aftg show bloopers like
the scene where Neil throws the glass at Aaron (it's not glass glass, it's that softish, breakable material used in filmmaking that looks like glass) and Aaron's actor ducks too late so it hits him straight in the face. nobody moves for a second (they're still rolling) until Neil's actor moves toward him going "oh my god I'm so sorry" and everyone starts laughing and Aaron's actor is like I'm fine dw
Allison's actress tripping in her heels during what's supposed to be a badass entrance and she drags herself out to redo the take, cursing the shoes
so many bits of the cast just pretending to club each other over the head with their racquets
Coach's actor accidentally switches up a whole bunch of words while shooting one of his inspirational speeches. but he just keeps talking as though he didn't just passionately tell the kids to "get out on that floor and- court- show them how real a Fox floors- plays...after tonight they will- they will not ever discriminate- underestimate you again" and you can hear the Foxes' actors quietly break character one by one in the background
Andrew's actor pulling out a knife to threaten someone but then dropping it and jumping back from it
just. the monsters all piled in the car for a scene and they're all in the zone, waiting for "Action" to be called when something happens and they all crack up in sync
Andrew and Neil's actors on an actual roof, trying to shoot an Andreil Moment but an airplane flies over and they have to wait for it to pass because audio. so in the blooper these two guys are just standing very close to each other, Andrew's hand fisted in Neil's hoodie, staring up at the airplane urging it to get out of the way
in one scene Dan's actress kisses Matt on the cheek as a goodbye before she leaves the room, and right after she does Neil's actor jumps up to kiss his cheek too
they're shooting a night practice scene and Kevin's actor keeps missing the mark and it's just a bunch of two second clips of him on set of the court, groaning and swearing and oof-ing. after he misses the action for like the tenth time he just turns to make direct eye contact with the camera, his face comically blank
(in the background you can hear Neil's actor go "thank goodness for editing and all that magic, eh?")
Andrew's actor forgets his line during the scene where the Foxes meet the Ravens at the banquet. he gets to the "Jean. Jean Valjean" line and then completely blanks, going "Jean Valjean. hello Jean Valjean. I'm supposed to say something to you now Jean Valjean. i do not remember what"
the actors for Aaron, Kevin, Andrew and Nicky all being crammed onto that couch in the lounge the way the monsters actually do and falling asleep on each other in between takes
Neil's actor is British who speaks in an American accent but one time accidentally lets the accent slip during a scene where he uses the phrase "strongest goalkeeper". he cuts himself off and it's silent for a beat and then he softly repeats "goalkeeper" to himself in an exaggeratedly British accent and cracks everyone up. Kevin's actor, who himself naturally has an Irish accent, goes "this is South Carolina, love"
it's a night shoot and it's cold and Aaron's actor steals Andrew's actor's (his brother) scarf going "how come you get a scarf and i don't. Aaron is getting the scarf for this scene"
Kevin and Neil's actors doing a scene where they get all up in each other's faces. and then start leaning in too much and make as though they're going to start kissing
just a solid two minutes of Neil and Andrew's actors fighting bugs away from their faces throughout various rooftop scenes
Nicky's actor being the mf king of improvised one-liners (in true Nicky fashion) and just constantly causing EVERYONE to break cause his quips are so random
not really a blooper but they're behind the camera, waiting for something to be set up, and Renee's actress has an acoustic guitar and she and some of the others make up really bad jingles for all the characters
Dan's actress is most likely to fumble her lines or trip over her tongue and she always does like a weird dance to shake herself out
Aaron's actor looking straight into the camera with a shiner blooming over half his face due to a badly executed "fight" scene: let it be known. here on the set of All for the Game, i do my own stunts
(his brother in the background: you DORK. Aaron's actor: shut up or I'm telling Mom you punched me in the face)
Kevin's actor doing a scene (perhaps that one on the bus in tfc) where he's downing alcohol and he's expecting the director to call cut at a certain point or tell him when he can stop drinking but that doesn't happen so he just kind of confusedly chugs the whole bottle and then the director goes "you didn't need to do all that but we got it thanks" and Kevin's like ?? but Neil's actor, who's in the scene, is stood there with his eyebrows raised, very impressed, going "oh my god that was amazing"
Dan's actress slipping on a line and then banging her head against the chest of Matt's actor in frustration and he just rubs her back, grinning
not a blooper but Neil's actor recites the Riko roast flawlessly and as soon as they call "Cut" on it he gets a little sitting ovation from everyone. even Riko's actor is like yeah okay shutting the fuck up and leaving you alone now
Neil's actor actually struggling to get the seal off the ice cream container in that one scene. he fake-struggles with it for a few moments and then starts actually struggling and looks over to the production people and goes "the bloody thing is actually not coming off"
so many bloopers of various cast members having too much fun hitting others upside the head like they do in the books
Andrew's actor accidentally spilling the tray of drinks at Eden's
Allison's actress being the one who can make others break character without getting caught herself
Matt's actor being the one who makes everyone, including himself, break character but doesn't get in trouble because literally everyone is cracking up
however. when they get into Moods, especially during night shoots, and they have scenes together, Matt and Neil's actors are IMPOSSIBLE. to work together. they just cannot control themselves. everyone hates them
see also: Kevin and Matt's actors. Nicky and Allison's. terrible pairings for long days.
