#OKAY I typed all that in there I’m out now. He jumpscared me while I was washing my hands but no one heard me yelp
lionblaze03-2 · 11 months
desperately trying to use my bathroom whilst being pursued by an extremely fast centipede
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ghostiiess · 8 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - making your apartment spooky with justin
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: some swears here and there, i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff
member: justin phan
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so you guys just finished shopping
this year, with your boyfriend justin, you both decided that it would be a great thing to do a halloween party in your appartment
but of course, to make a good and unforgettable halloween party, you need to decorate the place!!
otherwise, it is not really a halloween party, it’s just….well, a party
(More under the cut!)
so jp offered his help to decorate your apartment with you!
« I’m telling you babe… in 2h, this apartment will looks spooky af! »
this man was ready.
you only asked him to bring his bluetooth speaker
this man brought your favorite fall drink, and A LOT of decorations
like this man bought stuff for like $100...
you will have enough decoration, i think.
you already had some decorations in your apartment, but this man bought even more (bc he said “what if we miss any?”)
you won’t have to go out for buying some more
at least, i hope not 😂
btw, he forgot the bluetooth speaker.
“Omg, I totally forgot!”
he would put the music on your tv or something like that
he would put a halloween music playlist
“this is the best halloween song, don’t you agree baby?”
and he would vibe so much, he would not be able to stop dancing or like sing the song
this man knows how to decorate a room!!
like idk how to explain it, but he knows where things goes
he knows how to make a great ambience with the decorations and what to buy…
i hope you understand what im trying to say 😅
“more to the left…. okay, now that’s too much.. just a little bit more to the right and you’re all set”
he would try to scare you with jumpscares
then fail.
“i bought this halloween mask just for you"
yes, you heard him.
he spent $15 for a halloween mask that didnt even scared you.
also, he would put fake spider and bats on your wall, i hope you are not scared of them…
“this is starting to look great!”
he also bought fake spider web
“spiderman will come to us!”
he would be so concentrated…
like, he would not stop until your apartment look spooky
“do you think we should add this banner on this wall?”
“you look so cute when you’re all focused like that..”
he would not be able to stop smiling
“my love, you are doing such a great job!”
“sweetie? could you help me for a sec?”
he would be the type to let you decorate for a while just bc he was busy making you something sweet to eat (or to drink)
“because you worked so well, you deserve this lil’ reward”
he’s a cutie :(
he would put LED light in your bathroom, in the living room, literally everywhere he can hahaha
also, he would tease you so much
you would put a fake monster mask and he would be like 😐😐
but then, when you would take it off, he would be like 🫨🫨
"damn, your face scared me! put that thing back on!"
he is only teasing, i promise you
but he's still a lil' bastard to say that 🤪😚😇
just kidding, ily jp
after a lot of preparation, decorations, making snacks, blablablaaaa..
it was the halloween party!!
let's say everyone LOVED how your apartment was decored
i would like to say that most of your decorations were still perfectly intact after the party, but it would be a lie…
the 4h of decoration n preparation was worth it 😌
you did a party with 7 boys (and their girls) full of energy (okay 6 if we don't count ryan bc watching animes > partying) + there was some alcohol…
phan bought soju !!
if you can't drink / not in the age to drink, he would make you juice or a special drink
drinks that taste like alcohol, but that don't have any alcohol in it?
anyways! hope your enjoyed your halloween party with jp
yes idk how to end this rip
taglist! (open! send an ask if you'd like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
bold can't be tagged.
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osakiharu · 19 days
tbh.. STORY TIME ASAPPPP AT THIS POINT- lore update is so needed rnnn 🤧
we're gonna call this man mikey because i dont fancy exposing him to all 1.4k of y'all x
am i writng this while hes sleeping with his face in my tiddies ?YES I AM don't question me guys
important things you gotta know
we live together at uni so he is my housemate (12 people in total in my house)
we are the exact same people just different genders its scary we literally think the same way, we have very few differences
in first semester we weren't very close we would make small talk in the living room and kitchen but i wanted to be friends with him SOOOOO bad 😭
i started liking him at the start of the second semester (feb 1st lets say)
so. when i came back after second semester he was just acting different? he was very flirty, he would always be in the kitchen or living room when i was there as if he knew my routine, he would always manage to find me on nights out ??, his friend would constantly tease him and tell mikey to invite me out to here they were going IN FRONT OF ME. so ofc i was a bit like ??
but i was also kinda happy because we finally became friends YAY
so i told my friend amelia how he was acting (who i also live with she was the first friend i made at uni <3) - and she was like GRACE I HAVE A THEORY THAT HE LIKES YOU
now i didn't believe her because the whole of the first semester he was seeing this girl. her name is also grace (i hope you know that is the most gut wrenching part of the story to me its so foul). and i didnt know what was happening with them, she was never his gf but yeah... so obvs i didnt want to assume they were over i didn’t wanna interfere if i wasn’t sure
fast forward to VALENTINES DAY... my friend went out to the club and i stayed home with mikey and a couple other people and he was sad because other grace told him that she didn't want to be with him and he'd have to wait 6 months to a year for her to want to be with him ??? i was like okay schedule
so me and my other housemate were like man it’s okay it’ll work out just chill out today (obvs i was a bit sad because i liked him but they were new found feelings for him so i was just like 🤷‍♀️) and at some point i said “i don’t wanna go to my 9am what if i just stay up and watch movies all night” and he goes “i will stay with you all night and watch whatever you want and i will come with you to your 9am” and that kinda ?? jumpscared me because we’d only just become friends so i was like wow alright
the whole night he was very touchy ?? not in a way that made me uncomfortable dw i was literally like 🤭
meanwhile amelia was at the CLUB and she found people we live with and she interrogated them and found out he liked me FR FR ?? so she came back and told me 😭 and then i let her go to bed and we spent the rest of the night together 😔 it was genuinely so fun ?? wym we went on a 5am walk and watched the sun rise. also he studies LAW and i do psychology but he stayed up all night and watched y fav movies and came with me to a lecture for a subject he doesn’t even study ????
but yeah if i typed out the whole night we’d be here forever but it was so fun 10/10 memory apart from when he said “i think im in love with you” because i showed him my manga collection that was doing too much LMAO
SO. fhe next weeks after that were 10/10 we’d talk and message everyday, watch movies, we’d literally stay up until 7am talking to each other and just ☹️ quality time yknow and he genuinely. started to act like my boyfriend. i’m not kidding it was like ?? opposite fwb 😭 it was all the things your boyfriend would do without anything intimate ?? like we could cuddle and walk places holding hands and i wore his clothes and slept in each others room ?? odd situation but yeah he made his feelings very obvious 🎀 wym i look ugly asf while im hungover and you wanna tell me i “look fucking beautiful” like actually die
and then suddenly he just stopped 😁 he still saw me and messaged me and spoke to me everyday without fail but he acted as just my friend and i started TWEAKING YALL 😭 so. i told amelia i was like girl what do we do im sad
she did what she does best and interrogated his friend on a night out again 😭 basically found out 😁 that he still liked other grace !! and was still talking to her !! and he also liked me !! and didn’t know what to do !! YAAAAYY 😝 (i wanted to cry in the club i was so sad)
so. we get back after said night out and he’s like GRACE COME WATCH DEATH NOTE WITH ME 🙂‍↕️. and i accidentally saw his phone OH LORD JESUS CHRIST he was just. telling other grace how he loves her and how he wants to be with her and how he wants her back 😭 did i get sad ? YES ‼️ and when i get sad i go very quiet and he noticed 🎀 eventually we ended up talking about it after a weird heart to heart convo ?? idk it was 5am and we were starting to get a hangover shit got deep
“alex (his friend) thinks he knows what’s best for me and he is right, for once. i should be with you and i want to be but im not going to do that and im sorry” THEY HIT THE PENTAGON WHAT THD FUCK DO YOU MEAN 😭😭🙏
and then he was just like “don’t be sad about me” what do you mean you have genuinely treated me as your girlfriend for weeks what the fuck do you mean don’t be sad i’m actually irate ? so i said i wanted to go to bed because i was sad and tired and he FOLLOWS ME TO MY ROOM AND PROCEEDS TO ASK WHY IM SAD ???? MIKEY DIE RN 🙏
i just said like. you know why and he pulls out. the most insane monologue i’ve ever heard. he sat there and said “im just so in love with her and im completely enamoured with her and it pains me to see her in every lesson knowing i can’t be with her because of my own behaviour it hurts so much” while im literally lying on my bed about to cry ? 😭
so drunk me asked him why i wasn’t enough (idk i got insecure lmao) and he pulls out another monologue about how much he loves me 😍 and everything he’s ever wanted to say to me since the day we moved in 😍 and he didn’t because he was shy 😍 and said the most. romantic things to me 😍 and i was like OH BUT YOU JUSY SAID YOU DINT WANT ME WHAT ARS YOU DOING ?
he then proceeds to ask if i want to come and sleep in his room because i dont like being alone when im sad. SO YOU JUST REJECTED ME. AND NOW YOU WANT TO CARRY ON AS WE WERE ? i said no and asked him to leave because gang do not lead me on whilst you still like other grace and then carry on acting like my man after you reject me
so. he behaved normally as my friend for a week. we messaged every day still and hung out but it was just friends.
guys. i am not kidding. from the start of march until now. he has been consistently flirting with me and acting the exact same way. ive had people ask me if he is my boyfriend because its not like he only does this in private he does it in front of other people too like he fully holds my hand and stands with his arms around me etc etc you get the idea and when i say no he isnt people are like girl wtf stand up LMAO
like we will go out and come back and sleep in each others rooms and he will like. do this thing where he’s like. i need to tell you something AND HE WONT DO IT AND HE’LL ALMOST BRING UP THINGS THAT HAPPENED BETWEEN US AND RHEN HE PUSSYS OUT AND ITS JARRING
he will say insane shit infront of people too ? once we were sat in the kitchen and he was like. HAVE YOU GUYS EVER FALLEN IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE THAT IS THE SAME PERSON AS YOU ITS SUCH A DEEP CONNECTION ITS HAPPENED TO ME and he just stared at me and i was like please fuck off ?
he also saw my friend in the club a couple weeks ago and told her hes in love with me and how he wants to be with me ? and he has told about 5 other people that from when this all first happened to now ? but he still. messages. other grace. AND SHE WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM ? his friends told me she doesnt want to be with him anymore so its completely one sided and im like. if you dont want me dont act like you fucking want me ? and if you do then please do something about it because im going insane !!
he will fully be like. i wanna kiss you and shit while he’s literally holding me in his lap and he just. won’t. abd i’m like guys am i ugly or something because what.
i really cannot put into words how he treats me its fully just. boyfriend through and through but oh yeah dw we're cuddling and you gotta check her snap score thats fine dw xx ik y'all are gonna giggle at me for this but im genuinely. i fall so hard for people and its so hard for m to get over them and to an extent it means its hard for me to call them out on disrespect esp like this.
but yeah key points
- other grace hasn’t wanted to date him since february (info relayed via his friend 🙏)
- he treats me like THAT. but won’t ever do anything more
- seems like he tries to talk about it but pussys out
- im going insane 🩷
- maybe he’s just an asshole because once i saw other grace in the club in first semester before all this and she was crying and told me he was talking to another girl and i forget that story all the time
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seelestia · 2 years
alright okay sounds good, your cool literal mess cousin meirin here, yep that's me-
i can see it in my mind’s eye now. me and heizou talking and arguing about whether he’s able to guarantee your happiness. meanwhile you and zhongli are sitting on the side sipping tea and talking about how nice the weather is today…..
heizou tries to jumpscare you but you swoon over his pretty face instead lol iconic
uh huhhhhhhh 📹 alright sis…. so i’m hearing that you want ayato to call you princess and kiss your hand and swipe you off your feet eh? ;))
HMMMM realistically probably either mond or liyue… i adore liyue’s city, landscapes, and ost a whole lot!!! like…. i remember refusing to go to inazuma for a while cause i just wanted to explore liyue lol i prolly also have an attachment to it cause i’m 90% chinese but i never really got in touch with my ancestry that much (cause i don’t live in china). and there's also the fact that zhongli and xiao is there soooo 👀 what do you think your day-to-day life would be in mond or fontaine? c:
true true… yeh the probability is getting even smaller sobs BUT i mean i wouldn’t mind albedo!!! mono geo team when :D
hskfjsjdksjd ruin hunters my archenemy…. omg i’m now remembering the new type of ruin thingy on the sumeru trailer and i’m scared ;w; hubby pls come home i need shielder badly ueghksdhskdh
LOL it’s ok sweethearts i have two hands i can pat u both at the same time tho i regret to say that if zhongli wants headpats then both of my hands will be unavailable im sorry pat pat awe cuties <3
us normally: ☁️ (◕ᴗ◕✿) 🔆
us when zhongli & ayato enters the chat: 💓❤️‍🔥💓 (((✧ ᴗ ✧✿))) 💓❤️‍🔥💓
sis idk how to say this but if you keep up gathering evidences your album is gonna get full real soon bc i cannot and will not shut up about this man-
📹 ok down bad for ayato, yes yes… choose? why choose when you can have both??? hmmmm??? <3 /j
maybe tumblr’s blog-bonker ai hates zhongli and it’s bonking all the blogs with zhongli themes?????? smh that stupid bot has no class
HRLSFOWKKEE what i meant to say is that ask reeks of rin energy in a very very /pos way, hehe! i feel like if i call you an evil spirit, you'd let me sleep outside on the porch and i can't have that. (/lh)
no more family bonding time, it's an interview with the in-laws 😭 heizou may get smug and have too much power when he gets called pretty, but who am i not to tell him the truth <//3
STOP IT WITH THE AYATO BRAINROT. do you want me to bombard your inbox with zhongli brainrots??? yes, ofc you do. i will try to find some time to be a menace in your inbox nyehehe jokes on you, rin, i took out the camera's batteries already. (/lh) but if he calls me princess or love or dear, i will flip a table because HE WOULD??? AJFJWKKSK??? and he is also the type to say "i'm yours"???? i am a sucker for flowery words and this man. pretty face, pretty eyes, soft hair, soft voice, may be a little tease but i'd indulge him, CRIES. wow, that was a whole simping outburst HELPDJWK (/j)
agreed, i can definitely see you in liyue! that region really has a sense of calmness to it that just makes you feel serene <3 and your hubby is also there (/j) but if i'm not wrong, mei is a chinese syllable that means 'beautiful', right??? super adorable! i may not be chinese, but the cultures are so eloquent it's breathtaking <3 i think being in liyue would really help you get in touch with your ancestry and that's cool >:)
as for me, i think the first thing i'd do is open the balcony and have breakfast by the window, hehe~ i heard fontaine is quite the busy region, so i'd have fun people-watching while i eat !! but if i'm in mondstadt, i'd just go spend my time in the library and eating at good hunter >:) ah, yes, food and books my beloved fjkwkfkka
NO BECAUSE THERE ARE RUIN HALF-DINOSAURS??? AND THEY FLY??? the people of khaenri'ah who created ruin machines are up to smth fr fr and i'm scared kffjdkekkw and the favoritism towards zhongli, unsurprised gasp. (/j) but if it were mr. kamisato, then relatable *chokes* <//3
so true, why fret when i can have both??? to be tagged along on heizou's investigations in the day and settling down to have dinner with ayato, my life is content, sobs. this reminded me of how i used to simp for albedo when i first started playing <//3 sorry, chief alchemist, you're still very cool tho! if not a little sus (/j)
idk who else you should choose as your theme, rin because tumblr got smth against accounts with a pretty geo man as their pfp <//3 because your main blog has a xiao theme, your writing blog is zhongli and your reblog acc is kazuha — and that's your main three already fjwkksksk. who else shall be candidates??? but i doubt you'd stray from the zhongli theme 👀
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kageyamatobiyogurt · 3 years
haikyuu boys at a haunted house 
a/n: mmmm here’s an idea that i now realize would have been perfect for october.. and not december.. MAYBE i’ll do a christmas post for the holidays -- WAIT i may have just come up with something... will update you guys hehe 
- n e ways here’s my brain just spitballing and here’s the most characters i’ve written (individual) hcs for in one post wehey 
includes: hinata, kageyama, yamaguchi, tsukishima, tendou, ushijima, kuroo, iwaizumi, oikawa, atsumu, osamu, suna, bokuto, akaashi 
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he really couldn’t hide his stress even when y’all were on line 
his eyes kept darting back and forth while the loud noises played around you guys 
mans got visibly more stressed the closer you got to the entrance 
“it can’t be too bad right?” “like, kids are going in and they can’t really scare people” 
the first time he gets jumpscared inside he can no longer walk and y’all have to take the emergency exit 
can’t help his heart from thumping even though he knows this is all fake 
he holds onto you the whole time, whether it be your arm, your sleeve, your shoulder, anything 
the type just to curse under his breath and briefly close his eyes, “oh fuck-” 
overly polite baby pls 
he’s nervous too but he wants to keep you company until the end 
let. him. hold. your. hand. rn. 
mans yelps when he gets scared but he’s still so nice to the staff
“EE!” he’ll yelp (but he still sounds so soft idk how else to say it)
“you really got me there” he’ll say to the ghost after he composes himself, hand coming up behind his head as he does this little curtesy to the ghost 
one to aggravate the staff because he shows barely any reaction 
“that was so obvious” he’ll laugh loud after something pops up and the lights stop flashing 
it’s all in good fun for him but this is not what the haunted house staff intended???
once again i believe nothing like this would scare him 
so he’s good to have around if you’re more nervous yourself 
he knows exactly where someone would try to pop out at you guys so it doesn’t even phase him 
this one time, he beats the “ghost” at their own job and yells first. PLS the guy in costume falls back and it takes everyone out of their immersion 
he is asked to not come back after this </3
i feel like he wouldn’t be too scared but he does jump at unexpected loud noises (who wouldn’t) 
he just trembles here and there and you’d only know if you held his hand 
he’s your anchor and before you realize it, you’re his too 
so maybe he keeps an arm around you most of the time or holds your hand a little tighter 
tries to be suave, as he does 
but he’s making up for his nerves by talking to you and trying to distract himself 
PLS he’s in the middle of telling you some cheesy pickup line when something grabs his leg and his voice does this CRACK 
“y/n did you knoWwWOh”
he’s too embarrassed that he’s not scared anymore no, but he’s in his head wondering how he can undo wtf his voice just did 
he didn’t claim he wasn’t scared because he didn’t feel like he had to? 
plus he was pretty calm going into it 
at the end of the day, this haunted house is just filled with more people in costume
what he didn’t expect however is for this screeching woman to come out of this closet you were walking by 
when he realizes what he almost did he feels so bAd lmao 
luckily you can’t see how red he is in this darkness 
really really did not want to go in in the first place 
mans was just trying to save his pride ahead of time okaY 
but you got him to cave when you pouted and said, “but tooru what if i get scared and then i’m all alone” 
this changed his mindset entirely, even with him going, “well of course i’m here to protect you y/n-chan” 
bro but his grip on you when you enter is so TIGHT PLS 
the second you two are in dim light his hand is digging into your arm like CHILL 
you couldn’t even leave him in there if you wanted to 
he also may screech inside but he will die not admitting it 
atsumu and osamu: 
ofc it becomes a competition between these two 
“let’s see who gets more scared” 
“yer on, loser” 
“whatever, we all know who’s the braver twin” 
eventually they place bets on who will buy the other food and y’all make your way inside 
in conclusion: both get scared shitless and they somehow wind up holding each other’s hands regardless if there’s an s/o present 
these things also don’t really scare him 
mans is the type to watch horror movies and creepy theory videos late at night and still manage to sleep peacefully 
you may hold onto his arm while you guys walk 
he’s just out here snapping a picture of the most grotesque monster inside and captioning it with “mood” or “same” 
ohmygod he’s fun but also chaotic 
mans contributes to half the times you get surprised 
he’s so loud that him gasping or yelping is unintentionally scary 
“y/n what is that over.. THERE OH MY GOD” he booms, scaring you and those walking behind you pls 
but he always laughs off what happens to him after, saying something like, “that was a good one, y/n” 
pretty chill but he can’t help his heart racing a little 
the most that he’ll let out is a gasp or a sharp intake of breath 
he can’t really find it in himself to let out a yell or anything if he’s that surprised by something 
gets annoyed when someone in costume yells and their saliva lands on him by accident
you just hear this “tsk” and his eyebrows crease together 😭
honorable mentions to those who just didn’t go inside, saving themselves from unnecessary stress: kenma, kita, asahi
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
can I please request for prompts 2, 5, 10, 12 for hard&soft dom!heeseung and an innocent!fem!s/o from enhypen smut prompt list? prompt no. 5 to be said by the reader while the rest by heeseung
A/N: forgive me if there r any typos lol i hope u like it :)
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (f recieving), degredation, slight corruption kink
Word count: 2.4 k
You cling onto your boyfriend’s arm as another jumpscare appears on the movie screen. He giggles at you. “Is it gone yet?” you whisper and he nods.
