#double trouble reunion fic
cycat4077 · 1 year
Okay, I need to rant...
I was trying SO hard to be nice to Grace this season. Outside of the villa she may be a very lovely person and friend..but her behaviour in Casa had me audibly call her a b today.
Firstly, she's so disrespectful towards Ozzy. She's been lying about their relationship to everyone, not respecting his choices, kissing Casa boys while expecting him to stay loyal and only considering sticking with him because he's a "safe" option.
Secondly, she (and this may just be bad writing) is completely disrespecting Ozzy-route MC, too. Ozzy has expressed to Grace that he's into MC, MC has expressed it to Grace as well, and yet still, she fails to allow MC to acknowledge her feelings for Ozzy.
Grace is the kind of friend that you hope doesn't have a crush on the same guy as you do...which is unfortunate because I didn't want her to be the "villain".
I just want my MC to walk back single from Casa and straight into Ozzy's arms. GIVE ME MY SWEET DANCER BOY BACK! 😭😭😭
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sereia1313 · 2 years
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To Have and to Hold
Another Moonbow collab! We don't even try to keep them as one-shots anymore. Especially when it's a marriage of convenience story for @chiaztolite!
Read it on Ao3!
Summary: After reuniting in the modern era, Sesshoumaru proposes a marriage of convenience to keep other potential—and aggravating—suitors away. He anticipated friendship, possibly affection, but he should have known the miko would have so much more to give.
Sneak Peek
"It's tea," she offered, holding out a hot cup. "It helps soothe beings like you. I used to brew it for a friend I had long ago."
He rebuffed the offer, stalking behind his desk. "You will understand if I question your motives." He sank into his chair, growling softly at the fact that the harpy had been there only moments before. "And I never accept food or drink from anyone."
"Not even from an old friend?" She eyed him. "I wasn't sure about that guise at first, but you are Sesshoumaru, right?"
His eyes narrowed. "I have not heard that name in a long time."
"I thought not," she said, eying the nameplate, "Ito Tsukikage."
"You might wanna increase the wards around your office, boss. That bitch is threatening to—" Kagura stopped in the doorway, ruby eyes widening as she stared.
"Hi, Kagura," the woman said, waving an awkward hand.
Kagura looked between the two of them, then stared at Sesshoumaru. "Did you use Tenseiga on her? How are you alive?"
"Speak for yourself," the woman retorted, lips quirking. "Last I'd heard, Naraku disintegrated your heart—and body in the process."
Kagura regarded her carefully, then shrugged. "He wasn't the only one who figured out how to cheat death."
"Well, can't say that's a trick I've managed." The woman shrugged. "I followed the proper order of things."
"How is it you know of Naraku?" Sesshoumaru said, finally speaking up. "You are human."
"Don't you know me?" The woman raised a single black brow. "Inuyasha's nose was always so sensitive."
It wasn't until she put one hand on her hip, holding the tea in the other as sapphire eyes blazed, that a century's old memory resurfaced, his eyes widening. "Miko."
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vashs-turtleneck · 7 months
Say my name.
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Rating: EXPLICIT (18+ ONLY) Summary: After your heartfelt reunion with your boyfriend, Vash realizes how much he's missed hearing you say his name. Pairing: Eriks!Vash x fem!reader Word count: 6.5k Content: smut, angst, established relationship, oral, p in v sex, reunion sex, very service top Vash A/N: bro this took me so long. I put more effort into this than anything else I have ever written. Anyway, this is my first ever smut fic so uh please enjoy (had to make it eriks because he does things to my brain chemistry)
NSFW below, 18+ only, minors do not interact!
Vash holds your hand through the rickety, quaint house, helping guide you as you walk, avoiding the floorboards he knows creak louder than the others. As much as Granny and Lina adore you, he didn't feel like explaining why he was sneaking you in so late at night. Not only that, he didn't want to explain your relationship to them just yet. After all, the two of you haven't even gotten the chance to properly talk yet, about what your reunion after his two year absence means for you both.
Vash finally guides you into his little bedroom, quietly shutting and locking the door behind you two. He cringes at the how the door hinges creak loudly into the hallway, hoping it wasn't enough to wake anyone.
"So 'Eriks', huh? Did you pick the name all by yourself?" You tease him as your eyes dart around the room, taking in the space your lover has been living in these passed two years. Or... he was your lover. Is he still your lover? For all you know he found someone else during his time here. No, wait, that can't be right. He just snuck you into his bedroom.
Vash chuckles quietly, his gaze never leaving you. "Yeah... guess I did."
You can feel his eyes burrowing into you. His gaze follows you as you curiously take in the room, as you pat the bed draped in old linens, as you look out the window, taking in the scenery, the stars and moons illuminating the sky above. You've always had a tendency to look up at the sky.
God, you're as beautiful as he remembers.
He's pulled out of his own thoughts when you speak again, realizing he's been staring at you the whole time.
"Nice little spot you have all to yourself. Sheryl and Lina are both so sweet. They really do love you, I can tell. They're like family now, hm?" You say as your eyes finally meet his, your voice remaining soft, yet a hint of somberness weaving its way in. "You... You have a good life here."
You feel your heart start to beat faster, your head filling with a million questions that you're almost too scared to know the answers to. What if there was no room for you in his life anymore? What if he wanted to leave everything about his old self in the past, including you? What if, what if, what if...
You start to absentmindedly pick at the skin around your nails and rubbing your palms, subconsciously trying to calm and ground yourself. You're starting to lose yourself to your own mind, horrible thoughts filling your head like a poison.
Vash immediately notices the change in your tone, the subtle, shaky uncertainty in your voice, the way you anxiously play with your hands... Old habits die hard, huh?
"I do. The people here have been very kind to me. It's mostly quiet, apart from when I get myself into trouble. I'm grateful every day for it."
He takes a step towards you, his arms outstretched slightly.
"But, my life here is... incomplete without you by my side, mayfly."
He wants to hold you, feel your body against his, remind himself that you're really here, but he hesitates. What if you despise him for abandoning you? For leaving you behind to think he was dead? Worse, what if you hate him for the sins he's committed? For destroying July and taking the lives of its people? Not that he could ever blame you if you did. He hates himself for it. It's the whole reason he left you behind in the first place. How could he ever face you again after he became the walking demon with the 60 billion double dollar bounty on his head? He deserves every bit of venom spat his way for the things he's done, every bit of the nickname 'The Humanoid Typhoon'.
Yet, despite how much he knows he doesn't deserve you, he wants you so bad. Every moment without you had been agony. He didn't know where you were, how you were doing, if you were even alive. Hell, he wondered if he killed you in July too. So when he finally saw your face again, he swears he felt his heart beat for the first time in two years.
"Mayfly, I... I don't deserve you. I don't. I'm a monster." He takes another step towards you, trying to bridge the gap between you both. "...but I can't live without you. I... I need you. Here. With me."
He's fighting back tears, trying desperately to keep himself together. His vision is blurring from the tears pooling in his eyes, and all he can see is your wide-eyed expression. You're so beautiful, even if you might be about to break his heart.
"If you don't feel the same, I understand. If you want to hit me and yell at me for all I've done, I won't put up a fight. If... If you hate me-" Vash's words are cut short when you rush towards him and plant your lips against his in a feverish kiss, throwing your arms around his shoulders and clinging to him desperately.
Vash stays motionless and rigid in a moment of shock before he's flooded with relief at the feeling of your lips, your body, just you. His prosthetic naturally encircles your waist, pulling you in closer as his flesh hand tenderly cups your cheek, tilting your head to meet his lips with a practiced touch that makes it feels like you were never apart.
You became a shell of a person the day you watched him fall from the sky, like an angel stripped of their wings. You spent the passed two years believing, convincing yourself he had to be alive, or else you would have been lost completely.
With his lips finally pressed to yours, you feel whole again.
Vash can feel your lower lip tremble against his own, your tears mingling with his against both your faces as you each pull the other closer, closer, until there's no space left between your bodies, his stubble scratching your chin.
Your lips meet again and again, each kiss more desperate than the last, pants and sobs and the sounds of lips smacking filling the otherwise dead silent room.
"I missed you." You breathe against his lips, voice cracking from the overwhelming feelings of relief, love, and pain flooding you.
And Vash whines in turn, prosthetic tightening its grip around you.
"I missed you too. So much. Every day I thought about you." He whispers back, his voice strained, flesh hand pulling your face closer by the back of your neck. "I love you, I love you, I missed you."
"Love you too. Missed you so much..." Your voice comes out as a sob, trembling and broken. Your hands tangle into his soft locks. His hair is much longer now, the golden blonde mixing with dark raven.
You feel his tongue tease your lower lip, the warm muscle begging for entry, and you're happy to grant it. When your tongues entangle, he feels himself shudder with want, his body heating up as he gets reacquainted with the taste of your mouth. His hands move down your body, sliding down your waist, past your hips, and hooking themselves beneath the plush of your thighs. He lifts you up with ease, encircling your legs around his waist.
It's not close enough. He needs you closer.
He carries you to the edge of his bed, gently lowering you and as he towers over you, broad shoulders caging you in beneath him. He pulls himself from your lips and holds his weight on his hands, palms against the mattress beside your head. His face is flushed, lips wet with your kiss.
Vash is silent as he looks at your face, tears still staining his cheeks, his gaze reverent and adoring, yet filled with tragedy, like he almost doesn't believe you're real. His flesh hand cups your face again. His thumb traces your lips, your cheekbone, your jawline, his palm resting against your cheek. He takes in your features, committing the way your face has changed over the past two years to memory. You have new lines around your eyes, signs of how time kept passing for you, even without him around, signs of aging that he knows you won't see on his face. Fuck, he's lost this precious time with you, years he'll never be able to get back. Gone, just like that.
He'll be damned if he loses anymore time with you.
His hand trails down, thumb sliding along the side of your neck, down to the bit of your collarbone peeking from under your shirt. His breath hitches at the feeling of your soft skin beneath his hands, how your legs stay wrapped around his hips, your arms clinging to his shoulders like a lifeline. He can feel your body heating up at his touch, like it remembers him. He's missed you. He's missed your touch. So much.
"Please, I- I need to see you. Please." He begs, voice already breathless and needy.
"N-Need to see you too. I need you so much." Your voice comes out as a pathetic whine, but at this point you don't care. He's here. You have him again. You need him.
Vash wraps his prosthetic around your waist as he gently lifts your upper body up enough to pull your shirt over your head, tossing it aside. With your shirt finally off, you can feel contrast of his arms on your body, the cool metal of one, and the warmth of the other.
"I missed you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for leaving you, mayfly. I'm so-"
You stifle his apologies with another hot kiss, your hands weaseling between your bodies and working quickly to take off his white button-up. Your fingers fumble with the buttons until his shirt is open, exposing the scarred muscles beneath. His hands leave you for just long enough to push the fabric off his shoulders. When his shirt is finally off, both his hands move to the back of your neck, pulling you in for another heated kiss, making you both groan into each other's mouths.
Your hands trail along his chest and back, tracing over the myriad of rough, raised flesh. Your touch is gentle, as though you're trying to heal him. He wishes you could. He wishes your touch could take away his 150 years of anguish, only made worse in your absence, and heal this body he's so carelessly destroyed. Yet, he knows he deserves every bit of it for what he's done. If nothing else, at least your touch is a momentary reprieve from it all, a moment for him to just be.
His hips twitch when he feels your hands trail down his chest, over his abdomen, to the hem of his pants, fingers working to undo his belt and buttons, working them off his body.
"M-Mayfly..." Vash mutters, his breath hot against your face. He works the rest of your clothes, practiced hands swiftly unclasping your bra before moving to peel off your pants, tossing the garments somewhere in the room, leaving you both in just your underwear.
Vash gently pushes your shoulders, moving you slowly like you're made of glass and laying you flat against the bed. He sits back on his knees to get a good look at you, propping himself between your thighs, his half-lidded eyes practically glowing as he drinks you in.
You're suddenly filled with this overwhelming shyness as you're laid almost completely bare in front of him. It's been so long since you've been looked at like this, and you can feel the heated rising to your face. Your body has naturally changed since he's last seen you, and the thought that he'll be disappointed weasels its way into your head, flooding you with insecurity. Without thinking about it, your hands move up to cover yourself, draping your arms over your chest and stomach.
Vash's gaze break from your body before darting up, his eyes softening when he sees your blushing and flustered face.
"Oh, sweetheart..." he coos, bringing himself down to pepper your face with soft kisses, stubble grazing your face. "Come on now. Don't hide from me. Please? I want to look at you. I love looking at you." His large hands gently wrap around your wrists, trying to coax you to uncover yourself. "Please. Let me see you. I missed looking at you so much."
Oh, how silly you are to think he'd look at you with anything but pure adoration and worship. He's only ever shown you love and acceptance, just as you have shown him. Vash can't even fathom the idea that you'd see yourself as anything other than breathtakingly perfect. Your body is his place of worship, every sound you make a prayer.
So, with a quiet whine, you let him pull your arms from your body, his hands gently pinning your wrists next to your head flat against the mattress.
"There you are..." Vash whispers adoringly, pressing a chaste kiss to the tip of your nose before leaning back again to look down at you.
He takes in the sight of you beneath him for the first time in two years, his hands letting go of your wrists and tracing up and down your curves slowly, savoring the feeling of your warm and soft flesh. The world hasn't been kind to you in his absence, your body baring new scars he knows weren't there before, and he hopes to God you didn't get all those looking for him, sacrificing yourself for his unworthy soul.
"So beautiful, mayfly." Vash purrs. His hands trail up your middle, up your sternum, before parting to grope your breasts, thumbs rolling over the perked buds. The act sends a wave of heat straight down between your legs, your hips involuntarily writhing against the bed. In turn, your reaction makes Vash suck in a breath, his hips gently grinding against the plush of your thigh, letting you feel his hardened cock.
You both need this. Badly.
"Mmph- you like that, huh, baby? That feel good?" Vash whispers, voice hoarse with desire as he circles his thumbs over your nipples again, this time rolling his hips right against your clothed sex.
You howl at the pleasure, hips bucking to meet his own. You bite your lower lip to muffle your cries, nodding your head up at your lover. "M-Mhmm!"
With a lewd grunt, Vash brings his head down, pressing his lips to your inviting body. He sucks on your neck, nibbling and licking slowly and sensually, finding the spots he remembers would make your breath hitch, your back arch, and your grip tighten around him. He lets out a deep groan against your neck when you react the way you used to, your voice pitching up to a needy, wanton moan when he sucks on your neck just right. You tangle your fingers in his hair as shivers dance up your spine, rolling your hips up against his.
He leaves a trail of kisses along your form, giving special attention to any scars he comes across along the way, just as you had done for him countless times before. His lips reach your chest, kissing along your sternum before moving his mouth to one of your breasts, his skillful lips enveloping your perked nipple, tongue circling the peak. His hand moves up to massage your other breast, kneading the soft flesh in his palm.
And you can only do what your body tells you to, your voice quivering into what only comes so naturally to you when he's worshipping your body like this.
"Vash." His name leaves your lips as a broken moan, but they hit him like a typhoon, shattering him to pieces.
Vash's body tenses, all his actions pausing as his lips part from your nipple with a quiet smack, his hot, ragged breaths against the wet skin of your breast. He tilts his head up, bringing his face closer to yours, letting your noses brush and his forehead press intimately against yours. His beautiful baby blues drink you in, eyes upturned into a longing, pleading stare. His eyes captivate you, trapping you under his gaze. From this close, you feel like you could drown in them.
"Please... Say it again." His voice is raw, fragile, and begging.
You have to blink yourself out of your trance, completely ensnared by him. Even though he's the one begging you right now, with that look on his face, you'd do anything he asked. So, without hesitation, you say it again.
And he whimpers.
A name he hasn't heard in two years, lost to his new life. A name that, despite the heavy weight it carries now, was gifted to him by someone very important. A name that has always rolled of your tongue with a softness he never felt he deserved, that he used to hear you cry out over and over when your voice was pulled taut with pleasure. His name.
He didn't realize how much he missed hearing it, and especially how it sounds leaving your lovely lips.
"Again. Please."
"One more time. I beg you."
Vash groans again, his eyes fluttering before pressing his lips to yours again, catching your bottom lip between his teeth as he pulls away.
"Mmph... Fuck, mayfly. The things you do to me."
His lips capture yours in a hot, wet kiss, tongues tangling, his hips undulating against yours and seeking out that little bit of friction between your bodies. He can feel the heat coming off your core against his hard cock, and his mouth waters as he thinks about how wet you must be right now.
"Need to taste you, mayfly."
Vash pulls back before he stands up between your legs and pulls you by your hips to the edge of the bed, grinding himself against your thigh again. His fingers hook to the elastic of your panties, his eyes not missing the wet spot forming on them already before meeting your gaze again. "Let me take these off you, baby."
And fuck, you are absolutely reeling right now, barely able to form a thought as he continues to handle your body with so much care and deadly precision, like he know it better than you. And really, he does. Despite the time you two have spent apart, his confidence in his knowledge of your body and his desire to please you is naturally weaving its way back into his mind like it's pure instinct. You can't tear your eyes from him as he stares down at you with the darkened, hungry eyes of a man that looks like he's just found his first sip of water in days on No Man's Land.
He tilts his head as you stare at him silently, taking in your half-lidded, hazy eyes. His fingers unhook from your panties, palms resting against your thighs.
"Mayfly? Do you want me to? I won't do it unless you tell me to."
You whimper needily, shifting your hips back and forth, unintentionally teasing him as your body begs for more of him.
"Please. Please, Vash. I need you to touch me." You beg, your voice shaking. You need him right now, both body and mind begging him to do something, anything to ease the ache between your thighs.
With a smirk that flashes his sharp canines and sends another shivering wave of heat to your core, Vash swiftly pulls your panties down your legs, letting them drop to the floor.
