fancyshooting · 2 years
[ noun ]
■ a man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
→ beau , clotheshorse , dandy , dude , fashion plate , fop , gallant , sheik , swell
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metalgearstranding · 14 days
Hi hi hope you don't mind me ranting about Ocelot a bit cause I didn't want to clog up tags of that one post and I love talking about the kitty man.
I assume they meant privileged as in. well I always assumed he is a bit of a rich boy, honestly. Like, his upbringing must have been horrible in terms of what and how he's been taught, but he obviously has a good education and training that the Philosophers (or whoever it was that trained him, with his distaste for them I'm assuming it's them) put a lot of time and money in. How harsh was said training is open to interpretation, but they definitely didn't want him harmed enough to not be able to get the job done AND think for himself. He knows many languages, is really skilled, got a position of Major and his own unit that answers only to him at a very young age too. I think there is an mgs3 call that implies part of it was because Volgin knew he's The Boss's son. So like, special treatment and all.
I don't think it in any way takes away from how miserable his childhood must have been though. I just can't shake away the idea of him looking at some regular every-day item and going well how much can it be? Hundred dollars??
Oh yeah, of course, I always assumed the same thing. So yes, you're right, in that way he'd be totally privileged. And maybe part of Ocelot's refusal to indulge in self-pity is him recognizing that he just can't because he knows he was lucky?
I guess I got tunnel vision-ed on this one, because I'm aware of this aspect of his life and the ways it must have influenced him, but to me it really doesn't weigh much in the balance? All I see when I think of his life is what was taken away from him, his freedom and his loved ones.
But also, I think that in a way, his real privilege are his genetics lawl I bet he's highly educated, but that doesn't count for shit if you're dumb as a brick, and to me it's obvious that Ocelot is just naturally gifted. He's scarily intelligent and he learns quickly, and he's eager to learn and get better too. He got lucky enough to get the basics, but I'd say that he as owes who he is primarily to being self-taught. I don't think anybody taught him his fancy gun tricks, and although the idea of his mother teaching him a few moves in Groznyj Grad is heartwarming, I think he just really learned some CQC just by watching Snake and his mom.
So yeah. But I do really love the idea of Ocelot as snobbish and having expensive tastes lmao The guy really is a creature of duality (I don't believe in astrology but he really do be a gemini XD), and the materially privileged aspect of him clashing with his far west aspirations is one of my favorite things about him.
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acrylicscore · 2 years
I has been thinking about Lapis Swap!
And have a reasonable timeline and event plan.
Witherstorm Arc:
Ivor starts off in a cottage next to the treehouse that Axel and Olivia stay in. Olivia’s playing her game of “Which would you rather fight?” while Ivor brews his potions. Axel gives them a scare with his creeper mask.
They head off, and Ivor convinces the two to plan their build out before they get to the competition, and the two decide to build a Witch with their fireworks machine.
Getting to the competition, Ivor greets the Ocelots with Olivia and Axel. Aiden and Axel really only have the tension, but Aiden is quick to get head ruffles from Ivor. Petra comes by and says hi, and the building competition starts.
Meh, you can decide who wins the competition.
The two groups then head to Endercon, Ivor heading off into the woods to collect some spider eyes for his potions. He obviously gets swarmed by mobs and Petra has to come and save the old man. Petra then tells Ivor about the deal, cause Ivor can smell Wither on her. He’s skeptical about the deal, but goes with it.
They get to Endercon, Ivor being the quirky dad-friend he is and checking up on his kiddos. He does that thing where he makes it obvious he’s keeping a secret, then leaves with Petra to do the deal. Aiden decides to follow the two, much to Petra’s dismay since the deal was supposed to be in private.
Petra leaves to find the unnamed-at-the-moment guy she’s doing the deal with, telling the other two to stay and stall if he showed up. Ivor chats with Aiden, before Jesse shows up. Ivor questions if Jesse was the one that wanted to deal with Petra, but is hit with “That’s none of your business.” Petra shows up and deal begins.
Jesse isn’t a con-man. He did actually plan to fullfil his side of the deal, actually having 3 diamonds to give Petra. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have the diamonds on him, so he panicked. He got the skull and fled, resulting in the chase.
Aiden and Petra inform the others about the problem while Ivors starts searching. He catches a glimpse of Jesse heading into the Show Hall, and slime block problem solving time.
They find the little basement area where Jesse supposedly resides. They take a look around, scanning the area. Ivor is quite fond of the place, admiring some of the potions scattered around and is impressed by the capabilities. He does have to take a moment to try and stop Axel from stealing things, especially when he tries to take the fancy potion, which he manages to do.
Maya finds the lever and pulls it, revealing the Soul Sand and Command Block. Lukas and Petra realise that its a formula for the Wither. They are collectively concerned as to why someone who was probably younger than them wanted to make a Wither. They then all scatter when they hear the boy return.
The group hear Jesse talking to himself as he wanders around frantically in the basement. “Where the heck did they go? I swear I had thise diamonds on me! I don’t need someone on my back right now, and I promised I would have her diamond. Ugh! I even had 3 diamonds I was going to give her!” Petra does feel bad since she realised he was actually going to fullfil that deal with more than he was going to offer to her.
Ivor decides to try and let his children escape, so he calls out to get attention. “Hello? Anyone here?” The children escape, and Ivor talks to Jesse for a short while before Jesse respectfully shows him the door.
“Oh there is someone down here. Wonderful!”
“What are you doing here? Wait hang on, you’re the guy that was with… Petra?”
“Oh yes! I was with her. Just making sure she was doing alright. Anyway, I was… looking for the bathroom.”
“Well, you took a wrong turn.”
“So I guessed, but may I ask- is this your little workshop down here?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“I just wanted to say how wonderful it is! The potions, the books! I say, I wouldn’t mind a place like this myself. I assume that skull was the element to bring it all together?”
“O-oh… Yeah! Yeah, the skull… I thought it would, uh, bring the room together.”
“It would be a nice touch.”
“Yeah… anyway, you better be on your way. I’ll show you the door.”
“Why thank you, young man!”
Ivor comes out and finds that Gabriel’s show had started… and his children were doing a terrible job at trying to tell the warrior about the monster in the basement.
A voice comes from nearby, taunting Gabriel. Gabriel does respond to the voice, answering any questions thrown at him… until the source jumps down from above and onto the stage.
“So that’s what I did wrong? I didn’t work hard enough for you?!”
“Don’t pretend, Gabriel! You know you didn’t care! If you did, you would have worked hard to find me!”
“I-it, it can’t be…”
“Oh, but it can be!”
Jesse brings up the Wither formula with the lever and threatens Gabriel and the people in the room with it. Gabriel attempts to fight against Jesse, but ends up being tripped off the stage by the boy. The Wither is then unleashed, and instead of continuing to threaten with it, Jesse splashes a potion of invisibility on himself and leaves everyone to their sources.
Gabriel leaves everything up to the large group of children and their father figure. Ivor saves Petra from the tractor beam before he gets thrown into the Nether.
The adventure continues, but the group don’t encounter Jesse. Ivor supervises his kids as they continue on. They end up splitting up to go find Ellegaard and Magnus, Aiden and Axel to find Magnus, and Maya and Olivia to go find Ellegaard. Ivor does keep the amulet with him, but gives it to Aiden temporarily because he thought that Magnus would be hard to find.
The teens round up Magnus and Ellie, Boom Town getting destroyed in the process. The group of teams do start to lose a bit of respect for the two heroes when they witness the two start arguing, and Ivor being the one to have to break them up.
They head off to Soren’s fortress at dawn, get caught up in a few things, then Ivor finds out about Petra’s Wither Sickness.
“Have you tried milk?”
“You think I haven’t?”
The two then encounter Jesse in a room in Soren’s library. Petra actually pulls the sword out on Jesse first, so Jesse quickly moves to defend himself. Ivor tries to stop the fight, but then the other teens show up and Aiden, Maya and Axel are quick to jump into fight. Jesse is quick to try and defend himself and escape, using potions to defend himself, then a slowness potion to escape and lock them in the room.
They eventually get into the End and into Soren’s fortress. Lukas has a pout and confides in Ivor about his concerns for Petra. Ivor, being a good father, informs Lukas but tells him not to worry and that he has it covered.
Ivor keeps an eye on Petra, so Lukas, Olivia and Gill find Soren’s mini lab where they realise he’s outside with the Enderman. Gill finds and puts on the other costume, accidentally making himself the candidate to go out and find Soren.
When Soren comes in, he’s very nervous and a bit ignorant towards the teens. Ivor visibly doesn’t like that Soren is purposely ignoring the kids.
Enderman shenanigans, and Gill leads them out.
They have the Formidabomb, and Ivor quickly realises that the heroes that his kids looked up to weren’t really the heroes they thought they were. He goes to step up, but Aiden isn’t having any of that. Ivor then has none of the heroes offering their armours, solely because he doesn’t trust them. He gives Aiden a set of armour that he enchanted himself; not exactly flashy but it does the job.
No one dies, Witherstorm is in three, Gabriel has amnesia, shit’s gone sideways.
They escape the Storms and take shelter in the cave. Ivor, being the great father he is, checks in on all of his kids, letting them all vent onto him and he provides the comfort they need. The Order watch the man do his thing, Ellie and Magnus visibly saddened and guilty looking. Soren has a go at Ivor for being so focused on children rather than the situation at hand. Ellie and Magnus defend Ivor, so Soren storms off.
Ivor eventually goes outside, finding Soren pinned under the foot of a familiar chaos child. Ivor stands there, watching as the interaction between the two ensues.
“You left me to die!”
“N-now, now! Lets not get ahead of ourselves-“
“You left me! And you never told them, did you?!”
“That’s not-”
“Don’t lie to me Soren! You’ve done enough of that already!”
“Please just listen-”
“They cared for me! They loved me! But you had to ruin that for your own personal gain! You threw me away because you were afraid of me! You didn’t even consider anyone else’s emotions!”
“Please… Jesse-”
“You don’t have the right to use my name! And you will NEVER speak my name again!”