Today was your four month anniversary with Heeseung and you decided to treat him by taking him to a scary movie he’s been wanting to see.You’re not a huge fan of them but you figured it’d be a way for you to cuddle him without raising too much suspicion.
He kept a hand on your thigh throughout the movie, occasionally squeezing and rubbing it over your pants.
You try to ignore the film by keeping your eyes on him. His hands, his legs, his hands, his profile. Anything to distract yourself from the poor family being killed on the screen.
It isn’t long before the movie ends and you walk out to Heeseung’s car.
“The brother was such an idiot. Why didn’t he just call the police?” he says while starting the engine. (haha engene lol sorry)
“The police can’t stop ghosts.” you chuckle.
“Maybe NASA could’ve figured something out.” he grabs your thigh again, it’s kind of his thing. “I’m surprised you survived.”
“Yup, my love for you overcomes my hatred for horror movies.”
He smiles and leans over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s go to my place.” he says and you frown.
“But all the boys-”
He cuts you off. “The maknaes aren’t there, they’re paintballing in Itaewon.”
You groan. “Fine.”
The boys’ dorm is never your first choice which is understandable without elaboration. But you try not to get annoyed and instead enjoy living in the moment.
He has the windows cracked open and the wind is whipping through his hair, making him look like a moviestar.
Sunghoon and Jake are in their own rooms when you get there so at least there’s some peace and quiet.
Heeseung plops onto his bed. “Come here sweetheart.” he says with his arms out to you.
You smile and snuggle up to him, resting your head on his chest.
He pets your hair and kisses your forehead. “You’re so pretty.”
“You’re prettier.” you say and he chuckles.
“Nuh uh.” he says and sits up. “Lemme see your pretty face.”
You sit up too as he holds your face delicately in his hands. “You’re so gorgeous I wanna kiss you everywhere.” he kisses your forehead, then your cheeks, and your nose, your eyelids, then your jaw, and down, down, down your neck. Your heart beat starts to speed up. You never tell him, but your neck is your weakness. He finally pulls away to give you a proper kiss on the lips.
“C’mere.” he says and pulls you onto his lap. You let out a small squeal.
He holds your waist tight as he kisses you again, this time slipping his tongue into your mouth. You moan a bit, enjoying the sensation.
You guys had made out before and even grinded a bit but it never went further than that. Not because you didn’t want it. Of course you wanted it. There have been nights where you spent hours imagining what it would be like. You already knew that he’d be sweet, but you kind of wanted more than that. You wanted him to take control and boss you around. Maybe today will be the day, you think to yourself.
You start to slowly rock your hips against his and he lets out a low groan. His fingers travel up your hoodie and he’s delighted to find out that you aren’t wearing a bra. He massages you and pinches your nipples a bit as you grind on his hard on. You’re already so stimulated, you could cum just like this.
Heeseung’s curious as to why you’re acting like this today. Usually by now it’d be over, but why would he complain about you being naughty, especially when it’s been such a big fantasy of his to corrupt you. His darling little girlfriend who checks in with her parents everyday and wouldn’t dare to skip school all sprawled out under him, whimpering and begging for release. God, he could think about it all day.
He flips you onto your back and pushes your hoodie up, exposing your torso. Your arms fly to cover yourself.
“Stop that princess,” he kisses your stomach. “Let me see you.”
You slowly pull your arms away and he goes right to kissing your chest. “So perfect.” he whispers, rolling his tongue over your nipples.
You’re already squirming underneath him, eager for him to touch you somewhere else. And as if he read your mind, his fingers start to play with the band of your pants.
He quickly unbuttons them and slides them off your legs.
“Can I touch you?” he asks and you nod eagerly.
“I’ve never done this before.” you admit.
“That’s okay,” he kisses your knee. “Just relax.”
He kisses your neck, licking it and nipping at it, leaving a blooming bruise. Your body tenses as he circles your clit.
“I didn't know you were this sensitive.” he smiles.
You feel your face heat up. It’s kind of embarrassing. He was barely touching you plus it was on top of your underwear.
“I’m just teasing baby.” he kisses your cheek and continues the circling motion.
Soft moans leave your mouth as he does so. He pulls away and notices a wet patch already forming on your underwear.
His fingers slip into the waistband. “Can I touch you here?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “Please?”
“You submit to me so well,” he nips at your neck. “I love it.”
His fingers find your slit and you whine.
“So fucking wet,” he whispers as he rubs your clit. “Did I get you that worked up princess?”
You nod pathetically, already drunk on his touch.
He circles around your hole for a bit before slowly pushing his middle finger into you. You hold on tight to his arm, getting used to the foreign feeling.
He pumps it in and out of you a couple of times. “You ready for another one?”
You nod and whine as his ring finger stretches you out.
“You’re doing so good.” he whispers and kisses your forehead.
Your moans get more and more needy as he curls his fingers in you hitting a spot that you’ve never felt before.
“Fuck,” you whisper.
“Feel good?” he asks and you nod. “I bet it does.”
He shifts down and settles his face between your legs.
“Wait what are you doing?” you ask him, shutting your knees. “I want to taste you,” he says. “Is that okay?”
You contemplate for a moment. The thought of it makes you a bit shy but then you imagined how good it would feel and that won over everything. “Yeah.” you nod and he smiles.
His fingers are still curling in you as he kisses your thighs, leaving small marks on the way down to where you need it the most.
After what feels like years, his tongue finally finds your clit. Your thighs shut from the sudden pleasure.
He chuckles. “Keep em open baby.” he uses his free hand to keep you spread.
He moans into you. “Tastes so fucking good.”
It’s so much to take in at once; his fingers in you, his tongue drawing circles on your clit, the vibrations you feel every time he groans. You feel overstimulated but in the best way possible.
Your fingers tug on his hair as your thighs begin to tremble.
“Don’t stop don’t stop,” you cry out.
His grip on you tightens and he moans into you, encouraging you to cum in his mouth.
A string of curse words leaves your lips as you reach your high, and it’s the hardest you’ve ever came in your life. It’s like you’re floating up in the clouds, and you never want to come back down.
Heeseung kisses you, giving you a taste. He holds you tight in his arms and tries to calm your shaky breathing.
“You did so good doll.” he kisses your cheek.
You hold onto him as your heart rate goes down to normal.
“Here let me go get you a towel.” he starts get off the bed but you grab his arm.
“Wait we’re done?” you ask and he looks at you. “Do you wanna keep going?” he asks and you nod.
“Yes,” you say and he chuckles.
He sits back down onto the bed. “I didn’t expect that.”
You climb on top of him and give him a passionate kiss, sliding your hands under his hoodie.
He pulls it over his head with ease.
You admire his lean body for a moment before kissing his neck and his collar bones. “Can you fuck me please?” you ask him.
He smirks. “Your wish is my command.” he flips you over onto your back and unbuttons his black jeans. Just watching him do it makes you wet.
He climbs over you, rubbing his tip on your clit. He sighs into your neck.
“You ready princess?” he asks and you nod vigorously.
He slowly pushes into you and you wince a bit from the stretch.
“Ow ow ow.” you say quietly and he stops.
“You okay? Does it hurt a lot?” he asks.
“It’s not bad.” you say through gritted teeth.
He kisses you, giving you time to adjust to his length. He pets your hair and tells you how gorgeous you look.
“Please start moving.” you ask him and he listens, slowly thrusting in and out of you.
“Fuck,” he moans. “So fucking tight.”
You whimper so loud as his tips brushes against your g-spot that you clamp your hand over your mouth, worried that Sunghoon and Jake would pick up on what was going on.
He pulls your hand away. “Be louder, I want them to hear you.”
“Do as I say sweetheart.” he cuts you off.
Of course you melt under him. How could you not. He’s so perfect. He’s the type of boy that only exists in books.
“What a good girl,” he kisses your shoulder. “Look how well you take it.”
You grab a pillow and cover your face with it, you can’t help but want to conceal your moans.
He throws it off and grabs your jaw hard. “What’d I say about that? Don’t you want them to know how much of a slut you are for me?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Speak up when I talk to you.” he says sternly. His words make you throb and he notices. “Do you like it when I’m mean?” he smirks at you.
“Yeah,” you admit, sheepishly.
“There you go again being all quiet, keep that up and I’ll edge you until you’re begging.” he threatens you with a good time.
“What if I want you to do that anyway.” you say flirtatiously.
He raises an eyebrow. “I can make that happen.”
His thumb finds your clit and the sensation of him rubbing you and his cock ramming in and out of your pussy sends you so close over the edge.
The look on your face is so angelic and hopeless, you’re better than anything he could imagine.
“You’re so fucking perfect.” he kisses you. “You look so pretty while being fucked.”
He snaps his hips into yours and your eyes roll back.
“Just like that.” you whine.
“How bad do you want it?” he asks you.
“So bad,” you say out of desperation. At this point you don’t care. Heeseung had taken over your mind, ego, and pride. “You feel so fucking good inside of me.”
He smiles. “How could such a sweet voice say such dirty words.” Then all of the sudden he pulls out. You nearly cry out from the unexpected emptiness.
“What the fuck,” you swear at him.
“You’re the one who asked for this.” he says, still slowly rubbing your clit.
You whimper. “I take it back. I need you.”
“No take backs sweetheart.” he tsks.
He kisses your chest and pinches at your nipples. You writhe under him, needing him in you.
After what feels like an eternity but is probably a minute or so, he slams back into you and right after being satisfied, he pulls out again.
“Heeseung please,” you whine. “Please I’ve been good haven’t I?”
“You have, but I like doing this to you.” he kisses you. “Who knew my innocent girl would be begging for my cock like this.”
You pull at his waist. “I need it.” you tell him in the sweetest voice you could get out.
He sighs. “I’ll never win.” he kisses you again before pushing into you.
“Fuck yes,” you moan in relief. “Faster please.”
Thank god he listens to you.
You cling onto his back, pushing your nails into his skin a bit. It only takes thirty seconds to get you on the edge and Heeseung can tell by the way your moans are getting high pitched.
“Cum on this cock sweetheart,” he says lowly. “Be a good girl for me.”
And just like that, your whimpering his name like it’s the only word you know; like it’s your mantra.
“That’s it baby,” he whispers. “Just like that.”
Your pussy pulsing around him sends him into euphoria and he groans into your neck.
You don’t even realize the tears on your cheeks until he pointed it out. He looks at you in shock and holds your face in his hands. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Fuck I’m so sorry pumpkin I-”
“No no it just felt really good,” you giggle. “I didn’t even know I started crying.”
“Oh thank god,” he sighs in relief and kisses your forehead. “You’re the best pussy I’ve ever had you know.”
You laugh. “Stop it, you sound like a man whore.”
“Just being honest.” he smiles and pulls you into his arms.
“Shit,” you curse to yourself.
“What is it?”
“Jake and Sunghoon definitely heard us.” you say, wide eyed.
“Yeah probably,” he says “they probably got off on it too.”
Your face twists in disgust and you shove him in the shoulder.
He cackles. “I mean wouldn’t you?”
You think to yourself. “Yeah I probably would.”
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shotorozu · 3 years
Heya! I love your writing. Could I request scenarios for Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya and Denki (if that’s ok, and if not, just cut Denks 😔) with a S/O that snorts when they laugh and their a little insecure about it, so they usually cover their mouth as soon as it happens or just try not to laugh at anything and as a result they put up this serious front when, in reality, they are really just ✨a crackhead✨
s/o that doesn’t like their laugh
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, kirishima eijirou, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (if you squint, there’s a dash hurt and comfort)
note(s) : PLS i can relate to this, my laugh is a cross hybrid of a window being cleaned, and a hyena 🗿 i normally don’t write 5 characters in one post but.. exceptions will be made. sorry that this took so long! will go back to writing requests
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bakugou katsuki
he was very confused, and shocked?? it was a lot
you and him are very similar, like,, out of all the people in 1-A, he’s never seen you laugh like.. hysterically.
it was always normal for him to surpress his laughter when the times are right. but even when you guys got together, he never saw you laugh
which was just a “hm.. okay? wtf, i haven’t seen them laugh before??” moment
and don’t get me wrong, it’s not like you’re emotionless, and he HASN’T seen you laugh, it’s more like you just cut yourself off before it gets too intense
which is.. 🤨 weird. to him at least
laugh if you need to laugh, he doesn’t get why you always cut yourself off, like smh the audacity
okay so imagine this, you’re sitting in the kitchen— only a few feet away from katsuki, as he finishes cooking for you, just like any normal day
but i also headcanon that bakugou likes to taste test his cooking, before he can serve it to you. y’know— just in case he accidentally used bad ingredients which is rare, since he’s very precise with cooking
so he prepares the plate and utensils, and before he serves it to you— he takes a quick taste to see how it is, but his face immediately twists in disatisfaction
“what the fuck—” he sputters, looking at the plate “who the fuck switched the salt and sugar?”
and that seemed to be your breaking point, you immediately burst out into a fit of giggles and snorts, even with katsuki still recovering from the weird after taste.
if it was any other person, he would’ve chucked them out of the kitchen— but seeing you laugh out loud like this left him appalled
but your laughing episode is cut short when you realize that katsuki’s just staring. not saying anything, nor is he telling you off for laughing.
his expression looks so indifferent from seeing you laugh?? so you simply just apologize “sorry, i know the laugh is ugly.”
katsuki quickly snaps out of it, ruby irises glaring at you “ugly? when the hell did i say that?” he questions, voice gruff
your silence makes him think that you’re actually insecure about your laugh, an despite the weird aftertaste in his mouth, he decides to speak
“look, it was nice seeing you laugh, idiot.” he adds, because it sounded a little too nice “i don’t get why you have to hold your laughter back, especially around me. laugh if you need to, i’m not gonna judge you.”
plus, he’s not the person to judge you for your laugh anyway, his laugh.. is questionable for sure. i wouldn’t say it’s any better, so that would’ve be hypocritical of him
“you sure?”
“hell yeah i’m fuckin’ sure! but anyway, i’m gonna kill the bitch that switched the salt and sugar!” he gets up from the table, plate in hand as he goes to fix the meal
he surely can’t see your face right now, but when he hears you laugh, he can’t find himself not being able to smile.
he can only look forward to seeing you laugh again.
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kirishima eijirou
his first reaction was :00 and 😳
so he was kind of left to his own thoughts when he realized that,, he hasn’t seen you laugh wildly before
and it’s not like you were just 😐 the entire time, you just always covered your mouth whenever you wanted to laugh
it was a big mystery to him, but he doesn’t think it’s quite manly to ask you that, it wasn’t long before he found out anyway
so! i headcanon that kirishima has his lil gaming night with the bakusquad maybe once or twice a week, they usually choose to communicate through the voice chat so.. no physical interaction.
and you’re just there, spectating the entire thing. because you still wanted to spend time with eijirou— but you didn’t want to interrupt his weekly gaming moment
so there’s a twist— he was actually playing a rpg multi-player horror game with the bakusquad, so.. jumpscares, am i right?
you were just sitting there on his bed, just watching if there’s anything interesting so far— and surprise! there’s a jumpscare.
eijirou jumps a little from the impact, and you can just hear the faint girlish screams of bakugou and kaminari, even from this length— basically telling all of them to just fucking dip! run the other way!
so you just start laughing when you hear the continuous screams, from his headset rip kiri’s ear drums and while kirishima tried to focus on the objective, he couldn’t help but turn around
just to see you laughing your ass off. and he’s there like 😳 they’re laughing?? they’re laughing!
so kirishima quickly finishes the game, but he just found himself in a state of shock. but then you covered your mouth so :(( aw.
you notice that he finished his game, so you just stop laughing entirely “oh— are you finished, eijirou?”
he’s still kind of taken aback by the laugh, and you seem to have noticed his reaction “wait, did you.. hear that?”
when you see eijirou nod, your expression seemed shell shock— which confused him, until you told him that you assumed that he didn’t hear you because of the headphones
“what? is it bad?” he asks with genuine curiousity, but you just explain that you’re just embarrassed. because the laugh itself is ugly
which kirishima disagrees!! >:(( your laugh had him in awe. he loves seeing you laugh, and it was a nice surprise.
“i love hearing you laugh! it makes me happy— i don’t see any reason that you should be ashamed of it, everyone’s laugh is different, after all.”
you’d say he’s lying, but the genuine toothy grin on kirishima face convinces you that he has the purest intentions.
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midoriya izuku
now that i’ve thought about it, have we ever seen this boy burst into laughter?? this excludes the hospital scene of course.
but he’s not too concerned about himself not being able to freely laugh, but it was more like he was curious (or concerned) about you
you’re always quick to either cut yourself off, or you just cover your mouth entirely. and he can’t help but feel curious!
he asked you at some point on why you do those things when you laugh, but you just shrugged. so until that point, it was just simply a mystery— that’s left to his own imagination
so whenever midoriya creates new moves with his quirk, he’d have the sudden desire to show his s/o and ask if the move would be practical in anything. because why not
and we all know how much midoriya trains right? he’s quite the hard worker. but you were taking a nap in the afternoon, after finishing your school work for the day
it’s probably reaching 3pm now, and izuku finished making new moves with his quirk, and he was eager to show you!
he didn’t want to do this but he ended up waking you up anyway, and he brought you outside to show you the new moves
“look at this, Y/N!” he says, all excited oh boy
what he didn’t expect was how fast he was going— missing the entire key move, and he started plummetting to the ground (similar to a ragdoll being thrown)
you were still partially dowsy, and you weren’t expecting him to fall to the ground like THAT, so you started laughing hard
and because you’re still drowsy, you don’t recognize that you’re actually laughing— yeah, izuku may be still on the ground, but wow. you’re laughing!!
he’s surely taken back, because he’s never actually seen you burst into laughter like this, he was just
yet, you immediately slap your hand over your mouth— when you realize that you’re actually laughing out loud, and snorting in front of your boyfriend wjdnwkx
“i’m sorry, izuku” you regain composure, immediately rushing to his aid to help him up, “you didn’t need to hear, or see that.”
but why are you apologizing? he’s the one that dragged you out here to see him fail 💀 “no, no! it’s fine Y/N. i was just surprised, that’s all.”
the expression on his face kind of worries you— because omg what if he thinks the laugh was ugly? i’ll never laugh again.
“i’d understand if you’d think my laugh was kind of ugly, izu—”
“what— it’s not ugly!” he’s quick to object “i think.. it’s really nice. it surprised me, but your laugh’s interesting! in the good way, and it’s also kind of cute, uhm—.” pls don’t give him a heart attack
you shake your head, because you already have a good idea of what he feels— and it’s quite positive. “i get it, izuku. thank you for the reassurance.”
he finally calms down when you give him a quick smooch on the lips. in short, you were the one to calm him down rip
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todoroki shouto
he’s definitely curious about it
i mean, it’s a natural occurence at this point— shouto was already observant of you, what more when he started developing feelings for you
once again, not someone who freely laughs (he’s quite oblivious with the socializing part so it’s too be expected) but that doesn’t mean you should mirror him
like midoriya, he probably tried speaking to you about it— but you always reassured him that it was just a subconscious habit still odd but.. if you say so
so, shouto’s downstairs in the kitchen right? he’s preparing a snack to bring up to your room, and while he was trying his best to hurry up with it
you eventually trekked downstairs, and saw shouto preparing said snack. so what do you do? you surprise him!
