#Observing the Proper Channels; SPOILERS
Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 14: The Bite of the Thorns
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I forgot to do a rambling, pointless, painfully unfunny spoiler warning last time and I won't do it again! I assure you dear reader that this paragraph will express its concept in far too many words and far too few jokes. I won't simply say "Don't keep reading if you haven't read the whole Wheel of Time series" because that might be useful or informative! And if that (or the spoilers) is a problem for you, don't keep reading!
I believe this is the first appearance of the mirrored women chapter icon. It's one of the ones I like the most graphically, and obviously it comes to prominenence when the Black Ajah is about or at least being discussed.
Darkfriends in the White Tower. Faugh! I’ve spent my life denying that.
And look where it got you! Sounding the alarm as Amyrlin might not have ended well for Siuan personally, but forcing the Tower to acknowledge the danger earlier might have led to them being on a better footing against the Black Ajah now that it's ready to come out of hiding and start fucking things up. Observing the law of the Three Oaths without caring about their spirit leads to ruin.
“I should be able to trust Leane and Sheriam, at least. But do I dare? Verin?” Her shoulders shook with a quick, silent laugh. “I already trust Verin with more than my life, but how far can I take it? Moiraine?” She was silent for a moment. “I have always believed I could trust Moiraine.”
Of the four women named, two are Black (even if Verin isn't a threat as one) and neither is the one who Siuan is doubting at this point. And of course Siuan, despite what she says, isn't trusting the girls in this room either because she won't admit that she knows Rand is the Dragon Reborn and that she's trying to support him.
If you want my opinion, Moiraine is not to be trusted.
It's a miracle Nynaeve ever changes her opinion on this.
Liandrin tried to stuff you headfirst into a weir, and it may well be she left because she learned you were returning, and could unmask her, so I have to believe you aren’t—Black Ajah.
Between this and Siuan's earlier statements about denying the Black Ajah, I think that Jordan hadn't quite solidified the full backstory he'd go with in New Spring. Siuan seems genuinely uncomfortable discussing the subject at all.
“So you can keep your temper, when you want to. I had to know that.” Egwene wondered how much of it had been a test; there was a tightness around the Amyrlin’s eyes that suggested her patience might well be exhausted.
Since Siuan can't lie but I trust Egwene's instincts, I think that it was a very impromptu test that Siuan came up with as soon as she opened her mouth to yell.
Liandrin and her twelve went, but did all of them go? Or did they leave some of their number behind, like a stub in shallow water that you don’t see till it puts a hole in your boat?
Siuan is almost naive to say "some" were left behind. The thirteen who left are barely a rounding error in the full ranks.
“They are all full Aes Sedai. Egwene hasn’t even been raised to Accepted yet, and you know I cannot channel enough to light a candle unless I am angry, not of my own free will. What chance would we have?”
Almost no chance at all, since of the 13 you guys only each capture one. Sometimes I think that this particular plotline got away from Jordan, like the Shaido but at least with a firm number of assailants.
“As one of the Accepted, you choose your own studies, within limits, and the times for them. And the rules are a little easier for Accepted. A little easier. They must be found, child.”
I think this makes it pretty clear that if Siuan hadn't needed Egwene for the hunt, she and Elayne probably would have stayed novices.
I would make her one of you if I could, but at the moment Morgase gives me enough problems as it is. When I have her combed and curried and prodded back on the proper path, perhaps Elayne will join you. Perhaps then.
I guess Siuan can't think the answer is outright no (or she wouldn't be able to say perhaps), but I still get the feeling from how she says it that the idea of making Elayne a hunter outright is the furthest thing from her mind.
Nynaeve opened her mouth, and Egwene felt a flash of anger; it was such a relief after fear.
I think the Seanchan debacle is a big part of the changing dynamics between Egwene and Nynaeve and why Egwene is so vicious about it: if she's going to feel negative emotions (and after being da'mane you bet your ass she's feeling negative emotions), anger at least lets her feel more in control.
If you have even a suspicion, report it to me.
I can't help but feel that neither Egwene nor Nynaeve actually heard this sentence.
She opened the black box on her table, hesitated and looked at the other two women as if still unsure she wanted to do this, then took out a number of stiff, folded papers. Sorting through them carefully, she hesitated again, then chose out two. The remainder she shoved back into the box, and handed those two to Egwene and Nynaeve. “Keep these well hidden. They are for an emergency only.”
Again, I feel like the girls don't listen to this particular instruction at all.
A Darkfriend won’t heed that any more than a Whitecloak would. They would both likely kill you just for having it. If that paper is a shield . . . well, paper shields are flimsy, and this one may have a target painted on it.
Not mentioned is the sheer disaster letting such an enemy have the paper would be. Moreso the Darkfriends than the Whitecloaks, but I imagine even the latter could do some real damage with such a seal.
Next time: A new type of Shadowspawn shows up!
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nevermorecrystal1 · 2 years
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dark-falz-gemini · 4 years
heaven has been completed. here are my observations, and a theory please note i have not completed the game yet so please don’t spoil me
Okay, so, Namatame said that some of the party were the people who were “saved“ by him, and that he’s gonna save Nanako. He, of course, failed miserably. The issue I have is the note I got. The threat. “if you won’t stop rescuing someone close to you will be put in and killed“ or something. If saving means killing, this would make sense, but then Namatame saying “you’re the ones i saved“ wouldn’t, since they’re not dead. If saving does not mean killing, then the note would make no sense if Namatame wrote it.
So what if he didn’t?
There’s one theory I had, namely him trying to purge the population of fakers or something by having only the ones with the courage to face themselves survive, but I’m pretty sure that’s not true. If Namatame is to be believed with “murder isn’t saving them“, he could not have written the note. And honestly, even with him turning into Kunino-Sagiri, I’m pretty sure that all of the peace signs are some kind of delusion of him being a saviour of someone else are grounds enough to believe him, if those are his true feelings. Remember, “I am a Shadow, the true self.“
Yukiko says “But we nearly died!“ Namatame says “Yes, exactly!“ If we take that into a different context, one where saving isn’t murder, Namatame might be trying to prevent people getting killed by throwing people in the TV, unknowing of what actually lurks inside. After the first two cases, anyone who appeared on the Midnight Channel didn’t die. He thought the “saving“ was working.
That means Namatame’s not the culprit, instead trying to be a hero who put people in harm’s way in a delusion of that he’s saving them. And he was, technically, right.
This means someone else was using him.
The real culprit.
There is one thing I didn’t cover, namely, of course, the first two murders - Konishi and Namatame’s [i don’t know the proper english word for it but i guess for now i can use the word] sidechick. If we take into account that there’s a second person doing the crimes, the original, I could theoretically explain those, with the explanation that those two were the real culprit’s crimes. Namatame must’ve been distraught that his sidechick died, so he turned to the rumor of the Midnight Channel because he’s clearly not happy with his real wife and he wants true love like the original rumor of the Midnight Channel, where he saw Saki Konishi, who died later, hanging from a thing, just like his sidechick. Then he must’ve thought “OH SHIT THESE PEOPLE ARE DYING I HAVE TO SAVE THEM“ and the original culprit saw “oh damn this guy’s out here doing my job“ and just laid back and watched the carnage.
Dunno how he discovered he could go inside the TV. Probably coincidence, though.
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vansharssandbox · 5 years
Beef #1: Tuon
SO MANY SPOILERS. I’ve read the entire series, and most of my reaction posts will consider elements across the whole thing, so pretty much all of #WoT posts will be minefields of spoilers. Be warned! Ahem. I’m tackling thoughts and impressions about the Wheel of Time in no particular order. First up: Arrrg Tuon’s story arc. Such potential, wasted. From her first scene, as a viewpoint character, no less, I found Tuon to be a very compelling character. Her internal struggle with the proper application of her authority (feeling guilty over having a damane punished for displeasing her, for instance) was at odds with her cool exterior, and I immediately suspected that RJ was going to use Tuon to humanize and redeem the Seanchan. With the reveal that she was the Daughter of the Nine Moons...hoo, boy, did I expect some fireworks with her and Mat, with both of them having a truly profound impact on the other.
So I waited, through the the escape from Ebou Dar, and the excruciatingly long flight with Luca’s caravan, as the tension between Tuon and Mat got heavier. She was watching him, quietly observing for most part, and I was hoping for more time in her viewpoint to have her start questioning certain aspects of her society, and its authoritarianism. I mean, honestly, who better to convince someone of the benefits of free will and an egalitarian spirit than Mat “I’m not a bloody lord” Cauthon?
But it didn’t pan out. There’s no heightening of emotional intimacy between the two of them, no real, unguarded moments at all, that I can recall. Tuon watches Mat like a bug under a microscope for a long time, until all of the omens are met, surprise marries him, and buggers off to claim the throne of Seanchan. And that’s more or less it for their interactions until the basically the Last Battle itself.
When they DO meet again, Tuon has doubled down on the ice queen bitch thing, despite the chaos and upheaval in Seanchan society as a result of Semirhage’s schemes giving her a perfect opportunity to embody positive change. I honestly was not expecting and would not have credited her doing something wild like freeing all of the damane or something, but a little thawing would have been wonderful. Hearing her whisper under her breath “Dovie'andi se tovya sagain,” before confronting Suroth would have been DOPE.  Instead, we’re left with no impression that Tuon even genuinely likes Mat, let alone loves him. At best she finds him an interesting possession. Even their “love scene” isn’t, really, it’s just Tuon manipulating Mat into helping her produce an heir.
To say nothing of the fact that I was expecting her to at least consider learning to channel. Again, in my feverish anticipation, I hoped for a scene where Egwene would teach her the first steps, healing some of her own hatred of the Seanchan in the process. That would have been another incredibly rich opportunity for development in multiple characters. sigh
We see Tuon’s impact on Mat in spades, with his acceptance of his nobility and authority within the Seanchan empire. But without any attendant change and growth on Tuon’s part, it feels less like Mat evolved and more like he was, well, defeated. I started to like Mat a bit less as he continued to interact with the Seanchan, and as he was far and away my favorite character in the whole series, to lose him in a sense in the very end of the story really bummed me out. His final scene is seemingly offering to dice for his life with the frigid monster he’s married too, and I wanted to shout “get out of there, Mat! Hit the road! Go adventuring with Rand, settle down with a wench or three, but for the love of the Light GTFO my dude!”
Not where I wanted to end that, at all.
I have lots of positive things to say about the series, of course, so I’m not gonna spend all my time raking RJ and BS over the coals. But Tuon’s arc was so disappointing, perhaps my biggest personal disappointment with the whole works.
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Double Trouble Reunion - the ending that won’t happen
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), Avengers,
universe: Double Trouble universe (Steve and Tony, T2 and S2)
summary: Tonys and Steves have a calm evening when a stranger interrupts them.
length: 4 168
a/n: what would happen if Thanos came to DT world? here is your answer! this is a bonus chapter and just me playing around with the idea of how it would go in this world, a proper update is in the works and will show before the end of the month. this is not the ending I have planned for this series, so do not fret (please do, because I kinda live on that). hope you will like it! likes and comments are appreciated and needed!
