#OR u could have it be like cas has 2 possess sam 2 save him at one point (expecting sam to make him leave the second hes conscious again
hellhoundlair · 2 years
that post abt possession and cannibalism reminded meeeee of an au where when sam finds out hes being possessed by gadreel, he keeps him locked in his body and becomes obsessed with him and the idea that hes finally becoming pure.
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rupertgayesarchive · 3 years
“i think sam would still have his visions, like you said, and then maybe those lead him to dean or to a case that dean is also on? or if angels are more well-known later on, he tracks one down, maybe cas, maybe not (if it's NOT and it's one that works on raphael's side. ohoho. the possibilities...)” YOU MADE ME SO ILL WITH THIS. this is the same anon as before I’m sorry for being like this. i don’t have a google doc open but you are going to convince me to do that unironically.
I think you might be right about the show being different completely if Sam was gone for years and the above quote made me so insane okay hear me out. I’m the gif of the man wildly gesturing at an investigative board right now. okay so in canon the apocalypse starts gearing up. well I mean that starts pre canon but in the context of the show I’d say around season 2 or maybe even 3? I think a lot of dean development regarding Sam happens in this seasons also. i think Gabriel could disappear Sam from THEN but it would be a little different cuz Sam at this point wouldn’t have a ‘normal’ life and is aware of the demon blood and feels inherently monstrous moreso than before so. maybe Gabriel would just stick him in a time loop because that’s just an easy way to keep him contained, but also Gabriel only did his other spike traps to teach the winchesters a lesson he felt would help work in his interest of stoping the apocalypse. and if sam was in a time loop like we saw he would try and get out of it which would mean more maintenance by Gabriel who I assume wants an unalarmed unaware Sam. hm. I think the funnest option here would literally just be he wipes Sam’s memory? like he returns Sam to factory settings and sticks him in one of his pocket dimensions. isont think HED put Sam back Stanford because Sam’s motivations have moved past compulsively wanting a normal life.. OKAY WAIT I just rewatched (sorry in advance I didn’t choose to be like this) s9 and the angel possessing Sam kept Sam locked in his mind by making him think he was on a hunt with dean. obviously Gabriel couldn’t do this cuz he’s not possessing Sam but he would throw Sam in a mundane pocket dimension for however long it takes to stop the apocalypse. so, maybe forever.
genuinely think it’d be so fun if Gabriel died or. wait if this is s6 cas could find him to ask for help against Raphael. i mean working under my previous assumption of Gabriel didn’t stop the apocalypse but just prolonged it leading to a s6 angel war type thing the specifics aren’t important I just want Cas to have some degree of girlboss lying and betraying. i think dean would assume Sam fucking died if he just vanished in s3 which is evil but I think it’d be fun that Sam comes back and dean doesn’t have the same degree or expectation of codepency anymore. like obviously not completely but in canon he did move on somewhat with Lisa and in this scenario it would be more healthy for dean I think because he’s not processing his grief out of obligation. I think Sam would come back and dean would revert immediately back to horribly adjusted before like eventually evening out.
i think it would be fun if Gabriel accidentally got caught up in whatever the fuck cas and or dean is doing which distracts him and Sam figures out what is happening. also it would be sooo fun to me if Sam literally just didn’t know several however many years had passed at this point. like he thinks it’s been a week and HE has discovered angels and is sorely disappointed he’s ready to be like DEAN the lore was wrong angels are evil. all this because... I think it’s fun but also because I think all of them taking pains to hide cas being an angel is hilarious and compelling. dean would probably like.. kind of encouragement through the agreement that angels are dicks after sam is caught up, AND LIKE YOU SAID. Sam should track down an angel who recognizes him and is on Raphael’s side and Sam wants information and is hostile but the angel recognizes him and . wait oh my god angel ruby. not.. not exactly like ruby but the archetype remains I think the angel would reluctantly convince Sam they could be useful and then just subtly manipulate Sam against Cas. like.. unwitting double agent is sooo fun to me. i don’t think the angel would mention cas by name immediately especially if Sam doesn’t know Cas is an angel, mostly because i want them to have the incredibly fun dynamic at first of Sam being just completely confused while Cas is amicable. but I do want Sam to be hostile to Cas sometime because that’s great, and additionally because it’s fun if whatever angel talking with Sam drops progressively larger implications about Cas which Sam just completely buys initially. but then he decides to start like.. talking with dean or bobby or whoever’s around. maybe even Cas. and realizing he’s being played on his own. mostly because I like characters having to admit to their faults but also because I think them deciding to go with the extremely ill advised plan of a triple cross is hilarious.
sorry this is so long and just an excuse for me wanting Sam to have to meet a somewhat less horribly adjusted dean who has like. actual friends and problems not intertwined directly with sam u know?
SORRY i completely lost track of stuff so I'm answering this Now:
anon please open a google doc this could be a really cool idea! i think i only have one series rewrite in me, hfym is IT you know? Anyway yes the idea of Gabe putting Sam in a pocket dimension or a time loop makes ME insane, I remember reading a really fucked up mystery spot au where Gabe accidentally forgot how long he left Sam in that loop and Sam like, lost it? So he shows up after 50,000 Tuesdays have passed or something insane like that. Anyhow I don't think it'd be as stagnant as that but if Sam did end up slowly realizing he was in like, some unreal environment? Maybe either his powers keep breaking through to show him events that he feel should be happening but they aren't? Like a vision about Jenny and her family in the Home ep in s1 but he can't actually get to his childhood home or a different family is in his childhood home? Weird shit like that. And maybe he ends up summoning or finding Gabriel to figure out what the FUCK is happening or another creature tunes into him if Gabriel isn't actively watching him.
Alternatively if you wanted to keep Sam around maybe like, he 'dies' in all hell breaks loose but when Dean sells his soul and Sam comes back Gabe snatches him up? So Dean thinks it was like, a trick or s/t... he tries to find Sam or get his soul back, ends up going to hell anyway, Cas saves him, Sam can't come to the phone rn so the apocalypse doesn't happen as it should... idk idk these are random ideas it's very hot here i can't think.
I also love the idea of another angel helping Sam and convincing him that Cas is the bad evil one that was leading Dean astray while Sam was out of commission that'd be SO fun. And yeah idk if the purgatory/souls thing would happen but angelic civil war is occurring, maybe said angel tries to kill Dean as a way to stop Cas and that's when Sam is like 'oh okay Cas is actually cool'. Maybe... a little pieta? as a treat? Cas cradling Dean's broken body openly crying over him (either dead or just gravely injured?) hm. love that. Sam just sees that sorta thing and is like 'Dean's gay?? is it gay if it's an angel?? Oh fuck I messed up huh' in that order lmao.
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Pinch Hitter
Written for @codesecretsanta 2020!!
Hey, @nemesisadraste!! It’s me, your secret santa!! I heard you wanted a slice of samodd so I was ofc 100000% down to clown. Hope you enjoy!!!! It’s a little group chat heavy and I apologise, but there’s some actual prose around the halfway point haha
Can also be read here on AO3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28323549
ngl I would actually recommend reading it on ao3 because of formatting hahaha but anyway enjoy!!
Pinch Hitter
DIRECT MESSAGE: Odd Della Robbia
(11:43PM) Odd Della Robbia: SAMMMMMM
(11:45PM) Sam Suarez: yyyyea?
(11:46PM) Sam Suarez: sure thing sure thing go save the world n shit 👍👍
(11:46PM) Sam Suarez: was only going to stay up late rewatching good omens anyway
(11:47PM) Odd Della Robbia: hero. incredible woman. love of my life
(11:47PM) Odd Della Robbia: and say hi to you know who for meeeee 😻
(11:48PM) Sam Suarez: crowley is a fictional character odd, he cant hear you
(11:48PM) Odd Della Robbia: but he's so sexy and strong 😻😻😻
(11:48PM) Odd Della Robbia: not as sexy and strong as you, ofc ofc
(11:49PM) Sam Suarez: jesus odd go save the world already and leave me alone
(11:49PM) Odd Della Robbia: SO COLDDDD 🙀🙀🙀
(11:49PM) Odd Della Robbia: still love you tho
(11:49PM) Sam Suarez: still love you too ok NOW GO
DIRECT MESSAGE: Jeremie Belpois
(1:24AM) Jeremie Belpois: Samantha?
(1:27AM) Sam Suarez: sup belpois
(1:27AM) Jeremie Belpois: Motion sensor went off. Pretty sure Jim is out and about. Try to buy us some time?
(1:28AM) Sam Suarez: shit alright. i'll see what i can do. b-team already know???
(1:29AM) Jeremie Belpois: They do. The four of you work something out, please? Thanks.
(1:30AM) Sam Suarez: ofc. hey btw hows odd doing??? ok???
(1:30AM) Jeremie Belpois: 80 life points and going strong, Sam.
(1:30AM) Sam Suarez: sweet 👍👍
(1:31AM) Sam Suarez: what's our plan then home slices!!!!!!! 💪😤
(1:32AM) William Dunbar: Still don't know why I'm considered a b teamer but okay 😒
(1:32AM) Sam Suarez: don’t fucking complain william at least you get to be in the main group chat, 🙄🙄
(1:32AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: ^^^^^^
(1:33AM) Laura Gauthier: Try getting added, then removed, and still being on the waitlist to rejoin
(1:33AM) Sam Suarez: ouch lol
(1:33AM) Laura Gauthier: ANYWAY, we need a plan of action. Jim’s doing the rounds. Any thoughts?
(1:33AM) William Dunbar: I’ll go stuff Jeremie’s duvet 🙋♂️ Laura you go to Aelita’s, Sam come up with some sort of distraction 👉
(1:33AM) Sam Suarez: hold on WHY DO I GET STUCK WITH THE HARD JOB?? 😠😠
(1:34AM) William Dunbar: to prove yourself, young one. how else do you plan on getting into the lyoko warriors group chat?? 🤷♂️
(1:34AM) Sam Suarez: SHIT U RIGHT… 👀
(1:34AM) Sam Suarez: its my chance… to shine
(1:34AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: Why does everyone forget im fucking here?? Give me something to do????? 🙋😤🤦♀️
(1:35AM) William Dunbar: nobody forgot you sissi, shit 🙄 take odd and ulrichs room, if u think u can wrangle kiwi 🥝
(1:35AM) Sam Suarez: i would like it on the record that i did in fact forget about sissi 🙋🙋
(1:35AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: FUCK NO. THAT DOG DOES NOT RESPECT ME 😤😤😤😤😤
(1:35AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: Also RUDE..