“shouto!” you peak behind him, and he’s startled because he thought he was alone this entire time
so— he might’ve accidentally started a mini fire out of shock, and he’s quick to realize that
🧍 there’s a fire. that i’ve created. it was a miracle that he didn’t set off the alarms
the situation is handled pretty quickly, since he’s fast enough to put out the fire. but now, shouto’s just staring at the burned piece of snack.
“..there was an attempt.” he says it simply, while also equipped with a rather frazzled expression.
this causes you to burst out into a fit of laughter, snorting at the scene in front of you— the comment being oddly hilarious
he’s the personification of 🧍right now, and shouto’s just watching at the rare scene of you hunched over the kitchen counter, snorting from laughter
“i’m sorry, shouto.” you cover your mouth, still trying to regain your composure “i’m sorry that i scared you but.. it was kind of funny.”
shouto’s just thinking “..they were laughing.” not in a bad way, of course. he’s heard people laugh at his ‘jokes’ but this was definitely a different feeling.
shouto being well,, shouto. he’s going to be blunt with his words “your laugh is pretty.”
but your first reaction is 👁👁?? PRETTY?? “shouto, out of all the things my laugh could be— you chose pretty?” you’re looking at him like he’s crazy rn
he’s really confused like,, “yeah. your laugh is pretty, is that bad?”
so then you explain that you just never perceived your laugh as pretty, only because you ‘snorted like a pig’ he thought that was a little sad to hear
“i don’t see a reason that you should be ashamed of your laugh, Y/N.” he moves closer, setting a cool hand on your shoulder “every part of you is special in their own individual way. and i’ll love every part of it.”
“you,, mean that? like really??” you ask, and he confirms it with a nod, resting his head against your shoulder “i’m sorry that i burned your snack.”
“it’s fine. i’m sorry i scared you,”
“if it made you laugh then.. i’d say it’s worth it.” and you can’t really think that he’d lie, just by the way his mismatched eyes stare at you in pure adoration.
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kaminari denki
the only person here that laughs freely whenever and wherever, he has that class clown type of beat
he was a little sad to see that you always covered your mouth whenever you laughed, since it sort of makes his day to see people laugh at his jokes
but of course, he’d never judge you— he may be curious about certain things but,, he’ll never secondguess you as a whole
similar to todoroki and midoriya, he’ll ask you in a lighthearted way on why you cover your mouth whenever you laugh
and you always brush it off, so he’d just have to respect that
i’d imagine that he’d encounter your laugh when you guys are doing your daily cracktivities
you guys were already quite good friends before you guys started dating, and this was quite a habit that always occurred maybe once or twice a week
the both of you were desperately trying to hold in the laughter that threatened to escape your lips, at 2am 💀
and the both of you guys were watching compilations of that talent show livestream on youtube (tiahra nelson’s to be specific)
so you’re still holding in your laughter, and reaches to that point in the video, where tiahra nelson was watching that dude sing ‘electric love’ (ref : this video)
seeing denki’s shocked reaction made you realize that— you just can’t hold it in anymore, so, you bursted into a fit of snorts and laughter, sliding onto denki’s shoulder
denki’s still holding in his laughter because he doesn’t want to get busted by iida or something— but oh my, YOUR LAUGH IS CONTAGIOUS TO HIM
he’s never heard you laugh this hard but omg, your laugh is contagious as hell— so he starts laughing with you 💀
eventually, the laughing does die down— and you guys move on to the next video. it’s oddly quiet at first, because the realization had just hit you and hard
you snorted in front of your boyfriend, and you’re sure that he doesn’t care that much but,, wow, you are embarrassed.
“wow— your laugh is contagious,” denki slides his hand across your shoulder, and while he’s been trying to keep the atmosphere at it’s normal, he’s quite nervous??
“it was a new experience uhm, sorry, i don’t know what i’m saying, and i know you’d be insecure about it all and..” he fumbles with his words for a bit, because denki isn’t THE BEST with serious things
“your laugh is cute.” his eyes are glued onto the screen, and his tone is basically stating that he’s right. your laugh is really cute
“you’re cheesy,” you playfully smack his chest, but you can’t help but feel quite bashful of his words
no but really,, whenever you laugh, denki starts to laugh along with you, since it’s so contagious he’s not that sorry about it
moving past the sappy shit, it’s quite helpful in cracktivities 💀
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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onyxoverride · 3 years
I wonder how Zeke would react to you being pregnant, would he be absolutely delighted or would just go IM FINNA WHIP DIS HOE 🏃🏃🏎🏎💨💨
Baby - Zeke Jaeger x Reader
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warnings: pregnancy, pregnancy sickness, I don’t know the ins and outs of pregnancy but google is my friend- just know I’m unreliable. Angsty, fluffy, SMUT Minors DNI. Pubes? Oversenstivity, creampie. Zeke is sweet. 
word count: 4k
note: OMGG HAHAH I can see this going a few ways tbh. also accidentally wrote a fic again :) hehe. It’s Zeke, I cant help it. this started informally so its like a drabble fic hybrid baby which is fitting hehe
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He’ll either be like “Well I did say I’d stuff you with my babies so...” and he’ll accept his fate as a father. Will be unusually good especially if it’s a little girl because if he has a son he’ll afraid he’ll be like his father. 
Or he’ll give you a look of horror, if you two were protected and this was completely unexpected he’ll be like “...I don’t know if I can do this...” He might run away, but again he doesn’t want to be like his father, eventually, he’ll come back, probably when you start showing because it’s then that he realizes that you’re pregnant with his kid, for real. Will get on his knees and apologize if needed. Give him a wake-up call, “I told you I was pregnant, and you left me alone. You left me alone for almost three months. I had no one and you left.”
You need to accept him a bit, for your sake and for your baby's sake, but that doesn’t mean you won't be mean to him a bit as revenge. Plus, he needs to earn your trust back. 
You let him live in the guest bedroom, whatever routine and life you had before, it’s completely different now. It’s awkward. He’s missed so much, he’s missed the worse of your morning sickness and dizziness (which you still have occasionally just not as bad), and he’s missed getting you weird food combos, he’s missed you, he misses your warmth, he misses talking to you in slow cold mornings, he misses rubbing his beard on your neck and you complaining that it tickles, he should have never set a foot out the door, he knows that now. 
“This is my baby. Not yours, not ours, not unless you prove yourself.” And boy does he. It doesn’t matter if it’s the dead of night and you want food, he’ll get it with sleepy eyes and pajama pants if he needs to. One day he’s venturing out of his bedroom to see your bathroom light on, and he’s going to check, of course he is, because he is worried. You’re leaning over the toilet with your eyes closed, head propped against the wall, a cold rag resting on your thigh to get your temperature down and try to keep you grounded as you throw up. 
You can see how this looks like a bad situation to someone who hasn’t been there for months. Why do they even call it morning sickness when it doesn’t just stick to mornings. So when he slides next to you on the floor with a panicked look in his eyes asking ‘are you okay? is the baby okay? should we go to the hospital?’ it’s a bit irritating but it warms your heart nonetheless. Your head is pounding, you desperately want to sleep but every time you move it makes you a little more nauseous so you can’t even make it to the bed. His hand is on your thigh, it's warm but not uncomfortably warm like your body, and his calloused hands bring you back to reality. “It’s normal,” is the best explanation you can utter out right now. 
He wants to ask what he can do to help, but your eyebrows are scrunched in pain and he doesn’t want to deepen that so he’ll at least try to help. He brings you a pillow to rest your hips on, even though you groan when you move you appreciate it because the tiles began digging into your skin, your pajama shorts do nothing to help you with that but the cold tiles feel nice to an extent. All of Zeke’s knowledge from college and how he took care of his hungover or sick friends is jumbled up because can any of those tips apply here? Whenever your stomach didn’t feel good you’d ask him to fix you peppermint tea and that seemed to help but will the smell bother you? This is the first time he’s felt true panic since- well since you told him you were pregnant, and when he came back to beg for forgiveness. 
You’re still sitting beside the toilet, it’s much more comfortable now with the pillow, and Zeke brought you a fresh wet rag because the old one was starting to warm up to you. There’s shuffling from the kitchen that’s muffled by the walls and he comes back with an armful of things -- it’s almost comical. Your favorite water bottle refilled with bits of ice clinking around, a blue Gatorade bottle, a handful of plain crackers from the back of your cabinet that he must’ve scrambled to find. He runs back one more time to bring a warm mug- which he now realizes probably is the opposite of what you want because it’s warm and it seems like you want to be cold. He looks awkward as he sits on the other side of the toilet, leaning against the tub, like he’s being graded for his performance. He’s just close enough to reach you, just in case, hand caressing your ankle which is more to comfort him than you.
Now you look a little more relaxed. “Uhm...” he clears his throat as he speaks softly, “... I brought you tea, and crackers, water too. And cookies just in case. And Gatorade.” He looks younger now somehow, like when you and him met in college when he first asked you out on a date, nervous and scratching his ear. 
This is the first time you have looked at him so softly since he came back. He does deserve the harshness, he thinks, but seeing the opposite after so long is almost gratifying. “Water sounds nice,” so he hands you the bottle quickly. 
Sitting there almost another hour, you still don’t want to try to get up but Zeke stays and hands you everything you need. Pushes back any hair in the way when you lean to retch into the toilet. The times between each retch get longer, and after forcing yourself to eat a few crackers you feel like you have finally come down to earth, the rag and tiles too cold, the warmth of your bed filled with fluffy blankets tempt you. 
“I think I’m okay now,” you aren’t, but just okay enough to go to bed and try to sleep. Zeke works you up to your feet, slow and steady, staying firm for you to lean on. You catch a glance at yourself in the mirror and it’s almost like a horror movie jumpscare. Red eyes, half-lidded and tired, eye bags more defined and lips chapped. The thought of toothpaste makes you want to throw up again but you have mouthwash that gentle so that’ll do, and the coconut lip balm you rely on has never bothered you. Zeke keeps at least one hand on your hips the whole time, you figure you do look like you are about to fall apart any moment. 
He waddles you to your bed. It looks way different than when he saw it last. More pillows than before, lining the side closest to your bedroom door, his side. Or it was his side. There are more blankets too and a heating pad with a little remote dangling off the bed. He feels like he needs to retch now, guilt chasing up his spine. You’ve dealt with this alone, without him. How many times were you not able to get up off the floor because no one was there to help? The pillows that you lined his side with are taunting him, ‘we had to fill the void you left.’ But it’s just his own voice scolding him. 
There are few things in life he is able to regret, but leaving you was one of the worst mistakes he could have ever made. 
When you finally get comfortable, one leg thrown over the pillow and at least 3 fluffy blankets that he’s tucked over you, the temptation to ask to stay in your room scratches at the back of his head. He won’t ask, not tonight, not right now. He presses a closed-lip kiss to your shoulder that’s barely felt over the blankets. “Holler if you need me, okay?” He can see your breathing is steady and lets out a short laugh, you must have been exhausted. He’ll pour out the tea you didn’t drink, and make sure to get some more crackers on the grocery list.
/ / : 
Slowly, he’s earning your trust. It’s been a month since he’s come back and now the atmosphere is more comfortable. Not romanticly domestic like he so desperately wants it to be again, but he can’t complain about progress. 
He hasn’t been allowed to touch your belly, or even see it really because you are wearing the biggest clothes you can find. This is a rare moment where he gets to see you in tighter clothing because you feel too warm, and he gets to see your belly. It’s a cute bump, stretching out the tanktop you are wearing, he can see the dip/pop of your belly button through it, and you’ve refused to wear bras ever since your breasts started to feel too sensitive. Zeke didn’t expect to find this so... to put it in simple terms, hot. 
Your nipples are poking through, breasts heavy, and the realization that he pumped you full with his kid and claimed you completely runs straight to his cock. He shouldn’t be this horny right now, especially when you are complaining about being too hot while laying on the couch with your feet propped up, shorts doing nothing to cover you, especially when he can see that you are not wearing underwear and slightly wet. Can you really blame him? You are hot, he loves you, and he’s been pent up ever since he came back and even before because his hand doesn’t cut it. 
When he leans to give you a cup of ice water he knows you can see his hard-on through his pajama pants, it’s not like he’s trying to hide it. “Are you seriously horny right now?” You don’t really mean to say it like you are offended, you’re just surprised, and curious, because what the hell is going through his head right now? He’s a little startled because of your straightforwardness but he is nothing if not shameless when it comes to this type of scenario. How do you think you got pregnant in the first place? 
“Yes, because a beautiful woman is laying right there with her legs propped up so I can see her cunt -- which is wet by the way -- and her tits, well, she might as well be shirtless and-” He takes his hand to run up your knee, “-she has my cute kid sitting in her belly right now. You are kind of irresistible you know?” 
That’s really embarrassing, sure it felt airy but you didn’t know he could see. You can feel your cunt gush -- curse pregnancy horniness -- as you look up to him from where your head is resting against a pillow. You could risk it... You can satisfy yourself sure, the few toys you have resting under the bathroom sink but you know that the best experience, the most satisfying one, would be with Zeke. At least you tell yourself that's the reason, really you miss him, you miss him loving on you like you’re the only person in the universe and his warm touches, you miss him fucking you brainless. You don’t think he’ll leave again at this point, he’s too far in, going to doctor's appointments with you and living with you, and if he tried you might just break one of his legs. So why not? It’s not like he could get you pregnant again-
“If I’m so irresistible, why aren’t you doing anything?” You see him quirk a brow at you, knowing this will change the relationship he’s slowly been earning back. He just meant to embarrass you a bit, see you warm up with his lewd words but actually initiating something is the best outcome. So the hand that’s been lingering on your knee goes down to the juncture of your thigh, brushing up against the bump of your belly. It has you sucking in a breath, you are so sensitive, and he loves how responsive you are. 
“As you wish.” He settles himself between your legs on the couch, they spread to accommodate him and he can see more of your cunt peaking out through the shorts. Unless he is mistaken, you have gotten wetter since he last saw it which is sending his blood rushing. Working off your shorts is easy, throwing them somewhere behind him, and he observes for a moment. He hasn’t seen you naked in a long time so he is soaking up every moment like it will be his last. You nudge your ankle to his side, “Don’t stare,” you say in an airy voice he hasn’t heard in a long time. There’s a patch of hair contouring your cunt, being dampened by your slick. You don’t care if he doesn’t like hair or not, you are pregnant and he should be thankful he’s even between your legs right now. Still, a nagging in the back of your head is making you a little self-conscious, but that is slowly being overridden by desire. He takes your offending ankle and rubs circles in it, it’s to keep you in place, a sense of dominance with a soft undertone. His other hand goes to take a few fingers to spread open your cunt, “I’m sorry, I like to stare at things that are beautiful, it’s how I was made.” That doesn’t even sound like an apology, too light-hearted and snaked with lust. Scolding him sounds like a good option but you can’t bring yourself to. You are just too sensitive, his hand isn’t even rubbing at your sweet spots but it still feels so good. 
His stare on your nethers finally lets up, bringing both of his hands to trail up your belly, rubbing the bump of your growing baby. His baby, that he put in you. He bends over your belly to kiss it through your top, slowly riding it up so he can kiss the skin. It’s too soft, too comforting. You want to cry because this is what you have wanted this whole time since you found out you were pregnant. You wanted him to be sweet, fawn over you, and kiss your belly, and love your kid as much as he claimed to love you. There are so many things left unspoken, so many things to talk over that you both haven’t gotten to. You card fingers through his blonde hair, it’s just as soft as you last felt it, though you know he’s been using stupid low-quality shampoo because he can’t steal yours anymore. He looks up at you, giving you a much too sweet smile before settling his glasses on the coffee table.
He whips off his shirt to stay at least equal exposed as you, you’ve always complained about how it’s unfair. What’s really unfair, he thinks, is how hot you look laid out for him. The roughness of his hands contrasts the softness of your skin, the pudge of your thighs, the slowly appearing stretch marks on your belly, the softness of the edge of your breast he can feel teasing the edge of his hand as he adventures your body. Even your little moans are soft like silk running across his skin every time you breathe one out from his touches. Pulling your tank top over your breasts, he stares again. He really has missed a lot, your breasts look a little different, just a bit bigger, and your nipples swollen a bit with sensitivity, perked and begging for his attention. 
So he caves, pressing his fingertips into the flesh of your breasts making you gasp because of the tenderness. The pads of his thumb circling around your areola before thumbing roughly over your nipple. They’re so cute, so responsive, Zeke loves it. He kisses your belly one more time and adjusts himself closer to you, pajama pants brushing against the swell of your ass, and leans so he can lap at your chest. His tongue feels almost prickly like a cat because of how sensitive you are, it hurts but it doesn’t hurt at the same as he tongues your nipple into his mouth and sucks hard, teeth teasing your nipple just a bit. It causes you to jolt and moan, digging your fingers into his hair as he continues to press kisses into your chest. You can feel his chest vibrate with a salacious giggle, his sadistic tendencies tend to slip out like this, and seeing you jolt and knowing your cunt must be absolutely drenched makes him all too prideful.
“Zeke, that’s enough-” He’s sucking the skin of your breasts hard so it'll leave bruises when he’s done. One of his hands presses gently into your belly, “Soon I won’t be able to do this as much. Let me have my fun.” All the implications send your blood rushing to your head as you throw it back into the pillow. He sucks a few more bruising hickeys to the underside of your breasts before pulling back, leaving a bite at your nipple. 
He’s too needy to even work his pants off completely, doesn’t even bother with his socks. He was right, your cunt is drenched and leaking slick so much, sticking to the hair that's there, it’s almost running to your ass. “Fuck, you’re so fucking-” he can’t even find the words to describe you right now. Beautiful, divine, ethereal, are a few words that come close to describing you. So he just presses a kiss into your knee before settling his cock near your clenching hole. 
“You’re okay with this?” There’s so much kindness in his voice, seeping into your skin. You know this is your chance to pull back, to continue the steady incline of your relationship with him instead of this jump. You don’t know if it’s your horny brain taking over or your logical side agreeing with it but, you want this.
“Zeke, if you don’t fuck me I’ll probably cry.” Maybe that wasn’t the best response to this situation, you realize, but you’ve long passed the point of being embarrassed for this. He lets out a rough laugh at your response, pressing his thumbs into the juncture of your thigh and hips. Before he does anything he wrestles a pillow from beneath the couch to sit under your hips, making you wiggle until you are comfy. 
“We can’t have that, now can we?” It’s mocking but filled with affection. He glides his cock over your slick cunt to wet it a bit before prodding at your hole, sliding ina bit slowly to let you adjust. “Shit-” It feels completely different -- puffy, your insides are swollen and plush, caging his cock in an enticing vice. 
His fingers are digging into your thighs as he holds his cock, pushing in until he reaches the base. Your nails are clasped to his bicep and you swear your eyes roll back from the pressure of his cock inside you. Stretches your walls to the max, pushing against all the soft ridges of your cunt. 
“‘S too much-” He’s barely even moved since he’s been inside you and you’re already complaining? With your slurred words? Cute. 
“You can handle it, can’t you?” He shouldn’t be mean, but this isn’t really mean, is it? Rocking his hips into yours, making sure the pillow propping up your hips stays in place, there are tears rimming your lashes from pleasure and little whines being pushed out of you from the force of his thrusts. You can’t even respond with words, he’s too deep and it feels too good and it’s been too long since experiencing this. You barely even use the dildos you have but he’s bigger, thick around the middle and the tip of his cock hammering into your soft patches that you can never reach, that send you closer to the edge sooner than you think. 
The creaking of the couch echoes off the walls but the slaps of his thighs meeting yours feel much louder, it almost makes you dizzy. Zeke is glad your belly hasn’t gotten bigger otherwise he wouldn’t be able to situate himself on top of you anymore, elbows caging you in, his full-bodied warmth comforting you. You whisper curses into his mouth as he kisses you, still rocking into you, your legs wrapped around the back of his thighs to pull him ever deeper into you. Moans trapped by his lips and his own raspy groans by yours. Arms wrapped around his midsection with you nails digging into his back, your nipples brushing against his chest which is pleasurable in it’s own torturous way.
