jbfly46 · 9 months
In Tennessee, I was placed into two different state contracted group home over $20 worth of mid grade cannabis and probation violations for home invasions actually done by upper class white junkies with politically connected parents. Once I had all my panels torn out of my car as soon as I crossed into Clinton from Oak Ridge while giving a black man a ride home by a sloppy roided out Clinton “drug task force”. They accused me of drug trafficking and said they knew I had just met my dealer, who I had just texted for a personal amount of pills, manufactured by an Israeli drug company, but never met, a son of another politically connected white man who was politically who also sold crack. They could only have eavesdropped on my text messages with spy tech Israel sold them in violation of the U.S. constitution and federal law. The group homes were ran by abusive fundamentalist cults with state contracts. Everyone I brought up the illegality of this to ignored everything I said. Tennessee is a racist gestapo communist Israeli owned shithole. Oh the irony of Republicans in a Republican state complaining about communism.
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genesisnanotech · 1 year
Deep learning–based data analysis software by ORNL promises to accelerate materials research: AI Applications
AI Generated Image: Neural Networks Researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a machine-learning inspired software package that provides end-to-end image analysis of electron and scanning probe microscopy images. Known as AtomAI, the package applies deep learning to microscopy data at atomic resolutions, thereby providing quantifiable physical…
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teknolojihaber · 5 months
Kuantum bilgisayar geliştiricisi IonQ, ABD elektrik şebekesinin modernleştirilmesine yardımcı olacak
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Kuantum hesaplama şirketi IonQ, ABD Enerji Bakanlığı'nın Oak Ridge Ulusal Laboratuvarı (ORNL) ile bir işbirliği anlaşması yaptığını duyurdu . Amerikan enerji sistemini modernleştirmeye yönelik araştırmalardan bahsediyoruz. ABD enerji altyapısı üzerindeki yükün sürekli arttığı, bunun da altyapının iyileştirilmesi ihtiyacını doğurduğu belirtiliyor. Aynı zamanda, yalnızca enerji şebekesini optimize etmeye değil, hemde güvenliği ve istikrarı da geliştirmeye yardımcı olacak yenilikçi çözümlere ihtiyaç var. Kuantum hesaplamanın mevcut sorunların ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı olması bekleniyor. İşbirliğinin bir parçası olarak ORNL, IonQ kuantum sistemlerine yatırım yapıyor. Kuantum sistemleri belirli sorunları çözerken geleneksel süper bilgisayarlardan önemli ölçüde daha verimli olabilir. Bunlar arasında özellikle enerji sektöründeki araştırmalar yer almaktadır. “ ABD elektrik şebekesinin modernleştirilmesi bir önceliktir. Kuantum teknolojilerinin ilgili altyapının dayanıklılığını, güvenilirliğini ve güvenliğini artıracağından eminiz " diyor IonQ. IonQ'nun çalışması, Grid Modernizasyon Girişiminin bir parçası olan GRID-Q projesi  gerçek dünya uygulamalarını test etmek için en son teknolojiye sahip kuantum bilgisayarlara erişim sağlayan ORNL Kuantum Bilgi İşlem Kullanıcı Programı tarafından desteklenmektedir. Read the full article
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waybackwanderer · 1 year
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Jun 1997 Archived Web Page
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reestallized · 1 year
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apparently the turtles around oak ridge, TN, are so radioactive through prolonged biomagnification that if you hit one with your car it’s liable to be confiscated for decontamination. i for one enjoy the concept of walking landmines oblivious to the cosmic horrors permeating them
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists identified a gene "hotspot" in the poplar tree that triggers dramatically increased root growth. The discovery supports the development of better bioenergy crops and other plants that can thrive in difficult conditions while storing more carbon belowground. The team used a vast poplar dataset to identify regulator genes that can trigger hundreds of other gene expressions in the tree. They confirmed the molecular function of one hub gene, PtrXB38, and found that plants with the gene produced prolific and deeper roots. The gene even stimulated the growth of aerial roots on stems and leaves. The work is published in the journal New Phytologist. "With more roots, these plants absorb more nutrients, grow larger, are more tolerant to drought and can draw more carbon underground for longer-term storage," said ORNL's Wellington Muchero. The aerial roots may also make the plant more tolerant to flooding. "This naturally occurring gene has implications for biomass production, food production and climate change mitigation."
