#Nu ABO era
kpopmemories · 9 months
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nu-abo-misser · 10 months
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belartvenus · 2 years
Fanfic Rec - University/High School
Aqui está uma lista de recomendação de fanfics bottom louis que se passam no ensino médio ou na universidade no ao3. Algumas são ABO e já foram recomendadas na lista desse gênero.
And all at once, you're all i want, i'll never let you go by pjinkfleur
Louis se apresentou como um ômega quando tinha quatorze anos e todos ficaram chocados. Bem, ninguém estava realmente esperando que ele se apresentasse como um alfa, ele sempre foi tão doce, de fala mansa e tímido, sem nenhum sinal da teimosia e arrogância que eram típicos dos alfas púberes; na mente de todos, ele já era rotulado como beta. A maioria das pessoas era alfa ou beta, ômegas eram muito raros e na maioria dos lugares não havia um em séculos, gerações inteiras poderiam passar sem nunca encontrar um. E foi assim que Louis se tornou o único ômega em Doncaster. Ou ele era, antes de Harry Styles, alfa, e seu meio-irmão Niall Horan, ômega, se mudarem para lá.
I found a love for me by wonderlou
Louis, um ômega com muito pouco controle. Harry, um alfa com muita emoção. Nenhum deles tem a menor ideia do que fazer com essa coisinha chamada amor, mas eles serão amaldiçoados se não lutarem bem.
Strawberries & cigarettes by dimpled_halo
Duas histórias, onze anos, e os dois meninos que nunca deixaram de se amar.
Thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in by nonsensedarling
A fraternidade alfa de Harry doa para um brechó local (por causa da paixão latente de Liam por um beta fofo em sua palestra). A situação financeira de Louis (e os instintos ômega confusos) o levam a fazer algumas compras interessantes de moda. Muita pizza, sentimentos e não-mentir de verdade.
Sometimes a fantasy by thepolourryexpress
Não há nada para reclamar quando Harry está andando pelo apartamento deles com seu pênis balançando, nada para reclamar quando Harry está se pressionando contra o traseiro nu de Louis quando ele está pegando uma caneca em seus armários, e nada para reclamar quando Harry mão firme na bunda de Louis quando eles estão abraçados no sofá.
Então, na realidade, é muito estranho, e Louis sabe disso.
Mas isso não significa que ele não goste.
Marks on my baby by thinlines
Quem diria que uma única mordida de amor no pescoço de seu amigo ômega provocaria tanto em Harry? Certamente não o próprio alfa.
Smoke between your teeth by soldouthaz
“Tudo bem, tudo bem. O que é, então?" Louis pergunta. "Dê-me o melhor que você tem. Qual é essa grande razão pela qual eu fumo?"
A cabeça de Harry pende para trás no encosto do sofá, um sorriso bobo no rosto, embora seus olhos já estejam meio fechados - aquele olhar que ele dá a Louis quando está prestes a despejar algum ataque incoerente de besteira psicológica.
"Fixação oral," Harry murmura tão deliciosamente quanto ele pode reunir, seu tom sugerindo que deveria ser óbvio.
Louis tenta parar com seu vício em cigarros e descobre que está viciado em Harry há muito, muito mais tempo.
Do you like my sweater? by kiwikero
Quando a fraternidade alfa de Harry decide organizar um baile de Sadie Hawkins, o franco ômega Louis tem uma ou duas coisas a dizer sobre isso.
Overwhelming by KrisStylinson
Louis �� um ômega que frequenta a universidade para obter seu diploma e definitivamente não perde seu tempo com coisas sem importância, como encontrar um companheiro. Harry é o alfa que consegue, sem querer, estragar esse plano.
Boa leitura!
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grumpymacaron · 2 years
T, U, E & F 💖
hi rin!!!! thank u so much for the ask ^^
also, shoutout to the anon who also asked for e!!! i did see ur ask; i hope u see this cause i will be answering it here~
e - an idol you think would be easy to get along with?