He can feel your plush cunt clench around him sporadically and your thighs tighten around him. The feeling deep in your belly is about to snap, the tears clinging to your lashes roll down the sides of your face and Zeke makes them disappear with wet kisses and a rough thumb, pushing your chin down to capture your lips with his again. “Gonna cum for me?” There he is again with a cock lilt to his voice that has your cunt quivering around his cock, but you have no room to complain right now. You are sure you’re leaving red streaks down his back now because it feels like every muscle in your body is tightening as you cream around his cock, leaving a translucent ring for him to mess up with a few more well placed thrusts that have him reaching closer to his own orgasm. “Cummin’ so pretty for me- fuck.” You hold him close and continue to constrict your cunt walls around him, his head placed near your neck for him to bite at as he fills you up, a deep rock into you and he stills, plugging his cum inside you. 
Zeke wishes he could lay here forever, your belly between him and you, and him inside you. It’s a comfort in it’s own right, seeing you filled with him, claimed with his kid inside you, ontop of you in borderline possessiveness. There’s things you both need to speak about but right now he can predict you saying you are either hungry or needing a bath, or both. 
After you both catch your breath he leans back, slipping his cock out in the process. It’s picturesque, seeing his seed slip from your cunt and down your ass, sticking in the curls around your cunt in the process, and seeing the previous fruits of his seed growing inside you. He didn’t expect to like it this much but fuck. You look godly, basking in the aftermath of a wonderful orgasm, truly glowing. 
/ / :
“After you have this kid I’m fucking marrying you.” He doesn’t mean to say it but it’s too late to turn back now. Post-ciotal bliss must be fogging up his head.
You give him a wild deshevled look as you prop yourself up on an elbow. “Wha- Zeke what the fuck? Is this your way of trying to propose to me?” 
It hurts that you sound offended but he does deserve that. “No, not yet, we have a lot to do before proposing.” His hands rub over your naked belly as he looks down at you. 
“What does that even mean?” 
“It means I have a lot of time between now and when you have them and I’m taking advantage of every second.” 
You cough out a laugh, “You’re ridiculous. Our baby won’t be able to stand you, I bet.”
You don’t even notice the slip-up but he does -- ours, not my. “Of course, they won’t be able to stand, they’re a baby, they can’t even hold their heads up on their own.” 
The pillow that was behind your head hits his face and he is laughing deep within his chest. You’re complaining about he’s going to evolve into worse and worse dad jokes but ah, if you are godly this must be heaven.
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𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔩𝔦𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤, 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔤 ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ 
//: 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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mrkcore · 3 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lee donghyuck x fem!reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: college!au (cs - computer science major haechan, psychology major y/n)
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, slight angst
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): suggestive innuendo(s), infidelity, drinking
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
𝐚/𝐧: the first chapter of the and they were roommates! series :D send in an ask or comment here to be added to the taglist! (sorry for the delay, i have been really unproductive so uh, yeah)
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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you’ve been stuck with haechan for about a month. you’ve successfully avoided him for the majority of the time, he’s still a bit flirty, but he’s been pretty quiet too.
except for when he streams. did he mention that he was a streamer? unfortunately no, you had to find out the hard way.
“haechan, can you fucking tone it down?” you storm into his room after enduring half an hour of his screaming on a thursday night. “i have an essay due tomorrow and it’s 30 percent of my mar-”
you see a professional looking mic, webcam, and another monitor with what seems like comments flowing in constantly on the screen.
“oh…” you trail off taking in all the equipment in front of you as haechan looks up at you.
“oh hey, sorry about that, jeno and renjun were being noobs and i needed to teach them a lesson, chat knows. i’ll keep it down, sorry.” he turns back to his game in front of him, completely unbothered.
“yeah.. uh sorry for barging in, thanks.” you say quickly and dash out his room, hearing the other voices from his headset laugh.
your face is hot, and you feel so embarrassed. 
anyways, lesson learned.
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a few days later, you were complaining to your friend about haechan on a zoom call–as usual.
this time, however, she needed to spill the tea about her thoughts.
“ma’am, what is this tension,” she jokes. “i can feel it from miles away.”
“hey!” you snap back. “need i remind you that i have a boyfriend? and haechan? ew no, he gets on my nerves too much for that.”
“oh right, your boyfriend.” she rolls her eyes.  “i think you need to visit him, you’re so uptight all the time, i’m gonna get wrinkles if you keep complaining to me about shit.”
“oh right, restrictions have been slightly lifted, i can probably go visit him.” you remember reading about it in the news.
“yep, go.” your friend sips on her iced coffee and you laugh.
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the next day, you go through with your plan to go visit your boyfriend.
all prepped and ready and you were going to walk out the door before you hear haechan coming out his room.
“oh, good morning, i’ll be out for a bit, maybe the whole day.” you say to him.
“good morning.” he yawns. “look at you all dolled up and pretty, where you going?” he smirks as you roll your eyes.
“visiting my boyfriend,” you scowl out. “now if you’ll excuse me, i better get going.”
“oh great, hope you enjoy your time with him.” he smiles and you think he’s going to be nice for once. “don’t forget protection.”
you groan. of course he had to ruin it.
“thanks haechan.” you yell behind you as you walk out the door.
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it takes around 1 hour to drive to your boyfriend’s university, and an additional 10 minutes to his apartment, and you’re giddy the whole time. 
you’ve missed human interaction. 
and no, lee haechan does not count. 
you’ve missed the warmth and fuzzy feeling of an embrace, of having someone’s arms around you, protecting you from the outside world. 
you couldn’t wait to get cuddles.
hopefully your boyfriend likes this surprise.
gleefully walking into the building, pressing in the password to his apartment complex. completely missing the creaking coming from his room, but as you entered, you hear the voice of another person, who was definitely not your boyfriend.
you stomp right up to the door, and push it open.
there’s two people in the bed, and your eyes glower at your boyfriend.
“what?” the girl screams, scrambling to cover herself.
“babe?” your boyfriend is frozen on the spot as the girl looks at him as if he just said the most bizarre thing ever.
“babe?” she seems angry now. “you said you were single? what the fuck?”
“yeah, i think he lied to you.” you say coldly. “do you have anything to confess, ‘babe’?”
“you’re a douche, what the fuck.” she gets up and gets dressed. “i’m so sorry, he told me he was available, i would literally never agree to sleep with anyone who’s taken.”
“yeah, it’s okay.” you say, kind of relieved, and the two stare are you like you’re an alien. “at least now i know what type of person i was dating.”
and you turn to walk out.
“wait, babe please.” your ex tries to run after you. “y/n, let me explain.”
“no need to, we’re over.” you turn to say. “you need a ride?” you ask the girl.
“yeah sure.” she says. “don’t call me.”  
“babe please, can we talk this out?”
you couldn’t believe it. you drove 1 hour to see him and he has the audacity to pull this shit and expect you to just easily forgive? nope, lesson learned.
pfft, and he said long distance would work. 
“no we can’t, now if you’ll excuse us, we have somewhere else to be.” you grab the girls arm and walk out the door, slamming it in front of your ex’s face before he can catch up.
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“do you have any plans for the rest of today?” you ask the girl after entering your car. she shakes her head while you smile. “great, any bar or night club recommendations you have?”
“uhh, bar then nightclub?” she suggests. 
“i like the way you think.” you giggle. “i’m y/n btw.”
“yina.” she smiles back at you as you pull out of the parking lot. 
a few hours later, and way too many drinks in, you’re at a table with yina, spilling your deepest secrets about your relationship with your ex.
“can you believe he made me wash his socks?” you take a sip before continuing. “and with my hands too!”
“what? that’s disgusting!” she listens to you rant in disbelief.
“yeah, he said that his socks were precious and the washing machine was too harsh on the cotton or some crap.” you snicker as you recall the other stupid stuff he told you. “ah the shit i did for love.”
“men are trash,” yina says. “cheers to that.” and you both down the rest of what’s left of your drink.
fast forward another 2 hours, you’re wasted. absolutely wasted. 
yina held you back a little bit, but its no use. you needed this.
“y/n, it’s like 11 pm, you’re drunk, i’m barely sober, i think we should call someone to come and get us.” yina tries to reason with you while you shake your head.
finally after 10 minutes of bickering, you finally agree.
“here’s my phone, you can call anyone.” you rest your head on your folded hands after handing her your unlocked phone. “anyone but haechan.” you start to doze off. “anyone but haechan…”
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“hbbhng” you jolt up, feeling the warmth of your own bed. 
how did you get back home?
groaning, you feel your headache. you feel the vomit coming up your throat as you gag.
you almost fall trying to get out of your covers.
“woah there, be careful.” haechan is suddenly barging into your room, holding onto you so you don’t fall on your face, guiding you to your bathroom.
you’re too nauseous to wonder why he’s even helping you or even bother screaming at him like usual.
he pats your back soothingly as you vomit into the toilet.
“there you go, that’s it. i’ve got you.” he reassures you.
“what are you even doing helping me?” you’ve washed up and downed some water, you’re 100% sober now.
“wow,” haechan chuckles, rolling his eyes. “after saving your ass last night, this is the thank you i get?”
“what do you mean you saved me?” you’re genuinely confused by what he means.
“this yina girl called me from your phone, telling me that you’re blacked out drunk in a nightclub at 11:32 PM, on a saturday. asking me to come and get you.” he says, matter-of-factly. “i call a cab, get to the nightclub, haul your ass out the club, drive yina back home, and then us. where during our commute back, you wake up, start crying, and when we get home, you’re bawling about how your boyfriend cheated and you were a dumbass for thinking he would change. remember now?”
you’re in shock.
yina called haechan? you remember clearly that you told her not to, this is so embarrassing. you even cried about your ex to him? oh dear lord you wanted to crawl back into your room into a deep pit and never come out. 
haechan must’ve noticed your distressed expression because his face turns softer.
“hey hey hey, sorry, that was a bit mean. you just got out of a relationship, that was really inappropriate of me and i do not blame you for wanting to relax a bit.” he tries to comfort you once again. you’re in even more shock by his words. “honestly, me driving you back home, and taking care of you was the least i could do. it would have been so mean if i just left you guys there.”
you wanted to burst out into tears. 
this is the nicest thing you’ve heard in about 6 months.
unfortunately, haechan doesn’t know that.
“oh gosh, jheez, i’m not helping aren’t i.” he’s panicked by your emotional state. “uhm, to make it up to you, i’ll watch one of those scary movies with you?”
your tears instantly are sucked back into your eyes in excitement.
“really?” you ask, just making sure.
“yep, ahaha.” he laughs nervously, but happy to see your mood lighten up.
“you free tonight?” bouncing up and down practically.
“yeah…” haechan is a bit scared. “aren’t you going a bit too fast though, princess? you jut got out of a relationship.”
you gasp and slap him in the arm.
“okay okay! that was a joke. yeah i’m free, i have an essay due, but i’ll be done by 6.” haechan says.
“sounds good!” you b-line for the kitchen, your stomach is completely empty. “see you then haechan!”
oh how haechan regrets his offer.
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6 o’clock rolls by, and you choose “the shining” to watch with haechan. anticipating the terror it would bring him. 
and you were right.
every jumpscare, even the smallest sounds, haechan would screech in fright. the last straw for him was the knock on your door.
“AHHHH!” he screams, almost knocking the popcorn out of your hands.
“calm down, dude.” you say, standing up to open the door.
to the unfortunate sight of your ex.
“y/n?” he says, softly.
“what are you doing here? how did you find out where i lived?” you were very sure you never gave him your dorm address.
“your friend gave it to me,” the eye bags he has are very evident. “listen, can we talk?”
“no?” haechan suddenly butts into the conversation. “you literally cheated on her, she doesn’t owe you anything.”
“who are you? her rebound?” your ex frowns. 
“her roommate, and if you even bothered to keep up with y/n, you’d know.” haechan returns the frown.
“it’s between me and y/n, you have no business telling us what to do.” your ex is getting more aggressive now.
“that’s funny, i was the one who was called to drive her home while she was out drunk, i was the one who listened to her talk about how she regretted believing you again, i was the one who held her hair back when she was vomiting this morning from her hangover.” haechan again returns the energy. “you tried to contact her, but she blocked your number and you had to get her address from her friend. you never even cared to ask her beforehand, and now you wanna try and show up to seem like you care? bullshit. now if you’ll excuse us now, we have a movie to finish.” he slams the door in his face and haechan surprises you for the millionth time today.
your ex bangs on the door for about 3 minutes before giving up, and you guys sit in silence as the movie still plays.
“hey haechan.” you try and start.
“AHHH!” he screams again, scaring you this time.
“okay, i’m fine, yeah sorry, continue.” haechan pants out.
“thanks for that.” you say, genuinely. “not even joking, you didn’t have to do that.”
“well i did, because that dude was a douche. literally having the guts to come over here and try and ask for forgiveness after he cheats. unbelievable.”
“yeah.” you fiddle with your fingers anxiously.
“i like this side of you,” haechan breaks the awkwardness. “you’re usually uptight, little-miss-perfect, and cranky, so i like this raw side of you.”
“mhm, i realized that now. sorry for being such a bitch.” you admit.
“no, i honestly deserve it. but i hope we can be friends now, it would be great to have real conversations with someone, you know?” he says.
“seriously?” you hit him in the chest as he chuckles.
“i’m joking! i swear. but seriously, friends?” he asks.
“yeah, friends.” 
and that’s where it started.
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© mrkcore. 2021.
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tetsvya · 4 years
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❛ scaredy cat! ❜
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷   tendou drags you to a haunted house along with the rest of the shiratorizawa volleyball club, “forgetting” just how much of a scaredy-cat you could be!
➼ pairing! shiratorizawa vbc x manager!reader, a smidge of ushijima x reader bc i simply can't hold myself back when it comes to that man
➼ warnings! cursing, spooky houses, reader gets really freaked out, mention of fake blood
➼ type! humor, a little fluff and a little spooky, reader is in their third year, takes place in october
➼ author’s note! 2/3 of my halloween fics. please keep in mind that this is the first time i’m posting on here and first time i’m writing for hq, so i apologize beforehand if there are any mistakes or the characters seem ooc. anyways, happy halloween! have fun and stay safe. enjoy this little treat! <3
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"Isn't this so exciting!" Tendou squeals in delight, and you immediately want to shake your head in response, because no, this was quite far from exciting. Coach had finally given you guys a very much needed day off, and while you had wanted nothing more than to curl up in your bed and watch Halloween movies all day, your oh so lovely friend had other plans.
Only a mere hour ago, halfway through your second film, Tendou had barged right into your dorm room, and quite literally pulled you out of bed before shoving you into your closet, holding it closed until you agreed to go with them. He refused to tell you who them was or where you guys were meant to be going, insisting that it was a surprise. And after ten minutes of arguing with the boy through the wooden door separating the two of you, you were rendered with no choice but to give in, agreeing to go. Tendou had released you with a victorious smile, but it was wiped away when you had tackled him as soon as his face came into view.
Alas, that's how you found yourself standing with the starting lineup of the Shiratorizawa Volleyball team, in front of a rickety old home that looked like it had been standing since the beginning of time. To make matters worse, it was covered in spooky decorations inside and out, and it was crawling with actors from the community theatre dressed up as all sorts of scary beings.
No, you thought once more, this was far from exciting.
But the lack of disagreement from the rest of the team had you keeping your mouth sealed shut. You'd be damned if you let them know just how terrified you actually were. They'd never let you live it down.
Your fingers twitched at your side, however, and you clamped down on your bottom lip as that unwelcome feeling of uneasiness began to fester in your tummy. Frowning, you found yourself really wishing you were back in your dorm room, where it was safe and warm. Semi, who had been standing beside you, glanced at you from the corner of his eye, taking note of your tense form.
"Are you all right, Y/N?" All eyes turned to you at the boy's words, and you mentally cursed at yourself for being such an open book.
"Yeah,” You forced a smile, nodding as you tried to reassure not only them, but yourself as well, "Just not the biggest fan of haunted houses."
"Don't worry, Y/N!" The only first year of the group chirped, bringing all eyes to him. Goshiki smiled reassuringly, chest puffing out as he held his thumbs up, "I'll protect you!”
You couldn't help the way your lips curled up in endearment as you stared at the younger boy, "Thank you, Goshiki."
It seems you had given the boy your gratitude far too early. The moment the group of you had stepped through the threshold of the home, which was so dark you could hardly even see the back of the person in front of you, an actor dressed as a bloody doll popped up in front of you guys, effectively stealing a squeal of fright from both you and Goshiki, who clutched tightly onto the person beside him, which just so happened to be Shirabu. The second-year scoffed, prying the younger boy's fingers off of him before muttering something to himself. Goshiki shot him a look of utter betrayal, and while the youngest of the group had been occupied, another actor dressed as a freaky clown took it upon them to creep up behind the boy. Another yelp of surprise slipped past Goshiki's lips as he leapt away from them, holding onto Reon's arm this time around. Reon paid it no mind, only offering the boy a reassuring smile as he let him cling to him.
So much for your knight in shining armor, you thought to yourself, but you couldn't help the smile that made its way onto your face. However, it was very short-lived as another actor popped up out of nowhere, getting far too close to your face for your liking. You shrieked once again, stumbling back and bumping into Tendou. Said boy burst into a bout of laughter, throwing his arm over your shoulder, "My, my, y/n-chan! I forgot how much of a scaredy-cat you w—, ow!"
The boy howled, dramatic as always, as you jutted your elbow lightly into his side, pushing him away from you. You sent him a scathing glare before turning away from him, nose raised. Because you knew Tendou, and you knew that he most definitely did not forget how jumpy you could be. He had used that information against you ever since he had found out about it, which was back in your second year, when he had forced you and Ushijima to play some horror game with him.
Ignoring Tendou's "apologies," you jogged ahead, falling into step with Semi. Said boy glanced down at you, a teasing smile playing at his lips, "Scared?"
You huffed, avoiding his eyes as you turned your head away from him, your cheeks growing warm in the process. His laugh filled the air, and you felt him nudge you in the arm gently. You turned back to him, and he offered a small smile, "You can hold on to me if you get scared."
You smiled at him, "Thanks, Semi."
He only shrugged in response, and when an actor jumped out at you once more a few moments later, you had no problem taking him up on his proposition. He teased you every time you squeezed onto his arm tighter, but his presence did reassure you a little bit. The dark lights of the house made it hard to see clearly, so holding onto someone made you feel much better.
You guys continued to stumble through the old house, jumpscares at every turn, effectively spooking the lot of you again and again. The only one who had yet to be spooked in even the slightest was Ushijima. Albeit, it had been pretty hard to frighten Tendou as well, but when an actor had finally managed to catch him off guard, he let out a petrified shriek followed by a cackle of delight. He truly was something else.
Eventually, you guys came upon the hall of mirrors. Reluctantly, you let go of Semi's arm as the narrow space only allowed room for one person at a time. You and Semi were the last to enter, you trailing in after behind the boy. You held your hands out, feeling the space before you in fear of bumping straight into a mirror. You began to think that this part wasn't as bad as the rest of the house, as nothing had yet creeped out at you, but that thought was quickly diminished as soon as an actor popped out from seemingly nowhere, right in front of you. A yelp slipped past your lips and you stumbled back. The person crept closer to you, cackling as you shut your eyes in fear.
Oh, You were so going to murder Tendou.
After a few moments of silence, you slowly peeked an eye open, a sigh of relief slipping past your lips when you realized you were alone. Wait. Fear gripped at your heart once more as you realized that you were alone. Semi was no longer ahead of you, and no one else from the Volleyball Club was in sight. Your eyes widened and your breath hitched. This was not good. You rushed forward, hopelessly stumbling through the exhibit, bumping into a mirror every now and then. Nothing else popped out at you, but that didn't stop the rapid beating of your heart. You were absolutely terrified now that you no longer had the comforting presence of anyone besides you. Hell, you'd even choose to have Tendou with you if it meant that you didn't have to be by yourself. You had no luck in finding any of the boys, but you did eventually make your way out of the hall of mirrors. You found yourself back in a dark hall like the ones from before, and reached into your back pocket to pull out your phone.
You unlocked it with shaking hands, and quickly dialed Tendou's number, bringing the phone up to your ear as you huddled into a corner, eyes peeled for anything lurking in the dark.
