#Now he is the darkness itself
akkivee · 2 days
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i will miss the block party outfits for everyone tbh lol
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nyankoizumi · 1 year
Who needs normal robot replacements with arms like these?
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Meet The Dark Lord 2.0. It's body was severely torn by The Second Coming, but with a little bit of technology, spider children and pure spite it turned himself into an eldritch horror. Good for him!
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wasabikitcat · 3 months
I had this realization a few days ago when reviewing what we know about Gaster while theorizing about the mysterious Valentine from the newsletter and idk if other people have pointed this out yet, but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it:
I don't think Gaster's disappearance has anything to do with Core.
The Core is only mentioned in relation to Gaster once, in this dialogue from one of the Gaster followers:
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This dialogue is why most theories and fanon built around the idea that Gaster fell into the Core, which for reasons unknown to us erased him from existence. But I'm now pretty convinced that this is a red herring, because it doesn't actually say Gaster fell into the Core. It says he made the Core, and that he fell into his creation.
It does not say that this creation is the Core.
The dialogue is written in a way that leads you to assume the creation he fell into was the Core, but that doesn't really make much sense considering the rest of the dialogue.
The dialogue says "they say he created the Core," which implies this is second hand knowledge, but then says with certainty "One day, he fell into his creation." Why do they know for sure he fell into "his creation," but only knows he created the core from what others say?
If you talk to the follower again, they say "Will Alphys end up the same way?" Why would Alphys also fall into the Core? As far as we know, Alphys doesn't maintain the Core; if I remember correctly, a few monsters at Mettaton's hotel are stated to work in the Core, so wouldn't this follower be more concerned that those monsters will end up like Gaster and not Alphys?
And another question that I think fanon has just ignored due to the assumption it was something we don't yet know about, but I am now wondering about: Why would falling into the Core erase Gaster from time? When traveling through Hotland and viewing the Core in the distance, Alphys says this:
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And while this dialogue may at first seem indicative that the Core is more mysterious than a normal geothermal power generator (and it is in some ways), remember: Alphys didn't build the Core. Alphys doesn't understand how the Core works, not because it has some unnatural property that could erase people from space time, but because she didn't build it. Not only does this mean that the Core is likely just a power generator that utilizes the lava in Hotland to produce geothermal energy and convert it to electricity, it also means that Alphys doesn't work on the Core, because she doesn't know how it works. So why would the Gaster follower worry about Alphys ending up like Gaster if she doesn't have any involvement with the Core?
Additionally, that Gaster follower is the only one to mention the Core in relation to Gaster. In fact, one of the other followers says something that could be interpreted as actively contradicting his erasure being caused by the Core:
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This follower says "his experiments went wrong," and doesn't mention the Core. Why would Gaster be experimenting with the Core? And if he was, we don't know anything about it.
But you know what experiments we do know Gaster was working on, because it's literally one of the only pieces of dialogue we have from him?
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And do you know what other creation was presumably made by Gaster, as Alphys is unfamiliar with it's operation? That is also a creation that was actively being used in experiments, which Alphys is continuing to perform herself? Experiments that are directly involved with something we already know can alter time and space? A creation that is located in one of the most mysterious areas in the game with several oddities in it that are straight up never explained, multiple fourth wall breaking moments, and a couple explicit references to things we believe are associated with Gaster? A creation that suspiciously resembles in appearance the form of a character who canonically can alter time and space, not to mention resembling the thing that's literally called a GASTER BLASTER???
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#ignore the crusty spriters resource gaster blaster. google images is useless when it comes to finding actual gameplay screenshots.#anyways I may be completely out of the loop and everyone already knew this. but also the whole Core thing was basically accepted fanon#back in the day. and i only just realized it probably is a misinterpretation like less than a week ago#im not sure the determination extractor is the creation he fell into. but i think the creation he fell into is related to the extractor#also when looking up stuff for this i came upon the information that the tree man may be referenced in the true lab#when you enter the room filled with fog and try to inspect things it mentions a tree and a man.#not to mention the true lab being the debut of everyman of course.#and whatever the FUCK is up with the memory heads. who have a suspicious connection to phones btw.#actually Gaster has an incredibly suspicious connection to phones. like the spamton thing obviously but his presence seems to fuck up phone#the memory heads. the garbage noise in the dark world. hell GRANDPA SEMI is even directly related to phones.#considering one of the only two places he is mentioned is in a list of characters to have phone call events in the code of the demo.#also the art book mentions that the phone itself was originally a character. which kinda ties into the unused video game content theme.#this doesn't have much to do with this post im just rambling now.#anyways tl;dr i am now a 'gaster did not fall into the core' truther#undertale#deltarune#ut/dr#ut/dr theory
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pathetic-gamer · 4 months
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
"Oh I HATE when most of the Phantom of the Opera adaptations try to turn the story into something romantic! It was supposed to be a HORROR story, not a LOVE story!"
P.S.: some of you have to update yourselves about the true meaning of 👉 "romantic" 👈
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riraro489 · 11 months
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They say that isolation is one of the worst forms of torture...
