#OK LIKE the bracelets were gifted to me by my mother like a year ago
suffarustuffaru · 11 months
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can you. can you tell im an emilia fan. can you t
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anxiousauthor89 · 2 years
The service for Harmony was packed out, filled with classmates and teachers from years before. White, pink and gold decor hung from the windows and swayed beside the pews.Handshakes, and condolences were given as loved ones passed the front row. However, Myricle had a bad case of the jitters and she was ready to get away just like she had planned. She tried her best to sit up straight and stay focused on the preachers words of encouagement. Her eyes danced across the bottom of his red silky robe as he paced the platform ahead, reminding her of the red blood shed she had caused just hours before. The rage was alive and burning high. She could’nt contain it. She studied herself. She knew herself. But what was this demon that had now become her identity? Is this who she was destined to be all along? The questions and replays shot through her mind like heavy rain and hail. The mental hurricane was inturrupted by loud hand clapping and sounds of rejoicing. “Aint that right? Amen?!” the preacher looked at Myricle with a big smile and wide eyes, shaking his head in hopes she would agree. “Hurry this shit up nigga.” Myricle gritted thru her teeth. Unable to deny the signal he was given the preacher procedeed to wrap up the sermon. Giving the twins the exit sign, Myricle and her brothers left. 
“Aye sis, you not gonna stay for the whole service?” Joseph asked. “Hey, you ok??” he stopped her in her tracks. She looked at him and attempted to get in the car. “Whoa, naw sis whats up witchu mane?” Jeremiah said looking concerned. “Im good mane...” she bowed her head as tears fell from her eyes. “I just cant watch another box with my baby in it be lowered into the ground.....not again....... gotta leave before we get to that part....they just....” Myricle rubbed her hands together and patted her head in a nervous tick. “Why they gotta pile so much dirt over them?!....my baby cant get outta there.....Shit makes me fuckin sick.” Myricle replied rubbing her stomach. “Lets just go. Im done here. Lets go see your mama before we dip though.....I just wanna meet her now that I know she was with my ma....Trinity..I mean. She was with Trinity so I just wanna thank her....your mama might be the only true love she had in this world.” Not having the right words for such pain, the twins nodded and hopped in ready to ride. They were less than two miles away so it only took a second to get there. As soon as the gray Camero hit the corner, each of them could sense something was wrong. As if on cue all three of them sat up extremely straight, and gripped their guns. “You talked to mama?” Jeremiah asked his brother. “Nah....you?” Jospeh quietly answered. Shaking his head no, Jeremiah jumped out of the car screaming. “AYE YO MAMAAA!” He waited for her to open the door smiling as usual but the door never opened. Looking back to his brother in a silent cry for help through his eyes, Jeremiah knew this was really bad. Feeling the equal amount of suspense, Myricle and Joseph got out of the car. Myricle took the back yard, and each twin took a side of the house. On the left side, a window was broken and Joseph could see inside. “Its blood! Mama where the fuck you at? Jeremiah come here its fuckin blood nigga! Mamaa!! Mamaa you in here?” Joseph jumped thru what was left of the window and frantically searched the house for his mother. Smears of blood painted the walls and most of the kicthen floor. On the couch was a pack of cigarettes, her head scarf, and a bracelet that was a gift from them to her many years ago. She never took it off. “No no no no fuckin got dayum no!!” Joseph hit his own head with the gun at the thought of someone hurting his mother. “Lets go. Shes not here and we cant stay or we might be next....dont worry.... we gonna find who did this.” Myricle held the front door open as the twins slowly walked out. “Once we land at our destination, we can plan to come back and deal with this..but safely....I want yall to be ok.” Undestanding that safety comes first they shook their heads, agreed to plan while they travel, and prepared for the road trip. 
The road trip was actually going well. They had managed to play a few games, tell some childhood stories, and have some great laughs. It was during this ride that they realized that not only are they family, they are best friends. The snacks were running low and they only had one pack of blunts left so it was time for a pit stop. “Aye yall get some gas too, might as well fill up again. I’ll pump it just wave me down when I can start.” Myricle got out and leaned on the car waiting to select her grade of gas. Just as she started to daydream about her new life she would try to create, her phone began to ring. She ignored it, only for the caller to call right back again. Smacking her teeth, she leaned in the window and grabbed her phone off the seat. It was a private number so she ended the call. She pumped the gas, and everyone was ready to go, until her phone rang again. The same private caller. “Who that is sis?” Jeremiah asked seeing the aggravation on Myricles face. “I dont know they keep calling...Im just gonna answer.” She put the phone on speaker. “Hello?” she leaned toward the front seats so her brothers could hear as well. “Yes ma’am this is Edward Riney with the cemetery staff...Umm... theres been a bit of an issue....a very big issue ma’am....” the man said as his voice shook. “I’ve never seen anything like this in all my years of grave keeping.” “Ok whats wrong? Yall better not had broken Harmony’s tombstone!” Myricle panicked. “No ma’am the tombstone is fine...in fact we didnt even get a chance to place it in the ground.” Edward replied. “So whats the issue sir?” Myricle asked growing frustrated. “Its the grave of your youngest daughter, Joy...” he cleared his throat. “Oooh chile, ok if that tombstone is messed up its fine I can replace it I wanted her with a better one anyway....but still if you could, find out who ruined it..they gon have to see me.” Myricle sighed and sat back in relief. “Thats the issue ma’am....its not just the tombstone thats shattered....her entire casket was dug up.” Edward took a deep breath as he could hardly form the words. The car came to an abrupt stop in the grassy median, as the twins couldnt believe what they had just heard. The car was filled with ear piercing silence. Myricle slowly sat up again, hearing the pounding of her own heart, eyes big and glossy, full of Hell. “Her casket......was....dug up?” She paused between words trying to process the news. “Hoooowww the fuck? Put her back down there like what the fuck?! Please!!!” Myricle screamed fighting tears.”You cant just leave her on top of the ground!” she began to punch the headrest of the seat infront of her. Sniffling sounds came through the speaker. “I’m so sorry....I....We cant do that ma’am...the casket...its been opened....and there isnt.....” the old man began to sob as he fought to speak. “Ma’am I...I dont know where your daughter is....the casket is open and her body.....her body is gone.....” 
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btsqualityy · 3 years
I Choose You
Taehyung x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, crushes-to-lovers, kind of a soulmate!AU (it’s based on their scents), fluff, and smut
Warnings: Oral sex (Male and female receiving), unprotected sex, dirty talk, soft Dom!Taehyung, impregnation kink, and creampie 
Author’s Note: This fic is based on a prompt from the Spring Fest “Spring Will Come Again” hosted by @bangtanarmynet! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Prompt: Every Spring Fest, the unmated Alphas had to choose a mate but when Taehyung felt a pull, he didn’t expect it to lead to you.
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“Come on!” Taehyung whined loudly. “Just tell me!”
“You know that I cannot tell you who is participating in the Mating Ceremony Tae,” Jimin giggled. “It’s against pack rules.”
“Alright, well just give me a clue,” Taehyung tried to bargain. The two of them were sat outside in the territory that belonged to their pack, deciding to enjoy their lunch in the newly nice weather.
“You know, to be an Alpha, you have no sense of patience,” Jimin laughed.
“And for you to be an Omega, you have no sense of loyalty to your best friend,” Taehyung pouted.
“Oh God, he’s pulling out the pouts,” Jimin groaned playfully. “If you’re so impatient about not being able to know who’s participating in the Ceremony beforehand, then why are you even doing it?”
The Mating Ceremony was an age old tradition in Taehyung’s pack that occurred every year, right at the start of the Spring Festival. For people who still believed in soulmates, the Mating Ceremony was an unbiased opportunity for those people to find the one that their soul desired. The Omegas and Betas would gather together, with their faces hidden, and it was up to an Alpha to use only their sense of smell to find the scent that they liked the most. 
Of course, a lot of people felt that scents weren’t the only important thing when it came to building the foundation of a relationship as time has passed but it was still an honored and revered tradition nonetheless. 
“Besides the fact that literally everyone that I know has found their mate during the Ceremony?” Taehyung huffed. “The fact that I’m almost 26 years old and haven’t found my mate yet.”
“Oh please, you say that as if you’re old and if you’re old, then I’m old,” Jimin said as he rolled his eyes. “And I’m definitely not old.”
“Well, you say that because you’re not alone,” Taehyung pointed out. “My parents found each other 27 years ago, Yoongi hyung found you three years ago, Joon hyung found Aareum the year before that, and hell, even Jin hyung found Jungkookie last year. Too long, didn’t read, I’m gonna die alone if I don’t do it.”
“I feel so bad for your future mate because you are so fucking dramatic,” Jimin laughed as he reached over and stole a French fry off of Taehyung’s plate.
“You’d have time to warn them if you’d just tell me who’s joining this year,” Taehyung tried to persuade him. “Come on, what’s the point in having the Head Omega as your best friend if he doesn’t supply you with useful information?”
“Oh, and here I was thinking that I was your bestfriend because I’m your platonic soulmate,” Jimin scoffed. “Look Tae, the entire point of the Mating Ceremony is to let your heart and your nose do the deciding for you. If I tell you who’s participating and who’s not, it’ll cloud your judgement and then the whole thing will be moot.”
“Ugh, fine Mr. “I wanna be ethical”,” Taehyung sighed as he stood up from the table. “I gotta go and finish up my gift for the Ceremony so I’ll see you later.”
“See you later, Pouty Pants,” Jimin giggled as he waved his hand and Taehyung began to walk around the territory. He wasn’t lying when he said that he needed to go finish working on his courting gift, but he figured that it wouldn’t hurt to take a walk around the pack’s territory before he did.
Taehyung’s pack was pretty tight knit, though it was considered to be considerably larger than the other surrounding packs. Even though Taehyung’s family weren’t the ones who founded the pack, his great-great-grandfather was one of the first members to join the pack so Taehyung‘s family line literally had stakes in the very beginning of the pack. 
Growing up, Taehyung had been pretty well known around the pack but after he presented as an Alpha, it was as if he were a celebrity. Every unmated Alpha, Beta, and Omega seemed to be after him and admittedly, he had enjoyed the attention for the last few years but now, he was ready to find his mate, settle down, and start a family.
Just as Taehyung walked around the corner that separated the school building and the doctor’s house, he collided with a figure that had literally rushed into him. 
“Hey!” Taehyung yelped, gasping when the papers that the person had been holding fell down onto the ground. 
“Oh my gosh,” you whispered, bending down and beginning to pick the papers up. Taehyung bent down as well, helping when he realized who you were.
“Y/N?” He called and you looked up at him, your eyes widening when you realize who he was.
“Oh Taehyung, I’m so sorry,” you apologized, bowing your head to him.
“No no no, it’s ok. Don’t worry about it,” he assured you. “Just let me help you with these.”
“I already ran into you, you don’t have to,” you tried to say but Taehyung just cut you off.
“I want to,” he chuckled and you just decided to let it go as the two of you finished picking up all of the fallen papers. Once you were both done, you stood up straight and Taehyung handed the small stack of papers that he had collected over to you. 
“So, where were you off to that has you in such a rush?” Taehyung wondered with a smile. 
“Well, uh, the start of Spring marks the halfway point in the second half of the schoolyear for the pups so I was in a rush to get their progress reports finished,” you explained and Taehyung couldn’t help but to smile at how shy you still seemed to be around him. 
The two of you knew of each other from around the pack and you went to school together, being as though the two of you were born in the same year. Because of that, you both had a lot of mutual friends but the two of you never hung out much because you were really shy and seemed almost scared of Taehyung so he always made sure to give you your space. 
“Ah, you do work in the school building,” he chuckled.
“With the seven to nine year olds,” you smiled. 
“I remember, I remember,” he nodded. “Well, besides that, how are you?”
“Good, good,” you replied. “Busy as ever this time of year, but good. How about yourself?”
“I’m good, just preparing for the Spring Festival, ” he told her. 
“Oh, are you doing the Mating Ceremony this year?” You asked and he nodded his head. 
“Are you?”
“I’ve never done it before and I don’t think I’ll start now,” you giggled. “It’s not really my thing.”
“What, finding your soulmate isn’t your thing?” Taehyung teased.
“No, I meant that not being picked by anyone wouldn’t be my thing,” you clarified. 
“Oh please, somebody would definitely choose you,” Taehyung said. “I know that we don’t talk much but anyone can see that you’re a good woman and a great Omega. I bet that any Alpha would be proud to have you be their mate.”
“Oh,” you uttered in surprise, and Taehyung couldn’t help but to feel a little sense of pride at how flustered he had made you. “T-Thank you Taehyung.”
“You’re welcome,” he grinned. 
“W-Well, I have to go,” you murmured. “See you around?”
“Yeah, see you,” Taehyung agreed but he didn’t know if you’d even heard him because you were already walking, almost running, away from him.
Even though the Spring Fest was being held during the first week of April, Taehyung had made the decision that he’d be participating back in December of the previous year and this was because he wanted to make sure he had enough time to prepare his courting gift. A courting gift would show his future mate that he was serious about them so it took Taehyung a lot of thought to decide what he wanted to give his future mate. In the end though, it was actually Taehyung’s mother who helped him. 
He off-handedly mentioned that he was trying to figure out a gift and she ended up giving him his great-grandmother’s engagement ring. It was a ruby that sat on a nest of gold diamonds, with a gold band to accompany it. Taehyung was familiar with it because it was a family heirloom and he was so honored that his mother trusted him with it. 
When the first day of the Spring Fest arrived, Taehyung made sure that the ring box was nestled safely in the pocket of his slacks before he checked his appearance in the mirror. Wanting to look his best, he settled on a button up dress shirt that was a deep maroon color and paired it with black slacks. He added a few simple accessories like a few rings on both hands and earrings but he skipped any necklaces or bracelets, wanting to makes sure that nothing would get in the way of someone being able to smell his scent. 
“Let’s go find our mate,” Taehyung whispered to himself, making sure to fix his hair one last time before hurrying up and rushing out of the front door of his house. 
The Mating Ceremony was to be held in the large flower garden that was towards the back of the pack’s territory. The logic behind it was that finding your soulmate amongst beautiful things would help your relationship with said soulmate be beautiful as well. 
When Taehyung got there, he immediately spotted Jin and Jungkook sitting together on a bench so he walked over to them. 
“Hi Tae hyung!” Jungkook greeted him happily. 
“Hi,” Taehyung replied. “You guys came for moral support?”
“You know it,” Jin nodded. “You look really good Tae-ah.”
“Ready to find your soulmate?” Jungkook wondered.
“Thank you, and hopefully,” Taehyung sighed heavily. “I’m so nervous.”
“Don’t worry hyung, all you have to do is trust your nose,” Jungkook told him. 
“Kook’s right, you know our senses will never purposefully lead us wrong,” Jin added. 
“Thanks for the advice guys,” Taehyung chuckled, reaching out and ruffling Jungkook’s hair a little. Suddenly, a voice erupted over the loud speakers that had been placed around the garden. 
“The Mating Ceremony is about to commence,” the voice that Taehyung recognized as Jimin announced. “If you are offering a gift, please get into position.”
“Well, that’s my cue,” Taehyung said.
“Relax and don’t worry,” Jin advised him. “Just...let it happen.”
“Ok,” Taehyung nodded before turning around and walking over to a large wall of white roses. Falling into line with several other Alphas and Betas who were also participating in the Ceremony, he waited with baited breath as another line of Omegas and Betas stepped into the garden and walked over to stand right in front of the wall of roses. 
Every Omega or Beta had a veil or mask over their face so that they couldn’t be seen, and their own choice of outfit but most of them were dressed pretty formally, just like Taehyung was. 
“Alphas and Betas who are presenting gifts, you know the rules,” Jimin spoke up again. “No sneaking a peek at anybody until you offer them your gift and they actually accept it, no trying to force your gift upon anyone who makes it clear that they do not want it, and trust your instincts! Happy finding!”
Taehyung then closed his eyes, taking a deep inhale in order to smell the air around him. He picked up a few scents here and there, with hints of chocolate and mint but none of them especially stuck out to them. He then opened his eyes and they slightly widened when he saw some of the Alphas and Betas already offering gifts to some of the Betas and Omegas who had been waiting. He had to admit, it kind of shocked him because it was seemingly so simple for them but not for him. Deciding to follow everyone’s advice and trust his senses, he shut his eyes again and took another deep breath it, and that was when he smelled it.
The initial wave that hit his nose was reminiscent of tangerines, and then that was mixed with the scent of berries that seemed to almost intermingle with the tangerine scent. Those were two very typical scents, especially for Omegas, but what really caught Taehyung’s attention was the scent of pink champagne. It was something that he had never smelt in a scent before and before he could even realize it, he was moving towards the source of the scent.
When he realized that he had stepped up to the person that the scent belonged to, he took a second to look over them. It seemed to be a woman, who had on a flowing white dress along with a small matching white veil. Taehyung reached out and extended his wrist towards their nose for them to be able to smell his scent clearly and when the woman let out an appreciative hum, Taehyung’s heart clenched because this was it. He had found the one. 
Taehyung reached into his pocket and took out the ring box, extending it towards the woman. The woman then reached out and took the box from it, a soft giggle coming from her as she did so.
“Thank you,” the woman said and Taehyung’s eyes widened because he recognized the voice, he just couldn’t remember where from. When the woman reached up and lifted the veil back from her face, Taehyung wanted to kick himself for not immediately recognizing who the voice came from. 
“Hi,” you smiled. 
“I cannot believe that I didn’t know that it was you,” Taehyung huffed.
“Well, that’s kind of the point Taehyung,” you giggled from your spot on his bed. After the ceremony had ended, Taehyung invited you back to his house so that the two of you could have some alone time.
“I just didn’t expect this,” he said as he sat down next to you.
“Are you...upset that I’m your mate?” You asked wearily and Taehyung immediately shook his head.
“No!” He exclaimed. “Even though we don’t talk much, I know that you’re amazing. Hell, Jungkook raves about you all the time. I also meant what I said the other day.”
“W-Well, that’s good,” you replied shyly. “By the way, I’m sorry for not talking to you much over the years.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” he shrugged. “I just figured that you were shy and I don’t mind that.”
“It wasn’t shyness, though,” you blurted and his eyebrows rose. 
“The truth is, I’ve had a crush on you since you presented,” you confessed. 
“Y/N, that was almost 10 years ago,” he gasped in surprise. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I never thought that I had a chance,” You chuckled. “For years, every unmated Omega and Beta and even some Alphas have been after you. When you look at them and then look at me, I’m not as interesting or as beautiful when compared to them. I don’t know, I just don’t think that I measure up.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Taehyung admonished you. “You’re gorgeous Y/N-ah, and the sweetest person I know.”
“Really?” You deadpanned.
“Absolutely,” he nodded. He could tell that you didn’t believe him though, so he decided to be honest. “You wanna know something?”
“I’ve had a crush on you too,” he admitted, making your eyes widen. “Not for as long as you have, but at least two years. I just never made a move because you seemed so shy around me and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable because I figured that you just weren’t interested.”
“Seriously?” You gasped and he nodded. “We’re a big pair of idiots then, huh?”
“Definitely,” he laughed as he reached over and grabbed both of your hands in his. “It’s a good thing that we both decided to participate in the Ceremony then, huh?”
“Another confession? I only joined because I was hoping that my Omega would be able to say to your Alpha what I’ve never been able to bring myself to say aloud,” you told him. 
“And what is that?”
“That I want to be with you, Kim Taehyung,” you replied. Taehyung felt his Alpha preen at your confession and it wasn’t that Taehyung had doubted the validity of the Ceremony but actually being able to feel the connection between the two of you only solidified everything for him.
“I want to be with you too Y/N L/N,” he smiled. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please,” you giggled and Taehyung let go of your hands to set his hands on your cheeks, leaning forward and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss began soft at first, the both of you feeling a little nervous since this whole thing was so new.
It wasn’t until you laid back on the bed, pulling Taehyung down along with you that the two of you became more comfortable, you opening your mouth and allowing his tongue to slide against yours. Taehyung set his hand on your thigh, gently tracing random shapes with his fingertips as you kissed each other passionately.
“Y/N, I have to ask you something,” he murmured and you pulled away from his lips to look up at him. 
“What is it?”
“Are you a virgin?” He wondered and you felt your cheeks warm up immediately. “I’m not trying to be intrusive or anything, I just want to know so that I can gauge how comfortable you are.”
“Do you remember when I dated Xiumin?” You asked him and he rolled his eyes.
“That dickhead? Yeah,” he huffed.
“I lost my virginity to him.”
“Well, I can’t say that I’m in love with that piece of information,” he admitted.
“I only dated him because I was trying to get over you, which sounds really bad when I say it out loud,” you laughed. “That was around the same time that you were dating Jisoo.”
“Ah,” he said as he set his fingertips over your lips to silence you. “We don’t mention that forbidden name.”
“Ok, sorry,” you giggled. 
“So, if I told you that I want to have sex with you tonight,” Taehyung began, making your lower half clench around nothing. “Would you want to?”
“Yes,” you rushed out. “I want to.”
“Good, because I want to too,” he smiled before leaning down and kissing you again. You moaned into his mouth when he moved over so that he was on top of you, his lips never leaving yours as he did so. He then trailed his lips downwards, licking and sucking on the skin of your neck. 
“Ohh,” you sighed in pleasure, reaching down and tangling your fingers in his hair. Taehyung pulled away and reached up to grab your hands, untangling them from his hair and holding your wrists firmly when he placed them back down on the bed above your head, holding them there. 
“You keep these here for me, ok?” He asked and you could tell from his tone that he was both asking for permission and clarification. 
“Ok,” you whispered and he smiled. 
“Perfect Omega,” he murmured as he went back to kissing your neck and you had to clasp your hands together because you were too tempted to reach down and touch him again. After he had left a few marks on your neck, he brought his hands up and grabbed onto your breasts which made you gasp.
“As beautiful as this dress is Y/N-ah, I think we should take it off now. Yeah?” Taehyung suggested and you nodded your head rapidly. He moved off of you so that you could sit up and he moved around the bed on his knees so that he was behind you. He reached out and pulled down the zipper on your dress, and you reached up and pulled the dress down off of your shoulders. Once your arms were out of it, you got up onto your knees and pushed it down your legs and onto the floor. 
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous Y/N-ah,” he muttered huskily as he took in the sight of you in your stark white bralette and white lace panties. Your Omega preened at his praise, making your cheeks warm up.
“Really,” he smiled, moving back around your body and leaning down so that he was face to face with your breasts as he reached out to grab ahold of them. “I’m so fucking lucky.”