(1:35AM) Sam Suarez: priorities babe or the fucking world ends. your call tho!!!!!! ✌️🤪
(1:36AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: ………………. F I N E 🤦♀️
(1:59AM) William Dunbar: @Sam Suarez What did you tell Jim?????? He’s 100% doing head counts now you dumb fuck 🤦♂️
(1:59AM) Sam Suarez: don’t take that tone with me dickbar, he’s looking for a sick GIRL. if you stuffed the fucking duvets properly we won’t have a problem, he’ll only be peeking into rooms anyway 😠😠
(2:00AM) Laura Gauthier: And what do you suppose happens when he finds NOBODY and comes to the conclusion that you lied to him? You have to think these things through, Sam, Jeremie’s not planning on doing any return trips if he can help it.
(2:00AM) Sam Suarez: yall are jerks, YOU put me up to the task of cooking up an excuse, don’t complain that it was shit!!!! geez!!!!
(2:00AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: God you’re all useless. I can fake-cry, I took a drama workshop over summer. I’ll take the hit but you OWE ME. 😤
(2:01AM) Sam Suarez: there are no favours in this sissi, we took an oath. we are heroes of justice now and you don’t get compensation for saving the world, its superhero 101
(2:01AM) Elisabeth “Sissi” Delmas: Shut up Sam, you’re buying me dinner tomorrow. Take me somewhere nice 💅🙆😘
(2:01AM) Sam Suarez: but i don’t date girls who only save the world to reap the benefits, this simply won’t work out 😔😔
(2:01AM) William Dunbar: Take your flirting to private message, I don't want to be implicated in this sordid affair if Odd finds out
(2:01AM) Sam Suarez: ahahahahahahaahahahaha we got a funny man over here
(2:02AM) William Dunbar: Lololol
(2:02AM) Laura Gauthier: SHUT UP ALL OF YOU.
(2:02AM) Laura Gauthier: I can hear Jim coming, play it cool
(2:02AM) William Dunbar: Hahahaaha good luck 😂😂
(2:07AM) William Dunbar: You all alive……………..? 👀
(2:07AM) Sam Suarez: we sure are, listen to this
(2:07AM) Sam Suarez: sissi fake cried, told Jim she was having the worst cramps of her life and started listing off the side effects of the birth control she’s on. It was the greatest thing ive ever heard and im absolutely buying her dinner tomorrow, and yes it will be candle-lit 🍽️🍷💍
(2:07AM) William Dunbar: Holy shit. 👀 My deepest respect. 🙏 I will put in a good word with Master Belpois Himself, she deserves a seat at the grown ups table for this 🤷♂️
(2:07AM) Sam Suarez: no doubt no doubt
(2:08AM) Laura Gauthier: That was a close one. Sissi’s methods are unorthodox but hey, it worked. Next time find an excuse that doesn’t create more work for us, all right, Sam?
(2:08AM) Sam Suarez: shit you’re ungrateful as fuck. Damn . 🙄🙄
(2:08AM) Laura Gauthier: I’M JUST SAYING
(2:08AM) William Dunbar: Come on, lets not fight, I’m too tired for this shit 😴
(2:09AM) Sam Suarez: so go to bed, dumbass
DIRECT MESSAGE: Odd Della Robbia
(2:59AM) Odd Della Robbia: guess who just got DEVIRTUALISED!!!! 😹😹🔫🔫
(3:02AM) Sam Suarez: oh no, poor baby, you were doing so well
(3:03AM) Odd Della Robbia: right????? fucking megatanks, im telling you, they suck so much 😿
(3:03AM) Sam Suarez: well, if you’re out of points now, come by my room and we can play animal crossing together
(3:04AM) Odd Della Robbia: would that i could, sam, would that i could
(3:04AM) Odd Della Robbia: but theres a fucking building contractor lurking somewhere in the factory, xana-possessed, trying to take me the fuck OUT 🙀🙀🙀
(3:04AM) Sam Suarez: just tell him you’re not interested????? Its what i told sissi earlier
(3:05AM) Odd Della Robbia: ahahahahahahahaha
(3:05AM) Odd Della Robbia: first of all, WOW WE GOT A FUNNYMAN OVER HERE
(3:05AM) Sam Suarez: lololol
(3:05AM) Odd Della Robbia: second of all, i demand to hear that story as soon as i get back. Nobody turns sissi down and gets away with it 👀
(3:06AM) Sam Suarez: well, i cant help it
(3:06AM) Sam Suarez: my heart… belongs to another… a mr odd della robbia… im in the throes… of love… 💓💓
(3:06AM) Odd Della Robbia: OH!!! SAM!!!!!!! 😻😻😻💓💓💓
(3:06AM) Odd Della Robbia: luv u. So much
(3:06AM) Sam Suarez: same same lololol
(3:07AM) Odd Della Robbia: when i get back we ca
(3:07AM) Sam Suarez: ????
(3:07AM) Sam Suarez: odd????
(3:07AM) Sam Suarez: come in, funny man????
message failed
(3:08AM) Sam Suarez: odd if you die i will be so mad
message failed
(3:10AM) Ulrich Stern: Hey Sam, it’s Ulrich
(3:10AM) Ulrich Stern: Einstein has another favour to ask
(3:11AM) Sam Suarez: first of all you dont have to tell me its you, the app TELLS me whos messaging me, this isnt a text
(3:11AM) Sam Suarez: second, tell me my boyfriend isn’t getting fucking murdered by a building contractor 😠😠
(3:11AM) Ulrich Stern: Huh???
(3:11AM) Ulrich Stern: Oh yeah. He’s holding his own but there’s not much time. You need to go keep watch outside Jeremie’s door while Laura transfers some files. If we get busted and she can’t complete the file transfer… well. The world does actually depend on it, so. Yeah
(3:11AM) Sam Suarez: isnt william the better option anyway?? Isnt he only like 3 doors down from you 🙄
(3:12AM) Ulrich Stern: He’s not answering. Probably asleep already, he’s a dumbass. Please, you’re our only option, Sissi isn’t answering either
(3:12AM) Sam Suarez: oh theres a GREAT story behind that but i’ll let her tell it tomorrow
(3:13AM) Sam Suarez: and fine, but seriously is odd okay?? If this dude is more than 5’5 he’ll have a problem taking him down, you know how scrawny he is
(3:13AM) Ulrich Stern: He’s tougher than you think, Sam. Trust me on that one.
(3:14AM) Ulrich Stern: (Also I am about to go save him from getting his ass beat)
(3:14AM) Sam Suarez: all right all right
(3:15AM) Sam Suarez: but hey stern, when this has all blown over, we’re having a serious talk about promoting me to the big leagues
(3:16AM) Ulrich Stern: ...Big leagues?
(3:16AM) Sam Suarez: im talking main group chat, my guy. MAIN. GROUP CHAT. 👏👏
DIRECT MESSAGE: Odd Della Robbia
(3:30AM) Odd Della Robbia: im coming mi amore… i beat up a fully grown man with my bare fists… pushed him down some stairs… it was amazing 😼💯
(3:31AM) Sam Suarez: please say you didnt break any bones, belpois isnt planning on reversing time right???
(3:31AM) Sam Suarez: like even if was going to kill u he was only possessed by xana
(3:32AM) Odd Della Robbia: heh i broke nothing!! Im a hero of justice after all 💪😼
(3:32AM) Odd Della Robbia: ulrich may have given him some bruises tho 😹
(3:32AM) Sam Suarez: ehh i’ll take that over this guy waking up with fucked up limbs and shit
(3:32AM) Odd Della Robbia: no doubt no doubt
(3:33AM) Odd Della Robbia: …
(3:33AM) Odd Della Robbia: anyway, night sam 💞
(3:33AM) Sam Suarez: oh, ok 🙄
(3:33AM) Sam Suarez: night, stupid. love you ❤️
Despite his parting message, Odd shows up anyway.
He slinks into her dorm room as it draws to 4:00AM, half-heartedly kicking off his shoes at the door and closing it with a softness that’s surprising given how exhausted he looks; almost as though it is second nature at this point to keep quiet, avoid drawing more attention. Her boyfriend is a professional, after all, when it comes to saving the world on the down-low.
Samantha watches Odd from her desk, where she is sat up browsing Twitter and waiting for the inevitable ‘we need you to do something else before the night is through’ messages from Jeremie. She’s been listening to the same Jay Som song on loop for over an hour now, and it leaks quietly from her laptop speakers, a strange extra layer of ambiance to the puzzle that is the hour before birdsong begins. A Baymax-patterned blanket is thrown around her shoulders for warmth, and there’s an empty can of energy drink within arms reach.
“Wrong room,” she says in a low voice, expecting him to jump anyway; he doesn’t. Instead he squints at her in the dim light, leaning back against the door with a weary sigh. “Didn’t think you were coming.”
“Wasn’t, but… here I am.”
He doesn’t really elaborate further than that.
“Ulrich know you came this way?”
“He stayed behind to talk things over with Jeremie. The overbike got fucked up in Lyoko and they’re gonna upgrade it or something. Jer-bear needed to know the specifics about his experience driving it so they can do some fine-tuning, I think. Y’know, so he doesn’t drift too far and plunge into the digital sea. Shit can get real bad, real fast.”
“I’ll bet. So, you triumphed over evil tonight?” she guesses, shutting her laptop lid and rising to her feet. Her blanket trails behind her as she does. “XANA can’t attempt to destroy the world for another 24 hours?”
“You know it,” he says, yawning. “And now, it’s bedtime.”
Thank fuck they don’t have classes tomorrow. She’ll happily lie in til noon with Odd, catching up on these lost hours.
