#Oblivati Mori
verosvault · 30 days
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 8 "Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival"
Timestamp: 39:40
Video Length: 4min. & 23sec.
Research into Cassandra and Ruvina + Learning about Oblivati Mori (Pt.1 | Pt.2 | ‣Pt.3)
Brennan: "But that would mean that if someone was able to write it, they would know it, but they would have to have a way of writing it without breaking Obliviati Mori. There's two pieces of information you guys can glean from that right away, the first of which is that belief and worship and the weird, tenuous alliances between gods where some of them are from the same region but have conflicting domains, and some gods have the same domain as other gods but are still ascendent in different areas or for different kinds of cultures or anything like that, all the gods have this agreement that is basically like, for lack of a better word, we're all playing the game, and if your fucking buddy or your pal or someone you love loses fair and square, you're not allowed to go to your mortal worshipers and say, "Hey, can we peel off a few followers to my buddy who's having a hard time right now?" It's basically like a law of, you are not allowed to root for each other. You are not allowed to pull for each other. You're not allowed to put a thumb on the scale in that way. If your flocks choose to have you work together, you can work together, but when a god dies, that's it. You're not allowed to cheat by reminding mortals that there was this other deity."
Siobhan: "But if we went and asked another deity about this god, would they then be able to tell us? Or would we have to specifically say their name?"
Brennan: "According to Obliviati Mori, they would not be able to tell you. But the law is a law, which immediately to you, Adaine, would tell you, well, any rule has ways of working around it."
Siobhan: "Ok, Great. So it's a law, but laws can be broken."
Brennan: "Yeah. And there might be enormous arcane penalties for so doing, but effectively, you know that there are dead gods. There are rules concerning how the other gods can refer to those dead gods to mortals, if they are even allowed to. And to a certain degree... But again, the second, biggest thing is, of course, this wouldn't be a thing unless gods could always remember dead gods."
Siobhan: "Mhmm."
Zac: "So do we have a sense of, when Lydia and her crew were on this mission, they never knew the name of this god, right? Or did they at one point know it?"
Brennan: "Lydia can confirm for you, she's like,"
Lydia: "We never knew the name of the god. We knew Bakur, the fiend, but-"
Fig: "Even though gods can't say the name, the name could still exist out there in texts."
Lydia: "Exactly, which is why a lot of, you know, if a god is trying to be crushed or scoured, you try to break their idols, erase their texts, burn the holy texts, all that kind of thing. But theoretically, if we had found the name written somewhere on text, that would have done it.
Fabian: "Then it makes sense why Cassandra said that thing about being like, I thought you were dead."
Fig: "I thought you were dead."
*multiple "yeah's" at the table* 😂🤣💀
Fabian: "Mm~."
Riz: "So if you had to get around it, maybe a way to do it would be to possess someone or something. Is it possible that Lucy..."
Fig: "Was possessed?"
Riz: "...was possessed?"
Fig: "All the Rat Grinders are suspiciously qui-. No one's grieving Lucy or anything like that."
Adaine: "Yeah, it's weird, right?"
Fig: "So the Rat Grinders are in on this, in some capacity. And I even think it's possible that, the way that Ivy reacted to me, either she saw through my disguise and so she was being cheeky, or Lucy's around somehow and they've just found another way to proselytize-"
Fabian: "Oh-! Maybe- Yes! 'Cause she did beckon to you, right? To be like-"
Fig: "Yeah, she was like, 'Oh- Okay, we're meeting up.'"
Fabian: "Ooo~ Yes, like a possession thing, where somebody's, the god is Lucy and- and-"
Murph: "What happened to that armor after Gilear had it?"
Emily: "What happened with the armor?"
Brennan: "He'd stolen it from Hell, and he just returned it to you when you guys got back from spring break."
Emily: "Where is it?"
Murph: "So, it just should be in Hell?"
Brennan: "Yeah, the Armor of Pride is back in the Hall of the Armors of Sin."
Murph: "Okay."
Brennan: "So the Armor of Pride is just down in Hell."
Emily: "And all the demons are archfey are fallen deities?"