Ivor is quick to step in before Jesse drives a sword into Soren, and the commotion catches the attention of the rest of the gang. Jesse doesn’t take it too well at first.
“You’re defending him? Do you realise who you’re defending?!”
“Young man, you were going to drive a sword into him-”
“He’s a coward! A cruel, selfish coward! That’s the person you’re defending! He should die for what he did to-”
Ellegaard and Magnus step in, stopping Jesse in the moment. At first, they are horrified that their first encounter with Jesse after so many years is when the boy is trying to kill Soren. However, Jesse does win The two over easily.
“Jesse how could you…”
“Me?! He’s the one that left me to die!”
“Small fry, he told us you ran off!”
“What? No! He took me to the Farlands and left me! Alone! Defenseless! He left me to die!”
“Dude, Soren. Is that true?”
Soren is then left to admit the truth. Back when the Order were still together but doing their own things, they would share custody of Jesse. They would rotate each month, passing Jesse on to each other so he would get to spend time with them. Soren said that, the second time he was given Jesse, he became overwhelmed by the child. He wasn’t thinking when he did it.
Ellegaard and Magnus are pissed, Jesse wants to call bullshit, Ivor is furious with this ginger-bearded bastard, the teens felt really bad for this kid, and Gabriel doesn’t know what the fuck was going on.
Jesse admits that he did unleash the Witherstorm fully knowing it would destroy everything and he didn’t really care for it, but when it turned into 3 he realised that it wasn’t right. He originally thought he would be perfectly okay because the storms were following the amulet, but quickly learns that Ivor has holding the amulet, not Gabriel.
The group splits. Axel, Magnus, Ellegaard, Maya, Gill and Petra go and distract the Witherstorm for the group, much to Ivor’s dismay. Ivor, Lukas, Olivia, Aiden, Gabriel, Soren and Jesse head to the Farlands. Jesse is very reluctant to take Soren at first, but has a think, then allows it. Ivor provides Petra with a few different potions to keep her going, because Petra is stubborn and wants to fight.
The Farlands group gets to the swamp, and Ivor goes to search for food with Jesse. They find the witch’s hut, and Ivor is reluctant to go in, but Jesse goes in full swing and grabs the cake. The group then get attacked by witches and skeletons, so Jesse runs off to distract them while the others flee.
Maze shenanigans and they find Jesse’s lab. They enter, a room dark and full of bookshelves with twists and turns. They hear shuffling throughout the lab, which has them on edge… then they hear levers flip. Traps trigger left and right, different potions fired, loud growling noises filling the room. Everyone manages to find spots where everything missed, waiting until the level flicks and everything stops. They of course regroup and are on edge.
A large shadow patterns on the wall, and whatever it is turns the corner… and its a large, creature. Long skinny black legs, long black “fur” draping its body, and a large beast-like head that produced odd roars. Everyone is terrified of this thing, Lukas and Olivia clinging to each other for deal life, Aiden cowering behind Ivor who has a sword drawn, Gabriel actually trying to defend the group, and Soren going to flee but runs into a bookshelf. The thing approaches them and…
Jesse whistles from behind the group, telling the thing that the group is with him. The thing drops, the legs folding on themselves and the main body landing on the floor. It then runs to Jesse, the “fur” draping its body falling off in a cloth-like fashion and revealing… a pig. Jesse takes the mask off of the pig, picking it up and talking to it.
“You did a good job, Reuben. But these guys are with me.”
“I know, but they’re the best we have.”
“Oink oink!”
“I know he’s here but we’re just going to have to deal with him.”
“Its fine. He won’t touch anything. I’ll make sure of it.”
“… is this guy having a conversation with a pig?”
Jesse goes to leads the group down to the secret passageway, but Soren trips the trap, locking Ivor, Gabriel and Soren down in the passage. Jesse panicks and goes to find the redstone to fix it with Olivia’s help, while the men go down to continue. Jesse’s has his first puzzle, and instead of certain items from each adventure, he had presents from each member of the Order as his keys, with the final key being a gift from everyone in the Order. The second puzzle is still the Ender Dragon fight.
They get into the weapon room, where they find the End Crystals. Soren is panicking and starts spilling his tea, saying he thought he hidden the crystals deep into the Farlands where no one could find them. He then starts getting angry, saying he should have never given the command block to Jesse and never should have left such a child in the one place he did. Ivor starts forcing questions on Soren, getting the man to admit the truth. Soren tells the truth about the Ender Dragon, tells a but of history about Jesse and the Order, and why he abandoned the child.
Jesse and the teens are suddenly there, and Jesse snaps at Soren. Ivor also snaps at Soren and levtures the man, defending the child. Soren is now very guilty.
Jesse leads the teens and Ivor to the armour area, letting them choose their armour and make the super weapon. The teens leave the room when they have their armours and the weapons, leaving Ivor with Jesse. Ivor collects armour for the other teena, but has a heart-to-heart witb Jesse.
“So… you’ve just been here…? Alone…?”
“I wasn’t alone. I had Reuben.”
“Not for your earlier years, I assume…”
“… you shouldn’t have to be alone.”
“I can manage. It’s all I’ve known, and besides. After all this, I’ll be returning here again.”
“You shouldn’t have to.”
“It’s fine. I’ve lived this long already.”
“You were left alone for so long. No child- no one, should have to live alone like this… no wonder you wanted to fight back against the world. You were given such a rough start, and when you were given a chance, some rotten person had to ruin it for you.”
“May I use your name?”
“… yeah. You can use it.”
“Jesse, you shouldn’t have to live like this. I would like to offer you a real home.”
“You don’t have to.”
“You may have done some wrong doings, but you’re young. You only thought that you were doing something right, and you with your harsh conditions, I’m sure I would have one the same. So please, you and Reuben can come back with us… for a new start.”
“… I’ll consider it.”
Off to fight the Witherstorm they go. The teens don’t let Ivor fight it, so Ivor instead watches over a very weak Petra. Jesse and the teens go and fight the Storms. Gill is given the weapon to destroy the command block, and Jesse goes with him because he wants to set things right.
Everyone lives and the Storms are dead! New Order of the Stone is formed with the teen group. Jesse strays to the side though, him and Reuben staying by Ivor at the ceremony. Gabriel admits the truth to everyone on his own accord with Magnus and Ellie, all three having a very bug dislike towards Soren.
Jesse gives Petra the 3 diamonds he was meant to trade to her.
Portal Arc:
Jesse had been giving tips to the New Order for adventure and treasure spots, since they had been adventuring while he had been trying to fit into society with the help of Ivor. Jesse had been accidentally advising the town when people were having troubke making choices, which Ivor found quite intriguing.
The group come across the Flint & Steel, come back, find Jesse being a good person before they decide to drag him inside the Order Hall to sus out this Flint & Steel. They learn about the Eversource from Ivor, Jesse also commenting, and the group head off. Olivia, Maya, Axel and Gill stay behind for a bit of calm down time and help around town. Ivor and Jesse join the adventurers. Reuben stays home because he is happy house pig.
In Sky City, they chat around and talk to Milo, who they find is a bit quirky and shady. The group does get taken into the Founder’s Palace, but Petra and Aiden somehow get dragged off by Milo reluctantly. Jesse, Ivor and Lukas talk to the Founder, trying to tell her that they didn’t mean any harm. Jesse’s the one that gets through to her, explaining that they had no idea that building was against the law and only wanted to find somewhere they thought was safe. She allows them to stay in the Palace, and Hesse managed to convince her to send a few people out to find Petra and Aiden.
Aiden and Petra are actually interagated by Milo and his Build Club. They try and get crafting recipes and materials put of them, only actually getting an anvil and ladder recipe from the two. Petra beats a guy up and the two escape back to the street and get inside the Palace to where the others are.
Aiden and Petra tell the others and they all try and inform Isa. However, when they go to find her, they find the passage to the Eversource was open. They head down and find the guards and Isa battling against the Build Club. They jump in to help, Milo throwing a Creeper egg that explodes and creates a hole in the floor. Lukas gets thrown off the edge, followed by Jesse and Isa. Isa goes to put the blame on Jesse, but Jesse is quick to tell her he had no idea who those people were and all he knew was that his friends were captured by them and they were no good. Rest of the episode is basically the same, except they fight Milo.
Episode 6 is basically the same.
Episode 7 is basically the same, but Jesse connects more with Harper and is devastated when she gets chipped.
The Portal Arc is actually what shapes Jesse up to become a leader, and Ivor is happily watching this happen. The other teens are looking towards Jesse more and Jesse is actually allowing himself to connect with other around him.
Episode 8 is basically the same, but when Hadrian drags Jesse up to his office and the Home Gang are found to be locked behind obsidian, Hadrian starts poking.
“Come on bucko. You’re the leader. Surely you won’t let your teammates down-”
“Excuse me, but I am not the leader.”
“Oh? Then how come they look to you when something goes wrong?”
“But even if you aren’t, surely you won’t let your friends sit here and rot away. Or will you…?”
Jesse takes the deal, claiming that if any of them were to live out their life alone, it would be him. He doesn’t want them to live the life that he had to live, so he sacrifices his freedom to the deal. He wins though, so everything’s fine.
The teens all collectively decide that Jesse is the leader, much to Jesse’s dismay. Ivor does convince him by retelling the whole Portal Arc and how Jesse has grown on that journey.
It takes Jesse a very long time to accept himself as a leader, absolutely refusing the idea but is continuously being a leader without realising it. Its very entertaining to watch.
Season 2:
Season 2 is basically the same, but Maya and Gill are in the mix.
I thought Season 2 would be the same, but Romeo would have more eyes on Jesse this time around. A kid that went from nothing; no friends, no family, growing up all alone and abandoned, and yet that kid rose to have it all and is loved despite all his wrong doings. Romeo would definitely have eyes on someone like that.
Romeo doesn’t let Jesse go that easily though. He still keeps Jesse as his Champion, despite him not playing the game right in the Icy Palace. Gill and Maya are given the role of a being guards, but the plan becomes “Gill make a distraction while Maya gets as many companions on our side”. Maya does whatever it takes to rise in the ranks, and Gill becomes an inmate again real quick. Petra is forced to fight Jesse before Romeo runs of with Jesse’s identity.