GOOD QUESTION i've never really thought about it; especially since i don't really watch variety stuff so i'm not very good at gauging idol's personalities and such
after seeing aespa in person recently, i do feel like i'd have a fun time hanging with ningning; our birthdays are pretty close, and we have quite a number of matching astrology signs (HAHAHAHA), but even setting that aside, i've seen the occasional clip of her being dorky and i would def subscribe to her hijinks, hehe
f - the first group you loved?
ooooo it really depends on whether this counts for my first group ever or the first group i stanned when i started seriously following kpop... might as well give u both answers tho, haha!
so the first group i ever knew about and liked EVER was snsd, ofc gotta start with the legends, amirite? this was wayyyy back when i was like six or so and i stumbled upon gee and girls' generation on youtube (my parents were kind of insane to let me browse the web back then but at least i turned out okay? ish?). i kept up w their title tracks from that point on, but
the first group i was super serious about was exo. which was a struggle. dunno why i did it. to make matters worse, i was a kris wu and tao stan. 💀. needless to say i don't feel the same way i did at twelve...
t - your favorite hidden talent an idol has shown?
hmmm this one is also hard for the same reasons i gave in e, but i think the one talent i can really remember is jongho from ateez and his fruits FJDKSLFJSDKLFDS
i'm very envious of him, as someone with small hands that can't even grip an apple that well, much less rip one in half...
u - the most unusual group?
imo i have yet to see another group bring what f(x) brought to the kpop industry; both in member formation, visual concepts, and music variety. the way they adapted to fit each release perfectly, and then some... it really gets me, man.
some of their fashion was super unusual back in the day (especially in their rookie era), but i think it says so much that we're seeing newer groups replicate their looks (a prime example would be krystal's hair in nu abo, shown below!!!:)
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even years after their hiatus started, i have yet to see a group that hits for me the way f(x) does. i am always praying and praying for a spiritual successor, tho; i would say the closest group i've seen to getting it is billlie, but i'll have to see how they grow and evolve to be really sure.
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yukiakaren · 2 months
Kpop title track ranking: F(x)
In this series I’ll be ranking kpop groups/soloists title tracks based on my taste.
How have I not done F(x) yet? I mean I guess it just is that when groups are disbanded/inactive it's easier to start forgetting them. Which is a shame as F(x) has one of my favorite girl group discographies and they probably also were the first girl group whose b-sides I actively looked out for!
Red Light - My one true love. Oddly such a noisy and more current kpop style song just caught my attention back when it was pretty new and I absolutely fell in love with it. I have also had my moments of just being absolutely obsessed with, listening to it day in and day out. And even thought I don't have it on repeat that often anymore, I've never stopped loving it.
Rum Pum Pum Pum - It has such fun and unique lyrics! Like, who compares love to a wisdom tooth other than F(x)? No one! And it's so darn catchy, which is a theme here.
LA chA TA - I did this Sporcle quiz and was reminded of this song, hence me making this list right now. La cha ta is such a fun and catchy song! It has also aged completely fine, which is not always the case with this era songs. Lovely, really like it.
Electric Shock - It's just so catchy. It's one of those songs that is so hard to listen to if not allowed to be moving around to it.
NU ABO - It's just so catchy part 2.
4 Walls - I have to admit I wasn't the biggest fan of it before. But for some reason now I do really like it a lot more than I remembered that I did before.
Hot Summer - The essential summer song!
Pinocchio (Danger) - Again, so catchy.
Chu~♡ - I guess the nice interpretation of the lyrics is that it's just a innocent young first love. I do fell like there's something iffy in it as well, but anyway. It's catchy as expected but has never been one of my favorites from them.
B-sides that I would love to recommend (and unarguably myself should listen to more often, as it's been a while since I've opened my F(x) playlist): Butterfly - Very much my style of a dark song. Dracula - Another lovely and dark one. Papi - This also was my obsession at some point. Rude Love - Originally my friend was a big fan of this one and at some point I also got the greatness of it. MILK - It's irresistible in its uniqueness. Love - One I started liking quite late in comparison to the others but I'm glad I did.
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maxihq · 3 months
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Finalmente, o grande dia! Os trainees passaram a semana inteira praticando para dar tudo de si hoje, as salas de prática ficaram ocupadas dia e noite e quem ouvia de fora só conseguia notar as músicas tocando em loop durante a semana. O showcase conta com uma playlist de peso para suas apresentações, desde grupos antigos como f(x) aos mais novos como o grupo da própria empresa, Chimera. 
Às 20h em ponto, horário que estava marcado o showcase, a CEO subiu ao palco para dar boas vindas aos presentes, anunciando que as line-ups que se apresentariam a seguir eram os novos maiores nomes da indústria do K-POP. Ela terminou dizendo para todos aproveitarem a noite e deixou claro que gravar as performances era proibido.
