#OC ask box
85-rend · 2 months
*gives Morgan a knife*
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honestly I would trust them with one. genuinely. like yeah Morgan is pretty fucked up but like not in the stabby murder way at least. still let them get a bit silly with it tho
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nakakabaliw · 1 year
Fuck it. Okay. Opening an ask box about my ocs. Here they are! Live my creations, Live!
Might draw some responses might not.
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From left to right;
Mikha, Chris
Punzel, Avery
Nimbus , Zenrow
Wilbur , Caroline
I HAVE MORE in my artfight portfolio feel free to also ask about those not included here!
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snootlestheangel · 7 months
Truck’s opinions on Swift, Ram, Bombshell, and Meerkat. I just know he’s got something to say about recruits and newbies being sent his way by Bombshell.
Truck's Grumpy Old Man Opinion Time! *game show lights and noises*
For Swift: He's a fine medic, I guess. Asks a lot o' questions though when I've already told him the issue. Could do without the lecturing, as well. But, a fine medic. *translation: he will always have a soft spot for medics cause it's how he met the missus*
For Ram: Someone needs to teach her some fucking manners. And that my shop isn't a social gathering.
Bombshell: *glares* He knows what he's doing and I think he's a sick bastard. For bothering me or sending those recruits to their demise, I don't know. All I know is he's a sick bastard. I'd hate him more if he wasn't damn good at his job.
For Meerkat: If that little fucker doesn't stay the fuck away from my shop, all hell is gonna break loose.
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ask-uv · 11 months
Do you crave VIOLENCE?
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As you can see he is very sane.
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cuppacups · 1 year
CM Asks!
Greetings to all of YOU, dearies! Decided to open the Ask box for now while I make assets so you, dearies can know the characters more! Do check out the site first before giving out asks! No worries, this ask box isn’t the main ask box for the Storyline so ask much as you please, dearies! Also, this decision is due to the schedule I have. Noticed that I could not open the main ask box for Cafe Mellowood yet since it has a plot and storyline. Opening it when I get to publish the animation which is what I’m going to work on after working on another video for Cafe Mellowood. Anyway, I do hope you all enjoy, dearies! 💛💛💛💛☕🐳🐳
[Edit] Hello, please say which character you want to ask! Thank you, dearies! XoXo
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Maxlar - what's something you do to pass the time
Maxlar: All sorts of things! I mostly do stuff with my kids like teach them how to ride bikes. After, of course, teaching myself how to ride one haha! It took me an embarrassingly long time to learn that. If I'm not doing stuff with the kids, it's chores. If it's not either of those, I'm probably hanging out with Devyn. Sometimes we'll go play card games like Uno at Hades and Aten's place. But it's mostly chores so Andrea doesn't have to. I mean, she's a doctor, she shouldn't have to come home and clean and shit! How horrible of a husband would I be if I sat around doing jack diddly and made her do it??
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startheskelaton · 2 months
Hi, I love your work so much, especially the ones with Shin, and due to the previous works, Shin only talks with his tail?
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Yeah he can only talk with his tail
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cotl-flower-crown · 2 months
question to camellia: given by what your big brother was just asked i must also ask you what's your favourite activity?
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Correction: she likes to eat and be a little pest in the kitchen An adorable little pest :3
Also early oc cameo, nice
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buckybbdark · 5 months
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Curious ask prompt sketch
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pinetreevillain · 1 year
Do you have a character ref of Timothy?
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I do now!
I forgot to include his height but i generally draw him like a head shorter than Donnie when they’re young
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unboundprompts · 5 months
Hey! Would you do a list of names from Greek mythology? Male, female, and gender-neutral! Thanks!
Greek Mythology Character Name Ideas
-> feel free to comment suggestions, I'll do my best to add them to the list.
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85-rend · 4 months
What exactly is? Fifty six?
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"I'd sure hope I am at least."
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learn about me by observing my blog like im some sort of creature
name list
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snootlestheangel · 7 months
Hi :D I have a question for Truck
Soooo grumpy old man, how would you feel if another mechanic tried to start a conversation with you while doing some work? Absolutely not me thinking of a probable bad idea
And for Ness
Have you ever dreamed about being part of the merpeople? Like, has it cross you mind?
Truck: Unless they're talking about the truck we're working on, I'd tell them to shut up or get the fuck out of my shop.
