1.
Max has been with the department since he was 18 - this is the first time we learned that.  In 2x05 we learned he was there at 21. So that timeline has now been further clarified. Which also means he was hired during Jim Valenti's time as Sheriff.
"I need eyes on you at all times now."
Definitely implies a lack of trust, or possibly still wanting to keep an eye on him for the purpose of her investigation (not a fact, just a theory).
Steph tells Kyle that she's always hanging around the hospital because she's doing admin work for her dad.
"I'm starting to feel like you're a ghost who only I can see."
"Ask them if they can see me. Or if you were just talking to a ghost." 
Note that ghosts have been a running theme this season with Rosa returning from the dead. This seems to be in line with that. Or are they subtly tying Steph to Rosa (I'm grasping at straws here, probably).
Liz leaves the safe on 3...but before she changes it is on 81. Helena leaves it on 78 after stealing the ring. Good continuity, RNM!
The whole "my mom hates cops" theme is a little confusing to me.  I mean, it makes sense given what we know about Helena. Except that she had an affair with Jim Valenti, who was… a cop. And also an addict.  Maybe it was different because they rehabbed together (just an assumption, not a fact). Or maybe the Jim experience contributed to her dislike of cops.
Liz...might be grasping at straws when she refers to police work as "something you love" to Max.  He didn't exactly seem enamoured by the job when we first met him in Season 1.
First time we learn Max and Isobel's father's name. And it is… Dave. 🤔
The Spanish Helena uses when she meets Max:
"Pero que guapo estas."
But how handsome you are.
"Cuidado Arturito."
Careful, Arturo…
Helena found Liz and Diego's wedding registry online. 
“Look there are medical reasons for non-drug-induced hallucinations - epilepsy, schizophrenia…”
“My mom has a degenerative brain disease. My grandma did too. I've always known I'd be next.”
Helena wanted to be Selena.
Which fits with Liz's lounge singer comment earlier.
And the "drunkenly singing in the car with your daughters in the backseat" fits with the story Liz and Rosa discussed in 2x02 about the car accident they got into as kids with Helena driving drunk.
Helena shows Liz her ten years sober chip, suggesting that she's been sober since Rosa died, but Rosa finds pills in Helena's car later in the episode.  Oxycodone. The same drug that Rosa used to steal from her mom as a kid (which we learned about in 2x04) and the same drug that she and Kyle discussed when he was checking her health in 2x01.
During Helena's toast to Rosa:
Preciosa = precious
Rosa Linda… still not sure personally if this is a continuity error or a pet name.  I’m inclined to go with a pet name. Throughout the whole episode Helena uses lots of pet names, nicknames, diminutives to address people. Rosa Linda may be just another version of this since Rosa's middle name was pretty well established as Helena in Season 1 between her grave, memorial pamphlet, etc.
Kyle calls attention to Steph's bandage on her arm.  She says she gave blood, but it feels like she's evading.
Also she calls him McDreamy, which is a Grey's Anatomy reference. Kyle called himself McSexy (another Grey's nickname) in 1x08 as well.
Note: I've seen some people talk about the speech about his sick friend as being about Maria, but I think he's really talking about Steph.  Or both, vaguely. He's certainly trying to get Steph to open up to him. Here's what he says:
"I just found out a friend of mine is sick. And I can't do anything to help her. And I hate feeling helpless."
Only after Steph puts her walls back up, does he gesture to Mimi's files.
The Spanish:
"Oh, ándale, gùero."
Ándale is like, go! Or let's go! Gùero we discussed earlier...basically white boy.
Por favor - please 
Rosa's art that we first saw in 2x05 now looks finished:
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Isobel's graffiti "In Pod We Trust"
Both Isobel and Rosa's graffiti:
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Isobel's assessment of Rosa's art
"That's a black hole. An unstoppable force of destruction. And it's getting closer. I see a girl looking into her own doom. She thinks it's inevitable, that she can't stop it, but she can. See, she created it. That means she can destroy it."
Rosa on Isobel's efforts to help her:
"You and Max, you keep talking about harnessing emotion and grounding myself, right? But I can't do that.  It is in my DNA to be screwed up. Literally. My mom's mentally ill. So, so am I. I was broken long before Noah did what he did. That's why he chose me to prey on.  That's probably why he chose you too."
Maria on her grandmother:
"When I was a child my Grandma Patty was the only adult who understood my make-believe world. Thing is, I was six.  So my favorite things about her were just illness, I guess…"
Maria on her mom:
"She was always kind of out there.  By the time I realized it was more than that, I just became obsessed with money. Wanted to be able to take care of her. I invested everything Grandma Patty left me, and I worked, scrounged.  It was about three days after my mom was finally fired from her job at the Pony, I bought the place."
Maria's blood does not contain the alien protein that Kyle found in the Pod Squad and Rosa after being in the Pod for a decade. (and yes, he actually said Pod Squad, which feels like an OG fandom victory)
"Look, there is one thing I noticed in your grandmother's file. Her insurance company is the same one that paid for my dad's cancer treatments...My dad got cancer because of an alien incident at Caulfield Prison. A fake insurance company established by Project Shepherd covered his bills."
"Okay so my grandmother got sick at the same alien prison where your mother died?"
More Spanish (there's lots of it this week).
Helena, when she gestures to the present:
"Abre tu regalo."
Open your gift.
Quinces is just slang for Quinceanera.
Just in case you're not familiar with quinceaneras (Liz's was also referenced in 1x02).
"Mija, me enseñas tus prom photos?"
Daughter, show me your prom photos.
