#Office Supplies Market Size
joels6string · 2 years
More Than My Father's Son
Joel Miller x f!OC
Chapter 5 - Search and Rescue
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Summary: A chance encounter on patrol leads to intel too troublesome to leave uninvestigated.
Rating: E
Word Count: 5.5k
Content: NSFW, high levels of violence normal to the TLOU world, angst, fluff, miscommunication trope (it’s Joel Miller…), slow burn, Joel’s traumatic childhood, getting together, smut, canon divergence after SLC, fix-it fic
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Chapter 4 || Series Masterlist
The green that normally surrounded you had exploded into flames, the orange, yellows, and reds bursting from the trees and raining to the ground was a sight you’d never tire of. As the leaves had begun to change, the knot always present in your chest loosened. Joel and Tommy had repaired your roof, and cooking lessons with Indy were still ongoing but had proved somewhat useful as the jeans you’d been given upon arrival were passed back to the swap shop in favor of the next size up. 
“Are you coming over tonight?” your favorite chef called from ahead of you, the next outpost on your assigned route coming into view, “Ellie was asking, guess she prefers my cooking.”
The smug look on your partner-turned-friend’s face said it all, Ellie’s budding relationship with her half Indy’s skill at cooking and half the fact that she let her sip at a whiskey that still went down rough during dinner. 
“Only if you’re making that soup again,” you replied, your eyes following a leaf as it twirled through the sky.
“You want me to make that soup because Joel likes it,” her tone was teasing and all-knowing, “And I know you send your leftovers with Ellie to give to him.”
“Oh yeah? How so?”
“He brings me the containers back.”
It was true, Joel did like it, and no matter how hard you tried to remember just how she did it, the steps never stuck. You didn’t expect him to be the one giving you away. Although, Ellie was in on the ruse of telling him bringing him home a bowl was always entirely her idea. 
Things had been tepid but pleasant after the summer incident. You’d spent two weeks letting the cut on your hand heal and Maria had taken too much time in forcing you out of your house and into society. You had a shelf of books now, your focus having improved enough over the last four weeks you could sit in the new armchair Tommy had found with you in mind for at least an hour at a time. Ellie supplied you with more than enough movies, opting to spend Fridays at your house now filling you in on her weekly favorites. Maria always made sure you had the day off. 
You sat for drinks at the Tipsy Bison every Thursday, keeping quiet but sitting with the group as they conversed candidly. Indy had come to realize Joel was only someone to fear if you’d earned it, teasing him constantly about seeing another glimmer of that fire from the field again while Tommy teased her bravery for poking the bear. It all felt right and wrong at the same time, the walk back to your house Joel always insisted on accompanying you for the most natural twenty minutes of the evening. 
“We’ll go to the market when we get back,” Indy said as she pulled the heavy steel door shut behind you, “You’re buying.”
“Deal,” you agreed, “I’ll even write the recipe down this time.”
In an abrupt motion that had your heart skipping, she bolted quickly to the open window, her rifle pointing up at the sky as you followed after her, ready to fire at whatever threat she’d spotted but finding nothing out of place or amiss. 
“Oh,” she sighed in relief, lowering her weapon as your eyes darted around, “Sorry. Thought pigs were flying.”
“Fuck you,” you groaned, laughing as you shoved at her shoulder, finding the logbook on the table and pausing at the neat ‘Clear -J’ on the most recently filled-in line, “We all clear?”
“Just check the back.”
The floorboards creaked beneath your boots as you wove through the remnants of office furniture, your hand gliding over rotting wood just lightly enough to keep it from splintering into your skin. The fall air was crisp as you breathed it in, the cold of wintering hinting in the sweet aroma. It would frost soon, the mountains welcoming winter sooner than you would have liked for its extended stay well into the months you’d recognize as spring. 
“Is anyone there?!” you heard a voice calling, the hair on the back of your neck prickling as you pulled your pistol from the tattered holster on your thigh, “Please!”
“Shit…” you hissed under your breath, your back colliding with the wall beside the door, your head peering around just enough to see a man in the clearing ahead. 
“Please! I…I need help! Just…I saw horses!”
“Mother fucker,” Indy sneered as she took cover at the other edge of the frame, “I’m not falling for this. Tell me you’re not falling for this?”
Almost every single one of your razor-sharp instincts told you to hop on the back of your horse and bolt, save a single tickle at the back of your head. There was a tug on a thread that had been loose for months now, the reminder that at one point in the not-so-distant past you’d been a straggler collected by a man willing to take a chance.
“Jesus Christ,” Indy scolded at your silence, “Let’s go.”
“Who’s with you?!” you yelled through the missing glass, Indy groaning as she clicked the safety off on her weapon.
“Just my son!” the man replied, hope seeping into his voice, “Please! I’m unarmed!”
“Well that’s fucking stupid,” Indy muttered, earning her a dirty look, “He’s lying. Millie, he’s lying. Eugene barely made it home alive two weeks ago—“
“Show me the kid!” you demanded, ignoring Indy entirely, your fate now dependent on this momentary lapse in judgment. 
When a boy no older than eight emerged from behind a tree that should have been too narrow to hide him, your spine straightened. You could hear Indy muttering under her breath as the frail child slid behind his father, peering out from around his hip with wide, terrified eyes. With your gun raised, you kicked the door open, Indy following closely behind and demanding for hands to be in sight at all times, the man obliging as he watched with fear and hope swirling in his gaze. 
“Talk,” you instructed, the muzzle of your gun inches from his forehead as he dropped to his knees in surrender.
“We’re…looking for a place called Jackson,” his voice was shaking, eyes averted, “It’s a myth…but we couldn’t stay…had to chance it.”
“Are you bit?”
“Traveled in open air, I swear.”
“Anyone follow you?”
“We snuck past a camp three days ago, but they never saw us.”
“A camp?” Indy cut in, “Where?”
“By the river.”
Another problem added to the growing list. Maria and Tommy would want as much information about the visitors encroaching on the protected territory, risking Jackson’s people and resources wasn't something either of them took lightly. The possibility this man was a scout passed through your mind, flashing like a warning beacon as you felt Indy’s eyes staring. She’d left this decision up to you and was impatiently awaiting your verdict. 
“Is this your dad?” you asked the boy, putting your gun back in its holster and hoping for the best as you kneeled to get on his level, “Tell me the truth.”
“How did you get that scar?” he asked after a nod, timid as a mouse, his big brown eyes so terrified it made your stomach clench. 
“Bad people.”
“Like the people at the river?”
“You tell me.”
“They took mommy.”
Caught in a lie, the man began to stammer in defense as Indy doubled down, her gun still raised as she took a menacing step toward him. He detailed their journey, the narrow escape from the hunters camping on the water banks, and the loss of his wife who had been taken as the child's eyes remained transfixed on the long scar slashed across your nose and cheeks. He promised none had followed, swore on his life, begged for at least the boy, James, to be taken to safety or spared, your own intentions becoming murkier to the survivor who had begun to weep.
“Let’s go,” you snapped, “Give me your pack, the kid can ride with me.”
“So I get to ride with the weirdo?!” Indy chastised as you began to search through the man’s bag, finding food that had been stretched too thin and clothes worn down enough to be sheer. 
“Where are you taking us?” you were asked as Indy helped the small boy up to sit in front of you in the saddle, her grip on the father's coat collar rough as she tugged him towards her own waiting mare.
“It’s your lucky day, Simon,” she taunted, “We’re headed to the mythical land of Jackson.”
The first face you saw as the wooden gates of Jackson closed behind you was unexpected, Joel bursting out of the stables and running with Tommy hot on his heels. 
“Who the hell is this?” he growled, placing himself between you and Simon as if you hadn’t just ridden miles beside him on a horse.
“Simon,” you answered, the way the new gray and black flannel Joel was wearing hugged his shoulders slowing your speech, “and James. They come bearing bad news.”
After scans to the backs of their necks, the Tipsy Bison welcomed them just as it had you almost three months ago. They devoured the food put in front of them unlike you had, Tommy and Joel immediately planning the scout of this supposed encampment for the following morning at dawn. 
“They’re armed,” Simon warned, his face falling at the decision to take on the hunters head-on.
“So are we,” Joel replied, his tone hard and menacing, “You two comin’?”
“Of course!” Indy answered with an air of sarcasm, “Who could refuse?”
With the help of Simon, an ambush was planned, Tommy thanking you for having the judgment to trust the stranger enough to bring him back. It had gone against every one of your most basic instincts, trusting a man in the wild like that, and your eyes drifted over to Joel as you contemplated exactly why that was. You hadn’t trusted him either, and he hadn’t trusted you, but here you sat beside him in a bar enclosed in the safest stronghold the United States had to offer. 
“Is your wife alive?” Joel asked Simon as Tommy began to lead him and his son to the inn for the night.
“Last I knew,” he answered sadly, the reality of why that was settling onto Joel’s face in a furious scowl.
“Can you handle a gun?” 
“Joel…” you scolded, this man clearly in no state to be storming into the trenches, “He’s not up for it. If there are women there, we’re getting them all out regardless.”
Your tone left no room for argument, and Joel’s surrender was swift as you turned to follow Indy to finally begin your evening plans, “Yes ma’am.”
“She’s terrifying,” Simon muttered when you were just out of earshot, a smirk ticking up one corner of Joel’s lips. 
“She is, ain’t she?” he chuckled, smiling fondly as you disappeared further and further into the gray autumn dusk. 
An impatient Ellie was seated on the stoop of Indy’s single-story home, her face lighting up when you rounded the corner before bounding down the street to meet you. Her “you’re fucking late” had you smiling, your arm slinging around her shoulders as you explained yourself honestly, promising to make it up to her Friday when she came by.
“I already picked the movie,” she bragged as you dropped the bag of groceries onto Indy’s counter, “Something with planes.”
“Talk to me, Goose!” you recited, a toothy grin breaking onto Ellie’s face.
“Goodness gracious great balls of fire!” Indy chimed in with a bushel of carrots as a microphone, Ellie promptly inviting her to join the Friday festivities and beaming once again when it was accepted.
The lessons in the kitchen were just as much for you as they were for Ellie, her dinner postponed dinner party having ended before it began when Joel walked into his kitchen so filled with smoke it had left his eyes red for two days after. You’d teased him about it passing him at the stables after patrols, for a man that had tossed smoke bombs he scrounged up from expired explosives and sugar, he certainly had gone soft.
“This is what you’re missing,” Indy informed as she tossed a bushel of green herbs in front of you, “Thyme.”
“Guess it’s time to start learning how to grow herbs in my backyard,” you replied, trying to keep a straight face through the terrible joke that had Ellie practically on the floor and Indy giving you a dead stare that reminded you of someone else.
Gardening was something that had piqued your interest, it always had. You’d tried to maintain a small Pothos in your dorm room, the lack of light killing even the most hearty of plants, and then the world had gone to shit. Ellie had griped about her hatred of farming rotation, but every time you passed Maria in the streets or saw her at the Bison, you were tempted to request a week here or there in the greenhouses. Winter was approaching, but a book on the subject sat waiting by the armchair in the living room, Joel having accompanied you to the swap shop with the last of your venison from his freezer to exchange for the pile of to-be-reads. 
“Don’t chop food with that!” Indy screeched as the familiar click of Ellie’s switchblade broke through the comfortable silence, “You kill things with it!”
“I washed it!” Ellie defended, grumbling to herself as she pocketed it, picking up the provided knife laying beside her on the counter. 
All you could do was laugh at the exchange, your fingers staining green as you plucked at the thyme you’d been thrown. The prep went quickly with three hands, the pot bubbling on the stove as the deck of cards was quickly brought out, a lively round of blackjack ongoing between Ellie and Indy as you dealt. 
Clean-ups and laundry services were wagered, with Ellie bringing home the big win of Indy’s hand in clothes washing for the next week, a full basket waiting to be scrubbed back at her little converted garage. After dinner was shared, Ellie was sent home with two containers, one for her and one for Joel, with Indy sliding you a third with a knowing smirk.