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sigma-el · 9 months
I was just here, sketching to help me fixing ideas and concepts of characters I write about... and while I was messing with Xangr's hair of the period he left the mage guild to listen to some obscure designs, I fell on... Darra. @downontheupside
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Hi, 2E male Darra.
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veikkoalen · 4 months
the inability of the fandom to find a balance between diminishing the role of the human willpower and diminishing the capabilities of extradimensional gods strikes again
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chikkou · 1 year
im rewatching community and just got to what is arguably the shows absolute worst episode - the one where britta finds out all her friends have been essentially getting paid off by her abusive parents, and somehow britta is the one at fault for being “childish”??
i find this episode so cruel in so many ways honestly, and not the least bc dan harmon, after giving britta a backstory that involves CSA (which her parents didnt believe happened), chose to convey the message that britta is 100% wrong & you should always forgive your abusers regardless of all else, and we as viewers are just supposed to be ok with that.
its extra evil too because dan harmon was fired from community in the first place because he was sexually harassing one of the shows writers, and now here he is actively denying the trauma of his female character who was a victim of sexual assault. like bro. this could not be more on the nose if it tried
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xylocope · 2 years
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Guess who’s redesigning one of their old Iterator ocs
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kuroshirosb · 10 months
I keep listening to the Will Stetson cover of outer science and I can’t stop spinning around Cyrus
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
Something HYSTERICALLY funny to me about the literal opening lines of the album being Joe’s silence and calm and Taylor both resting in it but also about to midnight chatter/complain/vent/reminisce/sob for the next 44 minutes
#you can feel him as a place of rest for Taylor#all that not marrying nonsense. like again. Taylor can say what she needs to say as she wrestled with old wounds and crushing expectations#etc.#YOU need to marry her. period. full stop.#it will not be enough for her until/if you do#(I hope you have already and we don’t know but yeah.)#like. it’s literally your job Joseph#okay I’m going to stop talking about this specific aspect of it but yeah.#Taylor’s wounds. the weight of things. her fragile bitter heart#like. you as a calm and reserved British actor with self-possession etc. have literally one job#and it is NOT your acting job#anyway overall I love his presence on the album. somehow more revealing than ever#not his personality in itself but flashes of it I guess. and mostly what he means for Taylor#this anchor of stability that has unlocked (honestly) her potential to be her most insane self#in the BEST way#she doesn’t have to hold back#the OLDER Taylor gets the more I am astonished to find how much agonizing restraint there was in those early albums#of course not all of her vocabulary and darkness and wounds (or loves) were as developed now#but there is this sense that she was keeping herself in such check#in order to be likeable#the fascinating power was still there but the range of her sheer personaltiy#the bitterness the rancor the need for peace even the softness#their deep twisted complicated roots were mostly hidden and disguised#and time reveals them#(though also the funny thing about a taylor album is that it wears sweeter with time)#until I can almost hear no bitterness#but at first that’s ALL I hear
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castiel-kline · 2 years
daily reminder that this is a toa merlin hate blog!!
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novadreii · 1 year
1000-2000 of my daily steps tracked on my phone come from just pacing my apartment when I'm thinking, scrolling, watching YouTube, and talking on the phone in my free time.
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codgod-moved · 2 years
had a dream and forgot it wasn’t real so i was really just about to make a post like damn why do all of e2!scott’s nightmares involve jimmy
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sovonight · 2 years
#my only note for the next part of the sith au is ‘‘cela accidentally hurts jaq and he’s ok with it but she’s deeply not’’#and yet somehow it's not at all writing itself. HMM#maybe it's bc i'm also trying to fit ''jaq's best friend thinks cela's manipulating him and tries to convince jaq to 'break up' with her#but only ends up breaking jaq's trust in him & jaq does something terrible to him#thus taking his first real step to the dark side'' in there too#& also trying to retcon the end of the last part to delete everything that happened after leaving korriban bc it was too big of a timeskip#& also trying to think up what cela would possibly do for jaq's training/lessons#& at some point during all this establish that the jedi jaq failed to kill has gotten news back to the council that cela's still alive#so now the council wants cela dead* by any means necessary (*something close to death but not quite)#oh and somehow cela has to seriously reflect on her place in revan's army and wonder why revan Does keep her around and become#convinced that 1) she's on thin ice 2) jaq becoming her apprentice was orchestrated by revan who's using him to secretly evaluate#her DS level. which is partly bc she finally saw his korriban vision and read it as him being eternally loyal to revan#but also partly bc she needs an excuse to push him away bc she's afraid of letting him love her#oh and somehow their developing force bond is like stifled and one-way bc of cela's refusal to let him in#and jaq should somehow almost die from it to make cela think emotional connection is bad#and everyone who knows cela's entire backstory should believe that there's no way for cela/jaq to happen without one of them dying#and in fact revan's banking on it#but it turns out cela's refusal to fully connect with him is exactly what's been making jaq like a finite battery that can be drained & die#so like as usual the big bad is a fear of intimacy and the whole thing ends with cela accepting jaq's love#and once she Does connect with him & complete the force bond jaq is now more like a wire connecting cela to the endless force#zero resistance
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