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Certain legendaries hybrids can demonstrate their powers off to their mates to amazing effects. Giratina Volo can tear apart the very fabric of reality and create rifts that distort both time and space. Kyogre Archie can cause endless rainfall while manipulating the seas. Yveltal Lysandre can devastate populations at will should he feel so inclined. Even lesser legendaries like Darkrai Cyrus can make an entire cities worth of people fall asleep at a whim and cause horrible nightmares at the same time ornl Tapu Bulu Nanu manipulating the vegetation on Ula'Ula to his whims.
But, what can the Unovan dragon twins do? Burn things? Electrocute things? Well, Reshiram Emmet can likely force the truth from someone, and Zekrom Ingo can ascertain ideals. But, they do not really have any scary base mode things.
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Proving a hypothesis can be exciting, but witnessing something that has never been seen before elevates that discovery into an unforgettable experience. A team of scientists led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was recently able to share this rare feeling as they observed how the even rarer element promethium forms chemical bonds when placed in an aqueous solution. The team used the Beamline for Materials Measurement(BMM), a beamline funded and operated by National Institute of Standards and Technology, at the National Synchrotron Light Source II, a DOE Office of Science user facility at DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory. Despite its rarity, promethium has a few interesting applications, including manufacturing specialized glow-in-the-dark paint, radiation therapy, and long-lasting atomic batteries for pacemakers, spacecraft, and more. Because of its high instability, there is still a lot about this radioactive metal that remains unknown. Understanding its complex chemistry could pave the way for even more unique uses and fascinating follow-up studies.
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dollsahoy · 2 months
This is a little old, but it's still currently true that the fastest supercomputer in the world is in Tennessee
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jbfly46 · 9 months
The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security added “and Homeland Security” to their name after 9/11. They are the only state that has that added to the name of a state agency. When agents knock on your door, they state they are with DHS. The Department of Homeland Security is a federal agency. They claim it’s to protect classified national security projects going on at Y-12 and ORNL, yet nothing of significance has ever been produced by Y-12 or ORNL for U.S. national security, and there are laboratories in other states that are far ahead of them in the same research they claim to being doing. Y-12 and ORNL are actually private entities owned through subsidiaries and shell corps by the Israeli military.
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marsmow · 1 year
(also hi first post)
<- i need to pet animals. i need to run my hands on the head OR THE BACK of a friend shaped animal.
<-fym i cant pet that bear?!?! its dangerous?? nuh uh! spspps buddy its petting time!!
<- or ornl wolves. theyre just big puppies!!!! yes they can rip my arm off BUT LISTEN ITS A CANINE! a dog its a dog :3
<- or once again. felines. how can you look at me IN THE EYES and not tell me you dont want to pet them
<- or them
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nuadox · 2 months
Scientists have made significant advancements in solid-state cooling technology
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- By Nuadox Crew -
Researchers have significantly advanced understanding of atomic-scale heat motion in materials, crucial for developing solid-state cooling technology.
This environmentally friendly technology operates without traditional refrigerants or moving parts and uses materials like nickel-cobalt-manganese-indium magnetic shape-memory alloys to exploit the magnetocaloric effect for efficient cooling.
A team led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory recently bridged a crucial knowledge gap in atomic-scale heat motion, promising enhancements for solid-state cooling. Using neutron-scattering instruments, they examined a material considered optimal for this technology.
The material undergoes a phase transition when subjected to a magnetic field, absorbing and releasing heat through the magnetocaloric effect. This behavior is enhanced near disordered states known as ferroic glassy states, which improve the material’s heat storage and release capabilities.
Researchers discovered that localized hybrid magnon-phonon modes in the material significantly impact its thermal properties. Neutron scattering revealed that these modes triple the cooling capacity by storing heat in small, disordered regions.
Header image: Strong coupling between localized atomic vibrations and spin fluctuations enhances the absorption and release of heat in a magnetic shape-memory alloy, increasing its capacity for solid-state cooling. Credit: Phoenix Pleasant/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy.
Read more at Oak Ridge National Laboratory/SciTechDaily
Scientific paper: “Hybrid magnon-phonon localization enhances function near ferroic glassy states” by Michael E. Manley, Paul J. Stonaha, Nickolaus M. Bruno, Ibrahim Karaman, Raymundo Arroyave, Songxue Chi, Douglas L. Abernathy, Matthew B. Stone, Yuri I. Chumlyakov and Jeffrey W. Lynn, 14 June 2024, Science Advances.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn2840
Other recent news
Astronomy: Researchers have discovered strange spike-like structures extending from a protostellar disk, providing new insights into star formation.
Innovation: US scientists have created a recyclable polymer that glows in the dark, showcasing a new direction in sustainable materials.