With you completely exposed to him now, Vash hooks his hands under your thighs, pressing your legs up and opening you up to himself, spreading you out on the mattress before him and watching as your slick drips from your sex as he practically folds you in half.
"Breathtaking." He purrs, staring down at your sweet flesh. "And so wet already."
"It's... It's because of you." You say back, your voice a pathetic, high-pitched whimper, feeling yourself pulse with anticipation.
Vash chuckles breathily, his eyes never leaving your sopping cunt as he lowers himself to his knees, propping himself between your thighs.
"I know it is."
With a soft sigh, Vash presses his tongue against your cunt, taking his time as his licks his way from your dripping entrance all the way up to your clit, gathering your sweet juices on the flat of his tongue with an audible eagerness. His mouth presses a fiery kiss to your clit, his lips wrapping around your little sensitive bud as his tongue flicks it with a skillful precision that is downright deadly, like it's all muscle memory coming back to him in this moment, as though his place in this world is right here between your thighs.
For Vash, you truly are an oasis on this desolate planet. In a life that's been so lonely and so filled with tragedy, you have been a solace that he never felt he deserved, yet he selfishly let himself indulge in. After being by his lonesome for so long, how could he ever turn away from your open arms? You unconditionally loved and accepted his broken mind and tattered body, and he was never able to deny your affections, no matter how much he told himself he didn't deserve them.
You are the only piece of heaven he's ever had.
"Mmmh... Taste so good, angel." He coos against your sex, licking his lips of your slick before tonguing another stripe up your cunt. "It's been too long. I'm absolutely parched for you, baby."
"Oh fuck, Vash!" You gasp out, your hands moving to tangle through his two-toned hair, holding it back and away from his face. You can feel his stubble grazing your plush folds as he eats you.
"Say it again, mayfly." He mutters against your cunt, the vibrations from his voice sending shocks of pleasure coursing through you.
Your mind is a pleasure-filled haze. You're barely able to think as your lover positively devours you, gorging himself on your dripping sex like it's more for his own pleasure than it is for yours.
"Ahh... w-wha-?" You manage to mumble, barely understandable.
His head pops up from between your thighs, hungry baby blues staring back up at you.
"My name. Say my name again for me, angel. Please."
He growls as he dives back down to your cunt, his tongue teasing your entrance as his nose presses against your clit.
"Say it softer. Please."
"Say it louder."
His hips rut against the mattress as he pleasures you, pathetically rubbing his still-clothed cock against the old linen in tandem with his mouth. He can feel his boxer-briefs soaking up the pre-cum from his engorged tip. His body is aching for you, but he'll be damned if he doesn't make you come on his tongue at least once before he fucks you. He needs to taste you as you come.
His right hand slowly trails up the soft meat of your thigh, fingers dancing along your hot skin until they reach your pulsing flesh, swirling his fingers over your wet heat. Then, he gently presses his middle finger inside you, the long digit curling and pressing against your warm walls, gently stretching you as he takes you apart from the inside out.
You have to throw your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from crying out in white hot pleasure, hips undulating against his mouth and hand, seeking out more of the pleasure he's giving you.
"This okay, mayfly? Feeling good?" Vash whispers before circling his tongue over your clit again.
You don't trust yourself to speak right now, instead nodding your head frantically as you moan and wail silently against your hand.
Vash groans hoarsly when he sees just how well he's taking you apart, eyes fluttering closed as he focuses entirely on your pleasure. When he feels your body relax around his finger, he slips in a second digit, his dexterous middle and ring fingers meticulously and lovingly abusing that sweet spot inside you until he has you seeing stars behind your eyelids.
Your hand gently tugs at his hair, biting into your palm and clenching your eyes tight, your thighs trembling against his head. You pull your hand away from your lips just long enough to call out to him, your voice breaking, your body ready burst, "Vash! M' gonna c-come..."
He growls against you when he hears his name leave your sweet lips in a such desperate tone, tongue lapping away at you more eagerly, your juices dripping from his hand.
"Yes, baby. Come. Come all over my tongue. Wanna taste you..." he grunts, panting as he fucks you with his tongue and fingers and grinds himself against the mattress. Fuck, he's gonna come all over himself if he doesn't reel it back.
His mouth devours you, digits pumping faster into your fluttering cunt as he chases your high.
When Vash feels your body tighten and convulse against his fingers, your sweet whimpers filling his ears, he moans louder than you, as if your pleasure is his pleasure, and it takes every bit of willpower in him to not come along with you.
Vash has always denied himself the pleasures in life, deeming himself unworthy for the sins he believes he's committed. But when it comes to you, to your pleasure, he's always eager to let himself indulge, his tongue lapping away at your sex like your come is a reward for his efforts until his mouth is dripping with you.
When he feels your body relax, your muscles unflexing, he licks one last strip over your cunt before pulling his mouth and fingers away. He licks your sweet cream from his digits, his other hand removing the boxers that have grown unbearably tight from his lower half. Slowly, almost like he's reluctant to leave his place from between your thighs, he raises himself up and towers over you again.
"You're so perfect, angel." He whispers, voice hoarse with desire, and you can see his need from the way his cock twitches as he stares down at you, his big hands holding you by the softness of your thighs. He brings his pelvis forward, gliding the hard length of himself along your dripping pussy, coating himself with a mix of your come and his own saliva.
"Vaaash~" You call to him weakly, your head still fogged from your intense orgasm, but your body craving him. Your hips rise to meet his own, and he grinds against you more desperately.
"You want this, angel? Wanna feel me inside you?" His tone is breathy and light, almost teasing, but you know more than well enough that what he's seeking right now above all else is your consent. How you got so lucky as to find yourself such a caring and thoughtful man (plant) is beyond you.
"Want it more than anything, angel." You purr back, using the loving nickname he's given you back at him as your hands reach for his shoulders. Because let's be honest, if anyone is deserving of the nickname, it's him.
A soft smile crosses his face when he sees you reach for him and, like a moth to a flame, he leans down towards your touch. One of your hands clasp over his shoulder, gripping him and pulling him closer to you. The other traces your thumb over his cheekbone, your finger dancing over that adorable birthmark under his left eye.
"Don’t go stealing my words now, mayfly." He teases back before his lips cover yours. When he pulls away, you feel him pant against your face, his body shaking and his cock gliding over you folds. Despite how much he's been holding back, putting your pleasure far before his own, you can feel now just how badly he wants this. He's at his limit.
Still, a pang of concern crosses over his handsome features, always thinking of you despite the agony he's in right now.
"If... If it hurts, I want you to tell me. Tell me and I'll sto-" You shush him before he can keep going, your thumb quickly moving from his cheekbone to his lips.
"You won't hurt me, Vash." You whisper tenderly, trying to ease the worries undoubtedly forming in that pretty head of his.
Hìs face softens again, his expression changing from one of concern to one that can be described as nothing short of reverent. His eyes might as well be hearts from the amount of love you see in them. With a shaky sigh, he nods his head once, and you move your hand from his face to his other shoulder, holding him tightly against you.
"Alright." He places doting little kisses to your temple and cheek, his hands on your thighs gently parting your legs further. "Let me take care of you, mayfly."
One of his arms weaves its way between your bodies, grasping his cock and aligning himself with your inviting entrance, placing a gentle pressure against your core with the tip of his cock. Vash's gaze never breaks from yours as he slowly sinks himself into your tight heat, the head of his cock splitting you open as he sheaths himself inside you, his mouth falling agape with a mewling whimper as he feels every inch of your sweet warmth.
Your breath hitches as he presses himself inside you slowly, your body taking him inch by sweet inch until he gently bottoms out, your nails digging slightly into his broad shoulders. You can feel him stretching you out on his thick cock, a mixture of the sweet sting and pleasure filling your entire body. You take in deep breaths to calm and relax yourself, your eyes fluttering up at your lover.
You're everything he's ever wanted, everything he's ever needed, everything his soul craves and begs for. He caresses your thigh and whispers between gasping breaths, a sweet smile on his face as your catch your breath, "You're okay, mayfly. Relax. Take your time. Tell me how you feel. I'm here with you, all the way." He coos, peppering your cheeks and neck with soft kisses as he whispers gentle words of praise and encouragement. His expression is one of pure love and adoration, seeing your body relax as you adjusts to his, your walls moulding to his cock, your breath slowly coming back to you.
"A-Ah... I need you to move, Vash. I think I'll explode if you don't move right now." You whine, hips bucking and writhing against his own, begging him to fuck you already.
His adoring smile never falters, chuckling breathily as you beg for him.
Fuck, he's missed feeling needed.
"Well, we wouldn't want that now, would we?" He teases with a shit-eating grin that splits his perfect face. He places a tender kiss between your brows before gazing back down at you.
"Hold on tight now," he purrs against the shell of your ear, tightening his grip on your thigh, his prosthetic palm pressing against the mattress by your head. He's trying so hard to keep himself together, but you can feel his arm shaking from the sheer euphoria as he supports his weight.
Gently, he pistons his hips against yours, his cock gliding along your inner walls at a sweet and tender pace and giving you the chance to adjust to the feeling of him stretching you out. As fogged as his mind is right now in a haze of lust and need, he is still acutely aware of you, and it would break him more than anything if he hurt you.
Vash stares down at where you two connect so intimately, watching how your body engulfs his cock over and over and coats his shaft with your arousal.
"You feel so good, mayfly. Taking me so well, like your body remembers me," Vash praises you sweetly, his face falling to the crook of your neck.
"V-Vash..." you mewl, thighs gripping his waist tighter, cushioning his hips as he pumps you full of himself. "Feels so good. M-More, please. I need you more."
"Of course. I'll give you more," he whispers, his voice dripping with tender affection as his hands move to your thighs, lifting them up and hooking your legs over his shoulders, folding you in half again. You moan wantonly at how deeply he can reach in this position, the head of his cock kissing your cervix.
Vash increases the pace, his thrusts gradually growing more deliberate and quick, pumping into you so deliciously that he wrings out every sweet sound you can make from your throat. He rocks his hips, his muscles tightening and relaxing as he pushes himself all the way in and pulls back out again, letting himself feel every inch of your velvety walls. Every pump of his hips has him pulling himself out to the hilt, leaving just his hot tip inside, giving you no time to breathe before he pushes himself back inside again, fucking you deeper and harder than before. Every time he pulls out, he sees your lips part slightly as you wait for him to ram back inside. And he does, over and over, making both of you moan louder as the room fills with the sounds of skin slapping.
"I love you, I love you! P-Please, please don't leave me behind again. Stay. I need you!" You cry out in rapture, tightening your grip around him and pulling him so his patchwork chest is against yours, your breasts squeezing and bouncing against his pecs.
"I'm here, mayfly. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I can't- I'd die without you. I love you too much." He grunts against the side of your face, the sound of his labored breaths filling your ears.
He thrusts into you faster and harder now, the withered bed creaking and groaning beneath you both along with the sounds of your pleasured cries.
"Mmm~ Vash... Feels too good. Gonna come. Gonna make me come."
Your words break the last bit of restraint in his lovedrunk mind, grunting loudly against your ear.
"Fuck, say it again. Say it- Say it like you missed me. Like you thought of me every day. The way I thought about you."
You can feel your body quivering and pulsing around him, and it only makes Vash moan louder, your pussy practically sucking him back in every time he pulls away. He moves a hand from your thigh to thumb at your swollen clit, desperate to feel you come undone around him.
"That's it. That's it! Mmm fuck~ I can feel it. Say it as you come all over me, baby. Please. Please."
Your orgasm hits you like a sandsteamer, your back arching harshly off the bed before you even have the chance to cover your mouth, crying out his name with a melodic and broken moan.
"Va- Vash!"
He's quivering, his grunts and breaths shaky as he feels your pussy clench around his aching cock like your body is trying to milk him for all he's worth.
"Ahh- S' too good... M' gonna c-come, mayfly. Gonna come with you."
Vash bites his bottom lip, trying to stifle the sounds of pure agonizing rapture, only for your name to leave his lips like a beautiful song to the heavens as he spills himself deep inside your heat. His hips stutter as he fills you with his hot come until you feel like you're bursting, hips slowing and gently rocking into you as you both ride out your highs until they gradually come to a stop. He feels his muscles go limp, pressing his weight down on you more than he means to as he collapses against your smaller frame. He covers your temple and cheeks with weak, tired kisses, whispering sweet words of affection until you've both gathered your minds a bit more.
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." He chants over and over again with every breath like a prayer, eyes closed, relishing the feeling of euphoria filling his body.
He stays inside you well after you've both come down for your climaxes, cockwarming you on his thick shaft like he can't bare the thought of ever being separated from you again. But when he feels his cock softening, he carefully pulls out of you with an almost pained groan, disappointed at the loss of your warmth but his body completely satisfied and drained regardless. When he sits back on his knees and sees his seed spilling from your dripping hole, he groans, cursing under his breath. The sight is enough to get him hard all over again.
After a night full of round after round of hot and passionate lovemaking, your exhausted bodies lay beside each other. The sheets are wet and tangled, your bodies slick with a mix of your arousals, but you're both far too content and tired to care about the mess right now, enveloped in each other's embrace.
"Mmh... bed's comfy. I see why you like it here," You coo against his head, his hair tickling your nose.
"Having a bed to sleep in has definitely been nice. Beats sleeping out in the desert," He mumbles and pulls you in closer to himself, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, his stubble scratching at your skin.
"But this bed might as well be a bed of sand if I can't sleep in it with you, mayfly."
"Always such a smooth talker," you chuckle at him. Then, your smile turns to a look of reluctance as you gently raise your head. "But I should probably go, huh? Don't wanna explain to Granny and Lina what I was doing here in the morning."
"Well, you were doing me." Vash snickers back at you, eyebrows wiggling teasingly.
"You're hilarious," you scoff with a deadpan stare, but you can't help the little amused smirk forming on your lips, "I'm glad to see your sense of humor hasn't gone anywhere."
He chuckles against the hollow of your throat, his lips ghosting over your skin.
"I know, I know. It's just one of my many charms."
"You won't need to say anything to them. I'll do all the explaining for you." His grip tightens around your waist, any thoughts of leaving the bed vanishing from your mind. How could you leave after everything that's happened? After you've both finally found your ways back to each other?
"Besides, they might already know you're here. We weren't exactly... uh, quiet." He chuckles nervously, and you can feel his face heating up as he thinks about just how much noise the two of you were making. You feel your own face heat up too. Yeah, the morning's gonna be a bit awkward.
Vash grips you tighter, his warm body flush against yours, clinging to you.
"Stay, mayfly. I need you."
Your body settles back into the bed, cuddling yourself up against the man you love most, and the world feels a little brighter.
"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."
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wangxianficfinder · 7 months
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In the mood for...
1. Hola! Hope you are doing well!🧡🧡🧡
I have smut wangxian itmf need where:
(wwx is all soft and vulnerable while they are doing their everyday and someone peeks or comes in and lwj gets all overprotective and angry something like the thousand autumns in the end chapters where they're making out and someone interrupts them)
Thank you!
2. Are there any fics where Wei Ying is a phoenix?
a thousand hills, no birds in flight | 千山鳥飛絕 by defractum (nyargles) (E, 26k, WangXian, Mythology, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon adjacent setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort)
🔒 Soaring through the skies - together Series by Vrishchika (E/T, 15k, WangXian, Dragon LWJ, Phoenix WWX, Fantasy, Explicit Sexual Content, Double Penetration, Oral Sex, First Time, Getting Together, Non-Human Genitalia, Genius WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV LWJ)
🔒 Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 110k, wangxian, Angst, Fluff, Captivity, WRH is creepy, NO NON CON, Dream Sharing, people put in difficult situations and making the best choices that they can, Politics, Epic Length, mystical creature WWX, Canon Typical Violence, dark, Happy Ending)
3. Hi! (^▽^) this is for ITMF!
any fics were people think WWX really gave birth to A-Yuan? like in Assumptions by draechaeli?
