#October 2 - 2023
dogstomp · 4 months
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Dogstomp #3197 - October 2nd
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky\
This is the final form of this drawing.
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card-of-the-day · 1 year
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Today's Card Is: Garchomp & Giratina GX Tag Team
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druggeddraccus · 1 year
we’re registering our shitzu to AKC for potential puppy reasons and i think y’all might appreciate the text thread between me and my mom lol
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the sadie in question lol:
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jacaranda-bloom · 1 year
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'What music do you have in common with...'
I was tagged by the always lovely @parmahamlarrie to do this game! I can see that one Mr Tomlinson has had quite the impact on my ever-evolving musical taste - as it should be really xx
Tagging @allwaswell16 @lululawrence @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @louandhazaf @kingsofeverything @nouies and @beardyboyzx if they haven't done this already and would like to.
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David Banda joins Instagram!
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There is an honesty in it, the vacant look, the detached, tender touch. As if it's someone else. As if it's just a ghost, a golem maybe.
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music-asylum · 1 year
October 2, 2023
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untothebreach · 1 year
I guess I'll just have to focus on pleasing everyone else around me and being nice to strangers to try and fill the deep aching empty hole inside my heart that wants to be loved and cared about and asked after and never, ever, ever will be. I'll become a kindly ghost in order to pretend I'll ever be someone who matters.
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thehiddenhermit · 1 year
I don't want to go to the specialist tomorrow but I have to if I ever want to feel better 😭
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vyxart · 1 year
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netherregionblog · 1 year
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I feel like a kid on Christmas
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wyntxrr · 11 months
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scream fortress (back to my tf2 origins) 🔮
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druggeddraccus · 1 year
i finally watched the movie dune last night and i was holding off on watching it because i knew i’d get frustrated by it in some way and would want to read the book
and i was right. i have no idea what was happening the whole time and now i’m frustrated and have to attempt to read the book now lol
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beastwhimsy · 1 year
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cringetober day 2: self insert !! I have a lot of owed art I need to work on so this is all art I did previously!! whybeast is my adventure time OC that is a shameless self insert and its friends with all my favourite characters [:
it was invented by princess bubblegum as a conversation partner for science and shit but it was too weird for her/didn’t serve its purpose properly so she has since freed it to do whatever it wants ^_^ complicated beast. has magic autism
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thingsarentgreat · 10 months
I don't know how to tell you that you should care about other people.
I keep reflecting to determine if there's something more within me that's causing me to still feel so incredibly sick by it all. Really trying to expose the raw roots of the feeling to see if it stems from some kind of selfishness. And I suppose it does. But to reduce it to just that would also be lying, because it's a combination of poisons down in that soil. It's betrayal and a feeling of isolation amongst a group I thought I once knew, and then that selfish and bitter root grows in like a weed. I can only quietly observe to myself: "ah. this is where the radicalization and rampant nationalism come from. this is why I see it flowering in my family."
It's because I feel my trust breaking all over again each time I forget about it and try to go on with my business. I remember that I still can't mourn publicly without someone educating me on why obviously if I'm mourning, I must have Insert Political Alignment Here. I remember the utter silence and the downright celebration of more civilian deaths because "oh, fuckin Yaya or whatever deserved it after what Israel does."
For the record, Yaya-Or-Whatever didn't deserve it, and I still remember the lead dropping into my stomach upon hearing that from a friend. No one deserves it. No one ever deserves it.
I don't know how to tell you that you should care about other people.
Maybe that's a quote leftists recognize, but I realize now that few of them actually stick to it across the board. And I'm admittedly selfish, because I hoped that leftists could at least have a moment to care about my people suffering too before getting back to helping the people who currently need the most help. But instead we got "Yaya-Or-Whatever Deserved It." And I've been laying here for months watching everyone on the left just go back to the usual armchair activism as if they didn't just fucking say that, and when I do bring it up, suddenly I'm the problem for pointing out that it was fucked up.
You won't erase it, fyi. We saw you say it. Some of you said it with your full fucking chest. You were callous and let the antisemites into the bar by openly celebrating Jewish death. Then you pretended we were talking about Palestine when we pointed out your antisemitic actions. You know that's not what we were even pointing to as an example. But it's very convenient for you to pretend we don't know the difference, isn't it?
I don't know. It's just a reminder that most of you are actually all talk and virtue signals. There's no actual substance behind your ideals, you're just adhering to the party line, same as conservatives do. I guess I was naive to think otherwise. It's disingenuous for you to wonder why people leave the leftist movement as a whole and "suddenly" flip sides. You know why, and it's reasons like this - you're just covering it up and pretending it's a totally different, more convenient reason.
Tldr; you're hypocrite ass leftists and fuck you. You should be ashamed of how you acted.
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lulu2992 · 24 days
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In exactly two years in the timeline of “that fic I’ll never write”, on August 29th, 2026, Taylor and John will welcome their first child, a daughter named Eleanor Hope Seed.
I picked this middle name because it felt right (I doubt I’m the only one who’s had this idea for a Seed baby and/or Far Cry 5 OC) and her first name was inspired by Eleanor Lamb from BioShock 2, the character who awakened my parental instincts.
Between 2026 and 2035, the couple will have a total of four children. In fact, until very recently (about a month and a half ago), I would have said three, but I decided to also include a last son, originally from a sort of New Dawn AU I had. It suddenly made me very sad that he didn’t exist in the “main” timeline, so I fixed that :)
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