Double Trouble Reunion - the ending that won’t happen
"So, what we should watch next?" T2 yawned, watching the end credits roll and the happy music playing. It was one of their lazy, comfortable evenings and binging on movies with his lovers was one of his favorite things. Laying on top of Steve, with his fiance holding him around the waist was an added, lovely bonus.
"Dunno. Any ideas?" Steve asked from the opposite end of the couch, his Tony spread on him in the exact same way as T2 was on his Steve. Like butter on toast, they were sinking into each other and a perfect match and Steve kept brushing his hand through Tony's locks. Tony's chin was tucked down as he kept gently breathing, nodding off halfway through the movie because of the cozy and sleepy atmosphere.
"More Disney?" S2 suggested hopefully, smiling like an excited kid. It was a nice change to see such bright expression on his face instead of his usual overconfident smirk.
"No more Disney!" T2 hollered, and T1 lifted his head up abruptly with a loud harrumph, his eyes darting around the room in an unfocused way. Steve was already on it, and guided his boyfriend's head back to rest on his chest and continued the tender caress to help him settle again.
"Why not?" S2 asked, corners of his lips turning down in that pouting, almost childlike way.
"Can we watch something for grown-ups for a change?" T2 asked back, his smile giving up that he was just playing. "Star Wars?"
"It is still Disney!"
Steve observed the half-hearted argument, feeling warm and happy inside, which reflected in the soft smile on his face. He let the other couple figure things on their own, while he kept holding Tony, guiding him back to sleep.
And then he noticed it.
A sparkle of electricity starting in the corner of the room.
"Uh, guys-" Steve tried to interrupt, watching the sparkling circle grow bigger and bigger. "Guys!" he called again, more urgency in his voice and saw the other couple stop their argument, seemingly freezing in panic. Steve jolted up, still mindful of Tony in his lap and quite roughly moved him behind himself, hiding and protecting, getting on his feet and ready to fight when an unknown man appeared in the room.
Dark hair with white streaks at the temples. Sharp face and blue eyes. Red cape and hands glowing with fire.
Friend or a foe?
"Ah, dammit, he found us," T2 commented sarcastically, still relaxed and cuddled to his Steve. It was the opposite of Steve who got all tense and ready to fight, while S2 squared his jaw and shoulders and tightened his hold around T2.
"Wha- what's going on?" Tony asked, lifting up from the couch on his arms and taking a peek from behind Steve's back, his eyes widening upon seeing an unknown man. "Who the hell are you?" he asked harshly, not liking someone invading his home.
"That's Doctor Stephen Strange," T2 answered on the behalf of the stranger. "He is an acquaintance of mine."
Strange didn't answer. His eyes focused on T1 and S1 for a bit longer before he turned to face the other dimension couple. "We never met. I am here to tell you, that you have to leave this reality, you have been disrupting it for far too long."
T2's smile faltered a bit before he got his snark back. "Ah, so you are the other Strange. You guys didn't have a chance to meet yet," he said to T1 and S1.
"The hell is he talking about?" Tony asked, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Who are you?" he asked again, demanding answers from Strange and not T2.
"I am Doctor Stephen Strange," Strange repeated, "I am the sorcerer supreme and the guardian of this reality."
"Sorcerer? What is your job exactly, besides making balloon animals?" Tony asked harshly, his eyes becoming sharper with focus.
Strange's face didn't change at the insult. He even seemed to become less tense and formal after hearing the words, like if it was something familiar and almost expected.
"I think I can explain this one," T2 offered, patting S2's hands and giving him a signal to let him go. Reluctantly, S2 listened. With a soft breath, T2 scooted to the front of the couch and started his story. "When I came back from this reality and back home, Stephen Strange paid me a visit. He warned me about the consequences of traveling between realities and creating new timelines and he even destroyed the portal. Unlucky for him, I was able to rebuild it. And then we used it to get here," he said, looking at S2 with a loving smile, "and then we used it once more," this time he turned to Tony, his smile dimming into a sadder one.
"It was a mistake to use for the first time," Strange said in a calm voice.
"It was an accident," T2 justified himself with a shrug, not really bothered. "I don't regret it."
It was clear that Strange wasn't happy with this answer. "Good. Because now you need to go back. You made your universe wait long enough and did enough damage to this world and the fabric of time can't hold much longer two sets of the same entities."
Everyone remained silent in shock. T2 lowered his head down, seemingly smothered by the news, but then he lifted it up, smiling sadly. There was a double meaning to Strange's words only he knew. "So, it is the time for that to happen, huh?"
"Stark," Strange warned, his voice showing emotions for the first time. Anger. Fear. Warning.
"What? What to happen?" Tony asked, urging the other him to answers.
"Stark, I am warning you-" Strange started just to be interrupted.
"I won't lie to them," T2 said, looking tormented, but his voice was firm and his gaze was steady when he looked at Strange. "They have a right to know."
Strange didn't answer, his eyes showing that T2 having this knowledge agitated him, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do to stop this. "You have time to leave until morning," he said instead, and sketched a sparkling circle in the air and stepped into it.
"Wait-!" Tony called, but Strange was already gone the portal disappearing. He didn't understand and he hated not understanding things. He looked at T2, at the way the other him was avoiding everyone's gaze. Were his hands shaking?
"Babe?" S2 asked, putting his hand gently on T2's arm and squeezing. The reaction was almost violent, T2's whole body shuddering and he quickly tucked his hands between his thighs to hide the tremors.
"Yeah?" he asked, his smile growing and a bit more real but still sad.
"I think you have some explaining to do," S2 reminded, his voice gentle. His whole posture screamed how uncertain and out of his place he felt, and both Tony and Steve could say that T2 didn't share anything with his Steve and kept everything to himself.
"True," T2 agreed, closing his eyes briefly to gather his thoughts. When he opened them again, he looked at T1 and S1, his gaze more focused and clearer. "Back in my reality, Strange warned me about it. He said that if we continue to use the portal, my… subconsciousness could get tangled with other Tonys' subconsciousness. And it did, I think during the - fourth time I used the portal," T2 rubbed at his forehead, "I saw glimpses of other realities. And I think - I think I saw my own death because it's-" T2's voice dropped and he looked directly at Tony. "It will happen, Tony. They are coming."
Tony felt the air being knocked out of him. His mouth open in panic and his mind got flooded with the terrifying vision he tried to forget about it. Alien forces invading Earth. His team dead, scattered in a broken world. His Steve dead. And him, not able to stop it, to help anyone, to save anyone.
"The fifth time I took the portal, I saw more. I saw infinity stones together and I was the one holding them. The world was back how it was before the attack, but my mind and body started to disintegrate. That Tony Stark didn't survive the fight."
"You saw yourself…?" S2 asked in a quiet voice. He couldn't believe it. His Tony… was going to die? His Tony who was kind and sweet and had such a big heart was going to have to sacrifice himself?
Steve got up, jaw tight and eyebrows furrowed. "We won't let this happen."
Tony got up right after Steve. He looked shaken but tried to channel his anger and not show how much he was affected. "We have an advantage now. We can prepare for the attack, we can get the whole team and go with you and stop whatever is going to happen-" Tony rambled, not knowing if it was possible, not caring if it was possible or what consequences would be, all he knew was that he couldn't let T2 die.
T2 smiled sadly. He was touched and appreciated the offer, but the more he thought about it, he was slowly understanding. "Did you ever lie to me?" he turned to his Steve.
"Huh?" S2 blinked owlishly, not understanding the sudden change.
"Did you ever lie to me? And I mean a real lie, not the this medicine tastes like strawberries kinda lie-"
"Tony," S2 said, sounding almost pleading and looking panicked at the other couple. He knew it was a delicate topic.
"Answer. Please."
Something in T2's voice made Steve talk. Maybe it was the eery calmness, just as if T2 was ready to accept his fate. Slowly, S2 shook his head. "No."
T2 closed his eyes and breathed out softly, his theory confirmed. He took Steve's hand in his, before looking at the other dimension couple. "You should go."
Tony and Steve felt relieved. They were uncertain of the upcoming battle, but they wouldn't leave the other couple alone.
"It will be fine," Steve assured, meaning every word, "we will assemble the whole team and-"
"Oh no, no," T2 interrupted, laughing as if he heard a good joke. "I meant that you should go. I am staying here."
"Wh-what?" S1 asked, his battle spirit vanquished. He heard Tony stumbling to the back and sitting down on the couch in pure shock.
"I don't think Strange meant mine and Steve reality to face that end. After all, we never had anything to tear us apart and I think… that our future is safe. Here is the endgame."
Steve's heart stopped. It just stopped. He looked at T2's smiling face and couldn't comprehend anything. Was this happening because…?
"We can't stay together much longer or we risk both universes to collapse, but if we switch places, no one will know. We are practically identical, the only things that differ us are known by us, no one will ever notice."
No. No no no. They couldn't agree to this. S2 and T2 couldn't pay for their mistakes. For his mistake.
"I know this is a lot to ask from you," T2 looked at his Steve, just as if T1 and S1 agreed to travel to their reality and the topic didn't need further discussion, "and you don't have to feel obliged to stay with me. You can go and maybe in some other reality you will find peace," he braved a smile on his face and put his hand on S2's cheek.
In a slow move, S2 put his hand over T2's. "Don't be ridiculous," S2 hissed angrily but smiled back in the end. "I am staying with you," he promised, moving his lover's hand and kissing his palm. It was a tender moment, that didn't last for long.
"I don't agree to this," Tony said in a shaking voice and everyone looked at him. "I don't. We won't abandon you and take your place-"
"- do you even hear yourself?! Do you know in what situation you are putting yourself in? Do you know how heartbreaking it is for me and Steve?"
"This is a stupid plan and we are not doing it, T2!"
"TONY!" there was a loud slam of an opened palm on the table and T1 closed his mouth, eyes shining with tears out from desperation. He couldn't handle it. He won't go with this plan. There had to be another way, some loophole, something-
"I am doing what has to be done," T2 said in a firm voice, "to stave off something worse."
This hit too close to home. Both Tony and Steve looked with terrified faces at the other Tony.
"What did you just say…?" Steve was the first to ask, his voice quiet and trembling. Tony couldn't utter a word, his eyes having this glossy look and fingers curled into fists. He hated feeling that hopeless and defenseless.
"Come on," T2 said in a forced out sunny voice, trying to look unbothered, "I will tell you the details of your wedding, we don't have much time," he said, taking Tony by the arm and walking out.
"I guess I have to teach you to dance now, huh?" S2 asked, standing up and dusting his shirt off from the leftover popcorn. "Nat won't be happy if you come back and don't know any steps," he offered his hand to Steve, and not thinking much Steve took it.