Have a great day! (^▽^)
I’ll buy you the moon (I’ll buy you two) by Thesaurus_with_no_words (E, 27k, WangXian, Science Fiction, Space, Rebels, Space Opera, On the Run, Promoted To Parent, Robots, Androids, Mechs, Battle Mechs, Hurt/Comfort, Technopathy, Willful and Deliberate Baby and Wife Acquisition, Porn With Plot, Mpreg) LWJ thinks A-Yuan is his and WWX's
🔒 Blooming in white by luckymoonly (T, 38k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, WQ/MM, LXC/NMJ, JC/NHS, Canon Divergence, Mpreg, Getting Together, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, hidden pregnancy, Mutual Pining, Drama, Misunderstandings, Everyone Lives AU, Miscommunication, WWX and NHS are BFF, matchmaker NHS, Fix-It)
the old-fashioned way by Anonymous (T, 1k, WangXian, Body Dysphoria, Gender Dysphoria, Mpreg, Trans MXY, body fluids, references to canon suicide, this is a funny crack ficlet, despite the rest of the tags, trans wwx, Post-Canon, Transphobia mentioned, Trans Male Character) is short but really funny, one of my favorites
4. Hello! I've read quite some "Modern!Wei Wuxian meets Canon!Lan Wangji" fics, and I loved the idea so much, but now I'm wondering, is there any fics with same theme but reverse? Modern Lwj stumbling upon cultivation world or something? More recs for first one are also welcome 😁💖 @dream-xv-eater
Double Trouble by SirenAlpha (T, 25k, WangXian , Time Travel, Dimension Travel, Fix-It) has (modern AU) LWJ, WWX, and JC ending up in canon. including meeting the canon version of themselves
Echoes of Love by Witch_Nova221 (M, 212k, WangXian, Modern AU, Eventual Romance, Time Travel, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, university lecturer LWJ, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Dark BSSR, Amnesia, Memory Loss, 1980s music, LWJ loves all things 80s, Oxford vs Cambridge, Boat Race, References to Torture, Murder, Blood and Injury, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Mystery) I've only just started this but it fits the prompt. Wwx has amnesia
take me back to a time by DizziDreams (T, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Modern with Magic, Time Travel, Sharing a Bed, Angst with a Happy Ending, Student!WWX, Time-Traveling Wizard!LWJ, Slow Burn, Character Death, Angstreference to abuse, Canonical Character Death, Canonical Abuse, Canon!LWJ, Canon-Typical Violence, Mutual Pining, Chronic Illness, Not A Fix-It, Case Fic, implied 3zun, Transmigration, America, [Podfic of] take me back to a time by dreamhazer) I've also got canon!LWJ ending up in a modern AU (with modern!wwx)
不忘 | Don't Forget by dragongirlG (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Reincarnation, Fix-It of Sorts, Identity Porn, Social Media, Reunions, Family, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Bondage, References to Canon, Artist WWX, Sexual Content, Pining, POV Multiple, Additional Warnings In Author's Note) and canon!WWX ending up in a modern au (with modern... everybody else more or less)
🔒YEYE NONCONNED A TWINK?!?!?! (How Lan Wangji's Vent Account Became Twitter Famous) by Pancho (M, 7k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, post-first siege of burial mounds, violence, blood, dub con, implied/referenced character death, crack treated seriously, PTSD, happy ending) sort of, LWJ is immortal so they know each other already but WWX does meet his modern grandnephew (?) also named lwj
Wrong Turn, Right Place by diamondbruise (E, 71k, WangXian, Time Travel, kind of, it’s more reality travel but there’s modern wwx and cultivator lwj, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Misunderstandings, Cultural Differences) oops just realized you asked for modern lwj meets cultivator wwx and not the opposite lol sorry
5. Itmf a fic where, u know how in *out of context SPOILER** 12 moons and a fortnight wwx has a big dress to impress treat yourself moment with nhs?**end spoiler** any fics with a similar vibe to that scene, where there's a big dress-up statement moment
6. Itmf a fic that made you learn something new. Maybe it was a cool vocab word, or a character used an instrument you'd never heard of, or contained details about an unfamiliar skill set, or made you consider something in a new way, etc. Tell us what you learned! I read a fic where ghost wwx played the hurdy gurdy in cr to juniors (forgot title, help!) & now it's one of my fav instruments.
For the Love of Quilting by Scrippio (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern: No Powers, Quilt Shop AU, First Meeting, Getting Together, Fluff) this fic taught me a lot abt quilting !!
KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) by ScarlettStorm (E, 168k, wangxian, modern, sex work, fiber arts, 2nd in series) taught a lot about knitting along with giving me a bit of an interest in it
Gentle Exile by rynleaf (E, 9k, SL/LXC, Post-Canon, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, References to Depression, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, All deaths in canon happen I'm SORRY, Character Study, Epistolary, Post-Canon Exploration, Podfic by flamingwell, semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona)) LanLan, not Wangxian, and maybe this wasn't what OP was asking about, but the writing style of this one is so creative in how it uses written structure and formatting that it made me have to get CRAZY inventive and learn a TON of new skills to figure out how to translate that to an audio medium when I was podficcing it!
Into the Depths by elytchaeke (T, 47k, WangXian, Modern AU, Cave Diving, Slow Burn, not that slow, Speluncaphobia, Claustrophobia, Descriptions of Corpses, Drowning, Minor Character Death, Minor Violence, Sharing Body Heat, The Inherent Eroticism of Wordless Communication, Corpse Handling) It taught me a lot about cave diving, specifically safety practices, exploration regulations, and (somewhat morbidly) the process for retrieving the body of anyone who attempted a dive and didn't make it back. The au is fun, putting wangxian into this specific field together
7. intmf some preferably short, preferably cannon verse E rated fics with wangxians canon bedroom dynamics? @chellsky
8. Looking for any and all hallmark aus for the holiday season. I'm not really picky about tropes. I love them all. I just want them to be overwhelmingly fluffy and sweet and remind me of the magic of Christmas or any other winter holiday. @leahlisabeth
Ornaments Under the Stars by trippednfell (M, 57k, wangxian, Modern, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, the wangxian Hallmark Movie AU no one asked for, plot and title were randomly generated, Kidfic, Disabled Character, debilitating injury as substitute for missing golden core, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Angst with a Happy Ending, Guest starring Lan Zhan's sky blue coat, The Coat deserves its own tag, disordered eating habits - not a major plot point, WIP) is a great WIP
9. any fic where instead of accepting the whipping LWJ just leaves the sect? @chellsky
10. ITMF where there are multiple Wei Wuxian’s? Like duplicates/clones. I LOVE “🔒 worm moon” by serein and it got me thinking how fun two (or more!) Wei Wuxian’s could be. Imagine Lan Qiren having to deal with multiple Wei Wuxian’s running around Cloud Recesses and disrupting the peace lolol. Thank you for any recs you can give!
11. Fics where Lan Sizhui is biologically wangxian’s??
you can have the best of me, baby by stiltonbasket (Not rated, 12k, wangxian, JYL & WWX & JC, LXC/NMJ, Canon Divergence, Pre-Relationship, or that one where wangxian are trapped in the xuanwu's cave and use dual cultivation to get out, Dual Cultivation, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Sunshot Campaign, Getting Together, a-yuan is wangxian's baby, Happy Ending, WIP)
🔒 If Wishes Were Donkeys by NightOwl1 (M, 101k, WIP, WangXian, SVSSS, Time Travel Fix-It, Case Fic, Mpreg, Fluff and Humor, Dysfunctional Jiāng Family, Bad Parent YZY, WangXian Get a Happy Ending,   Period-Typical Homophobia, Crossdressing, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, It’s All The System’s Fault, Post-Canon, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Warning: JGS, Good Uncle LQR, LWJ and WWX Are LSZ’s Parents, Inappropriate Humor, Family Feels)
my heart to your beat series by larkspur_9 (T, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent LWJ, Celebrity WWX, Trans Male Character, Trans LWJ, Fluff and Angst, (but mostly fluff), Kid Fic, WWX and LWJ are A-Yuan’s biological parents)
In which Lan Qiren eavesdrops and gets a new nephew (and grandnephew) out of it by h0peless_oblivion (M, 64k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, LQR & LWJ, Modern, High School AU, A/B/O, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Mpreg, Teen Pregnancy, Shotgun Wedding, Good Uncle LQR, Madam Yu's A+ Parenting, WWX almost gets disowned for getting knocked up, But the Lans take him in, Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Unspecified Setting, WWX Has ADHD, A-Yuan is Wangxian's son, Pregnant WWX, Humor, non-graphic birth, Family Drama, The Lans love wwx, Male Lactation, Mild Smut in later chapters, wangxian's canonical breeding kink, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, WIP)
🔒 Treats by Prince_kun (G, <1k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, Domestic Fluff, Trick or Treating, Child LSZ, Pregnant WWX, Short & Sweet, Soft wangxian, Family Feels, Mpreg, Wangxian Are LSZ's Parents, LSZ being the cutest thing ever in existence)
Lan Sizhui's forehead ribbon by I_have_a_fleet_of_ships (T, 1k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, Married Wangxian, Established Wangxian, Wangxian Are LSZ's Parents, WWX is LSZ's Parent, Oblivious LWJ, Gūsū Lán Forehead Ribbon, Good Uncle LQR, Fluff, Light Angst, Post Mpreg, Post-Canon)
🔒🧡 Many Lan babies Series by LuckyMoonly (Varied, 396k, WIP, WangXian, Story collection, Mpreg, Pregnant WWX only, Family Fluff, Found Family, Kid fics)
OP can try the specific tag for LSZ being WX's kid in specific
12. Itmf for fics like Linearly above by covalentbonds, I am really intrigued to see wangxian in their parents era😄
13. Itmf where I really wanna see Wwx being manhandled possibly post guanyin temple events and lwj getting angry or getting protective 🩵🩵🩵🩵 Thank you!
14. I know it's not really a trope in this fandom, but itmf any 'boys in chains' recs. if it's got a good scene where a wangxian individual is tied up, restrained, locked up, shackled, or otherwise restricted for excellent angst purposes, I'm bound to like it!
dew drops on petals by jalpari (E, 17k, WangXian, Canon Universe, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, Tentacle Monsters, WWX Has a Secret, LWJ Finds Out And is very into it, Getting Together) this involves lwj being restrained by a baddie & wwx rescuing him
To lurk, to lie in wait by trippednfell (M, 124k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Huli Jing, strangers to co-parents to lovers, Strangers to Lovers, Dragons, Kid Fic, teenage juniors, background NieLan, Angst with a Happy Ending, Case Fic, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Not Really Character Death, Fox Spirit WWX, Dragon LWJ, Blood and Injury, Additional Warnings In Author’s Note) WWX is placed in a containment array rather than more traditional bindings
Birthday Party by waffles_4_breakfast (E, 100k, WangXian, Graphic Depicitons of Violence, Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Sharing a Bed, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Pining, Slow Burn, Poison, Torture, Requited Unrequited Love, First Time, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Come as Lube, Bondage, Dom/sub Undertones, Spit As Lube, Rimming, Consensual Non-Consent, Safe Sane and Consensual, Additional Warnings In Author's Note) WWX is shackled
the field meets the wood by astronicht (T, 7k, WangXian, BAMF WWX, slight whump, Ritualistic Self Harm, Canon Era, Tang Dynasty style, Blood Loss, Blood and Injury, salt economics, Post-Canon) LWJ is tied up
some good mistakes by Lise (T, 18k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Road trips, rescue Missions, Hurt/Comfort, Awkward Conversations, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation) mostly this is Jiang Cheng and LWJ forced to work together (to rescue WWX) and hating every minute, but WWX is tied up in a scene at the
a thousand hills, no birds in flight | 千山鳥飛絕 by defractum (nyargles) (E, 26k, WangXian, Mythology, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon adjacent setting, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort) (link in #2)
15. Hi! ITMF soulmate aus? Not in the cultivation/zhiji sense, but in the fandom sense. Think red thread of fate, a clock counting down, not seeing color until you see them, leaving a colorful mark on first touch, having their words written on you, etc. I have perused the compilation list but I want more more more! Wangxian, Chengxian, Xichen/Mingjue, Mingjue/Wuxian, really anyone/anyone, canon or modern, angsty or fluffy, all is good! I am just really craving soulmate stuff right now. Thank you!!
Catching Your Reflection Passing By by Suspicious_Popsicle (T, 9k, wangxian, sort of but not quite a soulmate au, Magical Realism, Urban Fantasy, pov switching) I didn't tag it as a soulmate au bc it's technically closer to magical realism, but Catching Your Reflection Passing By has strong soulmate vibes
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32k, WangXian, Modern AU, Soulmates, with a lil twist, Eventual Happy Ending, Music, Orchestra, [Podfic] Leading Tone by silencemostofall by Beria1021)
the heartlines on our hands by occultings (microcomets) (E, 47k, wangxian, Soulmates AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, First Time, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death)
ashes by besanii (G, <1k, wangxian, Canonical Character Death, Canon Divergence, Angst, Soulmates AU, Hurt No Comfort)
First and Last by kat8cha (T, 3k, LXC/JGY, wangxian, Angst, Soulmates AU, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, NHS and LWJ are minor parts, Tragic Romance, Hurt No Comfort)
16. I'm in the Mood for a fic where Wei Ying's parents' death wasn't a simple night hunt but planned or something of that nature. @iuocean
Wind Rose in the Clouds by PaidSubscription (E, 202k, wangxian, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Getting Together, First Time, Eventual Smut, Fluff, POV Alternating, Literal Sleeping Together, Cuddling & Snuggling, Mystery, Good Kid LSZ, LJY for President, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Inventor WWX, Explicit Consent, Communication, WWX Works Through His Trauma, LWJ Has a Cuddly Bedtime Agenda, And a Keep WWX Warm Agenda, Plot Twists About Canon Plot Holes, WWX's Parents' Deaths Were Not an Accident, Emotional Healing, Epic Fill-in-the-Canon-Blanks Adventure Mystery Plot But Wangxian Being in Love is the Main Course, Angst with a Happy Ending)
17. I am in mood for A) fanfic where wangxian got separated by misunderstanding or broke up but later they will reunite.
B) Or where Wei Wuxian knows lan wangji loves him and it didn't change anything...like Wei Ying dies and reincarnated
Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You’re an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, WangXian, College AU, Porn with feelings, Angst)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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Warnings: this fic includes noncon/rape, addiction and drug use, intimidation, and size kink. Tags are not exhaustive and more may be added as the series progresses.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You try to help your brother but can’t seem to help yourself.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen
Note: Fun AU time. This is my entry for @springdandelixn​ double trouble sleepover. My prompt was Family Reunion!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like life love’s fucking me in the face Take care. 💖
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“Dammit, Ty,” you look around the dim apartment as you drag in your suitcase behind you, “what the fuck?”
You shake your head as you take in the place. Flies buzz around paper cups, some empty, some not; the carpet is stained with substances you can’t guess at, the walls stained from smoke and more. You wrinkle your nose at the pungent scent of mildew and rot. 
You frown deeply as your eyes water, not only from the sour air but the site of your brother, jittering, rocking on the couch as he cradles his head.
“I’m sorry,” he whines, “I’m sorry, sis.”
“Sorry? Is that going to fix anything?” You let go of your bag and leave it by the door.
He whimpers as you go to the window and yank the cord to draw the blinds up. The sunlight cascades in and gives light to grungy ruin. There’s a hole in the cushion beside him, the springs visible as they poke through the line, there’s an ashtray full of butts on the coffee table between burnt spoons, and bottles and cans crowded all around. Your brother could never pick just one vice.
You near, cautious as you look around the floor. You cross your arms as you stand across from him.
“This is the last time,” you declare firmly, “understand? I’m too old to be cleaning up after you.”
He nods, rocking faster, “sis, I know, I know, I… I haven’t touched a thing in days.”
“Oh no? You haven’t? Or you got nothing left?”
He looks at you, eyes glossy as he scratches his neck, scabs across his knuckles, sores around his mouth and nose. You barely keep from breaking. You swallow the sob of shock, stomach curdling with disgust, and skin crawling from the filth all around.
“You go around and get the syringes. I’m not getting jabbed by a dirty needle, not even for you,” you warn him, “then we’re gonna clean this place from top to bottom.”
“Yeah, yeah, I can do that,” he fidgets as you continue to inspect the apartment.
"I mean it, you're helping. I'll go grabs some supplies while you get started," you hide your grimace as you face the wall, "bleach, sponges… hope that's enough."
"You're the best, sis, really," he says.
"Mhmm," you grumble as you hike up your purse and head for the door, "I won't be long."
You keep a deliberate pace as you try not to rush out. You heave in a lung full of air as you shut the door, nearly coughing as the stink lingers in your nose. You walk halfway down the hall and stop, bracing it as you catch your breath. You could cry. It's been bad, but not this bad.
It's more than just wiping down the walls and scouring the floors. No, you have to get him into counseling, if he'll even go. Get his bills sorted, his debts too. You have no illusion but you can't get ahead of yourself. One thing at a time.
You wait at the elevator. You can't let your baby brother just rot into his addiction. He has no one but you, but you can't be his everything forever. Not if he wants to recover. He needs to take care of himself when you can't.
The elevator strains on the wires and the doors shift. You wipe the stress from your brow as a man steps out, nearly bowling you over, neither of you seeing the other in time.
You bounce off his shoulder and back up. You look up as he looks down. His blue eyes penetrate you as his sharp features surprise you. He'd be deathly handsome if it wasn't for the overgrown fuzz on his lower lip.
"Ah, look at the little bunny," he snickers. "Haven't seen you hoppin' around here before."
Your skin crawls at his timbre and the gleam in his gaze. What a creep. You're not surprised. The building isn't exactly in a wholesome locale.
"Excuse me," you try to sidle past him.
He turns, standing in the way of the door as it tries to close. He blocks your way with his arm and looms over you.
"Not gonna say hi? Where's your manners, little lady?"
You swallow and glance past his arm, "I said excuse me, sir. I'm in a hurry."
He chuckles and reaches to touch your cheek as you lean away. He gives up with a dismissive wave and shoves away from the elevator doors. He waves his arm through in a mocking gesture of gallantry, "on your way, princess."
You keep your face vacant. It's not the first time a man's tried to intimidate you. They only want a reaction and you won't give them one. You step on the elevator and before you can turn you feel a pinch.
You spin and swipe the man's hand away, "get off."
"Ah, don't flatter yourself," he winks, "just wanted a feel." He plants his hand on the metal trim along the opening in the wall and snorts, "you hangin' around here, you aren't no fine dining."
He spits between your feet and pivots. You reach to jab a button as you watch him stride away, his gait long and casual, his shoulders moving cockily under the leather. The doors close him out and you shake your head, looking down at the glob between your shoes.
Might be worth considering relocation on your brother's behalf.
It takes more than a day to deal with the apartment. You're sore and tired, balancing calls from work and your brother's withdrawal between the state of the place. Despite the gallons of cleaner used, the place still has a hint of dinginess.
After all that effort, comes the mental labour of sorting through the pile of unpaid bills and red notices. Most pressing is the rent. You're not rich by any means and your savings is far from expansive but you'll have to sacrifice a few years of retirement to get it all even.
You sit at the table in the kitchen, windowless and dull in the light overhead. You scribble amounts in a margin. Your back aches from the hard wooden chair, the only one that doesn't wobble. You rear your forehead against your hand as the total mounts, a nail hammering deeper and deeper.
Fuck. How are you supposed to dig him out if all the dirt keeps falling back on you?
Ty startles you as he opens the fridge, taking out the carton of orange juice as he grumbles. The tremor has eased up enough for him to hold on.
"Eh, get a glass," you warn.
He huffs and puts the juice down heavily and moves to the cupboard. He takes down one of the few glasses you salvaged, an old plastic Coke brand cup. He pours a generous helping and shoves it back in the fridge. He turns and drags his feet.