“I’m the lucky one,” you whispered as he pulled the material of the bralette to the side, causing both of your breasts to fall out. Without another word, he leaned forward and sucked your nipple into his mouth. You couldn’t help but to fall back on the bed, Taehyung falling along without a problem and not letting up on the onslaught that was his tongue.
Once your nipple had stiffened to a peak, he switched over to your other nipple and gave it the same treatment. You could smell your scent from in between your thighs, the notes of berries and pink champagne becoming stronger and stronger the wetter you became. 
You knew Taehyung could smell you too, because you could feel the outline of his hard cock against your inner thigh. 
“Fuck, Alpha,” you whimpered. “Wanna suck you off.”
“Whatever you want baby,” he agreed easily after pulling his mouth away from you, sitting up and reaching down to unbutton his slacks. You sat up, watching with hooded eyes as he unzipped them, pushing them down a little bit so that he was able to pull out his cock and your mouth literally watered at the sight of it. 
Taehyung’s cock wasn’t enormous, but it was definitely longer than average and it looked to be thick. You reached out and wrapped both of your hands around his length, and you felt yourself become wetter when you realized that you couldn’t even wrap your hands around him completely.
“Fuck, I can smell you baby,” he grumbled and you moaned softly at the pet name. “Do you like what you see?”
“Mmhm,” you nodded, leaning forward and wrapping your lips around the head of his cock. He exhaled harshly, looking down to watch as you did your best to take as much of him in your mouth as possible. You actually managed to do pretty good, doing your best to breathe through your nose as you sunk down closer and closer to the base of his cock. 
“Oh fuck,” he huffed. “Such a good girl, taking Alpha’s cock down your throat.” Bringing your hands back up, you stacked both of them on top of each other as you jerked him off while suckling on the head of his cock. 
“God, that feels good. Makes me want to fuck your throat,” he grumbled. “You gonna let me do that one day baby? Gonna let Alpha use your mouth?”
“Mmm, yes Alpha,” you gasped after releasing him from your mouth, your spit acting as lube as you continued to jerk him off. 
“Fuck, lay down for me,” he instructed you. “I have to taste you.” You didn’t hesitate to follow his instructions, laying back on the bed and resting on your forearms as you watched him push his slacks and boxers down and off his legs before he moved onto unbuttoning his shirt. 
He wasn’t overly muscular but you could still see the outline of what would be a six-pack, and your inner Omega loved the fact that your Alpha would be able to protect you if need be. 
Taehyung laid down on his front in between your legs, pulling your panties to the side before leaning forward and licking a stripe up your pussy, from your slit up to your clit. You gasped, your thighs involuntarily coming to together but Taehyung’s hands came up to push them back down. 
“Be still and let me make you come baby,” he whispered and you nodded numbly. He then went back to licking at you, making you whine and squirm underneath him. 
“Huh, holy shit,” you gasped, your chest beginning to move up and down quickly as your orgasm approached you. “Please don’t stop Tae.”
“Mmm,” he moaned against you, shaking his head back and forth over your clit which made his tongue do the same. 
“Do that again,” you requested and he obliged you, shaking his head back and forth rapidly and you felt your orgasm winding to it’s end in your abdomen. “Fuck yes, I’m gonna come.” Your head fell back onto the bed and just as you closed your eyes and felt yourself about to tip over the edge into ecstasy, Taehyung pulled away from you. 
“What?” You whimpered as you opened your eyes, looking down at him. 
“I want you to come on my knot,” he told you. He reached out and grabbed the band of your panties, pulling them down your legs and throwing them onto the floor. He then settled himself in between your thighs, leaning down and letting his cock rub against your clit. 
“If you want me to come on your knot, you shouldn’t do that,” you whimpered.
“You could come like this?” He wondered in awe and you nodded your head. “We’re gonna have to test that out one day.”
“We have the rest of our lives for that,” you promised him. 
“You got that right,” he smiled, moving his hips so that he could slide inside of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your hands gripping onto his arms as he slowly opened you up. 
“Fuh, fuck,” you stuttered, your eyes fluttering closed at how good he felt inside of you, stretching you out in the best way.
“God, you’re so tight but you’re opening up so well for me baby,” Taehyung grunted, making sure to push his hips as close to yours as he could so that he could go as deep as possible. “You really are my mate, huh?”
“Yes,” you whispered, your mind barely being able to comprehend his words because the feeling of being completely and utterly clouded all of your senses. He continued to roll his hips against yours, his cock dragging against your walls as he did. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this, how much I’ve thought about this,” he muttered. “I’d see you walking around the territory all shy, keeping your eyes low so that people wouldn’t approach you and all I could think about was that you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and how much I wanted to fuck you with my knot.”
“Mmm, knot,” you slurred, making Taehyung smile because of course knot was the word that you caught. 
“I’d watch you with the pups, teaching them and being so gentle and patient with them and my only thought would be about how I wanted to fuck some pups of my own into you so that you could be their mother,” he groaned, his hips stuttering slightly when he felt your walls clench around him like a vice grip. “Oh, you want that? Want Alpha to give you some pups?”
“Fuck yes,” you moaned wantonly, moving your own hips so that you were fucking back onto him. “Want your cum, want a pup.”
“I’ll give it to you baby,” he swore as he began to fuck you faster. “Alpha will give you anything you want.”
“W-want you,” you whined as you felt your orgasm quickly building back up again. 
“You have me baby,” he chuckled deeply. “You always have, I think.”
“A-alpha, g-gonna c-c-come,” you managed to utter as your body moved up and down the bed, the force of Taehyung fucking you literally moving you on the bed. 
“Go ahead so that I can knot you gorgeous,” he encouraged you. You reached down and set your fingertips on your clit, only managing to make two circles on it before you were coming. Your thighs spasmed and clutched around Taehyung’s waist, the rest of your body shaking on the bed from how forceful your orgasm was. 
“T-Tae,” you whimpered, your body shivering even after the crest of your orgasm had passed. Taehyung leaned down, pressing soft kisses against your face that were in stark contrast to how he was still fucking you. 
“So good for me baby,” he whispered. “Came so prettily for me.”
“Kiss me,” you pleaded weakly and he just smiled at you before pressing his lips against yours. The force coming from how hard he was thrusting into you caused your mouth to fall open and Taehyung didn’t hesitate to stick his tongue inside, exploring around.
You literally felt his cock pulse inside of you and before you could pull away in order to ask, ropes of his cum flooded into you. His knot inflated immediately afterwards, making you moan as it forced its’ way inside of you. 
“Holy shit Y/N-ah,” he panted as he hid his face in your neck, collapsing on top of you. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life.”
“Me either,” you admitted with a giggle. “I loved it though.”
“Me too,” he muttered as he pulled himself up so that he could look down at you. “I know this is probably a weird thing to ask given what we just got finished doing, but you accept the fact that you’re my mate right?”
“Tae, of course,” you smiled. “My Omega would hate me if I rejected you and you know our wolf side doesn’t lie.”
“I guess I just wanted to know if it was as strong for you as it was for me,” he mumbled and you placed your hands on his cheeks, making him look down at you. 
“You’re my mate Kim Taehyung,” you told him. “I knew it and felt it the moment that you gave me your wrist and I smelled your scent.”
“I knew it too,” he smiled. “I’ll give you your bite in the morning, I’m just too tired right now.”
“No complaints from me,” you laughed. “Coming so hard can definitely take a lot out of a person.” Taehyung then laid his head down on your chest and you reached up, setting your hands in his hair as you began to play with the sweaty strands.
“I’m so glad that my Alpha chose you,” he muttered sleepily and you could feel the goofy smile spread onto your face before you leaned down and kissed the top of his head. 
“Me too Tae,” you sighed in contentment. “Me too.”
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warmau · 4 years
★ donation request: suburbia summer nights house party!au jaehyun 
the summer night air is too sticky and too sweet for your liking
you had opened your window hoping to chill down your room, but it was even hotter outside than it was inside
even still, you keep the window open and the curtains pushed back, leaning the upper half of your body out to the empty streets of the neighborhood you’ve lived in since you were born
it is quiet - like always
until you hear something rustle below
you look down and your eyes widen, standing in your mothers beloved rose bushes is the familiar face of something - well someone - you’ve also known since you were born
johnny waves at you and from behind his broad shoulders peeks mark lee
“bro, we shouldn’t be here - what if their parents-”
marks paranoid whispering is loud enough that even you hear it, so you bring your finger up to your lips
johnny ignores the younger boys trifling and motions for you to come out
you know your parents are probably either working in the kitchen or watching tv in the living room
there’s no way in hell you’re going to be able to walk out the front door, so your only means of escape are making it down the rickety old water pipe on the side of the house closest to your room
you’ve done it before so you’re not scared or anything - but still, you aren’t exactly sure what those two are up to
you grab your phone and text johnny:
why are you trespassing in my backyard :P
house party @ jaehyuns
you swallow - jung jaehyun - another familiar name
not interested, now go before you get caught and my dad flings a shovel at you or something
mark starts tugging on johnny’s shirt as soon as they both read the message
but johnny stays put
c’mon, don’t you like jaehyun? 
you furrow your eyebrows and glare down at johnny, who just grins up at you with the kind of smile you know means trouble
dude i don’t like jaehyun, im just not in a party mood
fine - can you come for like an hour then? don’t leave me alone with mark you know he doesn’t know how to party
mark jumps back in offense and you shush him from your window as johnny playfully pulls him into a headlock at his side and ruffles his hair
you don’t text back, just slip your phone in your back pocket and look at yourself one last time in your mirror
you’re wearing a t-shirt thats too big with the local fishing shops logo on it and beat up old chucks with doodles on it from two years ago
really, not a party outfit, but you’re going for an hour so you don’t care
you quickly lock your door and slip through the window
johnny gives a little dance of victory as you make your way down that old pipe and lets go of mark to sling his hand over your shoulder
“are we walking to jaehyuns?”
you ask when you’re safely out of earshot of your house but johnny just shakes his head 
“nah, he’s driving us there.”
“he’s w-”
as you turn the corner of the street you see jaehyun’s car
its nothing flashy, but you know its his because its got that dumb handmade sticker of johnny’s garage band name on the bumper and plus he’s got the driver car door open, leaning against it looking-
damnit why does he look good without even trying
you push back the thought and want to throw another glare johnny’s way - but he misses it as he reaches out to take jaehyun’s hand
the two of them bump shoulders and johnny makes a joke about how hard he had to try to convince you to come out
you keep back a little and jump a bit when mark asks
“is everything ok?”
“yeah, just worried my parents might have heard us.”
marks face pales and he climbs into the backseat of the car - you follow him and try not to look at jaehyun
although you feel his eyes move to you past johnny’s shoulder
once you’re all piled in, jaehyun says his house is already half trashed. he left doyoung in charge back there but he knows no one ever listens to him so he expects you’ll all be arriving to a shitshow
you half listen, looking out the window and at the houses of families you know
at least the window of a moving car is much cooler than the cemented window of your bedroom
but the real reason behind your distance is because right now ,,,,, jaehyun is the last person you want to see
it had all started last summer, jaehyun had moved to your town and had befriended johnny instantly
and with johnny’s friendship came your friendship (and mark’s, and practically the whole schools but - you and johnny were joined at the hip so it was different)
but it became quickly and almost embarrassingly obvious that what you and jaehyun felt toward each other was not
what you and johnny felt toward each other
you could easily jump on johnny’s back, have him piggyback you through the huge aisles of the local walmart, you could easily share food with johnny from the same plate, you could easily fall asleep on johnny’s bed as he and mark played video games on the floor 
but with jaehyun - there was a sheepishness 
not because you weren’t best friends but because you saw him and felt nervous 
you saw johnny and felt delight, thats someone you’d be friends with forever
you saw jaehyun and felt a flurry of butterflies swarm around your stomach, thats someone you wanted to kiss
and it was like everyone was waiting for it to happen. everyone was just holding their breath.
some people had even tried to ask jaehyun out, but he had declined and it just solidified the entire towns prediction that you and him would end up being a thing
when he had a chance, he blew it
it had been a house party just like the one you were going to now and you and jaehyun had walked off a little away from all the music and noise
you were wearing those bracelets he’d gifted you and he was toying with one on your hand 
you could have sworn that in that moment you were going to hear the words
“do you want to go out with me?” leave his lips, no matter how coy he was being and how playful this push and pull had been
the flirtatious glances, the midnight texts, the tension of it all had come to this and now
all you were bracing yourself to just say was yes 
when instead he had chuckled and asked,
“can you believe everyone wants us to date?”
you couldn’t read his tone - you’d just blinked at him, was he being for real?
instead of answering him or even acknowledging the awkwardness of the situation 
you’d walked away
you’d pulled the bracelets off your wrist and let them drop to the grass. jaehyun had been confused, grabbing your wrist and asking what was wrong all of a sudden
the last thing you had said to him was
“everything's just a game to you isn’t it?”
there were no words and no more messages after that. you had avoided him like hot fire and had succeeded in dodging all of johnny or marks attempts to make you all hangout together again
you’d agreed to go to this party for an hour because you had planned to just get lost in the crowd before he could spot you and then leave
you didn’t know you’d be stuck in his car, personal damn chauffeur service to his house
you hear the party before you even see it - music blaring from inside and peoples voices like an annoying symphony of shouts and chants
mark gets out first and you try to scramble so you won’t end up somehow alone with jaehyun
nearly pushing poor mark onto the curb 
“im going to go see if uh - whats his name - uh jungwoo is here.”
you make up an excuse before either of the three boys can say a word
you turn the corner, around the pool that you’ve hung out with jaehyun and everyone else at a hundred times and the weird circle of garden gnomes he’s moms put out
you know the layout like its your own house and are happy to see that the wooded part toward the end of his yard is pretty empty - the hammock that you and johnny had helped him tie up a while ago is unoccupied
“thank god”
you plop yourself in it and close your eyes, the sounds are duller out here and you dont have the chance of rubbing shoulders with other drunk teenagers or you know who
your phone buzzes in your back pocket but you dont bother to check it
instead you stare up through the leaves at the bright slice of moon 
how’d i get in this situation?
you lay a hand on your stomach and tap your fingers as you think about how you’re going to kill time 
the noise of giggling passes by you and you assume a couple is going to pass by to fool around in the woods
could have been me and jaehyun if he hadn’t been such a dumba-
you sit up a little and shake your head
you had done such a good job so far. you really hadn’t thought about him at all.
well, well you had thought about him but you just - you weren’t going to coddle yourself into expecting anything ever again
it would just hurt when the day came around and he flat out rejected you
you sink back down and close your eyes - maybe just napping through this dumb party will
“dude they’re so fucking mad at me.”
“nah bro, i bet they’re just tired or something-”
“no johnny, i fucked up.”
you open your eyes and strain a bit at the sound of the voices that are coming closer and closer to your spot
they sound just like-
“what exactly did you do then jaehyun?”
“i said the wrong thing-”
“just said?”
there’s a pause and now you’re sure this is who you think it is
“just said or did you hurt them. jaehyun you’re a cool dude or whatever but if you laid a hand on them-”
the drop of the voice only comes for one person when they’re rallying to get angry
“no johnny, i would never. i just - remember that party a couple months ago. the one at taeyongs.”
“i was going to ask them out, and then i just blanked like they were looking at me and instead of just kissing them i said ‘haha isn’t it funny everyone wants us to date?’ because like im dumb - i dont know i couldnt think!”
a second of silence passes by and then is followed by johnny’s long and relaxed laugh
“you totally did fuck up!”
“i know, and now i dont know how to make it bet-”
johnny and jaehyun’s footsteps are now only a few feet away - in the darkness of the night you’re sure they haven’t noticed the lump of you in the hammock
not until you suddenly feel it tip over as someones shadow looms over
you shout and johnny screams - before stuttering back and bursting into another loud laugh
jaehyun, even though its dark, goes red at the realization
“d-did you hear us?”
you swing your legs out and jump out of the hammock - johnny, who is still laughing at the circumstance, can’t help but back away a little holding himself in a fit
you nod
“yeah i heard and for the record - you were being dumb when you said that to me.”
jaehyun opens his mouth but shuts it because he has no way of protesting it
“but i guess being dumb is kind of part of your charm”
you cross your arms and jaehyun’ shoulders perk up a little
“so you’re not mad at me?”
“i was but, i mean, im a very forgiving person and you can have this second chance to ask me out-”
“yeah just don’t fuck it up jaehyun”
johnny’s voice comes between chuckles before you motion for him to go
he gives you two a thumbs up and leaves, mumbling that he has to tell mark about all this
and as you and jaehyun are alone with the back drop of his house party 
you put your hand out and jaehyun takes it in his
“so, let me try again - instead of everyone saying we should date i want you to know that i want to-”
you lean up and take his face with both hands, pressing your lips to his and finally
freaking finally
kissing jaehyun 
the summer night air is still sticky and sweet and you aren’t a big fan, but the way jaehyun’s lips are a perfect taste makes all of that wash away
his hands circle your own and he picks you up swiftly as your legs wrap around his waist
now this - this is what you had expected months ago, but you don’t mind because its finally happening now
when you and jaehyun return to the packed house 
the whole party stops when johnny screams
and both you and jaehyun go wide eyed
not before you take chase after your best friend - threatening to get him and mark just pats jaehyun’s back like
“looks like you didn’t mess up this time!” 
jaehyun grins and scratches his neck, yeah - looks like he didn’t.
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thecandywrites · 3 years
The Beginning of Stormbreaker Part 4 Finale
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Ok, so unless you haven’t figured it out, Butternut- is my version of a Shae Nut, But the nuts are in this lovely fruit pictured above, that in my mind tastes like a creamy mango with hints of melon and papaya. And this lovely red apple looking fruit on the right is Dragon Heart Fruit which in my mind has the flavor of Lychee, mango and pinapple, still very tropical tasting. Also the lovely ladies above, on the top row on the left, that is Grat, Drad and Sarg’s mother, and on the left is Shari, Rhos’ and Esri’s mother. 
Part 4
It took over a week of going back and forth to the dragon’s lair to get all the scales and usable leather, sinew and good bones along with the dragon’s small horde of gold, jewels and other precious items, which when divided evenly between Rhosland, Esri, Drad and Sarg along with equal portions allotted to their mothers and Orcoth in addition to Rhos and Esri’s already gathered pearls which Rhos and Esri gave a portion of the pearls to their mother, Grat and Orcoth so that all seven of them would be richer, despite the failed raid while Esri and Rhos kept all the beautiful shells to keep to make jewelry later. 
Drad and Sarg happily ground down the good left over dragon bones into a fine powder back at camp while they rested and healed at remarkably fast rates, thanks to the dragon bone. By the time they had managed to forage all they could and the suits of armour for all four of them and three breast plates at least for Rhos’ and Esri’s mother as well as Orcoth, were done, they decided to head back to Skull Screamer, the four of them in the little row boat with extra large rafts tied to the boat behind them, that Sarg and Drad had built to carry all the smoked and preserved meat and fish and other foraged goods along with a few cuttings of the tree in the dragon’s cave and baskets that Drad and Sarg had woven themselves while they hung out at Rhos’ and Esri’s campsite out of the tall grasses to hold all the fruit from the tree and others and all the seeds left behind from the tree that had fallen in previous years that had been in a heap under the tree along with the fruits of the Butternut bush and hundreds of wild rose buds to make rose soap along with the ash from the smoker to get the lye to make the soap needed. 
However when they came rowing back up Skull Screamer’s main river Rhos and Esri looked worriedly to Drad and Sarg as everyone in the village looked at them like ghosts before they noticed that once they came upon Drad and Sarg’s mother’s house both of their mothers and Orcoth came out of the house as both their mothers were so happy and overjoyed to see their children come back as Drad and Sarg pulled the boat and the rafts up onto the shore as they were immediately surrounded by everyone. 
“You’re alive!” Shari cried as she embraced her daughters as her daughters embraced her in turn. 
“Of course we are alive, why did you think we were dead?” Rhos asked her mother. 
“Because Zash and his sons, got lost in fog and attacked Hurricane Breaker. And when Drad and Sarg’s horses along with many others came back without their riders and blood on their saddles, we assumed the worst and imagined that you and Esri had camped too close to the accidental battlefield and got caught up in it.” Shari cried. 
“We heard the battle but it was at a distance and we stayed inside the tent until the sounds of the battle stopped, and after the battle ended we were approached by Captain Tilge of Hurricane Breaker and her warband of shieldmaidens. But once we explained what we were doing there and that Skull Screamer must have gotten lost in the fog and had no intention of attacking and thus, we had no intent to harm them or their clan and they believed us and believed that we were younglings because of our size and saw that we were unarmed and therefore not a threat, they had no quarrel with us and left us in peace and safety and even discouraged anyone else in Hurricane Breaker from coming to us and to leave us alone. In fact they happily shared a meal with us and struck up a friendly peace with Esri and I and to signify that peace, I gave her the tribute necklace I had given to Shadi and Esri gave her the bracelet that she had made for Baka as tribute that they gave us as bride gifts when we left but when they said that Tar had been killed, we knew we weren’t going to be marrying him and when Drad and Sarg found us and we healed them from their own wounds. And when they were healed enough to walk on their own we came back.” Rhos explained to her mother and others who had come to see her for themselves. 
“What happened here while we were gone?” Rhos asked her mother. 
“Well after Zash unwittingly got lost in the fog and accidentally attacked Hurricane Breaker, he and his men died in the raid. As did all of Zash’s sons, we thought only the few men of the other warbands survived and came back and reported that everyone else had died. So almost all the people who came to deliver bride gifts before you left, came and demanded them back since you would not be brides to Tar. And it’s only because Grat opened up her home to me that I had any place to go. The whole clan thought that you and Esri’s joining Tar’s family was a bad sign of disapproval from the gods and would confuse them and thus sent the fog that caused us to lose everyone that we did, so Shadi and Baka, they burned down our house in retribution for losing Tar and in the commotion they gave birth only a few days ago, both to girls.” Shari revealed as Rhos and Esri gasped in horror as they stared at their neighbors in outrage who by now were lowering their heads in shame and backing away. 
“What kind of madness is this?! No! It was Zash’s and Tar’s own stubbornness and confusing leadership that led to us unwittingly attacking Hurricane Breaker and if it had not been for Shaman Orcoth who gave me prophetic advice that I and Sarg listened to his words and survived. And it was Rhosland and Esri who took us in and healed us and concealed us from Captain Tilge and did so in such a way to keep themselves and us above suspicion. Which takes courage and faith and loyalty. They have been blameless and Sarg and I both saw over the last week or so how Esri and Rhosland have been nothing but blessings for us. They healed us with medicine they instinctively know, they fed us from the game they were able to kill all on their own and they even shot down a bear and had victory over it. And then they found the hissing rocks which they realized wasn’t actually a cursed place but discovered that it was an old dragon’s home, the dragon had been trapped inside and had a tree growing from it’s chest to the roof of the place and when they investigated it, they collected the dead dragons scales and leather and made us these exquisite suits of armor and these weapons that have no compare and even used the bones to heal our own broken bones. Which is why we are at full health after only a week of sustaining almost fatal injuries. They are not a curse, they never were, they are our blessing and salvation and I am more than honored to have Rhos as my mate as is Sarg to have Esri. And just look what they were able to capture when they were given the right tools- they were more than successful.” Drad pointed out as he gestured to his suit of armor and then gestured to all the food and other supplies on the boat and on the rafts for emphasis as proof of what he was saying. 