Tony couldn't believe this. He didn't want to believe this. His emotions were crowding in his head and dulling everything. It was unfair how at ease and calm T2 seemed, showing Tony different websites and currently stopping on some Italian designer's homepage, while T1 seemed to go deeper and deeper, seeing only darkness and despair.
"Our wedding suits will arrive soon, we needed to send them back for quick fixing, because, well, I am a stress eater, so I just hope you will fit in it, you know? I don't want to have my wedding suit remade for the third time. And, you are wearing a white suit, while Steve will be wearing black, we wanted to go with something traditional-"
"You can't do this," T1 whispered, his voice and body trembling all over again. He couldn't lose this. He didn't want to lose this.
"- and you still have to pick the flowers and the cake, but I guess it shouldn't be a big problem-"
"You can't do this!" T1 yelled, tears going down his cheeks as he grabbed T2 by the arms and turned away from the screen and to himself. "Why are you doing this?" he asked, sounding broken.
T2 smiled, gentle and loving. He put his hands on Tony's cheeks and framed his face, looking deep in his eyes, the exact same set of eyes he had.
"Because I love you."
That was it. That simple. He just wanted to give Tony a happy ending after a life of guilt and pain. And Tony just broke.
"One, two, three, one, two, three… And spin! Good!"
Steve didn't think. His mind just shut down and he fell into what he knew. Following orders. He couldn't feel his limbs, but somehow they were moving on their own, almost as out of his control. He wanted to scream. His heart was bleeding and he wanted to push S2 away and yell his frustration out, say that there had to be a different way and that they won't trade lives and just when he felt anger and despair rising and fueling him and giving him strength he opened his mouth and -
"Don't," the oncoming outburst never had a chance to happen. S2 squeezed his hand, silencing him. There was some urgency in the touch, almost desperate need for contact. Steve looked at him and saw tears shining in the blue eyes and a teary wet smile on the face that looked almost exactly like his. "Just… don't. Let's dance," he said and pressed his forehead against Steve's. Steve could feel the warm, uneven breath on his face, the way S2's back trembled as he tried to stop himself from showing more emotions than necessary. It was hard. It was so unexplainably hard on both of them and there were no words to express their pain and fear for each other.
So, they kept dancing, Steve lowering his head and sinking into S2's, first silent tears falling down.
"You two ready?"
They weren't ready. They never would be ready. They felt sick.
"Ready," Steve replied in a trembling voice, just because Tony remained silent. The whole morning was so quiet. They slept together, ate together, and it was the familiar routine that helped them to keep going without falling apart.
"All set," T2 replied, stepping away from the portal and smiling in a more cheerful way than what was considered natural, trying to hold together. Tony's silver ring with a sapphire was shining on his fingers, while Tony took T2's pink gold one with diamonds. Steves had also exchanged their engagement rings, S2's pink gold band on S1's finger, S1's gold with a ruby ring on S2's finger. It had to be done.
Steve tried to desperately make eye contact with the other him. They never gave up before. Never. Why they were giving up now? Why S2 wasn't saying anything? S2 felt Steve's burning look looked up from the floor, giving the other him a brief smile, that he hoped was encouraging. It wasn't, and Steve felt a painful pressure in his chest, his heart clenching.
"We can't do this," Tony broke the silence, his voice coming out hushed and hurried. "We can't-"
"We discussed it, Tony," T2 cut him off, unusually harsh. This moment was already too hard on them both, they didn't need additional drama.
"We didn't discuss squat! We should stay! We have the portal, we can get other Avengers here, we can stop it-"
"And break this world?!" T2 yelled, eyebrows rising in disbelief. He knew that Tony was hurt, they all were. "No," he said quietly, but with so much strength it was almost startling. "It has to be done like this. Please."
Tony's shoulders sank. He put both fists to his eyes, trying to hold back the tears. "Why you have to be such a stubborn asshole," he tried to joke, a wet, forced laugh escaping his lips.
"I am you," T2 answered simply, smiling sadly, but also proud, "that's why."
Last goodbye, last kisses. No bargaining this time. They did what Strange told them to. Only one pair of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers per world. It had to be done.
When the portal turned off itself taking their lovers to their home, they stood in silence for a minute or so, the moment smothering them both.
"You okay, sweetheart?" S2 asked when the silence kept going on and became almost suffocating.
"Yeah," T2 answered in a trembling breath. He turned around to face his fiance, earlier held up tears streaming down his cheeks, but a bright smile on his lips. "So, what do we now?"
S2 took his lover's hand and pulled him closer, kissing the newly acquired engagement ring. "Get married?"
T2 laughed, almost desperately. "Oh, God. I don't want to plan it all over again."
"Liar," S2 grinned, knowing how much his boyfriend enjoyed planning their wedding. Tony only smiled, cuddling closer and wanting a kiss, Steve was happy to give.
Steve painfully fell down on his knees and hands. Somewhere in front of him, he heard Tony stumbling and knocking something down. Reality traveling wasn't easy. Steve's stomach was tied in a knot and his head was splitting. And he was a super soldier. How T2 did it five times?
"Babe!" Steve called, getting up on wobbly legs. Tony. Tony had to feel even worse. He saw his boyfriend hunched over the desk, taking in deep, wheezing breaths. "Tony!" he stumbled to his boyfriend and turned him around, panic coursing through his veins.
Tony looked pale, very pale. His lips were trembling and eyes were blown wide open in terror.
"Honey, look at me, focus on me," Steve begged, framing Tony's face with hands and Tony jolted as if electrocuted, but his vision became sharp and focused again. "Tony, it is me, it is fine-"
"We have to go back," Tony blurted out, starting to tremble.
"We can't-"
"We have to go back!" Tony yelled, trying to wrestle out of Steve's hold. "I saw it, Steve, I saw it, we can't - I can't - we have to help them-"
"Tony, shhh, just-"
There was an explosion behind Steve's back. On instinct, he cradled Tony closer, shielding him and falling to the ground. The sound was ringing in his ears and it took a lot of effort to look to the back, his eyes trying to pierce through smoke and sparkles of electricity.
The portal was gone, only a pile of wires and metal left behind. Somehow, T2 had to think earlier of this scenario to happen and set the portal to self destruct after the transfer was completed, cutting the way. It wasn't an unplanned act of self-defense as in Strange's attack, it was a carefully thought through operation, flawlessly performed by one of the creators. T2 knew which parts were essential and would take time to recreate, time they didn't have. That's why Tony didn't even bother to look, both hands pressed to his face and mouth twisted into a scowl.
They were not going back. The connection was lost.
Tony was right. No one noticed that they didn't belong to this world. Steve felt disconnected, once again having to learn to live without Bucky, while Tony found peace in visiting his living parents. The team welcomed them, and they subsided into wedding plans, discussing catering and music.
They got married. They adopted kids. Two boys. They named the older one Kent, the younger one Richard. When the press asked Tony why the old fashioned name, Tony laughed and pointed to his husband that old fashioned was good. They lived the life T2 and S2 wanted them to live. Sometimes arguing, but always finding a way to come back to each other, to make up and be a family again.
And then that day came.
Tony and Steve waited on the balcony of the compound, looking into the sky since early morning hours. Just in case, they had assembled the Avengers and gathered them in the common floor, preferring to have the whole team gathered in one place. Their boys were outside the city together with grandparents, Tony sending Maria and Howard to a nice cottage near the woods he had bought for himself and Steve for whenever they wanted to escape the city rush. They were living their best life, taking the gift they received from S2 and T2, hoping they were doing the same, but never lingering on the thought for too long, finding it too painful. The threat was always in the back of Tony's head and was also on Steve's mind. They were preparing for this day.
Morning changed into afternoon.
Afternoon changed into evening.
Soon, the sky turned dark and first stars shone on the dark canvas.
Nothing came. The sky wasn't split by an alien space ship. There was no screaming of attacked and terrified people. No panic echoing through the city.
"T2 did it," Steve whispered, looking at the stars. One life had to be sacrificed willingly to ensure the safety of the whole multiverse. He felt so proud but he also couldn't imagine S2's pain. Maybe he didn't have to, feeling that pain himself. There was a choking sound next to him, and he noticed Tony trying to swallow down the tears streaming down his face. "Oh, honey…" Steve said in a compassionate voice, wrapping arms around Tony and holding him, as the heart-wrenching sobs shook his husband's body. Words couldn't explain their heartbreak and how grateful they were for the life they got. All thanks to S2 and T2.
"Hey, boss," Friday said through the intercom, "sorry to interrupt, but the team is getting impatient. I propose a movie night to lift up morale."
Steve and Tony looked at each other, and Steve wiped off tears from Tony's cheeks. At the gesture, Tony smiled and sniffled, new tears still gathering in the brown eyes, but there were some determination and hope reflected in them. Steve knew that Tony also felt proud.
"Yeah. Queue the movies, Fry," Steve decided, kissing off the last of tears on Tony's face and looking back at the sky.
He had a loving husband, great sons, and in-laws who adored him and was surrounded by friends. He never knew he could have this all and he would be forever grateful for being given the opportunity.
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xpressporium-blog · 5 years
One of the Most Disregarded Systems for Tv Serial News
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The new TV serial is anticipated to stick to these 2 sisters since they try to discover the rest of their estranged family. Most of us think we're a very good judge of character. He went to prison the next calendar year.
Interestingly, several of the people on the show saw it as a compliment as opposed to a big threat that should be addressed. On the flip side, Purab and Disha's love story starts to bloom. YuppTV on the opposite hand, threw a number of things at me.
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From the overall entries, 3 winners were selected, one per story. But every one of us knows that we are able to easily choose this up in a couple of decades, there are breaks in the stories. The story then requires a turn when Daniyal arrives to understand about his past.
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There are, in addition, some notable newcomers. Yes, it may be a tiny graphic for some people. however, it's natural Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke future story. The surge in suburbs and the entire makeover of the demography of the nation lead to lots of transience, a great deal of mobility, lots of broken families, which is where a number of these folks came from,'' he explained.
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The anchor in their lives - Chapter 1
A/N: First of all, Thanks for 170 followers, that is CRAZY! I literally just reached 100 and now I’m almost at 200?! *mind blown* That’s just insane. Thank you, thank you thank yooouuu!! xxxx 
Second of all, Here we go, guys! First chapter! I’m very excited about this series, but also nervous. I hope you like it.
( Btw, I feel like mentioning that Steve like totally looks like Cap in Infinity war because I am all about that look. And Bucky looks like him in Civil War, its not that important yet, but just to give you an idea. )
Summary: When two super soldiers lives get turned upside down, they move into an apartment in Brooklyn, trying to deal with their past and figure out their futures. So what happens when the apartment next door gets a new resident, one who has the potential to change their lives in ways they could never imagine.
The question is; Will they let her?
Pairings: Stucky x Original Character Annie (eventually)
Disclaimer:  This story may contain strong language, polyamorous relationships and (eventually) sex, mental health talks( anxiety, depression, PTSD and so on. If you’re not comfortable with any of those, you might not want to begin reading this series.
