hella1975 · 10 months
going crazy about an oc again. like it's my fault
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mattodore · 11 months
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finally updated my game for growing together and the first thing i did when i opened cas was make this guy... say hi to rajan 👋
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sirmanmister · 1 year
Sole Survivor that writes in cursive and is illegible to literally the entire wasteland.
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lootgoblin274 · 6 months
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Fuck it, here is an old Lego moc
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victorluvsalice · 2 months
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I said I might do this in the tags on the first post of last week's Chill Valicer Save update -- here's the full-sized images from the in-game photoshoot I had my trio do right before said update so I'd have at least one shot of them in the correct order and wearing the correct clothes for my "OT3 Math" Valicertine's Day post. And then I ended up using all three anyway because I couldn't decide which one I liked best. XD Did I really need to do this for a single silly tumblr post about how much I love my Valicer OT3? No. Am I glad I did it anyway? Yes. XD
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wikagirl · 1 year
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I finished the less important side characters. Just wanted to draw them so I had a visual ref for when I write them.
From left to right we have:
Nicolle, Gabriellas aunt and thus her fathers younger sister. She's the middle child and as you might be able to tell from her outfit, a professional ice skater. The glitter on her dress is supposed to represent a rising phoenix, a metaphor for being "reborn" after having to drop out of skating for a while due to overexhaustion and burn out and coming back better than ever. Her career is her life, she will not talk about anything else ever. Her sister does her hair for her.
In the middle we have Alexandra, the youngest sister to Nicolle and Gabriellas father. She does heavy wheight lifting, owns a sports clothing brand and organizes sports programms to teach people that sport can be fun without needing to be competitive or for wheightloss purposes. Also graphic eyeliner is a must and her outfit is inspired by 4-time olympic gold winner Serena Williams' adorable poofy tennis outfits. Sports wear can be cute and practical. For her physique I references Emily Campbell, britains first ever medal winning womens olympic wheightlifting candidate
And last we have Waylen. Waylen is an adrenaline junkie and a member of the Hale pharma private military. He has a whole arsenal of prosthetics for different pruposes and yes those are mantis blades from cyberpunk and the prosthetic legs are inspired by that one lady from the first kingsman. He went through so many body modificatiosn that the constant switching out of parts, medications post surgeries and his overall very low self preservation instincts took a bit of a toll on his body so now he has to permanently wear the bottom part of his airfilter mask or else he will literally suffocate. All the foods he consumes must be liquid and snorkeled in through a straw and a little hatch at the front of his mask. Thanks to the previously mentioned issues he has a almost non existant feeling of hunger, meaning that he often only realizes he should eat when it's allready to late and he tips over sideways. Depending on how much coffee he has in his system he can be a representaion of every song in the misery/cpr/reeses puffs mix. The only reason for why he hasn't been kicked out of the military and sent to early retirement yet is because he's good for the morale and knows what he's doing as long as he's in a team, on his own he suddenly looses all those braincells and turns into a "stealth is optional? nice *explosions*" type bingus.
#myart#ocs#I used to hate sports growing up because in school everything was competitive#and outside of school everything seemed to be with the sole purpose of loosing wheight#in fact you can be quite active in sports and still not loose a pound simply because muscle is heavier than fat#and also because diet plays more into wheightloss than training#so to everyone who keeps calling people who don't look “normal” (notice the “”) lazy and unhealthy: plz shut the fuck up and die <3#you know absolutely nothing about the people you're looking at. their body their choice and now do me the favour and fall off a cliff#I'm really sick and tired of people trying to police other peoples bodies AND FEELINGS ABOUT THEIR BODIES under the guise of care#as you might be able to tell I didn't put as much work into these as the others since they are only side characters#that will only pop up once or twice#also since gigi is as ashy and pasty as the rind of a parmesan cheese and her aunties are significantly darker you can probably guess#she is mixed with her mom being what would be asian on planet earth and her dad is mixed black and something secret#and with something secret I mean this is still a work in progress#he'll be the bestest of best dads none of that toxic father figure bs in my house#he is inspired by christopher judge who was literally one of my childhood heroes in his role as teal'c in stargate btw#visually and personality wise I mean#a strong but still kind and caring for those he holds dear. maybe a bit odd to outsiders :3#tw eating issues#tw ed#kinda#bc of waylens digestive situation?#side characters
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the-trans-dragon · 2 years
They should make horse blinders for me to wear inside stores so I am not distracted by every single colorful object within my raw 210 degrees of vision
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
"After, in the torchlight, he wondered at the marks on me, the red around my neck, and the purple on my arms and chest where he had gripped me. He rubbed at them, as though they were stains, not bruises. 'The color is perfect,' he said, 'look.' And he held up the mirror so I could see. 'You make the rarest canvas, love.'"