Everything follows on normally.
Ninja Ivor and everyone gets big hugs from him.
Everything follows on normally, but Aiden and Lukas are being rebellious with their new group when they get to that. Reuben is hiding in a corner somewhere during all of this.
When its all over, Jesse hands Beacontown over to Radar since Jesse wants to settle down and help Romeo with redemption, since he knows a thing or two about redemption himself. Maya and Petra go adventuring, everything is happily ever after.
I’m open to ideas for Portal Arc and Season 2, since I’m not really following anything for those Arcs. Lapis Swap really only takes place in the Witherstorm Arc, and there are only minor changes with the rest of the Story Mode story.
I’m very open to more ideas for the story.
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Reaction to Genesis Steve
Genesis Steve’s introduction
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[ID: The “Cooler Daniel” meme, which shows two photos side-by-side in a high school yearbook. The photo on the left is labelled “Daniel” and has Elemental Steve’s face edited over it. The photo on the right is labelled “The cooler Daniel” and has Genesis’ face edited over it. End ID.]
Colle: The Beast either wanted to slap me or hug me.
Colle: Idk. We shouldn’t assume that it’s evil just because it is alone
Colle, you sound like someone who would be a Slenderman fan and call him Slendy, and I don’t know if that’s wholesome or cursed.
Joking aside, I think it’s cute that Colle is just pure of heart and still tries to see a good side in everyone even after the hostile interaction with the ocelots
Also, Colle was literally me when I first brainstormed RRFF.
Someone: Why would Memory need a hug?
Me: Idk. Maybe he’s lonely, who knows
Colle panicking about being in a tree sounded like a knock-off Disney Prince singing in the woods, lol
Dang, Colle is getting so good at these fetch quests. He speedran through 3 fetch quests in one episode. Hard working boi.
Also, can we have an F in the Chat for Genesis Steve? He created the Desert Steves and gifted them an artifact, and the Desert Steves just ended up being so careless about the artifact he gave them X’D
And they never even thought about using the arrow against the Last Inferno, riiip
lmao, Genesis Steve was so hyped up in this episode. And he had the most awkward introduction ever
I was lowkey hoping that Genesis would be a female.
So are creators a species separate from Steves?
If Genesis created Forest, Ocean, and Desert Steves, and Genesis isn’t a Steve, then how does that explain Origin Steve?
I’m really curious!
Genesis: My creator created [Red Steve]. You types are the exact creation of he.
So is the Original Creator Origin Steve?! Well, Origin Steve does seem capable of creating non-Steves, like the First Curse
Because Genesis is really nice, I doubt he’s the First Enemy.
Unless in a future episode, Genesis and Obsidian or Diamond bump into each other and Obsidian and Diamond go like “HOL’ UP.”
Original Creator created the First Enemy, which ended up being a regret
Genesis created the Last Inferno, which ended up being a regret
SL, what’s with you and this reoccurring theme of regretting your first creation??
Are you trying to say something about parenting and being the oldest child?
Are you secretly calling out every single creative person on this planet and telling them that their first OCs suck? </joking>
Kinda ironic that the Last Inferno is the first creation of Genesis though.
I wonder if this can foreshadow Void Steve’s backstory as the first Hero and why he never truly died? idk, I didn’t watch Rainbow Quest
Wait, Colle is a nickname because it’s short for Collector?
All this time, I thought he was named Colle because it’s a fancy way to say Cole or Coal, asdfjklasdfasdf
So I guess Colle’s full name is Collector Red Steve.
I’m getting really invested into the lore.
In the Steve Saga, I got super invested into the lore of Galaxy Family. In the RRFF Extended AU, I’m currently working on the lore of the Six Bright Eyes family.
And now Steve Legends is giving me the Creator Family. Give me a powerful family full of drama >:)
Hmm, are Genesis’ friends the other color Steves?
I love how Genesis Steve immediately befriended the guy who interrupted his fishing session
Oh and....I don’t trust Genesis’ judgement of the Judge
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blackcatkita · 4 years
Hi, hope you don’t mind the message. I was wondering have you played all the books on choices? If so, how many books can you adopt animals in and what are the animals for each book?
Hi, Nonny!
I NEVER mind messages! Yes, I have played all the Choices books. Some I played only once and a long time ago, so if anyone sees any animals I missed add them in the comments, please. I’m going to try and include the default names for them just to see if I can lol
*Edited for additional animals brought to my attention. Sorry, Nightbound, you’d think with how many times I played it I would have remembered.
Across The Void- a winged bunny type thing named Gemma
Baby Bump- A bunny, not sure of its name
Big Sky Country- A black horse Duke named Lady, I named her Tinta, and a piglet named Bacon
A Courtesan of Rome- A greyhound (Artemis) from Marc Antony and a monkey (Cirta) from Cassius
The Crown And The Flame- There’s a bear, I believe in book 1 but I don’t remember its name because I always replay book 3 for Diavolos. Also in book 3, you have the opportunity to adopt Sparky the wolf pup. You want to do this. Sparky is the greatest pet in all of Choices if you ask me. And we can’t forget Bubbles, the baby Kraken.
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Desire And Decorum- A horse named Clover and a Pug, don’t remember the default name but I named him Puddles.
Distant Shores- None yet but considering the birdcage in our quarters, I’m guessing we’re getting the opportunity for our own bird.
The Elementalists- We all get a familiar, but if you don’t want the toad you’ve gotta fork over the diamonds. I paid for the Arylu, the wolf-dog thing, and named him Pete. Then later you can adopt a second one. For those who didn’t pick the Arylu, is Navi always an Arylu pup or does it depend on what you have already?
Endless Summer- We all get Furball, but you can pay diamonds to rename him. There is also the opportunity to befriend a Yeti to help with vanquishing enemies and more comfortable travel (once), but I don’t think it made a difference.
High School Story- Class Act- There’s a fluffy white dog you can adopt, but I didn’t
It Lives In the Woods- There are 3. The neighbor's dog Hilda, a black kitten the MC, Ava, and Lucas find in a dumpster (I named her Jinx), and a forest creature dog thing named Maurice
It Lives Beneath- There are some animals you can win over to help you; a coyote, an otter, and an owl but the only one you actually adopt is a half-rotten zombie jackalope.
Nightbound- An owl-cat default named Cassie (I think) who can alert you to danger. Also, you can blow a fancy horn to get the help of a school bus sized crocodile? Alligator? I don’t know the difference, something about noses?
Open Heart- A fennec fox (default name Furball), a chinchilla, and a box turtle. I don’t remember their default names but I named them Hermione, Harry, and Ron- because I’m a nerd.
Perfect Match- Not an animal, but you can adopt this fuzzy, adorable little robot from Khaan.
Red Carpet Diaries- An ocelot whose name escapes me.
The Royal Masquerade- The animal you can get depends on your MC’s house. I got a bear. Then later you have the opportunity to adopt Lord Pompadour the pomeranian.
The Royal Romance- Oh boy, lots of animal opportunities here. The derby champion Marabelle’s Dream (renamed just Marabelle in mine) everyone’s favorite Corgi Chance, a pair of Red Pandas from Maxwell who I named Artemis and Apollo, a second Corgi from Queen Amalas (default name Lady Lucky but I named her Tori. For ValTORIa, get it?), three corgi pups courtesy of the other two corgis (I don’t remember their names because you rarely see them, not really worth buying), a kitten given to the baby by Penelope, and a partridge in a pear tree. I’m kidding on that last one.
Rules Of Engagement- A kitten for Alex and Elena
Save the Date- A dog of an unremembered breed
Sunkissed- A French Bulldog... I think. I know it’s a dog from Samson’s ex-wife named... I don’t remember.
Wishful Thinking- Ok, we talked about the awesomeness of Sparky the mecha-wolf pup, and Chance the Corgi, but Jinx and Opie get high status as well. Because of the MC’s ability to read minds, the cat and dog in this can talk. I repeat they can talk. And they are adorable and hilarious and oh so cat and dog I can’t even. 
I think that’s it! The books not listed I don’t think have any animals but like I said, correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks for the ask, Nonny! This was super fun!
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Madness Haunts
Adamska finds drowning himself in his work is a good way to distract himself when he can't simply get high every second of the day to shut them up, block them out, if he had the time he'd try and find the trigger The Philosophers used to use but it'd take to long it wasn't just a word after all... But George is still worried, and asks him to lunch, says he's overdoing it since he isn't well. It's so stupid but it's almost like- Adam agrees but he's not alone. And they won't. Shut. Up...!
TW: Ghosts, self neglect, dad ghost Sorrow is disappointed in your weak ass will adam. fight eli/liquid off like a man. possession / attempted possession, drug abuse references? Hypnotherapy??? Weird ass romance between Adam(ska)/Ocelot and George, low self esteem, Adamska is a shitty Medium; blame The Philosophers, depersonalization WIP tags idk, swearing/cuss words?
Once again, If i missed something let me know.
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It wasn't strange when grey eyes glance up from the paper work in his hands, the concerned face of... Why did he have to look like a kicked puppy its not like he mattered, their plans were more important and yet.
“J-George, do you need something...? I'm busy with-”
George clears his throat, one blue eye shining with affection that makes Adam's stomach twist, or had he forgotten to eat again? He shook the thought away glancing away from him. Liquid had been standing behind George giving him bunny ears and Ocelot had nearly laughed, LAUGHED him? God he was getting sick of Eli's interference.
“Yes actually, Its a bit past noon but, would you care to have some lunch.”
Adam smiles and shakes his head, his gaze not leaving the papers in his hands, still reading them over as he replies.
“No I have work I need-”
Of course his stomach decided to protest this by growling and George's hand touches his left shoulder gently.
“...I... guess we could, if I can keep working well we do?”
George's smile blind sided Adam in such a way he can feel tears just start to rise but there blinked away as if nothing, unnoticed, he smiles back tiredly allowing George to pull him close and wrap an arm around him leading him towards where ever it was he likely had set up this little plan of his. ...Adam wondered who was leading who around at this point. He was smitten by this man, but he looked so much like- which probably helped and yet...
