#October is Octover
moonlight-mistral · 2 years
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sleepy lil dragongirl doodle
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heroictoonz · 6 months
Here's the thing I HC Kurt was born in a blizzard.
A devil like man with the heart of a saint who has found a comfort in Catholicism in his later years when he was cast out by everyone around him being born in the same season as Jesus Christ.
But the snow the day of his birth was not calm or comforting like the warmth of a white Christmas.
It was a horrific blizzard whipping, warning, screaming.
The snow and wind threatening Raven as she ran with her child the only light that could have possibly lit her way she was running away from as it was the fire of a mob coming for her demon of a child.
Even worse, the fire set to burn down her home and (at the time assumed) wife.
Now when the snow settles on the earth the world celebrates the birth of its savior as a kind-hearted demon remembers his own start to existence.
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netherworldpost · 2 years
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cantankerouscatfish · 9 months
December is almost at a decendber.
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accidental-spice · 11 months
Trick or Treat!
Hello!! Unfortunately, I have run out of steam on the personalized PicCollage lockscreen front, but I did recently make one for my OC Gloria Bartlett! She's from @kanerallels Kyvis story (which you should TOTALLY ask her about, it's super cool!!!)
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Happy Halloween!!
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novemberocean · 11 months
For everyone who is sad that october is octover, be prepared to celebrate the next major holiday;
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alrightoddity · 2 years
dear danny phantom fandom,
lol remember when i said i’d have the dp video essay out by halloween? well, let’s just say october has been an awful month and leave it at that. (context: lots of drama in the personal life and i had to get three different shots; the flu shot, the covid booster, and a tetanus shot)
i definitely want it done by the end of the year! but not by a specific date because that didnt work very well this time
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e-l-e-c-t-r-o-n · 11 months
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queen-of-bad-opsec · 11 months
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Possible 2nd pregnancy's Testimony
Reading the book of Proverbs 24: 23- 34 Title above the following passage is " Further Sayings of the Wise."
23." These also are saying of the wise: To show partially in judging is now good:" 24. " Whoever says to the guilty, "You are innocent"- peoples will curse him and nations denounce him." 25. " But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come upon them." 26. " An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips." 27. " Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready: after that, build your house." 28. " Do not testify against you neighbor without cause, or use your lips to deceive." 29. " Do not say , "I'll do to him as he has done to me; I'll pay that man back for what he did." 30. " I went past the field of the sluggard, past the vineyard of a man who lacks judgement: 31. " thorns had come up everywhere, the ground has covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins. 32. " I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw: 33. " A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest- 34. " and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man. "
This passage speaks alot of boundaries and new instruction to the OG name in three ways but building a more solid foundation by understanding the mind and the heart along with the power of the tongue as well as life goes on as well.
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emilyharmonia · 2 years
happy hella ween
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October is almost Oct-over 😭😭😭😭
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ruchea · 2 years
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[OC-tober 2022] Day 6- OC OTP
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nyaskitten · 2 months
OCTOBER… It’s Octover I am killing myself (I will not do that for I have a lovely gf now. I will simply anguish)
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luna-3-clips · 1 year
Blue Lock Characters Ranked from Youngest to Oldest
(I'm gonna be taking a short break from doing the Basic Info. series)
Ikki Niko, 15 y/o, February 5