x. "Galatea", Madeline Miller
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septimus-heap · 1 year
Still obsessing over that magnus archives au. Suddenly became consumed w the idea of Lonely!marcia rather than Beholding!marcia. I'm going to stick w beholding for now bc I think it fits better and is closer to Being A Wizard. But there's also at least one reference to marcia seeming lonely in the series and I mean. Just look at her. Her only friend is a ghost
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ace-malarky · 2 years
I am intrigued about soul magic please expand maybe :)???
hm yes hi Trade I can very much expand on that!!!
caveat that a lot of this info is very possibly stuff I made up literally this month bc I only had the vaguest idea of how soul magic worked before starting on this particular story (ie the box for it in the twinery thing where I keep all my worldbuilding legit just has the world it comes from in it and nothing else lmao ^^; )
The vague in-text explanation we get is thus;
“Users power their spells with their lifeforce,” Jasper said. “Its main applications are healing and interrogation, but it can also be used to create locks and the like that are fine-tuned to a specific person.”
which is very rough but honestly it covers the basics. Jasper knows what he's about
When he says locks, I'm meaning like... biometric kinda scans only I couldn't remember the word when I wrote that. I may go back and write that in actually.
The other thing it can do that is like. the main part of the plot of this story is that the mages can use it to control other people! They're getting other people caught for their crimes!!
Mostly when a soul mage uses their magic, they're relying on their own life to power it. So many soul mages burn out early because they don't get the exchange right, or they just use their magic too freely. If a soul mage is old it means that either
a) they don't use magic a lot
b) they know the best exchange rates for spells (eg smaller spells will take less life)
c) they largely use it via aids such as gems and older spells that have been sunk into items for general use
d) they tie their spells to someone else's life.
d is why soul mages tend to have a pretty bad rep amongst the wider mist worlds. They're not as bad as green witches in general but hoo boy.
sometimes!! sometimes tying their spells to something else is useful. This is how you get the healing; you convince the hurt person's body to heal itself gotdamn quicker and if they maybe get a year or so knocked off their life in the process they probably won't notice. Can they siphon off other people's lives to extend theirs? uh. technically. yes. that's the plot of another story (sort of)*.
This is how you get the biometric locks and other fun trinkets that non-mages can use; you set the spell into the lock or the item or whatever and give it a trigger phrase or motion which can be used by anyone. Biometrics will ofc only work for like the one person, but anything else is just dependant on the person knowing the phrase or the motion. Using an item with soul magic in it is obvious - Solaris likens the feeling to a sudden weakness at one point and doesn't like using it. You can fully faint while using soul magic if you're not used to it sort of thing.
This is how you get the interrogation; no one likes having their soul poked at ok. it feels gross. they can and will rifle through your memories. Sometimes they ask for consent first (it could also be a therapy tool, I guess) but holy fuck it's tricky to do without damaging anything. Weirdly this is a fine-wire one that tends to fall more on the mage's life being the one used up because they're still the one using the magic. They could tip it the other way, but then they run the risk of like. killing the subject before they get anything useful.
The controlling-other-people part of the magic is less well known which is why everyone is so fucken stumped by the shenanigans that start this story. It's like. fairytale kinda nonsense. "the soul mage made me do it" to the tune of "the boy who cried wolf", you know?
But that one is tied to the victim's life and can be set as intricately as the mage likes. Most people never know they've even been controlled, although they'll have li'l missing screeds of time where they've just blanked the fuck out and then come to, maybe in another place with no knowledge of how they got there
noticeably it does not work well on fully bonded ferals bc they have two souls and not everyone knows this. The mage that goes after Jasper fucks up by just suppressing his human soul to make him lose the fight and uh. well. buddy's got a lynx soul in there as well, and the lynx has access to fire. That one may have backfired (lmao) on the mage that set the spell, but I'm not sure yet
The other fucked up casefile I have is Elise who is the target the soul mages are trying to get ahold of in this story bc she has a green witch sharing her body who fucked herself over by attempting to use soul magic when she was already dying. There's a timeshare going on. The soul mages stabilised them and would like the experiment back, thank you very much, but because of the stabilisation thingy-majiggy, soul magic no longer affects them. Elise would like the timeshare broken, the green witch is fairly sure she'd die in that case and Does Not Want that, no thank you. They are however both agreed that they're not letting the soul mages get their grubby little paws on them. The soul mages would like her back because literally no one can work out how the fuck she managed to make that happen. like. the only other beings that have two souls are fully bonded feral mages and uh. demons. I think is how Skilkran is classed anyway. but yeah Elise is decidedly neither like damn she's just a girl who turns into a witch when night falls.