Brennan: "Unclear. Some great celestials and fiends are created by gods in their status as celestials or fiends. Bakur was created by a god that he could no longer name, right, and so there's certain- But it looks like some divinities, some archfey or some celestials or some things like that, are gods who, their worship is waning and waning and waning or their divinity is waning and waning and waning, and they just make a decision to, rather than face death, become something that relies a little bit less on faith."
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I don’t know how I’ve just realized this but like we’ve had a lot of injustice this season considering the fact that the big mystery is surrounding a fallen goddess of justice
Like we got
Riz possibly not being able to get into college
Sklonda having her pension withheld for no reason
Fig getting dropped from her record label
Gorgug having to take three years of artificer at once because he’s too nice (eventually having to shed that part of himself at times to succeed)
Fabian finally getting to go home to his mom after not seeing her for months only for her to immediately leave him alone for months on end when he clearly doesn’t know how to fend for himself
Adaine not performing well in class because she can’t afford her class despite having saved the world and literally being the elven oracle
Kristen literally getting expelled for something that had been cleared up before despite literally earning and working her ass off for an A
The Ratgrinders being so much farther ahead in everything than the Bad Kids because they found a way to cheat the system despite the Bad Kids literally saving the world
Like this definitely has something to do with the bringing back of the corrupted goddess of justice right?
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coweggomelet · 2 months
gorthalax: you all said the name. that means i'm not covered by oblivati mori right now
me: HOLY SHIT *does a full three laps around my apartment* HOLY FUCK
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ratgrinders · 3 months
i think Oblivati Mori may have contributed to the death of lucy frostblade
so in episode 8 brennan talks about Oblivati Mori being the rule that prevents gods from being able to speak the name of their fallen brethren to mortals, essentially preventing them from cheating the system and trying to bring their kin back from the dead. specifically, though, he says it prevents evangelizing, that gods cannot tell their clerics to start worshipping another god. its not limited to just being unable to say their name.
now, correct me if im wrong, but i don't think its ever mentioned exactly how this rule is enforced. it doesn't seem to be like the spy's tongue curse where gods are literally unable to say the name. instead, Oblivati Mori is consistently referred to as an "agreement" or "precept". it's a law that your not "allowed" to break, but there may be enormous arcane penalties for doing so.
now, lucy frostblade at the end of sophomore year changes her god to this unnamed, dead god of summer and rage. the sibling of her current god ruvina, and one who up until this point has been deceased and definitively separated from godhood as a fiend.
even if ruvina had nothing to do with it, how else could this be taken other than a brazen violation of the rules? a god encouraging one of her devoted followers to worship her sibling, a transparent attempt to bring them back from the dead?
what if the punishment for this violation is simply the death of the offending cleric?
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jewfrogs · 3 months
desperately need to know where brennan got "obliv(i)ati mori" from and why and how
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He's got some real bangers, like Oblivati Mori, the Mentaphagian Dynasties, the Voxes, and the Umbral Arcana.
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cariocake · 2 months
time quangle theory abt copperlady kipperking
she's doing a time loop, or has been doing one
she found the rogue teacher at 8:01 bc she spent a year or two looking last loop and just knew where to start
she's hated riz since freshman year for something he hasnt done yet or for something he's in the process of doing this year
she doesn't want oisin involved because last time it went wrong for him
maybe she keeps looping to prevent something from happening. maybe it's to stop ankarna. maybe the bad kids initially brought back ankarna and caused a disaster and thats why she hates riz gukgak. Maybe riz is the one who ran against her the first time
maybe she filled out lucy's paperwork to swap gods because she learned the gods name in an alternate timeline and it didnt break oblivati mori bc it hadn't happened yet
i really like the theory that she was impersonating jace when henry got yelled at. maybe last time henry got too involved and pulled ruben out before they could finish whatever it is theyre doing
maybe she's got her party grinding rats day in and day out bc the alternative missions were just as grindy and dull to her and at least this way she can guarantee they're safe
she just has the vibes of someone who thinks she knows exactly how the game is supposed to go and then gets mad when her speed run is ruined by a little chaotic rng (the bad kids)
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incredibly interested in buddy worshipping a "nameless god of rage" actually.
because she's not nameless. her name is ankarna, apparently. adaine found it. adaine abernant, elven oracle, read it aloud to the cosmos and destroyed the oblivati mori.
but buddy does not follow ankarna. buddy follows a nameless god.
the rat grinders do not know the name of the god they follow. they do not know the cause in which they fight for. we were warned by pok, episode 13, that if someone began worshipping ankarna, it would be unsafe. but the rat grinders do not follow ankarna. they follow someone unnamed.
i wonder what would happen if the rat grinders learned her name.