Durante os 15 minutos seguidos, cada trainee aparecia no telão com sua foto oficial e suas informações principais: nome, data de nascimento, habilidades principais e período de treinamento dentro da MAXI.
Os anúncios foram feitos por idade e separados entre os times; 
MAXI Girls: Areum, Heedo, Somi, Serena, Hyomin, Lexus, Minyoung e Kieu. 
MAXI Boys: Juan, Jiwan, Hyeop, Seojun, Yohan, Jake, Yujin, Yichan e Sungyeol. 
A cada perfil os gritos aumentavam mais um pouco, alguns rostos já eram conhecidos pelos fãs, então quando foram anunciados no telão o público não conseguia conter a felicidade. No teatro também estavam presentes alguns jornalistas e, é claro, a CEO e seu grupo favorito de produtores.
Assim que as luzes foram apagadas, alguns passos conseguiram ser ouvidos do palco e então a primeira Unit da noite foi apresentada. A sub-unit 2 das MAXI Girls deu início à leva de performances com Nu ABO.
20h16 - Nu ABO, MAXI Girls (Sub-unit 2: Kieu, Heedo, Somi e Hyomin)
20h21 - Blue, Yun Juan (SOLO)
20h31 - 1 of 1, MAXI Boys (Sub-unit 2: Yohan, Sungyeol, Jake e Jiwan)
20h35 - Once In a Moon, Kieu (SOLO)
20h38 - Sunrise, MAXI Girls (Sub-unit 1: Areum, Serena, Minyoung e Lexi)
20h41 - Rap original, Somi (SOLO)
20h44 - Tinnitus, MAXI Boys (Sub-unit 1: Hyeop, Seojun, Juan, Yujin e Yichan)
20h48 - Not Over You, Jake (SOLO)
20h50 - Invitation, Areum (SOLO)
20h54 - Intervalo. Depois dessas performances impecáveis, para dar tempo dos trainees se trocarem para o grande final, um vídeo de dez minutos com algumas filmagens dos ensaios deu-se início no telão do teatro. Ali o público conseguiu assistir os trainees praticando juntos, sozinhos, até conhecer um pouco mais de cada um ao que algumas cenas aleatórias apareciam deles interagindo entre si e com a câmera.
21h05 - I’m So Sick, MAXI Girls. Assim que o vídeo acabou, a penúltima apresentação ficou nas mãos das meninas: o grupo de nove subiu ao palco ao som de I’m So Sick, do grupo Apink, e é óbvio que elas brilharam e o figurino ajudou na hora de manter o público focado nelas. Todas fizeram um ótimo trabalho em dar à vida pela vibe da música e incorporaram a letra direitinho; isso era notável quando chegava a hora do refrão. As meninas também foram elogiadas pelo seu talento na dança, estavam até mais sincronizadas que as próprias cantoras originais da música. Areum e Serena ganharam alguns fãs pelo vocal de ouro que carregavam dentro de si, era incrível quanto controle elas tinham ao cantar. Kieu, Heedo, Hyomin e Minyoung também não saíram dali sem roubar alguns corações: as caras e bocas adicionadas à coreografia fizeram alguns fãs se derreterem em suas cadeiras. Lexus e Somi foram as que mais surpreenderam os presentes pelo tom de suas vozes; quando era a vez delas cantarem, o teatro ficava em silêncio só para prestar atenção. A apresentação foi finalizada e as trainees sorriam de orelha à orelha ao serem ovacionadas. 
21h10 - Call Me Baby, MAXI Boys. Com um pequeno intervalo de dois minutos, foi a vez dos meninos tomarem seus lugares e pegarem todos de surpresa com Call Me Baby, do EXO. Durante a apresentação, alguns fãs não conseguiram deixar de notar o quanto o grupo mantinha um vocal estável durante a performance, mesmo com uma coreografia difícil daquelas. Todos os trainees tiveram a chance de mostrar ao público o seu talento, mas cada um de uma forma diferente. As interações de Sungyeol e Jake combinaram perfeitamente ao dividirem o rap final da música, além de, é claro, Yujin, que deu início a apresentação como ninguém ao cantar a icônica linha de Kai. Hyeop, Yohan e Yichan também mostraram porque foram escolhidos para a line-up oficial, o carisma e presença de palco dos três impressionou até a CEO. Mas o ponto alto da apresentação ficou com os três vocalistas principais, Juan, Seojun e Jiwan, que entregaram uma versão tão boa quanto a original da famosa ponte da música. É claro que também foram ovacionados quando a performance acabou!