"I'm sorry, but your connection isn't—" You pulled the phone away from your ear, nearly crying at the little "no service" written on the top corner of your screen. You shut your phone off, siding it back into your pocket. Heaving out a sigh, you shut your eyes momentarily.
Okay y/n, calm down. Breathe. Take a second. You coaxed yourself, trying to get yourself to relax. This went on for a minute or two, and when you felt like you could finally breathe again, you opened your eyes once more, releasing a breath. You swallowed the lump in your throat, relaxing your fingers from the curled up ball they were in previously. Okay, you can do this. You can find your way out.
You nodded to yourself, letting out another breath as you continued on. It went okay for a few minutes. No one else jumped out at you, and there were only a few scares here and there but nothing too bad. Once again, you spoke far too soon. Just as you turned a corner, an actor appeared right before you. A squeal slipped past your lips, and you stumbled back as the actor crept closer to you. You knew it was fake, but that did nothing to help calm your fear. They lunged at you, and another yelp slipped past your lips as you blindly took another step backward. Your back slammed into a hard surface this time. The surface was warm, and rose up and down steadily, and you realized with a sinking feeling that it was in fact not a wall, but a person. You tensed up, instantly fearing the worse. What if it was another creepy actor? You were afraid you'd faint if it was.
"Y/N," The deep voice that came from the person had some of the tension seeping from your body as a sigh slipped past your lips, "It's me."
You steeled your eyes shut, before slowly turning on your heel. When you were facing the person, you slowly peeked an eye open, before both of them flew open at the sight of the boy before you. You had known it was him just by his voice alone, but you had been silently praying that it hadn't been. But no, it was most definitely Ushijima who stared down at you with an impassive stare.
"I'm so sorry!" You all but shouted when you noticed just how close you were standing to the ace, scrambling away from him, only to jump forward once more when another actor inched closer to you. Could they not give you a second to breathe?
"There's no reason to be sorry" Ushijima stated simply, peering down at you.
Not wanting to embarrass yourself any further, you gave a stiff nod. You took a moment to survey the area, and it was then that you noticed the lack of the other boys, "Where's everyone else?
"We didn't realize you were missing until we made it to the end" Your lips turned down at his blunt words, wondering how they could have possibly gone all that time without noticing your absence. You've been alone for nearly twenty minutes now! Ushijima didn't seem to pick up on your sour mood, however, continuing on with his explanation of why it was only him that was standing before you, "The others were too scared to come back in, so I volunteered."
Your lips parted in disbelief at his words, your hands curling into fists at your side. What a bunch of as—
"Are you all right, Y/N?" Ushijima asked, and you caught the slightest shift of his eyebrow raising upward.
However, before you could even get the chance to respond and tell the boy how far from all right you were, another actor popped out from around the corner, screeching at the two of you. Your breath hitched, and you inched closer to Ushijima as the actor did the same to you.
Ushijima only blinked at the actor, before turning to glance back down at you. While he may not have been the most emotionally intelligent guy out there, it was quite clear to him that you were terrified. His lips turned down just the slightest, and he called out your name. You peeled your eyes away from the creepy doll-like figure, wide eyes landing on Ushijima, "Are you ready to go on?"
You nodded frantically, wanting nothing more than to be out of this terrifying house. The boy took the first step forward, and you followed timidly, wide eyes scanning the area for anything creeping in the dark. Ushijima expertly weaved his way through the home, seemingly relaxed as ever as he didn't so much as even flinch when something popped out at the two of you. You, however, were practically shaking as you subconsciously inched closer and closer to the boy. While you guys didn't speak with one another, Ushijima always a man of few words, his presence was enough to soothe your nerves, even if it was just by a little bit.
It didn't take long for Ushijima to notice the gap between the two of you gradually growing smaller and smaller. The boy may not have been the best at picking up social clues, but after knowing you for as long as he did, he could practically read you like an open book. He knew your close proximity to him wasn't exactly intentional, it just happened with how many times you took instinctive steps closer to him out of fear. He wanted to help you, but he didn't really know how. He thought back and recalled the way that you had clung onto Semi before.
He called your name suddenly, and you were once again looking up at him with wide eyes. He came to a stop, prompting you to do the same before he held his arm out to you. You blinked at the outstretched limb before meeting his eyes once more, tilting your head to the side in confusion, "I'm not sure I understand. Did you hurt your arm?"
"No" He responded, thrusting his arm out a little more, "You're scared, are you not?"
You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you awkwardly scratched at the back of your neck, "Is it that obvious?"
"Yes," He answered bluntly, before gesturing to his arm once more, "You can hold onto my arm if you'd like."
Your eyes grew even wider at that, lips parting in shock as you stared at the ace. You blinked at him, and when you went to reply, you found yourself stumbling over your words, "I—, you—, w—"
"You do not have to, if you do not want t—"
"No!" You all but shouted, mentally cringing as you caught the subtle way Ushijima’s eyes widened just the slightest. Coughing to recollect yourself, you offered Ushijima a soft smile as you gently wrapped your fingers around the soft fabric of his Shiratorizowa sports jacket, "Thank you, Wakatoshi-Kun."
"There's no need to thank me" He answered curtly, quickly glancing away so you wouldn't see the slightest tint of red that began to coat his cheeks, "Let's go, the others must be getting tired of waiting."
You nodded, even though he couldn't exactly see it, before taking a step closer to him. The two of you began to walk once more, but now that you were clinging onto Ushijima's arm, you felt much safer. You still flinched every now and then, your grip on Ushijima's arm turning a little tighter each time something jumped out of you before softening once more but unlike Semi, Ushijima said nothing about it. Eventually, you caught sight of the light at the end of the tunnel, quite literally. Your eyes widened in relief as you caught sight of the exit, speeding up as you practically dragged Ushijima alongside you. A weight was lifted off your shoulders as soon as you stepped out of the home. Your eyes quickly landed on your group of boys standing a few feet away, seemingly waiting for the two of you, and you hastily began to make your way over to them.
"Wakatoshi-Kun!" Tendou gasped when he caught sight of the two of you approaching the small group. Whatever he had planned to say before was thrown out of the window when he caught sight of the hold you still had on the captain, a teasing smirk pulling up the corner of his lips as he looked at his best friend, "You sly dog! No wonder you volunteered to go save our sweet manager-chan!"
"I don't understand what you mean" Ushijima spoke, the slightest furrow of his brows displaying his confusion.
"Well, you obviously—, yeow!" The boy yelped as you slapped his arm, narrowing his eyes at you as he pouted, "Why are you so rough with me, y/n-chan!"
Your eyes hardened at his words, and you went to raise your hand once more, but the boy let out a yelp, scampering behind Semi. He clutched onto the boy's shoulders, peeking his head out from behind him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Just stop hitting me!"
You huffed in response, turning away from him as you crossed your arms. Sensing your unhappy mood, Reon took a timid step towards you, "Are you all right, Y/N?"
"No, I'm not!" You answered, lips turning down into a pout as you turned to face the boys once more, "I can't believe you guys didn't even realize that I was missing for nearly twenty minutes, and when you guys finally did realize, only Ushijima went back in to find me!"
Said boy stood silently beside you, peering at the others. Both Reon and Semi frowned at you, guilt eating away at them. Goshiki looked to be close to tears, as he had wanted to go back in and look for you, but he himself was too scared to do so. Yamagata stood to the right of him, gently patting the younger boy's back while outwardly avoiding your gaze. Hell, even Kawanishi and Shirabu looked sorry. They had all witnessed how scared you had been even when you were surrounded by all of them, so they could only imagine how terrified you must have felt while you were on your own.
"We're sorry" The boys spoke simultaneously, a sheepish smile on their faces as they looked at you.
You sighed heavily, dropping your crossed arms as you waved your hand through the air, a look of indifference replacing your previous pout. You could never stay mad at the boys for long, "It's alright. But I do expect you guys to make it up to me."
So when you found yourself in a little cafe not too far from the haunted house, a warm mug of hot chocolate cradled in your hands, topped with whipped cream and a platter of cute pumpkin-shaped cookies sitting before you, courtesy of your favorite boys, the animated voices of the team filling up the tiny booth you guys were crammed in and Ushijima's warmth from where he sat beside you bathing you in serenity, you couldn't find it in you to be mad at Tendou for crashing your plans any longer. Because while you could have movie marathons whenever you pleased, your time to make memories with your favorite people was slowly running out, and you'd rather take every opportunity you could to be with them than regret not doing so later on down the road. So yes, you supposed that today had been exciting, and while you would never admit it to Tendou, it was a day you'd never forget.
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other halloween fics:
pumpkin guts war - karasuno
what’s new, scooby doo? - aoba johsai
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Give Me a Child? - Kiro Zhou
Type - Smut with fluff at the end
Warnings - NSFW, vaginal sex, food play, internal cumshot, oral (female recieving), pregnancy fluff
Word count - 2245
A/N - HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRO!! I apologize for being inactive lately! MC’s name is Ash, I felt like giving her the name of the close friend who requested this. Also, a big thank you to @among-starz for proofreading this <3
Your husband, Kiro, is currently on tour. You feel quite lonely whenever he leaves for work, but what can you do? Apple Box gives you a sad face as he sits on your lap. He places his paws on your chests as a plea for attention.
“Do you miss daddy too?”
“Ruff!”, he barks.
“I know, he hates us so much~. He left his wife and puppy home alone~.”
“Daddy missed his little girl very much. He didn’t miss his dog too much, though.”, someone whispers in your ear.
You nearly ascend to the high heavens at the jumpscare Kiro gives you. He moves Apple Box’s paws from you so he can cup your chest instead. You try to keep every bit of your composure as Kiro kneads your breasts over your shirt. Apple Box quickly leaves your lap to greet the sunshine in your living room.
“Alright, alright. I’ll give you some love too.”, He says as he bends down to pet the corgi.
“Did you bring food? It smells like takeout.”
“Not even a greeting for me? I guess Miss Chips doesn’t love me…”, he pouts.
“Oh, Kiro! My dearest husband is back! I missed you so much!....Did you bring food or not?”
“I guess~. I brought some ramen for us. If only I could get a kiss…”
You chuckle as you give him a kiss. Kiro hands you your already fixed bowl and comes to sit with you.
“How did you already put this together without a noise?”
“A superhero never reveals his secrets.”
The two of you snuggle while you eat and watch your favorite shows together. The small lab is sleeping in his bed.  Kiro caresses your body, especially your stomach after you finish eating. The show keeps going, but Kiro is keeping his focus on you. 
“Kiiiirrrrooooooo”, you whine.
“Yes, Ash?”
“Why are you rubbing my stomach so much?”’
“To help aid digestion, of course.”
You accept that answer and continue watching your show. Then kisses fall on the nape of your neck. Kiro’s soft fingers push down the waistband of your pajama shorts. Kisses from silk lips touch down on to your heated cheeks.
“Be quiet, or you’ll wake up Apple Box”, he teases.
“But Kiro, I don’t think-”, he cuts you off by rubbing your clit.
“Sorry, what?”
“I, uhn, I can’t,”, a loud moan slips from your parted lips.
Slight panting is the only thing you’re listening to. You notice as a digit slips into your heat, then another.
“How would you feel if I asked you to have my children?”
The subject had been brought up during your honeymoon while Kiro did a short livestream. Both of you had decided you’d both wait awhile before the next step together. You brought it up recently, but it never spurred more than a chat. The fingers he slipped in are waiting to move.
“Are you sure you’re ready, Kiro? What about your job?”
“I’m positive, Ash. Besides, it feels like the right moment. Do you want to try now? We don’t have to if you don't want-”
“I’m ready.”, you say with confidence.
“Really!?”, Kiro beams while he moves to finger you.
“Ye, ummm, yeah…”, you sigh out.
Kiro pulls away from your heated arousal, then carries you to your shared room. He drops you on the bed, making you giggle from the bounce. He strips you of your clothes, button after button at a snail's pace. A whine from your lips urges your husband faster. As Kiro finishes, a light bulb lights on top of his head.
“I’ll be back in a minute~”, Kiro says in a singsong voice.
He leaves the room quickly only to return with a jar of honey. You give him a quizzical look. Kiro is wearing the signature cheeky grin, the one he wears when he sneaks snacks behind Savin’s back. You watch him strip quickly as you lay on the bed.
“Let’s try something new tonight”, he smirks.
He slowly crawls on top of you. The memory foam mattress imprinting every curve of your body. You barely notice as the sticky honey is poured onto your abdomen. Kiro draws you in an enchanting kiss as he puts the jar on the nearby nightstand. Kiro breaks away to move further down. The feeling of his warm tongue lapping at your belly feels pretty good.
“Kiro, uhn, stop teasing me!”
“But I have to make sure all the honey is all gone before I stop!”
As he finishes licking the remainder of the honey, the cheeky bastard scoops up more honey and smears it onto your throbbing clit.
“Miss Chips…”, he says before leaving a long lick along your slit.
You tangle your fingers into golden locks. Your toes are already curling into the sheets.
“No matter how many snacks I eat, you’re always my favorite.”, he murmurs in between your legs.
Kiro starts out slowly, teasing licks against your aching cunt. Slowly letting his tongue glide in and out of your hole as he holds your legs up. As a few minutes pass, his pace quickens. Kiro’s muscle is fucking you, sliding in at a fast pace. Your moans turn into pants for air.
“K-kiro....!”, you yell out.
“Be a good girl and cum on my tongue”
You let your orgasm rip through you. Kiro gladly sucks up your leaking essence. Your legs fall limp once he lets go.
“Tired already, baby? I haven’t even fucked you.”, your husband croons.
“Kiro, please, just fuck me already.”, you beg lightly.
“As you wish, my princess”.
Kiro uses your slick folds to lube himself before he enters you slowly. Your jaw drops as his thick cock stretches you out.  A groan of approval comes from Kiro’s throat.
“God, babygirl. I swear you get tighter every time I fuck you.”
“Please, start moving! I want you so badly!”
Kiro starts moving. You can feel each little ridge as he slowly pulls out. He hears a little whine from you, so he thrusts even harder. Kiro lowers himself to rest his forehead on yours.
“I love you so much, Ash.”, he moans out.
You can only moan as a response to his words. You’re drowning in the ocean of pleasure as he starts pounding into you roughly.
“Keep going! Keep going, oh god I’m so close.”
Kiro kisses your lips softly. His left hand moving to twist your nipples as his right hand rubs your clit. Your second orgasm of the night runs through your body. Kiro comes after you, deep breaths coming from his lungs.
“Yeah? You want me to keep pounding you until I spill deep inside you?”
“Please! Give me all your cum! I want your babies!”
“That felt so good,  Ro..”
“I’m not done with you yet, Ash. I have to show how much I missed you.”
Your night is filled with moans and screams of passion. Kiro came in you again, and again. You’re pretty sure you won’t be able to walk a straight line in the morning. 
In the morning following suit, you’re surprised to see Kiro up early for once.
“What are you doing?”, you yawn out.
“I gotta see if Savin can pick up some pregnancy tests. If he can't then I need to put on a disguise then get some myself.”
“Can’t you do that later? I wanna cuddle still.”
“If Savin can get them, then we can cuddle more.”
A minute or two passes by. Kiro sighs after a phone ding.
“Looks like I’m free to cuddle. Come here, Miss Chips!!”
The next time your try is next week. Kiro has been very busy at the studio. It came to the point where you barely saw him at home the past couple of days. Since it was Kiro’s day off today, he had no other plans other than being hilt deep inside you all day. One minute you were cuddling on the couch, the next you were in nothing but your thigh highs. Kiro is already playing with your tits while you grind on his thigh.
“Go on baby, cum on my thigh.”
“But….but I’ll make your jeans, haaah, dirty..”, you stumble out as he pinches your nipples.
“I don’t give a fuck about my jeans. Just let go.”, he murmurs.
You let the tight coil in your stomach snap.  You’re still rolling on the waves of your first orgasm as Kiro lays you on your stomach.
“Lift your ass up”, he commands.
You let out a whimper as you move your legs to the position Kiro wants you in. The soft throw pillow helps your upper body feel comfortable. Kiro digs his fingers into your hips, surely going to leave bruises tomorrow. You wiggle your bare ass against clothed hardness. With the sound of metal being unzipped and unbuckled, your cunt is filled to the brim in one swift thrust. You yelp out in surprise as he pounds into you mercilessly from behind. He bows down over your body to outline the shell of your ear with his tongue. You can feel his hot breath ghost over the nape of your neck. The flutter of your walls earns a groan. You purposefully clench around his thick cock again, earning a hard smack to your ass. A series of moans follows your loud whimper.
“Please! Please Kiro, I want to cum!!” Your body is humming.
“Do you deserve to?”, he mumbles into your ear as he reaches down to stroke your clit. 
“Yes, yes, pleaassse! I want your babies, please, cum inside me!” He thrusts start growing faster and erratically. 
“Come on, Ash. Release yourself all over my cock.”
You feel an eruption of warmth blooms between your legs as you roll on the waves of your second orgasm. Kiro’s cum paints the inside of your pussy in white spurts. He waits a minute before pulling out and turning you on your back. Your husband adjusts the pillow that held your upper body and pulls it down to your lower back.
“Roro, this feels silly..”
“We can’t let anything essential drip out! Just for half an hour, Miss Chips.”
Kiro pouts playfully, so you agree to keep your waist up high. He makes sure that you’re okay and not in any pain. He brings you some cold water out of the fridge.
Of course, you and Kiro have many more nights of passion after, yet those two times were the most memorable. The pleasurable bruises that marked your body, and the chance of  finally creating a little life form made you elated just thinking about it. After around three months of trying, Kiro was forced to leave for a tour yet again.
While he’s gone, you start to notice a dull ache in your head. Somedays, you’d wake up feeling like you’d puke your guts out. Even the smell of your favorite foods could set your sensitive stomach off. And the cravings of things you normally would eat, like chocolate with your chips? Something wasn’t right.
You take a deep breath before entering the bathroom, a box of pregnancy tests in hand. Your eyes light up as you see two lines pop up, no longer seeing that pesky single line. You cried tears of joy. Over the course of the day, you take a couple more tests to confirm that you aren’t going crazy, all of them coming out positive. Since you haven’t seen Kiro in around two weeks, you decide to surprise him with the news the next night when he would be home.
An hour before your husband will be home, you put the one test you saved in a small rectangular box. You tie a pink and blue ribbon loosely to prevent the lid from popping open.
“Miss Chips! Your superhero Kiro is home!”
You nearly trip over your own feet as you rush over to your soulmate, the boxy clenched in your hands.
“Kiro, Kiroo! I have a gift for you~!” Your body vibrates in excitement.
“Alright, alright! Let me see!”, he chuckles.
You hand him the box. He quickly removes the ribbon and opens it. You two stand there in silence as he looks at your test.
“K-Kiro? Are you okay?” You’re met with silence.
“I’m sorry, Kiro….I thought this was what you wanted..”
“I’m going to be a father?” He looks up at you, his eyes watering slightly.
Your frown turns into a smile the minute he embraces you in a bone crushing hug. You wrap your arms around his neck while leaving a small peck on his lips.
“Miss Chips, we’re going to be parents! I’m going to be a dad!”
He picks you up gently and places you on the plush sofa. Kiro kneels in front of you, taking your hands and placing them on his cheeks as he rests his head on your stomach.
“Thank you so much for everything, Ash… I couldn’t even think of a life without my one and only love.”
“I love you too, Kiro”, you say with a wide smile.
That night’s movie night is one you’ll never forget. Kiro whispered words of love that left you ecstatic. He rubbed your tummy while he cuddled you from behind. The happiness in his eyes each time you’d look over at him. Kiro was prepared to be given a cruel life at a young age, yet you turned his future around. He wouldn’t have life any other way.