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wachinyeya · 11 months
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rosella35 · 2 years
Borrowed Courage: Prologue
Hi everyone! I’ve decided to start posting Borrowed Courage (my borrower fanfic featuring main characters Kaleb and Brooke) on Tumblr, seeing as not everyone uses Wattpad or Deviantart. Feel free to read ahead on the sites I mentioned but if this is your first time checking out the story, I hope you enjoy it! This is just my two cents to the G/T community ^_^
[Note that this story is nonsexual, however contains themes of prejudice, dehumanisation, bullying and mentioned/implied deaths]
September 15th, 2011
Leaked footage of ‘tiny person’ sparks media frenzy: do they really live among us?
Fairy tales and mythology have entertained the existence of miniature, humanoid creatures for centuries, however recent footage has revealed that there may be a level of truth to the myth.
Less than forty-eight hours ago, a video was posted on YouTube by an anonymous user, entitled SUBJECT #215 ‘GREY’ LEAKED FOOTAGE. The clip was recorded at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee over three months, and depicts a young man who is perceived to stand less than six inches tall undertaking a series of physiological and cognitive tests within laboratory conditions.  
Following its upload, the video surged across various media platforms and climbed to #3 on YouTube’s ‘Trending’ browser before being removed by ORNL officials due to confidentiality infringements. However, the footage has left a global mark, with one viewer describing the clip as ‘Extraordinary but haunting. If this wasn’t filmed from a federal government-watermarked facility, I wouldn’t have believed it at first.’
Six hours after it was taken down, the individual responsible for posting the video requested an interview with USA Today, and revealed that they were formerly part of the research team assigned to Subject #215. Employee X, who wishes to remain anonymous, described the case study in unsettling detail, explaining that the subject had underwent constant and often inhumane experimentation since being discovered in inner city Boston, Massachusetts late last year.  
“The subject prefers to be called Grey.” They said. “He appears to have a human-like level of intellect, and aside from a clear difference in proportion, his body structure and physiological features are also near identical.” When asked if Grey understood speech, X was quick to reply.
“Quite well. Since being in captivity, he has revealed little about himself, but it is evident in his dialogue that he may not be the only one of his kind in existence. Based on his choice of attire and mannerisms, we have reason to believe that Grey’s ‘species’ so to speak are well adapted to living within human settlements, albeit undetected. Further, the subject has been shown to have the same dietary needs as us, which suggests that he is accustomed to consuming human food.”
According to X, they partook in the initial course of experiments which studied Grey’s physiology, however abandoned the project due to ethical qualms. “When we were briefed on the study, I imagined we would be working with an exotic species of animal, but after interacting with Grey, and gaining insight into his perception of the situation, I, along with several other members of the team were convinced that he possessed the same advanced intelligence as a human. This was soon confirmed with anatomical evidence, after an EEG conducted on the subject revealed that his brain activity for cognitive tasks was identical to ours.”
“It wasn’t a question of science any longer.” X continued. “It was a question of ethics, and I, like many other ORNL staff, stand firmly against their method of research regarding subject Grey. The reason I posted this video was to both inform and enlighten the general public of the matter, and encourage my fellow scientists to consider their methods of research from an ethical standpoint should more members of Grey’s species be discovered.”
Following the interview, a thorough investigation into the famed laboratory in Tennessee is confirmed to be underway, however the current status and whereabouts of subject Grey remain undisclosed and consequently, we are left with more questions than answers. Is there really a race of ‘tiny people’ living among us and if so, for how long will they continue to exist unbeknownst to humanity?
Published by Pamela Cook
Chief Editor
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, United States
September 14th, 2011
The sun crept low into the horizon, bordering on dusk, but the couple hundred people camped out around the perimeter of ORNL were hardly fazed. They’d arrived in clusters at a time over the course of forty-eight hours, locals and tourists alike. Most were waiting eagerly with phone cameras in hand, no doubt hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious ‘Subject Grey’ who had made his shocking internet debut not three days prior. The biggest mob had settled around a large white van emblazoned with the Channel Eighty-Five studio logo, where a cameraman, a female reporter and her associate made their final preparations for the evening news broadcast.
The reporter, a slim woman adorned in a white button up blouse and pencil skirt, waited impatiently for the signal. Her team had set up their base of operations just outside the main entrance to the Oak Ridge facility; chosen specifically so that during the program, she would address the viewers with a convincing backdrop of ORNL’s impressive chainmail fence and mob of curious onlookers. With less than a minute until they went live, her associate listened into the audio feed of the main news program and nodded to the cameraman. Then, at 5:30PM, the broadcast commenced.  