“Before you go,” she blurted out as you followed Ellie out the front door, “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you didn’t listen to me today.”
Quickly you spun, running out onto the porch and almost knocking Ellie straight onto the ground, “Oh,” you sighed in relief, “Thought pigs were flying for a second.”
“After I fed you dinner.”
“See you bright and early.”
“Can’t wait! Nothing like the smell of gunpowder in the morning.”
When Ellie asked where you were going as you walked her home, you skirted around the subject. There was no need to worry her, she’d already been particularly on edge since the incident six weeks ago. You knew she could tell you were lying, and as much as it ate away at you, it was for the best. Her life had become exponentially easier and less burdened once the walls of Jackson had welcomed you, but you knew the years of freedom from worry would be short for her already being 15, she could savor the time she had to be carefree. 
As you rounded the corner from the greenhouses to the back gate closest to her little house, soft notes of music greeted you, the sight of Joel on the porch gently plucking the strings of an acoustic guitar lit by the dull orange glow of his backlight held your gaze as Ellie bid you goodbye. She laughed while your brain caught up to her words, a quick, nervous goodbye mumbled as you quickly glanced at her teasing expression before returning to what would be seared into your memory. Your feet carried you subconsciously toward him, his eyes finding yours in the dark.
“Hey,” he greeted, gruff but soft, tuning the instrument in his hands with subtle turns of the pegs, “Thanks for walkin’ her home.”
“Sure,” you choked out, your mouth dry, “I didn’t know you could play guitar.”
“Yeah. Been playin’ since I was a kid. Haven’t touched one in some twenty years now though.”
“Sounded fine to me.”
“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
With nothing but a gesture, he welcomed you to take the empty chair on the porch, a round table with a bottle of whiskey and a tumbler set between the two seats. He picked up where he’d left off, unbothered by your intrusion, his shoulders relaxed and his features serene as his fingers ran off of muscle memory untainted by decades of disuse. 
“Help yourself,” he offered, his chin ticking towards the amber liquid to his left, and you filled the empty glass halfway at his invitation.
The whiskey was warm as it settled in your stomach, the cool night air nipping at your nose and cheeks as you settled back in the chair, your eyes fluttering closed as the notes of his song traveled with the breeze. This was contentment you hadn’t felt in a very long time, not one you could vibrantly remember anyway. Your thoughts calmed for a moment, each twang of the guitar recentering you in this serenity, your fingers tapping absentmindedly on the glass now sitting ignored in your lap.
“I ain’t carrying you home,” he teased, one of your eyes opening into a slit to peek at him.
“Can I have a blanket at least?” you jested in return, enjoying the toothy grin stretching up on his face.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
Another gulp of liquor preceded your meditative state returning, his song continuing longer after finding the perfect harmony. You weren’t sure how much time had passed when silence roused you from tranquility, his fingers pulling the glass from your lazy grip. 
“No, keep going,” you mumbled, it was almost a whine, but a breathy laugh followed the request.
“Yes, ma’am.”
It seemed darker, a little cooler, Ellie’s lights were still on but some of the surrounding windows that had been illuminated before were now black. Joel seemed indifferent to the late hour, decades of long, days-long stretches without sleep still wearing on him, the dark circles beneath his eyes improved but not indiscernible. His hair had grown longer, the length now closer to what you recognized from your time on the road, the curls behind his ears beginning to reappear. 
“You should get home,” he announced, pouring a glass of whiskey and downing it in one shot, “We got an early mornin’.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, already missing the state the night had put you in and hoping it lasted long enough to get you to sleep, “Okay.”
“Want me to walk you?’
“No. I’m okay. Thank you though.”
A restless night followed, the faint hint of a song replaying in the back of your mind enough to at least stop you from screeching into the gray morning light as it filtered into your windows, the cold sweat coating your skin enough to remind you of the horrors that had filled your nightly rest. You dressed quickly, eating breakfast slowly as you watched the clock tick closer to 7 AM. The sun greeted you a little later each morning as autumn approached, the air still with its overnight frost stinging your lungs as you took off towards the stables. Joel’s house was on your way, the hope of crossing paths with him inflating in your chest like a balloon all to be popped as he was nowhere to be found despite your slowed steps. 
The stables were bustling with the team of six heading out, the Miller brothers, Indy, Paulie, and Eugene all prepping their horses during your apparently late arrival. Indy teased you while you scrambled to fill your quiver and grab a few magazines of ammo for your handgun, your breathless thank you to her as she passed the reins to your saddled horse to you putting you in her debt. “Ellie’s laundry is now yours.”
“That is not a fair trade-off! For putting a saddle on!? Are you out of your mind?” you argued to your laughter, “I’ll help you. Best you’ll get.”
Despite the stakes and danger that lay ahead, the ride was surprisingly lighthearted. When the river came into view, however, business took over. Tommy and Joel had established that the hunters had likely moved closer, opting to camp for a few days between shifts. Jackson might have been a myth to some men, like Simon, but to others, its lands were a hunting ground for unexpecting survivors eager to regain some normalcy. Hunters, slavers, and cannibals alike stalked the woods preying on the innocent. Fear that this group was a faction of slavers was high, few groups took women and kept them alive.
“Okay, listen up,” Tommy announced, a plume of smoke visible from the shoreline of the river less than half a mile away, “Indy, Arrow, find the women. That is your job. Take out who you can, but the four of us will clear you a path. They ain’t gonna want to see any of us, it’s gotta be you. Understood?”
Not that you were a soft place to land, but you understood the sentiment.
“Joel and Paulie, take right, Eugene and I will take left,” Tommy finished, Joel’s grumbles of protest were heard throughout the group as you suppressed a smile, “We’re all making it out. No questions asked. Be safe. Be smart. Home for dinner.”
“I am not cooking,” Indy butt in, “Not this time.”
“Well, the Bison it is then,” Eugene conceded, “I could use one of Seth’s sandwiches. Haven’t had one in a bit.”
“Okay, focus,” Joel snapped, “We can worry about dinner when we’re all out. Alive.”
“You’re insufferable when she’s around…” Paulie mumbled what he though was only to himself, Tommy’s arm immediately shooting out to stop his brother from lunging, “Eugene and I can take the right! He’d get me killed keeping his eyes locked on his prize.”
“I swear to God!”
“Shut the hell up! Both of you!” Tommy snapped, “Joel, with me. Jesus Christ.”
“You should look a little less excited,” Indy whispered in your ear, your jaw snapping shut at her warning.
Gravel cracked beneath your boots as you crept towards the muddy bank, not a soul spotted mingling about yet, red flags waving in all of your heads as you continued the approach. Indy was muttering under her breath about how fucked this was, there was no way this wasn’t a trap, and you were inclined to agree.  
“It’s too quiet,” you hissed at Joel as the two of you took cover behind a large boulder, the camp completely visible and notably deserted, “Something is wrong here.”
“Yeah,” he growled, “Shit.”
“Look, camp’s empty,” Paulie spoke too loudly, everyone’s wide eyes shooting to him filled with confusion and rage, “maybe they left something behind.”
“Push forward,” Tommy commanded, you and Joel both sighing in disagreement, “We gotta at least look around.”
With weapons drawn, you crept forward, noting that even though this camp was haphazardly put together, it was expansive. Someone had no intention of leaving here anytime soon, the question was where that someone might be. The silence was deafening, your leg throbbing as memories clawed at your fragile psyche that had just begun to shoddily repair. It had been silent that day too, until gunfire echoed through the neighborhood and the pain became too much to resist. 
“Hey,” a deep southern voice rumbled from beside you, “I got you.”
“He asked me to bring her back,” you choked, recalling the ride back to Jackson with Simon and James in tow, “either way.”
“And we will.”
If only the confidence in his voice was reassuring. 
Muffled voices were heard, halting all of you in your tracks, cover being taken as Joel went ahead alone, your heart hammering as your eyes stayed locked on him, your finger twitching against the trigger of your gun as every muscle tensed waiting for the need to strike. When Joel halted and crouched behind a pile of firewood, his arm shot up, four fingers pointing up towards the sky. Six on four was no concern, in fact, it was probably almost too easy.
“Okay,” Tommy began, the plan now being set into full motion, “Ladies, you know your job, we’ll do the rest. Search every tent, they gotta be in one of ‘em.”
“There has to be more than four,” Indy warned, pulling you back down to the ground as you rose, still staring at the man ten yards ahead of you.
“Maybe. Maybe not. They’re probably out huntin’ and this our time for an easy strike. We pick those four off and take the rest out at the wall when they come lookin’. Easy.”
The logic made sense. It was now or never, with or without Indy at your side. As she went to press her argument with Tommy, you took advantage of her distraction, taking off uncaring of who followed. You and Joel had taken out more than four hunters in your day, you could do it again. The sound of your boots had him rising to his feet, his finger pointing to a larger tent off in the distance, the one the men were closest to. There was no doubt in your mind he was right.
With a nod, you were off, Indy hot on your heels as the men engaged the four sitting around a fire, somehow managing to finish the job without a shot going off in an attempt to not alert anyone who may still be lurking nearby. The tent you and Joel had assumed housed who you were looking for turned out to be filled with supplies, ones you hoped you had the time to search through later, leaving you and Indy to search the remaining half a dozen tents.
“Nothin’?” Tommy asked as your head emerged from the third with a downtrodden expression, “Shit.”
“Maybe they’re deeper in the woods,” you suggested as Indy came back from searching the final three with nothing, “It would make sense. Isolate them, make them feel stranded, helpless.”
“Okay. Fan out, whistle if you need. No more than ten minutes and we regroup. I’m serious. I don’t like this.”
Stress and tensions were high as you and Indy walked deeper into the woods, her warnings it was time to turn back went unheeded; they had to be here, they had to be somewhere. A whistle from your right set your feet into a sprint, Paulie and Eugene standing outside a dilapidated shed sealed with too shiny a padlock. A hand stopped your gun as you raised it, Joel coming to stand beside you with a look of warning in his eyes.
“Be smart,” he cautioned in a low voice, knowing how you got in high stake situations, “I’ll get it.”
The butt of his shotgun took out the lock in three blows, the edge of the door shattering at the impact. You went in first, your blood running ice cold in your veins at the sight before you.
“Oh my God…” you muttered, Indy’s equally shocked breath echoing beside you, “Joel…”
“Christ,” he exhaled, his hand pulling you slightly behind him as he surveyed the group of eight all staring at you with wide, terrified eyes, “We’re here to help…and we don’t have much time.”
Indy took over, the group sighing in relief when everyone was on their feet. At least they could walk. The walk back to the horses was quick and guarded, the six of you forming a perimeter around the women all huddled together, one visibly pregnant but you doubt she was alone in that. They were understandably skeptical, but somewhat hopeful it seemed, all of them looking to you like a beacon of hope, of reason.
“Get them on the horses. Indy, Arrow, can you share one?” Tommy strategized, with fourteen people and six horses, this had turned into a predicament, “Paulie, Eugene, get on the last one. Joel and I will walk.”
“I want to check that tent,” you reminded them, Indy staying back to help get everyone loaded up to go while you, Joel, and Tommy advanced, Paulie and Eugene staying planted in the middle ground.
There was some food that would come in handy, various boxes of ammo you stuffed into packs uncaring of what it was, you’d find a use for it, and one little canvas sack of what felt like dry beans that had your lips lifting into a smile when you brought it to your nose.
“Hey Tex!” you called out, tossing Joel the bag as soon as his attention was on you, his brow furrowing as he peaked inside, the contents setting his face aglow.
“Well I’ll be damned,” he sighed, grinning so wide it sparkled into his hazel eyes.
“Hey,” Paulie snapped, “Why’s he get that?”
“Cause Deacon has a favorite,” Eugene answered with a wink in your direction.
“Deacon has a debt actually,” you corrected, movement catching in your peripheral. 