Sam steps over her skateboard and some laundry she kicked aside earlier, a little embarrassed that her floor is so messy, but she knows Odd is too tired to even comprehend the state of her room right now. As it is, he’s swaying a little while standing, stifling a yawn against his hand - it’s only a matter of time til he crashes.
“All right, guess you’re here to stay. Hop in.”
“Did you know? You’re a goddess. An angel. A truly spectacular woman among women,” he mumbles.
“Flattery won’t give me back the hours of sleep I lost sending Jim on that wild goose chase earlier,” Sam muses, wiggling under her covers, still bundled up in the blanket like a crepe. She doesn’t know the full story, nor does she imagine she’ll get it until tomorrow when the group meet up for lunch - something about XANA threatening to blow up a reactor on some nearby building site, creating some devastating damage to the local area - but at this point she’s too tired to listen and Odd is too tired to explain.
Odd flops down on the bed beside her.
“Thank you for helping us out,” he sighs, too tired to even look at her. His limbs are all floppy. If she nudged him off the edge of the bed now, he’d probably just fold up like a pair of pants and stay there til morning. “What did you do, exactly?”
“Told him I heard someone crying in the bathroom and thought maybe someone was unwell,” she says with a shrug. “Jim checked the girls bathroom and did room checks, which gave me, William and Laura some time to sneak into your respective rooms and act as extra head counts. Just being under the covers was enough, I don’t think he was doing anything more than cursory peeking into rooms with a tiny flashlight. Wasn’t the most innovative red herring to give him, but it did the trick.”
“If it keeps them off our backs, the creativity isn’t worth factoring in,” Odd murmurs, tugging off his jeans and chucking them at the wall opposite. The impact scuffs the wall slightly, but Sam doesn’t care. Delmas doesn’t give them shit about damages to the room unless it makes the room completely uninhabitable anyway, which is why there’s a literal hole in her wall through to the room next door that she’s had to artfully cover with a Front Bottoms poster.
“Anyway, Sissi distracted him. I’ll let her tell the story herself, it was fucking hilarious. Then Ulrich messaged to say he needed me to keep watch while Laura sent over some files from the computer in Jeremie’s room to the supercomputer, which - I mean, in this day and age, why the fuck doesn’t he keep everything on the cloud anyway? So I was stuck doing that, because apparently, William had already fallen asleep again, the fucking lug. Can you believe that? You’d think, being your Lyoko pinch hitter and all, he’d be better at staying awake.”
“Oh, I can believe it,” Odd drawls, tugging off his shirt and balling it up, sending it to land atop his crumpled jeans with a flourish. He rubs his eyes and peers around. “Got that old shirt for me to sleep in?”
Rolling her eyes fondly, Sam reluctantly peels back the bedsheets once more and pads over to her wardrobe, pulling it open and sifting through until she finds what she’s looking for; an old Hootie & The Blowfish T-shirt, handed down to her by one of her older brothers. It always hangs right off of her, so on Odd’s scrawny frame, it’s basically an Ebenezer Scrooge nightgown.
“Here.” She tosses it over to him and he wriggles into it happily. “You might as well keep it, these days you wear it more than me.”
“If I walked around in a band shirt that hangs off me like a smock I’d never hear the end of it from Ulrich,” he says with a laugh, flopping back against the covers and sighing deeply. “He makes fun of my little chicken legs enough as it is.”
“Well, I love your little chicken legs, so he can keep his opinions to himself.”
She slides into bed beside him and he’s cold to touch; the freezing factory, coupled with walking back in the chilly night air, must have really done a number on him. He snuggles against her happily, mumbling, “Can I warm my feet on you?”
“Will you respect my wishes if I say no?” she retorts. He grins as she sends him a knowing look, before placing his feet, two tiny, stinky blocks of ice, against her shins. They both pull the covers up over their noses, staring at the ceiling in dazed silence for a few moments, before she adds, “He won’t miss you when you get back?”
“Not likely, I don’t fucking spoon him to sleep, Sam,” he snorts. “He’ll be too tired to care where the fuck I’ve snuck off to, and he can handle anything Kiwi throws his way, so it’s fine. I’m sure he’s capable of connecting the dots.”
“Fine, shithead, I’ll drop it.”
She continues to stare up at the ceiling, but she can feel his keen gaze on her, and rolls over to face him. He watches her carefully.
“Are you mad at me?”
“What? No.”
“Even though it’s nearly four in the morning and you spent the whole night covering for us?”
“It’s what happens when you agree to saving the world, isn’t it?” she points out. Sam’s eyes adjust to the darkness, and she notices for the first time that there’s the beginnings of bruises around his neck. She reaches up to trace them with her fingers, and he instinctively wriggles away. Her breath catches in her throat. “…XANA did this to you?”
“Actually, it was a building contractor,” he corrects. “He started to choke me, but then Ulrich got him in a headlock and next thing you know… we pushed him down some stairs.”
“It must have been scary,” she mutters. At that, his face melts into a smile, and he prods at her face.
“You’re so serious! Sam, trust me, this happens all the time. I’m indestructible, so it’s fine.”
“How else am I supposed to react, huh? My boyfriend comes home with strangulation marks on his neck and you want me to be all cavalier about it…”
“Because I’m used to it.” Odd pauses. “Well, not strangulation in particular, but getting hurt on the job is kinda everyday stuff.”
Sam scowls. “You're not supposed to pretend like this is normal, Odd.”
“What, you want me to cry and be vulnerable on you?”
“You do.”
“Okay, fine, I do! What about it?!” She fixes him with a stern look. “You have to be careful! What’s the point in me staying awake and making distractions and shit if you’re just going to fucking die at the end of it, huh?”
“I’m not going to die.” He cups her face in his hands and fixes her with his own stern look. “Look. I know you haven’t been doing this long, but this happens, okay? Not always, but it does. I mean, you remember the kind of fights you used to pick with me when I would come over with these bruises without telling you why.”
She thinks back to the months leading up to him finally telling her the truth. How scared and hurt she felt, seeing him with these cuts and scrapes, bruises, occasionally even a sprain. She’d gone through all the possibilities in her head - bullying, hate crimes, mugging even. Still, he refused to budge, until one day he just… stopped pretending it was all some big coincidence.
“It was scarier not knowing,” she decides. “At least this way I know what you’re up against, but… I don’t know.”
He leans forward and kisses her on the nose. “I promise you I’m fine. But look, part of being a Lyoko pinch hitter is knowing things get hairy sometimes. I’m gonna get hurt from time to time but if I don’t, the whole world explodes. Or, okay, maybe not literally , most of the time, but I’m like, a drop in the bucket.”
“Well, you’re a drop in the bucket who matters to me,” she reinforces. Staring into his eyes, she can feel her body relax slightly. “Look, I’ll drop it. I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Good. Now, can we please sleep? I am so tired, I’m starting to forget who I am. You’re about to encounter Grinch Odd, and he’s no fun whatsoever.”
“Oh, is he the one who said my face looked like a beet that one time?” she wonders, raising her eyebrows at him. He groans and pushes her away, covering his face with his hands.
“How many times do I have to tell you XANA fucked with my speech?” he grumbles. “Completely scrambled my words. I was going for beautiful.”
“Sure, sure. When in doubt, blame it on XANA?”
“I mean it! I would never call you a beet! A potato, maybe…”
She shoves him and he both winces and laughs. “Oof, that guy did a number on me.”
“Yeah, well, I’ll beat him up for you then.”
“You’re going to beat up XANA?”
“Sure, how hard could it be? I’ll just like, reach into the supercomputer with my full fist-”
They both burst out laughing and fall back against the pillows.
Once it trickles out, she blinks sleepily at the ceiling.
“I never really thought about how long you guys have been going without us, though.”
Odd quirks an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“Us. The B-Team, the Pinch Hitters. The Lyoko Warriors’ freaking PR Team! Without someone pulling the strings you must have run into all sorts of trouble, right?”
“Oh, yeah,” Odd laughs. “We used to have the authorities trying to invade the factory. Almost got expelled by Delmas. I almost got sent to a psych ward before, that was fun.”
“Jesus, Odd. Why did it take you so long to introduce other people to the fray?”
He shrugs. “No clue, really. One day we just kinda realised… sometimes it’s better to have people around. No man is an island. That can apply to groups too, I guess.”
“And why would you trust me?” Sam presses on, arms folded over her chest. “Sure, I’m your girlfriend, but I’ve hurt you before. I mean really fucked you over. That whole thing with William…”
“You had no way of knowing,” he says firmly. “It was stupid and immature, sure, but how could you have known?”
She shrugs. “I’ve just been thinking about it, I guess.”
They both lapse into silence, but beneath the covers, Odd reaches for her hand.
“I trust you because I trust you,” he says eventually. “And because if we need some big Lyoko Warriors PR Team, I’d want you at the helm. Who else is going to keep William from swaggering off the side of the planet? He can be kinda self-absorbed.”
“Sissi,” Sam deadpans.
“And who else is going to keep Sissi from turning every XANA distraction into a fucking performative art piece?”
“...Okay, fair.”
“By the way, you still taking her out to dinner tomorrow?”
“Apparently. You should tag along as my date.”
He laughs. “No way, I’m no third wheel.”
Sam leans forward and kisses him gently, before muttering, “By the way, I told Ulrich to get me in the main group chat. Think he’ll do it?”
“Absolutely not,” Odd says cheerfully, kissing her back. “But nice try. Here’s to next time.”
GROUP CHAT: Into The Lyokoverse
(9:48AM) Jeremie Belpois added Sam Suarez to Into The Lyokoverse.
(9:48AM) Jeremie Belpois: @Everyone Look who decided to show up!
(9:52AM) Yumi Ishiyama: Oh Hi Sam
(9:59AM) Aelita Schaeffer: hey, look who made it to the big leagues!!
(10:10AM) Odd Della Robbia: SAMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!
(10:12AM) Sam Suarez: !!!!!!!!