"Thanks, sis," he croaks.
"Uh huh," you drop your hand and sit up, "how ya feeling?"
"Like shit," he rasps, "little better."
"Well, chill out, I still gotta catch up and then we'll call the crisis centre…" you slip another envelope from the pile, "see what they can offer."
He gulps loudly as he stops by the door, "I'm sorry."
"Say sorry all you like," you shrug, "won't change anything…" you pause and look up at him, "I'm here because I love you Ty, I'm not here to judge you."
"I know," his voice turns sandy, "I don't deserve you."
"Oh, trust me," you give him a playful sneer, "you deserve everything you get from me, you little punk."
He lets himself laugh and takes another drink. He moves slowly through the door and you listen to him shuffling into the front room. The springs of the couch squeak as you go back to your audit. You might have to let work know you'll be on the road a bit longer.
You fall back into the tedium of the task, the television blaring in the background of your existence. The rustle of the papers and scratch of the nib form a rhythm as you work. You yawn and cup your chin as you review the final amount.
A sudden knock comes but doesn't register right away. At first you think it's the TV and don't react. It isn't until you hear Ty open the door that you realise it's real. You sit up and listen.
"What's up, L?" Ty says, a nervous quaver in his tone.
"What's up?" A deep voice echoes, "well, ya know, I was in the neighborhood and couldn't not stop by."
"Oh, uh, well, I told you L, I'm getting my shit together, I, uh, I'm not buying–"
"Not buying? You didn't pay me for the last batch, asshole!" The snarl has you on your feet as a sudden crash breaks the peace completely.
Ty yelps and you rush to the door. Your brother is on the floor, the coffee table crooked and broken beside him. The man enters, shoulders squared as he puffs dangerously and balls his fists. He comes close and you stop him from lunging at your brother as you place yourself in his path.
"Hey, hey, stop!" You put your hands on his chest as he nearly charges through you. You know him, he's the man from the elevator.
He shifts back on his heel and snickers, "if it isn't tinkerbell come to play."
"What do you want?" You keep your hands up defensively, "Ty, who is this guy?"
"Better question, Tyson, who's this tasty little piece?" The creep intones.
"Fuck," Ty pushes himself up, "L, I told you–"
"You say a lot of shit, fuck boy," the man tries to march past you but you move again into his way, "you owe me, dickhole, and you don't wanna fucking owe me."
"Knock it off," you say, barely able to keep the quake in your chest from rising to the surface, "what's going on?"
"Ah, sweetie, even you can understand it ain't cheap to be a smackhead," the stranger snarls, "he smoked away my good will, is what he did."
"Fuck," you sigh, "fuck, okay, how much does he owe you–"
"More than you got, baby doll," he sneers, "but you let me break his fingers and I'll give you a week to scrape the barrel."
"How much?" You insist.
He stares at you, cheeks dimpling as he smirks. He clicks his tongue and his chest rises arrogantly. 
"Give me a peek at your tits and I'll take ten percent off."
"How much?" You repeat, heart thumping against your ribs.
"Nine K, honey bee," he answers, "not including interest."
You nearly stagger. You look back at Ty as he stands dumbly behind you, orange juice soaked into his tee shirt. You nod and focus on staying calm as you move around the man and snatch your purse from the end table. You open it up and take out your phone. 
"I can give you two right now, figure out the rest by the end of the week–"
"Cash only, baby girl," he says and you freeze, "half now. Nothing less."
"I have two right now–"
"Not good enough," he taunts as he pushes back his jacket, hand resting on the holster on his belt. 
You barely keep from dropping your purse, "fine. But I need to take the money out."
"I'll be happy to walk you down to the ATM," he runs his thumb along the gun's butt, "you know, dangerous types like to come out around this time."
"I'll go. Give me your card," Ty steps up.
"No, you stay here, baby, boy," the man says, "I wanna deal with her. Only her."
You share a look with Ty as his brows draw together. He chews his lip and you zip up your purse.
"Fine, let's just get it over with," you say as you go to the door and grab your jacket.
"No, you can't go with him alone. We'll both–"
"Another word outta you," L points on his face, "and I'll break your fucking jaw. Little girl, get your ass moving."
You shove your feet in your flats as Ty cowers. You shake your head and go to the door, still ajar from the intrusion. You wait in the hall, looking back as the man makes a lazy exit behind you, as if taunting you with his control.
"Let's go, doll," he approaches and you flinch as he puts his arm around you and turns you down the hallway, "gotta say, I always love flaunting a pretty little thing like you."
You're silent as you stop at the elevator. He hits the button with his other hand and you sense him watching you from above. You clutch your purse and keep your head forward.
The doors open and he ushers you inside. He lets you go, keeping his hand on the small of your back as you poke the Lobby button. His fingers tap playfully against you.
"Name's Lloyd," he offers, "how'd you end up with a loser like Tyson?"
"I'm his sister," you cross your arms.
"Big sis saving the day," he chuckles, "cute. What do I call you, cupcake?"
You purse your lips before you answer. He sucks his teeth and points you out as the elevator opens, "I like tinkerbell better."
You don't argue. You just want to get him the money and figure out what to do after. You're painfully conscious of the gun on his belt and his leverage over you. You're too small to put up much of a fight, just like Ty is too addled to do anything more than mope.
Outside, the cool air sends a chill through you. Or maybe it’s the man at your shoulder. You continue down the street, unfamiliar with your surroundings. He catches your arm and pulls you back before you can pass the convenience store.
He drags you to the ATM set into the brick and leans against the wall,
“Go on, sweetie,” he kicks his foot up, bending his leg beneath him. “I’ll keep an eye out for creeps.”
You reach for your purse as you face the machine and search for your wallet. You slide your card free but fumble and drop it. You bend to retrieve it as he snickers.
You don’t entertain him with an answer as you push your card into the slot. You wait for it to read and key in your code. You jab the sticky buttons as his shadow blocks out the light of the store windows.
“Gotta make two withdrawals,” you say.
“Take your time,” he drawls, “don’t mind a few extra minutes with you.”
You ignore the crass suggestion and take out the first two thousand from your checking. You count it and hand it over, barely able to let it go as your insides turn to a pit. You hit a button and go back to the screen to start again.
You get the last of it from your savings as you try to factor it in with the numbers you just tallied up in the kitchen. Fuck. You’re fucked. This is definitely the last time you’re dragging Ty out of the gutter.
You end the transaction and turn to Lloyd. You hold out the wad of cash and he grins as he accepts it, thumbing through it before tucking it away. He bites his lip as he considers you.
“I’ll be back Saturday,” he brings his finger up under your chin, “and if you don’t got the rest, you’ll both pay.”
You stare at him, fighting not to tear away from him, not show your terror. 
“Got it.”
“Do ya?” He arches a brow.
“I’ll have the money. In cash,” you say.
“Wouldn’t hurt to wear a skirt neither,” he taps the end of your nose, “have a good one, toots. I’ll be having sweet dreams of Saturday.”
He side steps you and leaves you in front of the ATM. You watch his silhouette fade into the evening before you turn back down the street. You could kill Ty yourself.
Several calls and one week later, you’re left exhausted and defeated. Several stocks sold, wise investments squandered for your brother’s sake. Of course, he’s worth more than money but money just so happens to run your life.
You wake up painfully early. To be fair, you barely slept. Saturday. No time. Vague and disarming. But you know he’ll keep his promise.
Ty is on the couch. Again. You went down to the crisis center on Wednesday. Aside from pamphlets and a bad attitude, you got nothing. That meant private counseling, another expense. And a talk with your brother about getting a job. You’re both too old for this.
As he lays barely awake before the television, you sit at the table and catch up on work. Docking extra hours in a feeble attempt to make up for the mounting costs that could soon be debts. You zone out as you flick through endless spreadsheets and send off requests to a dozen different colleagues and clients.
Ty grumbles but you can’t make out what he’s saying. You get up to check on him and find him laughing at a Loony Tunes episode. You shake your head. You’re starting to get frustrated with his indifference. All of this is his fault and you’re taking the fall. Again.
“Hey, Ty, I’m just working on some stuff, can you turn that down?” You ask as you lean on the doorframe.
“Put some headphones on,” he slurs into a yawn, “I don’t know…”
You stare at him. He was up all night playing video games. The conversation about selling the console didn’t go over well. Well, it would need to be settled. Maybe after he sees you fork over another four grand.
You sigh and return to the kitchen. The chair is no more welcoming, reminding you of the persistent ache in your ass. You go back to type, trying to tune out the cartoon’s wallops and whams. Then a louder bang, several. Those are real.
You nearly topple the chair as you stand and go through to the front room. Ty sits up dizzily but makes no effort to answer the door. You take your purse and pull out the brown envelope.
You open the door and greet the man with a tenuous grimace. Lloyd steps inside loftily, brushing against you as he looks around. He struts around with a tilt in his chin, an air of victory.
“You don’t have to come in,” you say as you stay by the door, “take the money and go.”
“Nice in here. Sister really got you all cleaned up, huh?” He ignores you as he stops behind the couch, “you’re looking great, tiger.”
Your brother murmurs, indeterminate syllables. You frown. What the fuck is wrong with him.
“Why don’t you pull up your sleeve, boy, and show her how well she got you cleaned up?”
“Fuck off,” Ty waves him off and slumps back against the pillow. 
Lloyd tut and walks around, grabbing your brother and tearing up his shirt. You race forward and pull him back. You shove the money against him.
“Take it. Go. Leave us alone–”
“Little girl,” he faces you, grabbing your hand, clutching it around the envelope, “don’t you get it?”
“What the f– let me go–”
He releases you roughly, “count it. Go on.”
“I did, it’s all there–”
“When’s the last time you did? Today? Last night?”
“L, go away,” your brother grips his head.
“Do it,” Lloyd demands.
You roll your eyes and open the flap, pulling out the stack and go to the end table as you count it out. Hundred, two, three…
You go on as Lloyd watches. It’s right. You haven’t touched it. Three thousand. Three? How?
You keep your fingers on the top bill and swallow. You slowly glance up as Lloyd takes your brother’s arm again and reveals the dark marks. Your blood turns to ice.
“Once a junkie, always a junkie,” he snarls and drops your brother’s arm, “and I own every single smack head in the city. A hundred dealers and they all live in my pocket. So I know about his little midnight rendezvous… and apparently you got no fucking idea, sweetie.”
He approaches and puts his hand on the bills, sliding them out from your grasp. He flips through them and tucks them away in his pocket. 
“I’ll take this but… I’m not leaving till I get what’s I’m owed,” his hand falls down and rests on his gun, “so… shut the door and take your fucking clothes off.”
You look up at him. Your chest feels hollow. Your heart beats so fast you can’t even feel it. Your veins burn and your skin tingles. 
“I can get the rest–”
“The deal was you give it to me now. You don’t got it now,” he pulls his gun free, keeping it at his side as he looms over you, “don’t make me tell you again.”
You bite down and withhold a shudder. Your anger can’t boil over as it’s smothered by the horror coursing through you. You go to the door and close it gently.
“Lock it,” he orders.
You raise the chain shakily and slide it over.
“That’s my sister,” Ty shouts and you turn to see him fling himself off the couch. 
Lloyd meets him with a fist across the jaw, a startling crack that sends him to the floor, followed by a sharp kick in the side.
“Stay the fuck down and I’ll leave her in good enough shape to walk,” he snarls.
He aims the gun at you without looking, keeping his attention on Ty.
“Honey, strip down and get on your knees,” he follows the direction of the gun as he pivots.
You lower your lashes as your lip trembles. You peel off your shirt, inch by inch as you’re scalded by the bareness. You let it drop to the floor and bend to remove your socks, wasting time as you search for a semblance of courage. You stand and touch the top of your pants, tugging at the bow of the belt until it loosens.
You poke your fingers under the fabric and shimmy it down. You feel him watching you, hear the pathetic groan of your brother. What is he crying about, he got a knock in the face, you’re in for worse.
You push down the fabric and step out of it. You hug yourself as you stand in just your bra and panties. Lloyd snickers and wiggles his gun.
“All of it,” he insists.
You dip your chin lower and pull your arms apart. You reach and struggle to unhook your bra. You can’t grip it, you’re shaking too much.
You wince as Lloyd comes towards you and yanks the straps down your shoulders. You whimper and finally unclasp the loops. He swipes it away and you quickly roll down your panties. 
He grips your arm and pulls you closer, gazing down your body as he hums.
“You really are magic, tinkerbell, why don’t you show me another trick,” his hand glides down to yours and he places your fingers against his belt, “get down and make me feel good.” He grins and bends as he lowers his voice, “I get a bit lax on the trigger control when I’m in a bad mood.”
You latch onto his belt and push your thumb against the buckle. You undo it, focusing on the simple task. You pick open his fly and pull the zipper down. He purrs and fixes his stance. 
You close your eyes as you feel along his pants and slide your fingers under his boxers. You guide both down, the fabric catching on his dick as it twitches to life. You stretch the elastic past his throbbing length and try not to look. Oh god.
“You’re vibrating like a virgin at prom,” he teases and presses the gun to your cheek, dragging it under your chin and forcing your face up, “you sucked a dick before, ain’t you?”
You scowl and grab his dick, squeezing him.
“I know what I’m doing,” you breathe.
“Prove it,” he smirks down at you.
You lower yourself as he removes the barrel from your skin. You strain on your knees as he angles with you. You stroke him, the veins thrumming beneath his taut flesh, tip swollen and throbbing. You lean in and touch your lips to his head, flicking your tongue to slicken it and ease the intrusion.
You take him in, bit by bit. He growls and grabs the back of your head, shoving you deeper until you gag. He forces past the resistance and you kick your feet, eyes pricking as you struggle not to retch. He jerks his hips and you latch onto the front of his open pants as he blocks your airway entirely.
He lets you off him and you gulp in air before bobbing back down, his strength guiding your motion. He works you up and down, your fingers stretching up to the hem of his shirt as the relentless rhythm leaves you dizzy. The spit dribbles out and smears around your mouth, humiliation burning behind your eyes and pooling in your stomach.
He slips his hand under your chin as he uses you, rocking into you as he hammers against your reflex. The bile stirs and threatens to spill over. The disgust, for him, for yourself, roils and sears like acid.
He pushes you off him and you gasp and gulp. He pokes his tongue out as he watches you heave with delight. He presses his hand firmly to your throat and raises you to your feet. Your brother sobs on the floor as Lloyd spins you and walks you towards the couch.
“Just like usual, Tiger,” he taunts as he bends you over the arm, pinching the back of your neck, “can’t face the fucking consequences.” He kicks your feet apart and slaps your ass. You cry out and hide your face against the sofa, “aw, sis, you really don’t deserve this but… fuck you got a nice ass.”
You growl and clench your teeth tight. His hand crawls down your ass and he prods beneath, brushing your cunt. He leans his knees between your thighs, keeping them apart as he delves between your folds. He rubs your clit with one finger, adding another as you flinch. You hiss out at the sensation that radiates from his touch.
You hate this man. Despise him and what he’s going to do. But your body reacts as your mind revolts. 
You bite into your lower lip as he drags his fingers back and presses against your entrance. He pokes two fingers into you, burying up to his knuckles before pulling back. Then a third grazes your cunt and he stretches you around him, drawing a whine from your dry throat.
He reaches his limit again, pushing you past yours as he spreads his fingers inside you. He rocks his hand, shifting you against the rough fabric. He brings his thumb to your clit and you gasp as he rolls it around cloyingly.
“Fuck, baby, how do I know you didn’t short me on purpose? Feels like you want this.”
“Shut up,” you puff as you turn your face out.
“Aw, you’re cute,” he slides his fingers out and braces your hip, “you just can’t wait for more, huh?”
You growl and bite your cheek. He rubs his tip against you and eases into you. You clench and he grunts. He stops halfway and bends over you, reaching beneath to rub your clit with his other hand. He thrusts and impales you completely. You cry out as he stands you up and you grasp onto the couch arm to support yourself.
“Sorrryyyyy,” Ty babbles, “I’m so–”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” Lloyd sneers as he ruts against you, “she’s taking it like a good girl. Ain’t you, tinkerbell, with the magic fucking pussy.”
You murmur and hang your head, clutching his pants as you try to ease his motion. He jolts you mercilessly. He pounds against your ass, the loud clapping filling the room above your brother’s pitiful sobs. You focus on breathing through the unbearable pressure as it builds in your core.
Please, no–
You let out a pathetic squeak as you cum, thighs quaking as his flicking fingertips send you over the edge. He grabs your chin and holds you against him, nuzzling you as he snarls.
“Fuck, baby, you just came all over me,” he growls, “maybe you aren’t such a good girl.”
You moan through your teeth as he keeps his fingers on your clit, toying with you incessantly. You wheeze and whine as he overstimulates you, your eyes welling over as the aches branches down your thighs.
“Please…” you breathe.
“Please?” He hammers against you, “please what? Make you cum again?”
You squeal as you do just that, the squelching release dripping down his dick. He hooks his arm around your neck and thrusts harder, rattling your bones with each tilt. You close your eyes and claw at his thick arm, the scent of his leather sleeve wafting up to your nose. You whimper as he rams deeper and deep, fucking you to your tiptoes.
“Fuck, ah, shit, here I go–” He chokes on his voice and it erupts to a roar.
He clutches your head from behind, arm tightening around your neck as he strangles your vision to the stars. You’re a ragdoll in his grasp, limp as he shakes you with his last erratic ruts. He falls forward, crushing you against the couch as he slaps a hand onto the end table. He jerks his hips and you flail weakly before he slides out, a slimy mess trickling down your thigh.
“There is one thing,” he spanks you, groping you before he scratches his nails up your flesh, “we didn’t get to interest… that’s another two grand.” He clucks and traces the curve of your ass then slips between your cheeks, tickling your puckered ring, “and I know you don’t got that neither, tinkerbell.”