The whistle of your arrow through the air caught everyone’s attention, the cry of a man taking a bolt to the chest cavity setting off a row of dominoes on a trail to disaster. As more men emerged from the trees, panic set in. Five turned to seven and then seven to twelve… Tommy was screaming at Indy to take off, don’t even slow down until the walls of Jackson were well in sight while Joel bellowed at you from behind a stack of firewood to get to the god damn horse, but as a chain of automatic gunfire cracked through the woods the world fell away. 
Standing like a target in the middle of a field, the rattling of the assault rifle had you frozen in place. The echoes of FEDRA soldiers, the rumbling of a tank, the smell of smoke, gunpowder, and decay, the screams of the QZ citizens caught in a war zone…
“Tommy!” You didn’t know a Tommy. Who was Tommy? “Cover me!”
Cover him. You could cover. You knew how to cover. Your pistol was heavy on your thigh and cold in your fingers as you pulled it from its holster, firing off in front of you despite having no target in sight. 
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ!” Maybe there was a target.
Whipping around wildly in search of him, your ears began to ring as a flash bang went off, shrouding your surroundings in a smoky haze. It all came flooding back as the piercing shrill grew louder, the smoke growing thicker as you began to choke, and you weren’t sure if the tears streaming down your face were a product of the burn or the memories that now went hurtling to the forefront of your mind and trapped you in your nightmares here in the light of day. 
An arm wrapping around your middle pushed what little air you’d been able to bring into your lungs, your feet forced to shuffle as it pulled you backward, your back hitting something jagged and splintering as you were tossed to the ground and caged in. You couldn’t hear a thing, your eyes locked on the dirt as your body focused on its need for air. Someone was in front of you, you could feel the heat radiating off of them, something was grazing against your cheek, a jacket maybe, or the edge of a knife. You couldn’t be sure. Bullet shells rained down from above you, one brass cylinder falling into your lap, smoke still billowing from the searing metal, at least whoever it was wasn’t shooting at you.
“Joel, get her out of here!”
That name... You knew that name.
“Joel?” It was a plea, an anchor, a place to ground yourself. 
His canvas coat was rough in your fingers as you realized it was gripped between your knuckles, the comforting sight of a red and black flannel coming into view as you breathed in the familiar scent of leather and wood. Joel. 
“Move,” it was a command, his voice hard with what could be anger or focus, you couldn’t be sure.
A large palm swallowed your upper arm whole as you were lifted to your feet and forced to take off into a sprint you weren’t prepared for. His grip kept you upright every time you tripped, the whinny of a horse startling you as you were lifted and tossed into a saddle.
“You ride and you don’t look back, you understand?” he instructed, shooting his eyes over his shoulder, “Do you understand?”
With a snarl at your lack of response, he slapped the horse’s back end, your hands forced to grip the horn of the saddle for dear life as the horse took off in a gallop.
“Joel!” you yelled as you steadied yourself enough to look back and see him disappear into the trees and gunshots, “JOEL!”
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Chapter 6
Pretty art of them from this chapter that makes me swoon (why is tumblr eating the quality of images worse than usual today. annoying.)
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112 notes · View notes
Investigation: Hong Kong’s role in illegal deforestation of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil
If major import markets, such as China and Hong Kong, were to restrict trade to slaughterhouses with more transparent supply chains, industry experts believe it could have a major impact on the sustainability of the Brazilian meat sector. 
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At first glance, there is little to link a handful of featureless Hong Kong office spaces to the world’s largest tropical rainforest. But supply chain data – obtained by non-profit organisation Repórter Brasil and shared with HKFP – reveals that at least four businesses in the city have imported beef products farmed by a man whom Brazilian police have called “the greatest devastator of the Amazon.”
Cattle farming is “the number one culprit of deforestation in virtually every Amazon country,” according to environmental NGO the World Wide Fund for Nature. Roughly 17 per cent of the Amazon rainforest has already been lost to habitat conversion, with trees felled to make way for cattle pastures and the dusty roads that transport Brazilian beef from the forest to the global marketplace.
Among those profiting from the degradation of the Amazon is rancher Bruno Heller, whose family owns farms that have been fined US$5 million for illegal deforestation, and who has been accused by Brazilian federal police of clearing 6,500 hectares of forest – an area almost five times the size of Lamma Island.
Through a process known as “cattle laundering,” where cows raised at illicit locations are transported to those with a clean record, Repórter Brasil tracked cattle from Heller’s family farms to a slaughterhouse, 163 Beef Industria & Comercio De Carnes Ltda, and traced beef products from that slaughterhouse to Hong Kong.
Continue reading.
12 notes · View notes
howtobeaconartist · 1 year
Can someone pleeeeease let artists know that it's so incredibly frustrating when I buy prints and they're in weird sizes?
It hard to find frames for them.
I've got prints that are 15cm x 21cm (6"x8.2"). Juuuust oversized where I need to get a frame up with a matte.
But then I've got another poster that's 19.6cm x 28cm (7.8"x11"). Like, I can get a frame that fits, of course because it's undersized A4. But damnit it's got an ugly gap which doesn't feel right.
Please please please! I bought these things to be on display but my walls are bare because I need to spend several hours to find a solution and fit them right.
Please just stick to the international A4 A3 A2 format, or the photo size formats 6"x8", 8"x10" etc.
I want to support people, but I'm left with buyers regret when I need to problem solve purchases and don't want to "just tack it to the wall, it'll be fine".
Kiriska: This is an understandable frustration!
I've had plenty of customers ask me what sizes prints are prior to purchasing -- a totally fair thing to do if you know you want to frame it. Size has been a deal-breaker for some people.
That said, for perspective, it's often more affordable for artists to print at other sizes. For example, in the US, letter (8.5"x11") and tabloid (11"x17") are both extremely common print sizes in Artist Alley, but while frames of these sizes exist, they aren't common.
Artists still prefer these sizes though because these are sizes that are easy to print at at office supply stores or personal printers, which is what many have access to when starting out. If anything, the infuriating thing is that standard printer paper sizes are not the same as standard photo sizes.
8"x10" is close to 8.5"x11" but requires trimming, which is either extra work or extra cost.
Depending on the convention, the demographics may skew younger. If that's the case, a majority of attendees won't intend to frame their print purchases. They are being pinned or taped to dorm room walls, etc. The art is meant to be affordable -- for both the artist and the buyer. ($10 prints are pretty rare at most pop-up art fairs and farmer's market-type settings, because standard size giclee prints probably cost double that to print.)
Still, I agree -- artists should strive for more standard sizes when possible, especially if they're going to shows with an older demographic of people who are more likely to want to frame things.
That said, I've been wanting to transition my 8.5"x11" prints to 8"x10" for years and still haven't gotten around to it because all of my packaging supplies are for the former, and putting prints of the latter size in oversized packaging looks Bad, but stock levels of packaging and prints never line up that I'm not gonna be stuck with some mismatch... at some point I'm sure I'm just gonna have some prints in one size and some in the other, but that sounds like a nightmare...
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mariacallous · 29 days
What would Donald Trump’s foreign policy look like, should he win a second presidential term? The debate ranges between those who believe he will abandon Ukraine, withdraw from NATO, and herald a “post-American Europe”—and those who predict he will escalate the Russian-Ukrainian war and continue his fiercely anti-communist policies. Foreign governments have been frantically reaching out to Trump and Republican circles to understand, if not influence, the future direction of his policies; one such visit may have even played a role in Trump’s acquiescence to the most recent batch of U.S. military aid to Ukraine following months of delay by many of his Republican supporters in the U.S. Congress.
One fact is already clear: If Trump regains the presidency, he and his potential advisors will return to a significantly changed global landscape—marked by two regional wars, the threat of a third in Asia, the return of great-power geopolitics, and globalization measurably in decline. While many expect a Trump 2.0 to be a more intense version of Trump 1.0, his response to the dramatic changes in the geopolitical environment could lead to unexpected outcomes.
Trump may now be less eager to abandon Europe given fast-rising European defense spending and an ongoing major war. The strengthening U.S. economy and flux in global supply chains could facilitate a broader decoupling from China and market-access agreements with allies. Expanded Iranian aggression could make it easier for Trump 2.0 to build a large international coalition. An examination of these and other changes of the last four years could yield surprising insights into how a second Trump administration could differ significantly from the first.
Since Trump left office, the U.S.-Mexico border crisis has worsened significantly. In 2020, Trump’s last full year in office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection carried out 646,822 enforcement actions, including against three individuals on the Terrorist Screening Data Set. By 2023, this had skyrocketed to 3.2 million encounters, including 172 people on the terrorist list. Under the Biden-Harris administration, there have been some 10 million illegal border crossings, including nearly 2 million known so-called gotaways—illegal crossers who could not be apprehended. The unsecured border, broken asylum process, and overwhelmed immigration courts have enabled significant fentanyl trafficking, resulting in over 200,000 American deaths in the last three years.
For a second Trump administration, sealing the border would be the critical national security issue, overshadowing all others. The Republican platform calls for completion of the border wall, the use of advanced technology on the border, and shifting the focus of federal law enforcement to migration. It also proposes redeploying troops from overseas to the southern border and deploying the U.S. Navy to impose a fentanyl blockade. Americans now see the border as a major problem, and Congress is likely to support significant spending. This reallocation will impact other areas, since the U.S. Army and Navy are already struggling with personnel and fleet size targets. Navigating tensions with Mexico and Central American countries, many of which have free-trade agreements with the United States and receive U.S. assistance, will be challenging.
Facing escalating regional wars and the smallest U.S. military in generations, Trump would likely oversee the most significant U.S. military buildup in nearly 50 years. The U.S. Armed Forces are shrinking, and the defense budget is close to its post-World War II low in terms of both federal budget share and percentage of GDP. The capacity, capabilities, and readiness of the U.S. military are weakening, and the defense industrial base has atrophied. The disastrous defeat in Afghanistan has led to a significant drop in Americans’ confidence in the military.
Trump has long supported a bigger and stronger military, but his administration’s modest budget increases primarily went to personnel, operations, and maintenance, with little investment in capabilities. Under then-Defense Secretary James Mattis, the 2018 National Defense Strategy abandoned the long-standing U.S. doctrine of maintaining readiness to fight wars in two regions simultaneously, focusing instead on deterring China in the Indo-Pacific. Today’s Trump-approved Republican platform pledges a larger, modern military, investment in the defense industrial base, and a national missile defense shield. Republican Sen. Roger Wicker, likely the next chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has proposed a detailed plan to raise defense spending from 3 percent of GDP in 2024 to 5 percent within five to seven years. This plan aligns with Trump’s policies and could lead to a domestic manufacturing boom. Trump could announce the first-ever trillion-dollar defense budget with broad Republican support, determined not to be remembered as the president who let China surpass the U.S. militarily.
Notwithstanding the Biden administration’s climate agenda, the United States’ historic rise as the world’s energy superpower could empower Trump to pursue more punitive policies against Russia and Iran while wielding greater leverage over China. The United States is now producing and exporting more energy than ever, even as its carbon emissions have decreased, largely due to the shift from coal to gas. In 2019, the country became a net energy exporter. Since 2017, total energy exports have nearly doubled, and the country has surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s biggest oil producer. By further ramping up liquefied natural gas exports to Europe, a second Trump administration could reduce Russia’s influence, reshape European geopolitics, and strengthen trans-Atlantic ties. It would also greatly reduce the trade deficit with Europe, something Trump frequently rails about. Expanding energy production would also increase U.S. leverage over China, the world’s largest energy importer. Greater production—as well as closer alignment with Saudi Arabia under Trump—could do much to lower gas prices in the United States and oil prices globally. This, in turn, would allow Trump to pursue more aggressive strategic policies, such as striking Iranian nuclear assets or, should he wish to do so, diminishing Russian oil and gas exports.
The relative strength of the U.S. economy and major shifts in trading patterns would give another Trump administration far greater leverage on trade—including winning a trade war with China and striking new or revised trade deals with others.