“So Mother Shari- I would be more than happy to build you a house of stone and timber to replace the one of bricks that you lost. And don’t worry about anything that you lost, I will see to it that you are given at least twice what you have previously lost. Thank you Mom for doing the right thing by taking her in.” Drad declared as he grasped her hands and comforted her. 
“So, I have an announcement. Since Shadi and Baka had girls and that no one from Zash’s male line survived, as Tar’s First Commander of Captains, I hereby take the position of Warchief and I appoint Sarg as my Warlord and we will claim the neutral land that is just south of Hurricane Breaker and North of here since Rhosland and Esri are in a peace treaty with them. Since that land already gave us so much, it will give us more- still. And all those who did not get to take back their bride gifts to Rhosland and Esri are free to do so now that they are back. But know that if you do, you will not be welcome in Stormbreaker which is the clan I will be starting there, and all those that did and had a hand in burning down Shari’s house, will also not be welcome in Stormbreaker either and you will reap such unforgivable disrespect and never again will such things ever be permitted let alone tolerated.” Drad announced as Rhos had never been more proud of him as Esri and Rhosland put the tanned bear hide over their mother and comforted her and gave her, her fair share of the dragon’s horde.
Then Shari told her daughters exactly who had come and wanted what they gave back and remembered still who had given what before Esri and Rhosland spitefully got all of it out of their row boats and rafts and forced it back into the hands of those who had given it  in the first place and wanted it back even though the others, out of fear of Drad and Sarg and their new announcement had tried to go back on their word and their previous choices before Rhos and Esri simply let the gifts fall to the ground at the giver’s feet and wanted nothing to do with them before they unloaded everything else into Grat’s house which she didn’t have that big of a house to begin with but all of them did their best to squeeze themselves and all that they had foraged and hunted into it as Esri and Rhos gave Orcoth, Grat and Shari some of the dragon bone powder as it healed Orcoth immediately so that he did not have to limp as Shari and Grat both seemed to regain some of their youth and vigor and soundness of mind and body. 
“I tried to tell the clan that all of you were still alive and well but they didn’t believe me, but I think they will now.” Orcoth noted to Drad and Sarg who had readily accepted Sarg as his father also while they feasted on the smoked and preserved venison’s tenderloins and backstraps, the best parts of the venison along with the mushrooms and other foods that they had managed to forage for.  
“You should take Rhos home with you and prove to the whole clan that you’re verile though Warchief Drad.” Orcoth suggested to Drad. 
“Oh he already did.” Rhos laughed as she blushed prettily and beamed happily. 
“But he needs to prove it to everyone else. Here, burn this in the fireplace. It will help Warchieftess.” Orcoth said to Rhosland as he gave her a small sack of incense. 
“Come on, let’s show Shadi and Baka how it’s done at least.” Drad grinned giddily with a wink that made Rhos blush even harder.
“Ok fine.” Rhos agreed before she hugged everyone goodbye and took what meager possessions that her mother was able to save as Drad carried their portion of the food and other belongings to his own home that was close to Shadi’s and Baka’s house since he was the First Commander of Captains, he had the “privilege” of having a house close to Tar’s as they noticed that Rhos and Esri’s boat was now empty boats and rafts getting filled with the previous gifts that they had been given along with even more gifts and notes of deepest and most sincere apologies before Drad built a good fire in his stone fireplace before Rhos threw in small handful of incense into the fire and noticed the smell was heavenly as her whole body immediately reacted to it and she felt her whole body relax and her spirit soar and become happy as Drad then reverently made love to her with so much love and passion that Rhos lost count of how many times she had accepted her pleasure from him as the incense helped her forget all about the clan around them and Drad encouraged her to not hold back but to moan and keen and cry out in ecstacy as loud as she wanted so that he could make no mistake if he was truly pleasing her and quietly made her promise and swear to never fake her pleasure with him which she was all too happy to do as she was so overwhelmed with bliss she would have agreed to just about anything he asked of her. 
Come morning, Shadi and Baka were disgusted that they had to endure the sounds of Rhos’ and Esri’s love making and demanded that Drad and Sarg take all who wanted to follow them with them but that they needed to leave sooner than later, while anyone who wanted to stay true to Skull Screamer was welcome to stay but that anyone from Skull Screamer that left to join Stormbreaker were never going to be welcome back again when Stormbreaker failed and imploded as Rhos readily agreed to those terms as an equal Warchieftess to Shadi with the stipulation that any from Skull Screamer who wished to come into Stormbreaker would first need to make their peace with herself, her sister and especially their mother before they would be welcomed into Stormbreaker as this was announced in Skull Screamer’s town hall for the whole clan to hear. 
It took another week for everyone to pack all of their things and break their houses down to reuse the lumber and load them onto new boats they built themselves but over three quarters of Skull Screamer left to join Stormbreaker as Drad and Rhos used the stones from the Dragon’s own old lair as the foundation stones for their own house since just nearby was the wild rose bush that would take up the front yard of the home and easily pushed the stones over to make a large, surprisingly flat and even foundation that had plenty of space to dig down to make a root cellar and have a lovely inner courtyard where the original tree that had been growing from the dragon’s chest still stood. 
Others in the clan followed suit, using the very large but smooth stones from the rivers and streams to first dig down to set the foundation stones securely then build up with more stone and motar made from the clay from the little islands as they redirected all the little side streams into the main river and used the forrest of stone timbers to use for their houses before they all happily made new markers and marked out their territory, leaving a little space between Hurricane Breaker to the North, and Skull Screamer to the South and Bone Crusher to the East. 
Rhos and Esri were pleased to learn that Captain Tilge was now Warchieftess Tilge since she led the victory over Skull Screamer and between Tilge and Rhos, they made their own peace and alliance that Drad and Tilge’s husband Warchief Murzol agreed to as well as Rhos readily offered a good sized cutting of the wild rose bush to Tilge and a cutting of the Butternut Bush as well as a cutting of the tree that was in the dragon’s cave and gave them to Tilge to plant in her own home’s garden so that she could continue to have the wild rose scented soap and the fruits of the tree as Tilge taught Rhos how to make it herself and many other kinds of soap as well which Rhos readily learned and took to heart as Tilge and Rhos exchanged seeds and seedlings and saplings for the gardens of Stormbreaker and Hurricane Breaker. 
While Rhos and Drad were still living in Drad’s re-erected home on Stormbreaker’s territory next to their new home that they were building on top of the dragon’s lair, while they both worked on cutting down stone timbers to construct their new house over the stones. No sooner had they fell the first tree before a storm blew in but didn’t topple any tents or other homes but when the storm cleared, they found a fleet of ships moored and marooned on the shore of their beach that they had claimed. 
The crews of the ship were sick with scurvy and other ailments and close to death, had all the older commanding officers die from the sickness, just leaving the younger, newer orcish sailors who were barely bigger than grunts left alive. Drad offered them a choice, give up the vessels and all their cargo and they would be welcome into Stormbreaker’s clan and Rhos and Esri would use what was left the fruits and bone powder to heal them. Which the younger orcs readily accepted but they immediately knew that the fruit was known as Dragon Heart Fruit. It usually only grew on the islands that were the birthplace of dragons in the world after the convergence of the spheres and that dragons often came back to the islands to mate every so often and always had at least one seed of the fruit in their gut and when they died somewhere in the world, often the seed would sprout in a dragon’s dead guts, close to it’s heart so that it always looked like the tree sprouted from the dragon’s chest and the fruit was vaguely heart shaped and did best when planted in a gut pile of another animal when not planted as a cutting or sapling. And was famed for it’s taste along with it’s nutritional value and it’s ability to heal as well. 
The sailor orcs did not know where they were, only where they were from and have a vague where they were going and had lost their maps in the storms and their cargo was actually the goods to go into a palace of a king. And so Rhos and Drad got the first picks of all the cargos as Rhos put a special piece of paper with a mark to tag all that she wanted from all the holds, then Esri and Sarg were given their turn to stake claim to what they wanted, then Orcoth, as Stormbreaker’s shaman was given his pick of what he wanted and then Shari and Grat were also given their picks of whatever they wanted from the holds and the rest was given to the rest of the clan including the young orcish sailors who were excited to claim the goods they had coveted all this time, especially the large barrels of spices that were distributed to everyone in the clan evenly, except for Drad and Rhos who each got a triple portion, being Warchief and Warchieftess. Sarg and Esri, Orcoth, Shari and Grat were all individually given double portions as well to signify their high status as Orcoth happily claimed Grat and Shari as his wives, each of them equal in his eyes and in his heart and loved and cared for them the same way Drad cared for Rhos and the same way Sarg cared for Esri as both Shari and Grat were happy to finally have a husband who cared for them and took care of them they way they had always wanted and needed but never could manage before. 
Drad insisted that the first house to be built and finished should be Orcoth’s as his father and shaman which Orcoth happily accepted and Drad made good on his promise that both his mother and Shari both received more than double of whatever they had lost, the replacements being of much better and finer qualities than what Shari had previously lost as their house was built right next door to Drad and Rhosland’s house, Drad and Rhosland’s house being the second house to be built and finished and furnished and thanks to som ingenuity on Rhosland’s part, the foundations were stone, the floors, tiled, the walls were of stone timbers but covered in special oil and tar to preserve the timbers and then covered with a special plastar that had been in a powdered form in barrels on the ships. That once it mixed with water- became a white paste that she and others used to coat the walls and the cielings and then used the paint powders to mix special batches of plastar to paint all the rooms inside and outside the room, the most beautiful vivd colors as the house was now large enough to have dozens of rooms and a courtyard with it’s own special garden on the inside and a medicine garden and food garden on the outside, the wild rose bush being cut into two, so that she had wild rose bushes on either side of the front porch of her house and even used the special glass domes that were on the ships as skylights in her own house and even made a second story and a roof with walls and ledges and built in benches and the little stream that had been flowing into the original dragon’s cave served as her home’s own personal plumbing line to get water in and out of the house. Happy that her own years of having a mud and mudbrick house serving as the finest teacher to help her build her new house to exactly how she wanted it as Drad was only all too happy to help her realize her dream and fell in love with the sheer beauty of it all and it only served to show off how much of a beautiful person inside and out that he married and once it was done, it was just as much of a work of art as it was a home as others took what was left to decorate and build their own homes in such ways, happy to have bright, beautiful colors to decorate their homes that the warm tones of wood only accented and accentuated as they noticed the homes now had naturally warming properties in the cooler weather and cooling properties in the warmer weather. 
Sarg and Esri claimed the best captain’s quarters on the best ship as their home as once all the cargo was unloaded and the ships renovated into big fishing boats and docks were built on the beach so that the ships could anchor and be pulled up to the piers and decks and helped build a lighthouse and then the whole clan helped everyone else build their own homes all while Rhos’ and Esri’s baby bumps grew in size every day as the Shaman was adamant that Rhos and Esri were both definitely carrying sons. 
Meanwhile Shadi and Baka were fighting a losing battle. More and more of the remaining few clan members of Skull Screamer stayed because Shadi and Baka ruled and behaved in the same way they had always done which now that they didn’t have the Clan Cheif and his eldest son backing them, now others did not hide their offense to their behavior and when Shadi and Baka tried simply taking what they wanted and what they felt they were owed, for the first time in their lives- it was denied to them. 
Especially once the fleet of ships ran aground in Stormbreaker’s territory and Stormbreaker had effectively more than tripled in size and multiplied in wealth and success, to the point that the young sailors happily took on the widows and previous children of the fallen warriors of Skull Screamer after they grew bigger into full grown adults and after the widows had made amends to Rhos, Esri and especially to Shari as the widows were happy that instead of daughters being seen as a disappointment, but instead that every child was precious, they had no desire to go back to Skull Screamer. 
Plus Rhos and Esri were the opposite of Shadi and Baka. Where Shadi and Baka were domineering and demanding, Rhos and Esri simply asked how they could help each family be successful, from having full gardens with all the medicinal and flavorfull herbs and other produce to each house having at least one if not several dragon heart trees growing. Using the gut piles of the all the kills of the game to plant the seeds themselves along with Butternut saplings and wild rose saplings and to never take whatever they wanted but only when the family’s needs and wants were met, if the family truly wanted to give anything as “tribute” they would accept it but never demand it and such behavior endeared them to the whole clan as Drad, Rhos, Sarg and Esri all encouraged each family to really pursue their interests and passions and took to fishing and trading instead of raiding as almost every woman in the clan now had at least one necklace of fine pearls each woman had collected from the shellfish in the waters of the river and the sea. 
The sailors especially took after Drad’s example, along with Sarg’s and Orcoth’s and cared very lovingly and respectfully of their wives and adopted children since Drad always treated Rhos with the utmost care, respect and dignity so that all that was left of Skull Screamer now was Shadi, Baka and their mothers and their daughters, all living under Zash’s old, and by now, very leaky roof as all that was left was now their home and the clan’s old townhall, which had stood empty, unused and now forgotten as it was abundantly clear that the old prophecy was true, that Skull Screamer would fall when under the guidance of a lone Clan Cheiftess or Warchieftess with no Clan Cheif or Warchief. 
Once Rhos and Esri both went into labor at about the same time and both gave birth to sons- who Drad and Rhosland named their son Brock and Sarg and Esri named their son Cugas as both boys were almost identical and had heard that all who got to see them praised how big and healthy and handsome both baby boys were before even more babies were born the clan and much rejoicing took place. 
Shadi and Baka had to humble themselves and admit defeat. They were almost out of food, soap, clothing, wood for their cooking fires and hearth even after taking down the other remaining houses and using them as fuel for their fires and what was left of all the gardens and thus- out of options. And came for Brock and Cugas’ birth festivals when they were one month old and out of danger and came wearing the best garments they had left to offer Rhos and Esri congratulations and to see Brock and Cugas who were themselves the most handsome baby boys they had ever seen because they both took after their mothers but they could still clearly see some of Drad’s and Sarg’s strong and handsome features in their sons. 
“We have come on this most blessed day to offer our congratulations and a truce.” Shadi began. 
“What was wrong with the agreement we agreed on a year ago?” Rhos asked curiously as she sat in her rocking chair on her porch and rocked Brock who slept blissfully away in her arms as Esri was next to her and also sitting in a rocking chair doing the same to Cugas, each woman having special puffed quilts over them and their sons. 
“Skull Screamer has fallen, all that is left of it is us. And if you do not help us, we and our daughters will die of starvation, we can find no fish or any game or anything to eat on Skull Screamer’s lands. And all those who had at first agreed to stay true to Skull Screamer have left it to join the greater Stormbreaker and seeing it’s success, we can not blame them and we hold no grudge against them or you. In fact, if you will agree to help us, we give up all rights to all of Skull Screamer’s lands to Stormbreaker, and all we ask in exchange is a place in Clan Stormbreaker. And a space to have a home.” Shadi explained as she bowed her head submissively. 
“But since we are the warchieftess’ and warlordess’ won’t you take us into your home? We will happily submit to Rhos as Warchieftess and or Esri as Warlordess and be second and or third wives to them, just like they were going to be to us had Tar survived.” Baka pleaded as Rhos gave Drad a meaningful look as he gave her a reassuring smile from his place next to her before he got up from his chair and stood on his porch above them and crossed his arms over his chest, still wearing that dragon scale armor proudly. 
“I, Clan Chief Warchief Drad of Stormbreaker do accept all of Skull Screamer’s lands from your hands, and since you all have humbled yourselves to come and ask, you are now welcome to stay as clan members of Clan Stormbreaker. However, I will never let you into my home or my household because I will never tolerate any disrespect to my Clan Cheiftess Warchieftess Rhosland, who is my wife, my mate, my better half and my greatest friend and ally. Because lest you forget, I was there, sitting in the grasses when you came to Rhosland a year ago, to offer her- her own tributes to you- as your bride gifts to her - when Tar had announced that he would have her then but never got a chance to fully claim her. And I listened as both of you threatened Rhosland with death by drowning if she ever tried to usurp you or come between you and Warlord Tar. And I will never tolerate any threat or disrespect in any way, shape or form to her. And I honestly do not trust either you or your mothers to not harm Rhosland or her mother or sister or especially our son or Esri’s son who are still young and could still fall victim to you.” Drad leveled as Shadi and Baka both balked at him and stared in terror at him and flushed with shame or embarrassment. 
“We did no such thing!” Shadi insisted. 
“My girl is a good girl, she would never do that!” Shadi’s mother insisted. 
“Really? Because I was there with Esri, also sitting in the grasses, out of your sight but well within hearing range, as you came and put those bracelets on her wrists and threatened her with similar things, are you calling the Clan Cheif Warchief and the Warlord of Clan Stormbreaker liars?” Sarg challenged angrily as he stood up and stood next to his brother and took a similar stance, with his arms crossed over his chest, standing between them and his own beloved wife. 
“Shaman Orcoth, would you please shed light on this matter and make things clear for the whole clan?” Drad invited as he looked over at the other rocking chairs on his porch which Orcoth, Shari and Grat had taken up as Shari and Grat were still knitting baby clothes for their grandsons.  
“Of course Warchief Drad. It would be my pleasure.” Orcoth grinned as he cast a spell and showed the whole thing, including all the cursing Shadi and Baka had done on the way too and from meeting with Esri and Rhosland as the whole clan gasped and murmured as they watched in horror the way Baka and Shadi were so domineering and just awful and led the attack on Shari and her humble old house and Grat’s kindness and compassion in saving Shari and what meager possessions she could before the show ended before Shadi and Baka’s mothers took the babes from their daughter’s arms and forced Shadi and Baka to kneel and bow down on their hands and knees with their foreheads touching the ground and started yelling and berating their “wicked” daughters for behaving so indecently and disrespectfully and pleaded for Drad and Sarg to show mercy and leniency on account of Baka’s and Shadi’s daughters who had started to cry by now which woke up Cugas and Brock and got them to start crying as well which upset Rhosland and Esri along with Drad and Sarg as Esri and Rhosland did all they could to comfort and console their sons as they brought their sons into Rhosland’s house to take a rest on the wonderfully comfortable couches that had been put there. 
“What do you think we should do?” Drad asked Rhosland. 
“Well now that everyone effectively knows that they are a bunch of liars. No one will trust them not to fall into the same pattern of behavior. But at the same time, their daughters have no choice in who their mothers are and they are still young and they shouldn’t have to suffer on account of their mothers. So let’s let them stay, but a very far distance away from our home, let them keep their old home, and they can turn it into a brothel for all I care.” Rhos answered him. 
“Agreed.” Esri grinned. 
“Agreed.” Sarg grinned too. 
“Very well.” Drad nodded before he came back out to see that everyone was still there, waiting to see how Drad would react and how he would respond. 
“On account of your daughters, who should not have to suffer on their mother’s account. You are allowed to be members of Clan Stormbreaker and you are allowed to either remain in your old house, or you may choose to rebuild here, that is your choice. But I warn any man in Stormbreaker from taking either of you as a bride, for no man would want such a wife as what you two have proven yourselves to be. Use whatever talents you have to earn your living here. And if you have none, then you can always turn your old home into a tavern which would be helpful, or possibly a brothel which in that case, neither Sarg or myself will ever use, your choice.” Drad announced as Baka and Shadi gasped in horror before their mothers slapped their hands over their daughter’s mouths to keep them from saying anything more. 
“A tavern it will be then, thank you Clan Chief Warchief Drad.” Shadi’s mother graciously accepted on her daughter’s behalf as their old friends agreed to help build them before Drad went back into his house to be with his family and disbursed everyone so they could go about their day. 
“So, a tavern it is.” Rhosland grinned since she could hear from the window in the wall. 
“Yup, the first, of hopefully many.” Drad smiled before he sat next to his wife and enveloped her in a hug and kissed her sweetly as they both looked down at their son who was now awake and cooing softly to both of his parents. 
“Just one thing, you’re not allowed to marry Shadi’s or Baka’s daughters when you grow up unless they are nothing like their mothers and you really, truly love them.” Rhosland told Brock which got Drad to laugh before Esri repeated that to Cugas too before there was a knock on the door and Drad got up to answer it before he found one of Sarg’s first mate. 
“Warlord Sarg, there is a small merchant ship, that is trying to go up river to a city further up river, it’s requesting assistance in help guiding the ship up the river to the next clan’s lands, they are headed to the mountains in the east, said that there are towns called colonies in the mountains that they are trying to sell their goods to and are willing to pay us a fee of gold now and another fee in gold on the way out if we are willing to do it.” He reported before Drad and Sarg shared a meaningful look and both nodded to each other.  
“Hell yeah, that’s an easy yes.” Sarg easily agreed before he got up and left the house to direct the other sailors on the shore to guide the ships using ropes on the shoreline to maneuver through the twisting and winding river before more and more merchant ships came to do the same, grateful that there was now a settlement here so that they could simply pay these orcs a small fee both to and from the mountain colony of Suchi as they brought in their vessels full of goods and would leave, having the boats laden with heaps of gold, happy and grateful that they didn’t have to use Hurricane Breaker’s river because Hurricane Breaker was bigger and stronger and demanded to inspect them and their cargo and demanded a portion of the goods, usually the best ones and half of all that they had, and a half portion of the gold the remaining half of the goods sold for at Suchi’s sister colony Twilla that their rivier eventually led to. And for just a flat fee, they could now make more money using this new clan of Stormbreaker and sell whatever didn’t sell at Suchi as part of their fee too. 
And thus was the beginning of Stormbreaker. 
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First Christmas
Just fluff. This was inspired by one of Raul's SVU master interview he did and he was wearing a bracelet. 
Warning: slight language.
Enjoy x
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"Do you have to go out dressed like that when I'm not there? I'm tempted not to let you go and keep you all to myself”
Rafael had his arms wrapped around your waist while you were trying to finish getting ready to go out. It was your first squad Christmas party, the first work thing without Nick and your first Christmas with Rafael.
Your lease was ending in your apartment after the New Year, so you started to move your stuff in slowly and mix your things in with his.