“This is Vanessa Clarke, reporting to you live from the site where it all began. I’m standing outside the main entrance of Oak Ridge National Laboratory where the controversial video that shocked the world was filmed. Leaked footage of  Subject #215 ‘Grey’, which has since been removed from all media platforms, was recorded by a former employee right here in this facility, where it is now believed that researchers are investigating the existence of a race of ‘tiny people’. The video and its followup article from USA Today have received a global media response, with thousands of related stories surfacing, along with further evidence of what people are claiming to be miniature people caught on film.”
While the news reporter talked, a young man broke land speed records on his old moped scooter as he tore down the highway towards the laboratory. James Peterson, a recent graduate in human ethics and ambassador for the entrepreneurial ‘Speak Up for Change’ foundation, hoped he’d make it in time.  
“Thanks, Todd, and to those watching, stay tuned. We’ll have more coverage of the facility coming up shortly here on Channel Eighty-Five.” The cameraman cut off the live feed and the Vanessa let out a sigh, stepping out of the frame. She accepted a water bottle handed her way by her associate and took a sip. “Do you really think this crackpot story’s gonna boost our ratings?” She laughed lightly, leaning against the news van with a look of unconcealed scepticism.
Her coworker shrugged. “Hey, it’s all that people are talking about lately. We might as well give them a bone to chew on.” He gestured to the fenced perimeter of the facility behind them where the crowd continued to gather, some holding up handmade posters with demanding messages like ‘FREE SUBJECT GREY’ or ‘WE WANT ANSWERS’. “Besides, if we wait around out here long enough, those big-shot scientists might just give us some answers.”
“Don’t tell me…” Vanessa took another swig of water to mask her surprise. “You actually believe this crap, Charlie.”
Charlie merely smirked. “Trust me Vanessa, I stopped believing in what I heard on the news the second I landed this job.”
The reporter chuckled, opening her mouth for a witty response, when an old moped scooter burst into the clearing. The people standing nearby exclaimed in shock as it’s rider—a gangly man no older than twenty-five and dressed in a coat, wrinkled business shirt and slacks—cried out breathlessly.
“Is the news team still here? I need to speak with the news team!”
As he approached, Vanessa righted herself and stifled a sigh. There was always one crazy local who’d show up wanting their face on TV, but this guy seemed particularly desperate. She supposed she’d give him the time of day.  
“My name is Vanessa Clarke, and I work for Channel Eighty-Five.” She addressed the man, who locked gazes immediately. “Can I help you?”
At her greeting, he practically collapsed with relief, quickly parking his scooter and closing the short distance between them. “Ah, y-yes! Thank god you’re still here.” He adjusted his wrinkled trench coat as he talked.  
Vanessa nodded pleasantly. “Yes, we’re in the middle of a three hour coverage of this facility; you know, after that Youtube video went up on Tuesday.” Her trained eyes flickered over his awkward demeanour and overall nerdy attire; a classic science fanatic if she ever saw one. “I assume you’ve heard of it.”
“R-Right! Yes! That’s actually why I’m here. I was wondering if I could have a minute of your time while you’re taking a break.” He swallowed, no doubt noticing her obvious disinterest. “I promise, it’ll be worth it.”  
Vanessa barely refrained from rolling her eyes. You’ve got to be kidding me. She shot Charlie a questioning look, to which he simply shrugged. It wasn’t like there was much else available to pass time before the next broadcast. With those thoughts in mind, the reporter sighed. “Alright, I’m listening. Just make it short, okay?” She said. “We go live again at six.”
At her choice of words, the man let out a snicker, but quickly smoothed his expression and held out a pasty hand. Vanessa shook it briskly. “Y-Yes, of course. My name is James Peterson, and I’m a representative of the Speak Up for Change foundation. We deal with several public relations issues, namely the portrayal of individuals and ethical misconduct in the media.”
I know where this is going. Vanessa inwardly groaned, ready to silence his critique with a well-rehearsed monologue. “Listen, Mr Peterson, if you’re here to file a complaint about our studio, I would recommend visiting the head office—”
“H-Hold on, I think you misunderstand where I’m getting at.” James held out his hands in a peaceful gesture. “Trust me, I’m not here to file any complaints.”
“Just hear the poor guy out, Vanessa.” Charlie cajoled her from the van, which earned him a withering look from his coworker.
She sighed. “Fine. You have my undivided attention.”
James nodded, clearing his throat. “As I was saying, the role of Speak Up for Change is to bring attention to and raise awareness towards those who have been wrongfully portrayed in the media. In particular, my latest client approached me wishing to voice his side of the story, following the Small World article publication yesterday.”