Many Americans have a pessimistic view of their country’s economy, but it is far stronger relative to its peers than in 2016 or 2020. This year, the U.S. economy will account for an estimated 26 percent of global GDP, the highest share in almost two decades. It was nearly four times the size of Japan’s when Trump first entered office, and it will be seven times as large by the end of this year. As recently as 2008, the U.S. and Eurozone economies were similar in size. Today, the former towers over the latter, with the U.S. economy almost 80 percent larger. Britain’s relative decline is similar.
The strength of the U.S. economy would give Trump the leverage to strike the fair and reciprocal trade deals he seeks. Japan, facing an ever-aggressive China and urgently needing to boost economic growth, might build on the 2019 U.S.-Japan market access deal. Trump could resume the talks with Britain from the end of his first term with more leverage; a former Trump official indicated that a deal with Britain would be a priority in a second term. Trump might also revisit negotiations with the EU, following up on a market access agreement signed in 2019 following his imposition of tariffs. After eight years on top, the United States has overtaken China to be Germany’s top trading partner again. Trump’s aim to secure better deals is evident, and he may find more willing partners than before.
The same dynamics may lead to a far broader trade war with and decoupling from China. The U.S. economy has grown relative to China’s over the past eight years, with the gap widening in both directions: The U.S. economy is larger and the Chinese one smaller than economists expected. The forecast for when China’s economy might surpass the United States’ keeps sliding further and further into the future and may never happen at all. The International Monetary Fund projects that China’s share of the Asia-Pacific region’s GDP will be slightly smaller in five years than it is today, and it may never become the majority share. Even China’s official, flattering statistics suggest its economy is experiencing a lost decade due to deeply structural challenges, not temporary ones.
Over the past eight years, the U.S. economy has also become less dependent on foreign trade, including with China. In 2016, China was the top U.S. trading partner, accounting for more than 20 percent of U.S. imports and about 16 percent of total U.S. trade. By 2023, China slipped to third place, accounting for 13.9 percent of imports and 11.3 percent of trade. This shift would give greater credibility to Trump’s threats to revoke China’s most-favored nation trading status and impose wide-ranging tariffs. While these measures would have economic costs for Americans, around 80 percent of Americans view China unfavorably today, a significant increase from 2017, and the United States is now better positioned to withstand a protracted trade war with China than a few years ago.
Trump 2.0 would have the potential to lead a broader containment approach toward China. First, Trump and most Americans blame the Chinese government for the COVID-19 pandemic, which killed more than 1 million Americans, forced the U.S. economy into a deep recession, and likely cost Trump his reelection in 2020. Whether through trade measures, sanctions, or a demand for reparations, Trump will seek to hold China accountable for the estimated $18 trillion in damage the COVID-19 pandemic caused to the United States. In parallel, he is likely to end the attempts at partnership made by the Biden administration and Trump during parts of his first term. Issues like climate change, public health, foreign investment, Chinese land purchases in the United States, and Beijing’s role in the fentanyl epidemic will be viewed through the lens of strategic independence from China, as outlined in the Republican platform.
Second, the United States’ major European allies have become much more critical of China than when Trump left office—the result of COVID-19, Chinese “wolf warrior” diplomacy, Beijing’s support for Moscow’s war in Ukraine, and mounting issues concerning trade, technology, and supply chains. The references to China in the 2024 G-7 summit statement and NATO summit communique, compared to the last versions under Trump in 2019, make that clear. Europe is following Washington’s lead in imposing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, restricting Chinese telecoms from 5G infrastructure, and exposing and punishing Chinese espionage. A second Trump administration could build a coalition against Chinese behavior.
Third, the United States’ Asian allies are enhancing their military capabilities and cooperation among themselves. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and others are increasing their defense spending, and the United States recently negotiated expanded military access to key sites in the Philippines. Improved regional alliances and partnerships, including the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) pact, the Quad (Australia, India, Japan, and the United States), much improved Japan-South Korea relations, and growing Japan-Philippines cooperation will strengthen Trump’s hand with Beijing.
However, the China Trump will face is more powerful and aggressive than ever before. It has significantly increased its military harassment of Taiwan, the Philippines, and India. It has also deepened its strategic partnership with Russia: The two countries declared a “partnership without limits” in 2022, and Chinese President Xi Jinping told Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2023 that the world is undergoing changes “we haven’t seen for 100 years—and we are the ones driving these changes together.” China’s navy, already larger than its U.S. counterpart since around 2015, could be about 50 percent larger by the end of Trump’s second term. How would Trump respond if China attacked Taiwan? Washington assesses that Xi has ordered the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to be prepared to win a war against Taiwan by 2027, and U.S. war games consistently indicate the U.S. could lose such a conflict. Trump continues to hew to the decadeslong policy of maintaining strategic ambiguity regarding Taiwan’s defense, even if he has included Taiwan in his familiar critique of allies not doing enough for their own defense. Nevertheless, the continuously eroding balance of power and rapidly evolving correlation of forces could make Trump less likely to assist Taiwan than one might suspect given his overall China policy. As Trump recently acknowledged in the bluntest of terms, Taiwan is 9,500 miles away from the United States but only 68 miles away from China.
Trump would return as commander in chief with the largest European war since World War II raging in Ukraine, the increased presence of U.S. forces on the continent, and European NATO members ramping up their defense spending. The much-changed situation in Europe could make him far less likely to withdraw U.S. troops, end support for Ukraine, or seek a grand bargain with Putin.
Trump’s persistent haranguing of European allies when he was president, coupled with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has prompted European countries to rapidly increase their defense spending. Whereas only five NATO members spent at least 2 percent of GDP on defense in 2016 and nine did so in 2020, 23 do so now. European NATO nations have increased their collective defense spending by more than half since Trump first took office, far ahead of the United States’ much smaller increase during the same period. Germany has even surpassed Britain as Europe’s biggest defense spender. The burden sharing Trump pushed for is beginning to happen: European NATO allies are now shouldering a greater share of bloc-wide defense spending, and Europe also provides the majority of aid to Ukraine. U.S. companies and workers are benefiting: The U.S. share of global arms exports rose from 34 percent to 42 percent over the most recent five-year period.
In his first term, Trump welcomed both Montenegro and North Macedonia into NATO, even though neither met the 2 percent mark at the time. His inclination to move U.S. forces farther east along NATO’s frontier is now a reality. Today, 20,000 U.S. forces are stationed in the alliance’s eastern frontier states, part of what Supreme Allied Commander Europe Gen. Christopher Cavoli called a “definite shift eastward.” With the addition of Finland and Sweden as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, NATO now has a significantly reshaped posture.
While the 2 percent floor for defense spending is now grossly inadequate, European states are proposing higher benchmarks. The European Union has released its first-ever defense industrial strategy, and many European countries are planning further increases in spending. Were Trump to preside over the June 2025 NATO summit in the Netherlands, he could not only announce “mission accomplished” with respect to the 2 percent target, but that NATO has collectively pledged a higher 3 percent floor.
Trump has promised to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine “in 24 hours”—but has also threatened to dramatically increase arms support to Ukraine if Putin does not comply. He has never outright opposed military aid to Ukraine, acquiesced to congressional passage of a large supplemental in April, and recently concluded a positive call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Having observed how Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan sunk his presidency, Trump may be determined to avoid a similar loss of Ukraine.
Facing a Middle East with escalating Tehran-backed conflicts and a near-nuclear Iran, Trump 2.0 might also double down and increase U.S. military involvement to douse the fires Tehran has lit.
Trump is likely to end the Biden administration’s pressure on Israel to end the war against Hamas, de-escalate against Iran, and withdraw from Gaza and the West Bank. Trump would end Biden’s embargo on certain U.S. arms deliveries to Israel, halt aid to Gaza, and de-emphasize humanitarian concerns. Trump has consistently supported an Israeli “victory”—a stance repeated by his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance—and called on Israel to “finish the job.” Trump has walked back his previous endorsement of a Palestinian state, suggesting a very different approach to the “day after.” If a major war between Israel and Hezbollah breaks out, Trump’s track record suggests he would support swift Israeli action with less concern for civilian casualties, with full U.S. support but no direct military involvement.
Trump 2.0 would quickly face the choice of whether to take preemptive military action against Iranian nuclear facilities. Iran is now a nuclear breakout state, capable of producing enough weapons-grade uranium for several bombs in less than 10 days, even if weaponization may take several months to a year. Berlin, Paris, and London, antagonists to Trump 1.0’s Iran policy, may be supporters of Trump 2.0’s, as Iran’s growing military alliance with Russia, nuclear progress, and support for the Houthis have shifted European attitudes. Having repeatedly passed the wartime tests by Iran and its proxies, Israeli anti-air capabilities have rapidly improved, as has coordination with Arab partners. Trump will likely recharge his maximum-pressure approach, but he may be more likely to threaten Iran directly than ever before.
Trump 2.0 could also launch a campaign against the Houthis similar to that against the Islamic State during Trump 1.0. He would inherit a 24-nation coalition that is currently failing to restore freedom of navigation through the Red Sea. Despite the most intense U.S. naval combat operations since World War II, Suez Canal transits are still fewer than half of what they were a year ago; so far, over 90 commercial vessels have been hit and more than 100 warships attacked. Just as he declared the defeat and destruction of the Islamic State to be his “highest priority” on the first day of his presidency, he may flip the mission from a defensive to offensive one by hitting Houthi launch sites, targeting critical infrastructure, eliminating Iranian naval support, and directly threatening Tehran. A successful campaign could restore commercial shipping, lower energy and shipping costs, and foster diplomatic cooperation with European, Middle Eastern, and Asian governments.
Even if Trump’s instincts and inclinations remain unchanged, the world’s vastly shifted circumstances could prompt unexpected approaches. If Trump 1.0 was an alliance disruptor and protectionist, a second Trump administration could turn out to be a coalition builder and forger of significant trade deals. Concerns over U.S. abandonment of Europe and withdrawal from the Middle East may prove to have been hasty, with altered circumstances leading to greater stability in Europe and a rollback of Iranian aggression in the Middle East. Dealmaking with China may give way to the best opportunity to build a Cold War-like coalition to blunt aggressive Chinese behavior.
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rhinozilla · 1 year
Detroit: Become Family 2022 - Prompt 6: Found
Just when Connor thought he was finally fully understanding the human preoccupation with their appearance and fashion and how they presented themselves…Hank found a way to confuse him all over again.
Hank had an eclectic wardrobe, as far as Connor could determine, but so did many other humans and in further extremes. He had been observing over the months since his return to the DPD how his fellow officers and colleagues had also curated their own styles and preferences. Even down to the way they wore their uniforms and decorated their work stations. He was even developing a fairly accurate radar for what Officer Chen would like versus what Officer Wilson would like, et cetera.
He was even seeing his fellow deviant androids who worked at the station exploring what their preferences, likes, and dislikes were. He himself had been wary of venturing too far from his grey, black, and dark blue color palettes just yet. And Hank was not making that easy for him.
“This looks about your size. Try it on,” Hank suggested, holding up a wad of fabric.
Connor stood in the doorway of the station’s large supply closet, arms folded behind his back and not participating. “No, thank you.”
The afternoon had been slow, and Hank had gotten the idea that they should sort through the box of Lost and Found items that was overflowing on the floor of the supply closet. Connor knew this box was occasionally sorted through. Whatever wasn’t claimed by their owners was offered up to any officers who might want any of it. What was left behind was either thrown away or donated.
“C’maaaan,” Hank drawled, fluffing out what looked like a coat…in an alarming shade of pea green and with thick tassels of fringe hanging from each wrist, all the way up the arms, and across the shoulders.
“I’m really not interested in wearing that,” Connor pressed. “Where did that even come from?”
“Eh, I think I remember Ben arresting a sex worker who beat a guy with her shoe while wearing this.”
Connor looked at him in disturbance, and Hank laughed.
“Hey, I was on HER side on that one. She just spent a few hours here and then got released. Guess she forgot her coat.”
“If you think it’s hers, why not contact her so she can get it back?”
