#OC: Fergie the Frog
subukunojess · 2 years
Monster Mushroom
Chilltobember #1 Prompt: Mushrooms Fandom: Cult of the Lamb Warnings: A Mutating Mushroom Monster gets killed, Cults but nothing bad or explicit happens Word Count: 766 Summary: After a long journey to get provisions, Cecil the Monkey comes back to Passiflora to show his haul to his best friend, unaware that he may have brought something that intends to eat the entire cult! Luckily, their Leader is there to save the day. Excerpt: "Don't worry! Maybe it's not poisonous and we could eat it all up?"
"Even if it were, it's too big for Leader not to notice--"
"Not to notice what?"
Hello! I forgot to post this on here because school and life, but I have this ready to go for Chilltobember. If I did post about it, I’m sorry in advance, I’m posting it anyway. For Chilltobember, I plan for my prompts to have different fandoms. Do not worry, I do have Kingdom Hearts for one of the weeks. For this first week, I chose the mushroom prompt and I had the idea of a giant mushroom monster so I went with “Cult of the Lamb” for this one. I don’t have the game, but I love the concept of taking care of animal villagers while demonic/supernatural things are happening. It’s a small funny scene, but I like it and I hope to write more soon in my spare time. 
Note: I diverged from canon and created my own species just for this one shot. There are no actual monster mushrooms in game and for the missionary part of the game, the only food item a Follower could get would be meat. 
I hope this is okay. 
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thedarkone121 · 1 year
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The Meeting That Changed Everything…
With the new season of Ninjago coming, I really wanted to do something to celebrate that. I figured why not post the art that I was working on for weeks once it was finished?
I spent so much time on this, you guys. You have no idea…
But I am proud of it! For context, this is my OC — Zeta the Oni, former Oni Commander of the Omega’s fraction. She was one of his best warriors, ruthless, and the most strategic of his Onis. She was a walking machine of destruction, basically.
But all that changed when she met a little frog that wonder into the Oni’s den and came out unscathed. From there, her whole world view changed and it eventually led to the development of her appreciating Creation.
And the Omega didn’t like that.
I’m still very happy with how it turned out. Zeta meeting her little frog friend is such a vital moment for her to leave the Omega’s Destructive mindset and have her come into her own. 
Maybe I should do like a little art progression of her character development. What do you guys think?
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subukunojess · 2 years
The Cult Critique Type of Fiction: Fanfiction Fandom: Cult of the Lamb Fictober Prompt #1: "I chose you." Warnings: Fluff, a tired babysitter-type figure, an outcast being validated, and mentions of a religious cult  Word Count: 616 words
Whether or not I complete these challenges on time, I’m still going to take my time with these drabbles. I wanted to try an October Writing Month thing and all the current ones are so inspiring. For the first Fictober Prompt, I decided to write for the new game, Cult of the Lamb with my interpretation of the Lamb and their followers. Note that I’m going to be focusing on the characters and relationships rather than anything too mature or religious. My Lamb is a dark sweetheart full of angst. There will be more Cult of the Lamb fics to come in the future. 
For now, please read and enjoy! 
As for future entries, I most likely would post out of order for Fictober. 
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thedarkone121 · 1 year
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A Tender Touch — A Lloyd and Zeta Art
Whoever said grayscale is the easiest part of coloring, I just wanna talk. Cause it was not easy! 🤣
Anyway, I managed to draw another piece with Lloyd and Zeta! For context: I wasn’t happy with the whole Harumi situation so I made an entire Oni OC that can connect with Lloyd’s journey as an Oni throughout Crystalized. Will do a full story of it one day? Maybe. But enjoy these little moments between Lloyd and Zeta.
So after the whole fiasco with the Onis from March of the Oni, Zeta would be staying with the Ninja for a large majority of her online classes. She would come out and help the Ninja with criminals but considering her ah… Strength and the accidental collateral damage to said criminals’ person, Zeta would only be called for the bigger threats. People who can actually take hits from an Oni. In the meantime, she’s at the Monastery attending her classes, taking care of Fergie, and doing some chores the Ninja assigned her.
Now, for the whole situation with Lloyd and Zeta’s relationship with each other. They’ve been through a lot already when the Onis invaded. Lloyd trusts her as friend and companion completely after she almost sacrificed her life for the Ninja to complete the Tornado of Creation. Zeta had already appreciated him when he told her what frogs eat. Seems like a good start to a relationship, right?