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hyucksong · 4 years
nct dream as roommates
a/n: *romantically calls you bro* 
lee mark 
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the roommate that walked in on you taking a shower on the first night you moved in and avoided you for a week afterward
he even went as far as browsing different apartments to live in because baby boy was too afraid to face you
sometimes wakes up before you and he always prepares your coffee or tea and sets it by your bed for you when you wake up…sometimes sits on the edge of your bed to watch you
asks you to do his laundry because he doesn’t know how to separate the colors
you’re fine with doing them because he tries his absolute bestest with everything else, and it’s so cute
the first time he did the laundry you were sick…and you got a whole new wardrobe of pink clothing the next day
always does the dishes and you do the laundry…he’ll clean the living room and kitchen if you clean the bathrooms…he’ll go grocery shopping…only if you go with him
asks you to do his hair when he meets up with his friends, and if you say no he says “okay” and then pouts until you agree
you really like photography but hiring models is expensive so you always ask mark to model for you
and he always agrees, blushing while doing so
make-up artists are expensive too, so you also get him dressed up and add whatever you want to his face
(once you did a fairy photoshoot and he had freckles and pink cheeks and your heart did the thing) 
this time you need him to sit still for hours because it's supposedly a big photoshoot with a few other photographers coming too, so there’s a lot of looks to get through 
you do the first look before you get to the photo site to save time
he thinks nothing of you curling his hair until he looks up at you and time slows as his heart stops…
because you smell like vanilla and your nose is scrunched in concentration…because your breathing is heavy as you run to the bathroom to get more things before you’re late…
because you’re biting your lip while looking at him, admiring your own work, proud of the way the make-up came out, but a little disheartened because it looked like you put a little too much blush (even though you only put a little) 
and mark thinks,,, oh no
huang renjun
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your best friend since you were a child
you’re used to ‘living with him’ because you practically lived with him as a kid; you were always at his house spending the night or vice versa 
he wakes you up an hour after he gets up because ‘he needs his peaceful time’
claims that ‘you’re the worst person to live with’ but refuses to look for another apartment because ‘no one else can handle you but me’
(in reality, he knows that there will never be anyone else he’ss comfortable with as you) 
he wakes you up by throwing a pillow in your face and or flopping on your bed next to you and bouncing a few times
once got really scared because you weren’t waking up no matter what he did, and when he started to tear up you opened your eyes and pushed him off the bed 
you just didn’t want to be woken up that day and tried to ignore him, but apparently, you ignored him for too long because he genuinely freaking out on the inside
he’s watched ‘what’s eating gilbert grape’ okay he was SCARED
he didn’t talk to you for three days after that....only started to wake you up again because you made the effort to wake up before him and make him breakfast in bed with hot tea
he expected you to leave his room after you gave it to him, but you just looked at him for a minute before sitting on the bed next to him, getting under the covers with him 
he focused on the fact you were taking up all the space instead of the now-familiar thrum of his heartbreak against his ribcage
(he’s felt it for the past fewyears, he’s gotten used to drowning it out) 
“y/nnnnnnn what are you doingggggg”
“shut up i made the breakfast, can’t i at least sit next to my favorite boy?”
...he’s your favorite boy?...okaythatwasreallycutebuthe’llneveradmitit
blushes when you lay your head on his shoulder in bed, watching whatever he’s doing on his phone, because your cheek is warm against his shirt and its bleeding through onto his skin and weiowioegfhowieh
but also yells at you when you take a bite of his toast and bolt out of the room, giggling
“yAH y/N”
lee jeno
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the roommate that was awkward for the first month because he didn’t really want to room with a girl because then he can’t spend saturday with the boys 
then he brought them home one day without telling you and was expected to get his ass Whopped but you were drinking vodka and crying while watching Cars so
yeah you were the perfect roommate for him
you drink together
saturday may be for the boys but sunday is for drinking your problems away with your roommate 
can’t cook but will make BOMB desserts for you both every friday...also fridays are pizza nights and you both order a large cheese pizza with ranch on the side and a pint of dr.pepper
yall have the same diet but he has a six-pack and you don’t so you call bullshit on health and everything it is
both of you fall asleep on the couch all the time, TV still playing the game soundtrack with the controllers on the floor, blinking from low battery
jeno alwayswakes up before you, and he doesn’t admit it, but he loves to watch you sleep
you just look so...ethereal 
even with the drool
you are one of the bros...he’s even taken a shit when you took a shower before -- that’s how close you are 
then one day you get dressed up real pretty and he’s making fun of you, laughing “you never look this nice who’s holding you at gunpoint”
“i’m going on a date jeno hop off my DICK”
immediately felt defensive and was questioing who could like you and why you were going on a saturday night when it was busy on the streets and also please call the guy and cancel the date because he wants to watch toy story with you and eat pasta why are you going out with someone has he met him why haven’t you told jeno about this guy you know what you should just not go
and it’s when you walk out the door rolling your eyes, promising to be back home before 9pm with a cute shirt on and nice perfume on when jeno realizes 
that damn he hates to see you leave,,,but he loves to watch you go
(and he might have the teeniest, weeniest crush on you) 
lee donghyuck
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the type to never clean the dishes and always makes you do them even if he cooks because he hates the feeling of wet food
then one day he sees you v e r y stressed over school work and he just...cleans the whole house
you come back from the library and you’re like,,,the fuck where’s haechan and what have you done with him
in turn, you buy him a headset that he’s been wanting for the past year...and you think he’s about to propose to you after you give them to him
but in all reality he’s just so happy that you even remembered something so trivial...like he talking about them once (1) and you remembered?
...cute bitch
he’s a big prankster, but in an endearing way, so whenever he goes too far you never really stay mad because he’s just a little unaware of the anger his pranks cause
plus you always get back at him 
always :)
you both are basically the same people; you’re passionate about your studies and he’s passionate about gaming and dancing
yall are the bad bitches that no one messes with 
BET that yall wear matching fits whenever you two go out together
you get together to watch his favorite youtubers do let’s plays of popular games
one day yall sit down to watch some outlast 2
and boy
did you underestimate the scare factor
so now you’re three episodes deep into the let’s play and your head is buried in haechans stomach because you’re laying down facing away from the TV, clinging to the poor boy
he doesn’t know if his heart is beating so fast because of the jumpscare or because of the way you look up at him when you ask if the scary part is over yet
he doesn’t like seeing you scared with tears in your eyes...but the way you’re clinging to him makes him want to watch a thousand more scary episodes...
...if it means you’ll cuddle with him
na jaemin
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the best roommate you could ever ask for
he loves to clean and cook, not to mention he’s an absolute sweetheart!!!!!!!
you started to live with him because you had posted an ad on a website for a roommate and he sent back a reply
but the texts used so many of (=`ω´=) these emojis you just assumed it was a girl
he was not
every night before you go to bed, he’ll walk into your room and whisper “good night, sleep well” to you before petting you head and walking out
people always wonder if you’re dating, but you always reply that it’s just the way he is
until one night you invite your (asshole) project partner to your apartment and she flirts with him endLESSLY,,, not doing her work or anything, just talking with jaems
like it’s pissing you off, and you think it’s pissing him off, and you’re about to send her home when you notice the storm outside and you realize,,,, you’re too good of a person to do that
so she sleeps on the couch, and you do the same, just so you can keep an eye on her and so that she isn’t left alone with jaemin at any point (poor boy looked like he’s about to combust if she tries to talk to him again) 
and jaemin does his usual routine even with the extra company, stroking your head and even going as far as to place a kiss on your forehead
“what about me, do I get a kiss” the girl annoyingly asked
“no, you’re not yn” and hE WALKS AWAY AND CLOSES THE DOOR TO HIS ROOM 
there’s silence in your head as you process his words, a little shocked and confused as to what he means, but most of all, your thoughts consist of;
oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit
you might have just fallen for him (let’s face it, you’ve been in love with him (just not as long as he’d been in love with you)) 
zhong chenle
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not going to lie, you two did NOT get along in the beginning
you were each other’s first roommates, and you knew he was extroverted, but you underestimated the differences between your personalities
like,,, no please don’t invite the dreamies over again for the eighth time this week I can’t focus on homework with all the screaming
but even with all the head-butting, the chores are split evenly because he’s practicing to ‘be marriage material for his future wife’
you don’t care as long as he just does what he’s supposed to, and you two aren’t exactly the closest
but there are times when you connect, like on lazy Sunday afternoons where you both just relax on the couch...anywaY
and he always rolls his eyes, telling you that ‘you need to stop being a hermit and make some friends’
‘get some confidence’
‘why don’t you put any effort into how you dress’
it hurts a little...you know you’re not the prettiest and you don’t really try anyway
but to have it pointed out to you just...stings
and after a guy rejects you (after you built up courage for a whole years to confess to him) your confidence is at an all-time low (he said no because ‘you were too bland’ like wtf fUCk you)
and you’re just crying and eating spaghetti o’s, telling chenle as oon as you walk into the door that you’re ‘too sensitive for his bullshit today’ 
to which chenle doesn’t care... then he sees your puffy eyes and asks wha happens
you tell him, and he just gets...angry
(and jealous?)
he goes on a tangent, mocking the guy, saying that ‘you’re the most doen-to-earth natural beauty’ he’s ever seen and that ‘any guy who doesn’t fall in love with your cute sarcastic personality’ is dumber than a rock
he grumbles for the rest of the night, sitting and watching movies with you; it makes your heart swell that he’s getting so mad for you
and at the end of the mini-movie night, and he strokes your hair saying  that you’re ‘his little introvert’,
you decide that ‘opposite attract’ is 100% true
(and chenle notices that you have very pretty lips)
park jisung
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you two are dorm roommates at a dance school, and y’all are so cute all the teachers LOVE you
like you both just spend so much time together it’s ridiculous
yall walk to class together, then from class to class together, eat lunch together, after school activities, walk back to the dorms, meet each other’s friends, go out on the weekends together...everything
it feels weird to not be with him
(the teachers have a bet that you’ll be dating before your senior year)
the dorm is just a studio apartment with two bedrooms (your parents both pay a lot for space) 
so chores aren’t too hard, in fact, you both usually spend the last few hours of daylight on Sunday nights straightening up your apartment from the hectic week before, to start off completely fresh and new
nothing big ever happens on Sundays around the home, but one day jisung (who went to hang out with chenle (he invited you but you pouted and said you had too much hmwk)) found a little puppy on the side of the road
and then proceeded to sneak into the dorms with it, hiding it under his shirt
when he showed you what he found, you couldn’t be mad...it was just so cute (both jisung’s little smile and the puppy) 
but you noticed it was shivering, and you whined, ‘jisung you didn’t even notice it was cold oH My GoD, go get it some water and food’ while you set up a nest of blankets for the little guy
hours later when the puppy had eaten and subsequently fallen asleep in your lap, you turned to jisung
‘let’s name it mousie’
‘what that’s dumb’
‘it’s not dumb! i wanna name it that because it looks like you whenever you sleep! it's so cute hehehe’
you thought jisung was WHAT when he slept
jisung didn’t talk for a whole minute, drinking in your words and thinking about them over and over again, in the meantime you were just smiling down at the puppy
your cheeks were red with happiness and your nose was a little red from sneezing (because the puppy was covered in pollen from being outside) and your gaze was filled with such love that jisung shivered
you let out a sigh and plopped your head on his shoulder, and all his feelings he’d ever had for you exploded in his chest, and he tensed (though if you noticed, you didn’t day anything)
you just kept and petting the dog
and damn did jisung want to be that dog
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hey love 💓 i have a request for sumn really fluffy with kaminari! maybe y/n is alone on a friday night so she invites her best pal denki over to hang out and he immediately comes to her rescue. i'm thinking mutual pining that leads to the confession of feelings??? idk do whatever you think works!! i just really like cute kaminari content lmao
a/n: hey hun! oo yes fluffy kami content i am here for it!! i might do a mini-series for him, don’t know what it’ll be abt but i’ve been thinking about doing lil mini-series for some characters
summary: a boring friday night in your dorm leads to some confessions with your best friend and crush, denki kaminari
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.6k
;cut for length;
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Class had been over for hours, and now you were sitting on the floor of your freshly cleaned dorm room, bored out of your mind. Debating on starting up a movie and heading to bed early or playing some game on your phone, you let out an audible groan, frustrated from the lack of entertainment.
It was Friday night. You should’ve been asking if any of the third years were throwing some sort of party that you’d debate going to or up in the common room kitchen making food.
But now your fingers were typing away at the keyboard on your phone to 'Kami’ in your contacts, asking if he’d be down to stop your boredom from becoming fatal.
And in a matter of exactly four minutes and twenty-seven seconds, he was at your door with snacks and his own game console so you could play Mario Kart.
“You are an actual life saver.” You hug him quickly and pull him into your room, admiring the choice of outfit. It was most definitely his pajamas, a pair of loose grey sweats with a graphic tee that had some sort of video game reference on it.
“Anything for you, plus I was getting bored too.” The tone in his voice made your heart flutter. And the three words - anything for you - made your face burn. He was always so suave, even in the times that his charm was more comedic than it was actually charming.
“What should we do first?” You ask, sitting beside him, knee touching knee as you glanced at him and then back to your tv.
“Maybe watch a spooky movie.” Kaminari wiggled his fingers at you, leaning in and tickling your sides as you tensed and started laughing.
“Okay okay! We’ll watch a scary movie. You just want an excuse to cuddle me when you get scared.” You teased him back for tickling you. Kaminari rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“You’ll be scared during this one, it’s just come out, and the trailer had everyone going crazy.” Kaminari explained while he helped you find the movie. Turning off the lights, you returned with a blanket and tucked the two of you under it nice and cozy.
It had never felt weird between the two of you, like when you held hands or cuddled. You’d been Kaminari’s friend since entrance exams, and you’d been best friends since the first week of school.
And now that your heart longed to be more than just a friend or a best friend, holding his hand or cuddling with him filled that sort of odd space in your heart.
And Kaminari was the same. He enjoyed feeling your hand in his, or having your arms wrapped around his waist while you laid exhausted in his bed after a day of training in the gym.
He’d been crushing on you since day one, you were the one girl that never pushed him away, or dodged all his advances, you were sweet but tough, kind and sharp, you were everything Kaminari loved. 
Slinging his arm around your shoulder, he pulled you closer to him so he could rest his head on yours, his eyes flicking from actually paying attention to the movie to paying attention to you, to the way your fingers with chipped nail polish would reach for some popcorn and then retreat back to laying over his.
Whenever a jumpscare or scary part of the movie appeared, you’d both huddle into each other, too scared to try and make a witty remark about the both of you being wusses.
And finally when the movie had come to an end, an hour and a half had passed. You sat in the darkness while the credits rolled, giggling about the funny parts of the movie.
“And when the slasher was actually just walking and he still killed them, come on now! It’s not that hard to survive.” Kaminari groaned, frustrated that the plot had been so predictable.
“And you would survive one of these scenarios?” You smile, calling Kaminari out on his bullshit.
“I know I would. Because I would have you on my team.” Kaminari hums, flicking the tip of your nose. Your face scrunches up from the sting of impact. You shove him playfully and he pulls you over on top of him.
You sit on his lap and sigh.
“I mean If I wouldn’t die I guess I can’t let you die either.” You laugh, staring into his golden eyes.
“Have you had your first kiss yet?” Kaminari asked blindly. You’re taken aback by the question, it had come out of nowhere.
“I haven’t. But please don’t make fun of me because have you had your first kiss?” You raise your eyebrows, praying he hadn’t.
“I have. I’ve kissed lots of people.” Kaminari lied, trying to seem cool. He was shitting himself, he had the chance, the opening, the timing, it was all perfect. You were sitting in his lap, your fingers playing with the collar of his sleep shirt, all he had to do was lean in and kiss you.
Surely it wasn’t that hard. It was a kiss. He’d seen people do it in movies several times, countless times, and he’d heard from Mina that kissing was super intimate even just little playful kisses.
Surely he could do this.
“Are you listening to me?” You pull Kaminari out of his thoughts but he’s quick to answer your question, pressing his lips to yours. It’s short, very short, and a bit awkward. His lips fit against yours, and right when you go to kiss him back, he’s gone, pulling away from you to grin at you.
“Kami did you-”
“Was it good?” Kaminari asks, beaming with excitement. You smile and shake your head.
“It lasted for like three seconds, if you’re gonna kiss me, kiss me like you mean it dummy, like this.” You lean in and press your lips to his. You were new to this, and judging by that kiss, you knew that he’d lied. 
You guided his lips with your own, going off of what just felt right. Kissing wasn’t rocket science, it was a discovery, a journey, you just had to know how to lead and follow.
Pulling away when you needed to breathe, Kaminari was breathless, literally and figuratively. He stared at you with pink cheeks, awestruck by the kiss he’d just had with you.
“I thought you said you hadn’t kissed anyone!” Kaminari wasn’t upset, but he was curious as to how you’d kissed so well.
“I haven’t.” You were telling the truth, letting your arms rest on his shoulders you rested your forehead against his.
“Then how-”
“I don’t know.” You cut him off, laughing. Kaminari sighed and pressed another gentle and shy kiss to your lips, still unsure of how to really kiss you. It was sweet, but you reassured him that it wasn’t all that hard. You moved his hands to sit on your hips as you kissed him back, leaning more into the kiss.
Kaminari sat up some, taking the lead and finally showing some confidence. When he pulled away, it was your turn to be flustered. You looked away, trying to hide your red cheeks from him but his hands were quick to deter your movements.
“Please tell me that you like me back because-”
“I do.” You cut him off once more, finally looking back at him. Kaminari sighed and leaned back against your bed, happy to know that his feelings were mutual. You giggle and tug on his hands to pull him back up.
“Everyone already thinks we’re a couple ya know.” You tease, rubbing your thumbs over his knuckles.
“I know, believe Sero and Kirishima both keep telling me to make a move already and well I have now but I’m glad I did because god you are just so perfect and I was so scared that you didn’t like me and that I was just stuck in the friend-zone.” Kaminari pouted.
“Are you kidding?! I thought I was being friend-zoned! You’re always so flirty I was just like ‘oh my god he’s gonna reject me if I ask him out.’“ You laugh at your past thoughts, finding it funny that had you just trusted your heart you would’ve been together sooner.
“Why on Earth would I reject you?! You’re smart, funny, beautiful, pretty, beautiful.” Kaminari’s eyes are wide with admiration as he stares at you, a goofy grin on his lips as he holds you closer to him, letting you lay against his chest.
“You’re pretty too, Kami.” You compliment him, kissing his cheek delicately before resting your head back on his shoulder.
“Awe, thank you. No one’s ever called me pretty before.” Kaminari’s hands rub your back, tracing little shapes on your shirt as the two of you talk.
“Well you are beautiful so now you have.” You smile.
“Can I take you out tomorrow?” Kaminari asks, he didn’t have much money, but what he did have, he would most certainly use to at least take you to get a drink at a café or something.
“Of course.” You hug him, embracing the comfortable warmth he was radiating.
“Wanna watch me beat some bad guys on my new video game?” Kaminari offers some more entertainment and you’re quick to respond, hopping off of his lap so you can watch the screen. 
You lay with your head in his lap, his hands playing with your hair whenever his screen was loading or during a cutscene.
You eventually fell asleep, Kaminari managing to turn off the console shortly after to doze off with you.
The next day would bring more laughs, more kisses, and more time with Kaminari, and a few congratulations from your classmates who had seen the relationship coming from miles away.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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munchflix · 2 years
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IMDB BLURB: Tells the story of a young boy and his family who are terrorized by an unseen presence.
WARNINGS: Domestic abuse, implied pedophilia & bestiality, not-so-implied racism, suicide at the very end...and a bunch of scary things if you're like...seven. Some dead bodies, violence, and a stick jumpscare in the gifs/screencaps under the cut.
RATING: A kid gets scared by things.
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER: All reviews are done solely for humor and should not be taken seriously ever. If you cannot handle cursing, crude humor and probably some offensive things, pls do not read this.
Munchflower: Okay hang on, we're making some margaritas for this one. We got a bottle of patron and some mix, we gotta find out if our blender can crush ice. I've seen this uh...tour de NOTHING before but poor Biscuits is about to be bored out of his fucking mind by the incredible amount of absolutely nothing that is about to happen. Except for Cloris Leachman screaming HINEY about 900000000 times. 
Biscuits: When the world needed us most...we returned. It could be argued this is one of the movies that inspired Munchflix, since this blog was sorta spawned by the tradition of Munch watching bad movies and the getting frustrated halfway through and ending up giving me a play-by-play to cope with how bad they were. See also our reviews of Mine Games and The Host, which were two movies originally in that category. There's nothing more fitting for a return to Munchflix!