“Because that’s not my job,” Hank snorted, tossing the coat aside and rummaging more deeply into the box. “Anyway that was months ago, if she hasn’t missed it by now, she’s not gonna.” He straightened up. “Ooh, what about this?”
He held up a fanny pack, covered in block patterns in bright primary colors. Connor frowned as Hank unzipped all the compartments to make sure there was nothing in them.
“Hank, you are fairly compensated for your job here. I don’t think it’s necessary for you to…shop…through the lost and found items left behind by people who pass through the station,” Connor pointed out.
Hank scoffed and glanced back at him, holding up the fanny pack and squinting as if to imagine Connor wearing it. Connor took a precautionary step back.
“I’m not ‘shopping,’ I’m scavenging.”
“And that’s…better?”
Hank tossed the fanny pack into the donation pile and took a break, straightening up and stretching his back. “Look, you go into a clothing store or whatever, you generally know what you’re going to find. But you never know what you’re going to find in a lost and found box like this. Or a flea market or a consignment shop or garage sales. That’s where you find all the crazy, unique stuff.”
“One man’s trash is another’s treasurer?”
“Ah, I wouldn’t call any of this trash—” Hank stopped as his eyes caught on something sticking out of the box.
He bent over, snatched up the object, and held it up. It was a massive set of headphones, with comically large ear coverings that were each shaped like half of an avocado. The connecting wire between the headphones had been yanked out of one the ear coverings, and the rest of it was hopelessly tangled. It looked like it might have been stepped on at one point.
“Maybe this is,” Hank conceded. “Are these functional?”
He held them out, and Connor reluctantly took them in both hands. He scanned the wiring and the speakers inside the headset.
“Not currently. The speakers are intact, and it would only require the replacement of these connecting wires. Then they would be good as new…perhaps unfortunately,” he assessed, turning them over in his hands with distaste.
“All right…Maybe we can salvage those. That can be somebody else’s treasure at Goodwill or something,” Hank concluded, then, “Oh what the Hell…”
He pushed aside a few other miscellaneous items to pull out a folded up wad of denim. He frowned, stood again, and held out the pair of jeans in confusion.
“Who…Who lost an entire pair of pants here?” he asked.
Connor opened his mouth, paused, then closed it. He figured he wasn’t meant to answer such a question.
“Who did we bring in that left without their pants?” Hank asked again to no one in particular.
Connor pursed his lips, tilted his head, and studied the clothing. The jeans were from a well known brand, in good condition, and styled in the popular trend of heavy fraying and tears along the bottom hem.
“God, I can’t wait for this trend to die,” Hank muttered as he looked them over as well. “People walkin’ around looking like they just got attacked by a weed whacker.”
As if he was in a position to judge someone else’s fashion choices.
Connor snickered, and Hank looked over at him.
Connor gestured vaguely to the station around them. “Whoever they were, if they were someone brought in under our custody after an arrest…perhaps they left in a hurry because they were…a liar, liar, pants on fire?”
Hank stared at him.
Connor stared back at Hank.
Hank continued to stare.
Connor stared unblinking.
Then the jeans were smacking him in the face as Hank threw them at him.
“God, you gotta work on your jokes. Holy Hell, that was bad.”
Connor snickered again, folding up the jeans and setting them on the donation pile.
“Seriously, Hank, are you hoping to find something for your own personal use in this box?”
“I dunno, but it never hurts to—YES!”
Hank stood up, producing an extra large white t-shirt with big black lettering on it, along with an arrow below the text, pointing to the right. He turned it around to show Connor, looking strangely gleeful as he did so. Connor read the shirt and deflated in disappointment.
“Holy shit, I didn’t think they even still made these.” Hank laughed.
Cocking his head, Connor lifted a hand. “I would be interested in that for myself.”
Hank looked at him sharply, and Connor offered a shit-eating grin. Hank narrowed his eyes, then wadded up the shirt and threw it at him.
“You little shit…Get in here and help me with the rest of this. If you’re not going to help, then go lurk somewhere else.”
Connor set the shirt aside and sighed dramatically, joining Hank by stepping up to the box.
“Fine. Don’t worry, Hank. I’ll only wear that shirt when I’m working on a case with Detective Reed.”
Everyone in the bullpen abruptly looked up at the explosion of Hank’s laughter as it violently burst out of the supply closet.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 4 months
I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I sat down. We did a lot of running around today.
Farmers market, which involved about a half mile round trip walk to and from the car. It certainly tested my asthma! I wear a mask when outdoors due to the severity of my asthma, and have been doing so since 2017. Because of covid, I also wear it indoors when not at home. I had no wheezing today!!!!! I purchased three pints of locally grown and harvested strawberries, a dozen GF bagels, a GF cinnamon roll (and was informed that I get a free drink and 50% discount at the bakery on my birthday), a large bundle of celery (with nutella and dried cranberries, these make for a delicious snack), and bundle of green onions (easily 3x the size what I see in grocery stores). Support local if you can!!!
After the market, we stopped at the post office so I could ship commissions and shop purchases. Those cost more than I estimated, but they nearly always do. If you wish to be my hero, pay a little extra to cover shipping. Especially international orders. To Germany, a 3.4 ounce package was $19.65. Ouch!
When we were done at the post office, I got a fruity green bubble tea becaus, damnit, it's hot, I'm thirsty, and have had a very good commission season. I deserve something nice. Especially since my birthday is Monday. The drink was $7, so I tipped $3. The person who made my drink "accidentally" made extra. That was very nice! Mango and pineapple blended with green tea and aloe boba.
Then my husband surprised me with a trip to the office supply store. I worked for the company almost 20 years ago and kept my free membership, which resulted in a $10 discount on what I've been asking for: a corkboard and pin tacks. This will be set up on the wall behind my cutting table and will serve the purpose of taping things to my wall. Yay!!!
From there, we went to a "metaphysical empowerment" and gem show. It was damn near free, and I was curious. OMG...there was soooooo much appropriation and some truly bonkers stuff. Lots of white sage and white people offering smudging services. Y'all, do not purchase white sage in stores or from these people. The stuff is often poached in the wild, and in some areas it has completely disappeared. If you must have it, grow it yourself or purchase from Indigeous People. Also, smudging is a very specific ritual and cannot be performed by anyone but Indigeneous People. What you're doing is called smoke cleansing. You can do this with various herbs, so look up what is more closely related to your ancestry and use that. I'm Welsh, Irish, Scottish, and English, aka white as bleached eggshells. I have no business using white sage. However, were it not for my asthma, I would be using something like pine and rosemary.
There was a Law of Assumption vendor as well, which I think @coinandcandle would've had a field day with. I was admiring the jewelry and talking shop because I used to make jewelry. I brought up that I'm unable to do so anymore, and he went on this rant about speaking something turns it into my reality, that I need to say the opposite and it'll heal me, blahblahblah. Walked away real fast! Fuck that noise. Law of Assumption is BULLSHIT and you can ask @coinandcandle about it. Stop with the ableism and victim blaming!
I saw plenty of Buddha heads as well. Y'all need to look up the history of this shit. It's not pretty.
There was one vendor who had really cool tshirts. I purchased one and will share pics when I wear it. It's a cat as Catzilla (like Godzilla) on it's hind legs walking through a city. A black cat. Reminded both of us of Cacoa, so my husband insisted on buying it for me. It was just $20...and I have a very small wardrobe. Enough clothing to get me through about six to seven days. Oh, and a single pair of shoes (I'm not counting my slippers). I hate shopping for clothes and shoes; the whole thing is a sensory nightmare.
We stopped at the grocery store to pick up a couple items, mushroom marinara sauce and oat chocolate milk (the latter is rich and creamy). Then we hauled as home. I was sweaty, had sunscreen over all exposed skin, covered in pollen and dirty, and was rather stinky. We'd been out for over four hours. OMG that shower felt niiiiiice. I got out feeling energetic and then...I sat down. This was a mistake. The only thing stopping me from making a cup of tea is the fact I'm going to bed at 9PM. I'm up at 5AM, regardless of setting an alarm, which is fine by me. I looooove mornings! But fuck, I didn't realize how wiped I was.
It was a good day! I was starting to get overstimulated a the appropriation event (let's be honest, that's what it basically was), but not so much I was edging to a meltdown. No anxiety, very little stress, I got sunshine and no sunburn, a good workout due to all the walking, and discovered how much my asthma has improved courtesy of the inhaled muscle relaxant my doctor gave me.
Tomorrow, I need to go out again, but it's just one stop. Then my ass is staying home.
My husband has informed me I will be doing no sewing on my birthday because we're taking a trip to our favorite waterfalls on Monday. We're going to have a picnic in the shade, enjoy the moist air and trees, and relax. He said if we had the money, he was going to take me to the coast (a two hour drive) to visit the beach and various quilt shops (I'm getting really low on some colors). Alas, we don't have much to spare until he finds employment. Anyone wanna be my sugar-parent? 😉 I might get sewing done before he wakes up, but probably not. No complaints though!
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l-coleart · 1 year
Sketchbook Supply Recs!
Hi y’all, Since I’ve been posting more sketchbook pages recently, I thought I would share some of my favorite supplies. My recommendations are tailored to creating a user-friendly, portable kit mainly focused on ink and markers. I’ve found that having a kit like this makes me more likely to regularly develop my sketchbook, which I view as one of the most important parts of keeping one. None of these recommendations are sponsored or affiliated, I just hope that by sharing what supplies I enjoy, others can find new things to try. Keep reading under the cut!
I often find that products marketed towards the stationary and note-taking/organization niches perform better at lower prices for frequent sketchbook use than products targeted specifically towards the art and illustration community. Don’t shy away from products in office-supply stores just because it doesn’t say ‘for art’ on it. 
I also recommend refillable pens whenever possible. They usually offer more customization in ink color and nib size. Refillable options produce less plastic waste than disposable options. Refillable designs tend to have more ergonomic designs, with larger barrels and better weight balance that minimize hand discomfort. If you draw frequently, this is something worth considering to avoid damaging your hand joints in the long term. In addition, they’re built with durability in mind, allowing them to be thrown in your bag or pencil case without worry. 
Darker ink drawing pens make up the core of my kit, so I’ve tried a variety of options and usually have at least a few of these in my bag. Currently, the Pilot Kakuno Pocket Fountain Pen (around $10-19 depending where you purchase from) is my favorite. I love the line quality this pen can produce– the barrel is a bit larger than most pens and the body and cap give it a good balance in the hand. This pen also takes cartridge refills, allowing you to easily switch colors between refills without the mess. There are a wide range of colors available for this pen, and the thinner water-based ink formula is easy to work with. The ink dries down matte, so it scans accurately without digital manipulation. It also comes in a few different nib sizes with different cosmetic options/color ways for the pen body. Though fountain pens typically have a slight learning curve in learning how to draw with them, I found this one especially easy to work with since the nib has an etched design that shows when you’re holding it properly. 
The Pilot EnerGel Alloy Body Ballpoint Pen (around $8-10) is another of my favorites. The metal body of the pen is a slightly larger barrel size with a nice weight balance which allows smooth lines without hand discomfort. They’re also refilled with cartridges, which come in a few different colors and point sizes; I enjoy the 1.0 mm the most for this pen. The water-based gel ink formula for this pen is one of the best I’ve tried, as it’s very smooth, dries fast which minimizes smudging, and scans well. The V5/V7 Ballpoint Pen from Pilot (available in multi-packs for around $1-2 per pen) has a similar ink formula in varied nib sizes. They aren’t refillable, but they last a long time. I think they’re worthwhile, especially as a beginner friendly, widely available option.
Muji Pens (available online for about $2 per pen) are another great ballpoint gel option. They come in an impressive range of colors, thicknesses, and cap types. They can also be refilled with cartridges. I think the finer 0.38 and 0.5 nib sizes are my favorites from this line. 
If you prefer a brush-tip style pen to ballpoint or fountain pens, I really enjoy the Tombow Fudenosuke or Pentel Pocket Brush. The Fudenosuke (around $3-4) is a felt-tip brush pen. The nib is a perfect firmness to get a variety of line weights with ease. I find that this makes it well-suited to thumbnails and other fast sketching. They come in a smaller range of well-formulated, pigmented colors, which consistently scan well. They aren’t refillable, but last a long time, which I think makes them worth it. 