You guys had a small Christmas tree up and a beautiful big wreath on the door. Your Mum was coming to the city for Christmas and Boxing Day, staying at your apartment during her time here. This was the first time Lucia and her would be meeting. You and Sonny were having Christmas off, but you were both working over the New Year’s.
"I'll only be a few hours Rafi, then I'll be home and all yours" you spun around in his arms and kissed his nose.
"Well don't drink too much, and if you need me to come and get you just call"
He started to run his hand up your thigh along your stockings up under your dress, while he was kissing your neck.
"Rafi-I have-to-finish-oh Raf." You moaned as he kissed your neck and cupped your core through your stockings and panties.
You had black stockings on with a red long sleeved dress that came to your mid thighs, with a scoop neck and an elastic waist, black ballet flats, your hair was down curled with a piece of holly pinned in it. He kissed his way up your neck to your ear,
"Sure I can't make you change your mind and stay? You’re like a present that needs to be unwrapped" he whispered in your ear and you bit your bottom lip. Before you had a chance to answer, your phone rang, it was Amanda,
"Hey Amanda"
"Hey Y/N, I'm down stairs"
"Ok be right there" you smiled at Rafael, he rolled his eyes taking his hands away from you while you hung up.
"She sure knows how to cock block me doesn't she" you laughed cupping his cheek.
"Don't be like that Rafi, we will continue this when I get home" you winked at him.
Liv had booked a table at one of the best Italian restaurant in the area and then you guys were going to go out drinking and dancing. No one had to work the next day, but you were all on call just in case. To add a little bit of fun because it was Christmas, you all decided to dress in red or green. You all looked so festive.
You and Amanda got to the restaurant first and waited for everyone to come. Once you guys were shown to your seats, you all seen the table was set for 6. You were sitting next to Sonny, Amanda was across from you between Liv and Fin, with a spare seat next to you placed.
“Are we expecting someone else?" Amanda asked.
"Yes, me" you knew that voice anywhere
"Rafi" you smiled as you looked up.
He was dressed in a black suit with a white button down, with a red scarf and his brown over coat. You got up from your seat and pretty much jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist and yours around his neck and you kissed him hello.
"Hey Hermosa" and he kissed you again.
Rafael said hello to everyone and took his seat on the other side of you.
"Glad you made it Barba, Your just as much part of the team as the rest of us" Liv smiled and Rafael looked at you with a wink and a smirk.
You guys all ordered entries and dinner. And your drinks arrived.
"I want to do a toast" Liv started "I think of all my years at SVU this one has to have been one of my favourite. We had two new squad members join us and it was like they had always been here. We had some tough stuff happen, we lost someone we all loved very much. But we also had a lot of good stuff happen. I wouldn't want to be walking through tough stuff or the good stuff without you all by my side. Cheers" you all clinked your glasses.
Dinner was amazing and you all decided to go to a night club one block down. Excitement filled you when you saw what club it was. It was a retro club that mostly played 80's music. You had been wanting to check it out with Rafael but something always came up the nights you wanted to go. Little did you know, he actually suggested to Liv that you guys should all go there tonight after dinner because it was so close.
It was cold outside, so you guys walked quickly to get to where you needed to go to get back inside. Rafael had his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you guys were walking behind the others.
"Yes Hermosa?"
"How long ago did Liv invite you to tonight?" He laughed
"About 2 weeks ago. I wanted to leave it as a surprise" you giggled
"What if I had turned around earlier and said I would have stayed home with you?"
He lent close to your ear
"I would have made it worth your while. But now you will have to wait till we get home" he gave you a cheeky smile.
The lead up to Christmas went fairly quick and was there before you knew it. Nothing major had come in by Christmas Eve so Liv gave you all the nod to leave early, which worked in your favour. Sonny offered to go with you to the grocery store to pick up some last minute stuff for Christmas day.
Your Mum would be in New York late that night, but would be at yours and Rafael’s in the morning. You and Rafael had promised to go to Lucia’s for Christmas Eve dinner, then midnight mass, then she would be at your guys place for Christmas lunch. You had all decided no presents this year, you all just wanted to spend time together. But you did organise a couple of small things for Rafael that he didn't know about.
"So Y/N, your Mum's are meeting uh? Are ya nervous?"
"Not really Sonny, I think they will get along. It's just a big step you know. Moving in together and then mothers meeting during Christmas"
Sonny patted you in the back, "It will be fine."
Sonny drove you back and helped you take the shopping up and you turned on the jug to make him a coffee. Sonny was no Nick, but you had a cute little brother sister bond thing going on. You made the coffee and you both moved to the dining table.
"Ya know- I'm no Nick. They are big shoes to fill you guys were tight. He was your best friend. But I'm glad I was partnered with you. Not that there is anything wrong with Fin or Rollins. But we make a good team" you giggled.
"Sonny I'm glad you’re my partner, you’re a great person and you are one of my best friends, I trust you with my life." you smiled at him. A big smile came to his face.
"Same Y/N"
2am you and Rafael finally made it home. Dinner as amazing at Lucia's and midnight mass was beautiful. You both made your way to bed, knowing you had to be up early to start cooking for lunch.
Your Mum came early and helped you guys. You went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. As you walked out, you could hear your mum and Rafael talking in the kitchen,
"Well you have my blessing Rafael, when the time is right you do did. I think what you have planned she is going to love it. I couldn't have picked anyone better than you if I tried"
Butterflies filled your tummy and a smiled pulled to your face, but you were pulled out of the feeling when there was a knock on the door.
Christmas lunch couldn't have gone any better. The mum's got along amazing, and Lucia had invited you all over the next day for Boxing Day for a Cuban meal. Lucia offered to drive your mum home and they left around 10. Everything had been cleaned and Rafael poured two glasses of wine.
"Hermosa, the wine is ready"
"Coming" you walked out of the bed room with two gifts and you sat next to Rafael, he looked at the presents in your lap.
"Hermosa, what did we say about presents this year?"
"I know, but they are just something small and it's our first Christmas together"
You handed them over to him.
"Open the rectangle one first" you smiled at him.
He ripped the paper off and a huge smile pulled to his face. It was a framed photo of you and him from your first date. It was a selfie you had taken. His arms were around your waist, you had one arm around his neck. You were cheek to cheek smiling hard. He looked up at so happy.
"You don't have many photos here, so I thought since I'm moving in we needed a photo of us around"
"I love it Hermosa, thank you"
"Don't thank me yet, you have another one to open"
He put the photo on the coffee table and started to unwrap the smaller square box. His eyes filled with tears when he seen the gold ID bracelet sitting inside. He pulled it off the pillow, looking at it closely. On the top of the bar it had 'Rafael' engraved on it, he turned it over and on the back 'I love you always'
He lent over and kissed you light on the lips.
"Here, I'll put it on for you" he looked at it shinning on his arm once you clipped it up.
"Well I'm glad I got you something as well" you both laughed.
He pulled out a small green velvet box from his pocket. Your tummy filled with butterflies. He turned his body towards you.
"Mi Hermosa, I have never been as happy as I have been the last few months. You’re the love of my life and I want to grow old with you. In this box is something very special. It was Abuela’s and I want you to have it as my commitment to you" he paused "This is a commitment ring. I'm committing to you that one day I'm going to marry you and have a family"
Your eyes were filled with tears as he opened the box, it was a sliver band with a blue square cut diamond with two small white square stones on either side. He pulled the ring out of the box and handed it to you.
"I want you to read what's engraved on the inside"
You moved the ring to the light 'Only You' was on the inside of the band. Tears fell down your cheeks, he took the ring off you, grabbed your right hand and slid the ring onto your ring finger.
"I'll never take it off Rafi"
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 years
White Day confession
@searleine hi, I’m your Secret Santa for @voltronsecretsanta! I’ll be honest and did plan on writting a different fic, but I got really busy so I still hope you enjoy this. I got the idea from the DNAngel episode when we find out Disake’s parents. Happy Holidays and enjoy!
Lance squeezed past the gate right before the security guard closed it, dashing to the shoe lockers. He opened his, barely paying attention to the notes that came falling out. He quickly changed his shoes and scooped up the letters, running off to his class. He barely made it through the door before the bell rang. Mr. Shirogane, shook his head, waving him off to his seat. There were a few gifts on his desk that he shoved inside where his books were along with the notes.
“Alright everyone. We have a few announcements before classes start, but first, happy White’s Day.”
White’s Day, March 13, the companion holiday to Valentine’s Day. In their town, the took the white part seriously, giving people white items as presents. Of course, usually the girls would get gifts on White’s Day, but Lance seemed to be special. Maybe it was because he misunderstood the holidays when he first moved down to Japan. He thought he was supposed to give stuff on Valentines and then receive on White’s Day. Even as he went to different schools, the trend still followed, Lance McClain was gifted a white item from his admires on White Day. Usually he’d smile through it, getting very used to his large fan club. He was a foreign guy who looked nice, part of the swim team and genuine a nice guy. Girls liked that and crowding around him. After a while of pretty shallow crushes, he started to get bored. He liked the idea of White Day, a day where you could tell a person how you feel and all the pressure wasn’t forced on Valentine’s. Plus…last year he received the best present.
It was such a simple one. The main reason it caught his attention was because of how simple it was compared to the rest of the gifts he received. A handmade white and blue bracelet. There was no name, no flowery letter, no immediate cry to be noticed. It was a simple gift that he was meant to enjoy and he did. He wore it since the day he got it. He hoped by the end of the day, he might receive another, or even better, meet the person who just wanted to give him a gift. A really selfish part of him hoped it was that guy from the train. Since he started high school, there was a guy on the same train as him. He attended the private high schools, based on the uniform. He looked like he didn’t belong though. He had long hair, a mullet. It was usually pulled back into a ponytail, allowing the many earrings on his ears to be seen. In the warmer months where he was in his summer uniform, he had a very visible tattoo on his arm, an odd-looking symbol. He’d seen the older train riders turn their noses up at it, but something about it – who was he kidding, everything about him drew Lance’s attention. He wanted to talk to him but he was always so nervous. He might look like a rebel but he could easily be snobby and rude and Lance only had so much self confidence to deal with people like that. Maybe be could finally pluck up the courage to do it today.
He let out a yawn, feeling too slow to cover his mouth. Assuming he didn’t fall asleep on the train. He had stayed back at school late for practise and there was a good chance of that happening again. He was hoping that the captain having a girlfriend would keep him too busy to call for practise. He also had a headache. All these late nights were starting to catch up to him. It was fine though, all he had to do was get through today.
“Wow.” Rachel said as she watched Hunk help Lance bring in his White Day gifts. She also noticed her brother was pouting, but she knew it couldn’t be because of the gifts. He had gotten used to the large amount received on Valentine’s and White Day years ago. They would usually be regifted to family members. “is it bigger this year?”
“Does it matter?” Lance sulked, dropping the items in the living room and stomping off to his room.
Rachel raised an eyebrow at Hunk, who tugged at the orange ribbon tied around his wrist. At first, she was confused. He used the ribbon to push his bangs back if need be. Then she understood. It wasn’t the ribbon, but it being around his wrist, like the unnamed bracelet around Lance’s. if he was sulking, then…no unnamed gift came.
While her mother came in, greeting Hunk and offering him food, while marvelling over the gifts, she went up to Lance’s room. He’s unpacking his bag, putting books for homework in the middle and making sure he pulled out his swim stuff to get washed. She noticed he kept rubbing at his wrist. The bracelet is missing.
“So, where is it?”
“My bag. I didn’t get to put it back on after practise.” He pulled it out from the bottom of his bag and sets it on the desk. “Not that it matters. There was nothing new from them.”
“Can’t be the only reason.” He seemed even more upset for no gift giver to not show up.
“Remember that guy I talked to you about? The guy from the private school on the train? Guess what I was hoping to do today, if he was actually there?”
“He wasn’t there?” Rachel had heard more than enough about this guy, Lance talked enough about him, about the small things he noticed and how cute he looked. She was hoping to one day here he got up the courage to go talk to him but of course things couldn’t be that easy.
“And if that’s not enough, I’ve got a huge paper to finish, because our English teacher is horrible.”
“Hey, at least you can speak the language. I guess you also forgot about babysitting duty tonight?” any other time, she would have taken over for her younger brother, but she had a date with the guy from her college she’d been crushing on for weeks. She wasn’t about to give that up.
Lance groaned. “I’m going back downstairs. I saw macaroons, and I’m not letting Hunk eat them.”
“Hey, I know this sucks now, but think about it this way. If the person who gave you gift doesn’t think you’re worth it, that’s on them. and as for the guy on the train, if he’s really a rebel, he’ll realise how amazing you are, even if you take a bit more time to go talk to him.”
“Yeah, here’s hoping.”
Lance was drained. The kids thankfully only had an hour of going insane before they calmed down and he was able to get them to bed, but with how tired he was, Japanese, Spanish and English were all messing around in his head. It took twice as long to finish his assignment, not to mention the text from the captain about practise in the morning. Lance didn’t love taking the train early, cause it was always packed. His usual time wasn’t as bad, but being chained off for a while so the platform wasn’t packed with people like it was the last train, was something he could do without. He yawned, ready to take a nap, even if it took 30 minutes to get to school, but it was either sleep on the train, or stay home and sleep and deal with annoyed and anger swim captain.
“Alright, this way please.” The barricade was moved and the station staff waved the group of people up the stairs, to take their places in the correct areas. Lance was able to get a spot near the front under his area. Usually he’d people watch, take note of the different groups, but his eyes kept slipping shut. And his sight was doubling and moving? Or was that him?
“Look out!” something grabbed his arm and yanked him, just as the sound of the train registered. He landed on a firm chest, that took him as he felt his legs give out. He blinked, to realise the train was pulling into the station and station staff were quickly approaching him. Had he been so tired he almost…? “Are you ok?”
He looked behind him and there he was. The private school student, the one he shared the train rides with. He noticed his eyes were dark, kinda like gems.
“Sir? Are you alright?” a staff member asked
“yeah. Yeah, sorry. I felt dizzy.”
He was helped up and the staff directed them to the station office. Lance felt his legs tingling, like he’d walked too much after being lazy for a while.
“Do you still feel dizzy?” the private school guy asked.
“A bit.”
He watched him stand up and dig into his pants pocket, pulling out a wallet. And something else.
“I can go get you some water.” But Lance wasn’t paying attention to that. He pulled the white and blue bracelet from the guy’s hand.
“This is…”
Like a light switch, the guys face went red and he looked embarrassed. He was kept from saying anything as another staff member came in with cups of water and a sugary snack for Lance. They wanted him to stay until he didn’t feel dizzy before letting them call his school to let them know what happened.
They were left alone and Lance sat waiting. The guy could have run off the moment he had a chance, but he sat there, sitting still.
“My name’s Keith. I’ve seen you on the train for almost 2 years now and I’ve wanted to talk to you. you’ve got quite a name for yourself. Even people in my school have heard of you. last year, I had a gift get taken to your school and when I saw you wearing it the next day, I almost went over and told you it was me, but I chickened out. So I said this year, I’d do like a big gesture to give it to you.”
“except you messed that up by pulling it out with your wallet.” Lance pointed out, laughing. Keith’s face got redder and he pouted. “So why a bracelet?”
“Well, you got so much stuff from what I understood and I don’t know. Something small and simple seemed to fit you. I mean, I can tell that bag is old. The mascot you have on it really faded, so you’ve had it for a long time.” He said, nodding to the dolphin plush he had on his bag. “the sleeves on the hoodie you wear in the winter months have frayed edges, but it’s not like you can’t afford to get a new one, you just wearing to death. I wanted to give you something you’d have for a long time. So, yeah.”
Lance felt happy to know that Keith seemed to notice things about him, like he’d done to Keith.
“Can you help me put it on?” Lance handed Keith the bracelet back and gave him his wrist, ready and waiting. His chest felt fluttery as Keith tied the bracelet around his wrist, right on top of the old one. “So, I might just end up walking home and sleeping for the next couple hours, but we have half day tomorrow for that national teacher training thing. What about you?”
“No school.”
“So, if you’re up for it, why don’t you come pick me up from school and we can go hang out? Maybe as a date?”
“Yeah, that sounds good to me. I’ll make sure to catch you again if you end up fainting.”
“Who knows, cute guy, great day? It might be in the cards.”
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 3: Moving On
“I do not see why you dragged me along with you to this side of the galaxy…”
“Well for one thing...you said that you would treat me if I learned better control over my shapeshifting.”
“I am aware of that, but I meant getting you food. Not...this…” I smiled as he raised his arms up, several articles of clothing hanging on his muscular arms. I did want him to get me some food after this, but since he said he would treat...why not extend the scope of the offering? He didn’t seem to mind at first, but I think my indecisiveness was starting to work his nerves. I could admit that I took advantage of his care for me, but he never really complained about it. It had been some time since we last hung out together like this. He did give me quite the tug on my horn earlier after the prank Ka’seem and I did on him. It could have been worse in my opinion, we always had more ideas to rattle Nim. I know that he would always forgive me no matter what I did...maybe. 
“Nerissa...are we finished yet?” I looked at his annoyed face and felt bad, so I nodded and he went to the pay for it all. Sitting in one of the chairs, I watched a family look over some matching outfits to wear. The daughter didn’t seem like she wanted to have anything to do with it at all, while her younger siblings looked ecstatic. Feeling my heart tug, I looked away from the happy family. It was funny to know that my heart still yearned and felt pain for memories that I could never have. It had been years since I saw my father, and even longer since I saw my mother. I saw my brother on a regular basis though and we were as close as ever. I often asked about our mother, but he only gave me vague answers. He told me that I should look to the future instead of the past, but a part of me couldn’t let her go. She used to care about me and love me, and that was the part of her that I desperately wanted to hold onto.
I had no doubt that my father must have done something to her. I couldn’t prove this fact of course, but it just seemed the plausible assumption. As much as I hated him, I never once tried to use my new powers against him. I was far stronger than he was and it would be easy, but I never liked doing things the easy way. Lady Serafina wouldn’t want me to give into anger and hate either, I know that she wanted to give him a harsher sentence, but my mother had made such a fuss that she left them alone. I wondered how she was doing, Celica had handled her punishment back then and it was hardly over.
Celica never gave me the fine details of it, but I never had any intention of asking about it, mostly because she always had a dark look in her eyes when it was mentioned. I flinched as I felt a tug on my horn, looking up Nim looked at me with a raised brow. I smiled and wrapped my arm through his and dragged him out the store. “Are you feeling ok Nerissa?”
“Just thinking about the past.”
“It happens sometimes don’t worry your cute little tail about it. I’m great, but we’ve talked about me enough for the day. How are you doing?”
“I figured that would be your response. I know something that will be more your speed. Why don’t you see how good my water control is? I’ve been doing some pretty impressive things lately.”
“Is it better now that you aren’t drunk enough to flood another planet?” 
“......” I opened and closed my mouth before I laughed in embarrassment. In all fairness, it was a bet that I clearly was not ready to handle. Lady Serafina was so mad at me that day and I received an earful from Celica since the planet was under her watch. I never backed down from a challenge though. It was not in my nature in the slightest. “Listen, that was a simple mistake…”
“You almost wiped out an entire species.”
“I have no comment. Let’s go!” I laughed awkwardly as I dragged him away. He huffed and puffed as we went to a lake outside of the small town. After leaving Callum and Masami’s house, I took Nim to a small planet right next to it. Masami told me that the clothes there were really cute, so of course I had to sample them. I also noticed when we were coming in, that the lake here was large so I could play with it a little bit. We reached the lake and placed my stuff down and Nim leaned against a rock as I stepped out onto the lake. I slowly walked across the surface and held my hands out. I took a short breath before I slipped through the surface. I pushed the water away from my body so I’d stay dry as I touched the bottom of the lake. I looked up at the sun shining down on me as I parted the water and began to lift it. I laughed at the aquatic life swimming through the streams that I produced. As I raised it higher, I formed a sphere over my head. I winked at Nim as he looked slightly impressed at my water control.
“Well?! I know it isn’t my greatest achievement but my control is good. Not a single drop is falling and not a creature misplaced.” I smugly smiled at him as he folded his arms. “Oh don’t try and be stoic now Nim!” He scoffed as he pushed off the rock and walked towards the edge of the lake. I was about to comment on what he was doing, but the sparks of electricity told me enough.
“Wait! Don’t you dare-” I shrieked as he shot a bolt of electricity at my feet and the sphere over my head. A jolt of electricity shot up my spine and the sudden pain sent the water falling out of my grasp. I suddenly was entangled in the sudden rush of water and I hissed in anger as I swam up to the surface. Nim just looked at me as if he didn’t throw lightning at me. “What the hell was that for?”
 “You need to concentrate more. Instead of trying to be a showoff.”
 “I thought you were over the whole teacher phase with me.”
“There is always time to learn Nerissa.” I scoffed as he helped me out of the water and I pulled the water from my hair. “Stop pouting about it.”
“I’m not pouting. I just think you need to chill out some old man.”
“I’m hardly old Nerissa...some of us weren’t lucky enough to stop aging at nineteen.”
I chuckled at him as he picked up my bags and we walked deeper into the adjacent forest. I enjoyed these silent moments with Nim, but it meant I would be more into my head then I’d like. I liked to keep busy so I wouldn’t think about my life. I enjoyed what I did more than anything, hell I love it and I would never stop. A part of me wanted to go to Zhikar, but I always avoided it. Something in me just couldn’t go see where I actually came from. Maybe I was just scared and nervous. Celica thankfully didn’t talk about its status around me. I was thankful that she considered my feelings about that. I looked up at the sky and contemplated going many times. It never felt like the right time and I wasn’t going to rush it either. 
“Are you going to talk about it?
“Huh?” I stopped and looked at Nim as he stopped walking. I pursed my lips as I tangled my fingers in my skirt. His radar on my feelings was unmatched I swear to Serafina. His eye bore right into my damn skull as he waited for me to say something. If I didn’t say anything then he would stare me down until I relented. I was not trying to experience the hard gaze of a lightning god. I folded my arms as I looked him in the eye.
“I was thinking about my Zhikar...and my parents…” He opened his mouth to retort, but I rushed out the rest. “Both of my parents…”
“I know! Talking about them pisses you guys off! Trust me I know that...I just...I can’t help but think about them. They raised me and I wonder how my mother is doing more than my father. He’s just a weak old man now...he can’t do much of anything anymore. I just wonder if...if my mother is lonely.”
“.......” I pushed past him and kept walking the path, well more like speed walked it. 
“She has Anubis though...I guess that’s all she needs though. What do I know though? For all I know Celica had her eyes torn out! Shut off all her senses and is torturing her slowly!”
“Nerissa...it’s probably nothing as bad as you’re thinking.”
“You don’t know how Celica punished her?” I stopped to look back at him. “You know how Celica’s punishments are Nim. She makes me look like an angel.”