M: *suffers tragic accident while trying to get ice*
B: You're the worst bartender I've ever had.
M: I'm not a bartender, my license is in weed, not liquor. 
B: Hang on, Fortnite.
M: Biscuits is slugging down this margarita like it's gonna be taken away from him in 30 seconds. Now he's off talking about Fortnite. I'm not doing this by myself, I swear to god. This will be the shortest review ever because it'll just be me going THIS MOVIE SUKKS. 
B: Look at that default typewriter font. I think I have that. My margarita is melting.
( Guest Spot from Dib: Drink it faster! )
M: No!
B: Alcohol always makes me feel like I have to pee, is that normal?
M: Yes.
B: Sometimes I do. I drink and then I piss for like three minutes straight. 
( Dib: What even is this movie? )
B: It's about a boy in a cornfield. 
M: So we've been watching for like five minutes of credits and it's just corn and spooky music. I dunno if this is supposed to be scary. 
B: It's just loud noises. October 1973, that's the setting. A young boy in bed. There's a car. It's loud. The neighbours are weedwhacking. Not in the movie, in real life. The kid’s family is fighting and he's hiding under his pillow because he's upset. He has a cool Godzilla toy.
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M: Don't be sad, little boy, you have Godzilla.
B: Unfortunately, Godzilla is not in this movie. His dad I assume is threatening his mom I assume with a rifle? We don't know, we don't see it. No that's his dad. 
M: The ambient noise is louder than the dialogue. Because cricket noises are important. I guess they're all alive? Oh my god you've almost finished that entire margarita.
B: I'm just drinkin. I'm drinking a lot faster than you are. 
M: I'm typing!! 
B: When you're drinking I'll be typing!
M: *laughs* Also Tara Reid from Sharknado is in this. Also she's not a great actress. Also apparently his mom wants to patch things up with the dude who just threatened her with a rifle, so she's sending the boy with No Name to live with Gladys and Hiney.
B: Who I assume are his paternal grandparents? That's her mom, no? They're relatives? They're just two random people his mom decided he was going to live with now! There's some bad blood between her and her mom character. 
M: This boy still has no name. Oh Steven. Little Steve. Stevie. Mom is...super supportive as she's driving little Stevie. There's stuff about the Manson family on the radio.
B: There's scary men out there, like your father! Who just threatened me with a gun! I'd say that's scary. Maybe that's just me. 
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Scary men might do things like try to kill you with a gun.
M: It's scary. So we're here with the unfortunately named Hiney and grandma Gladys, and we can't hear the dialogue again. All you people do is drink!
B: Whoo! Yeah! Drink! Some woman named Sue is also in the picture, she's bad. Steven's dad is really just a piece of work. The war...? Oh the vietnam war! I thought she meant WW2 for a second and I was like - that would've been 30 years ago in this movie!
M: There's nothing to work out, MomBonnie, your husband is a dick. And your grandma..well....grandma drinks. Or does meth or something. Not sure what's going on there. Moonshine?
B: Out in the boonies? Maybe both. 
M: Grandma's a peach. 
B: So we're establishing that Steven's family generally sucks. Welcome to the club kid! Ominous music. It might've worked if she hadn't been like - don't go in corn, you'll end up all smelly and dead and black and bloated! Took it a bit too far. 
M: Epic dinosaur battle! Well...with toys. But still! It's the most exciting thing that's happened so far! 
B: This kid knows what's up! Cool monster fights! I wish those were in this movie. There's a crow. Very spooky. Crows are friends. Come on Steve, give him a french fry. They fuckin' love french fries. The crow is ominously leading him towards the CORN FIELD. The real horror....corn. 
M: Music. Corn Rustling. The Fields in a nutshell. I mean...it's got an aesthetic? But...
B: He's entering The Corn. But this isn't children of the corn...it's just...the corn.
M: But maybe something will happen. 
B: And now the corn has changed seasons. It's green corn season.
M: This is why this film sucks. There's no transition, no fucking explanation, just suddenly....he's in the summer with green corn.
B: They just thought of that shot and then based the movie around it. It'd look cool! The corn will turn green! 
M: Except they just keep doing it. The kid found a spent shotgun shell and a bottle. And a red ring? 
B: Just like my dad. He used to drink and shoot and wear cock rings. Was his dad WolfCop??
M: There's flies and a dead thing.
B: My margarita's empty. *biscuits spends 3 minutes sucking the bottom out of the cup* There's a dead body! Scary!
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You guys wanna see a dead body?
M: I legit did not remember anyone even dying in this movie. Now the corn is yellow again. Time is everywhere all at once. HINEY has got the kid and Gladys is screaming. She's gonna scream this whole fucking movie. She is reading HINEY the riot act. This woman is obsessed with things being dead. 
B: This is just like being at my great grandparents house. If I wanted to relive redneck thanksgiving I'd just go there. Hostile hick family dinner, that's an aesthetic. His grandparents don't have a happy marriage either. 
M:  Hiney tells Stevie " There are no dead ladies in pappy's cornfield." Which sounds a lot like something someone who has dead ladies in his cornfield would say. Like...you don't even wanna investigate? Not even gonna check?? Why is Stevie worried about Charles Manson getting out of prison? Like...he has bigger issues to worry about. 
B: Ominous poster for a missing woman-girl. Spooky. Maybe check the cornfield. Child steals candy.
M: It was the 70's, we all did. So they buy a birdcage...even tho there's no bird to put in it. 
B: They're goin' to the milk farm! Steve wants to see the cows. 
M: This is probably a slaughterhouse or something. There's now been like five references to The Hotel. We don't know what it is. 
B: This is like if the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was bad. Steve learns an important lesson about the cruelty of animal based food products. Some creepy dude touches his hair. I don't like how this guy has a sultry, well spoken voice but he's dressed like some deformed farmhand. 
M: He might be deformed, I can't remember. 
B: He's talking about fucking pigs. 
M: He has an obvious boner that nobody is acknowledging. Like...come on.
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Hey Stevie, you ever see a...grown man naked?
B: His character is so obnoxiously unsubtle that it kills any creepiness he might have had. 
M: Some women also hit on the kid. This poor kid. 
B: Steve asks probing questions about hippies. And the cornfield. The Hotel is a bar. They're going to the drinking. Speaking of drinking! 
M: * makes round two of margaritas even though we're only 30 minutes in.* Not sure it's a good thing for this kid that he's got HINEY and Glados. The bartender and Hiney talk about Hippies for a while. Every fox smells it's own hole. What the FUCK does that mean. Hiney casually informs little Stevie that he could murder Gladys and bury her and nobody would know. 
B: He's like - this kid is so fucked up, he's seeing monsters everywhere and then just says he could murder his grandma. That’ll help. Now they're letting him watch the Manson trial stuff. They're trying to juxtapose the manson girls with the hippy girls from earlier? 
M: Don't sing a bedtime song. GLados straight up lays on this boy and sings pop goes the weasel but with farting. 
B: What is with this music??? I guess it's supposed to convey his imagination but it's a little jarring. This movie looks like it was filmed so cheaply. 
M: I think the poor aesthetic was intentional but it looks like ass. Now there's some new people here but who the fuck are they? Who knows. Glados is screaming AGAIN. Stevie doesn't wanna meet the new people. Aunt Tootie and her new "friend" Charlie. Stevie has never seen a black person before. Charlie seems pretty chill tbh. 
B: What was the point of that scene? Now he's asking his grandmother about race. She informs him that the n word is not a bad word. " You never met Bubba, he's dead." You should be glad you never met Bubba. He jumped off a bridge and definitely didn't kill anyone with a chainsaw. I don't think that was an intentional reference to TCM though.
M: Oh now it's ‘don't say the n word’. Make up your racist mind, Grandma. We're not even halfway in. Nothing has really happened.
B: I don't know what the plot is other than this kid has a fucked up life. Just a series of events that happen. Steve is scared of sounds. There's an ominous tracking shot through the cornfield! It's not corny at all! Doesn't make me cringe! Wow. 
M: Are you spooked solid?
B: Yeah. Hi Beanin! ( Much’s cat ) Do you not like the speakers? Are you up to crack activities? Cracktivities if you will? I don't know what's happening now, I got distracted.
M: Steve got scared. Again. That's what. He gets scared a lot. Clowns, black people, Charles Manson, pig fucking pedophiles, corpses, yanno. 
B: The world is full of terrors for a young boy.
M: This boy at least! We never actually see anything in the corn, but a stick just got thrown back from the corn so there's something.
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Need stick. Got stick.
B: It would be cool if we got to see it! “Steven...” calls mysterious female voice. The corn siren. Boy I tell you, when them corn sirens start singing you got no chance. They'll drag you off and steal your gonads. 
M: What....?
B: So the corn's green again and Steve's at the ominously named Bushkill park. Are these supposed to be things that happen in his imagination? At a different time? I don't know. Gladys did mention ‘the park’ which is like an abandoned amusement park.
M: That's a totally safe place for a small boy to play all alone. 
B: Weird insert...flashback?? Steven remembers catching a mouse and comes home to his dad but dad is just sitting there and he asks where mom is. He thinks about his parents fighting and the gun thing aga 
M: The mouse is dead, he didn't cut airholes.
B: It's like a metaphor but not a metaphor for anything in this movie. We didn't need a flashback since we saw that at the beginning of the movie! They could have just put that at the beginning. 45 minutes in and what has happened? Things have happened but like...why?
M: I don't know. I told you it was boring. I remember the pigfucker guy being like the creepiest thing in this movie. Stevie is still wandering around doing nothing. 
B: This movie won awards. People like this movie. 
M: I'm not sure rummaging is the right word there, captions. Sounds more like sex. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's sex. Who doesn't wanna bang in an abandoned amusement park?
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Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
B: He sees a creepy ringmaster who appears to be the pigfucker farmhand guy from earlier. And then runs away. Again....was that real? Was that in his head? I don't get it. I don't get what it adds to the narrative or what the narrative is.
M: Oh no black person again! Charlie just wants to help. He gives Stevie a little pep talk and then says "You want me to take you in there, show you there's nothing there?" Sure, going into a cornfield with a large man you hardly know isn't scary at all. 
B: I'm trying to make this make sense. So like...the cornfield is like...a metaphor (sorta) for Steven's imagination? He can imagine that anything is on the other side of it, so when the corn turns green he's like...imagining shit? But again the problem is that there is no plot. So it doesn't fuel the narrative because again...there isn't one.
M: This guy's still trying to get this kid to walk through the cornfield with him! That's so weird, Charlie!
B: Just when you thought an adult in this movie wouldn't be creepy! Steven makes the most relatable face in this whole movie.
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Same kid, same.
M: No-one in this family has ever heard of chewing with their mouth closed, either.
B: So they're taking him to creepy Aunt Gracie's house...
M: "You know they're gonna wanna touch him."
B: Says Hiney, and that is the WHOLE scene! What??
M: All this random moaning, I wouldn't wanna go in there either! Did Gracie have a stroke or something?
B: Maybe? She just speaks in indeterminate moans. There's a whole conversation, which serves no purpose, with creepy Aunt Gracie.
M: She gives Steven some ancient crackers and peanut butter. She has a bucket of fish and a tub full of George Washingtons from dollar bills. She has no running water.
B: And...now Steven is in...the basement? Where there's a chicken? And some other creepy farmhand guys? And some deformed lady who recognizes him. Again, is this real? Or all in Steve's head? The creepy guys decapitate a chicken.
M: While pointing a gun at it!
B: Ok but then...Hiney comes down, and grabs Steven, which implies that this was real? Aunt Gracie just has...deformed lunatics living in her basement? Are those her children? Who are these people?
M: Well, if Hiney is their 'uncle' then...I guess.
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B: Ok so that was weird. But now it's over. Steven asks Hiney about things the weirdos in the basement said, like that his dad used to live there. I don't know why I'm including that detail, because it's not important. Oh now Steve's dad is coming to visit. 
M: Dad brings Steven a BB gun. He's very excited. They shoot cans from the rooftop. How many times has Gladys said 'Jesus Christ' in this movie. Gladys watches a lotta Fox News.
B: Apparently Steven has not been in school this whole time. I guess it was the 70s...a different era. Barry and Hiney have a snippet of a serious conversation.
M: That resolves absolutely nothing! The real horror of the Fields is trying to find meaning.
B: There's so many scenes that just show up and disappear. They just end. 
M: Yeah Steven, why do you look like you've seen a ghost? Did you see a ghost? That would be something that actually fucking happened. I hope you're not expecting this to actually have like...a resolution.
B: Well in order to have a resolution, it would need to have rising action. And a climax. And falling action!
M: And we have...
B: None of that! Anyways, Hiney lets the dogs out.
M: Now we finally know...we know who let the dogs out... Maybe you're right, maybe the thing in the cornfields is just an abstract personification of his fear...
B: But then...ah whatever.
M: Oh shit, the ringmaster's under his bed! Is that real? I don't fucking know.
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B: The dogs are missing still. It is morning. That's almost something that's happened. I guess instead of going to work, they're going back to the milk farm. Farmhand guy talks in creepy thinly-veiled metaphors and then they leave. Ok.
M: I'm still too sober for this.
B: I'm questioning how drunk you have to get for this to make sense. Gladys finds a collar that belonged to one of their dogs and starts fearfully calling for them. It goes on for way too long.
B: No, some of it gets cut off too early. Like that almost deep conversation. 
M: I never could figure out like...what the purpose of these random hippie girls was. Obviously they're trying to parallel the Manson thing. But, like everything else in this movie, they're not explained. Are they just something else for the kid to be scared of?
B: They've introduced way too many things for the kid to be scared of.
M: This whole movie is just 'kid is scared by things'!!
B: You really weren't kidding, this movie is boring as shit.
M: Even WITH alcohol, this movie is boring as shit.
B: Windows broken. Door rattled. But this seems to be happening in real life. Grandpa Hiney goes out and fires a warning shot. 
M: I don't even remember how this ends. I don't even remember Hiney being in the movie this much.
B: Obviously his character is very important.
M: Once again, we do not SEE whatever the spooky thing is.
B: Well, that can work...in a good movie. Fear of the unknown, y'know.
M: Hiney is having a fucking coronary. Good luck getting a doctor out there. Maybe Charlie can help.
B: They call the cops. 
M: PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH *laughs hysterically* That's what you do when you've called the the cops and your windows have been busted and your husband nearly had a heart attack, you offer the cop a peanut butter sandwich!
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B: Can I offer you a nice peanut butter sandwich in this trying time?
M: In classic horror movie fashion, the cops are like "eh no big deal" Peeping Toms do not break all of your windows, dude!
B: Daddy Goodguy comes to install a new door. 
M: Where is mom this whole time?
B: She's off with her friend Sue or whatever. Dad & Grandpa have another almost meaningful conversation. Dad is worried, it seems. Grandpa's like, you're still a shit dude.
M: He could say "I raised you better than that" but obviously he didn't. Steven would rather STAY HERE? Why??
B: Well...neither of his options are particularly good. Somehow, we are in the third act of this movie, we've got like 20 more minutes. But this still feels like rising action shit!
M: You get really analytical when you're drunk. I'm just like, "Fuck these dudes!" You've been 'gonna talk to his mom' this entire movie!
B: Yeah, no shitty abusive parent has ever said they were gonna 'try harder'...
M: Why is Gladys sleeping in Steven's bed?
B: Fuck if I know. 'Cause he's scared or some shit, remember? That's the whole plot of the movie. AND NOW...Steven's mom is back. She's in the first and last 20 minutes of the movie. Sue is also here and she gets all up in Dad's face.
M: I like Sue.
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B: She probably makes more sense than anyone else in this movie. NOW, all of a sudden, they care about what's happening to their son. I think they both suck.
B: Is this supposed to be the climax of the movie...? Grandpa has fallen asleep on the porch with his shotgun. Steven goes to get a drink of fuckin perrier...the door is unlocked...creaking...
M: Music  rising...
B: Will something scary happen??
M: No.
B: The door rattles and Steven gets SCARED again.
M: Hiney just shoots out his front door all over the place. Glayds' entire dialogue in this movie is just "Jesus Christ, Hiney!" We should've done a 'Jesus Christ Hiney' counter!
B: We really should've. They're very scared of this person...thing...
M: Whoever it is. Whatever it is. We don't know.
B: This is supposed to be super dramatic. But the problem is I don't care. 
M: Steven seems wildly unconcerned for once.
B: *radio silence*
M: *radio silence*
B: This is maybe...the only mildly engaging part of this whole movie?
M: Oh, Steven is out there with his BB gun. He's gonna take 'em out. Steven is finally FACING HIS FEARS!
B: I guess.
M: Yeah, I guess. Is that what's happening??
B: Might as well be.
M: HINEY IS DYING! He can't go get Steven.
B: Steven is running off into the cornfield. His parents are back.
M: They're just gonna drive into the corn. No chance of them accidentally hitting little Steven. Also, this would choke your engine in about like, a minute. Do these parents really think this is the best course of action??
B: Wait, did they actually hit him? No, I think he just disappeared. Bummer.
M: You're not even rooting for this kid?
B: Well that would've at least been a bold twist.
M: The ice maker just scared me.
B: Now you can make a whole movie about getting scared!
M: It would never be equal to this masterpiece of fear.
B: Nah, Steven's alive. His Mom hugs him. And so does Dad. Steven leads his parents in their car to follow the creepy guy/thing. He's going to THE MILK FARM. I kinda thought this was all like a metaphor, but this is kinda ruining it. 
M: There's so much creaking and door-rattling in this movie. Now some guy has hung himself? It's the pedophile guy...?
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This guy was in like 2 scenes in the whole movie but he’s the main villain I guess. And he’s dead.
B: But he's in the ringmaster costume. So was that all real then? Somehow that would make it make even less sense. Then we have a radio broadcast because this movie really does think it's Texas Chainsaw, and the body was real too...? And the hippie girls were squatting at the amusement park? Gladys and Hiney have a new dog.
M: Which they are immediately feeding people food. Hiney is actually still alive. Where is Steven? Also, HOW DID THEY NOT NOTICE THIS GUY WAS A WEIRDO?? He literally had a boner in front of your fucking grandchild. "That might explain a few things" - yeah, like steven finding a dead body in the cornfield??
B: He's out in the fields shootin' his gun.
M: He's still at their house.
B: He picks up his things and runs back to his family.
M: Is this over yet?
B: Ending jumpscare! A stick flies out of the cornfield at the camera! That's downright comical.
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M: Closing thoughts?
B: Uhh...so...there's a lot to unpack.
M: Is there?
B: No, not really. I thought it was a metaphor, but then it wasn't I guess? Or it still was? Either way it still doesn’t really make sense. The biggest problem with this film is that it doesn’t really have a plot. The movie does a lot of things but then fails to reach any meaningful point or conclusion about any of them. Most of it feels really aimless and disjointed. The ‘creepy’ parts are so hamfisted and unsubtle that they aren’t actually scary anymore and the acting is mediocre at best - except for the pedophile guy, he was really giving it his all. Also kinda don’t like how it ended with Steven’s parents just...magically getting back together for a happy ending when they were implied to have been in a very unhealthy relationship and the movie devotes absolutely no screen time to developing them.
M: A bunch of incongruous events that lead up to...something. A kid feeling empowered? A kid who desperately needs therapy? At first you can kinda go along with it, and you kind of feel sympathy for the kid, but by the halfway mark you no longer care because you have no idea what's happening and nothing makes sense. It is...not good. 
B: Next time can we at least watch a movie where something happens?
M: No. Tune in next week for the Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh. Munch and Biscuits out, y'all.
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purplecantaloupe · 4 years
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I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw this pic. The way his hand is resting on Mike’s face. His JAW. The things this boy does to my soul is just RUDE. This pic isn’t mine (obvs)
Disclaimer: I wrote this at 1:46am at work yesterday so there definitely will be poor writing and grammar/punctuation errors.. I haven’t posted on here in awhile and I just thought that it’d be nice to give you guys something, I hope you enjoy
Warnings: like two maybe three swear words, ABUNDANT amount of fluff, the entire thing sucks and it’s not really realistic, also this is gender neutral
Word Count: 1386
So you and Calum are hanging out at one of your places, let’s say Calum’s. Duke is laying on the couch next to you on top of the large fuzzy blanket that you have thrown over you and Calum. Tummies full of pizza and wings, a scary movie playing on the tv in front of you, your head practically behind the blanket at this point.