“I see…” Vanessa wasn’t sure where he was going with this. “Would you like to schedule an interview with our studio?”
James almost looked bemused. “That won’t be necessary. I’ve brought my client along with me, and we were hoping to meet with you in time for the six o’clock news broadcast.”
Vanessa frowned, his words becoming less and less clear by the second. “I’m not following.”
“With all due respect, Ms Clarke, I feel like it’ll be much easier to just show you.” He fumbled with the button of his coat breast pocket for a moment, and the reporter was about to turn away with a bored scowl when a flicker of movement caught her eye.
The entire news team watched in stunned silence as what could only be a tiny person pushed the flap of the pocket out of the way to reveal himself. He looked to be middle aged, most likely in his mid-thirties, with disheveled ash blonde hair, pale skin and haunting grey eyes. Everything about him seemed so human-like, aside from the fact that he couldn’t have stood more than six inches tall.
“Jesus Christ.” Charlie breathed.
“Actually, my name is Flint. Flint Oakland.” The impossibly small man corrected him in a soft, but clear voice. “Pardon my intrusion, Ms Clarke, but I was hoping to get a word in on your next broadcast. You’ll no doubt find what I have to say… enlightening.”
For almost half a minute, his words hung in the air as they were met with the collective shock of the news team. Vanessa made a valiant effort to control her emotions, but couldn’t stop her mouth from hanging open at the sudden turn of events. Honestly, what was the world coming to? It took her several more seconds of bewildered thought processing before she exchanged a glance with Charlie, who checked his wristwatch. Two minutes until they went live. Beside them, the cameraman could barely keep up with what the news hosts were saying past his lingering awe.
“You heard the man, get the cameras rolling.” Vanessa announced, before reaching for her mobile. “I’ll get the head exec on the line.”
If this didn’t get their ratings up, she wasn’t sure what would.
Not one minute later, James Peterson and his ‘client’ got their interview, and Flint Oakland—all five-and-a-half inches of him— made history on prime time TV.
“Thank you Todd. We’re reporting back to you live from outside the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where hundreds of people have gathered in the wake of the controversial video that shocked the world. Just two days ago, footage taken right here in this facility sparked a global media frenzy and left us with one pressing question that Oak Ridge representatives have ignored thus far: Is Subject Grey real?” She cleared her throat dramatically. “Well, to everyone watching at home, and to all of the people gathered here with me tonight, the man I’m about to introduce will finally give us some answers.”  
Falling into character, the cameraman panned across to the tiny figure, now standing in James Peterson’s upturned palm with a microphone larger than he was raised to his chest. As the unblinking lens of the camera zoomed in, he met its gaze with determined steely grey eyes. Despite herself, Vanessa felt her heart skip a beat.  
“My name is Flint Oakland, and I have a message for the people of America.” He began, and at that jaw-dropping moment, the entire world paused to listen.
“To everyone watching, congratulations. Yesterday’s news article has forced our hand, and after conversing with my fellow representatives, my people have agreed that, to ensure a successful future for our race and prevent any needless suffering, this is our only viable course of action.”
A crowd had gathered around the local news team to watch. Phone cameras flashed, and people openly stared. In the distance, several jet black vehicles could be seen exiting the research facility beyond its chainmail fence. Chaos was unfolding in the human world that Flint hadn’t been a part of until recently, but with a deep, shuddering breath, he continued. It was now or never.
“And so, I offer you my final confession.” The broadcast, which had started on a local program in the quiet city of Oak Ridge was now streaming across every news channel across the world. “My kind have lived among you since the beginning, existing in the darkness and silenced by fear and oppression.” Flint Oakland said. “Do not misunderstand; we may be smaller than humans, but like you, we have families and children, our own customs and art and culture. We are people, who, for centuries have kept ourselves hidden from you humans out of fear of an outcome such as the one you’ve witnessed over the last forty-eight hours. But, it is time for that to change, and we hope that in time, our races will come to understand one another as equals.”
The entire world held its breath as Flint Oakland uttered his final, monumental sentence.
“We are borrowers, and we will not hide any longer.”
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How will scientists of the future 🔭 access the data 🧮of today?
That’s where ‘space librarian’ Michele Thornton comes in. She chatted with us about how ORNL-DAAC organize and archive NASA’s sprawling network of research data 📊and what the future of cloud-based ☁️ data sharing will look like for the archives. https://blogs.agu.org/thirdpodfromthesun/2023/03/24/one-giant-leap-for-space-librarians-accessible-data/
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