Pouco mais de 21h20, com todos os trainees subindo no palco para se despedirem dos fãs e demais presentes, o showcase se dava como encerrado. A CEO estava mais do que satisfeita com o que viu nessa noite e a cada dia tinha mais certeza que fizera a escolha certa em escolher os dezoito jovens.
No final de tudo, perto das 21h40, a CEO se encontrou com os trainees no camarim principal do teatro para parabenizá-los e agradecer por continuarem confiando na empresa, e nela, para realizarem seu debut. Ao se despedir, avisou que comemorações estavam liberadas e que, no domingo, a empresa não abriria para treinos para dar um descanso à todos.
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| notas ooc.
Fotos/vídeos, povs e outras coisas poderão ser postados no twitter dos trainees como também no twitter privado deles com o uso da tag #MAXIHOMECOMING.
Os trainees podem sim reagir aos outros colegas enquanto eles se apresentam, por isso botamos o horário direitinho para ninguém se perder.
Como a CEO mesma disse, comemorações estão liberadas e os trainees não terão monitoramento nessa noite e nem no domingo. Aproveitem para fazer o que quiserem, players! Mas cuidado, hein? Esse showcase fez um barulhinho e tanto e algum trainee ser pego bebendo por aí pode cair mal...
Por último, queremos agradecer à quem participou ativamente no Discord dando ideias e discutindo qual música combinaria mais com tal grupo, detalhes como esse fazem a moderação querer continuar aqui, então nosso muito obrigado.
Dito isso, nos vemos na próxima postagem! (que virá logo logo...) E aqui está o link da playlist com todas as músicas apresentadas.
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aesthetic-kpop · 4 years
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f(x) - Nu ABO (2010)
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fxmuseum · 7 years
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amberkrisber · 7 years
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Throwback ↪  Nu ABO era ♡ f(Amber) at AJOU University 
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exxtramint · 7 years
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I don’t want to be that Amber stan, but I am that Amber stan
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kpopmemories · 3 years
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seilon · 7 years
f(x) is so underrated as a whole, but i think one of the things theyre most underrated for is the fact that their concepts are always really really ahead of the game. theyre always like a year or two ahead in terms of aesthetics and style etc. they’re ahead of their time, theyre all talented, they all perform flawlessly and execute these new unattempted concepts with such beauty grace even tho its always something that genuinely no one has done before.. if that makes sense.. like take red light for example, the song and the mv are both something that if i didnt know better i would think came out this year, 2017, not 2014, because kpop artists just now are starting to make songs with that kind of aesthetic and those kinda experimental chord structures that go beyond the typical pop sound. f(x) is so so so underrated for the amount of great songs they have, the amount of talent all the members have and in so many different fields (singing, songwriting, dancing, acting, more!!!), the amount of new ideas and concepts they come up with and they perform with confidence and uniqueness, and f(x) is deserving of so much more. ur faves are in 2017, but f(x) is already out there in 4017 killin it. u wanna know what the future of music is? stan f(x). 
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commajade · 2 years
omg amber can u do recommendations for new listener for f(x) and boa too? for boa i know like 3 songs and i like it all, for f(x) i really really like rppp and dracula but i tried some other songs and they dont vibe with me, i feel like im missing out haha. thank youu
omg!!! i would love to!!!!!! honestly for getting into them i recommend just skipping whatever songs u feel like skipping, with older kpop ur ear starts to change and u start to appreciate different things at different times once ur more familiar with the genre/era.
let's go f(x) first!!!!! definitely start with 4 walls (2015) it's the twin of view by shinee and they're both such a cultural reset it started the house music trend in kpop and are kind of the best of kpop house music still tbh. definitely a good first album to try though it's not my fave from them, it's a good way to ease into their sound. watch the 4 walls mv then try glitter, deja vu, and papi.
then i would recommend red light (2014) the title track/mv is so iconic and PLEASE watch the live rock version with luna's incredible bridge it's amazing. if u like dracula you'll like the rest of red light it has most of my favorite bsides, milk butterfly all night vacance dracula spit it out summer lover are all BRILLIANT. all the songs are so successful in experimentation and so well rounded. they use such unexpected sounds in cool ways and the composition/production is so clever.