“Calm down and breathe. Do you think a trip to Zhikar would do you some good?”
“I really don’t know Nim...I’m still not ready for that yet. If I go I won’t learn about any family while I’m there. My biological parents died thousands of years ago.”
“Seeing your people and culture could give you some peace of mind. You could have family and just not realize it yet. I know that you wished that you could have met your biological parents and had some peace. I wish that I could provide that for you, but I can’t. No one can do that for you but you Nerissa.”
I looked down to the ground and he sighed and tilted my head up. “Listen little one...you will never be alone. Whenever you want to go, I’ll go with you.”
I smiled and hugged him tightly and relaxed when he ran his hands through my hair. I always felt better when he called me that. He really was like a father to me, and he would grasp how much that meant to me. I was going to say more but then remembered that I had a prior engagement.
 “Sorry to cut this tender moment short, but I have to meet up with Celica.” I giggled when he rolled his eye and we parted. I smiled when I left his side, but it vanished once I turned away. I wasn't really that excited about where I was meeting Celica at. I knew that it would be better for me in the long run, but it didn’t mean it would hurt any less. I wish I could fly to my destinations but I knew I’d never be any good at it. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a bracelet that Lady Serafina had given me in my youth. The pretty silver bracelet was an item I never parted with, and not just because it was stylish. The blue gem on it shined brightly as it allowed me to whisked away to a destination of my choosing. Lady Serafina had gifted us with many ways to travel the infinite cosmos, but she gave this to be specifically because of who I was. It used to keep away my nightmares about the Darkness when I was young, but now I use it to channel my cosmic energy into. Lady Serafina wanted me to practice my abilities as a star child whenever I could. I knew how amazing it was to be gifted with these cosmic powers, but I felt more comfortable using my water.
 I had to admit I was pretty neglectful about practicing that half of myself. I watched the gemstone glow as I concentrated my energy into it. Looking at my hand I smiled, I did like the effects that it did to my body. Stars and the cosmos were etched into my skin and I loved seeing it every time. Realizing that I was stalling, I pushed more energy into it and was whisked away to another planet on the edge of the universe. I hated the sudden sickness I experienced when I did this damn thing. I stumbled forward as my feet touched solid ground. Holding back my vomit, I walked up a hill towards my destination. I stopped halfway there to admire the sight in front of me.
 Celica was sitting cross legged suspended in the air. I purred low in my throat as I looked at her ass. Celica had the best ass I had ever seen, and I took great joy and care into looking at it whenever I had the chance. I used to wish I could get her to swing in my direction, but she was more like a sister to me then anything. I’d still admire the beauty of that ass though. I wanted to take a nice bite of it too, but her cool voice pulled me from my thoughts.
 “Your lust is so tangible Nerissa. Stop staring at my ass.” I grinned and made my way up next to her as she handed me a glass of wine. I took a dep swig of it as we both looked over the cliff we were on. A wedding ceremony was taking place below us. I gripped the glass tight as I watched my old love Khepri, meet her wife at the end of the aisle. I was glad that Lady Serafina had allowed my friends another chance at life.
 Well...technically speaking…
 The concept of death is a different sort of concept as far as I was concerned. If Lady Serafina granted it, should who have died can advance to live amongst the stars. They could essentially choose to reincarnate and live out an immortal life. Khepri had spent over three hundred years in Duat before I had asked Lady Serafina to grant her another life. It still frightened me that she could die, and I was always afraid of my father doing something to her, even in his weakened state. Death after reincarnation meant nothing afterwards. The second chance was also the last chance. The very thought of that happening to Khepri, or anyone I cared about terrified me. I, of course, hid it well. 
 “She looks beautiful.” My shoulders slumped for a second, before I straightened back up and forced out a laugh. Khepri always looked beautiful on any given day.
 “So you do have a wandering eye Celica?” She rolled her eyes as she poured herself more wine. “All you have to do is ask and I’ll lather you up nicely~”
 “Hush you horny animal. I think I should be asking if you’re ok.” I shrugged as I sat down and leaned my cheek into my hand. I watched as Khepri smiled happily and kissed her bride. The happy cheers carried through the wind and filled my ears. I had no right to feel sad about this, especially since I told her I couldn’t commit. I thought I would be able to, but it seems that would be a thing that would never change. I was here to get rid of the residue love I held for her, and I couldn’t help but think maybe I was selfish using her like that. I hurt her enough for one lifetime, and perhaps I could mend our friendship later down the line. 
 Only time would tell I suppose.
 “I’m pretty great Celica...all things considered. Seeing her happy is the greatest gift I could ever receive. I think I’ll bless her as my wedding gift to her.” I stood up and held my palm out. “Congratulations Khepri...here’s to a lifetime of happiness...and great sex.” Celica coughed on her drink beside me as I laughed and began the blessing. Khepri and her wife looked up at the sky in joy as the clouds parted and the day grew brighter. I wished her happiness and I wanted nothing but good things for her. Chugging back the wine, I tossed the glass back to Celica. Catching it, she stepped down onto the ground and put her hand on my shoulder.
 “We can go to that club that you like if you want? Keep you focused on something else…”
 “No I’m good...besides I think that-”
 “Sorry to interrupt you girls, but we have a problem.” I looked over my shoulder as Lady Serafina descended from the sky. “I’m sending you all on an assignment right now.”
 “An assignment?! Seriously!? Oh fuck yeah!” I threw a fist in the air as I jumped in place gleefully. If there was anything that would brighten my mood it was this. Sex and drinking were one thing, but fighting and killing gave me a different type of pleasure.
 “So what’s going on that you need all of us?” Celica asked with her usual indifference towards her. I could only wonder when that debacle would end. Celica was cute when she had an attitude so it wasn’t all bad. 
 “I’m sending you all to Sector 4857….as you are aware Celica, activity around there has been bad. I believe the Darkness is moving in on that area.” 
 “Great...just when I thought I could handle that myself. The Darkness always finds a way to screw me over…” Celica shook her head as she walked forward and took off into the air. I watched her go before batting my eyelashes at Lady Serafina. She giggled as I sauntered over to her and circled around her. I flipped my hair over my shoulder as I stopped in front of her.
 “So...how would you like to give me something to think about while I’m away?” Her laughter filled the air causing flowers to grow around our feet. “See? I’m gonna need more than that sweet laughter.”
 “I think I’ve gifted you with quite the “objects” already Nerissa.” I laughed as I ran a hand over my breasts. They were the greatest things I could say I asked for. My breasts were a bit on the small side, but the bump up to some lovely double D’s was an excellent choice. “Come along Nerissa, you can come with me to pick up Ka’seem.”
 “Oh joy...I hope he’s doing something naughty~”
 “He might be…”
 She wrapped an arm around me as she whisked us away. I could only imagine what my best friend would be doing now. I glanced over my shoulder one more time, sending one more well wish to Khepri. I had a feeling the next few hours were going to be more than interesting. I licked my lips and grinned as I could feel my heart race in excitement.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/648958621260136448/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/647300345002852352/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
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andy-loves-corgis · 5 years
All of The Lights - Ch 5 (TRR AU)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: well, now just the dysfunctional Riley x Liam and the awful Liam x Madeleine
Rating: M (I can’t make them not curse  I guess...)
Word count: ~ 4,000
Notes: Thanks, whoever is still here and believe I’m not a bitch who updates once a year ♥️
WARNING: Read the Prologue! Every chapter has TWO timelines, Before (about a year before the Prologue) and After (two years after the prologue), if you don’t pay attention to that you might get confused!
Breathe in, breathe out
I feel like I’m loosing myself all the time, so numb I can’t run, I can’t give up
Tumblr media
Her fingernails were pressing the palm of her hand with such force that she knew she would have those tiny crescent moons marked on her skin, her appointment for acrylic nails wasn’t before that same afternoon.
Anger management wasn’t applicable at that moment, for years she sat through etiquette classes and learned how to bow, how to smile politely through her clenched teeth, how to fake laugh, how to hold tears. Although, she wasn’t a master of deceit like Madeleine, who always beat her when it was time to conceal emotion.
“Do you need any help getting out, Lady York?” Riley finally got back to herself realizing they had arrived.
“No, thanks Hans!” She smiled but wasn’t sure if she didn’t just look like a dog showing teeth.
Walking with no crutches was the only thing she was glad for, as she rested the brand-new orthopedic boot encasing her left ankle on the dewed grass.
It still took ages to reach the door though, but she was relieved that now she at least could put some weight on her foot.
Instead of knocking, she went for the bell, just because she knew it would piss him off, he hated the sound of the bell and that alone brought a little smile to her face.
As the door opened the smile vanished. A blue-eyed blonde with half of a gray jacket on greeted her with a surprised look.
“Uh... hi?”
It took 3 three seconds for an angry Riley to recover her ability of speaking.
“Move!” She slapped her hand on the door and made her way inside right when a yawning Drake was getting on the living room.
He looked at the startled blonde with her purse secured under her arm to the fuming brunette walking to him.
“Oh, did I wake you up, Drake?” Riley asked.
“You told me you didn’t have a girlfriend...” the blonde started, still holding the doorknob.
“She’s not my girlf...”
“Do you know what day is today?” Riley cut him off crossing her arms on her chest. “Where you were supposed to take me this morning?”
Drake rubbed his eyes more forcefully than it was necessary and sighed.
“I’m sorry Riley, I didn’t forget, I just overslept... oh you don’t need to go” he added to the blonde halfway through the door. “I can make some coffee...”
“Drake... last night was real fun” she gave him a half smile and added pointing her head at Riley, who was rolling her eyes. “But you clearly have stuff to resolve with your ‘not-girlfriend’. Bye”
He took his eyes from the door back to Riley, who was chewing the insides of her cheeks.
“Took her long enough” she said pouting as Drake half laughed half sighed.
“You’re definitely something else, York” he grabbed a discarded shirt that was laying on the couch and put it on. “I have something for you”
She watched as he roamed through the shelves on his living room walls, taking a rectangular leather box and offering her.
“Happy Name Day, Riley” she looked from him to the box several times before rolling her eyes.
“Drake, this is a stupid tradition, my birthday was over a month ago and you already gave me a gift.”
“Well Cordonia says that young noble girls need to wait for the first crop of apples to be harvested before she can be presented to the noble society as an adult” Drake added in a solemn voice before cracking a laugh. “Open the damn thing, York.”
She tried to give him a distrustful look, but the corners of her mouth betrayed her and once she opened the box all jokes and pretenses vanished, her mouth opened slightly and she blinked several times as to make sense of what was in front of her.
“How did you find it?” She asked breathlessly.
“I didn’t, sorry...” she saw his face falling “it’s a replica, I couldn’t find it, I really tried.”
Riley touched the gold surface with trembling fingers, it wasn’t anything fancy, actually it was the opposite. Her grandmother had cancer and before she died, she got a pair of bracelets, a string of gold with an infinity symbol in the middle to share the infinite of possibilities that life gives to everyone.
Four months ago, and two years after her grandmother’s passing, Riley lost it at the sea, she got desperate and Drake went back to look for it until it got dark.
“I asked for the same jeweler that made the original for your grandma. So... you can remember home, when you’re in New York.”
Tears started falling down her cheeks before she could even acknowledge them.
“Oh my god” she whispered as his arms enveloped her and she started sobbing. “This is so... so thoughtful”
He just embraced her silently, she knew Drake wasn’t a guy of many words, but she felt safe there.
“Do you want coffee?” His voice was muffled by her hair and she nodded.
“I want eggs too” she added in a broken voice making him chuckle, he kissed the top of her head and let go of her body, making his way to the kitchen.
Riley used this time to clean her smudged face and with her bare face she sat to have breakfast with him at almost noon.
They moved to his porch, a sharp pang on her leg as she let her body fall in one of his lawn chairs, he sat on the railing across her.
Drake reached to a pack of cigarettes at the same time she reached for her painkillers.
“You ok?” He asked before lighting his cigarette.
“Yeah” she answered after popping one of the pills. “The doctor said it would hurt a little more now I’m putting more weight on the leg... You said you had stopped smoking”
“I’m sorry I didn’t take you there” he said after a pause and she rolled her eyes. “And I just do it once in a while, like someone I know”
Riley laughed and got a cigarette for herself.
“So, who was the girl?” One of her brows up.
“Someone I met at a bar last night.”
“What’s your thing with blondes?” Her mouth twisting and he shrugged laughing, throwing the remaining of his cigarette in the ashtray.
“I don’t have a ‘thing’ with blondes” he laughed it out.
“You’re hooking up with only blondes since... I don’t know, since I was 14 I guess.”
“And you don’t like them because they are blondes?” He cocked his head and threw one eyebrow up.
“I don’t like them because they don’t deserve you, you need a girl who’s fun, makes you laugh, but also is down to earth and doesn’t care about any type of social status...”
“I’ll find her one day, okay” he smiled at her “I promise.”
Suddenly she wasn’t so sure she wanted to share her best friend.
“Ah well, I better go.” She steadied herself on the wood wall and Drake jumped out of the railings to help her down the steps. “Seven o’ clock sharp, Drake Walker, you know my mother tolerates lateness worse than I do. God forbids me to be presented to Cordonian society.”
She just watched as he laughed and nodded, her fingers sliding through the gold surface of the bracelet now in her arm.
This celebration meant nothing to her, nor did turning 18 a month before, did it really matter that she wasn’t a minor anymore and all the drinking, sex and careless driving she was doing since 16, was authorized by law now?
For ladies of the court the Name Day meant they were now part of the true noble society, though Riley had joined them when Liam turned 18 and she started attending the royal functions as his official girlfriend.
Her fingers found the cold surface of the full-length mirror in her room and for a second she wished she was in a fantasy movie where she would cross the barrier to a new world, a happy accident forcing her to leave everything behind.
“Oh amazing, it covers that horrible thing on your foot” she was startled by her mother exclaiming, seeing her on her blue gown, the color of Valtoria. “This corset is too loose, come here.”
“it’s ok, mom”
“It’s not okay to look like a rag doll on your Name Day, this day is important in Cordonian tradition, the first crops harvested after your 18th birthday...” Anabelle grasped the ties of Riley’s corset “...what if Liam decides to propose tonight?”
Riley’s heart started pounding in her chest and she was out of breath, but not because her mother was mercilessly pulling the strings of her corset, no, it was the cold feeling in the pit of her stomach, making her dizzy, making her legs shake, she didn’t even acknowledge her mother leaving her with the rough fabric hardly pressing on her skin.
God no.
Still dizzy she carefully made her way downstairs, short breaths filling her lungs as she concentrated only in each step below.
“Hey. Here, let me help...” she felt relief wash over her as she saw Drake in his usual dashing grey suit, he locked his fingers in hers and Riley was able to breathe for the remaining steps.
“You got this, imagine them in their underwear” Drake chuckled at Riley’s horrified face.
“Jesus, Drake. Madeleine’s dad is here! Ew!”
She laughed it out as Drake took the nearest entrance back to the ballroom.
They started the usual song “Rains on Red Crops”, hundred-year-old song about apples, but also, if you listened very carefully, it was about women maturing to become wives.
Suddenly Riley wanted to pass out again, barely registering when her father joined her in the entrance and presented her to “society”, probably a hundred years before it would have looked more like a cattle exhibition than now, they slowly moved to the beat of the song, at least the little movement possible by her orthopedic boot.
The song finally ended and with a single kiss on her forehead her dad left the dance floor, now full of couples dancing, she bumped on at least five people while excusing herself out to the bar.
“Maraschino shot, please... make it two.”
The bartender chuckled and put two shot glasses filled to the brim with transparent liquid. One after the other she swallowed the strong liquor, felling the alcohol burn through her veins so it was easier to regain composure.
“Well well well, look who’s hiding from her own party” she heard Liam’s voice behind her. “How can I give you my gift if I can’t find you?”
Liam had the unmistakable glint in his eyes that he only wore when he truly wanted her, his full teeth smile was sweet, but she still felt like a pray.
“Come with me.” It wasn’t a question, but he still held his hand to her.
As fast as her broken ankle let, they walked to the gardens.
“Your mother has really nurturing hands; she cares for the most exquisite flowers I’ve ever seen” he met Riley’s eyes and they burst out laughing.
“That’s the worst pickup line ever, Liam” 
“But I still managed to make you laugh” he smiled and stopped in front of her. “You’re still the most breathtaking thing outside now. That’s why I needed to give you this.”
Riley shivered as he reached for the pocket inside his jacket. She closed her eyes and tried to suppress the will to run.
“Maybe you’ll just outshine it” he took out a box too large and flat to be a ring.
Thank God.
Inside laid a diamond necklace with a five-carat ruby, as red as blood. It was breathtaking.
Liam took it out to put it around Riley’s neck.
“Maybe it’s a remainder of everything good you have here, everything that’s worth staying.”
“Liam...” she choked on her breath.
“Are you really willing to give up on us?”
It was cold, not freezing, but the kind of cold that make you aware of all the muscles and nerves in your body.
Her lungs were starting to burn when she opened her yes, the salt burning them, the blue all around her being.
Deafening silence as she just floated facing the unknown, the choice she made two years ago laughing back at her. Her lungs were at countdown, 5... 4... 3... 2...
Her desperate gasp was eaten by the waves crashing on the rocks near her. Nothing, she thought that coming back to the very place where she tried to take her life would give her at least a memory, but nothing came.
Riley took her towel and spotted Hans, eyes wide gripping his radio.
“It’s okay Hans, it was just a swim” she shouted, adding in a whisper “not that babysitting would’ve helped anyway if it wasn’t.”
She lazily dried herself and put on her dress, being back at the palace gave her all the bad chills she tried to avoid, but she was at a different place right now.
Same paintings, same carpets, same chandeliers, but a completely different Riley. 
Her room almost seemed untouched, at the same time as it looked like she had never lived there. She sighed spotting her luggage and her dress for that night laid on her bed. 
Marching to the shower, she let the hot water wash all the salt and frustration out of her, she needed to come up with a solution, these memories couldn’t be just gone forever, and if they were, there was no point in being back at all.
Actually, it had. As much as Riley tried to hide, Cordonia was the place that held all her love and all her hate, a very unbalanced situation of sin and salvation, of revenge and redemption. That’s why she was back.
She put on her formfitting silver dress, it was a requisition from the birthday girl, that all of her female guests dressed in silver, Riley would bet every cent she had that Madeleine did it just so she could appear in gold, it was typical Madeleine behavior.
A knock on the door startled Riley as she finished zipping up her dress feeling ready for the red carpet.
“Come in Max, you’re awfully early!” She stopped dead in tracks when she saw who was at the door.
“Riley...” his voice was almost a whisper, like he was entering sacred ground and shouldn’t disturb the place.
As Riley blinked several times trying to understand what was happening, Liam decided against the sacred ground and crossed the space between them and pulled her body close to his.
She had time for a short gasp before his lips found her in a searing kiss, a kiss that sent her to somewhere in the past, when her life was much easier. The taste of his lips reminded her of sunshine and spring, the feeling of his suit fabric on the palm of her hand reminded of adolescence, but for some reason, her hands stayed there, in his chest, they didn’t travel through his body as they used to, no, they stayed unmoving as to keep the past at bay.
“Liam...” she broke the kiss and felt... embarrassed? She didn’t know what to feel. “We can’t do this.”
“I’m... I’m sorry, I just had to, I didn’t even know how much I’ve missed you until I set my eyes on you that afternoon.” He pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and she fought the urge to retreat. “If I knew you were coming back, I... My engagement is...”
“Liam, we always knew this would end up with you marrying someone else.” Riley’s statement hurt him, and he took a step back.
“What matters is that you’re back now” he cleared his throat. “We’ll have plenty of time to figure things out. I’ll see you at the ball?”
He didn’t dare to call it his fiancée’s birthday and Riley nodded instead of saying anything that would make the conversation go longer.
She exhaled loudly once she heard the door clicking on his back.
What the fuck was that?
The mirror reflected her smeared lipstick and she shut her eyes forcefully before reaching for her makeup bag.
Once Maxwell came to pick her up she was already recomposed.
“Is everything alright?” He asked.
“Yes, why wouldn’t it be?”
He shifted his weight from one leg to the other before answering.
“I heard one of the maids saying Liam have been here”
“It was nothing he just wanted to check on me, we haven’t talked since I came back”
“Hum, ok”
They arrived the ballroom in silence meeting a cheerful Hanna at their table.
It didn’t take long for the Royal family to arrive and as Riley predicted Madeleine was attached to Liam in a glimmering gold dress.
For the first time it bothered her the side eyes waiting for her reaction, she stood there clapping and smiling. With a wine glass in her hand, she gave everyone one excuse to go to the balcony where she would be away from all the noise.
On the far end pulled herself up the railings and reached for one cigarette in her purse.
“Still smoking, York?”
Riley once appreciated him calling her by her last name, but now she felt he used it to distance himself from her.
“Old habits die hard, I guess” she laughed it out but stopped once she saw Drake’s questioning look. “Aaaaaand I guess it wasn’t a good sentence for someone with an addiction past”
Drake nodded slowly, an awkward silence falling between them.
“I’m clean now, just so you know, a glass of wine and a cigarette once in a while, 8 hours of sleep, therapy...” she shrugged to stop blabbering.
“Good to know.”
They were interrupted by a waiter bringing a glass of whiskey to him and sliding a note to Riley. 
She took it under Drake’s suspicious look, and her heart started pounding as her eyes roamed through the words.
“I... I gotta go”
“Is everything okay?” There was a hint of concern in his voice.
“Yes yes... hum, I just need to grab something in my room. Humm, see you later.” She waved to him and left with her heart on her throat.
Riley couldn’t understand the feelings overtaking her that moment, she was mostly curious, but also a part of her feared how it would be, especially due to the place of the meeting.
She was deep on the basement, passed the armory, down the wine cellar, she didn’t even remember this place, but the door was where the note said it would be.
A creaking sound and she was inside.
“Don’t let the door close!” An alarmed voice hit her, the same time as the door thumped behind her. “FUCK!”
Riley turned back frightened and realized there was no door knob, the door blended with the stone walls. Beside her a disheveled Duchess Nevrakis scanned her and the room outside, it was small, smaller than an elevator, lit by only a candelabra on the left wall.
“What’s going on?” Riley asked, the pit of her stomach churning. “Olivia what the fuck is this?”
Olivia didn’t answer, and her heavy breathing was the only thing Riley heard while her hands felt where the door once was.
“They sent you a note, too didn’t they?” Olivia gasped. “You’re here after Liam too?”
“What?” Riley turned to the redhead, who looked nothing like the always composed duchess.
Olivia rested her back on the wall, her chest rising and falling heavily, she looked about to cry.