As always thanks to the wonderfully sweet @holland-stan-posts for all your help with piecing this story together, and of course your neverending support. You’re a babe x
Looking for the masterlist for 'The anchor in their lives? Well, look no further. It's right here.
Also interested in reading some of my other stories? Well, you can find them right here. 
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety. And a brief mention of Bucky’s tortured past. I don't think there are any others yet? Just sad broken Bucky..
Taglist is open.
Just send me an ask or message, specifying what you want to be tagged in. (permanent, any other character/person or this series) Or you leave me a comment that’s fine too. And I’ll add you.
Chapter 1:
"Gooodmooooorniiiiiiing New york ciiiiiity. Ready for another day? God, I am hyped up this morning my bros. Last night a little lady and I went to town and let me tell you how great she was in between the sheets if you know what I mean" He stops and basically snorts at his horrible joke. "I mean proper bed gymnastics my bros. Her tits were the biggest I have ever seen like they were humongous and bounc-" Steve grunts and reached for the damn alarm clock to turn it off, but missing it entirely and instead pushing it off the bedside table shutting off the man mid-sentence. Why on earth it had decided to tune into that horrible radio channel was beyond his comprehension, but honestly, he had no idea how to change it. So every morning he got woken up by the same annoyingly enthusiastic voice yapping on about yet another nightly encounter.
He grunts again and turns on his back, resting his hand on his chest. Resting for a few moments before sitting up and throwing the cover off his body, then getting up from the bed and stretching his long body before shuffling out into the bathroom to take a shower. After a nice warm shower, he gets dressed and walks out into the kitchen to make some coffee and breakfast. On his way, he looks over to Bucky's door trying to figure out whether he is awake or not. He can't hear him in there, so he figures he is probably out on the balcony.
He reaches the kitchen and starts preparing breakfast. After a few minutes of cutting fruit and making scrambled eggs, he hears a low, gravelly voice behind him. "Morning" Just the mere sound of his voice sends a shiver down Steve's back, and he turns around to face Bucky.
"Morning Buck, how did you sleep?" Steve greets him, already knowing the answer from hearing his screams all night, but he still felt compelled to ask him. Bucky shrugs and plants himself on a chair at the table. Steve doesn't say anything else and turns his focus back on the eggs and a peaceful silence falls over them. A few moments pass before Bucky breaks the silence.
"Do you have to go?" The hurt in Bucky's voice makes Steve's heart clench; he hates this part. This was a daily routine for them. Steve would get up and start making breakfast, then bucky would sit on a chair observing him, and he would ask him that heartwrenching question. Steve turns to face the brown-haired man who is sitting slumped over at the table, his eyes looking down at his flesh and metal hand in his lap. Bucky's whole body has shifted into the broken piece of a man that Steve is so used to seeing now. Although it still breaks his heart into a million pieces seeing him like this, so small and fragile like he could shatter any minute.
"Buck, you know I have to. We need the money" Bucky eyes swiftly meets his before looking down at this hands again. All Steve wants is to walk over to him and wrap his arms around him, but he knows Bucky won't let him. So he just has to stand there powerless to comfort him while his own heart, breaks in his chest.
"I know, but I just wish-"Bucky begins, but stops himself. Steve's hands itch to touch him, to give him any kind of comfort, but he settles with just telling him that it's going to be okay and that he will be home before he knows it. To which Bucky just nods and fiddles with his fingers. They eat in silence before Steve has to leave, leaving Bucky all alone in this huge apartment.
_______________ BUCKY’S POV.
As soon as Steve closes the door, the anxiety bubbles up inside of him. It roars inside him like a forest fire getting out of control, it eats up everything and burns it to a crisp, leaving him with the feeling of the crippling loneliness that has somehow settled in his bones. Steve leaves him here every day for hours, although he promised that he would never do so, yet he does so every morning. Bucky does know that he doesn't actually leave him and that he will be home again in a few hours, but still, he can't stop the feeling of abandonment from tearing through his guts. 
So as every morning he starts walking around in circles for a while, hoping to settle his anxious nerves but as every day it doesn't help. The only comfort he can get is something he swore he wouldn't do again, but yet he does every day.
Bucky march around the apartment, hands clenched into fists as he tries to convince himself that he can handle this on his own.
  "You've got this. He'll be home before you know it. Just relax" He mumbles to himself, hoping that if he just says it out loud enough times that he will eventually believe it.
 Spoiler alert; He doesn't.
He stops just in front of the couch, staring at the spot where Steve usually sits. He can almost imagine him sitting there drawing in his little book.
The book resting on his knees, which he has pulled up to his chest, the stub of a pencil in his hand as he moves it around on the paper. His eyebrows scrunched together in a little frown as he focuses on the page in front of him. Chewing on his bottom lip, the pink lip turning a little redder as his teeth bite down on it. He can feel his nerves settling and a peace flooding his mind as he gets swallowed up in his fantasy.
That is until a loud bang pulls him out of his head and he instantly stiffens again. His breathing picks up, hands clenched and the machinery whirs inside his metal arm as if to prepare for an attack, but it never comes. His mind is racing, and all the memories come flooding in.
Him in the damn cold chair as scientists poke and prod him. The restraints that dig into his skin, holding him in place, as they start up the machine, the one that resets his memory. He can almost feel the metal pieces on his head and the stabbing pain in his temples as it erases everything that he once remembered.
 He whimpers and his legs start moving on their own accord taking him to the place where he knows he feels safe.
He opens the door and walks into Steve's bedroom; he stops for a moment just staring at his bed. Then before he can stop himself, he falls down on top of it. Bunching the blanket in both of his hands, bringing the fabric up to his nose and inhaling the comforting scent of Steve. He rolls around on the bed wrapping himself in the sheet and blanket inhaling deeply. He smells like everything that is safe, a mix of fabric softener, a slight hint of sweat, a hint of his cologne and just the natural scent of Steve. It immediately calms him down, blowing out the fire burning inside him and quieting the haunted memories in his mind. This is where he stays the whole day promising himself that this is the last time. But he knows that it will happen all over again tomorrow.
Fin x
Next chapter...
Hope you liked it! I’m very excited about this series, and I hope it will turn out well. I'll do my very best to make it good!
Don’t be shy to leave any sort of feedback; I would love to hear your thoughts. xx
Taglist IS OPEN, just send me an ask or message specifying what you want to be tagged in. And if you want to be removed, message me as well.
If there is a line across your name then I couldn’t tag you for some reason. Also, I hope I’ve remembered everyone if I have forgotten you, message me and I will change that x
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jooshthepunished · 5 years
I didn't realize there were so many episodes of Love, Death + Robots, it's already taken me hours to watch 7 and a bit episodes (I also pause to unpack information, as I do with everything), so I'm gonna limit my general complaints and praises to what I've seen so far.
Firstly, I've noticed a trend in these stories. It's not in all of them but so far it's been in most of them. I'll expound on this later.
I'm going to list these in order.
Sonnie's Edge put me off right from the start by injecting a hard political statement in the first five minutes that influenced my perception of the piece as a whole. If I were to watch it again, or perhaps a few times, I don't think it would bother me quite as much. I can brush it off as a character quirk that adds depth or perhaps even shallowness to the characters. It is a little hard to shake that the ultimate antagonist is a man literally named "Dicko" who at one point is talked about with very general and possibly metaphorical language (which, perhaps ironically, is a failure of the Bechdel test). The odd way that the female characters are... Displayed... For lack of a better term, is quite hilarious to me. Throughout the piece Sonnie wears a practically see-through wife beater tank top and her nipples are perpetually erect. One of her cohorts merely wears an open leather jacket as a top. I don't personally see how either of these wardrobe choices adds to the story beyond the world's aesthetic, so they're just kind of there. Even more on this later.
Three Robots was a fun little short with lots of charm. Its ultimate political message was still underlying as the catalyst for the setting of the piece, while also being played off as a joke, but it didn't bother me much because personally I think no one will have the last laugh on the matter of climate change because regardless our descendants will be too busy trying to survive whatever ills either nature or their form of society brings to them. Good luck with that, kids.
The Witness was the most like an episode of The Twilight Zone, but instead of being broadcast on a public access channel, it's on fucking Pornhub. It had a really interesting premise of this sort of infinite loop with alternating roles, but all the extremely graphic nudity and sexual themes are really distracting from it. But more on this weird theme of completely gratuitous sex and nudity later (I promise I'll get to it, and I feel I have some very good points to make). I somewhat enjoyed it, but Jesus someone just tone it down. Not everything has to be Skinemax. It really does injustice to an intriguing story to compound it with needless flash.
Suits was so far my absolute favorite. I thought it was fun and exciting, with several bagsful of charm. It was so good that I don't have a lot to say about it except that I wish it had been longer. But it kind of speaks for itself in that regard, so if you watch anything at all from this anthology series based on my recommendation, make it this one. It also doesn't suffer "the theme."
Sucker of Souls was... Interesting... It had lots of fun violent action and it's portrayal of Vampires is extremely cool. It thankfully only has one bit of graphic nudity, and it isn't sexualized, it's more just benign. What is sexualized, however, is cats and dialogue. And that's a shame.
When the Yogurt Took Over was stupid and I don't care what anybody says. It was pointless. Something something man, something something arrogance and hubris, something something save us from ourselves, blah blah blah shut up. I hated this short so much that I'm not giving it the courtesy of a proper analysis. Also, tits in the Thumbnail.
Beyond the Aquila Rift was pretty good, despite some bizarre slipping accents. There was literally no reason for the primarily English cast to nebulize their accents for this one, and hearing a slip kind of takes me out of the story a little. It's a personal nitpick that doesn't apply to everyone's experience, I know. Not everyone can pull a perfect accent for multiple full-day sessions on a Mocap stage or in a recording booth. I get it. That's a me problem, not an it problem. Anyway. Like The Witness, Aquila Rift was very reminiscent of The Twilight Zone. And it did have it's own problem with gratuitous sex and nudity, and I PROMISE I'M TRYING TO GET THERE BEAR WITH ME PLEASE. The story could absolutely have been told without the graphic sex scene, and I find the implicit to be a far better storytelling tool than the explicit. Overall, I thought it was an interesting sci-fi mystery with a good (if somewhat predictable) climax (heh ignore that).
I'm still in the process of watching Good Hunting, so I think I'll wait until later to give my opinion on it. Though so far the furry vibe does not inspire much confidence. At the very least it can be justified in the plot.
Now I think I'll get to my thoughts on how some of these stories are linked.