2. Hyoma Chigiri, 16 y/o, December 23
3. Rin Itoshi, 16 y/o, September 9
4. Ranze Kurona, 16 y/o, September 6
5. Gurimu Igarashi, 16 y/o, July 6
6. Asahi Naruhaya, 16 y/o, March 20
7. Nijiro Nanase, 16 y/o, January 1
8. Eita Otoya, 17 y/o, December 3
9. Yo Hiori, 17 y/o, November 30
10. Jingo Raichi, 17 y/o, Octover 11
11. Reo Mikage, 17 y/o, August 12
12. Meguru Bachira, 17 y/o, August 8
13. Julian Loki, 17 y/o, June 9
14. Ryosuke Kira, 17 y/o, May 23
15. Seishiro Nagi, 17 y/o, May 6
16. Yoichi Isagi, 17 y/o, April 1
17. Rensuke Kunigami, 17 y/o, March 11
18. Gin Gagamaru, 17 y/o, January 2
19. Sae Itoshi, 17 y/o, 18 y/o after second selection, October 10
20. Okuhito Iemon, 18 y/o, November 19
21. Wataru Kuon, 18 y/o, November 16
22. Jyubei Aryu, 18 y/o, November 3
23. Wanima Brothers, 18 y/o, August 20
24. Tabito Karasu, 18 y/o, August 15
25. Yudai Imamura, 18 y/o, July 15
26. Ryusei Shido, 18 y/o, July 7
27. Shoei Baro, 18 y/o, June 27
28. Kenyu Yukimiya, 18 y/o, April 28
29. Aoshi Tokimitsu, 18 y/o, March 21
30. Shuto Sendo, 18-19 (?) y/o, October 7
31. Oliver Aiku, 19 y/o, June 30
32. Anri Teieri, 22 y/o, August 17
33. Pablo Cavazos, 23 y/o, March 7
34. Adam Blake, 26 y/o, September 30
35. Leonardo Luna, 27 y/o, October 31
36. Dada Silva, 28, October 23
37. Jinpachi Ego, 30 y/o, March 31
38. Noel Noa, 31 y/o, April 2
For Sendo, I couldn't find his exact age so I guessed what it is
Any characters I didn't add I either couldn't find their birthday/age, or I didn't wanna add that character.
That's all, have a good day/night!
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daniel-nerd · 3 months
long ass post so here's a TL;DR: I covered a few reports from israeli media outlets, the reports were in hebrew and for israeli civilians. 2 reports about secret prisons where they hold palestinians that were arrested, these prisons existed before the war, but the conditions of the prisoners got worse since, I explain what we can see and learn from the reports, later I brought up 3 other reports, talking about the rescued hostages and their conditions. there was even a video clip from the operation itself. palestinians(a lot of them innocent and being held indefinitely under "secret evidence" without a trial) are under WORSE conditions than the hostages. and while no one is debating the fact that the hostages went through hell, it really shows that israel is as bad if not worse than hamas. you can literally see multiple war-crimes committed by israel in these reports. all links are in the end, you can watch them for yourself, and get to your own conclusion.
this is beyond vile, 2 reports from israeli media was released recently, showing one of the secret palestinian prisons in israel, the same ones that every palestinian is sent to when they commit a crime(any crime), and can be held indefinitely, without a trial, under “secret evidence” that don’t need to really exist because the cops/soldiers don’t need to prove it exist.
now for context, the IDF censored more reports and articles in the past 8 months than in over a decade.
in the first report you can see how the palestinians are treated and being held.
they’re chained 24/7 to eachother and their “beds”.
they sleep on metal frames of a bunk bed.
their food is bread, tomato, and cheese.
their toilet is a hole in the ground.
they have to duck into a fetus position every time a cop is near by.
the cops walk with huge guns (probably m16) pistols and dogs.
deliberately annoying songs are played on repeat as “psychological warfare”(torture).
they’re monitored 24/7 with no privacy whatsoever.
the warden said the most important thing is being able to control them 100%. no free will.
same warden also explained they wake them up every night in the middle of the night and ask their name for “security”(??) and show them that they’re in control.
another warden explained that they need to “leave their emotions at home”
the main warden explained how even the palestinians who were arrested before october 7th are now being held under the same conditions, possibly implying that they were held in better conditions, but after oct 7th they were collectively punished for what hamas did.
late in the report the main warden showed the other foods they get, rice hummus seeds and some vegetables, of course all is stored on the flood in a metal container, no refrigerator, no heating.
he talked about how they plan on adding 888 more cells, and that each cell hold 8-11 prisoners (rough estimates of the size of the cell from what i’ve seen is 2 maybe 2.5 meter by 3 maybe 4 meter), he also implied that this isn’t the only type of cells they have, some are smaller containing less prisoners.