“I'm hoping you like what I picked out for us, it's not anything super fancy but its better then rations.”
Laughing softly Adam shakes his head about to reply when a glance outside the window showed rain and red eyes. He glances away and stares at the floor eyebrows knitted and expression guarded.
“I'm sure I- ...”
“Adam...? What's wrong?”
One blue eye glancing out the window confusedly and back at his companion.
“Don't like the rain?”
Jokingly Ocelot shrugs shaking his head and mumbling out.
“Kuwabara, Kuwabara... no... that's- that's not, maybe.”
He admits it unsurely struggling to keep his gaze low as Eli bends down in front of his face, he turns to not make eye contact with the foolish boy trying to get his attention.
“Scared of the rain Ocelot? Didn't take you for a superstitious type.”
“...I wasn't until you showed up...”
He hisses under his breath and he can feel George hold him closer and grab his cheek and force him to look at him having stopped moving.
His concerned face made Adam smile instinctively.
“George, please. You worry to much-”
Red caught his grey. Adam's heart caught in his chest, which as usual buzzed with two annoying beats, one going to fast one steady as usual.
“...I... have to go... lay down... I don't...-”
“Adam, you should eat...”
“Bring it to my room if you're so worried!”
He watches as George flinches but his gentle grip doesn't leave his arm. Adam pulls himself free and starts to storm off.
“Madness, you worry about it so much, and yet you only confirm it to those around you the more you fight, acceptance my Son and then perhaps you'll find some peace and strength to not be so pathetic.”
Ocelot's teeth grits hands shaking with rage heart still pounding in his ears and chest, and he coughs chokes on his spit.
Eli reaching for his hand and- what??? George's grip was tight on his left wrist, Eli's on his right. No no no- Eli stop right now STOP STOP-!?
Ocelot gasps hard shaking trying to pull his left hand free so he can grip at his right. Pain like lightening sparking through his limb.
“If you can't do this old man maybe I should!~ Chickenin' out all cause Daddy's disappointed-”
“ifyoudon'tstopyouwillregretthis. Let. Me. Go.”
George glares at him and pulls him closer.
“Adam, look at me, please.”
“George, let me go. Right now. I... need to lay down please...”
George's hand reaching and touching his cheek, the cool feeling of his hand he can't help but sigh softly and lean into his touch but that moment of weakness was all Eli needed.
“Foolish Sentimental old man! I've got you now, this body is mine to pilot!”
Adam shouts out shoving himself away and falling onto the ground with a grunt, George having stumbled back a look of surprise on his face.
“Adam- Adam! What happened- did I hurt you?”
Eli was in control, he clears Ocelot's throat and does his best impression of him, he'd like to say he was getting pretty good at it!
“Sorry- sorry... George... I told you I needed to lay down didn't I? But... If you're so insistent that I eat could you carry this old man?”
Adam growls at him, it felt so weird to not be in control of himself, following alongside himself as Eli seduced George, though he assumed Eli felt the same way when he was in control.
“Give me back my body Eli, it's MINE. NOT YOURS, YOUR DEAD!”
Eli's smiles up at George as the other man gently wraps his arms under his knees and back lifting him up, Eli wrapping his arms around his neck. He sticks his tongue out at Adam well George was still adjusting him in his arms.
“What are we havin'?”
George simply shakes his head but gives in anyways, his face still full of concern but he's smiling softly again. Eli beams up at him, a practiced attempted to hide love struck expression he's seen Adam use.
“It's nothing fancy as I said, ramen and some turkey and lettuce sandwiches.”
“Fresh lettuce? You tryin' to spoil me hm?”
George simply purrs gently lifting him closer so their foreheads touch.
Adam can see the way Eli- his lip twitched for a moment uncomfortably, before he leans forward and their lips meet, Adam growling in the background reaching and grabbing his right arm and pulling frantically but nothing happened, Eli didn't even flinch.
Adamska hisses wildly spinning around towards the voice growling at him as The Sorrow takes a step forward, he steps back unsurely, teeth bared still.
“Don't. Come near me.”
“Are you afraid my little Ska?”
Adamska freezes for a moment, grey stares into red. He was pretty sure if he had a heart it'd be pounding right now, then again in his body it probably was.
“...what do you want from me...?”
A hand reaches out and impulse has Adamska flinch, mouth opening to bite the fingers that went to touch him but he was surprised to see his Father- NO. The Sorrow let his hand drop a sad look on his face.
“Still bite the hand that feeds hm? Chew up all that you love till there's nothing left, my son, my sweet Ska. I'd of thought you were better then this.”
“You don't know me! You don't know that- GET OUT OF MY HEAD! ...declaw a cat and they'll use their teeth.”
The suffocating feeling of grief and sorrow-filled loneliness he's been shoving down for so long was all swarming in his chest, it hurt. He hurt... His breath- he didn't need to breathe and yet he felt like he couldn't so filled with all of those feelings- a weapon, a tool did NOT have feelings and neither did he. And yet he couldn't shove it down the same way he could in his body as if he had no where to store it but his soul, bare and exposed.
A hand touches his cheek and for a second it all bubbles to the surface he presses into his Father's hand and a sob breaks out of his throat tears dripping down his face. But it only lasts a few seconds before his fangs dig into the man's hands. The Sorrow simply scolds him.
“Ska, let go. Now.”
The snarl escaping him wild and angry as the taste of blood filled his mouth, grey eyes filled with a defying rage, a yearning for freedom he can't know. Adamska grunts as he feels a fist grip up his hair and pull trying to rip his teeth from his hand. It takes a few pulls but Adamska's teeth release The Sorrow.
Adamska glanced towards where Eli and George had been but...
“Shit... where'd they go...”
“...That's easy. You should know. It's YOUR body right?”
“Fuck off.”
His face flushed with shame as his non-existent stomach twists. Adam can do this. No Ocelot- Adamska- Which one of them can-??? He grabs his head and groans wiping at his right eye angrily... Blood- a slight pulse, his head hurt and if he could he'd puke.
“I don't need you're help old man.”
“You are old now too Adamska, you'd refuse to listen to my teaching anyways, they made you quite resistant to such things had they not? No. It was simply drugs they pumped into you? Is that why you're to scared to part with-”
“SHUT UP! I do not need you're scoldings I am a grown man, I NEVER. Needed you or HER or anyone else but myself and my handlers!?”
“Where are they now?”
“John's- shit... fuck... no he's not- I just meant- They're dead, I am my own handler now. I am my own per-... I am...”
Adam stumbles entering the room Eli and George were but he can barely focus on them at all he just wanted to go to his body and pass out- he sees Eli's- no his eye glance at him.
“Adam, could I accompany you in your room?”
“Of course George... I can walk if that's alright?”
Blue eye looks concerned and Eli- no. 'Adam' reaches and taps his eyepatch with a laugh.
Adamska snarls impulse to tear his teeth into George and rip him apart. He was his and no one elses'! NO ONE. ELSES. HIS.
“Calm yourself Ska, you are not a hungry child anymore. Take a breath, steady yourself and step back in control.”
The Sorrow is quiet, his Father looks annoyed. Red eyes glowing and dripping blood and suddenly nails dig into the stump of his right arm.
“I died so you may live Adamska, if I had not died you would have been killed, I'd of still been with Joy but we loved you- love you- Do not tempt the dead, Adamska, with what ifs. For they are all I, we. Have.”
Adam trembles in his grasp, chilled to his very soul, it hurt... it hurt... And for just a small second he was a small child again tearing apart a chew scarred stuffed cat, an ocelot, with his teeth so no other kid can have it when they take him away.
A hand cups his small face and he stares up at him and snarls, bristling the memory away he isn't thinking about that-
“Go away, leave me alone- please... GO AWAY. GET OUT OF MY BODY ELI!?”
Adam rushes forward grabbing at his right arm and trying to wrangle Eli free- but Eli simply laughs and George tilts his head.
“What's so funny Adam?”
And Eli smiles at him nuzzling into his neck.
“I never thought I'd have someone who cares about me as much as you.”
George is helping him undress, and himself too. They're in bed, laying down together and Eli is kissing him-
And suddenly Eli is shoved out of place he cackles hysterically, his blue eyes shining mischievously.
The Sorrow glares at the other ghost touching his shoulder, but he says nothing and shakes his head vanishing, Eli snorting but decides to leave him be for now. Time to scheme some more.
Adam pulls himself free from George's lips panting hard rolling over to the edge of the bed and puking. Growling, barely containing a sob. Blood still- no just now dripping down his face from his right eye. His head throbbed George's hands gently pull him back against his chest and simply rubs his back.
“shush... shush it's alright, just breath ok. Don't push so hard, we have time. You'll feel better and then we can do that.”
Adam digs his nails into him, teeth gritted as he bit his own lips and yet.
George smiles at him and gently presses his forehead against Adam's, frowning a bit concernedly at him.
“Are you too hot?”
“...no... no... sorry- I just want to sleep-”
“We can do that.”
The two curl up tightly together in a tangle of blankets and pillows and Adam slowly drifts off to the even breathing that George gives him to focus on, unconsciously chewing lightly on the blanket he had pulled up slightly over his head.
George simply smiles and pushes long white hair behind his ear.
“Feel better Adamska...”
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violet-galaxies · 5 years
...what’s your weird story about dragons? 👀
Haha, I’m so glad you asked! 
I’m not going to lie, this started off as Wings of Fire fanfiction, but over the... one or two years this story has been in my head, it’s changed a lot, since for one thing, it really didn’t make sense as a fanfic, as the main plot revolves around this demon king and angelic warrior, which just... doesn’t fit. You can still see remnants of WoF in it, and some touches of Flight Rising lore in there, but it’s definitely much more original now. At least, I hope it is
Basically, the plot is that our perspective character, Nova, starts going to this heckin fancy private school in the middle of nowhere, where she meets the other three main cast, Desert Rose [shortened to Rose for convenience's sake], Ocelot, and Shard.