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evqnbuckley · 4 years
Chapter 2: A Price
7.2k words..........Okay this is taking on a life of it’s own but I promise, I promise there is a resolution. There is a happy ending. I’m just a sucker for pain and angst.... the rest is on ao3 @princesscas​
Two weeks go by in a daze. Sam has searched almost every book on the left side of the library. Eileen keeps the brothers hydrated and fed. Sam tells her not to worry about that, but she does. She bakes cookies occasionally, and brings home pie to cheer Dean up. He nods and half-heartedly grins in appreciation. Miracle cuddles Dean at night and licks his hand until he falls asleep. His presence is warm and comforting. Sam and Eileen both see Dean withdraw more and more everyday. They worry.
Dean is scanning through the online archives, with Miracle on the floor next to him fast asleep. He clicks on the topic NECROMANCY RITUALS. He knows it is a long shot but everything else is coming up dry. He scrolls down swiftly reading the pages, when something piques his interest. Upon first glance, most believe necromancy to be the darkest magick. Through further research it has been discovered that it’s only the first layer of what one can accomplish when tapping into that amount of power, darkness. Many rituals have culminated over time and within different cultures. However, one thing remains the same with Necromancy. A life for a life. Dean slowly sits up, removing his feet from the table. He swallows, and glances around the room. Eileen and Sam are giggling quietly. She shoves his arm in response to Sam’s remark. Dean pulls the laptop closer to him, and continues to read. Necromancy takes upon a life of its own. If one does not correctly perform the ritual, consequences may ensue. Those desperate to bring back a loved one should heed warning. Never perform the ritual on the second full moon during the harvest. Magick is unpredictable, but especially during the harvest the complications of Necromancy increase tremendously. Also, if you are to perform the ritual alone, it is to be exact. One mishap could lead to immediate death.  The ingredients vary slightly from ritual to ritual. It is appropriate to be diligent and perform with the correct offerings. Dean clicks the arrow for the next page, and it shows an error message. His brow creases  in confusion. He clicks the refresh button and the message appears again. He clicks four more times. The message remains on the page. Dean grows frustrated. He slams the laptop shut and stands.
“I’m going out.”
Sam and Eileen turn toward the noise, confused and shocked. “What? Why?” Sam questions.
Dean sighs, pulling on his jacket. “We’re getting nowhere. I feel claustrophobic and cooped up in this damn place. I haven’t left in two weeks. I need to stretch my legs. Get some air. I promise I’ll be back before curfew, Mom,” he adds, rolling his eyes.
“Dean-” Sam starts.
“I won’t do anything stupid, Sam.” He walks up the staircase and the bunker door slams.
Dean drives and drives and drives. He has no destination, but right now the road is welcoming. He runs his hand across the Impala’s steering wheel, slick, smooth and familiar. He almost forgets the feeling of driving his Baby. The trees and asphalt blur in his vision. The only thing Dean focuses on are the yellow lines on the road, but even those begin to blur as well. Dean squeezes his eyes shut for a moment and azure eyes stare back at him. Fuck. 
He slows the car and pulls over. It's quiet. The Impala's headlights shine ahead, revealing an empty road. A bit of fog hangs loose above the ground. Dean sighs. He needs to get out of his head. There are too many thoughts and he feels like he wants to scream. Dean picks up his cell phone and pulls up Castiel's contact. His finger idles over the call button. Click. The line rings. And rings. And rings. And rings. There's a pause before the recorded voicemail answers. 
"This is my voicemail. Make your voice...a mail." Dean closes his eyes at the sound of Castiel’s voice. He only speaks for two seconds but Dean hears every syllable. His brow creases and he clenches his jaw to bury the pain. Dean hangs up. He calls again. 
"This is my voicemail. Make your voice...a mail." A tear falls down Dean's cheek. He needs to hear Castiel's real voice. He needs to see him again. Touch him. But he's gone. Wiping his nose with his sleeve, Dean notices a few tear stains on his shirt. 
Once again, he calls Castiel. Even though it's pointless. Even though he looks like a widower who can't let go. He calls Cas. The voicemail picks up again and Dean listens but he decides to not hang up. Not yet. The dial beeps, waiting for a voicemail to be recorded and Dean is still. He breathes in, motioning to speak, but stops. He hangs up. Anger rises in his chest. Why can't I leave a damn voicemail? He's angry at Castiel for leaving him. He's angry at Jack for leaving him. But most of all, he's angry at himself. At how he's failed to bring Castiel back. At how his best friend died and he didn't even say goodbye. At how he's known for a while his feelings about Castiel but never has the guts to admit it. 
Each thought churns his stomach more and more. The anger boils higher within him until he slams his palm against the steering wheel repeatedly. He cries out and covers his face with both hands, dropping the phone in his lap. Dean breathes in and picks the phone back up, hits redial and listens to the voicemail. I'm going to leave a fucking message. 
The dial beeps. Dean hesitates again but says quietly, "Hey it's me. Just wanted to hear your voice. The way you left- it's got me pretty messed up, man. I have to admit I never thought an angel was capable of emotions. You once told me I'm different. Well so are you. So I suppose my assumptions just make me an ass, huh?" He chuckles. "I'm sorry, Cas. I need you to know that. I need you to know th-that," he trails off. "Me too, Cas. I just need you to hear me, man." Dean pauses and rubs his brow with his index finger. "This is so stupid." He hangs up, and with a clench of his jaw, he pulls back onto the road.
On his aimless drive, Dean passes through a four way dirt road intersection. His memory of the deal with a crossroads demon to save Sam pops up. He considers trying to do the same for Castiel, but who knows if deals like that have much power in the Empty. 
Dean weighs the option before slamming on the brakes and makes a dangerous U-turn. He parks to the side and buries a small metal box with his picture along with other trinkets inside. Dean barely slides a layer of gravel over the box when he feels a presence.
“What have we here?” The demon peers around to face Dean. “A Winchester. Well, I feel honored.” The demon is possessing some young twenty year old kid, most likely a college student. He was probably Sam’s age when I pulled him from law school, Dean thinks. The demon straightens his dark suit jacket as Dean eyes him carefully. “So, are we just going to have a staring contest or do you have an offer to make?”
“I want to talk to Rowena," he demands. 
The demon stops, tilting his head. “She doesn’t take house calls.”
“We go way back. It’s important. Take me to her.” He states plainly.
“Uh, no.”
Dean stares down the demon. His green eyes flashing a dark olive with anger. His jaw clenches and he tightens his fists. Dean lunges forward, gripping at the demon’s collar and slams him against the Impala. He leans in, almost nose to nose as the demon smirks.
“Careful now, Dean I like it rough," the demon taunts. 
“Shut the fuck up. Why won’t Rowena answer my calls? Why won’t she see me?” His questions increase in volume with intensity. “Huh?”
The demon remains unprovoked. Dean pulls out the demon knife, threatening him. Eyeing the blade, the demon answers. “Alright, alright. I don’t know this for certain. I have just heard rumors, okay. Demons talking. But apparently Rowena was visited by the new God.”
Dean releases the demon, slowly in bewilderment. “What?” He says more to himself.
“Yea. They had this long ass meeting. Some demons are saying they came to an ‘understanding.’” The demon emphasizes with air quotes. He smooths out his jacket again and eyes Dean.
Dean’s eyes flick back and forth between the demon’s, searching for a hint of deceit. “The fuck does that mean?”
“I don’t know. I only know what I heard.” The demon walks away from Dean and turns back, facing him. “Listen, if you don’t want to make a deal I am just wasting my time. There are other losers out there desperate and willing to sell me their soul. It's kinda my job, so…" Dean is silent, staring at a large rock in the gravel. It’s much larger than the others, out of place really. 
The demon dramatically turns, as if he needs to walk away when he can just teleport. “Wait,” whispers Dean.
“I’m sorry what was that?”
“I said wait,” he raises his voice, normal volume. Dean sighs before continuing. He knows he told Sam he wouldn’t do anything stupid, but he has to know. “There is one thing I need to know. If I am to make any kind of deal right now, I need to know something first.”
“Yes?” The demon drags on the ‘s’ like a snake.
“Do you have access to the Empty? Can you make deals that involve it?”
The demon saunters toward Dean with a smirk. “Hm, maybe.” Dean’s face lightens up.
“Take me. Take me instead. Please man, I have tried everything. If you can trade me and Castiel-”
“Oh yes, Castiel. Castiel, the angel who defied Heaven and lost everything. The angel so love-sick with humanity he couldn't be a good soldier anymore. The angel so broken he wasn’t truly an angel anymore,” interrupts the demon. He smirks at Dean, digging into his emotions and adds, “Thanks to you.” Dean squints his eyes. He’s right. 
“Take me,” Dean steps forward.
The demon chuckles at the sight before him. A Winchester so distraught he’s almost on his knees begging for a kiss. “Truthfully, I can give you what you want. Death. Another eternity in Hell. I’ll even give you 6 months instead of 10 since you look so damn miserable. But it won’t save your precious angel. He’s stuck there.”
Dean’s expression falters. He gasps as the new sliver of hope rips his heart out, shattering it. The demon, chuckling, closes in on Dean, whispers in his ear. His breath is hot and moist against Dean's neck. He shivers in disgust. “You must have known I was lying. But why don’t you say we kiss and make up?”
With that, Dean slams the demon knife into his stomach and twists the handle. The demon yelps in surprise and then falls to the ground. The night air ruffles the neck of Dean’s jacket. Even with the long sleeves, he still grows goose bumps on his arms. An owl sounds from across the street, in a tall bare oak tree. Dean feels like he’s in a warped moment of time. The midnight sky, the sound of the owl, silence from the road, and a dead body before him. He continues to stare down at the body for quite some time. His head becomes numb, but in the sense he doesn’t feel real. He hates this feeling. It’s how he felt when Chuck told Sam and Dean they have no free will. He writes their stories. None of it is real. But now Chuck is gone, so this is real. 