It's this sort of sexual gratuity that I've observed Feminist-leaning Hollywood giving us whiplash over for a long time. Gratuitous sex and nudity in Hollywood exist as tools which males use to objectify females, and as female empowerment symbolism simultaneously. It's very selective and arbitrary to the point of being confusing. They seem to either worship or vilify sex, particularly the naked female form. Aquila Rift did turn it on its head by intentionally using it as a story point to distract a character (and by extension the viewer) from the insufferable reality around him, but again, I feel like the implicit rather than the explicit would have been a better choice for the story. In Sonnie's Edge (which indeed was very, very ow tha edge kind of edgy) there's a clear and obvious sapphic fetishism which tells me a lot about whomever wrote it. Personally I tend to think of lesbians as fellow human beings that I share a planet with, and not as golden fucking calves that can be exploited through marketing, posturing, and signaling, but what do I know? I have a penis.
I'm tired of everything in media being turned into softcore (or in the case of The Witness, practically hardcore) pornographic posturing. It's a dull storytelling tool that they formulate to keep the idiots interested, then they come up with a justification for it later (typically a metaphorical one, something something symbol of male gaze, something something symbol of empowerment, something something symbol of vulnerability, take your pick, there's a whole deck here). I'm not advocating that they be censored, I just wish they'd lift some of the pressure off of this particular visual crutch. It's becoming vapid.
I do want to say that I feel like we've come very very far in terms of sheer visual quality with computer animation. The photoreal graphics are slowly becoming almost indistinguishable from live action. It's very impressive, and I see it as a net positive for entertainment and only entertainment.
It does flicker a crazy conspiracy theorist switch in my mind that mankind has the capacity to use this technology for its own ends, be they political or otherwise. It scares me a bit that animation might one day become so good that we might never know what's actually going on when we watch the news media, not that we know much from the news anymore anyway. It's just frightening to me that the media could fake political statements from powerful people just to cause and stir controversy, or to cover up unsavory comments made by whatever party controls the prone-to-bias media at the time.
Deep existential dread aside, I've enjoyed much of what I've seen so far. Sorry for the long post, Tumblr hasn't added Read More to mobile. It's the most egregious of their crimes.
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tangtang7843-blog · 5 years
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J Keitsu – Dropship Legacy 2.0   This Is One thing You Should Perceive Earlier than Diving Into The three Phases     The three Promoting Phases With ZERO Invested To 1 Million In Gross sales In 5 Months Part 1 – AFFILIATE MARKETING WITH INSTAGRAM   I do know, it sounds loopy to have the ability to create a on-line retailer and be promoting the subsequent day. However hey! The Huffington Publish Article Did it too! Received my social media accounts setup, and determined to start my legendary conquest of breaking 12ok. To attain this, I made a decision to focus my efforts on one explicit social media channel. My plan of assault was to direct message and e-mail related instagram influencers or fan pages and get them to hitch me. And by be part of me, I imply to develop into a part of my “gross sales workforce” aka online marketing. Fortunately, the shopify app retailer has a number of choices for integrating an associates program together with your retailer. You'll be able to then setup your personal phrases and fee construction. I selected to go together with affiliatly, I’m probably not positive why I selected them within the first place, however it appeared like the best alternative on the time, in all probability trigger they've a 30 day free trial. Yup, nonetheless ZERO invested at this level and I’m nonetheless utilizing them.   So all I needed to do, was to easily get influencers or fan pages to enroll to my associates program. Not onerous proper? Nicely, not precisely straightforward, because it was time consuming and confronted loads of rejection. At this time limit, I refused to do any upfront paid shoutouts, I wished these individuals to show their price, plus that they had a chance to earn greater than they'd have with one paid shoutout. My loss is their achieve proper? However… doing this ensured that I didn't incur any danger. Rinse and repeat (I wish to emphasize right here that I used to be on my cellphone and laptop for 10+ hour workdays if no more because of all of the backwards and forwards communication) Quick ahead to midway by the month, I had already conquered the 12ok mark and pushed by to my first 4k in gross sales in sooner or later. Oh, and I used to be at Electrical Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas for five days (for those who don’t know, it’s arguably the biggest music competition within the western hemisphere) . So yeah, I used to be busy dancing at the moment. However I nonetheless needed to course of orders on Oberlo throughout my downtime within the resort (I didn't have a VA (Digital Assistant) on the time). And after returning, I resumed my conquest to now attain an prolonged objective of 60ok in gross sales. Once more, rinse and repeat child! By the top of the month, I had gone loopy, positive I used to be completely satisfied that my experiment went amazingly nicely, however there needed to be a option to automate a few of this. I made a decision to exit to upwork.com and discover myself a VA. I occurred to strike gold with a VA that had earlier expertise utilizing shopify, oberlo, buyer help, and nicely… simply every thing I wanted assist with at the moment. By the subsequent day, she was dealing with all these duties that I didn't need to do like a boss so I may merely give attention to IG advertising and marketing. Then I assumed to myself, this technique would suck to scale greater. I used to be doing this experiment to free myself from a 9-5 perpetually, not put myself again into one. Fortunately, I occurred to observe a webinar that gave sufficient gold with out shopping for right into a course that was a number of thousand dollars on the time which lined Fb advertisements. I took the information that I discovered from that webinar and determined to use it to my enterprise. Luckily, I used to be good sufficient to put in the magical Fb Pixel once I initially setup my retailer. That means: this entire time, Fb was selecting up intelligence on my guests and prospects. My principle on the time was that I may merely apply what I discovered on the webinar to my retailer, and I ought to have the ability to scale   PHASE 2 – FACEBOOK July 2016 was going to be an thrilling month, and maybe one in all my favourite month’s thus far simply due to how a lot I discovered. With my trusty VA by my aspect, I may give attention to studying the in’s and outs of Fb advertisements, and including new merchandise to check. So with out hesitation, I set a lofty objective to DOUBLE my gross sales from final month’s 60ok. The actual fact is, I stunned myself the final month, so I figured if I stored the identical mindset, I may obtain 120ok. Moreover, the Oberlo weblog had a narrative a couple of man who achieved 1 million in gross sales in eight months. Time to place my principle to the take a look at… And lengthy story quick, it labored! And I did it way more freely than the earlier month. I achieved FREEDOM from the 9-5. The approach to life individuals dream of. Particularly trigger I received only a few obligations. No home, no tie downs, only a girlfriend and small little doggy.   I traveled across the US for enjoyable and loved two consecutive weeks in New York Metropolis and Colorado whereas being profitable 24/7. It was throughout that point I achieved my first 10ok (which was technically 11ok) day in gross sales. It was surreal once I hit it, whereas watching the ocean waves within the harbor of NYC with my greatest pal on a summer season evening. It was quiet too, in all probability trigger there have been no poke stops on the edge, and by poke stops, I imply the Pokemon Go craze was at it’s peak throughout this time so everybody was out strolling! Midway by the month, I had already conquered my 120ok mark and determined to once more have an prolonged objective. 200ok appeared cheap so I shot for that.   I then expanded my Fb advertisements to focus on extra international locations one after the other which labored so nicely that I ended up with 240ok in gross sales to shut out July 2016.  And sure, this implies I promote worldwide! Why restrict your self to simply your personal nation?   PHASE 3 – DIVERSIFY So now having two “experiments” gone wildly profitable, I figured, why not diversify some extra by doing issues that I do know labored up to now for earlier companies? I then proceeded so as to add Pinterest site visitors to the combo. Fortunate for me, I used to be fast to automate this course of which gave me OVER 200ok backlinks by October. For those who don’t know what these are, they're url’s linking again to your web site. Throughout this time, I additionally realized I used to be lacking out on a big chunk of revenue that I used to be leaving on the desk, that being e-mail advertising and marketing. I made a decision to lastly ship out my first e-mail marketing campaign with Mailchimp for this enterprise. That went nicely regardless of not understanding what I used to be doing. I merely centered on picture heavy emails with little textual content. In spite of everything, it’s simpler to promote to prospects that both opted in as a result of they have been , or present prospects. Trace: Your e-mail field is a goldmine of examples! Along with all of that, it struck me sooner or later to make use of a number of fb fan pages to funnel into my predominant normal retailer. Fortunately curating content material and scheduling all of it upfront was straightforward because of a instrument I've used up to now for a earlier enterprise! Doing this engages your viewers, builds your pages, and in the end turns them into prospects. Win win for everybody, give them enjoyable content material, and also you get gross sales! Then, it was all about how far may I scale this enterprise! Was it a matter of simply throwing more cash at promoting? Type of… type of… it was about taking calculated dangers, which fortunately with knowledge accessible, was straightforward for me to do. This enterprise turned me into an actual knowledge whore. I Received Smarter Along with all of that, it struck me sooner or later to make use of a number of fb fan pages to funnel into my predominant normal retailer. Fortunately curating content material and scheduling all of it upfront was straightforward because of a instrument I've used up to now for a earlier enterprise! Doing this engages your viewers, builds your pages, and in the end turns them into prospects. Win win for everybody, give them enjoyable content material, and also you get gross sales! Then, it was all about how far may I scale this enterprise! Was it a matter of simply throwing more cash at promoting? Type of… type of… it was about taking calculated dangers, which fortunately with knowledge accessible, was straightforward for me to do. This enterprise turned me into an actual knowledge whore. Additionally throughout this section, plenty of private growth came about throughout this time to succeed in an “illuminati stage standing of fb promoting” Spoiler Alert: Fb modifications on a regular basis so it's a must to adapt steadily. I researched and TESTED loads to weed out what truly works for me and what doesn’t. Then October rolled round, I hit my 1st million in Gross sales. I beat the man in Oberlo article by Three months. Take that! So what was subsequent? Nicely, for no matter cause, sufficient is rarely sufficient when you're a objective setter. Not that I wanted more cash, I merely loved the problem at this level! So now I wished to see if I may do it sooner. The remainder as they are saying, was historical past and historical past tends to repeat itself. Solely, I supposed for it to be sooner! And as it's possible you'll now understand, I had the Oberlo man doubled by eight months! Victory was mine to delight in with limitless tacos.           SalesPage (extra information)  Archive J Keitsu – Dropship Legacy 2.0 : Movies, PDF´s MEMBERS ONLY Signal As much as see all our obtain hyperlinks and hidden content material. 100% Satisfaction Assured Obtain as a lot as you want You'll be able to select from two membership choices: Lifetime or Month-to-month Begins at $23.95 What individuals say... 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wickedfandom · 7 years
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“You are so brave and so strong that sometimes I forget someone like me can hurt you. But you need to remember that you can hurt me too.”
4.25/5 STARS: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
I want to start off by thanking St. Martin’s Press on NetGalley for supplying me with an ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
**Also, I’d like to give a trigger warning of some kind before preceding. Anxiety, OCD, mentions of self harm, as well as transphobia are just a few of the topics mentioned in this book.
SPOILERS AHEAD: It is currently a quarter past four in the morning and I’m left with an endless circle of emotions, both good and bad after the completion of this book. A part of me can’t find the words to put this into a proper review, while the other half of my brain won’t shut off as it works to do just that. As you can see, the first half is losing. Before I bore you with the details of my observations and opinions, here’s a glimpse into the story.