Nova and Rose become good friends fast via bonding over both of their dad’s being dead [though Rose’s dead is still technically missing] and just liking each other as people. Rose is a quite... impulsive is probably the best word for it. It’s not because of her missing dad though, he’s been gone for years at the point the story starts, it’s more that she wants to sort of rebel against her mom, who’s a very chill, almost sort of hippie lady, though she’s still intelligent, she has to be if she wants to keep control of the several oasis’ she has and keep her husband’s business alive. Still, Rose, being an arrogant teenager, doesn’t really understand why her mother can always be so chill. Her older brother, who has his own problems, has moved away to the capital, and the younger sibling I may or may not give her doesn’t really understand this, so Rose is really happy to get away from her home to this private school and make an actual friend.
Nova’s father has passed away much more recently, and it’s had a much larger impact on her life. For one thing, her mother, a decently well known artist, has become very quiet and closed off, not really talking to anyone or going outside that much, only really expressing herself through her art. Nova herself appears to have gotten over it quite fast, but she’s suppressing most of it. She was homeschooling for the best year, not wanting to have to also deal with all the struggles of going to school with others as well, though she finally thinks she’s ready to go back to ‘regular’ school, as regular as a fancy private school up in the mountains and woods can be. 
Ocelot is meet through him accidently bumping into the two best friends. He’s a very small dragon who not only isn’t physically strong, his magical abilities are somewhat lacking, though he still can use them. His best skills, besides being a absolute sweetheart, are the fact his smallest makes him fast and able to curl up in small spaces. He’s not great at being stealthy though, since he’s a clutz as well. He has a load of siblings, and even with the ones younger than him, he’s always been treated like the little brother who always needs protecting. He has a lot of built up anger about this, but it doesn’t really show, though it’s bound to explode out eventually. Another problem with having a load of siblings is trying to stand out. He’s always looked up to this one lady, who is conveniently the founder of this fancy private school that he luckily got accepted into, and while he wants to be as kind, generous, and cool as she is, in the back of his kind he knows he also wants to be famous like her and finally stand out compared to all of his siblings. His arc is still somewhat a WIP, as he have to figure out how exactly he can show he’s able to defend himself.
Finally, he have a very edgy boy with the most tragic anime boy backstory ever, Shard. Shard’s father [and mother?] made a deal with/or where tricked by the King of Demons, who I’m calling Zuul at the moment cause I can’t think of an original name for him, that their first child, Shard, would become his vessel into he could actually enter the physical world. So, Shard, or rather Prince since that’s his birth name, grows up not really understanding his destiny but thinking it’s really cool, especially since Zuul hangs around him a lot in this state of appearing to be there but not actually being there, since he has nothing better to do. He also grew up with his best friend/boyfriend[?] Ra, and they were super close. However, one day, Shard discovers the home of this one guy on the edge of the nearby woods. This guy, who I need to name desperately, becomes sort of like Shard’s new dad, and teaches him that maybe his cult isn’t the good guys. The guy ends up giving Shard this necklace made from this shard of broken glass from when they first met and Shard accidentally broke something. Unfortunately, shortly after this visit, a group of cult members follows Shard to the guy’s home. The group is lead by Shard’s father, and a very reluctant and nervous Ra is also there, and he may or may not have told Shard’s dad about him meeting the guy. The guy tells Shard to get out of there, he does, and while the guy somehow holds off the cult long enough for Shard to get to safety, his home ends up burning down, and the guy dies. After a few days or wandering around in the cold with no food, Shard comes across a village, and is quickly adopted by a kind, older couple who were never able to have children of their own. This is also where Shard dumps his birth name, Prince, for Shard, in a sort of memory of the guy. He tries to go to regular school, but it just doesn’t work, so he homeschools and spends most of his time brooding and starring dramatically out at the sea from a balcony. Eventually, his new parents convince him to go to the fancy private school where our story starts.
I have so much more I could talk about, I barely touched on Zuul, didn’t even talk about Seraphim, and a bunch of other stuff, but this is already really long, so if anyone wants to ask more questions, feel free!
Also, one last thing, Nova is a Night dragon, Rose is an Earth dragon, Ocelot is a Plant dragon, and Shard is a Cold dragon. I also need to explain about the different types of dragons know that I’ve written that out...
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enderfins · 5 years
I LOVE CATS in Minecraft so when they used to come from ocelots i snatched those boys up. nowadays i just let the spotted friends be.
i always make a big field of crops and then, if im feeling fancy, i make an automatic farm such as a bread-maker (redstone)
in terms of main structure, i use water in my builds on rare occasions when im building on a shore, in a lake, or when im building a palace or grand tower of sorts. in terms of decor and secondary builds, i make fountains and small streams and turtle habitats and bubble elevators.
send in more! these are fun! :^)
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battlcdance · 6 years
Sends in that spicy Jhin/Rakan uwu
IF THEY HAD A KID … // *closed. ( @khada-in-prada ) 
TOMIO, the WILDCHILD, reared by Jhin, raised by Rakan.
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     TOMIO meaning ‘ treasure, ’ no surname for he refuses to tie himself to his birth father in any way. named by Rakan, a human name chosen with the lhotlan’s love put behind it, his wish for the child to know that he is loved. Tomio, however, has also asked Rakan to bless him with a vastayan name, of which he was nicknamed “ MATAHA, ” or sun.
     transgender, from female to MALE. ( he / him pronouns, although they / them can also be used for they prefer to remain androgynous )
     a face that is outlined by high, sharp cheekbones and thin, almost constantly down-turned round lips, a child characterized by the wrinkle between his brow and the glint in his red-brown eye, the child retains many of the features that his birth father has given him. this includes the dark-red eyes, tinged with brown from what he believes is his mother, and that mid-back length black hair that can seem almost a dark green in certain lights, tied up behind him with a silk golden ribbon made from the feathers of Rakan. his ears are almost-nearly completely human, the only signage of his magical heritage being the strange sharp curve near the end. his brows are defined and thick, with the left eyebrow having a deep-set scar from a mishap with lhotlan talons when he was but a swaddling. his cheeks are marked with white paint, done by the boy himself in an attempt to show his tie to the VASTAYA.
his build is of medium height, yet as lanky as his birth father. his hands are one’s of an ARTIST, lithe and slim with nimble fingers. his arms and legs, despite Tomio’s best efforts, are lean and retaining little muscle. his attire consists of plain white tunics, underneath the fabric his chest bound by firm bandages and the help of magicks from his lhotlan parent ( to which Rakan insisted, he wasn’t letting his son harm himself accidentally !! ). his bottoms almost always can be these loose brown slacks that allows him to move easily through the dense forests, and his hip carries a large leather belt with a golden buckle with a small ammunition bag and two holsters. the holsters contain two delicately engraved pistols, fashioned from natural silver and made tough through the touch of his lhotlan guardian. on body modification, the boy has piercings through each ear, each often looped with a shimmering ring of gold, along with inky tattoos of feathers along his shoulder blade.
     not to be outdone by any, his RESPONSIBILITY is not to be outclassed. a child that takes on burdens and responsibilities that were not assigned to him, he is a person of absolute duty. known at this point as the guardian child of the forests, he remains on guard at the edge of the Ionian woods, keeping watch not only over the trees and nature itself, but also on the humans who live at the edges of humanity, humans who give thanks to the wilderness. a title that he often assigns to himself is a VIGILANTE, although he is more akin to a mercenary being hired by nature itself to hunt down those who harm the wild way of life.
due to the gratitude he feels for Rakan and the forest for raising him, he holds a deep set hatred and need for vengeance against those that dare threaten these things. along that same line, Tomio holds a deep-set distaste for his own biological father, JHIN, and the set of laws ( or, perhaps, lack of them ) that the artist lives by ( not to mention that Jhin had basically dumped him upon his vastayan guardian after being unceremoniously taken from his mother ). Tomio also personally contains a value of the arts, finding the natural beauty of the wild around him the most inspiring muse of all. his constant sense of duty, however, does not limit his humorous side, and he can often be seen pulling off his own sense of jokes around his vastayan guardian ( one such event being when he had tricked Rakan into losing his own mirror, to which he made up for by returning said mirror and also adding another mirror as a gift ). he can, thus, be very gentle with those he cares about, but can hold the wrath of nature behind his eyes should you threaten his beliefs.
     an ace SHARPSHOOTER and dual pistol wielder, Tomio carries a keen sense of sight along with other heightened senses, such as hearing and smell. he is able to track even the toughest of targets, making him a much wanted mercenary among certain humans. however, Tomio reserves these abilities for his own duties and the responsibilities he believes are right. Tomio is not only an ace-sharpshooter, however, for he is also rather adept with the KNIFE, and can draw his blade from a hidden sheathe in the hem of his pants in a mere blink of the eye.
other than a highly skilled ability with his dual pistols, Tomio is also very adept with their hands. he has a natural talent in sculpting, often using the clay he finds after a light rain to create various pieces of pottery and statues. he also can do some rather elaborate things with the pistols themselves, such as different tricks and dances with the weapons ( yes, this means that he can do the Ocelot thing ).
     without a doubt, they are grateful ( and even, to a point, inspired ) by Rakan, the lhotlan who raised him without question from the disgrace he believes his birth father has become. thus, he enjoys Rakan more without a doubt, and show’s his gratitude through his support and respect of the wilderness and the magic of the Ionian forests.
     Tomio is like neither parent, being dutiful and responsible ( quite unlike Rakan ), along with being respectful and well-respected ( unlike Jhin ). looking at it from a more objective standpoint, however, the child can be seen to be more akin to Jhin, having a strange and fanciful taste in the arts ( as much as Tomio loathes to admit it ! ).
     Tomio’s gender was realized when they were around ten years of age, when they found their own inner-selves conflicted with their identity. troubled, they had spoken with Rakan who, through the usage of his empathetic abilities and a deep conversation with Tomio, was able to pinpoint their troubles. it took much experimentation and letting Tomio explore their identity, but in the end Tomio realized who they meant to be: a proud SON of the vastaya Rakan.