The Pentel Pocket Brush (around $7 with two refills included) is a bristle brush pen. The fibers are very smooth and can achieve a wide variety of textures and line weights. It has a bit more of a learning curve than some of my other recommendations, but that’s mostly if you haven’t inked with a brush previously– it’s relatively easy to get comfortable with. It’s also refillable with cartridges and has a few different color options. This pen is one of my favorites for figure drawing. 
Though it’s not a pen, I also think the Rotring Mechanical Drafting Pencil (around $20-30) deserves a mention for folks who prefer sketching in pencil. The metal body and textured grip create a good weight balance that makes it write exceptionally smooth. It also takes standard graphite and other colorful options which give an equivalent level of customization to the previously described pens. 
Markers and colorful supplies are another important element of your kit. At the top of the list for me is a couple of different highlighters and felt tip pens. I love Zebra Mildliners, especially the double-ended ones with the super fine/brush tip combo (usually less than $1/pen when purchased in packs of 5 or more). They’re easy to draw with and can be a great choice for adding value or colors. The color range (mostly pastel and creamy colors) is also impressive. Stabilo makes a similar style of pen called the pointMax (M 0.8) (usually about $2 a pen, but also comes in packs) that comes in some darker, more vibrant colors. I prefer the thicker size since they tend to last longer, but they make some thinner liner versions of this pen (called point88) with the same ink formula that are also good. If you like a thicker marker, Chunky highlighters are the way to go. Stabilo Boss (about $1.50 in a multi-pack) and Staedtler Textsurfer (about $1.70) are great options that come in a variety of colors, with Stabilo coming in creamy pastels and Staedtler coming in more bright and neon colors.  
Within this category, novelty supplies can also be a good colorful addition. Mixed color pencils can be really fun for line drawing. Koh-i-Noor makes some of my favorites (about $4 but they last a long time) with earth tones, primaries, and neons. Gelly Roll pens (about $1.50 /pen) also are a nice novelty pen while still being high quality. They have a good color range with metallic, neon, glitter, and other finishes. 
On top of drawing supplies, some washi tape, stickers, double-stick tape, and cool paper also make fun additions. It’s harder to make specific recommendations for specific washi tape and stickers, however, supporting your local stationery/craft/paper good stores and favorite artists and designers who make and sell it is always a good move! I have some from Natalie Andrewson, Alex Tomlinson of Pigeon Post, and Starmint Art that I use all the time. The best ones complement the imagery and colors you use. Be curious, collect, and repurpose things that make you excited!
Hopefully these recommendations help you find something new and exciting. Let me know if there are other topics you’d be interested in! Thanks for reading :^)
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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“In order to ration soap in a manner to cause the least inconvenience to the public and obtain the most satisfactory results, believe the program should be divided between toilet and laundry soaps . . . “ April 28, 1943.
Record Group 188: Records of the Office of Price Administration
Series: Records Relating to the Soap Rationing Program
File Unit: F. W. Woolworth Co.
MEMORANDUM                                            April 28, 1943.
TO:            William A. Nielander
                    Assistant Director
                   Food Rationing Division
FROM:     A.Q.Smith
                 New York, N.Y.
SUBJECT:  Soap Rationing Plans
                In reply to your memorandum of April 17, 1943, we
give herewith our views:-
                 In order to ration soap in a manner to cause the
least inconvenience to the public and obtain the most satis-
factory results, believe the program should be divided
between toilet and laundry soaps for the reasons set forth
                 The greater majority of variety chain and drug stores,
whether chain or not, handle toilet soaps in a considerable
variety but do not handle laundry soaps or powders.
                 The greater majority of grocery stores handle laundry
soaps and powders, but none, or a limited supply of toilet
                Department stores usually carry toilet soaps in or
near their drug departments and laundry soaps and powders in
their houseware departments which are often on separate floors,
and it would be inconvenient for a customer to obtain both
kinds of soap on one coupon at one time.
               The super-markets carry extensive lines of laundry
soaps and powders, and extensive lines of the most widely used
toilet soaps.
              Unless provision were made for obtaining toilet and
laundry soaps separately, the greater part of the business
would tend to flow to the super-market stores.
             Further believe that medicinal soap should not be
rationed as it may happen that coupons for a period are used
up, and if a member of the family should become ill and a
medicinal soap is required, there would be difficulty in
obtaining same.
              Also believe shaving soaps should be dropped from the
program as such soaps are usually purchased by men, and if the
coupon for a period should be used up, no shaving soap could
be obtained. Grocery stores and super-markets do not carry
shaving soaps and a consumer purchasing soap in such stores
would not be able to obtain shaving soap.
              Considering the four systems so far under consideration
          1: The UNIT system may be eliminated as it does not
tend to be sufficiently flexible for this type of rationing.
[stamped at top right]
Apr 29 RECD
[page 2]
Page 2                                                                              April 28, 1943.
                       2: The VALUE system would be the simplest and most
easy to administer and would cover the greatest number and
range of items. However, it would practically eliminate the
higher priced soaps, but as these higher priced soaps are a
luxury, their elimination will be no hardship except to the
manufacturers and the retailers who handle same, or consumers
used to such soaps.
                       3: The POINT system operated by assigning a number
of points to a coupon and arbitrarily placing a break-point
on a coupon could be operated in a simple manner. For example,
the coupon value of X points would be good for X ounces of
toilet or laundry soaps and one coupon could be used each week.
This would not limit the size or value of the cake of soap,
but would bring up the question of weight. It is believed that
each store could list the factory weight of the soap on hand
until such time as manufacturers could mark their soap with
factory weights. Such factory weights should be placed on
packages or bars of soap or packages of soap powders at the
earliest opportunity. This system would eliminate the objections
mentioned in the first five paragraphs of this letter.
           4: The BLOCK system would be inconvenient in that
it would be necessary for the consumer to anticipate her wants
for a set period of time ahead, unless she had a stock on hand
at the time of rationing. If the consumer did not accurately
gauge her requirements, it would mean that she might be short
in one item and over in another, which would be an unsatis-
factory situation. If, however, it is intended to permit the
consumer to accumulate a supply prior to the beginning of the
rationing period, and then use the BLOCK system to replenish
the supply used, the system would be recommended. This system,
however, would tend to draw practically all of the business into
super-market stores as customers would have to purchase all of
their supplies at one point where the various kinds of soaps or
powders were available.
            After considering the various systems, we believe
system No. 3., or the so-called POINT system would be preferable
as far as variety chain stores are concerned.
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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Last night was exciting. After I finished my post me and James were laying in bed watching TikToks when all of a sudden we got a tornado warning on our phones. It said to immediately find shelter, move to basements, ect. What the heck. We would collect Sweetp and headed downstairs. I kept coming back up to check. But we had the news going on my phone following it. And thankfully James had grabbed my battery pack. It was a little scary. The storm would pass over us around 903. But watching it on the radar was crazy. Seeing the way the storm was moving.
Once the scary part passed over us we would still wait until 930 when the warning expired, but while we waited we did some organizing down in the basement. We'll see going to set up some emergency stuff down there. Water and canned food and lights. We have candles and all of our camping stuff. I think it is a good idea to have some supplies just in case of bad weather or other emergencies.
I would get very very tired once we got back upstairs though. I don't know what was wrong but I was so tired I got so upset. And would fall asleep so fast.
Waking up was tough though. I let myself sleep in until 730. James waited to leave until I was awake. I got a good hug and then they were off.
I would take a bit to gather myself. I kept having to wander around the house because I felt like I was forgetting things. But I would leave by 750. And it seemed like the world was okay. The wind didn't touch down near us. But this was not true for everywhere else.
My commute would take an entire hour. And like it was not a bad drive at all. It was just all back roads because on my exit there was apparently so much stuff on the road that we were all diverged. And I tried my best to let people in and just be chill. Enjoyed my music and had my hash brown that James packed for me.
When I pulled up to camp I saw that there was a turtle on its back on the drive way!! I stopped and moved him to the side. I am not sure if he was blown off the hill or what but I felt so bad for him!! Like I love finding tortoises but not like that!! I hope he made it to where he needed to go.
I would park at arts and crafts and was sad to see my front tent (the new one) got twisted and knocked over. Later in the day I would attempt to set it right by myself but it didn't go amazing. I would realize it was torn and some of the poles had fully bent and cracked. I would get permission from Alexi to cut the canopy and now it's a half sized tent. And that was a really good way to salvage it.
I would spend much of the morning going through all of the Native American field trip stuff. I made some lists and found some things that I didn't realize needed to be replaced or fixed. It was hard mainly because I was tired and hot. But I was doing my best.
I would end up doing some cleaning during this time too. I shook out one of the astroturfs pieces and I didn't realize how dusty and dirty that was going to be and it got all over me and in my hair and eyes and it was horrible. I just washed my hair yesterday so I was really bummed. I felt disgusting. I would wash my face and legs but there wasn't much I could do. I just had to ignore it and when I got home later I would take a very good shower.
I took a walk over to stockade to look at the block houses. I realized that only the top left has bunk beds so me and Callie are going to leave stuffed animals in it on Monday morning to call it so no one else tries to grab it. I really hope that it works out. I was texting with Callie about our plans and it was fun to scheme with her.
I took a few minutes hammock break. I would work on my phone making a wish list for supplies. And I would have a phone call to discuss an upcoming market. I am excited to be a part of another little market community.
I would go down to the office to check in about supplies. I would have my little pizza lunch. I actually remembered my earbuds. I would watch some videos and enjoy the AC that they just put in yesterday. It was very humid outside and that mixed with how dirty I felt, the cool air was very welcomed.
I spent the afternoon continuing to work on program stuff. Getting ready for camp training to start. I made a to do list for next week when I will hopefully have help. And eventually I would end up back in the office. Where I asked for some tasks.
I was told to check with Joe about helping paint the new outdoor chalk boards. But he said they weren't ready for that. I would take a walk to look at the supplies but he was right and instead, after getting the gator and driving up to the tool shed to get supplies, I would spend the next hour and a half hanging pictures in the salt mines. I did a gallery system and I think it looks very good. Joe only expected me to finish one room but I finished all of them because I'm the best. And also I didn't measure. Eye balled it and I think it looks very good.
I would collect some stuff to bring to the art building for some ideas I have. Grabbed my favorite painting we had in the pile to hang up for me to enjoy. It's an old cream of wheat ad that I've loved since I was in grad school and saw the originals. So this was very exciting to me when I realized we had it.
I would return to the office again and went over all the specialty programs with Alexi so we could double check my supply lists as they were ordering things. They have been putting in a ton of work with all the buying. I wish they didn't wait until so late in the game but I understand it's a lot so I'm not to worried about it. We'll get what we need.
I got some computer tasks for tomorrow. And chatted with Heather about that. But at 4 it was time for me to go home.
And it wasn't a bad drive. A little traffic at the beltway but nothing terrible. I got back here at 430. And I was so dirty but I wanted to bring in some stuff first and I did but Sweetp tried to go out the front door and I smacked my hand into the door knocker and was so upset about it. But it was fine in the end. I got everything in ans out things away. I wanted to hang stuff but I was so overheated.
I went and took an excellent cool shower. And as I was getting dressed again James was getting home. I was very happy to see them. I made then go shower before they could hang out with me though because they were so sweaty. And after we hung out for a little bit they would go do their podcast and I would go downstairs to have some nachos.
I am hanging out on the couch now. But I think I have the energy to go work on hanging things. We will see. Wish me luck.
Tomorrow after work I have a friend date with a person named Jules. I am nervous!! I hope they are cool.
I hope you all have a great night. Taken are of yourselves. Goodnight!!