Ava and Gen, our leading ladies, take on college in this fast paced page turner set in both Boston and LA as they struggle to keep their long distance friendship afloat during their freshman year. Told entirely through emails and texts, we learn of their struggles and how they face them - both together, individually, and not at all.
I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of the layout in the beginning, but that quickly became an absent-minded thought as I delved further in. Caught up in their friendship, I almost immediately fell in love. Reading their exchanges, it seemed entirely real. Almost as if the authors played off of their own experiences, or even their friendship. As someone who hasn’t watched their YouTube channel and only recently discovered who they are, that was merely my impression.
Ava, was an entirely too real character for me. And what I mean by that is that I saw myself in her struggles. Not even that, but her perspective on her mental health. As a character who largely suffered with anxiety and OCD, it was refreshing. Dealing with anxiety alone can be crippling, and I feel that they managed to convey that. My only issue was the mention of self harm. As someone who has struggled with cutting, I interpreted it as being slightly played off. And more importantly, not handled correctly. If at all.
Gen however, she reminded me of someone that I used to know. Humorous, clever, and mischievous - this particular girl had you questioning what was to come next. At first impression, you wouldn’t have guessed that she was full of her own struggles. Raised with an alcoholic father and a mother whose only form of attention seemed to be manipulation, this brought up a wall that only Ava could really get past. Sometimes. Along the way, Gen began to further explore her questioning sexuality, while making decisions the other didn’t entirely approve of, thus driving a wedge between them down the line. One that would later make or break the relationship.
But when the times were good, they were great! At one point, I may have almost inhaled one half of an Oreo while doubled over in laughter. Death via cookie. And here mundanes say books aren’t exciting, pft.
Let’s not forget all those pop culture references? Bonus.
I found this writing grabbed my attention because it explored important topics such as mental health, transphobia, and the LGBTQ+ community.
However, the reason I was unable to fully give it five stars is because for sometime, a lot was building up and then nothing really happened. Sure, they fought and attempted (well, Gen did) to go their separate ways. Did I want that to happen? Most certainly not, but I would have valued it more had things been resolved more clearly. Instead, we were left with Ava only partially I feel understanding her wrong in the matter and apologizing for the both of them as a result of panic and the fear of abandonment. It just would have been nice to hear more from Gen before the conclusion was met. Overall, I would put this in the recommendations if you’re looking for something to help break free from a reading slump, or if you’re in need of something fast and fun!
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nevermorecrystal1 · 2 years
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So this will be my opinions on the FIRST episode of Paramount+’s Halo TV Series.  This will be under a read more.  I get it since it is ONLY 1 episode, there is more coming.  Now, that Episode 2 is out. I feel that the I can post my 2 cents.  It might be a long rant, I’m sorry not sorry!  Still tagged with my Spoiler tag, to be safe.
     I will start with that I am a MORE Book Lore based fan of the series, I started with the books rather then the games.  Where my points come from the Books over the games. While I do understand that the TV Series is in it OWN timeline, called the Silver Timeline. So, it does not follow what we know as LORE for the franchise. I am also a HUGE Linda-058 Fan Girl, soo yeah....
     I am actually happy that we start off with the Insurrectionists/Rebels over the UNSC.  Since we all know that The SPARTAN II program started off as a way to combat them.  Now, tell me why the Innie’s had a BETTER set up with their vehicles over the UNSC with Chief later on in the episode?  Also did you catch the Elites going WORT WORT??  I sure did, that made me happy!
      Silver Team; John-117 [ POINTMAN/LEADER ], Riz-028 [ COMM SPEC ], Vannak-134 [ SUB-LEADER/ASSAULT ], and Kai-125 [ Sniper/INTEL SPEC ].  So we know that the other three Spartan II’s are in lore, however not much is known about them.  Love that we see other SII’s over the core of Linda, Kelly, Fred, and John.  I feel that we do need to see more of them, it just makes sense to me.  Granted I know in the games it more of the S-IVs.  However, Silver Team feels like to me a ‘clone’ or a knock off of Blue Team.  You have John, who is the always considered to be the leader and the Point-man of the team.  Vannak-134 feels like a Fred-104 clone, but I don’t hate it to be honest.  Like I don’t mind it because it seems like he has his back, similar to Fred has Chief’s.  "They can't court martial all of us" - Fred-104, Halo 5.
     Onto the females on the team. I am not the biggest fan of Kai-125.  I think this stems from the fact that I am a HUGE Linda-058 Fan Girl.  Cause Linda is kind of stated to be the GODDESS OF SNIPERS, she works them like they are a god damn art.  John had to order Linda to let him rescue her.  Linda is basically OVERWATCH [ in all caps ].  Perhaps, I need to watch more and perhaps she’ll grow on me.  But right now it is a hard NO from me.  Not only that, Linda would have acted like security in the cave they went into.  That Elite would have had a near 0% chance of running/living, if Linda was there. Also those elites at the ‘base’ shooting at her, would have BEEN DEAD before she moved to provide more overwatch. Riz-028 is a near Kelly Clone but she is not.  I mean she is fast, but not fast a Kelly.  I am waiting to see more of her to be honest. 
     Onto the Cave part, John flagged Vannak with Vannak’s OWN WEAPON.  THESE ARE CHILD SOLDIERS TURNED INTO ADULT SOLDIERS.  Senior Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez and crew WOULD NEVER TRAIN HIS BOYS AND GIRLS TO FLAG FRIENDLIES WHILE HANDLING OFF A LOADED GUN. The fact that Kai-125 failed at acting as security for John and failed at surveying the area just screams maddness at me.  But I am not tactical expert, Y’all should have heard my Boyfriend... With the scene at base on Reach, WHY WAS THERE A WORTHOG POSTED THAT CLOSE TO THE SHIP?
    Loved the whole Friendly Fire bit, GUYS THEY THOUGHT SO HARD.  Just imagine if there were more II’s there.  That shit would have been chaotic as all fuck man.  You know who I’m missing?  1 Sergeant Major Avery Junior Johnson, but in a way I am happy.  Cause one would have to find a man who can pull off the SHEER CHARMISA of him. 
     Onto the last piece; John removing his fucking helmet. I get it, it is a TV show.  But excuse me, that man should have had either a bald head or a cleaner high and tight and NO facial hair.  Like I get the argument that people have about the helmet removal.  I have to remind myself that this is just a tv show.  Which they stated that they did not use the game as the base but looked at characters from it.  
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Review: My Hero One’s Justice
My Inexperienced Naruto: Final Hero Storm
Have you learnt My Hero Academia? How about Boku no Hero Academia? Should you’re conscious of the blockbuster manga and anime collection, that goes by both a type of names, then My Hero One’s Justice may simply be the combating sport for you.
Should you’re by some probability not conscious of it… properly, it’d nonetheless be the combating sport for you, although at that time you may should ask your self how a lot you just like the Naruto Final Ninja Storm collection.
My Hero One’s Justice (PS4 [Reviewed], Xbox One, Nintendo Change, PC) Developer: Byking Writer: Bandai Namco Video games Launched: October 26, 2018 MSRP: $59.99
[Observe: This overview might comprise spoilers for the My Hero Academia anime.]
On the off probability that somebody is confused concerning the reasonably awkward title, this sport is certainly the English launch of My Hero Academia: One’s Justice. Regardless of the shenanigans  that precipitated this awkward re-branding could also be, they haven’t affected the sport beneath in any method I can detect. Followers can relaxation assured that they gained’t must report this sport to the @bootleg_stuff Twitter account. Then once more, it’s onerous to make that mistake when you really see the content material. The sport’s so marinated in My Hero Academia that it virtually assumes gamers have, at minimal, seen a big chunk of the anime collection.
For the completely uninitiated, although, the setup is fairly easy both method. Within the close to future, human society has gone superhuman, as most individuals are actually born with a superpowered means, or “Quirk”. The change has led to the rise of a brand new kind of celeb civil servant: the crime-fighting Professional Hero. Chief amongst them is All May, the ultra-strong “Image of Peace” and mentor to collection protagonist Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, a hero-obsessed fanboy born “Quirkless”. Deku is chosen by All May to inherit his energy (a mighty Quirk referred to as “One For All”), and enrolls into U.A. Academy, the premier instructional institute for aspiring professional heroes. There he meets his classmates, and makes some enemies, notably the League of Villains, an delinquent group led by a murderous jerk named Tomura Shiragaki, and “All For One”, a strong supervillain and All May’s arch-nemesis.
All of the above is just about coated within the opening crawl, after which the marketing campaign mode leaps straight into the center of the second anime season, overlaying occasions as much as concerning the center of the third season, with principally no deviation past barely remixing circumstances to permit for extra brawling. In any other case, it is a straight retread of what is gone earlier than, that includes many of the principal Hero Academia forged. To pad issues out a bit, the identical occasions might be performed from the Villains’ perspective, placing gamers answerable for characters comparable to Tomura, Dabi, Himiko Toga, and even All For One himself. Future characters, like Shoto Todoroki’s dad, Endeavor, and an alternate model of Deku utilizing his “Shoot Type” combating strategies, have been introduced as DLC downloads.
Marketing campaign phases might be replayed to satisfy problem targets and unlock new customization choices for multiplayer. A extra distinct “Mission Mode” imposes stricter circumstances, a primary Coaching mode supplies an area to observe, whereas an Arcade mode rounds out the single-player choices with a fast six-match run in opposition to AI opponents. Multiplayer-wise, primary on-line matchmaking, foyer, and native versus choices are offered, however event modes or the form of community-boosting measures that extra severe fighter followers may want are absent.
There’s lots to get foolish with for My Hero Academia followers, although, because the in-game foreign money store can unlock all method of customization choices, together with alternate voice strains for intros, alternate win screens, participant profile flairs, and alternate colours and equipment for the in-game fashions. It is nowhere close to as strong because the character creators for the likes of Tekken 7 and Soul Calibur, however for those who ever needed to battle because the bird-headed Tokoyami whereas carrying an enormous masks of his personal head on prime of his precise head, that is undoubtedly the place to be.
It is also the place to be for those who’ve been jonesing for an additional combating sport within the mould of the Naruto-based Final Ninja Storm video games. For all intents and functions, the core mechanics of My Hero One’s Justice so carefully mimic Cyberconnect2’s landmark anime fighter that I would consider you for those who instructed me this was some type of My Hero Academia-themed whole conversion of the latest PC version of Final Ninja Storm four. And that is not a nasty factor in any respect, since these video games are amongst my favourite fighters of all time.
Just like the Final Ninja Storm titles, One’s Justice is an input-light fighter with Three-D motion set in a big area. Characters can transfer round freely, in addition to use numerous auto-aimed ranged and melee assaults to shut the space and arrange air juggles. Regular assaults and “Quirk Specials” are simply accessed on the face buttons, and inputs hardly ever get extra difficult than merely pushing the stick in a route and hitting a key. 