Dean gets rid of the dead body, gathers the small metal box, and drives again. He drives for an hour until he comes across a small bar that resembles The Roadhouse. Dean softly smiles. The Impala driver door groans as Dean closes it. Music to my ears. Dean’s phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and the caller reads, “Sam.” He doesn’t want to deal with his brother’s concern or speech about self-destruction, so he declines the call. A notification for a voicemail pops up. Of course. Dean swings the door to the bar open and takes a seat in the middle. The stool is a bit worn down and the plastic is ripped, but the atmosphere is familiar and he appreciates the song "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival filling the room. 
“What can I get for ya?” A petite, dark headed woman with bright, blue eyes asks from behind the bar. She actually resembles Pamela Barnes in some aspects. That makes Dean smile earnestly. 
“Double shot of whiskey, your strongest.”
“Coming right up,” she taps the counter and winks at Dean. He knows she is just flirting for a nice tip, but the gesture seems nice. After a few moments, the bartender comes around with a short glass full of dark, honey like colored liquid and slides it in front of Dean.
“Our strongest whiskey.”
“Thanks,” he lifts his glass up in appreciation and then takes a drink. The liquid burns as it flows down. He sucks a breath between his teeth and releases it slowly. “Damn.”
A few girls, confidently and bravely, approach Dean periodically throughout the night. Each one, he easily lets down. His younger self would be kicking him right now. In fact, twenty-seven year old Dean would jump at any chance to have sex with all of these women. Now, though, everything is different. The last girl, she has a few too many, becomes a bit too touchy with Dean. He has to continuously remove her hands, but when he glances away in embarrassment, she moves in to kiss him. He doesn’t reciprocate, and the woman pulls back, spilling with apologies. Dean assures her it’s fine and “we’ve all been there.” She nods in acceptance and shuffles away. No more women approach him after that.
Dean downs the remainder of his whiskey and orders another glass. “Damn, you’re pretty popular tonight with the ladies. Though, I can’t say I don’t blame them,” the bartender says.
Dean huffs in embarrassment. “Uh yea, right.”
She slides his second glass of whiskey across the counter and eyes him. He has dark circles under his eyes, a pretty thick five o’clock shadow, and he's staring at his left hand. “So, why are you here by yourself? Where’s your lucky lady?” She inquires.
Dean looks up, confused. “Huh?” She smiles at him, knowingly.
“You’ve been rejecting all these women all night. You’ve gotta be tied down to someone. There ain’t no other explanation.”
“Oh, uh, no lucky lady.”
“Lucky lad?” She implies.
Dean’s eyes widen and his expression falters. “No, no. No, it’s just me.” He sighs. The sound of Castiel’s voice saying, “I love you” replays in Dean’s head. “Why?”
“I just like to get to know my patrons while they visit me. In case they become regulars,” she says as she pours a light beer from the tap for another man at the bar.
“Hm,” he replies. I did have someone in my life, but I was the lucky one. The song overhead changes from “Renegade” by Styx to “I Want to Know What Love Is” by Foreigner. Around the edges of the room, couples slow dance to the song. 
“I love this song,” the dark-haired bartender says as she pours four shots of vodka.
Dean smirks. There was a time when he would never admit to liking this song, but not anymore. “I love this song too,” he agrees. 
Dean’s phone vibrates against his leg. The music drowns out his ring tone. The caller ID reads “Sam” again. He declines the call. A part of him feels bad, dodging Sam like this but he wants to be alone right now. This whiskey is warm and numbing but his mind is clear. The fuzziness has not consumed him yet. He needs something stronger. He can continue drinking whiskey, but he needs at least a full bottle. 
“Hey, sweetheart do you have anything stronger?”
The bartender leans across the counter, and points to her name tag. “My name is Riley, not sweetheart. And that is our strongest whiskey. We can try a different liquor? I have vodka.” She offers, holding up the bottle.
Dean shakes his head. “No, no. Doesn’t work.” He mutters to himself. Dean runs his fingers up and down the glass, mindlessly.
Riley eyes him. “You’re not a cop, are you?" She asks, carefully. Dean looks at her questioning the sudden inquiry and shakes his head. 
"No offense or anything, you are cute, but you look like shit. I see a lot of people, everyday, and I’m pretty good at reading people - comes with the job. I can tell you’re hurting. I won’t begin to guess who hurt you or what, but,” she trails off. “To be honest, it looks like you've been to Hell and back. I am just asking because you look like you could use a pick me up." She leans forward, speaking softly, "I can get you something stronger than whiskey. Not me personally, but I know a guy.”
“What do you mean you know a guy? Like drugs?”
She shushes him. “Yes, like drugs. Jesus, you don’t have to announce it. Cops come in here all the time.” Dean swallows the last of his whiskey.
“Hm. I don’t do drugs. Weed doesn’t count.” He pulls out his wallet and lays down a fifty dollar bill. Replacing the leather, he turns to Riley and salutes. “Thanks for the whiskey.”
“Hold on." She reaches for a napkin and pulls out a pen. On it, she writes an address and holds it out to Dean. “This is the last location I know of where the dealer hides out. It’s kind of shady looking. Strange people visit and some disappear. I know someone who kind of got wrapped up in all this and she,” Riley trails off. “Anyway, I just prefer not to involve the police anymore. They don’t believe in this kind of stuff.”
This whole situation seems off. He watches her, puzzled. Dean takes the napkin and reads the address. He recognizes the street but he’s never been around that area personally. “What did you mean by the police don’t believe in this stuff? Cops bust drug deals all the time.”
“It’s hard to explain. Just see for yourself, if you’re interested,” she trails off.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X20 the Rapture
well that's promising
also requested to follow a lot of school people today wheeee
this really has become like my diary huh
awww the iconic fishing shot
Cas? Injured?
It sounds Nothing like him, that's WILD
Dean's grumpy about it aw
He's so Strict, Jimmy? please be less?
lmao his HAIRCUT
Castiel there have GOT to be better ways to say hello
lmao "What do you mean I Can't go home"
oho but without the trench-coat because you see the symbolis-
look test of faith I get it bUT STILL
Anna just fucking showing up was HILARIOUS
awww Claire
man I can't wait till she becomes a recurring character
"it's god's will" WELL WHEN GOD'S A DICK-
Jimmy ur an ass, calm down with the god thing
Oh it's called the rapture because he ascends
ooo you could tell it was Otherwordly Cas
Also the little head tilt! I love the head tilt!
ah psych clinic, pretty decent lie
"it's all over now" oh it very much isn't
at least being ridden around by an angel has gotten him to be less of an ass
Ah and Sam's in withdrawal FunFUn
aww goddammit him with Claire is really cute
listen when you get possessed with grace it's just kinda fucking up your view of religion
Boy poor Amelia
heh aww family punchy time
why the fuck don't they exorcise them
you're NevEr gOinG bAcK
Sam you're not helping what the fuck
boy he looks Exhausted
I love the "hey we shouldn't split up" "nah babe gotta go be manly"
Dean's taking this well
heyyy Dean's hair is fluffier
I mean...hey yell at the angel that's going great
he do be wearing the trench coat now tho I wonder if it me-
hey why cut to dean like that wh
heh Claire is Castiel, at least for now
ok then
at least Cas isn't that big of a dick
Hey he saves his daughter!
nah jimmy dies eventually just give it a hot min
"And I certainly don't serve you" oh they lobotomized him again didn't they
ahaha let him Stew
hey the "soon" is...ominous
ok uh wrap up
1. Misha's a good actor. Like I spent the entire time going HOW THE F U C K Is he different than cas? Like it's not just the voice, its' the affect, the trench coat.! WH AT
2. Dean be very very sad for some reason. Like they keep fuckign cutting to him when stuff happens. And I get this is like...he's tired of fighting for his life but it also reads as. Clear concern for Cas. God I love Cas.
3. jesus christ Sam. Very clear addiction problem. Man I wonder what happens next
4. boy women rly do get shafted in this series. I knew this, but lmao just like..Mom or Kid. Wow.
5. THEY KEEP LOBOTOMIZING HIM. And the fact that he's not as big of a dick as the other angels! and the "rapture"(humans ascending+Jimmy would never come back!)
also worth noting, pre-possession Jimmy was an Asshole. He felt like That type of religious dude. Post-possession? way more chill. Way more chill
And Jimmy doomed his entire family. Like yeah, technically it was Castiel. but Jimmy was cuckoo banana pants enough to go along with it and get mixed up in the Angels talking to him. bro. Bro just calm down.
Boy maybe one of you should get emotional maturity first jesus christ, having a bunch of Men do shit is just causing all the problems.
0 notes
*in the middle of a case*
Wise Old Informant™: And based on all that evidence, I think we're dealing with a cult.
Dean: Awesome. But like on a scale of the Paris Hilton fandom to the Thules, where does it score?
Sam: Somewhere in the middle. So probably Illuminati level?
Dean: well except for the demonic science nerds with money pouring out their asscracks and Latin triangles tattooed on their dicks, right? Because that's really not my thing. *looks at Cas for reaction but there are none. Shrugs and laughs himself*
Sam: you're so far from correct, it is really not funny.
Dean: shut up I'm hilarious. You're just being bitchy because you fanboy for the Langdons of this World and cults *laughs, and looks at Cas for a reaction but gets none*
Sam: *bitchface*
Cas: *unaffected* So, do you have any descriptions of their rituals?
Dean: yeah, do you? Are they the sacrificing llamas type? Dancing around bonfires for tentacled aliens? Community orgies? *laughs again, and even Sam has to grin but Cas doesn't bat an eye*
Wise Old Informant™: No, they pray like we do. Different deities though, and way weirder than the ones we pray to.
Dean: are you sure? Because like Cas here is a cousin of Jesus Christ and a bunch of other evil dicks, and they're all sons of the creator, this home-alone called Chuck, who sings suckily in the shower and watches cat videos, but go off I guess
*now, Dean laughs with Sam but not Cas, and the Wise Old Informant™ looks at them worriedly*
Wise Old Informant™: I'm sorta religious, so just not going to react. So yeah, there's a hierarchy. The beginners stand. There's prostrating at the feet of statues. And then there's sitting.
Sam: yes. The most powerful position is on your knees.