the cells from the beginning of the report(the ones the palestinians who were arrested after octover 7th) held 6 prisoners, the cell was just enough to fit 3 bunk bed frames, and have enough space for all 6 prisoners to be in a fetus position on the floor.
the warden talked about how they used to have a marketplace where they could use money they get from palestine to buy foods(possibly other goods) that were approved by the prison, and since ben gvir came to power, the practice was ended.
since ben gvir they also don’t have washing machines
the warden talked about how they keep them in the minimum condition possible. they want to keep the barley alive, their only hope of seeing the light of day is a hostage deal, which they punished if they dare celebrate hamas kidnapping civilians or taking soldiers as war prisoners. (even if the only reason they celebrate is because that increases their chance to leave this hell)
another report by the same news source show more of their war crimes. the first report was possibly either sde teiman or ktziot, the second report is confirmed as ktziot
you can see in the report young men, (some possibly even minors, even though its just a speculation)
you can see people with yarmulke(kippah) holding a gun (probably m16) watching the prisoners from above, searching for anyone who does anything.
you can see them in the courtyard, all standing still, in white torn up shirts and grey pants, with their heads down, and on the other side, heavily armed soldiers and cops, watching, standing guard.
one soldier told the journalists that she think their conditions are “too good”, that she wanted to be there to look them in the eyes and “see the evil in their eyes”
a bit later she asked if they have ac, the warden answered they don’t even have a fan. this facility is in the desert, where 40°C(104°F) are normal
the courtyard have a catwalk above it, allowing the wardens to see every possible angle.
one of the new soldiers that were assigned to guard the facility spotted prisoner number 77 passing something to 78, immediately everyone were ready for physical intervention. something like 20-30 maybe even more cops behind barded wire, armed to the teeth, yelling at them to lay down on the hot ground. of course when trying to identify the suspect they used bigoted language, after identifying him, the held him by the back of the neck of his shirt, pulled him aside, where another cop cuffed him, 3 soldiers stood guard, and another cop held a dog, the item that was passed? toilet paper, the warden said its an important item to them, they pass it between each other, because they don’t have enough.
the palestinians looked neglected, like they eat just enough to not look like they’re starving, they didn’t have any life in their eyes, i’ve seen videos of concentration camps that looked like this, if not better.
simultaneously, reports from the rescued hostages show us a bit about how hamas is treating the hostages and war prisoners.
they ate very basic foods, just enough to stay alive, they had a bathroom, even though sometimes hamas militants locked them inside said bathroom as “punishments”, they could exercise sometimes, couldn’t really walk but had space to move.
a video of the operation was released, you could hear kids in the background screaming, they burst into the house, holding a gun to their face, asking for names, you can see the hostages were in a pretty bad condition, but drastically better than the prisoners, you could see their room was an average living room, they had mattresses on the floor, pillows, clean clothes, a fan. the journalist talked about how another failed operation that caused the death of a hostage back in January was also in the same camp, and how they went in when the camp was as dense with people as possible.
while you cannot argue they were held in good conditions, its very obvious the conditions were hell on earth, israel is holding the war prisoners and any palestinian prisoner in way worse conditions.
its crazy how the same israeli news outlet, that is subjected to IDF censorship, showed how the hostages are in way better condition than the prisoners. and try to argue that the IDF is the most moral army in the world.
first report about the prisons- https://13tv.co.il/item/news/politics/security/qipv7-903940171/
second report about the prisons- https://13tv.co.il/item/news/domestic/crime-and-justice/prison-hamas-904097260/?pid=902564625&cid=902988003
report talking about the hostages and their conditions- https://13tv.co.il/item/news/politics/security/ujf51-904098502/?pid=902564625&cid=902988003
another report talking about the opperation- https://13tv.co.il/item/news/politics/security/xjqvp-904093392/
the video of the rescue- https://13tv.co.il/item/news/politics/security/kry3q-904097182/?pid=902564625&cid=902988003
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