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newstfionline · 5 months
Friday, May 10, 2024
Biden Says the U.S. Will Not Supply Israel With Weapons to Attack Rafah (NYT) President Biden acknowledged on Wednesday that American bombs have been used to kill Palestinian civilians as he warned that the United States would withhold certain weapons if Israel launches a long-threatened assault in southern Gaza. In some of his strongest language to date on the seven-month war, Mr. Biden said the United States would still ensure Israel’s security, including the Iron Dome missile defense system and Israel’s “ability to respond to attacks” like the one Iran launched in April. But he said he would block the delivery of weapons that could be fired into densely populated areas of Rafah, where more than a million Palestinians are sheltering. The president had already halted the shipment of 3,500 bombs last week out of concern that they might be used in a major assault on Rafah—the first time since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7 that Mr. Biden has leveraged U.S. arms to try to influence how the war is waged. On Wednesday, he said that he would also block the delivery of artillery shells.
With inflation soaring, Argentina will start printing 10,000 peso notes (AP) Prices in Argentina have surged so dramatically in recent months that the government has multiplied the size of its biggest bank note in circulation by five—to 10,000 pesos, worth about $10. The central bank announcement Tuesday promised to lighten the load for many Argentines who must carry around giant bags—occasionally, suitcases—stuffed with cash for simple transactions. Argentina’s annual inflation rate reached 287% in March, among the highest in the world. The new denomination note—five times the value of the previous biggest bill—is expected to hit the streets next month in a bid to “facilitate transactions between users,” the central bank said. The 10,000 peso note is worth $11 at the country’s official exchange rate and $9 at the black market exchange rate.
A grand Olympic plan. But first, the tent camps have to go. (Washington Post) He’d been living in the tent for nine days when the police arrived. “Bonjour, monsieur!” an officer shouted. “Reveille!” Ba Dak crawled out of his sleeping bag, unzipped the tent flap and stepped into the frigid February air. The camp, tucked beneath the Charles de Gaulle Bridge on the northern bank of the Seine River, bustled with movement in the windy pre-dawn darkness. Police officers in neon green vests marched between rows of tents, whose inhabitants rose from slumber to pack their belongings. The government was seeking to remove unhoused people from its streets before the Olympic Games shines a global spotlight on Paris this summer. Officials billed it as an innovative effort to ease Paris’s housing crisis, by relocating people to newly constructed facilities around the country rather than hotels in the city’s emergency shelter system. But advocates for refugees claim the government had more specific motives: to clear Paris of its tent villages, free up thousands of hotel rooms before the Games and identify people who aren’t eligible to legally remain in the country.
The mothers and wives of missing Russian servicemen have become some of the war effort’s biggest critics. (WSJ) Tens of thousands of relatives and friends use social media to swap information in the hopes of learning their loved ones’ fates. Under Russian law, soldiers aren’t declared dead without a recovered body, a death certificate from a medical examiner or a court ruling. In Ukraine, many troops are unaccounted for including deserters and prisoners of war. The Kremlin hasn’t released the number of MIAs. Russian antiwar commentators accuse the military of abandoning dead fighters to avoid compensating their families. President Vladimir Putin ordered them to get the equivalent of $54,600, plus the previously set compensation of around $26,000. Russian officials didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Ukrainians are using the cover of war to escape taxes (Economist) Since Russia invaded in 2022, Ukraine’s economy has shrunk by a quarter. But the ravages of war are not the only reason for the government’s reduced tax take. Businesses are also making use of the chaos to dodge paying their fair share. This is particularly true in agriculture, which before the war was responsible for 40% or so of Ukraine’s exports by income. The sector has been transformed by a scramble to find export routes safe from Russian attack. As Taras Kachka, Ukraine’s deputy minister for agriculture, notes, this disturbance has provided plenty of opportunity for farmers to “optimise taxes”. Around 6.5m Ukrainians—or 15% of the country’s pre-war population—have left the country, shrinking the domestic food market. At the same time, Russia is targeting transport infrastructure, grain silos and other agricultural equipment, which has driven up costs. Many workers have been recruited by the armed forces, and are at the front. Farmers therefore not only have new opportunities to dodge taxes, they are also increasingly desperate. The result is that two of every five tonnes of grain harvests now avoid contributing to state coffers, according to Mr Kachka’s estimates.
Myanmar: A hidden war (NYT) A people take to arms and fight for democracy. A military terrorizes civilians with airstrikes and land mines. Tens of thousands are killed. Millions are displaced. Yet it is all happening almost completely out of view in the Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar. Now, for the first time, the rebels claim control of more than half of Myanmar’s territory. In recent weeks they have overrun dozens of towns and Myanmar military bases. Even without foreign intervention, or much Western aid at all, the Myanmar resistance has pushed back the junta. Rebels are now within 150 miles of the capital, Naypyidaw. But that may have been the easy part. The resistance is—perhaps hopelessly—splintered. More than a dozen major armed ethnic groups are vying for control over land and valuable natural resources. Much of Myanmar is fractured between different groups, all heavily armed. Crime is flourishing. The country is now the world’s biggest producer of opium. Jungle factories churn out meth and other synthetic drugs that have found their way to Australia. Myanmar’s civil war may be overshadowed by other global conflicts. But to the Burmese who live with uncertainty and chaos, the war has never been more urgent or real.
In rapidly ageing China, millions of migrant workers can’t afford to retire (Reuters) After three decades selling homemade buns on the streets of the Chinese city of Xian, 67-year-old Hu Dexi would have liked to slow down. Instead, Hu and his older wife have moved to the edge of Beijing, where they wake at 4 a.m. every day to cook their packed lunch, then commute for more than an hour to a downtown shopping mall, where they each earn 4,000 yuan ($552) monthly, working 13-hour shifts as cleaners. The alternative for them and many of the 100 million rural migrants reaching retirement age in China over the next 10 years is to return to their village and live off a small farm and monthly pensions of 123 yuan ($17). The generation that flocked to China’s cities at the end of last century, building the infrastructure and manning the factories that made the country the world’s biggest exporter, now risks a sharp late-life drop in living standards.
Rafah and humanitarian aid (Washington Post) By Tuesday, Israeli forces had seized the pivotal Rafah border crossing that links Gaza to Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. Israel intensified bombardments on parts of the city, hitting houses and residential towers, and prompted more than 100,000 people into a panicked evacuation. The Rafah border crossing was closed, though Israeli authorities said another crossing at Kerem Shalom remained open to funnel critical supplies into Gaza—a claim questioned by aid groups. “The crossing area has ongoing military operations and is an active war zone,” Louise Wateridge, a spokeswoman for UNRWA, the U.N.’s agency for Palestinians, currently in Rafah, said Wednesday. “We are hearing continued bombardments in this area throughout the day. No fuel or aid has entered into the Gaza Strip, and this is disastrous for the humanitarian response.” “All the fuel that entered Gaza went through Rafah crossing,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, president of Refugees International, at a joint news briefing Wednesday of prominent humanitarian organizations. “The whole aid operation runs on fuel, so if the fuel is cut off, the humanitarian operation collapses. Water can’t be pumped. Lights cannot be kept on in hospitals. Vehicles cannot distribute aid.”
“Annihilation Prevention”—Why Some Gaza Families Choose To Split Up (Zumadaraj/English edition) Umm Raja Barbakh, a Gazan woman in her 60s, had a particular request to her children and grandchildren amid Israel’s relentless bombing campaign: when we flee, let’s choose different destinations. The reason is as simple as it is grim: She doesn’t want all her progeny in the same place for fear that the whole family could be annihilated. “The decision to disperse my children and grandchildren is a way to limit the chance that the whole family is gone in case of a bombing on a single place,” she explained. “Their presence in more than one place will reduce the risk of the family disappearing completely.” Indeed, that’s what happened with her sister, who was killed in an Israeli bombing along with her children and grandchildren. Barbakh’s family has instead scattered in different locations in the cities of Khan Younis and Rafah in southern Gaza. The oldest of her four children has sheltered in a tent in the Mawasi area in Rafah along with his seven children. A second son and daughter were living with their children in different locations in Rafah. The fourth lives with his five children in Khan Younis.
Smile! (Les Echos/France) It’s amazing to think that this slight movement of the lips and facial muscles, which sometimes lights up an entire face, can resonate so deeply within us and awaken a whole range of emotions—even if it comes from a complete stranger. Neuroscience has established that smiling feels good, and it starts very early. Fetal ultrasound scans have shown that, from the 26th week, babies smile to express a form of satisfaction, particularly after their mother has eaten a certain type of food. We now know that smiling stimulates the areas of the brain associated with reward circuits. And that it lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Two recent studies have even shown that this beneficial effect holds true even when we smile mechanically, though more modestly—it’s as if the simple act of mobilizing one of the 15 muscles involved in smiling sends a positive signal to the brain.       Another older study from Wayne State University suggests that smiling increases life expectancy. It was based on photographs of 230 American baseball league players taken in 1952. The sportsmen who did not smile in the photographs died at an average age of 72.9. Those who had big smiles lived to 79.9. Smiles also open doors. Traveler Charly Guérin has had many opportunities to verify this. He met a Bolivian grandmother in Sucre on her front doorstep who, simply on the strength of an impromptu smile, invited him into her home, where he ended up spending the afternoon chatting. “If you take the time to meet someone, a smile is a real open sesame,” the globetrotter says. On his blog, he also tells the story of Sarah, a French woman who set off around the world on a shoestring budget and who, when she wanted to attend a concert or sporting event, didn’t hesitate to stand in front of the entrance to the venue with a sign: “Exchange a free ticket for a smile.” And incredible as it may seem, it worked on many occasions.
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Invitation to Tender for Stationery Supply to Global Flex International!
Are you ready to embark on a journey of business excellence and growth? Global Flex International extends a cordial invitation to all prospective suppliers to participate in our invitation to tender for stationery supply. With the deadline set for April 30th, this is your chance to secure a lucrative contract with a globally recognized brand. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to become a valued partner in our mission to deliver top-quality stationery supplies to our clients worldwide.
**Online Tender for Stationery Supply:**
Our tender process is streamlined for efficiency and accessibility, offering an online platform for the submission of bids. No matter where you are located, you can easily access the tender documents and submit your bid with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and embrace the convenience of online tendering with Global Flex International.
**Tender Documents Available: ** 
To participate in the tender, interested suppliers can purchase the tender documents for a nominal fee of Kes 1,000. These documents provide comprehensive information about the scope of work, specifications, and evaluation criteria. By familiarizing yourself with the tender documents, you can ensure that your bid aligns perfectly with our requirements and expectations.
**Supply and Delivery of Stationery Tenders: ** 
Global Flex International operates on a global scale. We are seeking reliable suppliers who can fulfil the supply and delivery of stationery items. we encourage you to participate in our tender and become part of our supply chain network.
**Opportunity for Growth: ** 
Participating in our tender presents an excellent opportunity for suppliers to expand their business and reach new markets. Whether you specialize in office supplies, school stationery, or speciality items, there is a place for you in our supply chain. By winning a contract with Global Flex International, you can unlock new avenues for growth and prosperity for your business.
**Transparent and Fair Evaluation: ** 
We believe in conducting our tender process with transparency and fairness. Each bid will be evaluated objectively based on merit and suitability. We are committed to providing equal opportunities to all suppliers, regardless of size or scale of operations. At Global Flex International, we value integrity and professionalism in our business dealings.
**Inclusive Participation: ** 
Whether you're a large corporation or a small-scale enterprise, we welcome your participation in our tender. Our goal is to create a diverse and inclusive supplier base that reflects the rich tapestry of the global business community. Your unique offerings and capabilities are what make you stand out, and we encourage you to showcase them in your bid.
**Comprehensive Tender Notice: ** 
Our tender notice for the supply of stationery items covers a wide range of products, including office stationery, school supplies, and more. We invite suppliers to submit bids for the supply of stationery items that meet our quality standards and specifications. From pens and paper to folders and file organizers, we are looking for suppliers who can deliver excellence in every aspect of stationery supply.