Filling an excellent meter lets a participant toss out a “Plus Extremely” assault, which usually is available in two varieties that take up a number of “fees” of the tremendous bar. For youthful gamers and people who need a better time, an “auto” mode will robotically string collectively primary combos, permitting gamers to only hammer the assault button repeatedly. Tellingly, this the default “Regular” setting, with a barely trickier “Guide” mode letting extra superior contenders make the most of cancels and different enjoyable stuff.
Although the inputs are principally uniform throughout the roster, each character behaves pretty otherwise based mostly on their Quirks and different traits. Deku and All May are pretty simple energy fighters, however Bakugou works finest when he can nook his opponent and feed them a gradual weight loss plan of explosive demise. Tokoyami, who can name out a shadow-like buddy to battle with, can assault from two instructions without delay, whereas Todoroki, along with his dual-mode ice and hearth powers, works fairly otherwise within the air from how he does on the bottom.
That stated, even combating pretty brain-dead AI opponents in story mode shortly surfaced a number of the annoyances of fight. The reliance on homing assaults and air juggling makes the combating really feel a bit floaty and unresponsive, and just about everybody has too few methods to interrupt out of a combo as soon as they get caught in a single. Bar a “counter” assault that has an uninterruptible animation, many fights simply boiled right down to who may stun-lock their opponent lengthy sufficient to land an excellent.
In the end, the combating in My Hero One’s Justice feels prefer it lacks the fine-tuning and extra elegant qualities of the Final Ninja Storm video games it cribs from. Additional, some facets simply do not look proper within the context of the supply fiction. Byking’s legacy, making high-flying video games like Gunslinger Stratos and Rise of Incarnates, reveals itself in simply how a lot of the sport might be performed within the air. Jumps and dashes commonly take characters floating excessive into the sky, even when only a few within the roster even have the flexibility to hover. In a number of the phases that characteristic a ring-out mechanic, it was hilarious to see two characters simply dashing and double-, triple-, quadruple- and quintuple-jumping to combo one another off of the protected floor. It was like the sport was inadvertently channeling Smash Brothers at instances, and sadly not in a great way.
That being stated, it does get the spectacle proper elsewhere. The sport appears beautiful, and in contrast to many combating video games, takes the aesthetic enchantment of a super-fight simply leveling the zone critically. Although solely beauty, there is a stage of consideration given to environmental destruction within the sport that I discover completely joyful. Over the course of a spherical gamers will flip locations like clear metropolis streets, immaculate school rooms, peaceable houses, and the frontage of U.A. Academy itself right into a charred, smoking wreck. The sheer quantity of particles flying round and oddly weightless ins and outs being knocked about by the shockwaves, explosions, and super-powered hammer-throws is sufficient to make my base mannequin PS4 flip its cooling followers on full blast (it seemed like I used to be enjoying subsequent to a vacuum cleaner). Bar a couple of noticeable drops when a whole lot of hearth or particle results on display screen, the sport moved at a excessive, pretty constant, framerate.
How a lot you get out of My Hero One’s Justice will doubtless rely on how a lot you take pleasure in both My Hero Academia or how a lot you want a extremely accessible, style-over-substance fighter. On condition that we reside in a time with a seemingly unprecedented variety of completely improbable anime fighters, that is perhaps an enormous ask for some. In the long run, the sport’s greatest sin could also be not embodying U.A.’s “Plus Extremely” spirit, and easily settling for being an honest, handsome combating sport tackle a well-liked anime franchise.
[This overview is predicated on a retail construct of the sport offered by the writer.]
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      My Hero Academia: One’s Justice reviewed by Josh Tolentino
Barely above common or just inoffensive. Followers of the style ought to take pleasure in it a bit, however a good few will likely be left unfulfilled. How we rating:  The destructoid opinions information
        from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/review-my-hero-ones-justice/
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, Reese Witherspoon ship, and how- Leisure Information, Firstpost
http://tinyurl.com/y4t7kbjv (For the evaluations of the primary three episodes, click here) It’s a fact universally acknowledged (within the Large Little Lies universe a minimum of) that Mary Louise is a creepy girl, bordering on annoying. After the fourth episode of season 2, titled “She Is aware of,” you may completely perceive why Madeline (Reese Witherspoon) and Celeste (Nicole Kidman) cannot stand her. And but, there are a number of factors on this episode the place you end up questioning your hatred in direction of her (rattling you, Meryl Streep!). Large Little Lies is aware of how one can confuse you as a viewer; it’s maybe one in every of their methods to make sure you preserve coming again, episode after episode. It’s only becoming then, that issues begin to unravel (a phrase Renata makes use of again and again) in the very best episode of this season up to now. [Some spoilers ahead.] After an insipid episode 3, this one begins with a bang. The Monterey 5 are at Madeline’s home the place the children are having a pumpkin-carving social gathering. Every of the ladies is on the point of a breakdown, sharing a cigarette and speaking about their issues. Jane asks Renata why she hasn’t left her husband but (he’s submitting for chapter after monetary fraud). Renata, dressed well (when is she not, although) with a cat-eared hairband and a cat-print shirt (channeling a lot swag that I can not deal with it), says, “We simply keep, proper? They betray us, and we keep; they cheat on us, and we keep.” Proper subsequent to her, Madeline sits upright, giving her a glare — she goes by means of marital points together with her ever-loyal, taken-for-granted husband Ed, who she cheated on final yr. “You did not simply say that,” she says angrily, and walks away in a huff. Renata appears again at Jane and says, “Simply cease me from speaking.” Large Little Lies, girls and gents. A present that’s by no means dedicated to only one sort of activism. Nicole Kidman and Meryl Streep in Large Little Lies season 2. Pictures from Youtube. In simply the following scene, maybe the very best one within the episode, Mary Louise arrives at Madeline’s home unannounced. She additionally reveals that she has discovered an condo in Jane’s constructing, giving Jane and Celeste a mini coronary heart assault. In a non-public nook, Celeste asks her why she is overstepping her boundaries, as Mary Louise raises her doubts about Jane’s confession that Perry raped her. She asks Celeste what Perry was operating away from (hinting he had points with Celeste). “If there was one girls, there are most likely others,” she says. This angers Celeste a lot that she slaps Mary Louise. That is proper. A loud, dramatic slap that throws Mary Louise’s spectacles off her face. As an alternative of retaliating with anger, Mary Louise, whereas she wears her spectacles again, says, “And what ought to we name this? Foreplay?” Large Little Lies, girls and gents. A present that pulls the rug out from underneath your feat whenever you least count on it. Amid all this chaos, after all there’s a costume social gathering. That’s our cue to know one thing goes to occur (if the finale of season 1 is something to go by). It is Amabella’s disco-themed celebration, and behind the glitz, glamour, music and costumes, everyone seems to be pretending to be comfortable. Renata and Gordon are submitting for chapter and do not know when they may ever throw one other grand social gathering like this for her once more. Madeline and Ed need to dance collectively however aren’t in a position to recover from their points. She sees Bonnie and Ed getting alongside nicely and it drives her loopy. Nathan and Ed get right into a disagreement and even have go at one another, till Renata breaks them up. Jane is on a date, however cannot put her previous apart and decides it’s time to inform him about Perry. Celeste walks across the social gathering consuming champagne and searching like a zombie. Bonnie tries to have enjoyable however her mother warns her that the power within the room is “bizarre.” Bizarre is the fitting phrase to explain the place the episode goes from this level. Bonnie’s mom has a stroke and is taken to the hospital. She strikes out and in of consciousness, and we see her having visions of Bonnie drowning. In the meantime, Celeste has a sexual encounter with a stranger, whereas excessive on Ambien, and has visions of Perry watching her. And eventually, Mary Louise sends Celeste a petition to rethink custody of the children as a result of she feels Celeste is not mentally nicely. It’s bizarre, this (virtually) supernatural twist of the sequence of occasions, however we’re lastly inching nearer in direction of the finale. And I can really feel it in my bones that one thing explosive is coming. Deliver it on, Large Little Lies.  Up to date Date: Jul 01, 2019 12:50:11 IST !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.9&appId=1117108234997285"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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mykittyzombie-blog · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Stream Watch online
It has been some days since the release of the season trailer for Game of Thrones, and lovers, Winter is here. The time has arrived when we'll experience still another exhilarating trip to Westeros and this time, it will be one hell of a ride. July 16 is the date proposed by HBO for the 7th Season's premier of Game of Thrones and fans are going thrilled as the date is getting closer. Nevertheless, HBO has managed to launch several trailers to improve the rising anxiety (only one 'proper' trailer). Being a only teasers hinting something big is coming, while one being a full scale trailer that tells us a lot when proper analysis is done. If you wish to observe a proper breakdown of the trailer, then visit popular YouTube channels such as Alt Shift X or Emergency Awesome. Aside from that, don't forget to see Game of Thrones online (if it releases). It looks like critics will have to wait alongside eager fans to watch Game of Thrones year 7. game of thrones the winds of winter -drama has come to be a world-wide phenomenon throughout the past seven years, which makes the series susceptible to leaks and spoilers from individuals who just can not wait until the episodes air. Due to this, the new season was shrouded in secrecy in an endeavor to keep the storylines of all our favorite characters, such as newly-minted King of the North Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), also a surprise for fans when it hits our small displays next month. This season has been plagued with leaked photographs and plot points on the internet (those individuals have been called out by Ayra Stark herself), also in years past Game of Thrones has had a streak of bad luck when it comes to maintaining its episodes under lock and key -- such as when the first four episodes of season 5 leaked on line back in 2015. This season, showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss are shooting special measures to insure that the world's most illegally downloaded series doesn't fall prey to leaks again.According into EW, HBO will not be making any Game of Thrones year 7 episodes out there beforehand for the press. This is not the first time HBO has determined releasing early Game of Thrones screeners for critics and reviewers -- the same choice was made last year for year 6, after year 5's first couple of episodes leaked on BitTorrent.It is habitual for DVD screeners of the first couple of episodes from any TV show's year to be awarded to critics months before said seasons have been set to premiere -- and also for the remainder of an individual season, every episode is made available privately online screening chambers, a week earlier said event airs. On the other hand, the world at large will be in the dark for Game of Thrones season 7 and, thinking about in the previous leaks have gotten out that spoiled significant plot points, it makes total sense why HBO has decided to put its foot down and release each season 7 incident to everybody at precisely the exact same time, in order to avoid spoilers. Benioff and Weiss aren't keeping fans completely in the dark about Game of Thrones season 7. So far, we all know the final episodes of this short season is going to be the greatest episodes yet, with the finale running 81 minutes. We've also seen footage out of this season, thanks to this epic Game of Thrones year 7 trailer which was released online a few weeks ago -- a trailer filled to the brim with conflicts, dragons and a whole lot of snowy weather (winter has arrived, after all). That alone ought to be sufficient to tide over fans and critics alike, before the huge premiere date this summer. game of thrones season 7 on Sunday night, July 16 on at 9pm ET on HBO in the US and at 2am on Monday, July 17 on Sky Atlantic in the United Kingdom. But in the event that you can't stomach the thought of staying up so late, then there is always the repeat seeing later in the day at the more manageable period of 9pm to look forward to. HBO has made a tradition of debuting fresh GoT episodes in the spring -- normally in early April. However, this year, it'll start a little afterwards, in the summertime. "We are starting a little later because in the end of the year, 'Winter is here' -- which usually means that sunny weather doesn't really serve our purposes some more," showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss previously confirmed. Hodor also features from the teaser - though we are guessing it is only a gag and he is not being coming back from the dead - however actor Kristian Nairn is definitely up for returning to the show. Back in June, HBO España published a brand new montage as part of a Game of Thrones pop-up appeal that features Jaime top Lannister forces into battle, shots of bloody hand-to-hand combat among Queen Cersei's forces, as Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) touring her ancestral house of Dragonstone. The series has shown us several brilliant actors such as Peter Dinklage, Leana Headey, Emila Clarke and everybody's hottest favorite the competitive Mormont woman Bella Ramsey. This year, the group is getting into the 7th season and every fan follower is awaiting for the time to hit on their displays. However, the folks behind Game of Thrones have officially announced the delay in starting season 7. It's being expected to start June 2017. As unsatisfactory since this may be for the lovers, the speculations concerning the whole year is keeping up their spirits once and for all. The audiences are already going mad about the many theories and forecast about what flip the narrative may happen today. Dragonstone was the ancestral house of the Targaryen's, and Dany was last seen sailing for Westeros -- ipso facto, Dany lands on Westerosi dirt for the very first time and puts eyes on the property she is called "home" all her life. Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode Synopses and Titles Are HERE!Jon's (Kit Harington) defense of the North is no surprise since an army of magical, freezing dead individuals is getting ready to invade, so let us proceed to Cersei (Lena Headey). Dany is getting a "visitor," which is obscure, but not vague enough to fool us. Let's go ahead and safely assume that Dany's visitor is going to be Jon Snow. We've seen photographs of Harington and Clarke filming a shore that will surely be Dragonstone, and we knew Jon's got to receive his hands on more dragonglass to get White Walker weapons ASAP. How convenient that Dragonstone is the only known place to home dragonglass. Game of Thrones: What to Know About the Ice Dragon TheoryThat's all the proof we need to decode that line.Jon's revolt is harder to decode, but we're going to go out on a limb and state he and Sansa's leadership problems from Season 6 did not just vanish into thin air, particularly considering Littlefinger (Aiden Gillan) is wandering about, pulling strings and making agendas as he's apt to do. Add in that little spitfire Lyanna Mormont (Bella Ramsey), plus a whole bunch of Wilding/Northerner bad blood, and you have got a power keg waiting to explode. Tryion's (Peter Dinklage) plans for the conquest of Westeros is roughly as non-spoilery because you can get, but let's log a formal suspect that he's going to put out strategies to get both a political and a tactical takeover. That usually means a marriage alliance for Dany, and maybe a revisit to his previous marriage with Sansa (Sophie Turner). As far as war goes, Casterly Rock appears to be the place to be this year for death and fire. Given that Daenerys has arrived in Westeros with thousands of Unsullied and Dothraki, and of course ships from Yara (Gemma Whelan) and Theon (Alfie Allen) and her cooperation with Dorne and Olenna Tyrell (Diana Rigg), we'd bet Cersei is getting somewhat nervous. She's obviously hoping to even the odds of her army against Dany's. At present, most of Westeros is set securely against Cersei's new rule, however, so she's probably only got the Lannister army.
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workreveal-blog · 7 years
The Dalai Lama talks about Life.
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The Dalai Lama talks about Life.
“The 14th Dalai Lama quotes we should put the happiness of others at the centre of our life. This is the route to lasting peace and happiness. And this is the philosophy of the happiness branch,” stated an official. A calendar on ‘Anand Sansthan’ (happiness department) could be released in the event. The same day, the spiritual leader is probable to take part in Narmada Sewa Yatra, the state government’s initiative to shop water and conserve the river.
Dalai Lama
How do you stay a protracted and healthful existence? A few matters can help, like eating whole and nutritious ingredients (as frequently as you may), making time to sweat and get your coronary heart rate up, and doing things that make you happy.
Easy, right? Not a lot. Maintaining them up on an everyday basis can be impossible at instances. (Plus, with such a lot of humans Saying their non-public experiences with fitness, it may hard to pinpoint exactly what It’s miles that lead to a long life—aside from success.)
But brothers Nick and Dan Buettner made that their mission. Because of the founders of Blue Zones, they travelled the globe to Locate the groups that not most efficient had the longest lifestyles expectancy, but also had the very best populace of humans over one hundred, with the lowest fee of the disorder.
Which towns got here out on pinnacle? Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Icaria, Greece; and Loma Linda, CA.
And, perhaps unsurprisingly, the Buettner Brothers’ research observed that each one of these towns shared the same nine features—in spite of their geographic variations in climate and culture. At Adidas’ destiny of suit panel this past week at SXSW, Nick Buettner shared this intel, as well as thoughts on channelling that knowledge into our healthy lives. (Spoiler: It’s a lot much less complicated than it appears.)
  eight. Making a person else satisfied
Making someone else happier has many blessings. The happiness spreads again to you as you spot his or her face mild up and as you did the proper component.
It spreads returned to you as people have a strong tendency to need to offer returned when you have achieved something true for them. And it spreads out into the sector as that now happier person may additionally unfold his or her happiness to different people.
9. Openness and boom
Pronouncing Sure to being open to the right things in life and developing as someone performs a Large role on the subject of happiness.
The different matters in this text will assist you with that. But right here are greater tips to make your journey a touch easier and simpler.
10. To residing your existence no matter setbacks
While things were standing nevertheless for While or you hit a bump in the road, then it’s smooth to back down to reduce, to present in or give up. However, a higher way to say Sure to happiness in those conditions is to say Sure to live your lifestyles completely. A way to do it
While you fail or make a mistake, don’t surrender. Reconnect with optimism by using the questions further up in this newsletter. Discover notion from books and blogs and the humans around you. Don’t beat yourself up. Alternatively, nudge yourself again heading in the right direction Once more. The state government has observed inside the Dalai Lama sayings a brand new supply of proposal to sell it is a lot exciting ‘happiness department’ — a brainchild of CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan and the simplest one in u. S ..
Dalai Lama
The event is being organised at the meeting on March 19, in which the Dalai Lama will communicate to a pick target audience and discuss projects by using the state government to degree gross happiness index of the human beings. The religious leader will endorse legislators and bureaucrats on “a way to stay a satisfied existence”. Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and Speaker Sitasaran Sharma can provide even particular their perspectives.
Dalai Lama, who’s additionally the purchaser of Motion for Happiness — a vote of people dedicated to constructing a happier and new worrying society — released a brand new route in London in September 2015 to help human beings discover a way to live a happier and kinder existence. The MP authorities hope to attract training from it. The happiness department commenced on March 31, 2016, but doesn’t have much to reveal at the ground. It became no longer even noted on this 12 months’ Kingdom price range speech. There are many Dalai Lama facts. “We have been following Buddhist philosophy to stay a non-violent and happier life and His Holiness the 14  Dalai Lama is one of the promoters of peace notwithstanding having such a lot of use and downs in lifestyles and struggling silently for the non-violent Tibetan society. His tasks to stay thankfully in a kinder society are inspirational,” stated Manoj Shrivastava, most principal secretary of tradition branch, the organiser of the lecture.
The way to do itRemind yourself which you forgive for your very own advantage. So much time as you don’t forgive someone you’re linked to that individual. Your mind will return to the person who wronged you and what she or he did over and over Once more.
Remind yourself which you forgive for your very own advantage. So much time as you don’t forgive someone you’re linked to that individual. Your mind will return to the person who wronged you and what she or he did over and over Once more.
The emotional link among the 2 of you is so sturdy and inflicts tonnes suffering in you and – due to your inner turmoil – most customarily in different people around you too. When you forgive you do no longer simplest launch the other individual. You put yourself free from all of that pain too.
1. The groups are constructed for motion “In us, there has been a decline in cycling and taking walks cities, but in those five cities it changed into the norm—human beings were capable of walking and biking to their college or pal’s house,” Buettner explains. “They also didn’t have the conveniences that we right here in The USA have right in our homes. As an instance, in Costa Rica, to make the corn tortillas, human beings needed to manually pound the corn with their palms, in preference to having a food processor.” (He even informed me he met a 104-12 months-vintage female who nonetheless moved her garden each day with a machete.)
2. Everyone has a sturdy experience of motive A common thread that Buettner observed in his studies is that Anyone should articulate what they contributed to their network. “Whether they have been 20 or 100, Each person I encountered may want to provide an explanation for their area in their metropolis to me after I asked, and that’s tied to seven years of toughness,” he says.
3. A plant-based weight-reduction plan reigns ideally suited perhaps unsurprisingly, a food regimen much like the Mediterranean weight loss program became located to be a large contributor to sturdiness. “They did Consume meat, but it turned into about the size of a deck of cards and handiest about four instances a month, so a lot distinct than right here,” Buettner explained. (Seems like Tom and Gisele are probably onto something?)
four. Universal, they indeed Devour much less “The lowest line, even though, is that While they didn’t pay strict attention to their diets, that they had a lower caloric consumption,” he says. “If you have a look at us’s menus and foods, the caloric consumption is thru the roof.”
5. but, they nonetheless drink crimson wine Full of antioxidants and coronary heart healthy benefits, purple wine became in no way off the desk for the long-living citizens in those communities, Buettner provides. (however what about wine-infused espresso?)
6. They realise the way to downshift Alongside wine, all of those groups have easy, citywide ways to lessen the pressure. “As all of us understand, stress is related to continual irritation, that’s tied to maximum age-associated sicknesses,” he explains. “between napping, ancestor veneration, or different spiritual ceremonies, human beings knew to take time for themselves each day.”
7. All are religion-based totally communities Although they unfold throughout the globe, every town specialises in religion. “these community-driven desires and ideas helped create a reason, connection, and fulfilment for all citizens—which are all big signs of lifespan,” Buettner says.
Now not clinging to the beyond and the harm this is there but to Allow it cross and appearance to the now and the future is a vital aspect of discovering new happiness for your life. Forgiving isn’t always clean and may take time. However, there are a few matters that can make it a bit less painful.
8. They put their families first… Even beyond faith, humans prioritise their cherished ones: “they had a sturdy feel of love with their households,” he explains. “Isolation is turning into an additional indicator of strain and disorder—humans who have strong connections to cherished ones are happier and healthier for longer.” (BRB, FaceTiming my first-class pal.)
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nevermorecrystal1 · 2 years
The Halo based Props are good. What I'm not happy about is the transfer of Vannak-134's weapon to John-117 ( I forget who got tagged, I think it was John) , Kai-125 lack of acting as Security when John-117 was retrieving the thing.
Tell me you didn't read the lore without telling me didn't read the lore.
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