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dystopicjumpsuit · 5 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 21
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The Emotion and the Response
Rating: T (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged; regardless of rating, minors DNI)
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings and tags: language; blood and injury; a panic attack; sensuality.
Suggested Listening:
Summary: A reunion.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings, "Double, Double Boil and Trouble" (part 2 here) and "Do It Again," but all the fics can be read as stand-alones.
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Between the emotion and the response falls the Shadow
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
The coordinates Gregor sent dropped Cerra quite literally in the middle of nowhere, parsecs away from the nearest star system, inhabited or otherwise. As the shuttle shifted into realspace, she saw the reason he’d chosen this place. Instead of the black emptiness of space she expected, the Archeon Nebula stretched out before her: a luminous, golden cloud of gas and cosmic dust. It was an incredible view, but that wasn’t why the commando had sent her there.
The electromagnetic radiation of the nebula interfered with long-range communications, including any signals from tracking beacons that she might have missed on the shuttle. Short-range comms would still work if she boosted the signal as high as it would go, but she was invisible to the Empire and everyone else in the galaxy so long as she stayed put. 
She navigated away from the hyperspace lane and powered down all systems except life support and comms to avoid detection by passing vessels, then she increased the range and sensitivity of the shuttle’s proximity sensor to maximum. With the tiniest shred of luck, the next ship that arrived would be Gregor, not smugglers, pirates, or worse. Of course, her luck hadn’t been particularly stellar lately.
While she waited, she raided the shuttle’s supply cabinet and was disgusted to find that it didn’t even have a basic medkit. Supply officer on that Venator ought to be busted down to private, she fumed with a disgruntled, unintelligible mutter.
On the plus side, there were a few expired ration bars, which she ate, because she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a meal, and a few bottles of water, which she drank, because she had no idea how long she’d be waiting for Gregor. That karking mudscuffer Yularen had split her lip badly when he hit her, and she winced as she chewed the desiccated rations, hoping that she wouldn’t reopen the wound.
She stripped off the plastoid TK armor and the compression bodysuit and headed to the refresher. The shuttle didn’t have a shower—not even a sonic—but she scrubbed off as much of Daivik’s dried blood as she could in the tiny sink, washing until the red swirls that circled the drain disappeared and the water ran clear. 
The familiar harsh, medicinal scent of the soap stung her nose and transported her instantly to her time in the GAR, filling her with an odd sense of nostalgia. She examined the swelling bruise on her shoulder where Daivik had struck her. It hurt like a sonofabitch. She rolled her shoulder gingerly, testing her range of motion. It wasn’t terrible, but she wouldn’t exactly call it great, either. She’d had worse injuries, but that didn’t make her current ones any more fun.
Should’ve killed that scughole before he beat the shit out of me, she mused. I’ll have to remember that next time I get my ass captured. 
She sighed and stepped back into the compression suit, and then headed to the cockpit, where she curled up in the pilot’s seat to wait, stretching and shifting in the cramped seat to try to get more comfortable. Her eyes felt gritty and dry. Her body ached. Without the sublight engine running, the only sounds were the quiet hum of the life support system and the faint clangs of the ship itself as it drifted in the emptiness. The displays and buttons of the ship’s navigation panel were barely bright enough to see anything, but nebula cast a faint glow through the viewport, subtly illuminating the cockpit in soft, golden light. 
She gazed out the viewport as her eyes grew heavy. There was something strangely comforting about the nebula—knowing that it continued to create new stars even as others flickered and died throughout the galaxy. The darkness hadn’t won. Not yet. There was still light. There was still hope. And even the stars that died continued to shine long after they’d burnt out.
Her head throbbed, and her lids drifted closed, only for a moment. Just a few seconds, really. No more than that. She needed to stay awake while she waited for Gregor. She… She needed…
She slept.
She had no idea how long she’d been out when she jerked awake, startled into consciousness by the blaring proximity alert. She cursed silently as she lunged forward and toggled the switch so the alarm would stop screeching. The comms crackled to life.
“Code tango-two-one-eight. Watchman to Scrapper, I’ve reached the rendezvous coordinates. What’s your status?”
Cerra’s heart lurched at the sound of Gregor’s voice.
“All good here, Watchman,” she replied. “Send me a ping, and I’ll dock with your ship.”
“Copy that. See you soon.”
Within minutes, she docked with the freighter, and before she boarded, she programmed the shuttle’s hyperdrive to overload. She hurried across to the freighter and sealed the hatch, signaling Gregor to release the docking clamps. By the time she made it to the cockpit, they were already at a safe distance from the shuttle, and within seconds, a blinding flash confirmed the shuttle was destroyed.
Gregor sprang out of his seat and rushed toward Cerra. His eyes widened when he saw her bruised, bloodied face, and he pulled her into a crushing embrace. Cerra let out a tiny whimper of pain, and he loosened his grip immediately.
“Are you all right?” he asked, checking her frantically for injuries.
“I’m all right, Gregor,” she said as relief flooded her. She was safe. She was home. “There was no medkit on the shuttle, otherwise I would have taken care of it already.”
He pushed her gently into the copilot’s chair and reached across her to grab the small emergency medkit they kept in the cockpit. He knelt between her knees as he pulled out a tube of bacta, biting down on the finger of his glove and yanking it off with his teeth. As he leaned close to dab the gel on the bruises and lacerations that marred her face, his dark eyes filled with such distress that her heart twisted inside her to see it. His touch was incredibly gentle, and Cerra took a moment to simply enjoy the way his skin felt against her, his fingers were warm and comforting in contrast to the cold bacta.
“Is there more under the suit?” he asked.
She nodded and reached for the autofastener, but Gregor found it first and tugged it down, careful not to pinch her skin as he unzipped the tight-fitting garment. As he slid the pressure suit cautiously down over her shoulders to puddle around her waist, his breath caught when he saw the extent of the bruises that mottled her skin.
“Those fucking bastards,” he growled. “I’ll kill them.”
“Sorry, buddy, I beat you to it,” she said with a pained smile.
He grunted. “As long as they’re dead.”
He smoothed the bacta onto her shoulder with the lightest touches, easing her bra strap out of the way as he worked. The soft, warm glow of the nebula caught on the planes of his face, throwing the angles and lines into stark relief. He knelt so close to her that she could see the rise and fall of his chest with each breath, the subtle pulse in his neck with each heartbeat. She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent, at once so familiar and so unique, and a memory flashed in her mind: strong arms wrapped securely around her; a thick, solid thigh slotted between her legs; the firm press of a body against her hip as she drifted on the edge of consciousness.
“Gregor?” she whispered, then swallowed thickly.
“Hm?” He raised his eyes to hers inquisitively, and he was so close that she could see the golden flecks in his irises.
“I don’t want to fight any more,” she said. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”
His eyes softened. “I know you didn’t.”
He was so, so close. Her gaze drifted down to his mouth, and when she looked back up, he was staring at hers, too. His hand stilled and rested against her shoulder, and she knew he could feel the way her breathing became rapid and shallow. Almost without realizing she was moving, she raised her hand to his face and traced her thumb across the chiseled line of his cheekbone. How had she never noticed how sharp it was? Maker, he was so handsome it almost hurt to look at him, like staring directly into a star. No wonder she’d spent the last several months avoiding looking too closely. She trailed her fingertips along his jawline, feeling the scratch of his stubble, and he leaned imperceptibly closer. 
He looked so much like Fives, and yet so different at the same time. When did his face become so incredibly important to her? When had his voice become as vital as the air that she breathed? When had he gone from being her dearest friend to being the one person in the galaxy that she could not imagine living without?
She brushed the pad of her thumb over his lips, and his eyes drifted closed.
“Cerra,” he whispered, and his warm breath washed across her skin, sending prickles of awareness through her body. “Don’t do this.”
She froze, and hurt flashed through her, worse than anything Yularen and his thugs could ever inflict. She withdrew her hand immediately and looked away, unable to meet his eyes. She was such a fool.
“S—sorry,” she stammered. “I shouldn’t have—I’m so sorry.”
Gregor pulled his hand away from her shoulder, and she steeled herself for his rejection, swallowing down the tightness in her throat. But instead of moving away, he cupped her chin softly and turned her head to face him.
“Don’t do it unless you mean it,” he said.
Her eyes darted to his, and she saw the truth there, written plainly as it always had been, if only she hadn’t been too stubborn to read it. Something deep inside her chest snapped, and she pitched forward, closing the short distance between them as their lips collided. Pain lanced through her bruised mouth, but she didn’t care. All she knew was that she couldn’t exist for another second without kissing Gregor. She needed him more than her next breath, more than the blood coursing through her veins, more than life itself.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him, sliding her whole body forward in the seat. Her thighs pressed open to accommodate him, and it seemed the most natural thing in the galaxy to wrap her legs around his body. She flattened her hands against his back, then dragged them up his shoulders, up his neck, to caress the velvety shorn hair at the base of his skull, and then further, to tangle her fingers in the longer curls at the crown of his head.
His tongue slid against hers, and he let out a short, urgent sound and clutched her body tightly against himself. He tasted like everything she had ever wanted. His hands roamed across the bare skin of her back, one of them settling low to press her hips closer, and the other gliding up to clasp the back of her neck. He pinned her against his body as his lips moved away from hers and he began to work his way down her jaw and neck. 
She dropped her head back, her body lighting with arousal beneath his lovely, talented mouth. The light abrasion of his stubble made a delicious contrast with the soft, gentle warmth of his lips and tongue. He reached a particularly sensitive spot at the base of her throat, and she gasped, unconsciously grinding her hips against him. He rewarded her by sinking his teeth lightly into her skin, raking them across her until she writhed and moaned, clutching his head closely to herself.
The moment felt surreal, as though her brain couldn’t quite process what was happening. She’d spent so long denying the truth that it felt as though her entire universe had been inverted—and yet at the same time, the touch of his lips, the grip of his hands, the press of his body against hers seemed so incredibly right that she could no longer imagine going without them.
“Shit,” he said suddenly, breaking away from her.
“What?” she asked, dazed.
“You’re bleeding.”
Startled, she raised a hand to her chin and was horrified to feel a slick of blood on her skin. “Kriff!”
Gregor extracted a square of gauze from the medkit and pressed it against her lip, holding it gently but firmly in place until the bleeding stopped. While he waited, he dropped tiny, feather-light kisses across her face, over and over, until she began to giggle.
“Stop smiling,” he said sternly, kissing the tip of her nose. “You’re going to make your lip start bleeding again.”
“Then stop being so perfect,” she retorted.
He paused to consider. “Best I can offer is ten percent off.”
“Well, that hardly seems like a bargain at all,” she said.
“Take it or leave it.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled at her, and she caught her breath.
“I love you,” she blurted.
His eyes widened with shock.
“I mean—” she stammered, panic threading in her voice. “I—I mean—”
She laughed nervously, and then the laughter turned to shallow, gasping breaths as the edges of her vision began to darken and black spots swam before her eyes. Her lungs heaved, but there seemed to be no oxygen in the cockpit. She scrambled backward in her chair, trying to put some distance between herself and Gregor.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” Gregor said. “All the way out, come on, Cerra. You know what to do. Breathe all the way out. One, two, three, four, five. Now breathe in through your nose, sweetheart. One, two, three, four, five.”
He held her hands in his warm, reassuring grasp, and as she brought her breathing back under control, she suddenly remembered what he’d told her that awful night at 79’s. 
“Easy, love. I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall.”
A/N: I know nebulae don't cast light like that IRL, but this is Star Wars, where they totally do! If you want to see the nebula in question, check out Rebels Season 3 Episode 18, "Secret Cargo."
Next chapter
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
RainCode Sickfic (Sequel 3) preview!
(RainCode Endgame Spoilers!)
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Behind the mask…lies the pain you’ve kept hidden all this time…
So as I’ve briefly mentioned multiple times, over winter break I will be writing a new fic, aka the third and final part to my RainCode sickfic trilogy. I call the it the “Sickfics of the Heart” series~ :)
The final fic I write will take place in the post game. Where former Number One, Yuma decides to visit Kanai Ward to check on his homunculus Makoto before the year ends as a break. But he finds out he’s not in good shape health-wise and decides to try to look after him.
I will be making multiple references to my first fic “Home is Where the Heart is” so be sure to read that fic first!
This fic will also contain more angst. (that I will make super fluffy in return :3)
Here is the summary of what I have planned.
Title: A Heartwarming Reunion
With his memories back, Former Number One, now Independent Detective Yuma Kokohead has recently solved yet another case. One more step towards his goal of eradicating all the world’s mysteries. He finds himself a little tired and realized that it was getting close to the end of the year. He thinks maybe it’s a good opportunity to take a small vacation to recuperate.
New Years is usually a time best spent with family. Sadly, Yuma didn’t have any blood relatives. His secondary family was the Nocturnal Detective Agency, but with the master detectives off doing their own thing, and the chief deceased (or rather wandering aimlessly as an undead homunculus zombie) he couldn’t be selfish and take up their time.
But as he thought back to his time spent in Kanai Ward's city of endless rain as an amnesiac, one person crossed his mind. The person who shared his face, his mind and his build. The homunculus clone he had to battle to solve the city’s mystery. (Though he could not remember what exactly happened) The CEO and now Leader of the clouded city of rain full of homunculi like him. Makoto Kagutsuchi.
Yuma thought to himself that even if they were previously enemies, Makoto was probably the closest thing to a blood relative he had left. So he decides to return to Kanai Ward to pay him a visit, to see how the city is fairing and hoping he had some time off to talk and catch up. And as the city’s leader, he was usually alone. He wouldn’t mind a little surprise visit from his original …would he?
Little did Yuma know, that Makoto may have needed his help more than he originally expected. He overhears rumors in the city that speak concerns of Makoto pushing himself too hard. It turns out their city’s leader was ill, and he had only gotten worse due to his days of continuous overworking and trying to brush it off, by hiding it using his mask.
Yuma is about to experience being a caretaker for the first time in his life, and to his own double. He has a bit of trouble at first, but he has a little bit of help from his heartwarming memories of his previous found family, the Nocturnal Detective Agency. He also finds out more about Makoto in the process. Realizing that he’s been in a lot of pain…that he’s kept masked all this time, all alone.
Also yes this edit is terrible... x'D Makoto's sprite art makes it difficult to edit into his body... I tried okay? x-x;
Anyway, I hope you will look forward to it! I will try to get it done by either Christmas or...the end of the year :3c
Also this will likely be a multi-chapter fic.
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♥ masterlist of fics recs ♥
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aka, please don't mind this post, just organizing the fics i've read . . . more to be added as time goes on.
profiles (because i'd literally be listing all their fics)
@venus-haze (best yandere!elvis fics in my opinion)
@blainesebastian (amazing a.b. fics)
@flwersgarden (amazing yandere and not yandere!elvis and other fics)
@aconflagrationofmyown (amazing elvis fics - most beautiful writing like what)
@corroded-hellfire (amazing eddie munson fics!!)
(obviously there's more, but these are just some)
elvis / characters
Vampire!Elvis x Vampire!Reader
Red String || Elvis x Reader
Don't Worry Darling AU || Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Worshipping!Elvis x Worshipped!Reader
Love Is All I Can Give To You || Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Austin!Elvis x Enemy!Reader
Someone to Watch Over Me || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Naive!Reader
The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter - Prequel || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Enchanted || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Chain of Fools || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Cutesy!Reader
What Aren't You Telling Me? || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Beale Street Blues || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Only Ones Who Know || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Be My Once In A Lifetime || Elvis x Reader
I've Got A Crush On You || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Craw-Fever || Elvis Presley x Reader
The Bathroom || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Ever Fallen In Love || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All I Want || Elvis x Reader
International Hotel || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Trouble || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Come Out Tonight || Austin!Elvis x Reader
The Silence of a Falling Star || Elvis Presley x Reader
Reunion || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Late Night Reassurance || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Sing For Me || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Siren!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Quite A Show || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Vampire!Elvis x Reader
Just The Costume Designer || Elvis x Reader
Trouble || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All Out of Dreams || Austin!Elvis x Reader
National Anthem || Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Loving You Will Be The Death Of Me || Austin!Elvis x Reader
All I Wanted Was You || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Showgirl!Reader
Talk Like An Angel || Yandere!Vince Everett x Fem!Reader
Austin!Elvis x Vampire!Reader
A Star Is Born || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Know What You've Done || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
The Leather Jumpsuit || Elvis x Reader
Cult Leader!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Heartbreak Hotel || Austin!Elvis x Fem!Reader
Werewolf!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Can’t Help Falling in Love || Austin!Elvis x Reader
That Damn Hound Dog || Elvis Presley x Reader
Double Trouble || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader x Yandere!Jesse
You Go To My Head || Yandere!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Different Kind Of Love || Cult Leader!Elvis x Reader
Ghost!Austin!Elvis x Reader
Demon!Austin!Elvis x Reader
All Shook Up || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Vampire!Austin!Elvis x Reader
You’re Her Daddy || Austin!Elvis x Reader
Lovesick Blues || Yandere!Austin!Elvis
Don't Fly Away || 60s!Elvis / Time Traveler!Elvis x Reader
Married!Elvis x Little Sister!Reader
Yours || Elvis Presley x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Priscilla's Best Friend!Reader
Vampire!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Reader
Yandere!Elvis x Pushover / People Pleaser(?)!Reader
The Singer and The Journalist || Elvis Presley x Fem!Reader
austin butler / characters
Going Method || Austin Butler x Reader
Teasing!Austin Butler x Reader
Austin Butler x Reader
Mutually Assured Satisfaction || Austin Butler x Reader
Not My Husband || Austin Butler x Reader
Ruin You || Austin Butler x Reader
Happy Birthday || Austin Butler x Reader
Alone || Sebastian Kydd x Fem!Reader
Wil Ohmsford x Reader
billy hargrove
Yandere!Billy x Reader
You Never Shut Up about Steve || Jealous!Billy x Reader
Assertive || Billy x Reader
Fool for You || Billy x Fem!Reader
What Are You Supposed To Be? || Billy x Fem!Reader
Like The Wind || Billy x Fem!Reader
Mindflayed!Yandere!Billy x Reader
steve harrington
Cherry Flavored || Yandere!Steve x Reader x Yandere!Eddie
Steve x Reader x Abusive!Billy
Stay Awhile || Steve x Fem!Reader
eddie munson
Cherry Flavored || Yandere!Eddie x Reader x Yandere!Steve
Soft Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Groupie Love || Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Love Comes Walking In || Eddie x Reader
Jealousy, Jealousy || Eddie x Reader
Yandere!Eddie x Reader
Hellraiser || Yandere!Eddie x Reader
194 notes · View notes
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Summary: Y/N goes to visit Auggie during Thanksgiving break because he and Stella have been fighting pretty badly. Her hope is that if she helps him reconcile with his sister, he could have a reason to show Y/N just how thankful he is... but when Y/N arrives at Walker Ranch on Thanksgiving she doesn’t wind up kissing the Walker she had hoped to be kissing, and it turns out nobody is allowed to spend Thanksgiving at the Walker’s without leaving absolutely stuffed. 