(soul magic probably could affect them, the parameters of the spells just need to be set properly but no one's actually thought of that yet. or maybe they have but it's been since they escaped so they haven't had a chance to test the theory)
anyway! yes! soul magery! it was uhhhh it was born out of a dumb joke with brother#2 because the first time I wrote it the magic was set in the saxophone of a dude who was playing um. soul music.
that scene still exists within The Soul of the Party because there are no depths I will not sink to for a dumb joke.
*this is Mint of Red String, they may have had a bad break up with a soul mage in their youth and the soul mage reacted by uh. cursing them to drain the life of whoever fell in love with them? That gets broken with the power of polyamory and also maybe necromancy because fuck yes the gays are winning this one.
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Do you ever listen to someone speak and marvel at how smooth, free-flowing, and free of pauses it is?
Because I sure do. I can’t do that.
Maybe that’s why I feel like most people’s speech is insincere even when it isn’t… because it sounds like how I would recite or read a script. That explains why I view people who aren’t native English speakers, have a heavy accent, and take long pauses to think of the words they need to say as being more trustworthy… because my cadence is similar to theirs; and we both stumble over words.
#I feel like that little kid “If you ever had a dream where— you want— you wish— if you could— you want….”#I’m not that bad; but I come very close to sounding like that sometimes LOL#I feel like I spoke more smoothly as a little kid…#but that’s probably because my verbal communication is almost at the same level it was at when I was eight years old#Like those people who have a growth spurt but end up being on the short side as adults because they stop growing immediately after#I figuratively shot up to 5’0” in third grade and never grew past that point#(with regard to clarity and flow specifically; not vocabulary… my vocabulary has definitely grown a LOT#but that’s only because I get sick of writing or talking in the same way for longer than a year… which is why I currently sound#like a pretentious 20th century englishman whenever I write fiction)#I have no “real” vernacular because I don’t feel comfortable with having a personal vernacular…#because using the same patterns of words over and over again for the same situations counts as para-scripting and feels fake#(to me)#sometimes I hear someone use a new word I’ve never heard in conversation; and I say “Cool! I’ll use that word myself.” But I later realize#it’s not just a fun one-time usage of a word; but it’s a catchphrase they say all the time and forsake any common synonyms of the word#— I assume — solely for the purpose of sounding smart to others (their behavior usually justifies my assumption; because these people#act like they’re better than everyone else)#And sometimes I catch myself doing the same thing; and I switch to a different word or format than I’ve been using; out of nothing#but embarrassment and twisted perfectionism#Or sometimes I come off the high of using lofty words and want to speak in a more commonplace way#and after awhile of that I start thinking “Wait a minute wait a minute…. Now I’m just trying to sound cool and normal.#This isn’t how I talk.”#But the truth is I really feel spoken language is an insufficient medium for communication.#I want a language in which the speakers pry open each others’ chests#rip out each others’ hearts; and rub them together#But at the same time it kills me that I cannot do the same amount of tonal shapeshifting when speaking#especially when my default (socially-acceptable) speaking voice sounds extremely airheaded#I’ve been trying to use larger words and more archaic sentence structures in speech lately and it feels good#but also like I’m trying to show off (even though I’m not and that’s just how I’d prefer to speak)#even then… all my speech patterns are copied from somewhere#It’s been a years-long identity crisis and I want it to end
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buckys-metal-arm · 2 years
Who should be the first MCU character (and I mean MCU since the beginning, not the Fantastic 4/X-Men/anyone from the 20th century acquisition) to say fuck in a Marvel movie? Discuss.
((Hint there is a wrong answer and it is Starlord we do not give that honor to Crisp Ratt))
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gayopinion · 2 years
everyone's so used to everything being readily available i hate when people share something they've made and get pestered to produce it and sell it like clearly ppl saying that don't own small businesses or understand manufacturing at all like not everything that is created is done so with the intent to commodify it. and also, not everyone has to share what they make, it can JUST be for them. bye
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akascow · 1 year
the scarlet/violet motorcycle pokemon is so funny to me
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fenncreatesthings · 1 year
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Phoebus Apollo
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tmae3114 · 2 years
getting VERY frustrated with how many entry level jobs in my field are requesting or requiring a high level of social media literacy, given I have been actively avoiding the vast majority of social media since I was, like, fifteen, for the sake of my mental health
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