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skajador · 6 years
those rotten ocelhira boys and 48, you know you wanna (ocelot is not allowed to say fuck)
48: “Now, just hold on a diddly darn minute.” This is set during the late ‘70s, not long after my other Ocelhira fic, Apologies to Mrs. Dugnutt, which this is a spiritual sequel to… im ngl i wanna write this into a whole fic after the delight that writing this was.
Ocelot stepped out of the bathroom adjusting his turquoise bolo tie with the golden wildcat clasp. Was he fucking serious with this? That wasn’t even the beginning of it. Kaz looked him up and down. Ten-gallon hat. Patterned maroon silk shirt not nearly buttoned enough. Blindingly white boots with gold inlays and polished spurs to match. White leather gloves in place of his usual red. Oversized belt buckle with an elaborate engraving depicting crossed revolvers.
“Why.” was the only word that came to mind.
“Well, pardner,” Ocelot explained, “after yer little stunt with choosin’ our cover personas as Bobson Dugnutt and his rentboy husband… I figured you owe me one. I getta choose for this operation.”
“And you’ve chosen…?”
“The name’s Douglas D. Douglas. Newly-minted Texas oil man. Got all this money and just don’t know what to do with it,” he said, in a somehow even heavier drawl than usual.
“Douglas D. Douglas,” was all Kaz could say, incredulous.
“The man so nahss they named him twahss.” Ocelot was real proud of that one.
“What does the D stand for?”
“Y’know what they say… A true cowboy never reveals his secrets,” Ocelot said, smirking.
“Actually, I’m pretty sure no one has ever said that. About cowboys. It’s magicians.”
Ocelot drew his fancy engraved revolver and twirled it. “You implyin’ I ain’t got magic hands?”
Kaz grimaced. This is by far the worst Ocelot he’s ever seen and he’s seen Shalashaska.
“I’m almost afraid to ask what I’m gonna be doing.”
“Well,” Ocelot replied, but it sounded a lot more like ‘whale’. He gestured to Kaz. “This here’s my pardner. Kazzuh-heeruh.” Kaz hadn’t heard his first name butchered that badly since college.
“You can’t use my real fucking name!”
“My pardner… Benny. Darlin’, ain’t he?” Ocelot slid a sleazy arm around Kaz’s waist. “He was there by my side when we hit black gold and, well, he don’t know much about the oil business but he was too purdy not to cut a slice of the pecan pie, so to speak.”
Kaz spun out of his hold and brushed himself off. Gross. “Oh, so I’m the dumb blonde arm candy that they’ll underestimate until I swoop in and drive them a hard bargain they weren’t expecting?”
“You got it.” Ocelot held up that stupid finger gun gesture.
Kaz sighed. “Alright. Meeting’s in an hour, we should head out then, right?”
“Now, just hold on a diddly darn minute.”
“You ain’t seen yer outfit yet.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
Ocelot pulled the dry cleaner’s cover off a white vest with a disgusting amount of fringe and fucking tassels.
“Well. What are ya waitin’ for, Benny?”
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fancyshooting · 2 years
please i have got to know. what do you think ocelot wears to bed. does he have custom embroidered silk pjs or is he rocking the dickens nightgown/cap combo
young ocelot does not get to wear fancy pyjamas </3 it's rare for him to get a full night's sleep. he's far too busy to sleep properly so he has a lot of catnaps in full uniform. I like the idea of him deciding to sleep in random places while his unit protect him hehe... he probably has his own private quarters at groznyj grad on account of being a special boy but he has to stay up and send coded messages and reports and all that before he gets to go to sleep. he's young and fit so he can probably stay awake for a while without getting overly tired. while on missions, spetsnaz are apparently most active at night and sleep during the day in mud and snow and rain, so he's probably learned to be nocturnal anyway (or crepuscular like an ocelot!!!!!!!!!!). idk what spetsnaz soldiers sleep in but I bet it's not fancy pyjamas... sigh... an ocelot can only dream of such comfort. I think with spetsnaz he has to be constantly available too, so there's always a chance of sleep being interrupted unless he somehow escapes that by being who he is
mgsv ocelot is similar in that his work prevents him from a decent sleep. again, as a high-up he has his own quarters. again, he's working for too many people and organisations to take his eye off the ball. he's supervising venom, training recruits, making reports, collecting intel, doublethinking etc. he's still in the gru at this point too and presumably the kgb (he joined the gru in the 60s on behalf of the kgb so it's possible that he is still undercover in 1984 even though it's never mentioned). he's fully grey haired at 39 which may be a result of the pressure he is under playing all these different roles. according to the mgs1 official mission handbook this is also around the time where he develops ptsd (helicopter crash in afghanistan) so he probably wouldn't be sleeping well regardless. he's quietly stressed, lonely and very tired. maybe he can have a nap on the animal conservation platform with his beloved sheep and goats... but he does NOT get to wear fancy pyjamas. not yet
old ocelot is no longer required to be available 24/7 for the kgb or gru. with his work being second nature to him, it doesn't require all that much effort anymore. he knows what he's doing (lying, manipulating, misleading, scheming) and has spent years on operations much more complex than acting as a yes man for liquid and solidus. he's basically independent and can have as many old man naps as he so desires. it is FINALLY sleepy time for ocelot
he sooo wears fancy pyjamas but nobody has ever seen him in them. the elusive pyjama ocelot... I like giving him old fashioned manners and we know he's particular about his appearance so to me he would NOT be happy for anyone to see him in sleepwear. that's PRIVATE
he can't be trusted in a gown because he would have to carry a little candle to complete the look and might "accidentally" spill candle wax on people smh. he also wouldn't want to cover up his flowing luscious locks with a cap. by the time he gets to enjoy wearing fancy pyjamas though, his body has already become accustomed to surviving on little sleep. yet another instance of tragedy in his life </3
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tribblsrp · 6 years
Tumblr media
Name: Draco! (Marta)
Pronouns: She/her
Selectivity:  Not much, I guess? Unless a mun makes me uncomfortable or I’m super uninspired for a certain thread or interaction, I’m pretty open to roleplaying with everyone.
Favorite animal: When I was a kid it was the ocelot, but nowadays my answer is much less fancy. Dogs. Puppies. Good boys.
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: Fushimi Saruhiko. He’s a fairly complex character who has an interesting balance of insecurities caused by past traumas and terrible life choices that still can’t be completely justified by them.
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: The long list or the short one...? I’d love to add more KH muses once I’ll replay the games, namely Saïx, Xigbar, Roxas, Naminé and Xion. I guess what’s holding me back the most is mainly that I’m kinda missing years of headcanons since I’m fairly new to the fandom. There’s Ardyn, too... and I’m also rooting for Markus, Kara and Connor from DBH.
Most identifiable fictional character: Rokudo Mukuro. It’s been years since that, but back in my day he used to be my favorite muse to write and I would pick him up in as many rp forums as I could. I was even nicknamed after him and even my irl friends back then had a running gag with me and pineapples.
What color your aura is/think it is: No idea, but I’d go with light blue.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!):  All of the mentioned, actually. I’m a libra (leo rising), INFP and Ravenclaw.
Do you think you’re a good driver:  I don’t know, but my reflexes suck so I’ll just stick to public transport.
Favorite minor discourse (pinapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc):  Pineapple on pizza. I love, most of my friends hate it.
Favorite vine and/or meme: I’m a huge fan of alignment charts, text post memes and incorrect quotes, if that counts.
Why did you choose this muse: I’ll just answer this the other way around. I made this blog mainly for my video game muses, because writing fics about them is too much work.
Favorite rp memory: My girlfriend is not much of a roleplayer, but I had the chance to roleplay angsty 14-chapter ignoct with her months ago. It was my first time writing Ignis, and also I hadn’t yet played ep. Ignis (while she had). Some time later I played it when she was staying at my home and I was sUFFERING SO MUCH BECAUSE (spoiler) i was like focusing A LOT on Ignis’ hopes of having Noct back at least but he knew about Noctis’ fate all alongnhajgfdse
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: I DO HAVE A FAVORITE THING, and it’s this FFXV post-game fic. Not only I really enjoyed writing it, but also I made at least four people literally cry including myself. An achieved life goal, honestly.
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: “Different universe, but somehow the same people had a way to find each other”
Give a shout-out to someone: I always suck at these, but:
@inchvins: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV me alegra mucho que volvieras ;; cuando me hice el blog nuevo apenas seguí a gente del anterior, y la mayoría se había cambiado de urls y eso así que era todo un desastre y no sabía quién era ni dónde estaba nadie, pero no te veía por el dash y DDDD: y luego vi que el otro blog también estaba inactivo, así que fue hello darkness my old friend. pERO AHORA ESTÁS AQUÍ y tenemos que rolear mucho de nuevo 👀 aunque apenas tengo aún OCs nuevos porque casi no he tenido inspiración para esos, pero como pLOTEAR CONTIGO ES TAN FÁCIL Y BONITO seguro que en ná estamos en ello (?)
@lordofblacksand: One of the things that I like the most about tumblr rp community is the great variety of characters one can find here, especially since I’m a huge fan of crossovers myself, so when you first followed me I was losing my mind over seeing someone roleplay Mozenrath. It’s great to read you and write with you, really.
@hollowrage​: Can’t say I’ve roleplayed a lot within the KH fandom, so it’s not like I’ve seen many different Saïx muns but he’s a character I love and I really, really like your portrayal of him. I tend to feel like I get too carried away in our threads but tbh they’re playing a huge part on how fond I’m becoming of Axel.
@royalbestie​: yOUR PROMPTO IS THE CUTEST??? He’s a huge dork, I love your portrayal of him and I’m really looking forward to roleplaying more with you. Also, you seem like a really nice person, I simply enjoy seeing you in my dash.
@crowncoded​ Even though I write lots of muses myself, I kind of admire how you can pull off different muses and do a great job portraying all of them and capturing their essence, it’s just nice to read you. Also you and your fiance are really cute.
Tagging: Everyone up there except for Allen bc they were the one to tag me.
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guineapigsinwinter · 3 years
The second date. Part of chapter 11 of Cat among the Canines.
Tao felt himself chuff as Legoshi opened the door to the noodle bar for him, his wolf somehow managing to look sharp but also bashful at the same time. He wasn’t sure he could remember Legoshi actually wearing the suit jacket that was technically part of the school’s uniform, and whilst it was slightly too small for the wolf he looked good.