Pairing: Cordell x Reader x Trey Rating: 18+ Tags: Crush on August, August’s Girl Troubles, Coitus Interruptus, Taboo Pairing, Inappropriate Relationship, Best Friend’s Dad, Threesome, ​​Manipulation, Age Difference, Sex Tape, Light Blackmail, Degradation, Dirty Talk, Loss of Virginity, Choking, Slapping, Hair Pulling, Rough sex, Implied Double Penetration Word Count: 3,963 Bingo Squares:@anyfandomgoesbingo - Voyeurism | @j3bingo - Falling Out of Love
A/N: Written as a birthday request for one of my wonderful subscribers! If you'd like a birthday fic too, check out my website for more info on how to subscribe 😊
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Y/N might have been in the same grade as Stella, but August was the Walker that she’d grown the closest to since the pair transferred to Sacred Hearts High School. August and she had gotten to be good friends thanks to the music electives they shared and the after-school jazz club, but secretly she’d always hoped that one day they might be more. The trouble was that August was still going to Sacred Hearts while she went off to a local college, so Y/N wasn’t seeing the boy nearly as often as she used to. She’d been at his party at the Side Step and they’d had a nice catch-up over an awful-tasting beer, but then he’d had to play host and try to stop things from getting too rowdy. He hadn’t been very successful and Y/N had had the good sense to abandon ship before things got too crazy and the cops showed up. 
The party hadn’t been the reunion she had been hoping it would be, which is why she came up with this plan instead.
Straightening her hair one more time, Y/N knocked on the door to Walker Ranch, the cobbler she had brought with her clutched nervously in her other hand. She was momentarily confused when it wasn’t actually any of the Walker family who came to answer the door. 
“Coach Barnett?” Y/N asked in surprise when her old school counselor and soccer coach swung the door open, its harvest wreath banging against the wood with the force of his pull. 
“Y/N, hey,” he greeted, also a little confused from the expression on his face as he glanced between her and the tin-foiled casserole dish she held. “C’mon in,” he beckoned her inside and stepped back so she could enter, closing the door behind her. “I didn’t realize the kids had invited anybody for dinner. Stella’s still grounded,” he added with a grimace.
“Oh, uh, they don’t know I’m here,” Y/N shuffled awkwardly in place. “I kind of wanted to surprise August.” She could feel herself flushing under Coach Barnett’s gaze as a knowing smile spread across his full lips. 
“Oookay, I see how it is,” he smirked. “Well, I’m sure you’ll be more than welcome. It’s always the more the merrier at the Walkers’,” he laughed, reaching out and taking the cobbler from her. “Come on through to the kitchen and we’ll see where Auggie’s hiding himself.” 
“Thanks, Coach,” Y/N smiled nervously as she followed him further inside the impeccably decorated house. 
“I’m not a coach anymore kiddo, you can call me Trey,” he smiled over his shoulder and Y/N nodded. “Hey, we’ve got a new addition!” Trey announced as they reached the kitchen, and Y/N saw August and Stella’s dad turn around from his position in front of the stove, and their grandmother looked up from where she was chopping potatoes on the island counter. 
“Oh, hey there,” Mr. Walker smiled brightly. “You’re uh, Y/N, right? Auggie’s friend from band last year?” 
“Yeah, that’s me,” Y/N took the hand Mr. Walker offered her and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Walker.” 
“Psh, It’s Cordell,” he waved away the title. “My daddy is still Mr. Walker around here. And this is Auggie’s Mawline, she’s Mrs. Walker,” Cordell gestured to his mother and she gave Y/N a cheery wave. 
“I brought a peach cobbler,” Y/N pointed to the dish that Trey had set down on the counter. “I’m sorry for showing up unannounced, I sort of wanted to surprise Auggie, if that’s okay.” She looked down at the hem of her sleeve and picked at the loose thread there in a bit of embarrassment as all the adults in the room shared knowing smiles with each other over her head. 
“That’s very sweet of you,” Mawline said graciously. “Peach is Auggie’s favorite.” 
“The kids are out in the farmhouse, if you wanted to go hang out with them until dinner is ready,” Cordell spoke up, pointing in the direction of the second house on the property. “I would tread lightly though,” he cringed, “Stels and August aren’t on the best terms right now.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Y/N nodded. “That’s why I wanted to come talk to him, I’m hoping I might be able to help them sort things out,” she shrugged again, hugging her arms around her middle. 
“Well that would certainly be a Thanksgiving miracle,” Trey laughed brightly. 
“You go on out there, and someone will come down and get you guys when the food is ready,” Cordell smiled, giving Y/N a bracing pat on the shoulder before returning to the stove, which had several pots that were on the verge of bubbling over. 
“Thanks,” Y/N nodded to everyone as she exited the kitchen and made her way across the yard.
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“August?” Y/N called out. She had knocked a few times and no one had answered but the door was unlocked so she let herself in. Once again, there was no answer, but she could faintly hear some music coming from upstairs, so she followed the sound. 
“Stella? August?” she tried asking again when she reached the upstairs hall. She passed an open door and saw what must be Stella’s room, worryingly empty considering Trey had said that she was grounded. There was movement and shuffling sounds coming from slightly further down, so Y/N kept walking, but before she made it to the next door it swung open and a flustered looking August stuck his head into the hall around the edge of his door. 
“Y/N!?” He straightened up in surprise and stepped further into the hall, awkwardly stepping forward and accepting the hug she offered in greeting. “Wh-what uh, what’re you doing here?”
“I felt like we didn’t really get to talk very much the other night, so I thought I’d come surprise you for Thanksgiving,” Y/N shrugged hopefully, immediately regretting her plan. This was stupid. What made her think August would want her to stop by for the holidays. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” August stuttered, glancing nervously over his shoulder towards his bedroom door, which he had carefully pulled shut behind himself when he’d stepped into the hallway. “Um, thing is, Y/N, I-,” he glanced behind him towards his bedroom again, looking guilty, and it dawned on Y/N why he was acting so fidgety. 
“Oh my god, you have someone over,” Y/N gasped in embarrassment, feeling her cheeks flame up in humiliation and hurt. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have come.” She turned on her heel and started back down the hallway.
“Y/N, wait!” August called after her, but she was already running down the stairs and out the front door, trying–unsuccessfuly–to fight back the tears in threatening to spill from her eyes. 
Y/N raced back across the yard, towards the Ranch house, intent on skirting around the edge and making a beeline for her car. She would sacrifice her mother’s casserole dish as another casualty of this whole failed enterprise. She made it as far as the back porch unimpeded before someone shouting her name caught her attention and she turned on instinct. 
“Y/N? Y/N!” Cordell called after her as she tried to keep running past him, but the obscenely long-legged man caught up with her in barely three strides, catching her by the shoulder and holding her back. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, crouching down to her level and trying to make her look at him. 
“It’s stupid, I’m so stupid,” Y/N shook her head, trying to pull out of Cordell’s grasp, but he wasn’t planning on letting her go and after a moment she found herself collapsing into the man’s broad chest, being rocked in a big hug. 
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re not stupid, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Cordell murmured, letting her cry against him and petting her hair soothingly as she buried her hands in the thick flannel he was wearing. “What’s going on? Maybe I can help,” he asked gently, pulling away slightly to look down at her, but Y/N shook her head dejectedly. 
“I’m sorry, my problems aren’t your problems, and I don’t want to get anyone in trouble,” Y/N sniffled and wriggled out of Cordell’s arms, but he wrapped his big hands around her shoulders and locked her in place.
“Woah, there, now you’ve got me curious. Who’s gettin’ in trouble darlin’?” Y/N looked guiltily over her shoulder towards the farmhouse. “What are they doing in there?” Cordell sighed wearily, the weight of a father settling firmly on his shoulders. 
“Well, uh, Auggie, he had, umm, company,” Y/N cringed as she ratted out her friend. She didn’t mention that Stella had been nowhere in sight, she didn’t want them both getting in trouble. 
“Oh,” Cordell blinked, his face scrunching up in sympathy. “Oh, darlin’, I’m sorry,” he ducked back down to her level and squeezed her shoulders in an effort to be comforting. 
“It’s okay,” Y/N shrugged, even though it didn’t feel okay. “Like I said, I’m just being stupid.” 
“That’s not what I’d call it,” Cordell smiled gently. “From the sounds of it, my son is the one who’s being stupid here. You’re a beautiful girl, Y/N. If he’s missing out on that, that’s his problem, not yours.”
“Thanks,” Y/N tried to smile weakly, feeling a little dazzled by August’s incredibly handsome father calling her beautiful, but she knew he was just trying to be nice. “I’ll get going now, I don’t think staying for dinner is a good idea anymore,” she tried to make her exit as Cordell straightened up, but he spun her around and marched her back towards the Ranch house. 
“Nonsense,” he shook his head. “Come inside and hang out for a bit. Mawline went out with Mr. Walker to bring some food to a friend of theirs across town. Me and Trey could use the supervision to make sure we don’t burn down the kitchen.” 
Y/N had no idea why Cordell would want her to stick around but she let herself be led back inside all the same. She was even more confused when Trey and Cordell shared a look over her head as she slid into a chair by the island counter, and Trey then went to the fridge and got out a fresh bottle of beer, knocking the cap off of it on the edge of the countertop and then passing it over to her. She looked between the men with suspicion. They were both Texas Rangers, were they trying to trick her into breaking the law or something?
“It’s fine, Y/N, really,” Cordell chuckled deeply, the warmth of his smile setting a small blaze alight in the base of her stomach. “I know what kids get up to in college, hell in high school,” he scoffed and shared a knowing look with Trey who nodded seriously. “Trouble in love calls for a beer and some distraction, that’s all.” 
Hesitantly, Y/N took a sip of her drink, maintaining eye contact with Cordell the whole time, and he nodded encouragingly at her when she swallowed. 
“Good girl,” he praised, reaching out and patting the side of her head lightly, carding his fingers through her hair a bit under the pretense of tucking it behind her ear. Y/N couldn’t help the shiver that ran through her as the man’s fingers skimmed down the column of her throat while he walked by, heading back to the stove to inspect the pots still cooking there. 
“So, trouble in love?” Trey asked, his full lips pouting in sympathy, and Y/N nodded in dejection. 
“You know darlin’,” Cordell spoke up, turning off the burners on the stove and covering up all the pots. “My son’s an idiot.” Trey snickered into his own beer and Y/N looked at Cordell in astonishment. “I’m serious,” he continued, coming back to Y/N’s side and putting a hand on her shoulder. “He’s got a beautiful older girl like you interested in him and he’s not trying to sneak you into his room right now? He’s an idiot,” Cordell repeated earnestly, and Y/N flushed heavily, feeling her breathing ratchet up as a foreign tension began to thicken the air in the kitchen.
“If you want my opinion,” Trey cut in, coming around to Y/N’s other side and leaning casually against the countertop on his elbow, bringing his face closer to hers. “You shouldn’t be wasting your time with high school boys who don’t have a clue what they’re doing. You deserve a man who can treat you right.” 
Y/N felt like she was about to choke on her own tongue. She looked between Trey and Cordell in astonishment, eyes flitting back and forth and waiting for one of them to break into laughter and tell her they were teasing her. Cordell’s hand dropped from her shoulder to the base of her spine, pressing hot into the dip of her back. 
“There’s so much more we could show you, darlin’,” he whispered hoarsely, his voice deep and gravelly in a way she had never heard from anyone before. “Things Auggie’s never even dreamt of,” he smirked, leaning down and brushing his lips over the shell of her ear, making her shiver. 
“N-no, we can’t,” Y/N whimpered as Cordell pressed a soft kiss against the side of her neck, sweeping her hair aside. “Auggie and Stella would be mortified, they’d never forgive me. It’s– you’re old enough to be my father, it’s wrong–” her rambling was cut off as Y/N gasped when the man’s tongue slipped against her skin on his next slow kiss. This was all so wrong but something about that made it even more tempting. God, she’d never be able to set foot in church with her family ever again. 
“Trey’s not quite old enough to be your dad, would you rather it be him?” Cordell asked wryly, turning her face towards the other man who didn’t wait for an answer before leaning down and teasing his lips over her, the smallest bit of distance between them. “And forget about Auggie, he’ll get over it. I want you to think of yourself for once,” he kept whispering in her ear while Trey simply hovered in front of her, waiting for the okay to close the barely existent gap. 
“We wanna show you what it’s like to fuck a real man,” Trey rasped, his lips skimming against hers as he spoke, his tongue brushing ever so gently against the pout of her bottom lip, and Y/N was lost. She leaned into Trey’s kiss and let his mouth envelop hers. A hand at the back of her head pushed her more urgently against him, and she felt Trey’s arms wrap around her waist as he groaned and opened her lips with his tongue. Y/N had never felt so overwhelmed or so turned on in her life as when she heard Auggie’s dad growl ‘good girl’ against her ear.
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The first time Cordell slapped her Y/N reeled back in shock, not quite comprehending what had happened.
“What do you think you’re doing, you little slut?” the Ranger grunted, slapping her other cheek and pulling her by the hair back towards his cock. He slapped her again when she didn’t immediately open her mouth to take him in again, and when she gasped from the sting of his blow Cordell slipped himself back into the warmth of her mouth eagerly. “I didn’t tell you to stop sucking, c’mon darlin’,” he spat angrily, burying his hands in her hair and holding her face smashed into the skin of his hips, choking as his dick forced itself down her throat. The burn of being unable to breathe was terrifying but somehow exhilarating at the same time, and Y/N found herself moaning from the feelings of arousal that were surging between her legs. 
Trey laughed from somewhere off to the side, and Y/N knew he was still pointing his phone camera at her, recording their every move. It was an insurance policy, they said. No one could accuse anybody of anything if there was video evidence that everyone was a consenting adult. No one could blab to anybody, because the video would incriminate all of them–not that they were doing anything technically illegal, but it was certainly immoral, and taboo as hell. 
“Look at the little whore, she loves it,” Trey called from his spot behind the camera. “Auggie never would have been able to give you this, would he, baby girl?” 
Y/N moaned again in answer, not doubting for a second that August never would have been this rough with her. She never would have thought to ask. 
“Told ya we’d teach you about things he’s never even dreamed,” Cordell groaned, now flexing his hips to fuck her throat steadily as he held her in place, his grip on her hair making it impossible to move. “Fuck, you look so pretty on your knees for me, Y/N. Like you were made to take my cock like this.” 
“I bet there’s some other parts of her made for cock, too,” Trey piped up and Cordell threw his head back in laughter, groaning as he pulled out and let Y/N get a proper breath in. She doubled over on her hands and knees, coughing and gasping around the air that was rushing into her deprived lungs. The renewed oxygen racing around her blood stream was making her feel high, and it felt fucking incredible. 
“Yeah, I get the hint,” Cordell chuckled deeply, motioning for Trey to hand over the phone to him. “Get her up on the bed and show her what those holes are for.” 
Y/N felt herself being lifted into the air as Trey picked up on and tossed her onto the bed carelessly, crawling after her onto the mattress. He positioned himself at the head of the bed, lying back against the pillows and headboard, legs spread obscenely to show off his body. His cock was thick, hard, and standing to attention, dark and glistening. His balls looked full and heavy as he slid a palm beneath himself and gave them a squeeze, arranging himself comfortably before he grabbed onto the base of his cock and stood it up straight. Y/N could feel her pussy clenching wantonly in anticipation of having that inside of her. 
“Well, what’re you waiting for, hop on cowgirl,” Trey grinned, stroking himself lazily and beckoning Y/N forward. “Walker, get up here, I want a close up of me taking this baby slut’s virginity. Gonna make her squirt on my dick.” 
“Oh fuck,” Y/N whined, their objectifying talk making her weak with pleasure. Sitting up on her knee and straddling Trey’s lap, she let him guide the tip of his cock through her folds, slicking up the tip before he began to push himself inside. “Oh god, oh my god,” she gasped. This felt so much better than she’d ever imagined. It was nothing like her own bony fingers; Trey was thick and hot and somehow simultaneously hard and soft at the same time. She could feel the give and resistance of his flesh inside of her, carving her apart to fit around him like a mold. 
“Holy shit I’m gonna jerk off to this video so much,” Cordell moaned from behind them, and Y/N whimpered in embarrassment at the idea that she was losing her virginity in a threesome on tape. August and Stella’s dad had had his cock down her throat hardly a minute ago, and now he was watching her sit on his fellow Ranger’s cock and filming it for his own personal spank bank. From the sounds of his breathy groans he was really enjoying the view. If it looked as good as she felt, Y/N wasn’t surprised. 