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halcyon-autumn · 1 month
okay imagine this. you are one of the rat grinders and you've pledged your life to a nameless god of rage in order to return to life. you lie and steal and kill to bring about these ends. you become unrecognize to yourself and are constantly haunted by the memory of your dead friend who chose eternal separation from HER god over what you're doing.
And then you find out that the kids you've hated for years 1.) found out the goddess' name, 2.) said the goddess' name, breaking oblivati mori, 3.) have actually seen into the plane where the goddess burns endlessly and cannot die and 4.) played rock music so hard that they summoned the goddess' domain and then left it in a rock studio in hell. These shrimp jump motherfuckers are halfway to bringing her back already and did your job better than you. And they didn't even have to kill a cleric about it. I'd be mad too
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willowcrowned · 3 months
watching murph trying to connect oblivati mori, the devil's nectar, and spy's tongue in some giant web of red string was SO funny. truly charlie day conspiracy board levels of obsessive focus on his face. CONVINCED something was Going On to the point that brennan fully had to flat out tell him that he'd just noticed one of the season's themes and there wasn't anything there
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verosvault · 30 days
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival
Timestamp: 34:54
Video Length: 4min. & 45sec.
Research into Cassandra and Ruvina + Learning about Oblivati Mori (Pt.1 | ‣Pt.2 | Pt.3)
Fig: "Do you want a Bardic?"
Fabian: "I can... Hey, The Ball? Let me help."
Riz: : "Okay, yeah. It's just-"
Gorgug: "Can I have a Bardic?"
Riz: "It's just the dust mites."
Fig: "Do you want some help?"
Riz: "I'm a little worried about the dust mites!" 😭✋ (Murph's CONCERNED FACE! 😭✋)
Fig: "Here!" *starts to play* 😭✋
Riz: "Oh no! It's okay!" 😭✋
Emily: "If you see me wink, you get a Bardic." (😭😭😭😭✋✋✋✋)
Murph: Okay, okay. (*blocking Emily's winks with his hands*! 😭✋)
Lou: "Can my Bardic just be that I run screen?" 😭✋
Fabian: "No, no, look at me. No!"
Emily: "Don't you want it? Don't you want it?" (😭😭😭😭)
Murph: "Okay, right off the bat, dirty 20. Should I throw this on there and try to-"
Emily: "Yeah!"
Siobhan: "why not?!"
Lou: "Come on, baby. Let's cook."
Murph: "26."
Lou: "We stay eatin'!"
Brennan: "Hell yes."
Ally: "A feast."
Murph: "So afraid of dust mites. Are there..." 😭✋
Brennan: "So I think you're going through Rana's stuff, which is all the actual, the poetic... She was the cleric of the group, right? And you're going through Cormyr's stuff. Cormyr was a sorcerer, but you actually see, for someone that was innately magical, Cormyr had very meticulous notes, beautiful script, and has something written out which is a long... You can tell it's a copying of another text. As you arrive at it, it's basically, he wrote a glossary literally for the possibility that they would all die on this mission, and another group of adventurers would find this stuff and could pick up where they left off."
Emily: "We should remember to do that in the future." 😭😭😭✋✋✋
Siobhan: "Put it on the board. Put it on the board!"
Brennan: "You find-"
Gorgug: "A for Adaine."
Brennan: "You find-"
Adaine: "That's my name! What?"
Fig: "I think it's the information, not us." 😭✋
Gorgug: "Oh, well, how holistic is it?"