Dean: ...that's what she said
Wise Old Informant™: *laughs*
Sam: *annoyedly laughs*
Dean: *proud of himself but Cas is as stoic as ever, so he finally loses it* Dude. what is wrong with you? You're not on a strike! You're allowed to laugh!
Cas: I would, if I, uh, felt the need to.
Dean: *irritated* what, like, angels can deactivate their sense of humor? And well, I think I'm on a roll here! This is comedy gold! Do you think I'm not funny, huh?
Cas: *polite* maybe we don't share the same sense of humor, Dean. If you want -
Dean: I don't need your pity laughs *mentally* challenge accepted.
*Dean decides that it's now a matter of his honor, and he'll make Cas laugh, come what may*
*while dealing with the Lucifer situation*
Sam: he's possessing some musician now ughhh
Dean: what some of us do for fame...
Dean: *sees Cas listening and takes it a step ahead* I mean, he's basically a Mean Girl now. He craves attention and would possess the President for drama™
Sam: *snicker*
Dean: I mean, think about it! He could just start driving a pink convertible and become friggin' Regina George next
Sam: *bursts out laughing*
*Dean looks at Cas to see if he laughed, but its like he doesn't even bother to react. Not even a smile*
Dean: ...you can do better Winchester
*In the middle of a vampire hunt*
Dean: *slicing some SOB's head off* Phew! Its basically routine now!
Cas: *admiring* you're very good at it, yes
Dean: *decides to seize the moment* they're just pretty bad at what they do. I mean sure, you sparkle just fine. But you don't need to shine out your ass for eternity to suck blood, just wear some headgear so that knifes don't slice through
Cas: *zoning out*
Dean: *desperate* heh I mean the only reason Twilight has all these movies is because it was those embassies against some more dumbasses. Throw in a hunter, and it would've been over before Pattinson could've cried out for the wolf with abs, Jake or whatever
Dean: *mentally* its gonna take more efforts, but you'll get there
*Gabriel is flirting with a random woman*
Dean: *sees an opportunity and charges* for a guy his age, Gabriel sure seems to get laid a lot
Cas: yes *smiles* he has had a lot of practise
Dean: yeah that, and he has all these great lines, being an angel and everything
Cas: like?
Dean: *excited that it might work* oh come on Cas, what's the use of being an angel if you don't use the pick-up lines it brings?
Cas: I see.
Dean: *sees Cas sobering up and tries harder* you know like, the whole array of heaven related ones? "Heaven's missing an angel, I now see why"?
Cas: *serious* why, Dean?
Dean: no, its just a line, don't take it seriously
Cas: okay
Dean: *desperacito* There's more too! Like, like, "Are you my vessel? 'Cause I would love to get inside you!" *waits for reaction*
Dean: it was funny, you ass
Cas: but how would that work like I'm a -
*TFW sees a girl wearing a trenchcoat, crossing the street*
Dean: *mentally* I'm gonna Carpe the Fucking Diem out of this
Dean: LOOK Cas! She's wearing your trench - no, not yours, I mean, one just like it - but hey, guess what that means?
Cas: what?
Dean: you're finally in season
Dean: get it? You're like a trendsetter? Your fashion is finally in style?? Get it????
Cas: ...yes?
Dean: *desperacito x 1234500016351903611* REACT TO IT THEN
Cas: OH! I completely forgot! I was supposed to laugh, wasn't I? Sam told me to look for cues when you spoke, but its much harder to know when to laugh when you speak than you think -
Dean: I swear to god Cas I'm goNNA -
Dean: and Sam, we need to have a fucking talk!? I'M HILARIOUS!! I DON'T NEED PITY LAUGHS
Sam: ...Sam thinks you do, Dean
*Many gruesome years later when all except Dean have forgotten about the challenge*
Sam: *teaching mode* and now you enter the name
Jack: I get to choose the name?
Sam: uh, go nuts *walks away*
Jack: *typing keenly* A - G - E - N - T B - I - E - B - E - R
Dean: *peeks* seriously kid?
Dean: *struck by a fabulous idea* HEY CAS! Remember the time you and Crowley used those fake-ass aliases when you went hunting behind our backs?
Cas: not really
Dean: *helpless, but too far gone to be brought back* You don't remember??? The Agent Beyonce and Z?
Cas: *grins* oh that. Yes, those were his idea
Dean: *spurred on* he was always an idiot. Seriously a miracle you 2 weren't caught that time! Close save!
Cas: I suppose
Dean: *dying because the moment is so close to falling flat, and jumping to the punchline* I mean, heh, if we'd not showed up, you would've moved on to the next city as Agent Kardashian and West *hopeful for a reaction, as he bats his eyes at Cas*
Cas: *polite* no we were not stupid
Dean: *sigh*
Cas: oH WAIT -
Dean: don't say it don't fucking say it. I give up okay? I'm done. I'm so done. I give up. I GIVE UP!
Cas: I'm sorry Dean, I'll laugh -
Dean: nO - I'VE G I V E N U P
Jack: ...what's happening?
Sam: Sam keeps forgetting how new you are until moments like these happen
*Sam, Cas and Dean are reading up on archangel lore*
Cas: *to Sam* ...and that is how he uses all 6 wings to his advantage.
Sam: that information could really be useful when we take him on. All you know about archangels is really gonna be helpful Cas, I should write it down. Speak slower
Sam: I can't take all of it at once.
Dean: *tries to resist but can't* THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID *Cas is stoic as ever and Sam bitchfaces him*
Sam: grow up jerk
Dean: bitch *does the armpit cart thing to demonstrate just how grown up he is*
Cas, suddenly: *snickers*
Dean: did you just -
Cas: I - I mean, I just - *begins to chuckle as he replays it in his head*
Cas: *rolling on the floor, full fledged laughing*
Dean: I've been...its been...y E a r s...I mean - this is what makes you laugh...I mean...
Cas: *unable to breathe from the laughing, red in the face*
Dean: ...fArTS, CAS!?
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
not only MP, now also misha said that cas will be back but we must consider there are also alternate universes, this is making me more nervous I don't want an alternate cas , all the character development and his history with dean lost, it's so upsetting :(
Yeah, I’ve had questions along this line, but I haven’t been able to really answer formally. Along these lines and also in my inbox this morning: (AN: all things in italics are other anon messages… sometimes my inbox helps me out with anons sort of answering each other… Eldritch Inbox):
Hello, i’m sorry if you answered this already, but i do have a question about a certain theory going about about the idea of an au!cas (possibly the one who got killed?) I guess i’m kind of confused about it and was wondering if you’ve either already spoken on it or can expand on the idea? thanks :)
Im worried now theyll just exchange Cas for AU cas and think thats fine because we still have the same actor. The flash did the same thing had the character leavd and brozgh the guys alernative version to stick around
While I can see them (hopefully) using AU Cas in good way for a few eps (tho it doesn’t make sense because there would be no reason for JimmyCas in the other world, but they often don’t address stuff that doesn’t make sense well) I don’t think they would decide to not bring regular Cas back. They have 2 seasons left. I don’t think they would get rid of 1 of the mains. 50% if you counted Crowley. Tho they did that with Angel and the relationship on that show in the last season. Hmm.
Okay, I really, truly 100% honestly don’t think they’re going to use AU Cas at all as a replacement for OUR Cas. If the show is going to open up more alternate realities, I can see OUR Cas (and Sam and Dean) meeting those alternate universe versions for an episode here and there, if only to MIRROR what our Cas is going through, but WHY would they bring Cas THIS FAR in his story, to the point where HE HIMSELF has developed and grown and learned SO MUCH ABOUT HIMSELF, and been prodded by practically EVERY CHARACTER EVER about WHO HE IS and WHAT HE WOULD CHOOSE TO BE if they were just gonna toss him out and bring in replacement copies with entirely different life experiences?
We don’t just love the concept of what would essentially boil down to a random character wearing Misha’s face, WE LOVE OUR CAS. Who we’ve watched struggle FOR NINE DAMN YEARS to get to this point in his understanding of humanity, his compassion, his sense of family, and his LOVE for the Winchesters… like two steps before he was ready to make some BIG FINAL CHOICES for himself… And I can’t think of ANY reason for the writers to just erase ALL of that and start over with a “blank slate” version of Cas. Honestly if that’s what they’re planning to do, I would forever be officially done with this damn show.
Talk about your Jump The Shark moments.
BUT! Considering the Cas we saw on screen looked identical to our Cas, down to the coat and tie, and the fact that the Apocalypse AU didn’t look like they had a Dillard’s, I’m assuming that we have not met a Castiel from that AU. What reason would he have for looking like Jimmy Novak in our Castiel’s outfit when AU Bobby looked the way he did, and when AU demons LOOKED like demons (not possessed humans), and when we heard AU angels were human-hating monsters too… Something tells me AU Cas would look NOTHING like Jimmy in suit and tie. It just makes no logical sense.
Even MAGIC in that AU didn’t seem to work properly. Crowley’s spell didn’t seem to be what closed the portal. It was the nephilim’s birth that closed it.
Which brings me back around to the beginning of the line (just like the structure of the episode, and the meta-ness of the title– a song that ends at the beginning…)
Kelly grabs Cas’s hand, after he’s seen the AU that the nephilim SHOWED HIM SPECIFICALLY, of what the world without the Winchesters would look like– remember in 12.09 when Cas was ADAMANT that the world needs every last Winchester? And he was willing to break cosmic-level deals to make sure the world could keep its Winchesters? To me, in this scene where Kelly needs reassurance about Castiel’s “vision of the future” the nephilim showed him, that is something that’s ALSO forefront on his mind:
Kelly: Tell me again. Tell me again what you saw.Cas: All right. I saw… I saw (he closes his eyes and concentrates on Kelly taking his hand in 12.19, exactly as she just did now)… I saw the future. (flashback to 12.19, with the nephilim’s power flowing through Cas and lighting his eyes up gold). I saw a world without pain, or hunger, or want. I saw the world that this child– that your child– will create. And it is a world without fear, and without suffering, and without hate. I saw paradise.