“Cal tell me what’s going on, I can’t look; fuck them jumpscares,” you say and hold up a middle finger towards the screen, suddenly hearing a boom from the surround sound speakers in front of you. Your head immediately goes into Calum’s chest/armpit area and you grip into his thigh for dear life. You hear the vibration of a chuckle from his chest and you whimper. “Not funny…” you mumble.
Calum’s arm wraps around your waist tighter, causing your (his) shirt to ride up, he then gently rubs circles into the exposed skin with his thumb to distract you.
“No worries love, a skinwalker.. looking.. thing is chasing after one or the chicks who’s half naked,” he says trying to soften the scene for you. You open one eye—not even realizing your eyes were shut for who knows how long— and low and behold there’s a woman running from a creature as it shrieks and runs towards her before scooping her up and her screams can be heard from behind, next, and in front of you.
“Caluuum,” you whine, “that’s terrifying, how are you okay with this?” You ask and look up at him instead of the screen. He shrugs before responding.
“Dunno it’s just a movie,” he says, still rubbing circles into your side. He turns his head from the screen and presses a kiss to your temple, “I’m here to protect you, don’t worry, love.” Your favorite nickname came from his mouth instantly spreading warmth to your cheeks and security through your body.
His free hand comes up to cup the side of your face and he presses a soft and gentle kiss to your nose. Then his other hand comes up from your waist and it pulls your head down to his chest, his instinct knowing that a jumpscare was due to happen. He puts his hand over your eyes to shield you from the torment and before you can protest and question his actions he jumps, full well knowing that it was going to happen. You both let out a breath of a chuckle and his hand moves from your eyes to your shoulder.
Calum reaches up to the table, pausing the movie and you furrow your brow at him.
“Bathroom break,” he says, clearing up your confusion. You nod and look up at the screen and gasp. He had paused it at a scene where the half naked woman is now getting eaten, her picture blurry from the movement of the scene, her mouth wide open in a scream as the monster appears to be stalking her.
Calum glances at you and rubs your shoulder, “just a movie, honey. Don’t look at it if it scares you.” He says and pecks your cheek before he stands and stretches his back out. Duke hears his dad’s movements in his sleep and his ears perk up and eyes open ready to follow him no matter what.
“No my protector!” You joke gently grabbing Duke and hold him to your chest. Calum looks down at you as he stretches and chuckles.
“He’ll keep you company while I pee, isn’t that right? You’re gonna be Y/N’s guard dog from the big bad monsters.” Calum teases and you swat at his arm as it reaches down to rub Duke’s head and he gives Calum a lick on his hand in approval. Cal chuckles, “That’s my good boy,” he says before he turns to clean up a little of the food mess and drop it in the kitchen before he makes his way to the bathroom.
While Calum is gone you roll onto your back, lying on the couch, and lay Duke on your chest. You lull him back into his slumber as you rub your hand down his back gently and sigh, feeling peaceful. You pull the blanket up over Duke’s back and smile down at him and how similar he looks to an actual human baby and Calum has the same idea as he chuckles while he walks back to meet you. You start to sit back up in the position you three were in but Calum stops you.
“Just sit up a bit,” Calum says and he scoots in behind you so you’re practically lying on him, your back to his chest. You sigh, fully content with your position.
He resumes the tv and you jump again, the music of the background in the movie startling you as well as subconsciously knowing exactly what was going to happen, but the moment of content made you forget that you were scared in the first place. Your jump stirred Duke awake which made him get fed up from all the moving around and he jumped onto the floor to go lay in his bed where he wouldn’t be disturbed.
“I guess he didn’t want to protect anymore,” you say and giggle quietly. You roll over and lay face down on Calum’s chest to which he groans from the weight shift and then lets out a chuckle and wraps his arms around your back.
“The movie’s almost over, honey and then we can go to bed,” he says as he glances down and watches your head snuggle into his chest.
Once the movie ends Calum sighs as the realization sets in that all the main characters died and the ending wasn’t at all what he wished. He looked down, despite not being able to see your face he saw your back moving up and down at a rhythm which he knew meant that you had fallen asleep. He gently scooted out from underneath you and lifted you up into his arms, carrying you to the bedroom and set you down in the bed, pulling the covers up over you and he made his way into the bathroom. He did his normal night routine, pulling his shirt off, tossing it into the hamper and made his way back to you in the bed.
He saw you sitting up and practically jumps out of his skin.
“Holy shit, don’t do that oh my god.” He whispers breathless as you let out a laugh, throwing your head back.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just woke up and didn’t know where you were,” you say and he nods. Making his way to his side and lying down next to you. He props himself up on his elbow, head on his hand and he looks over at you, a huge grin on his face. Your eyes and lips puffy from your nap, cheeks a little red from laying on his chest. He was totally smitten with you. “What?” You day and furrow your eyebrows but smile at him.
“You are just so beautiful, I can’t believe that I get to go to sleep with you next to me every night, I wake up next to you every morning. I get to hold you, touch you, love you. You are everything.” He whispers and you smile.
“I love you, Calum. You sappy mother fucker.” You giggle and he chuckles quietly, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“I love you too,” he whispers and leans up and cups the side of your face, pulling you towards him in a kiss. This kiss meant everything. It was different than many of your other kisses, this type of kiss has only happened when you least expected it. It was like you saw stars, the world stopped and you both shot up into space, head spinning, spine tingling type of kiss. Neither of you wanted to pull away but having to breathe was a factor in this situation so you reluctantly pulled away first, laying your hand on his jaw, tracing it with your finger nail. The sharp curve where his jaw meets decorated with a small amount of stubble.
“You were made for me,” he whispers into your ear.
“And you were made for me.”
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Brettsey please “so not to be rude or anything but i’ve been coming to this cemetery at this time on this day every week for fucking years and i’ve always been alone up until now seriously what the hell” au
Ok anon I REALLY have to apologize because this request has been sitting in my inbox for probably a month or two now but I didn’t get the inspo to finish this until last night. That being said, I got this into a short little oneshot so I hope you enjoy!!
Tags: alternate universe, grief, mourning, light emotional hurt/comfort, meet cute
Word count: 2922
183 days.
It’s been 183 days since Sylvie last visited Julie. 183 days thinking about how things should have been different. How Julie was supposed to survive, how her and Scott and Amelia were supposed to be a family. How Sylvie was supposed to reconnect with her, to finally know the woman who had given Sylvie her own life’s blood.
She was supposed to have more time.
Instead, Sylvie ends up feeling like more of a stranger to Julie than ever. The last time she visited was the funeral, and that hadn’t done much for her in terms of closure. If anything, it made her feel more out of place. Random strangers came up to her, asking how she knew Julie. Sylvie can still remember the confused looks on their face as she’d told them Julie was her birth mother who had given her up at sixteen years old, and the awkward condolences that came stuttering out of their mouths afterwards. She’d felt too guilty eventually, and left early. Who the hell was she anyway, to be tainting everyone’s view of her birth mother at her own funeral?
She hasn’t been to visit Julie’s grave ever since. All Sylvie had done was stay with parents for a few days to clear her head. A few days turned into a few weeks, and then a few months. Today marks month six of her stay there. Her parents had told her they’d be happy to have her. They hadn’t been receptive to the idea of Sylvie meeting Julie in the first place, so they were more than willing to help her through the loss. The only condition was that she had to go to therapy and work through her grief, which Sylvie happily agreed to. But last week, her therapist suggested she visit Julie’s grave to get ‘true closure’, whatever that means. It’s a strange idea to Sylvie but nothing else seems to be working. Her boss had assured her that Fowlerton was much too peaceful (the polite way of calling the town boring, and rightfully so) and it would do just fine without its favourite paramedic for a few days. So, reluctantly, she accepted.
That’s why Sylvie’s now halfway through an hour-long drive to Chicago, all the way back to the cemetery. She buys hydrangeas at a tiny flower shop she passes by when she first enters Chicago territory. They’re Julie’s favourite. They were Julie’s favourite
Her fingers anxiously tap at the wheel when she finally pulls into the cemetery. It’s a dreary Sunday, grey clouds hovering in the sky bringing the prominent threat of rain. The graveyard is empty when she gets there, from the looks of it, except for one single person. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see a man around her age sitting on a bench near a grave, his eyes observing her curiously from over his shoulder. He’s not someone she knows-- she doesn’t really know many people here in Chicago after all-- but she ignores his lingering eyes. Shades of grey stick out against the field of green and wilted flowers are scattered across other tombstones. It feels like a ghost town, for lack of a better term. It’s gloomy and it looks like no one’s visited this place in a while. Even for a cemetery, the sight is a depressing one.
Sylvie slams her car door shut and takes a deep breath. Relax, she thinks. Just a quick drop by to see her, place the flowers, and then leave. You can get through this.
She makes a beeline towards Julie’s grave, less than 100 feet away, and stops dead in her tracks when she gets there. Her feet feel heavy in her pink rain boots, sticking out like a sore thumb against her black coat as she observes the tombstone.
Julie Walters
Loving wife and daughter
1973 - 2019
Sylvie doesn’t know how to feel reading those words. A whole life, one she only scratched the surface of, reduced to a mere four words and eight numbers. It’s underwhelming, and she doesn’t know whether to feel relieved that Julie’s entire being wasn’t etched onto stone or insulted that they could summarize her in so few words.
Maybe it’s for the best. What else would they put on there anyway: that she was a flawed human who left behind a child who she wasn’t ready to have, only to die before she could see her second daughter years later when she was finally ready for one? When she was finally ready to reconcile with her first born? Yeah, it was definitely for the best.
She places the bouquet of hydrangeas on the wet grass next to the tombstone and stands back. Man, this is harder than she thought. The words are there, racing in her head, but they don’t come out. Every time she wants to say something, it gets caught in the back of her throat.
Sylvie’s trying to pick from a list of infinite questions and countless ways to begin when she feels a chill on the back of her neck. At that moment, a voice comes from behind her. “Hi, are y--”
“Ah!” Sylvie shrieks, the voice startling her. She nearly jumps out of her skin as she turns around in shock, only to see a guy standing in front of her. It’s the same guy, she realizes, that had been staring at her earlier. Now, up close, she guesses that he can’t be all that much older that she is. He has blonde hair that’s short at the back and longer at the front, his eyes a soft shade of blue-green. His jacket and boots are a little worn but other than that, he looks completely normal. Except for the fact that he’s the only other person in this whole cemetery, and he just came up to her from behind without making a sound.
“Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he assures her, his hands up in surrender.
“Oh, uh, it’s okay.” Sylvie lets out a big breath, shaking off the nerves from the jumpscare.
“Not to be rude or anything, but I just-- I’m usually the only one here,” he explains awkwardly.
“Are you a groundskeeper or something? I can leave if you guys need me to.”
“No no,” he laughs bashfully, scratching the back of his neck. “I work in construction, actually. But I’ve uh.. I’ve been coming here the same time, every Sunday for years now to visit my dad. Nobody’s ever here when I am, so I figured you must be new.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry for your loss,” she offers. So okay, he’s not such a creep after all. Actually, he’s kind of sweet. “He must have been a really great dad, for you to be visiting him every week after all these years.”
“He… had his moments,” the man explains delicately. “Honestly, he wasn’t the most affectionate guy. I guess I just don’t want to end up like him. Jaded and cruel.”
Sylvie nods understandingly, because she gets it. Her parents are loving and supportive, but she’s had some exes that have put her through the ringer. Her first real love, Harrison, had been manipulative and heartless. She’s always hoped that these awful guys wouldn’t change her for the worse either.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m saying all of this. I’ll get out of your hair,” he offers. “But uh, here. Take this.” The guy holds out a single rose, which Sylvie accepts.
Her eyebrows narrow in confusion at the gesture. “A rose?”
“Yeah, well, my dad has been getting a dozen roses a week from my family since I was 17, he won’t turn over in his grave if he gets 11 just this one time. I’m sure whoever you’re grieving could use it a lot more than he could.”
Sylvie’s confused expression softens into gratitude, a faint smile pulling at her lips. This guy, whoever he is, didn’t have to do this for her. It’s a sweet gesture. He really does seem nice. No catches, no mind games, just simple and kind. She hasn’t met a guy like that in a while, at least not one her age. “That’s actually really sweet, thank you.”
“Of course.”
“I’m Sylvie, by the way,” she introduces herself awkwardly. Everything about this situation is awkward, frankly. But she extends her free hand anyway. “Sylvie Brett.”
“Matt Casey. I wish it were under nicer circumstances, but it’s nice to meet you.” His smile is wide as he takes her hand and shakes it. It’s confusing, but it makes Sylvie smile all the same.
“You seem awfully cheerful for someone who’s in a graveyard,” she observes.
“Like I said: I’ve been doing this for a while. I’m sort of all talked out now,” Matt explains with a shrug.
“Right,” she nods. “I wish I could relate. Normally I’m the one who’s cheerful and talkative, but it’s hard with this sort of thing. Everything I want to say just doesn’t seem to come out. Sometimes, I think if I start talking…”
“You’ll never stop?” He guesses.
“Yeah.” How did he know?
“Well I can tell you from experience that you definitely do stop talking at one point. I got all talked out two years ago. I looked around one day and realized I was talking about types of screwdrivers to my dad’s grave with no one else around. Eventually, you’ll run out of topics like I did. And then new ones will come, and you’ll talk some more, and then you get quiet again and then you just… stop talking.”
“I hope so. I’m a big talker-- I mean seriously, I never shut up-- but I just… I don’t know where to start with this one,” she explains.
“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you visiting?”
“Julie Walters.” She points to the tombstone in front of them. “My birth mother.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.”
Sylvie’s heard those six little words before. She had to stomach every single insincere, fake utterance of sympathy when she was at the funeral. But for some reason, the way Matt says it to her makes her think he really means it. She’s not used to people meaning it when they offer their condolences. It’s strange. Then again, this whole interaction is strange. “It’s okay,” she brushes it off.
“It’s not. At least, it doesn’t have to be,” he soothes. Something about his voice is so horrifyingly comforting. It’s calm and low, and it feels like warm tea and honey in her ears. It’s enough to make her want to burst into tears right then and there .
Sylvie takes a deep breath and then, before she can stop herself, breaks the silence to ramble. “I love my parents, you know? They raised me, they fed me, they’re responsible for the person I’ve become. But I’d always wondered where I came from, why my birth parents gave me up for adoption. And when Julie sought me out, I panicked at first. I wasn’t ready to give up that fantasy in my head of who she was, to have all my questions answered. But now I’m standing here, visiting her grave for the first time in the six months since her funeral by recommendation of my stupid grief counselor, and I… I just can’t stop thinking of all the questions I was too scared to ask. And man, it sucks.”
Matt stands there and nods understandingly, his gaze unwavering even as she turns her eyes towards Julie’s tombstone.
“I’m sorry,” she continues, wiping tears from her cheek. “We just met, and I’m rambling, and--”
“No no, it’s good for you,” he assures her. “ And I don’t mind it, I-- I like hearing you talk.”
“Oh.” Sylvie looks around, unsure of what to say. This Matt Casey guy, whoever he is, hasn’t run for the hills by now which is strange to say the least. But weirdly, it’s comforting.
“You’re right, you know,” he continues, switching the subject. “It sucks. Life… life sucks.”
“Yeah, it does,” she agrees, letting out a small laugh. This makes Matt laugh a little, which makes Sylvie laugh even more, until they’re both smiling and giggling in a cemetery like a bunch of blushing lunatics. It’s quite possibly the weirdest thing Sylvie’s ever experienced and yet somehow, it’s exactly what she needed. A bright light in the vast sea of darkness.
“You’re smiling again, that’s a good sign.”
“It is,” she agrees. “Am I crazy for that? I mean, I’m smiling and laughing in a graveyard with somebody I just met. Isn’t that weird?”
“A little,” he admits with a shy laugh. “But you’re not crazy. Sometimes people need a little bit of weirdness in their lives.”
“I guess stranger things have happened,” Sylvie shrugs playfully.
“Yeah.” He flashes her another smile before turning his attention towards Julie’s grave and facing it with her. Sylvie stares at the marked stone. She fondly remembers the few memories she had with Julie, and the countless ones they never got around to. It’s unfortunate, really, but it feels more manageable with someone there. Even if it’s someone she barely knows. Matt stands with her for a moment, the peace and quiet taking over. It’s nice. Sylvie’s never had silence be so comforting; it’s always made her anxious and uncomfortable up until now. Matt sure is a puzzling guy in that sense. She sneaks a peek at him through the corner of her eye, this guy who’s supporting her even though they just met. He’s lost someone too, he could be going back to his father’s tombstone. Instead, he’s staying there with her. Sylvie decides at that moment that Matt Casey is an unfailingly kind, weirdly solid guy. And, admittedly, a little attractive. Ok, a lot attractive.
“Hey, and don’t worry,” she adds after a few minutes of silence, “about being like your father. We aren’t our parents. And you seem… good. That’s all you can ask for I guess, is to be one of the good ones.”
“Thanks,” he nods, his eyes filled with a bit of confusion and a bit of something else Sylvie can’t quite place. Wonder, almost.
Sylvie turns back to Julie’s grave, tracing over the words with her eyes. Suddenly, it doesn’t feel so scary. Sylvie’s still sad, and wounds take time to scar over, but it doesn’t feel like she’s bleeding out anymore. She sighs, and she can sense the weight on her shoulders blowing away into the wind.
Unfortunately, when the sorrow blows away with the wind, it brings in the rain.
“Oh god,” Matt groans, wincing while looking up just on time to catch a raindrop in his eye. He squints and turns to Sylvie, who’s standing there laughing. “I didn’t see this in the weather forecast for today.”
“Me neither,” she giggles. “Today’s full of unexpected things, I guess.”
“It is.” He gives her a shy smile, nodding in agreement.
“Do you mind the rain?” She asks, looking up at the gloomy sky with a smile on her face.
“No,” he replies gently.
“Me neither.”
They stand there, hoods pulled away from their heads, letting the rain wash over them. There’s no shelter in sight anyway. They talk for a while about Chicago, about their lives, their friends, things that make them happy. But then they fall into a comfortable silence, smiling peacefully in the rain. Sylvie only moves a few times to brush raindrops off of the bouquet of flowers she’d placed at Julie’s grave. She looks at it, the name and the date etched in stone, and she doesn’t feel sick anymore. No questions unanswered, no bitterness. Her loss feels manageable.
She’s okay. More than okay.
“Hey, this might sound a little crazy, and I know we just met,” Matt starts after a while, “but would you want to… go get dinner or something?”
“What, like a date?” She snorts at her own joke, the idea being very nice in theory but impossible. It’s seriously impossible that this guy is actually asking her out, right?
“Er, yeah,” he nods. “Like a date.”
Oh. Okay, so he was asking her out. This is unfamiliar territory for Sylvie. She’s been asked out before, of course, by the small-town idiots in Fowlerton. But by an admittedly very good-looking stranger, under these circumstances no less? It’s a bit of a bizarre situation. That’s the crux of it, though. Matt Casey, whoever he is under all these sweet, charming layers, doesn’t feel like a stranger. Somehow, through one chance encounter, it feels like catching up with an old friend.
When she considers the facts, she’s had fun today. Every interaction they’ve had has come with such ease, and from a place of goodness and light. Yeah, maybe it’ll go absolutely nowhere. But one date in a public place won’t hurt her. She’s in Chicago for the rest of the weekend anyway. If anything, going out with someone like Matt Casey would do her a lot of good. And she hadn’t realized it until now but god, she really really wants to. So she does.
“I’d like that,” she finally replies while brushing rain off of her coat.
“Yeah?” He asks to make sure, his face lighting up with hope and slight excitement. Sylvie finds it adorable.
“Yeah,” she assures him.
He nods and grins excitedly as he leans in closer, and Sylvie feels the happiest she’s felt in a long time when he finally replies. “Me too.”
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