Adaine: "Catch up. Stop thinking about-[inaudible]"
Riz: "I texted you this stuff, man!" 😭✋
Gorgug: "Got it." 💀💀
Brennan: "What you see is, there is the beginning of a text that is written- and I think that... Adaine, go ahead and give me one more- give me actually, an Arcana, 'cause you rolled History. Give me an Arcana real quick."
Siobhan: "I did roll History...23."
Lou: "Sexy." 😂💀
Brennan: "You are able to point out- you know that what you're looking at is not a spell. But Adaine, you're familiar that there's lots of kinds of magical writing that are not spells. There's ways of annotating things that are magical laws or precepts, and what you are seeing here is a dually arcane and religious axiom of magical law of Spyre. And what you see is it says, "Obliviati Mori."
Emily: "Remember you will die? Or forget you will die?!" (👀👀)
Brennan: "Clerics call it Obliviati Mori, but you see that as an arcane rule, it is called the Law of Theothanatic Silence."
Siobhan: "So that's when a god dies, you forget their name."
Brennan: "Yes. But you see that he's writing down all the mortal stuff you already know. When a god dies, you forget their name. When a god dies, they're scrubbed from existence. When a god dies, da da da da da. But you guys also know that for all that being said, 'Yes!' is dead because nobody believes in it, but people remember 'Yes!', right?"
Siobhan: "Oh, we all remember 'Yes!'." 😭✋
Brennan: "You all remember 'Yes!'."
Zac: "I'll never forget that thing."
Siobhan: "They had a cogent philosophy that we comprehended deeply."
Ally: "Maybe we should forget, though." (😭😭✋✋)
Fig: "Just to be clear, when I was talking about becoming a paladin, it was for 'Yes!'." (😭😭✋✋)
Kristen: "Wait, what? No, no!" 😭✋
Adaine: "Wait, for 'Yes!' or for 'Yes??'" 💀💀💀
Zac: "I'll never forget that thing sliding out of-" 😭✋
Ally: "Yeah, sliding out of that hole." 😭✋
Siobhan: "Just so wet."
Murph: "That thing getting pooped out of space." 😭😭✋✋
Brennan: "Basically, there is an intense series of rules and restrictions, but you see this rule doesn't apply to mortals. It applies to the gods."
Siobhan: "Oh! So the gods also forget the name?!"
Brennan: "They do not."
Siobhan: "Oh! And that's why we remember Yes!, 'cause we're all gods!" (😂💀 IMAGINE! 😂💀)
Brennan: "You're all gods! Obliviati Mori is a precept that binds deities to not evangelize or even speak of fallen deities to mortals. In other words, it's written out as a precept of basically like, if a god succumbs to some form of death, they become archfey, they become a demon or a celestial rather than a full deity, if they only have a few dozen followers and another god kills them and they don't have the strength to withstand that, or if literally, in the most extreme cases, their name is fully forgotten, other deities are not allowed to effectively remind mortals of their existence."
Siobhan: "So does that mean that the person who wrote the note that is supposed to be from Lucy was actually a god?"
Brennan: "It makes it very unclear who could have written that. Because you're in this weird position where you guys can all write Yes!, you can write Cassandra. This god is one whose name has actually been forgotten or scrubbed by every single mortal."
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camillahex · 2 months
god i am thinking soooo hard about how lucy and kipperlily were the closest to each other compared to with the rest of the rat grinders like. kipperlily's rage courting/being courted by ankarna, the sister goddess to ravina who was lucy's cleric diety. how we now know the way to truly convert to ankarna is to die and be resurrected in worship of her. lucy's goddess is ruvina, goddess of sorrow, and sorrow and grief are so often covered up by rage because it's easier to feel angry than hurt. i'm thinking ruvina may have protected lucy in some way during whatever happened in the mountains of chaos last year because she absolutely would have known her sister's presence - corrupted as it may be - and influence on lucy's party members, and either prevented lucy from dying in the first place or brought her back herself to keep lucy from her sister's grasp. but because of oblivati mori she wouldn't have been able to tell lucy who it was that resurrected her friends, brought them back a little different, a little more angry. and because lucy's closest friend and party leader is kipperlily, she agrees to the conversion request, because this new diety is the one that brought her friends back, even though ruben is now writing more songs about rage and hate, and ivy's jokes have dropped the pretense of friendly ribbing and are now just mean, and something in kipperlily has gone hard and flat and unyielding, they're still her friends, right? but then kipperlily says she needs to die too, and be resurrected by this nameless diety for the conversion to truly take.