As he finishes recounting the memory for her, the lights flicker and we hear the Impala pulling up outside. Like the nephilim was alerting Cas to the Winchesters’ presence.
And then Cas learns that Lucifer isn’t in the cage. He can’t even believe it at first. So that’s something the nephilim obviously didn’t bother informing him about… Dean asks Cas if he’ll be able to torch Lucifer the same way he torched Dagon, and Cas attributes that 100% to the baby (who’s a little busy being born at the moment…). But in 12.19, Cas said it was a combination of their powers… so what’s the truth?
Even as Cas tells Dean that it was only the nephilim working through him, he heals Dean in a way that is VERY DIFFERENT from every other time in history. I’m not the only one who noticed. I refer you again to my inbox:
I think it’s interesting that literally seconds after Cas tells Dean he doesn’t have the nephilim’s power at his disposal, he heals Dean’s leg with the nephilim’s gold light. It makes me wonder if Cas has some of the nephilim’s power within him that could save him. OR when Cas healed Dean, maybe that power transferred to Dean. He seemed oddly invigorated after he was healed, ya know? Like more so than usual.
Hi so when I was watching the second ep after Cas first left the alternate dimension I noticed he seemed a bit off. Do u think there’s any way that he was like possessed or something?
BECAUSE YES! HELLO! I’ve been saying that the nephilim has somehow been using Cas since 12.19. Maybe it’s not “brainwashing” or “mind control,” but I’ve been struggling to explain the nuance here. Maybe more like “infection?” or “poison?” In a similar way the Lance of Michael “poisoned” Cas in 12.12, But that’s not even right.
Like the Angel Tablet was able to direct Cas to protect it over everything else, even his relationship with the Winchesters, I think the nephilim has that kind of power over him. And that for whatever reason, he Chose Cas as his protector.
Cas also tried to prevent Sam and Dean from going out back and seeing the portal in the first place. And then he downplayed it while also being mesmerized by it. But he’s absolutely certain that Jack OPENED the door, and that he will close it too.
Cas then goes up to talk to Kelly alone, and she asks him what’s wrong… and it looks like he’s SINCERELY HAVING DOUBTS. While Dean’s downstairs telling Sam that he has faith in US… 
WE DO NOT SEE WHAT GOES DOWN BETWEEN CAS AND KELLY aside from him holding her hand AGAIN and sort of robotically saying, “Don’t worry, it will be fine. Remember, paradise.”
Did he tell her about the portal between worlds, and the horror on the other side of the doorway her child had opened? When Crowley showed up at the exact right moment, seemingly already knowing about the portal and exactly how to close it (in theory?) When Lucifer shows up out front (seemingly NOT already knowing about the portal?).
And Lucifer’s reasoning is the same as Amara’s was, and the same as Jack the Nephilim’s is– “I can do better than god, so I’m gonna burn the place down and start over to make the world just how I want it.”
Right before Cas attacks, Dean says, “See you on the other side, boys.”
The other side of the house… the other side of the portal.
I think that’s what the nephilim WANTED. And also why he waited SO LONG to close it… because Crowley’s spell was never going to work there. But the nephilim wanted Sam and Dean and CAS TOO on THIS SIDE OF THE PORTAL. I think that AU was the nephilim’s solution to shoving Luci back in the cage. To send him to a world where his vessel bloodline is extinct. A world he can’t possibly destroy any more than it’s already destroyed. He wanted an apocalypse, that’s what Jack gave him.
Cas is knocked out in front of the house. I’m sort of enamored with the idea that he’s still unconscious out there, and the Cas we saw in the rest of the episode was nothing more than a construct– an illusion sent by Jack to act as a lure, for whatever reason. Because his actions after this are a bit confusing…
Sam and Dean lead Lucifer around to the portal and then cross over to lure Luci through. Dean plays bait while Sam and Crowley work the spell (why on THAT side of the rift? Why not on the “right side”?
Sam pulls Dean away to the rift as Crowley sacrifices himself, and for some reason they just stop there? They stand around watching Crowley’s demise. YET SOME VERSION OF CAS THAT DOESN’T EVEN RESPOND TO DEAN, JUST PUSHES PAST HIM AND SAYS NOTHING, just charges through the rift toward Lucifer, and then seemingly just– walks up to Lucifer, stabs him, and then turns right around and comes back out again?
We see Lucifer completely unaffected by the bullets Dean shot him with in the AU, as if Cas hadn’t been expecting Lucifer to be able to follow him out for some reason…
Kelly’s body has mysteriously returned to the bed after the light flash, and Jack’s huddled in the corner of his nursery staring up at Sam with those creepy yellow eyes.
I think Jack’s been using Cas all along, ever since 12.19, and I have seen nothing to break me of that belief.
It’s as if every time Cas gets near Sam and Dean, Jack loses a little bit of that control though. But Jack understands that Dean is both necessary as a motivation for Cas (he does everything for the Winchesters, not for heaven, not even for himself), as well as a potential risk. It’s as if Dean is what’s opening up Cas’s “doorways to doubt,” that he told Dean about in 4.16, right after Uriel told Dean that he was Cas’s “weakness.”:
DEAN: What’s going on, Cas? Since when does Uriel put a leash on you?CASTIEL: My superiors have begun to question my sympathies.DEAN: Your sympathies?CASTIEL: I was getting too close to the humans in my charge. You. They feel I’ve begun to express emotions. The doorways to doubt. This can impair my judgment.
Then in 4.18 Cas relents and gives Dean the nudge in the right direction he needs to stop Sam from making a deal with Lilith (which could’ve potentially STOPPED the apocalypse, but that was before we knew killing Lilith would START it… but feels almost like a test of Cas’s loyalty to Heaven as much as anything, because that entire EPISODE seems in retrospect like a strange loop of Chuck getting to know the players in his own game), and leads directly to him being dragged back to Heaven Boot Camp for reprogramming.
When Cas comes back at the end of the episode, he’s changed. He serves heaven again, not man, and certainly not Dean…
I think Castiel’s “death” in 12.23 is serving the same sort of function. I’m thinking of it as Jack’s answer to Heaven Boot Camp. I am still absolutely convinced that Jack has been influencing Cas’s actions since 12.19, and that Cas is imbued with Jack’s power (hence the golden light when he healed Dean). There is no other explanation for it. Why else give Dean that little cut on his face that we got to see healed with that weird gold light, if it wasn’t to tell us that it was Jack’s power that healed him? It wasn’t clear in 12.19 because Cas was healing an internal injury beneath Dean’s jacket. We didn’t see that healing at work, because we were supposed to be asking ourselves whether or not Cas was being controlled by Jack still… but NOW WE HAVE VISUAL PROOF.
Why would Jack go through all this trouble to keep Cas close while keeping the Winchesters away unless they (or Dean, really) were interfering with that control somehow? Like Cas and his doubts in s4? And even in s5?
Like every time Cas has been “programmed” in Heaven one of his primary objectives was to STAY AWAY FROM THE WINCHESTERS? Like in 7.17 when he was Emmanuel. One day with Dean and he remembered EVERYTHING. Like Naomi controlling him in 8.17, where one day with Dean and he broke free of her control, only to be ruled by the angel tablet and immediately feel the need to run away from Dean again.
We even learned that CROWLEY spent most of s6 trying to convince Cas to stay away from Sam and Dean. It was the foundation of his entire plan to crack purgatory for the souls… 
Instead of bringing Kelly back to the bunker in 12.19, KELLY (under the control of the nephilim already) STOLE THE IMPALA and ran away from the Winchesters. And then when Cas fell under Jack’s power he booped them unconscious and fled.
Because all of heaven, earth, hell, and purgatory KNOW that Cas needs to be kept away from Dean if they want to use Cas for their own ends… and that’s exactly what Jack wants. But how can he sever Cas’s connection to the Winchesters?
He doesn’t have a Heaven Boot Camp with the Dentist’s Chair of Horror.
My guess? The Cas we’re going to see in 13.01 is going to be disturbingly familiar to the Cas at the end of 4.20. Instead of serving Heaven, he’s going to be all aboard the Jack bandwagon. Because Jack still needs SOMEONE, but he needs someone whose faith in him is unshakable. And as long as Cas has ties to the Winchesters as anything more than a symbolic reason for following Jack’s plan for bringing “paradise” to the world, a symbol he’d been willing to sacrifice himself for, then Cas’s loyalty was always in jeopardy.
But resurrected as something NEW, bearing Jack as the source of his power instead of Heaven or God or wherever angel Grace is hooked up to as a power source, he may have much greater control over Cas.
At least, that’s how I’ve been thinking of it…
(and I suspect that Cas will be restored to himself by midseason, and Jack will have effectively moved into Big Bad territory by then…)
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benwhlshaws · 6 years
ok so this is just a rambly overview over what has happened (sam wise) over the seasons so its maybe a little bit easier when keep blabbing @ u abt him 😂
i will try not to go on tangents ehhh 😬😬
sorry for the salty tone in advance
s1: ok sam is at college & lives with jess, dean comes to him after they havent seen each other in 2/3/4 years and says they gotta find john bc he didnt come home from a hunting trip, sam reluctantly says yes to one case but only if theyll be back in time for his law school interview (☹️ oh child), they do the case, sam comes home to jess burning on the ceiling like his mum, and him & dean hit the road to Find Dad and Kill The Demon.
during all this sam starts to get visions of bad things happening in the future and everyones Concerned, they eventually find dad but fail to kill the demon and dean gets fatally injured.