“Oh, you did so good, baby girl,” Trey brushed his hands down her hair as Y/N collapsed forward against his chest, finally seated all the way in the Ranger’s lap, their hips grinding together instinctually as she rocked against him and tried to recover her breath. “Taking me so good all on your first try, knew you were made to be a little slut,” he growled, his hips bucking up against her slightly. 
Without warning, a hand was wrapping around Y/N’s throat and she gasped heavily, sitting up fast and making Trey groan as she fucked herself back onto his cock inadvertently. Cordell’s fingers were long enough to wrap around to each side of her neck easily, and he was squeezing against her veins tightly, beginning to cut off the blood supply. 
“Fuck him,” Cordell demanded, smacking her on the ass to sput her into moving. “C’mon darlin’, you came over to get some dick today, we're giving it to you. But you still gotta work for it.” He tightened his grip in tiny pulses, letting the air and blood make it to Y/N’s brain in small bursts as she began to bounce on Trey’s cock. The younger man’s hands crept around her body and dug bruisingly deep into the flesh of her ass, holding her apart so Cordell could watch her pussy swallowing Trey’s cock. Idly, Y/N wondered what he’d done with the phone, because one of Cordell’s hands stayed locked around her throat while the other one slid down her stomach to her clit to toy with it idly while she fucked herself. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby girl?” Trey grunted, beginning to fuck into Y/N’s thrusts when her pace started to falter. “Can feel you twitching around me. You wanna cum on my cock? Gon’ squirt real good for me and Cordi? Fuck, choke her harder man, she clenches up so tight when she can’t breathe. Fuck yeah, that’s it, shit. So good, darlin’. C’mon now. Cream yourself for us, show us what a good fucking whore you can be, yeah? Yeah, there you go sweetheart!” Trey grunted triumphantly, thrusting up harshly, the sound of wet slapping echoing lewdly amongst the three of them. “Fuck you feel so good cumming on me like that. You gotta feel it, Cordi.”
Y/N collapsed to her side onto the mattress as she regained some of her sanity. It felt like she had blacked out a little when she came, and her body was still shaking as she lay, spent and used on the covers. Trying to focus her gaze, she saw Trey and Cordell looking at her hungrily, both stroking their cocks while Trey pointed his phone towards her, scanning up and down her body to take in just how ruined she was. Y/N bet it made quite the sight.
“You– you didn’t finish,” Y/N mumbled breathlessly, looking at Trey’s still very much erect cock. 
“Oh, darlin’,” Cordell laughed darkly, reaching down and pulling her up towards him. “We’re not boys, and we’re nowhere near done with you yet.” He brought her face to his and kissed her deeply, sucking her tongue into his mouth and apparently trying to suck all the air straight out of her lungs. They both gasped brokenly when he finally let her go, his chest and shoulders heaving as he held her against him, looking down at her with hunger. “And we’re not gonna be finished until we’re both inside that cunt and filling you up with all that cum you’re desperate for. No one is allowed to leave the Walkers on Thanksgiving without being stuffed full.”
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We’re All Mads Here: @vulgar-library @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @austin-winchester67 @flamencodiva @katbratsupernaturalwhore @letsbys-library @fictional-affairs @leigh70
All Walker: @lovealways-j @delightfullykrispypeach @stoneyggirl @walkersbabygirl 
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krillissue · 10 months
Mouse Masterlist:
all of my original works on ao3
*now including trisona nonsence!
“Honey Don’t Feed It” link
“Wolfwood was no stranger to flirting with death but this was pushing even his bad luck. He had no idea just what manner of creature perched hungrily in his church. He couldn’t have known just how starving this vampire was.”
❣️Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood/Original Female Character(s)
❣️Vampire Vash AU, Modernish AU (~80s-90s vibe)
❣️Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending
❣️In progress, 21/22 - 102,893 words
"In Sanguine, Veritas " link
Vash finds himself in an abandoned church just trying to get out of the rain. What he doesn't expect is the starving occupant waiting for him. Vampire Wolfwood and Angel Vash for this one.
*This one-shot has become a whole thing, now
🩸Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood
🩸Vampire Au, Modern Au
🩸Bloody make outs in a church, Wolfwood bastardizing prayers, Religious Imagery and all that jazz
🩸In progress 2/5, 12,820 words
“Kill Me With A Smile” link
Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU, Wolfwood meets a very cute tattoo artist from the shop next door and immediately makes a fool of himself.
🌱 Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Background Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson, Vash the Stampede & Millions Knives
🌱 Flower Shop Employee Wolfwood/Tattoo Artist Vash
🌱 Getting Together, Friends with Benefits, Sick Fic, Gratuitous Flirting
🌱 Complete, 4/4 - 43,083 words
"Ink & Roses Epilogue" link
A continuation of my Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU
Chapter 1 is Wolfwood meeting Vash's parents and learning more about his past. Chapter 2 is Vash meeting Wolfwood's family and endless fluff.
I have three chapters planned for this so keep an eye out for the updates!!
🌸 Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D Wolfwood, Vash the Stampede & Millions Knives
🌸 Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU, Epilogue
🌸 Domestic Fluff, Meeting the Parents, Wolfwood finally gets to top
🌸 In progress 2/3, 18,535 words
“Got You Pegged” link
Remember that Merylwood pegging I promised?? Well, it’s finally here!! Eat up, my lovelies ❤️ This will eventually be polygun and a rockband au but for now it’s just pwp
🎸 Meryl Stryfe/Nicholas D Wolfwood
🎸 Modern AU, Rockband AU
🎸 Pegging, Eventual Polygun, Wolfwood cries and is called “puppy”, Wolfwood Eats Pussy Like A Champ
🎸 Complete 1/1, 7,607 words
"True Friends" link
More Rockband AU with no band. I promise it's gonna start soon!! This one is Vashwood and emotional so I'm sorry. You don't have to read "Got You Pegged" to follow what little plot there is.
🎸Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D Wolfwood
🎸Modern AU, Rockband AU
🎸Crying during sex, Emotional Sex, Reunions, Cridgefail Loser Sex
🎸Complete 1/1, 8,012 words
“All Tied Up” link
What happens when a bounty hunter finally catches up to the legendary outlaw worth $$60,000,000,000? Wolfwood pretends to be a little mean and Vash pretends he isn’t super into it. (Mostly ‘98/Badlands Inspired)
*Now with a Part 2!! It features Bottom Wolfwood and religious imagery bondage.
⭐️ Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood
⭐️ Cowboy/Western AU, Bounty Hunter Wolfwood, Outlaw Vash, (Angel Vash)
⭐️ Established Relationship, Porn Without Plot, Light Bondage, Roleplay, Switching
⭐️ Complete, 2/2 - 14,080 words
"Angel of Small Death" link
More gay cowboy bondage! This time Crimsonfang!! They are exes amd Elendira is technically a Nephilim. This exists in the same Au as "All Tied Up" but you don't have to read it. There's so little plot.
🐴Elendira the Crimsonnail/Livio the Double Fang
🐴Western Au, Big Buff Cowboy Livio, Nephilim Elendira
🐴Exes, Bondage, Handjobs
🐴Complete 1/1, 3,548 words
“Sour Note” link
D&D/Trigun crossover! Vash has a habit of getting himself into trouble no matter the universe but luckily he has Wolfwood to bail him out. Just a cute piece of fluff (mixed with some angst but it ends happy) Vash POV
*Now with a chapter 2 from Wolfwood’s POV and some awkward first time sex!
🎶 Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D Wolfwood, Background Meryl and Milly
🎶 Aasimar Bard Vash/Human Paladin Wolfwood
🎶 Meet-cute, First Kiss, Angst with a Happy Ending (a little)
🎶 Complete, 2/2 - 13,745 words
"Forbidden Fruit" link - ao3
My first reader insert fic! It's a double vampire sandwich with Vampwood and Vashpire! I originally posted it here on Tumblr and I'm only just now brave enough to post it to Ao3 too.
❌ Vash the Stampede/Reader (Masc)/Nicholas D Wolfwood
❌ Vampire Au, Bar Hookup, Herding dog/Lamb/Wolf dynamic
❌ Blood drinking, Makeouts, Implied Handjob
❌ Complete 1/1, 4,088 words
August Nash Pt 1
August Nash Pt 2
Lazarus "Coyote" Nashville Pt 1
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princesscolumbia · 7 months
Reminder: I Write Stuff
If you hadn't, somehow, seen the fanfics I post out...well, honestly, I don't blame you. I haven't exactly been consistent in posting them here, so that's on me.
That said, let's get y'all a list. Y'all like lists, right?
Completed Fics
Shortest list here, I tend to have so many WIPs I have a hard time chunking out any one to completion.
My Empire of Dirt (and Music Box Blues, alt. link 1 & 2) - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls - Principal Celestia must unravel the mystery of why Sunset Shimmer is suddenly unable to communicate after the Fall Formal incident
The Consequences of Good Intentions (alt. link) - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls - In the aftermath of Sunset Shimmer's Very Respectable Class Reunion, Principal Celestia teams up with Princess Celestia to deal with the fallout. The sexy, sexy fallout.
Whom Gods Deflower - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls - In which Discord is hoist on his own petard and Principal Celestia gets a taste of her own medicine...or at least ironic karma.
Uncertain Future - El Goonish Shive - Susan never claimed to be sociable, but somehow she's the one that needs to manage her friend's relationships.
Like a Cat in Heat - Ranma 1/2 - What if the spring Ranma fell into wasn't Spring of Drowned Girl, but Spring of Drowned Warrior Woman? And what if that meant certain...biological imperatives were suddenly a thing Ranma had to deal with?
Dragon's Lair - Ranma 1/2 - Sequel to Like a Cat in Heat, Nabiki Tendo has a mystery on her hands in the form of her roommate. It's a good thing she's cute.
Ranma's Lost Challenge - Ranma 1/2 - Akane explains something to Ranma and the aquatransexual is NOT prepared (🔞Adults Only!)
WIP, Partially Published
All stuff that I have in development at one stage or another. No, none of these are on hiatus or cancelled.
Double Trixie Trouble - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls - Some of the human authorities want to make official contact with the Equestrian government now that the portal is open whenever they want. Naturally, Princess Twilight sends The Great and Powerful Trixie!
Lost Little Wolf: The Minor Key (alt. link) - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - An isekai/displaced fic where I die in our world and am reborn in the body of a Changeling Queen.
Fallen Star - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - A human winds up stranded on Equestria
A Hive of Queens - Six changelings who are heirs to their hive are pulled from their home universe to help rescue a world where Chrysalis successfully deposed Celestia...but never accounted for Nightmare Moon
Deviation (alt. link) - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls - Sunset escapes custody as she's being banished from Canterlot after Celestia finds her in the restricted archives, but instead of landing in the 'normal' Equestria Girls universe, she winds up in an Omegaverse version with humans that have second genders and enhanced senses. Now she must deal with being one of them.
You'll Do... - She-ra (2018) - Shadow Weaver catches Adora trying to sneak out to find the sword in the Whispering Woods. She keeps Adora in The Fright Zone and sends Catra instead, but with something...extra to ensure Adora is properly focused on her mission with The Horde
Lost in the Dark - She-ra (2018) - A derelict generation ship hangs dead in space, powered by a portal that has been inactive for 1,000 years...until suddenly it opens up and disgorges Adora and Catra. They're alone on the ship until the portal opens again and spits out...Adora and Catra. And then again. And again. From across the multiverse, different versions of Adora and Catra are pulled in and they must figure out how to survive, then how to get home.
Star Trek: Strike Team Valkyrie - Star Trek, Ranma 1/2, She-ra (2018), Equestria Girls, Arcane, The Locked Tomb, Carmen Sandiego (2019), The Owl House - Admiral's Angella and Celestia have been receiving reports that lead them to the conclusion that something has altered reality. They assemble a strike team of various crews from across the fleet to investigate.
Fission - Sailor Moon & Ranma 1/2 - Ranma and Usagi wind up in a nearly impossible encounter where they're transforming at the same time during a collision. Since nothing immediately happened, they don't think anything of it. Then...both their lives get strange...well, strange even by their standards.
And at This Point I'm Afraid to Ask - Ranma 1/2 - After graduation, Ranma finally gets tired of being ignorant of a very important definition and goes to Nabiki for help. (🔞Adults only!)
Might, maybe publish a list of WIPs that haven't had anything published yet at some point as well.
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su8arandspite · 6 months
Masterlist 2.0
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see here for older works, including chaptered fics
key: ✧ - contains smut
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Show Me (x AFAB!reader) ✧
the one where you find out why eddie munson keeps handcuffs in his bedroom and what those stains on his mattress really are.
New Year, New Beginnings (x AFAB!reader)
the one where you and Eddie ring in 1987 in the best way.
chaptered fics
10 Things I Hate About You (coming soon)...
the one where jason carver has an indecent proposal for eddie, and it just so happens that you're at the center of his schemes. inspired by the 1999 film 10 things i hate about you and william shakespeare's the taming of the shrew.
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For Old Time's Sake ( x female!oc or AFAB!reader) ✧
the one where steve and heather's high school reunion gives way to so much more than buried feeliings
Double Trouble (x AFAB!reader) ✧
the one where all of steve’s wildest dreams come true
Feels Like Forever (x female!oc) ✧
the one where steve has a very important question he wants to ask beth
Babysitting Wars (x female!oc)
the one where Steve uses a bet to his advantage.
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piedpiperslists · 1 year
JJK: Multiple Members / Polyamory AU
List of all Jungkook fics under 'Multiple Members / Polyamory' AU:
* ² - two shots s - contains smut
* Last updated: 11/02/2024
[...] 12:08 AM by likeastarstar s ft MYG, boyfriend!Yoongi, idol au
Crime & Punishment by bangtaninink s ft KSJ, mafia au, PWP Summary: You’re supposed to kill five people per month, as per Seokjin and Jungkook’s request. You’ve only killed two. Somebody’s in trouble.
Go to Town by here2bbtstrash s ft MYG, friends au, PWP Summary: Jungkook may have only learned about the concept three seconds ago, but he’s determined to be the best nose ride you’ve ever had.
No Regrets by minisugakoobies s ft KNJ, friends au, reunion au Summary: One hot night spent lying between your friends Jungkook and Namjoon brings old feelings to light.
Together by minisugakoobies s wc~4k / ft KNJ, friends au, reunion au Summary: There's no holding back tonight, as you and your old friends Jungkook and Namjoon decide to do something about your regrets. Together.
Pillowtalk by 94hixtape s ft MYG, polyamory au, PWP Summary: Double penetration.
The Midnight Train by pasteljeon s ft PJM, vampire au, PWP Summary: It’s well known that Jungkook and Jimin are your willing blood bags. It’s a dangerous game, yet they’re so pliant in your hands, so eager to submit.
Wanna Show You How by ugh-yoongi s ft JHS, boyfriend!Jungkook, PWP
All I Want by chimoona s wc~4.7k / ft KTH, friends au, PWP Summary: It’s a Christmas miracle you caught Jungkook and Taehyung crossing paths under the mistletoe. Tis the season for generosity, and being the bearers of good tidings, how could they ever deny your request to watch?
All Wound Up (Tighter) by minisugakoobies s wc~6k / ft KTH, rockstar au, PWP Summary: Jungkook and Taehyung help you unwind.
All’s Fair by kimvtae s wc~13k / ft KTH, boyfriend!Taehyung, college au, polyamory au, soulmates au Summary: They say soul mates get their marks on the same day, and you’ve been dating Taehyung for almost four years now, but it isn’t his name that shows up on your wrist. It’s Jeon Jungkook’s, also known as your least favorite person in the world.
By the Pool by bluewhale52 s wc~2.9k / ft KSJ, boyfriend!Seokjin, university au, PWP Summary: Jungkook has to stay back after practice, thanks to you. But perhaps, staying back isn’t so bad after all.
Capital H by kimnjss s wc~7.6k / ft PJM, boyfriend!Jimin, PWP Summary: After learning of the activities your boyfriend and his best friend use to partake in, you can’t help but what to be apart of them. Everyone always says, two is better than one, right?
[...] Castle (II) by satnin-darling s wc~7.7k / ft KTH, idol au, polyamory au, PWP Summary: It's another day in the SOOP and there's something about the way Taehyung and Jungkook are talking together beneath the awning that somehow ends up with you on a pleasurable tailspin.
Cobalt Blue by hobivore s wc~11.3k / ft KTH, artist au, PWP Summary: You ask Jungkook to draw you like one of his French girls.
Compromise by here2bbtstrash s wc~10k / ft KTH, werewolf!Jungkook, vampire!Taehyung, Twilight au Summary: You're torn between the two loves of your life - but maybe you don't have to choose.
Curiosity by yminie s wc~10.6k / ft KNJ, boyfriend!Jungkook, idol au, PWP Summary: Jeongguk’s interest is peaked by something he finds on his favourite hyungs computer, so it’s only natural for him to turn to Namjoon for guidance, right?
Delicate by junghelioseok s wc~5.1k / ft JHS, polyamory au Summary: Some say three’s a crowd. Alternatively: New relationships are hard, but you and Hoseok are determined to make sure that Jungkook knows that he belongs with both of you.
Tryst by junghelioseok s wc~5k / ft JHS, polyamory au, PWP Summary: He really doesn’t like it when you go behind his back.
Euphoria by 94hixtape s wc~8.8k / ft PJM, college au, PWP
Feast by noteguk s wc~7.9k / ft KTH, vampire au Summary: In which you and Taehyung have to teach Jungkook one of two things about being a creature of the night.
Friendly Fire by kpopfanfictrash s wc~10.4k / ft JHS, friends to lovers Summary: The dynamic: Hoseok; your friend and previous fuck buddy. Jungkook; Hoseok’s roommate and subject of your massive crush. The scene: determined not to drunk-gush about your crush any more (to his face), you decide to seclude yourself from all campus parties. Until, of course, Hoseok guilts you into a favor. Things spiral from there.