Regarding the power outage.  Liz thought it was Max. Max thought it was Rosa. But the wire is frayed, like it was cut or chewed through. So it wasn't alien power related.  When Arturo finds the wire though, he says, "Must have been a little mouse." Which is how he referred to Rosa earlier in the episode. So the question is, does he actually think it was a mouse? Or does he think Rosa cut the wire? And if Rosa did cut the wire, then why? To distract them while she goes after her mom's car?
In the big Liz/Helena argument, Helena calls Max “a güerito cop”.  Güero means white person, similar to the more commonly used gringo.  But by adding the “ito” onto the end (like discussed before), Helena is basically diminuitizing Max.  She’s using the “smallness” above to basically imply that he’s some white nobody.
“I may not be the PTA mom who made cookies for bake sales or hosted sleepovers, but I sacrificed everything to come to this country to give you a better life.”
This is...not actually true.  Liz and Rosa are both natural born U.S. citizens, born in Roswell.  So she didn’t “come to this country” for that reason. She was already here when Liz and Rosa came into the picture.  And it’s not like she came pregnant with Rosa or anything, since Rosa is Jim Valenti’s daughter.
The ring that Helena took was ARTURO'S mother's ring.  It wasn't even Helena's family's heirloom.   
Liz and Arturo sharing flan for dessert.  At the start of the episode before Helena arrived they discussed making flan for Rosa.
Arturo admits that he always knew the truth about Rosa's heritage. (*fistpump* that's one of my headcanons coming true). 
"Rosa es mi hija, siempre y para toda la vida."
Rosa is my daughter, always and for life.
"Maybe you're right. I am playing the hero. Just like you're playing the politician's perfect arm candy.  See, I did a little digging. And your boyfriend, Dirk-- he ran for city council. It's very impressive. But there's no mention of your daughters. I'm guessing Dirk doesn't even know about Liz or Rosa.  Does he know anything about you, Helena? 'Cause it would be such a shame if he found out about a little town called Roswell."
Helena gives Max the ring, but keeps the box… maybe that's what Helena really wanted?
Huevos = eggs.  Basically, slang for balls.
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"I know that face.  You uncovered a massive conspiracy."
"I checked the Caulfield drives. No sign of a Patricia DeLuca, but there was a Patricia Harris. Her maiden name. She signed up to participate in an experimental trial. Government was interested in weaponizing alien abilities. They wanted to create super soldiers. Your grandma was one of the first human subjects."
"Kind of wish I was an alien instead."
"What happened to the experiment?"
"It was a total failure. Caulfield shut it down in the '70s after people started dying. I don't understand how your grandmother got involved."
"I do. Henrietta Lacks, Tuskegee, Holmesburg.  The DeLucas aren't the first black people to be secretly experimented on."
Highly encourage you to read these if you're unfamiliar with any of these references.  It's African-American history (and really a black mark on U.S. history) that's rarely taught in schools.
Henrietta Lacks:
Reality versus Maria's flashes… great gifset by @rosaortecho on this here:
Kyle rips his jacket, staggers out to the parking lot, drops his keys, and is almost hit by a car, but Michael throws him out of the way with his powers (and Kyle still ends up injured because he lands on a glass bottle).
"Now that we know your illness is related to Caulfield we can find a cure for it."
"Maybe it's not an illness. I saw the future today, Guerin. When I first found out Grandma Patty was experimented on, I was furious.  But what if my genetic inheritance isn't just injustice? It's also actual superpowers. Saved a life today. And not just any life-- Kyle Valenti's. Tomorrow he's gonna turn around and save five more lives."
Liz and Rosa's dueling big sister act is super fascinating.  Rosa admits that she wasn't going to burn the car, and then she saw Liz crying, felt helpless, and that's when her powers went all wacky and caused it to explode.
Meanwhile, Liz has spent the whole episode trying to keep Rosa safe from Helena, and is trying to comfort her here by talking about Helena's sobriety.
But--Rosa stole Helena's pills, so she knows Helena is not sober, and she doesn't tell Liz that.  Why? To protect her.
At some point these two should probably stop keeping secrets to protect each other and start actually sharing what they know.
Kyle stitches himself up.
Steph quoted in this scene:
"I was up in the gallery contemplating American downfall thanks to progressive socialism."
"People tend to bail when things get real. I'm not into that."
Cameron's car was impounded a couple hours away.
Max is turning in his badge and gun and is turning down desk duty to search for Cam.
Isobel and Michael's discussion at the Pony:
"Do you think that Noah chose me because I was already broken?"
"I think you are the only one of us who ever keeps it together."
"I'm serious, Michael. The night that drifter attacked me, why am I the only one who started blacking out? I mean, Max literally murdered a man, but I'm the one who breaks?"
"You were traumatized. We were kids. At that age, trauma gets etched on to your soul."
"But what if it's not in my soul? What if it's in my DNA? Look, my whole life, I've played Stepford wife, because I thought that's what I was supposed to do. But...I need to understand myself now. I need to know where I'm from.  And if I don't know who my biological parents are, how am I ever gonna know who I really am?" 
"What are you saying, Iz?"
"I know that we said we shouldn't look into the past, but…"
"It keeps pulling you back. Me too. I spent my whole life thinking I'd build a ship and blast off into the ether. And then the minute I decide to leave that all behind and focus on this good thing in front of me, I'm sucked back in. Maria's family was experimented on at Caulfield. I need to find out more so I can find a cure for her illness."
Rosa takes one of her mom's pills. 😭
1. Cactus Groove "This World"
2. Shelly Fairchild "Drive"
3. Mathis Hunter "Mrs. Vinegar"
4. Big Stone City "Good For Zero"
5. Big Stone City "Way Down Below"
6. Selena "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom"
7. Elizabeth Moen "Best I Can Do"
8. Wagons "Keep Coming Back"
9. AG "Where Is My Mind" (Pixies Cover)
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