there's a scene with coach and the monsters and after like the fifth time they restart coach turns to look at the camera and pours himself a drink using the prop alcohol while going "parenting....is tough"
anyway. call this an au of an au
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palmettoshitposts · 10 months
nathaniel ‘wet stinky’
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(ps the rest of the crack can be found here)
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kevinsdsy · 24 days
me fighting the urge to not think about neil josten & kevin day in an alternate universe whenever i see haikyuu!! fanart
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mioxza · 2 years
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lovely-jjh · 6 months
plus sized Katelyn Mackenzie.
that’s all 😌
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 2 months
And what if I say castle crumbling by Taylor Swift is a riko Moriyama song??
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plutoslvr · 2 years
sibling dynamic foxes is the best thing ever and no its not a headcanon this is canon to me.
like the foxes and Kevin? siblings if I ever saw any. They would relentlessly bully Kevin and Kevin would just bully them back but the moment anyone tries talking shit about either of them it's absolute hell.
Reporter 1: Kevin, what do you think about the Foxes as a team? I'm sure they can't compare to your old team, The Ravens and Ri-
Kevin Day best Exy player in the league, holding his Exy racquet like a weapon: the fuck did you just say to me?
The foxes: man FUCK Kevin
some exy hating loser: yeah screw that guy
Bisexual defender Allison holding enough money in her pocket to end their life: No. You don't get it.
NOT JUST THEM are you guys trying to tell me Matt and Nicky aren't best friends? Are you telling me they don't have gossip Fridays where they share everything together whilst Dan listens in on them. Are you telling me Nicky doesn't read the upperclassmen to filth about their fashion sense (except Allison who joins in on making fun of them).
And of course we have the twinyards (YES THEY HEAL IDC NORA CAN CHOKE ON AN EXY STICK) and they're fucking dickheads to each other its insane. The first few months everyone's slightly on edge but then they realise its all bark and no bite.
Andrew: I'm going to stab you.
Aaron: Do it coward
Andrew: *jabbing him with a mechanical pencil*
Aaron: Fine, not so much of a coward I guess.
Oh and the foxes 1000000% make fun of Neil for living in Britain. They're constantly talking to him in a British accent and when the Queen died they all showed up in his room offering gifts of condolences.
"This is a hard time for you, we understand if you need space but we'll always be here for you."
"It'll get better buddy trust me."
"It's better if you cry and get it out now, we know how important she was to you."
They also make sleepover nights mandatory. The first few years they just had the og foxes let into the dorms but after they all graduated Kevin made a whole separate room just for the foxes where they have sleepovers. It's decked out with beanbags, weighted blankets, stuffed animals and his favourite photos of the Foxes printed out and framed and a TV.
He says Jeremy picked it out but secretly it was all him and he would rather die than let them find out. Somehow they did (Jeremy ratted him out) and Kevin's nickname was permanently changed to softie. No they did not secretly feel giddy with happiness, no they didn't think this was the best thing Kevin Day has ever done absolutely not.
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anitaradix · 9 months
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Happy Sunday 😍😍😍
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pocketrabi · 6 months
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
i know you're not entirely happy with what you wrote, but i always love reading your writing no matter what
especially mafia au, i love how you characterize neil kevin and jean
TwT thank you anon i love writing these stupid silly assholes so much but man... i Struggle sometimes :'))
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Crowley's walk is great.
Until you do it all day at a meeting... It's the next day and my back hurts.
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frizzy-frizz-frizz · 2 years
freshman fox, about neil: he's basically a freshman and still acts like he's better than us. How is he even vice captian-
Kevin, who taught neil everything he knows, offended: that's because he is better than you.
Kevin: he mastered the drill you just learnt in a quarter of the time.
Kevin: he brought this damn team together in less than a year
Kevin: Neil is going to be court someday.
freshman: wha-
Kevin: shut the fuck up and listen to your fucking vice captain, Jack i swear to fuck-
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emily-mooon · 2 months
POV: You ship Stacey and Young Neil together and want to read a fic for them
One fic, they are also a side pairing (that hasn’t even shown up yet!)
Around seven or more fics for them. All are from the early 2010s, haven’t updated in years, and all vary in quality
You went here to see if there was something for them that’s recent and you found nothing. Low key a waste of your time, but it was worth a shot
You immediately run back to the one palatable fic on FF.Net cause it’s better than nothing, and checking each of their character tags on AO3 to see if someone posted something for them (spoiler no one has)
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starseeker-tarazed · 10 months
No because that's when he talked with Aziraphale for the first time after his fall guys I'm NOT OKAY
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 1 month
The only thing Riko ever did right was finding the perfect court
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scholliski · 2 years
Neil in fanon: (✿◠‿◠)
Neil in canon: ಠ_ಠ
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