Helping Hand by minlucent s wc~3k / ft KSJ, boyfriend!Jungkook, PWP Summary: You and your boyfriend are inexperienced in terms of sex. It is decided that the best way to fix that is to have a little help from a friend.
* Hotel by satnin-darling s wc~5.1k / ft PJM, established relationship, idol au Summary: Jungkook always comes to Jimin's room at odd hours in the day because he says it's boring to be all by himself, holed up in his own hotel room. The real reason, of course, is because you're there.
* Late by satnin-darling s wc~6.7k / ft PJM, established relationship, idol au Summary: Sometimes, it can’t be helped that Jimin and Jungkook are late. It’s no one’s fault, really, since that’s what usually happens when all three of you are together anyway.
In the Dark by jksangelic s wc~6.1k / ft PJM, friends au, PWP Summary: Jungkook and Jimin have a very short attention span, and when you three are lost in the middle of nowhere with a truck that won’t drive, they busy themselves with you.
Joyride by minisugakoobies s wc~12.8k / ft KTH, college au, strangers au Summary: Senior year spring break sucks, thanks to the annoying spoiled little rich boy who won't stop trying to get your attention. When a scenic drive in his ridiculously expensive sports car goes wrong, you meet two sexy mechanics who decide to teach him a lesson - and show you the real meaning of "joyride."
Later Sounds Good Too by satnin-darling s wc~6.5k / ft MYG, polyamory au, idol au Summary: It’s a rare day off and when it comes down to it, nothing quite hits the spot like quality time does.
Love in the Time of Movies and Duvets by jeonggukingdom s wc~7.2k / ft MYG, boyfriend!Jungkook, PWP
Medicine by bratkook s wc~9k / ft KTH, strangers au, PWP Summary: A drunken night at a dive bar after a show was always a given, finding yourself in some form of chaos before the night was over, and as two strangers walk in with eyes that sparkle with mischief, you make it your personal mission to have them be your reckless decisions of the night.
[...] Needy by gimmethatagustd s wc~4.3k / ft MYG, FWB Summary: Jungkook refuses to admit that he has feelings for you, but he's slowly cracking under the pressure. Will his bright idea of asking his friend to seduce you be the final thing that helps him get over his interest in you?
Nothing But Trust by strwberrytae s wc~7.2k / ft KTH, fiancé!Jungkook, PWP Summary: Your fiancé, Jungkook, has done everything in his power to make you happy. Now that you’re engaged, what more could he do to surprise you and please you?
Page 1 by satnin-darling s wc~3.5k / ft KTH, idol au, PWP Summary: Jungkook was tidying up in the boat house just as you came down to see him. Obviously, cleaning would be at the bottom of the agenda once you were together. But while Jungkook was confident that you two would be alone to do whatever you liked since his room was apart from everyone else’s, he keeps forgetting that Taehyung liked to go the extra mile.
Places by sugalaritae s wc~4.5k / ft MYG, roadtrip au, strangers au, PWP Summary: You push yourself against Jungkook and slip a leg between his as you begin to move to the music.
Player Two by minjoonalist s wc~10.6k / ft KTH, gamer!Jungkook, polyamory au, PWP Summary: You’ve always wanted to be as good of a gamer as your boyfriend Jungkook and you’ve tried many times to ask for his help only to be turned down…on your game. but this time you’re over his bratty attitude towards it and he still can’t get enough of yours.
[...] Poster Boy by hamsterclaw s wc~8k / ft MYG, boyfriend!Jungkook, doctors au Summary: You, Jungkook and Yoongi liven up the most boring conference in the world.
Pour Up by jungkxook s wc~14k / ft KTH, fuckboy!Jungkook, fuckboy!Taehyung, PWP Summary: Sleeping with both notorious frat boys Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook doesn’t sound so bad ━ especially when you’re drunk and faded.
Rule of Three by satnin-darling s wc~10.6k / ft MYG, boyfriend!Yoongi, PWP Summary: In the parameters of writing, the “rule of three” is based on the principle that things that come in threes are inherently more satisfying or more effective than any other number. You and Yoongi can't help but notice Jungkook's persistent fascination, so why not indulge? Anyhow, there's nothing wrong with testing out a tried and true principle in the presence of an eager participant.
* Trick or Treat by satnin-darling s wc~5.9k / ft MYG Summary: The Joker, a Gray Pianist, and an Action-taker were supposed to walk into a bar on Halloween. Turns out they don't even make it past the front door because they were too busy fucking each other to partake in this year’s spooky season.
Scenes of Misguided Magic by wwilloww s wc~2.3k / ft KTH, magic au, roommates au Summary: Living with your two magic roommates means often exploding potions, spell mistakes, and strange ingredients. It doesn't mean sex magic. Except today it does.
Slow Down by ggukbabyy s wc~6.5k / ft KTH, boyfriend!Jungkook, PWP Summary: You’re both fucked up, Jeongguk knows you like attention and Taehyung is willing to give you it.
Sinful Lust by oddinary4bts s wc~10.4k / ft MYG, boyfriend!Yoongi Summary: In an attempt to spice up your bedroom life with your boyfriend Min Yoongi, you suggest bringing another man into the action. Yoongi seems reluctant at first, but when you mention his friend Jeon Jungkook, he can’t deny his attraction. All that’s left to do is to convince Jungkook into participating…
SOOP by satnin-darling s wc~2.8k / ft KTH, idol au, polyamory au, PWP Summary: Taehyung was meant to fetch you and Jungkook because it was already time to eat. But he happened to walk into something else and he couldn’t help but join. Oh, and for those who are left waiting, it’s not all bad
Tattooed Two by httpjeon s wc~8.5k / ft KTH, boyfriend!Jungkook, tattoo artists au, PWP Summary: Your boyfriend’s best friend joins you for a night you’ll never forget.
The Boys are Back in Town by dntaewithluv s wc~3.2k / ft PJM, friends au, PWP Summary: Getting stood up by your date definitely hadn’t been on your agenda for the evening. Also definitely not on your agenda: bumping into Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook. Together. On the same exact night. It’s been a while since you’ve seen your two best friends, as well as lovers on multiple occasions, from your high school and college days. A chance meeting, some drinks, and a trip down memory lane is all it takes to reignite the attraction between the three of you. Old habits die hard, but these two? They just might be the death of you.
Tongue Technology by ki-yomii s wc~2.2k / ft MYG, boyfriend!Yoongi, PWP Summary: Yoongi teaches Jungkook how to eat out his girl.
Undercover by cinnaminsvga s wc~5.4k / ft KSJ, vampire!Jungkook, siren!Seokjin, bodyguard au Summary: The company banquets that your family loves to host are often drearier than you would like them to be. Lucky for you, your bodyguards have the perfect solution: why don’t you play a little game with them? The only rule? You must keep quiet at all costs.
Your Favourite Game by gimmesumsuga s wc~2.6k / ft MYG, boyfriend!Jungkook, idol au, PWP Summary: The one where Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook compete to see who can make you cum the fastest.
T W O S H O T S / S E R I E S
Double Team by hamsterclaw s ft KSJ, polyamory au Summary: Seokjin and Jungkook are your business partners. You solve problems for the city's elite, albeit by unconventional means. Your professional and personal lives have always overlapped, but that's never worked against you before. At least, not until now...
Just Kidding by whatifyoulivelikethat s ft KTH, PWP Summary: There was a time where you would be out partying, getting drunk and fucking up a storm. But you’re different now. You stopped drinking. Now you’re the one waiting for Kim Taehyung to call so you can pick him up from his drunken adventures. There’s just one small hitch – Taehyung’s roommate, Jeon Jungkook, offering you a mojito.
Lights, Camera, Action by colormepurplex2 s ft KNJ, boyfriend!Namjoon, director!Namjoon, actor!Jungkook, artist!reader, polyamory au Summary: Namjoon told you about his ‘lust list’, it’s like a bucket list but for sex, when you first got together over 5 years ago. Together, over the years, you’ve checked off one item after another. Now, you’re down to the last three things…and they’re a bit unconventional as far as typical relationships go. 1. Watch my significant other be pleasured by someone else 2. Film my significant other with someone else (not pertaining to the previous item) 3. Have a threesome with another guy Most people might shy away from it, intimidated by potential competition; but, unconventional is kind of your thing. You’re secure in your relationship and love bringing him pleasure in any way you can. Namjoon’s a successful art director and has his eyes set on one of his cast members to help complete the list. Tall, dark, and devilishly handsome, Jungkook could be the perfect little helper. It’s perfect. They’re perfect…but does Jungkook agree?
Not Allowed by whatifyoulivelikethat s ft MYG, idol au, polyamory au Summary: The love of your life, BTS’s very own Min Yoongi, tells you he has a gift for you. But he also says you’re not allowed to refuse. What’s that supposed to mean, hm? Surely not… wild hot sex with the Golden Maknae himself?
The Hush Series ² by suga-kookiemonster s ft KTH, PWP Summary: Four seats, five bodies. “Careful, sweetheart,” he breathes into the shell of your ear, hands tightening over your waist in warning. You lick your lips, pausing just long enough to ponder: what if you don’t want to be careful?
Young Bood ² by blublublujk s ft KTH, vampire au Summary: A very thirsty newborn begs for a feeding, you and Taehyung deliver accordingly.
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monsterthalia · 11 months
WIP Whenever
@theluckywizard tagged me to share part of a WIP (thank you!) so this seems as good as time as any to share part of a Dragon Age Inquisition fic I've been noodling away on whilst having Covid.
I don't have a list of people to tag, but if you have a WIP, please consider this your prompt to share it if you wish.
Isidore and Jessamine Trevelyan are twins. Jess is a mage, sent off to the Circle as a child, whilst Iz was promised to the Templars once he came of age - plans that went up in smoke when the Mage/Templar war began. When both end up at the Conclave, it's a reunion neither of them want - nor does it go how they might expect.
He grabbed her elbow, not gently, and pulled her away from the crowd. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” she shot back at him, snatching back her elbow and clutching it.
“I asked first!” he snapped, and immediately flushed with embarrassment, even before she rolled her eyes. 
“Real mature, Iz-”
“I’m here as guard for the Ostwick Chantry delegation. Let me guess, you’re here with your rebel chums? Planning to stir up trouble?”
She just flashed a grin, that smug grin she’d had since she was a smug little five-year-old. For a moment, he could see the pigtails. “Doubt they’ll need my help.”
He pressed a hand to his forehead. A sharp pain was already starting up behind his eyes. “Jess - this is serious - it IS,” he added, more firmly, as she just snorted. “The Divine is here-”
She snorted again. “Sure, so she can wring her hands and say how she did all she could before declaring an Exalted March.”
“Only if the mages won’t be reasonable!” he snapped, “They’ve been offered terms over and over-”
“The terms are bullshit and you know it!” she shot back, “Or you would if you weren’t so lost up your own arse. Do you want them to lock me back up in a Circle?”
“That’s - I d- I don’t -” He was struggling for words, for breath, and his heart was racing. Dammit, not now, not now. Words felt impossible, tangling in his tongue. His breaths became tight, lungs clamped in obsidian, and heat flushed across his face even as his clenched fists felt cold. And Jessamine just watched him, aloof and uncaring, her face like he was a nug rolling in its own shit.
“I’m going to save you some trouble,” she sneered, “If your answer wasn’t just ‘Of course not, dear sister’, then I have nothing to say to you. Tell Mother I said hello. Tell Father I said ‘go fuck yourself’.”
She turned on her heel and strode off down the nearest empty corridor. Isidore stared after her, still frozen as he struggled for a clear breath.
“Hey, that area’s off limits!” he heard someone nearby call after her. A Grey Warden? Just their luck if she managed to piss them off as well. 
He rolled his eyes. “I’ll go get her,” he called back, then took off down the corridor after her. He heard the Grey Warden shout something, but ignored it as Jessamine picked up the pace ahead of him, having to break into a run to catch up with her.
He came level with her just as she approached a pair of double doors. “Leave me alone!” she snapped at him, and he was astonished to see that her eyes were actually bright, full of tears.
He didn’t have time to decipher if she was genuinely upset over their encounter or just having a tantrum. He took her elbow again, gentler this time. “Jess, come on, we’re not allowed down here. We need to get back to-”
“I said leave me alone!” she shouted, ripping her elbow from him and shoving open the doors-
And that was the last thing he remembered.
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which-star · 1 year
director's commentary on vintage fic. go
Oh boy, here we go. Jo knows how long this fic took me but for context I wrote like half of it back in July on an airplane and then left it alone for a WHILE because I wasn't happy with it. Then I finished it up -- doubled the word count somehow -- and posted!
You, Me, We're Vintage: Director's Commentary
I think it's obvious I got some inspiration from a song. This is a songfic, surprise! (I have a lot of those). This one is inspired by the song Vintage by NIKI. I had a lot of thoughts going into this, mainly how to handle the already established dynamic between them. I wanted to show that they had history -- and not a particularly good one. These are two women who have a loottttt of drama, so how do we show that?
Funnily enough, all the flashbacks are what I added after like six months of not working on this wip. Almost all of the reunion scenes at the pub are what I wrote on the first go, then I later broke it up and added flashbacks to it. All of like December I was struggling and then I got this structure idea from another fic of mine I wrote around that time, Love Shot. I really liked how that fic turned out, especially how I was able to fit so much of the au (which could be its own multi tbh. jesus if someone asks for a directors commentary on this one..) into like 3k words, so I tried to do the same here but on a more personal level.
In vintage, it's set like a year after the finale. They haven't seen each other since. Originally I was going to have the entire thing be post-canon, including the flashbacks, but I couldn't visualize a timeline. Then, I think I was talking w the server about the To Steal or Not to Steal special episode and was hit with where they could have their first one night stand. Their "trysts" start before Dark!Carmen, which makes it even more conflicting for her <33 because she doesn't have the excuse of being brainwashed.
Redtiger is hard to write because they're constantly in a game of cat and mouse, BUT they always think the other is the cat. That's what makes it funny. Carmen is staring at Sheena like, "she's so smart, always a step ahead" while Sheena in actuality is like "Oh this is pretty I wanna steal it" and vice versa. They talk like they can never reveal their true intentions, but they always end up doing so.
Sheena stealing the jewelry the night before Carmen shows how close they are in wavelength, but not exact. The predictable line comes to mind but Carmen is too late in her predictions. The Cartier-inspired bracelet is an extra touch for my personal nerd benefit. Before my flight I went to a museum exhibit showcasing Cartier so those jewelry were fresh in my mind. At the end of the fic they're falling back into their old habits and their wavelengths align.
Because Sheena's insufferable; because Carmen likes making trouble for herself; because they're one of the only ones that truly get it, scars and risks and all.
Ah yes, this. That's the crux of it, isn't it? That's why they're so fascinating to write. Carmen doesn't want to admit she cares. Sheena is ridiculously confident in reading people. This isn't a rewrite of their history, it's a tribute of it: them upholding the tradition after a long break. It's messy, it's definitely not healthy, nothing gets resolved, and they STAY messy. Xxxx what more can you ask for. One step forward two steps back fr.
Also peek me about to give up on this fic
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send a fic for directors commentary ask game
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discet · 2 years
Entry 123 of Marcy's Journal shows what happened right after the girls went through the portal in the finale with it being shown that Sasha and Marcy's parents were waiting for them at the other end with Marcy's parents even being tearful when reuniting with their kid (with Marcy giving them an apology for everything that happened) and that Marcy's parents didn't move without her and waited for her that long (though her dad still had to move for his new job once she got back). Thoughts?
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Going to answer both of these at the same time cause they're touching on the same thing
Thoughts on Canon Considering the ending we got in canon, I'm glad that we got confirmation that Marcy's parents weren't terrible. It doesn't really ring true to me considering her decision to double down back in Amphibia, and it sort of flattens her as a character for me. However, considering the theme they went with (change is inevitable and we must embrace it). I think giving her loving parents makes sense from a writing perspective.
How the Journal Will Affect A Witch in Wartwood Marcy's Parents: I never really thought it would be confirmed that Marcy had a bad home life. Even when I was first outlining S1 I knew this was basically a headcanon that would not be confirmed. We've known since All In that Marcy and Sasha's parents are probably fine(in canon).
I have long since cast the dice on my characterization of Marcy's home life for my AU and I'm not going to change or retcon it now. If I wanted to go that route I think yours makes sense, but it also wouldn't change the fact that they were bad parents for 13 years.
While the Reunion chapter made it explicit, I've been laying the groundwork for this since Chapter 1 of AWIW. It's literally foundational to Marcy's characterization in the AU.
If you look back , Marcy's touchstones for a happy/good home life always came from either the Boonchuy or Waybright households.
Marcy smiled at the sight, rubbing at her arm. Memories of times when Anne had gotten hurt or in trouble and her parents had comforted and scolded her in equal measure.  -Chapter 1: A Spirit in the Forest
Marcy’s mind drifted back to a warm Sunday morning years ago. Sasha had just hosted their first sleepover and they had met Sasha’s parents before hiding out in Sasha’s room. Sasha’s dad had really intimidated Marcy when they came over, he was broad shouldered, didn’t smile, and didn’t say much of anything. The next morning he had made them all french toast and bacon. Drawn in by the smell of bacon, Marcy had dragged a sleepy Anne to the kitchen. She had seen him affectionately ruffling Sasha’s hair with one hand as the other held a spatula. -Chapter 2: Woods and Worries
Ultimately in regard to Marcy's parents, that part of her character is no longer canon compliant. It hasn't really been since All In aired. I've invested a lot of time and effort into my version of things, and I'm not going to completely overturn keystones of that AU for the sake of canon compliance.
What About Everything Else?: I'll be enjoying the journal and plucking things that can still be easily incorporated. A few of those things have already done so since since I've seen the leaks before the journal was out. But if anything goes strong against either the story I've established, or the story to come, then they will be either ignored or reinterpreted.
Such is fate of all long fic that start before all canon materials are out.
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