“Liam, you’re back for him! I got a message he wanted to meet and ended up here. You’re back for him!”
“Olivia calm down” Riley slowly approached her. “It wasn’t Liam...”
“Then who? Didn’t you dump your commoner toy to be with him?” Olivia’s breath was more erratic by the minute.
“I came back for myself Olivia!” Riley couldn’t understand the tormented face on her face. “Are you okay?”
“WHY ARE YOU HERE?” the Nevrakis screamed while tears fell out of her eyes “Didn’t you want to die?”
“Yes, I did!” Riley exclaimed back “And I wanna know why! Something triggered me, my note said someone wanted to meet me out of the prying eyes to tell me what happened”
“Madeleine, that bitch! She’s playing us!” Olivia sobbed as she let herself fall to the ground shivering.
“Olivia, are you claustrophobic?” Riley gave another tentative step towards her.
“Look at me Olivia! LOOK AT ME!” The Nevrakis heiress shot her eyes up to Riley. “Breathe, and count to 3, come on breathe. we’re ok. Everything will be fine! I’ll find a way out of here”
Riley held Olivia’s face and counted as she breathed, trying to figure out how they could get out, there must be a way.
“Close your eyes, think of good things, remember the summer before you turned 12?” Olivia nodes with eyes shut. “Tell me about your favorite day.”
“It... it was very sunny, even for Lythikos.. and... and...” her voice started to shatter.
“We were all there for the summer, remember? I was ten remember, you made fun of me because I lost my blanket.”
“Yes, you were so stupid” she made a sound that resembled a laugh. “Drake kept trying to replace it with something...”
Riley searched the walls, she remembered Liam and Drake telling her about a time they got trapped there, and Drake found a way out, it was somewhere there.
“Keep talking, Liv. You jumped on the lake from the highest rock remember? You were the bravest”
“We went horse riding later...” Olivia kept talking for some minutes then stopped, Riley could hear her starting to sob again.
Think Riley, think!
“I made bracelets for everyone, and we stayed up longer than the boys drinking hot chocolate just the two of us, remember the smell of cinnamon?” Riley tattered the walls trying to find a loose rock.
“Yes, you weren’t that bad back them.”
“You weren’t either” a small smile crept up on Riley’s lips as her hand sinked on the wall.
“Yes!” Riley almost stumbled getting up to hold the door open. “We’re free Liv, come!”
The redhead had to support herself on the wall for her trembling legs not to give up on her.
“Breathe, Liv. We’re okay now!” She offered her hand to Olivia who hesitated for a second before grabbing it in a strong grip.
“Thank you, Riley” Liv whispered.
“What enemies are for? Madeleine will pay for it.”
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” Olivia brushed her cheeks almost clean of her smudged makeup.
“I still need to talk to you about some things, Olivia.”
“Not tonight, York. Tonight, I need to drink wine and sleep for 12 hours”
“That’s a good plan.” Riley agreed.
Watching Olivia make her way up the stairs before moving from the wall, she stayed there for almost an hour, God knows how longer Olivia had been there.
Her trembling legs moved one step at a time, when she reached the hall Hans was there with Bastien and Madeleine.
“Oh my God, Riley. What happened?” Madeleine faked concern moving to hug her and adding in a whisper. “Don’t mess with me.”
Riley was about to answer when a concerned Liam caught up to them.
“Riley… what happened?”
And there Riley found a better way to respond to Madeleine, opening her arms she embraced Liam.
“Oh Liam, it was horrible!” He locked her body close to his and she rested her face on his chest, not before smirking to Madeleine.
Your move, bitch.
Riley is a poor decision maker...
Tagging the marvelous: @drakewalkerrosenberg @sleepwalkingelite @agent-bossypants @pug-bitch @iplaydrake @rtinaz @silviasutton1989 @ooo-barff-ooo @likethetailofacomet @notoriouscs @mind-reader1 @annekebbphotography @walkerismychoice @tmarie82 @blackwidow2721 @thequeenchoices @missameliep @jovialyouthmusic @perksof-everything @choicesmacmakes @carabeth @drakenazario @drakesensworld @moneyfordiamonds  @ao719 @lynne1993 @ilovedrakewalker23 @msjpuddleduck @drakewalkerisreal @violinist3121 @wannabemc2 @gibbles82 @furiousherringoperatortoad @jens-diamondchoices​ @saivilo @rainbowsinthestorm @zorjasblog @kimmiedoo5 @bee1arw @world-of-dreams-and-muse​ @pintobomb @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @emceesynonymroll​ @andy-loves-corgis
54 notes · View notes
lovemesomerafael · 5 years
El Amor Todo Lo Puede              Chapter 47:  The Season Of Miracles
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Source: @viennainspring 
Chapters 1-45  Chapter 46
It was hard for Rafael to feel jealous, even though Laura was laughing out loud at an email from Peter Stone.  Mostly, that was because she was wearing the tie he’d worn to work that day, and nothing else, as she sat cross-legged in the middle of his bed.  
“My mother is trying to furnish Peter’s apartment for him with stuff from our house. She’s threatening him with the floral couch from the basement.”
“If he doesn’t want it, he should just say so,” Rafael responded distractedly, busy trying to take notes on a brief he’d been served with that afternoon. He was sitting against the headboard, tapping the end of his pen against his lower lip.
“You’ve met my mother.”
“Fair point.  He’s screwed.”
“I’ll talk to her.  But I’m gonna give him shit first.”
“Of course you are, mi amante[1].”  
Laura decided that she didn’t want him to pay more attention to his work than to her, at least right at this moment.  She’d given him a long enough break after he’d jumped her the minute she’d come home.  She reached over and set her phone on the bedside table, then crawled over to him, lying on her stomach with her head on the pillow.  He smiled as she began to stroke his chest with light touches, and wasn’t surprised when she began to place soft, slow kisses across his abdomen.  
When she slid down in the bed, he murmured, “You’re insatiable.”
“It’s your fault,” came her voice from under the covers.  “If you weren’t so fucking sexy…”
“I don’t believe you,” she said, now using a hand and her tongue in a way that had his full attention.
“That’s because I’m lying,” he replied, laying his head back against the headboard.  
Being in a committed relationship was affecting Rafael in unexpected ways.  He sometimes still found himself wrestling with insecurities, and he was never not going to be jealous of other men who noticed Laura in certain ways.  He would have thought that, given his past, he would have been in no hurry to move forward from where they had been for the past couple of months.  But the previous Sunday morning, as they lay side by side in bed, both absorbed in their computer tablets, he had found himself checking out real estate.  Real estate. As in, maybe a little brownstone. Something with a stoop.  And a large bathtub, given his recent discovery that Laura absolutely loved taking baths together and he… didn’t object. The bathtubs in their apartments were entirely inadequate for the purpose, however.  He was a little nervous about what it meant that he was looking at real estate, other than the fact that it had become entirely superfluous for them to have separate apartments.  But far less nervous than he would have expected.
Rafael also found that, whereas he had never given one second’s thought to it when other people did it, he now felt a certain glow whenever he used the words “we” and “us” to mean himself and Laura.  Que savia. Un romántico descuidado, tierno de corazón.[2]  He had known that about himself, of course, and been annoyed and embarrassed by it, keeping it entirely secret to the best of his abilities.  Only Anatalia had ever seen that most private side of him, and had shattered him with it.  But now, with Laura, he didn’t even mind that his family and a few close friends could see it.  He had even refrained from responding sharply on the very few occasions when one of them had dared to gently tease him about it.  
Laura could sometimes see when his feelings frightened him.  At those times, she would be especially vocal and demonstrative about how she felt, and careful not to push him to respond in kind.  She also preemptively did things to make him feel safe.  She hid notes in his briefcase sometimes, just silly ‘I love yous’ that wouldn’t embarrass him too much if someone else saw them.  Anytime another man flirted with her in his presence, she would reach out and touch Rafael, or go to stand with him, even give him a secret wink if it was a situation where something more overt wasn’t appropriate.  If she was at the courthouse when he was in court, regardless of whether it was a case SVU was involved in, she would slip into the back of the courtroom and wait until he spotted her, just to say a silent hello to him across the room.  
He had laughed at her once when she’d actually sat down and watched him for a while.   He had looked surprised and a little confused when he looked back and saw she was still there.  It wasn’t a trial, just a bunch of pretrial motions in a murder case with no connection to SVU.  When the hearing was over, they met in the courtroom aisle and walked into the hallway together.
“Everything OK?”
“Everything’s fine.  I just wanted to watch you.”
“You stayed here specifically to watch me in court?”
“Well, some people watch porn…”
His unrestrained laughter and the smile stretching his lips told her she had done the right thing.
For her part, Laura didn’t expect things to move forward quickly, and she didn’t need them to.  She was entirely content as long as she and Rafael were together.  Her heart was his, permanently and unequivocally, and he loved her back just as much.  She saw forever with him, and intended to make that happen, regardless of whether they spent the rest of their lives paying for separate apartments and struggling to find the right word to describe their relationship.  
“Boyfriend” was just stupid.  Rafael wasn’t a boy, and their relationship was not casual.  “Fiance”  would have been nice, but they weren’t engaged and she was never going to push him on that.  What else was there?  “Significant other?”  Ugh. Sounded like the way a sociologist would describe some blood-brother bond among hunters in a primitive society. “Partner?”  Too generic and too businesslike.  “Lover” just implied sex and made people uncomfortable.  Spanish had many more accurate words, all of them prettier and many more accurate than those available in English.
It was amazing to think that Rafael was actually going to go to Midnight Mass with her.  As many times as she had asked him, he had never agreed to go to Mass with her before. Laura was careful not to make too big a deal of it, because she didn’t want to make him self-conscious or give him any reason to regret his decision.  But she was really looking forward to being next to the man she loved in church on Christmas Eve.  
Rafael thought Laura had never looked more beautiful.  Her red dress was entirely appropriate for church, but he was somewhat concerned about smiting because the way it flattered her was going to make it hard to avoid impure thoughts.  As he waited for her, he sat on the end of her couch, fascinated by Laura’s Christmas tree.  The tree was beautiful; the ornaments artistically chosen and hung, and its presence in her apartment made it seem like a home.  He’d given her grief about the trouble she’d gone to for a mere decoration, even as he’d helped her bring the tree into the apartment and set it up. But the truth was, he liked that she’d done it, and he liked the way her apartment felt with the Christmas decorations around.  
She came back from her bedroom, holding a wrapped present.  Her smile was sheepish as she sat down on the floor between the Christmas tree and Rafael’s feet.  “Merry Christmas,” she said as she handed it to him.
“Really?  I didn’t know we were going to…”
“I wanted to.”  
“Should I open it now?”  He asked, intrigued to learn what she had chosen for him.
“Go ahead.”  
He unwrapped the box to find a dress shirt with a gorgeous tie and – of course - suspenders that matched the tie.  She hadn’t forgotten the matching socks.  The whole ensemble was superb.  He knew how absurdly particular he was about his clothes, and he definitely would have chosen these for himself.  The idea that she knew him that well, that she paid that much attention, made tears press behind his eyes.  He was flattered, but also a little stunned, that she had obviously spent a great deal on this gift; more than he would have spent on himself.  “Laura, these are… perfect.  Really.  But I know how … I mean…”
“Shut up and say thank you.”  She was beaming.  
Laura blinked.
“Do you want me to shut up?  Or do you want me to say thank you?”
“You’re even difficult on Christmas.”
He smiled and shrugged.  “You wouldn’t recognize me otherwise.”
He looked down again at the beautiful clothes she’d chosen.  “Thank you, cariño[3].  They’re wonderful.  I can’t wait to wear them.”
He reached down and she raised up on her knees to meet him halfway for a hug that lasted a long time.  When she sat back down, he was pulling a wrapped box from the pocket of his coat. He handed it to her with a wide grin.
“You said…”  
“I say a lot of things.  Open it.”
She grinned back at him, then pulled off the ribbon and tore off the paper, setting them on the floor next to her.  Nervously, she took hold of the bottom and the top of the velvet box, opening it to reveal a beautifully carved silver bracelet.  Laura gasped.  It was exquisite, and very much her taste.  She reached out to take the lovely bracelet from its box and put it on her wrist.  
“Look inside,” Rafael said.
Laura turned the bracelet over and held it up.  Inside was the inscription, “Hemos construido Ikea muebles juntos.  Hay un vínculo.[4]”  She was overcome by a mixture of tremendous amusement, happiness, and deep emotion. A tear ran down her cheek as she let loose with a shriek of laughter.  She raised up on her knees again and threw her arms around him.  How could he have remembered that throw-away remark she’d made to him a million years ago?
“I would pay real money to see the look on the guy’s face when you asked for that inscription,” she giggled into his shoulder.
Rafael snickered.  “He didn’t speak Spanish.  Just made me spell it.  I told him it meant ‘Employee of the Month’.”
They laughed as they held eachother.  Laura could feel Rafael’s deep laugh where her ear was pressed against his chest.
“Thank you so much, Rafael – I love it.  I really do.  And the inscription…” she shook her head against his chest, still laughing.  “How do you remember that?”  
“I remember everything about you.  Besides, that was the first time you said that we meant something to each other.  And it’s true, you know,” he said quietly, a smile in his voice.  He put two fingers under her chin, turning her face up to his.  “We do have a bond.”
They were still smiling as their lips met.  What had been a hug between close friends gradually transformed into the intimate embrace of lovers as they repositioned their arms to press their bodies closer together.  Laura felt heat flood her body as she found herself exactly where she most wanted to be. Rafael smelled delicious; like warm cinnamon and musk and maleness.  She followed his lead, tilting her head to allow him to capture her lips with his, opening to his seeking tongue.  
Rafael wanted nothing more than to lay Laura out on the floor and make love to her there under the Christmas tree.  His fingers played with the zipper pull at the neck of her dress, but he restrained his desire to take hold of it.  He knew from the way she was melting into him, moving with him, and eagerly blending her mouth with his that she would be happy for him to lower the zipper and slip the pretty red dress from her body.  But he also knew that she really wanted them to go to Mass together. In truth, he wanted that, too.  
“We should go,” he whispered hoarsely.  
“Rafa-“ she began, reaching to pull him back to her.
“If you back out on me now, after all the times you’ve tried to get me to go to church…”  The warmth in his voice said much more than his words.
Laura sighed.  “OK, you’re right.”  She smiled and smoothed his hair where she’d messed it up with her fingers.  Trying to cool her ardor, she closed her eyes and sucked in as big a breath as she could, blowing it out as slowly as possible.  “But first you have to say it again.”
“I love you,” he said, smiling as he looked into her eyes.
Laura slowed as she reached the fourth floor.  She could hear the sounds of laughter and happy voices  coming from Seora Barba’s apartment.  She hesitated very briefly, then did what she always did when she had to do something and wasn’t sure she was brave enough.  She did it before she had time to think.
Señora Barba opened the door almost immediately.  She took one look at Laura and began to shriek.  “Laurita!  Qué linda sorpresa!  Feliz Navidad![5]”
She pulled Laura into a bear hug before Laura had a chance to say more than a breathless, “Feliz Navidad.”  The hug lasted only seconds before she pulled Laura inside, shutting the door behind her. Laura found herself propelled bodily into Señora Barba’s living room, where she stood blinking and smiling awkwardly as a roomful of people turned toward her.
“Mira![6]  Rafael’s novia[7] is here!”
Laura’s voice as she awkwardly said hello was drowned out by a roomful of greetings in Spanish and English.  She tried to smile and seem friendly while trying to locate Rafael in the crowd. She needed backup.  
Señora Barba to the rescue.  “Rafael, se un caballero.  Ven a cuidar de tu novia[8],” she called over several other voices.  
He stood up from a couch against the wall where he had been sitting with an older couple.   She hadn’t seen him from where she stood because he was behind her.  When she did, the look on his face stopped her heart.  Rafael’s eyes were full of emotion.  He stepped toward her and took her into his arms.  For the moment they held each other, there was no one else in the room.  They missed several meaningful glances between Rafael’s family members.
He pulled back and looked down into her eyes.  His voice was warm.  “Merry Christmas.”
She smiled up at him.  “Merry Christmas.”
“Manhattan is behaving today, apparently.”
“There wasn’t anything that couldn’t wait.  I still have to be on call, but here I am.”
“I’m very glad you could make it.”  
“Me, too.  I think.”
He grinned.  “Don’t worry. It’s just mi familia.[9]  I’ve got you.”  Rafael squeezed her shoulder as he turned her and led her to the couch where he had been sitting.  He introduced her to his aunt and uncle and they began to talk, Rafael keeping his arm around her as they sat close together.  His aunt and uncle were very polite, but it was clear they had a little trouble understanding her Spanish, especially over all the other conversation going on around them.      
As they were all chatting, a woman with long, curly dark hair streaked with white handed Laura a glass of wine.  Laura could see the family resemblance.  “Here, querida[10].  I am Rafael’s cousin Maria Teresa.”
Laura smiled and accepted the wine, intending simply not to drink it. However, Señora Barba’s voice cut through the noise, stopping every conversation in the room.  Thirty pairs of eyes turned toward Laura.  
“No, No, No!” Señora Barba shouted, crossing the room with a wine glass filled with amber liquid. “Maria Teresa, you take that back – You can’t give Laura wine!”  In a whisper clearly heard by all, she hissed, “Ella es una alcohólica!”[11]  
She turned to Laura and handed her the glass of amber liquid, snatching the wine from her hand.  “I got some cider for you, Laurita.  I wanted you to feel comfortable.”
Laura wished she could laugh out loud at the irony of that comment.  She felt Rafael tense, and knew he was about to rescue her, which might make an awkward situation into an outright embarrassing one. So she smiled broadly at both Maria Teresa and Señora Barba and said, “Gracias to both of you.  You’re very kind, thank you.”  
Maria Teresa began to apologize, but Laura stood up and gently touched her on the arm to stop her.  “No, please, don’t apologize.  It was very nice of you to bring me a drink.”  
Maria Teresa seemed to accept that, and Laura turned to Señora Barba. “And it was lovely of you to think of me, Señora.  I appreciate the cider.”
“You call me Lucia, remember?”
“Of course.  Lo siento.[12]  Lucia.”
As women do, the three women quickly moved on from the uncomfortable moment and began to talk about other things.  Soon the general hubbub resumed, and they were animatedly discussing whose children were whose among the many running around the apartment.  Rafael simply sat looking up at them, thinking how strange – and entirely right – it was to see Laura among his family’s Christmas Day celebration.
As the party went on, Laura became more comfortable.  Some of the kids invited her, as a new person they wanted to check out, to color with them at a low table in the dining room.  She exclaimed over a drawing of a 6-legged horse, whose artist explained that more legs meant the horse could run faster.
“Claro,[13]” Laura shrugged, looking at Rafael as she sat down and prepared to make her own drawing.  “Claro,” Rafael mouthed, smiling and looking so good there, leaning against a wall, that Laura got chills.  
When one of Rafael’s little cousins asked her why she spoke Spanish funny, she patiently explained that her family did not speak Spanish.  She told him that, since she was still learning, she was going to need him to tell her when she made a mistake.  He happily agreed and immediately began to look for opportunities to correct her.  Soon the other children joined in and it became a game that made Laura laugh more than any of the kids.
Some time later, Rafael realized that he had fallen into a conversation with several of his relatives about American immigration policy, and hadn’t checked on Laura in too long.  Some caballero.[14]  He excused himself and found her in the kitchen, standing between his mother and his Tia[15] Inez, washing dishes.  They were laughing.  Intent on their tasks and their conversation, they didn’t notice him in the doorway, and didn’t stop talking about him.
“Entiendes,[16] he tells me nothing.  All children think their parents are blind, or were born old.  He talks about you all the time, but he thinks I don’t see he just likes to say your name.”  Señora Barba sighed.  “I was the same way with Mateo, a hundred years ago.”
“Rafael is a special boy, Laurita.  We’re all very proud of him.  Be careful of him, won’t you?  Don’t break his heart.”  Tia Inez looked over her glasses at Laura, giving weight to what had been spoken in a light tone.
“I won’t, I promise,” Laura said.
“Do you love him?”  She asked pointedly.
“Sí, Tia Inez, I do.  With all my heart.” Laura answered softly, making Rafael’s heart lurch in his chest.
“Bueno[17].  Because you’re a sweet girl.  I would hate to have to come after you con esta cuchilla.[18]”
She brandished the knife she was drying and they all laughed.  
Rafael quietly left the doorway before they noticed him, or the tears in his eyes.  Laura didn’t need his help.  She was making his family fall in love with her, just as she had done with him.  And, apparently, as he had done with her.  He wanted to shout with joy, but settled for beginning a rowdy game with some little cousins.
Around 9 p.m., parents with small children began to pack up, heading home. The party dispersed quickly after that. Laura received hugs from most of Rafael’s relatives as they left, especially the children.  She was overwhelmed by the sheer number of Rafael’s relatives, but more overwhelmed by their generosity and eagerness to welcome her. As he said his own goodbyes, Rafael did not hear the many whispered confidences between his female relatives about how nice it was to see Rafael so obviously head over heels in love.  Although she was a gringa,[19] they agreed that this Laura did seem to be just as much in love with him.  
When all but Señora Barba and Tia Inez had left the apartment, Rafael brought Laura’s coat and helped her put it on.  He and Laura exchanged tight hugs with the older women, assuring Señora Barba yet again that they did not need to take any leftovers home. Finally, Rafael opened the door and ushered Laura out to the landing.
“Laurita, you just remember la cuchilla,” Tia Inez smiled, shaking a teasing finger.  Laura laughed.
“What was that?” Rafael asked as they descended the stairs, pretending not to have understood.  
“Nothing. A joke,” she smiled.  
They stepped out into the cold night air, refreshing after the closeness of all the people in Señora Barba’s apartment.  It was snowing lightly.  Laura looked up at the sky, letting snowflakes fall on her face.
“The snow is beautiful.  Let’s walk,” she suggested.  
“All the way back to Manhattan?”  
“Maybe not.  But… a ways. It feels good out here.  I feel like walking.  Want to?”
“I do.”  Rafael took Laura’s hand and they began to walk at an easy pace.  
For blocks, they didn’t feel any need to talk.  They simply walked together, enjoying the night and each other’s company. The silence felt good after the cacophony of the apartment, full to bursting with Rafael’s family.  Finally, Laura looked up into the snowy sky again, slowing their pace until she simply stopped.  She took a huge, deep breath, and let it out in a long, happy sigh. She was smiling to herself.  
“What was that?”  Rafael asked quietly.
She looked at him, still holding her hand.  “Just… happiness.”  She took a step toward him, smiling up at him as she put her arms around his neck.  
He pulled her close, smiling back.  
“I am completely in love with you, Rafael.  All I want to do is be with you.”