**Act Now: ** 
The deadline for submission is fast approaching, so don't delay – purchase the tender documents today and start preparing your bid. This is your chance to make a lasting impression and secure a valuable contract with Global Flex International. We look forward to receiving your bid and potentially forging a successful partnership together.
**Seize the Opportunity: **
In conclusion, the invitation to tender for stationery supply to Global Flex International is an opportunity not to be missed. With the deadline of April 30th looming, now is the time to act and position your business for success. Take the first step towards a bright future by participating in our tender process. We can't wait to welcome you into our network of trusted suppliers and embark on a journey of mutual growth and prosperity.
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knitblr · 8 months
Master the Art of Online Marketing: Boost Your Online Presence and Drive Success
In today's digital age, web advertising and marketing has ended up being a vital device for services of all sizes. Whether you're a little startup or a reputable corporation, having a strong on the internet visibility is essential for getting to and involving with your target market. Internet advertising encompasses a large range of approaches, consisting of search engine optimization (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION), social media sites advertising and marketing, e-mail advertising, content marketing, and much more. By understanding the art of online marketing, you can not only enhance brand awareness however additionally drive site web traffic, produce leads, and ultimately increase your sales and revenue.Paragraph 2: Among the essential advantages of online marketing is its capacity to target details demographics and customize advertising and marketing messages. Unlike standard advertising and marketing approaches, where reaching a broad target market can be costly and ineffective, online marketing allows you to get to possible customers that are already interested in your services or products. With the assistance of data-driven insights and analytics, you can produce highly targeted campaigns and supply individualized content that reverberates with your target market. Moreover, web marketing offers a degree of versatility and scalability that conventional advertising can not match. Whether you desire to start with a tiny budget or buy a large project, internet advertising permits you to adjust your approaches and budgets as needed, making certain maximum roi(ROI). So, whether you're just obtaining began or looking to take your organization to the next degree, mastering the art of online marketing is important for success in today's competitive electronic landscape.
Read more here Chief Technology Officer
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allegedlyanandroid · 2 years
Happy (late) Birthday to our favourite miserable little rat manlet Gavin Reed! In celebration I've written a fic of him thoroughly enjoying himself on his b-day but... it's not going up until I'm done with the next chapter of Metanoia.
But here's a little sneak peak ;)
A taste of affection
Delights and Desires is a boutique tucked between an office building and a convenience store, the second being one of those places none but the locals shop at due to their outrageous pricing. The storefront is tiny, easy to pass by without a second glance, innocuous with its sterile font and although their loyal customer base keeps it afloat, it has seen a surge in interest as of late spread mostly by word of mouth and gossip. For its small exterior the inside is several times its size and stocked to suit anyone and everyone's kinky needs.
It has been Gavin’s go-to place for years, his accumulation of gadgets and toys a work almost a decade in the making, yet he hadn’t expected to be herded there for his thirty-eight birthday.
The reason for their sudden surge in popularity is not lost on him. They were one of the first places to include body modifications and miscellaneous items marketed towards androids and their enjoyment of all things related to sex. Gavin’s eyes fall on the neat row of vaginal plates stacked beside them in simple packaging before looking up at his boyfriend with a small frown. “So, uh… you wanna tell me what we’re doing here? Forgot to plan ahead for once?”
Nines snorts, managing to look both prim and prissy while doing it. “Of course not, darling, but seeing as it’s your birthday we’re celebrating I thought I’d allow you to pick today’s escapades.”
“Anything goes?” Gavin’s brows rise in something like incredulity and Nines shrugs with one shoulder. 
“You know my hard limits.”
It takes another couple of seconds filled with wide-eyed staring before a smirk stretches over Gavin’s lips. “Famous last words, babe.”
“What can I say, I prefer living life on the edge.”
Gavin laughs at that, cackles to be more precise, and skips away to browse over the frankly obscene amount of items on display. Nines watches him go, glad to have found a gift his boyfriend will enjoy (and perhaps a bit selfishly, him as well). It won’t be the only one of course. There are a few neatly wrapped presents stacked on the uppermost shelf in their storage closet, hidden behind their seldomly used cleaning supplies, safely out of sight and out of reach.
His mind wanders while he waits, artificial nerves alight with anticipation. There’s no telling what Gavin will pick even if he has a vague idea. Gavin “Monsterfucker” Reed, and a proud one at that, has panted enough scenarios into their bed sheets while Nines fucks him raw to really put a number on them. Being an android has its perks and exchanging parts of himself to fit his mood is a big one. They had dabbled into unusual alterations before but he knows his lover wouldn’t mind… more, and frankly neither would he.
He sets the thought aside as Gavin comes lumbering up to him with an unprecedented air of sheepishness to him.
“What- what models are you compatible with when it comes to, y’know–” Gavin gestures at Nines’ crotch, “–beacuse there’s a shitton to choose from.”
“The BL300, the HR400 and the SK300 parts are all compatible with my model if the genital attachments are produced after 2036. Most of the non-standardised genitalia won’t give you an issue since they’re new on the market and supposed to fit a broad spectrum of consumers. If you wish me to wear a vaginal plate I’d suggest the WR400 model as a jumping off–”
Gavin cuts him off with a strangled noise. “Look, as much as I’d enjoy eating your pussy I- I have something else in mind.”
And then he scurries away again, presumably to look for whatever dick he plans to impale himself on later.
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alexmercer786 · 1 year
4 Reasons Why Co Working Space is good for smaller Business
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Smaller Businesses or new marketers are continually on the verge of having strict finances and should accommodate the facilities as well as the important Equipment within precise fees. Therefore Co-Working Spaces are the right answer for folks that are searching for a workplace in a price-effective measure.
Here are the top four reasons for the smaller enterprise to choose Co Working Spaces:
Ideal Place to Grow Team Space: Most small organizations either begin from a room inside the house or in a cafe however as the crew size will start growing; it turns difficult to hold the new hire inside the home or to rent out a huge office area. Therefore Meeting Room In Bangalore proves to be quite useful as they hire out area thus. All you want to do is to lease a desk and get your new personnel seated without paying big quantities.
Builds Community: As a small enterprise you\’re continually looking out to get an increasing number of initiatives that are necessary for the boom of the enterprise. While operating within the Co-Working Space In Bangalore one is capable of building a sturdy community and complements the networking. Through networking and community construction you\’re capable of getting much more exposure. Sometimes as a small business you lack the mentorship and abilities that could beautify the productiveness of your commercial enterprise. Through the help of Co-Working Spaces, one is capable of getting the help, steerage and discovering ways to adapt the important competencies.
Cost-Effective Support Staff: With small businesses, it will become tough to have a proper framework and precise administrative offerings so one can show out to be quite supportive for the duration of the carrying out of your work each day. A lot of Co-Working Spaces are supplying aid body of workers offerings at affordable charges which can be pretty lower-priced and price effective.
Flexibility: As a new business you have to work 24*7 to beautify the productiveness as well as the ROI of the enterprise. This can handiest be feasible if you have a sustainable and flexible work lifestyle on the way to increase the opportunity of reaching your goals by way of working on strange hours of the time. Co-Working Spaces In Bangalore provide several flexibilities in addition to the super quantity of scalability. Hence, the lowest line is the reality that those shared office areas help inside the increase as well as studying of the running tradition of the small corporations.
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keastationery · 1 year
Streamline Your Office Operations: The Right Supplies Tailored to Your Needs
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 Choosing the right wholesale office supplies is essential for maintaining a well-equipped and productive workplace. Let’s explore the most used office supplies in the market. 
Selecting the right wholesale office supplies is crucial for maintaining efficient and productive operations in your company. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of choosing the perfect office supplies that align with your specific business requirements. From essential considerations to smart sourcing strategies, we have you covered.
Essential office supplies
Assess Your Business Needs: Begin by evaluating your company's unique requirements. Take stock of the essential office supplies you regularly use and identify any specialized items specific to your industry. Consider factors such as the size of your workforce, office layout, and specific tasks performed to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of your office supply needs.
Research and Compare Wholesale Suppliers: Research reputable wholesale suppliers that offer a wide range of office supplies. Look for established companies with positive customer reviews and a track record of quality products and reliable service. Compare prices, product offerings, delivery options, and customer support to find a supplier that aligns with your budget and expectations.
Quality Matters: While cost is a significant factor, prioritize quality when choosing wholesale office supplies. Investing in durable, long-lasting products ensures that you won't have to frequently replace or repair items, saving you money in the long run. Opt for trusted brands and read product reviews to gauge the quality and reliability of the supplies you intend to purchase.
Sustainability and Environmentally Friendly Options: Incorporate sustainability into your office supply choices by opting for environmentally friendly alternatives. Look for suppliers that offer recycled or eco-friendly office supplies, such as recycled paper, biodegradable pens, and energy-efficient lighting. Choosing sustainable options showcases your company's commitment to social responsibility and can positively impact your brand reputation.
By assessing your business needs, researching reputable suppliers, prioritizing quality and comfort, considering customization and sustainability, you can streamline your office operations and create a conducive work environment. Remember, selecting the right office supplies is an investment in your company's success.
Kea Stationery is a trusted destination for all your stationery needs. With a wide range of high-quality products and excellent customer service, they make your stationery shopping experience convenient and enjoyable.
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officemaster-ae · 1 year
The Technology behind Modern Furniture Designs
These days, technological advancement is seen influencing our lives, adding cutting-edge technologies, brand-new ideas & lasting materials to everything from mobiles to modern furniture that we use daily. It has resulted in more comfortable, durable & safer modern office furniture & made our lives full of luxury.
It is no secret that modern furniture has a great demand in the international market & a growing number of people choose it to give their homes or offices a contemporary look. However, some people are of the view that modern office furniture lacks new technology & ideas & appears more like the conventional ones. This is not found to be true.
To their surprise, more & more furniture manufacturers are using cutting-edge technologies & special materials to produce revolutionary, sustainable & portable modern furniture in attractive shapes & sizes. Most of these furniture makers maintain their own websites. So, people who want to go for remodeling in their home or office can start searching for them on the web.
A few decades back, we don't have enough options for modern furniture except a few common types of dining rooms, bedrooms & wall units. The technological advancement in modern furniture design has now given us the freedom to choose from hundreds of contemporary modern office furniture in different looks, materials & sizes so as to make our offices look more beautiful.
In earlier times, wood was highly used in the making of all kinds of furniture. Therefore the traditional furniture was too heavy, dull looking & was susceptible to water, light & other weather conditions. In an effort to increase the acceptability of conventional furniture, researchers introduced new furniture materials like plywood, and plastic etch. The furniture makers have started using these materials in furniture making & made the modern furniture light in weight & lovely in look. Even today, some of the furniture models are made of wood with plywood on the sides. This makes the furniture cost & weigh less & look classic. The furniture designers often make experiments with the furniture supplies including materials, using a combination of glass, wood, chrome & steel in the furniture-making process. Many are aware of the deteriorating global condition & want to use eco-friendly furniture designs. That's why the furniture for gardens & terraces is made from recycled materials. This is not all as the furniture makers are largely using a mixed variety of materials to produce more reliable & durable products. Now, heavy plasma TVs can be kept on fortified glass-made wall hangings.
Modern home & office furniture needs a fashionable look to draw the attention of more buyers. That's why the furniture makers keep on working with different colors, styles, patterns & shapes to bring an improvement in its value & functionality. Such transforming & sustaining furniture assures to give comfort to normal buyers who don't live in plush bungalows or apartments. It is a sophisticated technology that helps convert your comfy sofa into a perfect bed. Due to this technology, you can now purchase a convertible & smart-looking dining table with multiple moves to accommodate your whole family & friends whenever the necessity arises. Have you ever seen a modern armchair that can get transformed into a nice-looking lounge with just a button press? This is all the result of technological advancement in furniture making & designing.
Get the latest updates on modern office furniture, Meeting Tables, office chairs, office desks, Office Workstations, Office Sofas, Filling Cabinets, and Reception Desks in Dubai, for detailed office furniture, please visit our website officemaster.ae
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 No. 3, 34, 6 St., Dubai - UAE
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