then u gotta go the myth the legend the unbeatable pink tape (2013). i'm glad u already like rppp!!! if u don't like that kind of pop it's hard to recommend f(x) cuz half of their songs r that kind of high energy edm. pink tape is one of the finest most complete and coherent kpop albums of all time, a lot of people cite it as an example of the ideal kpop album. it has a good balance of edm midtempo pop experimental and ballad and the album sequence tells a complete story. i don't love every song on it but it's one of my top kpop albums of all time. shadow has been my favorite f(x) song forever, it's their best bside for sure. signal, goodbye summer, no more (look up the lyrics for this one it's hilarious) and snapshot are my other recs.
and then the mvs hot summer and electric shock for the iconic catchy choruses and then move on to NU ABO. the sequence of nu abo to mr. boogie to ice cream is like the best sequence of songs in their discog like the first time i heard mr. boogie i had to listen to it 40 times just to get over how much i love it and luna's yelling in the back of ice cream is what made her replace krystal as my bias.
if u listen through the songs i listed u should find at least something u like and you'll have a good base for getting into the rest of the discog if u want to!
now boa!!! for f(x) i just kinda went through most of their discog but it is not possible to do that for boa and so many of her songs are great and i haven't even heard half of them yet so i'll just list some of my faves! this is gonna be both korean and jpn.
start with better!! and try the whole album it's amazing.
then go back to her early hits so u can appreciate her consistent excellence and sheer iconicity. watch the mvs for no. 1, atlantis princess, listen to my heart, my name, girls on top, eat you up, hurricane venus, only one, one shot two shot, and woman. that's literally just all her career defining smash hit genre shaping title tracks.
then for slightly deep cut high profile tracks with mvs try eien, valenti, moto, the shadow, sweet impact, camo, nega dola.
she has so many good bsides it's very difficult but just try putting on the no. 1 album and love and honesty album and kiss my lips album. also watch the live stage for fox (the one with her red flannel fit) and the dance studio video for black! misc other bsides i love: lookbook, always all ways, GARDEN IN THE AIR, rock with you, midnight parade, SOME DAY ONE DAY, like it!, love and hate, all that jazz.
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whatachillkill · 3 years
Woo!ah! For the kpop ask game thing? And itzy!!!
im mainly into them for the music but i really love the members!
I dont really have a bias but i think nana and minseo are super sweet!
I heard abt them during their debut but i became a fan during bad girl era!
my fav title track is woo!ah! and my least fav is purple.
i havent listened t their most recent single but i rly love i dont miss you and ig my leaast fav is round and round.
i dont rly have a fav and least fav ablum since theyre all so small lol
i rly hope they do a space concept like lee suhyun!
ive stanned itzy since debut and my biases are yuna and ryujin rn!
obvs ive heard of them since predebut since theyre a jyp group and i was super hyped for my first big three debut at the time!
my fav title track is dalla dalla and least fav is mafia
they have SO MANY good bsides but rn its probs surf, sorry not sorry, and want it? least fav might be itz summer?
their best mv is probs mafia and dalla dalla. my least fav is not shy bc i hate the little break in the mv.
my least fav album is itz icy and my fav is not shy!
i love for them to try out something like nu abo or lachata. just them being weird scene kids lmao.
i love their personalities the most!
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wonstals · 3 years
okey so I hope nobody sends this like last time (with Pink tape album sjkdbjhfd).. f(x) 😌
lmaooo you’re the first one don’t worry <333
group: f(x)
first mv: nu abo
era i discovered them: nu abo
era they were actually in when I discovered them: late 2011... so hot summer era?
how i found them: my sister basically introduced me to kpop, and the first groups i listened were f(x), shinee, snsd... etc
first biases: krystal and sulli
current bias: krystal
bias wrecker: ALLLLL
fav song: milk, la cha ta, mr boogie, dracula, rude love, when i’m alone, airplane.... etc etc.
fav mv: red light
fav moment: their first solo concert and when krystal, amber and luna performed for the last time as f(x) during 2019 smtown concert.... i cried so much LMAO
send me a kpop group!
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aesthetic-kpop · 3 years
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Victoria (ages 22-28) through the eras
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