Ness: Yes, I absolutely have. There's an aquarium close to home that has a mermaid program thing and I've always wanted to do it
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buttl0rd · 6 months
I'm watching like a hawk for that new kid 🤲 THE BABY
ALRIGHT HERE HE IS!! lemme introduce you to the new kid 👉👉
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this is carroway - he's the best 😎👽
this is gonna be a long post cause i have so much art and content to gush about. i love this kid 👇
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Some fun character details:
he was originally supposed to be like the 90's movie tough bully kid but he's ended up just being a stupid asshole. he probably likes to think he's really cool and tough 💪
has 3 younger sisters, hates being outnumbered by girls
huge foodie and finishes whatever you don't eat. not fussy at all
always leaving his mittens outside. they get all wet and gross in the snow
affectionately ripping on everyone he loves. he's a total asshole but most people know he doesn't mean half the shit he says. the real ones tolerate him 😔🤙
he doesn’t know he’s bisexual (don’t tell him, he’ll find out on his own)
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Hobbies & Interests
Aliens. Carroway is a firm believer in alien life and has an immense interest in UFO sightings, alien communication and all things outer-space. He often brags to his classmates that he has been abducted and probed, and is friends with the Martians that visit South Park sometimes (do any of them believe him?). He has a telescope that he set up in his friend Dante’s treehouse which he uses to spot UFOs in the night.
FUN FACT: His probe is linked with Cartman's. It's the connection that makes it possible for OCs to exist in the same universe as canon characters.
Drums. He has a drum set in his garage on which he practices every day after school. He has exceptional rhythm and is very talented. He keeps drumsticks in his backpack just in case he encounters a drumset or anything he can make a beat with (tables, benches, trashcans, etc.) Neighbors complain to his parents about the noise, so his garage is sound-proofed to the best of Mr. Carroway’s ability. 
Snowboarding. Carroway goes snowboarding every few weeks. His family do snowboarding trips and he LOVES it. He also skateboards and rides his bike when he’s not up in the mountains, kid just likes to go fast. He dreams of being a professional snowboarder when he’s older.
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TFBW: Boarderline
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Boarder is a special flying support unit, part of Coon & Friends. He delivers high-impact quick attacks with his hoverboard and can heal/cure status conditions with his awesome space beams. As a speedster he utilizes the whole battlefield and is constantly moving, making him difficult to hit.
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He was a human that got abducted and genetically modified by Martians to serve and protect the alien race. After battling in many galactic wars he returned to his home in Colorado. His abilities were noticed by the superhero organization, Coon & Friends and Boarder was recruited to join their alliance. He provides support to Coon & Friends in battle.
Inspired by the gear he wears when he goes snowboarding.
His superhero costume consists of a white bodysuit with black tape accents and a big old metal zip. There's reflective blue strips on the gloves, boots and around the edge of his signature spaceboard. He's got these iconic space goggles that protect his face when he’s flying at the speed of light.
His name is a play on words - board (from his hoverboard) and borderline (being only just good enough for Coon & Friends). Allies call him Boarder for short.
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SOT: Skullrogue
Skullrogue is Carroway’s Stick of Truth character.
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He is a rogue-class unit and is quick and sneaky on the battlefield. He has a long black hooded cloak and a skull mask. His main weapon is a pair of daggers that are enchanted with flame magic. He cannot use magic himself but he is proficient with weapons, especially the daggers. He throws them and uses them to stab enemies in the back.
Skullrogue has an undisclosed edgy backstory, like any rogue player. He is mysterious and broody and so cool. He is loyal to the Wizard King and thinks Princess Kenny is hot.
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As a young adult, Carroway becomes a professional snowboarder and competes nationally in competitions. He becomes famous and earns a lot of money from his career, travelling the world for competitions. He makes it all the way to the Winter Olympics, representing the USA in the snowboarding category
After a career-ending injury in his mid-30's, he had to retire from snowboarding early and now lives off his sponsors and used-to-be-a-big-shot money. Despite being wealthy, he moved back to South Park and lives in a trailer (it’s easier than having a huge house). 
He sometimes needs a walking aid to get around and is medicated for chronic back pain.
He was too busy with his career to find love when he was younger, so he stays single and lonely in his 40s. He still goes out and does sport events, commentaries and sponsorships - he remains famous even though he cannot compete anymore. He’s like a living legend in the winter sports community. 
I'm still working on a PCOV design for him so stay tuned for that...
Anyway that's it for now!! I hope you love him 😘
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clownsuu · 8 months
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apologies for not postin for the past few days here gamers, life has been really stressful for the past week and I have been really strugglin on motivation.. so take some doodles (mostly from other blog without context) til I can find proper motivation to draw normally again 😔🥄🥄
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Mostly divorce arc Harvey 😔💔🥄🥄 drawing him depressed was basically vent art to me lmAOOO
(@/thelone-copper owns colt and Cristobal of course 🦶💥🥄)
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