sixrosberg · 2 days
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sauber kimi !!
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wachinyeya · 1 year
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fruityheffalump · 2 years
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humanoidhistory · 4 months
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Refinery in Aigle, Switzerland, 1963.
(ETH Library)
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architectureofdoom · 9 months
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Brent Oil Field rig
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feckcops · 1 year
The public wants to save the planet – as long as it doesn’t personally inconvenience them
“Back in July, Just Stop Oil (JSO) experienced something unusual – they found they were the ones being protested. An alternative group called Just Stop Pissing People Off attempted to block Just Stop Oil from engaging in disruptive protests and interrupted their events, saying that the climate crisis is real but that JSO is distracting and alienating people. The counter-protests tell us a great deal about Britain’s contradictory attitude to the climate crisis.
“Broadly, Brits understand that the climate crisis climate change is a major problem. 65% of us are worried about the climate crisis (versus just 28% who aren’t) while the same proportion supports the government’s aim of reducing Britain’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050 ... Eight in 10 back more tree planting, subsidies for energy-efficient homes and higher taxes for high-carbon companies. 62% would support a requirement for all energy production to come from renewable sources. But this enthusiasm has its limits.
“When asked if they would back policies that would impose limits on what they personally can do, Brits quickly turn against them. For instance, two-thirds oppose the idea of a limit on how much meat they can buy, and a majority oppose banning petrol and diesel cars ... Even though 62% of voters back the idea of requiring all energy to be renewable, just 39% want to ban new North Sea oil fields, and a mere 32% want to prohibit the sale of gas boilers ...
“The British public is not as supportive of action on the climate crisis as many environmentalists would hope. We favour general, uncontentious ideas – net zero, tree-planting, tax rises on high-carbon companies – but when asked for our opinion on a climate policy that would directly affect us personally, we baulk. This is partly due to worries about the cost of living, but it’s also about avoiding personal inconvenience.
“Just Stop Pissing Everyone Off perfectly encapsulates the British attitude to the climate crisis: sure, it’s a problem, but not ours. As Homer Simpson once asked: ‘Can’t someone else do it?’”
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A lawsuit has been filed by 15 Saskatchewan residents, ages 15 to 80,  arguing that a plan by the provincial government and SaskPower to expand gas-fired electricity generation violates Charter rights to life, security of person and equality. The applicants are arguing that the government and SaskPower plan to allow a certain level of emissions, said Martin Olszynski, an associate professor of law at the University of Calgary, and “that those emissions themselves, and authorizing those emissions,  is what’s going to interfere with the applicants Charter rights.” The Saskatchewan Environmental Society says the lawsuit is the first of its kind in Saskatchewan, although similar lawsuits have been filed in other provinces and at the federal level.
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piizunn · 10 months
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petrolia - oak savanna (2023)
oil pastel
it was such an honour to make this piece for my friend tys’ upcoming documentary titled petrolia!! as i worked i thought a lot about the presence of oil in my life, about the industry of extraction and export but also it’s precolonial uses. the pastels i used are likely petrolium based, as are many things we don’t think about we just consume.
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wachinyeya · 7 months
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agentfascinateur · 7 months
The pillaging in the war on Gaza:
Israel as an occupier has no right to award licences in areas that it does not hold sovereignty over under any circumstances.
Palestine is a party to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and has declared its maritime boundaries in accordance with these principles.
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humanoidhistory · 5 months
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Bishop, Texas, undated. Photo by Arthur d'Arazien.
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grainelevator · 4 months
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Phillips 66 Oil Refinery - Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, USA
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architectureofdoom · 2 years
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Grissom Island, off the coast of Long Beach, California.
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reasonandempathy · 7 months
Biden's Dock isn't about Gazan Oil
No. It isn't. People saying that it is are either misinformed or actively lying. Or stupid. Or all three.
You don't even need to trust Biden to realize this is a stupid fucking take, and believing this sort of dumbassery will actively lead you and other people down the conspiracy theory pipeline that will make you buddy-buddy with nazis, alex jones, and other idiot reactionaries who seek to make the world worse because it feels good to "know the truth".
Even if you don't trust Biden, which you shouldn't and that's fine. It is fair reasonable to say that the genocide is partially motivated by Israel's lust for Gazan offshore oil. Saying a temporary dock is secretly going to be used to...what, exactly? What is the dock actually going to do?
It's not going to be able to refine crude. It can take upwards of 2 years to make a modular oil refinery, and they weigh an ungodly amount that would shatter any dock. Which is why they're built on land. There is a way refineries get oil from ships to the refinery via docks, but...oil refineries are built on shores, not the actual dock.
Refining crude will be the first thing you'll want/need to do with oil, too.
There's no existing infrastructure to actually get the gas in sufficient quantities in short enough time where it makes any sense to do it with a portable dock. They aren't drilling; there are some leases given out but they haven't even started preparing to build any offshore rigs there. Offshore rigs can take upwards of five years to build. Even logistically, there's no way in hell it makes sense to build a fake-dock five years in advance, and there's also no reason to think this will go on for 5 years either.
Explicitly making the promise and then using it to Not Do That will do nothing but actively harm him politically, electorally, and globally.
They're not even saying "this won't help and it's all for show." You're going a step beyond to say that it's SECRETLY about this other thing. This other thing that is physically impossible, makes zero damn sense logistically, and is the better part of a decade too early.
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