He beamed.  “Me too,” he spoke thickly, a lump forming in his throat.
“Uh-uh,” she said, shaking her head.  “You have to say it.”
He touched his forehead to hers.  “I am completely in love with you.  All I want to do is be with you.”
He tilted his head and softly began to kiss her, trying to express all the love he felt.  She felt weightless, and as though there was no world beyond this man and this moment. For a very long time, they stood on the sidewalk, kissing deeply but sweetly, as the snow powdered their hair and coats.
“Will you come home with me?”  He asked quietly, as their kisses began to take on more sensuality.  
“Claro,” she answered simply.  
He pulled out his phone and quickly called an Uber.  When that was done, they again embraced and kissed happily until their ride arrived.
Rafael didn’t turn on any lights as they entered his apartment.  Silently, he helped Laura off with her coat, shrugged off his own, then took her back into his arms.  She giggled softly when he asked her if she wanted anything.
“I want you to make love to me.”
He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.
Afterward, they lay as they were, sweaty and sated.   Laura tried briefly to decide whether this was the best sex she had ever had, but quickly gave up.  For one thing, her mind was too foggy and drugged with endorphins.   For another, she was just too damn happy to care. Rafael felt vaguely guilty for slamming into her so roughly, but felt a few orgasmic aftershocks just remembering her begging him to fuck her and then bucking her hips into him until she came, screaming.  He thought it was probably OK, but dimly decided to ask her about it when he regained the capacity for speech.  Which would be a while.
Neither Rafael nor Laura had any desire to share New Year’s Eve with anyone other than one another.  Instead, they stood at the window of her apartment, watching a block party happening in the street.  The only lights in the room were the twinkle lights on the Christmas tree.
“If we see a crime from here, do we have to get involved?”  She asked.
“Don’t see a crime.”
Rafael stood behind Laura with his arms around her as they watched the revelers in the street setting off fireworks, dancing, and bouncing with impatience for the clock to hit midnight.  The crowd began to count down the last ten seconds.  
It felt to Laura as though she and Rafael were alone in their own private universe, watching the cheerful inhabitants of a happy planet eager for some joyful event that was about to happen.  It was fun to watch, but it couldn’t touch them.  Nothing could.  She felt exquisite chills as he whispered the countdown in her ear.  When he reached 3, she felt him lift her left hand with his and play with her fingers.  Just as midnight struck and the crowd in the street erupted, she looked down to see that he had slipped an engagement ring onto her finger; a simple white gold band with a square, cushion-cut diamond solitaire.  It was perfect.
“¿Me Casarías?[20]”  He purred into her ear.
Laura turned her head to him, a single, fat tear sliding down her cheek. “Claro.  Si, claro[21].”
They kissed blissfully as the rest of the city celebrated; singing, hugging, blowing party horns and throwing streamers and confetti.
 [1] My lover, my paramour
[2] What a sap.  A sloppy, tender-hearted romantic.
[3] Sweetheart
[4] We built Ikea furniture together.  There’s a bond.
[5] What a lovely surprise!  Merry Christmas!
[6] Look!
[7] Girlfriend
[8] Rafael, be a gentleman.  Come take care of your girlfriend.
[9] My family
[10] Dear
[11] She’s an alcoholic!
[12] I’m sorry.
[13] Of course.
[14] Gentleman
[15] Aunt
[16] You understand
[17] Good
[18] With this knife
[19] Not Hispanic
[20] Will you marry me?
[21] Of course.  Yes, of course.
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
Part Of That World Chapter 12
You sat on your bed staring at the box of shells Bucky had given you over Christmas. You could still taste his kiss as you ran your fingers over the gift. Each one different but beautiful in its own way. Like he had given you a bouquet of the sea. Really, though he didn't know it, that was exactly what he had done. “My turn.” You whispered to yourself, placing the box down and reaching for what once was your mother's shell. You could feel your heart leaping as you quietly made your way down the hall and tapped on his door. No answer. But no sounds of night terrors either. “Bucky are you awake?” You whispered quietly. Half past 2 in the morning you weren't sure really what answer you were expecting.
There was no answer from Bucky. He fell asleep quite some time ago. But tonight his night terrors of death violence and gunfire were silenced by a soft lullaby of your sweet voice and images of how you looked in that dress, dancing that night, and how you moved in the water. Tonight was a night for sweet dreams.
With a defeated sigh you set the shell down in front of his door. In a way you felt this was better. Now you didn't have to explain, didn't have to admit the gravity of what he'd done.
The first morning of the new year Bucky opened his door with an elongated yawn. He wished such sweet dreams of you would never end, he could have stayed in bed all day. Eyes half open he stepped from his room not really thinking to look down, because why would he? He heard a soft crackle and crunch accompanied by a sharp jagged pain in his right foot as he stepped. “OW GODDAMNIT!” He swore as he lifted his foot to see the once beautiful shell stained red with his blood and crushed into pieces. He stood there a moment picking the shards out of his foot, feeling his flesh tear the more he did before hobbling toward the med bay.
Most of the tower was hunched over the table clinging to their coffee mugs, only Steve seemed to be hangover free this morning. Then again Steve couldn't get drunk to start with. “So where were you last night?” Nat asked you as you came bouncing down, excited for the day, and about last night. 
“In the pool avoiding the fireworks.” You answered as you poured some coffee and began making everyone some eggs to chase the hangovers away.
“So you willingly spent New Years Eve with Bucky?”  Tony asked with a smirk.
“Oh you haven't heard. Those two are going on late night after mission dates now.” Clint quipped, still feeling a little sore you didn't tell him what was going on.
“Oh my god Clint let it go! It wasn't a date!” You snapped as you slid some scrambled eggs on everyone's plates. “It was just...dancing.”
“Mmhh and back in my day dancing meant something.” Steve said as he filled his coffee. “Even Bucky wouldn't dance with just anyone.” He smirked seeing the blush growing on your cheeks. 
Once Bucky bandaged himself he limped back to his room to scoop up the remains of what looked to him to at one point have been a very pretty shell and finally made his way to the kitchen for breakfast. “Hey Doll.” He said with a half smile. Everyone else had already gone off to start their day but you lingered, eager to see him after last night. You smiled brightly, perking up at his face. However once your eyes fell onto the bloody shards he was placing on the table your spirits fell. “I think this belongs to you. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was-” he was interrupted by your hand flying up, a symbol he's learned over the past few months meaning you wanted him to shut the hell up.
“Yeah..I get it…” you stood fighting back tears, feeling your heart shattering. “Because how would you know. And even if you did it's not like I'm one of your easy target fangirls.” You scooped up the pieces and shielded what was left of your pride. “Thanks, I get it.” You added as you shoved past him, your tears bursting through as you slammed your door shut.
Clint poked his head out of the bathroom, toothbrush still in his mouth, hearing the door slam followed by soft sobs. “Great…” he muttered before wiping his mouth clean and going over to your door. “Hey you ok in there?”
“No. Leave me alone.” You answered before flopping down on your bed to bawl your eyes out.
“Did Bucky do something again?” He asked stubbornly.
“I said go away.”
Clints eyes narrowed realizing just how hurt you seemed to be and knowing the one person to blame. He tore through the tower in search of the winter soldier finally finding him in the med bay, having Bruce give the foot a look over...looked like it was going to need a few stitches. Clint stormed to him, delivering a swift right hook to his jaw. Bucky glared up to Clint. “Are you suicidal?”
“What the hell did you do?!’ Clint screamed as Bruce did his best to separate the two of them.
“I didn't do anything but wake up, and have been catching shit for it all day! How about you tell me what I did?" Bucky growled.
“Oh really? Wanna tell me why (Y/n) is locked in her room crying her eyes out?” He demanded.
Seeing the physical altercation was over Bruce went back to work on Bucky's foot. “Oh no” Bucky sighed as his head fell back against the med table. “ ...I...she left this shell outside my room and I ended up stepping on it this morning and it broke...cut the hell out of my foot too...I guess it must have meant something to her.”
“Brittle one too. You still have some small shards in here.” Bruce interjected as he continued to clean the wound. "You should have come to wake me up."
“Oh fuck” Clint sighed. “A shiny white spiral one?” Bucky nodded. “Yeah...that meant the world to her.” He let out a sigh trying to think of how to word it. “It's her people’s way of saying hey I want to be more than friends….and that specific one belonged to her mom.”
“Shit.” He muttered under his breath now realizing the gravity of what he's done. “So to her I stomped all over her affections for me and flat out rejected her.”
“Yup.” Clint said with a nod.
“Alright Bucky.” Bruce announced “I'm all done here but you should stay off the foot for a few days. Don't want you popping a stitch.”
“Thanks.” Bucky said flatly as Bruce handed him a crutch to get around with. 
“All available Avengers to the mission room.” FRIDAY announced to all the tower. “HYDRA activity detected in the Mid Atlantic.”
“I'll make sure she comes back.” Clint assured him before rushing off. 
~ ~ ~ ~ 
A few days had passed before the team returned back to the tower. All the time they were gone Bucky sat, watching the hanger with worry until finally he saw the doors open and the quinjet return.
Your eyes were hard as stone as you stepped off the jet. Peeling the gloves from your hands and removing your harpoon from your back, stepping past Bucky, trying your best to not look at him. It hurt too much.
“Hey Doll! Wait!” He called out as he followed her. “We need to talk.”
“I'd really prefer if we didn't.” You answered, refusing to turn to face him as you entered the common area. 
Bucky looked back to Clint questioningly who simply gestured for him to go after you. 
“(Y/n) wait! I didn't know!” Bucky insisted as he continued to follow you. “If I did I would have never given it back.”
You spun around staring daggers into him. “You stomped all over it!” You screamed.
“It was an accident. I didn't see it. And I feel terrible.” He assured you as he gently took a hold of your arm to keep you from running again. “I've got something for you.” He said as he opened his hand to show you a small humble silver chain with a gold shell shaped charm hanging from the mostly empty charm bracelet. “It was the best I could do being in the city and on short notice.”
“Buck….it’s beautiful but I can’t accept this.” You sighed as you pushed the gift back to his chest to save what was left of your pride. Besides, you now had no way of returning the gesture, not without returning one he gave you.
“This...this is how your people show affection isn't it?” He asked looking down into your eyes. “Please. It would mean the world to me.” He added softly as his fingers softly caressed your cheek.
Clint and Steve watched from the door to the common room arms folded. “I got this.” Clint whispered to Steve as he tapped him on the side. “Hey FRIDAY. Play Kiss the Girl from the little mermaid soundtrack please.” The computer system did as requested.
You and Bucky looked up to the overhead speakers as the song began to play, too wrapped up in each other to notice your audience. Bucky's arm slowly moved from your wrist to wrap around your waist. “Bucky...I…” you didn't know how you wanted to finish that sentence...you knew how it should end but was that what you really wanted?
“And you don't know why But you're dying to try You wanna kiss girl” Clint belted out drawing attention to your company.
You both looked over to the doorway as Bucky reached down plucking a knife from your combat uniform, holding it up as he looked to them. “I will use this on you both if you don't leave now.” He warned, prompting Clint to run. Steve however simply shook his head as he turned, waving to the both of you. You both chuckled at the moment as you took your knife back. “If I knew that's what it meant,” he held the bracelet out to you as he looked into your eyes, “I'd have given you every shell in the ocean. Please? Accept it?”
“I...I don't have one to give you.” You said lightly as you shook your head. 
“You are such a little shit.” He said with a chuckle, shaking his head as he leaned in to kiss you soft and sweet. You melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around him, letting your fingers tangle in his hair as he pulled you in closer. “And I love you for it.” He assured you as he rested his forehead against yours.
You grinned looking up into his eyes. “I love you too Winter Monkey.” You teased before giving him a soft peck of a kiss.
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brujeria-histeria · 5 years
Father’s Day Blues
its a short fic. As you can tell I pretty much write whenever I fancy, I don’t do a lot of multi-chapters though. Happy Father’s day! This isn’t hacy centric(there’s light hacy in it) but more of the whole family feeling down on Father’s Day.(yes Harry is apart of the whole family)
To me Harry is kinda like Mel & Maggie’s adopted grandpa/uncle in some ways, even though he still looks young he’s old fashioned in a lot of ways. And his friendship/relationship with Maggie is so cute it makes me melt.
Maggie laid on her bed like a dead and depressed fish. Father’s day always kinda sucked for the youngest and bubbliest daughter in the family because she always had the utmost faith in Ray who she feels very weird towards now, since discovering her dad was actually Dexter Vaughn, her older full sister’s father, who’s also dead. Now she had about 0 dad’s, unless you semi squint counted Harry who in true old man grandfather fashion doted on the girls, scolded her when she got distracted and made them full breakfast every morning and gave her hugs when she cried and pep talks when she felt down before droning on about the old days and england(the parts he did remember after 1957), complete with dumb dad jokes. 
In her room Mel was sitting in her bed, she didn’t care for Father’s day or Ray, her father, really. Ray left her and Maggie, it broke her heart a long time ago but she didn’t keep hope for long and it broke poor Maggie’s heart year after year, if it wasn’t bad enough to learn Maggie’s actual dad was forced to leave and stay away from Marisol(except apparently when they would meet up for tryst). Mel did feel bad for their resident whitelighter though, he had been looking super down and out since the beginning of June and realizing Father’s Day was this month, spending more time in his condo probably crying into cups of tea. Poor Harry forced himself to move on for the girl’s sakes and convinced himself that his son was ok and didn’t need him despite after getting a hold of his powers he sobbed on top of her head while she hugged him. Still he missed out on even seeing his grandchildren grow up. Mel warmed up a lot to Harry and trusted him with her life, that’s why she managed to get something special for Father’s Day, it was mushy but it was the least she could do. 
Macy sat on her bed staring at a picture of her Father. He died several years ago and she remembered the pain she felt of not having a mother, who she thought didn’t want her, or a father now. It seemed like everyone was having a crappy Father’s Day. Maggie was heartbroken because she had 2 dads and neither of them were there, Mel already disliked Ray immensely, Harry was sad from missing the kids and grandkids he can’t contact unless he wanted his powers to go bonkers and he refused to lie and call himself a 3rd cousin or something. Macy glanced at the clock, it was 8:30, enough time to make it to brunch. 
Macy went to Maggie’s room and helped her little sister out of bed and led her down the hall to Mel’s room without a word until she had them both sitting. “I have an idea.” Macy presented. “I know Father’s day is really sucky for all of us, so why don’t we pick a place to go brunch to fill ourselves with food and mimosas to feel better, then we can come back home and make a special cake I’ve been wanting to attempt.” 
“Mimosas?” Maggie said straightening up abit. She did like mimosas... and she could go for a full breakfast. 
“We could see who’s doing a Father’s Day brunch and take Harry.” Mel added.
Both girls turned to Mel. “What? You guys didn’t see how much he cried after we saw his son, if anyone deserves to have a good Father’s Day its Harry, it wasn’t even his fault he was taken away from Carter... unlike others..” she mumbled the last part. “Also I... got him this.” Mel grabbed a box off her night stand, in it she held up a silver band bracelet with a small clock in the middle with names engraved on it. “It’s his son and grandkid’s names.” The two other girls awed and gave Mel a nudge for being a softie which she waved off.
“You’re right. Harry is like a estranged British Grandpa practically living in our house. I know he’s been acting weirdly since the beginning of the month.” Maggie agreed. 
Macy thought about how horrible Harry must have been feeling period from the past few months, two women he held affection for, one in a romantic way and one in a familial sense both betrayed him, he found out he had a son and can’t even be with him, and not to mention how Harry felt about her which he asked her to pretend she didn’t know anything(which technically she didn’t verbally agree to). His heart must be sore. 
“Well we have an hour or so until brunch starts. Mel let’s get Harry out of his condo today.” Mel nodded and texted Harry to just simply get dressed and meet them at the house at 9:45. It took him a few minutes, but he replied he would be there. 
“Hello ladies, what is going on today?” Hary showed up to the Vera-Vaughn household, dapper as usual but no smiles. 
“You’ll see.” Maggie scurried towards him with a bandana and proceeded to tie it around his eyes, which he fussed at. “Margarita Vera, what are you doing?” 
“Stop fighting it Harry, just relax it’s gonna be a surprise!” she squealed. 
“Oh dear.” 
Maggie led him by the blazer to Macy’s car and sat with him in the back while Mel played navigator by holding the phone up so Macy could hear the directions. Mel and Maggie picked the place having a Father’s Day brunch, the other places were more sports themed, which wasn’t really Harry’s cup of tea. The place they chose was more his speed, fancy and spiffy. 
When they arrived, Macy and Maggie led him up the stairs by the hand, which Maggie forgot to not touch his hand because she got some mixed signals from both Harry and Macy. “She smells so good. Where are they taking me. I hope he likes his surprise. Harry looks so cute all confused. He smells really good too.” 
Maggie let go of his hand and decided to file what she just heard away for later not wanting to make the mood awkward by asking those two what was going on with that. 
“Table for 4 please.” Harry heard Mel ask, there was a noise of people around, and the smell of food. The girls led him some more, Maggie’s tiny hand had disappeared from his and took his arm instead. Macy’s smooth soft hands still in his. 
“TA-DA!” Mel whipped the blindfold off of Harry. “It’s a Father’s Day brunch.” She explained. They were on a rooftop with a few other families up there. 
“Why Melanie, Maggie.. Macy,” he breathed “You didn’t have to..” he said. 
“Nonsense, you may not be our dad but you’re like a live in grandpa.” Maggie smiled. 
“Oh, girls, you’re all so sweet. I think I may have the best charges in all of the magical world.” the girls all cooed at this. 
Once seated Maggie explained the menu was all you can eat and they’ bring anything you would order and unlimited drinks, 2 at a time for entrees. They also refused for him paying for his own, Mel paid for herself and Harry while Macy paid for herself and Maggie who also held Harry’s wallet hostage.
After round 1 of their food, Mel presented Harry with his gift. Harry’s eyes began to water a bit at the silver clock bangle. “Thank you, my dear.” he sniffled out. 
“Aww Harry don’t cry.”Macy and Maggie rubbed his shoulder. 
“I’m not crying I have summer allergies.” He wiped at his eye laughing. They all gave him a hug and wished him a happy Father’s day. Macy suggested they go to the mall afterwards to get the supplies needed for the special cake she was going to make later, which Maggie agreed to because she couldn’t resist the Mall. “I’m making a special fruit topped cake and victoria sandwiches. I thought Harry might like a taste of home.” She looked at him with a sweet smile.
“Thank you girls. This is one of happiest moments in my life as a whitelighter.” Maggie hugged his torso as he hugged her back again. He did love his girls. 
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domesticangel · 5 years
13 & 17
13. What’s your ideal summer aesthetic?
indoors with the ac cranked to high hell 🙃 ok jk jk (kinda) but the only time i don't genuinely hate summer is when I'm at the beach so...sun hats, cotton candy colored sunsets overlooking the ocean, high tide nipping at wooden stairs, riding shotgun down the strip in your best friends car, crowded back porches with the light on, hair thats been whipped into a lions mane by wind and sweat and salt water...stuff like that 😌
17. What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important?
hmmm...i have a moonstone ring ive worn every single day since my cousin got it for me a couple years ago that i really really love for a couple reasons. first off, I'm very close with my cousin and she was like a big sister to me growing up and she's one of the people i admire the most and would love to be like. nowadays adult life being the way it is makes it hard for us to see each other more than once or twice a year, so always having it on makes me feel closer to her even if only just a little bit 😌
ive also always kind of seen it as a placeholder for another ring that was very important to me that i lost...when my nana on my moms side died she gave me and my mom two of her rings, and i wore mine every single day after that for like, 8 years. really beautiful gold band with an emerald and diamonds on each side. however the house we were living in at the time of her death got robbed, and one of the things that got stolen was my mom’s ring that she got from her mother which really sucked. i was wearing mine and at school when it happened so mine was safe, but then years and years later i started working a food service job that required us to take off any rings or bracelets, so i always took mine off and zipped it up in my clutch and kept it in the break room since thats where they told us to keep our stuff while we were on the clock. sometimes id forget to put it back on and it’d sit in my clutch for a couple days, and i remember at one point i remembered to put it back on and i opened my clutch and it was just gone...so i can really only assume someone at work stole it, but there were no cameras in or around the break room, so i never really figured out what happened to it. it made me really sad and it still kinda eats at me if i think of it so i mostly try not to, but anyway, what I'm getting at is that the moonstone ring kind of fills that hole for me, especially since my cousin and my nana were SUPER close; my nana was almost like a mother to her growing up so it feels kind of right and comforting in a way for my nana’s gift to be replaced by a gift from the cousin she loved so dearly. idk. it makes me feel better.
and then on a less serious note i also just really like the moon and anything to do with it lol ive always felt very fascinated and connected with it and i know not everyone believes in like the “meanings” behind different gems, rocks, crystals etc and idek if i do but having a moonstone specifically just felt right
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sian265 · 5 years
Legio autem Arcarius Legion of Archer Chapter 14
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“Hold still Alec!” Cat scolded. “If I don’t get your fingers straight and you don’t heal correctly you may never pull your bow again!”
 Alec bit back a angry response. The best friend of Magnus had come immediately when called. She didn’t want Alec to use his Iratze until his fingers had been set. What he knew now was the pain he felt was one of the kidnappers stomping on Alec’s right hand as he clutched the bottom of Magnus’ pants. He wouldn’t let go willingly, so they broke his fingers. He didn’t know what hurt the worse, his head or his hand. Alec deliberately kept his eyes from his mangled hand, not even willing to entertain the thought he might never hold his bow again.
 His glare pinned Jayden in place. “Tell me what you know,” Alec ordered harshly. His archer took no offense, the lines of pain and anguish clear on Alec’s face.
 Jayden snapped to attention anyway. “Sir, I heard the crash of what I now know to be the cups falling to the floor. By the time I made it inside, all I could see was  the High Warlock being dragged into a portal by figures in white robes.” Jayden nodded his head at Underhill. “You both were unconscious Sir. I tried following them into the portal, but one of them shot a blast of magic at me.”
 Alec felt sick to his stomach. He knew now was not the time, but he was struggling to push away the very notion of Magnus’ being in their hands enduring the angels knew what. “You did your best, Legion, that’s all anyone can ask.” He looked at his second, Andrew’s face bore all Alec was keeping buried. The shame of failure, worry over their charge, and the lingering sickness from whatever those bastards had used on them. “Andrew, I need you to contact the Institute. Tell my mother I am initiating a codex silentium.”
 Underhill straightened in his chair. It was very rare for the Legion to declare a code of silence. It had not been used since the time of Valentine and the Circle and then used by a corrupt Consul. “Will she know what it is?” Andrew asked.