Well… You have to understand this was not long after the Sons of Garamadon. Lloyd is still trying to recover from Harumi, the first person he caught feelings for but it ended up so horribly wrong. And as we saw with the scene with Akita, he still thinks about her — to which I think he needs some SERIOUS therapy at this point. Lloyd is not ready to just jump into a next relationship.
But, it still didn’t stop him from catching feelings. Why wouldn’t he after seeing how serious she was about protecting Ninjago? How she almost died trying to help them save it. How she’s still working hard, every day to prove that she wants to live among them. Lloyd might be afraid to start a new relationship, but even with all his doubts he can see how much of good person Zeta is.
Now, on Zeta’s end? I have made it clear on multiple posts that Onis in my headcanon aren’t very affectionate. It was a very favor-the-strong society and if you weren’t strong, there would be no respect. Zeta’s experience with physical affection was almost non-existent since close contact was initiative of starting a fight for Oni’s. She didn’t even realize what physical affection was until she met Fergie, and even that didn’t stop her from accidentally suplexing the Ninja when they tried to give her physical affection.
So one can imagine how the romance department must be for Onis, right? Getting into some of my Oni headcanons, the closest thing to maybe a romance from Zeta’s understanding was when an Oni complemented another’s strength or fighting abilities, which for us can be considered a marriage proposal. And let me tell ya, the awkwardness Garmadon felt when he had to explain to the Ninja what that meant could be felt miles away.
Zeta’s pretty much in the same situation with Lloyd, as in she’s not ready for a romantic relationship. Zeta can barely understand what having friends means, how can she understand romance? Lloyd might be a ninja she’s closest too but even she doesn’t get romantic relationships either.
But who knows, maybe that shared struggle can help them be closer? Who can say? There’s a reason why I called their relationship: “Two Socially Inept Asexuals Try To Figure Out Romantic Relationships.”
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thedarkone121 · 1 year
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In honor of Lego Ninjago: Dragons Rising being released, I figured it’s time I post some shipping art for Lloyd and Zeta, my Oni OC that I made in response to the ending of Crystalized. 
Originally, I wanted to do some more pictures when talking about Lloyd and Zeta’s relationship but ah… Art block sucks. I hope this picture suffices.
The best way I could describe this relationship is this: “Two Socially Inept Asexuals Try to Figure Out a Romantic Relationship” Is that too long? Yes. But it best fits them.
I want to preface that the two didn’t exactly have a good first impression when they first met in March of the Oni in the Oni-infested Ninjago. Zeta had just fled the Omega with Fergie, her frog friend, and was searching the area to find food for him. Fergie wondered off and Zeta went looking for him.
Only to find him about to be blasted by an apathetic Garmadon for standing in his way. She kicked him into a building. And Lloyd, being an unfortunate bystander, was slammed into the ground.
Not a great start. As much Zeta had begun to despise Garmadon, she decided to trust Lloyd enough to ask what frogs eat. Lloyd, still recovering from that head-slam into concrete, was more than a little skeptical. It was only after she kept insisting and how she was gently caring for the frog he brought her to an abandoned pet store to feed Fergie.
A fragile truce was made.
It was only when they were all at the Monastery, with the Onis threatening to breakdown the door, when the thought of the Tornado of Creation could be used to destroy the Onis, that things changed between the two. Zane had to painfully remind Lloyd that all Onis could be destroyed by the Tornado, including Zeta.
Zeta, in response, handed Fergie to Lloyd. “Care him… for me,” was what she said to him before she ran towards the Omega to buy the Ninja some time.
In the aftermath, somehow, someway, Zeta managed to survive the Tornado of Creation and the rest of was history.
Well, not entirely true. Lloyd was still recovering from Harumi but he did began to pick up feelings for Zeta; especially after seeing how hard she was working to get her degree and trying to live in Ninjago. It’ll take some time, but he’ll get there.
On Zeta’s end, Onis are not very physically affectionate with loved ones. Especially not under the Omega’s rule. Usually if one were to get close to you, most of the time it meant they want a fight. Lloyd and the Ninjago had been accidentally suplex numerous of times because of this. But she’s learning. She’s learning.
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