“Thanks” he said as he went in, feeling himself smile even more as he noticed how the wolf’s tail was wagging like mad out of the corner of his eye.
“Hmm, no problem, maybe I wanted to be the gentlemen this time around Tao?” The wolf said playfully as they sat down in a small u shaped booth. It was a dingey but cosey little noodle bar across the road from one of the school’s side gates, the trade from staff and students, locals and even the nearby university meaning it could afford to stay open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Maybe not as fancy as the first date, but Tao liked the relaxed atmosphere.
“Should I have worn a skirt then Goshi? Must admit I am not sure how well yours would go with my fur.” Tao joked as he picked up a menu, looking through it. “Anything you would recommend?”
Smiling, Legoshi looked thoughtful for a few moments before replying. “Anything in the house source is good, as is the teriyaki, I would avoid the soups, they are quite watery on Fridays.”
Tao had heard others say Legoshi looked creepy or weird when he was thinking, but Tao thought they were wrong. There was just something about seeing his eyes focussed like they did in these moments that Tao found enchanting. Not that he would admit to using such language in his thoughts about Goshi, as he knew the guys would tease him mercifully, and start asking if he was going to start writing bodice rippers next.
“I’ll go for the house Chow Mein and the dumplings then, I’m famished after that meeting.” Tau said, putting down the menu. He thought about something he had noticed from the meals the 702 boys had taken with the 701 ones, and then had confirmed by Jack. “You know you don’t have to hold back on my account, have as much as you want Goshi.”
Rex Legoshi was cute he blushed.
“What do you mean Tao? I mean we are paying for our own so why would you affect how much I eat?” The wolf said, his left ear flicking in what Tao was pretty sure was a tell.
“I noticed you seem to sometimes sneak more food at meals when people aren’t looking, I may have asked Jack about it just to confirm.” Okay, now Tao was feeling embarrassed, did Legoshi think he was a creep or had been stalking him? Was he going to run screaming from here and want to-.
Tao was knocked out of his anxious thoughts by Legoshi scooting around the booth to sit next to Tao and put an arm over his shoulder.
“You okay kitty?” The wolf asked, eyes going wide when he realised what he had called Tao.
“Er, yeah.. You don’t think I’m a creep for noticing that?” Tao was pretty sure he was going to die from embarrassment.
Head tilting in confusion, ears twitching in thought, Legoshi replied. “No why would I? Should I? I mean it can sometimes get boring in meals so of course you’d notice things. And well, Jack knows almost everything there is to know about me.”
Chuckling as his nerves settled, Tao found himself leaning into Legoshi slightly. “That’s a relief, I was worried you’d think I was a stalker or something and be scared off. Also, Kitty?” He may have found the nickname endearing, but he felt he still had to question it.
Legoshi let out a small, quiet laugh. “Tao, I don’t think you could be scary you know? And I guess it fits? Your my kitty.” The grin as Legoshi said it only deepened Tao’s blush. He was slightly disappointed when a bored looking Ocelot waiter who looked about late teens approached them, causing Tao and Legoshi to shuffle appart slightly.
“I’ll have the house fried vegetable special with two sides of egg fried rice please.” Legoshi ordered for himself.
“I’ll have the house Chow mein and a side of dumplings, and pot of the house white tea please?” Tao ordered as an idea came into his head. Cautiously, he slowly let his tail drift over Legoshi’s as the server left. The sensation when the wolf’s tail seemed to beat madly in response was interesting, and the blush that creapt across Legoshi’s face as he gave Tao a bashful look.
“D, do you like it?” Tao asked, slightly worried it was maybe a bit too fast, or that the wolf wouldn’t like it.
“It’s lovely, honestly after this week this is so relaxing and nice, thanks” Legsoshi said, and then gave a quick kiss to the back of Tao’s ear.
Tao was pretty sure he could die happy, though if he had to get up anytime soon it would be from embarrassment.  -----
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amandawebkinz · 7 years
Written List Of My Pets
Updated 7/12/19
Sapphire Pegasus - Athena - Girl
Sapphire Pegasus - Annabelle - Girl
Sapphire Pegasus - Ares - Boy
Sapphire Pegasus - Cassiopeia - Girl
Sapphire Pegasus - Estella - Girl
Sapphire Pegasus - Sappho - Boy
Holstein Cow - Daffodil - Girl
Pitbull Puppy - Lucy - Girl
Harmony Puppy - Treble - Girl
Pink Punch Cheeky Dog - Amaranth - Girl
Midnight Owl - Apollo - Boy
Arctic Fox -  Avalanche - Girl
Signature Arctic Hair - Blizzard - Girl
Peace Out Puppy - Clarity - Girl
Calico Cat - Dawn - Girl
French Bulldog - Finn - Boy
Fresco Hamster - Fresco - Girl
Moose - Ghirardelli - Boy
Night Mare - Guy Fieri - Boy
Sweetheart Pup - Jujube - Girl
Peppermint Puppy - Juniper - Girl
Budgie - Kiwi - Girl
Tiger Lily Kitten - Lizzie - Girl
Purple Persian Kitten - Majesty - Girl
Stormy Dragon - Nimbus - Boy
Texting Puppy - Nokia - Girl
White Lion - Orion - Boy
Pebble Giraffe - Peaches - Girl
White Tiger - Raya - Girl
Sterling Cheeky Cat - Shadow - Girl
Lil Kinz Tiger - Tony - Boy
Spooky Pup - Trixie - Girl
Dwarf Antelope - Annie - Girl
Blufadoodle - Blueberry - Girl
Signature Endangered Cougar - Canyon - Boy
Signature Endangered Cougar - Lyla - Girl
Sabertooth Tiger - Katana - Girl
Gold And White Cat - Maragold - Girl
Tie Dyed Pony - Alani - Girl
Domino Cat - Dottie - Girl
Ice Penguin - Neptune - Boy
Ginger Bunny - Nutmeg - Girl
Signature Miniature Dachshund - Oscar - Boy
Vampire Kitten - Morticia - Girl
Opossum - Ophelia - Girl
Bat - Oscar - Boy
Citrus Dragon - Sprite - Girl
Alpine St. Bernard - Thor - Boy
Petal Print Skunk - Destiny - Girl
Rockerz Leopard - Axl - Boy
Winged Tiger - Boeing - Boy
Pretty Kitty - Zima - Girl
Candy Leopard - Lolli - girl
Kiwi Bird - Mochi - Girl
Rose Lion - Blossom - Girl
Fox Kit - Rowan - Girl
Lil Pink Spring Kitten - Camilla - Girl
Fancy Flamingo - Kiki (aka Legs)  - Girl
Undercover Cat - Mulberry - Girl
Cardinal - Rhubarb - Girl
Ribbon Lion - Roary - Boy
Polka Dot And Striped Bobcat - Zoe - Girl
Jolly Holiday Puppy - Peppermint - Girl
Jolly Holiday Puppy - Rosie - Girl
Jolly Holiday Puppy - Cranberry - Boy
Jolly Holiday Puppy - Candycane - Girl
Scribbles Pup - Crayola - Girl
Pink Googles - Strawberry - Girl
Lynx - Alpine - Girl
Weimaraner - Buzz - Boy
Canary - Mango - Girl
Blossom Sea Turtle - Sunshine - Girl
Magical Retriever - Polaris - Girl
Mystical Panda - Pandora - Girl
Peace Puppy - Harmony - Girl
Cockapoo - Oatmeal - Girl
Splash Dragon - Marina - Girl
Husky Pup - Lexis - Girl
Cuddle Cat - Maisy - Girl
Signature Harp Seal - Approval - Boy
Signature Harp Seal - Arlo - Boy
Candy Pup - Joy - Girl
Snowflake Pup - Winter - Girl
Grey and White Cat - Eclipse
Signature Tuxedo Cat - Salem - Girl
White Mouse - Cheddar - Girl
Rainbow Rascal - Alani - Girl
Lil Purple Spring Kitten - Azalea - Girl
Clover Puppy - Meadow - Girl
Sunflower Lion - Dani - Girl
Lil Blue Spring Kitten - Tulip - Girl
Grape Soda Pup - Gloria - Girl
Lil Kinz Gold And White Cat - Poppy - Girl
Signature Portugese Water Dog - Toby - Boy
Patchwork Leopard - Purl - Girl
Rockerz Dog - Snoop - Boy
Panther - Cinder - Girl
Plum Porcupine - Fuchsia - Girl
White Swan - Serenity - Girl
Black Panther - Bagheera - Boy
Schnauzer - Chewbacca - Boy
10 Year Magic W Pup - Deka - Girl
Global Panda - Fern - Girl
Black Lab - Jasper - Boy
Cheeky Bunny - June - Girl
Enchanted Elephant - Paisley - Girl
Caterpillar - Squirmy - Boy
Holiday Kitten - Mocha - Girl
Grumpy Cat - Humbug - Girl
Cocker Spaniel - Terra - Girl
Narwhal - Spike - Boy
Cotton Candy Puppy - Janie - Girl
Robin - Tweety - Girl
Robin - Tiki - Girl
Signature Bengal Cat - Ava - Girl
Colorblock Kitty - Azura - Girl
Turtle - Bowser - Boy
Mowhawk Puppy - Indigo - Girl
Lil Kinz Black Bear - Kodak - Boy
Lioness - Nala - Girl
Lioness - Savannah - Girl  
Signature Grey Tabby - Kendra - Girl
Merry Go Round Pony - Fantasia - Girl
Signature Border Terrier - Ash - Girl
Wintermint Husky - Nova - Girl
Pink Pony - Carnation - Girl
Chipmunk - Cashew - Girl
Music N Dance Pup - Cora - Girl
Butterscotch Bunny - Latte - Girl