 Alec winced before replying as Cat popped one more finger into place. “Yes, she has repented but there is no changing the fact that she was a Circle member. She will know what it means.” The codex silentium declared a complete communication blackout. The Legion would be off the grid until their mission was complete, answerable to no one including the Consul. It also meant that every resource the Legion demanded would be met. The closest Head of an Institute would send a fire message with a special rune, known only to the Head and Consul. Nothing more would be heard from Alec and his archers until Magnus was returned to them safely.
 Underhill forced himself to his feet. He placed a hand over his heart and bowed to his Commander. “It will be done,” he stated before leaving the room.
 “Jayden,” Alec commanded. “Contact the High Warlock of Brooklyn; tell Rey I want him here now.” His archer also bowed, hand fisted over his heart before departing to carry out his Commanders orders.
 “Last one,” Cat warned and Alec gritted his teeth. The snapping of bone back in place was loud in the now empty room. “Now activate your rune and I will heal the rest.” Cat ordered.
 Alec nodded, sweat beaded on his brow. He let out a sigh of relief as the rune and Cat’s healing magic did the trick, He flexed his hand and moved each finger. Looking back up to Magnus’ best friend, Alec swallowed heavily before stating. “Thank you Cat, so very much and I am so sorry.” Alec hung his head and closed his eyes tightly. Now that he could not focus on his physical pain, the impact of Magnus’ being taken from him was hitting hard.
 Cat patted his now healed hand. “You couldn’t have prevented this. Magnus is the one who insisted on the party. I know how stubborn he can be very well. With the party of course the wards were going to be down and that made it too easy for someone to stash a spell somewhere in the apartment.”
 Alec looked back up at her, eyes fierce with determination and vengeance. “Yes and I have a pretty good idea of who. I will get him back Catarina, unharmed, even if I have to burn down New  York to do it.” Alec swore.
 Cat said nothing more just patted Alec’s hand. They both looked up at a commotion at the door as two of Alec’s Legion led a blustering Rey in. “Commander! I demand to know the meaning of this!”  
 Alec said nothing yet, turning to Cat. “Cat, if you wouldn’t mind excusing us for a moment?” After she departed Alec stood, hands behind his back and stared at Lorenzo. His voice when it came was not loud, but instead, low, but with no doubts as to who was really in charge here. “You have been around for some time now, correct High Warlock?”
 Lorenzo puffed up like a peacock. “I’m no stranger to service having been alive for over 300 years.”
 Alec raised a brow. “Well then you’ll be no stranger to  codex silentium and what that entails then.”
 Lorenzo’s face became pale and sweat appeared on his upper lip. He deflated almost like a balloon. “Yes, Commander, I am aware of what is required of me. How can I be of service?”
 “Good,” Alec replied and called Cat back into the room. “Now how about we all sit and discuss what happened here this morning.”
 They all took seats around Magnus’ dining room table. Alec waited until Lorenzo regained some of his composure before beginning. “Now,” Alec began. “I need you to tell me everything you know about your companion last night, Shinyun Jung.”
 Rey gasped. “Jung? Why what has happened to her?”
 “When is the last time you spoke to her?” Alec frowned.
 Lorenzo looked concerned and Alec could not detect any deceit in his manner. “Last night when we returned to my home, she departed soon after that. Again I ask Commander has something happened.”
 Alec looked at Andrew and received his nod. Underhill had the best nose for sniffing out deceit and hearts that held malice and Alec trusted his second without question. “This morning Magnus was kidnapped right out of this very apartment. Some spell, or drug, something was introduced last night during the party when Magnus’ wards were down. This knocked us all out and enabled the kidnappers to enter and take Magnus.”
 “They took the High Warlock of Alicante?” Lorenzo whispered in horror. Perhaps seeing that he wasn’t fully trusted yet, Lorenzo continued. “Magnus and I might not be bosom-buddies but as the first ever High Warlock of the Shadowhunters holy city, he is one to be respected and admired. I might let my personal jealousy sometimes cloud my interactions with him, but never would I wish him harm!”
 Alec felt a little of the tension in his body ease. “Ok, then tell us of your apprentice.”
 Rey shook his head. “No offense intended but are you sure it was her?”
 It was Andrew that answered. “Everyone else last night was a known, everyone including yourself Mr. Rey was fully vetted by the Legion and Magnus. Your guest was the only unknown.”
 Lorenzo appeared thoughtful. “Well it would explain some things. Shinyun Jung came to me about three months ago with a reference from a Korean High Warlock that I know. I always require a reference before I take on a apprentice.”
 “What stood out about her, Lorenzo?” Cat asked.
 “She was just not as knowledgeable as one would expect given the age she claimed to be. Now that I can look back it does seem to match what you are saying with some impressions I had of her. She did seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Magnus, but at the time I thought nothing of it. Many young Warlocks are fascinated with the High Warlock of Alicante. She would also ask about spell work and ingredients that tended more towards darker magic than I perform.” Lorenzo’s eyes widened as a thought came to him. “She also asked about the offspring’s of fallen angels.”
 Alec sat forward in his chair. “Do you remember any of the spells she asked you about?”
 Lorenzo frowned and was silent for a moment or two. “It was just a bunch of nonsense. Nothing really that could be put together to accomplish anything. Honestly, Commander I find it really hard to imagine even if she is involved in the kidnapping that she could do anything to a Warlock of Magnus’ abilities.”
 “That is my fear Lorenzo. If she and this cult cannot succeed in what they hope to, what use then do they have with Magnus?” Alec’s voice was low and he fought hard to keep it from trembling. Beside Cat couldn’t stop her gasp from escaping. They all sat silent, thoughts of what Magnus could be going through and facing causing horrible images to haunt them.
 Alec sprang out of his chair, unable to handle sitting still any longer. “Lorenzo, please provide my second with any information you have on her living quarters or friends, hang-outs that sort of thing. Cat if one needed to do a large powerful spell, can you list what would be required based upon what little we know?” Alec paced around the room as he gave his orders. He needed to escape just for a moment, a minute or two to collect himself, steel his will, and banish any lingering images of what Magnus could be going through. If he allowed himself to linger there, to even think of the man he was falling in love with, suffering, Alec would go insane and be no use to anyone, especially Magnus.
 He did not go back to the guest room; no Alec carefully opened the door to Magnus’ bedroom. The scent that lingered almost sent him to his knees, thoughts of Magnus and how he had looked and smelled before the party last night, filling Alec’s head. Wait! The party last night, he and Magnus together in this very room, the gift he gave Magnus! Alec spun on his heels and went running back into the living room. “The gift!” he almost shouted, coming to sudden stop before the others. “I gave Magnus a bracelet last night, a special gift made from one of my own arrows! We can track him using that!”
 Cat stood. “Was he still wearing it when he was taken?”
Alec’s mind stuttered and his thoughts went blank for one second. Visibly pulling himself together he searched his memories. “I think so. I don’t remember seeing him remove it. Andrew?” Alec asked his second.
 Underhill also stood, frowning. “I don’t recall seeing a bracelet Commander.”
 “It was hidden under the cuff of his shirt. Cat, can you check his bedroom? You would know where he puts things he removes.” Alec asked. He then went over to the area where Magnus had been seated and searched the chair and the floor. He did not see the bracelet. They stood silently waiting while Cat searched Magnus’ room. Alec saw her first and he didn’t even have to look down at her hand to know the answer. Written all over her face was the fact that the best lead they had of finding Magnus was not on his wrist, but in Cat’s hand. She carried a small ornate box over to Alec, the lid open and in it resting on a bed of gold velvet, was the bracelet.
 “Damm it!” Alec exploded. He turned his back to the other three, eyes clenched tightly shut. He fought with everything in for control. His logical mind knowing none of this would help Magnus, but for the first time, emotions threatened to cloud his judgment. Mind going in a million different directions, Alec clenched both fist in his hair. “Think Alec, think,” he whispered to himself. Muttering to himself he paced back and forth in a straight line, and the others left him to it. Finally, he released fistfuls of hair, dropping his hands back down to his sides, Alec took a deep breath before turning around and facing Cat, Underhill, and Lorenzo.
 Another deep breath in, hands going firmly behind his back, Alec stood tall. “If we look at what we do know, they want to summon Asmodeus for some reason and they think to use Magnus to do it. For that kind of spell work they’d need some pretty powerful Ley lines.”
 Cat nodded, “Absolutely, and you know where to find the best map of the cities Ley lines, don’t you Alec?”
 For the fist time that morning, Alec smiled, but not his usual smile. No, this one promised retribution to any who stood in his way to getting Magnus back. “Cat, we need a portal. We are going to the New York Institute.”
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bybyeblackbird · 6 years
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*Guys I am so sorry this is so long but I wanted you all to be a part of it because I wouldn’t have been there without you!!!!*
I don’t even know where to start but I want to write this up before I forget it all! (Though let’s be real, that’s not likely to happen!)
Due to the generosity of a lot of seriously wonderful human beings, myself, my two friends Andrea and Leanna, and my mom and her boyfriend Dan (a big Alice Cooper fan), had meet and greet tickets and wristbands to stand at the front during the concert.
The meet and greet portion was a few hours before the show and thank GOD it was before and not after, because I was an absolute wreck the entire day and I probably would’ve just been stressed the whole concert!
Anyways, we were led back to the meet and greet lineup by Amber (she works on the tours and features in a lot of Kyler & Tommy’s pics/vids!) She’s super super sweet and smily and a lovely person! She laid down the ground rules (no phones/selfies, no autographs, and no gifts (she would take them and the band would get them after)).
I was getting a bit bummed at that time, because I had the birthday book that @hallowedmaiden made that all of our letters are in, one small bracelet for him that I’ll explain later, and my mom had one of the Mr. Stench candles to give him. And I was realizing I wouldn’t be able to give them to him personally and explain/go over it all with him. BUT then a knight in shimmering armour appeared in the form of Nathan, who is one of THE sweetest and funniest humans I’ve met. Seriously, Johnny’s whole team is incredible. Anyways, Nathan came out to the line and approached us and asked if I was Alanna. *I should mention here that I’d already made his team aware of the book and that I was bringing it*. He explained that he’d come out to get the gift and that he’d bring it around and meet us on the other side, since I wouldn’t be able to get in the door with a gift. He goes, ‘Yeah, Johnny’s excited to see you and the book.’ Me (*feeling faint*): ‘Wait.. he’s excited?!’ Nathan: ‘Course he is. He’s excited about everything.’ (Seriously love Nathan, he’s so deadpan and hilarious).
ANYWHO, so we go in last, which Nathan made sure of so we’d have enough time, leaving our bags and such outside. Johnny was the first one in the door, and he smiled as we walked in, and then Nathan comes over and ‘introduces us’ lol: ‘Johnny, this is Alanna, she’s the one who made you that vinyl record a couple years ago, etc etc’ (I can’t remember everything Nathan was saying because I WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF JOHNNY DEPP LOL OK). And Johnny’s all smiles and says, ‘Yes, yes hi! I just want to say thank you, thank you for all the support, for sticking with me, thank you.’ And at this point I’m floating up out of my own body and can’t really remember everything that was said but I probably said something like, ‘of course and thank you’ or something like that, and then everyone in my group, and Joe and Alice all posed for pics. We did a couple group photos, then Johnny and I did a bunch together, then me, Johnny, my mom and Dan, then me, Johnny and my mom, then me Johnny and Andrea and Leanna. (PHEW so many pics that man is a patient saint!!)
After pictures, Nathan comes over with the bag with the book and other gifts in it. So I’m helping him get the book out of the bag (because it’s HUGE y’all, Haley put SO much work into it), and FUN ANECDOTE: Nathan’s trying to get it out and I’m like, ‘Be careful, it’s really big,’ and without missing a beat, Nathan just goes under his breath, ‘That’s what she said.’ LOL honestly love him.
So as I’m getting the book ready, turns out that behind me, MY MOTHER has taken over Johnny. And she’d kill me for disclosing this but my mother was quite drunk at this point. I turn round and she’s got the Mr. Stench candle and is basically just SHOVING IT UP JOHN’S NOSE LIKE ‘SMELL THIS LOOK SMELL IT WE MADE IT BECAUSE OF YOU,’ omfg Johnny is a saint A SAINT for putting up with my mother, bless her. So he does take it and smell it, and my mom’s rambling away ‘So yeah it’s patchouli and tobacco because Gwyneth Paltrow said… *blah blah*,’ so he takes a big sniff and goes, ‘Hey! That smells like me!’ God bless him. Then she starts getting close and looking up at him and goes, ‘You know you are MUCH more handsome in person than photos!!!’ At which point I decide to remove her and show him the book LOL
So Nathan gives the book to Leanna, who is holding it like a table so that Johnny and I can go through it. Meanwhile, Kyler is snapping pics of all of this and I love him SO MUCH FOR IT SERIOUSLY THEY’RE ALL AMAZING I COULD CRY. Full disclosure: I can’t even remember exactly what I was saying about the book to Johnny LOL. I do remember talking non stop and barely letting him get a word in edgewise, but he just kept saying ‘Wow, wow’ as I was explaining. I did tell him that Haley made it, that there’s fans from all over the world who sent in a letter per page, and showed him some of the character pages. I do remember that when we got to the Edward Scissorhands page he was like, ‘….Hey wait! I know that guy!’ Bless this human LOL.
SO THEN I gave him a bracelet. I haven’t talked about it on here, but my friend’s cousin is an 11-year old girl named Sarah. She makes bracelets and sells them, and then donates all the money to Sick Kids Children’s Hospital. All of her own idea, and she’s been doing it for years. And she’s ELEVEN. Damn. She also happens to be a huuuuuuuge Pirates of the Caribbean fan! So we got her to make him a bracelet with Hollywood Vampires colours (red & black), and that’s what I’m giving him in those photos. She also wrote him a sweet little note to go with it :) And then he started joking about putting the bracelet in his braids, which is what those photos are LOL. And then he ended up wearing it on his wrist on stage!!
So after all the gifts are done, we start to leave (we’ve already been given EONS more time than you’re usually supposed to have, and Alice and Joe had already split at this point haha). Andrea and Leanna, my mom and Dan have left the room already, but honestly, Johnny and I were kind of still like, clinging to each other, he was giving me hugs and kisses on the cheek, and I just kept holding onto his arm so I didn’t fall over in a dead faint. And I’m thanking him for everything he’s done for me, and that’s where he goes, ‘I should be the one thanking you. You stood by me and supported me when no one else did - thank you.’ And I said something like, ‘Of course, and I always will.’ And he then started, like, almost talking out his thoughts? About *the situation*, but I’m not going to be recounting those words here, because I’m not comfortable with that, and I don’t want those words to be taken and twisted by any nefarious people. But I ended up just grabbing his arm and saying something to the effect of ‘You’ll get through everything, you’ve got this,’ or some such thing and he goes, ‘I know. Thank you, thank you.’ And then as I was leaving he asked where I was sitting, Nathan told him I was on his side of the stage and that he’d point us out to him at show time. And then I left!
The concert itself was AMAZING and I’ll do a separate post about that, so I guess this is just Part 1 LOL SORRY IT’S SO LONG AND IF YOU STOPPED READING I DO NOT BLAME YOU AT ALL LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLL
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authorgirl1111 · 6 years
Emperor’s Daughter Ch. 11
Part 1
Part 10
She receives the call next morning. Mr. And Mrs. Chase are dead.   “It’s fine” Natalie says. “You don’t have to come.” “Are you kidding?”  Cassie says. “When I was pregnant scared and needed someone to rely on, you helped me out, I’m not leaving you alone” “I’m not alone…” “Fair enough you have your brothers” Cassie says. “Besides I liked Mrs. Chase, I… I want my chance to say my final goodbyes as well.” “What about…” “Your family was practically my family nothing is more important then that” Cassie said then she stopped. “Unless you don’t want me there?” “Don’t be ridiculous, of course I do” “I’ll be there, we’ll be there.” ---     The drive there is long and tedious, and she has to stop every couple of hours, so she can cater to Brenda’s needs, not that she minds. It’s not Brenda’s fault she’s two years old. The drive let’s her contemplate, the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Chase. She was closer to Mrs. Chase then she was to Mr. Chase, but their deaths still filled Cassie with sadness. It wasn’t fair. Why did good people like the Chases have to be filled with so much hardships while people like her father got to dance around scot free? --- Natalie meets her on the front porch of the mansion and hurries out to give her a huge hug. Tears are falling down her cheeks and Cassie can’t help but cry too. “They were good people” Cassie says. “They didn’t deserve this” “No, no they didn’t” Natalie says. Together they head into the house. --- The funeral is a somber affair, Cassie’s head is down low, as she’s trying not to cry. Brenda is on her lap, not crying just staring ahead. Cassie strokes her daughter dark curls. As the sermon goes on. Cassie was asked to play at the funeral, and she plays a piece that reminds her of every loss she’s ever felt, mixed in with a little bit of hope that she will see him again. When the funeral is over they head to the grave yard where they witness the burial. Cassie’s never seen a burial before and she finds it hard to watch as they pour dirt over the coffins where Mr. and Mrs. Chase are being buried. It’s Natalie who keeps her calm during the burial. --- “How’s Apollo” Cassie goes quiet. She is sucking on an apple slice and her daughter is eating a carrot on the couch close by. “Cassie?” “We had a fight, he dumped me.” “So soon?” Natalie asked. “You two seemed fine a week ago…” “I don’t want to talk about it.” “But something happened” “He found out Brenda’s true parentage, and he got angry I never told him, he pushed for answers, I told him it was none of his business, and he kicked me out.” “Of your apartment?” “Of New York” Natalie’s eyes widened. “What? He can’t just do that can he?” “He’s an immortal being with unlimited power, trust me, he can not only do that, but he can do a lot worse.” “That son of a whoring bastard” “I don’t think…. His father is a bastard.” Natalie raises an eyebrow. “I should have told him the truth, I didn’t and I now have to reap what I sow.” “What are you going to do now, are you going to move back to Boston?” She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know” --- She stays long enough for the will to be released, Fredrick as the oldest get’s the house, and Natalie and Randolph get 50% each of what was left in the bank account. She can tell Natalie is both pleased and a little put out. She has just enough to buy a small house in Boston. She insists that she doesn’t want to live in the house, but Cassie can tell that it weighs on her mind that her father and mother didn’t leave it to all three of them. Randolph barely has enough to finish his degree something that can be heard throughout the entire house the last two nights she’s staying there. ---- She’s back home, and she resigns with the orchestra. And then everything goes to hades. She forgot her charm at her home, and she’s only 50% sure that this would have happened even if she had been wearing it. Nero found her. (She’d forgotten he lived in New York) (And she hates herself for forgetting that fact for a year and a half) “So, you’re, here are you?” Nero asks. He’s flanked on both sides by two guards. “Your father called a while ago, asking if I’ve seen you, said you’d been missing for some good two/three years. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you at the recital, with a little child, I tried to find you a few days later, but it was almost as if you disappeared.” Brenda’s in daycare.  She breathes slightly, she may be able to resolve this simply without much problems. “It does make me wonder, who’s little girl was in your arms that night, as you were chatting up that sun god?” “A daughter of a friend” Cassie says. “Come now Julia” Cassie flinches at the use of the name she had long abandoned. “You don’t honestly expect me to be that stupid, do you?” “The name is Cassie” She says. “Julia Claudia ties you to a great family, the Julio-Claudian Line. A great Line, a line of emperor’s, a line of gods” “It’s a line full of murderers” “You’re letting modern history color your view” Nero rebukes. “That’s the thing when people damn your memory it allows people to say whatever they want about you.” “Sounds horrible” Cassie says. Nero nods sagely. The sarcasm going over his head as per usual. Cassie steps away trying to move around him but Nero stepped closer fencing her in. “What’s the harm of one dinner?” A lot, but she was surrounded by innocent people who could get hurt if she whipped out her imperial gold swords now. She’s led away and brought into his car.   --- “So, here’s my problem with you being in my city” I know of at least on person who would take issue with that statement. She thought to herself. “I tell your father you’re here, and he finds I’ve known you’ve been here for six months he’ll start a war in my city and I can’t have that.” Cause you’re a coward  Cassie thinks savagely. “I tell your father I just found you, and you tell your father you’ve actually been in my city longer then a few months, I’ll be considered blind and weak.” “What’ do you want?” “You leave my city and stay as far away as possible from my city, I’ll magically forget you were here, stay and I’ll go after the Chase girl.” Cassie’s eyes widened. “You touch one hair on her head-” “I’ll have her head, like your father had that boy I gave him.” Nero cut her off. “Such a cruel thing to do to a gift I gave him, think that’s part off the reason I didn’t tell him you were here.” “Don’t delude yourself” Cassie snapped. “You fear my father, you wouldn’t go near him unless you absolutely needed to…” Her eyes lit up. “Of course, the decennial meeting is coming up, you can’t risk him finding out, can you?” The three members of the triumvirate had a meeting every decade or so to determine how to proceed for the next ten years. When she had been around twelve or thirteen the members had all reconvened at her dad's palace. She hadn't much cared for the other two emperor's then, she still doesn't care for them now. Nero motioned with his hand and one of his guards had a hand at her throat pinning her down and had the other hand holding a sword ready to slice her neck open. Cassie activates her shield that’s hiding as a bracelet. It blocks the sword from reaching her neck and forces him to let go of throat. She brings up her foot and kicks him away. She pulls out her sword and takes her fighting stance. “That desperate to lose a guard member my lord?” She asked. “He may kill me, but from this angle I can still stab him through the neck before I bleed out.” “All these guards will willingly die for me” Nero said with a shrug. “Pull back, Vince” Cassie stands her guard for a while longer before she straightens her back. She turns and stabs the second Germani right through the neck. Who was crouched in a position to attack her. He bleeds out right on the floor. “Paul” Nero sighs pouting as though she just destroyed his favorite toy. “Such a waste, he was a good one.” “You wanted him to kill me” “Less messy, I can dispose of you more easily if you're dead.” “You disgust me” Cassie says as her sword shrinks back into it’s hair clip and her shield shrinks back into a bracelet. “I leave town, and if you ever come near me and mine again, you better watch every single thing you drink from then on, you sniveling coward.” “Such a waste, you could have been such a good guard.” With that Cassie stands and walks out of Nero’s palace. ---- “Are you ok?” “After killing that guy? Yeah Germani guards are usually people who have escaped the underworld, so chances are I just offed that which was already gone, I’m fine” Now if only her hands can stop shaking. Natalie sighs. “Were will you head off now?” “There is a state that my father always expressed distaste in, I’m hoping going there  will keep me out of father’s path.” Natalie sounds intrigued. “Oh yeah? Where’s that?” “Texas.” 
Part 12
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