s2: john makes a deal with azazel (the demon that killed mary and jess) to save dean and Dies (& gets sent to hell), sam and dean are Sad (this is tangent worthy but i Won’t right now)
note worthy middle season things are that sam gets possessed by a demon that makes him do horrible stuff in one ep and in another the first girl he has sex with after jess turns out to be a werewolf and he has to shoot her (Fun!), oh and before john died he told dean he might have to kill sam if he starts going rogue (bc john knows abt sam’s mysterious gifts), dean eventually tells sam abt it and sam is Horrified obvs, season ends with azazel kidnapping sam and other kids with Gifts and sam finds out he was fed demon blood as a baby, sam gets killed and dies in deans arms, dean makes a crossroads deal to bring him back and gets one year of life left
oh and they open hells gates and john gets out and is just Normal Dead (yay) but also lots of dark stuff (not yay)
s3: sam is Upset and tries to find a way to get dean out of the deal, katie cassidy’s Ruby appears and says she can help, mid season stuff notable mention for an ep in which the trickster makes sam watch dean die every day for abt 100 days and then lets sam live 6 months without him just for Fun (dean doesnt remember any of this but sam does), anyway they fail at saving dean and sam has to watch him get ripped apart by hellhounds
s4: i mean u watched this but still 😂, dean crawls out of his grave, cas gets introduced, sam has been hanging out with ruby and starts drinking her demon blood bc it gives him the power to exorcise and kill demons without harming their vessel, also the demon lilith (she sent dean to hell so sam has a revenge boner for her too lbr) wants to start the apocalypse by breaking 66 seals and sam has the power to kill her (hot powerful babe that he is 🔥😏), the angels manipulate the living hell out of Everyone and LOTS OF FIGHTING HAPPENS. also dean finds out he broke the first seal when he started torturing in hell (everyone loves forgetting that but Ok) anyway
when dean finds out sam is addicted to demon blood, him and bobby lock him in the panic room without food or water or comforting words but :-))) (i’m not mad at all). then CASTIEL (another guilty party maybe?? HMMM??) lets sam out so he can find ruby and go kill lilith, which he does and ends up breaking the final seal and frees lucifer (which no one knew would happen except for the angels and ruby & dean was abt to do the same thing literally minutes before he found out the truth LOL)
this season is so crazy tangent worthy but i’ll save it for the Actual Post
s5: sams guilt and self hatred is HIIIIIGH and dean does nothing to help that and the rest of the world loves reminding him hes Evil incarnate as well :-) but ok,
dean finds out hes michael’s vessel and sam finds out hes lucifer’s, lots of archangel and other mid season stuff happens, season ends with sam saying yes to lucifer so he can jump into the pit to hell and trap him in there with him, therefore saving the world and all of humanity bc he is a hero thanks for listening to my Ted Talk
s6: dean has been living with lisa and her son ben for a year, it turns out sam is alive but Different, oh damn! he’s soulless! (and sassy sexy Fun 😎) and his (pure gentle) soul is still in hell with lucifer (💔😭)
dean and cas get his soul back but its so damaged (😔) that putting it back into sam would kill him so they ask death to build a wall between the two (no idea how this all rlly works its been a while since i watched this), soul is back in sam, forgot how the season ends but not that important anyway
s7: sam’s soul hell wall thing breaks and he’s dying and ill and sick and sad and everythings awful and he has hallucinations of lucifer telling him insidious horrible stuff and making him doubt reality and dean and everything and its very upsetting to me thanks,
umm forgot how the season REALLY ends but basically sam sees dean die (dean is actually in purgatory BUT SAM DOESNT KNOW THAT)
s8: my memories are hazy at best but i remember the Basic stuff,
its one year later and dean is out of purgatory and somehow him and sam find each other, sam has been living off the grid and found a gf and a dog after grieving dean, dean finds this to be the most heinous of crimes and Hates sam for it (bc u didnt look for me sam!!! and u had a cushy life while i was fighting for mine in purgatory!!! HOW DARE YOU BE HAPPY WITHOUT ME) and the guilt tripping is outta control this season woooohoooo,
anyway idr why but one of them has to take on The Trials (bc it does smth important for them i dont remember why lmao) and sam wants to do them,
stuff happens and they make sam sick and weak and Sad but they also purify his blood so hes desperate for them bc he’s felt awful and unclean all his life and its Upsetting. season ends with the final trial aka The Ultimate Sacrifice which means death and sam’s like yes! death! here for it 100%! and dean’s like no! why? and sam’s like lol i’m horrible and useless and a liability and all i do is let u down and i wanna die! :-)
dean convinces him not to (in a crap way imho BUT)
s9: sams fatally ill and just. wants. to dieeee and gadreel (an arch?angel) tells dean that he could possibly heal sam if he lets him possess sam and Dean Says ‘sam would rather die than ever let anything possess him again’ aaaand then says yes to gadreel :-)
and sam’s alright but has no clue how it happened and keeps losing time and is fucked up over it and dean lies to him and says everythings A Okay
oh and gadreel kills kevin with sam’s body and sam has nightmares abt it
this somehow resolves itself (not in a satisfying way for me of course but when do things ever) but i dont rlly have the deets for the rest of the season
s10-s12: honestly i basically dont know much, somehow dean has the so called mark of cain on his arm which makes him Awful and Horrible and he says things to sam that are Unbelievable and make me Furious
also at some point dean turns into a literal demon, not for super long though i think
sam is a strong kind and beautiful bean during all of this
mary is there somewhere too somehow and lucifer stuff and the list goes on but you know SHRUG
s13: lucifer’s baby is born! a nephilim! idk how it works age wise but hes in the body of a cute young man called jack and hes a cinnamon roll and sam treats him so fatherly and gently and with so much compassion and it makes me Feel and they have an adorable gorgeous relationship! also dean is a giant Dickwad to jack :-) fun!
oh omg lucifer gets killed in the finale and i fucking hope its final and forever bc I AM OVER IT!!!!
thats the VERY basic stuff and i apologise that its so long... im sorry ur indulging me how do u cope
also i love u and the only person cuter than sam is You 🤗💘💖💕💓
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 4X3 In The Beginning
cat i can barely type and I want my ramen pls get off
gRipPed yoU TigHT iS SO FUNNY
ooo Sam is spoopifying
WhAt aRe You DrEaminG aBout
you have to stop it ok bye CAS COMMUNICATION 
oho he’s in the past, nice build up(I read the episode description)
ah he’s in lawrence
...is this his dad??
ah he puts it together because of the references
at least Dean’s wearing something that’s...kinda normal
ah the Stares because none of you fuckers can talk to each other normally
Hi! You have to Stop It!
*is cryptic then leaves* Dean oh my GOD
did he steal a car
ok Dean objectifying his mom was Bad, but “I’m going to hell...again” WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS
ah Dean’s dad was a mechanic I get it now the fanfic makes sense
~we’re practically family~ OH MY G O D 
Deanna and Samuel ahaha YOU CAN HEAR THE GEARS TURNING
He handles things very well
“john winchester mixing it up with spirits, can you imagine” BAHAHAHA
Dean it’s the 70s no one has the internet
at least Dean gets to tease his grandpa that’s nice
fucking Demon Deal
hey is this gonna get you to see Bela isn’t evil, is IT I MISS BELA
ah and the close up to Mary
the colt as a bedtime story is NEAT
My dAd cOUlD sEe tHe FutUre
ah he’s trying to stop before it kills his mom listen I feel happy that I figured a plot point
ah i see the bowlegs now
oh no, he’s sweet, everything a hunter isn’t
“the worst thing is my children get raised into this like I was” HeY I HATE THIS F U C K I N G SHOW
Cas just shows up I love him
AH and placing this after the “can’t save” OH WAIT NO 
I hope he learns to let go of selfish dreams and not everything you love dies KrIPKE IF IT’S THE SECOND ONE I SWEAR
“she wants to hunt, she doesn’t want to-” I fucking love that it’s so funny
ah he’s going after the kids
Dammit Dean take a compliment 
Dean if you’re gonna try to say who you are
Oh my god
so AZAZEL caught her scent, and that’s the night she ran oh FUCK
it’s nice that his grandfather believed him? 
“I’m your grandfather” PFFT
damn I miss Azazel he was fun
ok the sniff thing is WEIRD WHY
“that means it all worked out” ugh
“i just want their children” no 
master race I  HATE IT HERE
....azazel possessing Samuel and objectifying Mary is....WELL IT WAS A C H O I C E 
mmm yummy demon blood
“I’m still gonna kill you” heh
“I’m the one that kills you” IS SO G O O D
...and Mary trades her life for John THIS FUCKING FAMILY
I...forgot...about the...kiss
Kripke I am begging you to get therapy
at least Mary asks for what
“as long as I’m not interrupted” I H A T E IT HERE
oh great John’s alive
And Cas shows up to spirit Dean away noooo
ah yikes and now Mary’s got no family left
what’s the lesson gonna be what’s the lesson kripke
“you couldn’t have stopped it” Cas your bedside manner sucks
all roads lead to the same destination
so they don’t know his endgame, Sam is missing, 
AH RIGHT he left
stop your brother, or we will RIGHT BECAUSE SAM IS THE ONLY ONE TO MAKE IT
wrap up:
1. Ok listen. The fact that “it’s all set in stone...” I know that’s gonna get overlooked at some point but GOD AM I P I S S ED AT “well everything sucks and no matter how hard you try, your entire family will die” I thought they were building into a tale of selflessness what the hELL IS GOING ON. I mean, I might disagree with the message but it has to be said:
2. This is a really fucking effective tragedy. Like going to the past, knowing how this is ending up, heightens your emotions with Dean’s. Like Mary and her Fam is introduced as cool and fun, and the concept is so good that even if you don’t much care for her, you want Dean to succeed and just...take every single gut punch that comes your way. God DAMN that hurt.
3. Listen Cas is a cryptic bastard(which is funny, but altogether I’m kinda neutral), but at the very least he does one thing very well: fucking jettison the plot forward in interesting ways. It’s SO refreshing to see the other side, to see what’s going on, like. It’s so interesting to finally have some oversight, or some big picture. Like these last few episodes have been, at the very least, interesting as hell.
4. God damn it I liked the comedic stuff when it was. Hunter Family is such a fun dynamic. FUCKING TRAGEDY
5. That kiss thing was WEIRD as S H I T though. Look Kripke if you have an Oedipus complex, or a reverse one, please let me know, that was just Uncomfortable. That scene with “I’m the one that kills you?” oho
6. I think overall, the setup/message with Cas was a bit clunky, but the actual story itself had emotional beats for DAYS and it just. God fuck, it made me feel things. I hate it here
tally ho
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