and maybe lucy hesitantly says yes - despite (likely) intense warnings from ruvina - and lets her friends kill her, but then can't go with this new goddess; maybe in death she understands the scope of what her friends are trying to do and refuses ankarna's call, or maybe ruvina refuses to let her sister corrupt her kind-hearted, sorrowful, hopeful cleric (don't sisters just fucking always know where to hit you so it hurts the most; and after a millennia of being dead wouldn't it just burn that your own sister is getting in the way of your resurrection; their fight is what causes the destruction of the forest where lucy's body was found - a battle of giants)
or maybe lucy - steadfast in her conviction to ruvina - says no to kipperlily's plan and withdraws her conversion request, and then watches as kipperlily - blinded by rage, ankarna whispering in her head of vengeance and retribution - gives the order to kill her anyways because she'll either end up coming back on their side or being unable to spill their secrets, and besides, she's already thinking of a potential new cleric they can try again with (helioic of course, because that guy's a fucking loser and wouldn't notice the corruption of his followers if they set his stupid robes on fire)
either way, lucy's dead now, and ruvina has lost a cleric, and ankarna has her resurrection all lined up
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hootgrowlbears · 3 months
Is Gorthalax under Oblivati Mori?
In episode 10, Lydia clarified that Bakur's god was a god of the Nine Hells, likely of fire and rage and torment. Like Gorthalax, Bakur is a pit fiend. Oblivati Mori is a law of Theothanatic Silence, which means the gods are not meant to mention fallen gods, but we don't exactly know what laws Pit Fiends must follow. Bakur at least wasn't allowed to mention his god's name, but he was able to convey enough that Lydia's party knew that he was trying to resurrect his old god.
In episode 4, Gorthalax mentioned that he knew the guy who invented spite, and that he was an okay guy, but warned the bad kids away from making spite and revenge a priority. Adaine asked him to name drop the inventor of spite, but Gorthalax right breezed past it.
Did Gorthalax know the dead god of rage and torment? After the deity transitioned from a giant god to a god of the nine hells? How much would he be able to talk about the god if he was asked?
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One thing about Brennan, he loves him some names
The man loves the concept of names having power. In The Wizard, The Witch and The Wild One, wizards cloak their names with magic, and they all use very specific naming conventions in their particular circles (like all Citadel mages' names starting with an S).
in EXU Calamity there was the Tree of Names, and now this whole Oblivati Mori debacle.
And honestly, I respect it.
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flowersosa · 2 months
Bro why is there such a pull for Kristen Applebee's to return to Helio? Are the celestials/diviners/followers preparing for war, and they need their chosen to frontline it?
What is the plan that have concocted and so desperately need her for it? If not war, then what? Erasure? Conquest?
There's definitely a relationship between that and contracts. There's such a heavy emphasis on contracts this season, and it's not just because the Oblivati Mori (i forgot it).
Also, what does this mean for Fig, because the way I see it contracts are going to be involved with her as well.
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futurefashion01 · 20 days
Something I don’t understand about Oblivati Mori in Cassandra’s case:
Her name wasn’t always Cassandra, there was no time when the name Cassandra was removed from books. We have never known her old name. But with that being said, Brennan said the name Cassandra was on the stones in Fallinel (maybe for convenience or something?) and I think he also said the name was also on the portrait with Ankarna. But that old portrait of Cassandra is not how she would have looked historically/realistically because she was essentially reimagined. She would’ve looked like the witch goddess she was before she was the nightmare king?
And when the name is rediscovered by mortals, are you able to read it again? Like, would the bad kids be able to read Cassandra‘s old name now that she’s alive again or is that name permanently dead? there are still books about her old way of divinity that the bad kids studied last season, but would the books be readable with her old name? Or would they be readable with the name Cassandra? Or would they remain unreadable even though mortals now worship this God again?
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