Reindeer - Brownie - Girl
Old English Sheepdog - Ivory - Girl
Zig Zag Zebra - Jazz - Girl
Snow Soft Kitty - Icelynn - Girl
Donkey Pinata - Mosaic - Boy
Donkey Pinata - Prisma - Girl
Pegasus - Melody - Girl
Fox - Ruby - Girl
Peppermint Panda - Candy - Girl
Fairykinz Tiger Cub - Willow - Girl
Emperor Dragon - Drekar - Boy
Shark - Steve - Boy
Baby Penguin - January - Girl
Toco Toucan - Kimba - Girl
Aloha Dolphin - Lola - Girl
Lovely Love Kitten - Maia - Girl
Oatmeal Pup - Mazie - Girl
Lovely Leopard - Melody - Girl
Penguin - Pingu - Boy
Signature Snow Leopard - Cypress - Boy
Signature Snow Leopard - Sierra - Girl
American German Shepherd - Dexter - Boy
Minty Moose - Monty - Boy
Ring Tailed Lemur - Zabu
Morkie Puppy - Pepper - Girl
Blonde Labrador - Meredith - Girl
Flutter Cow - Molly - Girl
Bubblegum Cheeky Cat - Pixi - Girl
Black Cocker Spaniel - Athena - Girl
Key Lime Dino - Yoshi - Boy
Black and White Cheeky Dog - Cookie - Girl
Pink Iced Penguin - Dahlia - Girl
Kangaroo - Sydney - Girl
Signature Lion - Kovu - Boy
Signature Ocelot - Izzy - Girl
Snowy Retriever Puppy - Misty - Girl
Signature Ragdoll Cat - Annalise - Girl
Signature Siamese Cat - Wonton - Boy
Love Lion - Valentino - boy
Husky - Alaska - Girl
Husky - Lightning - Girl
Gingerbread Puppy - Anisette - Girl
Polar Gummy - Harabo - Boy
Cheeky Monkey - Joey - Boy
Cotton Candy Bunny - June - Girl
Gobbler Turkey - Kaleidoscope - Boy
Spotted Spaniel - Lady - Girl
Floral Fox - Lavender - Girl
Black Friesian - Licorice - Girl
Black Friesian - Blackberry - Girl  
Hopping Bunny - Boingo - Boy
Pink Poodle - Charlotte - Girl
Ginger Cat - Cinnamon - Girl
Yorkie - Diamond - Girl
Frog - Everest - Boy
Frog - Ribbit - Boy
Brown Arabian - Ginger - Girl
Leopard Cub - Honey - Girl
Oriole - Iris - Girl
Panda - Jade - Girl
Panda - Mandy - Girl
Panda - Calypso - Girl
Himalayan Cat - Jasmine - Girl
Himalayan Cat - Sassafras - Girl
Icy Mist Leopard - Alice - Girl
Samoyed - Angel - Girl
Tigerlily Pup - Aurora - Girl
Duck - Billy - Boy
Duck - Daisy - Girl
Signature Sea Turtle - Blastoise - Boy
Blue Jay - Bluebell - Girl
Panda Cub - Luna - Girl
Blue Avenue Kitten - Marie - Girl
Strawberry Cloud Leopard - Mimi - Girl
Sweet Spice Cat - Paprika - Girl
Snow Lynx - Phoenix - Girl
Spotted Frog - Prince - Boy
Spotted Frog - Spearmint - Boy
Spotted Frog - Keylime - Boy
Portugese Water Dog - Riley - Girl
Raccoon - Roxie - Girl
Seal - Snowflake - Girl
Polar Bear - Tundra - Girl
Purple Floral Fox - Violet - Girl
White Terrier - Piper - Girl
Blue Bay Dolphin - Aquamarine - Girl
Pink Glitter Fish - Ari - Girl
Golden Lion Tamarin - Banana - Boy
Lionfish - Quill - Boy
Black Poodle - Persephone - Girl
Tinkercat - Atlas - Boy
Chow Chow- Baloo - Boy
Rabbit - Marshmallo - Girl
Petunia Hamster - Mauve - Girl
Lion Cub - Sarabi - Girl
Lion - Simba - Boy
Tiger - Hobbes - Boy
Koala - Kaya - Girl
Chicken - Pearl - Girl
Gray Arabian - Sylvia - Girl
Cuddly Teddy Bear - Brent - Boy
Choco Cheeky Dog - Macaroon - Girl
Lil Kinz Black And White Cat - Cricket - Girl
Silversoft Cat - Lacey - Girl
Spotted Leopard - Autumn - Girl
Signature Marble Cat - Rosemary - Girl
Skunk - Flower - Girl
Golden Retriever - Amber - Girl
Blue Whale - Bubbles - Girl
French Hen - Opal - GIrl
Signature Endangered Red Panda - Retsuko - Girl
Love Kitten - Rose - Girl
Chameleon - Squishy - Boy
Fairykinz Panda Cub - Lilac - Girl
Ballet Pup - Diva - Girl
Rooster - Clyde - Boy
Clover Cat - Callie - Girl
Holidoodle - Crystal - Girl
Holidoodle - Hollie - Girl  
Persian Cat - Princess - Girl
Snowman - Frosty Puff - Boy
Bumblebee - Beebee - Girl
Love Frog - Buddy Luv - Boy
Poodle - Cleo - Girl
Bottlenose Dolphin - Dolphinium
Rockerz Bulldog - Mike Dirnt - Boy
Hippo - River - Girl
Tree Frog - Sticky Mitts - Boy
Decade Dragon - Wonder - girl
Siamese Cat - Cocoa - Girl
Leopard - Ivy - Girl
Plumfadoodle - Amethyst - Girl
Rockerz Cat - Billie Jo - Girl
Orange Soda Pup - Creamsicle - Boy
Hummingbird - Hibiscus - Girl
Pink And White Cat - Jewel - Girl
Charcoal Cat - Lightning - Boy
Charcoal Cat - Squeakers - Girl
Black Cat - Midnight - Girl
10 Year Magic W Cat - Mystique - Girl
Pelican - Nigel - Boy
Lil Kinz Alley Cat - Sapphire - Girl
Googles - Skittles - Boy
Bengal Tiger - Tigerlilly - Girl
Rockerz Lion - Tre Cool - Girl
Summer Beaver - Birch - Girl
Curly Lion - Blaze - Boy
Chickadee - Chai - Girl
Cloud Lion - Cirrus - Boy
Candy Googles - Cotton Candy - Girl
Musical Dalmatian - Crescendo
Dandy Lion - Dandy - Boy
Black And White Cat - Domino - Girl
Signature White Persian Cat - Duchess - Girl
Velvety Elephant - Eloise - Girl
Bull Frog - Jeremiah - Boy
Sparkle Harp Seal - Jordin - Girl
Caramel Lion - Kion - Boy
Caramel Lion - Loki - Boy
Lil Kinz Lion - Leo - Boy
Porcupine - Mr Needles - Boy
Cheshire Cat - Paradox - Girl
Green Earth Puppy - Sage - Girl
Ragdoll Cat - Sasha - Girl
Signature White Bengal Tiger - Siberia - Girl
Blue Persian Kitten - Skye - Girl
Cupcake Pup - Sugar - Girl
Signature Orange Tabby - Sunflower
Raccutie - Wisteria - Girl
Rockerz Zebra - Ziggy - Girl
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the-witch-of-geek · 7 years
what do you mean this isn’t what happened
[Demencia:] It was the distant future, like, a week or five All I wanted to do was chill out and retire But genetically enhanced renegades oh so renowned Stole a fancy glove and had shit on lockdown
[Host:] Okay we're past our time limit, kay?
[Demencia:] Lord Black Hat said I had to infiltrate Before they start a REAL conflict What a bunch of jerks!
[Host:] You're a bag of dicks
[Demencia:] I climbed through an air vent and “saved" two guys They shared top secrets and suddenly died Of two heart attacks right out of thin air Both within five minutes!
[Host:] Oh my God, I don't care!
[Demencia:] Then I met a rando, hot box of rocks And I fought some fucker named Ocelot But a rogue agent cut his hand away You know, normal shit that happens every day
[Host:] Listen, kay?  There must have been a mistake On this show you've got to get right to the point of your fame ... You know we've been through this before with your boy Flug Slys And he talked too long I contemplated ending my life So let's keep things nice and simple like the deadbeat over there From the GF-F dimension!
[“deadbeat”:] I'm literally just a purple square!
[Demencia:] Who cares? I tried really hard to find the glove - high tech! And this goon came back in the mix like Chex A real asshole, and I fought fifty agents It was a big ol’ fight and they were brazen. So I killed those guys but before he died He said no one liked me, I almost cried So he’s a friggin’ liar that I disembowled.
[Host:] It would be so great if you died right now
[Demencia:] I killed a sniper chick who was absurdly hot And then murdered three guys and their pet robot 'Til this other girl and I were left alone She said that I was her sister, the superior drone Then she died from a bomb and thinking fast I scampered!
[Host:] I don't give a frog's fat ass
[Demencia:] Then I returned back until they acted like a twit And now you know the crazy stuff - that’s all me, bitch!
[Host:] Dear God Why can't I just have a single panel of guests Who can tell their tale in forty fuckin' minutes or less Now just watch me, chica, ‘fore you make me reach for a gun I'll summarize your song and show you how this shit is really motherfuckin' done! How it's motherfuckin' done! "You sneak around and blow up shit. The End."
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violet-galaxies · 5 years
7, 13, 15, and 24 for the ask game!
The word uhhh, let’s say ‘Nova’, appear ~21 times. I kinda lost count but I’m too lazy to go back and recount.
Nova and Rose are smart, but hella impulsive, so into Gryffindor they go! Ocelot is most definitely a Hufflepuff, and Shard got yeeted into Slytherin for being such an edgy boy, and now is stuck there with Zuul.
Uhhh, haha, funny story, clothing isn’t really... like, a required thing in dragon society. Like, sure, accessories are perfectly normal, but full outfits are usually saved for thing like fancy parties and stuff, and even then, kinda depends on the party.
I want to say Nova, but I also want to say Ocelot, soooo, I’m saying Ocelot cause I could never be as cool as Nova, or Ocelot for that matter, but I’m still more like Ocelot. For least like, let’s say Zuul, cause I’m not a charming, evil, and kinda insane demon king.
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